Penny Saver 5-15-23

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Penny Saver Published by arens cor p • P O Box 69, 395 S High St , Covington, OH 45318 • 937-473-2028 E-MAIL: • FAX: 937-473-2500 • WEBSITE: MAY 15, 2023 Where Your Ad IS The News 2600 W. Michigan, Sidney (Next to the Lowes Store) 937-492-6730 • HOURS: M-F 10am-7pm; Sat 10am-5pm; Sun 12 Noon-5pm Real Estate Agents Builders • Developers REAL ESTATE LTD DEVELOPMENT LTD PRE-SORTED STANDARD U S POSTAGE PAID Arens Corporation INSERTS ~ Full: Kroger, Zoned: Versailles Ace Hardware SEcTIoN B Wagner ’s IGA SPEcIAL PRomoTIoN make Your House A Home: Pages 4 & 5 PENNY SavEr CLaSSIFIEDS rEaCH OvEr 20,000 HOmES wEEkLY! TO PLACE AN AD, CALL 937-473-2028 PAID ADVERTORIAL
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Page 4 - PENNY SAVER - mAY 15, 2023 Page 5 - PENNY SAVER - mAY 15, 2023 GEHRET NURSERY INC PAVER PATIOS OUTDOOR LIVING AREAS LAWN MAINTENANCE LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION GREENHOUSE & NURSERY LANDSCAPE DESIGN Phone 419-628-2984 • Fax 419-628-9204 2155 State Route 66 • Minster, Ohio 45865 Accidents happen. Insure you’re safe- guarded against accidents, such as fire and theft, with a comprehensive coverage plan that protects your home and personal property. Get a free, no-obligation policy review and rate quote from one of our friendly agents today! * ( ( #$'(!& "#% ) ! ! " ! ! ! " # ! $ " Driveways • Farm Lanes • Parking Lots Re-Gravel • Re-Grading • Hauling Complete Gravel, Excavation & Hauling Commercial • Residential &&& !!" #$ %!" ! " ! % ! $ % # ! ! SOLD 1-419-629-2683 MakeYour House a HOME!
Page 6 - PENNY SAVER - MAY 15, 2023 www arenspub com ))) ' "& ! ' $" ))) ' "& ! ' $" %( "(("'# +) +*&"+ 0)"+ " '-*+ " &1 "'#")" '-*+ -"/" "'#")" '-*+ 1 ) %'' #")" '-*+ %" # ' ) % " # ,$%)#-*)"0 +"(") 000 -%(,"'" - *( & # '$# ' ) % " # ' ' ! # %$) % ' %+& ' %+& # ' ) % " # $# ' $! ) ' % + % ! # # ' ' %+& ) #$*( !! ( ) % " # &" *.+ */" %-$ (" *. ) +.,+", %-$ *)! $#%$ ' ) % " # %" # ' ) % " # % ' $' ! # '' " " " " ) ) ! !%% ) ) # #

ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓ WANTED: Broken or nonrunning John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers. Will pick up others. 937-473-2705 or

FEMALE Black Lab Puppy: 6 weeks old. $500. Maria Stein 567-279-5723


WANTED: Old motorcycles, minibikes, mopeds, 3-wheelers, or 4-wheelers. Running or not. Covington 937-473-2705




ASE certified. 41+ years experience. GM engine, transmission, & differential repair. Call Dennis Bowerman at 937-459-8451

seat; shop vac; Lifetime folding table; vintage toys; misc.

Sam Schwartz wants any type of carpenter work. Room additions, roofs, foundation replacements, restoration of buildings, etc. For FREE estimate, call 260-301-1777.

DEMOLITION: Also, concrete demolition such as old swimming pools, barn foundations, porches, etc. Also, general excavation work and light demolition. 937-232-7380



Quality work! Reasonably priced. For FREE estimates, call Reed, 937-613-0511 or 937-581-0045

OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT: In Pleasant Hill. Public & private entrances. $180/month. 937-216-7550

HELP WANTED: Housecleaning in West Milton / Union area. 937-832-2872 Page 7 - PENNY SAVER - MAY 15, 2023 70%132 %23)-!3% 3(!3 !.86(%1% &1/- "),,)/. 3/ "),,)/. )2 ,/23 $4% 3/ %$)#!1% &1!4$ ;- 3!,+).' %5%18 8%!1 ()2 )2 !23/4.$ ).' -!').% 6(!3 3().'2 6/4,$ ,//+ ,)+% )& 6% #/4,$ 01%5%.3 !,, 3()2 &1!4$ &1/- (!00%.).' )5%. 3(% 2(%%1 -!'.)34$% /& 3()2 )224% 3(% '/5%1.-%.3 )2 !3 ! ,/22 &/1 (/6 3/ (!.$,% )3 (!3 )2 6(8 3(%8 !1% ,//+).' 3/ 8/4 &/1 (%,0 ). 1%#/'.)9).' !.$ 1%0/13).' %$)#!1% &1!4$ 43 "%&/1% 8/4 #!. #!,, 3/ 1%0/13 &1!4$ 8/4 &)123 (!5% 3/ +./6 (/6 3/ 1%#/'.)9% )3 / (%,0 8/4 /43 (!5% #/-0),%$ ! ,)23 /& 3(% %!2)%23 6!82 3/ $%3%#3 %$)#!1% &1!4$ " ! 1!4$23%12 3(1)5% /. ).!33%.3)/. (%8 %70%#3 3(!3 8/4 6/.;3 #(%#+ 8/41 %$)#!1% 4--!18 /3)#% /1 8/41 70,!.!3)/. /& %.%&)32 !.$ 3(%8 '%3 !6!8 6)3( -),,)/.2 "%#!42% /& )3 / 2#/41 3(%2% $/# 4-%.32 &/1 ).!##41!#)%2 (%#+ &/1 #!1% /1 -%$)#!, 2400,)%2 8/4 $)$.;3 1%#%)5% /1 3().'2 3(!3 6%1% "),,%$ 36)#% ! & 8/4 $/.;3 4.$%123!.$ 2/-%3().' *423 !2+ (% 2!-% '/%2 &/1 %$)#!1% &1!4$ & 8/4 ./3)#% 2/-%3().' /. 8/41 "),, 3(!3 8/4 $)$.;3 1%#%)5% )& 8/4 &%%, !2 )& 8/4 1%#%)5%$ #!1% 3(!3 6!2.;3 .%#%22!18 /1 8/4 !1% *423 #/.&42%$ !2+ 8/41 $/#3/1 /1 01/5)$%1 /4 $/.;3 6!.3 3/ &!,2%,8 1%0/13 8/41 &!-),8 $/#3/1 &/1 &1!4$ "43 8/4 !,2/ $/.;3 6!.3 %$)#!1% 3/ 0!8 &/1 2/-%3().' 3(!3 8/4 $)$.;3 1%#%)5% / *423 !2+ ! ! " & 2/-%/.% 2(/62 40 /. 8/41 $//123%0 !.$ #,!)-2 3/ ! 1%01%2%.3!3)5% /& %$)#!1% *423 2,!- 3(% $//1 & 8/4 !.26%1 3(% 0(/.% !.$ 2/-%/.% !2+2 &/1 8/41 %$)#!1% .4-"%1 (!.' 40 3;2 ! 2#!- ./3(%1 5%18 0/04,!1 2#!- 3(% #!,,%1 23!3%2 3(!3 3(%8 !1% &1/- %$)#!1% !.$ 3(%8 6),, "% 2%.$).' 8/4 ! .%6 0,!23)# #!1$ 3/ 1%0,!#% 3(!3 /,$ 0!0%1 %$)#!1% #!1$ (%8 -)'(3 !2+ 8/4 3/ #/.&)1- 8/41 .4-"%1 : ; 1 3(%8 -)'(3 ).&/1- 8/4 !"/43 3(% .%6 0,!23)# #!1$ !.$ 3(%. /&&%1 8/4 2/-%3().' &1%% ,)+% /5)$ (/-% 3%232 !.$ 3(%8 *423 .%%$ 8/4 3/ 0!8 &/1 3(% 2()00).' ,%!2% &!,, &/1 3()2 %$)#!1% )2 ./3 1%0,!#).' 3(% 0!0%1 #!1$ 6)3( ! 0,!23)# /.% (%1% )2 ! 1%!2/. 6(8 3(%2% 0%/0,% !1% #!,,%$ #/. !13)232 (%8 '%3 #1%!3)5% 6(%. )3 #/-%2 3/ &1!4$ / !2 ! 14,% /& 3(4-" )& 3(%8 !2+ &/1 0%12/.!, ).&/1-!3)/. )3;2 01/"!",8 &1!4$ .$ )& 3(%8 #,!)- 3/ "% ! %$)#!1% 1%01%2%.3!3)5% !.$ !2+ &/1 8/41 %$)#!1% .4-"%1 )3 $%&).)3%,8 )2 ! ! ./6,%$'% )2 0/6%1 $4#!3).' 8/412%,& !"/43 %$)#!1% &1!4$ !.$ !"/43 %$)#!1% ). '%.%1!, )2 3(% 2).',% "%23 6!8 3/ $%3%#3 %$)#!1% &1!4$ (%. 8/4 +./6 (/6 %$)#!1% 6/1+2 8/4 #!. "%33%1 1%#/'.)9% 6(%. 0%/0,% !1% %70,/)3).' )3 & 8/4;$ ,)+% 3/ ,%!1. -/1% !"/43 %$)#!1% 0,%!2% */). 42 &/1 ! &1%% %$)#!1% ,!..).' 6/1+2(/0 /. %$.%2$!8 4.% 3( !3 0 - ). /41 %.)/1-!1+ )$.%8 /&&)#% B U S I N E S S S E R V I C E D I R E C T O R Y &,, +$%#&" - %(,-#+ DI SERVICES LP Tank & Equipment Sales )1 - )+ '%# 0 0 0 " % , # + / % ! # , . ! ) ' # $ " # ! $ ! " ! $ ! ! ! " !! ! ! ! "% " " ! "! !! % " ! #! !! #"! "! &+ ,+ !&. &+ &+ ! ()'*&-&/ 444 .*+./('5',+-) -(1 SCHMIESING TREE SERVICE 1*#+%#(!#" (,.+#" +## ,! # ! ! ! !! ! $ " ! ! $ ! " $ ! ! % " !*+0 20+-(00 (/3+'( +/('1./5 0 %.2/ .,21+.SELL IT In The Classifieds! PENNY SAVER CLASSIFIEDS GARAGE SALES REAL ESTATE HELP WANTED AUTOMOTIVE CLASSIFIEDS GARAGE SALE: May 18-20. Thurs. & Fri., 9-5; Sat., 9-12. 4400 St. Rt. 48, West Milton. Kids’ & baby toys & clothes; purses; southwest home decor; outdoor wicker loveseat & chairs. GARAGE SALES: May 18, 8-? May 19, 8-? Jewelry; women’s Trek bike; boys’ Under Armour; lawnmowers; misc. 73 Stillacres Dr. & 66 Stillacres Dr., West Milton. GARAGE SALE: May 18-20, 9-5. 4780 W. Miami-Shelby Rd., Piqua. Rainbow sweeper; Samsung washer/dryer pedestal; antique stand; new 8x10 rug; Traxxas RC car; kids’ stuff; & more! GARAGE SALE: May 18-19, 9-5. 7365 S. Jay Rd., West Milton. Girls’ clothes, 0-3T; car
no better way to advertise than in our classifieds!
Page 8 - PENNY SAVER - MAY 15, 2023 www arenspub com JANE KAYLOR AGENT SANDY SCHMITMEYER AGENT TODD WEIGANDT BROKER DEAN KEMPER AGENT DICK WEIGANDT BROKER %0,< 22 08904.8 9 777 7(,*$/'42($-(34$4( &0. ISAAC HOYING AGENT 3(02 <,0.(4+9 <,0.(4+97,(2,89(9, *53 <<< <,0.(4+97,(2,89(9, *53 <<< <,0.(4+9+,;,2563,49 *53 579/ (04 "9 0489,7 / /378+6 ! '6,/+1* !8 )2&& #&%2//- '5,, #"4) 2".$) 349,& )/-& *6*.( 2//- %&. 50%"4&% +*4$)&. $"2 "44"$)&% ("2"(& &8$&,,&.4 ,/$"4*/. ! # " !/*3+; '743 * *34/2*$ 34/29 #&%2//- #"4) )/-& 3*45"4 &% /. "$2& ; /5.429 /4< 7*4) $"2 "44"$)&% ("2"(& 0,&.49 /' 0/4&.4*", 33' 4;/3- * )2&& #&%2//- #"4) 2".$) 349,& )/-& "24*", '*.*3)&% #"3&-&.4 .& $"2 ("2"(& &7&2 2//' ".% "%%*4*/.", 50%"4&3 !933; !/*+ 33 /.(4*-& 6&29 7&,, &34"#,*3)&% 2&34"52".4 #"2;7"4&2'2/.4< #53*.&33 ,/$"4&% /. 2".% "+& 4 "293 /-0,&4& 452.+&9 052$)"3& *3 ./7 "6"*,"#,& 2&"4 00/245.*49 /378+6 !8 8 .& /7.&2 )2&& #&%2//- #"4) 2".$) )/-& 3*45"4&% /. "$2& $/5.429 ,/4 "-*,9 2//- ,*6*.( 2//- '*2&0,"$& '5,, #"3&-&.4 7/ $"2 ("2"(& +: 6+2+3 9+33/3- !8 2".% &7 ; 534/- 5*,4< $/.%/-*.*5- ./7 5.%&2 $/.3425$4*/. 7/ #&%2//-3 '5,, #"4) 2//-3 /0&. ',//2 0,". 7*4) 6"5,4&% '"-*,9 2//- $534/- $"#*.&429 '/52 3&"3/.3 35.2//'5,, #"3&-&.4 ".% $"2 ("2"(& 4*,, 4*-& 4/ $534/-*:& 9/52 '*.*3)&3 *6& 53 " $",, # & <! = 977/' 468. !8 !&,, &34"#,*3)&% #"2 ".% (2*,, &$&.4 50%"4&3 *.& *.3*%& /2 /543*%& /. 4)& &.$,/3&% 0"4*/ ",& *.$,5%&3 ,*15/2 ,*$&.3& 2*$&% 4/ 3&,, /-0,&4& 452.+&9 052$)"3& ",, '/2 %&4"*,3 /378+6 !.468 6 !",+ 4/ 9/52 #/"4 %/$+ "4 "+& /2"-*& &"452&3 #&%2//-3 '5,, #"4) 4// -".9 50%"4&3 4/ ,*34 ,3/ .$,5%&3 34/2"(& 3)&% 0"4*/ -/2& 2*$&% 4/ 3&,, 977/' '/3 !8 /52 #&%2//- '5,, #"4) 34/29 )/-& /-0,&4& 2&-/%&, .& $"2 ("2"(& "3 )&"4 $&.42", ".9 .&7&2 50%"4&3 # # # # ! 043 6$,-$%-( 043 6$,-$%-( 4,--7$4(2 ($&+ $.1*205/' (23$,--(3 054+($34(2/ ' 2$')02' +,0 43- 8/2+ +78'(1/7.+* 14)'1 )'25-6493* ,46 7'1+ )437/78/34, ')6+7 784)0+* 543* '7 2'3; 7+'743'1 2438.1; :++0 +3* )'257/8+7 ;+'6 6493* 6+38'1 .42+7 ,,+67 ,911 .440 957 /3)19*/3- +1+)86/) :'8+6 =7+:+6 $ !" " "# "% 888 &2(3 $2&(-3 888 ! & # # % # (73 5*(9054 "9 (7>8 !0;,7 !+ "9 (7>8 /05 574,7 5- (712,> !+ "9 (7>8 !0;,7 !+ :*9054 5*(9054 "9 (7>8 0./ "*/552 53354 7,( $ !' ? "# !# "9 (7>8 /05 ,< ":7;,> 04 675*,88 &(9*/ 5:7 <,)809,8 -57 357, :6+(9,+ 04-5 &, <022 (+;,7908, 4,< (*7,(.,8 (8 8554 (8 8:7;,> 08 *5362,9, ! " #7(*9 6675=03(9,2> *7,8 &55+,+ (4+ (712,> !+ #7(*9 6675=03(9,2> *7,8 (7, (732(4+ "9 (7>8 !0;,7 !+ #7(*9 6675=03(9,2> *7,8 (7, (4+ 5880)0209> 5- 659,490(2 ):02+04. 809, *574,7 5- "9 (7>8 !0;,7 !+ (712,> !+ $-- 0'' !(,*$/'4 )02 1(&,),& (4$,-3 ! +: 6+2+3 !8 8 *$& #&%2//- #"4) )/-& /. "$2& ,/4 *6*.( 2//- 7*4) '*2&0,"$& 7/ $"2 ("2"(& 5,, #"3&-&.4 =8 = /54#5*,%*.( +: 6+2+3 46+78 '3+ &29 .*$& #&%2//- '5,, #"4) 2".$) 349,& )/-& /. "$2& 7//%&% ,/4 5,, '*.*3)&% #"3&-&.4 ".% $"2 ("2"(& !

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