ECrWss Postal Customer STILLWATER VALLEY A DVERTISER PrE-sOrtED stANDArD U s POstAGE PAID Arens Corporation ! ! 1 - ,"#%*,# *) "- "( +( .) "( +( 1 *-$ , */')&-*) *) ,' "( +( 000 ! 000 Vol 72 - No 5 Circulation: 10,508 • 937-473-2028 • FEBRUARY 1, 2023 FAX: 937-473-2500 • E-Mail: arenspub@gmail com • Check Us Out On The Web: arenspub com ! % " ! ! " ! " ! $ ! % # ! ! ZONED INsErts: PAttY’s IGA; MENArDs; COVINGtON CONNECtION sPECIAL PAGEs: Church services & Events PAGE 2; Honoring Women-Owned Businesses PAGEs 3-4
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Sports Collectibles Show Featured February 3-4-5 At Miami Valley Centre Mall
Don’t miss the annual Sports Card and Collectibles Show at the Miami Valley Centre Mall 987 E Ash St Piqua Friday thru Sunday Feb 3-5 Hours are Friday and Saturday 11 a m - 7 p m and noon until 6 p m on Sunday
This event will feature almost 50 tables blanketing the mall with dealers showcasing sports cards collectibles memorabilia comic books and additional sports-themed items for the NFL MLB Ohio State and many more
This is one of the best shows in the area so bring your friends and family!
Take I-75 to St Rt 36 - Exit #82 to the Miami Valley Centre Mall Admission is free! SC Collectibles and the Miami Valley Centre Mall are sponsoring this very popular event
For questions or to reserve a table please call 937-773-0950
What’s happening at...
B r a d f o r d P u B l i c l i B r a r y B r a d f o r d P u B l i c l i B r a r y
138 E Main St , Bradford & 937-448-2612
PrE-School Story hour with Candice will meet Tuesday, Feb 7, followed by a break week, and will resume February 21-March 28 We ask that you sign up in advance so we have enough supplies ready Story Hour is held Tuesdays from 11-noon
StEAM WorkShoP for homeschoolers in Grades 1-8 will be held Thursday, Feb 9,
10:15-11:30 This is a free workshop that offers hands-on activities to teach a love for Science Technology Engineering Arts and Math No registration is needed
SEnior citizEnS cAn PlAy cArdS Thursdays Feb 9 and 23 from 12:30-3:00 Join this fun group for lively conversation and friendly competition
Adult BinGo will be held Thursday, Feb 16, from 1:30-3:30 Everyone goes home a winner! Feel free to bring a prize to share – valued at less than $5 – if you wish Our JuSt GluE it crAft clASS for adults will be held Tuesday Feb 21, from 6:308:00 We will be crafting a framed picture made with Sea Glass All supplies furnished This month’s craft will be offered free of charge Registrations are required to attend and space is limited to 20 participants Please call the library to register Our WintEr rEAdinG chAllEnGE is well underway, but it’s not too late to join To participate, simply check out books from the library When you’re done reading your selections, fill out a slip and place it in the appropriate container near the circulation desk We will have a first place winner in each of three age divisions and also will have a second chance random drawing of all other tickets in each age group Drawing will be held March 17
The innovAtion StAtion is available to help parents make one-of-a-kind Valentines with their children Our Cricut and Ellison Machine are easy to use, along with paper punches, embossing tools, and fancy edged scissors Simply bring your own paper and glue Children under 13 must be accompanied by an adult in the Innovation Station Students 13-18 must have a parent-signed waiver form to use the Maker Space
Wo men - Owned BUSINESSES
Business owners put in long hours as they work tirelessly to realize their dreams
While any time of year is an opportunity to honor those women, we would like to pay special homage to these hardworking professionals.
www arenspub com Page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iami St. • West Milton "" # & " " " & # # $' & ! " ! # ! " " & " ) * # ! " !# # " # ! " & " # ! $ & ! ## !" ," & !" ) " # ! ! # ! "# # " & '" ' ! # % ' & " ## !" ," " " !% # "# # "$!! $ ! " ! ! # " ' " # # $ # " ' ( " !% # # ## !" !"# ! "# # " ! ! " #" * ## !" ," & !" " $ " !% $" "" ! % $# $ !! #" ! & " $ ! " # ! " " "" # ! $ ' '" # " " # ! $" "" " " ! # ' "" "# ' & "# ' $ # & " " # ! #" ) " ' + # , ! % ! " # ! # " " ' $" ! " " " $# ' & * " ! #
Page 4 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - FEBRUARY 1, 2023 www arenspub com OUR CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS! TO PLACE AN AD, CALL 937-473-2028 ! $ ! " # % "! ! ! " # " !# ! # "" ! " !! " " ! " " !" ' ! ! % " " " " # ! % " ! % "! " ' % " #! " " # " ' " " !" " # " '! " ! ' ! " " "' ! % ! ! " " #"# & " # "! ! " " # " " % " # " # ! " # "' ) ) * "%+ ""( '! ' )( %" %# %$ , * ( , $ ( , # & # Pleasant Hill ‘Lights Up the Night’ Planning Meeting Scheduled The Village of Pleasant Hill “Lights Up the Night” committee will host a planning meeting on Monday, Feb 6, 6:30 p m , at the Newton Fieldhouse and Community Center The public is welcome and encouraged to attend HELP SUPPORT YOUR COMMUNITY! Bradford High School to Host Community Blood Drive Feb. 9 Help keep the area blood supply strong during the heart of winter by donating at the Bradford High School community blood drive Thursday, Feb 9, 3-7 p m , at 750 Railroad Ave , Bradford Everyone who registers to donate will receive a special edition Give Blood long-sleeved hoodie T-shirt Make an appointment online at; call 937-461-3220; or use the new Donor Time app Save time when you donate by downloading the Donor Time app You can also use DonorXPress to complete the donor questionnaire before arriving at a blood drive Find DonorXPress on the Donor Time App or at www givingblood org/donorxpress For more information visit www givingblood org W omen Owne d BUSINESSES 2023
www arenspub com Page 5 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - FEBRUARY 1, 2023 %/52A; %2A2?/69A @=221 @=221 42.? ?.A6< ( 2;46;2 D6A5 . =9.A6;B: <C2?5.B9 2E05.;42./92 D.??.;AF " <; A52 05.@@6@ .;1 92@@ A5.; <; A52 %9.A6;B: <C2?5.B9 C6?46; ?B//2? D5<92 D.F .?<B;1 <42 /B69A 32;12?@ 9645A /.? .0?<@@ 6; @922=2? 1<B/92 /B;8 1B.9 3B29 A.;8@ 1< 2E5.B@A 05?<:2 @A.08@ ;2D @2.A@ .;1 @2.A /.@2@ A9.@ A< 96A2 D6?21 3<? A?.692? ;B:/2? .6? ?612 0./ ?2645A96;2? 2;AB?F 9.@@ @ A :692@ ?1 <D;2? #2D 20B & 1292A21 AB;21 @=1 .A<; 3B992? ?2.? ?.A6< !6A2? 2A?<6A C6?46; ?B//2? A?2.1 ;2D 0.?=2A =.116;4 ?2.? ? ;2D .6? /.4@ ;2D /?.82@ ;2D @5<08@ .6? ?612 0./ @<99< 09BA05 AB?/< C.9C2 ;221@ ?2=9.021 @922=2? 1<B/92 ?.6@21 ?<<3 ?2645A96;2? ! 1.F0./ @2:6 :692@ @=1 .A<; B992? A?.;@:6@@6<; 4<<1 A?2.1 ;A2?;.A6<;.9 :692.42 ?2.1@ :692@ @=1 .A<; B992? A?.;@:6@@6<; ".08 *6@6<; , 1.F 0./ @2:6 :692@ .A<; 3B992? A?.;@:6@@6<; %2A2?/69A :6 6; /B;8 % %.00.? 2;46;2 ;1B?.;A .BA<:.A60 A?.;@:6@@6<; %2A2?/69A 1.F 0./ @2:6 :692@ B::6;@ ', 2;46;2 .A<; A?.;@:6@@6<; @=1 @A.42 2;46;2 /?.82 %/52 &:,24/:; &:,24/:; +69@<; 3A 0.AA92 =<A D 7.69 D612 3A 6; @=?2.1 .E92 39<<? " '& ( (52?:< 6;4 ' &2232? D699 0<<9 1<D; A< 5?@ .BA< .6? <; A6?2@ ;2D /?.82@ @ 0.:@ .;1 /B@56;4@ C6?46; ?B//2? &6AA2;5<B? @861=9.A2 @96= 16@0 5?@ )A696AF 3A A52?:< 86;4 @/ 5.@ 0<12 3<? 0<<9.;A @2;@<? 2;4 5?@ <; ?2232? C6?46; ?B//2? ? ;2D /?.82@ @ 0.:@ @9.08 .17B@A2?@ (52?:< 86;4 <BA <3 29=5<@ <56< 5.@ ?20<?1@ <; .99 A?.692? ?2.A .;2 3A @=?2.1 .E92 C6?46; ?B//2? .??62? ?23?642?.A<? B;6A 5<B?@ .17B@A./92 @=?2.1 @2A B= 3<? 602 0?2.: D<?8 9645A@ <; 6;A2?6<? ;2D /?.82@ ;2D @ 0.:@ /B@56;4@ @9.08 .17B@A2?@ 4?2.@21 /2.?6;4@ 6; 5B/@ ?221<: (?.692?@ E 3A 2;09<@21 0.? 5.B92? /.99 56A05 6;A2?6<? 0./6;2A@ A.;12: .E92@ 9/ *+& +69@<; 3A 5<==2? A?.692? .==?<E 6; @612D.99@ .==?<E 6; D612 :.;B.9 ?<99 A.?= :.;B.9 5<==2? <=2;2?@ 5<==2? C6/?.A<?@ .==?<E 6; /2AD22; 5<==2? <=2;6;4 4?<B;1 )A696AF , 3A 6;A2?6<? 9645A@ .6? ?612 @B@= .6? ?292.@2 @9612? =6;@ 9<D =?< A6?2@ <?; %?< 3A A?.692? @A229 4?.A21 A.;12: .E92 ?.:=@ 6; D612 (/12-4/; 52C?<92A 1B.99F A?B08 :692@ ?.13<?1 B69A .9B:6;B: /21 2EA2;121 0./ .BA<:.A60 A?.;@:6@@6<; <?1 ,!( :692@ 0?2D 0./ D1 ;2?3 /.?@ @B=2? 1BAF 162@29 39.A/21 0 9=285/6< .@2 ", 5?@ ;1 <D;2? ?2.?@ 1B.9@ =<6;A 56A05 %($ =<D2?@563A A?.;@:6@@6<; D1 A56@ A?.0A<? D.@ .9D.F@ @521 82=A 2E02992;A 0<;16A6<; 6;G2 %( ?<D 0<?; =9.;A2? -2AA2? ?<D 092.;2?@ 1<B/92 16@0 <=2;2?@ ?B//2? 09<@6;4 D5229@ 1?.4 05.6;@ :.?82?@ =B99 AF=2 % =9.;A2? ?<D 96>B61 32?A696G2? =<=B9.A6<; :<;6A<? ?B//2? 09<@6;4 D5229@ 1<B/92 16@0 <=2;2?@ <?646;.9 :.?82? @F@A2: D<?8@ 2920A?60 D6;052@ =BA <; A< =B99 :.?82?@ 3<? A?.;@=<?A =9.;A6;4 36291 2142@ 3?<: A?.0A<? 0./ C<9A =B:= 3<? ?<D 32?A696G2? ?<D ;< A699 =9.;A2? ".?A6; 39<.A6;4 ?<D 092.;2?@ 1<B/92 16@0 <=2;2?@ C.0 @F@A2: D @2A@ #2D 12. 5.F ?.82 %($ 1?6C2 6;682? 39.69 :<D2? %($ 1?6C2; <5; 22?2 "< < 5.F :<D2? ?<A.?F @60892 /9.12@ 6:=2992?@ %($ 1?6C2; ?.6; /6; ?6;4@ .B42?@ 0<;2 D /.@2 ( && ($& ( 32?A696G2? @=?2.12? 4 !2.12? "<;6A<? D =?2@0?6=A6<; 0.=./696AF C.?6./92 ?.A2 #2D !2.12? /21 76 9=285/6< '* &( .BE 5F1?.B960@ 3A D612 :.056;2 :.;B.9 >B608 .AA.05 B/<A. :6;6 2E0.C.A<? /B082A@ A5B:/ ?B//2? A?.08@ ?B;@ 1?6C2@ 22?2 @861@A22? 5? :2A2? ?2.1@ ;<A .00B?.A2 :.;B.9 >B608 A.05 .BE 5F1?.B960@ 6A05 +6A05 ?612 <; A?2;052? 3?<;A /9.12 ?B;@ <=2?.A2@ %32.;<//: 76 <<,-15/6<; ?B@5 BAA2? @861@A22? :<D2? 6; D<?86;4 D61A5 'B652 =<@A 5<92 16442? 6; 6; 6; .B42?@ 'B652 '9612 E0.C.A<? @861@A22? .AA.05:2;A 'B652 # &<A.?F 3?<;A :<B;A A6992? 'B652 6; 2.CF BAF '861 'A22? &<<A &.82 # + # * & )' %178 %=887:< 778 =24.260; 2;- # + A @56==6;4 <;A.6;2? @612 1<<?@ 2E02992;A 0<;16A6<; '56==6;4 <;A.6;2? $33602 D6;1<D D.98 A5?<B45 1<<? # + # * & )' 'B652 &2@A?<<: @529A2? &2@A?<<: '5<D2? 0<:/< 3A D612 E 6; ( +<?8 /2;05 1?.D2?@ @A.6;92@@ @A229 3.02=9.A2 1?.D2?@ 9<08 ?.69 @9616;4 'B652 'A229:.; ( 1?.D2? A<<9/<E 1?.D2? 9<08@ .;A6 @96= :.A@ 'B652 'A229:.; ( 1?.D2? 1?.D2? 9<08@ .;A6 @96= :.A@ ?.69 @9612?@ 'B652 '( !" # ( 'A.6;92@@ A<= 1?.D2? 1?.D2?@ 9<08 'B652 'A229:.; ( 1?.D2? A<<9/<E ?.69 @9616;4 1?.D2?@ 9<08 'B652 '( !" # ( 1?.D2? A<<9/<E @A229 A<= ?.69 @9612 1?.D2?@ 9<08 ') + (,! (, & $$% ) ! # 'B652 + (,! (, ( & $$% ) ! # 'B652 + (,! (, ( & $$% ) ! # 'B652 + (,! (, ( & $$% ) ! # + (,! (, ( & $$% ) ! # 'B652 + (,! (, ( & $$% ) ! # +.98 256;1 <;0?2A2 @.D@ ;1B@A?6.9 %9B@ 6; %<D2? A?<D29@ ==?<E <::2?06.9 D6?2 /.@82A@ 'A229 5<==2?@ 8 "++ 42 ! 3. $.-2*(- 6.41 &04*/,&-3 '.1 3)& #&23 &5/.241& .1& *3&,2 $.,*-( *- %"*+67 "13*"+ +*23*-( .-+6 ! -+*-& #*%%&1 '&&2 "//+6 ! !$ & % ! %! !$ '" & ' & ! !$ & ! $ * !$ %& )"!%'$ !$ *!'$ #' " & !$ ' %& " % ( % & ' & ! + " ! @ =;;/> :7; =-<276//:; ? ' & ! $% $ & '%% * @ $ @!$$ '%% * % %& $& $ ( ! ! '% &! % &! *
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349 4'9&.3*) ).7*(91> +742 9-* 57.39.3, (425&3>
FOR SALE: Golden Retriever & Lab puppies $500 567-279-5723
WANTED: Broken or nonrunning John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers Will pick up others 937-473-2705 or KJRIND01@hotmail com
QuALItY BoAt coVeRS & BoAt upHoLSteRY! Pontoon flooring Now is the time to get your boat ready! Call 937-464-5494 or Google: Magi Canvas Ohio
WANTED: Old motorcycles, minibikes, mopeds, 3-wheelers, or 4-wheelers Running or not Covington 937-473-2705 KJRIND01@hotmail com
FREE CATS! (3) Calicos, (4) blacks, (2) light brown, (3) black & white, (2) gray, & (1) black & gray (1) Siamese Some cats are small 937-632-4050
Page 6 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - FEBRUARY 1, 2023 "*&1*) .)8 ".3,1* 7.2* 4397&(9 +47 9-* +:73.8-.3, 4+ &11 3*(*88&7> 2&9*7.&18 &3) (43897:(9.43 4+ 9-* 9<4 '.) 5&(0&,*8 *< &;.1.43 &3) "51&8- &) .) 4397&(9 &3) 25-.9-* &9*7 .) 4397&(9 &3) &11 &884(.&9*) 8.9* <470 &7* 7* 6:*89*) '> $.11&,* 4+ 4;.3,943 14(&9*) &9 7&39 "9 4;.3,943 -.4 .)8 <.11 '* 7*(*.;*) '> 9-* $.11&,* 4+ 4;.3,943 &9 9-*.7 4++.(*8 14(&9*) &9 % !' %! ! & % ! #& #) !# ! %# % &3) ! #& #) !# ! %# % &3) &9 9-&9 9.2* <.11 '* 5:' 1.(1> 45*3*) &3) 7*&) &14:) "# % .8 8(-*):1*) 43 & #) % &9 9-* $.11&,* ++.(*8 #-* 7*;.8*) '&8* *89.2&9* 4+ 574'&'1* (4898 +47 9-*8* 574/*(98 &7* .) 4397&(9 .) 4397&(9 &8 .)*39.+.*) .3 7* '.) )4(:2*398 .))*78 8-&11 349 '* 7*85438.'1* +47 5&>.3, 8&1*8 9&=*8 43 2&9*7.&18 .3(47547&9*) .394 9-* 897:( 9:7* 4397&(9478 (&3 '.) 43 '49- 5&(0&,*8 8*5&7&9*1> 2:89 '* 0*59 8*5&7&9* ):* 94 +:3).3, 84:7(*8 !*;.8*) 43897:(9.43 4251*9.43 &9* &7(#-.8 574/*(9 2:89 +4114< &11 &3) 9-* 1&9*89 "9&9* 4+ -.4 7*;&.1 .3, %&,* 7:1*8 7*,:1&9.438 &3) 7&9*8 &3) +4114< :> 2*7.(&3 7:1*8 &3) 7*,:1&9.438 &8 349*) !* .) );*79.8*2*39 (&3 &184 '* 7*;.*<*) 43 $.11&,*@8 %*' 8.9* # ' !&$ ) ! & %$ ' # ' $ #-* :5)&9*) (4397&(9 )4(:2*398 .3(1:).3, 51&38 &3) 85*(.+.(&9.438 &7* 43 +.1* &9 9-* $.11&,*
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toppeR For ‘96 or similar chevy S10 shor tbed truck $50 Jeff – 937-473-2144 AMISH CREW Sam Schwartz wants any type of carpenter work Room additions, roofs, foundation replacements, restoration of buildings, etc For FREE estimate, call 260-301-1777 DEMOLITION: Also, concrete demolition such as old swimming pools barn foundations porches, etc Also, general excavation work and light demolition 937-232-7380 W O R K W A N T E D STILLWATER VALLEY CLASSIFIEDS REAL ESTATE FOR RENT ARCANUM: 3-4 bdrm country farmhouse Franklin-Monroe Schools New paint, carpet, blinds, furnace Two-car attached garage $1,100 + security & propane deposit 614-325-1249 CLASSIFIEDS Automotive Automotive MOBILE AUTO REPAIRS LLC ASE certified 41+ years experience GM engine transmission, & differential repair Call Dennis Bowerman at 937-459-8451 Looking for an honest deal? You can find it in our classifieds. Clean out your basement and maybe even the attic Sell your unwanted items in our classifieds.
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