Emergence and Evolutionary Computation

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ABSTRACT The aim of this project is to understand the concepts of multi objective optimization using a Genetic Algorithm tool (Wallecei) as well as to develop an understanding of its application in design primarily through the development of towers. The primary focus of this project is to design a tower that could withstand extreme climatic conditions. In order to achieve this aim, the project is divided in to three steps: Sequence 1 Introducing Multi Objective Evolutionary Algorithms; In this stage, we chose a basic geometry and optimized it based on arbitrary but quantifiable objectives that we selected.


Design Team 01 Aysu Aysoy, Archit Mathur, Kai Yeh Emergence - 2019

Sequence 2. Morphological Variation of Towers We were assigned buildings that have enormous scope for optimization in their context. We did an in-depth study of the building typology and contextual conditions of our building, the Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and ran a basic optimization simulation. Sequence 3. The Towers in Context This stage is a culmination of our learnings of the previous two stages. We optimize our primitive towers with strong contextual logic, yet not bound by feasibility constraints. We will conclude by listing out our observations of the experiments and also talk about the advantages and limitations of the Genetic Algorithm tool ‘Wallecei’ that we used to run our simulations.











Emergent Technologies and Design AA School of Architecture



In this stage, we were to design an evolutionary algorithm and to have a tight grasp of the tool WalleceiX and Wallecei Analytics for the subsequent stages. A simple primitive form was to be selected so that the focus at this stage remains on understanding the nuances of the tool. Basic quantifiable objectives were to be chosen, with at least two objectives contradicting to each other. The primary use of GAs is to solve sophisticated difficulties like satisfying contradicting fitness objectives. This stage is also an introduction to the analysis of the solutions obtained throughout the generations, understanding trends by studying the Pereto fronts and parallel coordinate, standard deviation graphs.


Design Team 01 Aysu Aysoy, Archit Mathur, Kai Yeh Emergence - 2019

Emergent Technologies and Design AA School of Architecture



Design Team 01 Aysu Aysoy, Archit Mathur, Kai Yeh Emergence - 2019

SEQUENCE I Introducing Multi Objective Evolutionary Algorithms

To begin with, the ‘torus’ shape was the basic primitive form that we had selected, to have straight forward body parts to keep the focus on the process. We select and assign genes to the specific body parts in a way that the genes contribute to at least one fitness objective in some way. However, we add one gene (rotation) that does not affect any fitness criteria directly since it would be interesting to observe that gene get eliminated by natural selection. We have selected the following fitness criteria (FC) such that FC 2 directly contradict FC1 and FC 3.

selected primitive phenotype within the Rhino geometries - torus


Scale part 1 by 0.75


Rotate part 2 by 30 degrees along Y asix

Stretch body part 3 by 20 units in Z -direction

Stretch body part 4 by 10 units in X -direction

Scale nonuniformly body part 5 by 0.75 in Y-direction

Scale nonuniformly body part 5 by 1.25 in X-direction

FC 1 : Maximize volume FC 2 : Minimize shadow cast area FC 3 : Maximize height

Emergent Technologies and Design AA School of Architecture






• Cross the fittest of the maximizing objectives with the least fit of the minimizing objective. • We predict that by doing this, we will see that certain offsprings perform exceptionally in the maximizing criteria and certain others in the minimizing criteria and not necessarily see many averages in the generations. • We also predict that eventually gene ‘B’ will get eliminated since it contributes the least towards our fitness objectives


- We do notice that there are phenotypes that perform exceptionally well in the maximizing fitness criteria and very poorly in the minimum and vice versa - We can see that there are a lot of phenotypes that have averaged out. We suspect that this is due to the mautation.



FC3 5

Design Team 01 Aysu Aysoy, Archit Mathur, Kai Yeh Emergence - 2019

- We observe that at first, even though the graph moves towards the right i.e. away from our fitness objectives, we see a steep curve that implies that our phenotypes are moving towards conversion, which is what we want. - We observe that at first, the graph moves slightly towards the right, getting closer to the fitness objective, subsequently there in a bigger obervable shift of the curves towards the fitness objectives. - The variations of the phenotypes in this fitness criteria is increasing. Also like FC2, the generation curves are moving to the right, towards the fitness objective.






Emergent Technologies and Design AA School of Architecture




• Since a majority of phenotypes do not perform well in contradicting fitness objectives, we will not try to average out these high performers so that subsequently we may notice that the Parallel coordinate plot graph flattens out and shifts towards the origin.




- We notice an overall trend of the graph moving downwards which means that the phenotypes are approaching their objectives. - We also begin to notice certain anomalies which perform well with a conflicting fitness criteria and at the same time, do not perform well on a non-conflicting fitness criteria.

- After we change our selection strategy, we see that the SD curve moving towards the right and the curve get steeper. FC1


FC3 7

Design Team 01 Aysu Aysoy, Archit Mathur, Kai Yeh Emergence - 2019

- We also see that the variation decreases over the later generations, even though the variation was the highest in the early generations of each subgroup.

- Just like the previous fitness objectives, the variation is the lowest in the initial generations and then subsequently increase after the 5th generation.






Emergent Technologies and Design AA School of Architecture



Design Team 01 Aysu Aysoy, Archit Mathur, Kai Yeh Emergence - 2019

OBSERVATIONS - We can trace a similar trend in the parallel coordinate and the standard deviation graphs, in which the initial generations have phenotypes that perform exceptionally well in non-conflicting fitness objectives and eventually average out while moving towards the fitness objectives. - In both graphs, there are clear anomalies that escape the trend. We have noticed that this is due to erratic mutation.

FC 1

- In the pareto front graphs, we see that initially throughout the generations, all are solutions are the pareto front. Generally, when there is an incremental change from phenotype-to-phenotype, there are very few phenotypes. In our case, since the change is extreme such that thee phenotypes perform very highly in conflicting FCs, most of our solutions are pareto front.

FC 2

FC 3




Emergent Technologies and Design 10 AA School of Architecture

11 Design Team 01 Aysu Aysoy, Archit Mathur, Kai Yeh Emergence - 2019


In this stage of the project, we are expected to work on the design problem separately and not as a group so as to have a strong base and understanding of the application of GAs in design. We will work with the Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia as our primitive and will build on the knowledge gained in sequence 1. We will perform a thorough analysis of the morphological properties of the tower as well as its environmental context. Subsequently, we will find aspects of the tower that can be optimized and carefully frame our fitness objectives. In order to increase complexity and challenge the optimization, we will actively try to incorporate contradicting fitness objectives. The body parts of the simplified Petronas Towers on which the genes will act will be assigned mindfully. In sequence 1, since the gene that did not affect the fitness objectives was not eliminated by natural selection due to the mutation strategy, we collectively will not add inessential genes to our genome. We as a group decided to individually focus on separate aspects of the environmental context to get an understanding of the scope of exploration in the environmental context.

Emergent Technologies and Design 12 AA School of Architecture


The Patronas towers located in Kuala Lumpur city center, regarded as the feature of Malaysia’s culture, history, and symbol. However, in this area, it has an uncomfortable climatic situation, which is an intensely hot and humid environment. Malaysia endures an average temperature of 30°C with a very slight variation all year long. 1 The relative humidity ranges from 70-90%, because of which hot air gets heavy and does not effectively rise. 2 Since the humidity, temperature decreases and the wind speed increases at higher altitudes, elevated, open, well shaded spaces are much more comfortable than similar spaces at the ground level.

Tackling ventilation in this especially tricky due to the

climate dense

is air,

Most existing skyscrapers have steel and glass envelopes, with completely air-conditioned interiors with high power consumption levels. Most high-rise towers have public plazas at the ground floor level. These are rarely used mainly because of the uncomfortable climate. Another factor that may contribute to the lack of use of these plazas is the proximity from the higher floors in the building. We aim to address this by introducing elevated, shaded plazas that are more optimized for this context.

1 “Monthly weather forecast and Climate Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,” Weather Atlas, accessed February 10, 2019, https://www.weather-atlas.com/en/malaysia/kuala-lumpur-climate. 2 ”Monthly weather,” Weather Atlas. 13 Design Team 01 Aysu Aysoy, Archit Mathur, Kai Yeh Emergence - 2019

CASE STUDIES Before thinking further on design, it was important and helpful to look at the projects that have been carried out in similar biomes. We focused on 2 projects that have successful solutions for certain problems in the area.

Angkasa Raya by Buro Ole Scheeren This project attracted our attention because of the four-storey-high tropical garden slicing through its middle. The idea of an elevated garden is a nice solution for a hot humid climate. 3

Angkasa Raya by Buro Ole Scheeren / Kuala Lumpur

Planter Box House by Formzero / Kuala Lumpur Designed for a retired couple who grow their own foods, the house provides planting space for more than 40 types of edible plants within a series of cascading concrete boxes. The opportunity of growing food in a city is a added value for a design as designer also explains; “This project serves as a valuable opportunity and experience not only for the client to learn about farming in a tropical setting, but also for the surrounding community.” 4 Planter Box House by Formzero / Kuala Lumpur

3 Amy Frearson, “Angkasa Raya by Buro Ole Scheeren,” Dezeen, last modified November 9, 2011, accessed February 10, 2019, https:// www.dezeen.com/2011/11/09/angkasa-raya-by-buro-ole-scheeren/. 2 ”Monthly weather,” Weather Atlas. 4 Jon Astbury, “Planter Box House by Formzero is a concrete home covered in edible plants,” Dezeen, last modified November 21, 2018, accessed February 10, 2019, https://www.dezeen.com/2018/12/22/planter-box-house-formzero-concrete-kuala-lumpur-edible-plants/. Emergent Technologies and Design 14 AA School of Architecture

EXPERIMENT I In order to make improvement in the design and respond to the climate, we searched if there can be better solutions for the geometry of the design.

In addition, to increase convergence of high concrete blocks’ with the ground level, increasing plaza area while preserving sufficient footprint have studied.

Even though original façade designed to cooperate with the climatic conditions, increasing self-shading and shading to its surrounding possibility of the building is considered by manipulating the form to create a bigger overhang, to cope with almost 90 degree sun angle, and increasing overall height of the building researched.

Simulation was driven to generate morphological variation due the conflicting objectives being addressed in the evolutionary process. In order to achieve sufficient morphological variation, variety of genes was introduced to enable changes should the simulation favor them.

Petronas Towers original floor plan diagram

15 Design Team 01 Aysu Aysoy, Archit Mathur, Kai Yeh Emergence - 2019

Plan manipulation possibilities created by changing the Islamic star shape vertecies and using ‘metaball’ component which enables convergence of shapes when proximity increases to a certain degree

heat culture, gain, history, climate and symbols of its economic

growth. The design of the towers responds to its the climatic plaza conditions and formal characteristics of the dominant Islamic culture.

onic plan

Building responds to the tropical climate by built Footprint Patterns tprint Patterns in devices into the façade which takes advantage of

high sun angle, by usage of laminated glass to reflect nd to the radiation from the interiors and minimize heat gain, solutions thus reducing the usage of air-conditioning. h original Towers design is also appreciated because of the plaza and landscape design on the base and the iconic plan climatic ding oftothe itsIslamic star shape. Footprint Patterns idered by tterns In order to improve the design and respond to the erhang, to we searched if there can be better solutions climate, for the geometry of the design. Even though original ncreasing façade designed to cooperate with the climatic addition, Design Possibilities conditions, increasing self-shading and shading to its e blocks’ surrounding possibility of the building is considered by rea manipulating while the form to create a bigger overhang, to

cope with almost 90 degree sun angle, and increasing overall height of the building researched. In addition, to increase convergence of high concrete blocks’ hological with the ground level, increasing plaza area while es being preserving sufficient footprint have studied.

order to Simulation was driven to generate morphological variety of variation hould the due the conflicting objectives being addressed in the evolutionary process. In order to achieve sufficient morphological variation, variety of genes was introduced to enable changes should the simulation favor them.

Possible solutions

gn Possibilities


Design Possibilities

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Design possibilities

Aysu A

Emergent Technologies and Design AA School of Architecture

Design possibilities

Aysu Aysoy


Emergent Technologies and Design 16 AA School of Architecture

Body Plan & Genes




Fitness Criteria Segment of Polygon

Radius of Footprint

Number of Blocks

Distance between Blocks

Generation Size : 20 Gerneraion Count : 20

FC1 Max Courtyard

Algorithm Parameters Crossover Prabability : 0.9 Mutation Probability : 1/n Crossover Distribution index : 20 Muatation Distribution index : 20 Random Seed : 1

FC2 Max Height

FC3 Max Shadow

FC4 Max Footprint

GEN 16 IND 06

GEN 01 IND 06

Entire Generation

17 Design Team 01 Aysu Aysoy, Archit Mathur, Kai Yeh Emergence - 2019

Latest Generation

Height of Blocks

Size of the Overhang

Generations GEN 09 ND 01

GEN 09 Gen 9 Ind. 0 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

20408 1153 1037 25641

Gen 9 Ind. 9 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

GEN 14 20408 1153 1037 25641

20408 1153 1037 25641

Gen 9 Ind. 9 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 14 Ind. 9 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 9 Ind. 1 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 9 Ind. 2 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 9 Ind. 3 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 9 Ind. 4 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 9 Ind. 5 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 9 Ind. 6 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 9 Ind. 7 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 9 Ind. 8 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 9 Ind. 9 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 9 Ind. 10 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 9 Ind. 10 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 9 Ind. 0 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 9 Ind. 1 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 9 Ind. 2 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 9 Ind. 3 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 9 Ind. 4 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 9 Ind. 5 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 9 Ind. 6 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 9 Ind. 7 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 9 Ind. 8 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 9 Ind. 9 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 9 Ind. 10 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 9 Ind. 11 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 9 Ind. 12 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 9 Ind. 13 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 9 Ind. 14 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 9 Ind. 15 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 9 Ind. 16 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 9 Ind. 17 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 9 Ind. 18 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 9 Ind. 19 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 9 Ind. 11 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

GEN 09 ND 05

Gen 9 Ind. 11 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 14 Ind. 11

Gen 9 Ind. 12 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 9 Ind. 13 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 2040

Gen 9 Ind. 12 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 9 Ind. 13 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 2040

Gen 14 Ind. 0

Gen 14 Ind. 1

Gen 14 Ind. 2

Gen 14 Ind. 3

Gen 14 Ind. 4

Gen 14 Ind. 5

Gen 14 Ind. 6

Gen 14 Ind. 7

Gen 14 Ind. 8

Gen 14 Ind. 9

Gen 14 Ind. 10 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprin

Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint

Gen 14 Ind. 0 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 14 Ind. 1 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 14 Ind. 2 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 14 Ind. 3 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 14 Ind. 4 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 14 Ind. 5 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 14 Ind. 6 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 14 Ind. 7 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 14 Ind. 8 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 14 Ind. 9 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 14 Ind. 10 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 14 Ind. 11 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 14 Ind. 12 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 14 Ind. 12

Gen 14 Ind. 13 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 2040

Gen 9 Ind. 0 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 9 Ind. 1 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 9 Ind. 2 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 9 Ind. 3 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 9 Ind. 4 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 9 Ind. 5 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 9 Ind. 6 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 9 Ind. 7 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 9 Ind. 8 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 9 Ind. 9 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 9 Ind. 10 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 9 Ind. 11 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 9 Ind. 12 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 9 Ind. 13 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 2040

Gen 9 Ind. 0 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 9 Ind. 1 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 9 Ind. 2 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 9 Ind. 3 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 9 Ind. 4 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 9 Ind. 5 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 9 Ind. 6 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 9 Ind. 7 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 9 Ind. 8 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 9 Ind. 9 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 9 Ind. 10 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 9 Ind. 11 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 9 Ind. 12 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 9 Ind. 13 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 2040

Gen 9 Ind. 10 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 9 Ind. 11 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 9 Ind. 12 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 9 Ind. 13 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 9 Ind. 14 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 9 Ind. 15 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 9 Ind. 16 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 9 Ind. 17 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 9 Ind. 18 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 9 Ind. 19 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 14 Ind. 0 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 14 Ind. 1 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 14 Ind. 2 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 14 Ind. 3 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 14 Ind. 4 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 14 Ind. 5 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 14 Ind. 6 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 14 Ind. 7 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 14 Ind. 8 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 14 Ind. 9 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 14 Ind. 10 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 14 Ind. 11 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 14 Ind. 12 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 14 Ind. 13 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 14 Ind. 14 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 14 Ind. 15 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 14 Ind. 16 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 14 Ind. 17 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 14 Ind. 18 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 14 Ind. 19 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 19 Ind. 0 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 19 Ind. 1 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 19 Ind. 2 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 19 Ind. 3 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 19 Ind. 4 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 19 Ind. 5 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 19 Ind. 6 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 19 Ind. 7 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 19 Ind. 8 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 19 Ind. 0 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 19 Ind. 1 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 19 Ind. 2 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 19 Ind. 3 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 19 Ind. 4 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 19 Ind. 5 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 19 Ind. 6 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 19 Ind. 7 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 19 Ind. 8 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 14 Ind. 0 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 14 Ind. 1 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 14 Ind. 2 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 14 Ind. 3 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 14 Ind. 4 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 14 Ind. 5 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 14 Ind. 6 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 14 Ind. 7 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037


GEN 09 ND 16

Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint

Gen 14 Ind. 13 25641

Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint


Gen 14 Ind. 10 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 14 Ind. 11 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 14 Ind. 12 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 14 Ind. 13 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 2040

Gen 19 Ind. 9 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 19 Ind. 10 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 19 Ind. 11 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 19 Ind. 12 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 19 Ind. 13 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 2040

Gen 19 Ind. 9 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 19 Ind. 10 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 19 Ind. 11 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 19 Ind. 12 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 19 Ind. 13 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 2040

Gen 14 Ind. 8 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 14 Ind. 9 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 14 Ind. 10 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 14 Ind. 11 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 14 Ind. 12 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 14 Ind. 13 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 2040

Gen 14 Ind. 10 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 14 Ind. 11 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 14 Ind. 12 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 14 Ind. 13 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 2040

Gen 19 Ind. 10 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 19 Ind. 11 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 19 Ind. 12 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 19 Ind. 13 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 2040

Gen 14 Ind. 0 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 14 Ind. 1 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 14 Ind. 2 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 14 Ind. 3 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 14 Ind. 4 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 14 Ind. 5 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 14 Ind. 6 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 14 Ind. 7 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 14 Ind. 8 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 14 Ind. 9 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

20408 1153 1037 25641

Gen 14 Ind. 9 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 14 Ind. 10 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 14 Ind. 11 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 14 Ind. 12 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 14 Ind. 13 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 14 Ind. 14 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 14 Ind. 15 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 14 Ind. 16 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 14 Ind. 17 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 14 Ind. 18 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 14 Ind. 19 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 19 Ind. 0 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 19 Ind. 1 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 19 Ind. 2 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 19 Ind. 3 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 19 Ind. 4 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 19 Ind. 5 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 19 Ind. 6 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 19 Ind. 7 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 19 Ind. 8 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 19 Ind. 9 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

20408 1153 1037 25641

Gen 19 Ind. 9 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 19 Ind. 10 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 19 Ind. 11 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 19 Ind. 12 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 19 Ind. 13 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 19 Ind. 14 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 19 Ind. 15 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 19 Ind. 16 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 19 Ind. 17 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 19 Ind. 18 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 19 Ind. 19 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 19 Ind. 0 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 19 Ind. 1 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 19 Ind. 2 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 19 Ind. 3 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 19 Ind. 4 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 19 Ind. 5 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 19 Ind. 6 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 19 Ind. 7 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 19 Ind. 8 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 19 Ind. 9 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 19 Ind. 10 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 19 Ind. 11 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 19 Ind. 12 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 19 Ind. 13 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 2040

Gen 19 Ind. 0 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 19 Ind. 1 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 19 Ind. 2 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 19 Ind. 3 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 19 Ind. 4 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 19 Ind. 5 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 19 Ind. 6 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 19 Ind. 7 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 19 Ind. 8 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 19 Ind. 9 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 19 Ind. 10 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 19 Ind. 11 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 19 Ind. 12 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 19 Ind. 13 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 2040

Gen 19 Ind. 10 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 19 Ind. 11 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 19 Ind. 12 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 19 Ind. 13 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 19 Ind. 14 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 19 Ind. 15 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

Gen 19 Ind. 16 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 20408 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1153 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1037 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 25641

Gen 19 Ind. 17 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

Gen 19 Ind. 18 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1037 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 25641 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 20408 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1153

Gen 19 Ind. 19 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 25641 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 20408 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 1153 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 1037

GEN 14 ND 03

GEN 19

20408 1153 1037 25641

Gen 19 Ind. 9 Fitness Objective 1 : Max Courtyard 1153 Fitness Objective 2 : Min Volume 1037 Fitness Objective 3 : Max Shadow 25641 Fitness Objective 4 : Min Footprint 20408

GEN 14 ND 17

GEN 19 ND 06

Emergent Technologies and Design 18 AA School of Architecture


Aim :

The prmitive is divdied into 6 parts (42,10,9,9,9,9 floors). By the means of manipulating the genes that affects different parts of the bulding, the first setting of conducting evolutionary algorithm is finised.

Maximising Maximising Maximising Maximising

Footprint Patterns The footprint designed is basing on an Islamic pattern, by operating the numbers of polygon and number of the small circles surrounding, it generates a more diverse pattern. The wavy curve on the outline of the footprint provides more possibility of self-shading. Mainly, 6 dominant genes are dominating the primitive which is number of segments, the radius of footprint, number of the floors, scaling level of floors, the distance between towers, and the number of connection. And each of them is affecting the 4 objectives simultaneously.


The wavy curve on the outline of the footprint provides more possibility of self-shading. Mainly, 6 dominant genes are dominating the primitive which is number of segments, the radius of footprint, number of the floors, scaling level of floors, the distance between towers, and the number of connection. And each of them is affecting the 4 objectives simultaneously.

Footprint Patterns

Polygon 9 Floors

9 Floors

9 Floors

9 Floors

10 Floors

Part 6


Part 5 Part 4 Part 3


Part 2

42 Floors


Part 1


Height :375 m Floors : 88

19 Design Team 01 Aysu Aysoy, Archit Mathur, Kai Yeh Emergence - 2019

self- shading Shadows on the ground Connecitons between towers Connecitons between towers

Body Plan & Genes

10 Floors x



10 Floors

x x

y y

10 Floors x





10 Floors

10 Floors



41 Floors






Fitness Criteria Segment of Polygon

Radius of Footprint

Number of Floors

Scaling Floors

Distance between towers

Number of Connection

Generation Size : 20 Gerneraion Count : 20

FC1 Max Floor Area

Algorithm Parameters Crossover Prabability : 0.9 Mutation Probability : 1/n Crossover Distribution index : 20 Muatation Distribution index : 20 Random Seed : 1

FC2 Max Connection

FC3 Max Shadow

FC4 Min Volume

Emergent Technologies and Design 20 AA School of Architecture

Body Plan & Genes

Wallacei Analytics After all gens and setting are determined, the wallacei is introduced to conduct the evolutionary algorithm in order to gain a better solution. The Standard Deviation Chart (SD) below demonstrates the variation level of deviation in each generation. For that, the blue lines are moving toward to the left, telling the information that is optimised.

21 Design Team 01 Aysu Aysoy, Archit Mathur, Kai Yeh Emergence - 2019

There are some conflicting situations, in the beginning, can be observed in the Fitness Values chart. Besides, the SD value Trendline and Mean value Trendline on the right displaying the result that it is getting a better solution. However, I noticed that the optimisation process is getting well too rapid that it may not give many variations of the phenotype.

When the best and the worst solution of all phenotype are selected according to each objective, it shows the clue that the worst solution all coming from the former generation. Contradictory, the best solutions are all given from the last generation.

Despite this, the diamond charts illustrate the opposite result between these two opposite solutions.Also, the relative difference of rank and average fitness rank are adapted to inspect the result. Surprisingly, the best solutions that of selecting method gave are the same phenotype.

Emergent Technologies and Design 22 AA School of Architecture


The body plan of our Petrona’s Twins has been derived from a variation of the Islamic star, inspired BODY BODY PLAN by the truePLAN structure. It has been carefully designed keeping the genes acting on it and the fitness objectives in mind.

ard deviation graph. We eventually hope to see convergence as genes are functioning in large domains, which gives the simulation plenty of freedom to subsequently optimize solutions in all fitness criteria. We hope to observe a close to incremental change in the average phenotypes in each generation, as the simulation approaches the ojectives.

Hypothesis By the way we have constructed our genes, we predict to see a large degree of variation in the standAXONOMETRIC AXONOMETRIC




Rectangle of varying Rotation of rectangle Boundary Rotation of rectangle Move up geometry BoundaryExtrude of to point Move to Contours represent Extrude to point Extrude to Introduce cubes Contours Rectangleof of varying Rotation of rectangle Boundary of up geometry Move upto geometry to point to as to represent Contours to repI dimensions to form base geometry rectangles geometry from the shaft rectanglescreate pinnacle voids to be subtracted floors v dimensions to form baseto to form base geometry rectanglesto from the shaftfloors to from the create shaft pinnacle create pinnacle floors BODY PLAN from the geometry f







Rectangle of varying of rectangle Boundary of Rectangle of varying Rectangle Rotation of Rotation varying of rectangle Rotation Boundary of rectangle of dimensions form base geometry rectangles dimensions dimensions to form to base geometry to form rectangles base geometry PLAN Rectangle of varying dimensions

Rotation of rectangle to form base geometry

up geometry Extrude Contours to represent Introduce Boundary Move upMove of geometry Move Extrude up geometry to pointto topoint to ExtrudeContours to point to represent Contours Introduce to represent cubes ascubes as Introduce cubes as create to be subtracted rectangles to from to thefrom shaftthe shaft to from create the pinnacle shaft pinnacle create pinnacle floors floors floors voids tovoids be subtracted voids to be subtracted the geometry from thefrom geometry from the geometry Boundary of rectangles

Move up geometry to from the shaft

Extrude to point to create pinnacle

Contours to represent floors

Introduce cubes as voids to be subtracted from the geometry



gets e set e to that n its

FITNESS OBJECTIVES FC2: MAXIMIZE VOIDS FC1: MAXIMIZE SHADOW FC1: MAXIMIZE SHADOW Since Kuala Lumpur Since Kuala gets Lumpur gets To fight the hot and humid unbearably hot, unbearably I have set hot, I haveclimate, set I am maximizing my fitness objective my fitness to objective voids to as open spaces will maximize the shadow maximize thatthe shadow increases that ventilation, the building creates the building in its creates inespecially its on the upper floors plaza plaza



The Petrona’s twins have an extremely high energy expenditure, the majority of which facilitate the air conditioning of the large structure. Minimizing the volume may reduce the ecological footprint of the building

The extr the air stru may of t


FC1: MAXIMIZE SHADOW FC1: MAXIMIZE SHADOW FC1: MAXIMIZE SHADOW Since Lumpur Kuala Lumpur Since Kuala gets Since gets Kuala Lumpur gets unbearably hot, unbearably I have set hot, I have set unbearably hot, I have set Design Team 01 Aysu 23 my fitness objective to objective to my fitness objective my to fitness MAXIMIZE Emergence - 2019that maximize the FC1: shadow thattheSHADOW maximize the shadow that maximize shadow the building in its Lumpur the building creates creates in the its building creates gets in its Since Kuala plaza plaza plaza unbearably hot, I have set my fitness objective to maximize the shadow that the building creates in its plaza

FC2: MAXIMIZE VOIDS FC2: MAXIMIZE VOIDS To fight the hotToand fight humid the hot and humid climate, I am climate, maximizing I am maximizing voids as open voids spacesas will open spaces will increases ventilation, increases ventilation, especially on theespecially upper floors on the upper floors

Aysoy, Archit

fight and humid To fightTothe hotthe andhot humid To fight the hot and humid climate, am climate, maximizing I am Imaximizing I am maximizing Mathur,climate, Kai Yeh voids as open spaces will voids as open spaces voids will as open spaces will FC2: MAXIMIZE VOIDSventilation, increases ventilation, ventilation, increases increases especially on the upper especially on the upper floors especially theand upper floors To fight floors theon hot humid climate, I am maximizing voids as open spaces will increases ventilation, especially on the upper floors

FC3: MINIMIZE FC3: MINIMIZE VOLUMEVOLUME FC3: MINIMIZE VOLUME The Petrona’s twins have antwins have an The Petrona’s twins The have Petrona’s an extremely high expenditure, energy expenditure, extremely high energy extremely high energy expenditure, the majority of which facilitate the majority of which facilitate the majority the ofthe which facilitate the air conditioning ofconditioning the VOLUME large of the large air conditioning of FC3: the air MINIMIZE large structure. Minimizing the volume structure. Minimizing the structure. volume Minimizing The Petrona’s twins the havevolume an may the reduce theextremely ecological footprint may reduce ecological may footprint reduce the ecological footprint high energy expenditure, of the building theofmajority of the building the building of which facilitate the air conditioning of the large structure. Minimizing the volume may reduce the ecological footprint of the building

Body Plan & Genes









Generation Size : 20 Gerneraion Count : 20


Algorithm Parameters


Crossover Prabability : 0.9 Mutation Probability : 1/n Crossover Distribution index : 20


Muatation Distribution index : 20 Random Seed : 1

GEN 10

GEN 15

GEN 19

Emergent Technologies and Design 24 AA School of Architecture

Standard Deviation

Fitness Values

SD Value Trendline

Mean Value Trendline

Observations - As we can see, the simulation is not optimizing the solutions in all fitness criteria. - Since fitness objectives of maximizing shadow and minimizing, we can see in the parellel plot graph that the simulation is unable to move the average of the fitness criterias towards the origin. - In the comparison between the highest and lowest ranking phenotypes in the fitness objectives individually, we noticed that even though the phenotypes throughout the generations are not optimized, phenotypes acrooss the individual fitness objectives are.

Gen 10 Individual 8 Cluster average

Generation 10 Cluster

25 Design Team 01 Aysu Aysoy, Archit Mathur, Kai Yeh Emergence - 2019

Gen 15 Individual 3 Cluster average

- I realize that this is because the same set of genes affect both the conttradicting fitness objectives and therefore negates it’s effect on one objective. - To further compare inter-generational phenotypes, we have created a cluster of the pereto fronts of the 15th and 19th generations. We see that the there is a huge difference between the averages, implying that there is large variation amongst the phenotypes.

Generation 15 Cluster

Gen 19 Individual 3 Cluster average

Generation 19 Cluster

Comparison between the highest and lowest ranking phenotypes in the fitness objectives individually:

Fitness Objective 1: Maximize Shadow FC1: Rank 0 Gen 9, Individual 16

FC1: Rank 399 Gen 16, Individual 15

Fitness Objective2: Maximize Voids FC2: Rank 0 Gen 16, Individual 15

FC3: Rank 399 Gen 0, Individual 16

Fitness Objective 3: Minimize Volume FC3: Rank 0 Gen 13, Individual 5

FC3 Rank 399 Gen 5, Individual 6

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27 Design Team 01 Aysu Aysoy, Archit Mathur, Kai Yeh Emergence - 2019


In this stage, we will amalgamate our individual learnings from sequence two and formulate fresh fitness objectives, gene pool and operation strategies. In addition to addressing the environmental context in the previous stage, we will address a wider scale and will now focus on the geographic context of Kuala Lumpur; and will take into consideration the surrounding built space, ecology and how the optimized morphological variation affects these factors. Observations from the individual reports provide clear guidelines on how to methodically proceed with this version of the design problem. From experiment 1, we retained the gene that creates multiple towers since this would directly affects all our fitness objectives and fits in our context as it supplements the elevated plaza idea. Experiment 2 focused more on solar factors which is of prime importance in our site since its situated at the equator and experiences long hours of scorching sun. It was interesting to see how experiment 1 incorporated ventilation as a fitness objective. We plan to carry build on this and refine these further in this experiment. Moreover, we would like to explore the scope of orientation of the phenotypes as this gene holds the possibility to help optimize both shading and ventilation. Also, since the sun is mostly overhead, we will design the primitive in a way that it has freedom to scale up the radius of the floor plates so as to increase shading. Angles of the top most floor plates may also contribute towards optimizing the shading.

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In order to improve the design and respond to the climate, we searched if there can be better solutions for: -Elevated Plazas: Since Kuala Lumpur has relative humidity levels going up as high as 95%, the ground level plazas that most high-rises have under them are extremely uncomfortable. As both humidity and temperature go down and wind speed increases as altitude increases, we aim to elevate plazas from the ground level to a higher, more comfortable level. This may also reduce proximity from the upper floors and increase usage. 29 Design Team 01 Aysu Aysoy, Archit Mathur, Kai Yeh Emergence - 2019

- Self-Shading: Being situated at the equator, buildings in Kuala Lumpur have an extremely high heat gain and also a high-power consumption of air conditioning the building. If the buildings are designed to be self-shading, it would perform better in both the criteria. Morover, since we aim to elevate plazas, there is all the more reason to provide selfshading.

- Increasing Ventilation: Most high-rise buildings in the city are completely enclosed steel and glass structures with next to no passive techniques addressing the need for ventilation in this extremely humid context. - Increasing occupancy and the green area: Being a developing country, Malaysia has an everincreasing demand for rentable residential and commercial spaces. Increase in floor area, would

in turn increase these spaces and would push the supply towards meeting this enormous demand. - Shading to the surrounding: The unforgiving sun in Kuala Lumpur can make the outdoor life extremely uncomfortable. Increasing outdoor shading to the surrounding areas, can be a way of giving back to the city.

Emergent Technologies and Design 30 AA School of Architecture

DESIGN APPROACH Although some of the genes affect all body part, they have slightly different on certain levels. For instance, the division of the plan various at a particular level that the higher floors get more division in order to obtain more possibilities for ventilation. This time, the design approaches that we made considered more, not only in the physical aspect but the surrounding urban contexts. From the case study, we notice that the majority of the building design grows plants as a protection from the sun and some

towers introduces green spaces in the middle of the building to provide shading and public space. In terms of the urban context in this area, it is featured by a big park in the middle and the landmark Petronas Towers. We noticed that the central park is surrounded by countless commercial buildings and towers which blocked the accessibility to this park. Plus, the visibility from the residential area to the greenery is also cut by adjacent towers and commercial buildings.

Body Part 8 Body Part 7 Body Part 6 Body Part 5 Body Part 4 Body Part 3

Body Part 2

Body Part 1

31 Design Team 01 Aysu Aysoy, Archit Mathur, Kai Yeh Emergence - 2019

Aquaria KLCC Sun shine plaza


Turner Internat

Platium Park Kuala Lumpur

Aquaria KLCC Sun shine plaza


Turner Internat

Platium Park Kuala Lumpur




Maxis Tower

Aquaria KLCC

Shopping mall Turner International


Shopping mall Super Market

IIham Tower Naza Tower BLVD House


Traders Hotel PNB Perdana

One KL

Mandarin Oriental GTower

InterContinnental Kuala Lumpur


Quadro Residence Marc Residence

Park seven Condominium


Dua Residency


Maxis Tower

Aquaria KLCC

Shopping mall Turner International




Shopping mall Super Market

IIham Tower


Naza Tower BLVD House

Shopping Mall

Traders Hotel PNB Perdana

One KL

Mandarin Oriental



InterContinnental Kuala Lumpur


Land M

Quadro Residence

Marc Residence

Park seven Condominium

Dua Residency Patronas Towers One KL Quadro Residence Marc Residence

Car Park Car Park

Park seven Condominium


Dua Residency

Car Park



Shopping Mall


Land M

Patronas Towers One KL

Residence Marc Residence

Land Mark

Quadro Residence

Car Park

Car Park

Car Park

Park seven Condominium

Car Park

Dua Residency


Land Mark

Car Park Emergent Technologies and Design 32 AA School of Architecture

FITTNESS OBJECTIVES & BODY PLAN In sequence lll, we continuously adopted the Petonas twin towers as our primitive. The Petronas towers located in Kuala Lumpur city center, regarded as the feature of Malaysia’s culture, history, and symbol. However, in this area, it has an uncomfortable climatic situation, which is an intensely hot and humid environment. In Kuala Lumpur, the relative humidity range is between 70% and 90%, and the sun’s rays are coming in at an angle of approximately 90 degrees.

Initially, we were looking for an improvement that can respond to the climate which are a footprint, self-shading, shading to the surrounding, increasing ventilation, increasing the greenery. From knowing the temperature decreases and the wind speed increases at a higher level, we proposed elevated, open, and well-sheltered greenery plazas that connected by each other, to create a bigger shelter and enhance the circulation of the towers.

This time, the design approaches that we made considered more, not only in the physical aspect but the surrounding urban contexts. From the case study, we notice that the majority of the building design grows plants as a protection from the sun and some towers introduces green spaces in the middle of the building to provide shading and public space.

Same as sequence ll, we applied Wallacei engine to evolving the towers and designed several genes which contribute to 4 objectives, division of the plan, scaling the floor, the amounts of floors, rotating the building, and orienting the ventilation gaps. Furthermore, by the means of metaball function, some certain levels of the building converged together creating a big plaza in order to generate more shadow on the ground.

1 Floors

2 Floors

2 Floors

2 Floors

3 Floors

6 Floors

41 Floors

Genes Fitness Criteria Division of plan

Scaling Segments

FC1 Maximize Footprint


Maximize Shading on the ground

FC3 Maximize Shading on elevated plazas

FC4 Maximize Ventilation

33 Design Team 01 Aysu Aysoy, Archit Mathur, Kai Yeh Emergence - 2019

Scale Floors in X-Y Plane

Number of floors



Pseudo code

00 Construct a circle

01 Divide with ‘n’ number of points

02 Construct Metaballs with these points

03 Alternate points on the metaball construct a star

04 Freely move points on the metaball in X-Y plane X



Allow circle to have varied radii

05 Divide the base geometry into segments

Allow points to range from 2 to 8

06 Orient the gaps between the segments with the dominant wind direction

Allow segments to orient themselves in dominant wind direction

Allow points to move within a boundary

Allow threshold of the metaballs to vary

07 Extrude segments in the +ve z direction

Allow segments to scale down


Allow segments to scale down

08 Scale radii of each tower in the cluster

If proximity of towers is less than the metaball threshold, they merge into a single geometry

PSUEDO CODE The diagrams above demonstrate the processes of how we applied various genes in the primitive by using the rhino grasshopper 3D modeling tool. Firstly, from the XY plane, a circle with a changeable radius is constructed. Second, we divided the circle that we drew with different amounts of points but in the range of 2 to 8. After this, the metaball function is introduced, giving different thresholds to converge.

Also, by altering the number of the points on the outline of the metaball, we gained a waving shape which contributes to the self-shading intention. Thirdly, we divided the floor plan into the various number of segments and gave the attributes to scale so we can control the area of ventilation gaps. Next, rotating the segments, letting the ventilation gap directly expose to the dominant wind direction. Finally, extruding the segment in the Z direction to create volumes.

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35 Design Team 01 Aysu Aysoy, Archit Mathur, Kai Yeh Emergence - 2019

Emergent Technologies and Design 36 AA School of Architecture

OBSERVATIONS From experiment l, we have couple of observations that founded in Standard Deviation (SD) graph, diamond charts and phenotypes. The SD graph displaying all the objective illustrated that none of them evolved properly. Plus, all evolving tendency in 4 SD graphs toward right and flat that indicated either non-converging or getting worse. generally, most of the objectives evolved bad, except for the objective 2 but rapid. We noticed that while the phenotype with the worst performance in objective1, it behaved mediocre in objective 3 and 4.

37 Design Team 01 Aysu Aysoy, Archit Mathur, Kai Yeh Emergence - 2019

For the phenotype which performed the best in objective 1, it ranked low in the others. Strangely, all the objective is not conflicting from each other. Conversely, regarding to the successful criteria which is the objective 2, we investigated that why it converged fast. For that part, we assumed that when we design the genes for changing rotation level of plazas, its movements were homogeneously altered and that was the reason why Wallacei quickly found the

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39 Design Team 01 Aysu Aysoy, Archit Mathur, Kai Yeh Emergence - 2019

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41 Design Team 01 Aysu Aysoy, Archit Mathur, Kai Yeh Emergence - 2019

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By knowing the former settings and investigations, in experiment 2, we amended the calculating methods and changed the rotation genes of the plazas variously by giving more variety of directions and degrees. Reasonabely, the result turns out good. One thing worthy to pay attention is that the phenotype with the worst performance of every objective is coming from the same generation, and even the same individual. By observing the diamond charts, we clearly see that the phenotype with best performance of each objective generally performs good in the other objectives. And they are all coming from the latter generations, therefore, this indicates that the evolving processes work properly. In addition, we exported some of the phenotypes and representative to look for.For instance, we took three representatives from the three generation (Gen1,10, and 80) . Although it gave us a good result, the outcomes generated were not what we expected in architectural aesthetic aspect.

43 Design Team 01 Aysu Aysoy, Archit Mathur, Kai Yeh Emergence - 2019


GEN 10

GEN 80

Emergent Technologies and Design 44 AA School of Architecture


By knowing the former settings and investigations, in experiment 2, we amended the calculating methods and changed the rotation genes of the plazas variously by giving more variety of directions and degrees. Reasonabely, the result turns out good. One thing worthy to pay attention is that the phenotype with the worst performance of every objective is coming from the same generation, and even the same individual. By observing the diamond charts, we clearly see that the phenotype with best performance of each objective generally performs good in the other objectives. And they are all coming from the latter generations, therefore, this indicates that the evolving processes work properly. In addition, we exported some of the phenotypes and representative to look for.For instance, we took three representatives from the three generation (Gen1,10, and 80) . Although it gave us a good result, the outcomes generated were not what we expected in architectural aesthetic aspect.

45 Design Team 01 Aysu Aysoy, Archit Mathur, Kai Yeh Emergence - 2019

Emergent Technologies and Design 46 AA School of Architecture

Generation 01


Generation 10


Generation 80


47 Design Team 01 Aysu Aysoy, Archit Mathur, Kai Yeh Emergence - 2019




Emergent Technologies and Design 48 AA School of Architecture


Designed as the central element of the Kuala Lumpur city center development Petronas Towers are considered as a modern interpretation of Malaysia’ culture, history, climate and symbols of its economic growth. The design of the towers responds to its climatic conditions and formal characteristics of the dominant Islamic culture. Building responds to the tropical climate by built in devices into the façade which takes advantage of high sun angle, by usage of laminated glass to reflect radiation from the interiors and minimize heat gain,

49 Design Team 01 Aysu Aysoy, Archit Mathur, Kai Yeh Emergence - 2019

thus reducing the usage of air-conditioning. Towers design is also appreciated because of the plaza and landscape design on the base and the iconic plan of the Islamic star shape. In order to make improvement in the design and respond to the climate, we searched if there can be better solutions for the geometry of the design. Even though original façade designed to cooperate with the climatic conditions, increasing self-shading and shading to its surrounding possibility of the building is considered by manipulating the form to create a

Designed as the central element of the Kuala Lumpur city center development Petronas Towers are considered as a modern interpretation of Malaysia’ culture, history, climate and symbols of its economic growth. The design of the towers responds to its climatic conditions and formal characteristics of the dominant Islamic culture. Building responds to the tropical climate by built in devices into the façade which takes advantage of high sun angle, by usage of laminated glass to reflect radiation from the interiors and minimize heat gain,

thus reducing the usage of air-conditioning. Towers design is also appreciated because of the plaza and landscape design on the base and the iconic plan of the Islamic star shape. In order to make improvement in the design and respond to the climate, we searched if there can be better solutions for the geometry of the design. Even though original façade designed to cooperate with the climatic conditions, increasing self-shading and shading to its surrounding possibility of the building is considered by manipulating the form to create a

Emergent Technologies and Design 50 AA School of Architecture


51 Design Team 01 Aysu Aysoy, Archit Mathur, Kai Yeh Emergence - 2019

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53 Design Team 01 Aysu Aysoy, Archit Mathur, Kai Yeh Emergence - 2019

Emergent Technologies and Design 54 AA School of Architecture

55 Design Team 01 Aysu Aysoy, Archit Mathur, Kai Yeh Emergence - 2019

CONCLUSION In conclusion, we have observed that structural, ergonomic and climatic requirements create a multi - dimensional relationship that needs to work together and cannot be solved with a single parameter. Parametric design in architecture goes beyond form finding by achieving average solutions for contradictory criteria that affect both a building and its users, such as sunlight, ventilation, structural stability, changing occupancy, circulation and so on. Systems that meet certain criteria, which are defined according to the conditions where the design will take place, perform better under conditions of the area and creates a better environment to its users.

Emergent Technologies and Design 56 AA School of Architecture

57 Design Team 01 Aysu Aysoy, Archit Mathur, Kai Yeh Emergence - 2019

WORKS CITED Astbury, Jon. “Planter Box House by Formzero is a concrete home covered in edible plants.” Dezeen. Last modified November 21, 2018. Accessed February 10, 2019. https://www.dezeen.com/2018/12/22/ planter-box-house-formzero-concrete-kuala-lumpur-edible-plants/. Frearson, Amy. “Angkasa Raya by Buro Ole Scheeren.” Dezeen. Last modified November 9, 2011. Accessed February 10, 2019. https://www.dezeen.com/2011/11/09/angkasa-raya-by-buro-ole-scheeren/. “Monthly weather forecast and Climate Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.” Weather Atlas. Accessed February 10, 2019. https://www.weather-atlas.com/en/malaysia/kuala-lumpur-climate.

Emergent Technologies and Design 58 AA School of Architecture

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