New Mexico Vegan - March/April 2023

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Enjoy your FREE complimentary copy For Vegans, Vegetarians, and the Veg Curious March/April 2023 NewMexicoVegan
NM Vegan | IFC
NM Vegan | 01 New Mexico Vegan Volume 9 – Issue 2 March/April 2023 Editor: Nancy Arenas NMV Photographer: N. Arenas a HeartnSole, LLC publication Contributor Page Nancy Arenas 27-32 Jo Frederiks 12-18: FC : BC Luiso Garcia 20/23 Andrea Polanco 6-10 Lupita Ronquillo 24-25 Like us on FB All Animals Feel IFC Inside 1 Editor’s Note 2 VIP: Vegans In The Park 3 New Mexico Facts & Trivia 4 You Either Approve of Violence… 5 Reforming Animal Agriculture Subsidies: A Guide for Advocates 6-10 We Reject Speciesism… 11 Meet the Artist – Jo Frederiks 12-18: FC : BC Resources 19 Meet the Artist – Luiso Garcia 20-23 The Missing Link: Raw Living Foods 24-25 Your Body is a Work of Art… 26 The Un-natural 27-32 Photo Collage 33 Cook with Compassion 34 Meet Our Extended Family 35 Advertising with NMV 36 We Are All The Same 37 RAGVF - Red & Green VegFest Albuquerque – 8/19/23 38 Vegan Recipes 39-40 Vegan Pulse IBC
The views expressed by contributing authors are not necessarily the views of New Mexico Vegan.
Cover artwork, Highway to Hell and back cover artwork, The Elephant in the Room by Jo Frederiks.

A time when: ‘summer’ begins to “root towards fruit ” Planted seeds are getting ready to e-e-e-e-e-e-emerge …A time of renewal. Time to ‘step outside’ and feel the warm embrace of The Solar System.

That is how I feel the vegan-feelings, of compassion; and ‘positive-destiny’ emerging in the world I feel, proverbially, “warm & cozy” …when speaking with anyone… about veganism.

Everyday is the day wherein vegans are ‘living-out’ their “in-feelings:” compassion, empathy, and love for the world, and ALL its inhabitants. By advocating for veganism…………. you are doing just that…………………. creating a more harmonious world

Spring is, certainly, …a most seasonally-appropriate time… to show the world how to put this next pair together… they are: Go Pure (vitalizing) + Go Delicious (alluring) = mmm, satisfying (win more people to veganism) If you desire some assistance with putting ‘delicious’ in your “vegan” reach out, heartnsole3@yahoo com

‘Appreciations’ for all of you who are, living vegan; and promoting veganism One day the world will see that you are the heroes who are showing the way, to preserve future generations

Livegan, Nancy …if you want to contact me, I’m here to help. Cook With Compassion & Eat Without Violence

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1. The enchilada crafted at the “Whole Enchilada Fiesta” in Las Cruces holds the world record for largest enchilada

2. Even though Pluto is no longer a planet, its discoverer was New Mexican Clyde Tombaugh

3. More chili peppers are born in New Mexico than all other states combined.

4. The Santa Fe staple, Tia Sophia’s, claims to be the first to invent a breakfast burrito, dating their menu item back to 1975

5. Carlsbad Caverns are truly massive, with one chamber alone stretching over 3,000 feet with a height at some places of 22 stories

6. The first town in New Mexico was Elizabethtown, which has since become a ghost town in Colfax County

7. While attempting the world’s longest skydive over New Mexican airspace, Felix Baumgartner became the first human to break the sound barrier without engine powered assistance

8. The highest point in New Mexico is Wheeler Peak at 13,000

9. Claims have been made that the pillow of goodness, the Sopapilla was first devoured in the Albuquerque area 200 years ago

10. Bandera Ice Cave is believed to be over 3,000 years old, dating back to 1100 B C

11. At over 8,000 feet, the Capulin Volcano is so tall that five states can be seen from the top: New Mexico, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas

12. Though the total area of the state is relatively large at 121,665 square miles, it only has 250 square miles of surface water.

13. Before achieving his fame at Tombstone, Doc Holliday ran a dentist office in Las Vegas, N M

14. The ski lift on the slopes of the Sandia Mountains is 7,500 feet long, making it one of the longest in the world

15. There’s a Las Vegas, N.M. and it was the largest city in the state 100 years ago. It’s also home to the country’s oldest functioning well, Hay Springs Well

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Animal agriculture subsidies create an uneven playing field for advocates and plant-based producers. Our study looks at successes and challenges in the fight to shift, reduce, or eliminate subsidies.


The global meat and seafood market is an empire worth $867 billion USD worldwide in 2021. This market is dominated by megacorporations like Tyson and JBS which receive billions of dollars in direct subsidies–cash grants, loans, purchases, or other types of financial aid–from their governments Worldwide, governments provide approximately $540 billion USD annually in direct subsidies to agriculture, with most of these payments going to “Big Ag” (i e , industrial animal agriculture controlled by a few large corporations, akin to “Big Oil”) The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (2021, p vii) found that “over two-thirds of this support is considered price-distorting and largely harmful to the environment.”

There’s another reason why Big Ag dominates the global animal agriculture sector: These companies offload costs or ‘externalities’ onto human and nonhuman animals by using intensive confinement of animals and exploitative human labor Such externalities are also referred to as indirect subsidies and they also include other consequences of Big Ag like environmental pollution and public health problems To put it into perspective, if these costs were actually accounted for in retail prices, consumers would end up paying $1.70 USD more for each dollar of animal product purchased–for example, a gallon of milk would go from $4 to almost $11 in grocery stores (Simon, 2013) But in reality, consumers and society end up paying for these costs indirectly through healthcare costs, environmental pollution, and other problems caused by Big Ag.

Animal agriculture subsidies, therefore, create an uneven playing field for advocates and plant-based food producers compared to animal-based producers. Given that governments regularly give money and assistance to Big Ag, advocates may question whether vegan outreach or other types of campaigns are sufficient to reform the food system And how can plant-based food producers compete with animal agriculture when less than 25% of global farm subsidies go to growing fruits and vegetables (Springmann & Freund, 2022)?

The purpose of this study was to understand organizations’ successes and challenges in their efforts to shift, reduce, or eliminate animal agriculture subsidies. We interviewed 13 organizations from Brazil, Canada, U.K., and the U S to better understand their approaches to reforming animal agriculture subsidies In doing so, we hope to facilitate knowledge sharing among advocates, and we provide recommendations and lessons learned from a wide range of approaches.

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Below in Figure 1, we summarize the two types of subsidies–direct and indirect–and advocates’ goals to reform them Please see Specific Goals and The Ingredients Of Political Change for details on each goal and how advocates tackle them.


1. Subsidization of animal agriculture is complicated, and the average person’s understanding of subsidies doesn’t reflect the reality of how advocates have to approach them. Tackling subsidies directly is made complicated by Big Ag’s immense political influence For these reasons, advocates have found more success by working to reform farm subsidies, such as by shifting them towards plant-based agriculture, rather than trying to reduce or eliminate government programs that give money to Big Ag For other approaches, please see Specific Goals

2. Indirect subsidies are particularly important because they’re less obvious: Big Ag saves money by harming people, the environment, and farmed animals. Some organizations have sued the government and Big Ag companies for failing to comply with environmental and antitrust laws, which is one approach to combating these indirect subsidies Some advocates also work against them by campaigning for cage-free transitions or other welfare improvements, which requires the industry to invest more money into these changes and thus increases the cost of animal products.

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3. Litigation is an important yet less recognized tool for evening the playing field. Organizations that have filed a lawsuit against Big Ag companies reported that doing so increased their ability to obtain meetings with politicians, media coverage of the harms of Big Ag, and legislative changes that minimize these harms. Importantly, all this became more feasible after filing a notice of suit, before or without having to enter the courtroom.

4. Reforming Big Ag subsidies needs to be a collaborative effort between animal advocates, environmental advocates, and farmed animal producers. Subsidizing Big Ag affects everyone from nonhuman animals to small-scale farmers so many organizations have had the most success in reforming farm subsidies by setting aside their differences and working with stakeholders outside the animal protection movement.


Choose a single, specific goal for your organization to be most effective.

There are many ways to target subsidies as they can be direct (i.e., financial aid given to Big Ag by the government) and indirect (i e , costs of Big Ag that are pushed onto consumers, farmed animals, and the environment) The Specific Goals section describes options like expanding subsidy programs to incorporate plant-based agriculture, establishing more plant-based procurement policies, getting tax exemptions for alternative proteins, and suing Big Ag for environmental pollution However, some advocates we spoke to noted the importance of choosing a single focal goal to avoid spreading your resources too thin

Coordinate and communicate with other groups working on similar issues.

As described above, advocacy organizations can tackle a range of distinct goals to reform Big Ag subsidies and use a variety of methods to achieve them, from lobbying to litigation While not all goals will be equally impactful, groups need to ensure that they don’t prioritize maximizing their unique impact over the coordination of goals with other groups. Intergroup communication is the most effective way to allocate resources and work alongside one another to avoid conflict or redundancy

Learn about perspectives outside the animal protection movement to communicate with different stakeholders.

Different groups care about reforming Big Ag subsidies for distinct reasons from environmental to economic. Persuasive data exists for many different arguments so you should pick the information your stakeholder will relate to and that you’re comfortable speaking on

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In the context of lobbying, train constituent lobbyists to raise awareness of particular issues if possible, while relying on professional lobbyists to amend or write new pieces of subsidy legislation.

Our interviews revealed that constituent lobbyists tend to be more successful than professional lobbyists in getting politicians to understand the harms of Big Ag and obtaining their support In contrast, professional lobbyists are better trained to expand subsidy legislation or write new legislation that benefits plant-based agriculture. However, professional lobbyists may try to include animal agriculture producers when writing or amending legislation, so advocates need to provide clear objectives to their lobbyists

In the context of alternative proteins, support open-access research of cultivated meat and encourage governments to continue funding plant-based meat innovation.

While both the plant-based and cultivated meat industries would benefit from additional funding, advocates noted that it is particularly important to support open-access work on cultivated meat. The current system of ownership over cultivated cells encourages companies to keep their innovation private. In addition to hindering development, this secrecy allows misinformation about cultivated meat to thrive


The purpose of this project is to understand how the animal protection movement is working to change subsidies to animal agriculture and how the industry perceives those tactics. This is the first of two reports that will come out of this project

This first report is a qualitative study where we interviewed different organizations to learn about advocates’ strategies to reform farm subsidies Our second report is a qualitative study where we analyzed animal agriculture industry articles to understand how the industry perceives advocates’ strategies to change subsidies to animal agriculture.


We understand that reports like this have a lot of information to consider and that acting on research can be challenging. Faunalytics is happy to offer pro bono support to advocates and nonprofit organizations who would like guidance applying these findings to their own work. Please visit our Office Hours or contact us for support.

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The report authors are Andrea Polanco and Jo Anderson of Faunalytics Interview support was provided by Coni Arévalo and Zach Wulderk.


This study would not have been possible without the 13 organizations that gave us their time for interviews: Agriculture Fairness Alliance, Earthjustice, Environmental Working Group, Farm Action, Fórum Animal, Friends Of The Earth, The Good Food Institute Brazil, Nation Rising, Public Justice Food Project, Reimagine Agriculture, Rowdy Girl Sanctuary, Stray Dog Institute, and The Vegan Society We’d also like to thank Cleo Verkuijl (Stockholm Environment Institute) and Ren Springlea (Animal Ask) for their feedback, and an anonymous funder for their generous support of this research.


At Faunalytics, we strive to make research accessible to everyone We avoid jargon and technical terminology as much as possible in our reports If you do encounter an unfamiliar term or phrase, check out the Faunalytics Glossary for user-friendly definitions and examples.


As with all of Faunalytics’ original research, this study was conducted according to the standards outlined in our Research Ethics and Data Handling Policy

Andrea Polanco is a trained animal welfare scientist with a PhD from the University of Guelph, but is now happily conducting social science research at Faunalytics Although Andrea entered the field of animal welfare science to reduce animal suffering, she became vegan and a more vocal animal advocate halfway through her PhD These changes led her to discovering Faunalytics and the empirical study of animal advocacy In her spare time, Andrea enjoys birding, discovering new tv shows, and relaxing with her cat companion Zupa/Zuppa/Sopa (‘soup’)

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Jo Frederiks is a passionate animal rights advocate, speaking through her art to create awareness and inspire change to a vegan way of life. She is a full-time practicing artist, exposing the well-hidden plight of animals we enslave, exploit and needlessly use for food, clothing, entertainment and research

Working in varying mediums, Frederiks favors graphite and oil paint. She has previously studied at The Arts Academy in Brisbane, graduating with Honors She has had many solo, joint, and group exhibitions throughout the years, and her work is in private collections in numerous countries across the world Her drawings are sensitive, exquisite and beautifully detailed, portraying the unique character of each individual being.

Frederiks grew up on a million-acre cattle station in central Queensland, Australia It was this environment that not only nurtured her connection to nonhuman animals but highlighted their immense vulnerability at the hands of humankind

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Reprinted with permission.

Contact info:




Blue Thumb:

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ABQ Vegan:

Albuquerque Vegan and Vegetarian Parents:

Cooking with Compassion

HeartnSole Spiritual Community:

Leaf: Taos Vegan Society:

New Mexico Vegan:

Plant-Based Eating New Mexico:

Plant Powered Events

Positive Links

Red & Green VegFest Albuquerque:

Santa Fe Vegan:

Santuario de Karuna:

Sprouting Compassion

Vegan Pulse

VIP (Vegans in the Park):

If you have an article that deals with veganism and would like to submit it for possible inclusion in an upcoming NM Vegan Magazine, please email us at, on the subject line please write NMV Article.

If you are vegan and offer cruelty-free services and products please let us know for possible inclusion in upcoming NM Vegan Magazines, please email us at, on the subject line please write NMV Vegan Products & Services.

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Luiso Garcia is an artist, illustrator, painting teacher, and activist for human and animal rights.
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Reprinted with permission.

Contact info:




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Today, good health has become too widely accepted, by both people and doctors, as a hit and miss path towards an inevitable arise of chronic and killer diseases. Sadly, this is conventional and “normal” for modern times regarding health. Many people simply accept the need for taking prescribed drugs for months or even years to try and fix or control chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes without questioning the drugs and doctors for a better way. Most would consider a doctor’s opinion to be next to law, so why would they? On the thinking side, should it be “normal” to take drugs for health unless it was an emergency? Do we unknowingly have a better choice to prevent disease even as we age? We do!

There are 3 daily chances through the foods we choose! For this reason, each meal is important, as just one wrong meal a day can soon add up to increase our risk for health problems The reason is we simply can’t lie to our body Cheating on our diet will eventually allow disease to win in the game of good health because every single ingredient and element will eventually be accounted for

So then, what do we eat?

For the last 5 decades or so, debates have intensified over 3 main diets, each being touted as healthier than the others: meat eating, vegetarian, and vegan Having been in favor for the plant-based diet these past 6 years, experience and education has allowed me to list faults for all. Yes, all! What I hope to reveal here is these diets, and most others for the matter, are missing one common thing: food enzymes!

You may be asking, but why do we need food enzymes when we make our own?

The enzymes we produce are like “construction workers” that build and run the operation of living Enzymes are required for every process and every function taking place in the body Even thinking requires enzymes! The simplest way to explain the need for food enzymes would be through comparison Smart phones require “electrical energy” from batteries to run The apps that come with a smart phone simply won’t work if there isn’t a charge. The same holds true for the body. Without enzymes, our bodies won’t function. Furthermore, some apps use up more charge than others. Digestion is the most energy consuming process of the body. Despite the fact we can make our own enzymes to complete these jobs, the Law of Adaptive Secretion of Digestive Enzymes, termed by Dr Edward Howell, states that “living organisms will secrete no more enzymes than are needed for digesting food ” What this means in the laws of nature is we automatically preserve our own enzymes Production of metabolic enzymes, the ones that heal and maintain our body’s organs and tissues, will start to slow down when digestive enzymes become pathogenically needed for digesting too many cooked foods. Like batteries, endogenous enzymes eventually wear out and die. Without supplementing our diet with foods still intact with enzymes, it will be sooner than later! Health and longevity isn’t possible if we continue to ignore our deficiency of food enzymes

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Food enzymes have been a required part of digestion for all living things since creation. Unfortunately, modern humanity is now paying the price for ignoring them. Chronic and killer diseases have skyrocketed in the last century with the “improvement” of modern cooking methods. We were convinced that electric cooking appliances such as ovens, grills, stoves, microwaves, deep fryers, air fryers, and toasters, were advancements to our life. To some extent, a few of these are helpful but have mostly led us astray from our natural raw foods diet and kill 100% of food enzymes. As for the vegan movement, I agree that we are taking the next best step to eating more plants. Focusing on plants, we are likely including many servings of “uncooked” food through delicious smoothies, juices, and salads. Becoming aware of this, we can prevent ourselves from becoming trapped into another new “over-cooked” food culture of plant-based foods.

Food enzymes are simply a part of food and although all their functions are not “scientifically” proven, they should still be considered necessary simply because they are components in food Just as vitamin C is an accepted required component, enzymes too, should be considered necessary for promoting health The good news is, you don’t have to go fully raw to reap the benefits of food enzymes!

Contents in picture: Variety of leafy greens, tomato, yellow peppers, avocado, broccoli sprouts, black sesame seeds.

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1990… the -media- of the ‘90s………………….. brought us boy-bands: The Backstreet Boys ………………N-SYNC. In papers and pictures, worldwide, we saw the official end of the Cold War in 1991. Television programs of the 1990s have been called: ………………. The Golden Era. Let’s go ‘back in the day’ and… name a few: ‘show of hands’ for Seinfeld; …let’s see, there was Friends; anyone for the Simpsons…?... …anyone…?… … …

And do you remember those commercial-advertisements that featured the white-

The dairy industry chose, as a marketing-direction:

“Popular Celebrity FAN-CLUB- … associations” …as something of value…… …………………to be followed & imitated. In this way, fans can be in a real-world-relationship with their favorite celebrity alter mustache means that I have: “…been sharing cool-personality-quirks with ‘my gang.’ ”

Well, okay, fine… but. “What is the world-gang …up to?”

If “Kermit The Frog” drinks milk from cows… then, every 5-year-old wants a white-milk-mustache ……too.

The Dairy Industry rolled out a big-campaign which was advocated for, by many high-profile-personalities through the “Got-Milk advertisements” …athletes, movie stars, singers… meanwhile, most everyone today… is buying into the myth, still.

I know, I did I loved milk Ever since I was just a toddler, I’ve had milk-n-cookies conditioning/habit followed me into my adult years I was so hooked on milk that I drank it, even though it made me ill. That’s right… if there was no milk in the house in the evening, no matter the time… 10pm…?!... I would trudge ‘out the house’ and return with milk “ had-to-have my milk-n-cookies ” Even though milk never felt good in my tummy, I was drawn to it, compulsively

Shall we reminisce over some… vintage propaganda:

“Milk is… …good for the body; milk is a natural;

..…milk, It does the body… …good; …………got milk?”

And so, propaganda it was, for as it turns out, dairy-milk -is not- is-certainly-not good for humans. But those discussions………..……………. are a few moments ahead.*

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Let me embellish…… on the story of my Milk Addiction…… briefly~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~I entered a contest… for the “Got Milk” advertisements. I aimed at offering up, for commercial-use… my version of…… The Best Milk-Mustache. Didn’t place or anything…but I entered. I tried to locate the picture, at home yesterday, but it evaded me …here is what the picture looks like…. (picture me younger…). Mmm… how I loved milk. But, the best news…

…I still drink it… only, it’s better this time… (and, once again, …………………….. a few moments ahead*).~ ~ ~

Now, let me get on to… today’s point. I’m here to talk about dairy. Milk, specifically.

I re-mention, here…… the famous ad’s ‘jingle’ ……with its lyrics: “Milk is a natural.” “Milk is Un-natural,” …meet my revision. Because……… “Milk, it does the body ………harm.”

I concur with Dr. Michael Klaper, “Humans do not need cow’s milk, as we also, do not need: dogs’ milk, horses’ milk, nor giraffes’ milk.”

Despite contrary beliefs … not a ‘health’ food, Milk is a “hurt” food. We have not been taught this because, The Dairy Industry works hard to: “suppress that very truth.”

An example of such “suppression of truth” …follows.

Lactose Intolerance1 is a serious infliction on our people, that can be so serious, as to cause death. It is criminal that the Dairy Industry and the US Government have contractual agreements to: ‘knowingly’ …supply lactose intolerant children with dairy milk in their school lunches.

1(“Lactose Intolerance” affects about 95 percent of Asian Americans, 74 percent of Native Americans, 70 percent of African Americans, 53 percent of Mexican Americans, and 15 percent of Caucasians).

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The protein identified as casein {which, furthermore, is basically a glue} is the main protein present in milk; and is strongly linked to various cancers It is used in processed foods and in adhesives, paints, and other industrial products

One of the most popular myths of “dairy milk” is the claim that, “ it builds strong bones ”

However, due to the acidity of cows’ milk it (reverse-ing-ly) “pulls calcium from your bones” rather than ‘giving’ calcium Studies have shown that higher bone-fracture rates, are found in countries where milk consumption is highest

Milk forms mucous, as all dairy foods do. The mucous buildup can lead to health problems like asthma, congestion, and infections (sinus; throat; stomach; lung; )

Dairy milk is very high in: saturated fat; and cholesterol These increase the risk of heart disease, cancers, strokes, and diabetes

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Like all mammals, cows must give birth to produce milk Therefore, dairy farmers get maximum production by keeping their “milk producers” pregnant

Commercial-Dairy-Cows are “trapped” in cycles of: forced impregnation (this is: rape); perpetual lactation; and constant confinement Dairy cows are overworked; and, when their bodies begin producing less milk (at around 4 to 5 years of age), they are slaughtered

Due to extensive biological manipulation, today’s dairy cows produce up to… 12 times more milk… than they would naturally produce.

Over 90% of U.S. dairy cows suffer confinement to indoor operations. And more than 60% are tethered by the neck, within barren stalls.

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Now let’s review some reasons why you should avoid consuming dairy, since…. Milk actually does not do… a body good.

First-ly… and right-ly… dairy milk is: a maternal bodily secretion. It is a short-term nutrient for… new-born calves.

Number 2 – The composition of, any and all, Mothers’ Milk, throughout the Animal Kingdom, is “species-specific.” Let’s have a look at this chart. Notice that the ‘ nutritional-requirements’ for the “various species of baby-mammals,” are all uniquely different, one from another.

Human milk and cow’s milk, for example have, comparatively, from: the amount of protein & fat; to the amount of feces That’s

Number 3 - Milk is full of chemicals, which cause cows to lactate appear whiter and create an artificially creamy texture; but more other skin problems; allergies; inflammation of

Number 4 - Dairy milk is disgusting It consists of pus, blood, believe it or not poop! That’s right, good old-fashioned feces feces? And it regularly does

Number 5 – When you add dairy milk to tea, coffee, chocolate, diminished

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What can you do?

The good news is that you can eliminate dairy from your diet without much difficulty. It is easier than ever, to drop the unhealthy cruelty-filled dairy milk… for a more nutritious plant-based milk. There are so many delicious varieties of vegan-milk, that are conveniently available right now, at most grocery stores.

Better Milk Choices

When I first went vegan, I wondered, “Am I entering a time of great sacrifice? Am I going to lose, forever……………that creamy …creamy-ness… essence???”

No Long story short I did not give up the search, when the first non-dairy sample was disappointing I purchased every one of them why ? because I love creamy And I am glad I persisted Because, “I Still Drink Milk ” Woo-Hoo Plant-milks are awesome

Silk Soy milk; Ripple Pea milk; & on & on When I’m cooking, I know that I can use a cashew milk for a creamier outcome I can use almond milk for a sweeter outcome But when it comes to “my milk and cookies,” I will go with Silk brand soy-milk

YOU can easily find nondairy plant-based vegan: sour cream; cream cheese; ice cream; yogurt; dairy cream; whip’ cream; butter; the whole gamut Try them out find the one that is perfect for you

Make the change, step away from dairy, and make a healthier you.

More information… Health Concerns About Dairy (

10 Dairy Facts the Industry Doesn't Want You to Know (

milk is cruel - Occupy for Animals! (

Milk Is Actually Really Bad for You (

Welcome to Dairy Milk Cheese is a Murderous Cruel Industry!!

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coming up… 4/16/23

Animals can feel empathy just like humans do. Empathy for each other, for us, and even for other species.


1. There are 17 different species of hedgehog.

2. The hedgehog is nocturnal, coming out at night and spending the day sleeping in a nest under bushes or thick shrubs.

3. A hedgehog has between 5000 and 7000 quills (spikes)! Each one lasts about a year before dropping out to leave room for its replacement.

4. Hedgehogs got their name from their love of garden hedges and the grunting noises they make!

5. Hedgehogs actually have small tails; we just don't often notice them under all of their spikes!

6. They have a particularly long, extending snout beyond the front of their mouth which they use to help them forage for food.

7. Hedgehog litters are born in numbers ranging from one to eleven.

8. Hedgehogs are good runners, proficient climbers and can even swim.

9. Hedgehogs love to explore mazes and tunnels.

10. If a hedgehog is purring, he is happy and content.

11. Hedgehogs are lactose intolerant, so milk should never be left out for them, water is perfectly fine.

12. A group of hedgehogs is called an array.

13. A baby hedgehog is called a Hoglet.

14. Baby Hedgehogs cry, quack, and cough! Hoglets can cry for their mothers when they’re in distress.

15. When hedgehogs are out to forage in the evening, they can travel for up to 2 miles, that’s a long way for little legs!

16. All hedgehog species use their spines as a form of defense.

17. Pay attention to the sounds that your hedgehog is making, as their vocalizations are one of their primary communication methods. They’ll grunt when looking for food, chirp when hungry, chuff when wanting to attract a mate, and scream, hiss, or click to show aggression.

18. Hedgehogs are not rodents. Hedgehogs belong to the mammal group Eulipotyphla.

19. Hedgehogs are purely terrestrials, spending all of their time on the ground.

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They have families.

They protect their young.

They have friends.

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Asian Eggplant

Cauliflower Parmesan

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