ECRWSS Postal Customer STILLWATER VALLEY A DVERTISER PRE-SORTED STANDARD U S POSTAGE PAID Arens Corporation !& )& !"$+ !'+ (* (,,%#+ !"$ !'+ !"$+ !' !'+ (* (,,%#+ Vol 72 - No 21 Circulation: 10,508 • 937-473-2028 • May 24, 2023 FAX: 937-473-2500 • E-Mail: arenspub@gmail com • Check Us Out On The Web: arenspub com Driveways • Farm Lanes • Parking Lots Re-Gravel • Re-Grading • Hauling Complete Gravel, Excavation & Hauling Commercial • Residential &&& !!" #$ %!" ! ZONED INsErts: PAttY s IGA MENArDs sPECIAL PAGEs: MEMOrIAL DAY: PAGE 3; INDY 500: PAGE 6; sPrING HOME IMPrOVEMENt: PAGE 7 ( ( %)#$!(%$ * # '( % &&#$!(%$ + ( " %& #!$' Delicious
Memorial Day Services Scheduled At Covington Area Cemeteries
The following
Pleasant Hill Memorial Day Parade Information
The Pleasant Hill Memorial Day parade will take place Monday May 29 at 10:30 a m Line-up will begin at 9:30 at the Newton School parking lot The parade will proceed from the school to the monument where a brief wreath laying will take place before proceeding to the cemetery for the Memorial Day ceremony
All community members and organizations are invited to attend
If you have any questions, please contact Tim Byrd at 937-216-9663 or Sandra Davis, 937-654-5468
WANTED: Broken or nonrunning John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers Will pick up others 937-473-2705 or KJRIND01@hotmail com
FEMALE Black Lab Puppy: 6 weeks old $500 Maria Stein 567-279-5723
D E M O L I T I O N : A l s o c o n c r e t e demolition such as old swimming pools, barn foundations, porches, etc Also, general excavation work a n d l i g h t d e m o
QUALITY BOAT COVERS BOAT UPHOLSTERY PONTOON FLOORING Call: 937-464-5494 Google:magicanvasohio ––––––––––––––––––––––––––ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓ
WANTED: Old motorcycles, minibikes, mopeds, 3-wheelers, or 4-wheelers Running or not Covington 937-473-2705 KJRIND01@hotmail com
HELP WANTED: Housecleaning in West Milton / Union area 937-832-2872 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT:
& June 1 4:30-7 p m 5385 W K e s s l e r - C o w l e s v i l l e R d , We s t Milton
YARD SALE: Saturday only May 27, 9-5 Michelin P265/70R17 t i r e ; s t r i n g m o w e r ; Tr o y - B i l t m o w e r ; t i l l e r ; s t r i n g t r i m m e r ; blacksmith anvil; post vise; chainsaw; concrete mixer; drywall cart; chairs; rocking chair; Franklin stove; misc 101 S Pearl St , Covington
Page 2 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - MAY 24, 2023 www arenspub com Looking for an honest deal? You can find it in our classifieds 3(1 21'$<6 3 0 !+856'$<6 $ 0 3 0 $7 6+ 7 ,48$ #('1(6'$< $< 3 0 ,11(5 $1' 63($.(5 )520 7+( (' 5266 529,'(' $7 !+( !,33 (17(5 !+,5' !,33 ,7< !8(6'$< 81( 3 0 ,11(5 $1' 63($.(5 )520 ,$0, "$//(< "(7(5$16 86(80 ## ,6725< ,1 $ 2; 529,'(' $7 !+( ,48$ (17(5 6+ 7 ,48$ 5,//(' +27 '2*6 &+,36 $1' &22.,(6 :,// %( $9$,/$%/( )25 $ 120,1$/ '21$7,21 21 !+856'$< 81( $ 0 3 0 25 62/' 287 $7 7+( 29,1*721 (:%(55< ,6725,&$/ 2&,(7< 86(80 !+( $5$*( $/( :,// %( +(/' )520 $ 0 3 0 $7 7+( 086(80 723 %< $1' *(7 $ +27 '2* $1' (1-2< 7+( '$< $7 7+( 29,1*721 $5$*( $/(6 H E L P W A N T E D REAL ESTATE STILLWATER VALLEY CLASSIFIEDS G A R A G E S A L E S GARAGE SALE: June 1-2-3, 9-5 8504 W Klinger Rd Covington Camping equipment; new queen s h e e t s & c o m f o r t e r s ; s e w i n g machine; books; lots of misc items S A L E ! Vi n t a g e f u r n i t u r e ; i r o n i t e m s ; l a m p s ; b e n c h e s ; J o h n Deere items; chimes; Hot Wheel cars; hooks; birdhouse; Roseville p o t t e r y ; C o r n i n g Wa r e ; h o r s e books/equipment; colored glassware; lumber pile May 30-31
In Pleasant Hill Public & private e n t r a n c e s $ 1 8 0 / m o n t h 937-216-7550
AMISH CREW Sam Schwartz wants any type of carpenter work Room additions, roofs, foundation replacements, restoration of buildings, etc For FREE estimate, call 260-301-1777
l i t i o n 937-232-7380 SAND & GRAVEL HAULING BRUSH CLEARING BOBCAT WORK Quality work! Reasonably priced For FREE estimates, call Reed, 937-613-0511 or 937-581-0045 MOBILE AUTO REPAIRS LLC A S E c e r t i f i e d 4 1 + y e a r s e x p e r i e n c e G M e n g i n e , transmission, & differential repair Call Dennis Bowerman at 937-459-8451 CLASSIFIEDS Automotive Automotive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
released listing the times that Memorial Day observances will be held in local cemeteries: Greenville Creek Church Cemetery, Sunday, May 28 11 a m Harris Creek Cemetery, Sunday, May 28 2 p m Bloomer Cemetery 9 a m Miami Memorial Park 10:30 a m Highland Cemetery 1 p m Covington Park Service – Laying of Wreath 2 p m L E G A L N O T I C E " " 6 0! # " % ! " ! ! ! # ! $ ! % " ! "!" ! /// /// $ % $ % 9 $ ! ! % 9 ! " % $ ! ! " ! ################################################################### ######## " ###################### 5 2/. &$4)*3'1 ################################### *$2 -5 0'1-+22+/. 3/ $33'.& 3*' 4.+/1 /,( $-0 .%,/2'& +2 *+2 *'1 ('' +).$341' /( $1'.3 4$1&+$. ################################################ " ! " *%&&,!*#( !&&#. '&$ &+" '- #()!%&&#) /)&4) (-3)'5 &// 26)45-104 51 )//8 133-4 &5 13 45-//7&5)3+1/*.)//8 )&35,/-0. 0)5
has been
! Covington Eagles 715 E.Broadway (St.Rt.36) Covington,Ohio (937) 473-2100 23 Emerick Rd West Milton, OH (937) 698-4485 P.O. Box 99 1300 Mote Drive Covington, OH 45318 Page 3 - StILLWatER VaLLEy aDVERtISER - May 24, 2023 Memorial Day...
Time To Remember ! ! " # 473-3029 • Covington 1-800-974-3161 1005 E. Broadway Covington Hours: Mon. 8 to 7 Tues.-Fri. 8 to 5 $$$ ## # " ! ! % % 448-6577 937-448-6577 Closed Memorial Day May 31, 2021 Closed Memorial Day May 30, 2022 FREEDOM IS NOT FREE BRADFORD STOR & LOCK Personal - Business - Commercial RENtING MONtH tO MONtH 5x10 10x10 | 10x15 | 10x20 937-448-6550 8/30/23 TREE sERVICE 937-570-0448 ••• fREE ESTIMATE ••• FULLY INSURED 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE TRIMMINg • TREE REMOVaL 9/27 23 VEgETATIOn TECh ‹ r e M o V a L & P r u n i n g ‹ B r u s H & i n V a s i V e s P e C i e s C L e a r i n g FREE EST FuLLY INSuRED BraDen - 937-570-9691 www vegtechservices com 8/9/23 TREE CARE JEANNE’S CREATIONS Specializing in Alterations, Mending, Zippers & MORE! EldErly or HandicappEd??? We can come to yoUr home! 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE Appts Only 937-473-5405 5/1/24 ALTERATIONs E A G L E ’ s E A G L E ’ s TREE sERVICE WE WILL GO OuT ON A LIMB FOR YOu! Call uS Before You Decide FREE ESTIMATES steve • 937-773-5565 tfn TREE CARE sTORAGE FACILITY WOOD CHUCKIN, LLC stuMP & BrusH reMoVaL sPeCiaList ProPertY serViCes FREE ESTIMATES - INSURED 937-538-8469 12/27/23 sTUmP & BRUsh REmOVAL PEsT CONTROL P r i C e P r i C e Termite & Pest Control FULL -SERVICE PEST CONTROL 3rd Generation Owners 937-573-6137 937-573-6185 tfn sEPTIC TANKs COOPER'S Septic Tanks & Leach Beds Cleaned, Installed & Repaired S E P T I C T A N K P U M P I N G “ We ’ r e # 1 i n t h e # 2 B u s i n e s s ! ” 937-760-8396 937-698-6200 • 1-888-698-6200 3:1-tfn sEPTIC TANKs LEACh BED REPAIR • ADDITIONs sEPTIC TANK PUmPING BOB's EXCAVATING 698-4694 5/24/23 PLUmBING H & s H & s PLuMBing, inC. Quality is our Goal! APPLIANCE sERVICE DAVID DeHART SERVICE ON aLL aPPLIaNCES Emergency Service available APPLIANCE INSTALLATION All Brands - All Models 937-698-5428 5/31/23 PLAsTERING NEW & REPAIR J E f f f O x p L A S T E R I n g Interior - New & Repair Exterior - Stucco & Dryvit Systems Quality Work • FREE EStIMatES 9 3 7 - 8 8 4 - 7 5 9 8 9/27/23 AUCTIONEER tiM LanDis, auctioneer, LLC Estates - Farm Equipment Antiques - Furn. - Consignments 6905 W. smith Rd., Covington 937-418-8941 www auctionzip com #20717 tfn JULIA’S CONFECTION CONNECTION 111 Marvin St • Gettysburg 937-447-9207 Tues , 3-7; Fri , 11-5:30; sat , 9-12 tfn CANDY & CAKE sUPPLIEs EXCAVATING & DEmOLITION CRESS EXCAVATING Clean Waterw ays - Ditches - Ponds ROOm ADDITIONs • DEmOLITION 937-232-7380 12/27/23 aLL CLean Pressure wasHing Specializing in SOFT WASH Technique Does Your Home Have Algae? “we KiLL tHe green!” 1-Story Home Starting at $450 1-1/2 – 2-Story Homes Starting at $550 SERVING DARKE & MIAMI COuNTIES Ask About Our Senior & Veterans Discount! 937-710-3606 5/31/23 EXTERIOR CLEANING LAWN CARE COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL MOwINg • TRIMM Ng • LEaf REMOVaL BUShES • LawN ROLL Ng – FREE ESTIMATES –KUhN’S LawN CaRE 937-214-0014 10/25/23 Residential/Commercial/Service Your High Standards Plumber 937-836-8725 • 937-667-1030 Serving Miami Co S nce 1972 Ohio License #19777 3/14/24 OVER 10,000 POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS WILL SEE YOUR AD ON THIS PAGE! LUMBERJACK’S TREE SERVICE B U S I N E S S S E R V I C E B U S I N E S S S E R V I C E D I R E C T O R Y D I R E C T O R Y Your Guide To ServiceS & GoodS in The STillwaTer valleY CaLL 937-473-2028 to PLaCe Your aD! GRAVEL/ BLACKTOP BLACKTOP & GRAVEL NEW OR PRE-EXISTING Driveways - Far m Lanes Parking Lots - Hauling RE-GRAVEL• RE-GRADING COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL Call Us For All Your Driveway Needs! 937-698-1107 www coopersblacktop com OVER 10,000 POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS WILL SEE YOUR AD ON THIS PAGE! OVER 10,000 POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS WILL SEE YOUR AD ON THIS PAGE! This message is brought to you by these proud local businesses. Please show them your support.
Pleasant Hill ‘Lights Up the Night’
Grand Marshal Nominations Sought
The Village of Pleasant Hill – Newton Township extends the opportunity to the community to nominate a deserving individual or individuals to be the 1st Grand Marshal for this year ’s “Lights Up The Night” Celebration
• Nominee shall currently reside, or has resided, in the Village of Pleasant Hill or Newton Township
• Nominee must be in good standing in the community
• Nominee should be person who has displayed outstanding service support and commitment to the community
Describe acts or acts (personal or civic) which have displayed outstanding service, support, and commitment to the community Areas of consideration include community service, personal accomplishments or awards length of time living in the community and personal deeds and dedication to the community county state and/or country
To obtain a nomination form go to the village website: pleasant-hill@pleasanthillohio com; stop by the village office at 200 Walnut St ; or call Judy Barga at 937-676-3321
Jackson Riffle Graduates From Univ of Georgia
Jackson Riffle of Pleasant Hill was among more than 7,000 candidates for graduation in the University of Georgia’s Class of 2023 receiving their degrees May 11 He was a candidate for a MM Music
The university is located in Athens, Georgia
Jensen Wagoner
To Dean’s List
At Cedarville University
Jensen Wagoner of Covington has been named to the Dean’s List at Cedarville University located in Cedarville Ohio Jensen will be a sophomore next year and is majoring in Sports Business Management He is a member of the varsity baseball team
Return the completed nomination form to: or mail it to: Village of Pleasant Hill Attention: Grand Marshal Nomination 200 Walnut St Pleasant Hill Ohio 45359 ••• NOMINATIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED BY JUNE 12 ••• $ #!& &" 7 52. #5:74)3-49
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A SERVICE TO OFFER? Advertise it in our classifieds Call 937-473-2028 Page 4 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - MAY 24, 2023 www arenspub com " " "
www arenspub com Page 5 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - MAY 24, 2023
Each participating advertiser (33 in all) has been assigned (by random drawing) a car & driver.
On race day, Sunday, May 28, the first driver to reach the checkered flag will win his advertiser a free full page of advertising in the Penny Saver or Stillwater Valley Advertiser! Good luck!
tt h h e e
a a c c e e ii s s o o n n !!
he Indianapolis 500 star ting Grid For our Reader s . . . and a Race To The Finish For our advertisers! St. Pos Driver Car # St Pos Driver Car # St Pos Driver Car # Position 10 Position 11 Position 12 Position 20 Position 25 Position 30 Position 5 Position 16 Position 15 Position 26 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 IndIanapolIs 500 Position 2 Position 29 Position 31 Position 8 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Position 27 Position 1 Position 13 Position 14 Position 19 Position 24 Position 3 Page 6 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - MAY 24, 2023 www arenspub com Position 28 Position 4 Driver will be appointeD after qualifications Position 23 Position 17 Position 18 Position 6 Position 22 Position 9 Position 7 Position 21 Position 32 Position 33 PIZZA • BURGERS • SUBS " " ! " ! " For All Your Banking Needs !! '% #$ (#' '( %& " & &&(% '$ # ! ! % # """ ! ! ! ! $ ,,, " , #(- (%+) &$ . !% * +))! &% + ) +() (! * &( - '* #&)(', (* $#&" ( +!% #() & '(! #&)(', (* $#&" ( #() People who care...protecting your future
www arenspub com Page 7 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - MAY 24, 2023 per square yard In Stock Vinyl Flooring $7.99 ( ## ! %"! "' ! %"! "! % #& &#$ # % Ready to SpRuce up youR Home foR SpRing? # &# # ! ) "& #% #$ ((( $ %$ #' $ * % # * !! # * & & * # $$ * & $ * %% # $ * % $$ % * ' # &)