MAy 26 - 27 - 28
Sidney, Ohio
Check Out Additional
Information On Page 31
It sometimes happens that we have the good fortune to have an ABUNDANCE of display advertising scheduled for a particular issue, and that’s exactly the situation we’re blessed with for our May issue. Unfortunately, that means there’s no room for our Country Kitchen page We’re sorry to disappoint our readers, but we’ll hang onto it for next month!
Is Published Monthly By: ARENS CORPORATION
P O Box 69, 395 S High St , Covington, OH 45318
• 937-473-2029
• FAX: 937-473-2500
E-MAIL: arenspub@gmail com
CHECK US OUT ON THE NET: http://www arenspub com IMPORTANT!!!
When submitting advertisements or news releases, always include your full name, address, & phone number (including area code)
WANTED: Newer camper van with low miles Will consider reg van to convert Must be in VGC! Ludlow Falls 937-698-6611
3/4 ENGLISH SHEPHERD / 1/4 Blue Heeler: Born March 10 Tri-color 1st shots Wormed $50 OBO Lewisburg 937-336-8344
JD 350 3 pt sickle mower, 9’ bar, $1,750; orig starter for JD 4010, $300; JD wide front for 2510-4320, $500 Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
PORCELAIN doll collection, LN! Some in boxes Pressure canners & cold pack canners for canning food Brookville 937-239-7663
YARD SPRAYER: Pull-type $125 Commercial 100 gal , 5 ft , $250 Yard roller, pull-type West Milton 937-901-7212
400+ FT OF SCH 80 4” 0 SCH 40 3” PVC $500 OBO Covington 865-202-7979
MF 3 PT Chisel Plow: 2 bars, 9 shanks Wapakoneta 937-596-5841
JOHN DEERE 2040 with loader & heavy-duty backhoe 3 pt hitch New hyd hoses VGC! Nice tires Best offer or trade Franklin 937-474-9899
‘07 TRIUMPH AMERICA Motorcycle: 5,511 mi With two helmets & cover 790cc $4,500 Greenville 937-344-1479
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Thursday, May 25, No Later Than 4:00 pm
WOODS 48” 3 pt finish mower LN! $800 King Kutter 5’ 3 pt scraper blade, $300 Greenville 937-621-4580
STIHL FS56RC Straight Shaft Weed
Eater: LN! Used very little $200 Arcanum 937-692-8070 Leave msg
NI UNI 868 chopper 621 feeder house Fits JD heads Cloverdale 419-233-1601
WANTED TO BUY: Vintage motorcycles & motorcycle parts All makes & models considered Ft Recovery 419-305-6191 Dentman52@gmail.com
ROUND BALES Alfalfa / Orchardgrass: 1st, 2nd, 3rd cuttings $50/bale Russia 937-622-2246
FORD 7710 with boom mower Exc cond Franklin 937-474-9899
SKID ST bale spear, $300; Grouser 14x17 5 tracks, $1,950; hay wagon/NH gear, $900; Barge Wagon body w/hoist, w/o running gear, $500 Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
FREE: (24) Hardi sprayer tips Yellow Number S4110-12 New If no interest, going to scrap Jackson Center 937-596-5414
(2) SINGLE AXLES w/springs & frames $75 ea New Paris 937-564-2114
(2) ORIGINAL M11029M slab weights & original wheel weights for JD 110 round fender lawn tractor Swanton 419-825-3333
WANTED: Newer camper van w/low miles Will consider reg van to convert Must be in VGC Ludlow Falls 937-698-6611
WANTED: Tan Chihuahua small female (2 lbs ) pup up to larger adult (8 lbs ) Russia 937-638-0273
OFFICE FURNITURE: (2) laminated 3’x6’ sturdy office tables $125 ea Conference table, 3’x9’ with 6 chairs. $350 (2) wire chrome computer work stations $75 ea HP 4550 color laser printer EC $150 All in GC! Wapakoneta 419-738-7523 Leave msg
FARMHAND 4-row cult Set on 30” rows Vibra tine EC! $500 Piqua 937-418-2610
4x4 ROUND BALES Grass Hay: 1st cutting Twine-tied Stored inside Easy loading $30 ea Square bales alfalfa orchardgrass $6/bale Bradford 937-564-6948
FORD NH 6640: Only 2,600 original hours One owner Cold air Runs like new! Franklin 937-474-9899
LATE MODEL Large Cub Cadet: Taken care of very well Franklin 937-474-9899 (1) 936 FIRESTONE TIRE: Wapakoneta 937-596-5841
" "
VINTAGE Garden Tillers: Gilson 5hp, handle bars & 3 pt pick-up; Montgomery Ward 5 hp Both run good Versailles 937-564-5542
268 NH BALER & 276 NH baler w/Super Sweep Both hayliners Make offer or trade Franklin 937-474-9899
(8) 520/85/42 TITAN Radials: 30-40% No breaks $250 per tire or $1,600 for all Hamilton 513-519-4433
BOAT, 12’ Sea-Maid, alum., $400; double hay rake hitch, Steiner Mfg , $1,850; remote Ford valve, $200; buzz saw, 3 pt , w/PTO gear box, $100 Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
JD 8-ROW Conservation Planter: Newer seed disc, fert tanks, precision meters Main cyl rebuilt, w/JD transport trailer New hyd hoses Greenville 937-423-4967
‘20 KEYSTONE CAMPER: 34 ft 2 slides Bunk house w/4 beds Spread axle Sleeps 14 LN! Used very little $36,500 OBO Covington 937-603-7529
WANTED TO RENT: Farmland. Cash or shares With no money out of your pocket Keeps you in grain market Call for details! Greenville 937-423-4967
TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items Dealer for many years Call for catalog & brochures Russia 937-238-6661
CHAIR LIFT for Ford truck or Crown Victoria car Brookville 937-837-1070
PULLEY FOR 8N FORD Brackets for next size up 800’s & up $75 Duals, 18 4x34 9-bolt rims (one bad rim) $125 Rossburg 937-564-0719
GRAVELY tiller attachment, $200; Oliver hood center section, $100; Woods 9000 3 pt backhoe, $4,500; Bobcat backhoe attachment brackets, $500. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
‘65 JOHN DEERE 3020: Gas Standard 5,800 hrs All new tires Front & rear weights Nice, original tractor Make offer Swanton 419-825-3333
JD 1-ROW planter unit, mounts to 3 pt toolbar, $500; AC 1-row planter unit, $400, great for sweet corn. Greenville 937-621-4580
STRAW: Clean, tight bales Easy loading $3 50/bale St Henry 419-305-9854
STRAW FOR SALE: Approx 700 bales Clean No rain $2 75/bale Russia 937-526-4091 or 937-726-6115 Leave msg
FREEZER BEEF: No hormones Grainfed Arcanum 937-533-0930
WANTED TO BUY: Farm machinery Will buy one piece or complete lines Arcanum 937-670-0323
WANTED: Old Dodge diesel farm truck Any cond Bradford 937-313-6502
WANTED: Old metal toys or other collectible toys Also will consider other toys Elam Wickey, 4373E 100S, Monroe, IN 46772
RIDING MOWER: Husqvarna $600
46” deck Hyd drive Kohler engine
Runs great GC! Call or text Bluffton
937-658-0751 Pictures will be supplied
‘89 FORD PICK-UP: Needs work
$2,500 Bradford 937-417-4405
‘06 CARDINAL 5th Wheel: Three slides, king bed, dinette, loveseat hide-a-bed; 2 recliners GC! Stored inside Arcanum 937-417-2122 Leave msg
TRAILER: Heavy-duty, 2’ sides, wood floor, 3500 tandem axles, lights 16x6 ft $5,500 New Lebanon 937-687-2334
HORSE BARN FOR RENT: West Milton 937-698-5529
CLUB CAR Gas Golf Cart: Windshield, lights, top, & fold-down rear seat
Enclosed winter cover. $7,500 OBO. Camden 937-478-1791
‘66 JD 4020 PROJECT: Tractor taken apart to rebuild the engine Don’t have time to put together Will take several baskets to get it home $3,000 Sabina 937-725-1758
FAIR LAMBS: On the ground Slack breeding Ali Ram breeding Call for your appt Sidney 937-214-2531
KUBOTA DSL LAWNMOWER: #ZD323 928 hrs 60” cut GC! $8,400 Sidney 937-710-6060
ROTARY PHASE CONVERTER: 3hp to 20hp $250 $1,500 1/2 ton C&M 3-phase power trolley $700 Rossburg 937-417-2219
SQUARE Orchardgrass & Alfalfa Hay: $6/bale No rain West Milton 937-903-4197
PORCELAIN doll collection, LN! Some in boxes Pressure canners & cold pack canners for canning food Brookville 937-239-7663
DEMOLITION: Also, concrete demolition such as old swimming pools, barn foundations, porches, etc Also, general excavating work 937-232-7380
SET OF 18 4x42 tires, 25% tread 13 9x36 dual tires St Marys 419-953-4267
GARDEN TRACTOR: Homemade Orig 4 cyl Wisconsin engine 3 spd Good tires Possible puller $1,050 OBO Lewisburg 937-839-4540
DIRT SCOOP: 30 King Kutter 3 pt Pull or push $100 Rossburg 937-338-3501
SET OF 23x850-14 & 14-75 R4 tires On JD rims LN! Brookville 937-833-3590
55 GAL burn barrel 1 gal plastic buckets w/lids, $1 50 ea 1910 milk can Plastic barrels New kitchen, $75 Square tube, 3x3 & 4x4, 14 ft. Misc. items. West Milton 937-901-7212
KRAUSE Disc Chisel: 7-shank. $5,800 OBO Eaton 937-452-3033
FIRE-PRO Fire Extinguishers: 12 oz aerosol cans to 12 liter automatic units. 4053 Willshire-Eastern Rd , Willshire, OH 45898 419-513-2123
SMALL CAST IRON Wood Stove: US1269E, for 900 sq ft space Used just 5 times Union City, Indiana 765-964-3475
NI 767 Super Chopper: 3-row narrow corn head & hay head. Cloverdale 419-233-1601
FREEZER BEEF: No hormones Grainfed Arcanum 937-533-0930
SEVERAL 5000 Ford Diesels: Some are very nice Make offer or trade Franklin 937-474-9899
HORSE SHOEING STOCK: $200 Covington 937-214-5798
WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles Ansonia 937-337-2622
530 CASE BACKHOE: Works good JD 21’ wingfold disk in GC JD 235 wingfold disk w/3-bar harrow, GC Springfield 937-925-6047
LOG CABIN KIT: 36’x24’ 1,728 sq ft Call for more information! Covington 937-541-2432
WANTED TO BUY: Old motorcycles and motorcycle memorabilia license plates, literature, etc Ft Recovery 419-305-6191 Dentman52@gmail.com
WANTED: Newer camper van with low miles Will consider reg van to convert Must be in VGC! Ludlow Falls 937-698-6611
3/4 ENGLISH SHEPHERD / 1/4 Blue Heeler: Born March 10 Tri-color 1st shots Wormed $50 OBO Lewisburg 937-336-8344
JD 350 3 pt sickle mower, 9’ bar, $1,750; orig starter for JD 4010, $300; JD wide front for 2510-4320, $500 Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
CYLINDER: Heavy-duty Hyd Approx 12-ton 4’ Ram $350 New Lebanon 937-687-2334
PORCELAIN doll collection, LN! Some in boxes Pressure canners & cold pack canners for canning food Brookville 937-239-7663
YARD SPRAYER: Pull-type. $125. Commercial 100 gal , 5 ft , $250 Yard roller, pull-type West Milton 937-901-7212
400+ FT OF SCH 80 4” 0 SCH 40 3” PVC $500 OBO Covington 865-202-7979
MF 3 PT Chisel Plow: 2 bars, 9 shanks Wapakoneta 937-596-5841
JOHN DEERE 2040 with loader & heavy-duty backhoe 3 pt hitch New hyd hoses VGC! Nice tires Best offer or trade Franklin 937-474-9899
‘07 TRIUMPH AMERICA Motorcycle: 5,511 mi With two helmets & cover 790cc $4,500 Greenville 937-344-1479
SMALL, SQUARE Bales Alfalfa Orchardgrass: 1st & 2nd cuttings $7/bale Russia
ROUND BALE handler, load, unroll, Ford 563, $950; NH 451 3 pt sickle bar mower, 9’ bar, $1,500; hood, ‘70-’72 Chevy P/U, w/hinges, $500 Yellow Springs
‘76 454: Short deck Crank shaft GC! Stock cast iron spread bore intake Oval port for ‘76 454 Also, misc parts Phillipsburg 937-832-7124
79 4 5 EVINRUDE boat motor Metal gas can With title Camden 937-478-1791
GREAT PLAINS 1,000 gal sprayer 60’ Xfold booms 540 PTO Ace pump Raven 440 controller $7,500 OBO Urbana 937-238-6504
(7) ORNATE hot water or steam radiators
Different lengths All working at time of removal Clawfoot bathtub Make offer Brookville 937-902-6727
STRAW FOR SALE: Approx 700 bales
Clean No rain $2 75/bale Russia
937-526-4091 or 937-726-6115 Leave msg
(2) ‘73 CHEVY truck wheels $200 OBO New Madison 937-997-4955
CATERPILLAR 955H Track Loader: Runs good Great for pond or hedge work Good undercarriage Auto trans $9,250 Lewisburg 937-839-4540
RUBBERMAID stock watering tanks, 100 & 150 gal tanks Pittsburgh older 3 pt hitch cult , 2-row, $100 Brookville 937-239-7663
‘15 24’ STARCRAFT Autumn Ridge
Camper: GC! One slide Queen bed Roomy kitchen & bath Lots of storage $12,900 New Paris 765-977-1330
Golden Pro. Self-propelled. 3 spd. Model 10547. Batter y star t. Tuned up. EC! Asking $250. New Knoxville 937-423-4440
WANTED: ‘69 SS 396 Chevelle 4 spd Bradford 937-459-0977
STEEL PORTABLE welding table Has vise fastened Two hard rubber wheels on btm 18”x24”x46” tall Asking $55 St Marys 419-394-5351
PTO GENERATOR, WinCo 25KW, w/trailer, $1,750; grader blade, 6’ HD, $350; NH dual hay rake hitch, fully hyd , $2,600 Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
42” SNAPPER Riding Tractor: 25 hrs Camden 937-478-1791
HAY FOR SALE: Approx 100 bales Alfalfa grass mix No rain $6/bale Russia 937-526-4091 or 937-726-6115 Leave msg
FORD NH T6020: Cold air Late model Nice looking Runs A-1 Franklin 937-474-9899
ASH FIREWOOD: $150/cord; $100/pickup truck; $85/small pick-up truck Lewisburg 937-554-2237
20’ WHEEL DISK: Needs work Sell cheap Franklin 937-474-9899
STIHL Backpack Sprayer: Model SG-20 New $100 Clayton 937-522-5182
‘04 CADILLAC: Good cond $2,600 New Paris 937-564-2114
JD 110 ROUND fender lawn tractor w/38” mower, 42” front blade, 80 dump cart Complete restoration Swanton 419-825-3333
‘50 FARMALL M: 3 pt hitch $2,000 OBO Lewisburg 937-962-4244
INSLEY H800 Excavator: Detroit dsl Grapple for demo or hedge work. Some misc parts Service books Runs & operates well $16,950 Lewisburg 937-839-4540
NH 1411 DISCBINE: GC! New blades Field ready $7,950 Arcanum 937-902-0031
EXMARK 52” Zero-Turn Mower: Kohler engine. Runs good. $1,800. Bradford 937-313-6502
(20) 5x4 NET-WRAPPED round bales of mixed hay $50 Bradford 937-459-7755 HINIKER 4325 Field Cult : 25’6” w/5-bar harrow $3,500 Greenville 937-459-6151
LOOKING FOR FARMGROUND to cash rent or share crop Paying competitive rates Russ Brown, West Milton 937-689-0765
GOLF CART: Yamaha Gas Very good running! $2,990 Heavy gauge metal siding & roofing cover sheets From 10’-30’ $1/ft Lewisburg 937-839-4540
WHITE 508 PLOW: Reconditioned $550 10’ wheel disk, $375 IH hyd tractor loader, $400 3 pt Carry-All, $100 Greenville 937-313-6502
WEATHER GUARD L-Shaped Fuel Tank: 90 gal Black $500 Urbana 937-238-6504
‘04 DODGE 2500: 4 dr 6-1/2 ft bed 201K mi New tires, toolbox, 5th Wheel & gooseneck hitches $7,500 OBO New Bremen 567-204-4840 or 937-538-0643
MIDMARK Medical Cabinets: Use for vet office, garage, or barn Lots of storage Put on rollers for roll-around tool cabinet Versailles 937-564-5542
SEVERAL new & used tractor, truck, combine, & heavy equipment tires All sizes Franklin 937-474-9899
FORKS FOR FORKLIFT: Hyd cyls New & used Wood splitter cylinder $125 Rossburg 937-564-0719
(25) HOLSTEIN Feeder Calves: Started in Jan & Feb Ideal for club calf or feeder calf to show at Fairs Sidney 937-726-1821
MTD 5hp REAR TINE tiller w/adj side shift handle VGC! Also, hand garden tools St Henry 419-852-6419
‘21 1st, 2nd, & 3rd CUTTINGS HAY: 300 bales $4 50/bale Alfalfa Baled & stored dry Greenville 937-623-0005 Leave msg
(2) UTILITY TRAILERS: 4’x7’ w/ramps; 51”x6’ tilt bed w/lights Great for mowers, quads, etc $550 ea (negotiable) Piqua 937-570-2419
JOHN DEERE 1050 front wheel assist w/front loader, bucket & forks New wheels Runs excellent! Franklin 937-474-9899
25 GAL PULL-TYPE Fimco sprayer w/hose & spray wand, $125 Troy 937-216-1690
125cc 4-WHEELER: Honda knock-off. Runs great Low mi Has remote shutoff Red Spider Web Sharp! $750 OBO Jackson Center 937-596-5414
FIRE-PRO Fire Extinguishers: 12 oz aerosol cans to 12 liter automatic units 4053 Willshire-Eastern Rd , Willshire, OH 45898 419-513-2123
WANTED: 4 gauge Flintlock Black Powder Gun New Paris 937-564-2114
FOR SALE: Charcoal table-top grill. Sidney 937-295-3553
SPRAYER: 2 pt hitch 60 gal poly tank 20’ boom, w/drops & hand boom $500 Piqua 937-418-2610
1,650 GAL FERT TRAILER: Anna 937-538-8516
RUBBERMAID Stock Watering Tanks: 50 gal & 100 gal 10’ bunker feeders Brookville 937-239-7663
FERRIS 700: ‘20 model 159 hrs 52” deck Nice! $5,900 Ansonia 937-337-7901 or 937-238-7901
3 PT FORKLIFT MAST: 2-stage GC! $1,000 Urbana 937-238-6504
‘56 FORD T-BIRD: Peacock Blue Complete, off-frame restoration Three tops Power steering Auto 312-V8 EC! Call for details New Knoxville 937-423-4440
BRINLY 3 PT DISC: 44” wide Versailles 937-658-2338
3 PT MOUNTED 6’ disk, $425; 3 pt mounted 1 btm 14” plow, $125 Or both for $500 Both in VGC! Greenville 937-459-9004
STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw Twine-tied, small, square bales Easy loading or delivery available West Milton 937-875-1220
“America’s Best Place To Buy Stoves & Fireplaces”Jared Gaier (937) 538-8527
Call today...we are dedicated AND driven to complete your project!
15’ BRILLION cultimulcher, $2,200; IH 510 grain drill w/grass box, $3,900; ‘81 18’ Sylvan Roadmaster boat w/trailer, $2,200; Sirena vacuum LN! Paid $800 Asking $600 Bradford 937-417-4405
TRIP BUCKET LOADER: $800 (1) chain hoist, $75 3 pt hitch buzz saw, belt-driven. Englewood 937-789-8996
FARMALL 300: Narrow front 12-volt Very low hrs on engine overhaul $3,000 Bradford 937-564-6948
(50) 4’x5’ ROUND BALES Mixed Hay: Fertilized Net-wrapped Outside $40/ bale Germantown 513-594-7855
WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles Ansonia 937-337-2622
TRACTOR MOUNTED PTO driven Ace pump Fits 1-3/4” 1,000 rpm PTO shaft LN! $500 Urbana 937-238-6504
GOLDEN DOODLE PUPS: FIB 3/4 Standard Poodle / 1/4 English Cream Retriever Ready May 17 Parents health tested Pups vet-checked Reg deworming 1st vaccinations Deposit to hold New Carlisle 937-875-0408
WOOD BARN PLANKS: Pulled & stacked Ready to go! Brookville 937-837-1070
FORD 3,000 front wheel weights, $200; JD 640 loader attachment brackets, $200; JD 953 Gear 500; Ford 800 hyd lift cover, $650 Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
MASSEY FERGUSON Loader Tractor: 3 pt Runs good Has stuck clutch $2,500 Bradford 937-313-6502
NURSE TANK: 1,000 gal , stainless steel, w/pump $7,500 Greenville 937-547-0446
INT 513 3 btm 14” plow, 3 pt Painted to show or use Looks LN! $975 Greenville 937-621-4580
SEVERAL new & used hay tedders & haybines Also, (2) 20’ hay wagons Extra heavy-duty Almost new cond Franklin 937-474-9899
NH 900 forage chopper Hay & 2-row corn head w/control box Ford NH 40 silage blower St Marys 419-305-8076 (cell)
TS100 FORD NH: Roll bar & canopy Looks like new! Low hours 100+ hp Franklin 937-474-9899
FOR RENT: 8 yard pull-type pan Build & repair waterways, building sites, etc New Bremen 937-538-0643 Leave msg
WANTED: Used 3-phase motors, 5hp & up Good used 14 5-15-16 tires Rossburg 937-417-2219
4-BASKET Hyd Fold Tedder: 6 years old Kept inside VGC! Field ready $4,250 Arcanum 937-902-0031
‘96 17’ STARCRAFT fishing boat with ‘06 75hp Mercury motor Electric trolling motor (2) fish finders VGC! $3,950 Greenville 937-459-9004
FORD BACKHOE: Was on a Ford 4000 tractor $1,500 Greenville 937-313-6502
‘22 100+ BALES 5x4 net-wrapped mixed hay Alfalfa clover grass $60/ bale 100+ bales ‘21 mixed hay Alfalfaclover-grass 5x4 Net-wrapped $40/ bale New Madison 937-459-7450
2 BTM TRIP PLOW: David Bradley Field ready $200 Demco Model 40 grain cleaner 110 volts $500 Celina 419-733-1751
Adver tising Dead line for Next Month’s Paper Thursday, May 25, No Later Than 4:00 p.m.
• Home • Farm • Industry
• New • Used • Repair • Rebuild 419-394-3284
Fax: 419-394-7128
1600 Celina Rd. St. Marys, OH 45885
PULL-TYPE Grader Blade: 8’ wide VGC! $2,000 Yorkshire 419-733-1477
PFALTZGRAFF DISHES: “Village” pattern Wapakoneta 419-738-7523 Leave msg
YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent Darke & surrounding counties Versailles 937-417-2969
ALLIS CHALMERS WD wide front w/D17 engine $1,500 Anna 937-726-7219
WANTED TO BUY: British, German, & Italian motorcycles & motorcycle parts Any cond Ft Recovery 419-305-6191 Dentman52@gmail.com
WANTED: Winchester Model 1887 lever-action w/pistol grip stock Elam Wickey, 4373E 100S, Monroe, IN 46772
JD 4030
DSL TRACTOR: Quad range
4 ROPS Front & rear weights Exc tires $9,800 or make offer Swanton 419-825-3333 eves
NEW HOLLAND 1630: Front wheel assist Low hours $8,600 Franklin 937-474-9899
WANTED TO BUY: Old Ford tractors. Running or not And Ford planter plates Greenville 937-621-4580
ALMOST NEW FIRESTONE: 28Lx26 On wheels Franklin 937-474-9899
TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items Dealer for many years Call for catalog & brochures. Russia 937-238-6661
‘18 INDIAN SCOUT matt black, after market rcx slash pipes. Chipped for performance $10,000 New Madison 937-479-7900
‘77 20’ SEA RAY: Yellow EC! Ford V8 Nice upholstery Bimini top New carb & tune-up $5,900 New Paris 765-977-1330
(6) KINZE Bean Meters: With seed disk $85 ea Ottoville 419-453-3498
‘99 CHEVY S-30 Cut-Away Van: Fire damage Good metal, motor, & trans 125K mi Box has side door $1,500 firm West Liberty 937-465-7520
3 PT HITCH 6’ heavy-duty Dearborn snow blade or scraper $350 2’x3’ dump yard trailer $75 Englewood 937-789-8996
J&M MODEL 385 hopper wagon Red Right-hand dump 11Rx22 5 tires 13-ton
J&M gear, w/lights GC! Stored inside $5,500 Houston 937-622-0240
MF 1155 with less than 2,800 hrs Fast hitch Cold A/C cab heat LED lights
20 8 duals Arcanum 937-692-8215
(6) RADIAL bean meters for JD 7000 planter $300 West Liberty 937-726-0396
FIELD CULTIVATORS: Pull-type & 3 pt
Also, other tractor attachments 5-shank ripper for tractor or dozer Greenville 937-313-6502
‘03 CHEVY Silverado Pick-Up: V6 High miles Blue GC! $7,000 Lewisburg 937-903-1397
SQUARE Orchardgrass & Alfalfa Hay: $6/bale No rain West Milton 937-903-4197
WANTED: Small female donkey for breeding Cecil 419-658-2321
FOR LEASE: Large equipment barn West Milton 937-698-5529
SMALL WOOD TRAILER; antique bathtubs for decoration Brookville 937-837-1070
SMALL, SQUARE BALES old straw, $2; JD 8300 grain drill, $3,000; 14’ cultipacker, $700 Bradford 937-423-2303
JD SIDE-MOUNT sickle bar mower Model 10 With owner ’s manual Anna 937-726-4143
CASE 680H backhoe cab Comes w/2 buckets $12,500 Greenville 937-547-0446
(2) SHOW BOXES for Fair: Newly painted 45x24x35 & 26x36x24 $75 ea OBO Farmersville 937-545-6410
OLIVER COMBINE PARTS for 525, 535 & 545 combines Oliver 531 3-row corn head for sale Wapakoneta 419-302-2091
8-HORSE BACHTOLD Brush Mower: Walk-behind $125 Covington 865-202-7979
WOODEN SPOKE high wheel wagon w/bed & seat Very, very nice! Springfield 937-925-6047
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HAY FOR SALE: Large bales Clover, alfalfa, orchardgrass mix West of Gratis on 725 East 937-733-8968
SMALL, SQUARE BALES old straw, $2; JD 8300 grain drill, $3,000; 14’ cultipacker, $700 Bradford 937-423-2303
WANTED TO BUY: 10 or more acres of land in Miami Co or surrounding counties Prefer west of I-75 Ludlow Falls 937-698-6611
OAT HAY: 46 bales 4x5 $10/bale Quick sale Sidney 937-214-2531
RUBBERMAID stock watering tanks, 100 & 150 gal tanks Pittsburgh older 3 pt hitch cult , 2-row, $100 Brookville 937-239-7663
JOHN DEERE 2350 with flat top fenders New Firestone radials John Deere loader GC! Runs like new! Franklin 937-474-9899
USED TIRES: 275/65-R18 $10 ea or 4/$20 Coldwater 419-678-3289
BALING SUPPLIES: 48x9840 net wrap, $225/roll 130 blue baling twine, $30/ bundle of 2 Large quantities available Call or text Mendon 419-303-5681
‘57 IH 350 UTILITY: U34 IH loader & more Runs & looks good! $4,000 Hamilton 513-519-4433
JD FEMALE hyd couplers New 10/$95 Greenville 937-621-4580
TANDEM-AXLE with frame from slurry wagon GC! $2,750 Anna 937-538-6605
PUREBRED POLLED Hereford Bulls: Yearlings 18 months 2 years old Quiet Bellefontaine 937-465-7520
RANSOMES Zero Turn: 60” cut Hydrostat 18hp Kohler engine GC! $1,200 Lewisburg 937-903-1397
825 BELARUS tractor w/594 Allied loader 100 hp dsl 4WD Only 2,381 hrs Dual hyd outlets $8,500 OBO Wapakoneta 419-941-1196
JOHN DEERE A: Make offer or trade Runs well Franklin 937-474-9899
JOHN DEERE 755: Front wheel assist. With front loader Only 1,000 hours Franklin 937-474-9899
CURT GOOSENECK hitch plate Approx. 42x13. 2-5/16 ball. (2) D-rings. GC! $150 Brookville 937-902-6727
133 IH 4-ROW CULT : $400 Bryant, Indiana 260-997-6720
(4) ANTIQUE cast iron hay trolleys All 4 for $200 Phillipsburg 937-832-7124
WANTED: Mid to late ‘80s Honda TRX250 Quad Must be in running cond NO JUNK! Piqua 937-570-2419
ALFALFA HAY: Nice, small, square bales $5/bale Wapakoneta 419-941-1196 Leave message with call back number
‘18 TORO Timecutter SS5000 Z-Turn: 50” cut 24 5hp Runs good, but weak right hydrostat $1,500 Call or text Leave msg. Piqua 937-477-6745
YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent Darke & surrounding counties Versailles 937-417-2969
CASE 1370: Make offer or trade Franklin 937-474-9899
FORD 3600: Diesel Runs like new Franklin 937-474-9899
ROLL-TOP BED COVER for GMC Shortbed Crew Cab Pick-Up: Lockable $300 Greenville 937-214-1614 5-7pm
WHEAT STRAW: Nice, twine-tied, small, square bales. Run thru conventional combine $3 50/bale Wapakoneta 419-738-7523 Leave msg
(2) UNVERFERTH 325 gravity wagons Lights Float tires $14,000 Anna 937-538-6605\
Adver tising Dead line for Next Month’s Paper
Thursday, May 25, No Later Than
Used - New - Rebuilt Tractor Parts Sales & Service
Find us at...
4295 Richmond Palestine Road,New Madison,Ohio 937-548-0718
1/2 mile south of Palestine
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Under-bed boxes Office chair 4-drawer file cabinet, $15 Parts washer 30 gal wheelbarrow Barn tools Carpenter tools, old school. West Milton 937-901-7212
WANTED: Utility pigeons 937-545-8737
SEVERAL JD 2 Cyl Tractors: All very nice Springfield 937-925-6047
2-AXLE 14x7 trailer, wood deck, $500; 2-axle 14x7 trailer, steel deck, $800; 2-axle 18x7 trailer for a dozer or tractor, $750 Bradford 937-313-6502
SEVERAL TRACTORS: 20hp 150hp Franklin 937-474-9899
APPLE CIDER PRESS: Has electric motor $50 New Carlisle 937-215-3737 or 937-846-1578
COLLECTIONS of Harley Davidson dealer T-shirts Sizes men’s 2X & ladies’ small-medium Brookville 937-239-7663
REESE 18K 5th Wheel: Never used $750 Snapper 6,500 running watts generator Brand new $850 Sidney 937-726-9575
AC D17: Gas Narrow front EC! Like new tires $3,500 OBO Bradford 937-564-6948
MOBILE HOME: Approx 40x13 Gutted Make good construction trailer Hardwood floors, electric, propane heater Two pass doors Small overhead garage door $5,000 OBO New Madison 937-997-4955
FORD 3930: 50hp With front end loader One owner. Only 500 original hours. Franklin 937-474-9899
JD 216 GRAIN head, S-S seals Dial-OMatic $1,750 (2) hog barn curtain controllers Cable type H G Newell 502 $150 ea Feed motors w/gear boxes $75 ea Concrete mixer, $50 Greenville 937-423-4968 or 937-423-4967
SEEKING FARM GROUND TO RENT: Darke & surrounding counties Excellent fertility package Versailles 937-467-1133
(13) KATAHDIN January Ewes: Out of twins Will be ready for fall breeding Lots of color $300 ea Springfield 937-631-0339 or 937-308-0342
JOHN DEERE Side Delivery Rake: Franklin 937-474-9899
JD 6600. MF 510 combine par ts. (2) skidloaders. Bucket edge. 66 in. $50 & $125. Rossbur g 937-564-0719
ANTIQUE, RARE ‘95 Lenox Disney Classic Characters porcelain jars & wooden spice rack New Paris 937-564-2114
GLENCOE 9-shank Soil Saver w/front coulters & Remington float harrow Ottawa 419-532-3637 Leave msg
CULTIVATOR: 6-row Sukup 9600 Single sweep Throw away disk Quick adjust shields Does a very good job! $5,000 West Alexandria 513-267-0148
WANTED TO BUY: Honda CB750 motorcycles. 1969-1976. Ft. Recovery 4 1 9 - 3 0 5 - 6 1 9 1 Dentman52@gmail.com
AC 1200 FIELD CULT : With harrow 18’ $600 24’ $800 30’ (no harrow) $900 Rossburg 937-564-0719
AC COMPRESSOR for JD 7810 Used $450 Ansonia 937-337-7901 or 937-238-7901
WANTED: NI farm toys & Doepke model toys. Lewisburg 937-903-1397
FREE: (7) standing trees (firewood) You cut/stack brush 5 mi south of Sidney 937-570-2419
(20) CLOSET DOORS: $5 ea Coldwater 419-678-3289
‘63 CHEVY 230 cu in in-line 6 with 3 spd $500 (4) Skinner Industry sprinklers, 1,000+ ft of 6 in McDowell type Great for irrigating small acreage Hamilton 513-519-4433
‘07 GMC Sierra 3/4 ton P/U chassis & drive train With ‘04 Yukon body 6 6 Duramax dsl (LBZ) Allison auto 4WD New tires 245K mi $33,500 OBO Covington 937-603-7529
BURN BARRELS: $10 ea Coleman gas lantern, $20 Small electric heater, $10 Bryant, Indiana 260-997-6720
FORD TRACTOR front sheet metal Nice. ‘53 Jubilee. $300. Manure spreader Chain & parts NI $30 West Milton 937-901-7212
D 635 PLATFORM w/new auger trough liner kit. Other new parts. HT30 cart. $20,000 Eaton 937-533-3665
NH 256 HAY RAKE: Needs bearings Franklin 937-474-9899
MISC USED Metal Gates: Make offer Troy 937-216-1690
‘04 DODGE 2500: 4 dr 6-1/2 ft bed 201K mi New tires, toolbox, 5th Wheel & gooseneck hitches $7,500 OBO New Bremen 567-204-4840 or 937-538-0643
SILAGE WAGON: H&S bed Unverferth McCurdy gear $900 Straw, $3 50/bale Rossburg 937-564-0719
FARMALL 706: Gas Last year made with big 291 engine Factory wide front Best one around! Franklin 937-474-9899
WIDE FRONT for JD 50, $500; JD hyd cyl , $125; Gravely reel mower, $250; wagon Bradley gear, 7x14, $500; JD running gear, $850 Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
NEW 5’ ROTOVATOR with 3 pt hitch Franklin 937-474-9899
(2) J&M Hopper Wagons: 10-ton New pins & brushes $900 & $1,500 Rossburg 937-564-0719
HOWARD MILLER Grandfather Clock: Approx 40 yrs old Ser #332419 Make offer Brookville 937-902-6727
HOPPER WAGONS: New pins Kill Bros 10-ton (1) $800 (1) $1,000 JD gear, $700 Rossburg 937-564-0719
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IHC 4500 Vibra Shank field cult , 22 ft Hyd. fold. Like new shanks & sweeps. Single-bar Hiniker harrow Rear hitch Gauge wheels on wings $2,500 Piqua 937-418-2610
TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items Dealer for many years. Call for catalog & brochures Russia 937-238-6661
DELTA belt sander, $750; Loegering 12x16 5 tracks, $1,350; post driver, Shaver, 10 in , $2,500; Gravely rotary mower attachment, $100 Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
WANTED: Drafting table Brookville 937-673-8545
CASE 580C Tractor Loader Backhoe: Very nice! Franklin 937-474-9899
STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw Twine-tied, small, square bales Easy loading or delivery available West Milton 937-875-1220
6”x30’ AUGER with hopper & motor Used to move corn from bin to dryer $1,000 Eaton 937-533-3665
ELECTRIC RANGE: White Smooth top GC! AB Circle Pro exercise ball New, in box Wapakoneta 419-738-7523 Leave msg
WANTED TO BUY: Farm machinery Will buy one piece or complete lines Arcanum 937-670-0323
USED ROUND PEN: 33 sections 11-1/2’ long. Walk-thru gate. Some rust. $3,000 OBO Camden 937-478-1791
WANTED TO BUY: 10’ or 14’ PTO powered rock rake Will pay cash Arcanum 937-692-8215
SET OF 23x850-14 & 14-75 R4 tires On JD rims LN! Brookville 937-833-3590
FIRE-PRO Fire Extinguishers: 12 oz aerosol cans to 12 liter automatic units 4053 Willshire-Eastern Rd , Willshire, OH 45898 419-513-2123
NORTH RAC dump truck power unit With heavy-duty motor $500 New Lebanon 937-687-2334
AC 1950: Loader & 3 pt hitch $2,000 OBO Lewisburg 937-962-4244
YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent Darke & surrounding counties Versailles 937-417-2969
STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw Twine-tied, small, square bales Easy loading or delivery available West Milton 937-875-1220
WANTED: Broken or non-running John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers. Will pick up others 937-473-2705 or KJRIND01@hotmail.com
YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent Darke & surrounding counties Versailles 937-417-2969
(2) AC ROUND BALERS: Restorable or use for par ts. $400 each OBO. Can e-mail pictures. Jackson Center 937-596-5414
FOR SALE: 5,500 running watts Elite Series portable generator 8,500 starting watts 13 hour run time 10hp Briggs & Stratton OHV engine $999 Versailles 937-423-4900
SQUARE Orchardgrass & Alfalfa Hay: $6/bale No rain West Milton 937-903-4197
21’ GLENCOE Field Cult : Hyd fold, w/3-bar Remlinger harrow $850 Rockford 419-363-3786
ELEC MOTORS: 1/4hp & 1/3hp 8” swivel heavy-duty wheels Make offer Ashton Drake Princess Diana dolls & plates, $250 Englewood 937-789-8996
HAY: Grass alfalfa mixed 1st cutting, $4 /bale 3rd cutting alfalfa grass mix, $5/ bale Russia 937-638-0316
SQUARE Orchardgrass & Alfalfa Hay: $6/bale No rain West Milton 937-903-4197
MANURE FORK for Skid Steer, $850; Gravely L, $450; running gear for hay elev , $650; winch, portable, 110V, $200; JD Top Link, $350 Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
SEVERAL IH Suitcase Weights & Wheel Weights: Franklin 937-474-9899
JD 700 SERIES Loader Attachment: $950 OBO Paul Goettemoeller, 09685 Ott Rd., New Knoxville, OH 45871. 937-638-7600
PARTING OUT: NI 702 power unit. Cloverdale 419-233-1601
WANTED TO BUY: Farm machinery Will buy one piece or complete lines Arcanum 937-670-0323
JD CORN PLANTER: 1770NT 12-row Liquid fert No-till Avg cond $51,000 Anna 937-538-6605
GRADER BLADE, ARPS 8 ft , $1,250; hyd dual rake hitch, $1,500; grader blade, 7 ft , $275; planter dolly, 3 pt hyd , $650 Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
(2) 30 5x32 12-PLY: Good condition Goodyear 710 70 R38 with lots of tread Franklin 937-474-9899
JD 7000 Conservation Planter: 6-30 Notill Monitor $5,500 Greenville 937-547-0446
STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw Twine-tied, small, square bales Easy loading or delivery available West Milton 937-875-1220
TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items Dealer for many years Call for catalog & brochures Russia 937-238-6661
NH DUAL hay rake hitch for left- & righthand rake, $750; tracks, Grouser, LN, fit Bobcat S185, 10x16 5 tires, $1,650 Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
TC30: Front wheel assist With belly mower & bush hog Franklin 937-474-9899
NEW SNOW PLOW for ATV (4-wheeler) Never used Make offer Ludlow Falls 937-698-6611
300 GAL Overhead Gas Tank: $400 OBO Bryant, Indiana 260-997-6720
60” HYD FORKS for Skid Steer: VGC! $3,900 Covington 937-603-7529
DeWALT 12” Contractors’ Radial Arm Saw: $375 Clayton 937-522-5182
1895 ROSENTHAL Corn Shredder: Barn stored Several flat belts included $1,395 Franklin 937-231-2397 Leave msg
JD 30’ Rotary Hoe: End transport $1,500 Greenville 937-459-6151
NEW Commercial Grade Armstrong 12”x12” floor tile Numerous quantities & colors 45 sq ft per box $20 ea or buy all & save! Brookville 937-902-6727
FREEZER BEEF: No hormones Grainfed Arcanum 937-533-0930
V RAKE, Vermeer WR20, 8-wheel, EC, $2,750; JD 709 rotary mower, $1,500; tedder, Kuhn, 3 pt., 2-basket, $1,750; boat motor, 3 5hp, $150 Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
WANTED TO BUY: TV tower Phillipsburg 937-832-7124
WHEEL PLANTER w/6 plates Sidney 937-295-3553
14’ JD DISK w/cylinder $2,000 Germantown 937-855-3069
SMALL, SQUARE BALES old straw, $2; JD 8300 grain drill, $3,000; 14’ cultipacker, $700 Bradford 937-423-2303
ANHYDROUS GEARS: $400-$600; sheep feeders; hog trailer, 16’x6’ (needs floor) $150 Rossburg 937-564-0719
WANTED: Wire corn cribs Prefer w/roofs 937-545-8737
PARTING OUT: ‘01 Dodge Ram 1500 Laramie STL 5 9 engine P/U truck 110K mi Covington 937-214-5798
9”x8’ CHANNEL IRON: Great for feed lots $16 ea 10 or more, $15 ea Bradford 937-564-6948
LAWNMOWER factory drive on jack to take blades off $35 Lewisburg 937-336-9809
FREE! 12x24 ft swimming pool Dough Boy Comes with filter, pump, & some chemicals Bradford 937-623-1069
5’ BUSH HOG: Like new! Brookville 937-837-1070
NH 580 Square Baler: ‘08 EC! St Paris 937-605-6629
8000 FORD DIESEL: Dual hyd filters 3 pt live PTO Dual power New Firestone tires Open station Franklin 937-474-9899
STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw Twine-tied, small, square bales Easy loading or delivery available West Milton 937-875-1220
GRADER BLADE, 6 ft , w/tilt angle & offset, $400; tedder, Sitrex 2B, $2,750; Shaver 8” hyd post driver, front mount, $1,600 Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
18’ GRAIN BIN: Disassembled New bolts Complete flooring Celina 419-942-1897
JD 6620 COMBINE: Runs good 2,300 hrs With JD 6-row corn head & JD 915 grain head Eaton 937-452-3033
SET OF 23 1x30 tires on rims; set of 18 4x26 tires on rims; set of 16 9x26 tires on rims; set of 14.9x24 tires on rims; Behr 385x65x22 5 tire, no rim Celina 419-942-1897
‘83 CADILLAC Sedan DeVille: 12K mi Exceptional cond inside & out $12,000 firm West Liberty 937-465-7520
JD SICKLE 30’ bolt-in sections, $125 (60) opener blades for JD 750 60 90 drills Good shape $5 ea Gauge tires, $5 ea Sidney 937-726-9575
EQUINE A I EQUIPMENT: Phantom Mare & all collection equipment Versailles 937-564-5542
CRAFTSMAN SHREDDER: 5hp $50 New Carlisle 937-215-3737
PORCELAIN Doll Collection: LN! Some in boxes Brookville 937-239-7663
CAST IRON SKILLETS: Sidney 937-295-3553
WANTED TO BUY: 8’ or 10’ flail chopper in good cond New Bremen 419-733-5274
TWIN ADJ BED Base Unit: Dual massage $75 Coldwater 419-678-3289
JD 12’ WHEEL DISK: With cylinder $1,000 Buckland 419-657-6700
JOHN DEERE 2240 with 3 pt. hitch. Side arm Alamo 7’ flail mower Works like new Will separate Franklin 937-474-9899
WANTED TO BUY: Farm machinery Will buy one piece or complete lines. Arcanum 937-670-0323
20” 6 SPD BICYCLE w/front & rear brakes $80 Troy 937-216-1690
IH 55 CHISEL PLOW w/leveling shanks New paint, springs, bolts $1,750 Greenville 937-459-6151
BRILLION Cultimulcher: Model ML-164
14’ Danish tine shanks w/new shovels last year Good bearings GC! Always stored inside $10,500 Houston 937-622-0240
B F MOLINE TRACTOR: EC! Liberty, Indiana 765-580-2598
FREE! (2) pet Pygmy goats Approx 6 years old And (4) small fancy chickens Sidney 937-658-3643 after 4pm
COMPLETE A/C KIT for ‘73 ’79 Ford truck V8 & Broncos $1,500 Brand new, still in box Greenville 937-423-2281 or 937-968-6836
WHITE 4150: Make offer or trade Franklin 937-474-9899
POTBELLY PIGS Coal black mediumsize stud colt Mini filly, black & white Monroe, Indiana 419-615-0438
SPEED QUEEN Wringer-Type Washing Machine: $250 Bryant, Indiana 260-997-6720
JOHN DEERE 7200 Maxi-Merge 6-Row Planter: Vacuum New no-till coulters Fert openers Seed disc Press wheels Spike closing wheels Versailles 937-423-4711
FREEZER BEEF: No hormones Grainfed Arcanum 937-533-0930
IH HYDRO 86: Nicest one around! Franklin 937-474-9899
JD 246 2-ROW 3 pt. planter. Seed boxes & fert hoppers LN! $1,200 Great for sweet corn Greenville 937-621-4580
(2) 3/4 TON ‘86 Dodge Trucks: 4WD One has rebuilt front end No bed One frame w/no cab, but motor Celina 419-942-1897
CLEAN, BRIGHT Wheat Straw: Twinetied stack bales $3 50/bale (2) 130 bu hopper wagons $400 ea Ft Loramie 937-295-3217
KASCO Easy-Fill Drill Attachment: With 6” brush auger $2,000 OBO 42” barrel fan on wheels, w/belt drive $200 Troy 937-216-1690
(2) SILAGE WAGONS: 3-beaters, roofs, $3,000/both NH blower w/gooseneck to make pile, $350 Green chop feed wagon, $1,800 J&M 40’ grain-hay elevator, ele motor, $1,200 (2) HG Newell 502 curtain controllers. Greenville 937-423-4967
WOODS 5’ Brushbull rotary cutter, $1,150; Ferguson cult , 3 pt rigid shank, $600; 8N fenders, $150; JD 80 lawn cart, $300 Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
WANTED: Junk autos & scrap metal of all kinds Certified scale Top dollar paid Roll-off container services Call for pricing or pick-up Celina 419-363-2277
JD 425: AWS Hydrostat PS Power lift Cruise Tilt 60” deck VGC! $3,000 West Liberty 937-726-0396
SMALL ENGINE REPAIR PARTS: Mower parts, blade spindles, belts, pulleys, bushings, springs, starters, tubes, mufflers, engines Lots of misc Selling bulk lots Greenville 937-313-6502
(2) 18 4x26 WHEELS-TIRES: Old 55% tread Lewisburg 937-336-9809
IHC 186 Hydro Tractor: 3,400 hrs Factory turbo added New brakes New A/C system Many other additions Orig paint Good tires Piqua 937-418-2610
HAY FOR SALE: $5/bale Ft Loramie 937-441-9633
SPIKETOOTH HARROWS: 4 ft & 5 ft Pull behind garden tractor or ATV. Greenville 937-621-4580
WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles Ansonia 937-337-2622
FOR SALE: Female Blue Heeler / Australian Shepherd cross Good health Mannerly & cute! 937-545-8737
50 GAL SQUARE Gas Tank: Lewisburg 937-962-4244
WANTED TO BUY: Rear bumper for ‘04 Dakota 4x4 Piqua 937-570-2419
MUFFLER for JD 7700 Turbo combine with RW pre-cleaner New Paris 937-533-2923
MF 850 COMBINE: 15’ grain head & 1163 6-row corn head Great condition! Ottawa 419-532-3637 Leave msg
‘94 DODGE 3500 P/U TRUCK: 4x4 Laramie SLT Dually 5 spd 5 9 dsl 90K mi. Very nice! $27,000. Anna 937-538-8516
WANTED TO BUY: Horses, Draft horse, pony Mini equipment Bridles, bits, saddles, books, jewelry, spurs, stall fronts, saddle racks, etc English Western picture. West Milton 937-698-5529
UNVERFERTH Cultiplanter: Fits JD 7200 6-row planter $3,000 OBO Eaton 937-533-3665
JD 6-ROW 7000 planter w/6-row splitter & brush meters GC! Field ready $12,000 Lewisburg 937-603-9036
4’x5’ ROUND BALES Mixed Hay: Fertilized Net-wrapped Inside $60/bale Germantown 513-594-7855
(2) AC ROUND BALERS: Restorable or use for par ts. $400 each OBO. Can e-mail pictures. Jackson Center 937-596-5414
FIRE-PRO Fire Extinguishers: 12 oz aerosol cans to 12 liter automatic units 4053 Willshire-Eastern Rd , Willshire, OH 45898 419-513-2123
CLUTCH ASSIST for tractor w/o live power Great for bushhogging JD hay spear for front loader on tractor LN! Brookville 937-239-7663
WANTED: Fords in any condition Running or not Even burned or wrecked Franklin 937-474-9899
16x24’ WALK-IN BOX or refrig box w/compressor not working $300 Hamilton 513-519-4433
MAUSOLEUM SPACES: (2) adult spaces INSIDE Royal Oak Memorial Gardens, Brookville, Ohio Current owners selling $9,500 937-245-1148 or 937-245-1149
WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles Ansonia 937-337-2622
FENCE POSTS: Eastern Red Cedar Various lengths & diameters $15-$20 ea Germantown 513-594-7855
8’ CULTIPACKER: Make offer Lewisburg 937-962-4244
WANTED: Illinois Bunn Special 60-hour pocket watches, 17 jewel, 21 jewel, etc. Elam E. Wickey, 4373E 100S, Monroe, IN 46772
IH 464: Diesel Runs very well Make offer or trade Front wheel weights Franklin 937-474-9899
SMALL, SQUARE BALES old straw, $2; JD 8300 grain drill, $3,000; 14’ cultipacker, $700 Bradford 937-423-2303
(30) 8’ WOODEN Fence Posts: High tensile wire Springs Several tighteners, splicing sleeves & splicing tool $300 for all New Weston 419-852-7938
SEVERAL FORD Tractor Parts: New & used Also, MF parts Franklin 937-474-9899
NEW RURAL KING Bush Hog: Used twice LN! Floating 3 pt hitch $1,800 New Lebanon 937-687-2334
JD 750 no-till drill w/markers & fill auger
$16,500 Greenville 937-547-0446
NEVER USED inside parts for a Smidley steer stuffer Covington 937-214-5798
DUNHAM 8’ double cultipacker, $600 Great for deer food plots Greenville 937-621-4580
OLD DRYWALL HANGER: $50 Ansonia 937-337-7901 or 937-238-7901
FOR SALE: Limbwood (firewood) Sidney 937-295-3553
ANTIQUE mahogany kneehole desk & antique mahogany drum table Nice cond Orig finish $100 ea Bellefontaine 937-465-7520
SKID STEER BOOM, $500; hyd power unit for car lift, $500; JD 953 gear w/hoist, $750; 8N Ford sickle bar, belly mount, $250 Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
FLATBED J&M GEAR: New pins $500 10-ton hopper wagon gears only New pins & bushings. Rossburg 937-564-0719
ROUND BALES Grass Hay: 1st, 2nd, & 3rd cuttings $50/bale Russia 937-622-2246
MASSEY TRACTOR w/bucket Needs work $2,500 Bradford 937-417-4405
FOR SALE: AC pull-type combine #72 Good cond New Bremen 419-733-5274
SMALL, SQUARE BALES Clover / Orchardgrass: 3rd cutting, $7/bale Russia 937-622-2246
GRASSHOPPER: Zero turn 60” cut Hydrostat Kohler engine GC! $1,800 Lewisburg 937-903-1397