New Mexico Vegan - September/October 2022

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Enjoy your FREE complimentary copy For Vegans, Vegetarians, and the Veg Curious September/October 2022 NewMexicoVegan

NM Vegan | IC

BNB Experience 26

Editor’s Note 3

Entertainment for Whom? 27-28

Inspire…. 5

Meet Our Extended Family 25

NMV Photographer: N. Arenas a HeartnSole, LLC publication

Like us on FB

Animal Protection New Mexico (Ad) 14

Want to Hike? 26

Animal Protection Voters (Ad) 11

Vegans in the Park… 30

New Mexico Vegan Advertising Rate 32

Rae Sikora 13

Close All Slaughterhouses IBC

Resources 7

A Call To Action 9-10

Editor: Nancy Arenas

Vegan Pulse… 16

Oat Milk Recipe 37

We Are All The Same… 29


Albuquerque State Fair Protest 15

Sprouting Compassion Awards 23

Vegan for… IC

Nancy Arenas 9 10:

New Mexico School of Yoga (Ad) 17

Return of Red & Green VegFest Success 19 22

Vegan Ricotta Recipe 31

The views and opinions, expressed by contributing authors, in the New Mexico Vegan Magazine; may, or may not, represent the views and opinions, of New Mexico Vegan.

Go Vegan 4

New Mexico Facts & Trivia 6

Photo Collage 33

Quick Homemade Jam Recipe 34

Sweet Potato Brownie Recipe 36

Cooking with Compassion Dates 24

Inside 2

Give Peas A Chance/Go Vegan… 35

Anonymous for the Voiceless Albuquerque NM Cube of Truth 15

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Factory Farming: The Truth is… 18

Is More Than Cows Who Die… 8

Santa Fe New Mexican Letter Rodeos 13

New Mexico Vegan Volume 8 Issue 5 September /October 2022

Every Vegan Recipe (Ad) 12


I do not expect to muster a carnivore, now, to vegan advocacy, before they are vegan, in lifestyle You are vegan just not a vegan advocate.

On the other hand, let’s say this scenario …got broken. Is that what you want to offer the world… a busted heart? In this case, you share something profound, with animals busted ness Humans are busting animals’ happiness

Certainly, hypnosis and voodoo, are not in my toolbox I must find something non coercive truly inspiring even though I do not know you, nor your personal persuasions.

Well, let’s start at the beginning When you were born, someone advocated for you otherwise, you would be extinct as an un green barren planet …dead. Someone…fed you… handled your diapers… kept you warm & dry… saw you through to high school

Hopefully, it is your turn to act, now… even if that act is to remember and consider, that inspiring words, alone, are not going to pick you up, carry you to the bouncy castle of ultimate joy, and throw you in That dive is yours to


The surprise here? Vegan advocacy is not a burdensome duty, it is welcomed, as are breathing, eating, happiness. Why? How?

want to contact me, I’m here to help: (( heartnsole3@yahoo com ))


Oooo. Here is my chance to inspire… if you are still with me.


If you are not on Team Advocacy, for these high purposes, then you are the person, I wish to inspire

As I sit at my computer, composing my editor’s-note, I wonder. What motivates some people to serve innocent animals: by protecting them from slaughterhouses; by keeping babies with their mothers; by helping them to live free ly in their natural habitat What motivates some people to pre serve the cleanliness of Earth, with its abundant produce: of oxygen-exhaling trees; of succulent fruits; and the mighty proteins, found in beans; of gentle breezes instead of disastrous storms Need I go on? You know where I am going with this line of questions if you are a vegan advocate

Now, before you go thinking this is tricking you into a guilt trip of obligatory pay back, I have already said, vegan advocacy is not a burdensome duty, it is joy something so grand as veganism is not based upon guilt or debt certainly not

With Compassion & Eat Without Violence!!! NancyLivegan,

If you want to know if something possesses a universally benevolent quality feed it Serve it, as you would begin a hike to Alaska with the first small step Many people, coming to vegan advocacy for the first time, feel they should save the whole world, before the sun sets tonight. That is a daunting task. And may drain your battery of life energy Don’t break your back, or your bank account Do something small; yet, sincere Then notice how your personal satisfaction glows a little brighter And grows a bit higher and higher with each little deed, until a clear path opens to your feelings. Then you may discover what I discovered. As newborn babies get carried… vegan advocates get carried into a miraculous purpose

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5. New Mexico olive, piñon pine, Rio Grande cottonwood, and desert willow are a few of the trees that grow throughout the region.

8. New Mexico is known for its turquoise.

10. The world-famous Santa Fe Opera has an open-air (outdoor) theater situated dramatically outside of the capital city in the foothills of the Sangre de Christo Mountains

1. People came to the area that’s now New Mexico more than 12,000 years.

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2. In 1540 Spanish explorer Francisco Vázquez de Coronado came to New Mexico in search of cities made of gold that were rumored to exist in the Americas

3. After the United States won the Mexican-American War in 1848, New Mexico became a U.S. territory.

9. President Lyndon B Johnson signed the Wilderness Act into law in September 1964, few are aware that America’s landmark conservation legislation originated in New Mexico

6. New Mexico is the country’s top producer of perlite, a type of glass used in insulation and gardening

7. The Roswell UFO Museum is located near a spot where some people claim a UFO crashed in 1947

4. New Mexico is home to black bears, bighorn sheep, cougars, coyotes, and what may be North America’s rarest mammal the black footed ferret Black vultures, red shouldered hawks, bright scarlet tanagers, and streak backed orioles fly overhead, while amphibians such as the colorful western green toad, the barred tiger salamander, and the New Mexico whiptail lizard scurry underfoot

If you have an article that deals with veganism and would like to submit it for possible inclusion in an upcoming NM Vegan Magazine, please email us at, on the subject line please write NMV Article.

ABQ Vegan: Albuquerque Vegan and Vegetarian Cooking

Santa Fe Vegan: Fe Veg/photos/4704212/445478790/

Sprouting Vegan

Plant Based Eating New

Santuario de Karuna:

Red & Green VegFest Albuquerque:

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HeartnSole Spiritual Community

Leaf: Taos Vegan Society Vegan/

New Mexico Vegan:

If you are vegan and offer cruelty free services and products please let us know for possible inclusion in upcoming NM Vegan Magazines, please email us welcome22day@gmail.comat,onthesubjectlinepleasewriteNMVVeganProducts&Services.

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But, let us be clear, not all vegans are advocates.

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Need I go on? You know where I am going with this line of questions… if …you are a vegan advocate.

What motivates some people… to serve animals: by protecting them from slaughterhouses; by keeping babies with their mothers; by helping them to live free ly in their natural habitat?

Now, before you go thinking… that I’m tricking you… into a guilt trip. And all the highways on that trip, will drive your guilty-feelings into advocacy… no. I have already said, “Vegan advocacy is not a boring… duty of paybacks It is joy ” Something so grand as veganism, is not based upon guilt or debt …certainly not.

Perhaps the surprise, here regarding Vegan Advocacy, is this that it’s not a boring duty Truly, it is something you want… just as you want: air to breath, food to eat, and happiness.

Humans are breaking animals’ hearts.

What motivates some people… to keep Earth clean, pre serving all its precious gifts: of andtrees;succulent fruits; the mighty proteins, found in beans; and fresh gentle breezes?

OOOO.Here is my chance to inspire.

Therefore, if…. you…. are a Vegan, who does not advocate for Veganism, then…… you…… are the person, I wish to inspire.

On the other hand, maybe that happy story …got broken. Is that what you want to offer the world… disappointment, anger, and tears? If you feel this way, then you share something profound, with animals a broken heart

Now, regarding all of you, who are carnivores naturally, I would not expect you to become a vegan advocate until you, first, became vegan in lifestyle So, here is my main point today: I am speaking to those who are vegan. But who have… not yet become… vegan advocates.

And how would I do that? Well… not with hypnosis, voodoo or black-magic. I will not be trying to force anyone, to do my will no I must find something truly inspiring even though I know, neither, you nor your personal persuasions.

Well, let’s start at the beginning When you were born, someone advocated for you otherwise, you would be… let’s face it… you would be dead. Someone…fed you… handled your diapers… kept you warm & dry… saw you through high school.

But, if you are not a Vegan Advocate, then you might be asking, “How? How is advocacy, something I want? For, if I wanted it, then I would be doing it.”

If you want to know if something possesses the nature, that we might call divine …feed it. Serve it, in the same way as you would begin a hike to Alaska with the first small step

As we have already said, newborn babies get carried And I am here to testify that vegan advocates get carried… into a miraculous purpose.

Hopefully, it is your turn to act, now… even if that act, is to remember and consider, that inspiring words alone are not going to pick you up carry you to the bouncy castle of happiness and throw you in That dive is yours to make.

Do something small; yet, sincere. Then notice how your… personal satisfaction… glows a little brighter. And grows a bit higher… and higher… with each little deed… until a clear path opens to your intelligent feelings. Then you may discover what I discovered. And, what is that?

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Many people, coming to vegan advocacy, for the first time… feel they should save the whole world, before the sun sets tonight That is a daunting task And may drain your battery, of life energy Don’t break your back, or your bank account

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While the rodeo is considered a wholesome tradition by some, the reality is that many innocent, terrified animals are victims There is no need to cause harm to any living being in an effort to entertain ourselves We can create and support entertainment that teaches the children of Santa Fe respect for other species and the value of all


The Cruelty That Is Rodeo

"Many communities and whole countries are moving away from entertainment based in violence and captivity of other species. Bullfights, animals in circuses, canned hunting and other barbaric practices are being phased out around the world in favor of more compassionate and nonviolent entertainment

Below is a letter written by Rae Sikora that appeared in the Santa Fe New Mexican earlier:


If we held a rodeo event with dogs being roped, injured and abused for “entertainment,” it would be shut down before the doors opened. If dogs were the victims, the event would be animal cruelty and would be illegal under animal cruelty laws

Fe is celebrated and supported by many businesses and individuals who might be unaware of the violence involved. Trader Joe’s pays tribute to the local rodeo as a fun tradition with a huge mural on their wall of a smiling calf and a cowboy riding a huge rabbit with the words, “Rodeo de Santa Fe ”

But the animals abused in the rodeo are not labeled as family or companion animals, so their pain and suffering continues without most of our community questioning it The difference is not how much they suffer, but our stories and ideas about them. The same has been true throughout history when other humans, who were seen as “less valuable and unfeeling,” were used in barbaric forms of entertainment. We evolve and change as our awareness of the other individuals around us and their needs and wants becomes more inclusive

I understand that my views are not popular in a region that glorifies ranching and cowboy culture. But I am at least hoping that I live in a community that is willing to question traditions that come at the expense of others If I asked most Santa Fe residents if they would like to live in a peaceful, nonviolent community, they would answer yes. Every individual and every business can be part of creating that type of community“.

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Thank you: Karla, Victor, Luba, Max, Kaliegh, Sarah, Amber & Kaylee, Rhonda, Jenna, Cindy, Alexa & Chelsey Anonymous for the Voiceless – Albuquerque NM Cube of Truth If you would like to participate and learn more go to: AV:Albuquerque,NM,USA

Albuquerque animal cruelty at Fair.

Vegans protesting all the

the NM State

Like us on NM Vegan | 16 Vegan Pulse

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The Red & Green VegFest returned to an in-person meeting on August 20th at the JCC of Greater Albuquerque. The public came out to learn and support veganism in our community. There were vendors, presentations, cooking demos, giveaways, food trucks and more.

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Engage – Learn - Inspire

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Thank you to

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our Sprouting Compassion Board: Gabriel, Deidre, Tammy, Paul, Nancy, Lisa

Thank you to our volunteers: Darren, Deidre, Margie, Lisa

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Sprouting Compassion gave out is 1st Annual Awards at the Red & Green VegFest Albuquerque, Shine On The event was held on August 20. The awards were recognizing two individuals for their efforts which embody the spirit of what it means to really be the change you wish to see in the world Their dedication is praiseworthy.

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Lisa Hackard was awarded the Animal Champion Award. Tammy Fiebelkorn was awarded the Animal Advocate Award.


15. Most bats use sound to ‘see’ the world around them. This nifty navigation system is called echolocation!

20. Bats are the second largest group of mammals in the world and consist of over 1,300 species.

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6. Mother bats often fly with their pups. The young cling to their mother's underarm nipple with their mouths and hang onto her waist with their toes.

14. Bats are inspiring medical marvels. About 80 medicines come from plants that rely on bats for their survival.

18. Some bats choose to live alone, getting together only for mating purposes. But the majority of species gather together in colonies of 100+, and it’s common also to see them living together in the thousands.

11. Without bats, say goodbye to bananas, avocados and mangoes. Over 300 species of fruit depend on bats for pollination.


4. Females are so dedicated to the task of motherhood that to cope with the challenges of pregnancy and carrying their young, their anatomy and behavior are slightly different than males.

2. More than half of the bat species in the United States are in severe decline or listed as endangered.

7. Baby bats are called pups! Most bats have only one pup a year.

Animals can feel empathy just like humans do. Empathy for each other, for us, and even for other species.

13. Like cats, bats clean themselves. Far from being dirty, bats spend a lot of time grooming themselves.

16. Ancient civilizations worshipped bat like gods.

3. Some bats hibernate in caves through the cold winter months.

5. Bat mothers like the greater spear nosed bat, Phyllostomus hastatus, form colonies where females take care of the offspring of other females while the mothers fly outside the roost to look for food.

12. Bats are the only flying mammal.

19. Many people refer to bats as “flying mice,” but in truth bats are more closely related to humans than they are to rodents.

1. Bats can live more than 30 years and can fly at speeds of 60 miles per hour (or more!).

10. The world’s largest bat is the "flying fox", which lives on islands in the South Pacific.

9. Bats are very social animals that use complex systems of navigation and finding food requires a lot of learning and development.

17. When in flight, bats hearts beat 1,000 times a minute!

8. A group of bats is called a colony.

BNB Experience

If you are looking for a getaway, consider Santuario de Karuna which is now offering a BNB experience! Stay in a vegan BNB on a farmed animal sanctuary with pigs, goats, cows, chickens, goose, peacock, donkey, turkeys, hens and roosters! Includes delicious vegan breakfast! Even if local, great place to have a staycation! Book your stay here:

Albuquerque Vegans if you are looking for others to hike with keep informed by following the ABQ Vegans Group on FB. ABQ~VEGAN(Albuquerque~Vegan)

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Last week I was out with some lady friends and one of them mentioned the State Fair is open. She was so excited, like a kid in a candy store And why not? A state fair is one of those endearing American traditions, that conjures up images that are well, the feelings that she was having She was happy

The NM State Fair, believe it or not, is riddled with animal abuse Abuses that are sold to you, the consumer, as ‘wholesome entertainment’. But Entertainment for Whom? Surely not for the animals.

Besides the rodeo there is "Calf scrambles" at the New Mexico State Fair, during which calves are released into an arena and frantically pursued by teenagers hoping to catch them Being chased and tackled before screaming crowds is an obviously terrifying and potentially injurious ordeal for these animals, who have no means of escape or defense

I remember my first time at the State Fair. I was a guest of my boss. At one point, he led me to the Rodeo. As we sat on the bleaches, calf roping was in progress As soon as I saw that calf go down, I turned to him and said, I cannot watch this How would anyone like that done to them? This is not a sport, it is cruelty I saw the cowboy on the horse throw the rope and lasso the poor young calf by its hind legs. His face slammed unto the floor The cowboy got off his horse and ran to the frightened calf and took the rope and tied its front legs as well I had to get up and go! Not only was I horrified at what that animal experienced but how the crowd was loving, applauding, and enjoying this blatant cruelty.


I guess when you look at it on the surface, it can be. You can go on rides, catch a concert, eat some food, etc. But then there are the animal events and rodeo: such as calf roping, bull riding, steer wrestling, and bronc riding. All of these are considered to be wholesome family activities by the majority of our Americana culture. The stark reality is that many innocent animals are victimized in the name of entertainment. There is no need to cause harm to any living being simply to entertain ourselves We surely can create entertainment that teaches everyone to respect all species as having the same value as the human species.

So again, I ask you, “Entertainment for Whom?”


James Serpell put it this way in his book, In the Company of Animals

Rodeos are marketed to the public as family entertainment However, it is only a display of human domination, torment, and cruelty to animals Horses, bulls, steer, and calves suffer broken ribs, backs, and legs, torn tails, punctured lungs, internal organ damage, ripped tendons, torn ligaments, snapped necks, and agonizing deaths. They are captive participants

Those animals who manage to make it through unscathed are given not enough time to rest or recuperate before they are loaded into trucks, hauled to the next event, forced to participate again and again. When they become too old or worn out to continue, “retirement” is often a one way trip to the slaughterhouse.

Many of these animals are not aggressive by nature; they are physically provoked into displaying “wild” behavior to make the cowboys look brave. Brutality is what truly is at Iplay.dohave

hope though as more and more people are becoming aware of just how cruel these events are for the animals who are forced to participate. Already, rodeos around the world are being banned in locations such as Britain, Europe, Australia, and even some in the US.

I will not ever attend the NM State Fair except, to protest this and every other animal abuse you see there under the guise of entertainment. Even though the NM State Fair is celebrated and supported by many businesses and individuals who may well be unaware of the violence involved. I truly understand that my point of views is not popular, especially in a region that glorifies ranching and cowboy culture. My hope, however, is that our community is willing to question traditions that come at the expense of others.

It is perhaps exaggerated to claim, as one author has, that the rodeo is 'the modern equivalent of the public hanging' Nevertheless, these performances hinge on the violent subjugation of living animals, some of which are deliberately incited to frenzied violence by raking them with spurs, constricting the genital region with leather straps, or by thrusting an electric prod into the rectal area. At the same time they are often given bogus, malevolent names in order to deflect sympathy from their plight Occasionally, they are maimed or killed, and many are forced to undergo the same terrifying ordeal several times a day. Yet the rodeo is presented to the American public as a harmless, red-blooded entertainment in which the cowboy the epitome of wholesome, manly virtue uses his courage and skill to overcome and subdue untamable, outlaw stock Doubtless, the Romans employed similar fantasies to justify their activities in the Circus Maximus.

They have friends.

They protect their young.

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They have families.


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More recipes at Forks Over Knives. Go to:

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