The Archmerean - Fall 2012

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The Archmerean “Built Upon the Unique History of Place”

Volume LXXVI  Fall 2012

The Archmerean “History of Place” & “Spirit of Community” Captured in Art The cover and back cover of this issue show glimpses of the new timeline mural in the Student Life Center that commemorates 80 years of Archmere Academy.The mural, which was funded by Mr. Bill Githens ‘64 and Mrs. Marie Pat Githens and family (‘88, ‘90, ‘92, ‘94, ‘96), as well as the Mothers’ Guild and the Fathers’ Club, was created by art teacher Terry Newitt and a team of art students and alumni who worked on the project for nine weeks this summer. The images in the mural beautifully capture not only the “history of place,” but the spirit of the Archmere community.

Kathy Huang’12, Hayley Nedbalski’11, Mr. Terry Newitt, Elizabeth Barr’12, Katherine Reilly’14, and Sara Long’12. Not pictured: Mary Henjes ‘12 and Allison Short ‘12

Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees

Barbra Frank Andrisani, Chair, Academic Affairs Committee

Debra Whitby-Norman

Managing Editor and Layout

Matthew J. Bastian ’83

Douglas R. Quaintance

Colleen DeFruscio

Elaine C. Reilly, Esq.

Communications Manager

Richard M. Beck ’82, Chair, Strategic Planning Committee James F. Bonner, M.D. Linda M. Branco Charles J. Ciarrocchi, Jr. Fr. Andrew D. Ciferni, O.Praem. Anthony G. Flynn, Esq. John S. Gerard, Chair, Finance & Facilities

Fr. Joseph Serano, O.Praem Robert E. Shields ’60, Board Chair Mary Ann Slowik ’79 Barbara Waski, Ph.D. Kathleen E. Wunner, Ph.D. Legal Counsel Anthony G. Flynn ’69, Esq.

Design Angela Marinelli ‘90 Yellow Sky Consulting

Contributors: Michael A. Marinelli, Ed.D. ‘76 Robert E. Shields ‘60

William F. Githens ’64, Chair, Mission & Heritage

Executive Officer

Rev. Joseph McLaughlin, O.Praem.

Michael J. Hare ’79, Chair, Advancement Committee

Michael A. Marinelli, Ed.D. ’76, Headmaster

Rebecca W. Baeurle, CFRE

Francis J. McKee ’68

John Jordan ‘80 Amber Combs Allison McCord Erin P. McNichol ‘92 David Oswinkle

If you are interested in submitting an alumni note, or would like to add your e-mail to our database, please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at: 3600 Philadelphia Pike, Claymont, De. 19703; by phone: 302-798-6632 ext. 708; or by e-mail: 2


“Taking Root” – Michael A. Marinelli ’76, Ed.D., Headmaster...................................................................... 4 A Letter from the Incoming Principal – John Jordan ‘80............................................................................. 6 The Heritage Tour ........................................................................................................................................ 7 Join Us This AUKtober: Homecoming & 80th Anniversary Celebrations...................................................... 8 The Patio: An Educational Tool................................................................................................................... 10 2012 Commencement: College Acceptances & Matriculation.................................................................... 12 2012 Outstanding Seniors........................................................................................................................... 14 Saying Goodbye: Longtime Faculty Members Retire.................................................................................. 16 Alumnus of the Year: Louis P. D’Angelo ‘64................................................................................................ 17 Mastersingers Shine in Disney: “Sweeping Wins for Talented Choir”......................................................... 18 Introducing the New Board Members........................................................................................................ 19 Alumnus Profile: Tom Boettcher ‘81........................................................................................................... 20 Scholarship Giving....................................................................................................................................... 22 2011-12 Winter and Spring Sports Review.................................................................................................. 24 John O’Meara’s Bulletin Board.................................................................................................................... 26 Young Alumnus Spotlight: Jason Nista ‘04.................................................................................................. 27 News & Notes.............................................................................................................................................. 28 2011-12 Honor Roll of Donors.................................................................................................................... 32 Message from the Chair of the Board of Trustees................................................................................. 33 A Special Thank You............................................................................................................................... 34 Gifts to Archmere Academy.................................................................................................................... 35 Donors for the 2011-2012 Fiscal Year.................................................................................................... 36 2011-2012 Archmere Fund Report......................................................................................................... 54 Ways To Invest In Archmere Academy................................................................................................... 55 In Memoriam.............................................................................................................................................. 56

Mission Statement Archmere Academy is a Roman Catholic, independent, college preparatory school inspired by the Norbertine tradition and a heritage of committed faculty, alumni, families, and friends. Archmere welcomes faculty and students of diverse religious and cultural backgrounds. Through dedication to academic excellence, social development, community service, and faith reflection, Archmere focuses on the education of the whole student. This philosophy encourages and supports the unique qualities and differences of students in achieving the maximum level of their abilities. Understanding their moral obligation to the global community, young men and women graduate from Archmere prepared for college, career and vocation in life.


A Message From the Headmaster

A Message from the Headmaster: “Taking Root” Dear Members of the Archmere Academy Community: “In solitude, we become aware that we were together before we came together and that community life is not a creation of our will, but an obedient response to the reality of our being united.” (Nownen, “Clowning in Rome,” c 1979, p. 14) Along the front of our house is an English boxwood hedge, and every summer I have to prune out of it a hearty green vine that attaches itself to the inside branches of the hedge. As often as I cut it back and even pull at the roots, I have not been able to prevent it from growing back each year. This summer Archmere faculty members, Tim Dougherty, Leah daPonte, and Bob Nowaczyk, Board of Trustees Chair, Bob Shields ’60 and his wife Mary K., and my wife, Diane, and I traveled with 13 other administrators and staff of Saint Norbert College to visit five Norbertine Abbeys in Photo by Erin P. McNichol ‘92 Belgium and France on a “Saint Norbert Heritage Tour.” Each of the abbeys, founded in the early part of the 12th century, have remarkable histories of multiple suppressions, periods of difficult relationships with uncooperative governments, and confiscations of property and assets by new regimes in power. Yet, after each setback, it seemed that the surviving small group of Norbertines who were dispersed and living separately in different locales, decided to return to the Abbey community, sometimes having to buy back what they originally owned to begin again. This commitment and zeal of the communities all demonstrated a deep commitment to “place” and to serving the larger community around the abbey. Like these Belgium and French abbeys, Berne Abbey in Holland had a similar history according to Dr. Jean van Stratem in his book, Prepared for Every Good Work – Berne Abbey in the Netherlands 1134-2007; St. Norbert Abbey, DePere, Wisconsin, 1893. Disbanded in 1647 after its founding in 1134, the community was reconstituted in 1857. It was from Berne that in 1893, three missionaries travelled to DePere, Wisconsin, at the request of the local bishop in Wisconsin. Saint Norbert Abbey was founded and from that community Archmere Academy was established in 1932 under the leadership of Abbot Bernard Pennings, O.Praem., one of the first three missionaries. The Saint Norbert Abbey community did not have quite the hardships earlier European abbey communities faced; however, they did have to adjust to harsh winters and overcome financial challenges in order to survive. Similarly, the confreres of Daylesford Abbey, which was founded in 1963 from Saint Norbert Abbey, have continued to redefine themselves and their work, to respond to the current needs of the Abbey community, as well as the


surrounding communities they serve. Once staffing Archmere with teachers and administrators, Daylesford Abbey, like most abbey communities of aging religious men, have entrusted to lay leadership the ministries they have begun. In this way the ministries established by the Norbertine communities, like Archmere Academy, may endure and flourish in spite of the declining numbers of Norbertines. To assure this story of growth and continued rebirth of Archmere, the Board of Trustees initiated a strategic planning process. Engaging hundreds of people from key constituencies and the Abbey community, the written plan, which will be presented later this fall, articulates goals and strategies around five key areas of principal focus:(1) financial sustainability; (2) professional development, evaluation and compensation programs to recruit and retain excellent staff; (3) academic competitiveness to attract the best students by using the best practices in 21st century learning; (4) alumni re-engagement; and (5) living, articulating, and promoting our unique mission. We have made sure that the plan is built upon the unique history of place, understanding the influence of the Norbertine Fathers, the historical context of the Archmere estate and the Raskob Family who once owned it, and the men and women who have served Archmere over the last 80 years. This then, has become the vine that never seems to be uprooted. This approach is consistent with the charism of the Norbertines over the centuries, who have built and rebuilt again their communities that were disassembled only to be reassembled in a way to make them relevant

to the needs of the day, yet faithful to their heritage. In this issue of The Archmerean, I hope you will see evidence of Archmere’s evergreen history as a faith-filled place that values academics as well as high levels of effort in all pursuits. On behalf of the school community, I am grateful for the efforts of so many – past and present – who have embraced this vision of ministry. I look forward to working with many of you to enhance the vision for the future. In particular, I am excited to work with our new principal, Mr. John Jordan’80, who has been deeply committed to the school as an alumnus, faculty member, administrator, and parent for many years. I am also pleased to welcome the seven faculty and three staff members who join us this year. Together with all of our faculty, staff, students, parents, alumni, parents of alumni, and extended Archmere family, we will accomplish advancing the vision for Archmere, a vision that portrays a community of faith that enriches and illuminates all those who are a part of it and who come to know it, so that, as Nouwen wrote, “people may say of our Christian community, ‘See how they love one another, . . . see how they serve each other, [and] . . . see how they pray to their God.’” (Nouwen, “Clowning in Rome,” c 1979, p.9). Sincerely,

Michael A. Marinelli, Ed.D. ’76 Headmaster


A Letter from the Incoming Principal

The Character of The Auk: A Letter from the Principal Dear Friends:

Photo by Erin P. McNichol ‘92

One of the things that makes Archmere a special place is the daily passion that the faculty and students bring to the classroom. As I begin the new role of principal, I am excited for the school year and hope that as a faculty we will be able to continue to inspire and challenge our students. A key theme I would like us to consider and investigate for the year is the concept of “character,” an idea I explore with my students in my Creative Writing class. But the word is rife with larger connotations. Many Archmere faculty, families and alumni have, in key ways, helped to define the concept of character for me, as a student and as an adult.

At our Senior Sports Banquet in May, I spoke to the student-athletes about their successes and their failures – that how one reacts to and moves forward from setback is the definition of character. Passion and resilience are key requirements for Auk Character it seems to me, and I hope we can explore these ideas as we move through this school year. As I said in January when Dr. Marinelli announced my appointment, I am humbled by, and grateful for, the opportunity to serve Archmere as principal. With the help of an enthusiastic student body, an inspired and dedicated faculty and staff, and a supportive group of families and alumni, the Auk community is poised for a great year. I hope to see you on campus. Sincerely,

John Jordan ’80


John Jordan’s appointment as principal marks the first time that an alumnus of Archmere has fulfilled that role. After graduating from Archmere in 1980, John studied at the University of Chicago and the University of Pennsylvania, where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree in English. He has a Master of Arts in English from the University of Delaware, and will soon be conferred a Ph.D. degree in English from UD. From 1987 to 1998 and again from 2001 to the present, Mr. Jordan has served as an English teacher, newspaper editor, and basketball coach. For the last five years, Mr. Jordan has served as the director of admissions, while continuing to teach English and coach the cross-country team. John and his wife, Noreen (former Archmere faculty member) live in Wilmington with their children Liam ‘12, Luke ‘15, Colleen and John.

Mission & Heritage

The Heritage Tour Over the summer, members of the Archmere community had the opportunity to partner with Saint Norbert College this summer and travel to visit five Norbertine Abbeys in Belgium and France. “The Norbertine Heritage Tour,” as the trip was called, allowed these 21 administrators and teachers from SNC and Archmere to learn about the history of the Norbertine tradition and to reflect on how the foundations of the order are still revelant to their school communities today.

(Above): Archmere Board Chair Robert Shields ‘60 and his wife Mary K, English Teacher Tim Dougherty, Language Teacher Leah daPonte, Director of Student Life Robert Nowacyzk and wife Michelle, and Headmaster Michael Marinelli ‘76 and wife Diane stand in the ruins of the Abbey Church at Premontre, the first Norbertine Abbey in France. (Left): A statue of St. Norbert overlooks Mondaye Abbey in France.

Mr. Tim Dougherty

Ms. Leah daPonte

Whatever I expected the Heritage Tour to be, the actual trip – I mean pilgrimage – far surpassed it. After all, the name – Heritage Tour – though apt, wouldn’t excite many people, but I’m deeply interested in history, and also since I’ve never quite grasped what “Norbertine tradition” really means, I was eager to learn some Norbertine history and define this tradition for myself and others at Archmere.

The Heritage Trip was a very special experience for me as well as an honor. I was amazed at how the community of Norbertines has been able to maintain their culture and character over so many years. The relationship between the Norbertine brothers is really warm and comforting; it was nice to see the priests from one abbey speaking their distinct language, yet recognize, greet, and laugh with a confrere from another abbey, country, and culture!

Over the course of twelve days, we visited five beautiful, old, and still active and relevant abbeys, met inspiring novices and brilliant abbots, toured churches and cathedrals, walked through stunning European villages, celebrated Mass in Dutch and French, and saw the physical impact of the French Revolution and WWII. We found, among all the Norbertine sites, the consistent messages of and dedication to education and community, selflessness and sacrifice, reverence and the 21st Century. I loved it, and I feel better poised to articulate Archmere’s mission, given this insight.

What I learned most of all about myself and Archmere through this pilgirmage is what the Norbertine tradition means to me personally: it is about authentic spirituality and respecting the importance of quiet reflection time, it’s about treating others well, being hospitable, and most importantly, sharing in the cheer of a good meal with good people. In addition, our tradition to me is about intellectual wisdom; something one can possess through studying what they are passionate about, and feeding one’s curiosity with study, conversation and travel.


Join Us This AUKtober!

Homecoming and 80th Annivesary Celebrations Please join us this October as we celebrate our 80th Anniversary and welcome Auks of all ages (and graduation years) back home to Archmere. Check out our Web site for more on activities throughout the first week of October.

October 1, 2012: 25th Annual Archmere Alumni Golf Outing The DuPont Country Club; 11:30 a.m. Join fellow Auks and friends for the 25th Annual Archmere Alumni Golf Outing. Always a great event, the golf outing raises funds for the Archmere Academy Alumni Legacy Scholarship Fund. Registration is $185 for golf & dinner. Not a golfer? Registration for the dinner only is available at $50 per person. Sponsorship opportunities and registration information can be found online at

October 5, 2012: Golden Alumni Reunion The Patio; 11:30 a.m. Each year, all alumni who are celebrating 50 or more years since graduation are invited to gather for a luncheon in The Patio, and induct the new class of the “Golden Alumni.” This year, the class of 1962 will be inducted as they celebrate their 50th reunion year. Call Erin McNichol ’92, Alumni Relations Officer to register at 302-798-6632 ext. 637.

Homecoming Athletic Schedule • October 5: Girls Volleyball v. St. Thomas More, 6 p.m. • October 6: Field Hockey v. St. Thomas More, 2 p.m. • October 6: Boys Soccer v. Charter, 2 p.m. • October 6: Football v. Caravel, 3 p.m.


October 6, 2012: Homecoming & Reunion Weekend All Alumni Social The Patio Terrace; 4:30 p.m.- 6:00 p.m. All alumni (21 and older) are invited to a casual reception on The Patio terrace following the home games. Whether it’s your reunion year or not, join in the fun reconecting with classmates and friends.

Mass & Blessing of the 80th Anniversary Mural The Student Life Center; 6:00 p.m. Father McLaughlin will celebrate a mass for the Archmere community in the Student Life Center, where he will bless the 80th Anniversary Commemorative Mural. The mural, created by Terry Newitt and several art students and alumni, depicts milestones, memories and influential members of the Archmere community. This lasting image of Archmere’s proud history was made possible through the generosity of Archmere trustee Mr. Bill Githens ‘64 and Marie Pat Githens, and their family (Bill ‘88, Mike ‘90, Brian ‘92, Marie Pat ‘94 and Matt ‘96), as well as the Archmere Mothers’ Guild and Fathers’ Club.

Reunion for Classes Ending in 2’s and 7’s The Patio; 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Another five years gone by already? If your class year ends in a 2 or a 7, it’s time to join your classmates in celebrating your reunion in The Patio. Registration is $60 per person, $45 if you register before September 30. You can register online and check out more information at

For more information about any of these events, contact Erin McNichol ‘92, Alumni Relations Officer at 302-798-6632 ext. 637 or e-mail


The Patio: An Educational Tool Students Learn In, About and Through “The Patio” This spring, sophomore chemistry students were challenged to look at a familiar building on campus in a new way, when Dr. Marta Guron assigned her Honors Chemistry students “The Patio Project.” A creative spin on the group research paper, the project asked students to examine the once home of John J. Raskob, through the eyes of a chemist. The students spent the semester looking for science in the construction, maintenance, design and systems of the building. What they found was an interdisciplinary learning experience that forced them to think about how history, art, engineering, and chemistry each played a role in the formation of the historical building in which their school began. Each student group chose an element of the building to focus on – from the marble fountain in the center of the courtyard, to the mechanics used to heat and cool the 45+ room house, to the third-floor infirmary used to quarantine the Raskob children during illnesses. “The Patio Project” had students digging through the archives, looking through digital records and taking trips to the Hagley Museum in Greenville, where much of the Raskob family’s artifacts and records can be found.

“It was interesting to go to the Hagley Museum and look through the personal records of Mr. Raskob and see the history and the conversations that led to building The Patio,”says Shing-Shing Cao ’14 and Rebecca Peet ’14. “We didn’t realize that we had access to all of this research until we started looking – it was really neat.”

“(This project) gave us a chance to look back at the roots of our school and learn along the way” “(This project) gave us a chance to look back at the roots of our school, and learn along the way,” added Conor Furey ’14, whose group studied the stained glass ceiling in The Patio, designed by Henry Keck, a student of Tiffany.



“It was cool to take some concepts or general information that we learned in class and apply them to specific ideas, structures or parts of our school,” added his group partner, Mike Ford ’14. At the conclusion of their research, the students presented their findings with power point presentations given in the Music Room of The Patio. As they shared the historical and scientific discoveries they had made, many of the students spoke about their work with excitement and genuine interest. “It was so much more hands-on than a typical research project,” said Kevin Reardon ‘14, whose group examined the mechanisms of the retractable roof in the center courtyard. “It was cool to see science in every day life,” added Miranda Mazzio ‘14, who’s group studied the early refrigeration system used by the Raskobs in the 1920’s, “it gave us a new way to look at things.” This project was just one of the ways that The Patio has served as an educational tool for students at Archmere. In the art department, students have helped to re-create hand-painted wall paper on the second floor, and worked with the department chair to mold cherubs from the original chairs in the music room. Photography students have also taken advantage of the beautiful architectural elements of The Patio, using them as focal points and features in their work. In the religion department, freshman classes and senior electives have toured The Patio with Father McLaughlin as part of lessons related to the Norbertine founding and Catholic tradition of the school. And this summer, the large room on the first floor that has housed the Office of Institutional Advancement for the last two years, and was once the Raskob children’s playroom, was transformed into a seminar classroom to be put into regular use in the Fall.

Shing-Shing Cao’14 and Rebecca Peet ‘14 present their findings on the history and creation of the fountain in the center of The Patio courtyard to their classmates in The Patio Music Room.

Mr. Raskob’s records, used as a primary source for Miranda Mazzio ‘14 and Kate Payne ‘14’s paper on the early refrigeration systems of the Patio.

Kevin Reardon ‘14 and Brian Canfield ‘14 included this formula for diesel in their paper when discussing how the retractable roof of the Patio used diesel fuel to be mobilized.


2012 Commencement

On June 2, 2012, the Class of 2012 walked down the yellow brick road for the last time as students of Archmere Academy as they processed into the Performing Arts Center for their commencement. The 111 newest alumni of Archmere are an impressive group of individuals – from scholars and athletes, to artists and musicians, to leaders in service and faith. Members of Archmere Academy’s Class of 2012 were accepted to 155 and enrolled in 63 different colleges and universities. Below is a list of the insitutions to which they were accepted, with the bolded names indicating matriculation. The Archmere community congratulates the graduates on their success at Archmere and wishes them the best of luck in their college careers! For the full list of graduation scholarships, medals, awards and colleges, visit

Class of 2012 College Acceptances & Matriculation Albright College

Drexel University

Ithaca College

American University

Drexel University (Honors Program)

James Madison University

Appalachian State University

Duke University

James Madison University (Honors Program)

Bard College

Duquesne University

Johns Hopkins University

Barnard College

East Carolina University

Kean University

Bentley University

Elizabethtown College

King’s College

Boston College

Elon University

Kutztown University of Pennsylvania

Boston College (Honors Program)

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - FL

La Salle University

Boston Conservatory

Emerson College

Lafayette College

Boston University

Fairfield University

Lehigh University

Bryn Mawr College

Flagler College

Lesley University

Bucknell University

Florida Atlantic University

Loyola University Maryland

Cabrini College

Florida Institute of Technology

Loyola University New Orleans

Carnegie Mellon University

Florida State University

Lynchburg College

Clemson University

Fordham University

Lynn University

Coastal Carolina University

Franklin and Marshall College

Manhattan College

Colgate University

George Mason University

Manhattan School of Music

College of Charleston

Georgetown University

Marist College

College of William and Mary

Gettysburg College

Marquette University

Cornell University

Goucher College (Honors Program)

Marywood University

Dartmouth College

Gwynedd-Mercy College

Miami University, Oxford

Denison University

Harvey Mudd College

Moravian College

DePaul University

Haverford College

Mount Saint Mary’s University

DeSales University

High Point University

Muhlenberg College

Dickinson College

Hofstra University

Neumann University


New England Conservatory of Music New York University North Carolina State University Northeastern University Old Dominion University Pennsylvania State University, Altoona Pennsylvania State University, Berks College Pennsylvania State University, Schreyer Honors College

Stevens Institute of Technology Susquehanna University Swarthmore College Syracuse University Temple University Texas Christian University The Catholic University of America

University of Maryland, Baltimore County

University of Tennessee, Knoxville

University of Maryland, College Park

University of Vermont

University of Maryland, College Park (Honors Program)

University of Virginia University of Washington

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Ursinus College

University of Miami

Virginia Commonwealth University

The George Washington University

University of Michigan

The University of Iowa

University of North Carolina at Asheville

University of New Hampshire

Villanova University

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (University Honors Program)

Pennsylvania State University, University Park

The University of Scranton

Philadelphia University

Tufts University

Princeton University

Union College

University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Purdue University

University of California at Berkeley

University of North Carolina at Wilmington

Wake Forest University

University of California at Los Angeles

University of Notre Dame

Washington College

University of Pennsylvania

West Chester University of Pennsylvania

Quinnipiac University Randolph-Macon College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Rochester Institute of Technology Rowan University Saint Joseph’s University Sarah Lawrence College Savannah College of Art and Design St. John’s University - Queens Campus

The University of Tampa

University of Colorado at Boulder University of Dayton

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

University of Pittsburgh

Virginia Wesleyan College Wagner College Washington and Lee University

University of Pittsburgh (University Honors College)

Widener University

University of Delaware University of Delaware (Honors Program)

University of Rhode Island

York College of Pennsylvania

University of Hartford University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

University of Richmond University of San Diego University of South Carolina

University of Mary Washington


Outstanding Seniors - Class of 2012 Valedictorian

The 2012 graduating class was one of countless extraordinary students, including this year’s Valedictorian, Sarah Waldis and Salutatorian, Ali Hazel. Both Sarah and Ali are great examples of how an Archmere education truly inspires students to distinction – there is no doubt that these students will continue to shine throughout their college careers.

Sarah Waldis – Class of 2012 Valedictorian In her 2012 valedictory address at commencement, Sarah

While she has always liked school, the valedictorian gives

Waldis took a moment to thank the teachers who helped to

Archmere credit for building in her a real desire to “learn

shape her and her classmates’ experiences and to recognize

just for the sake of learning and to better myself, not

the truly unique community they were a part of for the last

just to earn good grades.” Sarah will head to Haverford

four years: “We have

College in the Fall, with an impressive academic and

witnessed firsthand

extracurricular resume which includes participation in the

what a passionate,

Science Olympiad and TEAMS, and terms as the editor of


the school newspaper and president of the National Honor

inspiring teacher is,


and for that I must say thank you. Thank you

She credits several of her teachers for helping her to

to all of the teachers

discern her career goals, namely her science teacher Mr.

who have treated us

Glenn Hartman. “Mr. Hartman definitely sparked my

like valuable members

interest in the sciences, both as my teacher in honors and

of this community, who

AP classes, and as the moderator of the Science Olympiad

have spoken to us with

and National Honor Society,” says Sarah. At Haverford

respect, who have shown us there is more to learning than

College, she plans to major in biology, following a pre-med

what can be read out of a textbook (or on a laptop.)”

track, with the goal of one day working as a developmental pediatrician.

So it’s no surprise than that when asked what she will miss most about Archmere, “the people” is Sarah’s first

A four-year varsity field hockey player at Archmere with


first team All-State and All-Conference accolades to her name, Sarah will also be playing for the Fords’ Division

A legacy who’s mom, Lorri McNamee Waldis ’80, and uncle, Mike McNamee ’69, attended Archmere, Sarah is quick to share that “the last four years have definitely shaped the person that I am today.”


III field hockey team. “My family is looking forward to being able to come watch my games,” says the Glen Mills resident, who’s younger sister Caroline is a sophomore at Archmere.

Outstanding Senoirs - Class of 2012 Salutatorian

Class of 2012 Alexa Hazel – Class of 2012 Salutatorian The Class of 2012’s salutatorian and recipient of the

teams, earning First Team All-State in cross country, and

Archmere medal, Alexa (Ali) Hazel, was named a Jefferson

receiving the Filliben Athlete Award at the Senior Sports

Scholar by the Jefferson Foundation at the University of

Banquet. She was also president of the Spanish club, a

Virginia (UVA.) After being chosen as Archmere’s nominee,

leader with the Kairos

Ali was selected by the Regional Selection Committee in the

retreat program, and a

Delaware area following a rigorous interview, and out of

member of the National

the 104 finalists, was awarded one of the 30 scholarships,

Honor Society.

which are granted solely on the basis of merit and provide full financial support for four years of study at UVA. In

Ali is excited about

addition to this funding, admission to the Jefferson Scholar

the independence and

program affords students the opportunity to participate

intellectual challenges

in several enrichment programs, to travel abroad as

that her time at UVA

a scholarship class, and to help shape unique major

will bring, especially


after having a taste of the college life during

Interested in somehow combining her intended major

a summer program for

of Architecture and her love of culture and travel, Ali is

rising seniors at Stanford University, through which she

looking forward to the opportunity to help shape her

took undergraduate courses. However, she admits that she

academic curriculum and to work and travel with her

will truly miss her high school experience.

peers in the scholarship program. “I am really interested in architecture but it is hard to narrow down specifically

“Archmere has been a second home to me,” says the Media,

what you want to study. I’m looking forward to the

PA native. “It will be a big transition since some weeks I

interdisciplinary classes at UVA and learning about what

spent more time on campus than I did at home.”

else is out there,” says Ali.

“From the time I first visited I could tell there was

At Archmere, Ali was very involved in the art program,

something different about the atmosphere here,” she says.

earning two national silver medals this year, which were

“Coming to Archmere was absolutely the best decision I

presented to her at Carnegie Hall. In addition to art, Ali was

have made so far.”

the captain of the girls’ soccer, basketball and cross country


Saying Goodbye: Longtime Faculty Members Retire

Students of Archmere Academy from 1975 through 2012 have benefitted from the collective and individual knowledge, skills, and care of the three faculty members who retired at the close of the 2011-2012 school year. As members of the faculty and as individuals, they represent the very best in teaching, having invested themselves completely in the work of educating and forming young men and women. Their combined service to Archmere adds up to an incredible 103 years.

Mrs. Marcy Aitken: taught 1975-2012 (37 yrs) Marcella (Marcy) M. Aitken arrived at Archmere with the start of co-education and helped to guide the school through the transition. In the early days, she introduced a number of women’s sports and served as one of the first female faculty members. In her years at Archmere she has coached cheerleading, softball and basketball, taught health, and provided services as a certified drug and alcohol counselor. The mother and grandmother of many alumni and students, Marcy’s love of the school and her Archmere spirit is truly inspiring and memorable - as is her enthusiastic motto, “Make it a Great Day!”

Mr. Louis P. D’Angelo III ‘64: taught 1975-2012 (37 yrs) A 1964 graduate of Archmere, Mr. Louis P. D’Angelo III returned to his alma mater to serve as the department chair. In the 1970’s and early 80’s he was an advisor for the freshmen class and moderated a number of clubs and activities throughout his 37 years. Lou’s career not only includes Archmere, but teaching experiences at a number of colleges and universities, work on prominent educational and standardized testing committees, and a number of teaching awards. The father of Michelle ‘95 and Mark D’Angelo, Lou’s dedication to his students, his love of Archmere and his famous witty lines will surely be his legacy.

Señora Therese Mehringer: taught 1983-2012 (29 yrs) Señora Therese (Terry) M. Mehringer was the first teacher hired by Father McLaughlin when he was Archmere’s headmaster. A beloved Spanish teacher, she attended countless trips with students in the summers and over breaks, moderated language clubs, and continually furthered her own education. In addition to teaching at Archmere, Terry has taught at the collegiate level, including instructing Spanish at West Chester University. Her son, Captain Michael Mehringer, graduated from Archmere in 1999. Terry’s love of her students, and her enthusiasm for both teaching and learning will not soon be forgotten at Archmere. 16

Alumnus of the Year Award Louis P. D’Angelo ‘64 At the commencement celebration on June 3, Archmere mathematics teacher Mr. Louis P. D’Angelo III ‘64 was asked to stand and be recognized on the stage on two separate occassions. The first was to thank him for his 37 years of service to the school and to bid farewell to him and his fellow retirees. The second time, was so that Dr. Michael Marinelli could award him with the 2012 Alumnus of the Year award, in recognition of his life-long dedication to the teaching profession, his consistent and quiet example of living the Catholic faith, and his embodiment of the Archmere spirit. Born in South Philadelphia, Louis P. D’Angelo III attended Our Lady of Peace elementary school in Milmont Park, PA. He was awarded a half scholarship to Archmere in 1960 by then-headmaster Father Diny, and went on to become the valedictorian of his graduating class and the 1964 recipient of the Archmere medal. At Archmere, he played on the football team and was a shot-putter for the track team. He was a member of sodality, co-editor of the yearbook, and received both the math and religion awards at graduation. Lou then went on to Boston College, where he graduated suma cum laude with a Bachelor’s in Mathematics, and was second in his class. A Woodrow Wilson fellow, he earned his Master’s at Brandeis University. It was during graduate school that he had his first taste of teaching as an adjunct professor in Mathematics. The son of a celebrated coach and teacher in Philadelphia and South Jersey, and an active student who was inspired by teachers at Archmere like Father Sliben, Paul Clemens, and John O’Meara, it was an easy decision for Lou to pursue a career in teaching – a career that brought him back to a familiar place in 1975. Mathematics Department Chair at Archmere from 1975-1990, Lou D’Angelo has served as the moderator for clubs such as the Math League and the National Honor Society, and worked for eight years as a freshman class

Lou D’Angelo ‘64 addressing the crowd at commencement after receiving the 2012 Alumnus of the Year Award.

counselor. He was the recipient of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Teaching, State Level Award, in 1985 and 1986 and the National Level Award in 1986. He was also a Tandy Technology Scholar and an Outstanding Teacher National Finalist in the 1991-1992 school year. In 1999 he was the co-recipient of the Webber Award from the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Delaware, and received the award for Advanced Placement Mathematics teaching in 2001. In 2002, he was presented with the Barnard Master Teacher Award. In addition to his service at Archmere, Lou has taught as an adjunct faculty member at a number of colleges and universities, including West Chester University, Neumann University, and Widener University. He has also played an integral role on the development committees for The College Board’s SAT II: Mathematics Subject Test and the SAT Mathematics Test. Lou and his wife Carol, also a teacher, live in Aston, PA. and have two children, Michelle ‘95 and Mark.


Mastersingers Shine in Disney

“Sweeping Wins for Talented Choir” Taken from the March 2012 Green Arch article, written by members of school newspaper staff. The Mastersingers traveled to compete in the Festival Disney National Invitational Choral Competition in Orlando, Florida’s Walt Disney World and left an enormously positive impression before arriving home on Sunday, March 25. Just how enormously positive? The Mastersingers swept the competition, receiving perfect scores from judges in all categories that merited a superior rating for the group. They also captured the best-in-class gold award for high school mixed choir division and also won the best overall choral group of the competition. Cara Tozzoli’12 snared the outstanding soloist award.

The Archmere Academy Mastersingers celebrate at the parks after earning perfect scores at the Disney National Invitational Choir Competition in Orlando, FL.

department, the Mastersingers listened as the clinician discussed the various aspects that go into being a performer for the Disney Corporation.

The Mastersingers were one of seven high school choirs from across the country invited to perform in the competition. Along with competing, they experienced private workshops with the Director of Music for Walt Disney World and had a private tutoring session with the singers that perform in the live stage shows at the various parks.

The students were taught how to do voiceovers to be used for film and television as well as live performances. They were also required to sight read and rehearse a medley from The Lion King. This was then recorded with full orchestra accompaniment and dubbed into the actual scene of the movie The Lion King.

The Mastersingers’ Director Mr. David Ifkovits could not have been more proud when the team met the judges after finishing their performance.

Mr. Ifkovits said the staff was highly impressed with the singers to the point where members of the music staff who were not involved with the workshop were being called into the studio to hear “this amazing high school choir.”

“The head judge (the choral director at the University of North Carolina) turned to the audience, which was made up of other competing choirs, their directors and families, and announced that this group is truly one of the most outstanding high school choirs in the nation,” Mr. Ifkovis said. “It was one of the most amazing moments of the trip. Many of the Mastersingers said they had never felt such a sense of pride for the group or for themselves.” During a private workshop with the Disney Music


After the workshop the staff spoke to Mr. Ifkovtis and said in all the years they had been conducting these workshops they had never heard a high school group “of this quality with such a mature work ethic and professional approach to making music.” “They are truly great kids who did Archmere proud,” Mr. Ifkovtis said. “They performed well, but more importantly they behaved as ladies and gentlemen at all times.”

Introducing the New Board Members Archmere Academy will welcome five new members to the Board of Trustees at the start of the 2012-2013 academic year. Rotating off of the board this year are Father Theodore Antry, O.Praem, John V. Flynn, Jr. Ph.D. ‘60, John E. Healy III, Carl E. Hertrich, and Genevieve Burke Marino ‘83. Archmere thanks these alumni, parents and friends of Archmere for their years of service to the Archmere community.

Elaine C. Reilly ‘83, Esq. A 1983 graduate of Archmere, Elaine C. Reilly, Esq., works as Corporate Counsel for DuPont in Wilmington. She earned her undergraduate degree at the College of William and Mary and graduated cum laude from Harvard Law School. In addition to being an Archmere alumna, Elaine is a current Archmere parent – her oldest son Patrick is a rising senior. Elaine and her husband, Michael, reside in Wilmington, DE with their three children.

John W. Rollins III ‘88 The Founder and CEO of Delaware Diagnostic Group, LLC, owner and operator of four independent diagnostic testing facilities in Delaware and Pennsylvania, John W. Rollins III is a 1988 graduate of Archmere Academy. He earned his Bachelor’s at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX, and continued his education at J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management in Chicago, IL. John is a member of the board of directors of Leadership Delaware, Inc, a past president of the board of directors of OperaDelaware, Inc., and a member of the executive committee of the Light Up the Queen Foundation. He and his wife Carin live in Wilmington, DE with their children.

Andrew D. Ciferni, O.Praem, B.A., S.T.L., Ph.D. A former Archmere trustee (2002-2008), Rev. Andrew D. Ciferni, O.Praem, B.A., S.T.L., Ph.D. graduated from St. Norbert College in 1964 and was ordained on August 17, 1968. He holds an S.T.L. from the Gregorian University in Rome, Italy, and a Ph.D. in liturgical studies from the University of Notre Dame. He has taught at the collegiate level at St. Norbert College, Immaculata College, Washington Theological Union and the Catholic University of America. He was a member of the St. Norbert College board of trustees from 2004 to 2010, and is a founding member of the North American Academy of Liturgy and the Catholic Academy of Liturgy. He has also been the chair of the

international Norbertine Associates Commission since 2006. He resides at Daylesford Abbey in Paoli, Pa.

Charles J. Ciarrocchi, Jr. President and CEO of Modern Mushroom Farms, Inc., Charles J. Ciarrochhi Jr. is a graduate of Villanova University. He has served on the Boards of the American Mushroom Institute, the Chester County YMCA, Preservation Delaware, the Jefferson Bank of Philadelphia, Salesianum School, and St. Edmond’s Academy. He is a member of Georgetown University’s Advisory Board to the Dean of Arts and Science and supports a number of community service and charitable organizations in Pennsylvania and Delaware. Charles and his wife Diane reside in Wilmington Delaware with their seven children, all of whom are graduates of Archmere – (Carly ’04, Justine ‘06, Charles ’07, Mary Bryan ’09, Miranda ’09, Avery ’10, Samantha ’12.)

Barbara A. Wasik, Ph.D. Dr. Barbara A. Wasik is a professor and PNC Endowed Chair in Early Childhood Education at Temple University College of Education. She earned her Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology for Temple University and a Master’s in Applied Developmental Psychology and a Bachelor’s in Psychology from Rutgers University. She is the principal investigator for a study on Exceptional Coaching for Early Language and Literacy, focused on effective, research-based teacher professional development, funded by the U.S. Department of Education. In 2008 Barbara was selected to participate in Governor Rendell’s Early Learning Council and was invited to attend the Oxford Round Table on Early Childhood Literacy. She is a current member of the advisory boards for The Kroc Center, PNC Grow Up Great, and Sesame Street, and is an expert panel member for the redesign of the Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey, sponsored by the Administration for Children and Families, Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, in collaboration with the Office of Head Start. Barbara and her husband, James Byrnes, reside in Glen Mills, Pa with their daughter, Julia Byrnes, a 2009 Archmere graduate and their son Thomas, a 2011 Archmere graduate. 19

Alumnus Profile Living the Optimal Life: Tom Boettcher ‘81 With a world record in open water butterfly swimming, a tour with the Paris Opera Ballet, a series of high-tech startups, and a best-selling book on core training to his credit, Archmere Alumnus Thomas Boettcher ‘81 is living proof of his theories on optimal performance and human alignment, forging an unconventional path to success. Tom and his brother Karl ‘88 started HumanLabs in 2003, following the death of their mother from late-diagnosis cancer. “We were looking for a model for early tumor detection that could support the exponential development of sensing technology”, says Tom. HumanLabs deploys an algorithmic approach to personalized medicine that Tom innovated during his career at Bell Labs, where he founded a division that consulted with 2,000 corporations around the world. Karl, a former director of Accenture Labs in Europe, specialized in commercializing new technologies

– creating financial and organizational models needed to launch startup companies. Both decided that they could make the biggest difference, aggressively engaging cutting-edge technologies while still remaining true to their Catholic values, by launching a portfolio of companies on their own. “We wanted to find a way to make detection, therapy and treatment personalized and efficient using everything from physiological vectors, nutrition, and meditation to,

The photo above appeared in the July 2010 issue of the Wall Street Journal accompanying titled “For the Athlete Who Has It All,” which featured Tom and his buttefly stroke.


The above photo of Tom was included in a recent blog post by The International HouseWares Association, which spoke about his lecture on how the latest technology trends can be manifested into more innovative product designs.

ultimately, your unique genetic code” says Tom. “We focus on democratizing technology, and making it affordable for everyone.” Now, in addition to researching how technology can be used to individualize medicinal treatments and early disease detection, HumanLabs also provides consultation services in all areas of physical wellbeing and performance. Tom and Karl, both Mensans, have worked and been in conversation with leading physicians, designers, innovators, and high-performance athletes – experts in a variety of fields, to share their research-backed ideas about how to promote optimal human performance in all areas. Nobel Prize-winning DNA double helix guru James Watson sought Tom’s insight for trends in whole genome sequencing and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak embraces his work on optimal alignment. Clients have included Formula One racing teams and c-level executives of Fortune 500 companies. Putting his philosophy into practice and applying an analytical approach, Tom spent time studying the ideal way to swim the butterfly, and now holds the world’s fastest time for open-water, 5 Kilometer butterfly swimming. His stroke innovations have been implemented at the

Thomas Boettcher ‘81

Olympic level, and he has competed in swims at the Escape From Alcatraz, Manhattan’s Hudson River, and the 5K BigShoulders swim in Lake Michigan (twelve times). This summer, the Paris Opera Ballet hired Tom in Chicago for a dancing role in their iconic performance of Ravel’s Bolero and subsequently asked him to complete their US tour with the troupe. Tom, who teaches alignment and tai chi at the venerable Ruth Page Ballet in Chicago, and has authored the 2004 fitness best-seller Core Training For Greater Strength and Better Health, was even called upon to teach select corp de ballet members the finer points of his human alignment body of work. “When we align ourselves both physically and philosophically, it’s remarkable how one can bring latent talents to the surface. We should all remain vigilant, doing our best with the gifts and capabilities within us”, says Tom. Intrigued by Tom’s work with HumanLabs, Singularity University, a think-tank for high-level executives in Silicon Valley, recruited him to co-found their health and wellness program. Singularity’s programs are intended to seek exponential leverage from technological solutions to the world’s biggest challenges by assembling the world’s best scientists, venture capitalists and innovators. At Singularity, and in their projects throughout the years, Tom and his brother Karl have the opportunity to meet and work with a variety of interesting and remarkable individuals on the world stage, something they say

“The rich, intellectual environment we work in now - we had a similar atmosphere at Archmere”

they first learned to appreciate at Archmere. “The rich, intellectual environment that we work in now,” says Karl, “is similar to the atmosphere at Archmere – I could stop in and chat with Father Freiberg about foreign policy and then go across the hall to Mr. Clemens to talk history and economics, then to Mr. Barnard to discuss literature then ethics and spirituality with Fr. McLaughlin, and then bring all the threads together to draw my own conclusions.”

Tom ‘82 and Karl ‘88 Boettcher standing outside of the David H. Koch Theater at Lincoln Center where the Paris Opera Ballet was showing.

Tom echoed Karl’s statements, saying “many of our interests were cultivated at Archmere, and we still find ourselves invoking the spirit of discipline combined with creative enthusiasm encouraged at Archmere.” Both winners of the history medal at Archmere, members of National Honor Society, and members of the swim team under Coach Walsh, today the Boettcher brothers have another focus or goal in common – to further science and society through their work, while protecting the Catholic values that were instilled in them by their parents, and their education at St. Edmond’s and Archmere Academy. “Our goal, ultimately, is to bring it all together – to help individuals become the best representations of themselves, from health and wellness to behaviors and cardinal virtues – a unified theory of behavioral science,” says Tom.


Scholarship Giving

Endowment & Scholarship Giving The ability to offer an Archmere education to the best and brightest students, regardless of financial circumstances, not only provides a diverse and enriching learning environment for our students, but also allows Archmere to fully recognize its Catholic, Norbertine mission. Archmere Academy is able to offer scholarships to prospective students because of the generosity of our alumni, parents, friends and donors who continually support the endowment. Endowments are funds that are allowed to mature over time, ensuring the long-term stability and future of an institution. Giving to the endowment helps Archmere plan its financial future, which ultimately shapes the educational program we deliver and the environment in which we offer it. During the 2011-2012 fiscal year, three significant new scholarship funds were established, each one created with a unique focus, but all working toward supporting Archmere’s mission to inspire students to distinction.

The Archmere Academy Alumni Legacy Scholarship Fund

At the “Get Involved!” Alumni BBQ this past summer, Dr. Marinelli was presented with a check for $20,000 for the establishment of the Archmere Alumni Legacy Scholarship Fund.

At its June 2012 meeting, the Archmere Alumni Council voted to establish the Archmere Alumni Legacy Scholarship Fund, to provide scholarship and financial aid to eligible incoming students who are relatives of alumni. The $20,000 gift was divided equally between endowment and the Archmere Fund so as to have an immediate impact on students attending Archmere this fall. This was the single largest gift ever made to the school by the Alumni Association. The Fund was created with the proceeds from the 2011 Archmere Academy Alumni Golf Outing. This year’s golf outing, which will be held on Monday, October 1 at The DuPont Country Club, will also benefit the scholarship fund. “The Legacy Scholarship Fund is a perfect way to promote the sustainability of the school, drive admissions and support legacies who otherwise could not attend Archmere,” said Marc Albero ’91, President of the Alumni Council. 22

The Carolyn Handy Letts Memorial Scholarship Named for the late Mrs. Carolyn Handy Letts, this scholarship is intended for young women with the “Carolyn-like” qualities of leadership and academic promise whose families demonstrate financial need. Carolyn Letts was an English assistant at Archmere Academy from 1978-2008. She was also the mother of Will Letts ’83, a past Archmere biology teacher, Amy (Letts) Hubbard ’85, and Andrew Letts ’88. “(Carolyn) helped out in every way that she was needed, wherever she was needed, but most of all she manned the writing center, helping and encouraging so many students and members of the English Department,” says former Archmere faculty member David Barnard. “It is so appropriate that her memory will be living on in a scholarship designed to encourage young women to become all that they can be. She will be beside each of them cheering them on, encouraging them to work and to laugh and to use common sense.” “Carolyn, over the years at Archmere, was mentor to students and faculty alike. She was intelligent, caring and witty. She never served herself. It is our hope that her legacy will encourage young women to grow and to reach out, making life better for all they touch,” he adds.

The Wang Family Scholarship Fund The Wang Family Scholarship Fund was established by current parents Dr. Sean Wang and Mrs. Monica Ho to provide scholarship aid for students with academic promise and financial need. Through their generosity, an Archmere education will be made possible for deserving students who otherwise would not be able to attend the school.

How to Contribute to Scholarship At Archmere: If you’d like to help make the Archmere experience available to more deserving students, you may make a gift to the overall endowment fund, contribute to one of our existing scholarship funds, or establish a new scholarship. To make a contribution to these or any of Archmere’s scholarship funds, simply go to and indicate the name of the fund on your payment form, or send a check to Archmere Academy with the scholarship name in the memo. A complete list of scholarship funds can be found at To establish a new scholarship fund, contact Rebecca Baeurle, Director of Institutional Advancement at 302-798-6632 ext. 709 or


2011-12 Winter & Spring Sports Review The 2011-2012 Winter and Spring Sports Seasons concluded with a number of our teams earning conference champion status and going on to compete in state tournaments. Many individual achievements were earned as well; from All-State and All-Conference recognitions, to Academic All-Americans on the girls’ lacrosse team and a school record in track.

Boys’ Basketball

selected to the All-Star team: Dan Ehrlichman’13, and Bill Repetto’12.

The Varsity Boys’ Basketball team ended the season with an overall record of 8-12 and a conference record of 5-4, with the JV putting up an impressive 15-4 record. Conor Furey’14 was named to Second Team All-Conference.

Girls’ Basketball The Varsity Girls’ Basketball Team earned a conference record of 4-1, with a regular season record of 11-9 and an overall record of 12-10. The 2011-2012 DSAC Champions, the girls won the first game in the DIAA State tournament against Concord, before being defeated by Caravel. The JV girls ended the year with a 10-7 overall record. All-Conferece: Amanda Vaile’12 (1st team); Alexa Hazel’12 (1st team); Brianna Nelson’12 (2nd team)

Wrestling Archmere Wrestling team held an overall record of 3-6 this year. The team boasted three state qualifiers, Michael McCurin’12, Curtis Pammer’13 and Ethan Robinson’12, as well as three Academic All-State Honorees: Justin Freck’15, Sean Devine,’15 Ethan Robinson’12.

Indoor Track Highlights of the 2011-2012 Indoor Track season include a trip to the State Final Indoor Meet at the University of Delaware, where Carly McGowan ‘12 competed in the 55 meter dash and the 55 meter hurdles, earning fifth place in the 55 meter hurdle event.

Boys’ Swimming

The Archmere Boys’ Swim Team finished 7th in the DIAA State Meet, ending the season with a 10-3 overall record All-State: Ben Creekmore ‘14 (1st team); Drew Cox ‘12 (2nd team)

Girls’ Swimming The Girls’ Swim Team finished with an overall record of 12-2, finishing 8th in the DIAA State Meet. All-State: Kelsey Dramis ‘12 (2nd team); Laura Jogani’14 (2nd team)

Ice Hockey

Girls’ Tennis

The Auks earned a 8-7-1 regular season on the ice, with an overall record of 9-8-1. The team lost in the semi-final of The Commonwealth Championship, but had two athletes

With an overall record of 8-5, the girls’ tennis team qualified for the state tournament, with freshman Raylin Xu named a 1st Singles DIAA Torunament Qualifier.


2011-12 Winter & Spring Sports Review Boys’ Tennis The Boys’ Tennis team ended the season with a 11-2 record. Senior Billy Halakos was a 2nd Singles DIAA State Tournament Semi-finalist, and freshmen Nick Emmi was a 3rd Singles DIAA State Tournament Semi-finalist.

named an US Lacrosse All-American. The JV team had a solid 7-4 season. All-State: Bryan Garrahan ‘12 (1st team); Connor Beatson ‘12 (3rd team); Joe O’Connell ‘12 (3rd team); Davis Russell ‘13 (3rd team.)

Girls’ Soccer

Girls’ Lacrosse

The Varsity Girls’ Lacrosse Team won two DIAA State Tournament games before losing in the semi-finals, making their overall record 14-4. The team was led by an impressive group of seniors: Elyse Andrews’12, Lucia Rizzo ‘12, Amanda Vaile ‘12 and Victoria Zugehar ‘12 were named US Lacrosse Academic All-Americans, with Elyse Andrews’12 also receiving recognition as a US Lacrosse All-American athlete. The JV team ended their season with an impressive 10-1-1 record. All-State: Alex Beatson ‘12 (1st team); Elyse Andrews ‘12 (1st team); Amanda Olsen ‘14 (2nd team); Alissa Salvitti ‘13 (2nd team)

With a perfect conference record of 5-0 and a solid overall record of 9-6-1, the girls’ soccer team was named the DSAC Champions and entered the DIAA State tournament, only to loose in the first round. Three players, Alexandra Tsangnos ‘12, Allison Sullivan ‘13, and Gillian Sweeny ‘15, earned First Team Diamond State All-Conference Recognition, with Camryn Hicks ‘14, Alexa Hazel ‘12, Ashley Brooks ‘13, Kassidy McVey ‘15 and Anna D’Eramo ‘14 earning Second Team Honors. The JV ended the season 2-3-3.

Baseball The Auks earned a 4-1 conference and a 8-10 overall record in baseball this year, and had several Diamond State All-conference selections. Sean Deely ‘14, Jesse Dewees ‘12, Sam Mattern ‘13 and John Owens ‘13 were named to First Team Diamond State All-Conference, while Tom Stasiunas ‘12 and Mike Aleixo ‘12 were named to Second Team. The JV team earned a 9-5 record.


Boys’ Lacrosse The Archmere Boys’ Lacrosse team was the 2011-2012 DSAC Champion, ending the season with a 5-0 conference record and a 15-3 overall record. The team won two DIAA State tournament games before losing in the semi-finals. A strong year for the Auks, 8 athletes were named to first team All-Conference, and 5 to second team All-Conference (DSAC), and Senior Bryan Garrahan was

The Archmere Softball team was named DSAC Champions with a 5-0 conference record and an overall record of 11-8. The girls lost in the first round of the DIAA State tournament, but earned several spots on the Diamond State All-Conference First and Second Teams: Casey Glatts ‘12, Trish Churchill ‘13, Sarah Donnelly ‘14, Nikki Russo ‘14, and Jasmine Kingston ‘12 were named to first team, and Maryanna Lynch ‘14, Anna Baxter ‘16, and Laura Bohannon ‘14 were named to Second Team.


2011-12 Winter & Spring Sports Review John O’Meara’s Bulletin Board

Golf Highlights of the 2011-2012 Golf Season include the team’s 5-0 conference record, earning them DSAC Champion status, and a 12-3 overall record. The team placed 5th in the DIAA State tournament and had four golfers named to DSAC All-Conference Honors. All-State: Kevin Murphy ‘12

You must pay for your sins. If you’ve already paid, you can disregard this notice. “Procrastination is the thief of time” are a lot of other big words. Two bequests we can give our children: Roots. Wings.

Outdoor Track

Never get caught in a conversation with anyone who has quit smoking, has grandchildren, or who jogs every morning.

The Girls’ Outdoor Track team held a dual-meet record of 3-1, with the boys coming up 0-4. The girls’ team placed 5th at the DIAA DII State meet, and the boys placed 8th. Highlights of the meet include:

There are moments when everything goes well. Don’t be frightened - it won’t last.

• Carly McGowan ‘12 earned second place in the 100 meter hurdles and the 100 meter dash. • Brooke Ruditys’13, Leigh Henjes’13, Brianna Nelson ‘12 and Carly McGowan ‘12 earned first place in the 4x200 meter relay and came in second in the 4x100 meter relay. • John Mascioli ‘13, Evan Guerin ‘13, Connell Donaghy ‘12 and Colton Takata ‘14 came in second in the 4x800 meter relay. This relay team also set a new school record for the event, finishing in 8:02 at the Meet of Champions this year.


An aim for the Archmere education admiration of the truly admirable. I didn’t have much respect for my elders until I had trouble finding any. “Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of traveling.” - Margaret Runbeck

Young Alumnus Spotlight Q&A with Entrepreneur Jason Nista ‘04 Jason Nista ’04 celebrated the two-year anniversary of his self-serve frozen yogurt shop, The Fuzzy Peach, located in Wilmington, North Carolina, this past July. Since opening that first store, he and his partners have opened four additional locations, have created a strong brand (and a delicious product) and currently have four more stores under construction and five under contract. So where did “The Fuzzy Peach” come from? Jason shared with us the story of his sweet success. Q: After graduating from Archmere in 2004, you went on to UNC Wilmington where you met your now business partners, Rocco Quaranto and Wells Struble, correct? A: Yes, I met Rocco Quaranto and Wells at UNCW where we were all members of the track team freshmen year. They were both business majors as well. Q: Were you always interested in entrepreneurship? A: Well, I started as a pre-dental major but realized quickly that I hated most of the subjects you needed to excel in to continue on that path. I was taking a required business course at the time and really enjoyed it and did well in it, so I decided to switch my major to accounting and finance. I was a member of the entrepreneur club and the idea of owning my own business was always appealing. Q: What led you to open “The Fuzzy Peach”? A: After graduation, I took a job at Citigroup in Delaware, and was doing very well, but wasn’t happy in the corporate setting, and my friends weren’t happy in their jobs, either. I started researching different industries and learned about this up-and-coming frozen yogurt store called PinkBerry in California, and was interested to see what it was all about. I could see that it was an expanding industry. I quit my job and moved to California for two months to learn more about the business, before moving to North Carolina to work on building our model. Q: When did your first store open? A: “The Fuzzy Peach” opened on July 15, 2010. We were actually one of the first self-serve yogurt shops on the east coast, and its popularity grew quickly. Q: Were you surprised by the success of the store, and were you looking to expand from the start? A: We weren’t surprised, actually. We knew that we were hitting the industry at a good time and our plan was always to expand.

Q: Where did the name, “The Fuzzy Peach” come from? A: My business partners and I were throwing around names, combining nouns and adjectives, fruits and colors and tastes for days, and finally the time came where we had to put the businesses’ name on the lease and paperwork, and it just came together. It sounded catchy and memorable to us, and luckily we’ve been able to brand it pretty well with our logo and our promotional materials. Q: What’s next for “The Fuzzy Peach?” A: Our goal is to have 100 stores by 2014 and to continue to franchise (“The Fuzzy Peach” team has sold 9 units to date.) Q: How has your Archmere education impacted you? A: I loved my experience at Archmere; I have returned to campus almost every year since graduation to visit with friends at Homecoming. I wasn’t always the best student in the classroom, but the teachers, and Father Collins especially, were always encouraging me to do better and I was challenged by both the faculty and by my peers. Q: Any advice for the budding entrepreneurs at Archmere? A: Read! The way I made it was as simple as reading books. Being self-motivated to learn about business practices and picking up anything I could to learn on my own was even more beneficial than some of my college classes. 27

News & Notes 1961 Charles DelCampo recently visited campus after completing his 6th participation in the annual “Run for the Wall” motorcycle ride across the country that recognizes the sacrifices and contributions made by all veterans who have served our nation. Charlie is residing in Long Beach, CA and currently teaching at Cal State.

1962 Kevin Martin is still coaching wrestling at St. Joseph’s Prep in Philadelphia and earned win #366 at the end of the 2011-2012 season.

1963 Nick Romano is looking forward to seeing all of his “old” classmates at our 50th reunion in Oct. of 2013. He and his wife are currently living near Naples FL. They have two children and 8 grandchildren. John X. Denney recently got together with fellow classmates Joe LoBiondo ‘63, Mike Tosi ‘63, George Flamman ‘63 and John Trudeau ‘63 to plan additional activities surrounding their upcoming 50th reunion weekend which will be celebrated in October of 2013.

1965 Steve Jilk recently hiked the Pacific Crest Trail. Retired since 2005 from working as a Forester, he is


now spending time with his four daughters and seven grandchildren.

1966 Mike Miscoski retired in November of 2011 after 32+ years at Hewlett-Packard/Agilent Technologies where he served as a Product Marketing Manager and an SAP Consultant. He is looking forward to traveling to the coast of Maine as well as internationally. He will also be taking Lifelong Learning Courses at the University of Delaware and relaxing as he happily leaves the corporate world behind. Mike encourages the Class of ‘66 to get in touch and join in his retirement fun.

1972 Dr. Stephen Usala and his wife, Dr. Faye Usala have four children: Sister Grace Miriam Usala, religious sister and medical student at Georgetown University; Colin Usala at the Wall Street Journal; John Usala at the University of Texas, Austin; and Claire Usala, an undergraduate at Georgetown University.

1975 Ed Lynch is taking full advantage of his sabbatical leave from Hollins University to travel and give lectures on cruise ships. In January, Ed traveled to Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand, with a stop in Perth to visit a friend. In April, it was off to eight islands in the Caribbean, including Grenada, which appears prominently in Ed’s latest book. In June/July, Ed visited eight countries in northern Europe, and spoke

about the history and politics of each. It’s back to the classroom in September, but Ed is planning to spend Fall Break in China with the Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce. In all, Ed will visit 20 countries in 2012. In between, you can always find Ed on Facebook!

1976 Drew Meiers has recently released his first book, entitled The Fearful Little Flag. It is a children’s book about a flag who is afraid of heights. Great read along for the kids available on

1988 Karl Boettcher recently visited campus while in Wilmington visiting with friends and family. Karl has been living in the south of France for the past 15 years working as the Managing Director of a consulting firm focusing on Research & Development technologies. Joanne Fungaroli has been practicing law for more than a decade, specializing in financial services, bankruptcy and litigation. She currently lives and works in the greater Washington, DC area.

1992 Michael Coleman lives in Tallahassee, Florida. He has his undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering and was promoted to an associate applied research position at Florida State University. He is the father of a 13-year old daughter, and recently celebrated his father’s 70th birthday

with a family cruise to Alaska last June.

Uncle Brian Reeves ‘91 and his wife Sarah who currently reside in Redondo Beach, CA.

shool, and completed his residency at Penn.

1993 Stephanie Taylor and her husband, Mark Ervin, welcomed a daughter, Helena Rose, on April 6, 2011. Laura Mielcarek DeRose is pleased to announce the birth of their son, R. James DeRose IV on January 26, 2012. RJ joins big sisters Adelia (8) and Kay (4).


Erin Wade married Will Curry in July of 2012. Stephanie (Iardella) Powers ‘94 was the Matron of Honor and Clay Autman’92 was the Best Man (photo above.)

1996 Paul Dougherty married Andrea Parsley on January 28, 2012 at St. John the Evangelist Church in Philadelphia, PA. Father Joseph McLaughlin officiated. Carrie (Malone) Bosacco and David Bosacco ‘92 welcomed twin boys (photo above) on December 19, 2011. Enzo Theron weighed 4 lbs 13 oz and was 18.5 in long. Carlo Eustatius weighed 6 lbs 3 oz and was 18 in long. The twins join older sister Isadora Luca. The Bosacco family resides at the Jersey Shore. Melissa Carrick married Zeke Phillips in July 2010 at St. Edmond’s in Rehoboth Beach. She is a practicing chiropractic in Baltimore. Brendan Reeves and his wife, Allison, welcomed a son, Simon Learey Reeves on January 21, 2012. Simon joins his big sister Veronica. They all happily reside in Seattle and recently enjoyed a visit by

1997 Julie Mozniak Goodrick and her husband Sean Goodrick ‘97 welcomed a daughter, Meredith Josephine on December 24th, 2011. She joins older sister, Evelyn (2) Dr. Ryan Stidham is traveling the world speaking as a gastrointestinal physician specializing in Chron’s Disease. Dr. Stidham recently completed his fellowship at the University of Michigan. Following his Archmere graduation, Ryan attended Saint Joe’s University for undergraduate studies, the University of Virginia for medical

Maggie Arvedlund married Adam Cassidy in a ceremony at Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church in Marblehead, Massachusetts. Erin Arvedlund Beattie ‘88 was the Matron of Honor and Jessica Curley Hankinson ‘97 was a bridesmaid. A few alums including Tom Raymond, Kristin Chambers and other Archmere families were in attendance. Adam and Maggie currently reside in New York. (Photo above.)

1998 Bianca Shorteno Fraser-Johnson is currently a senior vice president at Bank of America in Associate Banking and Investments. She is a board member of Leadership Delaware and the Delaware MS Society and recently co-founded a new 501c3 – The “Delaware Youth Leadership Network” ( She lives in Hockessin with her husband, Michael,their three-year old son, Fraser, and are welcoming their next baby in January. Megan McNichol is living in Los Angeles and working as the Assistant to Kevin Feige, President of Marvel Studios. Marvel Studios recently shattered box office records with


News & Notes

the release of “The Avengers” as the largest box office opening weekend in history. Megan has been living on the West Coast for several years and previously worked on films such as “Secretariat,” “Tooth Fairy,” “The Game Plan,” “Invincible,” and “The Village.” Crista Carrick Mahoney and Michael Mahoney welcomed daughter Anna Louise Mahoney on July 11, 2011.

2000 Stephanie Welch Silverman was just recognized as Delaware’s 2013 Secondary Art Educator of the Year. The award, sponsored by the Delaware Art Education Association, recognizes Outstanding DAEA members who spend 51% of their job in their division for outstanding service, achievement and significance during previous years. Stephanie is the former chair of Archmere’s fine arts department and was nominated for the award by current Archmere faculty member Terry Newitt. Stephanie currently chairs the fine arts program at the Tatnall School in Wilmington, DE. Stephanie lives in Wilmington with her husband Alexander and two year old daughter, Sophia. Daniel Kane married Lauren Mondo on March 3, 2012 at Holy Redeemer Catholic Church in Palmcity, FL. James Kane ‘10 was the best man and McLain Spann IV ‘00 was a groomsman. Father Joseph McLaughlin officiated.

2001 Alexandra Sowa married Peter McPartland in a ceremony at Saint 30

Joseph on the Brandywine in Greenville, Delaware on April 28, 2012. Victoria Sowa ‘06 was the Maid of Honor, Sara Toner ‘01 was a bridesmaid, and Matthew Sowa ‘06 was a groomsman. Alexandra and Peter currently reside in New York.

2002 Meghan Thomas Semler and her husband, Lt. Cogan Semler, welcomed their first child, Josephine Jean, born July 17, 2011. Josephine weighed 7 lbs., 4 oz., and she was baptized on December 18, 2011 at St. Maximilian Kolbe Church in Westtown, PA. Meghan and family live in WA but will be moving to Gulfport, MS in May.

2003 Lindsay Ambrose Curtin will receive her Master’s degree in Deaf Education at Hunters College in NY in August, 2012. She is currently a third grade teacher at St. Joseph’s School for the Deaf in the Bronx. She and her husband Tom currently reside in Mamaroneck, NY. Emma Davies married Keith Cutrufello on May 5, 2012 at St. Joseph on the Brandywine Church in Wilmington, DE. Father Joseph McLaughlin officiated and James Cutrufello ‘73 and Nicholas Cutrufell ‘00 were members of the bridal party.

2004 Courtney Lynch is finishing her fourth year of teaching this summer. Courtney graduated in 2011 with an M.S. in Instructional Technology

from St. Joseph’s University and will be attending Penn State University in the fall to pursue a Ph.D. in Mathematics Education. Jamie Wohlhagen recently completed her Optometry requirments and is now a Doctor of Optometry. While studying at the the Pennsylvania College of Optometry, Jamie served as Class President for three years and addressed her class at their recent graduation. Jason Nista is the Chief Operating Officer and Director of Franchise Operations for The Fuzzy Peach Frozen Yogurt Bar based out of Wilmington, NC. He is also a charter member of the Cape Fear Angel Fund where he serves on the Investment Advisory Committee.

2005 Christopher Sanna married Lilsle O’Neill on May 27, 2012 at Ursinus College in Collegeville, PA. Nicholas Sanna ‘97 was the best man, and Erin Sanna ‘00, Tracy Sanna ‘02, Dan Meany ‘05, Michael Davolos ‘05 and Anthony DeSantis ‘05 were in the wedding party. Father Joseph McLaughlin co-officiated.

2006 Meredith Eastburn recently earned her Master of Social Work degree from Widener University. She is also planning her April 2013 wedding. Kelly Wohlhagen graduated from the Rochester Institute of Technology specializing in Ultrasonography in May of 2011 and had the opportunity to address her fellow classmates as class representative. She is now working

as a Sonographer at Paoli Hospital in Pennsylvania. Scott Bentley is currently a PhD student at Rutgers University, where he is studying Industrial Relations, with a concentration in Labor Economics. Kelly Parshall is loving life in the D.C. area. She ran in a St. Patrick’s Day Half-Marathon and came in the top 5% of all women (and it was her first one!) She is working for an IT Headhunter and says if she had known what IT starting salaries were, she would have tried harder in Math at Archmere.

School, will be getting married this December.

2007 Carly Messick is working as a paralegal in Wilmington, Delaware.

2009 Michelle Fremuth was recently awarded a prestigious 2012 Philadelphia Society of Women Engineers Scholarship. The scholarship will be used towards her full time education at Philadelphia University. Michelle was selected for her academic performance and leadership in pursuing an engineering degree. She is currently also interning at Destination Maternity Corportation and plans to graduate in 2013. Jonathon Wohlhagen has just completed his junior year at Lehigh University in the field of Mechanical Engineering.

Katherine Yacyshyn married Anthony Swyka on March 10, 2012 at St. Joseph on the Brandywine Church in Wilmington, DE. Robert Yacyshyn ‘97, Stacey Mack ‘05, Rosemary Bock ‘06, were in the bridal party and Samantha Adams ‘04 was the Maid of Honor. Father Joseph McLaughlin officiated. (Photo above.) Brian Diskin graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Lehigh University in 2010, and is currently a second year student at NYU School of Medicine. He and his fiancee, Cali Roth, who is a student at New York Law

production of “Dora the Explorer, Live” and was a Baltimorean in the Main Stage production of “Hairspray” at Upper Darby Summer Stage.

Help Us locate “Lost Auks” We have composed a list of these “lost auks” and sorted them by graduation year on our Web site. To view the list, go to alumni/lostauks. If you recognize a classmate on that list that you have contact information for, please let us know! You can e-mail their information to Amber Combs at, or call 302-798-6632 ext. 708.

2012 Karen Shantz performed in July as a featured soloist and dancer with the Upper Darby Summer Stage Shooting Stars for a packed house of more than 2,000 audience members at Rose Tree Park amphitheater in Media, PA. The Shooting Stars, a select show choir that performs year-round, consists of approximately 36 students representing the 700+ students who participate in Upper Darby Summer Stage. In addition to performing with the Shooting Stars, Karen also served as Assistant Choreographer for the Children’s Theatre

Submit Your News! E-mail alumni@ or mail your updates to Archmere Academy, Attn: Erin McNichol ‘92, Alumni Relations Officer, 3600 Philadelphia Pike, Claymont DE, 19703.


2011-2012 Honor Roll of Donors


Message from the Chair of the Board of Trustees Dear Friends of Archmere, The Board of Trustees is pleased to present you with this report of gifts made to Archmere in the last year. We do so with deep gratitude for your generosity and with firm resolve to continue to be wise stewards.

Photo by Erin P. McNichol ‘92

The difficult economic times that have confronted all independent schools for the past five years remind us forcefully that annual giving and endowment income are crucial in balancing the annual budget. But you were up to the challenge! Thanks to your commitment, Archmere set several fundraising records in this past fiscal year that just ended on June 30, 2012: • The Archmere Fund closed at $503,554.00 – the most ever raised in the fund’s history. • Overall annual giving reached $687,045.00 – also the highest amount ever. • Total giving to all funds (annual, endowment and capital) came in at $1,051,601.00 – the largest total ever in a non-capital campaign year.

As Archmere reaches the 80th anniversary of its founding, your encouraging support excites us and gives us much to celebrate, as well as the confidence to embark upon an ambitious strategic plan. Many of you – our parents, teachers, administrators, graduates, trustees and friends have also blessed Archmere by volunteering so much of your time and talent. Thank you for those gifts as well. We are encouraged by your solidarity with Archmere. Please keep the school in your prayers and also remember to continue to be ambassadors for Archmere with talented seventh and eighth graders and their parents. On behalf of the Board of Trustees with great gratitude and faithfully in St. Norbert,

Robert E. Shields ’60 Board Chair


A Special Thank You

Thank you to all of Archmere’s dedicated volunteers who so generously give of their time, talent and resources to ensure that Archmere Academy continues to thrive in the tradition of excellence we all respect and treasure so dearly! Board of Trustees 2011-12

Alumni Council 2011-12

Mothers’ Guild Board 2011-12

Robert E. Shields ’60 Board Chair

Marc Albero ’91 President

Peggy Zugehar President

Barbra Frank Andrisani

Maria Rosini Gunther ’92 Vice President

Nora Sylvestre President Elect

Albert Minutola ’68 Treasurer

Virginia “Gigi” (Shields) Slattery ’86 Vice President

Matthew Manlove ’97 Secretary

Jennifer (Reardon) Sullivan ‘83 Corresponding Secretary

Michael Pembroke ’71 Past President

Susan McBride Recording Secretary

John Gerard

Theresa Carroll ’85

Anne Diggins Treasurer

William F. Githens ’64

Stephen J. Crifasi ’69

Michael J. Hare ’79

Capt. Martin J. Devine ’74

John E. Healy, III

Robert Dunn ‘55

Carl E. Hertrich

Danielle Filliben ’85

Genevieve Burke Marino ’83

Sean Filliben ’86

Francis J. McKee ’68

D. Michael Gioffre, Jr., D.D.S. ‘90

Debra Whitby-Norman

Stefan Gunther ’92

Douglas R. Quaintance

Emily Leach ’01

Fr. Joseph Serano, O.Praem

Noelle Lauer-Paregian ’94

Mary Ann Slowik ’79

Michael Matassino ’92

Kathleen E. Wunner, Ph.D.

Thomas Raymond ‘97

Fr. Theodore Antry, O.Praem Matthew J. Bastian ’83 Richard M. Beck ‘82 James F. Bonner, M.D. Linda M. Branco John A .“Pete” Clark , III, Esq. ’64 John V. Flynn, Jr. Ph.D. ’60

Anthony S. “T.J.” Voell ’89 Anthony G. Flynn, Esq. ’69 Legal Counsel Michael A. Marinelli, Ed.D. ’76 Executive Officer


David Zakielarz ’89

Fathers’ Club 2011-12 Richard Sweeny ‘83 President

Gifts to Archmere Academy All Gifts to Archmere Academy Received between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012

Gifts to Archmere Academy

July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2012

Amanda Chandler Performing Arts.................................................................$1,000.00 Archmere Fund............................................................................................$503,554.00 Archmere Alumni Association Legacy Scholarship Fund..............................$10,100.00 Capital Campaign........................................................................................$264,590.88 Carolyn Handy Letts Memorial Scholarship Fund...........................................$6,941.00 Class 1949/Justin E. Diny Memorial Scholarship Fund.......................................$100.00 David Coates ‘84 Scholarship Fund....................................................................$500.00 Denning Family Scholarship Fund.....................................................................$500.00 Endowment Scholarship Fund........................................................................$2,720.00 Giacco Family Scholarship...............................................................................$1,000.00 Goett Family Scholarship...................................................................................$100.00 Green Family Scholarship...................................................................................$250.00 John H. Kennedy III 1998 Memorial Scholarship Fund..................................$1,300.00 John J. and Joan P. Hare Endowment Scholarship Fund.................................$3,100.00 Margaret C. King Memorial Scholarship Fund...................................................$238.56 Mr. and Mrs. John Flynn, Sr. Scholarship Fund...............................................$1,000.00 Paul & Mary Andrisani Scholarship Fund.......................................................$1,750.00 Restricted Annual Giving.............................................................................$183,490.90 Anonymous Gift For Market Expansion.........................................................$87,500.00 Friends of the Patio......................................$10,275.90 Gifts for Special Purposes............................$71,940.00 Manor Restoration Fund for the Arts..........$13,775.00 Rev. Henry Kerr ‘58 Scholarship.........................................................................$300.00 Rev. Jos. McLaughlin Jubilee Minority Scholarship Fund...................................$550.00 Rev. Joseph McLaughlin Scholarship Fund.........................................................$200.00 The Pasquale Marinelli 1991 Scholarship Fund.................................................$350.00 Wang Family Scholarship Fund.....................................................................$66,666.00 Willard and Lyli Anzilotti Scholarship Fund....................................................$1,100.00 William Mathews ‘70 Scholarship Fund.............................................................$200.00 Grand Total 2011-2012...............................................................$1,051,601.34


Donors for the 2011-2012 Fiscal Year

Our most sincere thanks to everyone who made gifts to support Archmere in the 2011-2012 fiscal year. Several new giving societies were created to recognize the contributions of our most generous donors. In the spirit of our Norbertine heritage they are named after influential followers of St. Norbert. Donors are recognized for their cumulative giving to all funds throughout the fiscal year. An extended version of the 2011-2012 Honor Roll of Donors, with additional statistics, category listings and contributors by fund, is available online at under “Giving.”

St. Augustine Society $100,000+

St. Godfrey Society $10,000-$14,999

Benefactor $2,500-$4,999


Mr. William F. Githens ‘64 & Mrs. Marie Pat R. Githens

Mrs. Barbra F. Andrisani

St. Norbert Society $75,000-$99,999

Mr. & Mrs. David D. Marky

Mr. John G. Ambrogi, Jr. ‘76 & Mrs. Kristy K. Ambrogi

Mr. David C. White & Dr. Diane L. Ferry & Ms. Megan E. White ‘06

Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Newtown Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Shields ‘60


Blessed Hugh Society $50,000-$74,999 Dr. Sean Wang & Ms. Monica Ho

Founder $5,000-$9,999 Mr. & Mrs. Rocco A. Abessinio Dr. & Mrs. James F. Bonner Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Ciarrocchi, Jr.

St. Evermode Society $25,000-$49,999 Archmere Mothers’ Guild Dr. John V. Flynn, Jr. ‘60 & Mrs. Mary Lou Flynn Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Freeh Mr. Kevin & Mrs. Rosemary Gilroy

St. Herman Joseph Society $15,000-$24,999 Anonymous Archmere Alumni Association

Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Dianastasis Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Ehrlichman Mr. David C. Eppes Mr. Anthony G. Flynn, Esq. ‘69 & Mrs. Catherine C. Flynn

Ms. Gina M. Arangio ‘90 Archmere Fathers’ Club Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Arvedlund Mr. Matthew J. Bastian ‘83 & Mrs. Jennifer M. (Kratsa) Bastian ‘87 Mr. Richard M. Beck ‘82 & Mrs. Liz Beck Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bellew Dr. John P. Borneman, Ph.D. ‘76 & Dr. Anne Marie (Albert) Borneman ‘77 Caring Cleaners, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Albert F. Carter, III Mr. Francis J. Catania, Esq. ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Lammot Copeland, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Hertrich Mr. & Mrs. John B. Kelly Mr. Kevin M. Kelly ‘81 & Mrs. Shari M. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Marinelli

Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gentile

Mr. John McBride & Mrs. Sue McBride

Mr. & Mrs. John S. Gerard

Mr. Frank J. McKee ‘68 & Mrs. Karen Madonna

Mr. F. Phillip Handy

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Moore

Mr. Michael J. Hare ‘79

Mr. Stephen C. Norman, Esq. & Mrs. Debra Whitby-Norman

Mr. Gary E. Hindes Mr. David P. Hogan ‘87 & Mrs. Michelle L. Hogan Dr. Gerard Kuhn & Dr. Katherine King

Mr. John D. Pastor ‘58 & Mrs. Diane Pastor Mr. Michael F. Reilly & Mrs. Elaine C. (Fry) Reilly ‘83

Mr. William C. Smith & Ms. Janet Staats

Mr. Jeffrey J. Slowik & Mrs. Mary Ann E. (O’Brien) Slowik ‘79

Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. West

Mr. David A. Voell ‘89 & Mrs. Tara Voell Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Walsh, Jr. Mr. Louis A. Ziccarelli ‘80 & Mrs. Catherine H. Ziccarelli


Patron $1,500-$2,499

Fellow $1,000-$1,499

Mr. David Chartier ‘84 & Mrs. Cleopha H. Chartier

Mr. Thomas H. Anderson, III ‘60 & Mrs. Carol J. Anderson

Dr. Fabian E. Alzamora ‘72

Mr. Kris R. Coghlan ‘76 & Mrs. Jodi Coghlan

Dr. Damian M. Andrisani ‘91 & Mrs. Jennifer M. Andrisani

Comstar Technologies

Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. David W. Boothe Brickman Group, LTD

Mr. Richard B. Angiullo ‘90 & Mrs. Holly Angiullo

Mr. & Mrs. John F. Cirillo, III

Mr. Arthur G. Connolly, Jr. ‘55 & Mrs. Joan Connolly

Anonymous (2)

Dr. Ronald G. Connolly ‘57 & Mrs. Sieglinde E. Connolly

Mr. John A. Clark, III ‘64

Dr. Clifford L. Anzilotti ‘59 & Mrs. Sandra P. Anzilotti

The Honorable & Mrs. Alan Cooper

Class of 1978

Mr. Michael Baeurle & Mrs. Rebecca Baeurle

Mr. Kevin J. Coghlan ‘76 & Mrs. Sharon Coghlan

Mr. Frank J. Behm ‘74 & Mrs. Andrea M. Behm

Mr. & Mrs. T. Daniel Christenbury

Dr. George T. J. Cunningham ‘55 & Mrs. Patricia K. Cunningham

Mr. & Mrs. Mark G. Blythe

Dr. D. Michael DeSimone ‘75 & Mrs. B. J. DeSimone

Mr. David A. Bongiovanni ‘72 & Mrs. Teresa Bongiovanni

Mr. Raymond F. Donovan ‘79 & Mrs. Janice Donovan Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Fortunato, Esq.

Independent Transfer Operators

Mr. John J. Bongiovanni ‘67 & Mrs. Susan Jane Miller

Dr. & Mrs. Neil B. Jasani

Mr. Robert W. Bonvetti ‘98

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M. Julian

Mr. Michael C. Boyd ‘59 & Mrs. Ruth Boyd

Mr. Richard J. Giacco, Esq. ‘70 & Mrs. Lisa M. Giacco

Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Kennedy

Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore J. Branco

Mr. Anthony A. Latini ‘82 & Mrs. Eileen O. Latini

Dr. James P. Byrnes & Dr. Barbara A. Wasik

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. DeSantis Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence S. Giordano Dr. & Mrs. Richard M. Haupt

Mr. Ronald P. Lee ‘61 & Mrs. Rita C. Lee

Mr. Carl S. Campion ‘76 & Mrs. Joyce A. Campion

Mrs. Stephanie (Penna) Lutz ‘83

Mr. Paul L. Casey ‘75 & Mrs. Kathryn T. Casey

Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Matarese, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. James T. Chandler, IV

Dr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Fulda

Dr. D. Michael M. Gioffre, Jr. ‘90 & Mrs. Krista M. Gioffre Mr. Michael J. Gioffre ‘81 Mr. Michael W. Githens ‘90 & Mrs. Danielle W. Githens Mr. Thomas C. Grimm, Esq. ‘73 & Mrs. Janet Grimm

Mr. William McGlinchey ‘82 & Mrs. Katherine R. McGlinchey ModernControls, Inc. The Honorable & Mrs. Donald F. Parsons, Jr. Dr. Stanley T. Praiss ‘57 & Mrs. Ursula L. Praiss Mr. William F. Schollins ‘64 Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Siegfried, Jr. Mr. Spencer Slattery & Mrs. Virginia S. (Shields) Slattery ‘86 Mr. Andrew Thomson & Mrs. Carol R. (Reardon) Thomson ‘79 Dr. Anthony A. Vasile ‘74 & Mrs. Lori A. Vasile Dr. & Mrs. Bing Zhang

Several Archmere students were named 2012 St. Francis de Sales Outstanding Catholic School Seniors. (Back row, left to right:) Ali Hazel, Elyse Andrews, Sean McMahon, Matt Walters (Front row left to right:) Christina Lawless, Abigail Young, Most Rev. W. Francis Malooly, Bishop of Wilmington, Kerith Wang, and Caroline Lawless. 37

Donors for the 2011-2012 Fiscal Year

Fellow (cont) $1,000-$1,499

Mr. William H. Ulmer, D.O. & Mrs. Dannielle K. (Kissel) Ulmer ‘94


Dr. Stephen J. Usala ‘72 & Dr. Faye O’Brien Usala

Mr. & Mrs. John H. Kennedy, Jr.

Mr. David C. White

Dr. Joseph A. Kuhn ‘65 & Mrs. Virginia F. Kuhn

Dr. F. Thomas Witomski ‘54

Dr. & Mrs. Richard W. Kruse

Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Witsil

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Kubacki

Mr. Paul J. Wolownik ‘72 & Mrs. Ellen D. Wolownik

Dr. Myroslaw J. Kyj ‘63 & Dr. Larissa S. Kyj Mr. & Mrs. Alan B. Levin Dr. Michael A. Marinelli ‘76 & Mrs. Diane C. Marinelli

Dr. & Ms. John Xiao Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Zappa Dr. & Mrs. Shawn Zhang

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Marinelli Dr. James R. McBride ‘61 & Mrs. Carol McBride Mr. Patrick J. McCarthy & Mrs. Michele S. (Szimkunas) McCarthy ‘79 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. McCollom, Esq. Mr. E. Robert Meaney ‘65 & Mrs. Angenette Meaney

Sponsor $500-$999 Mr. William C. Anderson, III ‘65 & Mrs. Christine Anderson Rev. Theodore J. Antry, O.Praem.

Mr. & Mrs. Peter V. Curcio Mr. Louis P. D’Angelo ‘64 & Mrs. Carol E. D’Angelo Delaware Nature Society Mr. & Mrs. John H. Denning Mr. & Mrs. Allan R. Dever Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Diggins The Honorable Joseph G. DiPinto ‘50 & Mrs. Patricia M. DiPinto Mr. & Mrs. Eugene A. DiPrinzio Mr. Lawrence DiSabatino ‘73 & Mrs. Beth DiSabatino Mr. Robert R. Dorsch ‘61 & Mrs. Candice M. Dorsch Mr. Anthony J. Dougherty ‘58 & Mrs. Kathleen Dougherty Mr. John E. Dougherty, Jr. ‘52 & Mrs. Bonnie B. Dougherty Mr. Kenneth D. Falkenstein ‘84 & Mrs. Lori A. (Lopresti) Falkenstein ‘84

Mr. & Mr. William Mericle

Dr. Kert F. Anzilotti ‘61 & Mrs. Marie G. Anzilotti

Dr. & Ms. Joseph A. Miller, Jr.

Dr. & Mrs. Gerry T. Appleton

Mr. Albert J. Minutola ‘68 & Mrs. Marie I. Minutola

Mr. Joseph E. Atencio & Mrs. Kathleen B. (Nilon) Atencio ‘77

Dr. G. Dennis O’Brien

Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Bacon, Esq.

Mr. Vincent J. Filliben ‘47 & Mrs. Eleanor M. Filliben

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. O’Dwyer

Dr. & Mrs. Barry Bakst

Mr. & Ms. W. Joseph Ford, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah J. Ortner

Dr. David E. Bartkus ‘66 & Dr. Carolyn Y. Woo

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Fosbenner

Dr. Robert A. Penna ‘85 & Mrs. Melanie A. Penna

Dr. Louis E. Bartoshesky ‘62 & Mrs. Patricia Bartoshesky

Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel G. Fournaris

Mr. & Mrs. John Pettinelli

Mr. Richard E. Berl ‘49 & Mrs. Joan R. Berl

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Phillips

Mr. T. Reed Bonner ‘91

Dr. Joseph D. Piorkowski, Jr. ‘74 & Mrs. Marji Piorkowski

Dr. Thomas A. Brooks ‘76 & Mrs. Deborah A. Brooks

Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Reardon, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Ciconte, Esq.

Mr. Thomas S. Ryan & Dr. Catherine M. Bonuccelli

Class of 2010

Sage Dining Services

Mr. Martin J. Cosenza ‘89 & Mrs. Stefanie Cosenza

Mr. Leonard V. Santivasi ‘60 & Mrs. Denise M. Santivasi

Mrs. Isabelle E. Coates

Mr. John J. Costa

Dr. & Mrs. Frank L. Schadt, III

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick L. Cottrell, III

Mr. & Mrs. George H. Seitz, III

Mr. John J. Cunningham ‘78 & Mrs. Alyce Cunningham

Dr. & Mrs. Russell J. Tibbetts


Mr. Chaiben J. Fas-Alzamora ‘61 & Mrs. Barbara M. Ramos-Hermann Mr. Francis J. Filliben ‘46 & Mrs. Joan M. Filliben

Mr. Carmen M. Franceschino ‘72 Dr. & Mrs. Anthony B. Furey Mr. & Mrs. Anthony N. Giannini Gioffre Benefit Services Mr. Domenic S. Grillo ‘65 Mr. Patrick T. Hare ‘81 & Mrs. Bernardine Hare Mr. & Mrs. John E. Healy, III Mr. Brian Hopkins & Mrs. Jennifer M. (Julian) Hopkins ‘96 Dr. Stephen J. Horan ‘72 & Dr. Sheila B. Horan Mr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Iacobucci Mr. & Mrs. Suken C. Jogani Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Julian, Sr.

Dan & Peggy Kennedy John F. Kennedy Library Foundation, Inc. Mr. Brendan S. Killeen ‘73 & Mrs. Carol I. Killeen Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Kraft

Mr. Paul Padien & Mrs. Susan (Mingey) Padien ‘84

Mr. Curt E. Zahnow 1986

Mr. Michael E. Pembroke ‘71 & Mrs. Marcia S. Pembroke

Sustainer $250-$499

Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Penza, Jr.

Mr. David J. Kubacki ‘92

Mr. Michael W. Phillips ‘97 & Mrs. Jessica F. Phillips

Ms. Kimberly A. Kuryea ‘85

Mr. & Mrs. William W. Phillips

Ms. Lada M. Kyj ‘99

Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Pomeroy, Jr.

Mr. David G. Lambert ‘72

Mr. John P. Praskac, III ‘65

Mr. Joseph L. Lanteri ‘78

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas R. Quaintance

Mr. Anthony A. Latini ‘60 & Mrs. Katherine Kraft

Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Quinn

Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Leonard, III Dr. & Mrs. Austin A. Lobo Ms. Isabel MacDermott Mr. & Mrs. James F. Malseed Mr. Steven Matranga & Mrs. Donna DeMattro-Matranga Dr. Ronald J. Mattson ‘63 & Mrs. Mary Ann Mattson Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McDermott

Mr. Marc J. Albero ‘91 & Mrs. Stephanie Albero Dr. & Mrs. Phillip S. Allender

Mr. & Mrs. Marc S. Raspanti, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Dino F. Altoe

Mrs. Michele M. Rollins

Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Ambrose, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Justin M. Ryan

Mr. Harold P. Anderson ‘64 & Mrs. Ginny Anderson

Mr. & Mrs. John F. Sarro Mr. Paul H. Scarbrough ‘79 Dr. & Mrs. William K. Schmidt Rev. Joseph A. Serano, O.Praem.

Mr. John T. McKenna ‘49

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Shopa, Sr.

Col. Joseph V. McLaughlin ‘66

Mr. & Mrs. John S. Spadaro

Mr. John S. McManus, Jr. ‘66 & Mrs. Fay L. McManus

Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Stalnecker

Mr. Donald W. McNeill & Mrs. Susan E. (Conforte) McNeill ‘82

Mr. & Mrs. Philip Adler

Mr. David J. Allsman, Esq. ‘95 & Mrs. Erin Ritter Allsman

Mr. Brian M. McGlinchey ‘87

Mr. Patrick T. McNamara ‘81 & Mrs. Joan L. (Lucey) McNamara ‘84

Mr. & Mrs. Donald T. Adams

Mr. & Mrs. Marcus E. Rabil

Mr. Daniel F. Shields, III ‘42 & Mrs. Beatrice F. Shields

Mr. E. Michael McNally, Esq. ‘65 & Mrs. Janice C. McNally

Ms. Joanne F. Abessinio ‘97

Anonymous (5) Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Audet, Sr. Ms. Angela August Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Bannon Mr. Richard M. Bastian ‘82 & Mrs. Lisa A. Bastian Mr. & Mrs. David T. Beatson Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Beck

Mr. & Mrs. David M. Stepanski

Mr. Sean J. Bellew, Esq. ‘90 & Mrs. MaryJo Bellew

Mr. Andrew C. Strine ‘86

Mr. & Mrs. Piylish Bhaidaswala

Mr. & Mrs. Donal P. Sullivan

Dr. Marta L. Biskup

Dr. Jose G. Tiongson, Jr. & Dr. Eleanor S. Tiongson

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Bock

Mr. & Mrs. James P. Tosi

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond H. Brown, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gerard S. Buckley

Mr. Joseph P. Melloy, Sr. ‘52

Mr. & Mrs. Karlis R. Ulmanis

Dr. & Mrs. Theodore W. Michell

Mr. Anthony S. Voell ‘89

Mrs. Madalyn K. Mingey

Mr. Robert J. Voge ‘82 & Mrs. Judith A. Voge

Dr. James W. Byers, III & Dr. Stephanie A. Chuipek

Mr. & Mrs. Edward H. Murphy

Mr. & Mrs. John L. Vondran

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin T. Byrnes

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Murray

Mr. Edward S. Walsh ‘79

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas B. Canfield

Mr. Sandon R. Nixon ‘92

Dr. & Mrs. John A. Wehner, A.I.A.

Dr. & Mrs. H. Bruce Carrick

Mr. Edward G. O’Neill ‘43

Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Witterholt

Dr. David W. Oslin & Dr. Sharon A. Oslin

Dr. William H. Wunner & Dr. Kathleen Wunner

Mr. James Chambers & Mrs. Kristin E. (Gallagher) Chambers ‘99

Mr. & Mrs. David Pacitti

Ms. Danielle K. Yearick, Esq. ‘90

Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Bussiere

Mr. Harry H. Chaykun ‘64 & Mrs. Joan C. Chaykun


Donors for the 2011-2012 Fiscal Year

Sustainer (cont) $250-$499

Dr. Vincent F. X. Deeney ‘66 & Mrs. Donna M. Deeney

Rev. Michael K. Evans, Sr. ‘77 & Mrs. Elizabeth D. Evans

Mr. & Mrs. John J. DeMaio

Dr. Paul J. Fagan & Dr. Nancy L. Jones

Dr. Joseph A. Ciampoli ‘86 & Mrs. Carin Marie T. Ciampoli

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Dempsey

Dr. John V. Fenice & Mrs. Mary High

Mr. John X. Denney, Jr. ‘63 & Mrs. Mary L. Denney

Mr. Sean M. Filliben ‘86 & Mrs. Danielle M. (Zakielarz) Filliben ‘85

Mr. R. Scott Devenny ‘75 & Mrs. Patricia K. Devenny

Mr. Jeffrey D. Finocchiaro ‘92

Computer System Resource, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Conaway

Mr. Donn Devine ‘46 & Mrs. Betty Devine

Mr. Charles G. Conway, Ph.D. ‘52

Mr. & Mrs. Samuel J. DiFerdinando

Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Copeland

Mr. James E. Dolphin & Mrs. Tina P. Cernugel

Mr. James G. Copeland ‘50

Mr. & Mrs. Almon C. Donnelly

Mr. Albert T. Cosenza ‘91 & Mrs. Grace Cosenza

Mr. F. Mark D’Onofrio ‘71 & Mrs. Sandy L. D’Onofrio

Mr. Donald T. Coughlin ‘58 & Mrs. Pat Coughlin

Mr. B. Christopher Dougherty, Ph.D. ‘85 & Mrs. Joanne Dougherty

Mr. Howard J. Gallagher, III ‘67 & Mrs. Maryalice Gallagher

Dr. Michael Coughlin & Dr. Ann Hriciga

Mr. Paul J. Dougherty ‘96 & Mrs. Andrea Dougherty

Mr. William F. Gallen

Mr. Joel W. Dowling ‘93

Mr. William E. Gehrman ‘88

Dr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Creekmore

Dr. & Mrs. William J. Doyle

Mr. & Mrs. Bruce W. Georgov

Mr. Robert G. Culin, Jr. ‘67 & Mrs. Patricia A. Culin

Mr. & Mrs. George J. Dramis, IV

Mr. Stephen J. Goett ‘72 & Mrs. Carol Goett

Mr. Thomas J. Dujmovich, Jr. ‘70 & Mrs. Arlene B. Dujmovich

Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Gordon

Mr. James J. Curren ‘88 & Mrs. Dana Curren Mr. & Mrs. Paul Davies

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Duszak

Dr. Pedro Dayrit & Dr. Maria Fernandez-Dayrit

Mr. Christopher A. Emmi, Esq. ‘82 & Mrs. Donna M. Emmi, Esq.

Mrs. Emily L. (Julian) Coccaro ‘92 Ms. Kathryn E. Collins ‘98

Mr. John W. Craven ‘43 & Mrs. M. Virginia Craven

Mr. James T. Fitzgerald, Esq. ‘76 Mr. Adam R. Fitzner ‘91 Flynn & O’Hara Uniforms, Inc. Mrs. Gail Foth Mr. & Mrs. James Foulk Mr. & Mrs. Steven L. Frankel

Mr. & Mrs. David B. Gazzillo

Mr. & Mrs. Peter T. Gray Dr. & Mrs. William H. Green Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Guerin Mr. & Mrs. Dmitry Gusakov Mr. Leo A. Hackett, Esq. ‘60 Ms. Cabray L. Haines ‘96 Dr. Wei Han & Dr. Ying Wang Mr. John P. Hanlon, III ‘78 & Mrs. Julie Hanlon Mr. John B. Hartnett, III ‘52 & Mrs. Loretta S. Hartnett Mr. & Mrs. E. Thomas Harvey, III Mr. Francis A. Harvey, Jr. ‘60 & Mrs. Caroline Harvey Rev. William M. Hazzard ‘55 Mr. John J. Hemphill ‘51 & Mrs. Eileen Hemphill

Over Spring Break 2012, Archmere juniors and seniors traveled to Avery County, NC to work with the Habitat for Humanity organization, building homes in the area. Left to right: Ms. Jillian Waldman, Abby Young ‘12, Leigh Henjes ‘13, Mr. Mike Johnson, Lexi Schubert ‘12, Emily Pinto ‘12, Mr. Neil McCall, Gabby Fortunato ‘12, Kevin Murphy ‘12, Jason Andrechak ‘13, Kerry Walsh ‘12. 40

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Herzog Mr. & Mrs. Karl Hill Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Hogue

Mr. Michael J. Huppe ‘86 & Mrs. Maria E. Huppe

Dr. Gerard M. McGeehan ‘76 & Dr. Judith P. Ways

Mr. Peter S. Robinson ‘60 & Mrs. Ann Robinson

Dr. & Mrs. James W. Husted

Capt. Thomas P. McGuire ‘56 & Mrs. Judy Koonce McGuire

Mr. James N. Rogers & Mrs. Sarah E. (Gioffre) Rogers ‘93

Mr. Mark E. McLaughlin ‘68 & Mrs. Karen McLaughlin

Mr. John W. Rollins, III ‘88 & Mrs. Carin Rollins

Mr. Joseph W. Janssen, Jr. ‘57 & Mrs. Eileen Janssen Mr. Jeffrey J. Jenkins ‘91 Mr. John J. Jordan, III ‘80 & Mrs. Noreen O. Jordan

Mr. Mark H. McLaughlin ‘56 & Mrs. Nelda M. McLaughlin

Mr. Danilo R. Salameda & Dr. Pam M. Moore Mr. Charles A. Sanbe Jr. ‘78 & Mrs. Lynne Marie Sanbe

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Kane

Dr. Robert L. McNamara ‘82 & Dr. Cindy McNamara

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kennedy

Ms. Erin P. McNichol ‘92

Mr. Stephen L. Sapienza ‘69

Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Kielar

Mr. & Mrs. James A. Melvin

Mr. & Mrs. William A. Schatzman

Mr. & Mrs. C. Wayne Kingston

Mr. Andrew K. Merz & Mrs. Anne Broussard

Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Shea

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Kissel

Mr. Michael F. Miscoski ‘66 & Mrs. Kyle M. Miscoski

Mr. & Mrs. John W. Simons, IV

Mr. J. Michael Monaco ‘85

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Krygowski

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Singley

Mr. Michael J. Monaco ‘61

Mr. Michael A. Kulis ‘87 & Mrs. Rachel Kulis

Dr. & Mrs. David P. Smack

Ms. Kathryn R. Morro ‘92

Dr. Stephen J. Kushner ‘80 & Mrs. Pamela G. Kushner

Dr. Joseph M. Small ‘61 & Mrs. Susan Small

Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Murphy

Ms. Elizabeth Smigielski

Mr. Arthur M. Naccarelli

Dr. James A. Stockman, III ‘61 & Mrs. Lee Stockman

Mr. Francis A. Korwek ‘69 & Mrs. Angela D. Korwek

Mr. & Mrs. Harry Kutch Mr. William J. Letts, III Mr. Thomas G. Lewis, III ‘62 & Mrs. Pauline D. Lewis Ms. Darlene D. Lin ‘93 Mr. William P. Lloyd ‘73 & Mrs. Cynthia L. Lloyd Prof. John A. Loughney ‘65 & Mrs. Amy Loughney Mr. Frederick J. Lutz ‘77 & Mrs. Lisa A. Lutz Mr. & Mrs. George Lyon Mr. Robert H. Mackey ‘50 Mr. Richard V. Maiocco ‘73 & Mrs. Christine S. Maiocco Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Malfitano Mr. Matthew G. Manlove ‘97 Mr. Joseph G. Marini ‘78 & Mrs. Gay K. Marini Ms. Genevieve Burke Marino ‘83

Mrs. Maureen Newton Mr. & Mrs. John J. Nocket Mr. John J. Nowaczyk ‘87 & Mrs. Ciara M. (O’Connell) Nowaczyk ‘87 Dr. & Mrs. Anthony O’Koren Mr. Jeffrey L. Olmstead ‘71 & Mrs. Karen A. Olmstead Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. O’Mara Col. Francis D. Pacello ‘57 & Mrs. Carol A. Pacello Mr. & Mrs. Matthew M. Pammer Mr. Stephen P. Patrizio ‘69 & Mrs. Judith M. Patrizio Mr. & Mrs. Matthew P. Payne Mr. John Powell ‘61 & Mrs. Lynda Powell Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Profita Mr. & Mrs. John J. Quinn

Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Mattern

Mr. Raymond F. Quinn, Jr. ‘76 & Mrs. Carol R. Quinn

Dr. & Mrs. Douglas E. Mazzuca

Dr. Leo W. Raisis & Dr. Irene Raisis

Mr. Michael J. McCadden, Esq. ‘77

Mr. David A. Repka ‘75 & Mrs. Janet N. Repka

Mr. Brian McDonald & Mrs. Leahbeth R. (Weis) McDonald ‘83

Dr. Michael X. Repka ‘72 & Dr. Mary Anne Facciolo

Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Sandos

Mr. Rajbir Singh ‘00

Dr. John D. Sullivan ‘83 & Mrs. Jennifer R. (Reardon) Sullivan ‘83 Mr. C. Leslie Sweeney ‘85 & Mrs. Sarah Sweeney Dr. David B. Thomas, II ‘98 Dr. Richard Thompson ‘51 & Dr. Irene Thompson Mr. John J. Tosi, Jr. ‘66 & Mrs. Patrice P. Tosi Mr. Nicholas Trainer ‘83 & Mrs. Pamela A. Trainer Dr. Bruce A. Twarog ‘70 & Mrs. Barbara Twarog Mr. & Mrs. John R. Vaile, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony L. Voell Mr. John J. Wasniewski ‘99 Mr. John V. Watson ‘83 & Mrs. Kimberly H. Watson Jocelyn Voell Wells ‘90 Dr. Henri F. Wendel ‘43 Ms. Darla F. Wilson Mrs. Kathleen Wright Dr. Gang Xu & Dr. Fan Wang


Donors for the 2011-2012 Fiscal Year

Sustainer (cont) $250-$499

Mr. Richard E. Berl, Jr. ‘72 & Mrs. Sheree J. Berl

Mr. William J. Burkavage, Jr. ‘66 & Mrs. Judith G. Burkavage

Ms. Mary Ann Bernacky

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Zakielarz

Mr. & Mrs. David Bice

Mr. Christopher Burke & Mrs. Michele C. (Sack) Burke ‘85

Mr. James L. Zawicki

Mr. & Mrs. David G. Bills

Dr. Miroslaw Zdunek & Dr. Monika Partyka-Zdunek

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Blaisdell

Mr. Kenneth A. Zimmerman & Mrs. Sheila A. (Sullivan) Zimmerman ‘86

Mr. Martin P. Bonnes ‘81

Mr. & Mrs. David A. Bolner Ms. Megan H. (Hazzard) Boswick ‘88

Contributor $100-$249 Dr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Abbott Mrs. Marcy Aitken Mr. Josh M. Alcorn ‘99 & Brianna Danielle Alcorn Mr. & Mrs. Alan Aleixo Mr. Christopher J. Ambrogi ‘11 Mr. Michael K. Ambrogi ‘11 Mr. Frank Andrews & Dr. Carla Andrews Anonymous Mr. Keith W. Anzilotti ‘56 & Mrs. Barbara Anzilotti Lt. Col. Austin T. Appleton ‘89 Mr. & Mrs. Stanley E. Arasim

Mr. & Mrs. William B. Boundy, Jr.

Mr. Gerard P. Burke ‘48 & Mrs. Ann M. Burke Mr. William Burns ‘56 & Mrs. Grace Burns Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Calabrese Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Cancelliere Jr., Esq. Dr. Qing Cao & Mrs. Fangling Wang Dr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Carbo

Mrs. Dianne Bowen

Mr. Frank J. Carlino ‘49 & Mrs. Ann Marie Carlino

Mr. James T. Bowers ‘76 & Mrs. Rebecca Bowers

Mr. Gerald E. Carpenter ‘66 & Mrs. Margaret A. Carpenter

Mr. Joseph C. Bowers ‘73 & Mrs. Helen L. Bowers

Mr. Benedict Carroll

Dr. David A. Boyajian ‘96 & Mrs. Annette Boyajian

Mr. Daniel B. Carroll ‘80 & Mrs. Suzanne Carroll

Mr. Kimber H. Boyer, Jr. ‘60

Dr. Mark F. Carroll ‘77 & Mrs. Christine M. Stephenson

Mr. Francis Boyle ‘37 & Mrs. Anne B. Boyle

Mrs. Melanne Caverly

Mr. Michael T. Boyle ‘95 & Mrs. Michelle Boyle

Mr. Peter J. Cekaitis ‘79

Mr. Stephen J. Bozzo ‘87

Mr. Christopher L. Chambers & Mrs. Denise A. (Doyle) Chambers ‘89

Mr. J. Frank Braceland ‘68 & Mrs. Monica R. Braceland Mr. John G. Braceland ‘71 & Mrs. Linda L. Braceland

Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Chapman Mr. & Mrs. Haiqiang Chen Dr. Wu Chen & Mrs. Tina Zhao

Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Aulen

Mr. Gary A. Bradford & Mrs. Deborah L. (Giles) Bradford ‘84

Mr. Paul C. Badame, Esq. ‘91

Mr. John E. Bradley ‘64 & Mrs. Gayla Bradley

The Churchill Family

Dr. Andrejs Baidins & Mrs. Dzintra Baidins

Mr. J. Patrick Bradley & The Honorable Kathleen C. Lucas

Mr. Michael Ciliberti ‘75 & Mrs. Bonnie Ciliberti

Mr. Joseph P. Brooks ‘72 & Mrs. Denise M. Brooks

Mr. Vincent P. Cipollone ‘59 & Mrs. Betty Cipollone Mr. Joseph P. Clark ‘77 & Mrs. Joanne F. Clark

Mr. John M. Barnum ‘80

Mr. John C. Brostrom & Mrs. Geralyn M. (Getty) Brostrom ‘79

Mr. & Mrs. Julian H. Baumann, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Broussard

Mr. Matthew D. Baxter ‘89 & Mrs. Stacey A. Baxter

Mr. Thomas E. Brown ‘51 & Mrs. Mary Ellen Brown

Mr. Brian Bellew

Dr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Browne

Mr. Joseph J. Bellew ‘80 & Mrs. Kelly A. Bellew

Mr. & Mrs. William L. Browning

Mr. Kevin M. Bellew ‘87 & Mrs. Lisa Bellew

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bryant

Mr. & Mrs. David A. Berger

Mr. Michael Buchanan ‘65 & Mrs. Joan Buchanan

Ms. Christine L. Bambu Mr. & Mrs. David J. Barnard Ms. Ellen M. Barnard ‘84

Mr. Kenneth R. Berl ‘82 & Mrs. Meghann Berl


Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Burdziak, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Christiansen

Mr. & Mrs. Kurt S. Clements, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. David P. Cline, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Cocco Mr. Michael A. Cogdall & Ms. Katherine L. (Romano) Cogdall ‘96 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick E. Coggins Mr. & Mrs. Norwood J. Coleman Dr. Joseph C. College ‘56 & Mrs. Judith N. College

Mr. & Mrs. James T. Collins

Mr. Edwin J. Dealy ‘91 & Mrs. Heather L. Dealy

Mr. Mark D. Collins, Esq.

Mr. & Mrs. Edwin M. Dealy

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Conaty

Mr. Mark Dechellis & Dr. Patricia O. (Olympia) Dechellis ‘92

Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Conde Ms. Marian Conforte Mr. Kevin J. Conmy ‘81 & Mrs. Diana M. Conmy Dr. Dennis M. Conneen ‘64 & Mrs. Patricia Conneen

Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin H. Deeble, Jr. Dr. Jude T. Deeney ‘77 & Mrs. Tomoko Deeney Mr. Stephen E. Della Noce ‘04 Mr. & Mrs. Tracey S. Dennewitz

Mr. Edward J. Duffy ‘74 & Mrs. Mary Lynn Duffy Mr. & Mrs. Colin Dunlavey Mr. Leo Dusa Mr. John C. Edwards ‘74 & Mrs. Eleanor Edwards Mr. Frederick A. Eissler ‘79 & Mrs. Helene A. (McHugh) Eissler ‘79

Mr. & Mrs. Dominick J. D’Eramo

Dr. Daniel J. Elliott ‘93 & Mrs. Michelle P. (Paraskewich) Elliott ‘93

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. DeSantis

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Emptage

Mr. Michael Consedine, Esq. & Mrs. Megan L. (Totino) Consedine, Esq. ‘87

Mr. Jeremiah Desmond ‘39

Ms. Lisa A. Epifano

Mr. Paul Desmond ‘48 & Mrs. Helen Desmond

Mrs. Marisa A. (Cole) Facciolo ‘93

Ms. Cassidy V. Conway ‘12

Mr. Keith S. Dever ‘83 & Mrs. Isabel M. Dever

Dr. Joseph O. Falodun

Mr. Richard L. Conway ‘65 & Mrs. Sandra R. Conway

Mr. & Mrs. John P. DeVido

Mrs. Topelolu Falodun

Mr. Martin J. Devine ‘74 & Mrs. Kelly J. Devine

Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Feld

Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Dewees

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ferma

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. DiBianca

Mr. Jonathan W. Ferro ‘95 & Mrs. Kathy (Rosini) Ferro ‘95

Mr. Patrick G. Conroy ‘91 & Mrs. Patrice Conroy

Dr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Coogan Mrs. Doris E. Cooney Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Corbett Ms. Colleen E. (Healy) Corrado ‘98 Mr. Douglas R. Corrigan ‘85 & Mrs. Catherine Corrigan Mr. Sean M. Corrigan ‘94 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Corsini

Mr. Robert M. Dieter ‘72 & Mrs. Carol A. Dieter Mrs. Theresa Dieter Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey C. Dillman

Mr. Michael L. DiSabatino ‘99 & Mrs. Catherine E. (Dodd) DiSabatino ‘99

Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Courtney

Mr. Michael T. Dogum ‘91

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cowperthwaite

Mr. Edward J. Dolphin ‘04

Mr. Gerald Coyne ‘71 & Mrs. Kathleen Coyne Dr. Eileen Crawford ‘99 & Mr. Dana Schmunk

Mr. Alan F. Dombrowski ‘78 & Mrs. Donna S. Dombrowski

Mr. William E. Craven, Jr. ‘44

Mrs. Deneen Donnley

Mr. Stephen J. Crifasi, Jr. ‘03

Mr. J. Michael Donohoe ‘92

Mr. Ernest Crofoot ‘42 & Mrs. Michele Crofoot

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin B. Donovan

Mr. Thomas S. Cross ‘69 & Mrs. Frances S. Cross

Mr. F. Neil Dougherty ‘85 & Mrs. Laura C. Dougherty

Mrs. Cynthia Cutler

Mr. Thomas M. Dougherty & Mrs. Anne (Filliben) Dougherty ‘84

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Dainton Mr. Eric Dalton & Mrs. Sandi L. (Ciarlo) Dalton ‘89 Mr. M. Gordon Daniels, Esq. ‘79 & Mrs. Carolyn C. Daniels Mr. & Mrs. Gedeon I. Deak

Mr. Adam H. Figueira ‘01

Mr. Mark J. DiNardo ‘79 & Mrs. Michele K. DiNardo

Dr. & Mrs. Frederick L. Cottrell

Mr. & Mrs. Hervine A. DaCosta

Mr. J. Ronald Fidler ‘49

Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Dowling Mr. William T. Doyle & Mrs. Andrea L. (Klocko) Doyle ‘84 Mr. Joseph J. Duda ‘72 & Mrs. Jean M. Duda Mr. Raymond A. Duda ‘68 & Mrs. Roslyn M. Duda

2012 Senior Class President Matthew Walters and VP Jake Prein at graduation. 43

Donors for the 2011-2012 Fiscal Year

Contributor (cont) $100-$249

Mr. John P. Garniewski, III ‘01

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Finizio

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Geimeier

Mrs. Marjorie Finley

Mrs. Laura M. (Marcinko) Gerard, Esq. ‘84

Mr. Daniel J. Fleming & Mrs. Hyunjoo (Byun) Fleming ‘88

Mr. Albert F. Giampietro ‘62 & Mrs. Dorothy Giampietro

Ms. June Fleming

Mr. & Mrs. F. George Gioffre

Mrs. Nancy A. Fleming

Mr. Joseph V. Giordano ‘00 & Amy Hirsch

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Ford

Mr. Christian B. Hagerty ‘93 & Mrs. Celestine Hagerty

Ms. Sharon Ford

Mr. Stephen P. Giovannini ‘79 & Mrs. Dawn E. Giovannini

Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Hahm, Esq.

Mr. Christopher R. Forrest ‘64

Mr. Brian C. Githens ‘92 & Mrs. Kate Githens

Mr. Lawrence T. Foti, Esq. ‘68

Mr. Matthew J. Githens ‘96

Mr. Thomas Hale & Mrs. Karen (McLaughlin) Hale ‘86

Dr. Alexander D. S. Fremuth, Ph.D. & Dr. Cynthia S. Fremuth

Mr. Francis E. Gleason ‘50 & Mrs. Mary S. Gleason

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hamilton

Ms. Kathryn E. Fulda ‘11

Mr. Sean E. Gleason ‘70

Dr. & Mrs. John F. Gajda

Dr. Timothy W. Gleason ‘67 & Mrs. Jennifer U. Gleason

Mr. Francis Gallagher ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. James M. Gallagher

Mr. Matthew T. Gehrt ‘96 & Mrs. Elizabeth Gehrt

Dr. James M. Goett ‘68 & Mrs. Lucy Goett

Mr. William H. Green, Jr. ‘79 & Mrs. Amanda C. (Cheetham) Green ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Dominic A. Gregorio, Jr. Dr. Ronald E. Gribbins ‘61 & Mrs. Martha A. Gribbins Mr. Stefan Gunther ‘92 & Mrs. Maria J. Rosini Gunther ‘92 Dr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Hacker, III

Mr. & Mrs. Dmitrios Halakos

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Hamilton, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. John P. Hanlon Mr. Michael E. Harkins ‘59 & Mrs. Helen Harkins

Mr. & Mrs. David C. Gorelick

Mr. Douglas J. Harrison ‘68 & Mrs. Joan K. Harrison

Dr. Richard E. Gorman ‘78

Harvard Environmental, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Galvin

Mr. Thomas W. Gorman ‘76 & Mrs. Nancy Gorman

Dr. Kirsten A. Hauer M.D.

Mr. James P. Gannon ‘82 & Mrs. Maureen Gannon

Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Graef

Mr. & Mrs. John Gallagher Ms. Kaitlin M. Gallagher ‘02

Mr. Stephen J. Gardiner & Mrs. Christine M. (Manubay) Gardiner ‘91

Mr. David M. Green ‘76 & Mrs. Geralyn S. (Savini) Williams ‘76

Mr. & Mrs. William O. Hazel Mrs. Sandra Hazzard Mr. Thomas A. Hazzard ‘61 & Mrs. Catherine Q. Hazzard Mr. & Mrs. Don Healy Mr. John D. Henry ‘42 & Mrs. Janet H. Henry Mr. John M. Herndon, II ‘57 & Mrs. Tina Herndon Mr. Francis J. Hickman ‘64 & Mrs. Stephanie Hickman Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Hicks Mr. Robert R. Hiddemen & Mrs. Donna M. (Shustack) Hiddemen ‘79 Mrs. Denise T. Hindes Mr. Mark M. Hodlofski & Mrs. Kristin K. (Kennedy) Hodlofski ‘91 Ms. Jody Hoffman Mr. William L. Hogan ‘81

At Baccalaurette, Dr. Marinelli presented Charles and Diane Ciarrocchi with a copy of Terry Newitt’s Patio print featuring seven graduates, representing their seven children who have now all graduated from Archmere. 44

Dr. I. Dennis Holgado ‘91 & Mrs. Jennifer J. (Graff) Holgado ‘91

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Holland

Mrs. Joan Krauss

Mr. Christopher M. Marky ‘12

Mr. & Mrs. Gerard F. Holmes

Mr. Lewis Krieg ‘63

Mr. & Mrs. Eldon Homsey

Ms. Meredith A. Kruse ‘12

Dr. Christopher Martin ‘75 & Mrs. Lydia Martin

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery P. Hopkins

Ms. Mary Patricia Kwoka

Mrs. Patricia J. Houck

Mr. Marc A. Labroli, Ph.D. ‘88

Rev. John M. Hynes ‘57

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Lamb, Esq.

Mr. Stephen A. Iacobucci ‘07

Mr. James G. Lanahan ‘61 & Mrs. Jule Lanahan

Mr. Edmond M. Ianni, Esq. ‘75 & Mrs. Ann Marie J. Ianni

Mr. Richard G. Lanahan ‘60 & Mrs. Pam J. Lanahan

Mr. & Mrs. David Ifkovits

Dr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Landini

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Maurer

Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Irwin

Mr. William B. Larson, Sr. & Mrs. Pamela C. Meitner

Mr. Brian J. Mazzei ‘95

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald P. Jackey Mr. Simon S. Jackson ‘94

Mr. Denis E. LaSota

Mr. Christopher J. Mascioli ‘11 Mr. Michael Mason Dr. Stephen B. Mastella ‘78 & Mrs. Laura A. Mastella Mr. Michael A. Matassino ‘92 & Mrs. Jaime Matassino Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Matyas

Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Mazzio Mr. & Mrs. Raymond A. McAlonan

Ms. Devra A. Jamison

Mr. Keith A. Latini-McIntyre & Mrs. Diane M. Latini-McIntyre ‘84

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Jezyk

Mr. & Mrs. John T. Lawless

Mr. Daniel J. McCadden ‘07

Mr. Michael C. Johnson, Jr.

Dr. Thomas Lehman & Dr. Sharon Lehman

Mrs. Virginia M. (Jones) McCadden ‘78

Mr. Michael Johnson & Mrs. Bianca I. S. (Shorteno) Fraser-Johnson ‘98

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Leonard

Mr. T. Warren McCafferty ‘50 & Mrs. Barbara McCafferty

Mr. Luke T. Jones ‘96 & Mrs. Lauren E. Beste Jones ‘96

Mr. & Mrs. Jia-Shyong Lin

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. McBride

Mr. & Mrs. Gary C. Linarducci, Esq.

Mr. Daniel J. McColgan ‘85 & Mrs. Colleen McColgan

Mr. & Mrs. Francis R. Julian

Dr. William Long & Mrs. Miriam Ronchi

Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. McCord

Dr. Paul C. Keenan, Jr. ‘71 & Mrs. Nancy L. Keenan

Mr. & Mrs. William W. Long, III

Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. McCurnin

Mr. Eric J. Longo ‘03 Mr. & Mrs. Mark M. Love

Mr. Jonathan A. McDonald ‘98 & Ms. Stephanie Marie Norman ‘04

Mr. Michael E. Kelly & Mrs. Nicole Theodore Kelly ‘89

Dr. Paul F. Lovell ‘57 & Mrs. Catherine W. Lovell

Mr. James R. McEowen ‘51 & Mrs. Margaret A. McEowen

Mr. Robert F. Kelly, Jr. ‘70 & Mrs. Tritty Kelly

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Lynch

Mr. & Mrs. William C. McGivney

Kelly’s Sports

Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Lynch

Mr. & Mrs. William V. McGlinchey

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Kennedy

Dr. & Mrs. David A. Maged

Dr. & Mrs. W. Alan Keogh

Mr. J. Michael Magee, Esq. ‘75 & Mrs. Beverly Magee

Mr. John E. McGovern ‘58 & Mrs. Linda McGovern

Mr. Daniel F. Kelleher, Esq. ‘53 & Mrs. Jane R. Kelleher

Dr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Kestner, Jr.

Mr. Phillip M. Maher ‘96 & Mrs. Kelly Maher

Mr. Mark J. McGovern ‘63 & Mrs. Christina T. Curran

Mr. Brian Manelski

Mr. Kevin McGuinness ‘82 & Mrs. Victoria C. McGuinness

Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Manlove

Mr. Edward L. McHugh ‘50

Dr. & Mrs. William J. Mannella, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. McHugh

Mrs. Susan B. Kissell

Dr. Gabriel Marcella ‘60 & Mrs. Judith Marcella

Mr. Christopher McKenney & Mrs. Martha Boston

Dr. Howard Klaskin & Mrs. Kari M. (Nelson) Klaskin ‘80

Mr. Peter K. Mariani ‘79 & Mrs. Erin K. Mariani

Rev. Joseph McLaughlin, O.Praem.

Mrs. Genevieve Klein

Ms. Angela M. Marinelli ‘90

Mr. Peter H. McNamara ‘74 & Mrs. Elizabeth McNamara

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Kraft

Mr. Sotiere Marinis

Ms. Bridget A. McNichol ‘94

Mrs. Rosemary K. Killian Mr. Christopher A. King ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Kirkwood Mr. Douglas J. Kissel ‘67


Donors for the 2011-2012 Fiscal Year

Contributor (cont) $100-$249

Mr. & Mrs. James M. Olsen

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. McNichol, III Mr. & Mrs. Francis McVey

Mr. Thomas M. O’Malley ‘81 & Mrs. Wendy L. O’Malley

Mr. & Mrs. Chin-Kai Meng

Ms. Denise M. O’Meara

Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Mengers

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Orzel

Mr. David P. Mengers ‘83 & Mrs. Patricia A. Mengers

Mr. J. P. Osmond ‘63

Mr. John J. O’Malley ‘73 & Mrs. Janice O’Malley

Mr. Thomas J. Raymond ‘97 & Mrs. Kieren J. (Detweiler) Raymond ‘00 RE/MAX Town & Country Mrs. Christine E. Reeves Dr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Reilly Mr. & Mrs. David T. Renshaw Mr. Dana P. Robinson Mr. Ethan F. Robinson ‘12

Mr. & Mrs. John Millard

Mr. Jeremy R. Osterstock & Mrs. Tara M. (Fletcher) Osterstock ‘98

Mr. & Mrs. John B. Millard, III

Ms. Mary A. Pace ‘78

Dr. & Mrs. Denis P. Rogers

Dr. Gonzalo T. Palacios ‘55 & Mrs. Anne Palacios

Mr. Raymond A. Rogowski ‘78 & Mrs. Jennifer Rogowski

Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Papa, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew T. Rowe

Mr. Prasad Parab & Dr. Susmita Parab

Dr. Richard A. Rowe ‘46 & Mrs. Grace B. Rowe

Mr. Michael Paregian & Mrs. Noelle A. Lauer-Paregian ‘94

Mrs. Evelyn Rozploch

Mr. Charles Paski, III ‘76 & Mrs. Mary Paski

Mr. & Mrs. Roger Rozsas

Ms. Payal Patel ‘12

Mr. & Mrs. William R. Russell, III

Mr. & Mrs. Earl J. Pearce II

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Russo

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph T. Pepe

Dr. Katherine A. Sahm 1990

Mr. Edward J. Peters ‘41 & Mrs. Dolores H. Peters

Dr. & Mrs. Charles A. Sanbe

Mr. Anthony Mirenda & Dr. Rosalie M. Mirenda Mr. & Mrs. David J. Monigal Mr. & Mrs. Edward Montooth Mr. Garrett B. Moritz & Mrs. Christine C. (Julian) Moritz ‘95 Dr. & Mrs. Mark Mulvihill Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth O. Munda Dr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Murphy Mr. Daniel J. Murphy ‘65 & Mrs. Rosanne Murphy Dr. John W. Murphy ‘89 & Mrs. Alicia Murphy Mr. Kevin P. Murphy ‘12

Ms. Laura A. Pettinelli ‘08

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony F. Rogers

Ms. Courtney M. Rozsas ‘03

Mr. & Mrs. Francis N. Sanna

Dr. James E. Phillips ‘75 & Dr. Gloria F. Phillips

Dr. D. Laine Santa Maria ‘46 & Mrs. Mary A. Santa Maria

Mr. L. James Phillips ‘44 & Mrs. Doris Phillips

Mr. & Mrs. Amartej Sawhney

Mr. Vincent Nardo ‘52 & Mrs. Jo Anne Nardo

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Pinto

Dr. Gregory W. Natello ‘72

Mr. David Porter & Mrs. Dana E. (Lambrecht) Porter ‘91

Mr. Christopher P. Scattergood ‘60 & Mrs. Rita M. Scattergood

Dr. Richard J. Murphy ‘62 & Mrs. Rosemary Murphy

Mrs. Catherine M. Powell-Clothier

Mr. George W. Scherbak ‘69 & Mrs. Barbara C. Scherbak

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Proctor

Dr. Neil Schrandt & Dr. Mary McCrossan

Dr. Gregory T. Pruckmayr ‘93

Ms. Katherine M. Schultz ‘07

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Quercetti, Sr.

Mr. Michael J. Scibinico II ‘66

Mr. Raymond C. Radulski, Esq. ‘01 & Mrs. Erin K. Radulski

Dr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Selvaggi

Dr. & Mrs. Natwarlal V. Ramani

Mr. & Mrs. Min H. Seo

Col. John Ramler ‘68 & Mrs. Linda J. Rambler

Mr. & Mrs. Atul C. Shah

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy L. Randolph

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Shantz

Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. O’Keefe

Mr. & Mrs. Laurence A. Raniere

Rafael Shapiro & Ingrid Arauco

Dr. & Mrs. Daniel P. O’Keefe

Mr. & Mrs. Carmen J. Rappucci

Mrs. Rosalie A. Sheets

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Oleck

Mr. R. Christopher Rappucci ‘91 & Ms. Maria A. Cole ‘94

Dr. Gerald P. Sherwin ‘58 & Mrs. Roberta Sherwin

Dr. Anthony V. Nero, Jr. ‘60 Mr. & Mrs. Terry J. Newitt Dr. & Mrs. John M. Nista Mr. Justin T. Norman ‘07 Mr. David Novak & Mrs. Lisa C. (Duszak) Novak ‘94 Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Nowaczyk Office Basics Mr. Robert O’Flynn O’Brien, Esq. ‘75 & Mrs. Susan C. Over, Esq.


Mr. & Mrs. James W. Semple

Mr. Kevin J. Shields ‘73 & Mrs. Rose M. Shields

Mr. Peter D. Thomson

Mr. & Mrs. James C. Short, Jr.

Mr. Robert F. Tigani, Sr. ‘61 & Mrs. Linda Tigani

Mr. Charles E. Sibre ‘67 & Mrs. Ellen R. Sibre Mrs. Rosemary K. Sibre Mr. William P. Sickles ‘79 & Mrs. Victoria Sickles Mr. Alexander Signora & Mrs. Patricia A. (Aitken) Signora ‘82

Mr. Richard U. Tobar ‘82 Mr. Anthony M. Tosi ‘63 & Mrs. Elizabeth Tosi Dr. William M. Trachtman ‘81 & Mrs. Kimberly A. Trachtman Mr. Brian P. Trainer ‘93

Mr. John W. Simons ‘12

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Truitt

Mrs. Kristen Simpers

Ms. Alexandra D. Tsaganos ‘12

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Sinnott

Mr. Vincent Ventresca & Mrs. Kathleen M. (Bowers) Ventresca ‘87

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Skedzielewski Dr. Robert T. Smith ‘73 & Mrs. Pamela A. Vercellone-Smith

Mr. & Mrs. Valentine A. Verissimo Mr. Nicholas J. Verna ‘77 & Mrs. Joanne Verna

Softmart Government Services

Mr. Erich D. Villasis ‘91 & Mrs. Staci L. Villasis

Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Spano, Sr.

Mr. Christopher G. Voudouris ‘99 & Mrs. Melissa Voudouris

Mr. Robert M. Spano, Jr. ‘96 Dr. Francis X. Speidel ‘66 & Mrs. Doreen Speidel Mr. & Mrs. Marvin K. Spence Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Spillan

Mr. John J. Yannacone ‘79 & Mrs. Sandra K. (Guggenberger) Yannacone 1980 Mr. & Mrs. James S. Yoder Mr. David T. Zakielarz ‘89 & Mrs. Kelly Zakielarz Mr. Joseph Zakielarz ‘83 & Mrs. Deryn Zakielarz Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Zenorini Ms. Justine Zhang ‘14 Mr. & Mrs. Alan M. Zugehar

Associate $1-$99 Mr. Joseph Abbruzzesi Mr. Seth M. Adams ’12 Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Albero

Mr. & Mrs. Norman Wagner

Mr. Harry F. Albert ‘78

Mr. Richard J. Waldis & Mrs. Lorri M. (McNamee) Waldis ‘80

Mr. Michael J. Aleardi, Jr. ‘12

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Waldis Ms. Sarah J. Waldis ‘12

Mr. Daniel J. Algeo ‘63 Ms. Jessica K. Ambrogi ‘04

Dr. & Mrs. Eric A. Walker

Mr. Jess D. Anderson ‘92 & Mrs. Heidi Anderson

Mr. David I. Walsh, Esq. ‘61

Ms. Elyse C. Andrews ‘12

Mr. Ryan C. Washall ‘03

Anonymous (6)

Ms. Nan K. Storm-Sabia

Mr. Jefferson C. Weekley ‘43 & Mrs. Dorothy Weekley

Ms. Ann T. Anthony ‘83

Mr. Richard T. Stover & Mrs. Theresa F. (Fitzpatrick) Stover ‘88

Mr. & Mrs. Hubert C. Whan Tong

Mr. Frank J. Spitz, III & Dr. Cheryl A. Bolinger Mr. & Mrs. E. John Spoehr, Jr. Mr. J. Neil Stalter ‘56 & Mrs. Patricia Stalter Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Stellini

Mr. & Mrs. Samuel W. Whitaker

Abbott Richard J. Antonucci, O.Praem. Ms. Gabriella Arauco-Shapiro ‘11

Mrs. Margaret D. White

Mr. J. Louis Bachofer ‘49 & Mrs. Anne R. Bachofer

Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Swain

Mr. Todd White & Mrs. Christina K. (Komanowsky) White ‘84

Mr. Eric Steenson & Dr. Elizabeth L. Baker Steenson ‘97

Mr. Richard A. Sweeny ‘83 & Mrs. Lisa V. Sweeny

Mr. Clarence M. Williams ‘76 & Mrs. Thelma Williams

Mr. Mark J. Baniewicz ‘69 & Mrs. Janice D. Baniewicz

Mr. & Mrs. Keith Sylvestre

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin L. Willin

Hon. Kathleen P. Bartley

Mr. Peter Szeto & Dr. Irene Szeto

Mr. Charles Witsil ‘12

Mr. Patrick C. Bastian ‘12

Mr. & Mrs. Brendan K. Taggart

Mr. Robert Wolownik ‘74 & Mrs. Kathleen S. Keller

Mr. & Mrs. Guy Batt

Mr. Donald M. Sturgeon ‘86 Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Sullivan

Mr. William J. Tancredi, Esq. ‘72 & Mrs. Karen L. Tancredi Mr. Gregory D. Thacker & Mrs. Rosane M. Corullon Mr. Jason Thompson & Mrs. Judith A. (Lovell) Thompson ‘88

Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Woodside Ms. Megan Wozniak ‘90 Mr. Robert L. Yacyshyn ‘97

Ms. Alexandra E. Beatson ‘12 Mrs. Stephanie P. Beaudet Dr. Michael Beers ‘77 & Mrs. Lorraine B. Beers Mr. & Mrs. John Bellace


Donors for the 2011-2012 Fiscal Year

Associate (cont) $1-$99 Mrs. Rosalba R. Bellen Ms. Joan Berna ‘81 Mr. Kenneth C. Bertram ‘77 & Mrs. Robin Bertram Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Bilodeau Mr. Glenn A. Bixby III ‘06 Mr. Philip J. Blonski ‘08 Ms. Elizabeth G. Bock ‘08 Ms. Rosemary Bock ‘06 Mr. & Mrs. Nathan H. Bolton Mr. Edward J. Bonnes Mr. Christopher B. Boone ‘93 Mr. Herbert E. Bowers ‘85 Mr. John M. Bradley Mr. Kevin P. Bradley ‘87 & Mrs. Tracey K. Bradley

Mr. Grant R. Burton ‘94

Mr. Daniel Collins

Mr. & Mrs. James C. Burton

Mr. John J. Commiskey, Jr. ‘78 & Mrs. Mary Kate Commiskey

Mr. Joseph L. Butler Ms. Julia W. Byrnes ‘09 Mr. Thomas R. Byrnes ‘11 Mr. Sangho Byun ‘91 & Mrs. Elizabeth Gilbride ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Cahill Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Caldwell Mr. Louis A. Camagna ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Campanella Mr. & Mrs. Jared Campbell Mr. Andrew J. Campion ‘07 Mr. Matthew C. Campion ‘03 Mr. Joseph H. Canfield ‘12 Ms. Laurie A. Cannon ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Wallace L. Cannon Mr. William P. Caram ‘95 & Mrs. Abby Caram

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bradley

Mr. & Mrs. John E. Carney

Mr. Noel Breger

Mr. J. Gregory Carroll ‘66 & Mrs. Suzanne Carroll

Mrs. Kara A. Briggs ‘94

Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Conaty Mr. Christopher J. Conaway ‘98 Ms. Karen Conaway ‘01 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Conlin Mr. Michael P. Connolly ‘71 & Mrs. Jane Connolly Mr. Shaun R. Conway ‘98 Mrs. Rosemary Conway-Bauer The Honorable & Mrs. Robert B. Coonin Ms. Sarah C. Coonin ‘11 Mr. Andrew L. Cooper ‘04 Mr. Justin A. Cooper ‘08 Mr. Frank A. Costantini ‘80 & Mrs. Barbara Costantini Mr. John Costello & Mrs. Meghan E. Bradely ‘85 The Honorable B. Paul Cotter, Jr. ‘55 & Mrs. Mary A. Cotter Mr. William F. Cottrell ‘11

Ms. Theresa M. Carroll ‘85

Mr. Todd R. Coulson ‘92 & Christina Coulson

Ms. Lisa H. Broadt ‘05

Mr. Thomas K. Cassidy ‘83 & Mrs. Sophia A. Cassidy

Ms. Nora M. Crawford ‘10

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Broadt, Esq.

Ms. Jane D. Castle

Dr. John S. Brooks, Jr. ‘66

Mr. James A. Crielly ‘61 & Mrs. Marie A. Crielly

Ms. Cheryl L. Catherwood

Mr. Trevor J. Brown ‘11

Ms. Katherine A. Crifasi ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. John F. Bubel

Mr. Thomas P. Cavanaugh ‘61 & Mrs. Maryann F. Cavanaugh

Mr. Patrick M. Cronin & Mrs. Mary A. (Woolson) Cronin ‘79

Mr. Dillon C. Buckley ‘09

Mr. & Mrs. Dale D. Cawby

Mrs. Lindsay C. (Ambrose) Curtin ‘03

Ms. Madeline R. Buckley ‘11

Mr. Ken J. Chang ‘02

Mr. Louis P. D’Angelo

Mr. Sean B. Buckley ‘88

Mr. John P. Chanowski ‘64 & Mrs. Sally Chanowski

Ms. Leah E. daPonte

Ms. Andrea M. Broadt ‘03

Mr. Joseph L. Budka, Jr. ‘78 & Mrs. Cynthia A. Budka

Ms. Briana N. Chapman ‘12

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Budka, Sr.

Dr. & Mrs. Mark C. Chen

Mr. Christian M. Burdziak ‘03

Mr. Evan T. Christiansen ‘12

Ms. Jillian M. Burdziak ‘06

Dr. Jennifer Christy

Mr. & Mrs. William E. Burke

Class of 2011

Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Burns

Mr. Ottis A. Cline

Mr. Matthew A. Burns ‘03

Mr. Andrew P. Cocco ‘04 & Mrs. Ashley Cocco

Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Burns Jr.

Mr. Michael J. Coleman ‘92 & Mrs. Lauren W. Coleman


Ms. Karen C. Creely ‘89

Mr. George D’Aurizio Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth G. D’Aurizio Mr. Michael J. Davolos ‘05 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Dawson Ms. Brenda R. (Thayer) De Castro ‘99 Mr. Jon D. Deakins Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. DeBevec Mr. & Mrs. John Deely Mr. & Mrs. John O. Deemer

Mrs. Colleen M. DeFelice Ms. Colleen DeFruscio Mr. & Mrs. Carl R. Deirmengian

Mr. Brian E. Donnelly ‘00 & Mrs. Erin Donnelly Mrs. Frances L. Donnelly

Ms. Anne Fisher Mr. Daniel P. Fitzgerald

Mr. John Q. Donnelly ‘11

Mr. George L. Flamman ‘63 & Mrs. Rosemary C. Flamman

Mr. J. Thomas Donohue, III ‘61

Mr. Anthony G. Flynn, Jr. ‘04

Mr. & Mrs. Arnold J. DeMuzio

Mr. Kevin C. Donovan ‘77 & Mrs. Martha N. Donovan

Mr. Alfred Fraczkowski

Rev. Kurt M. Denk, S.J. ‘92

Mr. Julian D. Dorey ‘11

Mr. Steven Frankel & Mrs. Lisa M. (Penrod) Frankel ‘85

Mrs. Ann F. Dente

Ms. Barbara A. Dougherty

Ms. Michelle S. Fremuth ‘09

Mr. R. James DeRose & Mrs. Laura M. (Mielcarek) DeRose ‘93

Ms. Colleen Dougherty ‘83

Mr. Richard B. Furey, Esq. ‘85 & Mrs. Danielle R. Furey

Mr. & Mrs. Phillip J. Deldeo, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter DelGiorno

Mr. Alex C. DeSantis ‘12 Mr. Jeffrey J. DeVido ‘96 & Dr. Catherine DeVido

Mr. Timothy Dougherty Mr. Kevin J. Doyle & Mrs. Jennifer M. (MacMillan) Doyle ‘93

Ms. Alexis T. Furlong ‘06 Mr. & Mrs. Philip P. Fusco

Mr. Michael J. Doyle ‘66 & Mrs. Denise Doyle

Dr. Johnathan Gajdos ‘00

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Doyle

Dr. Joseph H. Galia, Jr. ‘69

Mr. Jesse D. Dewees ‘12

Ms. Kelsey N. Dramis ‘12

Ms. Meghan C. Gallagher ‘98

Mr. & Mrs. John T. Diamanty

Mr. & Mrs. A. J. Duffy, III

Mrs. Laura Gangloff

Mr. & Mrs. Tom Diamanty

Mr. Angus J. Dunlavey ‘11

Mr. Eric L. Gannon ‘07

Mr. Vincent DiAngelus & Mrs. Christina M. (Bonanni) DiAngelus ‘96

Mr. F. Richard Dunn ‘59 & Mrs. Marianne L. Dunn

Ms. Jennifer L. Gerard ‘10

Mr. Stephen J. DiBianca ‘11

Mr. William A. Dunphy ‘69 & Mrs. Sharon Dunphy

Mr. John David DeVido ‘94 & Mrs. Maureen DeVido

Mr. Michael P. DiDaniels ‘73 Mr. Jason P. DiFerdinando ‘93 Mr. Michael A. DiFonzo ‘78 & Mrs. Theresa H. DiFonzo

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Giannitrapani

Ms. Karen A. Edwards ‘79

Ms. Jane H. Gibson

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Egan Ms. Kathryn Ellis

Ms. Erica H. Dillman ‘12

Mr. Ryan P. Emptage ‘04

Mr. M. Patrick Dillon, III ‘74 & Mrs. Diane Dillon

Ms. Cara M. Eppes ‘12

Ms. Kristen L. DiNardo ‘11

Mr. Craig Erickson & Mrs. Ann Marie Erickson Mr. Thomas Esposito ‘92

Mr. William A. DiNardo, Jr. ‘52

Mr. Peter A. Fagan ‘50 & Mrs. Patricia A. Fagan

Mr. & Mrs. Pat Diodato

Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Fagan

Ms. Connie DiRenzo-Nolte

Mr. Michael J. Falkenstein ‘12

Mr. James DiSabatino ‘61 & Mrs. Candy DiSabatino

Ms. Theresa M. Fasullo ‘11

Ms. Dollie Diventi Mr. Connell P. Donaghy ‘12 Mr. James M. Donahue, Jr. ‘73 & Mrs. Mary B. Donahue Ms. Jamison P. Donahue ‘12

Mr. Robert R. Giannini ‘67

Mr. & Mrs. John B. Dyduck

Mr. Dario DiFrancesco ‘11

Mr. Bruce DiNardo ‘82 & Mrs. Amy C. DiNardo

Ms. Lauren M. Gerber

Mr. Francis L. Fennell, Jr. ‘60 & Mrs. Katherine E. Fennell Mr. Eugene L. Fidell, Jr. ‘71 & Mrs. Dorcas E. Fidell Dr. John J. Finley, IV ‘96 Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Finnegan

Patreece Spence ‘12 receives support from her teammates and friends as she signs her letter of intent to play volleyball at James Madison University. 49

Donors for the 2011-2012 Fiscal Year

Associate (cont) $1-$99

Mr. Thomas Gruss & Mrs. Lisa M. (Sendi) Gruss ‘93

Mr. Ryan Highland & Mrs. Kristen M. Doyle Highland ‘97 Mr. Benjamin D. Hill ‘95

Ms. Rachel M. Gillen ‘11

Mr. James J. Haley ‘44 & Mrs. Kathleen A. Haley

Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Gilligan

Mr. & Mrs. George J. Hall, Jr.

Mr. Robert J. Glass, Jr. ‘57 & Mrs. Susan M. Glass

Mrs. Jean H. Halloran

Mr. Peter S. Hodder & Mrs. Catherine L. (Leonard) Hodder ‘84

Ms. Karen D. (Fedena) Hanson ‘79

Ms. Christine E. Holmes ‘12

Mr. James F. Gleason, Jr. ‘61 & Mrs. Mary L. Gleason

Mr. Edwin V. Harrington, Jr. ‘62 & Mrs. Elaine R. Harrington

Mr. Harry A. Hopkins, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Godwin

Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hartman

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Golden

Ms. Bonnie L. Hayes

Mr. Thomas A. Goldsmith ‘71 & Mrs. Joanne M. Goldsmith

Mr. Kevin C. Hayes ‘12

Mr. & Mrs. John C. Hilyard

Mr. Ronald H. Hopkins Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Horgan Ms. Kathy Y. Huang ‘12 Ms. Alice Hupfel

Ms. Melissa A. Grabko ‘10

Dr. Sean Hayes ‘89 & Mrs. Molly B. (Lewis) Hayes ‘90

Mr. John A. Grace, Jr.

Ms. Alexa L. Hazel ‘12

Mr. Alfred J. Hurlock, IV ‘89

Mr. Joseph Grace & Mrs. Erin (Dickens) Grace ‘95

Ms. Mary Henjes ‘12

Mr. Jeffrey L. Hurlock ‘92

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Henry, Sr.

Mr. Andrew Hutson ‘49 & Mrs. Kitty Hutson

Mr. Dennis J. Henry, Jr. ‘01

Mr. Edmond S. Ianni

Mr. & Mrs. Enrique Hernandez

Ms. Erica K. Jackey ‘08

Ms. Christina M. Hess ‘05

Mr. Gregory P. Jackey ‘10

Ms. Natalie M. Hess ‘03

Mr. Lawrence T. Jilk, Jr. ‘56 & Mrs. Marcia Jilk

Ms. Chandler H. Hicks ‘12

Ms. Mary Johnson

Mr. Austin T. High ‘12

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Jones

Mr. Robert Graham, Jr. Ms. Rebecca D. Gray ‘12 Mrs. Elizabeth Green Mr. Dominic A. Gregorio, III ‘10 Mr. Jackson W. Gribble ‘66 & Mrs. Carol Gribble Rev. John S. Grimm ‘83

Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Hurlock, III

Ms. Elizabeth Anne R. Jordan ‘03 Mr. Antoine Jouanneau Mr. Michael J. Judge ‘75 & Mrs. Kathleen C. Judge Ms. Rose Ann N. Julian Mr. & Mrs. James C. Kagel Mr. & Mrs. James F. Kaib Mr. Richard Kaiser ‘45 Mr. Francis J. Kallam, Jr. ‘60 Mr. Niko T. Karolidis ‘11 Mr. Brett N. Kennedy ‘99 Rev. Daniel R. Kent Ms. Jasmine J. Kingston ‘12 Ms. Caroline M. Kirkwood ‘11 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Klinge

Members of Archmere’s “Auks for Life” club traveled to the “March for Life” in Washington D.C. this January with club moderator Mrs. Deb Oleck.


Mr. Karl Klinger & Mrs. Jane F. D. (Micallef) Klinger ‘87 Mrs. Katherine N. Klocko

Mr. William P. Klutes

Mrs. Patricia Maher

Mr. & Mrs. James T. McGeehin

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Knebels

Mr. & Mrs. Humbert L. Maiocco

Mr. & Ms. Edward McGinley

Knights of Columbus

Mr. Devon M. Malfitano ‘12

Mr. John J. Kopko ‘56 & Mrs. Cornelia M. Kopko

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Manley

Mr. Joseph H. McGlinchy ‘69 & Mrs. Nancy McGlinchy

Mr. Christopher J. Koppel ‘05 Mr. Marc A. Kreider ‘86 & Mrs. Valerie K. Kreider Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. Kropp Ms. Brittany R. Krygowski ‘07 Ms. Elizabeth Kuhn ‘10 Ms. Helen M. Kuhn ‘11 Ms. Abigail H. Lamb ‘10 Ms. Amanda M. Lamb ‘08 Dr. Nelvin A. Largoza ‘77 & Mrs. Victoria Largoza Mr. David W. Latham, Jr. & Mrs. Dawn G. Gupta Latham ‘91 Ms. Emily M. Leach ‘01

Mr. Steven T. Manley ‘98 Mr. Michael P. Manlove ‘02 Mr. Michael V. Marchlik ‘77 & Mrs. Jo Ann V. Marchlik

Mr. John P. McHugh ‘70 & Mrs. Rosanne McHugh Mr. Edward B. McKay ‘66 & Mrs. Barbara McKay Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McLaughlin

Mr. & Mrs. Carmen Marinelli

Mr. Sean G. McMahon ‘12

Ms. Joanna R. Marinelli ‘00

Mr. Matthew T. McNeal ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Marinelli, III Ms. Kelsey L. Martin ‘08

Mr. Peter McPartland, Jr. & Ms. Alexandra C. Sowa ‘01

Mr. Kevin J. Martin ‘62

Dr. & Mrs. Harold D. McSpadden

Mr. Lee Martin & Ms. Katherine Bailey Martin ‘00

Ms. Stella J. McSparran

Mr. & Mrs. William K. Martin Mr. Dominic J. Martino ‘83 & Mrs. Brenda Z. Martino

Mr. Robert D. Mears, III ‘86 & Mrs. Katherine A. Mears Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Mehringer Mr. Michael F. Melloy ‘55 & Mrs. Patricia Melloy

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Leigh

Mr. Christopher J. Mascioli ‘78 & Mrs. Susan A. Mascioli

Mr. Ethan Levine

Mr. & Mrs. Rocco L. Mascioli

Mr. Charles A. Mengers ‘68 & Mrs. Barbara A. Mengers

Mr. David Levine & Mrs. Lisa (McGurgan) Levine ‘83

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick C. Mason

Mr. & Mrs. William Messick

Mr. Joseph V. Matassino ‘53 & Mrs. Carolyn Matassino

Mr. Anthony E. Meyer ‘57

Mr. Daniel F. Liebner ‘06 Ms. Sissy Long

Mr. Christopher A. Mathewson ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. Donald N. Longo

Ms. Paige M. Mathis ‘11

Mr. Michael Mineo & Mrs. E. Lynn (Wachstein) Mineo ‘85

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lopresti

Ms. Sarah A. Mattern ‘11

Ms. Amanda M. Minutola ‘05

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Love

Mr. Alexander J. Mazzuca ‘12

Ms. Renee Minutola ‘99

Mr. Daniel Lutz

Mr. John R. McBride, Jr. ‘08

Ms. Arlene D. Moore

Ms. Courtney M. Lynch ‘04

Mr. Neil McCall

Mr. Kevin S. Moran ‘72 & Mrs. Jennifer Moran

Mr. Dennis A. P. Lynch ‘82 & Mrs. Adrianne M. Lynch

Ms. Allison McCord

Mr. Barry Morrison & Mrs. Nichola (Dalphon) Morrison ‘01

Mr. Christopher G. McCord ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Miller

Mr. David J. McCrae ‘12

Cmdr. Robert H. Morro, Jr. ‘78 & Mrs. Anita Morro

Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. MacMillan

Mr. David M. McCrae ‘79 & Mrs. Denise L. (Wisgo) McCrae ‘79

Mr. Mark P. Morse ‘63 & Dr. Winifred A. Morse

Mr. James R. Maddox ‘89 & Mrs. Sandra H. (Hamilton) Maddox ‘89

Mr. Thomas E. McCue ‘66 & Mrs. Melissa McCue

Mr. Connell F. Maguire ‘52 & Mrs. Deborah A. Maguire

Mr. John H. McDonald

Mr. & Mrs. Howard T. Lynch, Jr. Mr. James F. Lynch ‘78 & Mrs. Maria R. Lynch

Mr. Terrance S. Maguire ‘84 and Mrs. Laura Maguire

Mr. Shawn P. McDonald ‘89 Mrs. Mary M. McDonough

Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Morton Mr. Bernard B. Mosebach ‘49 & Mrs. Patricia A. Mosebach Dr. & Mrs. Peter M. Mrozinski Mr. & Mrs. William C. Mulhearn Mr. John J. Mulhern, IV ‘00


Donors for the 2011-2012 Fiscal Year

Associate (cont) $1-$99

Mr. Salvatore Pietrafitta

Mr. David Sang ‘11

Mr. John J. Pileggi ‘77 & Mrs. Lisa Maria F. V. Pileggi

Mr. Christopher J. Sanna ‘05 & Mrs. Lisle E. Sanna

Mr. Ronald Mullin, Jr. & Mrs. Shannon M. (Kelleher) Mullin ‘92

Ms. Emily P. Pinto ‘12

Ms. Elspeth C. Sarro ‘12

Mr. Mark Mumford & Mrs. Kristin B. (Wasniewski) Mumford ‘96

Mr. Zachary A. Pinto ‘11

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Savage

Mrs. Anna Marie Piraino

Mr. Steven D. Scattolini ‘80 & Mrs. Dina M. Scattolini

Mr. Timothy S. Mundy & Mrs. Erin M. (Lesutis) Mundy ‘86

Mr. Nicholas J. Pitone ‘12 Ms. Andrea L. Poniecki ‘97

Mr. Brian E. Murphy ‘12

Mr. Andrew J. Schilly ‘53 & Mrs. Carolyn R. Schilly

Ms. Maryann C. Popma

Mr. Philip Nagengast ‘94

Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Schubert

Dr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Porth

Dr. Zaki Nashed ‘83 & Mrs. Kimberly B. Nashed

Mr. Dennis M. Selfridge ‘78

Mr. John R. Powers ‘71 & Mrs. Barbara J. Powers

Dr. & Mrs. Allen P. Seltzer

Mr. Paul S. Neal ‘11 Mr. Christopher F. Nenno ‘04

Dr. Robert M. Preston ‘59 & Mrs. Virginia L. Preston

Mr. Christopher M. Newton ‘12

Mr. Daniel J. Quaintance ‘08

Mr. Jason M. Nista ‘04

Mr. Robert D. Quaintance ‘05

Mr. Patrick A. Noel, Jr. & Mrs. Adrienne K. (Kiley) Noel ‘93

Ms. Anastasia E. Quinn ‘06

Mr. Walter K. Sherwin, Jr. ‘56 & Mrs. Rosalie Sherwin

Ms. Victoria N. Quinn ‘12

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Nowak

Mr. Charles Shockley ‘53 & Mrs. Carol Shockley

Mrs. Linda J. Raineri

Ms. Michelle E. Nowak ‘09

Ms. Rachel P. Shone ‘06

Ms. Corinne L. Rapone ‘07

Ms. Jane M. Oates

Mr. Justin P. Signora ‘11

Mr. Seth J. Reidenberg, Esq. & Mrs. Regina M. (DeAngelis) Reidenberg, Esq. ‘91

Dr. Nancy Signorielli

Mr. & Mrs. David W. O’Connor Mr. Denis F. O’Flynn O’Brien ‘74 & Mrs. Patricia S. O’Brien

Ms. Katherine D. Reilly ‘12

Mr. Peter J. O’Konski Mrs. Lois B. Olsen

Capt. Barron Rendel & Mrs. Cynthia A. (Carbo) Rendel ‘88

Ms. June Orlando

Mr. William A. Repetto ‘12

Major David J. Osborn, M.D. ‘92 & Mrs. Summer J. Osborn

Mrs. Anna Revak

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Osborn Mr. J. Graeme Ossorio ‘56 Mr. David A. Oswinkle

Ms. Joanne M. Reis ‘80

Mr. Todd E. Robeson & Mrs. Suzanne (Roman) Robeson ‘83 Dr. Clifford R. Robinson & Dr. Anne S. Robinson

Mr. Sang H. Seo ‘12 Mr. William D. Sheehan ‘11 Mr. John R. F. Sheridan ‘62 & Mrs. Barbara B. Sheridan

Mr. & Mrs. James R. Silvius Ms. Lisa N. Skedzielewski ‘06 Mr. Joseph Smagala ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Smith Mr. Matthew Smith & Mrs. Kay L. (Kesterson) Smith ‘91 Mr. Joseph V. Smolko ‘65 & Mrs. Nona K. Smolko Ms. Victoria M. Sowa ‘06 Ms. Susan M. Squire ‘93

Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Rollo

Ms. Litza A. Stark ‘96

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan L. Parshall, Esq.

Mr. Mark R. Romano & Mrs. Marie Pat (Githens) Romano ‘94

Mr. & Mrs. Edwin L. Stein

Mr. James F. Pastore & Mrs. Norine A. Bastian-Pastore ‘87

Mr. & Mrs. A. Frank Rowe

Mr. Eric D. Stephens & Mrs. Regan M. (Fletcher) Stephens ‘96

Mrs. Francesca Rudin

Mr. & Mrs. James A. Sterling, III

Mr. Christian J. Rupertus ‘93

Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Stillabower

Mr. & Mrs. S. R. Sabatini

Ms. Lindsay P. Subers ‘02

Mr. Michael S. Sage ‘12

Dr. & Mrs. Shao-Tang Sun

Ms. Linda M. Salandra

Mr. Connor A. Sweeny ‘12

Mr. & Mrs. James Parks

Mr. Mark W. Peipher ‘81 & Mrs. Janet Peipher Ms. Jennifer L. Peters Mr. & Mrs. John Pfeifle Mr. Joseph E. Phillips ‘70 & Mrs. Maureen D. Phillips


Mr. Eugene J. Szatkowski ‘64 & Mrs. Betsy J. Szatkowski

Mr. Samuel J. Weatherlow ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. William A. Weatherlow, III

Matching Gift Companies

Ms. Christine F. Weaver ‘98

ACE Charitable Foundation Matching Gifts Program

Dr. & Mrs. A. A. Weech, Jr.

Bank of America Matching Gifts Program

Ms. Christine E. Wehner ‘10


Mr. & Mrs. Dale J. Weires

The Boeing Company

Kelly Powell Taylor ‘96

Mr. Thomas J. Weiss ‘02


Ms. Stephanie M. Taylor ‘93

Mrs. Eileen Wells

Federal Express

Mr. Paul A. Them ‘09

Mr. Martin Wendel ‘45 & Mrs. Meg Wendel

First Data Foundation

Ms. Nora E. Tibbetts ‘11

Mr. Erskine L. White, III & Mrs. Heidi E. (Huber) White ‘92

FMC Corporation Matching Gift Plan

Ms. Lauren M. Szeto ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. Scott Takata Mr. & Mrs. Mark Tatasciore Mr. J. Murray Tate & Mrs. Eugenia M. (Ryan) Tate ‘78

Mr. Bruce W. Tigani, Esq. ‘74 Mr. Peter L. Tobar ‘80 & Mrs. Lee C. Tobar Mr. Kyle G. Townsend ‘11 Ms. Tram-Anh L. Tran Poprik ‘97 Mr. Kent S. Trask ‘62 Mrs. Erica N. (DiFusco) Truban ‘97 Mrs. Deborah M. (McHugh) Truscello ‘81 Ms. Amanda M. Vaile ‘12 Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Vanaman Mr. Richard L. Vanderloo ‘54 Mr. & Mrs. Gerardo A. Varela Ms. Monique M. Vasilchik ‘81 Mr. Anthony A. Vasile ‘11 Dr. & Mrs. Salvatore Vasile

Ms. Christine Kathryn Worton ‘03 Mr. Joseph Worton

J. P. Morgan & Co. Incorporated

Ms. Brittany M. Yanick ‘11


Mrs. Roseanne A. Yannacone

Kimberly-Clark Foundation

Mr. Jonathan C. Yasik ‘05

Kraft Foods

Ms. Marianne Yeager Sims ‘92

Merck & Company, Inc.

Ms. Rachel H. Yoder ‘12 Mr. Michael Zajano ‘63 & Mrs. Nancy Zajano Mr. Richard J. Zimny ‘99 Ms. Victoria W. Zugehar ‘12

Graver Technologies, LLC ING Direct Grant Program

Dr. & Mrs. Michael Xia

Mrs. Julia A. Zappacosta

Glaxo Smith Kline Foundation

Novo Nordisk Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program The Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts SAP America, Inc. Sprint Foundation Wells Fargo & Company

Mr. Paul E. Villafuerte ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. David L. Voit Mr. Theodore E. Von Mechow ‘56 & Mrs. Carolyn Von Mechow Mr. Michael J. Wade ‘86 & Mrs. Christine Wade Mr. James L. Wagner ‘59 & Mrs. Joyce Wagner Ms. Jillian Waldman Ms. Kerry K. Walsh ‘12 Mr. Michael Walsh ‘55 & Mrs. Norma Walsh Mr. Matthew W. Walters ‘12 Mr. Eric L. Wang ‘13 Ms. Kerith Wang ‘12

...Thank You! Archmere Academy is grateful for each and every gift we receive. Please accept our sincere apology if your name has been inadvertently omitted or listed incorrectly. Please notify us of any changes or corrections that need to be made for future listings. [ p ] 302-798-6632  [ f ] 302-792-2997 3600

Mr. Justin A. Warner ‘89 & Mrs. Courtney Warner


2011-2012 Archmere Fund Report

The Archmere Fund Annual giving is the most important fundraising that Archmere undertakes each year because donations are immediately put to use to support the school’s operating budget and benefit our students during the academic year. Like all independent schools, Archmere relies on the generosity of our community to ensure the premiere educational experience we are so proud to offer. We are grateful to all of our parents, alumni, parents of alumni, grandparents, faculty, staff, and friends who contributed to the 2011-2012 Archmere Fund raising a record-setting $503,554.00!

Participation by Constituency

Total Giving by Constituency*





Board of Trustees Faculty & Staff Current Parents Past Parents

100.0% 99.0% 60.4% 16.6%

Past Parents Current Parents Alumni Board of Trustees

$217,167 $208,450 $202,995 $54,530

Alumni Grandparents

14.2% 9.0%

Faculty & Staff Grandparents

$16,089 $10,271

*Gifts are counted more than once if an individual belongs to more than one constituency group

Top Five Alumni Classes - By Participation

Top Five Alumni Classes - By Dollars Raised

Class of


Class of


1936, 1937, 1941, 1942 1944 1952 1943


1979 1976 1960 1983

$13,524 $13,023 $12,547 $10,238





75.0% 58.3% 50.0%

Archmere Academy [ p ] 302-798-6632  [ f ] 302-792-2997 3600 Philadelphia Pike • Claymont, DE 19703 54

Ways To Invest In Archmere Academy

Types of Gifts Gifts of Cash

Named Gifts

Write a check to Archmere Academy, send a money order, or use your credit card to make a secure gift online at You can even make your gift in automatic monthly installments.

There are a variety of naming opportunities available for leadership gifts. Contact us to discuss opportunities.

Gifts of Appreciated Stock/Securities Stock gifts provide significant tax benefits. Capital gains taxes are completely avoided and you receive an income tax deduction for the full market value of the stock. Contact us for easy to use transfer instructions.

Matching Gifts Many companies match employees’ and retirees’ contributions. Visit to see if your/ your spouse’s company is one of them. If so, your Human Resources Office will have easy instructions on how to double, sometimes even triple, your gift.

Memorial and Honorarium Gifts Celebrate or pay tribute to a loved one by making a gift in their honor or memory.

Gifts-In-Kind Gifts of goods and services are also welcome.

Endowment Gifts An endowment gift is a gift that lasts forever. The principal remains in tact while the income supports Archmere in perpetuity.

Charitable Gift Planning There are a variety of creative ways to fulfill your philanthropic goals by supporting Archmere Academy. Charitable gift planning enables you to maximize your philanthropic potential, achieve significant tax advantages and even secure lifetime income for you or some one else. You can realize financial benefits today while enriching the lives of others far into the future. We would be happy to work with you and your financial advisor to achieve your charitable goals.


Life Income Gifts

Where there is a will, there is a way! Name Archmere Academy as the recipient of all or a portion of your estate and reduce your estate taxes.

There are a variety of gift vehicles that enable you to transfer assets such as securities, retirement plan benefits and life insurance to Archmere Academy, benefit from a current income tax deduction, and receive income for life.

Gifts of Life Insurance Make Archmere Academy the owner and beneficiary of your paid-up insurance policy and receive a current income tax deduction.


In Memoriam We remember and pray for those who have passed since the last Archmerean; January - August 2012. Mr. Douglas Manning Stephenson January 1, 2012 Father of R. Scott Stephenson ‘97 and Elise M. Stephenson Laskas ‘00.

Mrs. Teresa C. Godorecci February 6, 2012 Paternal grandmother of Michele ‘84, James ‘85, and Danielle ‘91 Godorecci

Mrs. Jennie S. DiMedio March 6, 2012 Great grandmother of Joanna R. (Marinelli) Doroh ‘00, current staff member.

Mrs. Katharine M. Pegg January 4, 2012 Mother of Trevor ‘80 and John ‘85 Pegg

Mr. Joseph Wales Zechman ‘42 February 6, 2012.

Dr. Johanna L. Adams March 5, 2012 Mother of Stacey Adams Frost ‘98

Mr. Leonard Quill ‘49 January 13, 2012 Grandfather of Tess ‘12 and Grace ‘15 Pfeifle and brother-in-law of Jack Hemphill ‘51. Mrs. Blanche DeMaio January 13, 2012 Mother of Mrs. Joan Dever, former Archmere Trustee (1985-1991) and maternal grandmother of Keith ‘83 and Mark ‘84 Dever Mrs. Dorothea Young Shea January 23, 2012 Mother of Thomas ‘72 and William’76 Shea and wife of Thomas Shea, charter member of Archmere’s Board of Trustees Mr. William J. Tancredi January 27, 2012 Father of William J. Tancredi, Jr. ‘72 and the paternal grandfather of William ‘05 and Grace ‘08 Tancredi Mrs. Teresa A. Raymond January 29, 2012 Paternal grandmother of Thomas ‘97, Philip ‘99, and Laura ‘02 Raymond Mr. Robert G. Carey January 30, 2012 Father of Jason A. Carey ‘92. Mr. William L. Ifkovits January 31, 2012 Father of David J. Ifkovits, current faculty member, and paternal grandfather of Ryan Ifkovits ‘15 Mrs. Mary C. Carbonetti February 5, 2012 Maternal grandmother of Anthony ‘05 and Alex ‘12 DeSantis.

Mrs. Joann C. Long February 7, 2012 Paternal grandmother of Sara Long ‘12. Mr. William J. Maloney, Jr. ‘42 February 8, 2012. Mr. Lawrence J. Finnan, III ‘56 February 12, 2012. Anthony F. Pileggi ‘42 February 15, 2012 Father of Dominic A. Pileggi ‘72 and the late Walter Pileggi (attended Archmere 1970-1972,) and paternal grandfather of Francesca ‘06, Anthony ‘09, and Domenica ‘11 Pileggi Mr. John F. Getty February 15, 2012 Father of Brian Getty ‘75 and Geralyn Getty Brostrom ‘79 Mr. John D. DiFrancesco February 16, 2012 Paternal grandfather of Angelina ‘08 and Dario ‘11 DiFrancesco

Mrs. Stella Lenkiewicz March 19, 2012 Mother of Anne (Lenkiewicz) Grim ‘86 Rev. Charles T. Urban, O.Praem. March 9, 2012 Resident of Daylesford Abbey, former faculty member (1959 – 1960) Mr. John P. Murphy March 12, 2012 Paternal grandfather of Laura ‘08, Kathleen ‘09, and Kevin ‘12 Murphy Dr. John R. Callahan, DDS ‘45 March 20, 2012 Brother of the late James W. Callahan, ‘41 Mr. Joseph J. Gleason, Jr. March 20, 2012 Bother of Edward Gleason ‘65

Mr. Andrew Ross Timmons February 17, 2012 Son of Earl L. (Tim) Timmons ‘82

Mr. John D. Sculley March 27, 2012 Father of Dr. Paul W. Sculley ‘80

Mr. Raymond J. Gilboyne February 22, 2012 Father of Kelly Gilboyne Rasero ‘86

Mrs. Evelyn L. Giroso March 28, 2012 Mother of Mrs. Ann Hagerty, past president (1992-1993) of the Archmere Mothers Guild, and maternal grandmother of Christian B. Hagerty ‘93

Mr. Robert T Fawley February 24, 2012 Father of Robert Fawley ‘03 Mrs. Asuncion Berna Onstott ‘79 February 26, 2012 Sister of Frank ‘77 and Joannie ’81 Berna Mr. James Eliot Booge ‘54 March 4, 2012


Mr. Robert C. Jack March 11, 2012 Husband of Janet Jack, former Archmere staff member

Mr. William D. Cashin March 28, 2012 Maternal grandfather of Lauren ‘04 and Michael ‘08 Tosi

Mr. Thomas R. Hunt, Jr. ‘65 March 30, 2012 Brother of Christopher B. Hunt ‘73

Mr. William T. Neill, Jr. May 13, 2012 Father of William T. Neill, III ‘83

Mr. Christopher Volk ‘62 April, 2012

Mr. Alfred “Buddy” Hurlock, IV ‘89 May 20, 2012 Brother of Jeffrey Hurlock ‘92

Mrs. Helen Wojciechoski April 1, 2012 Wife of Mr. Leon Wojciechoski ‘38. Mr. Richard J. Porth April 4, 2012 Paternal grandfather of Thomas Porth ‘13 Mrs. Carolyn Letts April 10, 2012 Former Archmere faculty member (1979-2008) and mother of Will Letts ‘83, former Archmere faculty member, Amy (Letts) Hubbard ‘85 and Andrew Letts ‘88 Mrs. Marian D. Hunt April 12, 2012 Mother of Christopher ‘73 and the late Thomas Jr. ‘65 Mr. James E. Kearney April 15, 2012 Maternal grandfather of Thomas Porth ‘13 Mrs. Joan (Gremminger) Gatti ‘81 April 19, 2012 Sister of Brian ‘76 and Carl Gremminger (attended Archmere from 1975 to 1976) Mr. James H. Trask April 15, 2012 Maternal grandfather of Robert ‘05 and Daniel ‘08 Quaintance and father-in-law of Mr. Douglas Quaintance, current member of Archmere’s Board of Trustees Avery Noel Thompson April 17, 2012 Daughter of Judith Lovell Thompson ‘88 and granddaughter of Paul Lovell ‘57 Mr. Daniel A. Nepi ‘73 April 29, 2012 Brother of David A. Nepi (attended Archmere from 1972 to 1974) Mr. Francis E. Garrahan April 30, 2012 Paternal grandfather of Kelly ‘09 and Bryan ‘12 Garrahan

Mr. Anthony Nardo ‘49 May 13, 2012 Brother of Vincent Nardo ‘52 Mr. Michael J. Friel June 29, 2012 Father of Dr. Michael A. Friel ‘68 Mr. Peter N. Yiannos July 2, 2012 Father of Nikos ‘81, Daphne ‘84 and Demetrios ‘92 Yiannos Mr. Leon A. Picciotti July 3, 2012 Maternal grandfather of Fiore ‘96 and James ‘99 Celano Mr. Louis J. Minutola July 3, 2012 Father of Mark L. Minutola ‘79, husband of Kathryn (Kay) Minutola (former Archmere staff member) and the brother of Mary Erace (former Archmere staff member) and uncle of Albert Minutola ‘68.

of Melissa (Bellen) Cohen (attended Archmere 1990-1992), Julia (Bellen) Seligman ‘95, and Matthew Bellen ‘98. Mrs. Lucy Terranova July 18, 2012 Mother-in-law of Robert Walinchus ‘77 andmaternal grandmother of Lesley ‘05 and Matthew ‘10 Walinchus. Mr. George J. Stockburger, Sr. July 20, 2012 Father of George J., Jr. ‘80 and Edward F. ‘81 Stockburger. Mr. John S. McManus July 28, 2012 Father of John S. McManus, Jr.’66 and uncle of Mary Paski (current Archmere staff member.) Mr. Carmen G. LaMacchia July 30, 2012 Maternal grandfather of Benjamin ‘95 and Andrew ‘97 Hill. Mrs. Mary Fissmer July 30, 2012 Former Archmere staff member and mother of the late Robert Fissmer ‘63. Mrs. Mary E. McCaughan August 8, 2012 Mother of Susan (McCaughan) Somerset ’93.

Mrs. Esther A. Zavishlock July 4, 2012 Maternal grandmother of Dannielle Kissel Ulmer ‘94, Meghann Kissel Costello ‘97, and Shannon Kissel Begley ‘97 and the mother-in-law of Archmere tennis coach Joseph Kissel

Mr. Martin P. Londergan ‘61 August 9, 2012 Father of Kimberly (attended Archmere from 1981 to1982) and the late Tara Londergan Kilian ‘87 and brother of Michael F. Londergan ’67.

Dr. Thomas F. Celello July 6, 2012 Father of Kristen ‘94, David ‘96, Lauren ‘99, and Alison ‘10 Celello.

Mrs. Robert Urban August 24, 2012 Maternal grandfather of James ‘01, William ‘03, Ryan ‘06 and Miles ‘11 Bonner.

Mr. David A. Mahoney July 8, 2012 Father of Blair M. Mahoney (attended Archmere from 1962 to 1966) and paternal grandfather of David ‘91 and Erin ‘96 Mahoney. Adam Bellen ‘00 July 14, 2012 Son of Rosalba Bellen (current Archmere Spanish teacher,) and the brother

Archmere recently notified: Mary Elizabeth O’Neill September 30, 2009 Wife of Edward G. O’Neill ‘43 Mrs. Jane Urban December 19, 2011 Maternal grandmother of James ‘01, William ‘03, Ryan ‘06 and Miles ‘11 Bonner.


Looking Ahead...

Mark your calendars! First Semester Events at Archmere OCTOBER 1 Archmere Alumni Golf Outing 6 All-Alumni Social Blessing of the Mural Homecoming & Reunion 10 Mothers’ Guild Rosary Tea 12 Grandparents’ Day Archmere Dedication Mass NOVEMBER 9-10 Archmere’s Fall Play 18 Open House

DECEMBER 1 Mothers’ Guild Fashion Show 7 Christmas Concert Tree Lighting & Celebration 8 8th Grade Entrance Exam 20 Young Alumni Open House

Check out the full calendar online at

Terry Newitt’s 2012 Patio Print “Yellow Brick Home” Artist and Archmere teacher Terry Newitt has created another beautiful masterpiece depicting a unique view of The Patio from his classroom window in The Manor. All proceeds from the sale of prints of this painting will benefit the Manor Restoration Fund for the Arts, which was established to collect donations for the rennovation of The Manor, where the art department classrooms and studios are housed. This beautiful wintry scene would make a great Christmas gift for anyone who loves Archmere! Prints are available at $125 each and can be purchased online at or by calling 302-798-6632 ext. 706.


Archmere Academy Prayer

- Pietate et Scientia God, you call us to walk in unity of mind and heart intent on you. Give us that reverence for one another that will make us apostles of peace. Grant that the knowledge of this day may flow into our worship of your Name and our service for the life of the world. Inspiring Students to Distinction 59

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