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Legend of
Georgia McBride by MATTHEW LOPEZ Set & Sound Designer
Costume Designer
Lighting Designer
Stage Manager
Assistant Director
Directed by EMMANUELLE DELPECH “Lost and Found” Music by JOE
October 13 – November 27, 2016
Special thanks to the Harold and Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust for supporting Arden Theatre Company. Applause, please, for our Media Partner: THE LEGEND OF GEORGIA MCBRIDE is presented by special arrangement with Dramatists Play Service, Inc., New York. Originally commissioned by The Old Globe, San Diego, California (Louis Spisto, Executive Producer) Originally developed and produced at the Denver Center Theatre Company (Kent Thompson, Artistic Director) New York Premiere at the MCC Theater September 9, 2015 (Robert LuPone, Bernard Telsey, & William Cantler, Artistic Directors; Blake West, Executive Director)
Arden Theatre Company receives state arts funding support through a grant from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, a state agency funded by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency. + Member of United Scenic Artists Local USA 829
* Member of Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the U.S.
This winter on the Arcadia stage, the Arden presents John by Pulitzer Prize winner Annie Baker. Set at a bed and breakfast in Gettysburg, John centers on a young couple, Annie Baker Elias and Jenny, who visit to take in the Civil War sites. Run by a daffy, older lady named Mertis, this B&B is full of carefully curated, strange objects – a player piano, an array of dolls, a miniature village, and a stereo made to look like a jukebox. As the play unfolds, we wonder about the mystical energy that the house possesses (the B&B was once the site of a field hospital for Union soldiers). And – through Annie Baker’s quiet, signature style of re-creating human speech onstage with such care and authenticity - we begin to deeply understand these characters. Below is an excerpt from an interview that Annie did with Elianna Kan in BOMB Magazine, where she speaks of her process and inspiration for writing John. ELIANNA KAN: I’m curious what inspired John, because it’s very different from your previous work, more free-wheeling, maybe.
ANNIE BAKER: With John, I was interested in a play where multiple older people are watching people fifty years younger than them struggle in a way that’s very specific to one’s twenties and early thirties. I had also started to investigate the numinous in my work, and became interested in discussions of the holy and the occult. And then I came across this amazing essay that Rainer Maria Rilke has on dolls. I became really interested in the spiritual life of the inanimate object. I mean, I was very interested in that as a child but then I started trying to figure out what that interest really signified about my psychology. And somehow it all started coming together into a play. I also wanted to investigate women’s relationships to dolls from their childhood, what those dolls embodied and expressed. The Rilke essay comes the closest to ar-
ticulating what I experienced as a kid, but there was still something else I wanted to talk about. There’s something very specific about the women I talked to, me and most of my friends, and the relationships we had with our dolls when we were younger. We had this obsessive guilt surrounding them. That guilt is what I hadn’t heard anyone talk about and it became really interesting to me as a metaphor. EK: One thing I love about your plays is that the characters feel so familiar. – they talk the way that people I know talk. When did you first start paying attention to the way people speak?
AB I have been amused and moved by the grammar and music of the way people speak since I can remember. When I was seventeen I started secretly recording people and then transcribing everything, twenty pages of a so-called banal conversation, and then marveling at how beautiful it was when you just write down exactly what people say. EK: What is it about theater that still resonates with you?
AB: Everything I’m about to say might be obvious, but I do think there’s something special about the thing happening in front of you. Movies are an opportunity to travel back in time, which is exciting, but theater is an opportunity to experience time at the same rate as the actors in the story you’re watching. That’s just a really weird, crazy thing to experience. EK: It’s like putting a microscope on the present.
AB: Yeah, and I’m especially interested in the restrictions of theater. In dealing with a single space. Of course, a play can take place in multiple locations. Some of my favorite plays do. But, so far, I’m really interested in trapping everybody in one space. When people have asked to make movie adaptations of my plays, I draw the line. Once I was like, Well, if you wanted to do one long shot, with no close-ups, then you can do it. And they were like,You can’t have a movie that’s one long shot. But, now that
January 12 – February 26, 2017 we’re talking about it, I actually am really interested in making a film that’s one long shot for two hours, with no close-ups or change in location. EK: It has to be the way it really would be if these people were in this room right now.
AB: Well, actually, no, I’m not interested in trying to represent the world as it is—in John, especially, I’m making no attempt to adhere to reality at all. For me, letting the space lead the story, rather than the story lead the space, is really interesting. In terms of why I’m drawn to theater, there’s also something masochistic about it, because I am a perfectionist, and I do have such specific ideas about how things should be. Theater constantly teaches you that perfection is impossible. It always goes a different way than you plan; there’s always a night where something goes insanely wrong. EK: Or an audience member starts having a coughing fit or a seizure.
AB: Yeah, and you can’t hear the most important line in the play. Or, conversely, sometimes the actors perform the play in a way that’s much better than you ever imagined it. So, the emotional roller coaster of it, it kills me. And then I’m like, Well, I must be doing it because it’s also attractive to me, and compelling. I’m always surprised by what happens when you get an audience: how much people laugh, and how many people get freaked out. I never think I’m writing something divisive or challenging. It’s a really sad statement about how conservative theater is today that I’m considered a challenging or divisive artist. That’s hilarious. Because I
think I’m pretty accessible! There’s a story with characters that you can follow. And there are touching moments at the end, you know? I don’t feel like I’m a member of the avant-garde. What I can say is that I’m trying to make something unusual and surprising and not bound to convention. But not something anti-conventional either. EK: Can you remember the turning point when you started making work that you would enjoy seeing, regardless of what other people might think? What caused the shift?
AB: It was actually a shift in my thinking, what you just described. When you’re in your twenties and broke, you just want to make it, you want to be recognized, you want to get ahead, and so you write trying to make something that you think people will like. And then it just wasn’t working for me anymore. I was writing the worst stuff. And I had coffee with my grad school mentor, Mac Wellman, and I told him I felt like a fraud and that I didn’t want to write stupid uptown comedies but I didn’t feel like I fit into a more expressionistic mode either, and he said to me: “Well, if you were just writing to amuse yourself, writing entirely for fun without worrying about whether anyone would like it, what would you write?” I said: “I’d write a play that was just my mom and her hippie friends sitting around and talking about spirituality for two hours.” And he said: “Do that! That sounds great!” I was truly taken aback like, Wait, I can do that? This interview, Annie Baker by Elianna Kahn, was commissioned by and first published in BOMB Magazine, # 133, Fall 2015. © Bomb Magazine, New Art Publications, and its Contributors. All rights reserved.The BOMB Digital Archive can be viewed at
John features Philadelphia actors Carla Belver (August: Osage County, All My Sons), Nancy Boykin (James Joyce’s The Dead, Endgame) and Kevin Meehan (Beauty and the Beast). Carla Belver
Nancy Boykin
Kevin Meehan
WELCOME from the Producing Artistic Director
Before writing The Legend of Georgia McBride, Matthew Lopez wrote The Whipping Man, a play that we produced in 2011 that is set at the end of the Civil War that includes a scene in which two recently freed African American men celebrate Passover with a Confederate soldier. When Matt came to see our production, he mentioned that he was working on a new play: a contemporary comedy about drag queens set in a dive bar in Florida. I asked to read it -- and couldn't believe how radically different his two plays were. Not only in subject matter, but in tone and structure and language and its relationship with the audience. But though different in almost every way, I realized that they shared one key trait: both plays were fueled by a belief in the power of transformation. I also knew that when it came time for the Arden to produce Georgia McBride, it would have to feature Dito van Riegersberg as Miss Tracy Mills. So many artists and artisans came together to create this production, some with whom we have treasured ongoing relationships and others who are working with us for the first time. Dito, director Emmanuelle Delpeche and designer Jorge Cousineau all first worked together here at the Arden on The Snow Queen, a play created by Pig Iron Theatre Company as our second Arden Children's Theatre production back in 1999. Dito was a founding member of Pig Iron and a recent graduate of Swarthmore College; Manu (Emmanuelle) was a young French theatre artist who had begun collaborating with Pig Iron after studying at l'Ecole Internationale de Theatre Jacques Lecoq; and Jorge was a German scenic/lighting/sound designer who had recently moved to Philadelphia. And the remarkable thing is, these three extraordinary artists decided to stay. In the ensuing years, Dito's alter ego, Miss Martha Graham Cracker, was born and established herself as the Drag Queen King of Philadelphia; Manu became a renowned performer, director, and teacher -- named Best of Philly Theatre Artist by Philadelphia Magazine in 2011 -- serving as a faculty member of the Headlong Performance Institute and the Pig Iron School for Advanced Training; and Jorge became one of this region's preeminent designers, expanding his work to become Philadelphia's leading video designer. The Legend of Georgia McBride marks Jorge's 60th Arden production. That's the way this region's cultural community has grown. Extraordinary artists have moved here and set down roots. They've created a body of work -- pushing boundaries, daring to fail, struggling to make a difference. Just think of how our community has been enriched by their courage and tenacity and vision. It's been so wonderful to watch these artists and the entire cast and artistic team work to bring this play to life. In what is often a contentious world, it's exciting and affirming to see folks truly collaborate with joy and respect and passion. These artists -- like Matthew Lopez's The Legend of Georgia McBride -- revel in the joy of creation and share a belief in the power and possibility of transformation. We are indeed lucky that they are here. Welcome to Cleo's and to The Legend of Georgia McBride. Enjoy!
DIRECTOR’S Notes Welcome to The Legend of Georgia McBride. It’s been a joy to work on this play and our team is excited to share it with you! I guess we are always happy to share our work and efforts with an audience; this is why we make theatre! But today, I think I am a little happier than usual. Today. With this play, with this cast, in this theatre, with all of you. Why? Because this play is so American and it reminds us about what or who America really is. Because Matthew Lopez has been able to write a comedy that honors the American dream and show us that transformation can only happen when we break apart our fears, our suspicions and our judgments. Because the America I know is not the one that is portrayed by only a few, isn’t the one that discriminates against its citizens for their differences. NO. The America I know and cherish and honor is the one that all these characters are creating. It’s Florida, it’s hot and dusty and everybody is trying to make money. Somehow. They are surviving, they have their flaws and their fears but in the end, they fight for better, for love, for acceptance. For Georgia McBride, it means wearing a dress! Finding in his ultra masculine personality, a little femininity, a little secret nest that will enable him to re-encounter himself and support his family. But changing is hard. Wearing heels for a man is hard! To be a drag queen is hard! It’s work. WORK. When we all work together, to help each other out, when we stop wanting everybody to be like us, when we bring a little curiosity in who people really are, life is better. Much better. Every human being is entitled to be who they are, to be respected, to be accepted and to be cherished. Today, we invite you to enjoy yourself a lot! To breath in the perfumes of our fabulous drag queens, their feathers and sequins, to dream with us and escape for a moment and reclaim together the America we all want to live in. As ONE. As Mr. Lopez says: “Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, Faggots and Fagettes,” welcome to the Arden Theatre!!!!” This one is for YOU. ALL OF YOU. With all our love, Emmanuelle.
Cast of Characters In order of appearance: Casey..................................................................................................Matteo Scammell Jo........................................................................................................Jessica M. Johnson Miss Tracy Mills.......................................................................Dito van Reigersberg* Rexy/Jason............................................................................Mikéah Ernest Jennings* Eddie................................................................................................Damien J. Wallace*
UNDERSTUDIES: Nastassja Baset (Jo), Mitchell Bloom (Miss Tracy Mills), Kienan McCartney (Rexy, Jason), James Mercer (Eddie), Stephen Matthew Tornetta (Casey)
Setting: The play takes place in the present in Panama City, FL.
Arden Theatre Company is a professional company employing members of Actors’ Equity Association. *Members of Actor's Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States. Please check houseboards for any program changes.
The video and/or audio recording of this performance by any means whatsoever are strictly prohibited. THE VIDEO TAPING OR MAKING OF ELECTRONIC OR OTHER AUDIO AND/OR VISUAL RECORDINGS OF THIS PRODUCTION IS A VIOLATION OF UNITED STATES COPYRIGHT LAW AND AN ACTIONABLE OFFENSE. Actors’ Equity Association (AEA), founded in 1913, represents more than 45,000 actors and stage managers in the United States. Equity seeks to advance, promote and foster the art of live theatre as an essential component of our society. Equity negotiates wages and working conditions, providing a wide range of benefits, including health and pension plans. AEA is a member of the AFL-CIO, and is affiliated with FIA, an international organization of performing arts unions.
Who’s Who MIKÉAH ERNEST JENNINGS (Rexy/Jason) Arden debut. Regional: Pea/Jesus in The Signature Plays: Drowning/Funnyhouse of A Negro (The Signature Theatre); Tim in I Promised Myself to Live Faster (Humana Festival, Pig Iron Theatre Company); Omar in The Shipment (Barbican Center, London); Michael Platonov in Platonov (La Jolla Playhouse); Einstein in World of Wires (KRT Festival); Peter in Pullman,WA. (Chelsea Theater); Julia 3 in The House of No More (La Festival D'Automne). JESSICA M. JOHNSON (Jo) Arden debut. Regional: Queen in The Life (11th Hour Theatre Company); Timone (understudy) in Once On This Island (Olney Theatre Company); Elf (Walnut Street Theatre); Smokey Joe's Cafe (Eagle Theatre); Servant of Two Masters (Le Festival D' Avignon). Training: BA in Theatre and Dance from James Madison University, Dorothy Haas Acting Apprenticeship with Walnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia Artist Collective internship. A huge thanks to all of my family and friends for all their love and support. Jer. 29:11. Check out our Instagram takeovers and the blog for more about this show and this amazing cast!!! DITO VAN REIGERSBERG (Miss Tracy Mills) Arden: Prince Conti in La Bete, Devil/Mr. Crow in Snow Queen, Noah in The Grapes of Wrath. Regional: Count Orsino in Twelfth Night, Okada in Zero Cost House, Nikolai in Chekhov, Lizardbrain (Pig Iron Theatre Company); Nicodemus/Lady Enid in The Mystery of Irma Vep (Act II Playhouse); Hedwig in Hedwig and the Angry Inch (Azuka Theatre); Alceste, The Misanthrope (Mauckingbird Theatre Company); Christina/Joan in Mommie Queerest (Bearded Ladies). Education: Swarthmore College. He moonlights as Martha Graham Cracker, the “tallest, hairiest drag queen in the world;” Martha has performed at the PMA, Joe’s Pub, FringeArts, Mayor’s Office at City Hall, Afterglow Festival, Trocadero Theatre, and for over 11 years at her home at L’Etage on 6th and Bainbridge. MATTEO SCAMMELL (Casey) Arden: Mozart in Cinderella, The Beast in Beauty & the Beast, Peter/Vollenhoven in Hans Brinker & The Silver Skates. Regional Theatre: Red 40 & The Last Groovement (Fringe Arts Festival); Walnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia Theatre Company, The Wilma Theater, Theatre Exile, 11th Hour Theatre Company, Theatre Horizon, EgoPo Classic Theater, New Paradise Labs, Pig Iron Theatre Company, George & Co., and Lear deBessonet. He is the recipient of the 2015 Philadelphia Theater Critic's Award for "Best Actor" for his work as Yank in Eugene O'Neill's The Hairy Ape. To my family and loved ones. DAMIEN J. WALLACE (Eddie) Arden: Holloway in Two Trains Running; Warren/Mr Webb (understudy) in Our Town; Wining Boy/Doaker (understudy) in Piano Lesson. Regional: Bynum in Joe Turner’s Come and Gone (Plays & Players); Turnbo in Jitney (Stagecrafters); Elmo in King Hedley II, Joseph Barlow in Radio Golf (South Camden Theatre); Troy Maxson in Fences (Ritz Theatre).Training: BFA Arcadia University. He is a proud USAF veteran. Special thanks to Terry Nolen and Amy Murphy for their never ending support. Secondly to my director and cast mates for their wonderful enthusiasm and excitement during this process. Also to my family, my wife Brenda, sons Brent and Trey, and Grandson Bean for their ultimate sacrifice, Nakupenda! MATTHEW LOPEZ (Playwright) is the author of The Whipping Man, one of the most celebrated and widely produced new American plays of the last decade. The Manhattan Theatre Club production received Obie, Lortel, and Outer Critics Circle awards including the John Gassner New Play Award. It has since been produced at over 100 U.S. theatres as well as internationally. The Legend of Georgia McBride premiered at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts and ran off-Broadway at MCC Theatre in a production that received multiple Drama Desk, Lucille Lortel, and Outer Critics Circle nominations, including Best Play. Other plays include Somewhere (Old Globe, world premiere), Reverberation (Hartford Stage Company, world premiere), The Sentinels (London’s Headlong Theatre Company) and Zoey's Perfect Wedding. Matthew holds commissions from Roundabout Theatre Company, Manhattan Theatre Club, South Coast Rep, Williamstown Theatre Festival, and Hartford Stage Company, where he recently served as their AETNA New Voices Fellow. For the past two seasons, he has been the Inaugural Playwriting Fellow at the Denver Center Theatre Company. Matthew was a writer on the HBO series The Newsroom and has recently adapted Javier Marias’ Your Face Tomorrow trilogy for the screen as well as the biopic Dr. Q for Disney. EMMANUELLE DELPECH (Director) Arden: Director for La Bete, David Hirson/Clown Consultant for Three Sisters. Regional: The Spinning Immigrant (FringeArts); Madame Douce-Amere (FringeArts); Bang (FringeArts); Tartuffe (Temple
Who’s Who Repertory Theater); Remember Paris (Kimmel Center); The Dispute (Philadelphia Shakespeare Theatre); Oedipus at FDR (FringeArts); It’s My Party (1812 Productions); The Great Immensity (The Civilians); Hell Meets Henry Halfway, Gentlemen Volunteers (Pig Iron Theatre Company). Training: Temple University (Directing MFA), International School of Theater of Jacques Lecoq. Ecole Superieure D’Art Dramatique de Paris. Thank you to Terry Nolen and everybody at the Arden, to my amazing, hilarious, loving cast, to Alec my stage manager, and to my designers. JORGE COUSINEAU (Set & Sound Designer) Arden: The Secret Garden, Equivocation, Passion, Under the Skin, La Bête, Incorruptible,Three Sisters, Sideways Stories from Wayside School, Parade, A Little Night Music, Next to Normal. Regional: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Seedfolks (Children's Theatre Company); When Tang Met Laika (The Denver Center for the Performing Arts); Opus (Primary Stages); Language Room, Scorched (The Wilma Theater); The Mountaintop, Grey Gardens,The Happiness Lecture (Philadelphia Theatre Company). OLIVERA GAJIC (Costume Designer) Arden: The Secret Garden, Metamorphoses, Great Expectations,Three Sisters,The Flea and the Professor. Regional: Salzburg Festival Austria,Vineyard Theatre, Juilliard School, HERE, Pig Iron Theatre Company, Classic Stage Company, Lake Lucille, Talking Band. Other: US National Exhibit at the 2004 & 2007 Prague Quadrennial, 2004 NEA/TCG Career Development Program for Designers, 2010 IT Award for Outstanding Costume Design, 2011 TDF/Irene Sharaff Young Master Award, 2012 Barrymore Award for Outstanding Costume Design, 2014 Bessie Award for Outstanding Visual Design, nominee 2016 Barrymore Award. USA local 829. MARIA SHAPLIN (Lighting Designer) Arden: The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales,The Jungle Book. Regional: Richard III (People’s Light); O Monsters (New Paradise Laboratories); The Nether (InterAct Theatre Company); Circle Mirror Transformation (Theatre Horizon); 17 Border Crossings (Lucidity Suitcase Intercontinental). Education: MFA Temple University. BA Hampshire College. Recipient of the 2015 Independence Foundation Fellowship in the Arts. Special thanks to Emmanuelle Delpech and my Applied Mechanics family. AMANDA COFFIN (Assistant Director) Arden debut. Regional Director: 12 Chairs (Revamp Collective); The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds (Steel River Playhouse); Bedlam: Shakespeare in Rehab (Manayunk Theatre Company); Simone (Philadelphia Women’s Theatre Festival). Regional Assistant Director: The Invisible Hand (Theatre Exile); Macbeth (Villanova Theatre), Becky Shaw (Round House Theatre). Regional Technical: The Two Gentlemen of Verona (Shakespeare in Clark Park). Education: MA Theatre,Villanova University. BA Theatre Studies, Emerson College. MELANIE COTTON (Choreographer) Arden debut. Regional: Swamp is On (Pig Iron Theatre Company); Mashup Body (Fringe Series); Ensemble, In the Heights (Walnut Street Theatre); Women in Comedy Project (1812 Productions); Movement Coach, The Happiness Lecture (Philadelphia Theatre Company), Screwtape Letter (Tony Lawton); Why I’m Scared To Dance (1812 Productions). Choreography: Fine Time (The Spirit World); Tortoise & Blonde Eyewear (Online Commercial); The Seven (Temple University); The Happiness Lecture (Philadelphia Theatre Company); Film: Josephina, Killer Profiles: Gary Heidnik (A&E Productions); Get Kinetic (Video); Gotta Have It (Beanie Segal Music Video). Training: Principal dancer Rennie Harris: Puremovement 2008-2013, and Freedom Theatre Training program 2000. ALEC E. FERRELL (Stage Manager) Arden: The Secret Garden, Funnyman, Metamorphoses, Passion, Macbeth, La Bête, Incorruptible,Three Sisters, Parade, A Raisin in the Sun, Next to Normal, August: Osage County, A Moon for the Misbegotten, GhostWriter (World Premiere), Blue Door, Rabbit Hole, My Name is Asher Lev (World Premiere). Regional: Theatre Horizon; Eugene O’Neill Theater Center; PTC@Play; PlayPenn. Proud member of AEA. Love and thanks to the family. AMY L. MURPHY (Managing Director) A Philadelphia native, Amy co-founded the Arden in 1988 with Terrence J. Nolen and Aaron Posner. She is especially proud of the Arden Professional Apprentice program and its contribution to the Philadelphia cultural community. She completed the Executive Program for Nonprofit Leaders-Arts. Amy serves on the Board of Theatre Philadelphia. She has served on panels for the National Endowment for the Arts, the New Jersey State Arts Council, Theatre Communications Group and the Philadelphia Cultural Fund. Amy was named a Hepburn Fellow 2008-9 by the Katharine Houghton Hepburn Center at Bryn Mawr College. TERRENCE J. NOLEN (Producing Artistic Director) is co-founder and Producing Artistic Director of Arden Theatre Company. Favorite Arden productions include all-Philadelphia casts of August: Osage County, Death of a Salesman, The Grapes of Wrath and Hedda Gabler; and such musicals as Next to Normal, Sweeney Todd, Pacific Overtures,Violet, and Caro-
Who’s Who line, or Change. Terry directed the inaugural production of Arden Children’s Theatre, Charlotte’s Web. He has directed seven world-premiere plays by Michael Hollinger, three by Dennis Raymond Smeal, three by Michael Ogborn, two by Rogelio Martinez, and Bruce Graham’s Something Intangible. Terry has been nominated for 25 Barrymore Awards for his directing work at the Arden and received awards for The Baker’s Wife, Sweeney Todd, Opus,Winesburg, Ohio; Assassins, and Something Intangible. He directed Michael Hollinger’s Opus at Primary Stages in New York and was nominated for a Lucille Lortel Award for Outstanding Director. His short film The Personal Touch was nominated for an Emmy Award. ARDEN THEATRE COMPANY Founded in 1988, Arden Theatre Company is dedicated to bringing to life great stories by great storytellers–on the stage, in the classroom, and in the community. We stage five productions each season as part of our mainstage series and two productions through Arden Children’s Theatre, the city’s first resident professional children’s theatre program. We create and produce new work through the Independence Foundation New Play Showcase. The Arden Professional Apprenticeship program trains future theatre leaders, and Arden Drama School classes teach children and teens about the craft of making plays. Our access program, Arden For All, makes our work available to the entire community through subsidized tickets and books for economically disadvantaged young people, and our Arden Arts Education Fund provides scholarships for Arden Drama School classes and camps. The Arden has received eleven Philadelphia Magazine “Best of Philly” Awards, the Arts & Business Council’s Arts Excellence Award, six City Paper “Reader’s Choice” Awards, four Philadelphia Inquirer “Theatre Company of the Year” citations, 63 awards and 331 nominations from the Theatre Alliance of Greater Philadelphia’s Barrymore Awards for Excellence in Theatre, and was named “Best Theatre Company” by Philadelphia Weekly in 2009. Arden Theatre Company, a professional, nonprofit 501(c)(3) theatre company, is a member of the Theatre Communications Group, the League of Resident Theatres, Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance, Philadelphia Convention and Visitors Bureau, and Old City Arts Association. The Arden participates in The Barrymore Awards, a program of Theatre Philadelphia.
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Corporate, Foundation & Government Support $100,000 & above The Albert M. Greenfield Foundation Hamilton Family Foundation Independence Foundation Anne M. and Philip H. Glatfelter Family Foundation The Pew Center for Arts & Heritage The Pew Charitable Trusts Philadelphia Cultural Leadership Program Monica and Philip Rosenthal, Rosenthal Family Foundation William Penn Foundation Wyncote Foundation $50,000 to $99,999 Comcast NCB10 Telemundo62 The Harold and Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation Shubert Foundation $15,000 to $49,999 Campbell Soup Foundation Catherine R. and Anthony A. Clifton Foundation Chubb Group of Insurance Companies Fox Chase Bank Charitable Foundation The Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation Harmelin Media Hirsig Family Fund of The Philadelphia Foundation Independence Foundation in
honor of Dr. Andrea Mengel Lincoln Financial Foundation National Endowment for the Arts PECO Pennsylvania Council on the Arts Philadelphia Cultural Fund The Philadelphia Foundation’s Fund for Children The Philadelphia Inquirer, Daily News, and $7,500 to $14,999 Anonymous BB&T Philadelphia Insurance Companies Samuel S. Fels Fund TD Charitable Foundation The Wells Fargo Foundation Zeldin Family Foundation $2,500 to $7,499 Caroline J. S. Sanders Trust II Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Foundation Christopher Ludwick Foundation Civic Foundation Corrine R. and Henry Bower Memorial Trust Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation Ethel Sergeant Clark Smith Memorial Fund Haley Foundation Jenkintown Building Services+ Louis N. Cassett Foundation MAK Fund of Pittsburgh Foundation Paul E. Kelly Foundation Quirk Productions, Inc. Wines ‘Til Sold Out+
$750 to $2,499 Actors’ Equity Foundation Alex J. Ettl Foundation The Asplundh Foundation Bluestone Foundation The Charlotte Cushman Foundation Enterprise Holdings Foundation The Hassel Foundaion KieranTimberlake Lagunitas Brewing Co.+ Savills Studley+ Union Benevolent Association Visit Philadelphia+ Wellin Family Foundation in memory of Keith S. Wellin $749 & under AmazonSmile Café Excellence+ Kreischer Miller Old City District William Goldman Foundation +denotes gifts of services or goods
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First Horizon National Corporation First Tennessee Foundation Gannett Foundation GE Foundation GlaxosmithKline Google IBM Corporate Citizenship and Corporate Affairs Independence Foundation Johnson and Johnson Matching Gifts Program Macy’s Foundation Merck Partnership for Giving Merrill Lynch National Football League National Philanthropic Trust PECO Energy Company, an Exelon Company
Penn Virginia Corporation Pfizer Foundation The Philadelphia Foundation PNC Foundation Quaker Chemical Corporation Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Saint-Gobain Corporation Foundation Sap America INC Subaru of America Foundation United Way The Vanguard Group Foundation William Penn Foundation
Sassafras Grove
($10,000 and above)
Ms. Peggy Anderson** Mr. Frederick Anton, III Lois Brodsky Nancy and Bob Elfant CHG Charitable Trust Alta and N. Peter Hamilton Joanne Harmelin Hirsig Family Fund of the Philadelphia Foundation Holly Kinser Elizabeth Moran Kristen Phillips and Matt Schreck Monica and Philip Rosenthal, Rosenthal Family Foundation Lee and Chris van de Velde
Cherry Grove
Anonymous (3) Ivy Bayard+ Anne Congdon LaRossa Michael A. Donato and Edward C. Spelman Peter S. and Deirdre Dooner Steven Engelmyer and Lisa Wershaw Joseph and Marie Field Ms. Elizabeth Gemmill Ann Marie and Terry Horner George Korein, in memory of Dr. Andrea Mengel Robin and Saifuddin Mama Seymour Millstein Suzanne F. Roberts Cultural Development Fund Charles Rose and Dr. Mindy Goldberg Rose Stephen and Rosalyn Weinstein June and Steve Wolfson
Filbert Grove
John Alchin and Hal Marryatt Sally and Michael Bailin Tom and Carol Beam John Bitman Rayenne Chen Robert Dever Ann E. Diebold Deb Dorsey and Mike Green
Stephen Falchek and John Offidani, III Jeanne Fisher and Robert F. Lang Sandi Foxx-Jones, in honor of Charles and Barbara Kahn's 70th Wedding Anniversary David and Christina Fryman Linda and David Glickstein David and MaryJane Hackney Eileen Heisman and Marty Tuzman Jim and Carolyn Hessinger Drs. Paula and Thomas J. Humphries Barbara and Leslie Kaplan Josephine Klein Peter J. and Sandra Klugman Richard Maimon and Susan Segal John and Amy McCawley^ Peggy and Steve Morgan Nora Quinn+ Dorothy Sheridan^ Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Amanda Smoot Ellen Yin+
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Looking for a business tax break in 2017? Receive a tax credit through the Pennsylvania Education Improvement Tax Credit Program by supporting the Arden’s education outreach program! Eligiblity info: Mimi Meserve at 215.922.8900 x126 or or visit
Special thanks to EITC contributors BB&T, Chubb Group of Insurance Companies, Comcast NBC 10 Telemundo 62, PECO, Harmelin Media, and Philadelphia Insurance Companies.
The Sylvan Society recognizes individuals who support the Arden’s work by making annual gifts of $1,000 or more. The special generosity of our members enables the Arden to tell great stories by having the resources to achieve the highest level of artistic quality.
Barbara R. Cobb Anne Cook and Russ Troyer Marta Dabezies Joy De Jesus and Jamie Reynolds Mark and Tobey Dichter Wally and Jane Evans The Carolyn N. and Joseph M. Evans Jr. Fund Shannon and Ted Farmer Jill Fisch and John Gassenheimer Ellen and Tim Foster George and Elizabeth Gephart Sally Walker and Tom Gilmore Genvieve and Clete Shields Terry Graboyes Richard R. Harris Jim and Gretchen Hartling Lynn Martin Haskin and Don Haskin Steve and Jane Heumann, in honor of Jean Markovitz Karen and Mark Hite Lauren Hughes Jill and Elliot Kaplan Carol Kelley Caroline Kemmerer Kount Kit Mr. David King, in memory of Dr. Andrea Mengel Kenneth and Eve Klothen Peter and Emilie Lapham Edward and Kathryn Lee David Lerman and Shelley Wallock Winnie and Eric Lien^ Gloria and Dan Mariano Lee Marks and Lisl Zach Jacqueline and David Massari Barbara and Don Matheson Denise McLeod A.C. Missias Jerome Napson, in memory of Annie Richardson Marjorie Neff and Daniel Winterstein Terrence J. Nolen and Amy L. Murphy Michael Norris and Matt Varrato Susan Odessey Regina Baszczyk and Lee O'Neill Edward and Alexis Pappas Ceth and Sam Plum Joel and Bobbie Porter Ilene and Coleman Poses Laura and Douglas Pratt Karen and David Pressel Kurt and Mary-Ann Reiss
Dr. Ann Ritter and Leo Korein, in memory of Dr. Andrea Mengel Franklyn and Cintra Rodgers Sidney Rosenblatt Mike Salmanson Ellen Schwartz and Jeremy Siegel Kathleen Sernak Susan and Steven Shubert Salem Shuchman and Barbara Klock Laura and Ron Siena, in honor of Nancy and Bob Elfant Hether and Don Smith Barbara and Mike Soroker Dr. Harvey Spector, M.D. and Mrs. Naomi Spector Debra and Bill Stewart Paul Stone Kevin Strauss Adelaide Sugarman and Marshall Greenberg Harvey Swedloff Dr. Judy Wellington Nancy Wingo Richard and Diane Dalto Woosnam Hope Yursa $500-$999 Howard Aaronson Temmy Acton Lynda and Murray Battleman Judith Beck Barry and Marilyn Bevacqua Linda and Larry Bruck Joseph Casey^ Mary Ann and Jacob Dailey Thomas and Eileen Davis Mr. and Mrs. Farenback-Brateman Antoinette Farrar Seymour Sara and Dieter Forster Lou and Rhoda Fryman^ Dan Gannon Charles Gear and Ann Lee Morgan Jeanne Geskes William and Virginia Gormley Ann and Glenn Haig Shaina and Nathaniel P. Hamilton Barbara and Jerry Kaplan George Koch and Santo DiDonato Mary Ellen Krober John and Melissa Lore Phyllis and Fred Magaziner, in honor of Bob and Nancy Elfant Mr. and Mrs. Frank and Sally Mallory Norman and Cynthia Martin, in memory of Richard Repetto Donald Martin, in memory of Richard Repetto
Gloria McNutt Sally Mercer Kathleen Nelson and John Kromer Tom Petro and Kristine Messner Daniel Promislo Paul Rabe and Cheryl Gunter Robin Reisman Marilyn Sanborne Philip and Susan Schlegel Harold and Sharon Schwalm Joseph and Louise Shaffer^ James Shew Roy and Lee Shubert Gayle and David Smith, in honor of Michele Decker James L. Smith Marilyn and Dean Staats Harold and Emily Starr Stephen and Kathy Thompson Edna and Stephen Vasso Tom and Patricia Vernon Julie D. Williams Tom and Jackie Zemaitis
$250-$499 Anonymous (2) Judith Auritt Klein Lynda and Murray Battleman Ellen Baxter and Robert Kavash^ Ron and Joyce Bayer Richard and Eileen Bazelon Richard and Joan Behr Patricia and Tom Bender Tom and Pat Bender Jay and Nancy Berkowitz Doris and Aaron Bitman Linda and Alden Blyth Viola Bostic Thomas and Mary Pat Boyle Joseph and Mary Lou Breidenstine
To join or for more information, please contact Lauren Hughes, Director of Development at 215.922.8900 x149
Thank You to Our Supporters Jessica Calter and Michael Fenton Anthony and Jaque Camp Jacqueline Campbell Chip Capelli Caroline Castagno Mary Chomitz Steve and Helene Cohen Marc and Margie Cohen John Cooke Michele and Ray Decker Nancy DeLucia Rhonda Dickey^ Mary Disque, in honor of Jean Markovitz Tika Djerassi and The Djerassi Foundation Colleen Grace Donofrio Lucille Drake Kathy and Jerry Drew Kathleen Duffy Sheila Dyan and Charles A. Gaglia, Jr. Jonathan and Ella Edwards Barry and Beth Evans Anne Ewers Paul and Judy Farber Nicholas K. Fox Paula Fuchsberg Steven Fukuchi and Laura Offutt George and Dona Garrettson+ Mark Garvin, in memory of Ginny Lawrence Goren Bob and Jan Goren Betty and Gary Grunder Dona and Curt Haltiwanger Mary and Bill Hangley Mary Harbison Heidi Hertfelder Richard and Barbara Hirsh Jay Horrow
Glenna Huls Jean and Edd Hyde Aram and Jackie Jerrehian Philip and Marge Kalodner Nancy Kane Phyllis Kauffman Susan Kellogg and Dick Hoffman David Kim John and Cheryl Kirby Christina and Harold Klein Barbara and Leonard Klinghoffer Steven Knepper George Koch Bernadette Koller Marilyn and David Kraut Joyce Laskin Richard Lee Reinsel Lesher, in memory of Dr. Andrea Mengel David and Deborah Lesher Alan and Susan Levin Warren and Arline Lieberman David Lipetz Perry Watts and Samuel Litwin John and Martha Lubell Theresa Mader and David Suter George and Judy McCarthy John McCormick and Ken Schmitt Missy and Bob McQuiston Alan and Susan Miller Madeline Miller and Gordon Leggett Douglas and Fredaricka Moffitt Robert Morris, in memory of Richard Repetto Theodore and Theresa Munz Kenneth and Susan Myers Lora and Michael Northen Paul Nutaitis and Robert Clark Matt and Judy Ochs
Brenda J. Oliphant Don and Barbara Parman Jane G. Pepper Valerie Pipano David Plante, in memory of Dr. Andrea Mengel Dulcie Romm Sandy Portnoy Jennifer Potts Mary Jo Reilly Alice Reyes and David Glancey Rachel Reynolds James and Mary Ann Rich Bernard and Camille Rosenberg Daniel and Faye Ross John and Melanie Rowley Adelle Rubin Carole M. and Irwin C. Saft Lawrence and Phyllis Sager Nicholas A. Spennato and Charlotte S. Roede Roy and Corinne Stahl Rita and Neil Stevens Robert Stewart and Barbara Barnett-Stewart Ms. Sheila Vaidya, in memory of David Schu Helene Van Hoeven Lewis and Hella Volgenau Jeannette and William Webb Donna and Andrew Wechsler Marlene Weinberg Vivian J. Weinblatt Joann White and William Beckett Richard Willis and Linda Hartnett James Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Harry Woodcock Paul Yaros James Zug
The Legacy Society
Arden Theatre Company would like to recognize the following supporters who have included the Arden in their wills or estate plans. Their planned gift provides support which will help sustain the Arden’s work for decades to come. Anonymous Ms. Peggy Anderson* Stanley Baurys* Jane Berryman Louis Bluver Mary and Charles Burr Pearl M. Carpel Larry S. Friedman and Dean H. Rishel Ellis Ginsberg*
Peter Gistelinck and Kim Bloom Grace Gonglewski and Eric Schoefe Suzanne and James Hill Mary Ellen Krober William Loeb Donald Martin and Richard Repetto* Madeline Portnoy Dr. Harry Rosenthal Marilyn and Dean Staats
*denotes deceased supporter
We hope you will consider including the Arden in your will or estate plans. To be recognized as a member of the Legacy Society or with questions regarding planned giving, please contact Lauren Hughes Director of Development at 215.922.8900 ext. 149.
Thank You to Our Supporters $125-$249 Anonymous (2) Barbara Abrahams Jessica Accurso Janet and Roger Alwang Drs. Rita Axelrod and Howard Naidech Sylva Baker George and Judith Balock^ Sally and Morris Barron Pamela Barroway Yvonne Bartman Susan Becker and Aaron Rubin Barbara Bell Timothy Berger Jay and Nancy Berkowitz Thomas Blackburn Benjamin and Libby Blank Allen G. Bonner Judith Borie, in honor of Lee van de Velde Marcia Bower Michael P. Boyle Eadie and Allan Brooks Ann and David Brownlee Harold and Camille Buchanan, in memory of Camille Buchanan Leah Chaplin and Eileen Gildea Scott and Nelly Childress Monica and Sung Jin Choi Saul and Sandra Clair Annemarie F. Clarke and David L. Buch Rhoda Coben Dr. Marie Conn, in memory of Alice and Ira Conn Elizabeth Cornman Sandra and James Corry Nancy and Michael Davis Ellen Deacon and Ernest Cuff Daniel P. Devlin Mr. and Mrs. Stuart and Diana Donaldson Ellen Dooneief Michael Dotsey Darrell Dotson W. Wallace and Joanne C. Dyer Paul and Mary Lynn Ellis Brynn Evans Anne and Steven Fassler John and Nancy Fischer Adam Foxx Kenneth and Cecile Frank John and Elaine Frank Judy and Richard Franken Fran Freedman and Jon Blum Larry S. Friedman and Dean H. Rishel Greg Gephart Grace Gonglewski and Eric Schoefe Marylyn Goutmann Paul Green Robin Greene Susan Greene and Kathleen Sheridan Rick Greenstein and Claudia Tesoro
Marsha Gross and Paul Siegel Marcia Halbert Ona and Stephen Hamilton Brian Hanna Andrew and Michele Harbison Sue and Doug Heckrotte, in memory of Dr. Andrea Mengel Betsy and Ted Hershberg Daniel and Monica Hilferty Ed Hillis, in memory of David Schu Terry Hirshorn Daniel and Dorothy Hofer Michael J. Hozik and Margaert L. Rea Margaret Huntsman Peter and Barbara Hutcheon David Ingram and Melanye Finister Dr. and Mrs. William and Nancy Jantsch Sarah C. and Joe Jordan Nancy Kane Ginny and Len Karabell Sandi Karlson Douglas and Ruth Keating Kate Kidder Doerr Stephen and Barbara Kieran Richard Kiley Margarita and Peter Kind Alan and Elaine Klawans Patricia and Charles Kling Walter Kraft and Deborah Hung Barry and Janet Kushner Marilyn Kutler and Ira Silberman David Ladov Marion Laffey-Ferry, in memory of Richard Repetto Bob and Mary Lawler Linda L. Lenard Bob and Lynn Levitt Craig and Stephanie Lewis Susan and Philip Lipkin Laurel and Robert Lipshutz Linda and Dan Litwin Barbara and Bob Maerten Lynn and Joe Manko Mary Ellen Marzullo Rosalie Matzkin Kenneth and Margery Maurer Linda McAleer and Maitlon Russell Faith and Arthur McDowell Michelle McFarlane Cheryl Meyer Marianne Miller Paul and Lee Miller Ellen Monsees John and Gina Moore Martha Moore Stephen and Janet Mullin Bonnie and Eliot Nierman Etta and Chuck Nissman Betsy Oliphant Mr. Larry Pace Marcia Paullin John and Judith Peakes Ann and Andrew Perch Stephen Platt and Robin Schaufler
Martha Platt and Marlis Kraft David and Amy Pollack Dr. Nancy Post Janet Poth Preston Family Ms. Aneira Puttaswamy Miriam Reimel and Jack Sirott Leslie Rescorla and Thomas Achenbach Mx. Pax Ressler Gary and Robin Risler John and Claire Rodgers Chris Chris Rosario, in honor of Mya Klein Kenneth and Shelley Rosenberg Richard and Anne Rosenberg Edwin and Sally Rosenthol Alan Rothenberg and Enid Krasner Bernard and Barbara Ruekgauer Ruth and Marvin Sachs Bill and Joan Saidel David and Margie Saland Alexandra Samuels and Peter Kohn Karen Schermerhorn and Evan Seymour Bobbie and Al Schmidt Brian Schu Warren and Carole Lee Schwomeyer MaryEllen Scott Karen and Bob Serenbetz Lori Severino Polly Shaffer Jim and Cathy Shippen John and Maryann Shivers Mahlon Simon Bob and Harriet Singer Judith Skillings The Smith Family Barbara and Steven Speece Usha Srinivasan Susan Cook and Jeff Staikoff Megan Staples JD Stokely Corinne Stone Lalitha Swart, in honor of Jean Markowitz John Tarves Lorraine Toji Paul Toy Linda Traver Lisa Trucksess April Tvarok John Urofsky William Vogel, in memory of Richard Repetto Emily and Charles Wagner Debbie and Tom Walker Susan and Tom Walther Tom and Beth Warms Thomas Watkins Wayne Watson, in memory of Hazel and Edward S. Watson, Jr. Jeannine and David Webber Elizabeth Weinreb Thomas and Dawn Weiss
Thank You to Our Supporters Bertram and Lorle Wolfson Nancy Wood Barbara Wright Marie Zartler and William Klump
$75-$124 Anonymous (7) Emely Aiken Dr. Alison Anderson Kay and Scott Armstrong Jose Aviles Dr. and Mrs. Stuart and Elaine Baer Wade Bailey Dr. Donald Bakove and Margaret G. McLaughlin Samuel and Judith Barbush Pat Basilicato Carolyn and George Bassett Dr. and Mrs. Joseph and Lisa Becker David Beech Linda and Melanie Belinsky David and Nancy Bergman Constance and Richard W. Berman Charlotte Biddle Fern and Robert Billet Jocelyn Block Patricia Bourke and Robert Downie, in honor of Jason Slavick and Liars and Believers Hazel Bowers Leslie Bowman, in memory of Dr. Andrea Mengel
Frank Boyer Judith Broudy Michael P. Buckley Kathleen Buckley, in memory of Dr. Andrea Mengel Carol Buettger and Allen Bonner Donna Burkholder Eli Cameron+ Barbara Carmine Paul and Kate Carpenter Lucy Carroll and Robert Mccaffrey William and Lillian Cassel Alice Chittenden Barbara Ciesla Robert and Sandy Clay Bauer Charlotte Cody Mark Cohen and Marty Johnson Judith Cohen John and Mary Ann Collett Rick and Carol Collier Ms. Patricia Comfort Richard and Janet Conn Cheryll Conway, in memory of Constance Marrone Janet Cook S. Gerald Corso, in memory of Richard Repetto B. Karen Coyne John Culhane April Cummings Karen Cuzzolino Barbara Daneluzzi
Joseph and Helen D'Angelo Kathy Dantonio, in honor of Jean Markovitz Robert and Bonnie DeAngelo Rita and Grace Denbo David Devan, in memory of Dr. Andrea Mengel Miriam and Samuel Diamond Lawrence Difranco Ellen DiPinto Ruby Dowd and Angela Dowd Burton Ray and Ellen Doyle Beverly Dubin Donald and Geraldine Duclow John and Lois S. Durso Patricia Eames Joan Earley Linda Eiteljorg Linda Ellsworth Wendy Epstein and James Steiker Ted and Joann Erfer Mark and Rene Feitelson Charlotte T. Feldman Ruth Ferber Joan Finger Joan and Aron Fisher Pamela Fisk Judy Frank Mary Frantz James I. Frazer Michael and Helene Freidman Paula Freilich
Thank You to Our Supporters Paul Friedman Patricia and Jim Fritz Brenda Furtak Jennie and Michael Gallagher Ofelia Garcia Eileen and William Gemmell Blossom Gica Steven and Susan Glauser Peggy Glover Joan Gmitter Becca Goland-Van Ryn Jerry Goldberg^ Paul and Kathleen Goldenberg Brian Goldsmith Harvey and Mary Goldstein Maxwell Gorson Diane Graboyes Daryl Graham Mary Jo Grdina Carole Green Kathleen Greenacre Gladys Greenfield Adele A. Greenspun Patricia Greer Grace Grillet and Rich Eagan Priscilla Grosick Trudy and Paul Gulterman Leigh Gustafson Marlane and Harvey Guttmann Nicole Hackel Michael Hairston, in memory of
Richard Repetto Sue Harasink Huntley Hardison, MD and Marge Niven, in memory of Dr. Andrea Mengel Libby Harwitz Beverly and James Hayden and Taylor Madeleine and Phil Henderson, in honor of Ella, Matt, Nate, and Noah Angela and Michael Hennessey Colin Hennesy and Dr. Jeremy Cohen Herbert and Gayl Henze Ruth Herd Susan Herron Alice Hershberger National Nursing Centers Consortium, in memory of Dr. Andrea Mengel Tom and Wendy Hibberd Marlene Hilkowitz Deborah Hluchan, in memory of Edith Freeman Lisa and Bill Hoffman James and Hollie Holt Jean and Lou Homeler Esther and Robert Hornik Donna and Bill Hower Thomas Hurster and Jacqueline Salmon Irvin and Janet Hurwitz
Richard Izard and Helen Angelina Charles and Rebecca Johnson Shari and Andrew Johnson Timothy and Carol Johnson William Jordan Priya Joshi Jennifer Julian Anthony and Joanne Kahn Anne Kasprinski David Kaufman Margaret Keller Kristy Kelly Marjorie Epps Kennedy Margaret Kerr Maria Kiernan Lorraine and David Kilmer Caren and Brian Kirschner Richard and Marcia Klafter Kenneth Klein Harold and Maris Kobb Kristen Koenigsbauer, in honor of Lauren Hughes Jerry and Deena Koffler Thomas and Anne Kohn Ina Li and Michael Kostal Vicki Kramer Melvin and Rhoda S. Kreiner Andrew Kurovsky Andrew Lees Stewart Leftow Garry Lennon
Thank You to Our Supporters Ruth Levikoff Natalie Levkovich Norman and Sylvia Lieberman Lisa Linder and Richard Grossman Karen Lisker Wally Loeb J. Lyttle Steve Fischer and Tobi Mackler Mr. Whit MacLaughlin Donald and Nancy Maclay Brenda Mandel, in honor of Charlie Rose Bob and Sue Ann Marburg Renee and Milton Margulies Mary and Jack Markov Joseph Markovitz, in honor of Jean Markovitz Eileen Mccomb Alice McCreary and David Epler Frank and Arthur McDowell Anne McHugh Kathleen McKinley Lorraine and Bruce McMahon Kathy McMaster Celeste T. McMenamin Tom and Helen McNutt Arthur and Sallie Melvin Helen Mengel, in memory of Dr. Andrea Mengel Barbara Miller Sylvia R. Miller
Francis Mitchell Jeff and Maxine Morgan Elizabeth Fernandez-Vina and Adam Mussel John and Charline Neigh Elesa Nelson Joan Heyne Nerenberg Andrew Norton Frances Novack Janet and Dennis Novack Linda Osler Stanton Oswald Karin and Tom Pajak Mr. Richard Pariseau Robert and Sydney Pasternack Michael and Judy Paul Robert Peck F. Laurence Pethick Donald and Carol Plank Lois and Paul Plotnick Jeff and Elizabeth Podraza John Pontician R. Brooke and Linda Porch Sandy Portnoy, in honor of Sydney Portnoy Mary Pugh, in memory of Richard Repetto Linda Putnam Erat Linda Quam Barbara Quinn Mark and Karen Reber
Abi and Craig Reed Alan Reinach and Dana Perlman Eleanor and Joseph Reinhardt Jon Richter Clifford Ridley and Betsey Hansell Lorraine Riesenbach Elizabeth R. and William H. Rivers, Jr. Linda Robinson, Ph.D. and Peter Krill J. William Robling Michael Rogers, in memory of Richard Repetto Maxine Rosen J. Randall Rosensteel Marcia Rosner Carolyn Rosner Martin and Sue Rubel Mitchell Russell Judy Ruttenberg, in honor of Charlie Rose Roberta Sampson David Scheibe Karyn Scher Kim and Ross Schmucki Mary Ellen and Carl Schneider Frank Schorfheide Ms. Adeline Schultz Irene and Marvin Schuman Hideko Secrest Kathy and Richard Sexton Craig Sheetz Jan and Tom Showler
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Thank You to Our Supporters Neil and Cheryl Shusterman Donald and Marilyn Silberberg Bart and Sandy Silverman, in memory of Dr. Andrea Mengel Glenn and Mary Simmons Jo Ann and Richard Simon Barry Simpson, in memory of Richard Repetto Carleene and David Slowik Jay Snyderman Paula Solomon Margaret R. Spencer Stephen and Esther Springer Arthur and Marcia Staddon Daniel and Judith Steiker Dylan Steinberg Ruth and David Steinman Karen Strauss Jordan Strauss, in memory of Dr. Andrea Mengel Barbara Sucidlo Sally Switzer Daniel Szyld and Kathleen Ross Robert W. Tafel Jr. Cecilia Tannenbaum Richard and Anne Tax
Marion and Richard Taxin Joseph Terry Marian Tracey Frank Trotta William and Mary Tsiouris Brenda Freitag and Chet Tuthill Linda Tyler Constance Villiers Margaret von Mehren Ian Wachstein and Michele Zeldner Ann Mintz and Clifford Wagner Cathryn and Thomas Walsh Marisa Waxman Oscar Weber Charlotte and Dr. Carroll Weinberg Robert Weinberg Dr. Harold M. Weiner Shelly and Fred Weiner Helen and Harry Weinheimer Constance West Harold and Janet Whaling Steve and Jan Whittaker Ann and Doug Wilkerson Doris Williams Kent and Jean Williams, in memory of Edith Freeman
Sam and Kuna Yankell Dr. Herbert and Carol Zemble Rebecca and James Zug * Denotes gift made through the United Way ** Denotes a deceased supporter + Denotes gift of goods or services ^ Includes a matching gift List represents gifts made between August 1, 2015 through September 30, 2016
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In the National at Old City Condominiums
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Arden Patron Perks MEMBERSHIP DISCOUNTS COMPLIMENTARY Club Orientation Fitness Assessment Diet Consultation
Board and Committee Members Board of Directors David Fryman, President Nancy Burd, Vice President Holly Kinser, Vice President Michael A. Donato, Treasurer Nancy Hirsig, Secretary Brian Abernathy Rhonda Ball Rayenne Chen Joy L. De JesĂşs Nancy Elfant Robert Elfant Steven Engelmyer Jeanne Fisher Elizabeth H. Gemmill Darrel German Albert M. Greenfield, III N. Peter Hamilton Joanne Harmelin Richard L. Maimon Dr. Saifuddin T. Mama John J. McCawley Amy L. Murphy Terrence J. Nolen Kristen Phillips Charles H. Rose Monica Horan Rosenthal H. Hetherington Smith Lee van de Velde Steve Wolfson Diane Dalto Woosnam Ellen Yin
The Cornerstone Society Frederick W. Anton, III Gerard J. Conway, Sr. Carole Haas Gravagno Aaron Posner Board Executive Committee David Fryman, chair Nancy Burd Michael A. Donato Nancy Elfant N. Peter Hamilton Nancy Hirsig Holly Kinser Charles H. Rose H. Hetherington Smith Lee van de Velde Board Development Committee Robert Elfant, chair Brian Abernathy Joy L. De JesĂşs Michael Donato N. Peter Hamilton Eileen Heisman Holly Kinser Lee van de Velde Diane Dalto Woosnam Personnel Committee David Fryman, chair Elizabeth H. Gemmill Albert M. Greenfield, III Charles H. Rose
Engagement Committee Lee van de Velde, co-chair Rhonda Ball Nancy Burd Anne Cook Robert Elfant Jeanne Fisher Nancy Hirsig Holly Kinser Steve Wolfson
Arden Theatre Company wishes to thank: East End Salon Drexel University Department of Theatre Cover photo by Chris Crisman
Facilities Committee H. Hetherington Smith, chair Mike Green James Kronzer Richard L. Maimon John J. McCawley Chris van de Velde Finance Committee Michael A. Donato, chair Nancy Burd Ellen P. Foster Elizabeth H. Gemmill Kristen Phillips Harvey Swedloff Steve Wolfson Master Storyteller Award Selection Committee Eileen Heisman, co chair Nancy Burd, co chair Rayenne Chen Monica Rosenthal David Fryman
Please share your memories by using: @ArdenTheatreCo and #ArdenGeorgiaMcB The Arden
Arden Theatre Company
Front of House
Education Development
Administrative Management
Staff Producing Artistic Director............................................................................................................. Terrence J. Nolen Associate Artistic Director.............................................................................................................. Matthew Decker Commissioned Playwrights........................................................................Greg Banks, James Ijames, Lorene Cary Casting Associate..................................................................................................................................... Jonathan Silver Artistic Assistant...........................................................................................................................................Sarah Scafidi Managing Director.................................................................................................................................. Amy L. Murphy General Manager......................................................................................................................................... John Grassey Director of Finance and Administration.............................................................................Courtney Spiker Martin Associate General Manager...............................................................................................................Mary Beth Simon General Management Assistant.................................................................................................................Regina Haigh Arden Professional Apprentices...................................................Aaron Shown, Alison Howard, Jess McPhillips Krysten Schmelzer, Madeline Jones, Mandy Katz Paige Farestveit, Rudy Gerson Director of Marketing and Communications...................................................................................... Stephen Rapp Marketing Manager.............................................................................................................................. Rebecca Cureton Art Director.................................................................................................................................................Kristy Giballa Publicist................................................................................................................................................Christine Kozsuch Communications and Group Sales Manager.........................................................................................Gilberto Vega Development Director...........................................................................................................................Lauren Hughes Development Manager...................................................................................................................................... Mimi Fox Development Assistant................................................................................................................................. Will Freske Development Intern..................................................................................................................................... Molly Given Director of Drama School.........................................................................................................................Sam Pedings Director of Education Outreach..................................................................................................................José Avilés Arden Teaching Artists.............................Madison Auch, Kala Moses Baxter, Terry Brennan, Kathryn Brunner, Rachel Camp, Taysha Canales, Peter Andrew Danzig, Matt Decker, Tara Demmy, Bryant Edwards, Eliana Fabiyi, Will Freske, Terrell Green, TJ Harris, Alex Keiper, Anthony Martinez-Briggs, Matthew Mastronardi, Emily Mattison, Christina May, Amanda Morton, Bi Jean Ngo, Daniel Park, Jenna Pinchbeck, Adam Siry, Jenna Stelmok, Jenson Titus Box Office Manager.................................................................................................................................. Corey Masson Assistant Box Office Manager.............................................................................................................Bryant Edwards House Manager................................................................................................................................................ Kaitlyn Ide Front of House Assistants...............................................Galen Blanzaco, Ryann Carey,Vicki Daly, Sarah Dugan, Matt Falance, Katie Frazer, Chelsea Gaskin, TJ Harris, Gabe Henninger, Ali Pajonk, Ethan Polson, Nicole Metas, JD Stokely, Amanda Robinson, Jack Tamburri Production Manager............................................................................................................................. Courtney Riggar Technical Director................................................................................................................................... Glenn Perlman Master Carpenter/Shop Foreman...........................................................................................................Justin Romeo Master Electrician................................................................................................................................. Martin Stutzman Costume Supervisor..................................................................................................................................Amanda Wolff Properties Master............................................................................................................................... Christopher Haig Charge Scenic Artist.........................................................................................................................Kristina Chadwick Stage Managers.................................................................................. Alec E. Ferrell, Kate Nelson, Katie Ringwood Dance Captain........................................................................................................................... Mikéah Ernest Jennings Assistant to the Stage Manager..................................................................................................................Mandy Katz Deck Crew..............................................................................................................................................Scott McMaster Audio Engineer..............................................................................................................................................Brad Pouliot Wardrobe Supervisor...............................................................................................................................Rebecca Rose Electricians..............................................................................................Flora Vassar, Lucas Nguyen, Michael Lambui Stitchers...........................................................................................................................Rufus Cottman, Kayla Speedy Wig Master.......................................................................................................................................................Troy Beard Stage Management Intern.................................................................................................................... .Jackie Leibowitz Scenic Construction Intern......................................................................................................................Lo McDowell Costume Intern....................................................................................................................................... Muriel Mangual Props Intern............................................................................................................................................... John Wendling
2016/17 Dining Partners
When dining in Old City, we recommend these restaurants that support the Arden! All offer a special discount to Arden patrons. Please ask your server for details. 2ND STORY BREWING
117 Chestnut St.• 267.314.5770
214 Market Street • 215.923.1000
232 Arch Street • 215.629.2337
317 Market Street • 215.309.3140
16 S. 2nd Street • 215.928.9411
227 Market Street • 215.627.WINE
138 Market Street • 215.923.6069
123 Chestnut Street • 215.733.0300
10 S. 2nd Street • 215.627.0666
306 Market Street • 215.625.9425
212 Walnut Street 2nd Floor • 215.238.0499
208 Race Street • 215.627.6181
116 Market Street • 215.627.1899
110 Market Street • 215.922.1048
308 Market street • 215.625.0988
26 N. 3rd St.• 267.239.5900
For complete restaurant descriptions visit:
directed by blanka Zizka
October 12 – november 6, 2016
25-$35 $ 10
General General Public Public
Taysha Canales and Brian ratcliffe
StudentS StudentS
Photo by Matt Saunders
Written, Directed, and Performed by Wajdi Mouawad
November 29 – December 11, 2016
“[Mouawad] works his way into the depths of your soul.” - Le journal de Montreal
35 $15
General Public
Wajdi Mouawad, Photo by Thibaut Baron.
WILmAThEATEr.Org (215) 546 -7824
December 9th &10th at 8pm
Tell Me A Story: A Cabaret of Holiday Stories and Songs Curated by Hillary Rea and featuring Arden Artists
February 17th & 18th at 8pm with Mary Martello
Five-time Barrymore Award winner Mary Martello sings her musical favorites
June 23rd & 24th at 8pm with Alex Keiper & Friends
Alex Keiper hosts the Next Generation of Female Musical Theatre Talent in Philadelphia
Tickets:, or call the Box Office at 215.922.1122.
3 1 W E S T C O U L T E R S T R E E T, P H I L A D E L P H I A , PA 1 9 1 4 4 215.951.2345 GERMANTOWNFRIENDS.ORG
the M US
who R EFUSED to COME DOWN Adapted from the story by GEORGE MACDONALD Book and Lyrics by TONY LAWTON Music by ALEX BECHTEL Directed by STEVE PACEK
Nov 23 – Jan 29
Apr 5 – May 28
“The Arden does children’s theater brilliantly. It’s totally captivating for children, yet equally fun for the adults” - Newsworks