Vol. 77 • No. 2
February 2020
Country Living
COUNTRY LIVING CONTeNTs Cover Picture Country Kitchen GREEN & SONS Farm & Lawn Equipment Inventory reductIon AuctIon
FebruAry 25 • 9 a.m. MT. STeRLING, OhIO 120+ trActors LArge seLectIon oF FArm equIpment check out ALL the detAILs on the Front cover!
It’s always nice to offer your overnight guests a tasty breakfast, and the Breakfast Burrito Casserole submitted by Sylvia V.S. Shetler would be perfect! You’ll find it and two other great recipes on Page 33.
KEEP THOSE RECIPES COMING! Share Your Favorite Recipe With Our Readers And hAve A chAnce to WIn $10!
Is Published Monthly By: ARENS CORPORATION P.O. Box 69, 395 S. High St., Covington, OH 45318 937-473-2028 • 937-473-2029 • FAX: 937-473-2500
E-MAIL: arenspub@gmail.com CHECK US OUT ON THE NET: http://www.arenspub.com IMPORTANT!!! When submitting advertisements or news releases, always include your full name, address, & phone number (including area code)
GRADER BLADE: 8 ft., w/angle, tilt, offset. Made by Servis. With skid shoes. $1,150. JD 911 front mower. $2,000. Boom for loader. $250. Yellow Springs 937-5725486
FURNITURE: Sauder cherry armoire, chest, desk, & file cabinet. Matching pieces. Will sell separately. VGC! Reasonably priced. Call/text for sizes & photos. Farmersville 937-300-8424
CORN FODDER: 4x5 bales. $40 ea. Greenville 937-459-0971
J&M 250 hopper wagon w/metal sideboards. Nice, heavy running gear. Exc. tires. Trails straight at 50mph. Versailles 937-621-0229
INT. 540 semi-mtd. 3-16 plow. Asking $750. MF Quick Hitch, Category 2. EC! Asking $150. Hamilton 513-726-4736 POST DRIVER: Shaver. 10” Skid Steer mount, $2,850; Cub Low Boy tire chains, $75; gas welder/generator, $1,200. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 JD 5,500W generator, elec. start, $750; hay wagon/NH gear, $900; Barge wagon body w/hoist, w/o running gear, $500; High Boy sprayer dolly, $400. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
NH 258 HAY RAKE; rake hitch to hook two rakes together; NH 256 hay rake. Eldorado 937-417-4343 or 937-273-3031 MODEL MX22 Mahindra Tractor: 4WD. With loader. $8,750. Lewisburg 937-336-9150 GEHL 940 silage wagon w/roof. Works good. $1,000 OBO. Lewisburg 937-2481837 ‘98 EBY LIVESTOCK TRAILER: 53 ft. Pig friendly. New Bremen 419-230-6697
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TRUCK CHASSIS Running Wapakoneta 419-236-8132
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FREE NON-COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED AD POLICY FOR ALL COuNtRY LIvINg SuBSCRIBERS IF YOU VOLUNTARILY SUBSCRIBE TO COUNTRY LIVINg, you are eligible to submit a LIMIt OF 4 NON-COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED ADS (20 WORDS OR LESS) with the understanding that they will be published free of charge if they qualify. tHE COSt IS $22.95 PER YEAR. Publisher reserves the right to reject certain ads. They should always be in good taste, and LIMITED TO 20 WORDS. PLEASE PRINT LEgIBLY, and be sure to include your area code and phone number. Classified ads should come from a farmer or other country resident who is not using them for a commercial purpose in which he is regularly engaged. They must bear the name and address of the writer, along with his or her customer number, which tells us you are among the subscribers of our Country Living Honor Roll of Friends. ADVERTISERS WIShINg TO RUN ADS MORE ThAN ONE MONTh MUST RE-SUBMIT ADS EACh MONTh. YOUR ADS will be seen in more than 13,000 country homes, and can be submitted in four ways: 1) Mail them to Country Living, Arens Corp., Publishers, P.O. Box 69, Covington, Oh 45318. 2) Telephone our office at 937-473-2028 or 937-473-2029 any time Monday thru Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Remember, you must give our receptionist your customer number or you will be billed for the ad(s) submitted. LIMIt OF 2 ADS PER tELEPHONE CALL. LIMIt OF 4 ADS PER MONtH PER SuBSCRIBER. 3) Fax your ad(s) to: 937-473-2500 4) Email your ad(s) to: arenspub@gmail.com COUNTRY LIVINg is published monthly. Free non-commercial classified ads will be accepted for publication in the following month's issue as late as possible. The earlier we receive your ad, the better chance it has to get in the next issue. When ads arrive too late to meet the deadline for a given issue, they are held over and given priority in the following issue.
FORD 860 Utility Tractor: Full restored. New Firestone tires. Factory Ford paint. Live power, remotes, etc. Asking $6,900. Hamilton 513-726-4736 JET POST DRIVER w/Farmall fast hitch, $1,100; SS bucket, 6’ Kubota OE, LN! $850; JD 953 gear, $500; Ford 800 hyd. lift cover, $650. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
WANTED: Older dsl. Dodge truck. Any cond. Running or not. Bradford 937-3136502 CROSSBRED 4-H PIGS: Uniquely marked & A.I. sired. December born. $150 & $100 ea. Union City, Indiana 260-251-9660 GROUSER TRACKS: Fit 12x16.5, $1,450; Woods 9000 3 pt. backhoe, $4,500; Shaver 8” post driver w/good cyl., springs & hoses, $1,500. Yellow Springs 937-5725486
FRONT END LOADER: Fits JD B & others. Bucket & snow blade. $300. Bradford 937564-6948
STRAW FOR SALE: Horse quality. $6/bale. Anna 937-726-9580
(10) ROUND BALES CLOVER: 4’x5’ round diameter. Arcanum 937-750-0741
50’ J&M ELEVATOR: Maria Stein 567-6443226
FARM ANTIQUES/INSULATORS: (2) burial plots located in Sarasota, Florida. Brookville 937-837-1070
STEEL HALF-CORD Firewood Racks: With forklift pockets. $50 ea or 3/$125. Brookville 937-902-6727
Cut your Heating & Cooling bills by up to 40%! Insulating your basement or crawlspace walls can minimize cold floors, seal cracks and cut your heating & cooling bills!
DeaDline For MarCH 2020 issue
FRIDAY, FEB. 21, at 4:30 p.m. COMMERCIAL ADVERTISING is not acceptable for publication and the free classified ad copy submitted to us is carefully scrutinized to reject commercial ads. Our commercial advertising rates are available on request. Among the types of ads frequently submitted to us as free copy but rejected because they are commercial, are the following: 1) Ads calling for the purchase, sale or rental of real estate; 2) Ads calling for the sale or rental of mobile homes; 3) Ads calling for the sale of motor vehicles less than seven years old. To control the volume of the free ads, we also have found it necessary to automatically reject offers to give away, sell, trade or breed pets. All of these types of ads are acceptable at commercial rates at 50 cents per word.
Spray Foam Insulation for Residential, Commercial & Industrial Buildings Blown Cellulose Insulation 3226 Wabash Rd. Ft. Recovery, OH 45846
Greg Fortkamp 419-852-1390
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(150) BALES Sorghum Sudan Grass: 3x4x7-1/2. Wrapped in plastic. Versailles 937-423-5404 G-6000 AG BAGGER: 9’ tunnel. Dry chemical applicator. 540 RPM. $14,000. St. Marys 419-953-3487 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz BARN SIDING & BEAMS FOR SALE - VARIOUS SIZES Call for details... Bradford — 937-447-3425 JD 215: Black reel. Flex head. Poly skids. Quick Lock. Dial-A-Matic. Works great! $1,900. Hamilton 513-726-4736
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KING KUTTER: 5’ rotary cutter, $550; Remote valve, fits Fords, $200. Buzz saw, 3 pt., w/PTO gear box, $100. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 ‘73 F750 Grain Truck. $2,200. Lewisburg 937-603-9036 WANTED: Field cult. Double points. 2” wide. Cultipacker wheels. Good used 14, 15, & 16” tires. Rossburg 937-564-0719 JD 443 CORN HEAD: Late model. Hi-Tin. 4-row narrow. Down corn attachment. Asking $1,500. Hamilton 513-726-4736 OLD MILKING SET-UP: Glass receiver jar. 300 gal. Zero bulk tank. Maplewood 937-596-6861
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HD TELESCOPIC Shop Crane: 8-ton. Large steel wheels. GC! $275. Brookville 937-902-6727 SITREX 4-BASKET hay tedder, spring fold, $3,000; SS rock bucket, 84 in., $850; Harley power landscape rake for skid steer, 6 ft., $4,950. Yellow Springs 937572-5486 LOEGERING-style tracks, 10x16.5, for BC753, $800; grader blade, ARPS, 6 ft., $225; post driver, Shaver, 10 in., 3 pt., $2,250; SS forks, 48 in., by JD, $850. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
NH 258 ROLLABAR RAKE: GC. $2,500. Tracks, Grouser, for 10x16.5 tires. LN! $1,550. Wheel disk. JD. 8 ft. Good original. $1,050. Yellow Springs 937-5725486 IHC CENTER CASTINGS, drawbar, & battery seat combo. Rossburg 937-3385673 HAYBINE COND.: Int. #9. Used last season. $500. Hay baler. Small, square bales. VGC! MF #3, $800. Mendon 419795-7242
200 S. Main St. Piqua, Ohio 937-773-3657
Irish Electric Motor Service Service All Your Motor Needs • Home • Farm • Industry • New • Used • Repair • Rebuild
Batteries For Everything! Cordless Telephone • Cell Phone • Camcorder AA - AAA - C - D - 9 Volt • 2 Way Radio • Coin Cell Cars • Trucks • Farm Equipment • Golf Cart Motorcycle • Marine Deep Cycle & Starting • ATV Wheel Chair • Emergency Power • Lawn & Garden Snow Mobile • Jet Ski • Toy Cars • Battery Chargers Cables • Jump Start Units
419-394-3284 Fax: 419-394-7128 1600 Celina Rd. St. Marys, OH 45885
FINISH MOWER: MF, 6 ft., 3 pt., $1,250; JD broom attachment, Model HD60, $2,950; planter dolly, 3 pt., hyd., $650. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
RIBSTONE SILOS Silos Unloaders • Feeders & Conveyors • New Silo Roofs and Repairs • Silo Fillpipe, Ladders and Distributors Wood Doors For All Silos Available Urbana, Ohio 43078
Phone: 937-653-7429 (2) VINTAGE cast iron hay trolleys. Phillipsburg 937-832-7124 ANTIQUE HORSE hitching post; large artists’ easel; large sleigh bells; brass horse hames; (2) school auditorium seats. Phillipsburg 937-832-7124 ANTIQUE WOOD CAROUSEL HORSES: PRICE REDUCED! Phillipsburg 937-832-7124 JD 330 28’ DISK: 9” spacing. Rear hitch. GC! $2,900. Ron, Ludlow Falls 937-902-3655 ppppppppppppppppppp BARN SIDING & BEAMS FOR SALE - VARIOUS SIZES Call for details... Bradford—937-447-3425 GREAT BUY! 2-for-1. (2) Meter radios (Kenwood). Power packs (Pyramid Gold Series). Power meter (Daiwa). $300. New Carlisle 937-902-2294 or 902-2295 LIME BED: On ‘79 GMC. Tandem axle. $2,750. Rossburg 937-564-0719
Page 7 - COUNTRY LIVING - FEBRUARYâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;2020
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Vermeer Parts New & Used Equipment
NEW IDEA 215 Manure Spreader: Greenville $1,600. 3-beater. 937-547-0446
8N FORD TRANS. & complete rear end, w/hyd. pump & lift cover. Out of working tractor. $475. Greenville 937-621-4580
CHICKEN MANURE FOR SALE: Trucking & spreading available. Versailles 937-564-3399
SMALL, SQUARE Wheat Straw Bales: $5 /bale. Wapakoneta 419-233-0397 before 1:30 pm
CHAINSAW SCULPTURES Stumps in your yard or items on display. dklchainsawman@aol.com or 765-977-4563. Photos on facebook. See Dayle Keith Lewis.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv BEAUTIFUL ORIENTAL black antique 3-corner glass enclosed display case. Decorated with gold chinoiserie. Has two drawers & cupboard below. $300. COVINGTON 937-216-6768 937-473-5255 10 CU. FT. Pull-Behind Yard Garden Cart: LN! $105. West Alexandria 937-839-5673 4-ROW IH CULTS.: 3 pt. hitch. Tipp City 937-667-3778
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STEVENS MODEL 94: 12 ga. 2 barrels. Nice! $230. FFL applies. West Alexandria 937-839-5673
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WANTED: Old White Mountain ice cream freezer. Working or non-working cond. Versailles 937-526-5760
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18’ HINIKER field cult. w/1-bar harrow. 14’ 470 IH disk. Minster 419-309-1424
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WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622 TOP-QUALITY Enclosed Trailers: Ramp & side door. 2’ V-nose. LED lights. $4,195. Pictures available. Conover 937-441-8083
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SEVERAL Flatbed Wagons: New & used. 14’ & up. Several JD 16’ treated. Will build wagon on your running gear. Covington 937-308-1350 or 937-623-5725
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NH 6640: ‘97. 4,680 hrs. 4WD. New paint & decals. Cab w/heat & air. $19,995. Retiring. Wellington, Kentucky 937-214-0064
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MALE & FEMALE non-registered Pomeranian mix. Sell as pair. Elam Wickey, 4373E—100S, Monroe, IN 46772 4-BASKET Kuhn Hay Tedder: $1,200 OBO. Versailles 937-417-5876
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Page 11 - COUNTRY LIVING - FEBRUARY 2020 ‘06 FORD F250 XL Super Duty: 5.4L. Auto. 2WD. 130,177 mi. Ext. cab. Long bed. Alum. tool topper w/ladder rack. Wapakoneta 419-234-4129. blbrown@nktelco.net
1,000 GAL. in-between dolly for field cult. 30.5x32 tires. Ground-driven pump. Hyd. pump also. $3,500 OBO. Arcanum 937-692-8215 10” POST DRIVER: Shaver HD10. 3 pt. mount. $2,300. Xenia 937-416-1572
4-BASKET Kuhn Hay Tedder: $1,200 OBO. Versailles 937-417-5876
10-TON KILLBROS: J&M gears. $800 ea. 8x16 hay wagons. $650 ea. Rossburg 937-564-0719
‘04 ROGATOR 1264: 4,700 hrs. 1,200 gal. SS tank. High & low volume 90’ boom. Trible auto steer & section control. 380/90/R46 tires plus 650/75/R32 floatation tires. $41,500. Englewood 937-477-5511 or 937-681-2459
JD 220 Wheel Disk: 18’ wide. Good blades. Center fold. Rear hitch w/hyd. $2,500. Germantown 937-974-6690
12 ACRES BARE GROUND: Great for building lot or sub-divide for several lots. Very nice area! Lots of nice homes. Great potential. Greenville 937-417-2315
PARKER 605 WAGON w/roll tarp (like a Brent). 4-wheel brakes. Lights. Green. Looks LN! Very few loads. $10,500 ORO. Jackson Center 937-596-5414
FERRIS IS 1500: 61” deck. 285 hrs. Big block. $4,900. Ansonia 937-337-7901 or 937-238-7901
HAY: (14) bales 5’ round bales mixed orchardgrass & clover. $30/bale. Tipp City area. 937-750-9966
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu WANTED: Broken or non-running John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers. 937-473-2705 or KJRIND01@hotmail.com
5’ BLADE for Smaller Tractor: 3 pt. mount. $225. 7’ tractor blade. EC! $400. Xenia 937-416-1572 LIKE NEW! 3-burner propane forge welding table. 5’x26” x 34” high. New Carlisle 937-308-2909
KILLBROS 350 hopper wagon w/hyd. auger. Great for hauling/handling bulk seed, fert., etc. VGC! Kept out of weather. Greenville 937-417-2315
NCR ELECTRONIC Model 2118 Cash Register: GC! $65 OBO. Eldorado 937-336-6593
4x5 ROUND BALES Wheat Straw: $150/ ton. New Bremen 419-230-6697
TOPSOIL FOR SALE: Will deliver. Union City, Ohio 937-308-0560
(3) BLACK JD hyd. cyls.; Stihl 210 chainsaw; 3-phase 5hp elec. motor. Spencerville 567-204-2244 after 6pm
JD 8’ BLADE: Angle tilt & offset. Has skidders. $800. Xenia 937-416-1572
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Page 12 - COUNTRY LIVING - FEBRUARY 2020 STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw. Twine-tied, small, square bales. Easy loading or delivery available. West Milton 937-875-1220 or 937-698-3541 5-WHEEL 3 Pt. Wheel Rake: $1,000. Bradford 937-564-6948 FORD NEW HOLLAND 8670: Like new! 175hp. 4x4. Michelin tires. Make offer or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899 3-PHASE 20 HP Enclosed Motor: Asking $1,500. Conover 937-362-2261 after 5:30pm (4) DOORS & (1) Window: Out of old house. West Liberty 937-465-7616 HAY MOWS REMOVED We can remove your unwanted hay mows/lofts or other sections of your barn at no cost to you. We do all the work so we can recycle the wood from your barn. We may even pay some $$$ to do so! Give us a call to discuss. Thanks! We’re located in Arcanum, Ohio. 970-596-3151 www.backroadslumber.com 4’x4’ ROUND BALES Baleage: Tube wrapped. Starting at $40 & up. Piqua 937-418-9029 WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622 WANTED: Free scrap metal. Chihuahua mix. Male & female. WANTED: Jack Russell male & female. Bradford 937-470-3170 DUNHAM 13’ Cultimulcher: $1,500 OBO. Versailles 937-417-5876
TREADMILL: Sears Lifestyler. Auto. incline. Up to 8 mph. Used very little. $50 OBO. Gettysburg 937-447-4974 DEMOLITION: Also, concrete demolition such as old swimming pools, barn foundations, porches, etc. Also, general excavating work. 937-232-7380 WANTED: Montgomery Ward or Western Auto front tines rotary tiller (for parts). West Alexandria 937-839-5673 SPECTRA Precision Laser LL300S: Bought new in Aug. ‘18. Never used on job. $750 OBO. New Paris 937-996-0882 14’ AC FIELD CULT. w/Remlinger harrow. 5 btm. AC plow. Farmall F20 for parts. Minster 937-726-5845 JD 661R Stand-Up: 61” deck. 1,290 hrs. GC! $2,900. Ansonia 937-337-7901 or 937-238-7901 BLACK WESTERN SADDLE. Blanket & 2 saddles. $200 for all. Lewisburg 937-248-1837 8-YEAR-OLD Roan Pony Gelding: Amish broke. $300. St. Marys 419-733-8792 NI #49 5-BAR 9’ Hay Rake: PTO driven. 3 pt. mount, w/rear crazy wheels. $925. Eaton 937-456-4803 TAHOE Power Pressure Washer: T16527. New 2,700 PSI. Sidney 937-726-9485 NEW FIRESTONE 28Lx26 combine tires. Several dual wheels. All sizes. Franklin 937-474-9899
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BUILDING SPECIALS! 30’ x 40’ x 14’ • Starting at $15,374 36’ x 54’ x 15’ • Starting at $21,388
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DUMP TRAILER: Tandem axle. 6x10. $2,700. Anna 937-507-2457 STAGE/STUDIO LIGHT: ETC Source Four 750. 2001 Ellipsoidal Series. Needs bulb (Amazon $15). Unit sells for approx. $500 online. Asking $100. Call/text Camden 937-336-1839 ABCA REG. Border Collie Pups: Sire & dam have excellent livestock handling skills. St. Henry 419-852-3477 WHEAT STRAW: Small, square bales. Versailles 937-467-9562 WANTED: Farmground to rent in Darke & surrounding counties. Any size acreage. Greenville 937-547-0446
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14” CLIPPER Masonry Table Saw: 110/220, w/water hook-up. VGC! $650. Sidney 937-658-2780
WANTED TO BUY: Old Motorcycle license plates & any old motorcycle memorabilia. Ft.Recovery 419-305-6191. Email: gus@bright.net FRIGIDAIRE 5 cu. ft. Chest Deep Freeze: EC! $65 OBO. Eldorado 937-336-6593 FOR SALE: (8) 4”x4”x20’ steel light poles. New Bremen 419-629-3443 ROLL OF Red Head fence, 42” high, $75; 2/3 roll high-tensile fence, 10476-12-1/2, $60; Palco panels, (2) 10’ & (1) 11’—$350; Palco 4’ gate, $125. Piqua 937-418-1841 1K KEROSENE Dyna Glow Work Horse Heavy-Duty 65,000 BTU Electric Blower: $125. New Carlisle 937-902-2294 or 902-2295
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Page 16 - COUNTRY LIVING - FEBRUARY 2020 518 880 MF Trip Back Plow: With harrow. Tipp City 937-667-3778
4-BASKET Kuhn hay tedder, $1,200 OBO. JD 7000 no-till corn planter. 30 in. 6-row. Liquid fert. Spoke & rubber press wheels. Pop-up ext. tongue. 4 gates. 20’ long. Heavy-duty. Versailles 937-417-5876
300 GAL. 3 PT. Mounted Tank: LN! $850 OBO. Urbana 937-238-6504
“ America’s Best Place To Buy Stoves & Fireplaces” '% +)
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WANTED: Clydesdale stud service for one mare. Bradford 937-547-2161, Ext. 3 GUITAR: Fender, 12-string. Acoustic/ electric. Hard shell case. EC! Make offer. Ludlow Falls 937-698-6611 GRASS HAY: $5/bale. Wapakoneta 419-233-0397. Ask for Greg. DELUXE ENCLOSED Cargo Trailer: Ramp door, V-nose, LED lights, 14’ + 2’ nose, 16’ inside. Top quality! $4,195. Pictures available. Conover 937-441-8083
‘06 FORD 350: 6.0 dsl. Gooseneck hitch. Long bed. 2-tone blue. Low 79K mi. One owner. $15,000. Waynesfield 419-236-2298 IH 966: Roll bar & canopy. 125hp. New paint. Works great! Franklin 937-474-9899 JD 1010 DSL. ENGINE: 800 hrs. on rebuild. Crank ground. New bearings/ valves. Rebuilt injectors/pump. Needs sleeves, rings, pistons. $2,000. Call/text Camden 937-336-1839 TRUCK BED COVER: One piece fiberglass. Firewood. Rascal scooter, 4-wheel, w/large seat. Brookville 937-837-1070 8N FORD TRACTOR: Good paint. Good rubber. Runs great! $2,500. Farm wagon. 3’ sides. With grain bin. On Model T frame. $400. Englewood 937-789-8996 WANTED: NI Uni-Picker. Husking bed. Squirrel cage blower fan. Maria Stein 567-644-3226
(2) REAR UNLOAD 18’ Silage Wagons: Meyer & Miller’s Pro. $5,500 ea. Nice! Stored inside. Covington 937-308-1350 or 937-623-5725
‘63 JD 4010 Dsl. Tractor: 765 hrs. Wide front. Good Firestone tires w/duals. 15.5x38. Front hitch. $6,500 OBO. Russia 937-526-4091. Leave msg.
NEW KINZE bean meters for box units. 12 available. Grass hay & straw for sale. Calls only. Arcanum 937-459-7788
8’ CULTIPACKER w/new paint. Good bearing packer wheels. All good. $750. 2-row JD corn planter. 3 pt. No fertilizer. $600. Greenville 937-621-4580
(25) SS NIPPLE water cups for hog building. Versailles 937-417-5876
Wo Work ork ethic st andard. comes omes standard. standar Where there’s work ork to be done, there’s Kubot Kubota ubota equipment ready to o get it done right. With reliable diesel engines and an array of attachments, it’s time to conquer c every task. Visit us today.
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Page 17 - COUNTRY LIVING - FEBRUARYâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;2020
Page 18 - COUNTRY LIVING - FEBRUARY 2020 WOODS 8’ grader blade w/tilt, angle, & offset, $1,250; hay wagon, D. Bradley running gear, 7x14, $500; JD running gear, $850. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 ‘63 JD 4010 Dsl. Tractor: 765 hrs. Wide front. Good Firestone tires w/duals. 15.5x38. Front hitch. $6,500 OBO. Russia 937-526-4091. Leave msg. SEMI TIRES: 385/65R22.5, $90, & 11R22.5, $50. Virgin rubber. Recently off semi truck. No leaks or dry rot. Approx. 4/32 tread (can be retreaded). New Bremen 419-305-1994 IH FARMALL CUB: ‘51. $2,250. VGC! Comes with cultivators, plow, & snow/ grader blade. Snow chains. Good battery. Lewisburg 937-839-4540 STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw. Twine-tied, small, square bales. Easy loading or delivery available. West Milton 937-875-1220 or 937-698-3541 WANTED TO RENT: Barn in which to feed minimum 50 head of cattle. Arcanum 937-750-0741
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(2) FEEDER PIGS: 200+ lbs. $150. Fountain City, Indiana 937-621-0430 OPEN BACK Hammer-Style Banjo: $125. New Paris 937-232-1856 TIMOTHY HAY: Made w/o rain. $7/bale. Greenville 937-548-6772 (6) 11.00-20 TRUCK TIRES: 80-95% tread. 6-row Brady stalk chopper. West Jefferson 614-205-9194. Text or leave msg. 4x5 ROUND BALES Wheat Straw: $80/ bale. Greenville 937-459-0971 BALE SPEAR: Fits JD 640-740 loaders. $500. Yorkshire 419-210-4607 FIREWOOD: Seasoned hardwood. $125/ cord. Piqua 937-570-5201 NI 213 PTO Manure Spreader: Late model. 2-beater. Slop gate. Good working cond. Stored inside. $3,000. Union City, Indiana 260-251-9660 JD 1350/1450 5-18” PLOW: $650 OBO. Lewisburg 937-823-2209
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FREE TO GOOD HOME: Great Pyrenees female. 1 year old. All shots up-to-date. Great temperament. St. Paris 937-510-6869 or 937-510-0739 ‘53 McCORMICK DEERING Super WD-9 Tractor: Dsl. Hand clutch. Belt pulley. Hyds. restored. Swanton 419-825-3333 eves.
‘74 CHEVY C-60 Grain Truck: 14’ grain box w/hyd. hoist. $1,500. Gas motor. Needs a little TLC. Dayton 937-999-5188
DOLLHOUSE: San Francisco style. 7 rooms, turret, bay windows, electric lights. Furnished. Landscaped. Turntable & base cabinet. Stunning! Call/text for photos. Farmersville 937-300-8424
SADDLES: Western 15” brown leather, stirrup guards, $100; Western 15” black, washable, $150; walking horse, brown, $95; Abetta, nylon, black, washable, $300. New Carlisle 937-902-2294 20’ PONTOON BOAT: $700. Russia 937-622-1746 or 937-507-5119 WALSH 500 gal. sprayer w/45’ booms & PTO pump. New Carlisle 937-308-1382 (no texts) WANTED TO BUY: Combine tires. 30.5/32. Must be in GC! Versailles 937-564-8530 GREAT PLAINS 12 ft., end wheel, no-till grain drill w/press wheels, harrow & rear fill auger. $9,500. 3’x3’ pieces of granite. Multiple uses. $60 ea. Piqua 937-418-9029 (4) BADGER Silage Wagons: (2) 1050’s, 18’ & 16’—$4,500 ea. (2) 950’s, 16’— $4,000 ea. All tandems. GC. Stored inside. Covington 937-308-1350 or 937-623-5725
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7200 JD PLANTER: 6R. Liquid fert. Notill. Insect. $14,000. Anna 937-507-2457
FREE FIREWOOD TO CUT: Tree tops. Easy access. Camden 937-533-0081 504 INT. & 2200 LOADER: Sat next to barn when it burned. Not a complete meltdown. As is or parts. Asking $1,000 OBO. Spencerville 419-230-5169
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CHINA CABINET: Cherry. Glass shelves. Light. Drawers in base for storage. 75”Hx52”Wx15”D. EC! Very nice! Call/text for photos. $200. Farmersville 937-300-8424 FOR SALE: Walnut 4/4 lumber. Needs kiln-dried. 2,000 bd. ft. Ft. Recovery 419-852-3911
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WE CAN HELP IMPROVE YOUR FORAGE PROGRAM WANTED: Junk autos & scrap metal of all kinds. Certified scale. Top dollar paid. Roll-off container services. Call for pricing or pick-up. Celina 419-363-2277
(2) WALK-IN FREEZERS: 14’x15’ unit. In use now. 6-1/2’x8-1/2’ self-contained unit w/compressor on top. Eldorado 937-417-4343 or 937-273-3031
RED CLOVER SEED: Cleaned. 50# bags. $95/bag. Haviland, Ohio. 419-513-0250 or 419-230-3023
GENERATOR: Tahoe. Dsl. Never used. Model TP17000LXH. Sidney 937-726-9485
OLDER Powermatic Planer: 12 in. 3hp single-phase motor. Ft. Recovery 419-852-3911
‘52 AC MODEL G Tractor: Ser. #26010. With 2-way plow, belt pulley. Front & rear hyd. New tires. Showroom cond. Swanton 419-825-3333 eves.
CONVEYOR: Motorized. 17’ long. Used for loading hay in barn. Good for many other uses. $300. Tipp City area. 937-750-9966 8’ TRUCK CAMPER; 800 Ford backhoe. Arcanum 937-448-0660 30’ JD 750 GRAIN DRILL: SI bean meters, markers, fill augers. Laura 937-884-5741 WANTED TO BUY: Swisher 60” pullbehind finish trail mower. Middletown 937-545-6247
14’ HAY WAGON: On factory gear. New bed. Devilbiss air compressor w/2hp motor. 220 amps. Pleasant Hill 937-676-3632 TOP QUALITY Enclosed Trailer: Ramp & side door. LED lights. V-nose. 16’ + Vnose. 18’ inside. $4,395. Pictures available. Warranty. Conover 937-441-8083 INT. 6500 8-Shank Disk Chisel: New blades & points. Rear leveling bar. $3,250. Arcanum 937-547-0446
Page 21 - COUNTRY LIVING - FEBRUARY 2020 AC CULT. PARTS; J&M 250 bed, $200; 2-wheel trailer with 40’s Buick axle, $75. Rossburg 937-564-0719
8’ CAUDILL heavy blade for tractor, w/angle offset tilt. Cat. 2 or 3. $650. Xenia 937-416-1572
LIKE NEW! 3-burner propane forge welding table. 5’x26” x 34” high. New Carlisle 937-308-2909
JD 4-30 Corn Planter: Dry fert. No-till monitor. Field ready. $5,250. Arcanum 937-547-0446
WHEAT STRAW: Twine-tied, small, square bales. $6/bale. Wapakoneta 419-738-8523. Leave msg.
TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items. Dealer for 22 years. Call for catalog & brochures. Russia 937-238-6661
12-YEAR-OLD Paint Gelding: Broke to ride. Trail horse. $800. St. Marys 419-733-8792
TANKS-DRUMS: 30-1,500 gals. Plastic & steel. Lewisburg 937-839-4540
WANTED: Markers for JD 750 grain drill. Arcanum 937-732-6986. Leave msg.
WANTED: NH 489 9’ mower conditioners or newer. Versailles 937-507-1729
FREEZER BEEF: Hormone-free. Grass& grain-fed. New Paris 937-533-2923
TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items. Dealer for 22 years. Call for catalog & brochures. Russia 937-238-6661
CLUTCH ASSIST for tractor without live power. Great for bushhogging! $75. ‘61 Harmony acoustic guitar. Great cond. $200. Brookville 937-239-7663
15’ BRILLION CULTIMULCHER: Conover 937-875-1311
(2) ORIG. HAT-STYLE rims for 8N Ford with 11.2x28 tires. $600/pair. New 28” 6-loop rims for Ford. $135 ea. Greenville 937-621-4580
WANTED: Illinois Bunn Special 60-hour pocket watches, 17 jewel, 21 jewel, etc. Elam E. Wickey, 4373E—100S, Monroe, IN 46772
AC FIELD CULT.: 1300. 32 ft., w/harrow. $700; forklift mask, 3-stage, 2-ton, $450. Rossburg 937-564-0719
COMPLETE Milking System For Sale: Double 6. Wapakoneta 937-538-1429 or 937-538-1430
(5) GRAIN BINS: 5000 (complete), 4000 (complete), 4000 (drying floor), & (2) beans/small grain. Mendon 419-795-7051 or 419-305-2033
ARTSWAY 500 Feed Grinder: GC! Minster 419-953-6892
1900 MERCER CO. OHIO ATLAS: $135. Ft. Recovery 419-305-2658
KUBOTA B7610: Hydro., with 4WD & 60” belly mower. 668 hrs. Wapakoneta 419-236-3573
Page 22 - COUNTRY LIVING - FEBRUARY 2020 JD (B): Restored. Key start. Runs. In barn. $7,500. JD (B). Partially restored. $3,000. Camden 513-543-3767 (3) BRED COWS: Reg. British White. Due to calve this spring. $2,000 for all 3. St. Paris 937-508-3405 or 937-710-5641 504 INT. & 2200 LOADER: Sat next to barn when it burned. Not a complete meltdown. As is or parts. Asking $1,000 OBO. Spencerville 419-230-5169 (4) BF GOODRICH All-Terrain T/A Tires: 265/75 R-16. On Ford factory alum. rims. 8-lug. 30% tread. $250. Sidney 937-658-2780 HEAVY AXLE: 76â&#x20AC;? between tires. $85. Covington 937-214-5798 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;64 F600 Grain Truck: $1,000. Lewisburg 937-603-9036 INT. 1466 TRACTOR w/cab & dual wheels. 4,185 hrs. EC! Nice orig. paint. $15,000. St. Marys 419-953-3487 ANTIQUE WHITE OAK wood 7-drawer desk. Greenville 937-548-0463 (24) KINZE 13-WAVE No-Till Coulters: 14-1/4â&#x20AC;? diam. $100 OBO. Delphos 419-303-0686
CHAINSAW SCULPTURES Stumps in your yard or items on display. dklchainsawman@aol.com or 765-977-4563. Photos on facebook. See Dayle Keith Lewis. 4x8 TRAILER, tilt bed, w/sideboards, new paint, hand winch, $495; Shorelander boat trailer, single-axle, new tires, for 19â&#x20AC;&#x2122; boat, $600. Greenville 937-621-4580 ROTOTILLER: $1,000. Land Pride. 1558-32â&#x20AC;&#x201D;58â&#x20AC;? reverse till. Slip clutch. GC! â&#x20AC;&#x153;Workhorse.â&#x20AC;? Manual included. Casstown 937-418-6710
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;79 IH Grain Truck: 18â&#x20AC;&#x2122; bed. Gas engine. 5+4 spd. trans. $7,900. Conover 937-658-1204
SADDLE, Bridle, & Breast Collar: Lots of silver! Custom made by Buffalo Saddlery. $800. Arcanum 937-448-0660
PULLEY FOR 8N FORD. Brackets for next size up. 800â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s & up. $75. Duals, 18.4x34. 9-bolt rims (one bad rim). $125. Rossburg 937-564-0719
TRIP BUCKET LOADER: $800. (2) chain hoists, $150 & $100. Portable air compressor, 220-volt, $75. 3 pt. hitch seed caster, $75. Englewood 937-789-8996
25â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 4-HORSE Alum. Trailer: 7â&#x20AC;&#x2122; tall. Make offer. 5th Wheel trailer hook-up for P/U truck. Brand new. Bethel 513-620-1109
JD 7000 12-row, front-fold, no-till, flex frame planter. Monitor. Liquid pop-up row fertilizer. Spiked closing wheels. $6,000. St. Paris 937-216-9960
INT. DUMP TRUCK. 8 ft. sheet metal brake. Miller welder, Model 330 ABP. Brookville 937-478-7616
YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent. Darke & surrounding counties. Versailles 937-417-2969
GOOD, HEAVY-DUTY Round Bale Feeder: Greenville 740-225-0698
FORKS for Forklift: Hyd. cyls. New & used. Wood splitter cylinder. $125. Rossburg 937-564-0719
WANTED: John Deere 4030 tractor with cab. Quad range & dual remotes preferred. Hamilton 513-726-4736
VACATION RENTALS *** One Bdrm. Efficiency Apt.: Air & cable. *** Two Bdrm./Two Bath: Full kitchen & living room. West Palm Beach area. Call for weekly or monthly rates. Arcanumâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;937-459-8172
96â&#x20AC;?x10â&#x20AC;? DUMP APRON for dump truck. Bolt on. New & in primer. $75. Brookville 937-902-6727 JD DISK: Model AW. AC disk. (2) field cults. Kewanee rotary hoe. Best offer. Russia 937-526-4091. Leave msg. FOR LEASE: Big horse barn. West Milton 937-698-5529
LOEGERING Skid Steer Tracks: 14x16.5, $1,450; rock bucket for skid steer, 72 in., LN, $850; JD 953 gear w/hoist, $750. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 WANTED TO BUY: Old valve covers. Detroit Diesel, Ford, Dodge, Chevy. Anything unusual! Trenton 513-464-2641 (65) BALES Grass Hay: $5.50/bale. Piqua 937-570-5762 YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent. Darke & surrounding counties. Versailles 937-417-2969 WANTED TO BUY: 10 or more acres of land in Miami Co. or Darke Co. Prefer west of I-75. Ludlow Falls 937-698-6611
9164 County Road 101, Belle Center Handcrafted !
Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t trust your grain to anything less. â&#x20AC;˘ Control your grain marketing and maximize your profitability. â&#x20AC;˘ Market your grain on your terms. Contact us today to learn more.
IRVWHUHTXLSPHQWVDOHV FRP Storage | Handling | Conditioning | Structures
Page 23 - COUNTRY LIVING - FEBRUARY 2020 DELL CHROME BOOK: 3120. With charger. Works good. $80. Sidney 937-489-0626. Leave msg. JD 960 22’ field cult. w/harrow & rear hitch. $4,250. Arcanum 937-547-0446 ROUND BALES 1st Cutting Grass Hay: Russia 937-622-2246 GLEN HAVEN Memorial Gardens Cemetery Lots: Current price: $1,995. Selling for $800. 614-477-8841 (2) FEEDER CALVES: Jersey/Angus cross. 350 lbs. (75) 8 qt. feed buckets. $2 ea. Fountain City, Indiana 937-621-0430 WANTED TO BUY: 245 75 R16 8-ply in good cond. Jackson Center 937-638-1414 CHICKEN MANURE FOR SALE: Trucking & spreading available. Versailles 937-564-3399 GRADER BLADE for Allis Chalmers WD thru D-17 tractors. 6’ after-market blade. Asking $275. Quick hitch. Category 2. Exc. cond. Asking $150. Hamilton 513-726-4736 WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622 IH 155 PTO Manure Spreader: In barn. $300. Buffalo 4-row planter. $250. Buffalo 4-row cult. $250. Camden 513-543-3767 SEARS Air Compressor: $100. New Lebanon 937-687-2334 TROY-BILT 3hp TILLER: $100. Casstown 937-469-3279
WORK WANTED Specializing in interior/exterior barn/ house repair, remodeling/ replacing, oak beams, foundations, wood/metal roofing & siding, hardwood flooring. SCHWARTZ RENOVATIONS 419-584-6408
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(14) HOLSTEIN STEERS: De-horned. Castrated. On full feed. 350-400 lbs. $1.15/lb. Anna 937-726-9580
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JD 643 CORN HEAD: $2,500. Landoll 2205 4-shank ripper, $3,700. Greenville 937-726-4025
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‘65 CASE 830 Comfort King Tractor: Model 841C. WF. Gas engine. Restored. New paint. Many new parts/decals. Runs great. New Paris 937-997-2384
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nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn WANTED: Old motorcycles, minibikes, mopeds, 3-wheelers, or 4-wheelers. Running or not. Covington 9 3 7 - 4 7 3 - 2 7 0 5 . KJRINDO1@hotmail.com ANTIQUE Flatbed Wagon & Sideboards: On rubber tires. Ottawa 419-532-3637 (2) 16” WHEELS for Dodge or Ford dually truck. $40 ea. (2) 16” wheels for Chevy dually truck. $40 ea. Covington 937-214-5798 SNOW BLOWER: Sno-Lander Model 1101. 8’ wide. 540 PTO shaft. Make offer. Botkins 937-693-3771 AC 180 TRACTOR: Asking $6,000. New Paris 937-232-1856
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Page 24 - COUNTRY LIVING - FEBRUARY 2020 ‘58 MF BACKHOE: Running. Gas engine. Quick detach hoe section. Two buckets. Needs work. No reverse. $2,500 OBO. Brookville 937-902-6727
Jackson Tractors Construction Equipment Repair
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841 St. Rt. 29, Celina, Ohio • 419-942-1456
• Parts Department • Body Shop • Frame & Alignment TRUCK REPAIR SPECIALIST
NH DUAL hay rake hitch, $2,500; Grouser tracks, 14x16.5, $1,750; large, square hay bale squeeze for Skid Steer, $1,550; 8N fenders, $150. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 ‘18 JD X380 Lawnmower: 54” deck. 2 years left on warranty. EC! Celina 419-305-6594 FREE FIREWOOD! Standing tree needs to be taken down & you can have it. Near North Star. 567-644-6000
JD 200HP PTO Self-Contained Trailer Power Unit: Hyds. 1,000 RPM. 4850 JD engine. Murphy protected. $8,900. New Bremen 419-305-1994
(24) HARDI Sprayer Nozzles: New. Yellow. #4110-12. No longer have sprayer. Make offer. Jackson Center 937-596-5414
JD 750 NO-TILL drill w/JD markers. Front dolly wheels. 15’ wide. 7.5” spacings. One gang of drills can be raised to sow w/15” spacings. New seed shoes & disks. $15,500. St. Marys 419-953-3487
HOBART HANDLER 150 Mig Welder: 220 volt. Houston 937-638-9499 50’ CASE IH 5400 No-Till Drill: GC! $7,500. St. Marys 586-914-8456
HD SNOWPLOW: 10’x36”—with jack & mounting hardware. 4-way hyd. angle. Wiring. Spring-loaded adj. scraper & cutting edge. Mount to truck, backhoe, or skidsteer. Lewisburg 937-839-4540 AIR COMPRESSOR: 5hp. Single-phase. Kellog American. 200 PSI. Works great! $850. Lewisburg 937-839-4540 IH MODEL 4200 22’ field finisher w/5-bar harrow & new spikes. New discs & scrapers. New Carlisle 937-308-1382 (no texts) HAMMOND Elec. Organ: Working order. Make offer. Eaton 937-456-4803
Standing Seam Metal Roofi fin ng New Installation ~ Ser vice Repairs ~ Metal Sales
‘52 JD A: With PS & 3 pt. hitch. A-1. Ready to go! Call for price. Mendon 419-795-7051 or 419-305-2033 BIN BOLTS & NUTS; ladders; many related grain handling & drying parts. New Paris 937-533-7456 ‘97 GMC 1-TON 4x4 Dually: Ext. cab. With utility bed & racks. Michelin tires. 6.5 dsl. $5,500 OBO. Arcanum 937-692-8215 WANTED: 18.4x34 tractor tires or 18.4x38 tires & rims for IH 1066. Maria Stein 567-644-3226 SET OF 4 like new Firestone radial trailer tires. On extra heavy rims. 215-R-75-17.5, 16-ply rating. $1,200. Eaton 937-232-6540 FORD TW10: 125hp. Very awesome tractor! Make offer or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899 METCO Feed Conveyor: 50 ft. $500. Ft. Recovery 419-852-3911 TAHOE POWER—Water Pump—Model TP16533. New. 3” in/out semi-trash pump. Honda GX200 motor. Sidney 937-726-9485 FULL SET of Double Gun Journal in dust covers. All new, except one. $1,200. West Alexandria 937-839-5673
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Page 25 - COUNTRY LIVING - FEBRUARY 2020 JD 6-ROW corn cult.; 13’ Kewanee disk; 12’ AC chisel plow. Minster 937-726-5845 SNOWBLOWER: Yard Machine MTD. 8hp. 26 in. Elec. start. 2-stage. With light. Self-propelled. 5 spd. forward/1 reverse. Arcanum 937-548-2608 or cell: 937-564-8660 nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn BARN SIDING & BEAMS FOR SALE - VARIOUS SIZES Call for details... Bradford—937-447-3425 CASE IH 1020 grain head 25 ft. 3” knife Field Tracker. $5,000. Urbana 937-238-6504
BARN SIDING & BEAMS FOR SALE - VARIOUS SIZES Call for details... Bradford—937-447-3425 JD DISC PLOW: 3 disc. GC! $800 OBO. Somerville 513-889-7777 NON-LAYING HENS: Cage-free. $1 ea. Casstown 937-469-3279
USED SHOW EQUIPMENT: Blowers, clippers, chutes. Greenville 740-225-0698 FREEZER BEEF: No hormones. Grainfed. Arcanum 937-678-5435
5288 CASE IH TRACTOR: GC! $18,500. St. Marys 586-914-8456
CLOVER MIX HAY: Small squares. $3/ bale. Columbus Grove 419-230-3912
18’ DIAM. GRAIN BIN: Rossburg 937-338-5673
LANDOLL to the Max Harrow. 32 ft. GC! Versailles 419-305-2174
WANTED: 36-volt electric forklift battery charger for 775 amp-hour battery. Singlephase input. Call or text evenings. Portland, Indiana 419-852-4379
‘99 JD GT 235 MOWER: 42” deck. Rough. $300. Camden 513-543-3767
SUNFLOWER 5131 26’ Field Cult.: GC! Versailles 419-305-2174 920 SICKLE BAR w/new sections. $150 OBO. Greenville 937-423-2281 or 937-968-6836
WHITE 5100 6-Row Planter: No-till. Total rebuild. Retiring. Vandalia 937-898-1830
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YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent. Darke & surrounding counties. Versailles 937-417-2969
WANTED: Bed hoist for grain truck. Also, 16” 6-bolt wagon rims. Minster 419-953-8812
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SMALL 4” grain elevator on wheels, w/motor. $350. New Lebanon 937-687-2334
PORCELAIN Doll Collection: All LN! Some in boxes. Brookville 937-239-7663
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40x70 BARN: Needs torn down & removed from site. GC! $1,000. Sidney 937-538-0314
CHOICE OF Never Fail, Black Hawk, or Fulton box-type hand-crank corn shellers. Versailles 937-548-8391
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Page 26 - COUNTRY LIVING - FEBRUARY 2020 FREE STALLS WANTED: 6’ long, wide loop w/angle. 32”-41” w/2” or 2-3/8” pipe. St. Henry 419-678-3659
WANTED: Guitars, banjos, & mandolins. Any cond. Ludlow Falls 937-698-6611
HARRY FERGUSON 2 Btm. Plow: $100. Ft. Loramie 937-295-2912
WANTED TO BUY: Tractor tires. 13.6x28” (must be in very good, useable cond.). Trenton 513-464-2641
3 PT. HITCH for C Farmall: Complete. $250 OBO. Arcanum 937-692-8215
20’ PONTOON BOAT: $700. Russia 937-622-1746 or 937-507-5119
WHIRLPOOL TUB FOR Wapakoneta 937-538-8960
WANTED TO BUY: Mid- to late ‘80’s ATV Honda in good cond. Piqua 937-570-2419
NEW, IN BOX Kinze bean meters for box units. 12 available. Calls only. Arcanum 937-459-7788 TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items. Dealer for 22 years. Call for catalog & brochures. Russia 937-238-6661
‘14 BC 5070 NH Small, Square Baler: Great cond. Low bales. $15,500. Fountain City, Indiana 937-621-0430 CASE IH In-Line Hay Baler: Works like new. $5,000 OBO or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899
DOLL COLLECTION: Approx. 200. $3,500. New Lebanon 937-687-2334
WANTED: Long-term source for horse hay, around or near the West Milton/ Laura area. Prefer good timothy mixed hay. Some delivery needed. Laura 937-684-6159
WHEAT STRAW: Nice, twine-tied, square bales. $6/bale. Wapakoneta 419-738-8523
JD 652B Stand-Up 52” Deck Mower: 1,400 hrs. GC! $2,900. Ansonia 937-337-7901 or 937-238-7901
REESE 20,000# 5th Wheel Hitch: EC! $150. Sidney 937-658-2780
‘13 REMLINGER 22’ double rolling crumbler. GC! $5,500. Germantown 937-974-6690
DMI 300 BU. Hopper Wagon: Exc. tires. $2,600. Yorkshire 419-210-4607
LIVESTOCK PENS: Three styles from which to choose. 36”—38”—48” tall. Perfect for sheep, goats, calves, pigs, etc. West Alexandria 937-733-7104 JD #2700 High-Clearance Plow: 5 btm. GC! $1,000 OBO. Lewisburg 937-248-1837 WANTED: Gauge wheel assembly for Allis Chalmers Snap Coupler plow. Hamilton 513-498-7365 FORD TRACTOR: 2000. Orig. hrs. 2026. 4 spd. 13.6x28 Firestone. 3 pt. New wheels, tires, fuel tank, radiator, etc. $3,500. Trade for Honda ATV. Piqua 937-570-2419 ROUND BALES Clover Baleage. Wrapped. Russia 937-622-2246 UNVERFERTH 30’ header cart. GC! $2,000. Urbana 937-238-6504
JD 2010 TRACTOR: NF. Gas. Good rubber. New muffler. ROPS. $3,750. Call or text evenings. Portland, Indiana 419-852-4379 LOOKING FOR Farmall Super MTA in work clothes. Bradford 937-313-6502 (3) PORTABLE OUTBUILDINGS: Used as livestock shelters. 8x16, 16x16, & approx. 6-1/2 x 8-1/2. Piqua 937-418-9029 LEADERS Free-Standing Woodburning Stove: Two blowers. Made in Wisconsin. Ser. #2458. Takes 18” x 30” pieces of wood. $450 OBO. Greenville 937-423-2281 or 937-968-6836 LOEGERING-TYPE TRACKS: 10x16.5, $1,250; Woods RD7200 finish mower, 3 pt., $1,150; Skid Steer Carry All, $400; Chevy 350 engine/trans., $500. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
Hill-T Farm Inc. Used - New - Rebuilt Tractor Parts
Sales & Service Kiln Dried Livestock Bedding Homestead Quality Livestock Bedding proudly offers the highest quality livestock bedding available in 120 cubic yard semi load quantities.
Ideal for: Turkeys, Calves, Steers, Dairy, Horses & Ducks A family owned and locally operated business
Contact Wade Kohler, Ft Recovery (260) 729-2658
Find us at... 4295 Richmond Palestine Road, New Madison, Ohio
937-548-0718 1/2 mile south of Palestine
Page 27 - COUNTRY LIVING - FEBRUARY 2020 FORD 8000: Diesel. With dual power. New engine overhaul. Low hours. Open station. Looks like new! Make offer or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899 RAMBOUILLET RAM LAMB: Born 8/11/19. Reg. Show quality. Stylish. St. Paris 937-478-6986 SPECTRA PHYSICS Laserplane laser w/stick & tripod. $400. Sidney 937-658-2780 OLD BARNS WANTED: Recycle your old barn or building. We often pay for old barns and clean your barn site. Located in Arcanum, Ohio. Call 970-596-3151. www.backroadslumber.com ‘36 F-20 FARMALL: Older repaint. Good old rubber. Engine overhauled. Belt pulley & PTO extension. Holds anti-freeze. $950 OBO. Jackson Center 937-596-5414
WANTED TO BUY: 265R Bush Hog rotary mower. Jackson Center 937-638-1414 GRAIN DRYING BIN: 18’x6-1/2 ring, 8” unload. Newer DMC 2-auger Stirrator. Brock LP burner. 5hp axial fan. $2,500 OBO. Sidney 937-538-0314 GRINDER/MIXER: NH 355. 100 bu./ scales. Long unload auger. $5,000. (2) J&M 250 hopper wagons, $600 ea. Yorkshire 419-582-3669 YOUNG ORGANIC FARMER looking to build long-term relationship cash renting or sharecropping in Darke & surrounding counties. Yorkshire 419-852-3504
Jared Gaier (937) 538-8527
ELEC. MOTORS: 1/4 hp & 3/4 hp. Roll-ARound feed scales. $75 OBO. 10” table saw, $50. Englewood 937-789-8996 55 GAL. DRUMS: $5 ea. Bradford 937-564-6948
JD SPOKE WHEEL ELEV.: PTO driven. Used last season. $250. Poly water tank for horses or cattle, w/heater. Large tank. $125. Mendon 419-795-7242
SKIDLOADER TRAILER, $200; Gehl silage wagon, $700. Rossburg 937-564-0719
800 GAL. STAINLESS Storage Tank: $1,600. Anna 937-507-2457
DT 160 AG-CO Long Draw Bar: Coldwater 419-953-4295
WANTED: Someone to cut, bale, & put in barn, 8 acres of hay. Close to Greenville. 937-459-2782
(2) DUAL WHEEL RIMS: 16 in., for 18.4x38 tires. 9-bolt. 7.75” pilot. JD yellow. $450. Lewisburg 937-823-2209
WANTED: Used 3-phase motors, 5hp & up. Good used 14-15-16 tires. Rossburg 937-417-2219
LOOKING FOR an electric fence charger. Anna 937-394-7657
LOOKING FOR SOMEONE to hunt raccoons, coyotes, & opossums. West Milton 937-698-5529
4x4 ROUND BALES Mixed Hay: Ludlow Falls 937-668-4875 WANTED: Graham plow & Seaman tiller. Hamilton 513-738-2978
Deadline for next month’s Country Living Friday, Feb. 21, no later than 4:30 p.m.
Tuente a local family owned % $ Farms " Inc., # ) ' farm, is " expanding # (! and looking for new swine contract finishing any " ' #' $" $ barns. # Finishing " # barns # can help " diversify # ! farming & "# ) operation cash flows. for new construction ) " while offering ! " $ steady ' " #$We are ) looking # '# " " in 'the Darke, #$"% $Miami, Shelby, " # and"Auglaize counties.) Interested % * parties of barns " " us%at:$937-726-8353. # $ " #$ ! "$ # $ $ %# $ can contact
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TIRES: Firestone 18.4-38 radial, 90%, $750. Armstrong 18.4-38 radial, 30%, $250. Urbana 937-238-6504 LOOKING FOR FARMLAND to rent or buy in northern Darke Co. & surrounding areas. Osgood 937-726-9810 ZERO-TURN LAWNMOWER: VGC! Bush Hog. 60 in. M2560. $2,200. Anna 937-507-2457 ‘79 400cc HONDA motorcycle with Honda-O-Matic transmission. Only 17K mi. ‘80 200cc Honda dirt bike. Only 898 mi. Arcanum 937-448-0660 WANTED: Graham plow & Seaman tiller. Hamilton 513-738-2978 NEW, IN BOX pull-behind dump trailer. 10 cu. ft. $65 OBO. Franklin 937-231-2397. Leave msg. HARDI SPRAYER: 800 gal. Tandem axle foam markers & 42’ manual fold booms. $2,000 OBO. Lewisburg 937-248-1837 WANTED: 4- or 5-person alum. pontoon paddle boat. Elam Wickey, 4373E— 100S, Monroe, IN 46772 WATER WHEEL PLANTER: Model 1716. Great shape! Extra punches. Manual included. $600. Casstown 937-418-6710 (2) 40 BU. Pax Hog Feeders: GC! Wapakoneta 419-236-8132 4x5 1st CUTTING Alfalfa Haylage Bales: Greenville 937-564-3421 SMALL, SQUARE BALES 2nd & 3rd cuttings grass hay. Russia 937-622-2246
BENCH VISES: $50 & up. Chain hoist, 1/4 ton to 10 ton. Rollers are heavy-duty. 10 in. 10 ft. long. $90. Rossburg 937-564-0719 14’ OFFSET DISC: Heavy-duty, $3,950. 15’ Brillion cultimulcher, $2,500. 4-5-6 btm. moldboard plow harrows, $100 ea. Piqua 937-418-9029 DRAFT HORSE JOURNALS & BELGIAN REVIEW. Devilbiss air compressor w/2hp motor, 220 amp. 12’ cultipacker w/sealed bearings. Pleasant Hill 937-676-3632 PIERSON SPRAYER: 90’ booms. 1,000 gal. tank. Raven controller. Induction cone. Hyd. height boom control. $8,500. Ft. Recovery 419-852-8903 (4) HOLSTEIN feeder calves & (1) Jersey feeder steer. Piqua 937-570-5201 (4) WHITE PILLARS: 18’ long, 1’ square. Tipp City 937-667-3778 ‘60 JAGUAR MARK VII: Looks like a Rolls Royce. Very solid. Should run. $2,500. Trenton 513-464-2641 ‘89 GMC 25’ Straight Truck: 366 motor. Exc. bed on truck. Make offer. Bethel 513-620-1109 DAIRY CALVES for 4-H projects or freezer beef. Bottle babies & weaned calves available year-round. West Alexandria 937-733-7104 PULL-TYPE SPRAYER: 700 gal. Tandem axle. 55’ hyd. adjust booms. Foam markers. $2,100. Arcanum 937-547-0446
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Page 29 - COUNTRY LIVING - FEBRUARY 2020 55 FORD C600 w/rebuilt 292 engine. 16’ grain bed w/hoist. New Carlisle 937-308-1382 (no texts) CASH PAID for vintage & classic motorcycles. Ft. Recovery 419-305-6191. Email: gus@bright.net 3’x3’x7’ BALES ‘19 Wheat Straw: Nice, clean, bright straw. Versailles 937-621-0229 JAEGER ANTIQUE Gas Cement Mixer: With flywheel engine. GC! $400 OBO. Arcanum 937-692-8215 WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622 STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw. Twine-tied, small, square bales. Easy loading or delivery available. West Milton 937-875-1220 or 937-698-3541 WANTED: Farm 937-547-2161
ALUM. LADDERS: 28 ft. Heavy- & lightweight. $100-$125 ea. New Carlisle 937-902-2294 or 902-2295 CLEAN FILL DIRT WANTED: Union City area. 330-322-3198 FREE FILL DIRT! Good clay mix w/some rocks. Easy access along driveway. You load, you haul. Approx. 20 large dump trucks. Pleasant Hill 937-216-9567 WHIRLPOOL REFRIGERATOR: 10 cu. ft. Very nice! $150. New Lebanon 937-687-2334 IN-BED FUEL TANK: 105 gal. 20’ of hose & electric 12V pump. $350. Lewisburg 937-336-9150
NH 488 HAYBINE: Working cond. $750. Bradford 937-564-6948 JOHN DEERE 213: Black reel. Flex head. SS seals. Bolt-on section. Asking $1,900. Hamilton 513-726-4736 BRADCO 617 skid steer trencher, $3,400; Walton 2-basket tedder, $1,200. Xenia 937-416-1572 8’ ENCLOSED WORKBENCH, $75. 3 pt. hitch buzz saw. Belt-driven. $300. Antique desk, $50. Englewood 937-789-8996 BUZZ SAW BLADES: 26 in. & 19 in. Russia 937-622-1746 or 937-507-5119
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10’x80” TRAILER w/wood floor & 2-5/16” ball hitch. Portland, Indiana 260-726-8318 1st CUTTING Alfalfa Orchardgrass: Round bales. Russia 937-622-2246 TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items. Dealer for 22 years. Call for catalog & brochures. Russia 937-238-6661 MENSCH Bedding Side-Shooter: For sawdust. 5’ wide, w/skidloader quick attach. GC! $1,500. St. Marys 419-953-3487
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CHOP SAW: 14” cast iron base MILWAUKEE. LN! Used very little. Sells on Amazon for $411. Asking $175. Call/text Camden 937-336-1839 WALKER LAWNMOWER: Model MBK. 56” cut. 480 hrs. EC! Maplewood 937-596-6861 FREEZER BEEF: No hormones. Grainfed. Arcanum 937-678-5435
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Page 30 - COUNTry LiViNG - FebrUary 2020
‘16 17’ HYBRID CAMPER: Roo by Rockwood. New tires. Weight distribution hitch. Sleeps 6. Bathroom & kitchen. Ready to go! $15,000. Eaton 937-533-7241 OMAHA STANDARD fold-down livestock rack for 3/4 ton pick-up with loading chute. (2) rear wheel weights for farm tractor. Pleasant Hill 937-676-3632
Deadline for next month’s Country Living FriDay, Feb. 21, NO LaTer THaN 4:30 PM
‘11 JD 2305 TRACTOR: 835 hrs. 62” deck. 54” front-mounted snowblower. $10,000. St. Henry 419-852-0730 GEA WESTFALIA Surge Pasteurizer. 100 gal. Coldwater 419-953-4295
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PARTING OUT IH 1086 Tractor: Lots of good parts. Minster 419-953-6892 BARN WOOD WANTED: Looking for old barn wood in large quantities. Beams, sleepers, dimensional material. Let us know what you have! We’ll be happy to come out & take a look. Thanks! Located in Arcanum, Ohio. Call 970-596-3151. www.backroadslumber.com FREEZER BEEF: No hormones. Grainfed. Arcanum 937-678-5435 WANTED: Farmground to rent in Darke & surrounding counties. Any size acreage. Greenville 937-547-0446
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CHICKEN MANURE FOR SALE: Trucking & spreading available. Versailles 937-564-3399
UTILITY TRAILER: 4x7. With ramps. Great for mowers or quads. $495 (cash only). Piqua 937-570-2419
WANTED: JD 7200 or 7000 6-row planter. Dry fert. Any cond. Maplewood 937-596-6861
REMINGTON 1100: 12 ga. 25” imp. cyl., vent rib. EC! $500. Call/text Grover Hill 567-344-1092. May travel some.
NH 845 Round Baler: New paint & decals. Shedded. $1,950. Retiring. Wellington, Kentucky 937-214-0064
IN NEED OF RAM: Katahdin or Dogper breed. No need to be registered. Versailles 937-526-5760
SEVERAL ANTIQUE tractor tires. All sizes. Many different tractor tires. All sizes. New 16.9x28 backhoe tires. Several new big truck tires at low prices. Franklin 937-474-9899
NH 479 haybine, $1,850; 16’ flatbed wagon w/sideboards, $500. Yorkshire 419-210-4607
CLEAN, BRIGHT Wheat Straw: Small bales. Versailles 567-279-4544
‘10 JD 7230: 2WD. 16 spd. P/Q, w/LHD reverse. Rack & pinion axle. 3 SCV. 1,335 hrs. Air seat, Buddy seat, & more. EC! $59,500. Maplewood 937-638-8191 WANTED: Old motorcycles & motorcycle parts. Old dealer inventories & anything motorcycle-related. Ft. Recovery 419-305-6191. E-mail: gus@bright.net FREE: Firewood to cut. From trees already sawed down. All hardwood. Easy to cut. Minster 419-628-2101 COUNTRY HOME FOR RENT: Two-car garage. Anna School District. 937-726-9580 or 419-628-3200 FREEZER BEEF: No hormones. Grainfed. Arcanum 937-678-5435 PROPANE HEATER: 15,000—20,000— 25,000 BTU settings. Used very little. Perfect working cond. Orig. box & manual. $40. Call/text Camden 937-336-1839 18’ BRILLION cultipacker end support, $3,000; auto. roller mill w/15hp singlephase motor. Make offer. Yorkshire 419-210-4607 3-YEAR-OLD Red Beef Bull: Works good. Bradford 937-313-6502 BACKHOE ATTACHMENT for Tractor: 3 pt. 15’ out, 9.5’ down. $2,800. Xenia 937-416-1572 ‘76 IH 1466 TRACTOR: Call for information. Fountain City, Indiana 937-621-0430
WOODBURNING STOVE: Has been covered up in barn. GC! Rebel. 3 ft. x 19 in. Asking $300. St. Paris 937-478-6986 KRAUSE 24’ field cult. w/harrow & hitch. Unverferth 5-shank, spring-loaded reset Subsoiler w/gauge wheels. Germantown 937-689-7337 NEW HOLLAND TC30: 4-wheel drive. With loader, 6’ finishing mower. Looks like new. $12,500. Franklin 937-474-9899 WANTED: Farmland to rent around West Milton, Laura, & surrounding areas for 2020. Must have access for equipment. Laura 937-684-6159 JD 7000 8-row planter w/liquid fertilizer & monitor. End transport. $3,000. Greenville 937-547-0446 WANTED: (2) front wheel rims for AllisChalmers WD45. Hamilton 513-498-7365 TURN YOUR LOGS INTO LUMBER! I do custom sawing with a Woodmizer sawmill. Your place or mine. Hardwood lumber for sale. Pleasant Hill 937-216-7292 CUSTOM LOG SAWING: Using Wood Mizer mill. Keith Marshall, Greenville 937-548-0463 3’x3’x7’ BALES Red Clover Hay: Nice hay. Never wet. Versailles 937-621-0229 DEMOLITION & EXCAVATING SERVICES Union City, Ohio 937-308-0560
GLOBE Meat & Cheese Deli Slicer: VGC! Ready to use. Table-top model. Greenville 937-417-2315
(2) KILLBROS 350 Hopper Wagons: VGC! Stored inside.Time to get rid of them. Eaton 937-336-3601
150 BALES Alfalfa/Grass Hay: $8.50/ bale. New Paris 937-437-1636
MONTGOMERY WARD Flareside Wagon & Running Gear: Nicest one around! $950. Wapakoneta 419-234-5419
40’ NI ELEVATOR: 419-953-6892
IH 574 w/3 pt. hitch & 3-14” plows. Dunham quick attach loader. All in VGC! $8,995. Will separate. Dayton 937-572-1499
YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent. Darke & surrounding counties. Versailles 937-417-2969
! " " REMINGTON 572 Fieldmaster Pump .22: Scuff marks on receiver blueing. Very nice wood. $425. Call/text Grover Hill 567-344-1092. May travel some.
Better Depth Control Better Seed Spacing Better Results Get all three from: Greg Bridenbaugh 4045 S. Davis Rd., West Milton
937-698-6030 937-546-6126
Seed Meter Calibration We’re your authorized MeterMax* System representative. We can inspect, clean, recondition and precision calibrate your seed meter to eliminate skips, doubles and costly spacing errors. E-Set for J.D. vacuum planter available. Call for information.
11Lx15 4-RIB tractor tire; 6-18 White 588 plow; 150 & 200 gal. plastic spray tanks. Covington 937-239-4498
HAND-HELD remote for truck seat. Goes in & out. 8N Ford tractor w/bush hog. Brookville 937-837-1070
AC SICKLE BAR mower for WD tractor up to D-17. $100. 2-basket hay tedder. $500. Ugly, but works. Mendon 419-795-7242
FREE STALLS WANTED: 6’ long, wide loop w/angle. 32”-41” w/2” or 2-3/8” pipe. St. Henry 419-678-3659
NH 6640: 4WD. 75hp. With cab heat & air. Front weight. 4,680 hrs. New paint. Can send pictures. $19,995. Wellington, Kentucky. 937-214-0064 ‘93 FORD 6610: Series II. Very low hours. Tires like new. Looks like new. Make offer or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899
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SATURDAY, FEB. 8 AT 9 A.M. Coldwater Young Farmers Consignment Auction located at Coldwater Football Stadium, Butler St., Coldwater, Ohio. Tractors; Trucks; Combine; Hopper Bottom Trailer; Grain Dryer; Farm Equipment. Conducted by Coldwater Auction Service. See Page 10 SATURDAY, FEB. 15 AT 10 A.M. Public Auction located at 384 Park Ave., Urbana, Ohio. Guns; Ammo; Woodworking Equipment; Tools; Fishing Items. Owner’s Name Withheld for Security Reasons. Phil Thompson, Auctioneer. See Page 11 SATURDAY, MARch 21 AT 10 A.M. Marion Young Farmers Consignment Auction located at Mercer Landmark, Chickasaw, Ohio. Call by February 21 to assure advertising. Sale to be conducted by Coldwater Auction Service. See Page 10 SATURDAY, APRil 4 AT 9 A.M. Wapak FFA Alumni / Adult Farmers Consignment Sale to be held the Auglaize County Fairgrounds, Wapakoneta, Ohio. Sale Managed & Conducted by the Dennis Kohler Auction Service. See Page 10 • schrader real estate & auction co. • Real Estate & Farm Equipment Offered in February and March. See Page 6
NI 213 Flail Manure Spreader: PTO. Slop gate. Good working cond. Stored inside. $3,000. Union City, Indiana 260-251-9660 CHICAGO Finger Brake: Model W31. 48 in. GC! $1,850 OBO. Somerville 513-889-7777 WANTED TO BUY: Old farm equipment. Cultipackers, planters, disks. Tractors, running or not. Paying cash. Greenville 937-621-4580 66” WIDE smooth bucket for Bobcat or skidsteer. EC! $750. Xenia 937-416-1572 CHAINSAW SCULPTURES Stumps in your yard or items on display. dklchainsawman@aol.com or 765-977-4563. Photos on facebook. See Dayle Keith Lewis.
WANTED: Junk autos & scrap metal of all kinds. Certified scale. Top dollar paid. Roll-off container services. Call for pricing or pick-up. Celina 419-363-2277 504 INT. & 2200 LOADER: Sat next to barn when it burned. Not a complete meltdown. As is or parts. Asking $1,000 OBO. Spencerville 419-230-5169 GO-CART 3hp Motor: Wapakoneta 419-236-8132 BRADY 13-1/2’ field cult. w/harrow & hitch. Gregson field sprayer. 60’ hyd. booms. Big wheel. Hyd. cent. pump. With monitor. Germantown 937-689-7337 4x5 ROUND BALES Grass Hay: $125/ ton. New Bremen 419-230-6697 HEAVY-DUTY 1-ton chain hoist & motor stand. Make offer. Ludlow Falls 937-698-6611 ‘04 15’ GREAT PLAINS No-Till Drill: 8” spacing. 3,750 acres. $13,600 OBO. Piqua 937-606-0919
JD GT275 Garden Tractor: 17hp Kawasaki engine. 48” deck. New bar tires on rear. Bought new from Willowdell Sales. $1,250. Call/text Sidney 937-489-1277
‘06 GEHL 3640e Skidloader: EC! 2,250 hrs. 1,150# lift. Joe, New Knoxville 567-644-9031
SS TUBE FEEDERS: With waterers. 50” wide. Minster 937-726-5845
SHELF-SIZE indus. metal storage bins. Various sizes. $5 ea. Ft. Recovery 419-305-2658
WANTED: PTO manure pit pump. Maria Stein 567-644-3226 5,000 WATT B&S Generator: $500. 2014 Chevy Spark. Arcanum 937-448-0660
PARKER 305 Wagon: 375 bu. 12T gear. 18” sides. EC! Stored inside. Sidney 937-726-9485
29’ STEEL Light Pole: With anchor bolts. Wapakoneta 419-236-3573
NH SQUARE BALER 278: GC! Always stored indoors. No longer doing hay. $3,900 OBO. Laura 937-684-6159
CHICKEN MANURE FOR SALE: Trucking & spreading available. Versailles 937-564-3399
WORKING AMETEK IND. Battery Charger: 250H3-12G. 3-phase. $70. Ft. Recovery 419-305-2658
SEARS J.C. Higgins Spaceliner Bike: 26 in. Classic antique. First made in ‘64. Ser. #502469401. Make offer. New Knoxville 937-423-4440
KATAHDIN / DORPER CROSS BottleFed Lambs: $85 ea. Celina 419-305-8846
GASOLINE log splitter, make offer. Set of rabbit hutches. LOOKING for 24’ elec. motor hay elevator. Bethel 513-620-1109
“OLD” DOUBLE DESK: Metal. Must see! Other desk & modern office equipment. Closing business. New Paris 937-533-7456 WANTED: Clean 937-212-8699
No Later Than 4:30 pm
IH 574: Gas, w/2050 loader & 6’ bucket. Minster 419-309-1424
FREEZER BEEF: No hormones. Grainfed. Arcanum 937-678-5435
GOATS FOR SALE: Pygmy. Females. Medway 937-849-1143. Please leave message & I’ll return call.
ACE PTO PUMP for sprayer. All new bearings & seals. EC! $450. Ansonia 937-337-7901 or 937-2238-7901
SITREX 2-basket hay tedder, $1,750; Danuser post driver, hyd. drive, $1,350; PTO generator, 13KW, $1,250; front end ‘67-’72 Chevy P/U, $500. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
ANTIQUE STEEL WHEEL spoke wheel wagon w/wood bed. 4x10 ft. 5’ Bush Hog rotary mower, 3 pt. hitch, $450. Greenville 937-548-0463 GLEN HAVEN Memorial Gardens Cemetery Lots: Current price: $1,995. Selling for $800. 614-477-8841 WANTED TO BUY: English & Western horse tack, bridles, saddles, stall fronts, jewelry, etc. West Milton 937-698-5529 (4) VERY GOOD Western saddles; (4) English exercise saddles. Make offer. Bethel 513-620-1109 SHOW READY 16’ Cargo Trailer: With 115 different box type corn sheller & 11 small crank mills. Versailles 937-548-8391
Page 33 - COUNTRY LIVING - FEBRUARY 2020 12-YEAR-OLD Paint Gelding: Broke to ride. Trail horse. $800. St. Marys 419-733-8792 TWO-RING Pax bulk feed bin. Arcanum 937-750-0741 WANTED: Graham plow & Seaman tiller. Hamilton 513-738-2978 ‘11 COX Gooseneck Grain Trailer: Red. Tandem axle. 425 bu. Always shedded. EC! $12,000. Covington 937-623-3195 STRAW: Small, square, good, tight, clean. $4/bale. Columbus Grove 419-230-3912
DISK: MF, 8 ft., 3 pt., $850; JD 620 hood, $250; Gravely L, $450; winch, portable, 110V, $200; JD Top Link, $350; Craftsman table saw, $75. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
(11) DIFFERENT Small, Hand-Crank Grinding Mills: Versailles 937-548-8391 ‘49 FARMALL M: Tractor is in VGC! Like new tires. 12-volt. Stored indoors. $3,500 OBO. Laura 937-684-6159
‘98 JD 7810 TRACTOR: MFD. 4,300 hrs. Duals. Good tires. Front & rear weights. Fast hitch. $50,000. Germantown 937-974-6690
FISHER 7’6” Minute Mount snow plow. GC! Comes w/wiring & truck mount for ‘01 Dodge 2500. Bradford 937-313-6502 FREE TO GOOD HOME: English Setter. 1-1/2 years old. Non-hunter. Tri-colored. Casstown 937-857-9451
STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw. Twine-tied, small, square bales. Easy loading or delivery available. West Milton 937-875-1220 or 937-698-3541
CHAINSAW SCULPTURES Stumps in your yard or items on display. dklchainsawman@aol.com or 765-977-4563. Photos on facebook. See Dayle Keith Lewis. J&M 250-7 Hopper Wagon: $1,100. Piqua 937-570-5762 ‘49 DeSOTO: Rare! Carry-all. Some custom work. Too much to list. $2,400. Trenton 513-464-2641 ZTR PUFFER Air Ride Seat Mower Kit: $350. St. Henry 419-852-0730
BUZZ SAW BLADES: 26 in. & 19 in. Russia 937-622-1746 or 937-507-5119 ROTARY PHASE CONVERTER: 3hp to 20 hp. $250—$1,500. Rossburg 937-417-2219 WANTED: Farm 937-547-2161
NEEDED: PVC fence installer. I have the fence. Brookville 937-837-1070 ‘02 INT. 8100 Dump Truck: S.A. 370hp Cat engine. 10 spd. trans. GC! $21,500 OBO. Waynesfield 419-234-4586
COUNTRY KITCHEN You are invited to share your favorite recipe – for a main dish, casserole, salad, vegetable, dessert or snack. If it’s chosen a 1st Place Blue Ribbon Winner, we'll mail you $10! Recipes should be clearly printed or typed, with full instructions, and mailed to:
WANTED TO BUY: Old motorcycles & motorcycle parts. All models considered. Ft. Recovery 419-305-6191. E-mail: gus@bright.net (2) SINGLE-SHOT 20 Ga. Shotguns: Nice cond. H&R & and Stevens. $150 ea. Greenville 937-621-4580 ENCLOSED CARGO TRAILERS: 14 & 16 ft. + 2 ft. V-nose. Ramp door, LED, tiedowns, vents. 14 ft. at $4,195 & 16 ft., $4,393. Pictures available. Conover 937-441-8083
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Farm Bureau Names Pontsler Director Taylor Pontsler has been named Ohio Farm Bureau Federation organization director for Miami, Darke, Champaign, and Clark counties. In her new role, Pontsler will serve as a liaison between the county Farm Bureaus and Ohio Farm Bureau. In addition, she will assist county groups in the development and implementation of programs to strengthen their organizations, enhance their ability to serve members, and affect positive change at the community level. Pontsler received her associate’s degree from Clark State Community College, where she studied agricultural business, and her bachelor’s degree from Wilmington College, where she studied agronomy. She previously served as marketing and media associate for Miami, Darke, Champaign, and Clark County Farm Bureaus.
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B&B Ag-Vantages Proudly Supports The Xtend Cropping System
‘01 FORD FOCUS SE: 2.0L Zetec 16-valve. 30mpg city. Looks like new! $3,500 or trade for Honda ATV. Piqua 937-570-2419 5-X 500 LB. STEERS: Shorthorn/Cross. On feed & vaccs 50 days. Casstown 937-857-9451 WANTED: Used steer stuffer. Ft. Loramie 937-638-8707 ‘78 MF TRACTOR w/cab & air. Model 1085. Show & field ready! Germantown 937-689-7337 13-SHANK Anhydrous Bar: $2,500. Ron, Ludlow Falls 937-902-3655 WANTED: Clydesdale stud service for one mare. Bradford 937-547-2161, Ext. 3 KEWANEE Model 1000 Series hyd. fold wing disk w/3-bar Noble harrow. Approx. 18 ft. Very nice! $4,800 OBO. Jackson Center 937-596-5414
7’ WERNER Aluma-Plank Scaffolding (one plank). Ft. Recovery 419-305-2658 (2) KILLBROS #387 Wagons: 24” sideboards. Agri Cover roll tarps. 13-ton gears, brakes. Tires 385-65R-22.5. $8,500 ea. OBO. Delphos 419-303-0686 ‘94 MUSTANG GT Convertible: Auto. 4 spd. Laser Red/Saddle leather int. A/C. Power seat. Tilt. Speed power windows. 5.0 V8. Power locks. $12,500 OBO. New Knoxville 937-423-4440 JD B TRACTOR: EC! Good rubber. Runs good. Greenville 937-417-2315 MF 750 COMBINE: 15’ table. #1163. Corn head, chopper. MF 620 disc. 15.5 ft. 22” blades. Ottawa 419-532-3637 ‘05 NH CR960 COMBINE w/NH 73C grain table, NH 98C 8-row corn head w/stalk roller, & (2) head carts. $100,000. Ron, Ludlow Falls 937-902-3655
TRACTOR TIRE: 20-8R38, 75% tread; (2) truck tires, 8R-19.5, 12-ply; (4) car tires, 215-R15, 98 TMS; (4) Pirelli P215-70R15; Honda 600 VLX Shadow, 5,500 mi. Ottawa 419-532-3637 17’ ALUM. CANOE: LN! With paddles & seat cushions. $400. 10’ deep-V fishing boat w/trolling motor. $400. Greenville 937-621-4580
504 INT. & 2200 LOADER: Sat next to barn when it burned. Not a complete meltdown. As is or parts. Asking $1,000 OBO. Spencerville 419-230-5169
WANTED: Winchester Model 1887 leveraction w/pistol grip stock. Elam Wickey, 4373E—100S, Monroe, IN 46772
JD 40 Manure Spreader: PTO. Newer floor & paint. Single-beater. Good working cond. Stored inside. $3,000. Union City, Indiana 260-251-9660
26” GIRLS’ BIKE: 10 spd. Huffy Dura Sport. Make offer. New Knoxville 937-423-4440
‘95 TORO AERO-SEEDER: Model 84. 18hp Briggs. Self-propelled seeding with 18 in. EC! $750 OBO. Swanton 419-825-3333
SNAP COUPLER PLOWS: (1) 2 btm., (1) 3 btm. $200 ea. Snap coupler 3 pt. conversion. Orig. Not after-market. $350. Came off D-19. Mendon 419-795-7242
4’ SINGLE-GANG disk for ATV or small tractor. Pull-type. $250. 8’ single-gang wheel disk w/8’ spiketooth harrow. $475. Greenville 937-621-4580
LOOKING FOR good, used JD 450 drill or IH 5100 drill w/grass seeders. Yorkshire 419-852-3504
(50) BALES Grass Hay: Round bales. Wrapped. $50/bale. West Liberty 937-465-7616
CLEAN, BRIGHT Wheat Straw: 3x3x8 bales. $180/ton. Versailles 937-417-5876
HAY FOR SALE: Alfalfa & orchardgrass. Large or small round bales. Camden 937-533-0081
IH REAR Wheel Weight: Fits H or M. And MM rear wheel weight. $100 ea. New Paris 937-997-2384
CHAIR SEATS & Backs Re-Caned: Call for prices. Eaton 937-456-4803
FIREWOOD: 937-603-9036
55’ STEINER belt feeder & 20’ Harris conveyor. GC! Minster 419-309-1424
40’ J&M Grain/Bale Elevator. Houston 937-638-9499 OMAHA STANDARD fold-down livestock rack for 3/4 ton pick-up with loading chute. (2) rear wheel weights for farm tractor. Pleasant Hill 937-676-3632
(3) TRAILER AXLES: With wheels & tires. Only 400 mi. on them. Mobile home style. $800. Xenia 937-416-1572
lllllllllllllllllllllll WANTED TO BUY: Silver dollars. Paying cash. Call Buck, Eldorado, 937-273-3165
5,500-WATT North Star generator w/9hp Honda engine. Less than 100 hrs. Versailles 937-548-8391
‘51 FARMALL CUB tractor w/centermounted grader blade. New tires. Rear wheel weights restored. Swanton 419-825-3333 eves.
WANTED: 550 Oliver tractor w/loader. Also, CJ 5 Jeep. Germantown 937-689-7337
8-YEAR-OLD Roan Pony Gelding: Amish broke. $300. St. Marys 419-733-8792
FREEZER BEEF custom processed by the half or quarter. Call for prices. Eaton 937-456-4803 290 JD 2-ROW PLANTER: In barn. $350. JD 2-row cult., $150. 2-row tobacco planter, $100. Camden 513-543-3767 WANTED: Metal or wood toy boats, or boat model. Also, toy outboard batteryoperated boat motors. Eldorado 937-336-6593 SEEKING FARM GROUND to rent for 2020. Darke & surrounding counties. Versailles 937-467-1133 (7) HEAD Crossbred Calves: Approx. 400 lbs. (5) Holstein calves. Approx. 350 lbs. All are de-horned, castrated, & vaccinated. Market price. Piqua 937-773-7371 WHITE VINE Posts & Rails: Rossburg 937-338-5673
Future Farmers oF america??? Brothers Luke and Owen Marker were just 1-1/2 years old and 3-1/2 years old when this picture was taken about eight years ago. These future farmers seemed to be pondering the state of their fields and their planting options for the coming spring. The boys are the sons of Jared and Alicia Marker, grandsons of Connie Marker, and great-grandsons of Harold of Shirley Marker, all of Greenville. We thank Harold & Shirley for sharing this picture with our readers.
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FLORA’S Small Engine Repair 8524 W. St. Rt. 185 • Bradford, Ohio 45308 Toro.com