Country Living 3-23

Page 8

Country Living Vol. 80 • No. 3 March 2023


Cover Picture Countr y Kitchen


The Darke County Sheriff ’s Patrol invites you to this three-day event at the Darke County Fairgrounds in Greenville. This family-friendly Expo, to be held March 31 and April 1 and 2, will feature demonstrations, kiddie tractor pulls, a dance performance, kids’ fishing pond, landscaping and home remodeling exhibits, and MuCH MORE.



Casseroles make life easier for busy cooks with hectic schedules You can mix one up ahead of time, pop it in the oven on a chaotic day, and serve up a hearty meal with minimal effort. You’ll find one such recipe on Page 36, along with two other family-pleasing recipes



Is Published Monthly By: ARENS CORPORATION

P O Box 69, 395 S High St , Covington, OH 45318


• 937-473-2029

• FAX: 937-473-2500

E-MAIL: arenspub@gmail com


When submitting advertisements or news releases, always include your full name, address, & phone number (including area code)

NEW 480/80 R42 Firestones New 480/90 R30 Pirelli Mounted on new rims. Make offer or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899

TRUCK BED: 14’L x 8’W. Perfect shape. With hyd hoist Heavy-duty Hardly used floor under the Diamond plate Pockets for racks Also, some racks (some need repaired) Tipp City 937-667-3778

(50) 4’x5’ ROUND BALES Mixed Hay: Fertilized. Net-wrapped. Outside. $45/ bale Germantown 513-594-7855

WANTED: Used 3-phase motors, 5hp & up Good used 14 5-15-16 tires Rossburg 937-417-2219

HAY: Alfalfa mix 2nd & 3rd cuttings 650 bales $5 ea (28) 4x4 round bales Mostly grass. $25 ea. Huntsville/Belle Center 937-539-6357

ROUND BALES Grass Hay: 1st, 2nd, & 3rd cuttings $50/bale Russia 937-622-2246

WANTED TO BUY: Farm machinery Will buy one piece or complete lines Arcanum 937-670-0323

OK JOE HIGHLAND Offset Charcoal Smoker Grill: With cover & extras GC! $150 (cash only) Tipp City 937-902-6928

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OFFICE FURNITURE: (2) laminated 3’x6’ sturdy office tables $125 ea Conference table, 3’x9’ with 6 chairs $350 (2) wire chrome computer work stations $75 ea HP 4550 color laser printer EC $150 All in GC! Wapakoneta 419-738-7523. Leave msg.

(2) J&M Hopper Wagons: 10-ton New pins & brushes $900 & $1,500 Rossburg 937-564-0719

56 FORD T-BIRD: Peacock Blue Complete, off-frame restoration Three tops Power steering Auto 312-V8 EC! Call for details New Knoxville 937-423-4440

POLLED Hereford Bulls: Yearlings 18 Months 3 Years Old Quiet Bellefontaine 937-465-7520

HAY FOR SALE: Large bales clover, alfalfa & orchardgrass mix Camden 937-733-8968 West of Gratis on 725E

Page 4 - COUNTRY LIVING - MARCH 2023 % " ! % # " ( % & % $ " ( #% # " $ % $"( & 2(. + %" " % -( ,. &"- ! $ 0"-! -! .' +,- ' "' -! - -! 2 0"%% ). %",! + ( ! + " -! 2 *. %" 2 ! ! % . %",! + + , +/ , -! +" !- -( + # - +- "' , ! 2 ,!(.% %0 2, "' (( - ,- ' $ $ ' " # ! # !" $ ( ' ,.+ -( "' %. 2(.+ + ( ' )!(' '.& + % ,," " , ,!(.% (& +(& +& + (+ (-! + (.'-+2 + ," '- 0!( ", '(- .,"' -! & (+ (&& + " % ).+)(, "' 0!" ! ! ", + .% +%2 ' ! 2 &.,- + -! ' & ' + ,, ( -! 0+"- + %(' 0"-! !", (+ ! + .,-(& + '.& + 0!" ! - %%, ., 2(. + &(' -! ,. , +" +, ( (.+ (.'-+2 "/"' ('(+ (%% ( +" ' , & "$ # "# ' # $ "% # " $ $ %#$ " #% $ # $ ( %" # 0"%% , ' "' &(+ -! ' (.'-+2 !(& , ' ' ,. &"-- "' (.+ 0 2, )12 90-3 95 5:497> 1;14/ 7-48 576 !:*2180-78 ! 5= 5;14/954 $-2-6054- 5:7 5..1+- )9 57 )4> 913- 54,)> 907: 71,)> ) 3 95 6 3 "-3-3*-7 >5: 3:89 /1;- 5:7 7-+-69154 189 >5:7 +:8953-7 4:3*-7 57 >5: <122 *- *122-, .57 90- ), 8 8:*3199-, ! ! ! ! " )= >5:7 ), 8 95 3)12 >5:7 ), 8 95 )7-486:* /3)12 +53 % $"( & ", ). %",! &('-!%2 + '(' (&& + " % % ,," " , 0"%% )- (+ ). %" -"(' "' -! (%%(0"' &('-! , ",,. , % - , )(,," % ! +%" + 0 + "/ 2(.+ -! -- + ! ' "- ! , -( - "' -! ' 1- ",,. ! ' , ++"/ -(( % - -( & - -! %"' (+ "/ ' ",,. -! 2 + ! % (/ + ' "/ ' )+"(+"-2 "' -! (%%(0"' ",,. ! " % 4 0! ! " ! ! % " !! ! " " % "! & ! ! " # ! ! # " ! ! !% " ! % " !! ! " % "! ! " ! % ! $ ! " ! ! ! ! ! ! ! # ! # % ! ! # " ! $ # " ! % ! "! ! % ! ! # $ % ! ! ! !% ! ! ! ! ! $ " $ ! " $ $ % % ! $ & $ # $ ! "! " !
POST FRAME BUILDINGS 701 S. Main, New Knoxville, OH 419-753-2263
DEADLINE FOR APRIL 2023 ISSUE Thursday, March 23, No Later Than 4:00 pm
Page 5 - COUNTRY LIVING - MARCH 2023 Proven. Local. Performance. SPRING GRASS SEED & FORAGES 937-473-2521 | EBBERTS FIELD SEEDS, INC 6840 N. State Route 48 | Covington, Ohio Open Weekdays 8AM-5PM Closed Saturday Start planning now for your spring forage needs. Call for recommendations. Premium Alfalfa and Pasture Mixes in stock. Seed Oats, Red Clover Seed, and Summer Annual forages. TURF SEED MIXES - Lawn Chemicals & Fertilizer AG CHEMICALS - CALL TODAY for our 2023 PREPAY Pricing L r emium Pastur Pr ecommendations. C all e awn AG CHEMICALS - CALL TODAY L for our 2023 PREP Y Pric A AY www EBBER eekW Satur TS eekdays

Celebrating the Start of Our 46th Year in Business!



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TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items Dealer for many years Call for catalog & brochures Russia 937-238-6661

FOR SALE: Wheel weights for JD, IH, Case, Oliver, Ford, etc $ 95/lb Bradford 937-564-6948

COMPLETE Sway Bar Trailer Hitch: Used 2 times (sold trailer) Asking $300 OBO Lewisburg 937-533-1672

SEVERAL FORD NH 4610’s 4630’s: Franklin 937-474-9899

8’ STOCK RACKS for older Chevy truck Good wood Piqua 937-778-3808 or 937-214-4408


1201 Barnhart Road (Exit 73 o I-75) 937-339-2150

WANTED TO RENT: Farmland Cash or shares With no money out of your pocket Call for details! Greenville 937-423-4967

‘15 24’ STARCRAFT Autumn Ridge Camper: GC! One slide Queen bed Roomy kitchen & bath Lots of storage $12,900 New Paris 765-977-1330

ANATOLIAN SHEPHERD Registered Pups: DOB: 12/12/22 UTD on shots/ worming $800 Pictures on facebook @ Stillwater Acres Anatolians 419-512-3368 or 937-448-2439

PROPANE TANK: 2,800 gals With most valves replaced New paint Ready to use $8,300 Palestine 937-448-2003

PICTURE WINDOW: New, in crate Pella 6’x38” 2 slide-ups $200 OBO West Alexandria 937-654-3039

ANTIQUE WOODEN Shoe Forms / Stretchers: One says Trademark/ Belcher Other says Trademark O A M C EC! $15 ea or both for $20 Text/call Troy 937-339-2929

HAY: 4x4 round bales 1st & 2nd cuttings Mostly grass $20 & up Greenville 937-621-7444

‘07 GMC SIERRA 3/4-ton P/U chassis & drive train, w/’04 Yukon body 6 6 turbo charged 360hp Duramax dsl (LBZ) Allison auto 4WD Leather New tires Fair cond 245K $38,500 OBO Covington 937-603-7529

$ #'"&) "%'$ " $( % " &$ & "& $ % ! '%& " &$ #'"&) "% #!

JOHN DEERE 1050: Front wheel assist With loader, forks, & bucket One owner Make offer or trade Franklin 937-474-9899

HEAVY-DUTY GOOSENECK 5’ dovetail with Mega ramps All together Brand new Russia 937-638-8088

WANTED TO BUY: ‘94-’04 S-10 Blazer 2 dr 2WD Stick shift Running or not Trenton 513-464-2641

STRAW: Clean, bright, twine-tied $3/ bale Arcanum 937-548-0533

.+& #"0-1 4*2) +",*-"2&% .0 /&0," $.+3,- /.121 .-$0&2& '..2&0 /.30&% 4"++1 .-$0&2& 1+"# ./2*.- )&"2*-( 1512&, *- '+..0 *-& *-13+"2& 4"++1 &*+*-(1 4*2) +*-&0 /"-&+1 6 6 6 " " ! " ! 6 6 6 " " " " ! " 6 6 6 " " " " ! " 6 6 6 " " ! " 6 6 6 " " " " ! " !
in or contact us for a FREE consultation.
• 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
18 • 8 a.m. to 5
MARCH 16-17

PARTING OUT: ‘01 Dodge Ram 1500 Laramie STL 5 9 engine P/U truck 110K mi Covington 937-214-5798

COLLECTIONS of Harley Davidson dealer T-shirts Sizes men’s 2X & ladies’ small-medium Brookville 937-239-7663

(2) PORTABLE Basketball Goals: Great shape! Ready for March Madness Lynn, Indiana 765-874-1103

BUTCHERING RABBITS & Easter Bunny Rabbits at Easter Time: $10 ea Maria Stein 419-925-4712

JOHN DEERE X340: 54” deck 300 hrs Nice! $2,950 Ansonia 937-337-7901 or 937-238-7901

WANTED TO BUY: British, German & Italian motorcycles & motorcycle parts Any cond Ft Recovery 419-305-6191

1,000 LB ROUND BALES Alfalfa/ Orchardgrass Hay: Net-wrapped & plastic-wrapped 1st, 2nd, 3rd cuttings All hay protein tested 19-20% Sidney 937-658-0382

BISSELL CC PRO HEAT 2X Healthy Home Pet Carpet Cleaner $150 Casstown 937-308-0194

3 PT HITCH 6’ heavy-duty Dearborn snow blade or scraper $350 2’x3’ dump yard trailer $75 Englewood 937-789-8996

WANTED: Front suitcase weights for IH tractors Russia 937-638-8088

FORD 555B Tractor Loader

Backhoe: Starts & runs like new Newer engine One owner $14,000 Franklin 937-474-9899

GOATS: Boer & Boer cross Great for Fair and breeding stock Variable prices New Weston 419-790-8818

WANTED: Farm ground to rent in Darke & surrounding counties Paying top dollar! Greenville 937-547-0446

FREEZER BEEF: No hormones Grainfed Arcanum 937-533-0930

16’ CORN CRIB ROOF w/5’ side Maria Stein 567-644-3226

SEVERAL 3000 Fords: Gas & diesel Several 8N & 9N Fords Franklin 937-474-9899

30 GAL STEEL DRUMS: $5 ea Bradford 937-564-6948



MANURE FORK: Skid Steer, $850; Gravely L, $450; running gear for hay elevator, $650; winch, portable, 110V, $200; JD Top Link, $350 Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

JD 7000 6-30 No-Till Planter: Liquid fertilizer squeeze pump monitor, with finger pick-up $9,500 Yorkshire 419-582-3669

425 RED CLOVER 3x4x7-1/2 BALES: EC! 50 bales 1st cutting alfalfa 3x4x7-1/2 EC! Versailles 937-423-5404

30 GAL STEEL DRUMS: $5 ea Bradford 937-564-6948

FORD 758 BACKHOE: Fits 3 pt hitch $1,800 Celina 419-733-5449 Leave msg

SALFORD 24’ folding Danish cult w/rolling basket JD 6-hole 15” wagon rims, takes 9-15 tires. Ottawa 419-532-3637

BALE SPEAR: Fits JD 640 loader & others $600 Yorkshire 419-210-4607

JD 26’ FIELD CULT w/5-bar spiked Remlinger harrow VGC! Piqua 937-620-0838

Page 8 - COUNTRY LIVING - MARCH 2023 9164 County Road 101, Belle Center (+*# (" !&&! !'*!) ("" - (' )$ * % $ %(), #!)), (( (" * )! & % ' ! $ '" ' # ' *! !! # & " " * ' #) " # "' % ' # ' % * & % ' (" "" % ' " ' ! # ! " ! # ! " !

NEW HOLLAND ‘04 T6020: One owner Cab heat & air Very good quality Sell or trade Franklin 937-474-9899

FERRIS 500Z: 61” deck 357 hours

$4,950 Ansonia 937-337-7901 or 937-238-7901

WHEAT STRAW: Nice, twine-tied, small, square bales Run thru conventional combine $3 50/bale Wapakoneta

419-738-7523 Leave msg

‘62 HONDA Motorcycle Luggage Carrier: New Paris 937-996-5040

LOTS OF USED Tractor & Truck Tires: All sizes Franklin 937-474-9899

ECHO 452VL CHAINSAW: Two extra chains & manuals $150 Antique Pioneer chainsaw, #P26, $35 Bradford 937-447-2845

SEVERAL JD 2 Cyl Tractors: All very nice Springfield 937-925-6047

WIDE STEEL Budd rims, $90 11R22 5 tires, $30 All virgin rubber Off semi truck No leaks or dry rot Around 2/32 to 4/32 tread left. New Bremen 419-305-1994

DEMOLITION: Also, concrete demolition such as old swimming pools, barn foundations, porches, etc Also, general excavating work 937-232-7380

(6) AUSHERMAN Row Cleaners: Short & long tines. LN! $500. Lewisburg 937-603-9036

JD 6600. MF 510 combine par ts. (2) skidloaders. Bucket edge. 66 in. $50 & $125. Rossbur g 937-564-0719

IH 464: Diesel. With 6-1/2’ Woods finishing mower ROPS & canopy $7,500 Franklin 937-474-9899

YOUNG CANARY: Color bred Singer With or without cage Bellefontaine 937-465-7520

WEATHER GUARD L-Shaped Fuel Tank: 90 gal Black $500 Urbana 937-238-6504

6-LUG WAGON GEAR, $200; 8x14 2-axle tilt trailer, $950; 8x10 single-axle trailer frame, $200 Bradford 937-313-6502

Page 9 - COUNTRY LIVING - MARCH 2023 ADVERTISING DEADlINE FoR APRIl ISSuE THURSDAY, MARCH 23 – 4 p.m. + %'& #("' % %) % ' % + ($ " ) %* % ) % + ! " " $ % " " + ' #" ! + ' "&(% " + " #%!& + " " " "' ) %# % ! + " " ## (" + " (&'%* ' ( ' #" $$#%'(" ' &

CHAIR SEATS & Backs Re-Caned: Call for pricing Eaton 937-456-4803

JOHN DEERE 2040 with John Deere backhoe & loader Runs very well

$14,500 Franklin 937-474-9899

JD 12 5HP 2 CYL power unit & clutch

Off JD 12-A combine Engines are stuck

$100 ea Covington 937-214-5798

TCI ROLLER-LESS Equine Treadmill: Could be converted to portable livestock loading chute Versailles 937-564-5542

14x28 DUAL RIMS, $45; wheelbarrow, $15; JD MNT lawn sprayer, $45; 3 hyd cyls , $10 ea; WD/WD45 parts New Bremen 419-234-5646

WANTED TO BUY: Good, used, newer skidloader Gas or dsl Must be in good cond Wapakoneta 419-941-1196 Leave message with call back number ‘77 IH 1586(+) duals. Good, solid tractor. $18,500 Call after 5 p m Rossburg 937-606-0885 or 937-338-5673



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MARCH 23 – 4 p.m.
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–DEADLINE–FOR OUR APRIL ISSUE Display aDvertising & ClassifieD aDvertising
Jared Gaier (937) 538-8527
Page 13 - COUNTRY LIVING - MARCH 2023 +* $ !()* " )) & %#&" * +*% !( %$ !*!%$!$ (*! ! !'+ ! *%( $ & ! "!)*

WANTED: Junk autos & scrap metal of all kinds Certified scale Top dollar paid Roll-off container services. Call for pricing or pick-up Celina 419-363-2277

PAIR OF RUNNING BOARDS for Dodge truck LN! 75” long $75 Versailles 937-658-4855

SEVERAL BIG Semi Tires: Some in like new condition All sizes Also, smaller truck tires All sizes New & used Franklin 937-474-9899

CARPORT: 18’W x 20’L x 12’H EC! New Paris 937-996-5040

FREEZER BEEF: Steaks, $5 50/lb Hamburger, $4/lb Maria Stein 567-644-3226

SEVERAL IH & Ford Tractor Weights: Front & rear Franklin 937-474-9899

GRAVELY TILLER attachment, $200; Oliver hood center section, $100; Woods 9000 3 pt backhoe, $4,500; Bobcat backhoe attachment brackets, $500 Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

200+ SMALL, SQUARE BALES alfalfa hay 3rd & 4th cuttings No rain Round bales alfalfa orchardgrass Net-wrapped No rain Stored inside Small, square wheat straw Priced to sell Bradford 937-448-8071

NH DUAL hay rake hitch for left & right hand rake, $750; tracks, Grouser, LN, fit Bobcat S185, 10x16 5 tires, $1,650 Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

DIXON MOWERS: $300 ea New Paris 937-564-2114

SNOW THROWER: $200; snow blade, $100 Buy both together for $250 Fits Cub Cadet 2000 Series Or best offer Wapakoneta 937-726-8155

JD 10’ WHEEL DISC: 16” blades Good paint $650 OBO Clayton 937-572-4325

HAY FOR SALE: 1st, 2nd & 3rd cuttings Grass & clover St Paris 937-239-8277

4x4 ROUND BALES Grass Hay: Stored inside $25/bale Eaton 937-456-4803

3 PT 7’ DRAG, $125; galv tub, $10; lawn swing, $15; 20’ white vinyl picket fence, make offer. New Bremen 419-234-5646

‘76 454: Short deck Crank shaft GC! Stock cast iron spread bore intake Oval port for ‘76 454 Also, misc parts Phillipsburg 937-832-7124

HAY FOR SALE: Mixed alfalfa / timothy / orchardgrass $5/bale All made without rain Houston 937-295-3901

ROCK RAKE for Skid Steer: 6 ft $750 Ludlow Falls 937-751-2052

CHARCOAL Table-Top Grill: 13-1/2 in Sidney 937-295-3553

RIDING MOWER: Husqvarna $600 46” deck Hyd drive Kohler engine Runs great GC! Call or text Bluffton 937-658-0751 Pictures will be supplied

(2) SLAW BOARDS: 18 in x 7-1/2 in & 16-1/2 in x 6 in (latter has note on back: June 4, 1880 May 8, 1968) Both are very old & original $30 ea or both for $45 Text or call Troy 937-339-2929

Page 14 - COUNTRY LIVING - MARCH 2023 $!.'+% .+$. # .$$+2'))$ &', / )$/ 0.'-)$" %.'/1--)4 ",* 6 ,3$. . +/*'//',+ .0/ 6 $ .'+%/ 6 $)0/ 6 ,))$. & '+/ 6 -.,"($0/ 6 1 )'04 ,)0/ 6 -$"' )04 /0$+$./ $$ / ,. ,1. -. 4$. $.0')'5$. .0/ $$ / ,. ,1. -. 4$. $.0')'5$. .0/
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%## & & ) %(! $' % *** &( " + & " & %#

1440 IH COMBINE: 15’ grain head 4-row corn head $11,000 New Madison 937-459-7584


Erosion control, cover crops, waterways, field tiling, rock structures Ansonia 937-308-0560

MASSEY-FERGUSON 1155 w/less than 2,800 hrs Fast hitch Cold air Cab heat LED lights EC! Arcanum 937-692-8215

HAY RAKE: 4-bar, on rubber tires $250 OBO Clayton 937-572-4325

BEATLEMANIA: 4 pictures, 1 plate, misc papers $200 OBO Lewisburg 937-533-1672

(3) WOODEN NICKLES from Troy Sesquicentennial (1814-1964) 150 Year Celebration $6 ea Text/call Troy 937-339-2929

NH 7’ HAYBINE: VGC! $3,200 NH 276 Hayliner Also in VGC $3,500 Franklin 937-474-9899



Golden Pro. Self-propelled. 3 spd. Model 10547. Batter y star t. Tuned up. EC! Asking $250. New Knoxville 937-423-4440

‘05 CHRYSLER Pacifica: 222K mi $950 Bradford 937-448-2439

WANTED TO BUY: Fiberglass bed cover to fit ‘82-’93 S-10 short bed pick-up Trenton 513-464-2641

LOG CABIN post driver, $3,500; double rake hitch, Steiner Mfg., $1,850; remote Ford valve, $200; buzz saw, 3 pt , w/PTO gear box, $100 Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

25HP LAWN TRACTOR: 50” deck All hydrostatic Runs great! $300 Greenville 937-564-1169

(3) STAMP SHEETS: Legends of the West, State Birds, Dogs. Legal U.S. postage stamps For collectors Brookville 937-770-4754

YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent Darke & surrounding counties Versailles 937-417-2969

B&B Ag-Vantages

Proudly Supports
The Xtend Cropping System
+ +
*** ( %&'#) & " % $ & #!
“America’s Best Place To Buy Stoves & Fireplaces”
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UNVERFERTH Belt Conveyor: Off JD 1790, $2,000 16x7 flatbed wagon, $450 Toolbox w/drawers, $75 New Bremen 419-234-5646

FORD 7710: With boom mower Operates excellent! Make offer or trade Franklin 937-474-9899

WANTED TO BUY: 50 lb suitcase weights Rossburg 937-338-5673

WANTED TO BUY: S-10’s in any cond Trenton 513-464-2641

WANTED: (6) seed boxes for JD 7000 planter Must be meter style, not plate West Milton 937-684-6159

30 5L 32 12-PLY good quality tires with lots of tread left Make offer or trade Franklin 937-474-9899

SET OF 23x850-14 & 14-75 R4 tires On JD rims LN! Brookville 937-833-3590

HAY FOR SALE: Mixed alfalfa / timothy / orchardgrass $5/bale All made without rain. Houston 937-295-3901

22’ CAMPING TRAILER: Tandem axles Make good car hauler. $200. New Paris 937-564-2114

SET OF 23x850-14 & 14-75 R4 tires On JD rims LN! Brookville 937-833-3590

1st & 2nd CUTTINGS Grass Hay: 55 lb + bales $5/bale Covington 937-214-5747

‘88 FLEETWOOD Wilderness 27’ 5th Wheel / Gooseneck Camper: Remodeled $2,150 OBO Russia 937-638-0316

WHITE LT165 Riding Mower: 46” cut Ready to roll! Lynn, Indiana 765-874-1103

IH 10’ DISK: $475; IH 15’ cult , 3 pt , 13’ chisel w/coulters, $450; 8’ ripper w/2’ shanks, $450 Greenville 937-313-6502

1,000 GAL SS Nurse Tank & Pump: 10-ton running gear $5,000 Anna 937-538-6605


Bunny Rabbits at Easter Time: $10 ea Maria Stein 419-925-4712

HAY FOR SALE: 3rd & 4th cuttings 75% alfalfa 300 small square bales 25 large square bales Baled dry Botkins 937-538-6723

BUILDING: 10x12 ft. Metal roof. Walnut siding Pin & mortise frame $980 Lewisburg 937-336-9809

APPROX 150 bales (about 50 lbs ) grass hay $4/bale St Henry 419-852-2320

PAIR OF BI-FOLD louvered doors Size 40” open $20 6’ wood glass sliding patio doors (no frame), $50. Everlast HD body punch bag GC $80 OBO Cash only Tipp City 937-902-6928


Bunny Rabbits at Easter Time: $10 ea Maria Stein 419-925-4712

WIDE FRONT END for AC WD or WD 45 Complete w/hubs & steering box $150. Versailles 937-658-4855

Page 17 - COUNTRY LIVING - MARCH 2023 & '( ""' " $ ! $ % ! ( %$ " ( #' " " ! # ! ! ! ! " ! ! ! " " ! " ! ! ! ! & , + - & '( %$ & ( &* & )$!' # & ' "% # & ' "% # & '( "% "%(( "%%& $ " ! "! !" "" "! " " !" # " )$! & ""' - -
A D V E R T I S I N G D E A D l I N E F o R A P R I l I S S u E - THuRSDAY, MARCH 23 – 4 p.m.

WANTED TO BUY: Farm machinery Will buy one piece or complete lines Arcanum 937-670-0323


Bunny Rabbits at Easter Time: $10 ea Maria Stein 419-925-4712

ROUND bale handler, load, unroll, Ford 563, $950; NH 451 3 pt sickle bar mower, 9’ bar, $1,500; hood, ‘70-’72 Chevy P/U, w/hinges, $500 Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

TROY, OHIO MEMORABILIA: (3) 1918 Troy Yearbooks; (2) ladies’ fans from Roeth Appliance; checkbooks from Troy National Bank, 1930’s Many other nice Troy items Text for pictures & prices Troy 937-339-2929

MASSEY FERGUSON 275 Tractor & Loader: Starts & runs like new Needs some TLC Bucket is like new Franklin 937-474-9899

546 OLIVER 4 btm plow Disk coulters $400 Celina 419-733-5449 Leave msg

SQUARE Orchardgrass & Alfalfa Hay: $6/bale No rain West Milton 937-903-4197

DIGITAL Electric Smoker: Master Built Sportsman Elite Came from True Value Hardware, Minster 4 years old $130 OBO Recipes included Botkins 937-726-7334

(2) ROTOTILLERS: Antique Ariens

Used in greenhouses Ag pneumatic tires Always shedded Hasn’t run in years $200 ea Cincinnati 513-831-4513 Leave msg

TRAILER: Heavy-duty, 2’ sides, wood floor, 3500 tandem axles, lights 16x6 ft $5,500 New Lebanon 937-687-2334

WANTED: Older Dodge dsl farm truck Any cond Bradford 937-313-6502

SMALL, SQUARE BALES Clover / Orchardgrass: 3rd cutting, $7/bale. Russia 937-622-2246

2380 KUBOTA TRACTOR w/loader & 60” belly mower LN! 13 hrs Cub Cadet rototiller LN 2-horse trailer Coldwater 937-604-6417

WANTED TO BUY: Female Alpaca Greenville 937-548-6365

15’ BRILLION cultimulcher, $2,200. IH 510 grain drill w/grass box, $3,900 ‘81 18’ Sylvan Roadmaster boat w/trailer, $2,200 Sirena vacuum LN! Paid $800 Asking $600 Bradford 937-417-4405 BRILLION 13’ cultimulcher, $1,200; flatbed J&M gear, new pins, $500 Rossburg 937-564-0719

4’x5’ ROUND BALES Mixed Hay: Fertilized Net-wrapped Inside $60/bale Germantown 513-594-7855

SKID ST bale spear, $300; Grouser 14x17 5 tracks, $1,950; hay wagon/NH gear, $900; Barge Wagon body w/hoist, w/o running gear, $500 Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

HAY FOR SALE: Mixed alfalfa / timothy / orchardgrass $5/bale All made without rain Houston 937-295-3901

FIREWOOD FOR SALE: Sidney 937-295-3553

Page 18 - COUNTRY LIVING - MARCH 2023 3226 Wabash Rd. Ft. Recovery, OH 45846 Greg Fortkamp 419-852-1390 Insulating your basement or crawlspace walls can minimize cold floors, seal cracks and cut your heating & cooling bills! Spray Foam Insulation for Residential, Commercial & Industrial Buildings Blown Cellulose Insulation Cut your Heating & Cooling bills by up to 40%!
Page 19 - COUNTRY LIVING - MARCH 2023 )' )' ) & # !" #! ! ! !$"" ( #! ! # )' )' ) ( & ( # ! #! ! ! !$"" ( #! ! # )' )' ) ( & ( # ! ( & ( ( # ! #! ! ! !$"" ( #! ! # )' )' ) ( & ( # ! ( & ( # ! #! ! ! !$"" ( #! ! #

SMALL, SQUARE Bales Alfalfa Orchardgrass: 1st & 2nd cuttings $7/bale Russia 937-622-2246

LATE FORD New Holland 4630 with shuttle shift Low hours Quick attach bucket Ford loader Dual hydro 540 PTO Only 2,400 hrs Starts & runs well $18,000 OBO or trade Franklin 937-474-9899

GRADER BLADE: ARPS, 8 ft , $1,250; hyd dual rake hitch, $1,200; grader blade, 7 ft , $275; planter dolly, 3 pt hyd , $650 Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

‘12 5th WHEEL Palomino Sabre: Model 32BHOK-6 One owner Very clean Extra long L-shaped bunkbeds Outdoor kitchen New tires Non-smoker $24,500 OBO Sidney 937-658-2780

OAT HAY: 46 bales 4x5 $10/bale Quick sale Sidney 937-214-2531

BRAND NEW radiator & mounting bolts Still in box Fits ‘92-’96 Dodge Dakota Lynn, Indiana 765-874-1103

16’ COACHMAN CAMPER: Country Concert Special $100 Coldwater 419-678-3289

CUT WELDER Acetylene Cutting Torch & Tanks: (1) tank 24” circumference x 3-1/2’ high (1) tank 48” high x 24” circumference Striker & hand truck for transporting. $450. Anna 937-726-4160

UNVERFERTH Cultiplanter: Fits JD 7200 6-row planter $3,000 OBO Eaton 937-533-3665

2-MAN 6x6 Ice Fishing Shanty: $100 Coldwater 419-305-4332

JOHN DEERE D160: 48” deck 257 hrs $1,950 Ansonia 937-337-7901 or 937-238-7901

WANTED: Farm ground to rent in Darke & surrounding counties Paying top dollar! Greenville 937-547-0446

250 SMALL, Square Bales 1st & 2nd cutting grass hay Made without rain Good quality $4/bale New Weston 419-733-7231

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Page 20 - COUNTRY LIVING - MARCH 2023 ! ! !
Page 21 - COUNTRY LIVING - MARCH 2023 $ " " ' " $ " # " # " " ! ! " $ " ! # ! # ! ! * *" " ' $ " " ' " "# " ! " # $ " " ' $ ! $ " " "# # ! ! ! ! # ' # #& # %" $ # '! $ $ ! ! ! ! ) ! # "$! " ' !" # ! ! ! #' # $# & # $ # & # ( ! #$! "# ! % ' $ ! $" & ! # # ' # ! ! ! ! ''

FERRIS Evolution Mower: 27hp Kawasaki engine 48” deck 430 hrs New wheel motors $3,500 OBO Brookville 937-626-4011

VINTAGE SLIP SCOOP: $35 Arcanum 937-417-2537

VINTAGE Garden Tillers: Gilson 5hp, handle bars & 3 pt pick-up; Montgomery Ward 5 hp Both run good Versailles 937-564-5542

1st CUTTING GRASS HAY: ‘22 harvest. Stored inside 5x5 net-wrapped round bales Trotwood 937-608-0523

FOR SALE: Heavy-duty 3 pt bale spear; assorted used lumber Piqua 937-773-3758

LONG DRAWBAR for 160 AGCO tractor; 385 Killbros wagon Always shedded Coldwater 419-953-4295

NH 258 HAY RAKE: Great cond Recently rebuilt & ready to work. Rossburg 937-467-3205

‘00 CHEVY 3500 Dually: V8 Auto 10’ wood dump bed One owner 93K mi VGC! $10,000 firm Greenville 937-547-1481

WANTED: Farm ground to rent in Darke & surrounding counties Paying top dollar! Greenville 937-547-0446

(2) TRASH CANS: On wheels LN! Bosch Rotozip tool (new) Propane heater, 30,000-60,000 BTU Piqua 937-778-3808 or 937-214-4408

POLLED HEREFORD Cows & Heifers: Bred or with calf at side Quiet Bellefontaine 937-465-7520

JOHN DEERE 2510: Diesel With newer motor Make offer or trade Franklin 937-474-9899

ELEC MOTORS: 1/4hp & 1/3hp 8” swivel heavy-duty wheels Make offer Ashton Drake Princess Diana dolls & plates, $250 Englewood 937-789-8996

FORKS FOR FORKLIFT: Hyd. cyls. New & used Wood splitter cylinder $125 Rossburg 937-564-0719

JONES FISH FARM Electric Fish Scaler: $100 Coldwater 419-305-4332

SEVERAL FORD & Ferguson Tractor Parts for Sale: Franklin 937-474-9899

NH 580 Square Baler: ‘08 EC! St Paris 937-605-6629

KINZE BEAN METERS: For NI or JD planter Total of 6 $300 for all Coldwater 419-852-2969

WOODEN SPOKE high wheel wagon w/bed & seat Very, very nice! Springfield 937-925-6047

6’x9’x2’ WASTE OIL TANK for a shop $350 Greenville 937-313-6502

WANTED TO BUY: Franklin-Monroe picture yearbooks, ‘80 ’81 Paying cash Arcanum 937-692-8215 or 937-423-2733

‘71 VW Convertible Doors: Complete. EC! $500/pr Brookville 937-833-3102

!!! ! ! ! !


WANTED: ‘69 SS 396 Chevelle 4 spd Bradford 937-459-0977

LOOKING FOR FARMGROUND to cash rent or share crop Paying competitive rates Russ Brown, West Milton 937-689-0765

ELECTRIC RANGE: White Smooth top GC! AB Circle Pro exercise ball New, in box Wapakoneta 419-738-7523 Leave msg

DELTA BELT SANDER, $750; Loegering, 12x16 5 tracks, $1,350; post driver, Shaver 10 in , $2,500; Gravely rotary mower attachment, $100 Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

FORD NEW HOLLAND 545D: Front wheel assist Bradco backhoe & loader Starts & runs well Severe rust on cab One owner Sell or trade Franklin 937-474-9899

‘14 EZ-GO GOLF CART: Model RXV New tires & lithium battery Ft Recovery 419-305-2658

(2) LARGE, PLASTIC Dog Crates: With wire door GC! 36”Lx22”x30”T $30 ea or both for $50 Germantown 513-594-7855

1st CUTTING Red Clover, 3x3x8, $230 /ton; 1st cutting 3x3x7 alfalfa, orchard, timothy mix $230/ton Approx 80 bales. Covington 937-214-5747

WANTED TO BUY: Old motorcycles and motorcycle memorabilia License plates, literature, etc Ft Recovery 4 1 9 - 3 0 5 - 6 1 9 1

5HP ELGIN Boat Motor: Used to run good, but hasn’t ran in a long time Sears Roebuck #56121355. New Bremen 419-629-3537

ANTIQUE Sheet Music from 1875 & up Call for price New Paris 937-564-2114


Page 23 - COUNTRY LIVING - MARCH 2023 # ( & ( " ( " !" " ( % ( ( " ( "' ( # % ( & ( " ( ( % ( ( " ( " ' ( # ( ( $ # ( ( ! ( # " ' " # # " ( '" ( ( $ # ( ( # ( ! ( ( ( $ # ( ( ! ( # ( & ( " ( # % ( % ( ( ( ! ( #

TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items Dealer for many years Call for catalog & brochures Russia 937-238-6661


WANTED: Broken or non-running John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers. Will pick up others. 937-473-2705 or

‘57 IH 350 UTILITY: U34 IH loader & more Runs & looks good! $4,000 Hamilton 513-519-4433

HORSE SHOEING STOCK: $200 Covington 937-214-5798

WIRE CORN CRIBS: $300 ea New Paris 937-564-2114

INTERNATIONAL TRACTORS: 110-155 hp Franklin 937-474-9899

(3) J&M HOPPER WAGONS: 250 bu Minster 567-644-9184

NEVER USED inside parts for a Smidley steer stuffer Covington 937-214-5798

CAT D4D BULLDOZER: GC! $10,000. Urbana 937-238-6504

FORD 6-year-old utility tractor: $1,500 Greenville 937-313-6502

WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles Ansonia 937-337-2622

WANTED: Farm ground to rent in Darke & surrounding counties Paying top dollar! Greenville 937-547-0446

CUB CADET XTI: 24hp 50” deck Kohler engine 87 hrs Used 3 years Great cond $500 Ludlow Falls 937-623-1723 before 9pm

FIREWOOD FOR SALE: Sidney 937-295-3553

ALLIS CHALMERS 6080 Tractor: 2 remotes, 540 PTO GC! Nice sheet metal, paint, & tires $13,000 Ansonia 937-459-9577

STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw Twine-tied, small, square bales Easy loading or delivery available West Milton 937-875-1220

GRADER BLADES: 7 ft Heavy-duty $400 5 ft , $275 Somerville 513-304-2323

10’ ELEC Baseboard Heater: New Baseball cards Elec countertop range (drop in) Microwave Metal office desk, LN! Coldwater 937-604-6417

CHEST FREEZER: With sliding top $150; 2’x20’ alum work plank, $475; stainless steel boat prop, GC, $140; chrome wheel covers for 19 5 rims, set of 4, $100 Covington 937-603-7529

(2) UNVERFERTH 325 gravity wagons Lights Float tires $14,000 Anna 937-538-6605

WANTED: Rome land clearing blade for older D6 dozer Richwood 740-361-4503

HAY RAKE: 4-bar, on rubber tires $250 OBO Clayton 937-572-4325

S tanding S eam M Metal R Roo ng N New I Instal lation ~ ~ S er vice

Repairs ~ ~ M Metal S ales


MEDIUM Red Clover Seed: Tested Custom seeding with GPS available Versailles 419-733-2609 or 419-733-8408

FAIR LAMBS: On the ground Slack breeding Ali Ram breeding Call for your appt Sidney 937-214-2531

TROY-BILT Snowblower: Storm 2840

9 5hp Elec start Heated handle grips $350 Brookville 937-833-6449

POLARIS Trailable ATV Cover: Fits Sportsman 550xp I’m sure it fits other models Brand new! West Milton 937-684-6159


m o t o r c y c l e s 1 9 6 9 - 1 9 7 6 F t

R e c o v e r y 4 1 9 - 3 0 5 - 6 1 9 1

2nd CUTTING wet-wrapped alfalfa $65/ bale Covington 937-214-5747


2019 CHEVY 2500

Double cab. 4x4. 8’ bed. Vinyl seats/floor. Gas. 18,300 mi. Bright Red. EC! Celina 419-852-1142

‘95 IH DUMP TRUCK: 1700 Series Single axle DT 466 motor 10 spd Good rubber Good 10’ bed & good cab $15,000 West Alexandria 937-654-3039

FORD NEW HOLLAND 345D: Front wheel assist Starts & runs very well Severe damage to cab Sell or trade Franklin 937-474-9899

‘21 BULLFROG A6L Hot Tub: (4) interchangeable jet packs (2) industrial pumps Landscape lighting, stereo system, cover & lift. Troy 937-239-3134

SEVERAL COMPACT Fords & John Deeres: From 25hp & up Front wheel assist Franklin 937-474-9899

WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles Ansonia 937-337-2622

SPRAY KING 1090 Sprayer: 1,000 gal tank 90’ booms 100 gal rinse tank 15 5x38 tires Comes with T-rail duals, Tee-Jet 840 light bar, boom section control, Mid Tech sprayer controller Versailles 419-305-2174

JOHN DEERE 755: Front wheel assist With #70 loader 900+ actual hours $12,000 OBO or trade Franklin 937-474-9899

JD HYD CYL , $125; Gravely reel mower attachment, $250; hay wagon, D Bradley running gear, 7x14, $500; JD running gear, $850. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

GOODYEAR 710/70 R38: Good tread Little stubble damage Lots of life yet Sell or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899

FENCE POSTS: Eastern Red Cedar Various lengths & diameters $15-$20 ea Germantown 513-594-7855

CLUTCH ASSIST for tractor w/o live power Great for bushhogging JD hay spear for front loader on tractor LN! Brookville 937-239-7663

Page 25 - COUNTRY LIVING - MARCH 2023 3 "0 )(,-+. -%)( 3 "')!"&%(# 3 )'", 3 +(!)'%(%.', 3 ),- + '" +(, 3 +"$).," -)+ #" (%-, 3 + #", 3 ( /", $" $"!, 3 & ( ",%#( 3 %-" 1 / -%)( 3 )(,-+. -%)( 3 )( +"-" ,*$ &3 -"+ "0"+ 3 &" -+% & &.' %(# 3 (,.& -%)( +20 && 3 ""!%(# (!, *" % "(,"! )(!"! (,.+"! +"" ,-%' -", Call today...we are dedicated AND driven to complete your project! " ! " % " !& #! $ " !

STEEL RIMS for wooden wagon wheels 44” diam. $12 ea. Arcanum


JD 7000 Corn Planter: 4-30 Liquid fert Min till coulters Finger pick-up Monitor

Ready to go! Used in ‘22 Rossburg


KUBOTA B6000E with 42” Woods mower $1,200 Lewisburg


SMALL CAST IRON Wood Stove: Used just half a winter Too small for my shop

Paid $319 99 Sell for $200 Union City, Indiana 765-964-3475

ALLIS CHALMERS WD with D-17 gas engine $1,800 Anna 937-726-7219

ROTARY PHASE CONVERTER: 3hp to 20hp $250 $1,500 1/2 ton C&M

3-phase power trolley $700 Rossburg


SET OF 23x850-14 & 14-75 R4 tires On JD rims LN! Brookville 937-833-3590

ALFALFA HAY: Nice, small, square bales $5/bale Wapakoneta

419-941-1196 Leave message with call back number

Page 27 - COUNTRY LIVING - MARCH 2023 " (04 "9 48540( /05 54 70 95 = "(9 95 4554 ;;; (48540(2:3),7 *53 It’s a tradition! $ % # >"# " ? #@# @ "# ! ?#@" ## @ !@ "" ?# ' & !! #' # #?" ! #@ ' " "#@ = ' !@ #@ & !! #' = ' !@"# & !! #' ' $! @ ! $ #$! " "#" "04*, # " $ ! ' " ! ! ! ! :7 145;2,+.,()2, 89(-- *(4 /,26 <5: +,80.4 <5:7 ):02+04. 7(-983(4 54 89(--
Page 28 - COUNTRY LIVING - MARCH 2023 • Control your grain marketing and maximize your profitability. • Market your grain on your terms. Contact us today to learn more. Don’t trust your grain to anything less. Storage | Handling | Conditioning | Structures %+(*! * "$)* ( !"% "*! & (*) , !%% %# ('+ )* %# Irish Electric Motor Service Service All Your Motor Needs • Home • Farm • Industry • New • Used • Repair • Rebuild 419-394-3284 Fax: 419-394-7128 1600 Celina Rd. St. Marys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

SIMPLICITY 15hp hyd mower w/42” deck Ft Recovery 419-305-2658

5’x5’ ICE SHANTY: Clam Tamarack New Piqua 937-778-3808 or 937-214-4408

YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent Darke & surrounding counties Versailles 937-417-2969

SQUARE Orchardgrass & Alfalfa Hay: $6/bale No rain West Milton 937-903-4197

D-17 AC Snap Coupler: $2,200 Ford baler, 532, $800 Round hog feeder, 20-30 bu GC $75 3 btm plow Mtd $300 Willshire 419-495-2043

WANTED: Illinois Bunn Special 60-hour pocket watches, 17 jewel, 21 jewel, etc Elam E Wickey, 4373E 100S, Monroe, IN 46772

CYLINDER: Heavy-duty Hyd Approx 12-ton 4’ Ram $350 New Lebanon 937-687-2334

ROUND BALES Alfalfa / Orchardgrass: 1st, 2nd, 3rd cuttings $50/bale Russia 937-622-2246

310 BOBCAT SKIDLOADER: Needs engine work $2,500 Bradford 937-313-6502

WANTED: 8670 NH Genesis tractor Also, Black Machine planter. Call or text. New Paris 937-533-0811

WANTED TO BUY: Farm machinery. Will buy one piece or complete lines Arcanum 937-670-0323

TRIP BUCKET LOADER: $800 (1) chain hoist, $75 3 pt hitch buzz saw, belt-driven Englewood 937-789-8996

‘77 20’ SEA RAY: Yellow EC! Ford V8 Nice upholstery Bimini top New carb & tune-up $5,900 New Paris 765-977-1330

AC 1200 FIELD CULT : With harrow 18’ $400 24’ $800 30’ (no harrow) $900 Rossburg 937-564-0719

SKID STEER BOOM, $500; hyd power unit for car lifts, $500; JD 953 gear w/hoist, $750; 8N Ford sickle bar, belly mount, $250 Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

200+ SMALL, SQUARE BALES alfalfa hay 3rd & 4th cuttings No rain Round bales alfalfa orchardgrass Netwrapped No rain Stored inside Small, square wheat straw Priced to sell Bradford 937-448-8071

SQUARE Orchardgrass & Alfalfa Hay: $6/bale No rain West Milton 937-903-4197

(12) ESET corn meters w/seed boxes, $100 ea ; (12) Trucount air clutches, $50 ea ; (2) Trucount clutch controllers, $50 ea Off of 1770 JD planter Eaton 937-545-4972

WANTED TO BUY: Vintage motorcycles & motorcycle parts All makes & models considered Ft Recovery 419-305-6191 or

WANTED: 23 1x30 tire that is used & in good cond Lima 419-296-5472


‘22 100+ BALES 5x4 net-wrapped mixed hay Alfalfa clover grass $60/bale 100+ bales ‘21 mixed hay Alfalfa-clover-grass 5x4 Net-wrapped $40/bale New Madison 937-459-7450

TE20 FERGUSON TRACTOR: Newer tires Needs starter $600 New Carlisle 937-215-3737

PORCELAIN Doll Collection: LN! Some in boxes Brookville 937-239-7663

FORD Rear Wheel Pie Weight Set: All 28” wheels. Orig. gray paint. 24 pies. 2-18” mounting rings, bolts $600 OBO Pitchin 937-265-5411 Leave msg

PAIR OF rear tires on rims Off 4020 JD tractor 18 4x34 $45/pr Arcanum 937-417-2537

5640 FORD NEW HOLLAND; 6640 Ford New Holland; several 5000 Ford diesels Sell or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899

EQUINE A I EQUIPMENT: Phantom Mare & all collection equipment Versailles 937-564-5542

WANTED TO BUY: Farm machinery Will buy one piece or complete lines Arcanum 937-670-0323

GRASS HAY: $4/bale Straw, $3 50/bale 9-1/2’L x 46”W x 3/8” thick shatter-proof glass, $20 Rossburg 937-564-0719

WANTED: About 50 layer pullets Ready in spring or early summer Covington 937-448-0190 Leave msg

SEARS 30’ SNOWBLOWER: 5 spds forward, 2 reverse On tracks EC! $400 Greenville 937-564-1169

TORO SELF-PROP Super Recycler Lawnmower: With bag Less than 1 yr old Ft Recovery 419-305-2658

POST HOLE DIGGER: Sidney 937-295-3553

SEEKING FARM GROUND TO RENT: Darke & surrounding counties Excellent fertility package Versailles 937-467-1133

ROLLING GANTRY CRANE: 17’W x 13’H Budgit 2-ton 3-phase chain hoist w/trolley 1-ton manual chain hoist Wapakoneta 419-230-5279

STRAW: Clean, tight bales Easy loading $3 50/bale St Henry 419-305-9854

CHEVROLET Cameo Truck Fiberglass Bed Side (driver ’s side): $300 Brookville 937-833-3102

NH 680 tandem axle/beater manure spreader Spreads good, but has weak sidewall $1,775 Bradford 937-448-2439

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“I sell the earth and everything on

FREEZER BEEF: No hormones Grainfed Arcanum 937-533-0930

POTBELLY PIGS. Coal black mediumsize stud colt Mini filly, black & white Monroe, Indiana 419-615-0438

‘06 CHEVY 1500 Pick-Up: 4x4. 4.8 liter. V6 139K mi New Knoxville 419-753-2263

4-WHEELER TIRES: (2) 26x10x12. (2) 26x12x12 Good shape Asking $200 for all OBO. Lewisburg 937-533-1672

OLIVER SUPER 88: Gas. Good metal. Runs good $2,750 Camden 937-787-3767

FREEZER BEEF: No hormones Grainfed Arcanum 937-533-0930

WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles Ansonia 937-337-2622

1950 FARMALL M: 3 pt hitch $2,000 OBO Lewisburg 937-962-4244

NEW RURAL KING Bush Hog: Used twice LN! Floating 3 pt hitch $1,800 New Lebanon 937-687-2334

JD CHISEL PLOW: 9-shank Minster 567-644-9184

GLENCOE 9-Shank Soil Saver: With Remlinger floating harrow 250 gal poly tank on frame Ottawa 419-532-3637

SET OF 14x30 T-Rail Duals: Good older tires Make offer Ft Jennings 419-303-8474

HAY FOR SALE: $5/bale Ft Loramie 937-441-9633

WANTED: Old motorcycles, minibikes, mopeds, 3-wheelers, or 4-wheelers Running or not Covington 937-473-2705

24’ 12” GALV PIPE: New, never used $100 West Alexandria 937-654-3039

PTO GENERATOR: Winpower 12KW, w/trailer, $1,500; grader blade, 6 ft , HD, $350; NH dual hay rake hitch, fully hyd , $2,600 Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

TRACTOR MOUNTED PTO driven Ace pump Fits 1-3/4” 1,000 rpm PTO shaft LN! $500 Urbana 937-238-6504

(4) OAK High-Back Chairs: With cane bottom seats One has repaired leg Orig finish $300 takes all St Marys 419-394-2808

(12) UP/DOWN air bags & brackets off of Airforce, $120 ea 24 ga wheels & arms, $20 ea All off of 1770 JD planter Eaton 937-545-4972

GARAGE DOORS: (1) 10x7 steel insulated, all hardware, $300; (1) 12x9, steel insulated, all hardware, $375; (1) 16x7 steel non-insulated, $300 St Marys 937-441-6891

FORD NEW HOLLAND 5030: One owner Low hours Roll bar & canopy New paint Make offer or trade Franklin 937-474-9899

GRADER BLADE: 6 ft , w/tilt angle & offset, $400; tedder, Sitrex 2B, $2,750; Shaver 8 in hyd post driver, front mount, $1,600 Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

DIRT SCOOP: 30 King Kutter 3 pt Pull or push $100 Rossburg 937-338-3501

JD 445 NEW/USED Spare Parts: GC! Radiator, muffler, shroud, air cleaner, starter, hoses, etc $300/all Champion 250K BTU propane gas forced air heater w/temp control, $175 OBO (cash only) Tipp City 937-902-6928

‘53 TO30 Ferguson Tractor: 2 btm. plow. LN tires & paint $2,500 OBO Clayton 937-572-4325

GARAGE DOORS: (2) 8’x7’ steel insulated, all hardware, $225 ea (1) 9’x6’6” steel non-insulated, all hardware, $200 Other sizes available St Marys 937-441-6891

‘51 U-MOLINE: Runs great. Fair tires. $1,250 OBO. Jackson Center 937-596-5414

WHEEL PLANTER w/6 plates Sidney 937-295-3553

‘36 F-20 FARMALL: Good rubber, belt pulley, PTO extension Orig throttle/gov set-up $850 Jackson Center 937-596-5414

‘53 SUPER W4: Show ready JD 893 corn head Wapakoneta 419-230-5279

The Rodeo Shop Trailer Sales

Page 31 - COUNTRY LIVING - MARCH 2023 AUCTIONSUpcoming 21 23 27 29 9 11 12 12 23 25 27 31 1 2 7 15 • 800-451-2709 g miin TIONS 3 p ) ) ra s • T ight g R armin 3 F 02 • 2 evelopmen d & D Homestea labl l i A T S 3 F 5 , IN r, ( le But R N 6 T S I E ACR 0± 8 2 65-427-1 h 7 t wor ay y m H i r J o t M ontac . C , IN ( sselaerRen N 4 T S I E ACR 5± . 4 15 RCH A M E E A L R 5 3 y , 5± ± to 3 5 m 3 ro g f r ngin a s R act ies lit biossi g P in unt s • H ite t S l ia otent l P u fi eaut s • B cre e A l N I y, nt Cou lb aDeK TS AC 1913. 689-4373 19- n 2 isema t W at N , I p ount r C e Jas . TS AC R E STAT x 2 Co FA 2 LY. ON P 2 LY. ON P ONLY P A M , , , -413- 60 r 2 ride m K i r T 6 o 609-330 - 60 . C OH Willshire IPMENT. EQU M R - 60 e 2 olfe l W hi t P Contac IN to Laot Y. E M I T – Y R T E O P R P L A O N S R E 60 e 2 olfe l W hi t P Contac IN rren Wa Y. E M I T – Y R T E O P R P L A O N S R E y 2 o e R ik t M Contac IN e,Monroevill Y E M I T – Y R T E O P R P L A O N S R E T. ON C RCH 08. 80 itter t R ontac -248-1191. E N I L O N D -248-1191 0 E N I L O N D 60-437-5428 E N I L O N D 9 7 ) ) RS
t R Contac lable i va e a l b l i w u y • Q pportunit e O Exchang r e C abl b Till , IN ( iaAlexandr R N 3 T S I E ACR 167± 2 -343-85 260 lmme Ru n Dea ontac . C , IN ( e i l l v l l Kenda N 5 T S I E R AC ± 119 2 1401-233- 260 ays y D m u n R ea t D Contac Acres 7 , , L ONA T MENIP QU 639-2394 65- s 7 m lia l i k W ic ights p R ro 3 C 02 s • 2 oil y S lit ua 031 g • 1 ilin n T atter d • P roplan IN y, ount n C Madiso TS AC 11. r 3 o -155 -750 60 e 2 ip d S re a t J N I y, nt ou e C Nobl . S T AC R niel a r D 1 o -343-851 60 l 2 mme g red Ja LY. ON P rRobe F P A lia l Wi FA 74-2 4 5 urSt F 2 , , g , -1553 -750 026 Sipe 260 Roy ke Mi Contact IN onlbi A Y. E M I T – Y R T E O P R P L A O N S R E -9750 -336 026 ler Mish t , e n a G r a L T N E M P I U Q E M R FA L RI 639-2394 765- ms a C IN riaAlexand IPMENT. EQU M R 0 015-81 3 o 74-215-765 r 5 oye d B t E Contac MI is Q Y E R I A T & D N E PM I QU M E R FA or -437-5428 0 E N I L O N D t c a t n o C N I ick t R Contac oyer d B e r T Te T N E PM I QU r A 2 o 4 -229-24 60 r 2 Schrade T N E IPM EQU M R FA t M ober r R 7 o 078 -413- 260 usrio Va LY. ON E N I L ON T – V N E IPM QU M E R FA RCH A M OP P R , -8922 -760 60 r 2 iste f i l P Arden Contact IN. ton f t Bluf T. -9750 -336 60 r 2 le ish t t c O ri t E Contac ions Locat D E M I D T N L A UA IRT Y T R E P r C te it R FA l Mish FA for auction updates and real estate listingsm , us on: wFollo 609-3306 - 60 x 2 o , e i l l v l l a Kend T. N E PM I QU E M R .-9750 -336 026 ler . C IN Fremont T. EN IPM EQU M R pp iOS A Get our 800 451 270 -Over 60,000,000 hits annually Check our website daily 0 t ac ont C N. I Robert ontact .lly y

LARGE ASSORTMENT of shovels, pitchforks, small-handled tools, & numerous long-handled tools Lynn, Indiana 765-874-1103

BOAT MOTOR: Sears 3 5hp, $150; jon boat, 12 ft , $450; Ferguson cult , 3 pt Rigid shank, $600; 8N fenders, $150; JD 80 lawn cart, $300 Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

460 FARMALL: Gas Needs restored Franklin 937-474-9899

SLIDE-IN Livestock Rack for Pick-Up: GC! Priced to sell Liberty, Indiana 765-580-2598

9-BOLT & 10-BOLT hubs for IH tractors 66 & 88 Series And small Magnums Russia 937-638-8088

‘20 KEYSTONE CAMPER: 34 ft Two slides Bunk house w/4 beds Spread axle Sleeps 14 LN! Used very little $38,000 OBO Covington 937-603-7529

DAVID WHITE transit level, $125; commercial fiberglass ext ladder, $125; pair of steel ladder jacks, $40; 4’ Smart Level, $50 All in GC! Greenville 937-547-1481

ANTIQUE MAHOGANY kneehole desk & antique mahogany drum table Nice cond Orig finish $100 ea Bellefontaine 937-465-7520

FOR SALE: New Holland 479 haybine, 8 ft ; New Holland 268 square baler; New Holland 256 side delivery rake North Lewisburg 937-935-6914 Leave message with call back number

JD 7000 6R Planter: Dry fert & herb boxes Yetter frame for fert app Fluted coulter front of disc openers Ottawa 419-532-3637

LAWNBOY MOWER: Golden Pro Selfpropelled 3 spd Pull start Model 10525 Tuned up EC Asking $150 New Knoxville 937-423-4440

PLOW: JD 2-14, #14 frame Pull-type, w/trip lever Hardly used Needs paint $400 Cincinnati 513-831-4513 Leave msg

MIDMARK Medical Cabinets: Use for vet office, garage, or barn Lots of storage Put on rollers for roll-around tool cabinet Versailles 937-564-5542

300 WET-WRAPPED bales of clover, alfalfa, & alfalfa grass mix $60/bale Text or call Russia 937-638-4212

BACKHOE ATTACHMENT 12” bucket for skid steer or 3 pt IH 3082 Works good $2,900 Ludlow Falls 937-751-2052

FIRESTONE 20 8 R38 Good cond Franklin 937-474-9899

(2) 16 5L-16 1 8-PLY, 4-rib, 30%, on 8-lug JD yellow rims $300/both Greenville 937-423-4967

WHITE 378 6-row cults w/shields Celina 419-305-8692

USED TIRES: Stored inside (9) 265/75R16; (4) 245/75R16; (4) 225/60R16; (3) 235/65R17; (3) 27x10 5-15 skid steer; (4) 215/65R16 $50/choice Bradford 937-448-2439

WANTED TO BUY: Massey Ferguson #2648 tool kit to service 4000 Series tractors Will pay cash Arcanum 937-692-8215

WANTED: 1770 narrow transport 12-row corn planter Finger pick-up 750 bu grain cart Maria Stein 567-644-3226

(2) JD 30 Auger Combines: Pull-type $750 OBO Wapakoneta 419-234-0463

ALLIS CHALMERS Model 170 Loader: Fits D17, WD, WD45 & others $300 Greenville 937-423-0532

WANTED: Broadcast seeder Runs off tractor battery. Camden 937-787-3767. Leave msg

TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items Dealer for many years Call for catalog & brochures Russia 937-238-6661

‘36 F-20 FARMALL: Good rubber, belt pulley, PTO extension Orig throttle/gov set-up. $850. Jackson Center 937-596-5414

LINCOLN 14 4 Volt Grease Gun: Charger, one working battery & case included Works good! $50 Coldwater 419-852-2969

WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles Ansonia 937-337-2622

JD 216 GRAIN HEAD: SS seals Dial-OMatic GC! $1,750 Used hog gates out of finisher barn 1-1/2 times scrap price

(2) Rex silage wagons NH blower w/gooseneck Greenville 937-423-4967

SQUARE Orchardgrass & Alfalfa Hay: $6/bale No rain West Milton 937-903-4197

22’ BRILLION field cult GC! Make offer NH #28 silage blower, $1,500 Maria Stein 567-644-3226

GREAT PLAINS 1,000 gal sprayer 60’ X-fold booms 540 PTO Ace pump Raven 440 controller $7,500 OBO Urbana 937-238-6504

9”x8’ CHANNEL IRON: Great for feed lots $16 ea 10 or more, $15 ea Bradford 937-564-6948

TREADMILL: Nordic Track Model 1750. 22’x60” LN! 15% incline Color display Wi-Fi Folds to 3’ $850 (cash only) Tipp City 937-902-6928

SAFEWAY SCAFFOLDING: 4 sections, w/wheels 10’ fiberglass stepladder Wood pole pikes. Misc. tools/steel wedges Coldwater 937-604-6417

HONEY: $18/quart. New Weston 419-733-7231

SALT DOG Salt Spreader: Reece hitch type Holds 750 lbs New auger & motor With pallet of salt $750 West Alexandria 937-654-3039

100 BALES 3rd Cutting Timothy / Alfalfa: $5/bale Houston 937-615-9188 Leave msg. or text.

JD 350 3 pt sickle mower, 9’ bar, $1,750; orig starter for JD 4010, $300; JD wide front for 2510-4320, $500 Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

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+$)%"# +&"*-$)&"', !(& .

16’ BRILLION PACKER: No transport wheels $1,200 Celina 419-733-5449

Leave msg

‘11 FORD 150 4x4 Pick-Up Truck: Coldwater 419-678-2594

180 BU FEED TANK: Auger & motor included $550 Lima 419-296-5472

RUBBERMAID Stock Watering Tanks: 50 gal & 100 gal 10’ bunker feeders Brookville 937-239-7663

FORD 3,000 front wheel weights, $200; JD 640 loader attachment brackets, $200; JD 953 Gear 500; Ford 800 hyd lift cover, $650 Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

IH 240 UTILITY TRACTOR: Have a loader to fit it $1,250 Greenville 937-313-6502

ALLIS CHALMERS 6080 Tractor: 2 remotes, 540 PTO, loader GC! Nice sheet metal, paint, & tires Ansonia 937-459-9577

TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items Dealer for many years. Call for catalog & brochures Russia 937-238-6661

4’ ROUND BALES Mixed Grass Alfalfa: 1st 3rd cuttings EC! No rain Stored inside Wapakoneta 419-230-5279

FORD 545C Tractor & Loader: 3 pt 540 Independent live PTO Runs excellent Make offer or trade Franklin 937-474-9899

(20) CLOSET DOORS: $5 ea Coldwater 419-678-3289

SET OF 23x850-14 & 14-75 R4 tires On JD rims LN! Brookville 937-833-3590

B F MOLINE TRACTOR: EC! Liberty, Indiana 765-580-2598

‘51 U-MOLINE: Runs great Fair tires $1,250 OBO Jackson Center 937-596-5414

RED CLOVER SEED: Cleaned, tested, & bagged $85/bu Ft Jennings 419-303-8474

(400) 3x3x8 BALES of alfalfa grass mix Mostly 1st cutting (30) 3x3x8 bales of straw Text or call Russia 937-638-4212

530 CASE BACKHOE: Works good JD 21’ wingfold disk in GC JD 235 wingfold disk w/3-bar harrow, GC Springfield 937-925-6047

VERMEER WR20 V rake, 8-wheel, GC, $3,250; JD 709 rotary mower, $1,500; tedder, Kuhn, 3 pt , 2 basket, $1,850 Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

SWARTZ wide front end off 4020 JD GC! $275 Cement mixer Ele $75 Greenville 937-423-4967

NORTH RAC dump truck power unit With heavy-duty motor $500 New Lebanon 937-687-2334

CASE IH 5230 tractor w/loader Open station. 3,800 hrs. $31,000. Anna 937-538-6605

YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent Darke & surrounding counties

Versailles 937-417-2969

PULLEY FOR 8N FORD Brackets for next size up 800’s & up $75 Duals, 18 4x34 9-bolt rims (one bad rim) $125. Rossburg 937-564-0719

STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw Twine-tied, small, square bales. Easy loading or delivery available West Milton 937-875-1220

1950 AC WD: Loader & 3 pt hitch $2,000 OBO Lewisburg 937-962-4244

OLD CASE 440 tractor w/loader & backhoe For parts Franklin 937-474-9899

YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent Darke & surrounding counties Versailles 937-417-2969

BUSH HOG ATF900 7 5’ wide, 3 pt PTO finish mower Side discharge Extra set of blades VGC! Always inside Ready to go! $2,900 New Bremen 419-305-1994

7700 FORD: Cab heat & air 4,200 original hours Sell or trade Franklin 937-474-9899

HOPPER WAGONS: New pins Kill Bros 10-ton (1) $800 (1) $1,000 JD gear, $700 Rossburg 937-564-0719 425 RED CLOVER 3x4x7-1/2 BALES: EC! 50 bales 1st cutting alfalfa 3x4x7-1/2 EC! Versailles 937-423-5404

Page 35 - COUNTRY LIVING - MARCH 2023 *! .&!" 8 1/% %+$ &*$ 100". 8 ,0 1/% %+$ 03&*$ 1/% %+$ % / +*" ! $" . +4 1/% %+$ 8 ,1(( 05," 1/% %+$ 8 ,1(( 05," 1/% %+$ 8 ,0 1/% %+$ 1/'"" .&!&*$ )+3". . 2"(5 #.+*0 )+1*0 )+3". +1*0.5 (&,,". +1("2 .! 796".+ 01.* )+3". +1*0.5 (&,,". 7 6".+ 01.* )+3". ." . 0&*" .0%-1 '" 0&(("./ 1 !"0 .&!&*$ )+3". 0. &(". )+2"./ &*$ 100". 8 0&((". $ ( / !!(" 0 *'/ .+1*! #".0&(&6". 0 *'/ + (+*$ #".0&(&6". 0 *' $ ( ,( /0& 0 *' ,0 /*+3 (+3". ,0 ,+/0%+(" !&$$". ,1(( 05," (+$ /,(&00". ,+/0%+(" !&$$". ... ...
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Yo u a re i n v i t e d t o s h a re yo u r f a vo r i t e re c i p e – f o r a m a i n d i s h , casserole, salad, vegetable, dessert or snack. If it’s chosen a 1st Place Blue Ribbon Winner, we'll mail you $10! Recipes should be clearly printed or typed, with full instructions, and mailed to:

#50 35'!2

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FREEZER BEEF: No hormones Grainfed Arcanum 937-533-0930

JOHN DEERE 7000 6-Row Planter: Insecticide boxes, but no fertilizer $6,500 OBO West Milton 937-684-6159

TWIN ADJ BED Base Unit: Dual massage $75 Coldwater 419-678-3289

ANTIQUE 3-BAR basket side delivery

rake Steel wheels $275 Bradford 937-448-2439

WANTED: Winchester Model 1887 lever-action w/pistol grip stock. Elam Wickey, 4373E 100S, Monroe, IN 46772

(4) ALMOST NEW Firestone 28L-26 tires on wheels Sell one or all Make offer or trade Franklin 937-474-9899

‘06 CASE IH 5400 drill w/5000 Coulter Caddie New steel One owner Sidney 937-726-8247

NEW HOLLAND ‘02 7610 with triple hyd Only 1,700 original hours Exc rubber Sell or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899

KUHN 4-Basket Tedder: Horizontal fold $2,500. Ludlow Falls 937-751-2052

EXHAUST TIP for dsl truck Inlet diam is 3-3/4 in $30 OBO West Milton 937-684-6159

WANTED: Old metal toys or other collectible toys Also will consider other toys Elam Wickey, 4373E 100S, Monroe, IN 46772

400 FARMALL gas tank & battery combo Rossburg 937-338-5673

LARGE 20’ Wheel Disk: Needs TLC $500 Franklin 937-474-9899

ISO: Mercer County, Ohio history books written by Joyce Alig Ft Recovery 419-305-2658

HAY FOR SALE: Mixed alfalfa / timothy / orchardgrass $5/bale All made without rain Houston 937-295-3901

WANTED: 12-row 30-row cult Yetter, Noble, Imperial Yorkshire 419-852-3504

HAY: 4x4 round bales 1st & 2nd cuttings Mostly grass $20 & up Greenville 937-621-7444

TORO SNOWBLOWER: Self-propelled Manual start S-200 Model Wapakoneta 419-738-7523

2,000 USED Red Patio Bricks: $200 Greenville 937-564-1169

STROBEL 3-BOX Feed Tender: Like brand new! Russia 937-638-8088

NEW L leather welding jacket; welding backpack (Hobart) Piqua 937-778-3808 or 937-214-4408

5 ROUND BALES Clean Hay: $50 ea New Carlisle 937-308-0194

(2) RAPTOR Fuel Pumps: Model FRRP-150 For 24 valve 5 9 liter Cummins engine Fits ‘98-1/2 thru ‘02 $100 for both Brookville 937-626-4011

13-1/2’ STARCRAFT Metal Boat: VGC! Doesn’t leak With trailer Both newly painted Boat made in 1946 New Bremen 419-629-3537

(4) ANTIQUE cast iron hay trolleys All 4 for $200 Phillipsburg 937-832-7124

WANTED: 80-100hp farm tractor Running or not Bradford 937-313-6502

(8) 520/85/42 TITAN Radials: 30-40% No breaks $250 per tire or $1,600 for all Hamilton 513-519-4433

JD 7000 6-row planter w/6-row SI splitter GC! Field ready $12,000 Lewisburg 937-603-9036

4x4 ROUND BALES Grass Hay: 1st cutting Twine-tied Stored inside Easy loading $30 ea Square bales alfalfa orchardgrass $6/bale Bradford 937-564-6948


WANTED: Starter for Ferguson TE20 tractor. New Carlisle 937-215-3737

JD 445 GARDEN TRACTOR: 54” deck EC! 54” front blade w/quick attach. Will sell together or separate Versailles 937-726-6088

BUSH HOG ATF900 7 5’ wide, 3 pt PTO finish mower Side discharge Extra set of blades VGC! Always inside Ready to go! $2,900. New Bremen 419-305-1994 7700 FORD: Cab heat & air 4,200 original hours. Sell or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899

HOPPER WAGONS: New pins Kill Bros 10-ton (1) $800 (1) $1,000 JD gear, $700 Rossburg 937-564-0719

16’ BRILLION PACKER: No transport wheels $1,200 Celina 419-733-5449 Leave msg

‘11 FORD 150 4x4 Pick-Up Truck: Coldwater 419-678-2594

180 BU FEED TANK: Auger & motor included $550 Lima 419-296-5472

RUBBERMAID Stock Watering Tanks: 50 gal & 100 gal 10’ bunker feeders Brookville 937-239-7663

4x4 ROUND BALES Grass Hay: Stored inside $25/bale Eaton 937-456-4803

Page 37 - COUNTRY LIVING - MARCH 2023 +"!-$# (* +&!* +.*-/ '(+ 0 $ ,!%% $))$%+*-!(*$ ,$! # $%" ' !" @ ( 3 554 444 " ! ! 444 + # $))$%+*-!(*$ '(+ + # $ ,!%% '(+ 5 * . . * '' !*). $) #$* #$*)-$-.- *! , - 1$.# -.*,2 )"'$-# /$'. ($-# * /+$ #*( 1$.# ' ," ,**(- ) '*.- *! '$0$)" -+ ' .,$ ) +'/( $)" , $) .# #*( )*. /- /. )*. .# */. /$' $)"- # , , .1* ) 1 , ,)- !*, '$0 -.* & *, -.*, " 3 '' *) , . !'**,- 0 , ' ( ./, ., - +*+/' . .#$! ,( 0 , ' , - , ! ) !*, + -./, ) +' ).2 *! ! ,( ",*/) #$- #*/- ) /$' $)"- , 1 '' *!! .# ,* ) -$. *) #$''.*+ 1$.# ., ( ) */- 0$ 1!# ! ! 5 * . . * , !! #$* #$$- , + , ' .# . # - -.*,2 ($-# #*( ) .1* ,)- #$- +,*+ ,.2 $- (*-.'2 ! ) $) !*, + -./, ) ! ,($)" -* 2*/ ) ,*. . - 2*/ ) '' *! .#$- ",*/) $- ,.$!$ *," )$ ) $., )-! , ' .* .# ) 1 *1) , *.- *! '*1 *..*( ,$ # -*$' ",*/) # - '*.- *! ! ,($)" ) #/).$)" +* . ).$ ' #$- $- ", . +' .* -. ,. 2*/, '$0 -.* & *, .,/ & + . # +,* / ! ,( !# ! ! 5 * . . * , !! #$* . .# , , *! , ' # , , , - *! ! ,( ",*/) ) *, + -./, ) $- *," )$ ,.$!$ - 1 '' - , ' #$- , " (/-. - '' 1$.# , ' *, ) % ). ' ) *1) , + ,! . $.$*) .* .# *0 , - .* ( & *0 , , - .*. ' *)4. ($-- .# - ! ,(- /+ !*, / .$*) !# ! ! 1 )22/1 0'%+'12%2' &. +.(%- .) 31 # $ " # (*/ 6(8*,2 =022 9,22 9,6(8(:,2? 58 (4? *53)04(:054 :5 :/, /0./,9: )0++,8 =0:/ 9,22,8 (6685<(2 22 6(8*,29 9,22 (9 09 =0:/ 45 );?,8 *54:04.,4*0,9 -58 -04(4*04. 0496,*:0549 58 5:/,8=09, 2,(4 +,,+ =0:/ 45 20,49 58 +,2047;,4: :(>,9 (: *25904. 22 :(>,9 =022 ), 685 8(:,+ ;6 :5 *25904. +(:, 22 +,908,+ 0496,*:0549 9/5;2+ ), *5362,:,+ (4+ 4,*,99(8? -04(4*04. (88(4.,+ 68058 :5 (;*:054 +(? ",(954()2, 5--,89 =022 ), (**,6:,+ 68058 :5 :/, (;*:054 ! # $ # 454 8,-;4+()2, ,(84,9: 354,? +,6590: 04 :/, (35;4: 5- 5- :/, (**,6:,+ )0+ 04 :/, -583 5- *(9/ 58 */,*1 58 ( *53)04(:054 :/,8,5- =022 ), 8,7;08,+ -853 :/, );?,8 (: :/, *259, 5- :/, (;*:054 ;654 90.404. 5- :/, 6;8*/(9, (.8,,3,4: =0:/ :/, )(2(4*, 5- :/, 6;8*/(9, 680*, +;, ;654 +,20<,8? 5- :/, +,,+ ;?,8 =022 :(1, 6599,99054 54 *25904. +(? &0,=04. )? (66504:3,4: 542? (22 58 358, 04-583(:054 *(22 5, #(36954 A ;*:054,,8 ",(2:58 (: " ,4+,8954 (4+ 4<,9:3,4: 536(4? #:,6/,4 ,4+,8954 A 851,8 (: .0 /*&230'1 (. 2. %3&2*.-$*/ &., 5 3&2*.-''0 # # " # " !

06 CHEVY 1500 Pick-Up: 4x4 4 8 liter

V6 139K mi New Knoxville 419-753-2263

4-WHEELER TIRES: (2) 26x10x12 (2) 26x12x12 Good shape Asking $200 for all OBO Lewisburg 937-533-1672

OLIVER SUPER 88: Gas Good metal Runs good $2,750 Camden 937-787-3767

FREEZER BEEF: No hormones Grainfed Arcanum 937-533-0930

WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles Ansonia 937-337-2622

1950 FARMALL M: 3 pt hitch $2,000 OBO Lewisburg 937-962-4244

JD CHISEL PLOW: 9-shank Minster 567-644-9184

Hill-T Farm Inc.


NEW RURAL KING Bush Hog: Used twice LN! Floating 3 pt hitch $1,800 New Lebanon 937-687-2334

GLENCOE 9-Shank Soil Saver: With Remlinger floating harrow 250 gal poly tank on frame Ottawa 419-532-3637

SET OF 14x30 T-Rail Duals: Good older tires Make offer Ft Jennings 419-303-8474

HAY FOR SALE: $5/bale Ft Loramie 937-441-9633


WANTED: Old motorcycles, minibikes, mopeds, 3-wheelers, or 4-wheelers Running or not Covington 937-473-2705

24’ 12” GALV PIPE: New, never used $100 West Alexandria 937-654-3039

PTO GENERATOR: Winpower 12KW, w/trailer, $1,500; grader blade, 6 ft , HD, $350; NH dual hay rake hitch, fully hyd , $2,600 Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

TRACTOR MOUNTED PTO driven Ace pump Fits 1-3/4” 1,000 rpm PTO shaft LN! $500 Urbana 937-238-6504

(4) OAK High-Back Chairs: With cane bottom seats One has repaired leg Orig finish $300 takes all St Marys 419-394-2808

FREEZER BEEF: No hormones Grainfed Arcanum 937-533-0930

(12) UP/DOWN air bags & brackets off of Airforce, $120 ea 24 ga wheels & arms, $20 ea All off of 1770 JD planter Eaton 937-545-4972

GARAGE DOORS: (1) 10x7 steel insulated, all hardware, $300; (1) 12x9, steel insulated, all hardware, $375; (1) 16x7 steel non-insulated, $300 St Marys 937-441-6891

FORD NEW HOLLAND 5030: One owner Low hours Roll bar & canopy New paint Make offer or trade Franklin 937-474-9899

GRADER BLADE: 6 ft , w/tilt angle & offset, $400; tedder, Sitrex 2B, $2,750; Shaver 8 in hyd post driver, front mount, $1,600 Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

KINZE BEAN METERS: For NI or JD planter Total of 6 $300 for all Coldwater 419-852-2969

WOODEN SPOKE high wheel wagon w/bed & seat Very, very nice! Springfield 937-925-6047

6’x9’x2’ WASTE OIL TANK for a shop $350 Greenville 937-313-6502

WANTED TO BUY: Franklin-Monroe picture yearbooks, ‘80 ’81 Paying cash Arcanum 937-692-8215 or 937-423-2733

‘71 VW Convertible Doors: Complete EC! $500/pr Brookville 937-833-3102

WANTED: ‘69 SS 396 Chevelle 4 spd Bradford 937-459-0977

Page 38 - COUNTRY LIVING - MARCH 2023 937-456-4672 • 456-4673 • Fax 456-1523 723 Yost Rd. • West Alexandria, Ohio 7:30 AM TO 5 PM M-F, 8-12 SAT. Our name says it all! Distributors of... • Ads Pipe • Hancor Pipe • Snyder Tanks Septic - Cistern 300-1500 gal. • Infiltrator Leaching Systems • PVC, SDR & Metal Culvert
- New - Rebuilt Tractor Parts Sales & Service
mile south of Palestine


SATURDAY, MARCH 11 AT 10 A.M. Auction located at Preble County Fairgrounds - Bruner Building, 722 S Franklin St , Eaton, Ohio Furniture; Glassware; Collectibles; Primitives; Costume Jewelry; Silver Coins/Paper Money; Furniture; Key-Wound Clocks; Harps/Accordions; Early Marbles/Shooters Auction for the Late Bob & Karen Crosier Walnut Harvest Auctions, LLC See Page 30

SATURDAY, MARCH 18 AT 10 A.M. Marion Young Farmers Consignment Auction located at Chickasaw Landmark, St Rt 274, Chickasaw, Ohio Tractors; Trucks; Construction Equipment; Drills; Planters; Plows; Disk; Tillage; Augers; Wagons; Manure Equipment; Hay Equipment; Misc Coldwater Auction Service See Page 10

fRIDAY, MARCH 24 AT 5 P.M. Lawn & Garden Items Auction located at Preble County Fairgrounds, 722 S Franklin St, Eaton, Ohio Lawnmowers; Landscape Equipment & Tillers. Walnut Harvest Auctions, LLC. See Page 11

SATURDAY, MARCH 25 AT 9:30 A.M. 38th Annual Consignment Auction located at 1354 Lippincott Rd , Urbana, Ohio Steve Kizer, Auctioneer See Page 10

SATURDAY, MARCH 25 AT 10 A.M. Preble County Farm Expo Auction located at Preble County Fairgrounds, 722 S Franklin St , Eaton, Ohio Farm Equipment; Tractors; Field Equipment; Hay & Grain Equipment; Livestock Equipment; Skid Steers & Attachments; Hay & Straw; Shop Items; Farm Items; Barn Items Walnut Harvest Auctions, LLC See Page 11

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29 AT 6 P.M. Auction located at Roberts Centre, 123 Gano Rd , Wilmington, Ohio Clinton County Grain Farms – 288 Acres –

Two Farms – Union Township and Chester Township – Known at The Haines Farm Offered in Six Tracts Wilson National LLC - Real Estate & Auction Group Mark Wilson & Brandon Wilson, Auctioneers See Page 10

SATURDAY, APRIL 1 - Triple H Farm Equipment Annual Spring Consignment Sale. Live Bidding on Site - Proxibid & Equipment Facts. Tractors; Combines/Heads; Tillage; Planters/Drills; Construction/3 Pt ; ATV/Trucks/Trailers; Manure Spreaders; Hay Equipment; Trees/Shrubs; Sprayer; Silage Equipment; Wagons/Gears; Rotary Cutters; Lawn & Garden; Misc See Pages 34 & 35

SATURDAY, APRIL 8 AT 10 A.M. 22nd Annual Inventory Reduction

Auction located on St Rt 33 (8793 Twp Rd 239), Midway Plaza, Lakeview, Ohio Compact Utility Tractors; Zero Turns; Commercial Front-Mount Mowers; Lawn & Garden Tractors; Attachments; & More! Lakeview Home Center Hardware, Owner Midwest Auctioneers & Realty, Inc - Mike Baker, Auctioneer/Real Estate Broker See Page 28

SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 10 A.M. & 12 NooN - Amish Real Estate Auction located at 5349 Co Rd 13, Bellefontaine, Ohio & 1798 & 1764 Co Rd 24, DeGraff, Ohio 62+/– Acres Offered in 3 Parcels Joe Sampson, Auctioneer/Realtor – Henderson Land Investment Company, Stephen Henderson, Broker See Page 37

SATURDAY, APRIL 29 AT 10 A.M. Miami County Farm Public Auction located at 10640 St Rt 66, Piqua, Ohio 58 5 Acres - House & Buildings 10 Acres. Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Cain, Owners. Buckeye Auctions & Remarketing, LLC Jeff Lentz, Auctioneer/Broker See Page 11

EVERY WEDNESDAY - Online Only Equipment Auctions Buckeye Auctions & Remarketing, LLC - Jeff Lentz, Auctioneer See Page 11

Busse Bros Auctioneers ‘23 Auction DAtes - See Page 26


Real Estate & Farm Equipment & Personal Property Offered in March and April See Page 31

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ARENS CORP. P O BOX 69 - 395 S HIGH ST COVINGTON, OHIO 45318-0069 POSTMASTER: DELIVER MARCH 6 - MARCH 8, 2023 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED presorted standard us postage paId greenFIeLd, In perMIt no 220 FLORA’S Small Engine Repair 8524 W. st. Rt. 185 • Bradfor d, Ohio 45308 OUR FaMiLY OF ZERO-TURN MOWERs QUEsT VERTEx RadiUs LaZER ZERO-TURN

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