New Mexico Vegan - November 2015

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New Mexico Vegan The Future is Now Human Animal  Non-Human Animal  Planet

For Vegetarians, Vegans & the Veg Curious

Volume 1  Issue 2 November 2015



Editor’s Note


We are Different (Advertisement)


Letter to Albuquerque Journal Editor


Bemer America (Advertisement)


Seed of Compassion (Advertisement)


Dia de los Muertos (Advertisement)


Santuario de Karuna


Leave Behind


Photo Collage


Always Give Thanks (Advertisement)


ThanksLiving in New Mexico


Dr. Will Tuttle is Coming to Town


This Christmas (Advertisement)


Your Best Self


About New Mexico


Calendar of Events




They Don’t Belong To Us! They Are Us.


Do Something Wonderful (Advertisement)


Advertising with NM Vegan


Red and Green VegFest Albuquerque 2016




Tamara Hubbard


Rae Sikora


HeartnSole, LLc Publication

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New Mexico Vegan VoI. 1 – Issue 2 November 2015 Editor: Nancy Arenas Assistant Editor: Arwen NMV Photographer: N. Arenas

I am glad to have your support (and I welcome your participation) in the New Mexico Vegan e-magazine. One of our primary goals (for the coming year) is to expand the magazine's outreach. The continued growth of our "plant based diet population" (as well as individual growth) needs constant nurturing. I am committed to promoting: social events; education on non-violence; and, any other information which is related to veganism, especially here in New Mexico. The New Mexico Vegan will be holistic, in scope: dealing, certainly, with the category of "food health;" yet, it will also range into all other concerns, related to global-wellbeing. Vegans are a community with great purpose. Just think of it, for a moment (perhaps every vegan already has): when all the world's humanity becomes truly vegan, it follows, that: inter-human violence will also end. Social-agitations will become so minimized, that surface-life will no longer be a crippling distraction, to the deep inner-calling of individuals, toward their own animalperfection. Each person should naturally be drawn (as by a magnet) through an inner-funnel, to pure-wisdom: the heart of humanity, then, will culture "intuitively-righteous-societies," into a singular planetary-perfection. Is this not our destiny? Veganism is non-violence; veganism is light & love; veganism is a practical path of action, to becoming the blissful "Spirit" itself. Vegans around the world, have varied talents and personalities that are realizing a universal vision: Imagine how we are already unifying, coordinating, harmonizing, and concentrating our intentions, into "one-fearless-joyous-voice" - - singing while bringing into reality - - that which has been yearned for since ancient times ...yes ...I am going to speak the clichĂŠ . . . "world peace." On 23 April 2016, at the Albuquerque Convention Center, we will be hosting the Red and Green VegFest Albuquerque 2016, with a full “line upâ€? of wonderful speakers. Perhaps you can help grow this festival into an annual event. If you know of any vendor or product that you would like to see there, let us know. Finally, thank you for all you do and if you have any questions or concerns, please let us know. Live vegan (Livegan), Nancy Arenas

Woofity Woof (Ditto). Live vegan (Livegan), Arwen

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This letter was sent to the Albuquerque Journal, 'Letters to the Editor," but they did not print it. This letter is in response to a newspaper article printed on October 8, 2015 in the Albuquerque Journal, entitled, ‘Lawmakers question changes to federal dietary guidelines.’

It is quite disconcerting to me, that, false human values have infiltrated: our government; the lobbying community; and lobbying companies. Some individuals, who possess evil characteristics, are now being “Political-Bullies on the playground of society.” These “Political-Bullies on the playground of society,” are not concerned about true, communally-shared values: rather, they advocate for their own selfish interest; like a magician they use ‘smoke and mirror tactics,’ which are, in turn, harmful to the national and global population. We, the people, have got to rid ourselves of a very certain blindfold, and that blindfold is this: the web of confusion that “Political-Bullies on the playground of society,” are spinning at us, through deceit and misinformation. In addition to these political-bullies, there are industrial-bullies; such as GMO companies, the dairy industry and the meat industry, which have stepped in with their big dollars and are contributing to societal-bullying. There is published research in support of my thesis here: basically that, a plant based diet is the best diet for the health of both human-animals and non-human-animals, as well as, for the survival of the planet. All of this is confirmed by doctors, scientists, environmentalists, and other well qualified groups (all of whom are specialized in their field), attesting to the importance of a plant based diet. Do the “Political and Industrial Bullies” care? Of course not! They do not care about securing your health (as a human-animal) nor do they respect the basic right of non-human-animals to happily coexist with human-animals; furthermore, they are directly contributing to the demise of planet earth, our home. The real goal of “Political and Industrial Bullies” is to favor selfish and excessive monetary gain over “true animal values,” both human and non human. These “Bullies” are neither expert on nutrition nor environment; else, they would be lobbying for a plant based diet.

It is, then, quite evident to me, that the only human-animals, who are going to look out for: human-animals; non-human animals; and, the planet; …are vegans. A human-animal revolution is needed. This is what I mean: we vegans have to stand up for the welfare of our planet and all its citizens. Let’s finally put an end to: poisons in our food; diseases in our bodies; the slaughtering of innocent beings; and, the destruction of our planet …our HOME! It is a popular adage that human-animals, generally, do not like change, and we often hear the familiar expression, “Well, that’s the way it’s always been done, why change now?”…but, this is worn-out thinking and behavior; it is unintelligent, to base decisions on a lazy habit. It is disturbing that the minds and hearts of human-animals cannot make the reach-of-compassion toward beings that ‘bleed and breathe’ as we do, namely, our close family: the non-human-animals. I propose we hold our government representatives accountable to higher ethics or choose better. These officials should be charged with working for us (human-animals and non-human-animals), not the other way around; if our current representatives fail to do so, then let’s nominate to office, human-animals who possess compassionately ethical values. Rev. Nancy Arenas

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Santuario de Karuna, Sanctuary of Compassion, is a humane education, micro animal sanctuary nestled on 5 beautiful acres in the East Mountains of Tijeras, New Mexico.

The sanctuary was founded by Tamara Hubbard, a long time Animal Rights Activist and Coral Ricketts, an Animal Massage Therapist and Reiki Master. The primary focus at the sanctuary is to allow our visitors to experience animals as individuals and to encourage a vegan lifestyle as a means to increase humane awareness and decrease animal suffering. Currently, the sanctuary is home to 20 amazing animals each with their own life experiences and unique set of needs. We welcome visitors, by appointment only, Sundays and Mondays to experience the sanctuary and meet the animals, May through September. Looking forward to 2016 ~ We will open the sanctuary as a destination to facilitate birthday parties, private dinners and brunches and even a wedding or two. We are also planning to open a vegan bed & breakfast on the property. Check us out on Facebook or at Tamara & Coral Santuario de Karuna "Where all life matters"

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Cutout or Copy and leave behind at an establishment you buy from.

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'Tis the season, for warming your hearth and opening your home to new acquaintances, familiar friends and family; all for the joyous entertainments - simple or grand - we will share, during traditional festivities lined-up on our beloved "Wintry Holiday Row." Each party-host plans to satisfy each guest, by “throwing” a celebration that will put everyone to bed that night ...with a smile on the face, a bright-memory in the mind, and happiness in the heart. Some vegan hosts may worry, however, that some of their non-vegan guests may be disappointed; because, the menu offering is going to be exclusively "plant based." We are all too familiar with the intimidating-pull of certain ironclad traditions, and the temptation to submit on social customs that conflict with our conscience. Nevertheless - all ye doubting vegan hosts - be of good cheer and do not fear: rather, shine with courage as you show them, that vegan food is DELIGHTFUL! Within this very issue of New Mexico Vegan, there are a variety of worthy holiday-menu ideas for, both, traditional and non-traditional dishes. (Also, there is a list of contacts who are available to answer your personal questions, if you need more help). A ThanksLiving menu could include: fresh vegetables and crackers; Spinach Artichoke Dip; Cauliflower and Crispy Onion Casserole; Cranberry Sauce; Pecan Pie; Maple Cream Pumpkin Pie with Gingersnap Crust; Awesome Vegan Stuffing; Roasted Garlic Mashed-Potatoes; and a Vegan Roast. Your compassionate-to-animals menu, can satisfy and mystify your guests. During this frosty season of harvest, many New Mexicans relish the sweet smell of wood-smoke in the air, reminding us of a time when everyone cooked and warmed on an open fire: may we throw the log of another “brightly-burning tradition” into the “blazing, golden hearth” of our enduring heritage - - namely, the custom of "cruelty-free ThanksLIVING holidays.“

Whatever seasonings you use to flavor "the old year out & the new year in," help create a new majority-population tradition: let others know that a cruelty-free, plant-based meal ...can be nutritious & DELICIOUS! Peace on earth. Check out the following sites for recipes:

Dr. Will Tuttle is an award-winning speaker, educator, author, and musician. A vegan since 1980, his writings, music, and presentations focus on compassion, creativity, intuition, and the intersectionality of social justice, animal liberation, and environmental, health, spiritual, and peace issues. You can check out his website: Look at our Calendar of Events (page 15) for times and places where he will appear.

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I know you are busy. But, I want to ask you to take a moment and write a description of your best self. Who would you be if you were living in alignment with your values? What would your choices look like every day? If I ask most people the following questions, the majority would answer in the same way: -Do you want to live a life of non-violence and peace? “YES!” -Would you cause needless harm to anyone? “NO!” -Do you believe in the Golden Rule or some form of it? (One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself) “YES!” Pretty much every religion or culture has a written/spoken version of this unilateral moral commitment to the wellbeing of the other without the expectation of anything in return. Even so, very few people actually adhere to this concept consistently in their daily actions/choices. If we can simply define “others” to include ALL others and not just our own species, culture, race, religion, etc., it is a tall order. The reality is that we grow up learning that it is ok to say we care about other humans, other species and the environment without having to be consistent with that caring when it comes to our daily choices and actions. I have been in many schools where there are messages telling students to “Be Kind to Animals” or “Care About The Environment” but the practices in the school do not reflect this caring. Just one look at the school lunch menu shows a major inconsistency. Children learn that what we say is more important than what we do. It is ok to say that we “love animals” but, imprison them and kill them for everything from entertainment to food and clothing. This inconsistency carries on into adulthood. Many people think that the ethical vegan path is either the latest diet or a temporary popular trend and nothing more. They do not feel this way about other social change movements. In most human circles, the non-violence education work I do would be considered "more important" if I were working for only humans rather than all life. We all have inconsistencies in our lives. The ethical vegan practice is about choosing to cause the least harm whenever possible. Most people want to help create a less violent and more caring society. Some situations seem overwhelming and people feel powerless to make a difference. I was asked to speak at a human rights festival. When I got to the stage, there was a huge banner on the front of the stage structure. It read: STOP ALL WAR. I saw this and realized that most people would find this way to big a task. I got up on the stage and asked how many people felt they could actually do this. Not one hand went up. I asked them to change the first and last word to their opposites: START ALL PEACE. Then I asked how many felt that they could handle that task. Every hand went up in the air. We have the power to make choices that support a peaceful society. Some choices are easier than others. Buying household products and self-care products that are not tested on other species is an easy choice that requires no self-sacrifice and just a bit of research. More difficult choices often involve our familiar rituals, traditions, foods and clothing. Even when it is clear that we are causing lifetimes of violence and suffering for the pleasure of a bowl of yogurt, a cheese pizza, a dish of ice cream, a roast turkey or some soft leather boots, most humans choose to support those industries. Educating the public about the realities of our choices is not easy. Most people do not want to watch graphic difficult/violent footage showing what goes on behind closed doors in industries like animal agriculture, animal testing labs, animals in entertainment, etc. It is understandable. There are images and scenarios that I have witnessed that continue to haunt me years later. But, if we are supporting an industry, it is important that we be willing to witness what we are supporting. If it is too unbearable to witness, then how can we justify supporting it? If we were the victims of needless violence, we would not want anyone to turn away from that reality. We would want them to help us in any way they could.

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Many people who identify themselves as politically and environmentally conscious claim that they only get "humane, organic, local or cage-free” animal products. Most of them have never visited these facilities or taken the time to look up the reality for the animals kept in captivity and killed in their prime. When any living being is seen as a commodity, their wellbeing and their desires are not the priority. I have visited dairy, meat and egg facilities around the world that label their products as “humane, organic, cage-free” etc. What I have witnessed in every single visit is cruelty that no compassionate person would want to support. For example, even the most "humane" dairy farm has to deal with the by-product of their industry: the male calves. These calves are slaughtered or sent to a veal facility within a few days because the milk meant for them is taken to produce ice cream, yogurt, cheese and milk for humans who are beyond the nursing age. There is no humane way around that or the fact that the mothers are slaughtered while still in the prime of their life when their milk production has waned. Claiming to only support “local and humane” is a slippery slope. Many people start out saying they only support "humane, organic, local" animals products, but when they go out to eat, they order animal products in their meal without regard for the source. In recent years many people are raising their own hens for eggs or buying from neighbors who raise them locally. If you ask them, they will tell you about the wonderful life these birds have. My first question is always about the source of the chicks. Most people are buying them from hatcheries or feed stores that buy from hatcheries. No compassionate person would support the practices in hatcheries. The male chicks are sorted out within a day of hatching and are suffocated in plastic bags or ground up alive as feed for chickens. The good news is that we each have choices. There are compassionate alternatives for virtually every animal product we consume. They are better for our health, the environment and all species. What do you want the world to become? Our dollars are powerful votes for what we want to see in the world. What does being your best-self look like? Do your choices align with your deepest core values? We can choose how we want our lives to impact everyone and everything around us. We can support compassion everyday in all of our actions and purchases. We can be the powerful co-creators of a compassion world that respects and cares for all life.

Rae Sikora Photographs (this page) Courtesy of Rae Sikora

State Symbols: Flower: Yucca (1927) Tree: Pinon (1949) Animal: Black bear (1963) Bird: Roadrunner (1949) Fish: Cutthroat trout (1955) Vegetables: Chili and frijol (1965) Gem: Turquoise (1967) Song: “O Fair New Mexico” (1917) Spanish-language song: “Asi Es Nuevo Méjico” (1971) Poem: “A Nuevo México” (1991) Grass: Blue gramma (1973) Fossil: Coelophysis (1981) Cookie: Bizcochito (1989) Insect: Tarantula hawk wasp (1989) Ballad: “Land of Enchantment” (1989) Bilingual song: “New Mexico—Mi Lindo Nuevo Mexico” (1995) Question: “Red or Green?” (1999) Nickname: Land of Enchantment (1999)

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October 2015 Sunday October 25, 2015 -2:30PM Red and Green Vegan - Fusion Tea Dance – Halloween Dance – (vegan snacks served) Partner dancing - Lloyd Shaw Dance Center, 5506 Coal SE, Albuquerque NM

November 2015 Red and Green Vegan – Dancing with the Bars – Every Thursday - 8:15AM – Movement exercise program for balance and range of motion - Bear Canyon Senior Center, 4645 Pitt St NE, Albuquerque NM Sunday November 1, 2015 - 2:00 PM HeartnSole,LLC – Dia de los Muertos Celebration - Westside Community Center on 1250 Isleta SW, Bernalillo NM Friday November 6, 2015 - 6:00 PM Santa Fe Veg - First Friday Feast and Friends – Go to link to RSVP Saturday, November 7, 2015 - 5:30 PM ABQ Veg Group - Annual Thanksliving Potluck - Albuquerque Center for Peace and Justice - 202 Harvard Drive SE, Albuquerque NM Sunday November 8, 2015 -2:30PM Red and Green Vegan - Fusion Tea Dance – (vegan snacks served) Partner dancing - Lloyd Shaw Dance Center, 5506 Coal SE, Albuquerque NM

Friday November 13, 2015 - 9:30 AM Leaf: Taos Society - 3rd Annual Education Tabling (and Leaf fundraiser) at Cid’s– Cid's Food Market 623 Paseo Del Pueblo Norte, Taos NM Friday November 13, 2015 - 5:30 PM Leaf: Taos Society - 3rd Annual post tabling pizza party at Pizanos - Pizanos 23 New Mexico 150, Taos NM Saturday November 21, 2015 - 6:30 PM ABQ Veg Group - Being Healthy and Saving the Planet – LECTURE BY DR. WILL TUTTLE - First Unitarian Church of Albuquerque 3701 Carlisle Blvd NE, Albuquerque NM Sunday November 22, 2015 - 12:00 PM Santa Fe Veg - ThanksLiving Vegan Potluck! - Thai Vegan 1710 Cerrillos Rd, Santa Fe NM Sunday November 22, 2015 - 6:30 PM Santa Fe Veg - Healing Our World: A Deeper Look at Food , Dr. Will Tuttle - Unity Santa Fe 1212 Unity Way , Santa Fe NM Monday November 23, 2016 - 6:00 PM Leaf: Taos Society - BEING HEALTY AND SAVING THE PLANET - LECTURE BY DR. WILL TUTTLE - Location TBD – follow the link for update

December 2015 Red and Green Vegan – Dancing with the Bars – Every Thursday - 8:15AM – Movement exercise program for balance and range of motion - Bear Canyon Senior Center, 4645 Pitt St NE, Albuquerque NM Sunday December 13, 2015 -2:30PM Red and Green Vegan - Fusion Tea Dance – (vegan snacks served) Partner dancing - Lloyd Shaw Dance Center, 5506 Coal SE, Albuquerque NM

2016 Saturday April 23, 2016 - 8:00 AM HeartnSole,LLC - Red & Green VegFest Albuquerque 2016- Tickets now on sale. - Albuquerque Convention Center 401 2nd St NW, Albuquerque NM Tickets now on sale. NM Vegan | 15

Here are some vegan products and links where you might find them: • • • • • .


Films that you should consider watching:

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For purposes of this article, I am introducing and defining a new word: Humanimal. "Humanimal" is a condensed merger of two words: Human animal. My definition of "humanimal" is: Human. I prefer the word "humanimal" because the sympathetic-link between "humans and animals" can be clearly seen by any humanimal who will sincerely think about it; and we should not forget that humans & animals are one-family. Since the word "humanimal" contains the word "animal," it can help us remember that all animal-beings are siblings: animals are the younger siblings; humanimals are the elder siblings. The word "humanimal" is intended to keep “human kinship with animals� in our awareness; and prevent complacency. Having come through the animal-kingdom, it is the destiny of each human-soul (regardless of past-actions), to realize the unity between humans and animals; but, to not stop there (because unity implies parts and process, to unify disparate beings); humanimals qualify to realize that all is absolutely-one (transcendent of "union"): I am the animal, and the animal is me; therefore, I will not harm the animal. Humanimals and animals share the same ancestral-descent & destiny. Daily, around this planet, our animal "family members" [who are evolving into humanimal "family members"] are: made to suffer (beaten, imprisoned, used in experiments, forced to perform, mutilated, raped and slaughtered, etc., etc., etc., ad nauseam) ...why?...because their humanimal "relatives," desire to selfishly benefit, through "cannibalism" & "merchandising the un-eaten leftovers." Really!? Yes . . . really! The animal-suffering endured from humanimal hands, is (for me) tear-jerking, nauseating, and exasperating. No lovinghumanimal desires for their pet to suffer; yet, the actions of most humanimals are constantly-violent (directly &/or non-directly) toward animals, "around the clock (...and the calendar)." Un-excreted animal flesh, circulates non-stop through the digestive tract of so very many humanimals, "24 hours/ day, 7 days/ week, and 365 days/year, all the years of their lives." Many humanimals neither know nor care how their milk, eggs, spices, leather, furs, jewelry, dyes, perfumes, and millions of other products were obtained: whether humanely or non-humanely. Deep in the psyche of each humanimal (perhaps buried beyond reach now, yet waiting to be uncovered) is: the memory of being an animal; the memory of being an animal who was violently abused by a humanimal; and, the memory of being an animal who was loved by a humanimal. Vegans feel, speak, and act for the love between humanimals and animals. Our animal-family is looking for compassionate humanimals - vegans - to speak for them, and to bring these atrocities to the forefront of social consciousness, so that peace will be in the world and in each heart; that each soul may, then, sojourn - without obstacles - to the one universally-shared heart. What is greater than this? Will you be one of the heroes who these innocent beings are counting on, to save them and free them from constant agony? They call on you to tell of their agonies and pains so that others might bear witness and help end this injustice. Animals don’t belong to us, they are us; yet, they belong to themselves, to live their own lives. Help bring an end to this massacre. Please: let us join forces; look for ways to help (becoming vegans, signing petitions, participating in demonstrations, writing to our officials and spreading the word to your family and friends, etc.). Humanimal-ity, will always be a puppet of whatever food it eats: we need to eat a plant based diet, in order to live in un-broken supreme-happiness. Nancy Arenas

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