stop saying pR*g^@m
reiterating the process we use as designers. deriving this method from a cyrated client narrative and series of analyses. letting the verbs speak and frame the way we anticipate design.
anticipation will be a driving force on how designers think. anticipation for the future. anticipation for the fluid. anticipation for possibly knowing nothing about anything. anticipation for accepting there is no guarantee of stability.

after an eccentric evening of accompanying a friend to the local winery, i decide to return to my home of oddities.
upon arriving, i swiftly make my way down to the cellar to peruse my own collection of delicacies and vintages of fine wines. i aquire a bottle i have yet to taste, and bring it with me through the corridor admiring my array of reflections.

finding myself in the kitchen, i choose my two most favorite glasses for the occasion.
i take them upstairs and join them on the terrace as the stars begin to reveal themselves.

my alarm goes off the following morning at 7:43, as i turn over and recognize the unfamiliar face of a friend.
instinctively, i show them the way out, before the next minute can portray itself on my clock. they proceed to depart counter from the way we first arrived.

i wander downstairs and pour myself a morning cup of coffee, attempting to rejuvenate myself from the night before.

i enjoy it along with some light reading in the library, to cleanse my mind for the continuance of the day.
while approaching home i reflect on the chaotic day i have just endured, ready to proceed into a much softer nightfall.
i like to unwind with a bubbly glass of champagne in my soaking cauldron while listening to a podcast on the value of personal reflection.
following, i prepare my dinner and enjoy it in the courtyard, eyeing the alley way and local passerbyers. this leads me to existing through a passage outdoors where i spend my final moments watching the sunset, before making my way to my sleeping chamber.

there should be no program, only a derived narrative that transforms based on the individual or collectives imagined rhythms of inhabitance.
consider contemporary design not as an adjective but as a verb. constantly ruminating, and designing in a manner where there is no now, but only an arrival. moving forward with an ethical and conscious mind ready to explore the unknown.

responding to these notions, the designer will adapt, analyze, and invent questions, given they do not yet exist.