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Costume Designer
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Stage Manager
Directed by EDWARD SOBEL January 26 - March 25, 2012 Arcadia Stage Special thanks to The Harold and Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust for supporting Arden Theatre Company. Playwrights Horizons, Inc., New York City produced the World Premiere of CLYBOURNE PARK Off-Broadway in 2010
Arden Theatre Company receives state arts funding support through a grant from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, a state agency funded by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency. + Member of United Scenic Artists Local USA 829 * Member of Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the U.S.
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WELCOME from the Producing Artistic Director
Bruce Norris is an actor as well as a playwright. Several years ago, he acted in the first reading of Michael Hollinger’s Opus I directed in New York. Afterwards, Bruce asked, “So would the Arden ever do one of my plays?” When I first read Clybourne Park about 18 months ago, I knew that we most certainly would.
Terrence J. Nolen
I’ve known Bruce since I was a student at Northwestern University and have long admired his work, but I was still unprepared for the brilliance of this play. Ingeniously crafted and beautifully written, Clybourne springs from a fascinating premise – it is set in the same house that the Younger family moves to in Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun. The ideas that Bruce and his characters are grappling with are incendiary, funny and leap off the page. Bruce rarely pulls his punches, but never before have they landed with such unerring accuracy. I knew immediately that I wanted to produce this play. I am not alone in my admiration for Bruce’s play. Last April, Clybourne Park was awarded the 2011 Pulitzer Prize for Drama, citing the play as “a powerful work whose memorable characters speak in witty and perceptive ways to America’s sometimes toxic struggle with race and consciousness.” The Pulitzer Prize is awarded annually to a play “dealing with American life.” Clybourne not only deals with American life, it explores how we have – or have not – evolved as a society. Though set in Chicago, it is the story of every American city, including our own. Bruce Norris is a satirist and a provocateur. His work is subversive, uncompromising, and brilliantly funny. Both Bruce and his plays are interested in debate – in sparking conversation. The Arden’s original mission was to tell stories that “arouse, provoke, illuminate and inspire.” For me, this play does just that. Let the conversation begin.
P.S. We are currently working to finalize plans for our next season – the Arden’s 25th anniversary. We will let you know as soon as details are confirmed, but we do hope you will take a “leap of faith” and commit to joining us for this milestone year. Details are on the inside back cover and in your stagebill insert. Thank you for being part of the Arden.
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Arden Theatre Company
Cast of Characters In order of appearance
ACT I Russ .......................................................................................................David Ingram* Bev ........................................................................................................... Julia Gibson* Francine .................................................................................................... Erika Rose* Jim ............................................................................................................ Steve Pacek* Albert........................................................................................................ Josh Tower* Karl ............................................................................................... Ian Merrill Peakes* Betsy....................................................................................................... Maggie Lakis* TIME: September, 1959 PLACE: 406 Clybourne Street, Chicago, IL
ACT II Tom ......................................................................................................... Steve Pacek* Lindsey ................................................................................................... Maggie Lakis* Kathy ....................................................................................................... Julia Gibson* Steve ............................................................................................. Ian Merrill Peakes* Lena ........................................................................................................... Erika Rose* Kevin ......................................................................................................... Josh Tower* Dan ........................................................................................................David Ingram* Kenneth .................................................................................................. Steve Pacek* TIME: September, 2009 PLACE: The Same
UNDERSTUDIES: Matthew Dell’Olio, Carl Granieri, Michael J. Harris, Haley McCormick, Ken Sandberg, Angela Smith, Wendy Staton
Arden Theatre Company is a professional company employing members of Actors’ Equity Association. *Member of Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the U.S. Please check houseboards for program changes. Taking pictures and/or making visual or sound recordings is expressly forbidden. The Arden operates under an agreement between the League of Resident Theatres and Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States. Actors’ Equity Association (AEA), founded in 1913, represents more than 45,000 actors and stage managers in the United States. Equity seeks to advance, promote and foster the art of live theatre as an essential component of our society. Equity negotiates wages and working conditions, providing a wide range of benefits, including health and pension plans. AEA is a member of the AFL-CIO, and is affiliated with FIA, an international organization of performing arts unions. Arden Theatre Company proudly participates in the Barrymore Awards for Excellence in Theatre, a program of the Theatre Alliance of Greater Philadelphia.
DIRECTOR’S Notes Two questions I ask myself when starting work: Why is it important for me to do this play, and why is it important to do this play now? I was listening to WHYY while driving on my way into the Arden this morning, and on one of the morning shows they were doing a segment on a bill being introduced into the Pennsylvania legislature requiring citizens to present a photo identification in order to vote. One of the guests, speaking as a representative of the commonwealth, defended the bill, saying it was necessary in order to “restore trust” in the electoral system. The fact that of the millions and millions of votes cast nationally since 2000 only 86 people have been prosecuted for voter fraud would seem to suggest this is a bit like making a law requiring flying pigs to have a pilot’s license, and a photo one at that. The truth is, like the attempt to split the commonwealth’s electoral college votes by congressional district instead of keeping the current winner-take-all system currently in place (as it is in 47 other states) the bill is a blatant attempt to disenfranchise and suppress some voters (young people, poor people, people of color) so that those of a particular political persuasion can maintain or increase their power. Bruce Norris is interested in truth. Lying, hypocrisy and unfairness fuel his vivisection of human behavior. Bruce has said this play is about our refusal to acknowledge that we are deeply territorial, clannish beings. By writing a play that cannibalizes characters and issues from a play he did not write (A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry), Bruce is pointing to the issue. Will Lorraine Hansberry leap from the grave, crying, “No, you can’t have Karl. He’s mine.”? But to me the play is more than that. It is a portrait of what happens when we insist on making ourselves blind to the terrible thing that is right in front of us. That may be our territoriality, or our racism, or it may be a family member whose pain we don’t acknowledge. It may also be political oppression implemented under the sweet-smelling guise of patriotism. Bruce Norris is also very funny. If I haven’t completely misguided our delightful cast and totally messed things up during rehearsal, you should be seeing that tonight. Bruce’s humor arises from his willingness, or more accurately compulsion, to demonstrate contradictions between what we vehemently say and what we passionately think, feel or want. It also demonstrates the ridiculous lengths to which we will go to prove that what we say is right, to prove to ourselves that we are good people despite any and all evidence to the contrary. The success of his work relies upon our own willingness or resistance to self-indict. These are useful truths to know about ourselves at any time. But as we head into an election year, regardless of where one locates oneself on the political spectrum, it seems particularly apt to posit them with the anxious hilarity expressed in this contested home. Ed Sobel
It’s not too late to subscribe and save on the 11/12 Season
By Edmond Rostand Translated and Adapted by Michael Hollinger Adapted and Directed by Aaron Posner
IPoMANIA L U T the musical
by Michael Ogborn Directed by Terrence J. Nolen
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9 Questions for Bruce Norris The Arden Associate Artistic Director Edward Sobel sent some questions to Clybourne Park playwright Bruce Norris. He was kind enough to respond.
ES: In your plays you seem to relish pointing out the ways in which people are deeply flawed, and yet in the end, I’d say you actually have compassion for your fellow human beings. Care to argue with that? BN: I think I’m pointing out the ways I’m flawed. I happen to be - pathetically - exactly like Steve (in Act 2 of Clybourne) who makes an ass of himself in defense of his “right” to tell a joke. And other people from my family are exactly like Karl Lindner with his ham-fisted, idiotic thinking about race. I think most of us are basically fools who spend our time trying to organize the chaotic world into little boxes of meaning and who basically end up making it worse. So yeah, I think I pick on people for their flaws, but I’m a person, too, and it’s hard not to have a little compassion for yourself, even if you don’t deserve it. ES: Playwriting is a ridiculous form of human expression. Discuss. BN: Well, it’s a very indirect form. If you have some rhetorical point - or even a feeling - that you want to express, the sensible thing to do is to write an essay or a song or do an interpretive dance. But when you write a play (at least, when I do) you divide up that expressive impulse between different, conflicting voices. And hopefully, if you’re crafty enough, you can bury whatever you hope to express inside the conflict between those characters and let the audience figure out what it all meant. It suits me because I don’t like authority and self-righteousness, and the chaotic back and forth of plays has a kind of subversive kick that I enjoy. ES: What’s the joke you wanted to include in the play, but didn’t? BN: I tried and tried to come up with a really, nasty, offensive joke about white men. But - as Louis C.K. has so rightly pointed out - they don’t exist. You can’t really insult someone who’s got every advantage in the world. Kevin makes a pointed political joke at white men’s expense. But, like Lindsey says about Steve: “You can’t be insulted, you moron”. So if anyone knows a really horrible white-man joke that really stings, send it along. ES: Three years ago you were broke, squatting in your girlfriend’s apartment, and thinking about having to get a real job for the first time in your life. And now look -- Pulitzer Prize and Broadway bound. So, do you finally believe in God? BN: Belief is the stubborn insistence upon falsehood despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. So... um, no. ES: Do you have any fears as a writer? BN: I have only fears. Nothing but. Every time I sit down at the computer I realize I have no idea what I’m doing and my girlfriend has to listen to me whine about how lost and confused and untalented I am. But hopefully, if you do something often enough you get in the habit and pretty soon instinct takes over. ES: You’ve said Clybourne Park, is at least in part about people’s sense of territoriality. Are you territorial? If so, in what way? BN: I am fiercely, rabidly territorial on even the tiniest level. If I’m on an airplane and the person next to me is using both armrests, his and mine, I begin to see the at the injustice of his encroachment upon what should be my space. That armrest is rightly mine. And - to extend it from the ridiculous to the tragic - I think war comes about from a collective version of the same feeling: This place is ours, because the law, or history, or (stupidest of all, in the case of the Middle East - see my answer to question #4) because “God” tells us so.
ES: How do you think the actors learn all those lines? BN: Corporal punishment always works. ES: Your play Purple Heart refers to the July 4th weekend, and The Pain and the Itch is set at Thanksgiving. Why no specific holiday for Clybourne Park (or is it meant to take place on Yom Kippur)? BN: While Purple Heart refers to July 4th, it actually takes place on the day of the shift to Standard Time from Daylight Savings. And yes, Pain and the Itch is on Thanksgiving. Maybe I’ll come up with a thematic play for all the US calendar holidays. President’s Day will be very exciting. ES: The Pain and the Itch, We All Went Down to Amsterdam, The Unmentionables and Clybourne Park, all feature African-American (or African) roles. Your dedication to representing those voices is a little unusual. BN: Well - a couple of things: First of all, there’s a lot of great black actors out there and it’s great to have them in your plays. But besides that, sure, to some extent, don’t all white people fantasize about being black? Not exactly for the hundreds of years of mistreatment and oppression, but at least for the jokes. Just like with Jews - Because, to be a minority in the US gives you a unique critical perspective. Or take drag, for example: Transvestites are questioning and dismantling the normative assumptions of the majority. That outsider sensibility is something I crave deeply, even as a privileged, white, hetero male. It’s the ability to look critically at the ruling elite and take potshots at them - by which I mean, at us. But, personally, I also come from a world (Texas) that has a particularly bad legacy when it comes to black/white relations (Um - “Niggerhead”, Rick Perry?) so maybe I’m lugging around the guilt-millstone of that. Which is funny, because it’s supposed to be latinos that white Texans have trouble with. On the other hand, I’ve recently written 2 plays that have no parts for black actors.... So fuck ‘em.
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3 0 6 M ar k et S t , O l d Ci t y
Who’s Who JULIA GIBSoN (Bev/Kathy) has performed on Broadway and major theatres in NYC and throughout the country, including Philadelphia where she played Nina in The Seagull, Sonya in Uncle Vanya and toured nationally with The Exonerated. Favorite roles include: Pegeen Mike, The Playboy of the Western World; Rose, Dancing at Lughnasa; Birdie, The Little Foxes; Helena, All’s Well That Ends Well; Hermia, A Midsummer Night’s Dream; Cecily, The Importance of Being Ernest; Henriette, The Learned Ladies; Sally, Tally’s Folly; Veta Louise, Harvey, and Harper, Angels in America. TV/Film includes: Michael Clayton, Changing Lanes, Blue Bloods, several episodes of Law and Order and Criminal Intent, Spin City, and One Life to Live. Julia’s also a director, teacher, and voice artist, having recorded over 100 audio books. DAvID INGRAM (Russ/Dan) is happy to return to the Arden, where he appeared in The Pavilion, Merrily We Roll Along, Coyote on a Fence and Death of a Salesman. Recently, he has been seen at Temple Repertory Theater (Tartuffe, Three Sisters, Measure for Measure), 1812 Productions (Laughter on the 23rd Floor, Our Show of Shows), Act II Playhouse (The Tempest), Interact Theater (The Rant) and the Lantern (The Government Inspector). David is a long-time member of People’s Light and Theatre Company (End Days, Young Woman from Rwanda, Tuesdays with Morrie, and others) and teaches in the Theater Department at Temple University. Much love to Melanye, Adam and Elise. MAGGIE LAkIS (Betsy/Lindsey) is so happy to be back at the Arden! Previous Arden credits include: And Then They Came for Me,The Boxcar Children, Sideways Stories from Wayside School, A Year with Frog and Toad,The BFG, Ferdinand the Bull, and Sunday in the Park with George. She performed in the 1st National Tour and new Off Broadway production of Avenue Q. Other recent credits include; All My Sons and Sylvia at Delaware Theatre Company, 11th Hour Theatre Company/Theatre Horizon’s coproduction of Little Shop of Horrors (Barrymore Nomination), and Voices of Christmas at Theatre Horizon. She would like to thank her family, Ed Sobel, and everyone at the Arden. Love to Robert. STEvE PACEk (Jim/Tom/Kenneth) is thrilled to be back at the Arden, where he has appeared in James Joyce’s The Dead, Pacific Overtures, Franklin’s Apprentice, Mouse/ Cookie (Barrymore nomination), and The Borrowers. Other Philadelphia credits include: Les Miserables and Man of La Mancha (Walnut); 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee (Theatre Horizon, Barrymore nomination); Ordinary Days, Reefer Madness, Little Shop of Horrors (11th Hour); Untitled Project #213 (Philly Fringe) and Your AtTENtion Please! (Ruba Club). Other favorite regional credits: Bomb-itty of Errors (Milwaukee Rep) and Beauty and the Beast (Hangar). Steve is also co-founder and Associate Artistic Director of 11th Hour Theatre Company and is a proud 2012 recipient of an Independence Foundation Fellowship in the Arts. Ithaca College alum. For Jorge, love always. IAN MERRILL PEAkES (Karl/Steve) is tickled pink to be back at the Arden: Something Intangible (Barrymore Award), All My Sons (Barrymore Award), A Prayer for Owen Meany, Three Days of Rain et al; Wilma: Invention of Love; Walnut Street Theater: Of Mice and Men, Great Expectations; Philadelphia Theatre Company: Sideman (Barrymore Award). Pennsylvania Shakespeare: Othello, Henry IV, Much Ado. Denver Center: The Catch, Glengarry Glen Ross, When Tang Met Laika; ATL: Twelfth Night,
Who’s Who Crucible; Shakespeare Santa Cruz: Much Ado, Tempest; Folger Shakespeare: Othello, Macbeth (Helen Hayes Nomination), Henry VIII (HH Nom), Two Gents, Game of Love and Chance (HH Nom.); Shakespeare Theatre Co.: Taming of the Shrew; Peterborough Players: Freud’s Last Session (NH Theater Award); Film: Lebanon, Gentleman’s Game. Television: Still Standing, Hack, Homicide. 2003 F. Otto Haas Award. For Karen and Owen. ERIkA RoSE (Francine/Lena) REGIONAL: Black Mary in Gem of the Ocean at Hangar Theatre; Salima in Ruined at Philadelphia Theater Company; Hawa in In Darfur at Theater J (2011 Outstanding Lead Actress, Helen Hayes Award); Pretty Fire at The African Continuum Theater (Outstanding Lead Actress, Helen Hayes Nomination); The Bluest Eye at Theater Alliance; Lenny & Lou and The Mineola Twins at Woolly Mammoth Theater Company; The Taming of the Shrew and Much Ado About Nothing at The Shakespeare Theatre (Free For All); The Book Club Play and Pippin at Round House Theatre; Barrio Grrrl!, Knuffle Bunny, The Brand New Kid (The Kennedy Center) Para mi cielo. JoSh ToWER (Albert/Kevin) So excited to be at home in Philly and working with the Arden team! Thank you! Recent Credits: the ‘Clubowner” in the award winning Central Avenue Breakdown at the NYMF, CBS’s Blue Bloods, Judas in Superstar at PCLO, Coalhouse in Ragtime at The Hangar Theater. Other joints include Simba in Disney’s The Lion King (2002-2007, Broadway & original Gazelle Tour), Ragtime (Broadway & Chicago), A Christmas Carol, Langston In Harlem (AUDELCO nomination), Parade, The Princess & the Black-Eyed Pea, Violet, Miss Saigon, Les Mis, Dreamgirls, Chess, The Bubbly Black Girl…, As You Like It, Once on this Island, Joseph …, Godspell, Baby, Avenue X, The Threepenny Opera, Cymbeline, some of this, a bit of that, some T.V, some film. MFA, UNC Chapel Hill; BA, Temple University. VIVA TEMPLE!! Live, Love, Laugh!! BRUCE NoRRIS (Playwright) is the author of the plays A Parallelogram, Clybourne Park, The Unmentionables, The Pain and the Itch, Purple Heart, We All Went Down to Amsterdam and The Infidel, and has an ongoing relationship with Steppenwolf Theatre Company in Chicago. In 2011 he received the Pulitzer Prize for Drama, as well as the Olivier and Evening Standard Awards for Clybourne Park. His work has been produced by Playwrights Horizons (New York), The Royal Court Theatre (London), ACT (San Francisco), Yale Repertory Theatre, Woolly Mammoth Theatre (DC) and many others. He is the recipient of the Steinberg Playwright Award (2009), The Whiting Foundation Prize for Drama (2006) and two Joseph Jefferson Awards (Chicago) for Best New Work. An an actor he can be seen in the recent film All Good Things. He lives in New York City. EDWARD SoBEL (Director) is Associate Artistic Director of the Arden and directed Superior Donuts last season. Other recent directing credits include the world premiere of Cadillac at Chicago Dramatists (5 Joseph Jefferson award nominations, including Best Director and Best Production), Huck Finn, The Chosen, and A Lesson Before Dying (all at Steppenwolf Theatre Company) and Weapon of Mass Impact at A Red Orchid Theatre. Previously he was the Director of New Play Development at Steppenwolf, where he oversaw the development of some 40 new plays into production, including four Bruce Norris plays (Purple Heart, The Pain and the Itch, We All Went Down to Amsterdam, and The Unmentionables) as well as the Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award winner August: Osage County, and Pulitzer finalists Man From Nebraska and Red Light Winter. Ed created and was the program director for the FIRST LOOK REPERTORY OF NEW WORK, for which he received the Elliott
Who’s Who Hayes award from the Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas for outstanding contribution to the field. He is currently on the faculty at Temple University. JAMES kRoNZER (Scenic Designer) Arden: Wanamaker’s Pursuit, Sunday in the Park with George, Something Intangible (Barrymore Award), Candide, Caroline, or Change, and Opus among others. Washington DC: The Kennedy Center, Woolly Mammoth, Round House, Signature Theatre, Washington Ballet and The Shakespeare Theatre. Regional: Denver Center, Portland Center Stage, Weston Playhouse and Clarence Brown. New York: Glory Days (Broadway), Opus (Off-Broadway). TV: Comedy specials for Whitney Cummings, Louie Anderson, Nick Cannon among others. National tours: The Wizard of Oz, Backyardigans, and Barbie Live. Awards: Helen Hayes Award (8); Barrymore Award (2). RoSEMARIE E. MCkELvEY (Costume Designer) is thrilled to be designing Clybourne Park for the Arden. Some previous designs include Charlotte’s Web, The Threepenny Opera, The Borrowers, Candide, Winesburg, Ohio, The Stinky Cheese Man, Sunday in the Park with George (2009 Barrymore Nomination), Something Intangible (2009 Barrymore award), and Caroline, or Change (2007 Barrymore Award). Rosemarie is a Philadelphia based freelance designer and adjunct professor at Moore College of Art & Design. For more on Rosemarie visit JoShUA L. SChULMAN (Lighting Designer) 2008 Barrymore Award for lighting design of Art at Delaware Theatre Company. 2009 Barrymore Award nomination for Rock ‘N’ Roll at the Wilma Theatre. Work for other companies includes Azuka Theatre, People’s Light and Theatre Company, Flashpoint Theater Company, The Hidden City Festival, Theatre West Virginia, the Rebecca Davis Dance Company, and many more. He has his M.F.A. from Boston University and is a member of USA 829. Love to Karen and Elijah. JoRGE CoUSINEAU (Sound Designer) worked on over forty shows here at the Arden, designing sound and video. Highlights include The Threepenny Opera, Sunday In The Park With George, History Boys, Something Intangible and Opus. Jorge also designs sets and composes music for many other theater companies in and around Philadelphia, such as the Wilma, 1812 Productions, Theatre Exile and New Paradise Laboratories. Together with his wife Niki he operates Subcircle, a collaborative performance/installation group. kAThARINE M. hANLEY (Stage Manager) Previous Arden credits: Superior Donuts, Sunday in the Park with George, Romeo and Juliet,The History Boys,The Seafarer, Candide, and The Piano Lesson. Currently she is the Stage Management Consultant for Arcadia University Theatre. Kate has also worked in various capacities at New Paradise Laboratories, People’s Light and Theatre Company, Capital Repertory Theatre, and The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. JILL hARRISoN (Assistant Director) is delighted to be working at the Arden. Select directing credits: Sarah Ruhl’s Dead Man’s Cell Phone (Simpatico Theatre Project), Charles Mee’s Big Love & Stefanie Zadravec’s Honey Brown Eyes (Temple Theaters), Nora McLaughlin’s The Giant’s Causeways (Frigid NYC), Stefanie Zadravec’s Leaving (Secret Theatre), Craig Lucas’ Reckless & Harry Kondoleon’s Play Yourself (Theatre Outlet), John Guare’s Loveliest Afternoon… (Williamstown). Recent assistant credits: Tracy Letts’ Superior Donuts (Arden), Nico Muhly & Craig Lucas’ Two Boys (ENO), Craig Lucas’ Prayer for My Enemy (Playwrights Horizons). Artistic Associate: Simpatico Theatre Project. Member: LCT Directors Lab & SDC (associate). MFA Directing - Temple. Thanks to Ed. Love to Tom & Family.
Who’s Who TERRENCE J. NoLEN (Producing Artistic Director) is co-founder of Arden Theatre Company. Favorite Arden productions include all-Philadelphia casts of All My Sons; Death of a Salesman; The Grapes of Wrath and Hedda Gabler and such musicals as Sweeney Todd; Pacific Overtures; Falsettos; Violet; and Caroline, or Change. Terry directed the inaugural production of Arden Children’s Theatre, Charlotte’s Web. He has directed six world-premiere plays by Michael Hollinger, three by Dennis Raymond Smeal, Michael Ogborn’s Baby Case, Bruce Graham’s Something Intangible, and Rogelio Martinez’s When Tang Met Laika at Denver Center Theatre Company. Terry has been nominated for 24 Barrymore Awards for his directing work at the Arden and received awards for The Baker’s Wife; Sweeney Todd; Opus; Winesburg, Ohio; Assassins and Something Intangible. He directed Michael Hollinger’s Opus at Primary Stages in New York and was nominated for a Lucille Lortel Award for Outstanding Director. His short film The Personal Touch was nominated for an Emmy Award. AMY L. MURPhY (Managing Director) A Philadelphia native, Amy co-founded the Arden in 1988 with Terrence J. Nolen and Aaron Posner. She is especially proud of the Arden Professional Apprentice program and its contribution to the Philadelphia cultural community. A graduate of Susquehanna University, Amy received the university’s first-ever Young Alumni Achievement Award. She completed the Executive Program for Nonprofit Leaders-Arts which is a joint program of the Stanford Graduate School of Business Center for Social Innovation and National Arts Strategies. Amy serves on the Board of the Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance and the Local Advisory Council of the Non Profit Finance Fund. She has served on panels for the National Endowment for the Arts, the New Jersey State Arts Council and the Executive Committee of the League of Resident Theatres (LORT). Amy was named a Hepburn Fellow 2008-9 by the Katharine Houghton Hepburn Center at Bryn Mawr College. ARDEN ThEATRE CoMPANY Founded in 1988, Arden Theatre Company is dedicated to bringing to life great stories by great storytellers–on the stage, in the classroom, and in the community. We stage five productions each season as part of our mainstage series and two productions through Arden Children’s Theatre, the city’s first resident professional children’s theatre program. We create and produce new work through our new-work development program, the Independence Foundation New Play Showcase. The Arden Professional Apprenticeship program trains future theatre leaders, and our theatre classes teach children and teens about the craft of making plays. Our access program, Arden For All, makes our work available to the entire community through subsidized tickets and books for economically disadvantaged young people. We also offer sign language-interpreted, captioned and audio described performances and Pay-What-You-Can final dress rehearsals that benefit other nonprofits. The Arden has received seven Philadelphia Magazine “Best of Philly” Awards, the Arts & Business Council’s Arts Excellence Award, five City Paper “Reader’s Choice” Awards, four Philadelphia Inquirer “Theatre Company of the Year” citations, 58 awards and 272 nominations from the Theatre Alliance of Greater Philadelphia’s Barrymore Awards for Excellence in Theatre, and named “Best Theatre Company” by Philadelphia Weekly in 2009. Arden Theatre Company, a professional, nonprofit 501(c)(3) theatre company, is a member of the Theatre Communications Group, the League of Resident Theatres, the Theatre Alliance of Greater Philadelphia, Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance, Philadelphia Convention and Visitors Bureau and Old City Arts Association. The Arden operates under an agreement between the League of Resident Theatres and Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States. The Scenic, Costume, Lighting and Sound Designers in LORT theatres are represented by United Scenic Artists Local USA-829, IATSE. Arden Theatre Company wishes to thank: East End Salon and The Franklin Fountain
Arden actor transportation courtesy of PhillyCarShare
Fund for the Future Fund for the Future was developed to help the Arden “secure the facility” and “grow the art.” This campaign, co-chaired by Lee van de Velde and Peter Hamilton, has allowed us to invest significant resources into making this building a better place for our artists and you, our audiences. We are so grateful to all of the supporters who made this campaign a success! CoNTRIBUToRS: The 1976 Foundation Brian Abernathy and Elizabeth Ireland Mr. Frederick W. Anton, III Ivy Bayard Lois and Julian Brodsky City of Philadelphia, City-wide Capital Grants Fund The ChG Charitable Trust Gerard J. Conway Joy De Jesús and Jamie Reynolds Michael Donato and Peter Sonzogni Bob and Nancy Elfant Tim and Ellen Foster Christina and David Fryman Matthew and Marie Garfield Elizabeth h. Gemmill David and Linda Glickstein
Terry Graboyes Bonnie Graham Wendy and Albert M. Greenfield Ronna and Bob hall Peter and Alta hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Jon harmelin Don haskin and Lynn Martin haskin Steve and Jane heumann Nancy and Alan hirsig Independence Foundation Susan G. Jacobson and Michael Golden Barbara and Leslie kaplan Jill and Elliot kaplan virginia and harvey kimmel Arts Education Fund of the Philadelphia Foundation holly kinser
Richard Maimon and Susan Segal John and Amy McCawley McLean Contributionship Andrea Mengel and George A. Ritter Ellen and Michael Mulroney Amy L. Murphy and Terrence J. Nolen Aaron Posner Charles and Dr. Mindy Goldberg Rose hether and Donald Smith harvey B. Swedloff Lee and Christopher van de velde Stephen and Rosalyn Weinstein William Penn Foundation Richard E. and Diane Dalto Woosnam The Wyncote Foundation, at the recommendation of Leonard C. haas Ellen Yin
Wall Street Journal’s Best of 2011 - Grace Gonglewski
Grace with Eric Hissom in A Moon for the Misbegotten. Photo by Mark Garvin.
Grace Gonglewski’s performance as Josie in the Arden’s A Moon for the Misbegotten was hailed as one of the Best Individual Performances of 2011 by The Wall Street Journal. Terry Teachout, the Journal’s theatre critic, called Grace “one of Philadelphia’s top actors, and in A Moon for the Misbegotten you can see how she got that reputation… [she] is a find. I long to see her again.” Congratulations to Grace.
Corporate, Foundation & Government Support $100,000 & above Hamilton Family Foundation Independence Foundation The Pew Center for Arts & Heritage through the Philadelphia Cultural Management Initiative The Pew Charitable Trusts Philadelphia Cultural Leadership Program The Wallace Foundation William Penn Foundation $50,000 to $99,999 Comcast Corporation The Harold and Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust The Philadelphia Inquirer, Daily News and Shubert Foundation $15,000 to $49,999 Anonymous ACE Group Campbell Soup Foundation Edgerton Foundation New American Plays Fox Chase Bank The Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation Harmelin Media Hirsig Family Fund of the Philadelphia Foundation Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation Lincoln Financial Foundation Medical Legal Reproductions+ National Endowment for the Arts PECO
Pennsylvania Council on the Arts The Philadelphia Foundation Target Corporation Universal Health Services, Inc.
Sovereign Bank Foundation Subaru of America Foundation Verizon The Victory Foundation Walter J. Miller Trust
$7,500 to $14,999 Boeing Corporation Anne M. and Philip H. Glatfelter Family Foundation The Horner Foundation Philadelphia Cultural Fund PNC Charitable Trust Princess Grace FoundationUSA Susquehanna Bank TD Charitable Foundation The Wells Fargo Foundation
$750 to $2,499 12th Street Catering+ Actors’ Equity Association Foundation Beneserv Drumcliff Foundation The Hassel Foundation Jenkintown Building Services+ The Kesher Fund of the Cohen-Fruchtman-Krieger Family, Inc. Louis N. Cassett Foundation The Pittsburgh Foundation The Rittenhouse Foundation
$2,500 to $7,499 Arronson Foundation Barra Foundation Caroline Alexander Buck Foundation Caroline J. S. Sanders Charitable Trust II Charlotte Cushman Foundation, in memory of Norma Pomerantz Civic Foundation Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation Ethel Sergeant Clark Smith Memorial Fund The Haley Foundation Hatboro Beverages+ KieranTimberlake Paul E. Kelly Foundation PhillyCarShare+ Quirk Books
Make a donation through your workplace United Way program. Matching Gift Partners ACE Charitable Foundation Archie D. and Bertha H. Walker Foundation AXA Financial Boeing Brandywine Realty Trust DCR Environmental Services Inc. Dilworth Paxson LLP Endo Pharmaceuticals ExxonMobil Foundation Federated Department Stores Foundation First Horizon National Corporation
$749 and under William Goldman Foundation +denotes gifts of services or goods
Looking for a business tax break in 2012? Receive a tax credit through the Pennsylvania Education Improvement Tax Credit Program by supporting the Arden! (Funds directly support Arden for All, education outreach program.)
Eligiblity info: Angela DuRoss at 215-922-8900 x25 or
Special thanks to EITC contributors ACE Group, Comcast Corporation, Harmelin Media, PECO, Susquehanna Bank & Universal Health Services, Inc.
Our Donor Choice Number: 14198. Contributions made through the United Way support our work with children.
First Tennessee Foundation Gannett Foundation GE Foundation GlaxoSmithKline IBM Corporate Citizenship and Corporate Affairs Independence Foundation Johnson and Johnson Matching Gifts Program Macy’s Foundation Merck Partnership for Giving Merrill Lynch National Football League
National Philanthropic Trust Penn Virginia Corporation The Philadelphia Foundation PNC Foundation Quaker Chemical Corporation Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Saint-Gobain Corporation Foundation Sap America, Inc. Subaru of America Foundation United Way The Vanguard Group Foundation William Penn Foundation
For 11 years, the Sylvan Society has recognized individuals who support the Arden’s work by making annual gifts of $1,000 or more.
Sassafras Grove ($10,000 & above) Anonymous Mr. Frederick W. Anton, III CHG Charitable Trust Otto Haas Charitable Trust Mr. & Mrs. N. Peter Hamilton Hirsig Family Fund of The Philadelphia Foundation Cherry Grove ($5,000-$9,999) Anonymous Sally and Michael Bailin ^ Marie and Joseph Field Matthew and Marie Garfield Josephine Klein Suzanne F. Roberts Cultural Development Fund Charles and Mindy Goldberg Rose^ Monica and Philip Rosenthal Lee and Christopher van de Velde Rosalyn and Stephen Weinstein Wyncote Foundation, at the recommendation of Leonard C.Haas Filbert Grove ($2,500-$4,999) Carol and Tom Beam John Bitman ^ Lois G. Brodsky Thomas Burke and Rick Fountas John and Susan Coleman Anne M. Congdon Dorothy Delbueno Robert M. Dever Ann Diebold Bob and Nancy Elfant Tim and Ellen Foster^ Ms. Elizabeth Gemmill Linda and David Glickstein David and MaryJane Hackney Ronna and Robert Hall^ Karen and Mark Hite Leslie and Barbara Kaplan Drs. Robin and Saifuddin Mama Peggy and Steve Morgan Kurt and Mary-Ann Reiss Keith and Jim Straw Sally Walker and Tom Gilmore^ June and Steve Wolfson Family Foundation
Mulberry Grove ($1,000-$2,499) Anonymous Brian Abernathy and Elizabeth Ireland John Alchin and Hal Marryatt Bethany Asplundh Jim and Janet Averill Sheryl and Allen Bar Giséle Sambar Bathish Ivy Bayard Sandy and Mickey Bernstein Reggie Blaszczyk and Lee O’Neill Louis Bluver Jean G. Bodine Almut Breazeale DeDe and Tony Brown Nancy Burd Vicki and Russ Carlson Christina Clay, M.D. Priscilla and John Clement Joy De Jesús and Jamie Reynolds Tobey and Mark Dichter Michael A. Donato and Peter R. Sonzogni Deirdre Dooner Marie and Peter Dooner Deb Dorsey and Mike Green Shafiq Ebrahim James R. Fairburn and David A. Wickard Stephen Falchek Ted and Shannon Farmer Jeanne Fisher Sandi Foxx-Jones Richard and Diane D. Frey David and Christina Fryman* Terry Graboyes Peggy and Richard Greenawalt Marcy Gringlas and Joel Greenberg Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Greenfield, III Glenn Gundersen and Susan Manix Mr. and Mrs. Jon Harmelin Don Haskin and Lynn Martin Haskin Jane and Steve Heumann Dr. David and Patricia Holtz* Susan Jacobson and Michael Golden* Carol and D. Scott Kelley Caroline Kemmerer Mr. Peter Kenney and Dr. Dorothy Novick Virginia and Harvey Kimmel Arts Education Fund of the Philadelphia Foundation
Holly Kinser Kenneth and Eve Klothen Joel Koppelman and Sharon Sorkin Beth and Bill Landman Winnie and Eric Lien William A. Loeb Richard Maimon and Susan Segal Larry and Mickey Magid Tina Manco Lewis R. and Sue Ann Marburg Gloria and Dan Mariano Jean Markovitz Barbara and Don Matheson John and Amy McCawley* Ms. Carol and John Rauch Andrea Mengel and George A. Ritter Seymour Millstein A.C. Missias Ellen and Michael Mulroney Amy L. Murphy and Terrence J. Nolen Michael Norris and Matt Varrato Thomas Petro and Kristine Messner Dr. and Mrs. Joel Porter Ann and Frank Reed, through the Malfer Foundation Amelia Q. Riley Ellen Rosenthal Phyllis and Martin Rosenthal Dolly Beechman Schnall and Dr. Nathan Schnall, in loving memory of Laurie Beechman Hether, Don and Sarah Smith Richard and Amanda Smoot Marilyn and Dean R. Staats^ Kathleen A. Stephenson William K. Stewart Foundation Adelaide Sugarman and Marshall Greenberg Harvey B. Swedloff Eileen Heisman Tuzman and Martin Tuzman Thomas and Patricia Vernon^ Sandy and Michael Wax Richard E. Woosnam and Diane Dalto Woosnam Mike Salmanson and Tobi Zemsky Michael Zuckerman and Jan Levine, in memory of Jonathan Levine Ellen Yin+ Hope Yursa ZAKARAK Productions * denotes gifts made through the United Way +denotes gifts of services or goods ^includes a matching gift
The special generosity of our members enables the Arden to tell great stories by having the resources to achieve the highest level of artistic quality. To join or for more information, please contact Angela DuRoss, Development Director at 215-922-8900 x25 or
Join the Sylvan Society Your annual gift of $1,000 or more gains you membership in the Sylvan Society and special access to artists and ‘behind the scenes’ experiences: ·
Invitations to opening night celebrations including pre-show and post-show parties
Backstage tours
Arden Children’s Theatre opening nights including a kid friendly party
First rehearsals of Arden productions
New play readings
Free and unlimited exchanges through the exclusive Sylvan Society ticket hotline
Recognition as a Sylvan Society member in stagebills, website and lobby
Special Arden Friends emails with insider information from Managing Director, Amy Murphy
Gifts from Sylvan Society members allow us to take artistic risks, nurture the work of Philadelphia artists and grow our theatre’s community impact. Your support truly makes a difference.
To make a gift, please call Angela DuRoss, Development Director at 215.922.8900 x25 or go online:
Thank You to our Supporters $500 - $999 Stan and Lisa Altman Rebecca and John Adams Sheila Bell and Thomas Dodds Ms. Ruth E. Brown Carol and Bruce Caswell Drs. Fred and Karen Clark In Honor of Lisa Burns Gina Deflavia Carole M. Foley* Dan Gannon Paul H. and Jeanne Geskes Dr. and Mrs Michael Golden* Barbara and Jerry Kaplan Edith Klausner Mary Ellen Krober Mike and Helene Loeb John Wilson and Allison P. WilsonMaher Frank and Sally Mallory Mary Louise and Gerald Martin Jerome Napson Mr. and Mrs. Gerald O’Neill Paul Rabe and Cheryl Gunter Franklyn and Cintra Rodgers Marilyn Sanborne and Richard J. Labowskie* Michael Sanyour Eva and Marvin Schlanger Family Foundation Philip and Susan Schlegel Robert and Karen Sharrar Ellen Schwartz and Jeremy Siegel
Corinne Stahl Harold and Emily Starr Dorothy S. Tomassini and Barry Brenner Matthew White* $250-$499 Anonymous Arden Professional Apprentices Carol and Bennett Aaron Howard Aaronson Iris Melendez and Henry R. Adamczyk, Jr. Janet and Roger Alwang Ron and Joyce Bayer Susan Becker and Aaron Rubin Pat and Tom Bender Peter and Lynne Berman Sidney Beshunsky Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert and Marilyn Birnhak Daniel Blickman Linda and Daniel Blickman* Alden and Linda Blyth Philip and Elaine Bobrove Marlin G. Brown* Bob and Cheryl Carfagno Debbie and Alan Casnoff Caroline Castagno Mr. and Mrs. Fred and Karen Clark Patricia M. Collins Ruth Miller Cox James Crawford and Judith Dean
Jim and Pat Calbertson George Koch and Santo DiDonato Tika and Issac Djerassi Michael Dotsey Joseph and Carolyn Evans Wally and Jane Evans Anne Ewers Mr. and Mrs. Farenback-Brateman Askold Zagars Cynthia Heininger and James Feeney Ruth and Andre Ferber Dr. John and Elaine Frank In memory of Bob Gallagher Charles Gear John Geronimo Stan Gibell Karhnak-Glasby Family Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Rita Goldberg Bob and Jan Goren Clara and Jorge LaBrake Brian Hanna Mary C. Harbison Barbara and Robert Hauptfuhrer Charles W. Head, Jr. Betsy and Ted Hershberg Heidi Hertfelder Jim and Carolyn Hessinger Glenna Huls Sarah C. Jordan David and Beth Medoway Kagan Scott and Margie Kasner Susan Kellogg and Dick Hoffman
ARDEN FoR ALL is supported by a generous gift from virginia and harvey kimmel
The Legacy Society Arden Theatre Company would like to recognize the following supporters who have included the Arden in their will or estate plans. Their planned gift provides support which will help sustain the Arden’s work for decades to come. Peggy Anderson Jane Berryman Lou Bluver Ellis K. Ginsberg
Peter Gistelinck and Kim Bloom James and Suzanne Hill Mary Ellen Krober Marilyn and Dean R. Staats
We hope you will consider including the Arden in your will or estate plans. To be recognized as a member of the Legacy Society or with questions regarding planned giving, please contact Angela DuRoss, Development Director at 215-922-8900 ext. 25.
Thank You to our Supporters $250-$499 continued Gregory Kleiber Barbara and Leonard Klinghoffer Bernadette Koller Kenneth D. Kopple Marilyn and David Kraut Ruth and Peter Laibson Joan and Marc S. Lapayowker David Lerman David Lesher Pat and Jim Lobb John and Martha Lubell Dr. Edward Lundy and Debra Reiff Mrs. Grace Madeira Robert Manning Dr. Arlen Marks and David Smith George and Judy McCarthy Gloria McNutt Stephen and Janet Mullin Paul Nutaitis and Robert Clark Brenda J. Oliphant Mr. and Mrs. Gerald O’Neill Barbara and Don Parman John and Judith Peakes Valerie Brand Pipano and Tal Pipano Karen and David Pressel Dan Promislo Mary Jo Reilly Joy Rickabaugh Dulcie Romm Irwin C. and Carole M. Saft Harold and Sharon Schwalm Susan Greene James Akerberg and Larry Simmons Robert and Susan Simon William and Mary Simpson James L. Smith Anne Speyer In loving Memory of Jordan Rosenfeld Hella and Lew Volgenau Emily and Charles Wagner Michael Walraven and Mary Lou Starling Marlene Weinberg Fred and Arleen Weinstein Judy and Julian Weinstein Wendy and Larry White Mrs. Thomas A. Williams Nancy Wingo, in honor of Peter and Alta Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Woodcock Tom and Jackie Zemaitis
$125 - $249 Anonymous Dr. Ron Abrams Dr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Andrews Theodora W. Ashmead Alan and Sandy Ault Judith Barrett Richard and Eileen Bazelon Bill Beckett and Jo White Jay and Nancy Berkowitz Jane Biberman Doris and Aaron Bitman Thomas H. Blackburn Joan Blum Janice and Roger Boe Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Mary Pat Boyle Laurie Brown David Brownlee Bernard and Pamela Brownstein Sheryl L. Roser Evelyn and Gary Carpenter Mr. Joseph Casey Nelly and Scott Childress Jennifer and Daniel Coffey John R Collett Dr. Marie A. Conn Sandra and James Corry Charles J. Coyle Mary Ann Dailey Jennifer Dalpiaz Nancy Davis Ellen Deacon Raymond and Michele Decker Cordelia and Don Delson Stephanie Deviney Daniel Devlin Andrew and Marla Diamond Larry and Pat Dixon Ellen and Max Dooneief Beverly Dotter Kathy and Jerry Drew in honor of Ellen Foster Jill Dulany Angela DuRoss Lois S. Durso Paul and Adele Epstein Wendy Epstein William and Anne Ewing Paul and Judith Farber Mark and Rene Feitelson Lana Fishkin Curt Foxworth Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Frank Helene and Michael Freidman Wendi and Michael Furman Judith and Edwin Gerber
David K. Gifford Kathleen and Paul Goldenberg Grace Gonglewski and Eric Schoefer Virginia Gormley Susan and Adam Guttentag Judge Marvin R. and Mrs. Marcia O. Halbert Dona and Curt Haltiwanger Linda Fowler Hartnett Virginia Hedden Lenora Hume Nancy Kane Donald and Mary Kane Sandra R. Karlson Phyllis Kauffman Lawrence Kaufman Alan and Elaine Klawans Charles and Patricia Kling Bob and Mary Lawler Richard Lee Lorraine Leff and the late Richard Leff Ruth Lesser Alan and Susan Levin Helene Levine Linda and Donald Lewis Warren and Arline Lieberman Barbara and Richard Linde Robert and Laurel Lipshutz Will and Sandy Lock Robert Lynam Ellen Magen and Gerald Katz Lynn and Joe Manko Ted and Ronnie Mann Linda McAleer and Maitlon Russell Faith and Arthur McDowell Tom and Helen McNutt Cheryl Meyer Paul and Lee S Miller Kathleen J. Moyer, Ph.D. Carmen Mucci and Lois Marianni Theodore and Theresa Munz Jr. John Musarra Kenneth and Susan Myers Eliot Nierman Etta and Chuck Nissman Tom and Carol L. O’Brien Laura Offutt and Steve Fukuchi Hugh C. O’Neill Virginia Owen Sandra Packel Mr. Richard Pariseau Michael L and Judy Paul Mary and F. Laurence Pethick Vincent and Carmen Pezzullo Bruce and Lynne Podrat
Thank You to our Supporters $125 - $249 continued Rhoda Polakoff John and Margaret Preg Sherri and Abe Reich Leslie Rescorla Alice Reyes Mark and Sharon Robb Linda Robinson, Ph.D. and Peter Krill Claire Rocco Francoise and Louis Rollmann^ Jane A. Rose, CPA/PFS, CFP Faye and Daniel Ross Bernice and Jerry Rubenstein Robert and Joan Ludwig Peter Ryker Ruth and Marvin Sachs Thekla Sacksteder Joan and Bill Saidel Mark Sandberg Ms. Kim Schmucki Carl W. and Mary Ellen Schneider Warren and Carole Lee Schwomeyer Robert and Karen Serenbetz Joseph and Louise Shaffer Catharine Shippen Mel and Susanne Shuster Virginia P. Sikes, Esq. Celeste Simon and Brian Keith Ms. Anne Singer Leslie E. Skilton Ed Sobel Margaret R. Spencer John and Susan Stedman Rita Stevens Robert Stewart and Barbara Barnett-Stewart Paul Stone Ruth P. Stuessy Richard and Anne Tax Lorraine Toji Cathy Toner* The Vandergrift-Baxter Family Vivian Weinblatt Marvin and Betty Weiss Theresa Williams Bertram and Lorle Wolfson Michaeline Young Joan and William Zeidner Michele Zeldner and Ian Wachstein $75 - $124 Anonymous Art-Reach, in honor of Maureen Mullin Fowler
Bill Edwards and Kathy Nolen Edwards Nonprofit Center at LaSalle, in honor of Angela DuRoss Lawrence Abramson Emely Aiken Albert and Patricia Anderson Peggy J. Anderson Arthur S. Applebaum Helen Carol Aster Ann and Larry Auerweck Rita Axelrod Dr. Donald Bakove Robert and Sandy Clay Bauer Judith Beck Joseph and Lisa Becker David and Nancy Bergman Bikki Bevelhymer-Chiang Libby and Benjamin Blank Myron and Sharon Blumberg Maxine Blum and Samuel Bobrow Judith Borie Marcia Bower Frank Boyer Michael P. Boyle Joseph and Mary Lou Breidenstine Charles Brennan John D. Brewster, Jr. Patricia Brubaker Michael P. Buckley Carol Buettger Marilyn Sifford and Robert Butera Francis and Mary Calter Barbara Carmine Alice A. Chittenden Mary Chomitz Paul Chrystie Estelle Chunn Annemarie Clarke and David Buch Sharyn F. Clauson Edwin Close Rhoda and Michael Coben Ms. Judy Cohen Sue Cohen Henry and Edna Cohen Janet Cook Susan Cook Carol Corson Brett Alan Costello Zoe Coulson Kimberly Crown* Daniel Dagle Charles H. and Suzanne Davis Judith Dederick
Rita and Grace Denbo Ellen and Gerald DiPinto Stuart Donaldson Ray and Ellen Doyle Libby Rosof and Murray Dubin Ms. Louisa Dubin Donald and Geraldine Duclow Leah Chaplin and Eileen Gildea Marcia and Ed Eisenberg Linda V. Ellsworth Debbie and Jerry Epstein Barry and Beth Evans Sylvia Beck and Jay Federman Dr. and Mrs. Mark Feitelson John and Nancy Fischer Deborah Fishbein Judy Frank Barbara and Len Frank Larry S. Friedman Paula Fuchsberg Mary Jane Fullam Chaim and Kelly Galfand Buzz and Linda Gamble George and Pooh Gephart Greg Gephart Maria Giunta Geoffrey and Karen Glauser Joan Gmitter Leigh Goldenberg and Aaron Bauman Brian Goldsmith Maxwell Gorson Kenneth E. and Anna C. Giacalone Gottschaldt Diane Graboyes Miriam and Saul Grossman Nancy and Richard Grove Anne Halkedis Ona and Stephen Hamilton D. Keith Hargreaves Adrienne and Eric Hart Don and Lynn Haskin Gail Hauptfuhrer Douglas and Harriet Heath Gerald Hebert and Gail Seligman Alice Hennessy Ruth Herd Ronald Herman Judy Herman and Steve Small Susan W Herron Lynn Hewitt Tom and Wendy Hibberd Sylvia Lee and Charles L. Hillis, Jr. Terry Hirshorn Barbara and Richard Hirsh Ann Marie Horner Thomas K. Hurster
Thank You to our Supporters $75 - $124 continued Elyssa Kane and Jeffrey Levine Jacqueline Jerrehian Timothy and Carol Johnson Sondra N. Jones Valerie M. Jones Jane Kamp and Thomas Lloyd Robert and Ellen Kavash Margaret Keller Heather J. Kelley Cynthia Killion Margarita and Peter Kind Steven and Patricia King John and Cheryl Kirby Brian and Caren Kirschner Christina and Harold Klein Ken and Eva Klein Marlena and Lazar Kleit Mary and Dean Kline Steven Knepper Harold and Maris Kobb Thomas and Anne Kohn Christal Kozloski* Martha Platt and Marlis Kraft James Kronzer Sherman Labovitz David Ladov Robert Lamb Kathryn and Edward Lee Lisa Lee Sharon Leib Bob and Lynn Levitt Natalie Levkovich Craig and Stephanie Lewis Norman and Sylvia Lieberman Karen Lisker Perry Watts and Samuel Litwin Leroy and Ruth Loewenstern James MacElderry Donald and Nancy Maclay Betty Margolis and Sidney Arenson Milton and Renee Margulies Gerald and Barbara Marrington Glenda Marshall Irwin Matusow and Barbara Rudnick Lorraine and Bruce McMahon Marianne T. Miller Sylvia R. Miller Ellen Monsees Lisa and Stephen Morano Jeff and Maxine Morgan David and Laurel Mosteller Claire and James Moyer Tema Muchnick Paul Yaros and Craig Murray John and Shirley Neff
Diane Nissen and Jerry Gollub Jay and Joan Ochroch William O’Connor Susan Odessey Timothy O’Malley Linda Osler Stanton S. Oswald Robert Pasternack Janette and Lance Paul John and Judith Peakes Rebecca Peck Jane G. Pepper Ruth Petkofsky Lisa Pinto Trucksess Donald and Carol Plank Dan and Lisa Pliskin David and Amy Pollack Madeline Portnoy Linda Quam Keith and Cynthia Quinton Ellen Rawicz Mark and Karen Reber Eleanor and Joseph Reinhardt Rachel Reynolds Clifford Ridley and Betsey Hansell Lorraine Riesenbach Zara and George Roberts Debbie Robinson Mr. and Mrs. David and Laurie Robinson Mary Ann Robinson John and Claire Rodgers Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rosen Bernie and Camille Rosenberg Patricia A. Rosenberg Kenneth and Shelley Rosenberg Enid and Murray Rosenblatt J. Randall Rosensteel Edwin and Sally Rosenthol Joan Rozanski Bernard and Barbara Ruekgauer Diane Rurode and Jim Lord Bill and Denise Ryan Roberta Sampson Lucille Schlack Ruth Ann Schlesinger Mr. and Mrs. A. Schmidt^ Sarah Sexton Karen Schermerhorn and Evan Seymour Antoinette Seymour Lenore and Bernard Sherman Marie and James Shew John and Maryann Shivers Thomas and Janice Showler Barbara Silverstein Bob and Harriet Singer
Shirley Sivitz Jay Snyderman Judy and Michael Solomon Suzanne Spain Sharon Corbin and Edward Spector Phillip and Karen Spiker Courtney Spiker Martin Daniel and Judith Steiker Leon and Marcia Steinberg Ruth and David Steinman Joel and Barbara Stewart Debra and Edward Strauss Marianna and Michael Sullivan Sally Switzer Nina Tafel Marion and Richard Taxin Mary Jo Taylor Joseph Terry William and Joan Thomas James Timberlake and Meg Rodgers Marian Tracey Brenda Freitag and Chet Tuthill John Urofsky Gilbert Feinberg and Nadeen Van Tuyle William Vaughn Clifford and Ann Wagner Mr. John Waldie Thomas Watkins Barbara Watson Jenny and Bill Webb Oscar and Wallburga Weber Robert and Eleanor Weinberg Jim and Suellen Weiner Dr. Harold Weiner Helen and Harry Weinheimer Elizabeth Weinreb Barbara and Richard Weiss M. Jane Williams Christine Winkelvoss Sam and Kuna Yankell William Zeidner* Benjamin Zuckerman and Marian Robinson * Denotes gift made through the United Way + Denotes gift of goods or services ^ Includes matching gift This list acknowledges donors Jan 1 - Dec 31, 2011. If your name has been omitted or misprinted, please accept our apologies. Notify Development Assistant Megan Staples at 215.922.8900 x46 or Although space does not allow listing gifts less than $75, we gratefully acknowledge the contributions.
Board and Committee Members 2011/12 Board of Directors Ellen P. Foster, President Brian Abernathy, Vice President Andrea Mengel, Vice President Michael A. Donato, Treasurer Nancy Hirsig, Secretary Nancy Burd Joy L. De Jesús Nancy Elfant Robert Elfant David Fryman Elizabeth H. Gemmill Darrel A. German Albert M. Greenfield, III Ronna F. Hall Joanne Harmelin Lynn Martin Haskin, Ph.D. Steve Heumann Susan G. Jacobson Barbara Kaplan Virginia Kimmel Holly Kinser Richard L. Maimon John J. McCawley Amy L. Murphy Terrence J. Nolen Charles H. Rose H. Hetherington Smith Lee van de Velde Stephen Wolfson Diane Dalto Woosnam Ellen Yin Board Executive Committee Ellen Foster, chair Brian Abernathy Joy L. De Jesús Michael Donato Ronna F. Hall Peter Hamilton Nancy Hirsig Virginia Kimmel Andrea Mengel Charles Rose Hether Smith Lee van de Velde
Advocacy Committee Brian Abernathy, chair David Glancey Terry Gillen Julie Hawkins Susan Jacobson Holly Kinser Board Development Committee Brian Abernathy, chair Michael Donato Ellen Foster Peter Hamilton Ronna Hall Lynn Haskin Lee van de Velde Diane Dalto Woosnam Education Committee Sheryl Bar Marla Diamond Dr. Dennis W. Creedon Dr. Carol Domb Jacqueline Matusow Ilene Poses Sally Wojcik Engagement Committee Nancy Elfant, co-chair Lee van de Velde, co-chair Brian Abernathy Nancy Burd Bob Elfant Betsy Gemmill Darrel German Ronna Hall Joanne Harmelin Nancy Hirsig Sue Jacobson Barbara Kaplan Virginia Kimmel Holly Kinser Charles Rose Diane Dalto Woosnam
Facilities Committee Hether Smith, chair Mike Green James Kronzer Richard Maimon John McCawley Paul Thais Chris van de Velde Finance Committee Michael Donato, chair Nancy Burd Ellen Foster Steve Heumann Martin Rosenthal Harvey Swedloff Steve Wolfson The Scene Committee Mike Donohue Seth Goldenberg Genvieve Goldstein Janeale Gottlieb-George Dana Marston Meghan McKeown Special Events Task Force Ronna F. Hall, chair Nancy Burd Nancy Elfant Ellen Foster Sue Jacobson Diane Dalto Woosnam Strategic Planning Committee Joy De Jesús, chair Ellen Foster David Fryman Andrea Mengel Ellen Yin Personnel Committee David Fryman, chair Ellen Foster Charles Rose Betsy Gemmill Moose Greenfield
Thank you to The Franklin Fountain for providing Neapolitan ice cream for this production. The Franklin Fountain, owned by Eric and Ryan Berley, is a soda shop that serves home-made ice cream, phosphates and sundaes. The Berley Brothers have recently re-opened the Shane Confectionery, a site that has continuously housed working confectioners since 1863. The candy shop sells chocolates, bonbons, and taffies that are made on the premises and displayed in authentic antique glassware. Both shops are ideal for a post-show treat. The Franklin Fountain is located at 116 Market Street with Shane’s Confectionary a few doors down at 110 Market Street.
Staff Artistic Producing Artistic Director................................................................................................................................... Terrence J. Nolen Associate Artistic Director .......................................................................................................................................... Edward Sobel Associate Producer .................................................................................................................................................. Matthew Decker Literary Consultant .........................................................................................................................................................Dennis Smeal Artistic Assistant .................................................................................................................................................................. Bryan Kerr Artistic Intern .................................................................................................................................................................... Carl Granieri Commissioned Playwrights ..................................................................................Laura Eason, Laura Jacqmin, Rogelio Martinez Administrative Management Managing Director ...................................................................................................................................................... Amy L. Murphy Business Manager ...........................................................................................................................................Courtney Spiker Martin Associate General Manager .....................................................................................................................................Mary Beth Simon Arden Professional Apprentices .................................................................. Kaleigh Malloy, Alan Paramore, Samantha Pedings Ryan M. Prendergast, Zach Trebino, Flora Vassar Arden Volunteer ............................................................................................................................................................ Jean Markovitz Administrative Interns .................................................................................................................................................. Fen Tamulonis Marketing Director of Marketing and Public Relations .................................................................................................................... Ryan Klink Marketing and Public Relations Manager .............................................................................................................Leigh Goldenberg Art Director.......................................................................................................................................................................Kristy Giballa Marketing Assistant ................................................................................................................................................... Catherine Logan Group Sales Associate ............................................................................................................................................... Shanna Tedeschi Marketing Intern ...................................................................................................................................................... Emily Poworoznek Development Development Director ............................................................................................................................................... Angela DuRoss Director of Institutional Advancement ....................................................................................................................... Jessica Calter Manager of Institutional Giving .................................................................................................................................... Sarah Sexton Development Assistant................................................................................................................................................. Megan Staples Development Interns ............................................................................................................................ Beth Miller, Marissa Moylan Education Education Director .........................................................................................................................................Maureen Mullin Fowler Arden Drama School Coordinator......................................................................................................................... Shanna Tedeschi Arden Drama School Faculty..................... ................... Chris Bresky, Rachel Camp, Matt Decker, Tara Demmy, Liz Filios, James Ijames, Alex Keiper,Bryan Kerr, Bi Jean Ngo, Steve Pacek, Hillary Rea, Alison Roberts, Ryan Touhy, Anneliese Van Arsdale Arden For All Teaching Artists..................... Kate Altman, Kala Moses Baxter, Chris Bresky, Rachel Camp, Matt Decker, Charlie DelMarcelle, Liz Filios, Sarah Gliko, James Ijames, Michael McElroy, Aubie Merrylees, Bi Jean Ngo, Steve Pacek, Hillary Rea, Leah Walton Education Intern ..................................................................................................................................................................Mandy Fahey Front of house Box Office Manager............................................................................................................................................................... Lynn Keily Assistant Box Office Manager .......................................................................................................................................Corey Masson House Manager............................................................................................................................................................. Elisabeth Kersey Front of House Assistants ...........Tara Bankard, Nanci Cope, Katie Dahm, Tara Demmy, Sarah Dugan, Michael Durkin, Nathan Nolen Edwards, Brielle Hart, Kate Kennedy, Mark Kennedy, Hilary Kissinger, Emily Mattison, Calee McCauley, Katherine Perry, Jacqueline Schneider, Merideth Sonnen, Andrew Wojtek Production Production Manager .................................................................................................................................................. Courtney Riggar Technical Director........................................................................................................................................................ Glenn Perlman Associate Production Manager ............................................................................................................................ Jessica Day West Master Carpenter/Shop Foreman ....................................................................................................................................... Jon West Master Electrician...................................................................................................................................................... Martin Stutzman Costume Supervisor..................................................................................................................................................... Alison Roberts Properties Master .................................................................................................................................................... Christopher Haig Charge Scenic Artist ............................................................................................................................................ Kristina Chadwick Production Stage Managers ................................................................. Stephanie Cook, Alec E. Ferrell, Katharine M. Hanley Assistant to the Stage Manager .................................................................................................................................. Zach Trebino Assistant to the Director ...................................................................................................................................... Kevin Stackhouse ASL Consultant...................................................................................................................Brian Morrison, Hands UP Productions Wig Designer .................................................................................................................................................................. Ameera Ansari Electrics and Sound Intern ................................................................................................................................... Rebecca Adelsheim Scenic Construction Intern................................................................................................................................................ AJ Garrigus Carpenters ...................................................................... Charles Dabezies, Kate Sabato, Chris Sanino, Georgia Schlessman, Props Intern ................................................................................................................................................................... Tate Obayashi Stitchers ......................................................................................................................................................................... Lillian Dunham Electricians ..................................................................................................................................... Ashley Esterline, Jessica Wallace Audio Engineer .............................................................................................................................................................. Austen Brown Costume Interns ................................................................................. Sarette Dymkowski, Catherine O’Brien, Trevor Pierce
When dining in Old City, we recommend these restaurants that support the Arden! All offer a special 10% discount to Arden patrons. Please ask your server for details. AMERICAN/INTERNATIONAL FARE
306 Market St. • 215.625.9425
2011/12 Dining Partners
GIGI RESTAURANT AND LoUNGE 319 Market St. • 215-574-8880
PhILADELPhIA BAR AND RESTAURANT 120 Market St. • 215.925.7691
Q BARBEQUE AND TEQUILA BAR 207 Chestnut St. • 215.625.8605
REvoLUTIoN hoUSE 200 Market St. • 215-625-4566
SERRANo 20 S. 2nd St. • 215.928.0770 BYOB
BISTRo 7 7 North 3rd St. • 215.931.1560
ChLÖE 232 Arch St. • 215.629.2337 STEAKHOUSE
MARMoNT 222 Market St. • 215.923.1100
214 Market St. • 215.923.1000
khYBER PASS PUB 56 South 2nd St. • 215.238.5888
RACE STREET CAFÉ 208 Race St. • 215.627.6181 ITALIAN
BISTRo RoMANo 120 Lombard St. • 215.925.8880
PoSITANo CoAST BY ALDo LAMBERTI 212 Walnut St,, 2nd Floor • 215.238.0499
ShANE CoNFECTIoNERY 110 Market St. • 215.922.1048
ThE FRANkLIN FoUNTAIN 116 Market St. • 215.627.1899
oLD CITY CoFFEE 221 Church St. • 215.629.9292
Feed Your SOUL Upstairs For reservations call 215.928.0770
For show tickets call 215.928.0978
Feed Your BELLY Downstairs
Serrano would like to welcome their New Executive Chef Michael Berninger. Arden diners will receive 10% off their bill*. *Terms & conditions may apply.
Clybourne Park AN D
A Raisin in the Sun The events in Bruce Norris’ play have an inspired intersection with A Raisin in the Sun. The groundbreaking 1959 play by Lorainne Hansberry is about the Youngers, a black family from the South Side of Chicago, who plan to move to an all white fictional neighborhood called Clybourne Park. When Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun appeared on Broadway in 1959 it represented a landmark in American theatre. Hansberry, at twenty-nine, became the youngest American playwright, the fifth woman and the first African American to win the New York Drama Critics Circle Award for Best Play of the Year. In its authentic depiction of the black experience, A Raisin in the Sun paved the way for the African American voice to be heard on the American stage. The 1961 film version starring Sidney Poitier, with a screenplay by Hansberry, won a special award at the Cannes Film Festival and Hansberry was nominated for a Screen Writer’s Guild Award. In the play, the Younger family has received a $10,000 life insurance check from the deceased Mr. Younger’s policy. Each family member has a different idea of what to do with the money. Walter Lee hopes to use the money to invest in a liquor store with his friends. His mother, Lena, rejects this idea and decides to use the money to secure a proper house for the family to live in, to honor the desires of her husband to provide the family with a better life. The new house is located in the fictional, all-white Chicago neighborhood of Clybourne Park. And when the Younger’s future neighbors hear of their impending arrival, they send Mr. Karl Lindner, from the Clybourne Park Improvement Association, to offer a buy out for the Youngers not to move into the neighborhood. In the first act of Clybourne Park, the same Karl Lindner attempts to persuade Bev and Russ Stoller not to sell to a black family – assumedly the Youngers – in fear of how the family’s presence would affect their property values and neighborhood culture. In Act II, Mr. Norris nods to Hansberry’s play with Lena who is a direct descendent of the Younger family. Mr. Norris, in a New York Times article, said that A Raisin in the Sun was one of the first major American plays he was exposed to. Living in an all-white suburb of Houston, Texas, his primary exposure to anyone African-American was his family’s maid, until his seventh grade teacher showed his class the film adaptation of the play. It made him realize that “we, the all-white students of my school, were the offspring of Karl Lindner”. The film clearly stuck with him as he crafted Clybourne Park. “Many years later I thought, what if we turned the story around and told it from the opposite angle, the angle of people, [the villains], the ones who wanted to keep them out?” Mr. Norris’ play has earned many accolades – the Pulitzer Prize, Olivier Award – and a Broadway production slated for this spring. Following in the footsteps of the play that it draws inspiration from, Clybourne Park is making a resounding impact on the American theatre. Photo: A Raisin in the Sun (1959-60 Broadway), Play by Lorraine Hansberry Directed by Lloyd Richards. Shown from left: Claudia McNeil, Sidney Poitier
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DRAMA SCHOOL Classes taught by Arden actors you’ve seen on stage
KIDS’ CREW (Pre-K - 5) Spring semester starts March 12th! 8-Week Classes, One Day Workshops, After School and Saturdays Acting, Storytelling, Musical Theatre, Design and more! Classes start at just $20 per child. SPRING BREAK CAMP April 2 - 6, Monday - Friday, 9am - 3pm
TEEN COMPANY (Grades 6 - 12) Spring semester starts March 17th! 6-Week Classes, One Day Workshops, After School and Saturdays Acting, Musical Theatre, Improv, Stage Combat, Design and more! SPRING BREAK ONE DAY WORKSHOPS One Day Musical Theatre Intensive - April 2, 10am - 3pm Cyrano – One Day Intensive (includes the 2pm performance) April 4, 10am - 5pm
SUMMER CAMP DATES ONLINE NOW! Register by March 1st for Early bird rates 1, 2, and 3 week camps for kids and teen in June, July & August!
Full class descriptions online at Register online or call 215.922.1122
Arden Drama School is sponsored by:
By Greg Banks Directed by Matthew Decker
April 25 - June 17
An action packed re-imagining of the legendary tale. TICkETS: $16-$32 Charlotte’s Web ticket holders: turn in your tickets to enjoy deeper discounts and exchanges!
Arden Children’s Theatre sponsored by:
By Edmond Rostand Translated and Adapted by Michael Hollinger Adapted and Directed by Aaron Posner
On stage Mar 8 – Apr 15
A brand new adaptation of the classic love story by two of the Arden’s most cherished writers. Edmond Rostand’s play Cyrano de Bergerac has been inspiring artists since it was first produced in 1897. The tale of the famous French poet and swordsman has been re-imagined through theatre, film and opera helmed by artists as varied as Anthony Burgess, Kenneth Branaugh and Steve Martin, in the 1987 film Roxanne. Michael Hollinger and Aaron Posner now join the ranks of these esteemed adaptors with a new version of the classic story. Aaron Posner, co-founder of the Arden, has adapted nine plays on our stages; most recently My Name Is Asher Lev. Seven of Michael Hollinger’s plays, including GhostWriter and Opus, have premiered at the Arden. Despite this impressive pedigree, Cyrano marks their first collaboration together. Yielding a mighty sword and waxing poetic, Eric Hissom as Cyrano leads a cast of nine in this passionate, sexy take on the most famous nose in literature.
Eric hissom (Cyrano)
David Bardeen (Ragueneau)
Ben Lloyd (De Guiche)
Jessica Cummings (Roxane)
keith Randolph Smith (Le Bret)
Scott Greer (Montfleury)
Luigi Sotille (Christian)
Doug hara (Ligniere)
2012/13 Lock in this year’s prices for next year’s shows! Must order by March 25th!
Ever taken a leap of faith? We’re inviting you to now. Join us for all five plays of next season – without knowing any titles – and lock into the lowest prices we’ll offer. World premiere plays. Large scale musicals. Literary adaptations. Celebrations of community. Great stories by great storytellers.
Please join us. Leap of Faith pricing is available now through March 25.
TO SUBSCRIBE: 215.922.1122
L to R: August: Osage County (2011), A Moon for the Misbegotten (2011), The Whipping Man (2011), The History Boys (2009), Superior Donuts (2011), The Threepenny Opera (2010), Ghost-Writer (2010), Sunday in the Park with George (2010)
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