Country Living 3.2021

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Country Living Vol. 78 • No. 3

March 2021

CONCRETE • EXCAVATION METAL, WOOD & HOOP BUILDINGS Central Structures 6724 Hog Path Rd. Greenville, Ohio



COUNTRY LIVING Contents Cover Picture Country Kitchen


Can Help With All Your Concrete & Excavation Needs Great Selection of Metal, Wood And Hoop Buildings – Conveniently Located in Greenville – Also... Check Out Their Ad On Page 32

We think you’ll enjoy the two recipes we have for you this month. Our first prize winner is Beef Potato Scallop submitted by a reader in West Alexandria, and the other recipe, Shipwreck Casserole (don’t you just love the name!) sounds easy enough for novice cooks to try. You’ll find them on page 35. KEEP THOSE RECIPES COMING! Share Your Favorite Recipe With Our Readers And hAve A ChAnCe TO win $10!


Is Published Monthly By: ARENS CORPORATION P.O. Box 69, 395 S. High St., Covington, OH 45318 937-473-2028 • 937-473-2029 • FAX: 937-473-2500

E-MAIL: CHECK US OUT ON THE NET: IMPORTANT!!! When submitting advertisements or news releases, always include your full name, address, & phone number (including area code)

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MODEL 1209 JD HAYBINE: Ready to go to field. $700. Mechanicsburg 937605-1061 300 GAL. TANK w/3 pt. hitch. $450. Anna 937-507-2457 EZ-FLOW 300, $1,200; chaff spreader pans, 4400 & 7720; 4400 tech manual & parts manuals; combines. Greenville 937-547-9863 SMALL, SQUARE BALES 2nd & 3rd Cuttings Grass Hay: $6/bale. Russia 937-622-2246 ‘93 JD 9600 COMBINE: 4,120 engine hrs. 2,589 separator hrs. Yield & moisture monitor. Ready for field. $24,500. Celina 419-678-2590

16-ROW KINZE planter w/liquid fert. GC! Sidney 937-538-6769 DODGE TANDEM Dump Trucks: ‘74, ‘74, C-800, 413 gas, 5x4, 12F, 34 rear, spokes, air brakes. Rebuilt engines to put in. Rough. $4,500 ea. Cincinnati 513-831-4513. Leave msg. WANTED: 16.5x8.75 tires or 8-lug 16” rims. Brookville 937-673-8545 80 GAL. MUELLER Freon Heater: $100. Versailles 937-417-5876 KRAUS 9-SHANK Disk Chisel: GC! Springfield 937-925-6047 1,300 GAL. NURSE TANK: Tandem axle. $4,500. Anna 937-507-2457


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“ America’s Best Place To Buy Stoves & Fireplaces”




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DeaDline For aPril 2021 issue

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443 CORN HEAD, $2,000; B&W 5th Wheel hitch, complete; exhaust fan, 24” round; Chem Farm 400 gal. stainless saddle tanks. Greenville 937-547-9863

NEW, EXTRA DEEP, double-bowl kitchen sink. White. $80. Office chair & file cabinet. $15 ea. West Milton 937901-7212

IH 475 Wheel Disk: 18-1/2’ hyd. fold. 19” blades. $4,500. Maplewood 937-6388191

GEORGE WORK BOOTS: Brand new, in box. 10-1/2D. Dark brown. Lynn, Indiana - 765-874-1103

METAL TABLE: 30x66 in. On 1/4 in. thick steel top. With shelf below. $40. Yorkshire 419-852-0378

MF 303 WORK BULL BACKHOE: Detachable backhoe. Fair cond. Needs trans. work. $1,500 OBO. Brookville 937-902-6727

(17) BLACK ANGUS STEERS: 550-650 lbs. West Alexandria 937-336-0373 18.4x34 T-RAIL DUALS w/like new rubber & all hardware. Russia 937-6388088 (3) GROCERY CARTS: Two heavy-duty. Need a little TLC. All for $40, which will go back to local food bank. Lewisburg 937-603-9036

ANDERSON 680 Round Bale Wrapper: Power by tractor hyds. Used for only 1,000 bales. $12,000. St. Marys 419953-3487 2501 ECHO string trimmer, $75; weight distribution hitch for camper; Kirby sweeper & attachments; Indy RXL 650 triple snowmobile. Greenville 937-5479863



MARCH 20 • 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Join Us .. For Our.


Stop in or contact us for a FREE consultation.

• FREE GIFT with every building designed with DreamMaker 3D Software!

TROY, OH - 937-339-2150 ‘64 CHEVELLE rear quarters, some glass, rear deck lid. Rough. $300 for all. Cincinnati 513-831-4513

NEW PLASTIC BUCKETS: 1 gal. & 5 gal., with lids. Barrels, 30 & 55 gals., with lids. West Milton 937-901-7212

WACKER Plate Compactor: VPG. 160K. Older model. Works good. $300. Brookville 937-902-6727

JD 235 DISK: 21 ft., w/5-bar harrow on back. Very nice! Springfield 937925-6047

CRAFTSMAN 10” Table Saw: 40x27 in. top. GC! $100. Yorkshire 419-8520378

(4) SPLASH GUARDS (plastic mud flaps) for Chevy full-size truck. Lynn, Indiana 765-874-1103

SMALL, SQUARE BALES 2nd & 3rd cuttings grass alfalfa hay. $7/bale. Russia 937-622-2246

JD 930F Cutting Platform: Wobble box rebuilt. Good sickle. Overall in GC. $4,950. Platform cart w/new tires. $2,450. Celina 419-678-2590

VACUUM PUMP: Oil-less. Make offer. Versailles 937-417-5876 G-6000 AG BAGGER: 9’ tunnel. Dry chemical applicator. $14,000. St. Marys 419-953-3487

1201 Barnhart Road (Exit 73 off I-75)

800-373-5550 •

HAY: Mostly grass. Some clover. 1st & 2nd cuttings. 4x5 & 4x4 bales. Greenville 937-548-9905 or 937-6217444

NH HAY RAKES: Model 259 & Model 55. LN! Field ready. Russia 937-6388088

(2) CABINETS: 304 SS, 12 gauge. 3’x5’x1’ deep. No doors or shelving. Great material for other uses. $85 ea. Cincinnati 513-831-4513. Leave msg.

BRAND NEW Snowblower Tire on Rim: Carlisle X-trac, 4.80-8. Lynn, Indiana 765-874-1103

LARGE IGLOO DOG Brookville 937-673-8545

SEVERAL JD 2 Cyl. Tractors: All very nice! Springfield 937-925-6047


200 GAL. ELLIPTICAL TANK off a Kinze planter, for pop-up fert. Russia 937-638-8088


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Hill-T Farm Inc. Used - New - Rebuilt Tractor Parts



Find us at... 4295 Richmond Palestine Road, New Madison, Ohio

937-548-0718 1/2 mile south of Palestine

FREISEN 240 Bulk Seed Tender: Has conveyor, tarp. $10,500. Anna 937-507-2457

BOBCAT SKIDLOADER: Model 753, w/bucket. 2,700 hrs. GC! $12,000 OBO. Anna 937-622-2025

‘59 JD 530: Factory 3 pt. Front weights. Older re-paint. $6,500. Maplewood 937-638-8191

YALE 1.5 TON CHAIN HOIST: $50. Brookville 937-902-6727

‘73 BOLENS H16: Hyd. Soft cab. 38” blower. 42” blade. 38” deck. Weights & chains. $800. Yorkshire 419-8520378 HYD. POST POUNDER: 3 pt. hitch mount. Antique Model F JD Van Brunt drill. West Alexandria 937-3360373 GEHL 1475 ROUND BALER w/acid attachment. $3,500. St. Marys 419953-3487 ‘73 FORD 750: 16’ grain bed. New tune-up & rear lights. $2,000. Lewisburg 937-603-9036

HOBART TR-250-HF TIG WELDER: Comes w/foot pedal & 200 amp aircooled torch. Works great! $450. Arcanum 937-603-0610 ‘99 FORD TRUCK: 7.3 turbo dsl. Auto. trans. Two owners. Good, solid truck. Drive it & you’ll like it! Troy 937478-2314 FARM X/MT3 moisture tester, $60; ‘89 GMC 2500, high miles, rear brake cyl. needs replaced, $800 OBO; Int. 16-row cult. Best offer. Greenville 937-547-9863 JD 530 TRACTOR: Fully loaded. Very nice! Springfield 937-925-6047

Page 7 - COUNTRY LIVING - MARCH 2021 ‘70 CHEVELLE: 350/350. Left front & windshield damaged. Some new parts. Green. $8,000. Cincinnati 513831-4513 HD SHOP CRANE: New 8-ton hyd. jack. Telescoping & adjustable. $300. Brookville 937-902-6727

ROUND BALES OATS HAY: $20/bale. Russia 937-622-2246 PRESTO Pressure Cooker & Canner: 7 qt. $50. Canning jars. Quart & pint. $5/dozen. Anna 937-726-4160. Call or text.

RONK POLE TOP disconnect for generator. $75. Yorkshire 419-852-0378

jD 7000 6-ROw 30” Corn Planter: Liquid fert. No-till. $2,000. Versailles 937-417-5876

4’x10’ PALLET RACK, $150. Pair of alum. truck fender toolboxes. $125 for pair. west Milton 937-901-7212

PENDALINER BRAND Tailgate Protector: Fits all full-size truck tailgates. Lynn, Indiana 765-874-1103


The Rodeo Shop Trailer Sales

WANTED: IH 1086 or 1486 tractors. Any cond. Russia 937-638-8088 JD 530 TRACTOR: Fully loaded. Very nice! Springfield 937-925-6047

KOMATSU D31A Crawler Dozer: Dsl. engine. Shuttle shift trans. Undercarriage in VGC. Starts right up! Hand steer. Runs & operates great! Lewisburg 937-839-4540

SET OF 2 JD 5-BAR RAKES: Can be pulled in tandem. GC! $4,000. St. Marys 419-953-3487

QUANTUM GOLD Brand Power Washer: 5hp Briggs engine. $50. Jamestown 937-609-5504

4” SQUARE STEEL TUBES: 4 pcs., 12’ long, $100. Steel wheels & axles. 8” & 12” steel wheels. Make offer. West Milton 937-901-7212

GATES: Steed. Good. 14, 16 & 18 ft. (15) total. $700. Sidney 937-638-1754

GEHL Tandem-Axle Running Gear: $1,500. Anna 937-507-2457

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(3) CHEMTRAVELLER—Soterra 400 Series chemical pumps. $250 ea. Covington 937-216-3144


MII COMBINE: 15’ platform. 436 Black corn head. Hyd. drive. Low hrs. Second owner. Sat in barn 17 years before I bought it. $4,000. Piqua 937-418-3271 2-HOLE Drinking Fountain: With new float assembly. Make offer. New Bremen 937-726-3529 14’ KEWANEE DISK; 5 btm. AC plow. Farmall F-20 tractor. Minster 937-726-5845 WANTED TO BUY: Farm machinery. Will buy one piece or complete lines. Arcanum 937-670-0323

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(6) REFINISHED antique ladderback chairs, $300; Beretta Silver Pigeon shotgun; 10hp snowblower. Lima 419-647-6327 JD 930 Flex Head: GC! D.A.M. good reel teeth, plastics, sickle. Many new parts. No longer need. Field ready. $2,450. Greenville 937-423-4967 HOME-MADE Ping-Pong Table: 5x9 ft. Stand included. $25. Ottoville 419-453-3810

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FORD 5600 with roll bar & canopy. Diesel. Nicest one around! Franklin 937-474-9899



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300 GAL. 3 PT. poly tank w/stand, valve & hose. 200+ gal. poly tank on cradle frame. Ottawa 419-532-3637


C ,:,8)02: ;33049 35:58 96+ :8(49 92,,6,8 (83(22 :8(*:58 &,9:,4+58- # ,<,2 (:0* 25(+,8 D (9: +;36 :8(02,8 C &02954 .8(04 :8(02,8 D .559,4,*1 :8(02,8 = +5<,:(02 C 580:@ 20<,9:5*1 :8(02,8 (>2,9 D 254. = +0<0+,89 C (99,? ,8.;954 2,> D .8(04 /,(+ = *(8: D 20<,9:5*1 :8(02,8


3000 FORD DIESEL: Like new cond. Franklin 937-474-9899


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Deadline for Next Month’s Country Living Friday, March 26, No Later Than 4:30 p.m.



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Page 12 - COUNTRY LIVING - MARCH 2021 WANTED: New Perfection 5-burner oil stove w/baker. Willshire 419-615-0438 SNOWBLOWER: Model SNO-LANDER 1101. 8 ft. wide. 540 PTO. Antique saws. Botkins 937-693-3771

JD 148 LOADER: Celina 419-733-1048 WANTED: Farm ground to rent in Darke & surrounding counties. Any size acreage. Paying top dollar. Greenville 937-459-9465

FORD NH 5610 w/75hp. New diesel engine. Low hours! Only 1,000 original hours. Two sets of hyd. ports. $14,000. Franklin 937-474-9899 WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622 HAY BARN WOOD: Barn was downed by tornado. Reasonable. Brookville 937-837-1070 BICYCLE RACK: Mounts to step bumper. Retracts to side to clear camper door. $75. Versailles 937-467-4397


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‘40 McCORMICK W6 Farmall: Ser. #1041. $2,500 OBO. Can send pictures. Ft. Recovery. Call/text 419-852-9070 or 419-852-3888 ANTIQUE 54” oak round table w/5 chairs & small solid walnut dropleaf table w/no chairs. Make offer. Swanton 419-825-3333

‘74 FORD LN800 Grain Truck: 15’ steel bed & hoist. Good tires. Low mi. New brakes & LED lights. Vandalia 937-898-1830 TIMPTE Hopper Trailer Parts: Ladders, tarp ends, etc. Covington 937-216-3144 WANTED: JD 6620 combine w/low hrs. Arcanum 937-732-6986. Leave msg. FREE: Firewood to cut. From trees already sawed down. All hardwood. Easy to cut. Minster 419-628-2101 BRAND NEW Little Giant Extreme Ladder: Cost $479. With extra accessories. Will sell for half-price. Never used. Ludlow Falls 937-698-6611




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VW BEETLE TDI 2000 Diesel: Factory replacement engine. 43K mi. Looks/runs great. 2 dr. coupe. GLS TDI manual trans. A/C, CC, power windows. $2,390. Lewisburg 937-839-4540

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WANTED TO RENT: FARMLAND Cash or shares. $225 to possibly $300/acre. Shares program. No money out of pocket. Keeps you in the grain market & government programs! 30 mi. radius of Greenville. 937-423-4967

! ! !


WHEEL PLANTER with 6 Plates: Sidney 937-295-3553 JOHN DEERE 6420 Tractor & Loader: Maria Stein 567-644-4365 FORD 531: Diesel. With front loader. Roll bar. 52hp. Low hours. $8,500. Franklin 937-474-9899 BIOTHANE HARNESS: Good, used cond. $250. Fits 15H to 16H horse. Anna 567-356-0306 AKC REG. Lab Retriever Puppies! DOB: 1/13/21. (2) Black, (1) Yellow, (1) Chocolate Mills. $1,000. Willshire 260-227-1831 SEEKING LAND TO FARM in West Milton & surrounding areas. Please contact Steve McGuffey, West Milton— 937-673-5730

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AMISH SURREY / Carriage / Buggy: $720. Hand brake. Appears fully functional, with 4 pass. seating & cargo area w/tailgate. Solid frame & wheels. Lewisburg 937-839-4540

NICE, SMALL Square Bales Wheat Straw: $4/bale. Wapakoneta 419-941-1196 BRAND NEW Little Giant Extreme Ladder: Cost $479. With extra accessories. Will sell for half-price. Never used. Ludlow Falls 937-698-6611




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300 GAL. TANK w/3 pt. hitch. $450. Anna 937-507-2457 CLUTCH PARTS for Unstyled JD G: Pulley, clutch driver, pressure plate. $250/all. West Elkton 937-787-3143

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JD 6-ROW corn cult.; 12’ AC chisel plow; JD 712 9-shank disc chisel. Minster 937-726-5845

FORKS for Forklift: Hyd. cyls. New & used. Wood splitter cylinder. $125. Rossburg 937-564-0719

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Call today...we are dedicated AND driven to complete your project!

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FREEZER BEEF: No hormones. Grainfed. Arcanum 937-678-5435

FIELD CULTIVATOR: JD 960. 25 ft. Ft. Recovery. Call or text 419-852-4004


3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw. Twine-tied, small, square bales. Easy loading or delivery available. West Milton 937-875-1220 or 937-698-3541

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STRAW: 3x4x8 bales. All grades. Starting at $110/ton. Delivery available. Stored inside. Delphos 419-235-1982 RESTORED TRACTORS: Oliver 60 w/mounted cult. H.G. Cletrac crawler tractor w/front cult. Covington 937-473-2652 IHC 4500 FIELD CULT.: 22’ hyd. fold/ gauge wheels on wings. LN shanks/single bar Hiniker harrow w/rear hitch. Piqua 937-418-2610 STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw. Twine-tied, small, square bales. Easy loading or delivery available. West Milton 937-875-1220 or 937-698-3541 ‘63 FARMALL CUB w/59” Woods belly mower, 48” blade, & extra wheel weights. Ser. #223624. $1,500. Jamestown 937-609-5504 18’ HINIKER field cult. w/1-bar harrow. 14’ 470 IH disk. Minster 419-309-1424

FINISHING MOWER: Like new! (2) antique sickle mower bars. Brookville 937-837-1070 TORO S200 SNOWBLOWER: Approx. 20” wide. Pull-start. $125. Wapakoneta 419-738-7523 or 419-303-2830 INT. 485 WHEEL DISC: Hyd. fold. 22 ft. $6,250. Greenville 937-459-9465 JOHNSON CONTROLS air compressor. Model AD-020-332. 2hp duplex, 3ph, 80 gal., 230 volt, w/auto drain. $250. Germantown 937-855-7589 (6) NEW VINYL Basement Windows: Still in wrappers. 32x14. New Bremen 937-726-3529 JD HOPPER WAGON GEAR: $700. J&M 8-ton gear. $700 ea. Anhydrous gear. $350. Rossburg 937-564-0719 J&M 40’ Hay & Grain Elevator: With elec. motor. $1,200. 1,000 gal. flat btm. fert. tank w/valve. $125. Greenville 937-423-4967 CAST IRON Butchering Kettle: With bail & all! GC! Celina 419-586-4388 (1) 20” PUSH MOWER; (1) 20” self-propelled walk-behind; (2) riders. Greenville 937-548-2276. Leave msg. NICE, SMALL, square bales alfalfa hay. 1st cutting, $5/bale. 2nd cutting, $6/bale. Wapakoneta 419-941-1196 WANTED: Riding lawnmower w/rear wheel 22-23 in. high. No older than 10 years. Russia 937-638-5379 or 937-658-8766

Riverside Acres Tack Shop

Page 15 - COUNTRY LIVING - MARCH 2021 (2) 250 BU. HOPPER WAGONS: J&M/ Killbros. $1,000 ea. (1) 225 bu. Huskee hopper wagon. $800. Bradford 937-448-2439

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ROOTS OIB75: Roots blower & silencers. Parts to make large grain vac/blower system. 10” air outlet/12” air inlet. $3,500. New Bremen 419-305-1994 HOPPER WAGON: 419-979-3116



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MASSEY-FERGUSON 245: Diesel. With front loader. Like new cond. $8,500. Franklin 937-474-9899

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FREE! One plot when you buy one plot. Side-by-side. Sarasota, Florida. Brookville 937-837-1070

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WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622


CHEM FARM 40’ spray boom & foamer. Will split. $450 OBO for both. EC! Arcanum 937-692-8215

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‘74 FORD L700 Grain Truck: 400 bu. Roll tarp. New radial tires. 2nd owner. Nice nice. GC! $3,500 OBO. Pictures available. Eldorado 937-603-1509

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FREEZER BEEF—FREEZER PORK Processing Dates Available. Kettlersville 937-693-3093 3rd & 4th CUTTINGS Alfalfa Hay: $7.50/ bale. Approx. 100 bales. Wheat straw. $4/50 bale. Approx. 100 bales. Russia 937-526-4091. Leave msg.

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Deadline for Next Month’s Country Living is Friday, March 26, No Later Than 4:30 p.m.

1st CUTTING HAY: Big, square bales. No rain. West Alexandria 937-336-0373

You own the land. Make it yours.

JD 6”x48’ Top Drive Transport Auger: EC! $750. JD 507 7’ pull-type rotary cutter. In GC. $500. Sidney 937-726-9575 WANTED: Farm ground to rent in Darke & surrounding counties. Any size acreage. Paying top dollar. Greenville 937-459-9465 WANTED: ‘55 Chevrolet Belair 2 dr. hardtop. No post. Must be in VGC. West Alexandria 937-533-5379 WHEAT STRAW: Nice, twine-tied, square bales. $4/bale. Wapakoneta 419-738-7523 or 419-303-2830 CASE 1570 with 5,000 hrs. Duals. GC! $12,750. Greenville 937-547-0446 BESTWAY SPRAYER: 1,000 gals. Hyd. pump. GC! Monitor. Hyd. folds. 60’ booms. Rinse tank. Wash-off. $7,200. Mechanicsburg 937-605-4273 DRY SINK; 10hp snowblower; Singer Featherweight; 16’ dual-axle steel trailer. Lima 419-647-6327

Compact Tractors

Save big on our #1 selling* sub-compact sub-c and compact tractors, featuring uring the performance-matched versatility to handle every y job and a wide rrange of performance-mat e-matched or a demo and tto claim this offer on select ect models today. t attachments. Stop in for



BATTERY PALLET JACK: $500. Skidloaders, bucket edge, 66 in. (one $50 & one $125). Rossburg 937-564-0719

Green & Sons, Ltd. Marysville Area 18987 State Route 347 Raymond, OH 43067 937-553-3999

10’ EXTRA H.D. 3 Pt. Hitch Grader Blade: Make offer or trade. Looks like new! Franklin 937-474-9899 (2) ANTIQUE cast iron hay trolleys. Phillipsburg 937-832-7124 KILLBROS 490 Grain Cart: Diamond Tread tires. Light on end of auger. GC! $7,500. Eaton 937-533-3665

Performance-matched attachments *Based on EDA tractor sales data t of under 20 horsepower wer models from 2009 to 2019. © Kubota Tractor Corporation, at 2021. $0 Down, 0% A.P.R. P. financing participating a dealers’ in-stock inventory is available vailable to qualifi qualified for up to 60 months on purchases of new Kubota BX, B, LX and L series equipment from participa U.S.A.; subject to credit approval. Example: 60 monthly payments of $16.67 per $1,000 financed. fi a a Customer purchasers through Kubota Credit Corporation, nance or $600 on cash purchases of BX2680 equipment. Additional instant rebate instant rebates of $300 are available on qualifying finance ate o of $500 is available with purchase of one new qualifying implement. Some exceptions apply. a terial is for descriptive Offers expire 3/31/21. Te Terms subject to change. This materia t purposes only. Kubota disclaims all representations or complete warranty, ations and warranties, warrantie express or implied, or any liability from the use of this material. a For disclaimer, r safety, incentive offer and product information, at consult your Dealer or K

Page 16 - COUNTRY LIVING - MARCH 2021 MF 880 PLOW: 4 btm. 16 in. Hyd. reset. GC! Always shedded. Make offer. St. Paris 937-663-4503 NEW TITAN 4-basket hyd. fold tedder. $4,350. Greenville 937-459-9465

2 2



JOHNSON CONTROLS air compressor. Model AD-020-332. 2hp duplex, 3ph, 80 gal., 230 volt, w/auto drain. $250. Germantown 937-855-7589

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VARIETY OF GOOD Woodburning Stoves & Accessories: Small to large. $250 to $490. Also, steel woodburning fire pit w/spark screen. $85. Lewisburg 937-839-4540

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JD 4555: FWD, axle duals, 3 remotes. New water pump, belts, hoses. New turbo charger. 6,729 hrs. $41,000. Mechanicsburg 937-605-4273 HOMING PIGEONS: $8 each or $15/pair. Two kinds. Not trained. L. Schwartz, 7145S—150E, Berne, IN 46711 (20) CLOSET DOORS: $5 ea. Coldwater 419-678-3289 HAY: Nice, twine-tied 1st cutting alfalfa— orchardgrass. Small square bales. No rain & green. $6/bale. Thousands of bales available. Wapakoneta 567-356-7291. Leave msg.


ROTARY PHASE CONVERTER: 3hp to 20hp. $250—$1,500. 1/2 ton C&M 3-phase power trolley. $700. Rossburg 937-417-2219 16-ROW KINZE planter w/liquid fert. GC! Sidney 937-538-6769

WANTED: New Perfection 5-burner oil stove w/baker. Willshire 419-615-0438 VINTAGE MURRAY female bicycle. Concord female 12 spd. bicycle. Both for $250. Phillipsburg 937-832-7124 WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622 SNOWBLOWER: Model SNO-LANDER 1101. 8 ft. wide. 540 PTO. Antique saws. Botkins 937-693-3771 (3) CHEMTRAVELLER—Soterra 400 Series chemical pumps. $250 ea. Covington 937-216-3144 FULL-SIZE truck DeeZee Gold Series alum. toolbox. EC! $75. Maplewood 937-935-2003 ROLLER MILL with 5hp elec. motor. 9”x6” rollers. Make offer. New Bremen 937-726-3529 CUSTOM FARMING: Combining, planting, & tillage work. Please contact Steve McGuffey, West Milton— 937-673-5730 JD 925A Zero-Turn: 960 hrs. 60” deck. $4,950. Ansonia 937-337-7901 or 937-238-7901 FULL SET Double Gun Journal in dust covers. All new, save one. 124 books. $1,480. West Alexandria 937-839-5673 (2) GRAVITY WAGONS: 250 bu. (1) J& M & (1) McCurdy. 250 bu. St. Paris 937-788-2734



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Page 18 - COUNTRY LIVING - MARCH 2021 89 NH COMBINE: 3,200 hrs. Good tires. Needs some work. Covington 937-418-5237 after 5pm


9N FORD TRACTOR: New complete engine 1/1/20. New front tires. Won’t start. Asking $2,500 but you’ll be surprised what I’ll take! Lewisburg 937-533-1672 TRIPLE-GROUND Dried Mulch: 100% bark. 10 yd. min. purchase. $40/yd. Free delivery to Union City, Ansonia, Greenville area. Call for semi-load rates. Also have processed topsoil. Union City, Ohio 937-308-0560 JOHN DEERE 9’ 3 pt. blade. $350. Yorkshire 419-733-1477 MASSEY FERGUSON 4253 with 90hp. 4-wheel drive. New front loader. Very nice! $19,000. Franklin 937-474-9899 WANTED TO BUY: Farm machinery. Will buy one piece or complete lines. Arcanum 937-670-0323 WANTED TO BUY: MF front suitcase weights to fit 1105—1135—1155. Will pay cash. Arcanum 937-692-8215

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CLEAN, BRIGHT Wheat Straw: Easy loading. St. Henry 419-305-9854 GRASSHOPPER 60” Sweepster: Bidirectional. Rotary broom. Caster wheels. Low use. New, $5,000. Asking $2,500. Swanton 419-825-3333 READY-TO-LAY Brown Egg Layers: Approx. 17 weeks old. In 2021 available in April, June, August, & October. Call to place your order. King & Sons Poultry Services, Bradford—937-448-2448 RECONDITIONED Manure Spreaders: Oliver 40 bu. 3-beater, $1,500. NI 213 PTO, 165 bu., $3,500; (2) NI 19 PTO, 135 bu., $1,800 ea. Holland 419-277-0668 LARGE CAGE: 24”W x 21”H x 14”D. 1/2” bar spacing. Great for birds or small pets. West Liberty 937-465-7520 4-YEAR-OLD Pacing Bred Mare: Fast Traveler. World of Rock ‘n Roll. Arts Chip. 15.2H. Trots good. Well broke. Dark bay. $4,800. Anna 567-356-0306 ‘74 FORD L700 Grain Truck: 400 bu. Roll tarp. New radial tires. 2nd owner. Nice nice. GC! $3,500 OBO. Pictures available. Eldorado 937-603-1509






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Friday, March 26 No Later Than 4:30 pm

JD 6”x48’ Top Drive Transport Auger: EC! $750. JD 507 7’ pull-type rotary cutter. In GC. $500. Sidney 937-726-9575

WHEAT STRAW: Nice, twine-tied, square bales. $4/bale. Wapakoneta 419-738-7523 or 419-303-2830

1st CUTTING HAY: Big, square bales. No rain. West Alexandria 937-336-0373

CASE 1570 with 5,000 hrs. Duals. GC! $12,750. Greenville 937-547-0446

WANTED: Farm ground to rent in Darke & surrounding counties. Any size acreage. Paying top dollar. Greenville 937-459-9465

BESTWAY SPRAYER: 1,000 gals. Hyd. pump. GC! Monitor. Hyd. folds. 60’ booms. Rinse tank. Wash-off. $7,200. Mechanicsburg 937-605-4273

WANTED: ‘55 Chevrolet Belair 2 dr. hardtop. No post. Must be in VGC. West Alexandria 937-533-5379

DRY SINK; 10hp snowblower; Singer Featherweight; 16’ dual-axle steel trailer. Lima 419-647-6327

B&B Ag-Vantages Proudly Supports The Xtend Cropping System



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INT. 6500 12-Shank Disc Chisel: $2,950. Greenville 937-547-0446



‘99 CHEVY S-30 Cut-Away Van: Fire damage. Good metal, motor, & trans. 125K mi. Box has side door. $1,500 firm. West Liberty 937-465-7520

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16.9x30 FIRESTONE, $50; WD/WD45 parts, grill & gas tank, 3 hyd. cylinders, $30 ea.; JD MNT lawn sprayer, $100. New Bremen 419-629-3510

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WHEAT STRAW: Small squares. Clean & long. $4.50/bale. Anna 937-726-9580


ARPS SNOWBLOWER: Fits on tractor. Covington 937-473-2652


‘05 HONDA ACCORD: Great cond.! Never wrecked. Reliable. Michelin tires. 175K mi. $3,950 OBO. Russia 937-526-4091. Leave msg.


(6) YETTER No-Till Dry Fert. Openers: Mounting brackets for CIH Series planters. Will consider trade for double-disk openers. Laura 937-689-5770

Page 22 - COUNTRY LIVING - MARCH 2021 (5) STRONGHOLD 10-1/2’ Corral Panels: Greenville 740-225-0698 WANTED: Winchester Model 1887 lever-action w/pistol grip stock. Elam Wickey, 4373E—100S, Monroe, IN 46772 BRILLION 14’ Cultimulcher: 4” lift cyl. Dual wheels. $1,600. Germantown 937-545-2406

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8670 FORD NH 4x4: 3 PTO’s. Make offer or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899 %#

FENCE ROWS to be cut for firewood. FREE! New Paris 937-232-1856 CAST IRON 937-295-3553



40x80 PIN BEAMS: Barn loft & wood siding. 46’ Kewanee elevator. North Star 937-621-1113 ACE PTO for Sprayer: Rebuilt. $400. Ansonia 937-337-7901 or 937-238-7901 MASSEY-FERGUSON 175: Gas. With new radial tires. $4,000. Franklin 937-474-9899 WANTED TO BUY: 10 or more acres of land in Miami Co. or surrounding counties. Prefer west of I-75. Ludlow Falls 937-698-6611

IHC 56 PLANTER: 4-row, set at 36 in. Dry fert./Gandy boxes on rear. Several plates. Piqua 937-418-2610 ROUND BALES Bean Stalks: Netwrapped. Stored inside. Never wet. Good, dry bedding. $25 ea. Concrete mixer w/elec. motor. $85. Greenville 937-423-4967 CASE IH 8330 Haybine: Needs conditioner roll. $1,380. Bradford 937-448-2439 HAY CONVEYORS: On wheels, w/1hp motors. 40’ NH (like new), $2,500. 40’ Hayrite, $2,500. 32’ MyD-HanD, $2,000. Delivery available. Holland 419-277-0668 SIMPLICITY 7117H tractor w/48” mower. Hyd. lift, front bucket. EC! $1,500 OBO. Swanton 419-825-3333 WANTED: Front grill for AC 185/180 tractor. New Bremen 419-629-3510 NEW IDEA ground-driven manure spreader. Needs new wood. Franklin 937-474-9899 GOING INTO ASSISTED LIVING: Selling household items, furn., etc. Call or text. Preble Co. 937-266-6210

CLEAN, BRIGHT Wheat Straw: $4/bale. Mechanicsburg 937-605-4463

3 PT. 7’ DRAG: Dirt or driveway, $200 OBO; wheelbarrow, $35 OBO; (2) 18’ wood ladders, $25 ea.; 14x7 flatbed wagon/gear, $500 OBO. New Bremen 419-629-3510

JOHN DEERE 7000 4-row 30” Planter: Precision meters. Dry fert. Seed firmers. Monitor. Dry fert. hopper wagon w/auger. Chickasaw 419-305-7420

WANTED: Junk autos & scrap metal of all kinds. Certified scale. Top dollar paid. Roll-off container services. Call for pricing or pick-up. Celina 419-363-2277

Page 23 - COUNTRY LIVING - MARCH 2021 WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622 RAMSEY WINCH, electric, HD. Barn door & track with rollers. Truck lid cover. Double barn doors. Brookville 937-837-1070 ‘40 McCORMICK W6 Farmall: Ser. #1041. $2,500 OBO. Can send pictures. Ft. Recovery. Call/text 419-852-9070 or 419-852-3888

TILT-BED TRAILER: 76” x 10’—New floor & fresh paint. $800 OBO. Ft. Loramie 937-295-3750

YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent. Darke & surrounding counties. Versailles 937-417-2969

JD 7200 PLANTER: 6x30. Dry fert. No-till Keetons. Finger pick-up. Corn units. Radial bean meters. Insecticide. $10,500. Wapakoneta 567-356-1758

WANTED: New Perfection 5-burner oil stove w/baker. Willshire 419-615-0438

TRACTOR MOUNTED, PTO Driven Ace Pump: Fits 1-3/4 in. 1,000 RPM PTO shaft. LN! $500. Urbana 937-238-6504

WANTED: Purebred Chihuahua longhaired female. Paying cash. L. Schwartz, 7145S—150E, Berne, IN 46711

WANTED: Junk autos & scrap metal of all kinds. Certified scale. Top dollar paid. Roll-off container services. Call for pricing or pick-up. Celina 419-363-2277

WHEAT STRAW: Nice, twine-tied, square bales. $4/bale. Wapakoneta 419-738-7523 or 419-303-2830

FORD TRACTOR: 860, with Bush Hog 6’ box blade. All for. $2,800. Waynesville 937-554-7611 or 937-263-6432

MF 150 TRACTOR: VGC! Gas engine. Runs good. PS. Multi-power trans. Exc. tires. 5,208 hrs. $4,850. Ansonia 937-459-7018

10-TON KILLBROS: J&M gears. $800 ea. 8x16 hay wagons. $650 ea. Rossburg 937-564-0719

NEW, STILL IN BOX, queen-size metal bed frame. Never used. $75. Ottoville 419-453-3810

‘79 FORD 700 Grain Truck: Midwest bed w/hoist. Tarp. 400 bu. capacity. New Madison 937-459-0924. Call or text.

14” SPOKED HUBCAPS: Never used. Russia 937-638-5379 or 937-658-8766

DINETTE SET: Wood table, leaves, 4 chairs, w/matching china hutch; (2) matching Hitchcock chairs & mirror; set of 3 end tables; gas dryer; ladies’ Huffy bicycle. EC! Pictures available. Russia 937-726-1649

JD RM 6-ROW CULTS.: C-shank. Rolling fenders. GC! Make offer. St. Paris 937-663-4503

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BRAUN WHEELCHAIR Lift for Van: $75. Coldwater 419-678-3289 TIRES: 320/85R28 Firestone. Rims & hubs off 6430 JD. 70%. Paint is very good. $500. Ne w Bremen 419-305-1994

M&W Snap-On Duals: 15.5x38. With all hardware. Off IH 656. $350. Laura 937-689-5770 WANTED: Bobcat & snowmobile; free firewood; clawfoot tubs. Brookville 937-837-1070 CAST IRON 937-295-3553



73C 25’ GRAIN TABLE: New poly snouts. New SI cutting bar. With carts. 674 6N30 poly snouts, with cart. Covington 937-418-5237 after 5pm

14” SPOKED HUBCAPS: Never used. Russia 937-638-5379 or 937-658-8766

YOUNG CANARIES: Singles, pairs, wholesale lots. Used cages of all sizes. West Liberty 937-465-7520

FULL SET Walking Liberty Half Dollars: In good or better cond. In Dansco album. West Alexandria 937-839-5673

‘00 INT. Tandem-Axle Grain Truck: With air cheater axle. 700 bu. Maria Stein 567-644-4365

NEW IDEA PTO Manure Spreader: Franklin 937-474-9899

14’ FLATBED Antique Wagon: With sideboards. VGC! Ottawa 419-532-3637

' #



MILKING Parlor Equipment: Double 9 Parabone, GEA stalls & Touchstone detachers, Boumatic FloStar milkers & pulsators, 1,500 gal. Mueller bulk tank w/2 compressors. Ft. Recovery. Call/text 419-852-4004

CUSTOM FARMING: Combining, planting, & tillage work. Please contact Steve McGuffey, West Milton— 937-673-5730




Standing Seam Metal Roofi fin ng New Installation ~ Ser vice Repairs ~ Metal Sales


Cut your Heating & Cooling bills by up to 40%! Insulating your basement or crawlspace walls can minimize cold floors, seal cracks and cut your heating & cooling bills!

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Spray Foam Insulation for Residential, Commercial & Industrial Buildings Blown Cellulose Insulation 3226 Wabash Rd. Ft. Recovery, OH 45846

Greg Fortkamp 419-852-1390


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Page 25 - COUNTRY LIVING - MARCH 2021 WANTED TO BUY: Ford 860, 861, or later model Ford gas tractor. In good cond., with PS. Not interested in show or parade. Want a working tractor. Harrod 419-303-8682

AC FIELD CULT.: 1300. 32 ft., w/harrow. $700. Also, 18 ft. for $400. Forklift mask, 3-stage, 2-ton, $450. Rossburg 937-564-0719

WANTED: Stihl gas weed eater. Model #FS65AVR. For parts. Wapakoneta 419-738-7523 or 419-303-2830. Leave msg.

BRAND NEW Little Giant Extreme Ladder: Cost $479. With extra accessories. Will sell for half-price. Never used. Ludlow Falls 937-698-6611

WANTED: 4- or 5-person alum. pontoon paddle boat. Elam Wickey, 4373E —100S, Monroe, IN 46772 300-400 SMALL BALES Wheat Straw: $4.50/bale. Arcanum 937-732-6986. Leave msg. (3) CHEMTRAVELLER—Soterra 400 Series chemical pumps. $250 ea. Covington 937-216-3144 WANTED: Set of 18.4-38 T-rail duals w/hardware. In good cond. Jackson Center 937-596-5414 USED MIX MILL SET-UP: Five compartment, 5hp grinder. Also, Modern Mill mixer. Ft. Recovery 419-852-6987 FERRIS 500Z Zero-Turn: 61” deck. 277 hrs. $3,850. Ansonia 937-337-7901 or 937-238-7901


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‘06 FORD F350: Reg. cab. 4x4 dually. 6.09L. V8. Dsl. Alum. flatbed. $14,950. Ft. Recovery 419-375-4186 WANTED: 3-tier electric ceramic kiln. New Paris 937-232-1856 CHOPPER WAGONS: (3) Myers 22 ft. long, (2) H&S 18 ft. & 22 ft., & (1) Gehl 18 ft. 419-979-3116

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WANTED: JD 6620 combine w/low hrs. Arcanum 937-732-6986. Leave msg.

Our name says it all!

937-456-4672 • 456-4673 • Fax 456-1523 723 Yost Rd. • West Alexandria, Ohio

7:30 AM TO 5 PM M-F, 8-12 SAT. Distributors of... • Ads Pipe • Hancor Pipe • Snyder Tanks Septic - Cistern 300-1500 gal. • Infiltrator Leaching Systems • PVC, SDR & Metal Culvert


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CHICKEN MANURE FOR SALE: Trucking & spreading available. Versailles 937-564-3399 STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw. Twine-tied, small, square bales. Easy loading or delivery available. West Milton 937-875-1220 or 937-698-3541 CHICKEN MANURE FOR SALE: Trucking & spreading available. Versailles 937-564-3399 (4) MASTERCRAFT 195/70/R14 Tires: LN! $120. Celina 419-733-1048 WANTED: 18.4x38 tractor tires. Piqua 937-418-3271 PICK-UP L-TANK: 59-1/2”W x 33-1/2”D x 25”H. 105 gals. GC! No leaks. $200. Arcanum 937-603-0610 WANTED TO BUY: 410 shotgun. Covington 937-473-3635 ALMOST FULL SET Gun Digest books. $325. West Alexandria 937-839-5673 ELEVATOR: Hay & grain. With elec. motor. Sam Mulkey Co. 33 ft. Sidney 937-638-1754 WANTED: Farm ground to rent in Darke & surrounding counties. Any size acreage. Greenville 937-547-0446 WANTED TO BUY: 10 or more acres of land in Miami Co. or surrounding counties. Prefer west of I-75. Ludlow Falls 937-698-6611 YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent. Darke & surrounding counties. Versailles 937-417-2969 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– J&M 350 SEED WAGONS w/brand new roll tarps. Have brush augers. $4,650 ea. Greenville 937-547-0446

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TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items. Dealer for 22 years. Call for catalog & brochures. Russia 937-238-6661 SEVERAL TRACTOR TIRES: Some new. Some nice used ones on wheels. Franklin 937-474-9899 SIMPLICITY 48” Lawn Roller: EC! $200 OBO. Swanton 419-825-3333 ‘13 3/4 TON FORD 250 Cab & a Half P/U Truck: Maria Stein 567-644-4365


# $! # '"# " $# # $ ! # '"# " $ # ! # "# ! # # ! ! "" ! &! " !% ! "" ! !#" # ! # !" JD 930A Zero-Turn: 700 hrs. 60” deck. $5,950. Ansonia 937-337-7901 or 937-238-7901


5610 FORD 4x4 with Great Bend loader. Brand new engine. Starts very well, even in cold weather. $18,000 or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899

MONTGOMERY WARD’s Western Field. 12 ga. Side by side. 30” double. Made by Ithaca. VGC! $465. West Alexandria 937-839-5673

JD 20’ Full-Fingered Auger: New! Fits 920 head. $4,500 OBO. Holland 419-277-0668

FREEZER BEEF: No hormones. Grainfed. Arcanum 937-678-5435

TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items. Dealer for 22 years. Call for catalog & brochures. Russia 937-238-6661

‘13 TORO Zero-Turn Mower: 42” cut. 530 hrs. $900. Jamestown 937-609-5504

WANTED: Cushman / Whizzer. Complete or parts. Call or text. Preble Co. 937-266-6210

WANTED: Used 3-phase motors, 5hp & up. Good used 14.5-15-16 tires. Rossburg 937-417-2219

RABBITS: New Zealand White. With pedigree. $25 ea. Waynesville 937-554-7611 or 937-263-6432

SKS LIKE NEW rifle w/scope; 303 British Infield; Franciscan Apple & Desert Rose (2 sets). Lima 419-647-6327

MF 150 TRACTOR: VGC! Gas engine. Runs good. PS. Multi-power trans. Exc. tires. 5,208 hrs. $4,850. Ansonia 937-459-7018

PLOW: Oliver 546, 514, $100. Rake & tedder, PTO driven, AC, $150; springtooth harrow w/cart, 10 ft., $200. Sidney 937-638-1754

LOOKING FOR PATIO furniture in good cond. Especially wicker chairs, Lloyd Flanders, Bay Breeze, purchased at Sellman’s in Covington. Sidney 937-658-1204

300-400 SMALL BALES Wheat Straw: $4.50/bale. Arcanum 937-732-6986. Leave msg.

GRASS HAY: $5/bale. Wapakoneta 419-233-0397 JOHN DEERE DISK: 14’ model. FWA. One owner. No welds. Milford Center 937-349-6181 (2) HEAVY Screw-Type Bottle Jacks: $50 for both. Botkins 419-753-2590 LIME BED on ‘79 GMC: Tandem-axle. $2,650. 8x16’ channel iron wagon frame. $200. Rossburg 937-564-0719 BUSH HOG Rotary Mower: 8’ wide. Maria Stein 567-644-4365 ANTIQUE HORSE hitching post; large artists’ easel; (2) school auditorium seats. Phillipsburg 937-832-7124 FERTILIZER TANK: Poly. 1,500 gal. Clean. With valve. $450. Sidney 937-638-1754

TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items. Dealer for 22 years. Call for catalog & brochures. Russia 937-238-6661 2nd CUTTING Grass Hay: $5/bale. Celina 419-733-1048 STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw. Twine-tied, small, square bales. Easy loading or delivery available. West Milton 937-875-1220 or 937-698-3541 JD 1450 5 BTM. PLOW: Later style. Good moldboards. No cracks or breaks. $900. Silo pipe. 5 pcs. 10 ft. EC! $40 ea. Sidney 937-726-9575

‘04 PONTIAC Grand Prix: All options. 140K mi. No rust or dents. Immaculate! $4,200. Sidney 937-726-9575 WANTED: Old motorcycles, minibikes, mopeds, 3-wheelers, or 4-wheelers. Running or not. Covington 9 3 7 - 4 7 3 - 2 7 0 5 . FORD 3930 with front loader. One owner. Franklin 937-474-9899 FREEZER BEEF: No hormones. Grainfed. Arcanum 937-678-5435 LIKE NEW ‘16 Chevy Malibu: EC! No smoking, no pets. Lady-driven. To settle estate. Price reduced. Asking $15,000. Must sell. Lewisburg 937-533-1672

Page 27 - COUNTRY LIVING - MARCH 2021 * Sheet Metal Repair * Sandblasting * Mechanical *All Makes & Models

Next Month’s Deadline

Friday, March 26 No Later Than 4:30 pm WANTED TO BUY: JD 3 btm. 12” plow w/mechanical—rope lift. Cond. not important, but must be restorable. Not a scrap dealer. Harrod 419-303-8682 XTENDER 5th Wheel Slider Hitch by RBW Industries. $225. Maplewood 937-935-2003 HORSE-DRAWN 1 Btm. Plow: $100. ‘10 Traverse. Bad motor, good body. $1,200. 14x28 duals, rims, no tires. New Bremen 419-629-3510 HP OFFICE JET PRO 7740 wide format printer. Brand new! $300 OBO. Sidney 937-726-2017 or 937-749-8116. Leave msg. SHEEP & GOAT FEEDERS for grain & hay. 12 ft.—$200. 15 ft.—$250. 19 ft. long, 2 ft. wide, 13 in. deep feed trough. $100. Steel frame. Rossburg 937-564-0719

Tim 937-787-3143 Bob 513-649-4485

RED DECORATIVE bricks for landscaping. Curved & straight. 200-300. Make offer. New Bremen 937-726-3529 FARMALL 966: Very high quality. Roll bar & canopy. $12,500. Franklin 937-474-9899 AR-15 DEL-TON: New, never fired. 5.56-223. Still in box. Asking $1,000 OBO. Must sell. Lewisburg 937-533-1672 240 NH CHOPPER; 5400 JD self-propelled chopper. 419-979-3116 SEEKING LAND TO FARM in West Milton & surrounding areas. Please contact Steve McGuffey, West Milton— 937-673-5730 WANTED: Pick-up system for an upright bass fiddle & amplifier. New Paris 937-232-1856

POST FRAME BUILDINGS 701 S. Main, New Knoxville, OH 419-753-2263

Page 28 - COUNTRY LIVING - MARCH 2021 HP OFFICE JET PRO 7740 wide format printer. Brand new! $300 OBO. Sidney 937-726-2017 or 937-749-8116. Leave msg. MF 1163 CORN HEAD: 6-30. VGC! $2,400. Honda Shadow 600 VLX. Windshield, shop manual, leather saddle bags. 5,500 mi. Ottawa 419-532-3637 (2) 28Lx26 TIRES: 40% tread. $100 OBO. Arcanum 937-692-8215 BIG STRAW Square Bales: 3x4x7. Clean & dry. Stored inside. $35/bale. Sidney 937-538-6769 MF 880 PLOW: 4 btm. 16 in. Hyd. reset. GC! Always shedded. Make offer. St. Paris 937-663-4503 IHC 4500 FIELD CULT.: 22’ hyd. fold/ gauge wheels on wings. LN shanks/single bar Hiniker harrow w/rear hitch. Piqua 937-418-2610 400 BALES Wheat Straw: 3x4x7-1/2. Stored inside. 60 acres new crop ‘21 Red Clover. 1st cutting. I cut & bale. You haul from field. Versailles 937-423-5404 DOUBLE D Double-Throw Manual Elec. Safety Switch Box: 600 amp, 240V, #92456. Use on single & 3-phase. 45”Wx54”Hx17”D. VGC! $350. New Bremen 419-305-1994

BLACK MACHINE 12-13: Flex frame, liquid fert., row cleaners, no-till coulters, rebounders. Precision meters. Curvetine closing. $11,500. Mechanicsburg 937-605-4273

TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items. Dealer for 22 years. Call for catalog & brochures. Russia 937-238-6661

JD 7000 No-Till Corn Planter: 4-row wide. GREAT PLAINS 1,000 gal. sprayer. 60’ X- Liquid fert. Seed firmers. JD monitor. fold booms. 540 PTO Ace pump. Raven Extra nice! $4,000. Piqua 937-418-3271 440 controller. $7,500 OBO. Urbana WOOD ‘N WOOL rug hooking frame. 937-238-6504 Barska metal detector. New. Lima MANY ALMOST NEW planter parts for 419-647-6327 6-row JD 1750 MaxEmerge Plus. Converting to precision planting. West Alexan- ALUM.—ALUM. Sulfate Hydrate: Standard ground, but clumpy. Treats phosphodria 937-572-0642 rus in ponds to slow algae. 50# bags, $25 USED GLASS TV STAND: Great cond. ea. ($20/2 or more). New Bremen 50x16 in., 23” tall. With arm to hold TV. 419-305-1994 Three glass shelves. Ottoville BALE CONVEYOR: Hay Rite. 48 ft. Ft. 419-453-3810 Recovery. Call or text 419-852-4004 1st CUTTING HAY: Big, square bales. No 300 GAL. 3 PT. Mounted Tank: $750 rain. West Alexandria 937-336-0373 OBO. Urbana 937-238-6504 WANTED: Illinois Bunn Special 60-hour pocket watches, 17 YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to jewel, 21 jewel, etc. Elam E. rent. Darke & surrounding counties. VerWickey, 4373E—100S, Monroe, IN sailles 937-417-2969 46772 ‘83 CADILLAC Sedan DeVille: 12K mi. CHICKEN MANURE FOR SALE: Truck- Excep. cond. inside & out! $12,000 firm. ing & spreading available. Versailles West Liberty 937-465-7520 937-564-3399 WANTED: Broken or non-running John TOPSOIL FOR SALE: Will deliver. Union Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers. 937-473-2705 or City, Ohio 937-308-0560

CHICKEN MANURE FOR SALE: Trucking & spreading available. Versailles 937-564-3399 YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent. Darke & surrounding counties. Versailles 937-417-2969 PULLEY FOR 8N FORD. Brackets for next size up. 800’s & up. $75. Duals, 18.4x34. 9-bolt rims (one bad rim). $125. Rossburg 937-564-0719 (6) SS PAX Hog Feeders: $100 ea. Sidney 937-726-4143 WANTED: Ford & IH tractors. Any size. Even broken or burned. Paying cash. Franklin 937-474-9899 ‘40 McCORMICK W6 Farmall: Ser. #1041. $2,500 OBO. Can send pictures. Ft. Recovery. Call/text 419-852-9070 or 419-852-3888 DEMOLITION: Also, concrete demolition such as old swimming pools, barn foundations, porches, etc. Also, general excavating work. 937-232-7380 JD RM 6-ROW CULTS.: C-shank. Rolling fenders. GC! Make offer. St. Paris 937-663-4503 SEEKING FARM GROUND TO RENT: Darke & surrounding counties. Excellent fertility package. Versailles 937-467-1133

9164 County Road 101, Belle Center Handcrafted !

Don’t trust your grain to anything less. • Control your grain marketing and maximize your profitability. • Market your grain on your terms. Contact us today to learn more.


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Deadline for Next Month’s Country Living Friday, March 26, No Later Than 4:30 p.m.




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Deadline for April Issue of Country Living

Friday, March 26 4:30 pm

NEW 11L-15 8-ply implement tire on used JD 6-bolt rim. Used 9.5L-14 8-ply implement tire on used JD 6-bolt rim. St. Marys 419-305-7371

JD 4400 COMBINE; JD 215 grain head w/SS platform & grain head cart. Also, misc. parts for grain head & combine. St. Paris 937-788-2734

(2) 23.1x26 TRACTOR TIRES: 40% tread. 8-ply. On 10-bolt rims. $100 OBO. Arcanum 937-692-8215

BICYCLE RACK: Mounts to step bumper. Retracts to side to clear camper door. $75. Versailles 937-467-4397

BIG STRAW Square Bales: 3x4x7. Clean & dry. Stored inside. $35/bale. Sidney 937-538-6769

‘06 IH 1200 PLANTER: 12-23 rows. Fert. pop-up. North Star 937-621-1113


Singer sewing WANTED: machine cabinets. Elam Wickey, 4373E—100S, Monroe, IN 46772



MODEL RM JD Rear-Mount Row Crop Cult.: Set on 4-36” rows. $400 OBO. West Alexandria 937-572-0642

# # #

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Irish Electric Motor Service $

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Service All Your Motor Needs • Home • Farm • Industry • New • Used • Repair • Rebuild

419-394-3284 Fax: 419-394-7128 1600 Celina Rd. St. Marys, OH 45885

FREEZER BEEF: No hormones. Grainfed. Arcanum 937-678-5435 SEVERAL FORD & Ferguson Tractor Parts: All different sizes. Franklin 937-474-9899 JD 7000 PLANTER: Front fold, 8-row, 36” rows. Liquid fert. Population monitor. $3,500. West Alexandria 937-572-0642 28’ EAR CORN ELEV.: VGC! 220-volt motor. Hitch. $500. Kettlersville 937-693-3093 IHC 56 PLANTER: 4-row, set at 36 in. Dry fert./Gandy boxes on rear. Several plates. Piqua 937-418-2610 WANTED: Riding lawnmower w/rear wheel 22-23 in. high. No older than 10 years. Russia 937-638-5379 or 937-658-8766 BOOK: Oil & Gas Boom, Mercer Co. Ohio. $45. Shipping, $5. St. Henry 419-678-2614 WANTED TO BUY: Farm machinery. Will buy one piece or complete lines. Arcanum 937-670-0323 JD 494A 4-Row Planter: GC! With hyd. cyl. $895 OBO. Franklin 937-231-2397 WHEEL PLANTER with 6 Plates: Sidney 937-295-3553 JD 3 PT. PLANTER: 246. $795 OBO. Franklin 937-231-2397. Leave msg.

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We Appreciate All Our Buyers, Sellers & Workers That Continue To Help Us Grow!


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Deadline for Next Month’s Country Living Friday, March 26, No Later Than 4:30 p.m. +* $ !()*

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Jared Gaier (937) 538-8527

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TUESDAY, MARCH 2 AT 10 A.M. Timed Online Auction of Farm Equipment. Tractors; Backhoe; Planting; Seed Tenders; Pro Boxes; Applicators; Tillage; Combine; Heads; Grain Cart; Semi’s; Trailers; Pick-Up; Fuel Tanks; Saddle Tanks; Farm Misc.; Snowmobiles; Screens; Globes; Shop Equipment; Parts. Inspection Location: 16340 Cone Rd., Milan, Michigan. Sale conducted by Schrader Real Estate & Auction Co., Inc. See Page 7 THURSDAY, MARCH 11 AT 2 P.M. Farmland Auction located at 5857 Phillipsburg-Union Rd., Phillipsburg, Ohio. 70.15+/- Acres Offered in One Tract. Barbara Elaine Doat, Owner. Jon W. Carr, Auctioneer. See Page 10 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17 AT 8 A.M & THURSDAY, MARCH 18 AT 5 P.M. Online Auction of 100+/- Total Acres located in New Paris, Ohio. Small Equipment Personal Property Auction March 15-22. Halderman Real Estate & Farm Equipment. See Page 10 SATURDAY, MARCH 20 AT 10 A.M. Marion Young Farmers Consignment Auction located at Mercer Landmark, St. Rt. 274, Chickasaw, Ohio. Tractors; Trucks; Trailers; Drills; Planters; Plows; Disk; Tillage; Augers; Wagons; Manure Equipment; Hay Equipment. Coldwater Auction Service. See Page 8

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SATURDAY, MARCH 27 AT 10 A.M. Preble Co. Farm Expo Auction located at Preble Co. Fairgrounds, 722 S. Franklin St., Eaton, Ohio. Farm Equipment; Tractors; Hay & Grain Equipment; Lawn & Garden; & MUCH MORE! Luciano “Lucky” Montoya, Auctioneer. Walnut Harvest Auctions, LLC. See Page 8

SATURDAY, APRIL 10 AT 10 A.M. Inventory Reduction Auction located at 8793 Twp. Rd. 239, Lakeview, Ohio. Compact Utility Tractors; Commercial Front-Mount; Zero-Turns; Lawn & Garden Tractors; Attachments. Lakeview Home Center Hardware. Mike Baker, Auctioneer/Real Estate Broker. Midwest Auctioneers & Realty, Inc. See Page 12 • schrader real estate & auction co. • Real Estate, Farm Equipment & Personal Property Offered. See Page 6


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THURSDAY, MARCH 25 AT 3 P.M. Farm Auction located at 6260 Evergreen Dr., West Milton, Ohio. 69.302+/- Acres Offered. Rarely Idle Ranch, LLC, Owners. Jon W. Carr, Auctioneer. See Page 10

SATURDAY, APRIL 3 AT 9 A.M. Spring Consignment Auction located at Triple H Farm Equipment, 5054 St. Rt. 49, Greenville, Ohio. Tractors; Antique/Collector Tractors; Construction Equipment; Combines & Carts; Lawn & Garden; Tillage Equipment; Spray Equipment; Hay Tools; Spreaders; Planting Equipment; Harvest Equipment; Bush Hogs / Finish Mowers; Toys; Misc. See Page 31

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COUNTRY KITCHEN You are invited to share your favorite recipe – for a main dish, casserole, salad, vegetable, dessert or snack. If it’s chosen a 1st Place Blue Ribbon Winner, we'll mail you $10! Recipes should be clearly printed or typed, with full instructions, and mailed to:

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