Rose Schelly

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CASE STUDY BRIEF The Terrace House aims to approach urban living in a way that centralizes the production of fresh food. Designed for six people this home strives to create a meaningful living experience that melds the family's working life, education, and relaxation. The design provides interior and exterior farms, work spaces and rest spaces to make the most out of the interior exterior connection it creates. The interconnection allows for openness within the home while creating a barrier to the outside world.

The formal approch of the Terrace House’s design was created through 6 primary additive and subtractive moves. Initially the site was extruded to match the surrounding residential context and allow for setbacks. Secondly volumes were subtracted to create light wells and allow the building facades to illustrate the vertical language of the neighborhood. Stepping the building along the slope creates terracces to maximize outdoor living space, views and allow for the light to reach the lower levels. Each roof terrace becomes a garden space to get the make the most of the southern facing solar gain. The green roof gardens are sloped slightly inward to collect additional water for later use with in the farm. Finally openings are punched to create interconnectivity within the home and highlight selective views out.


vegitation growing medium drainage vapor barrier roof structure


vegitation trellis drainage vapor barrier wall structure

The vertical farms provide privacy to the front facade and privatize the select views in as well as function to produce food as well. The vertical facade and interior courtyards host beans, peas, and gourds. The gardens are partially sustained by the water collected from the roof and held in the basemnet cistern.

The Terrace House integrates both vertical and horizontal gardening both interior and exterior. The ground level has an external yard that can be cultivated into garden space as needed but is annitally designed as a wildflower garden. The interior of the home is broken up by court yards with small fruit trees such as apple and pear dividing life in the home from work within the home. The work space sectioned out on the ground floor contains an interior hydroponic vegatable farm for 4 season use cultivating, tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, herbs, leafy greans etc.. The biggest of the horizontal gardens is the green roof, ground beds on the roof allow for smaller crops to be moved around larger shrubbery.






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