Country Living 8.2020

Page 1

Country Living Vol. 77 • no. 8

august 2020



TRoy, ohIo • AUGUST 14 - 20

Monday & tuesday


aug. 17 & 18 Post time 6:30pm




aug. 14 - 5:30pm



Followed by





aug. 20 - 8pm

stadiuM: tiCKets on sale!

sunday aug. 16



5pm STADIUM: $5





All events and schedule are subject to change.


aug. 19 - 7pm



COUNTRY LIVING Contents Cover Picture Country Kitchen


SO CLOSe!!! We “almost” had room for this month’s Country Kitchen page, but at the last minute we received a display ad that had to run. Sorry to disappoint our readers, but we’re sure you understand.

Hopefully, tHere Will be room in next montH’S iSSue!


Is Published Monthly By: ARENS CORPORATION P.O. Box 69, 395 S. High St., Covington, OH 45318 937-473-2028 • 937-473-2029 • FAX: 937-473-2500







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‘60 D-14 ALLIS: Wide front. Runs good 1st, but 2nd gear out. Sell for $600 as is. Versailles 937-638-2196 NH 40’ bale conveyor on wheels. 1hp motor. LN! Can deliver. Call for pictures. $3,500. Holland 419-277-0668 CHAINSAW SCULPTURES Stumps in your yard or items on display. or 765-977-4563. Photos on facebook. See Dayle Keith Lewis. FREE HAY ROPE: 100 ft.-plus. Has one double pulley & one single pulley. Lewisburg 937-241-9035 FREE FILL DIRT: Good clay mix, w/some rocks. Easy access along driveway. You load, you haul. Approx. 20 large dump trucks. Pleasant Hill 937-216-9567

" JD 4630 Quad Range Duals: $12,700. Greenville 937-547-0446 POLE BARN Building Materials: Doors, windows, ribbed sheet metal, poles, lumber. Lewisburg 937-839-4540 BLACK SLATE Chalkboards: Approx. 42x48 in. Top half of old kitchen cabinet. Lewisburg 937-962-2364 TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items. Dealer for 22 years. Call for catalog & brochures. Russia 937-238-6661 NI #254 Sickle Mower: GC! IH #37 disk with 10 on a side. JD #45 trip loader off JD 60. Celina 419-953-1206 FREEZER BEEF: No hormones. Grainfed. Arcanum 937-678-5435

E-MAIL: CHECK US OUT ON THE NET: IMPORTANT!!! When submitting advertisements or news releases, always include your full name, address, & phone number (including area code)

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FREE NON-COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED AD POLICY FOR ALL COuNtRY LIvINg SuBSCRIBERS IF YOU VOLUNTARILY SUBSCRIBE TO COUNTRY LIVINg, you are eligible to submit a LIMIt OF 4 NON-COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED ADS (20 WORDS OR LESS) with the understanding that they will be published free of charge if they qualify. tHE COSt IS $22.95 PER YEAR. Publisher reserves the right to reject certain ads. They should always be in good taste, and LIMITED TO 20 WORDS. PLEASE PRINT LEgIBLY, and be sure to include your area code and phone number. Classified ads should come from a farmer or other country resident who is not using them for a commercial purpose in which he is regularly engaged. They must bear the name and address of the writer, along with his or her customer number, which tells us you are among the subscribers of our Country Living Honor Roll of Friends. ADVERTISERS WIShINg TO RUN ADS MORE ThAN ONE MONTh MUST RE-SUBMIT ADS EACh MONTh. YOUR ADS will be seen in more than 13,000 country homes, and can be submitted in four ways: 1) Mail them to Country Living, Arens Corp., Publishers, P.O. Box 69, Covington, Oh 45318. 2) Telephone our office at 937-473-2028 or 937-473-2029 any time Monday thru Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Remember, you must give our receptionist your customer number or you will be billed for the ad(s) submitted. LIMIt OF 2 ADS PER tELEPHONE CALL. LIMIt OF 4 ADS PER MONtH PER SuBSCRIBER. 3) Fax your ad(s) to: 937-473-2500 4) Email your ad(s) to: COUNTRY LIVINg is published monthly. Free non-commercial classified ads will be accepted for publication in the following month's issue as late as possible. The earlier we receive your ad, the better chance it has to get in the next issue. When ads arrive too late to meet the deadline for a given issue, they are held over and given priority in the following issue.

DeaDline For aUGUST iSSUe iS

FRIDAY, Aug. 28 - 4:30 p.m. COMMERCIAL ADVERTISING is not acceptable for publication and the free classified ad copy submitted to us is carefully scrutinized to reject commercial ads. Our commercial advertising rates are available on request. Among the types of ads frequently submitted to us as free copy but rejected because they are commercial, are the following: 1) Ads calling for the purchase, sale or rental of real estate; 2) Ads calling for the sale or rental of mobile homes; 3) Ads calling for the sale of motor vehicles less than seven years old. To control the volume of the free ads, we also have found it necessary to automatically reject offers to give away, sell, trade or breed pets. All of these types of ads are acceptable at commercial rates at 50 cents per word.

CHAINSAW SCULPTURES Stumps in your yard or items on display. or 765-977-4563. Photos on facebook. See Dayle Keith Lewis.

GOOD, USED 4610 Gehl Skidloader: Perkins dsl. engine. $6,800 OBO. Anna 937-658-4516 ALLIS CHALMERS H6 Front End Loader: $5,500. Middletown 513-424-1109

70-YEAR-OLD Hardwood Lumber: (1) 30’ 6x6; (3) 19’ 6x6; (3) 14’ 6x6; (10) 11’ 6x6; (50) 12’ 1-1/2x5-1/2; thousand ft. 1x5; (12) 16’ pine 2x6. Sidney 937-492-2470

WANTED: Good, used chicken crates; good milk cow. Write: M. Schwartz, 422E —200S, Monroe, IN 46772

CHICKEN MANURE FOR SALE: Trucking & spreading available. Versailles 937-564-3399

‘16 CHAPARRAL 336TSIK 36’ 5th Wheel: Sleeps 4. New tires. LN! $30,000. Covington 937-473-3753

(2) VINTAGE MOPEDS: Concord Invader & Cimatti. Both red & in GC! 5th Wheel shock absorb camper hitch. 2,400# GVW. Make offer. Houston 937-726-5798

STRAW: Small, square bales. 45-50 lb. bales. $5/bale. Columbus Grove 419-296-0711

WHEAT STRAW: Nice, twine-tied, square bales. $5/bale. Wapakoneta 419-738-8523. Leave msg.

HILLSBORO GN 20’ flatbed trailer, triaxle, 20,000# rating, $2,500; soybean baleage, 4x4 bales, tube-wrapped, $35 ea. Piqua 937-418-9029


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FOR RENT: Camper & boat storage. All cement floors & walls. 14’ tall openings for diesel pushers or 7th Wheel campers. Located in St. Henry, Ohio 45883. Call 567-279-8152 WANTED: Pole barns, in good shape, to take down & re-use. Monroe, Indiana 567-279-2244 (driver’s phone) 150 GAL. FUEL TANK w/stand, hose/ nozzle. Gravity feed. GC! $350. Middletown 513-594-7855 FORD NEW HOLLAND 6640 w/Alamo machete. Bush hog reaches 24 ft. Franklin 937-474-9899 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz GLEN HAVEN MEMORIAL GARDENS CEMETERY LOTS Current Price: $1,995 Selling for $800 614-477-8841 WANTED: Illinois Bunn Special 60-hour pocket watches, 17 jewel, 21 jewel, etc. Elam E. Wickey, 4373E—100S, Monroe, IN 46772 JD 6-ROW corn cult.; 12’ AC chisel plow. Minster 937-726-5845 200+ BALES STRAW: Good, tight bales. Delivery available. $5. Off the wagon. Germantown 937-974-6690 WHEAT STRAW: Nice, twine-tied, square bales. $5/bale. Wapakoneta 419-738-8523. Leave msg. OHIO STEEL 1 btm. plow. Also has potato plow shear with it. $75. Brookville 937-510-0292

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WOODS 8’ grader blade w/tilt, angle, & offset, $1,250; hay wagon, D. Bradley running gear, 7x14, $500; JD running gear, $850. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 SEARS J.C. Higgins Spaceliner Bike: 26 in. Classic antique. First made in ‘64. Ser. #502469401. Make offer. New Knoxville 937-423-4440


Join Us For Our... &






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Stop In & Save!

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AUGUST 6-7 • 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. AUGUST 8 • 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Best Prices of the Season!


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Stop in for a FREE consultation.



FREE GIFT with every building designed with our DreamMaker 3D Software.

Refreshments Served!

%DUQKDUW 5RDG ([LW Rႇ , FEATURING: • 800-373-5550 ‘65 CASE 830 Comfort King Tractor: Model 841C. Wide front. Gas engine. Restored. New paint. Many new parts & decals. Runs great! New Paris 937-997-2384

STEEL WHEEL Hay Rake: $100; IH 7-shank V-ripper, $500; AC D-17 snap coupler, wide front, good tires, $3,000. Willshire 419-495-2043

WANTED TO BUY: MF wheel weights to fit 2775 or 2805. Part #588128MI. 1,000#. Will pay cash. Arcanum 937-692-8215

ALFALFA, Clover, Timothy Hay: 1st cutting. (700) 50 lb. bales. $5 ea. (800) 40 lb. bales. $4 ea. Union City, Indiana 765-964-3475

3 PT. LEVEL Lift Forklift: $275. Piqua 937-214-1961

FREEZER BEEF: No hormones. Grainfed. Arcanum 937-678-5435

Deadline for Next Month’s Country Living Friday, Aug. 28, No Later Than 4:30 pm


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TERMS: Cash preferred or personal checks only! No credit cards or buyer's premium. &)*$,&2 2&,, "3 .//. 5 &6&$43/1 2 $/.'*1-"3*/. -*.*-4- /' $"2) %/5. 0"7-&.3 ./. 1&'4.%"#,& 5 #", 5*3)*. )12 #7 "2)*&1 2 )&$+ /.,7


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! HEAVY-DUTY Fence Stretchers: $100. New Madison 937-996-6344 FOR SALE: Case IH. ‘06. 1020. 25’ grain head. Land Tracker. Exc. shape. $9,000. Sidney 937-726-8006

FORKS for Forklift: Hyd. cyls. New & used. Wood splitter cylinder. $125. Rossburg 937-564-0719 CASE IH 1063 Corn Head: 6-row, 30 in., w/header cart. GC! Russia 937-638-4799


AUCTIONS UCTION NS Upcoming U Up pcoom pco omi ming i ngg A REAL ESTATE




4 – 82± ACRES IN 2 TR ACTS. JJaay Count y (Portla nd, IN). Qua lit y Soils • 4 miles east of Port la nd • 5 miles west of Ohio. Contact A l Pfister 260-760-8922. 1 18 8 – 20± ACRES IN 2 TR ACTS. Noble Count y (A lbion, IN). Mini Farm w it h Home and Barn. Contact Jerr y Eh le 260-749-0445. 24 – 21 T R AC T S . Wa b a s h , A l l e n , & W h i t l e y Count y, IN. Contact Ga r y Ba iley 260-417-4838. 25 – 2 4 0 AC R E S I N 6 T R AC T S . Gr a nt C ou nt y (Potosi, W I). Contact Da rrell Crapp 608-558-6832 or Chris Hof f ma n 815-985-6205. 29 – 4± ACRES IN 1 TR ACT. A llen Count y (New Haven,, IN). Fa rm House • Mobile Home • Horse Facilit y. Contact Dennis Bennett 260-433-2159.

11 – FA R M EQUIPMENT – ONLINE/ V IRTUA AL. Columbia Cit y, IN. Contact Robert Mishler 260-3369750 or Eric Ott 260-413-0787. A L PROP17 – F FA A R M EQUIPMEN T & PERSONA ERT Y. Three Rivers, MI. Contact Ed Boyer 574-2157653 or Te Ted Boyer 574-215-8100. 26 – FA R M E QU I PM E N T. Pot o s i, W I . C ont a c t Da rrell Crapp 608-558-6832 or Chris Hof f ma n 815985-6205. 27 – FA FA RM EQUIPMENT. Hicksv ille, OH. Contact A rden S chrader 260-229-2442. Follow us on:

Get our iOS App

MINI. JERSEY heifer & mini. Jersey bull. 40” black & white pony. Broke to drive. Elam Wickey, 4373E—100S, Monroe, IN 46772 IH REAR WHEEL WEIGHT: Fits H or M. MM rear wheel weight. $100 ea. New Paris 937-997-2384 (2) MEN’S 26” 10 spd. bicycles. One has new tires & tubes. $20 ea. New Carlisle 937-846-1578 FORD 4000: Runs like new! PS & live PTO. $4,000. Franklin 937-474-9899 7’ NI CYCLE BAR MOWER: $150. Farmall H w/3 pt. hitch. $2,200. Wapakoneta 419-657-6770 10-TON KILLBROS: J&M gears. $800 ea. 8x16 hay wagons. $650 ea. Rossburg 937-564-0719 ‘99 CORN PRO 18’ Gooseneck: Steel. 8’ height. 6.5’ width. LW 14000. Stored inside. Sidney 937-492-1567 or 937-726-2623 nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn WHITE 8342 PLANTER 12-row corn — 13-row bean $18,000 OBO Rossburg — 419-852-5474 CHICKEN MANURE FOR SALE: Trucking & spreading available. Versailles 937-564-3399


60 GAL. Ingersoll Rand air compressor. $500. Sidney 937-726-4143

IH 66 SERIES CAB: $300. Arcanum 937-313-6520



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Page 10 - Country living - august 2020 TURKEY ROASTERS: 937-295-3553


FREEZER BEEF: No hormones. Grainfed. Arcanum 937-678-5435

CUSTOM LOG SAWING: Using Wood Mizer mill. Keith Marshall, Greenville 937-548-0463

1,500 GAL. MUELLER Bulk Milk Tank: Eaton 419-302-3148

TIRED OF YOUR Back Hurting? Try Teeter Hang-Ups inversion table. Don’t wait too late like I did! Like new. $300. Casstown 937-308-0194

JOHN DEERE 40-T Row Crop Tractor: Fully restored. 3 pt. PTO. Painted with factory paint. Jorde decals. Expo restoration. Asking $6,900. Hamilton 513-726-4736

JD 6620: 2,269 hrs., less than 20 hrs. since thru shop; 920 poly grain platform; HT25 w/lights. Lewistown 937-538-5351

BROCK GRAIN BIN: 18’ diam. Air floor, fan, auger. Also, 40’ auger on wheels. Rossburg 937-338-5673

(2) FIBERGLASS Garage Doors: 8x7. With hardware. $100 ea. New Madison 937-996-6344

(28) CLOSET DOORS: $5 ea. Coldwater 419-678-3289

WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622 (40) GOOD BALES Grass Hay: Weigh approx. 700 lbs. each. Wrapped & in barn. $60/bale. West Liberty 937-465-7616 KILLBROS #350 Hopper Wagon: 10-ton gear. Good tires. MF 620HD disc. 15-1/2” dual wheels. MF 750 combine. 15’ table. #1163 corn head. Ottawa 419-532-3637 FORD TRACTOR: 2000. Orig. hrs. 2026. 4 spd. 13.6x28 Firestone. 3 pt. New wheels, tires, fuel tank, radiator, etc. $3,200. Trade for Honda ATV. Piqua 937-570-2419 GLEANER M2: ‘82. 16’ grain table. 4-row wide corn head. $5,000. With header cart. Dayton 937-999-5188 DeaDline for next Month’s Country living friDay, aug. 28, no later than 4:30 PM





CHICKEN MANURE FOR SALE: Trucking & spreading available. Versailles 937-564-3399

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TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items. Dealer for 22 years. Call for catalog & brochures. Russia 937-238-6661 WANTED: 4- or 5-person alum. pontoon paddle boat. Elam Wickey, 4373E— 100S, Monroe, IN 46772 FORD 3930 & Loader: Low hrs. Dsl. Roll bar & canopy. New tires. Franklin 937-474-9899 CRAFTSMAN brush chipper; 4,400-watt generator; large Craftsman snowblower & air compressor. Make offer. Ludlow Falls 937-698-6611 IRON SCHOOL BELL from one-room school house. 16” diameter, with frame. Bell marked “CS Chrystal Metal”—Hillsboro, Ohio. Greenville 937-548-0011 ANTIQUE HORSE hitching post; large artists’ easel; (2) school auditorium seats. Phillipsburg 937-832-7124

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Come out and see all the great animal shows that help make the Miami County Fair memorable!

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BARN WOOD WANTED: Looking for old barn wood in large quantities. Beams, sleepers, dimensional material. Let us know what you have! We’ll be happy to come out & take a look. Thanks! Located in Arcanum, Ohio. Call 970-596-3151. FORD 5600: Looks like new! Roll bar & canopy. New engine overhaul & paint. Franklin 937-474-9899 DMC STIRATOR: For 18’ bin. Two-auger. Track included. Used 5 seasons. Complete. LN! $1,200 OBO. Sidney 937-538-0314


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MACHINISTS’ TOOLS: Inspection equipment, micrometers, angle plates, indicators, etc. West Milton 937-216-0699

GOOD SELECTION on Bantams: Roosters & hens. Ready to lay. White Pekin & Muscovy ducks. Old brown laying hens. Write: M. Schwartz, 422E—200S, Monroe, IN 46772.




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GOOD, USED PACK drive unloader. Jamesway VanDale silo. 16, 18 & 20 ft. One of each. Anna 937-658-4516

UTILITY TRAILER: 4x7. With ramps. Great for mowers or quads. $495 (cash only). Piqua 937-570-2419

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Page 12 - COUNTRY LIVING - AUGUST 2020 RED FLATBED WAGON w/sideboards. Starcraft boat. Deep V. Set up for Bass. 25hp Evinrude motor. Needs work. Versailles 937-526-4645

8’ x 16’ PORT. livestock shelter, $1,600; 6-1/2’ x 9’ port. livestock shelter, $900; Angus freezer beef, going in Oct. 4, half or whole. Piqua 937-418-9029

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WANTED: Old wind-up clocks & watches. Any parts, books, cases, etc. West Alexandria 937-581-6715 (2) MYER & MILLER PRO Rear Unload Only Silage Wagons. 18 ft. $5,000 ea. Covington 937-308-1350 or 937-623-5725 4600 FORD: Diesel. With loader. New tires. Looks like new! Franklin 937-474-9899 (2) SHIVVERS Blue Flame Heaters & Boosters: Natural gas. LN! Arcanum 937-313-6520 WANTED: Winchester Model 1887 leveraction w/pistol grip stock. Elam Wickey, 4373E—100S, Monroe, IN 46772 HAY MOWS REMOVED We can remove your unwanted hay mows /lofts or other sections of your barn at no cost to you. We do all the work so we can recycle the wood from your barn. We may even pay some $$$ to do so! Give us a call to discuss. Thanks! We’re located in Arcanum, Ohio. 970-596-3151

JD #5 MOWER MANUAL in original factory sheath, $13; (3) boxes new (10 @) sickle sections, $7.50 ea.; several different boxes assorted rivets, $10. Pleasant Hill 937-676-2158 CUSTOM LOG SAWING: Using Wood Mizer mill. Keith Marshall, Greenville 937-548-0463 ‘40 JD H 2 CYL. TRACTOR: VGC! Have production record. $2,900. Piqua 937-773-2907 FORD NEW HOLLAND 1220: 20hp. Mower & 3 pt. hitch blade. 5’ bush hog. Dsl. Franklin 937-474-9899 (2) 18.4x50” FIRESTONE Tractor Tires: 25% tread. $60 ea. St. Henry 419-852-8903 PACKAGE DEAL ONLY! 49 JD MT w/loader, 2 btm. plow disk, sickle mower, front blade. Runs good. With orig. manuals. $4,500. Clayton 937-572-4325 WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622

(3) TOP LINK: New, never used. $15. Size: 16” body. Brookville 937-510-0292

GREAT PLAINS Solid Stand 13 grain drill w/grass seeder. $4,650. Arcanum 937-670-0323

FARMALL Carburetor Repair Kit: Fits M, 400, 450, 656. Also, Super H, M, MTA. $10. Coldwater 419-678-3289

SKIDLOADER TRAILER, $150; Gehl silage wagon, $650. Rossburg 937-564-0719

PUMP JACK: $30; 6’ Motts flail finish mower, lots of extra blades, $225; old wall-mount drill press, $30. Brookville 937-833-5613

TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items. Dealer for 22 years. Call for catalog & brochures. Russia 937-238-6661

Wo Work ork ethic comes andard. omes st standard. standar Where there’s work ork to be done, there’s Kubot Kubota ubota equipment ready to o get it done right. With reliable diesel engines and an array of attachments, it’s time to conquer c every task. Visit us today.

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FOR SALE: Disk & plow for older Wheel Horse. Piqua 937-773-2907 10’ BUSH HOG Rotary Mower: 4 wheels rear. 2510 model. Asking $4,000 OBO. Wapakoneta 419-738-7353 WANTED: Junk autos & scrap metal of all kinds. Certified scale. Top dollar paid. Roll-off container services. Call for pricing or pick-up. Celina 419-363-2277 M2 GLEANER Combine for Parts: (3) heads. (2) floating 16’ long 6-row 30” corn heads. (2) pick-up toolboxes. New Madison 937-996-6344 WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622 HEAVY STEEL 4” Bench Vise: Lynn, Indiana 765-874-1103 16’ BALE CONVEYOR: $750. Holland 419-277-0668


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(40) GOOD BALES Grass Hay: Weigh approx. 700 lbs. each. Wrapped & in barn. $60/bale. West Liberty 937-465-7616 30’ HINIKER 4836 Air Seeder: 15” spacing. Markers. Fill auger. GC! $7,400. Piqua 937-214-1961 8N FORD TRACTOR: Good paint. Good rubber. Runs great! $2,500. Farm wagon. 3’ sides. With grain bin. $400. Englewood 937-789-8996 3450 REEL AUGGIE TMR Wagon: $2,500; G-690 Ag Bagger. 9 ft. $8,000. Versailles 937-564-0145 VINYL Replacement Windows: (3) 29x53-3/4 & (1) 39-3/4 x 66. $40 ea. Ft. Recovery 419-852-0063 GUITAR AMPS & PA SYSTEMS: Marshall & Kustoms. Will sell cheap! Make offer. Ludlow Falls 937-698-6611

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Jared Gaier (937) 538-8527

FOR SALE: One very cute, loveable, male puppy. Schweenie. Mother is a Shih-Tzu & father is a Dachshund. $900. New Bremen 419-305-6539 4 BEDROOMS—3-1/2 BATHS 2,374 sq. ft. home. Move-in ready! Many updates. New siding, new windows & spouting, newer roof. Concord Schools (Troy). Huge barns w/cement floor. Heated workshop. Barns great for construction equipment, storage, etc. MOTIVATED SELLER! $299,500 4320 W. St. Rt. 41, Troy 937-397-7593 AC D-14: NF, with PS. Nice! Show ready cond. Hamilton 513-498-7012 (text for pictures) or 513-498-7365 TRUCK CARRIER for small scooter or motorcycle. $60. New Paris 937-533-7456 USED METAL ROOFING: 50 cents per running ft. Ft. Jennings 419-302-3148 16’ WOODS BATWING Finish Mower: New tires. $2,500. Call RJ, Ludlow Falls, 937-308-7926 (2) 200 BU. GRAVITY BEDS: One Killbros & one Unverferth. Both in good cond. Sabina 937-919-3555


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SEVERAL Flatbed Wagons: New & used. 14’ & up. Several JD 16’ treated. Will build wagon on your running gear. Covington 937-308-1350 or 937-623-5725

GENERAC Portable Generator: 8,000 surge—6,500 load. GC. $300. Versailles 937-417-5876 WHEAT STRAW: Nice, twine-tied, square bales. $5/bale. Wapakoneta 419-738-8523. Leave msg. CHAINSAW SCULPTURES Stumps in your yard or items on display. or 765-977-4563. Photos on facebook. See Dayle Keith Lewis. DUNHAM 8’ tandem wheel disc. $200. Greenville 937-417-8007 FREE FIREWOOD to cut. Easy access. Camden 937-533-0081 GOOD, USED PACK drive unloader. Jamesway VanDale silo. 16, 18 & 20 ft. One of each. Anna 937-658-4516 30’ DIAM. x 8 RINGS Brock Grain Bin: Light wind damage. $2,750. Sidney 937-538-6769 NEW BOX of 4’x5’ round bale sleeves, 40 count, plus 30 used ones (used once). $200/all. Brady 1440 stalk chopper, parts or rebuild. $300. Piqua 937-418-9029 STRAW: 105 bales ‘20 crop. $4/bale or $365 for all. Delivery available in Lewisburg area. 937-248-9975 SS TUBE FEEDERS: With waterers. 50” wide. Minster 937-726-5845 SITREX 2-basket hay tedder, $1,850; front end ‘67-’72 Chevy pick-up, $500. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486







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Page 16 - COUNTRY LIVING - AUGUST 2020 INT. 8’ 3 PT. BLADE: $575. Russia 937-526-3132 ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓ BIG STRAW BALES 3x4x7 Clean — Stored Inside Sidney 937-538-6769 or 937-538-8706 OLD BARNS WANTED: Recycle your old barn or building. We often pay for old barns and clean your barn site. Located in Arcanum, Ohio. Call 970-596-3151 JD 4630: Quad range. Cab heat & air. Duals. $12,700. Arcanum 937-670-0323


DONALD F. LEIST TRUST & BETTY J. LEIST TRUST 6)2(% )-78 -&732 %7 8,) 86978)) 3* 8,) 32%0( )-78 $6978 %2( 8,) )88< )-78 $6978 =#)00)6> ;-00 6)')-:) 7)%0)( &-(7 *36 8;3 86%'87 3* 92-1463:)( %+6-'90896%0 6)%0 4634)68< 03'%8)( -2 36%1-) $3;27,-4 #,)0&< 3928< !,-3 $6%'8 7,%00 '327-78 3* "%6')0 37 %2( %2( '328%-27 %'6)7 136) 36 0)77 $6%'8 7,%00 '327-78 3* "%6')0 37 %2( %2( '328%-27 %'6)7 136) 36 0)77 -(()67 1%< &-( 32 $6%'8 %2( $6%'8 %7 8;3 7)4%6%8) 86%'87 %2( 1%< %073 &-( 32 $6%'8 %2( $6%'8 83+)8,)6 %7 8,) *900 %'6)7 136) 36 0)77 #9&.)'8 83 8,) 6-+,8 3* #)00)6 83 6).)'8 %2< %2( %00 &-(7 -* 8,) 791 3* 8,) ;-22-2+ &-(7 32 8,) 6)%0 )78%8) %7 8;3 7)4%6%8) 86%'87 3&8%-27 % ,-+,)6 838%0 46-') 8,%2 8,) ;-22-2+ &-( 32 8,) 8;3 86%'87 83+)8,)6 8,) 6)%0 )78%8) ;-00 &) 730( %7 8;3 7)4%6%8) 86%'87 -* -2 8,) %08)62%8-:) 8,) ;-22-2+ &-( 32 8,) 8;3 86%'87 83+)8,)6 3&8%-27 % ,-+,)6 838%0 46-') 8,%2 8,) 791 3* 8,) ;-22-2+ &-(7 32 8,) 6)%0 )78%8) %7 8;3 7)4%6%8) 86%'87 8,)2 8,) 8;3 86%'87 ;-00 &) 730( 83+)8,)6 ''36(-2+0< &-(()67 1%< &98 %6) 238 6)59-6)( 83 &-( 32 %2< 36 %00 3* 8,) *3003;-2+ '31&-2%8-327 $6%'8 $6%'8 36 $6%'8 %2( $6%'8 '31&-2)( $,) 79&.)'8 6)%0 4634)68< -7 &)-2+ 730( =%7 -7 > $,) 7)%0)( &-(7 ;-00 &) %'')48)( &< #)00)6 %8 8,) 3**-')7 3* %90/2)6 %61,%97)2 )-78)6 #,)2/ )+%0 "63*)77-32%0 773'-%8-32 = #> 03'%8)( %8 3968:-); )28)6 #9-8) #398, %-2 :)29) #-(2)< !,-3 928-0 4 1 32 $9)7(%< #)48)1&)6 &-(()6 1978 '0)%60< 7)8 *368, ,-7 36 ,)6 &-( -2 % 838%0 (300%6 %13928 *36 )%', 86%'8 7 %2( 238 %7 % 4)6 %'6) %13928 00 &-(7 1978 &) %''314%2-)( &< % ')68-*-)( 36 '%7,-)6?7 ',)'/ 4%<%&0) 83 8,) # $6978 ''3928 -2 8,) %13928 3* %7 )%62)78 132)< $,) ,-+, &-(7 ;-00 &) %22392')( %8 8,) 3**-')7 3* # %8 % 1 32 $,967(%< #)48)1&)6 00 &-(()67 ;,3 ,%:) 79&1-88)( 7)%0)( &-(7 1%< &) 46)7 )28 %8 8,) %22392')1)28 3* 8,) ,-+, &-(7 %2( ;-00 ,%:) %2 34 436892-8< 83 6%-7) 8,)-6 &-(7 (96-2+ 8,) 6)&-((-2+ 463')77 %(1-2-78)6)( &< 8,) #)00)6 #)00)6 6)7)6:)7 8,) 6-+,8 83 %'')48 36 6).)'8 %2< %2( %00 &-(7 $,) 79'')77*90 &-(()6 7,%00 )28)6 -283 % '3286%'8 *36 8,) 496',%7) 3* 8,) 6)%0 )78%8) ;-8, #)00)6 $,) &%0 %2') 3* 8,) 496',%7) 46-') 7,%00 &) (9) %2( 4%<%&0) %8 % '037-2+ ;,-', 7,%00 3''96 32 36 &)*36) 8,-68< (%<7 *631 8,) (%8) 8,) 6)%0 )78%8) 496',%7) '3286%'8 -7 7-+2)( "377)77-32 ;-00 &) +-:)2 -11)(-%8)0< 9432 '037-2+ 79&.)'8 83 %2< '966)28 8)2%28?7 6-+,8 83 ,%6:)78 %2< 8,)2 +63;-2+ '6347 2< 78%8)1)287 1%() 32 8,) (%< 3* 8,) &-( 34)2-2+ 7,%00 8%/) 46)')()2') 3:)6 %2< 78%8) 1)287 1%() -2 8,-7 %(:)68-7)1)28 &-( 4%'/)8 ;-00 &) 1%() %:%-0%&0) &< 8,) #)00)6 *36 4-'/94 %8 8,) 3**-')7 3* # 3968:-); )28)6 #9-8) #398, %-2 :)29) #-(2)< !,-3 36 <39 1%< '%00 36 ) 1%-0 4&36+)6 *+/7 0%; '31 %2( % &-( 4%'/)8 '%2 &) 1%-0)( 36 ) 1%-0)( 83 46374)'8-:) &-(()67 32 &),%0* 3* 8,) #)00)6

WANTED: Good used tires. 255-70-R22.5. Load Range H. 14.5 15”— 16” tires. Rossburg 937-564-0719 FOR RENT: 90,000 bu. grain storage. Located in Rosewood, Ohio. 3,000 bu./hr. grain leg. Floors in all bins (8). Conover 937-441-1143 JD WEIGHTS: D2628, $85; (2) P1335 chain sprockets, fit Model G, $140; misc. JD plow parts. Somerville 513-889-7777 WANTED: Junk autos & scrap metal of all kinds. Certified scale. Top dollar paid. Roll-off container services. Call for pricing or pick-up. Celina 419-363-2277 1020 IH 20’ grain platform with J&M header cart. GC! $7,500. Piqua 937-214-1961 JD 960 23’ field cult. w/rear hitch & Could tine harrow. $4,350. Arcanum 937-670-0323

ELEC. MOTORS: 1/4hp, 1/3hp, & 3/4hp. Roll-A-Round feed scales. $75 OBO. Ashton Drake Princess Diana dolls & plates, $400. Englewood 937-789-8996 18’ HINIKER field cult. w/1-bar harrow. 14’ 470 IH disk. Minster 419-309-1424 WHEAT STRAW: Nice, twine-tied, square bales. $5/bale. Wapakoneta 419-738-8523. Leave msg. BIAX Power Scraper, $1,000; Biax power spotter, $1,000. Or both for $1,800. Brookville 937-833-5613 EAGER BEAVER 9-ton, 3-axle trailer. $500 OBO. Bradford 937-423-1650 WANTED: JD Model 55 3 btm. plow. Also, hyd. cyl. used on a JD Model A or Model B tractor. Rockford 419-363-3786


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Pond Chemicals / Management Certified Aquatic Applicators Custom / Pond Aeration Water Features / Fountains #


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POST FRAME BUILDINGS 701 S. Main, New Knoxville, OH 419-753-2263

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Page 17 - COUNTRY LIVING - AUGUST 2020 ˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜ G LE N H A VE N MEMORIAL GARDENS CEMETERY LOTS Current Price: $1,995 Selling for $800 614-477-8841

ALLIS CHALMERS snap coupler 3 btm. plow. 14 in. GC! $250. Hamilton 513-498-7012 or 513-498-7365

HUTCH 2.8’ 8” AUGER: Hyd. motor. Flighting excellent. $1,400. Van Wert 419-203-3000

15’ TANDEM TRAILER: 2’ dovetail. New tires. 4500 winch. Ramps good. $1,200. Versailles 937-638-2196

BRAUN WHEELCHAIR Lift for Van: $100. Coldwater 419-678-3289

(40) GOOD BALES Grass Hay: Weigh approx. 700 lbs. each. Wrapped & in barn. $60/bale. West Liberty 937-465-7616

8’ STEEL LADDER sections & pages off grain leg. Asking $150 OBO each section. Total 50 ft. Wapakoneta 419-738-7353

‘05 JD 457 ROUND BALER: 540 PTO/ slip clutch. 11Lx14 8PR tires, reg. pickup, hyd. bale ramps, JD BaleTrak monitor /electric net wrap, cover edge roll wrap, twine wrap. 4x5 bales. GC! $14,000. Middletown 513-594-7855 WANTED: Bassett Hound weaned pup or up to 6 years old. Male or female. Hamler 419-591-9325

FOR SALE: Reg. Suffolk flock. (12) ewes & (1) yearling ram. Ronald Cain, Piqua, 937-773-3758 HAY: 4x5 round, net-wrapped bales mixed grass/forbs. Fertilized. 1st cutting 6/2020. No rain. $45 ea. Middletown 513-594-7855 ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓ WHITE 8342 PLANTER 12-row corn—13-row bean $18,000 OBO Rossburg—419-852-5474

FIREWOOD: Seasoned, cut, split. $75/ truckload. West Milton 937-216-0699 WHEEL PLANTER w/6 plates. Sidney 937-295-3553 WANTED: 6-row front-mounted JD cult. Bradford 937-423-1650 FOR SALE: (2) reg. Suffolk ewe lambs. Ronald Cain, Piqua, 937-773-3758

DODGE RAM Truck Mirrors: 1500, 2500, 3500. ‘98-’02. Sport style, not tow. $199.99 for pair. Call/text: St. Marys 419-305-9547

CASE VAC OR VC 112-28 Tire Rim: $150. Brookville 937-510-0292

3 PT. HITCH buzz saw. Belt-driven. $300. PTO pulley for 8N or 9N. Pull yard wagon, $35. Englewood 937-789-8996

24’ PJ DECKOVER TRAILER: Only used a few times. Stored inside. Dovetailed. Middle 3rd steel ramp available. $4,600. Piqua 937-773-2907

‘70’s ROTO-HOE shredder / mulcher w/5hp Tecumseh gas engine. Rebuilt carburetor. New belt, oil change. GC! $175 OBO. Middletown 513-594-7855

WANTED TO BUY: Belly mounted sickle mower for MF TO 35 or Farmall C. Will pay cash. Arcanum 937-692-8215

WANTED: Free scrap metal. Bradford 937-470-3170

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DEMOLITION: Also, concrete demolition such as old swimming pools, barn foundations, porches, etc. Also, general excavating work. 937-232-7380

110' reach AERIAL TOWER

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Interior & Exterior House Barn • Church • Roof Coating Brush & Spray Free Estimates Paint Aluminum Siding FULLY INSURED FOR YOUR PROTECTION

FLAT BOTTOM Wagon & Gear: 500 gal. tank & pump sold separately. Rossburg 937-338-5673 ALLIS CHALMERS Wheel Weights: WD or WD45 (rear). Hamilton 513-498-7012 or 513-498-7365


For All Your Painting Needs…

VERSAILLES PAINTING LLC Rodney D. Saintignon 937-968-3828

SINCE 1969

Morgan Doppler 765-964-4303

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$ ! &

(2) DMC STIRWAYS for 33’ Bins: Arcanum 937-313-6520

PAINTING We paint metal siding!

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(2) 400 BU. KILLBROS center dump hopper wagons. J&M gears. Truck tires. Lights. GC! $3,500 ea. Lewisburg 937-962-2364

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Page 18 - COUNTRY LIVING - AUGUST 2020 GARDEN TRACTOR: Shop-built. Orig. 4 cyl. Wisconsin engine. 3 spd. Good tires. Possible puller. $1,500 OBO. Lewisburg 937-839-4540 USED 2’x4’ fluorescent lights w/lense & (4) T8 bulbs. $5 ea. Sidney 937-538-6970 (3) DIFFERENT 1-3/8 x 1-5/8 PTO adaptors. Operator’s manual for JD Model N manure spreader. $5. Pleasant Hill 937-676-2158

FREEZER BEEF: No hormones. Grainfed. Arcanum 937-678-5435 JD 7000 4-Row Planter: One owner. Dry fertilizer, insecticide, & herbicide boxes. Precision planting units. Seed firmers. VGC! Celina 419-953-1206

POWER TAKE OFF SHAFT: 30” long. $20. Brookville 937-510-0292

YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent. Darke & surrounding counties. Versailles 937-417-2969

TOPSOIL FOR SALE: Will deliver. Union City, Ohio 937-308-0560

MISC. GRAIN BIN bolts & nuts, ladders, etc. New Paris 937-533-7456

KING KUTTER 3 pt. Carry-All: $75. Russia 937-526-3132

SEEKING FARM GROUND to rent for 2020. Darke & surrounding counties. Versailles 937-467-1133

ALFALFA: 1st cutting. Excellent quality. 45# bales. Case disc chisel, 9-shank, $2,500. IH 6200 press wheel drill. $1,500. Orchardgrass hay, $6/bale. DeGraff 937-441-0256 CUB CADET SUPER LT 1554: Needs rear axle. Spencerville 419-953-1506

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(15) HEAD Colored Calves: Weigh about 600 lbs. Wormed. Double vaccinated. (9) heifers, (6) steers. Hamler 419-591-9325

AC FIELD CULT.: 1300. 32 ft., w/harrow. $700; forklift mask, 3-stage, 2-ton, $450. Rossburg 937-564-0719 (2) BADGER Silage Wagons: #1050, 18 ft. #950, 16 ft. $4,000 ea. Covington 937-308-1350 or 937-623-5725


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Page 20 - COUNTRY LIVING - AUGUST 2020 SKI-DOO SNOWMOBILE: $600. New Madison 937-996-6344 4400 COMBINE PARTS: Misc. pulleys, belts, & 2 front tires. (2) straw walkers, $500 ea. Concave. New tank auger. $600. Top auger. Prices negotiable except where indicated. St. Paris 937-788-2734

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WORK WANTED Specializing in interior/exterior barn/ house repair, remodeling/ replacing, oak beams, foundations, wood/metal roofing & siding, hardwood flooring. SCHWARTZ RENOVATIONS 419-584-6408

WANTED TO BUY: 10 or more acres of land in Miami Co. Prefer west of I-75. Ludlow Falls 937-698-6611 UNIQUE GALVANIZED 55 gal. barrel, $30; pair of ladder jacks, $15. Pleasant Hill 937-676-2158 7’x24’ FEATHERLITE Livestock Alum. Trailer: ‘95. Asking $11,500 OBO. Wapakoneta 419-738-7353 LAWNMOWER: 60� commercial Cub Cadet tank zero-turn lawnmower. GC! REDUCED PRICE! New Carlisle 937-308-2909

USED GOLF BALLS: Approx. 12 dozen. Best offer. Russia 937-526-4091

14.9x28� DUAL RIMS w/clamp. Fit MF tractor. Like new tread. $400. Ohio City 567-674-3851

WANTED: (1) Firestone 18.4x42� tractor tire. 50% tread. St. Henry 419-852-8903

WANTED TO BUY: Rear bumper for ‘04 Dodge Dakota. Piqua 937-570-2419

PULLEY FOR 8N FORD. Brackets for next size up. 800’s & up. $75. Duals, 18.4x34. 9-bolt rims (one bad rim). $125. Rossburg 937-564-0719

TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items. Dealer for 22 years. Call for catalog & brochures. Russia 937-238-6661

FIREWOOD: Make 937-295-3553

WANTED: Driver’s side doors for ‘04 Silverado. Also, power mirror for passenger side. Eaton 937-545-8737



FERGUSON TO-35 utility tractor w/3 pt. hitch. Loader bucket. Plows, Bush Hog mower optional. Runs great! $3,250. Lewisburg 937-839-4540

KATAHDIN CROSS Bred Yearling Rams: $300. St. Paris 937-216-9960. Leave msg.

9164 County Road 101, Belle Center

Outdoor Tables & Chairs

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Page 21- COUNTRY LIVING - AUGUST 2020 (2) 15.5-38 TIRES on 14” rims, w/snap covers. $150. Russia 937-526-4091 WANTED: Used 3-phase motors, 5hp & up. Good used 14.5-15-16 tires. Rossburg 937-417-2219 NON-RUNNING Gravely L garden tractor w/tiller. 30” & 54” mower decks. Two sickle bars & two riding sulkies. $650. Russia 937-526-3132 BADGER Chopper Wagon: Good shape. Tandem axle. $1,900. Versailles 937-417-5876 HYDRAULIC PATIENT LIFT w/sling. Saves on your back when lifting your loved one. Greenville 937-902-0538 or 937-344-1479 ‘16 KEYSTONE BULLET: 33 ft. Bumperpull. Two slide-outs. Outdoor kitchen. Rear bunkhouse. Battery, jack, awning. Sleeps 8-10. $19,000 OBO. Houston 937-726-5798 CATTLE FOR SALE: (3) Angus calves. $1.50/lb. (3) Angus cross cows. $1,200 ea. Russia 937-638-0316 CUSTOM LOG SAWING: Using Wood Mizer mill. Keith Marshall, Greenville 937-548-0463 OLIVER 4-16 semi-mounted plow w/Kasco harrow mounted on it. $350 OBO. Clayton 937-572-4325 (2) HOG FEEDERS: One galv. & one stainless steel. New Madison 937-996-6344

FOR SALE: 5.6 acres. Edge of Bradford. 3.5 tillable, rest is woods. $55,000. Pleasant Hill 937-216-7550 DeLAVAL Milking Equipment: (6) 65# weigh jars, receiver jar, & pump. Glass & stainless steel milkline, & other misc. parts. Celina 419-953-1206 HAY FOR SALE: Alfalfa & orchardgrass. Large or small round bales. Camden 937-533-0081 4-ROW Mounted JD Planter: $1,500 or trade for farm machinery. Ohio City 567-674-3851 GEHL 980 Forage Wagon: Front unload. 18’ long. GC! $4,000. St. Marys 419-953-3487

Irish Electric Motor Service Service All Your Motor Needs

Jackson Tractors Construction Equipment Repair

• Home • Farm • Industry • New • Used • Repair • Rebuild

419-394-3284 Fax: 419-394-7128 1600 Celina Rd. St. Marys, OH 45885

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CUB CADET SUPER LT 1554: Needs rear axle. Spencerville 419-953-1506 70-YEAR-OLD Hardwood Lumber: (1) 30’ 6x6; (3) 19’ 6x6; (3) 14’ 6x6; (10) 11’ 6x6; (50) 12’ 1-1/2x5-1/2; thousand ft. 1x5; (12) 16’ pine 2x6. Sidney 937-492-2470 SWEET CORN: Lewisburg 937-603-9036 (4) CHROME BALL HITCHES: One 2-5/8 in. w/1” threads. (1) 2” w/1” thread. (1) 2” w/3/4” thread. (1) 1-7/8” w/1” thread. Make offer. Pleasant Hill 937-676-2158 7000 FORD: New paint. New engine. New hyd. pump. Looks like new! Franklin 937-474-9899 JD 712 9-Shank Disc Chisel: $4,250. Greenville 937-547-0446

Deadline for Next Month’s Country Living August 28, no Later Than 4:30 pm

Page 22 - COUNTRY LIVING - AUGUST 2020 ROTARY PHASE CONVERTER: 3hp to 20hp. $250—$1,500. 1/2 ton C&M 3-phase power trolley, $700. Rossburg 937-417-2219 JD 6620 turbo combine w/443 corn head & 215 platform w/new poly. $7,950. Arcanum 937-670-0323 FREE: Firewood to cut. From trees already sawed down. All hardwood. Easy to cut. Minster 419-628-2101

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‘02 CHEVY 2500 HD: CCSB, Duramax, 116K mi. No winters. Very nice! $24,500. Call/text St. Marys 419-305-9547 CUSTOM Harvesting & Trucking: Call now to get booked! Greenville 937-547-0446 SCHWINN BIKE: ‘73 World Voyageur. 10 spd. 27x1-1/4 tires. Classic antique. Make offer. New Knoxville 937-423-4440

WANTED: Good, used semi dump trailer. Versailles 937-564-8530 STRAW: Big, round bales. $30. Lewisburg 937-241-9035 ‘95 SKI-DOO snowmobile. Arctic Cat. Good for parts or to rebuild. Celina 419-925-4177. Leave msg. SPRINGS & SHANKS for JD 1000— 1010—1100 field cultivators. West Manchester 937-678-6848 (4) STEEL Car Dollies: With steel wheels. GC! REDUCED PRICE! New Carlisle 937-308-2909 WANTED TO BUY: Steers, 500-800 lbs. On grass. No dairy. West Milton 937-216-0699 WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622





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841 St. Rt. 29, Celina, Ohio • 419-942-1456

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• Parts Department • Body Shop • Frame & Alignment TRUCK REPAIR SPECIALIST $

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Page 23 - COUNTRY LIVING - AUGUST 2020 REG. QUARTER Horse Gelding: Beautiful 2 year old Palomino. Green-broke. Very gentle. Loads, trims, ties easy. $1,500. Laura 937-947-1120 ANTIQUE WOOD CAROUSEL HORSES: PRICE REDUCED! Phillipsburg 937-832-7124

ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ MAYRATH AUGER: 10x72, swingaway. Good cond. $6,250 OBO. Sidney 937-538-6769 or 937-538-8706 20,000 GAL. Vertical Storage Tank: $1,500. Arcanum 937-313-6520

CUSTOM LOG SAWING: Using Wood Mizer mill. Keith Marshall, Greenville 937-548-0463

CULTIPACKER: 8 ft. Two rollers. 10 ft. spike drag wheel mounted hyd cylinder. $500 both. Donnelsville 937-882-9652

STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw. Twine-tied, small, square bales. Easy loading or delivery available. West Milton 937-875-1220 or 937-698-3541

‘62 FORD TRACTOR: 901. Dsl. Select Shift trans. Runs good. Tires good. Looks good! $2,500. Pleasant Hill 937-216-2479

YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent. Darke & surrounding counties. Versailles 937-417-2969

20’ HARRIS CONVEYOR: GC! Minster 419-309-1424

FORD 9’ Wheel Disk: $600. Middletown 513-424-1109

REG. SHORTHORN heifers to bull calves. Born in Feb. Yorkshire 937-621-7965

NH 68 HAYLINER BALER: $675. 16’ flatbed wagon w/standards on back & floatation tires. $700. Clayton 937-572-4325

LOOKING FOR Farmall Super MTA or Super M DTA. In work clothes. Any cond. Bradford 937-313-6502

GEHL 4400 Skidloader: GC! $3,500. Ft. Jennings 419-302-3148 RECONDITIONED Manure Spreaders: NH 516, PTO, 200 bu., 3-beater, $4,250. H+S #80, PTO, 100 bu., $3,000. NI 12A, 90 bu., $1,500; NI 14, 45 bu., $1,500. Holland 419-277-0668 (2) KILLBROS 385 Grain Wagons: $3,500 ea. OBO. Wapakoneta 419-738-7353

NICE, SQUARE Bales Straw: This year’s crop. $6/bale. Russia 937-526-4091 UNVERFERTH TUBE CON. for on gravity 6x16. EC! Farmersville 937-238-5745 16x7 GARAGE DOOR w/all new hardware. Slightly damaged. $50. Functions fine. Can text picture. Decatur, Indiana 260-223-5697 WANTED: Old Dodge dsl. truck for farm use. Any cond. Bradford 937-313-6502

JD 4420 COMBINE: 2,505 hrs. Cold A/C. Auto. header control, chopper, 23.1x26 tires, etc. Always shedded. Asking $8,500. Hamilton 513-726-4736 CHAINSAW SCULPTURES Stumps in your yard or items on display. or 765-977-4563. Photos on facebook. See Dayle Keith Lewis. ‘69 BUICK Skylark Custom Convertible: 350 auto. New tires, brakes, exhaust, shocks, etc. Complete tune-up. Runs & looks good. $9,000 OBO. Houston 937-726-5798 ‘81 INT. 4786: (4) brand new tires, Cummins 855 repower, 10 spd. spicer. GC! $17,000. RJ, Ludlow Falls, 937-308-7926 ‘94 MUSTANG GT Convertible: Auto. 4 spd. Laser Red/Saddle leather int. A/C. Power seat. Tilt. Speed power windows. 5.0 V8. Power locks. $12,500 OBO. New Knoxville 937-423-4440 ITASKA MEN’S Swamp Walker steel-toe rubber boots. Size 10. $25. Call/text. St. Marys 419-305-9547 NEW HOLLAND 478 Haybine: 7’ cut. Nice rolls. Asking $2,500. Hamilton 513-726-4736 WANTED: Old motorcycles, minibikes, mopeds, 3-wheelers, or 4-wheelers. Running or not. Covington 937-473-2705

JD 1350—1450 PLOW: 5 btm. 16 in. Good metal. $700. Van Wert 419-203-3000 CHICKEN MANURE FOR SALE: Trucking & spreading available. Versailles 937-564-3399 GOOD, USED 4610 Gehl Skidloader: Perkins dsl. engine. $6,800 OBO. Anna 937-658-4516 CHICKEN SUPPLIES: Nests, feeders, waterers. Compost maker. Never used. Arcanum 937-692-5575 FEATHERLITE Alum. Horse Trailer: 4-5 slant load. Living quarters, drop windows, rear tack, hay rack, awning, roof heat/air, elec. jack. Almost new tires/ brakes. $11,000 OBO. Houston 937-726-5798 ‘78 CHEVY C-60 Grain Truck: 350 cu. in. 47K mi. 14’ bed. Twin hoist. Shur-Go roll tarp. EC! $3,200. Brookville 937-668-2676

Page 24 - COUNTRY LIVING - AUGUST 2020 STRAW: 3x4 big, square bales. Clean. Stored inside. $125/ton. Can arrange delivery at extra charge. Sidney 937-726-1821 or 937-710-6060

BENCH VISES: $50 & up. Chain hoist, 1/4 ton to 10 ton. Rollers are heavy-duty. 10 in. 10 ft. long. $90. Rossburg 937-564-0719

‘12 10”x62’ MAYRATH swing-away auger. Perforated screen. Always stored inside. VGC! $7,500. Minster 419-953-6100

(2) VINTAGE cast iron hay trolleys; Murray female bicycle; Concord female 12 spd. bicycle. Phillipsburg 937-832-7124

ANDERSON 680 Round Bale Wrapper: Wraps 4-5 ft. diam. bales. Powered by tractor hyd. EC! $12,000. St. Marys 419-953-3487

4-H SHOW MARKET LAMBS: Natural Colored Black & Rambouillet. Very stylish. $250 ea. St. Paris 937-478-6986

VINTAGE CANNING JARS: Foster Seal Fast, Atlas E-Z Seal, Ball, Drey. With wire bales & glass lids. Pints & quarts. Urbana 937-653-3932 750 JD 15’ No-Till Drill: 7-1/2” spacing. Custom tarp. GC! Always shedded. $9,750. Piqua 937-214-1961 YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent. Darke & surrounding counties. Versailles 937-417-2969 JOHN DEERE 5’ mower deck for 430, 650, 455, etc. Asking $450. International 540 semi-mounted 3-16 plow. Asking $750. Hamilton 513-726-4736

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CUSTOM Harvesting & Trucking: Call now to get booked! Greenville 937-547-0446 JD 336 SQUARE BALER: Piqua 937-541-1277 WANTED: Allis Chalmers one-way hyd. cyl. for farm equipment. Must be Allis Chalmers. Hamilton 513-498-7365 WHITE VINYL Posts & Rails: Rossburg 937-338-5673

FARMALL 706: Diesel. Looks like new! New engine overhaul. Franklin 937-474-9899

WANTED TO BUY: Left-hand headlight for Kubota RTV 900. Will pay cash. Arcanum 937-692-8215

GRAIN TRAILER: All steel. 29x8. 3’ sides. Tandem axle. GC, except bed. $1,850. Lewisburg 937-839-4540

FERGUSON 30: Runs good. New tires. Good metal. Good paint. $1,500 OBO. Xenia 937-232-9589

JD 3 PT. PLANTER: Model 246. $775 or best offer. Franklin 937-231-2397. Leave msg.

ALL ALUM. 2-Horse Sundowner Trailer: Large dressing room or overnight camping. EC! $5,000. Laura 937-947-1120

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1,000 GAL. Mueller High Performance Bulk Tank: OH model. With Mueller-Matic tank washer. #78 milker pump. 7.5hp motor. Celina 419-953-1206

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Page 25 - COUNTRY LIVING - AUGUST 2020 YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent. Darke & surrounding counties. Versailles 937-417-2969

‘57 MH 50 TRACTOR: 95% tread on rear tires. New paint to original colors. Runs & shifts good. $3,750. Ansonia 937-459-7018

fififififififififififififififififififi NEW IDEA LOADER: Older. Fits IH, H-M-300-400 Series. With trip bucket & forks. Sidney 937-538-6769 or 937-538-8706

8N FORD: Good tires & sheet metal. North Star 419-336-6133

14’ KEWANEE DISK; 5 btm. AC plow. Farmall F-20 tractor. Minster 937-726-5845

MASSEY-FERGUSON 245: Diesel. With loader. New clutch, new paint. Franklin 937-474-9899

24’ McKEE field cult. w/drag harrow. Rear hitch w/hyds. $1,800. Call RJ, Ludlow Falls, 937-308-7926

40’ CHEM FARM Spray Boom & Foamer: Will split up. $450 OBO for both. Arcanum 937-692-8215

‘01 FORD FOCUS SE: 2.0L Zetec 16-valve. 30mpg city. Looks like new! $3,200 or trade for Honda ATV. Piqua 937-570-2419

4-WHEEL Mounted Hay Rake: $400. Great for alfalfa. Sabina 937-725-1758

8,000 BTU air cond.; Gondola metal shelving. West Manchester 937-678-6848 WORX TOOLS: Many from which to choose. Mostly brand new. Little Giant ladder w/accessories. Never used. Make offer. Ludlow Falls 937-698-6611

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HAY & STRAW: Hay, $4.50/bale. Straw, $3.50/bale. Call/text. St. Paris 937-710-5641 TRIP BUCKET LOADER: $800. (1) chain hoist, $75. Rear-mount seed caster, $75. Englewood 937-789-8996



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(2) UNI-GRIND Fixtures: Made by EDM Corp., Piqua, Ohio. Used to sharpen end mills. $150 for pair. West Milton 937-216-0699


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‘75 FORD 600: Not running. Good for parts. Wood floor bed. Metal sides. $100 OBO. West Alexandria 937-313-2771


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FREE: Stationary exercise bike. Covington 937-473-3635

WORKBENCHES: Heavy steel construction. 8’ long x 2’ wide. Have three left. $150 ea. Hamilton 513-726-4736 CAST IRON 937-295-3553



´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´ WHITE 8342 PLANTER 12-row corn — 13-row bean $18,000 OBO Rossburg—419-852-5474 IH & JD 4 BTM. PLOWS: Bradford 937-313-6502 BRAND NEW, in the box, pair of Georgia Wellington workboots. Size 10-1/2 D. Lynn, Indiana 765-874-1103 KATAHDIN Ram/Lamb: Approx. 8-9 weeks old. Healthy & active. Shots. On grass & grain. Lewisburg 937-336-4460 CUB CADET SUPER LT 1554: Needs rear axle. Spencerville 419-953-1506

Page 26 - COUNTRY LIVING - AUGUST 2020 LAWNMOWER/Motorcycle Lift: Larin Model MAL-2, EC, $40; M.D. 14” tile cutter, new, $10. Preble Co. Call/text 937-266-6210 (2) GRAVITY BED WAGONS: 250 to 275 bu., with 10:00x20 tires & ext. tongues. Very nice! $1,400 ea. Hamilton 513-726-4736 EXHAUST FAN: 24” round; Indy RXL 650 triple snowmobile; Chem Farm 400 gal. stainless saddle tanks. Best offer. Greenville 937-547-9863

200 S. Main St. Piqua, Ohio 937-773-3657

Batteries For Everything! Cordless Telephone • Cell Phone • Camcorder AA - AAA - C - D - 9 Volt • 2 Way Radio • Coin Cell Cars • Trucks • Farm Equipment • Golf Cart Motorcycle • Marine Deep Cycle & Starting • ATV Wheel Chair • Emergency Power • Lawn & Garden Snow Mobile • Jet Ski • Toy Cars • Battery Chargers Cables • Jump Start Units

WHEELBARROW, $35; 3 pt. 7’ drag, $200 OBO; 18.4x34 50% tire, $50; 14.9x26 wheel & tire, $125; 16.9x30 tire, $60; hot tub, $350. New Bremen 419-629-3510 AXLES: Torsion axle. $300/pair. Anna 937-507-2457 767 NI SUPER CHOPPER; 763 corn head & hay head. Cloverdale 419233-1601

ACE PTO PUMP for sprayer. Rebuilt seals, bearings. $400. Ansonia 937337-7901 or 937-238-7901

JET POST DRIVER w/Farmall fast hitch, $1,100; SS bucket, 6’ Kubota OE, LN, $850; JD 953 gear 500; Ford 800 hyd. lift cover, $650. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

CAR DOLLY: Premium Road-Master, w/steering & brakes. $950. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

25’ CASE IH Cutter Bar: Fits 1020 head. Brand new! $150. Bradford 937-564-6948

ARMOIRE & 5-Drawer Tall Chest: VGC! Easy pick-up from our garage. $35 ea. Call/text. Farmersville 937300-8424

5’ 3 PT. DISC: Wapakoneta 419-2368132

350 KILLBROS WAGON w/12.5x15 tires & lights, $2,000. New Carlisle 937-308-1382. No texts, please. ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓ BIG STRAW BALES 3x4x7 Clean — Stored Inside Sidney 937-538-6769 or 937-538-8706 WHITE 549 6 Btm. Plow: Auto reset. 16’ Oliver disc. 42’ grain auger w/electric motor. Pleasant Hill 937477-9389 RAISE YOUR OWN Meat & Eggs! Used chicken feeders, waterers, nests, & egg washer. West Alexandria 513-267-5314 NH BLOWER w/gooseneck. Adjustable to make pile. GC! Barnkept. Greenville 937-423-4967

NEW SICKLES for MF: 15 ft. $50. Battery pallet jack. $750. Rossburg 937-564-0719 LOEGERING SKID Steer Tracks: 14x16.5, $1,250; JD 953 gear w/hoist, $750. Yellow Springs 937572-5486 SET OF FOUR 225/60-R16 like new radial tires. Alum. rims. Fit Chevy Lumina & other makes. $200/set. Bradford 937-564-6948 ‘03 CHEVY S-10: 4 cyl. w/auto. Wrecked, but runs well. $500. Lewisburg 937-603-9036 ‘78 IH HOPPER BED Grain Truck: EC! (2) J&M hopper wagons. 14’ chisel plow. Greenville 937-547-1799 WANTED TO BUY: Polaris Ranger 3seater. 900cc-1,000cc. Versailles 937-417-5876

The Rodeo Shop Trailer Sales





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Page 27 - COUNTRY LIVING - AUGUST 2020 ‘72 CHEVY C60 Grain Truck: With 14’ grain bed, air brakes, very good tires, & 366 engine. VGC! Versailles 937423-5379 WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION HITCH for camper; 443 JD corn head, $2,000; PCN 5th Wheel hitch, complete; Kirby sweeper & attachments. Greenville 937-547-9863 LeROI 175 towable air compressor. JD dsl. motor. GC! $2,950. Ansonia 937-337-7901 or 937-238-7901 (2) REX 3-BEATER silage wagons w/roofs. GC. Lots of extra parts. Always barn-kept. Greenville 937423-4967 J&M WAGON, 250, with 9.5x15 tires. $1,500. No texts, please. New Carlisle 937-308-1382 (2) 11Rx22.5 DRIVE TIRES; Mira Font single-ball auto. water fountain. LN! Versailles 937-423-5379

SITREX 4-basket tedder, vertical spring fold, $3,000; JD broom attachment, Model HD 60, $2,650; planter dolly, 3 pt. hyd., $650. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

16’ TOP HAT Bumper-Pull Trailer: 14K GVWR, tandem-axle, single-wheel, 14’ deck, w/2’ sloped tail w/flip-up ramps, 2-5/16 ball. Pulled less than 100 mi. & always inside. LN! Lewistown 937-538-5351

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SEV. MACHINISTS’ DRILL VISES: Various sizes. Call/text. Preble County. 937-266-6210 FORD 860 Utility Tractor: Fully restored. New Firestone tires. Factory paint. Remotes. Independent PTO. Live hyds. Asking $6,900. Hamilton 513-726-4736

CRAFTSMAN, Snapper, & Mac hand tools; chaff spreader pans, 44007720; 4400 combine tech manual. Greenville 937-547-9863

GRADER BLADE: 8 ft., w/angle, tilt, offset. Made by Servis. With skid shoes. $1,150. JD 911 front mower, $2,000. Boom for loader. $250. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

JD 606 CORN HEAD: Row frames. Ansonia 937-337-7901 or 937-2387901

ANTIQUE CAMELBACK drill press; Kongskild cult. Pleasant Hill 937-4779389

‘87 TOYOTA PICK-UP: 4WD. 22R motor. Good for off-road or parts. With or without flatbed. Vandalia 937-8981830

‘10 TRAVERSE: 8 pass. Body in GC. Almost new tires. Bad motor. $1,500 OBO. New Bremen 419-234-5646

EGG WASHER FOR SALE: West Alexandria 513-267-5314


(2) J&M 250 Bu. Hopper Wagons: 10” wooden sideboards. One on JD gears and one on J&M gears. Lewistown 937-538-5351

LEON SILAGE or dozer blade for tractor. 9 ft. 4-way. $5,500. Anna 937507-2457


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RECORD COLLECTION, Cabinet & Accessories: Collection of 171 LP’s Bluegrass, C&W, Easy Listening & more. $1 ea. Cabinet, $10. Digital converter, $10. Farmersville 937-3008424


LEON SILAGE or dozer blade for tractor. 9 ft. 4-way. $5,500. Anna 937507-2457


kILLBROS WAGON: 450. With center dump. Tire size: 16.5L-16.1. Lights. $3,000. No texts, please. New Carlisle 937-308-1382





3 PT. SICkLE PLOW: Bush Hog brand. GC! Barn-kept. Greenville 937-423-4967



‘73 LN 750 16’ GRAIN TRUCk: 5+2. With 361 motor. $2,000. Lewisburg 937-603-9036



(2) AEN Wisconsin Engines: Mag ignition. Will run, but need rebuilt. Pleasant Hill 937-469-2815


WANTED: Someone to repair wood pellet stove. Russia 937-622-1746 or 937-507-5119


GRAIN BIN: 4,500 bu. Floor. 10hp drying fan. 8” unload auger w/motor. EC! $2,500. Lewisburg 937-248-1837



STEEL OFFICE DESk: 30x50. LN! $75. Coldwater 419-678-2513













WHEAT STRAW: No rain. Big 3x3 square bales. Versailles 937-4175876





POST DRIVER: Shaver. 10 in. Front mount. $2,350. Cub Low Boy tire chains, $75. Gas welder/generator, $1,200. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

Next Month’s Country Living Deadline - Friday, August 28, No Later Than 4:30 pm

WANTED; Grain sides for 16’ or 18’ knapheide grain body. Good cond. preferred. Or 16’ grain box. South Solon 937-605-7723

Page 29 - COUNTRY LIVING - AUGUST 2020 (3) 1,500 GAL. PLASTIC TANKS; (2) 1,400 gal. plastic tanks. Inside a 48’ van trailer. Bradford 937-423-1650

(4) TIRES: Goodyear. P215/60R15. 90% tread. Used very little. Arcanum 937-947-1495

fififififififififififififififififififi NEW IDEA LOADER: Older. Fits IH, H-M-300-400 Series. With trip bucket & forks. Sidney 937-538-6769 or 937-538-8706

55 GAL. DRUMS: Steel or plastic. $5 ea. Bradford 937-564-6948 NI 709 POWER UNIT; 868 chopper; 6221 feeder house. Fits JD heads. Cloverdale 419-233-1601

8N FORD TRACTOR; New rubber. $2,000 firm. Bush Hog, like new. (4) chrome wheels to fit Cadillac truck. Brookville 937-837-1070

JD 5,500W Generator: Elec. start, $750; hay wagon/NH gear, $900; Barge Wagon Body w/hoist, w/o running gear, $500. Yellow Springs 937572-5486

NH 849 ROUND BALER: EC! $3,000 firm. Lewisburg 937-248-1837

AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD Mixed Puppies: Born July 5. Maria Stein 567-644-3226

1880 NH SELF-PROPELLED chopper. 3-row corn head. $4,500. Piqua 937-875-1588

CEREAL RYE SEED: Wapakoneta 419-236-8132

PORTABLE Elec. Sewing Machine: LN! $35. Coldwater 419-678-2513

CLAWFEET ANTIQUE Bath Tubs & Sinks: Make offer. Bruno scooter. LN! 4 wheels. Large round seat. Brookville 937-837-1070

7HP BRIGGS & STRATTON: Vertical shaft. Runs good. Pleasant Hill 937469-2815

JD 24-HOLE grain drill w/grass seeder. Wapakoneta 419-236-8132

WANTED: Bosch stereo system w/multiple CD player. Russia 937622-7746 or 937-507-5119

50’ J&M ELEVATOR: EC! Maria Stein 567-644-3226

JD HOPPER WAGON GEAR: $700. J&M 8- & 10-ton gears. $700 ea. Anhydrous gear. $350. Rossburg 937564-0719 WANTED: Demolition service. FOR SALE: Side-by-side burial plots in Sarasota, Florida. Brookville 937-8371070 767 NI SUPER CHOPPER; 763 corn head & hay head. Cloverdale 419233-1601 JET POST DRIVER w/Farmall fast hitch, $1,100; SS bucket, 6’ Kubota OE, LN, $850; JD 953 gear 500; Ford 800 hyd. lift cover, $650. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 25’ CASE IH Cutter Bar: Fits 1020 head. Brand new! $150. Bradford 937-564-6948 5’ 3 PT. DISC: Wapakoneta 419-2368132 WANTED: JD 512 disc chisel. Maria Stein 567-644-3226 NEW SICKLES for MF: 15 ft. $50. Battery pallet jack. $750. Rossburg 937-564-0719


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Page 30 - COUNTRY LIVING - AUGUST 2020 FIREWOOD: $125/cord. $75 for 1/2 cord. Hardwood. All you can load in pick-up, $85. Split hardwood. Lewisburg 937-678-7500


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25,000 gAL. VERTICAL TAnK: no leaks. Make offer. Sidney 937-7264143 6’ CuT FInISH MOWER: 3 pt. hitch hook-up. PTO drive. Make offer. Pleasant Hill 937-216-2479 (2) uSED 500 gAL. Fuel Tanks: never used. $550 ea. Sidney 937538-6970 ‘78 InT. CAB OVER grain Truck: 20’ bed & hoist. new front tires & dsl. $6,500. greenville 937-533-4571

Deadline for Next Month’s Country Living Friday, Aug. 28, No Later Than 4:30 pm

FOX/BRADY 722 Flail Chopper: $600. Sidney 937-726-4143 RAM: Young, natural black Rambouillet. Very stylish. St. Paris 937-4786986 IH 1466 TRACTOR: Cab & dual wheels. 4,185 hrs. EC! With nice orig. paint. $15,000. St. Marys 419-9533487 (9) PITCHFORKS: From 3-6 tines. Long-handled. Lynn, Indiana 765874-1103 WOOD: Beams & planks. Firewood. Lid for Ford truck bed cover. Brookville 937-837-1070

(20) BLACK AuSTRALORP HEnS: $5 ea. Camden 937-787-3122

FREE: Horse compost sawdust. 4,000+ yards. 4 years old & up to date. Dayton 937-845-1112

nEW CORn & Pellet Furnace: Paid $2,200. Asking $950. new Madison 937-996-6344

CASE IH MODEL 5400 15’ no-till drill. $6,200. St. Marys 586-914-8456

1/3 HP BELT-DRIVEn Bench grinder: Lynn, Indiana 765-874-1103 WAnTED TO BuY: Mobility battery scooter for use by handicapped. greenville 937-214-1414 5-7 p.m.

7 PC. KIng-SIzE BDRM. SuITE: Complete. Brookville 937-673-8545 KATAHDIn RAM/LAMB: Approx. 8-9 weeks old. Healthy & active. Shots. On grass & grain. Lewisburg 937336-4460

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1/2 mile south of Palestine ‘05 JD 457 ROUND BALER: 540 PTO/slip clutch. 11Lx14 8PR tires, reg. pick-up, hyd. bale ramps, JD BaleTrak monitor/ electric net wrap, cover edge roll wrap, twine wrap. 4x5 bales. GC! $14,000. Middletown 513-594-7855 WANTED: Bassett Hound weaned pup or up to 6 years old. Male or female. Hamler 419-591-9325 FIREWOOD: Seasoned, cut, split. $75/ truckload. West Milton 937-216-0699 WHEEL PLANTER w/6 plates. Sidney 937-295-3553 WANTED: 6-row front-mounted JD cult. Bradford 937-423-1650 FOR SALE: (2) reg. Suffolk ewe lambs. Ronald Cain, Piqua, 937-773-3758 CASE VAC OR VC 112-28 Tire Rim: $150. Brookville 937-510-0292 24’ PJ DECKOVER TRAILER: Only used a few times. Stored inside. Dovetailed. Middle 3rd steel ramp available. $4,600. Piqua 937-773-2907 WANTED TO BUY: Belly mounted sickle mower for MF TO 35 or Farmall C. Will pay cash. Arcanum 937-692-8215 ALLIS CHALMERS snap coupler 3 btm. plow. 14 in. GC! $250. Hamilton 513-498-7012 or 513-498-7365 15’ TANDEM TRAILER: 2’ dovetail. New tires. 4500 winch. Ramps good. $1,200. Versailles 937-638-2196 (40) GOOD BALES Grass Hay: Weigh approx. 700 lbs. each. Wrapped & in barn. $60/bale. West Liberty 937-465-7616

FOR SALE: Reg. Suffolk flock. (12) ewes & (1) yearling ram. Ronald Cain, Piqua, 937-773-3758 HAY: 4x5 round, net-wrapped bales mixed grass/forbs. Fertilized. 1st cutting 6/2020. No rain. $45 ea. Middletown 513-594-7855 ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓ WHITE 8342 PLANTER 12-row corn—13-row bean $18,000 OBO Rossburg—419-852-5474 DODGE RAM Truck Mirrors: 1500, 2500, 3500. ‘98-’02. Sport style, not tow. $199.99 for pair. Call/text: St. Marys 419-305-9547 3 PT. HITCH buzz saw. Belt-driven. $300. PTO pulley for 8N or 9N. Pull yard wagon, $35. Englewood 937-789-8996 ‘70’s ROTO-HOE shredder / mulcher w/5hp Tecumseh gas engine. Rebuilt carburetor. New belt, oil change. GC! $175 OBO. Middletown 513-594-7855 WANTED: Free scrap metal. Bradford 937-470-3170 HUTCH 2.8’ 8” AUGER: Hyd. motor. Flighting excellent. $1,400. Van Wert 419-203-3000 8’ STEEL LADDER sections & pages off grain leg. Asking $150 OBO each section. Total 50 ft. Wapakoneta 419-738-7353 WOODS 8’ grader blade w/tilt, angle, & offset, $1,250; hay wagon, D. Bradley running gear, 7x14, $500; JD running gear, $850. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

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! LOEGERING SKID Steer Tracks: 14x16.5, $1,250; JD 953 gear w/hoist, $750. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 SET OF FOUR 225/60-R16 like new radial tires. Alum. rims. Fit Chevy Lumina & other makes. $200/set. Bradford 937-564-6948 ‘03 CHEVY S-10: 4 cyl. w/auto. Wrecked, but runs well. $500. Lewisburg 937-603-9036 ‘78 IH HOPPER BED Grain Truck: EC! (2) J&M hopper wagons. 14’ chisel plow. Greenville 937-547-1799





NH DUAL hay rake hitch, $2,600; Grouser tracks, 14x16.5, $1,750; large, square hay bale squeeze for Skid Steer, $1,550; 8N fenders, $150. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

! !


WANTED TO BUY: Polaris Ranger 3seater. 900cc-1,000cc. Versailles 937417-5876 REQUESTING BID to tear down barn near West Alexandria, Ohio. 937-4789000



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‘02 IH 8100 DUMP TRUCK: Singleaxle. 370hp Cat engine. 10 spd. 330K mi. $20,500, Waynesfield 419-2344586 MF 165 DSL. TRACTOR: 3 pt. hitch. Good tires. With 2 btm. plow. $6,500. Germantown 937-974-6690 LARGE OAK Baby Crib with Dolls: $75. Coldwater 419-678-2513 1-TON FOLD-UP hyd. engine lift. LN! $125. Pleasant Hill 937-469-2815 MF 33 QUICK ATTACH 3-row corn head. Low acres. GC! $1,850 OBO. South Solon 937-605-7723 WANTED: Someone to repair wood pellet stove. Russia 937-622-1746 or 937-507-5119 (10) CONCRETE BUNKS: J-type. 2’ high. 30” wide. 8’ long. Smooth concrete. Arcanum 937-947-1495 (8) AUTOMATIC Take-Off Machines: Eaton 419-302-3148

JD 2700 5 BTM. high-clearance plow. EC! $500. Lewisburg 937-248-1837

GRASS HAY: Low percent alfalfa. 50# small, square bales. $5/bale. New Madison 937-478-5600

NH 355 GRINDER/MIXER: 20’ unload auger. $5,000. Lewisburg 937-2481837

ANTIQUE HORSE-DRAWN Oliver drill. 10-hole wooden spoke wheels. Kept inside. A-1 cond. Sidney 937-492-1567

(27) 4x5 ROUND BALES oat hay; (40) bales grass hay. 4x5 bales. $150/ton. New Paris 937-533-2923

YEARLING REG. Angus Bull: AI sire. Well muscled bull. St. Marys 937-726-7791

ANTIQUE HORSE-DRAWN Oliver drill. 10-hole wooden spoke wheels. Kept inside. A-1 cond. Sidney 937-492-1567

DISK: MF, 8 ft., 3 pt., $800; plow, MF 3-12, 300; Gravely L, $450; winch, portable, 110V, $200; JD Top Link, $350; Craftsman table saw, $75. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486


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! &&& #$ (300) SMALL, SQUARE Bales Wheat Straw: $5/bale. Bradford 937-5263767 ‘74 FORD LN 800 Grain Truck: 15’ bed & hoist. All steel. Heavy-duty hitch. LED lights. Low mi. Vandalia 937-898-1830 NH 195 MANURE SPREADER w/top beater & floatation tires, $5,500; Glencoe 28’ soil finisher, 5-bar harrow $3,950 OBO. Piqua 937-418-9029 DANUSER PTO driven post driver, 3 pt., $1,150; grader blade, ARPS, 6 ft., $225; SS forks, 48 in, by JD, $850. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 (2) J&M 525 hopper wagons, $14,000. Anna (cell) 937-507-2457 WD 45 PARTS: Hood, gas tank, grill & more; 3 hyd. cyl., $35 OBO; JD 15 gal. lawn sprayer, $100. New Bremen 419629-3510 (14) CHICKEN LAYER Nest Boxes: Eggs roll to front & stay clean & hens can’t eat their eggs. West Alexandria 513-267-5314




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IH 806: 3,512 hrs., 18.4x34 w/t - rail duals, 11L x 15 fronts, 540 & 1,000 PTO, single hyd. outlet. Lewistown 937-538-5351 CHINA CABINET: Very pretty! EC. Easy pick-up from our garage. Reduced to $75. Call/text for photos & details. Farmersville 937-300-8424 NH 790 CHOPPER w/2-row 30” narrow corn head & hay pick-up head. GC! Barn-kept. Greenville 937-4234967 OLIVER 77 Gas Tractor: Narrow front end. Fimco 20 gal. sprayer on wheels. Pleasant Hill 937-477-9389 POOL/PING-PONG 7’ Combo Table & Accessories: 8 cue sticks, scoreboard, net, paddles, & MUCH MORE. Easy pick-up from our garage. $75. Call/text Farmersville 937-300-8424 25’ HEADER CART: $2,500. Anna 937-507-2457

WHITE 2-180 w/cab; 3,000 bu. grain bin. Pleasant Hill 937-477-9389

KRAUSE 4807 Disk Chisel: 7-shank, spring trip shanks, single-axle, 10.0015 tires, hyd. lift coulters; IH 720 moldboard plow, 5x18 toggle trip. Both very nice & used very little. Lewistown 937538-5351

NH 258 Rollabar hay rake, GC, $2,500; tracks, Grouser, for 10x16.5 tires, LN, $1,550. Yellow Springs 937572-5486

350 KILLBROS WAGON w/12’ auger. Good for fertilizer or seed with lights. 12.5x15 tires. $2,500. No texts, please. New Carlilse 937-308-1382

(3) 250 BU. hopper wagons on 10-ton running gears, w/extendable tongues. VGC! Versailles 937-423-5379

STEEL OFFICE DESK: 30x50. LN! $75. Coldwater 419-678-2513

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DeWALT POWERSHOP professional radial arm saw; Craftsman 8” table saw. Both run excellent. $60 for both. Call/text. Preble County, 937-2666210

LOEGERING type tracks, 10x16.5, $1,250; Woods RD7200 finish mower, 3 pt., $1,150; Skid Steer Carry-All, $400; Chevy 350 engine/trans., $500. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

PLATFORM SCALE with weights. Works good. $75. Ansonia 937-3377901 or 937-238-7901

J&M 450 BTM. dump hopper wagon, 40” sideboards, 13-ton gears, 10.00x20 tires, lights; Killbros 350 hopper wagon on Kill. 1072 gears, 15” sideboards, 11L-15 tires. Looks LN! Lewistown 937-538-5351

JD 215 & 213 Black Reel Flex Heads: Nice skid plates. Bolt-on sections. Asking $1,900 ea. Hamilton 513-7264736 EZ-FLOW 300 WAGON: GC! $1,300. ‘89 Chevy truck, high miles, rear brake cyl. needs replaced. $900 OBO. Greenville 937-547-9863

‘18 JD 630FD head flip reel, dual drive, 1500 AC, $69,500; J&M header cart, $2,500; (2) 16.9x24 8-bolt cast wheels & tires, $500. New Bremen 419-234-5646 or 419-230-1495



WHEN SUBMITTING CLASSIFIED ADS... Occasionally, classified ads are submitted with several items listed for sale, with no punctuation to separate them, which can be confusing to our typesetters. Please make sure each item you wish to sell is separated by either punctuation or double spacing. We want your ads to be just as perfect as you do! Also, we have noticed some subscribers are submitting classified ads under different phone numbers. Each subscriber is entitled to four free ads each month under the phone number assigned to their account. Sharing YOUR subscription with others is not permitted.


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SATURDAY, AUGUST 15 AT 10 A.M. Preble County Farm Expo Auction located at Preble County Fairgrounds Expo Building, 722 S. Franklin St., Eaton, Ohio. Farm Equipment; Field Equipment; Tractors; Hay & Grain Equipment; Livestock Equipment; Lawn & Garden; Shop/Farm/Barn Items. Luciano “Lucky” Montoya, Auctioneer. Bob Roach, Auctioneer & Realtor. Anna Marie Roach, Manager & Realtor. Walnut Harvest Auctions, LLC. See Page 7

In the future, all classified ads will be published with the phone number of the subscriber. If you wish to include your cell phone or your work number, that is acceptable.


SATURDAY, AUGUST 22 AT 9:30 A.M. Public Auction located at 859 Meiring Rd., Ft. Recovery, Ohio. Tractors; Farm Machinery; PickUp; Car; 4-Wheeler; Tools. Steve Kaiser Estate, Owner. Arling-Evers Auctioneers. See Page 6 SATURDAY, AUGUST 22 AT 10 A.M. Turner’s Country Auction located at 625 W. Linden Ave., Miamisburg, Ohio. Farm Equipment; Pick-Up Truck; Auto; Tools; Appliances; Furniture; Older Toys; Hunting & Fishing Items; Mowers & Parts; Ladders; Snowblower; Generator; Woodburning Stoves; 4-Wheeler; & MORE! Owners: Norman, Keith and Phyllis Turner - For Parents: Opal & Elmer Turner, Deceased. Frank Lewis, Auctioneer. See Page 8

COUNTRY LIVING Friday, August 28, No Later Than 4:30 pm

SATURDAY, AUGUST 29 AT 10 A.M. Brogan Country Auction located at 7893 Pleasant Valley Rd., Camden, Ohio. Furniture; Mowers; Golf Cart; Truck; Shop/Garage Tools; Enclosed Carport/Garage Style; & MORE! Vern & Karen Brogan, Owners. Luciano “Lucky” Montoya, Auctioneer & Realtor. Bechtel Realty. Walnut Harvest Auctions, LLC. See Page 35 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 AT 10 A.M. Public Auction located at 1882 S. Elm Tree Rd., St. Paris, Ohio. Farm Machinery; HorseDrawn Equipment; Hay & Straw; & MORE! Linda Bodey & John Anderson, Owners. Joe Sampson & Kyle Bowman, Auctioneers. See Page 33 • BUCKEYE ONLINE EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS, LLC • Consignments being accepted for August & September. Auctions every Wednesday online at Jeff Lentz, Owner/General Manager. See Page 9 • PRIVATE SALE OF REAL ESTATE BY SEALED BID • (2) Tracts Unimproved Agricultural Real Property located in Shelby County, Ohio. Donald F. Leist Trust & Betty J. Leist Trust. Faulkner, Garmhausen, Keister, & Shenk - Legal Professional Association. See Page 16 • SCHRADER REAL ESTATE & AUCTION CO. • Real Estate & Farm Equipment Offered in August. See Page 8

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WANTED TO BUY: Mobility battery scooter for use by handicapped. Greenville 937-214-1414 5-7 p.m.

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NI 702 POWER UNIT: Parting it out. Cloverdale 419-233-1601 KING KUTTER, 5’ rotary cutter, $550; remote valve, fits Fords, $200; buzz saw, 3 pt., w/PTO gear box, $100. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

GEHL 1065 Forage Chopper: Field ready. With hay head & 2-row corn head. $2,500. St. Marys 419-9533487

1st CUTTING Mixed Grass Hay: Round bales. Wapakoneta 419-2368132

KNOTTER UNIT off NH baler. Call or text. Botkins 937-693-2384 ‘99 FORD F350: 7.3 power stroke. Dsl. Auto. 4x4. New tires. 184K mi. $6,000. Bradford 937-313-6502 HYD. HOSE PRESS: $150. One bundle baler twine, $20. (2) MII combine head, 16 ft. 6-row corn head. 30 in. New Madison 937-996-6344 (2) KILLBROS 387 wagon 13-ton gears w/brakes, 24” ride boards, Agri Cover roll tarp, large tires. LN! $7,500 OBO. Delphos 419-303-0686 ‘03 F250; Standard cab. V8 engine. 5 spd. manual trans. 175K mi. Asking $1,600. St. Paris 937-788-2734

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‘08 KINZE 8/16 Bean Planter: No-till coulters. Box extensions. GC! $45,000. Germantown 937-974-6690

FEED GRADE STRAW BALES: 3x4x8, $115/ton. Delivery included within 30 mi. of Delphos. 419-2333083

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BRILLION 7-SHANK Disc Chisel: Maria Stein 567-644-3226 LIME BED on ‘79 GMC: Tandem-axle. $2,650. 8x16’ channel iron wagon frame. $200. Rossburg 937-564-0719 30’ DIAM. x 8 RINGS Brock Grain Bin: Light wind damage. $2,750. Sidney 937-538-6769 CLEAN TRANSITION OATS: $5/bu. Clean oat straw, $4/bale. Bradford 937-564-6948 273 NH BALER: Piqua 937-875-1588 WANTED: Bosch stereo system w/multiple CD player. Russia 937622-1746 or 937-507-5119 ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ MAYRATH AUGER: 10x72, swingaway. Good cond. $6,250 OBO. Sidney 937-538-6769 or 937-538-8706

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GROUSER TRACKS: Fit 12x16.5, $1,250; Woods 9000 3 pt. backhoe, $4,500; Shaver 8” post driver w/good cyl., springs, & hoses, $1,650. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 HYDRAULIC PATIENT LIFT w/sling. Saves on your back when lifting your loved one. Greenville 937-902-0538 or 937-344-1479 ‘16 KEYSTONE BULLET: 33 ft. Bumperpull. Two slide-outs. Outdoor kitchen. Rear bunkhouse. Battery, jack, awning. Sleeps 8-10. $19,000 OBO. Houston 937-726-5798


FOR SALE: 5.6 acres. Edge of Bradford. 3.5 tillable, rest is woods. $55,000. Pleasant Hill 937-216-7550 DeLAVAL Milking Equipment: (6) 65# weigh jars, receiver jar, & pump. Glass & stainless steel milkline, & other misc. parts. Celina 419-953-1206 HAY FOR SALE: Alfalfa & orchardgrass. Large or small round bales. Camden 937-533-0081 4-ROW Mounted JD Planter: $1,500 or trade for farm machinery. Ohio City 567-674-3851

CATTLE FOR SALE: (3) Angus calves. $1.50/lb. (3) Angus cross cows. $1,200 ea. Russia 937-638-0316

GEHL 980 Forage Wagon: Front unload. 18’ long. GC! $4,000. St. Marys 419-953-3487

CUSTOM LOG SAWING: Using Wood Mizer mill. Keith Marshall, Greenville 937-548-0463

70-YEAR-OLD Hardwood Lumber: (1) 30’ 6x6; (3) 19’ 6x6; (3) 14’ 6x6; (10) 11’ 6x6; (50) 12’ 1-1/2x5-1/2; thousand ft. 1x5; (12) 16’ pine 2x6. Sidney 937-492-2470

OLIVER 4-16 semi-mounted plow w/Kasco harrow mounted on it. $350 OBO. Clayton 937-572-4325 (2) HOG FEEDERS: One galv. & one stainless steel. New Madison 937-996-6344 CUB CADET SUPER LT 1554: Needs rear axle. Spencerville 419-953-1506

SWEET CORN: 937-603-9036


(4) CHROME BALL HITCHES: One 2-5/8 in. w/1” threads. (1) 2” w/1” thread. (1) 2” w/3/4” thread. (1) 1-7/8” w/1” thread. Make offer. Pleasant Hill 937-676-2158 7000 FORD: New paint. New engine. New hyd. pump. Looks like new! Franklin 937-474-9899


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FLORA’S Small Engine Repair 8524 W. St. Rt. 185 • Bradford, Ohio 45308

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