Summer unofficially starts with the arrival of Memorial day at the end of May Although it is a holiday designed to honor American military personnel who have died in various wars, it also serves doubleduty as a chance to gather with friends and loved ones and enjoy the return of the warm-weather entertaining season
barbecues are the centerpieces of Memorial day celebrations It may have been awhile since the grill was fired up, so anyone can use a little refresher course in barbecue etiquette Here are some tips for making the most of Memorial day parties
If your grill has lain dormant for several months, it’s wise to inspect and thoroughly clean it in advance of Memorial day Insects like spiders may have built homes inside, and grease and grime may be lingering from last year Ensure the grill is in top form before cooking for guests
KEEp Food SAFETy In MInd
A study from the u S department of Agriculture found more than half of study participants don t try to wash their hands when preparing food Wash hands thoroughly to ensure guests do not get sick at the barbecue Keep food refrigerated until it is ready to be cooked or served use a food thermometer to cook to the required internal temperature to make sure bacteria is destroyed do not use the same utensils that touched raw meat to remove cooked food from the grill
It can get quite warm outdoors even in May for many areas of the country Therefore, prepare a spot where guests can escape the sun If you don’t have enough table umbrellas, consider light netting or canopies for shade Shift them as needed as the sun moves across the sky
dEvELop A SIGnATurE rub
Set your food apart with unique flavors Create a summer food rub using the herbs and spices you prefer Make a big batch to use throughout the grilling season
don T LEAvE Food SITTInG
The uSdA s Food Safety Inspection Service advises that food should not be left out for more than two hours, or one hour if the temperature is above 90 F Keep buffet-style food covered so that insects do not land on the items and run the risk of contamination promptly move leftovers indoors if you plan on keeping them
It’s important to stay hydrated when the weather is warm Stock the cooler with plenty of water juices iced teas and the like If you plan to serve alcoholic beverages keep them separate from the nonalcoholic items so that children do not have access
If you will be hosting reduce some of the work by having the main foods available and ask guests to bring the sides and beverages This will defray the costs and relieve some of the pressure Memorial day barbecues can be successful with some planning and simple safety measures
It’s with a heavy heart that I, Gary Godfrey, president of Arens Corporation, announce that major changes are underway with this family-owned business In recent weeks, Arens has been faced with staffing issues related to a retirement of one employee and serious, unexpected health concerns with a number of other staff members
As newspapers go Arens is a relatively small company Every single member of our staff provides a vital role in publishing our weekly advertisers – the Stillwater Valley Advertiser and Penny Saver – along with our monthly farm magazine, Country Living When even one member of my staff is absent due to illness or vacation time, it greatly impacts our ability to get these three publications to our printer and delivered to our customers and readers With several staff members simultaneously out of the office the situation has become dire
For this reason, I am giving serious thought to various options for the future of this company I fully realize the impact our papers have on the community and want to make the best possible decision for Arens Corp , my employees, loyal advertisers, and our faithful readers
Effective June 1 all of our publications will be halted Whether this will be short-term, or long-term, will be evaluated by myself and my family
I have always trusted the Lord for His guidance in making decisions with regard to this company and know He will be with me now as I decide what path Arens Corporation will take in the future I, and my wife Ginger, ask for your understanding and support during this difficult time
Sincerely Gary Godfrey
P O Box 69 395 S High St Covington, OH 45318 937-473-2028 • Fax 937-473-2500 arenspub@gmail com • www arenspub com
A sense of pride comes from a successful do-it-yourself home improvement project However, quite often inexperience and time constraints lead homeowners to tur n to professional contractors to make sure jobs get done correctly and on time Allied Market Research reported in 2021 that the home improvement services market is predicted to reach $585 3 billion by 2030 The following are some reasons why renovation-minded homeowners benefit from the services of professionals
• Tasks can be overwhelming: A home remodel is a large undertaking with many different steps Contractors who have been around the block a time or two understand how to organize and manage time to get the job done Plus, they’re devoting all of their attention and time toward the remodel when on the job This differs from when a do-it-yourselfer tries to work on a remodel in between other responsibilities
• Network of suppliers: A good general contractor will have a list of material suppliers he or she routinely uses Often contractors become preferred sellers, which means they get a lower wholesale rate, and will often pass those savings on to the customer
• Licensed and bonded protection: Licensed and bonded contractors not only have the skills for the job, they have insurance protection behind them Therefore, if an injury occurs or the job goes awry, the homeowner will be protected from liability A license means the contractor will have to uphold licensing standards, which could mean staying current on trade practices and skills
• Expertise: Experienced contractors have done the work they have been hired to do many times, which means their skills are fine-tuned Knowing the correct way to do a job results in fewer errors (and thus fewer repairs), shorter time periods to get the work done, and potentially lower costs overall
• Frees up time: Homeowners who hire out for remodels can utilize their time in other ways, such as on the job or spending time with family
• Reduces stress: Putting the work in capable hands means homeowners do not have to educate themselves about how to do the task, purchase tools, prevent injuries, and/or deal with potentially negative outcomes Certainly having extra people in the house can be challenging, but it may not equal the stress caused by tackling a job on one ’ s own There are many advantages to hiring contractors to renovate a home instead of taking the DIY route
There is no denying the relief cool air provides when the temperatures outdoors are particularly steamy In fact, having a place to cool off is a necessity for those who have succumbed to heat exhaustion or have difficulty regulating their body temperatures
Even though air conditioning can provide relief, some people are reluctant to tur n it on because of the drain on electricity and the subsequent high energy bills that come with it Certainly running the air conditioning can be costly, but regular maintenance helps a system to work more efficiently It also enables homeowners to recognize issues that can lead to expensive repairs if left unchecked
Here are some air conditioning maintenance tips to keep a system in top condition
• Change the filters Dirty, clogged filters can cause a system to work harder to cool down rooms, compromising efficiency Check the HVAC system’s manufacturer recommendation for how frequently to change the filters Some may benefit from monthly replacement if the air is running constantly
• Consider the MERV rating The filter will have a minimum efficiency reporting value, or MERV, according to This Old House The higher the number, the better the filtration But a higher MERV rating requires more energy to pull air through the filter Therefore, choose a balance of filtration and energy cost requirements
• Maintain the outdoor unit Clean the AC unit with a soft-bristle brush and vacuum the fins at the start of the season and if the unit becomes dirty from weather, pollen and other elements Bent condenser or evaporator fins can restrict air f low that would nor mally pass through the air conditioning system Gently straighten them to improve air f low
• Check and repair leaks Airf low leaks through ductwork and with window AC units can reduce efficiency Hold an incense stick or another smoldering item to check for leaks If the smoke blows around, there is leakage Use foil tape to seal small gaps and duct mastic for large ones Stuff foam around a window unit and use taping as necessary
• Supplement with a whole-house fan The Family Handyman says an attic-mounted fan pushes hot air out through the attic vents and draws cooler, outside air through open windows and doors The whole-house fan can be used to draw out most of the hot air before tur ning on the AC, or as a substitute on cooler days when having the AC on may not be crucial
• Schedule annual maintenance. Homeowners may be able to handle various maintenance tasks, or they may want to have an HVAC technician come out and do the following: clean and inspect coils; adjust and replace fan belts; lubricate motors and bearings; inspect controls and safeties, check refrigerant; and deter mine if the unit is large enough for the home Air conditioning systems need routine maintenance to operate efficiently and at the lowest cost possible
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Cedarville University located in Cedarville, Ohio, has announced that Madison Lozier of New Bremen and Quinci Voisard of Minster were named to the spring 2023 Dean’s List Students earn this distinction by obtaining a 3 5 GPA or higher for the semester and carrying a minimum of 12 credit hours
Abigail Pleiman of Anna, majoring in Biblical Studies, was named to the spring 2023 Dean’s Honor List at Cedarville University located in Cedarville Ohio
This recognition requires the student to obtain a 3 75 GPA or higher for the semester and carry a minimum of 12 credit hours
Two from Area Named to Dean’s List at Ohio Wesleyan Ohio Wesleyan University, located in Delaware, Ohio, is pleased to announce its Dean s List for spring semester 2023 To qualify for Dean’s List recognition students must earn a GPA of 3 5 or better on a 4 0 scale in all applicable classes
Local residents recognized for their academic achievements include Katie Lucas and Kyle Lucas, both of New Bremen
Kyle Lucas of New Bremen has graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University, located in Delaware, Ohio
Lucas earned a Bachelor of Arts degree cum laude He majored in Psychology and minored in Sociology/Anthropology
Today we stand united in remembering the men and women of our Armed Forces who gave their lives in the line of dut y Their dedication to this countr y and the preser vation of our freedom has earned them a place in histor y and in our hearts. We are forever grateful to these soldiers for their courage, their strength and their sacrifice We
We salute these fallen veterans and all the brave men and women of our militar y who have ser ved and continue to ser ve in defense of our nation.
This message is brought to you by these proud local businesses.
WANTED: Broken or nonrunning John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers Will pick up others 937-473-2705 or KJRIND01@hotmail com
WANTED: Old motorcycles, minibikes, mopeds, 3-wheelers, or 4-wheelers Running or not Covington 937-473-2705 KJRIND01@hotmail
GARAGE SALE: June 1-2-3, 9-5 8504 W Klinger Rd Covington Camping equipment; new queen sheets & comforters; sewi ng machi ne; books; l ots of mi sc items
GARAGE SALE: May 31 June 3 Wed thru Fri , 8am-5pm; Sat 8am-1pm Baked goods; household items; clothes; shoes; old wooden harness holders; & old wood barn doors 7340 W Brown Rd , Covington
BARN SALE: June 1-3 8-? 9638 W St Rt 571, Laura Café dining set; full-size bed frame; fan wheel stationary bike; cookbooks; board games; househol d; ki tch en; & decor
HuGE GARAGE SALES! 6785 N Troy-Sidney Rd & 55 Weymer Rd Piqua Antique clocks; bikes; mowers; trunk; glassware; collectibles; large stamp collection; Hot Wheels; vintage toys; & lots of misc Thurs Fri & Sat June
1-2-3 8-?
DEMOLITION : Also, concrete demolition such as old swimming pools barn foundations porches etc Also, general excavation work and light demoli tion 937-232-7380
SAND & GRAVEL HAULING BRUSH CLEARING BOBCAT WORK quality work! Reasonably priced For FREE estimates call Reed, 937-613-0511 or 937-581-0045
MuLTI-FAMILY SALE! 3815 N R ench, C ovi ngton June 1 -3 Thurs & Fri 9-5; Sat is Half-Off Day, 9-12! Kids’ clothes, infant to big kids’; women’s & men’s clothing; toys; books; home decor; china cabinet; canning jars; & so much more!
GARAGE SALE! 972 S Miami St (Rt 48) West Milton June 7 5-8; June 8, 9-4; June 9, 9-noon quality furniture; housewares; tools; children’s toys; linens; frames & art; sports equipment; vi ntage i tems; books; & el ectronics
ALL CHuRCH FAMILY GARAGE SALE: Hoffman Methodist Church will have its annual Garage Sale on Thursday, June 8, from 8:30 a m to 1 p m Many items may be purchased for a quarter each The church is handicap accessible
The location is 201 S Main St , West Milton Proceeds go to local missions
W Kessler-C owl esvi l le Rd & 4360 W Kessler-Cowlesville Rd , West Milton June 1-3 9-5