vol. 75 • no. 6
June 2018
Country Living
o p w m e r r a o F f e t l l he past i v n e e r G 19th Annual Antique Tractor & Gas Engine Show
Darke County FairgrounDs ~ greenville, ohio
July 5 - 8, 2018
FEATurInG CASE TrACTOrS & EquIpMEnT OlIvEr TrACTOrS & EquIpMEnT OIl FIEld EnGInES MICHIGAn BuIlT GAS EnGInES Hosting The Buckeye Oliver Club Summer Show The Oil Field Engine Society The Cast Iron Seat Collectors Association Summer Meet www.greenvillefarmpower.org
Page 2 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2018 +* $ !()*
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Contents Cover Picture Country Kitchen GREENVILLE FARM POWER OF THE PAST ANTIquE TRAcTOR & GAS ENGINE SHOW July 5-8 Darke Co. Fairgrounds Greenville, Ohio
We’ve done it again... provided our readers with a complete meal – salad, a main dish, and even dessert. You don’t have to make any decisions (at least for this ONe meal!). You’ll find these yummy recipes on Page 41.
You’ll find a complete listing of information and events on page 39
Keep tHose recipes coming! share Your favorite recipe With our readers and Have a chance to Win $5
PULLEYS & PTO extension for Ford tractors. Celina 419-586-4388
CheCk It Out!!!
4.6 ACRES or 2 Building Lots: At Rt. 49 & Blank Rd., Phillipsburg, Ohio. 937-832-7124 WANTED: Dead or alive! Good, damaged PLASTIC or metal 1-6 gal. gasoline— kerosene—diesel fuel cans w/caps & spouts. Steve, St. Marys 419-236-9102
GEHL Bale Handler: 3 pt. hitch. BH-1500, with unwrapper. VGC! $500. West Alexandria 937-839-4071 ‘03 SUNDOWNER Alum. Gooseneck: 5-horse. Open stock. Removable partition. Insulated dressing room. Roof air. Electrical outlets. New tires. $8,500. Houston 937-726-9965
Is Published Monthly By: ARENS CORPORATION P.O. Box 69, 395 S. High St., Covington, OH 45318 937-473-2028 • 937-473-2029 • FAX: 937-473-2500
E-MAIL: arenspub@gmail.com CHECK US OUT ON THE NET: http://www.arenspub.com IMPORTANT!!! When submitting advertisements or news releases, always include your full name, address, & phone number (including area code)
CHAINSAW SCULPTURES: Stumps in your yard or items on display. dklchainsawman@aol.com. 765-977-4563 or 937-839-4183. Photos on facebook. See Dayle Keith Lewis.
CHISEL PLOW: Glencoe. Pull-type. 10 ft. $650. IH 720 5x16 plows w/gauge wheel, $750. Several gravity wagons. Brookville 937-687-4138 NH SQUARE BALER: 278. GC! Always stored indoors. No longer doing hay. $5,000. Laura 937-684-6159 12’ POWER SCREED KING for concrete. With Honda motor. Versailles 937-467-9562 20’ GRAIN BED: GC! Double doors. Metal sides. Wood floor. On ‘85 Chevy tandem chassis. Not running. $400 OBO. West Alexandria 937-313-2771 AKC LAB PUPS: Vet-checked. Dewormed. Up-to-date on vaccines. Both parents on site. Black, Chocolate, Silver, & Charcoal. West Manchester 937-564-4753 BOER GOAT DOES FOR SALE: Doelings, yearlings, & older does. Exc. genetics! Call/text for pictures & prices. Mark, West Milton 937-371-6511 CRAFTSMAN 24” front tine tiller. Used once. $150. Bradford 937-214-5294
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Ebberts Field Seeds Inc. 6840 North St. Rt. 48 - Covington, Ohio www.ebbertsseeds.com 937-473-2521 Open Weekdays 8am - 5pm (closed 12-1 for lunch)
Choose Ebberts for your summer POST SPRAY needs MicroBlitz Foliar Fertilizer 11-8-5 plus micros - Tankmix with your post spray applications - Aids in relief of plant stress - 2.5 gal. or 275 gal. totes Rate: 1-2 Qt. / acre, $10.95 / gal.
Ebberts Post Spray Stock Items -
Liberty (generic) Buccaneer Plus Roundup Powermax Engenia (Xtend Dicamba) Callisto (generic) Powerhouse Liquid AMS Ammonium Sulfate Granular
We offer expert herbicide advice for difficult, tough to control weeds Ebberts is your source for Cover Crop Seed - Protect the soil surface from erosion and improve water infiltration - Raise the soil organic matter and improve soil physical properties
Call for our 2018 Cover Crop Seed Guide and Price List
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FREE NON-COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED AD POLICY FOR ALL COuNtRY LIvINg SuBSCRIBERS IF YOU VOLUNTARILY SUBSCRIBE TO COUNTRY LIVINg, you are eligible to submit a LIMIt OF 4 NON-COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED ADS (20 WORDS OR LESS) with the understanding that they will be published free of charge if they qualify. tHE COSt IS $22.95 PER YEAR. Publisher reserves the right to reject certain ads. They should always be in good taste, and LIMITED TO 20 WORDS. PLEASE PRINT LEgIBLY, and be sure to include your area code and phone number. Classified ads should come from a farmer or other country resident who is not using them for a commercial purpose in which he is regularly engaged. They must bear the name and address of the writer, along with his or her customer number, which tells us you are among the subscribers of our Country Living Honor Roll of Friends. ADVERTISERS WIShINg TO RUN ADS MORE ThAN ONE MONTh MUST RE-SUBMIT ADS EACh MONTh. YOUR ADS will be seen in more than 17,000 country homes, and can be submitted in four ways: 1) Mail them to Country Living, Arens Corp., Publishers, P.O. Box 69, Covington, Oh 45318. 2) Telephone our office at 937-473-2028 or 937-473-2029 any time Monday thru Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Remember, you must give our receptionist your customer number or you will be billed for the ad(s) submitted. LIMIt OF 2 ADS PER tELEPHONE CALL. LIMIt OF 4 ADS PER MONtH PER SuBSCRIBER. 3) Fax your ad(s) to: 937-473-2500 4) Email your ad(s) to: arenspub@gmail.com COUNTRY LIVINg is published monthly. Free non-commercial classified ads will be accepted for publication in the following month's issue as late as possible. The earlier we receive your ad, the better chance it has to get in the next issue. When ads arrive too late to meet the deadline for a given issue, they are held over and given priority in the following issue.
Deadline For Next Month's Issue Is
FRIDAY, JuNE 22, at 4:30 p.m. COMMERCIAL ADVERTISING is not acceptable for publication and the free classified ad copy submitted to us is carefully scrutinized to reject commercial ads. Our commercial advertising rates are available on request. Among the types of ads frequently submitted to us as free copy but rejected because they are commercial, are the following: 1) Ads calling for the purchase, sale or rental of real estate; 2) Ads calling for the sale or rental of mobile homes; 3) Ads calling for the sale of motor vehicles less than seven years old. To control the volume of the free ads, we also have found it necessary to automatically reject offers to give away, sell, trade or breed pets. All of these types of ads are acceptable at commercial rates at 50 cents per word.
WALTON 2-basket hay tedder, $1,250; JD broom attachment, HD 60, $3,250; spear for loader bucket, $200; planter dolly, 3 pt. hyd., $650. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 INT. 720 4 Btm. Plow: 18 in. NH 276 hay baler w/preserver applicator. North Star 419-336-7418 NI 5409 9’ 3 Pt. Disc Mower: Completely rebuilt. With new tarp. EC! $3,250. West Alexandria 937-839-5684 or 937-733-6068 LUMBER: Oak, cherry, walnut, maple. Rough-sawn or milled to order. Greenville 937-548-0463 SWANSON stainless steel salt spreader. Lewistown 937-538-5351 VINTAGE Briggs & Stratton 10hp & 7hp vertical w/electric start. Great for older restorations. Both run great! $100 ea. Greenville 937-621-4580
ÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔÔ WANTED: Old motorcycles, minibikes, mopeds, 3-wheelers, or 4-wheelers. Running or not. Covington 9 3 7 - 4 7 3 - 2 7 0 5 . KJRINDO1@hotmail.com GOOD FARM-RAISED Broilers & Lambs: M. Schwartz, 422 E—200 S, Monroe, IN 46772 REDUCED PRICE! Full-time, livable house on Filburns Island. Can buy, contract, or trade for equal value of farmland. Must see! New Carlisle 937-308-2909 19.5” WHEEL SIMULATORS: Rear set. Complete. Brand new, in box. Call/text. St. Marys 419-305-9547 WOODS 8’ heavy-duty grader blade, $1,450; SS 42” fork attachment, $550; hay wagon, David Bradley gear, 7x14, $500; JD gear, $850; mower sulky, $75. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
ATTENTION! FARM AND LAND OWNERS If you are thinking of selling your farm; NOW is the time to offer it. The market is currently very strong. Call today for a free market opinion. You may be pleasantly surprised how much the value has increased. I can also give you some assistance on ways to sell the property and minimize your tax burden. I am also experienced in 1031 Tax Deferred Exchanges. All information will be kept confidential.
Call Don Leis of
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JD GATOR: TS 4x2. Brush guard, windshield, floor mats, light kit, bedliner, power dump, HD alternator, fender guards, HD tires, rear hitch. 408 hrs. Brookville 937-837-3955 SERVIS BLADE: 8’ angle, tilt, offset, $1,250; bale wagon, Pequea, $3,500; JD 911 front mower, $2,000; front end ‘67-’72 Chevy P/U, $500. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
16’ CORN PRO Livestock Trailer: GC! $1,900. Germantown 937-855-3069 HARLEY RAKE: 3 pt., 6 ft., $4,750; chipper shredder, 4� Wallenstein, 540 PTO, $2,750; Skid Steer bale squeeze, $1,550; SS plate, $125. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
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LAYING HENS: (5) Leghorns. Just started laying last fall. $8 ea. Call/text Somerville 937-205-1483
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Page 6 - COUNTRY LIVING - MAY 2018
Hill-T Farm Inc. Used - New - Rebuilt Tractor Parts
Find us at... 4295 Richmond Palestine Road, New Madison, Ohio
937-548-0718 1/2 mile south of Palestine
AUCTIONS AU UC UC CTION TIO ON NS NS Upcoming Up Upcom pcom pco p ccom oom miing min ming ingA REAL ESTATE JUNE 12 - 1013± ACRES IN 21 TR ACTS. Ma rtin C ount y (Shoa ls, IN). H unting/Recreation La nd • Productive Tillable La nd • Potentia l Building Sites • W hite River Frontage • Saw mill/Managed Timber • 5 Homes. Contact Brad Horra ll 812-890-8255. 1188 - 106± ACRES IN 2 TR ACTS. A llen Count y (Fort Way ne,, IN). Approx imately 90± Acres Tillable • 16± Acres Great Hunting a nd Recreation PLUS t he entire Wooded River Boundar y • Gorgeous Scenic River Sites • Possible Building Sites. Contact Jerr y Ehle 260-7490445 o r 8 66-340-0445. 19 – 303± ACRES IN 8 TR ACTS. Pottawatomie Count y (Shaw w nee, OK ). Qua lit y Fa rmla nd • Mature Peca n Grove • Multiple Potentia l Building Sites • Keokuk Silt Loa m Soils • Excellent Recreationa l La nd • Nea rly 1 Mile of North Canadian River Frontage. Contact Brent Wellings 972-768-5165. 20 – 63± ACRES IN 3 TR ACTS. Tulsa Count y (Tulsa, OK ). 1.5 Miles Nort h of T Tu ulsa Hills Shopping Center • Water a nd Sewer Lines Through & Adjacent to Propert y • RM-1, RS-3 a nd RD Zonings • Frontage A long S Un ion A Avve. • L ive Water Creek • Mat u re Ti mber. Contact Brent Wellings 972-768-5165. 21 – 2176± ACRES IN 16 TR ACTS. Pittsburg Count y (Canad ian, OK ).) Qua l it y Improved Gra ss Pa st u res • Fenced a nd Cross Fenced • Mature Timber Bordering La ke Eufaula • Excellent Deer a nd Turkey Habitat • Easy Access, Only 1 Mile of f Hw y 69 • 540 Acres of Pasture Sprayed in April 2018. Contact Brent Wellings 972-768-5165. 25 – 9 7± AC R E S I N 3 T R AC T S . Wa y n e C ou nt y ( H a g er s t o w n,, I N ). P r e t t y Fa r m w i t h Bi g Fa r m h ou s e & G o o d P ol e B a r n • 75 .7 F S A C r op A c r e s • Nice 15 Acres Classified Wood la nd • Hagerstow n School s Nea rby • Se clude d, Q u iet Home stead on Short La ne. Contact Steve Slona ker 765-855-2045 or 877-747-0212.
26 - 492± ACR E S I N 7 T R AC T S . Su l l iv a n C o. & K nox Co., IN. 437 Ac. Ti l lable • 3 center pivot I rr ig at ion S y s t em s • E x c el lent P r o duc e Ac r e a ge • Su ited for melons, vegetables & specia lt y crops. Contact Brad Horra ll 812-890-8255. 28 – 26 ACR ES IN 3 TR ACTS. Kosciusko Cou nt y ( Wa rsaw, IN). Contact Ga r y Ba iley 260-417-4838.
FARM EQUIPMENT & PERSONAL PROPERTY JUNE 7 – PERSONAL PROPERT Y. Fort Way ne, IN. Contact Mike Roy 260-437-5428. 14 – PERSONA L PROPERT Y. Av illa, IN. Contact Ritter Cox 260-609-3306. 15 – FA R M E QU I PM E N T, C OL L E C T OR C A R S , TR ACTORS. New Madison, OH. Contact A ndy Wa lt her 765-969-0401 or Phil Wol Wolfe 260-248-1191. 16 – F FA ARM EQUIPMENT. Ma rtin Co., IN. Contact Brad H orra ll 812-890-8255. 16 – P PERSONAL PROPERT Y. Coldwater, MI. Contact Ed Boyer 574-215-7653 or Te Ted Boyer 574-215-8100. 21 – PERSONAL PROPERT Y. Fort Way ne, IN. Contact Jerr y Ehle 866-340-0445. 30 – PERSONAL PROPERT Y. Noblesv ille, IN. Contact R itter Cox 260-609-3306.
Fence Building Made E-Z For Rent
We have Posts Available
WESTERN OHIO FENCE & SUPPLY 5410 N. County Rd. 25-A, Piqua, OH (937) 773-0215
ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓ RAVEN 4600 CONTROLLER: Reasonable offer. Top Air T1100 60’ boom. Triple bodies. Raven 440. Rinse. Urbana 937-597-3629 NH SKID STEER: LX885. $14,000 OBO. West Alexandria 937-839-4071 3 PT. & PTO DRIVEN Roto Buzz Saw: $200. Bradford 937-448-2217 or 937-564-6948
MOTOROLA 2-Way Radio: Astro XTL 1500. UHF/VHS frequency bands. Includes mounting, antenna, & microphone. $300 OBO. Lewistown 937-538-5351
Check our website daily for auction updates and real estate listings - Over 60,000,000 hits annually y..
WANTED: Appliance for filing horse teeth. 937-545-8737
Jerry Ehle ....... 866-340-0445 RD Schrader ... 800-451-2709 Brad Horrall .... 812-890-8255 John Trimmer .. 740-426-9100 Travis Kelley .... 740-426-9100 Andy Walther .. 765-969-0401
FORD 6000 Commander: $3,500. Oliver 252 14’ disc. $1,500. Bradford 937-547-2161 CRAFTSMAN 24” front tine tiller. Used once. $150. Bradford 937-214-5294
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Deadline For Next Month's Country Living
FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 4:30 PM
Page 9 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2018 STIHL CHAINSAW: VGC! With manuals. $250. New Lebanon 937-687-2334
WHEAT STRAW: Large rounds & big squares. Lewistown 937-538-5351
\NI MANURE SPREADER: 3626. $1,600. West Alexandria 937-416-2959
YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground for rent in ‘18. Darke & surrounding counties. Versailles 937-417-2969
LARGE FIELD SPRAYER: PTO driven. $300. Greenville 937-564-1169
(2) CADILLAC Allantes: White ‘87 & ‘89 red. Convertibles w/hardtops. New tires. Have parts. Best offer. Clarksville 937-263-6432
(6) JD Insecticide Boxes: With lids. $150 OBO. New Paris 937-336-0585 ‘77 HARLEY-DAVIDSON 3-wheel gas golf cart. $1,800 OBO. Russia 937-295-2855 or 937-725-1649å
BANJOS: ‘64 Gibson, 5-string RB250 Mastertone, & ‘27 Bacon & Day tenor banjo. Gold hardware. Make offer. Ludlow Falls 937-698-6611 14’ HARROW: Will fit back of field cult. or disk. Has arms & brackets. $100. Versailles 937-564-3638
WANTED TO BUY: Mid Tech Centerline 220 Light Bar: Covington 937-371-9376 or 937-623-5725 JD 650 3 PT. RAKE: Anna 937-538-8516
6473,:, ;*:065 $,8<0*,9 ! $ # $" "" $ # " "# # " # $ " ! " "# # !" !% # #! & 68 ! &&
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Complete Auction Service Antiques • Estates Real Estate • Farm Equipment • Appraisals Bradford, Ohio
937-448-2589 Cell: 937-417-4799 rwcrist@yahoo.com
Page 10 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2018 GROUSER SS Tracks: 12x16.5, $1,250; NH dual rake hitch, “J shape,” $400; MF disk, 7 ft., 3 pt., $700; PTO generator, 13KW, $1,250; JD 620 hood, $250. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
JOHN DEERE GU66 Utility Grapple: Like new! $2,200. Botkins 937-726-0642
USED 18.4X46R TIRES: Firestone. Would make good duals. $200 ea. Lewistown 937-538-5351
(4) KLEVER M/T Tires & Rims: 35x12 50 R17 LT. Wapakoneta 419-549-0951
GLEANER K COMBINE: Gas engine. No air. $1,500. Grain head. 13’ floating cutter bar. $750. Ft. Recovery 419-375-4975 9 FT. HESSTON Silage Blower: Used 4 seasons. 1050 Badger forage wagon. 18 ft. Versailles 937-564-0145 FORKLIFT: 3 pt. hitch. St. Henry 419-678-4125 COMBINE Tires & Rims: 30.5x32. Firestone 12-ply. Already mounted. Selling as a unit. Came off JD 9560. Includes spacers, bolts. Lewistown 937-538-5351
$ " #'% '" ( '!( &
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INVERSION TABLE: Brand new! Heat & massage features. Originally $415. Sell for $225. Also, Weider weight machine. Complete. $125. Urbana/Woodstock area. 937-594-0177 FORD 6’ ROTARY MOWER: GC! Woods RM 360 bar mower deck. New. Yard Machine snowblower. (4) Bridgestone P205x70x15 radial tires. Brookville 937-902-6727
HUNTER TENT BLIND: $35. Clayton 937-999-8699. Leave msg.
JOHN BEAN R-10 double piston pump w/7hp Kohler engine. Elec. start. Tree & nursery sprayer. 500 PSI. $795. Greenville 937-621-4580
(11) COIL-TYPE anhydrous shanks w/paddle closers. (5) Blue Jet anhydrous shanks w/coulters & disc closers. Versailles 937-423-5379
WANTED: Straw to bale in Union Twp. area. 937-875-1220 or 937-698-3541
HEAVY-DUTY BATTERIES: 4D, 8D, 31’s, High CCA. Half-price. West Milton 937-670-9179
3'2# .-11' *7 )( )! .# !$( -. 0#1'"#,2' * .0-.#02'#1 2- #4#0 # -$ ,- /($ 0)# -3,27 ',!# $#0#" 2 .3 *'! 3!2'-, ', ,)2 . $( , # , & 4# -5,#" , . $( , # , ( .# & . ," + ',2 ',#" 2&'1 &-+# 2- 2&# &'%&#12 12 ," 0"1 .-11' *# : -4# ', # "7; 3,"#012 2#1 2&'1 &-+# &'1 -,# 12-07 !#" 0 1'"#" &-+# , - -$ + 230# -+ ! . ," '1 1'23 2#" -, & 1 ..0-6 20##1 5'2& #12 *'1&#" $*-5#0 #"1 ," 0 -0 0# 1 &'1 )(" ( % , /$&. &-+# ',!*3"#1 1. !'-31 #"0--+1 = 2&0--+1 5'2& &# 2#" ," + 0 *# $*--01 ," $# 230#1 !-+$-02 *# -.#, !-, !#.2 2&0-3%&-32 2&# &-+# 5'2& *-21 -$ , 230 * *'%&2',% &# * 0%# -.#, )'2!&#, ',!*3"#1 %0 ,'2# !-3,2#0 2-.1 5'2& !#,2#0 '1* ," /-.)' $( .- ," .-*'1&#" %0 ,'2# 2'*# $*--0 "( !#,2 2- 2&# )'2!&#, '1 -/ & $($(" , 1300-3,"#" 7 $3** 1'8# !0 ,) -32 $2 6 $2 % 2 , 0$ 1- *1- "(-',',% 2&# )'2!&#, 5',"-51 5'2& 220 !2'4# ',1#02 ," !!#11 2$2 6 $2 ! '$&2 ,))' 1$.# !$, *& '1 $2 && - -)(- *), # $-0+ * &$0$(" ,))' ( $( $2 6 $(" , $# 230#1 $0-,2 "--0 $-7#0 + 0 *# $'0#.* !# - ) 5--" $*--01 ," . ,-0 +'! 5',"-5 4'#51 &# -5,#0<1 #"0--+ 13'2# ', $2 $2 6 !*3"#1 $3** 2& 5'2& &# 2#" $*--01 5 *) ', !*-1#2 ," &# 25- ""'2'-, * #"0--+1 & 4# +3*2'.*# !*-1#21 ," 1'22',% 0# : 3'*2 ',1; *-,% 5'2& . ""#" 5',"-5 1# 2',% 2&#0 0--+1 ',!*3"# , $( #)' )!!$ 5'2& 3'*2 ', ! ',#21 ," 12-0 %# 2'*'27 0# ," & *$ 2& . 02' * 1#+#,2 .*31 , 22 !&#" 25- ! 0 % 0 %# *1$2 6 $2 " , " 1),% -#)* 5'2& 2&0## ',!*3"#" '1 "#2 !&#" -4#0 &# " "--01 2&#0 $# 230#1 ',!*3"# 5--" 13, "#!) !-302 7 0" 127*# #62#0'-0 #,207 * !) 2-. . 4#" "0'4#5 7 ," " ).# ,' & 37#0<1 .0#+'3+ 1& ** &# 2',% ," !--*',% 1712#+ # ..*'#" 2- 2&# $', * !!#.2#" '" 2- #12 *'1& 2&# !-,20 !2 .30!& 1# #1!0-5 "#.-1'2 1& ** # 0#/3'0#" 7 .0'!# " 7 -$ 3!2'-, " 71 2&# .30!& 1#0 " 7 -$ 3!2'-, 5'2& 2&# * ,!# "3# 5'2&', # 0#1.#!2$3**7 1) 2& 2 7-3 31# 2&# +3*2'.*# -.#, &-31# " 2#1 *'12#" )# ,7 ,#!#11 07 $' -4# 2- 7-30 #,#$'29 - .0#. 0# ()1 , ,!' * 00 ,%#+#,21 ()1 22#," -.#, &-31# # 0# "7 2- '" .0'!# -, 3!2'-, " 7 &'1 !-3*" 203*7 # -,!# ', &$! .$' )**),./($.2 #2 '*#" '""#0 ',$-0+ 2'-, . !)#21 5'** # 4 '* *# 2 -.#, &-31# -0 ! , # 0#/3#12#" 7 !-,2 !2',% 2&# 3!2'-, -$$'!# *#).)- + 7 # 4'#5#" -, -30 5# 1'2# 4' .&-,# -0 #+ '* 4#0 2 111 '$ 1 -. / .$)( ,- )'
VERMEER round baler, 505SI, twine tie. Makes 5x5 bale. 2,500 bales total. $8,000. ‘05 NH 570 w/hyd. tension. Made only 13,500 bales. LN! $13,500. West Alexandria 937-260-9981
(4) 205/70R-15” TIRES: $125/all. St. Marys 419-305-9547. Call/text.
SADDLE, Bridle, & Breast Collar: Lots of silver! Custom made by Buffalo Saddlery. $800. Arcanum 937-448-0660 INT. 1460 COMBINE w/20’ 1020 grain table w/header wagon. Stored inside. Well maintained. Field ready. $16,500. Minster 419-305-2200
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Page 11 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2018
DUMP TRUCK: 3500. Heavy-duty. Low profile. Auto. 4-wheel drive. 8’ snow plow. 800 lb. Boss salter. Reese hitch connection. One owner. Excellent condition. Red in color. Asking $16,800. Troy 937-216-4664 TRACTOR: Massey-Ferguson ‘02 Model 4355 with loader with quick disconnect. Only 2,100 hrs. Cab, heat, air, buddy seat, shuttle, front wheel assist, diesel with new injector pump & a new shuttle computer. Two outlets out the rear. Full lights. Good paint. Like new... nicest one around! Asking $32,500. Troy 937-216-4664 WAVE RUNNER: Kawasaki. ‘93. 750. 2-seater with trim. Serviced with new battery. Prepped & ready! Full cover. Spare tire. Jack. Shorelander trailer. Works great. Like new! Asking $1,475. Troy 937-216-4664 ‘4-WHEELER: Suzuki. Electric start, brakes. Adj. speed control. Great shape! Works good. Great paint. Asking $950. Troy 937-216-4664
12 JEEP LIBERTY: Low miles— 44,000. Loaded! Burgundy. One owner. Like new! Asking $16,800. Troy 937-216-4664
If you can dream it, we can build it! More Than 109,000 Buildings Sold!
TRUCK LADDER RACK: Heavyduty. Outside to outside wide 70 in. length, outside to outside, 95 in. Asking $175. Troy 937-216-4664 TRAILER: 16’ tri-axle. 18,000 GVW. Heavy-duty, factory equipment trailer. New paint, new lights, new leaf spring bushings. With beaver tail, with springloaded ramps for easy pick-up. All tires & bearings are good. Easy pull. Your load can dictate the tongue weight. Asking $1,800. Troy 937-216-4664 WINDOWS: 41”x41” casement; 48”x72” casement; 55”x80” bay window. Reasonable offer. Ft. Recovery 419-852-3888 ‘03 HONDA TRX 350 Rancher: Dark green. Very clean! Low hrs. $1,350. West Manchester 937-564-4429 06 HONDA exhaust system, $20. Ultrain tire. LN! AT25x8-12, $20. (2) trailer jacks, $7.50. Coldwater 419-678-3289
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Page 12 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2018
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‘58 MF BACKHOE: 303 Work Bull. Detachable backhoe. 18” & 24” buckets. Runs. Needs transmission work. $2,200 OBO. Brookville 937-902-6727
Jackson Tractors Construction Equipment Repair
#!$ '
HAY MOWS REMOVED We can remove your unwanted hay mows/lofts or other sections of your barn at no cost to you. We do all the work so we can recycle the wood from your barn. We may even pay some $$$ to do so! Give us a call to discuss. Thanks! We’re located in Arcanum, Ohio. 970-596-3151 www.backroadslumber.com
) " % $ % " #% " % %% & %( " " $ %
JD 925F 25’ Grain Platform: EC! $10,000. Ft. Recovery 419-852-7056
# " '
GEHL 1540 Vortex silage blower. EC! Ft. Loramie 419-953-2574
tSteel S t eel Bolt-Up Buildings B uildings DO-IT-YOURSELF -
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Page 13 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2018
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Page 14 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2018 ALLIS-CHALMERS TRACTOR: #180. With loader. $7,000. Bob, New Paris 937-232-1856 SPEEDAIRE Industrial Duty Air Compressor: Model 3Z494. $300. Union 937-760-4390 (text only) SIAMESE KITTENS: Seal Point. Ready now. (2) males, $250 ea. (1) female, $300. 1st set of shots. Vet-checked & dewormed. Ludlow Falls 937-657-0272
5’ BUSH HOG: Fair cond. Pleasant Hill 937-477-9389 SHAVER 10” post driver, 3 pt., hyd. tilt/ angle, LN!, w/manual, $4,150; Woods 9000 3 pt. backhoe, $4,500; Loegering 12x16.5 tracks, $1,450. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 ‘70 OLDS 442 front & rear bumpers. Two old & two new. $100 ea. for old & $300 ea. for new. Ft. Recovery 419-375-4346
8N FORD TRACTOR: Good paint. Good rubber. Runs great! $2,500. Farm wagon. 3’ sides. With grain bin. On Model T frame. $400. Englewood 937-789-8996
GRAVITY BOX WAGON: Approx. 150 bu. bed. JD running gear. Always stored indoors. Pulls good at any speed. No rust. $1,000. Laura 937-684-6159
ASH FIREWOOD: Cut to 20-22 in. Mostly limb wood. $50 per pick-up truckload. Covington 937-473-3635
(1) JERSEY CALF: Started on feed. Pleasant Hill 937-676-3016
WANTED: Large dog house & dog run. Piqua 937-626-1362 WANTED: Tomas LX moped. Must be in VGC. Russia 937-638-8088 BOER GOAT DOES FOR SALE: Doelings, yearlings, & older does. Exc. genetics! Call/text for pictures & prices. Mark, West Milton 937-371-6511
´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´ WANTED: Broken or non-running John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers. 937-473-2705 or KJRIND01@hotmail.com QUART CANNING JARS: $5/dozen. West Alexandria 937-839-5673 ‘02 FORD RANGER: Good cond. St. Henry 419-852-3704
8”x52 MAYRATH AUGER: Pleasant Hill 937-477-9389
CAST IRON 937-295-3553
WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622
SWANSON Stainless Steel Salt Spreader: Lewistown 937-538-5351
WANTED: Farm ground to rent in Darke & surrounding counties. Any size acreage. Greenville 937-547-0446
‘58 FARMALL 450: S/N 20613. GC! Extra parts included. 2-way hyd. cyl. Asking $3,850. Call/text Greenville 937-423-2664
Page 15 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2018
Jared Gaier (937) 538-8527 (5) ANGUS FEEDER CALVES: Weigh 575 lbs. Eaton 937-533-8398 (2) J&M 385 Hopper Wagons: 13-ton gear. Lights. 11R22.5 tires. St. Marys 419-305-7371 STRAW with 30% red clover hay in bale. 300 bales. Nice, tight bales. $2/bale. Cloverdale 419-615-7147 FLUORESCENT LIGHTS: (6) 4-bulb 4 ft. (1) 2-bulb 4 ft. (7) single-bulb 4 ft. (1) single-bulb 2 ft. Reasonable offer. Ft. Recovery 419-852-3888 WANTED: Good hand-crank meat slicer. M. Schwartz, 422E—200S, Monroe, IN 46772 ‘86 FORD L8000: 16’ bed & tarp. Gas. Rear single-axle. Pleasant Hill 937-477-9389
FINISH MOWER: Sitrex. 7.3 wide. Covers rear tractor tire tracks. Like new! Great paint. Asking $1,800. Troy 937-216-4664 RYOBI 16” Scroll Saw: $50. Bradford 937-214-5294 ENCLOSED Plastic Water Tank: 1,000 gal. 7’ diam. 4’ high. Good spray tank. Arcanum 937-947-1495 15’ CHAINLINK FENCE with (6) 6-1/2’ nice fence posts. (4) 5’ older fence posts. Sell together. $40. Covington 937-418-3202 ©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©© BLUE JET APPLICATOR 750 gal. 13-shank. Blades & knives. Twin piston JD pump. Urbana 937-597-3629
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Page 16 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2018 AC D17 TRACTOR: WF. Series 4. Runs good. $3,500. Tractor umbrella. LN! $100. New Bremen 419-629-3510
Irish Electric Motor Service Service All Your Motor Needs • Home • Farm • Industry • New • Used • Repair • Rebuild
419-394-3284 Fax: 419-394-7128 1600 Celina Rd. St. Marys, OH 45885
841 St. Rt. 29, Celina, Ohio • 419-942-1456
• Parts Department • Body Shop • Frame & Alignment TRUCK REPAIR SPECIALIST
FREE FILL DIRT: Good clay mix, w/some rocks. Easy access along driveway. You load, you haul. Approx. 20 large dump trucks. Pleasant Hill 937-216-9567 18’ GOOSENECK TRAILER: Tri-axle. Low profile deck & hitch. LN tires, paint, & suspension. $2,750. Wapakoneta 937-596-5841 ‘10 CHEVY Colorado 4x4: Crew Cab. Hardtop bed cover. 94K mi. Blue. Lewistown 937-538-5343 SIAMESE KITTENS: Seal Point. Ready now. (2) males, $250 ea. (1) female, $300. 1st set of shots. Vet-checked & dewormed. Ludlow Falls 937-657-0272 NEW TRACTOR RIMS for Ford-Ferguson tractors. 28”—6-loop. 9”-12” wide. $125 & up. Star centers for Ford-Ferguson tractors. $160 ea. Greenville 937-621-4580
LARGE BUILDING LOT: In downtown Germantown. Over 1/3 acre. 937-855-2910 JD 4425 COMBINE: Only 2,900 hrs. With #213 grain head, 443 corn head. Well maintained. Field ready. Stored inside. $13,500. Russia 937-526-4091. Leave msg. 4x5 ROUND BALES Wheat Straw: $25/ bale. Bradford 937-448-2217 or 937-564-6948
‘04 BUICK RAINIER SUV: Well maintained. 182K mi. $3,000. West Liberty 937-465-7520
‘61 HI-LO: 10 ft. Sleeps 2. Solid floor & frame. New cables. Restore or use as-is. $950. Wapakoneta 419-204-7229
IH 7’ MOWER: GC! $1,000. Greenville 937-548-8191
WANTED TO BUY: 14’ Sunfish sailboat. Tipp City 937-367-3655
HUNTER TENT BLIND: $35. Clayton 937-999-8699. Leave msg.
JD 6620 COMBINE: 5,000 hrs. Shedkept. 643 corn head. 216 grain head. Make offer. West Manchester 937-564-4753
‘79 400cc HONDA motorcycle with Honda-O-Matic transmission. Only 17K mi. ‘80 200cc Honda dirt bike. Only 898 mi. Arcanum 937-448-0660 JD 9510: 2,570 hrs. EC! $45,000. Ft. Recovery 419-852-7056
(3) J&M 250 bu. 10T gears. VGC! Covington 937-473-3021
••••••••••••••••••• WANTED: Large size Ohio National Bank Notes. I buy all U.S. large size paper money. Pay cash. Buck, Eldorado, 937-273-3165
(2) 9x7 INSULATED Overhead Doors: Complete. $175 ea. Many other sizes from which to choose. Arcanum 937-459-0128
WANTED: Guitars, banjos, & mandolins. Any cond. Ludlow Falls 937-698-6611
# # #
# # #
Page 17 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2018 GARAGE SALE SUPPLIES: Signs; clothes rack; cash boxes; tables; price tags. Items priced individually & reasonably. Call for details! Farmersville 937-696-2184 1 ACRE BUILDING LOT: 3 miles from Clark Co. Fairgrounds & 30 minutes from WPAFB. Reduced to $17,500. Dayton 937-701-5159 CHAINSAW SCULPTURES: Stumps in your yard or items on display. dklchainsawman@aol.com. 765-977-4563 or 937-839-4183. Photos on facebook. See Dayle Keith Lewis. WANTED: Junk autos & scrap metal of all kinds. Certified scale. Top dollar paid. Roll-off container services. Call for pricing or pick-up. Celina 419-363-2277 TOP SOIL FOR SALE: Will deliver. Union City, Ohio 937-308-0560 UNVERFERTH 2750 Seed Tender: $15,500. Anna 937-507-2457 275 NH BALER w/kicker, $1,000. Old corn drag. Make offer. Sidney 937-492-2470 CORNING glass cooktop; portable Kenmore dishwasher; Filter Queen vacuum sweepers; kids’ battery riding cars; ‘79 Arctic Cat snowmobile. Greenville 937-548-1657. Leave msg. 656 INT. DSL. TRACTOR: GC! St. Henry 419-678-4125 HITACHI 55” high definition TV. Works great! $100. Brookville 937-687-2235 WANTED: Straw to bale in Union Twp. area. 937-875-1220 or 937-698-3541 NEW AMISH BUGGY: 4 dr. All LED lights. Fiberglass shafts. Never hooked to a horse. $7,000. Springfield 937-520-7755 CAMPFIRE BACKYARD Tool Set: Log tender & bellows w/long handles. New Carlisle 937-308-2909 FARMALL INT. H TRACTOR: GC! Always in barn. Paint & rubber good. Great tractor for a lot of reasons! Greenville 937-417-2315 USED TIRES: 215/60/R17. Sidney 937-295-3553 CUSTOM-BUILT Small Chicken Coops & Doghouses: Will build to your size & color! Contact Amos M. Wickey, 620S—650E, Decatur, IN 46733 ELECTRIC MOTORS: 1/4 hp, 1/3 hp & 1/2 hp. 8” pie-shape wheel weights. RollA-Round feed scales. $75 OBO. Englewood 937-789-8996 5,000 WATT B&S Generator: $500. Arcanum 937-448-0660 OLD BARNS WANTED: Recycle your old barn or building. We often pay for old barns and clean your barn site. Located in Arcanum, Ohio. Call 970-596-3151. www.backroadslumber.com FREE: Firewood to cut. From trees already sawed down. All hardwood. Easy to cut. Minster 419-628-2101 NARROW FRONT Tractor Hauler: $150. Bradford 937-448-2217 or 937-564-6948 WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622
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Page 18 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2018
200 S. Main St. Piqua, Ohio 937-773-3657
Batteries For Everything! Cordless Telephone • Cell Phone • Camcorder AA - AAA - C - D - 9 Volt • 2 Way Radio • Coin Cell Cars • Trucks • Farm Equipment • Golf Cart Motorcycle • Marine Deep Cycle & Starting • ATV Wheel Chair • Emergency Power • Lawn & Garden Snow Mobile • Jet Ski • Toy Cars • Battery Chargers Cables • Jump Start Units
Deadline For Next Month's Country Living FRIDAY, JUNE 22 - No Later Than 4:30 pm
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ELECTRIC MOTORS: 1hp, 2hp, 5hp, 15hp. 1-1/2 ton chain hoist. DeVilbiss pressure pot. Yellow 2-hump kids’ slide. Brookville 937-902-6727
30’ GREAT PLAINS DRILL: Solid stand. $3,800. ‘77 Oliver. Ready to be restored. NH folding disk 22’6” heavy-duty front rock flex. West Alexandria 937-839-4071
YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground for rent in ‘18. Darke & surrounding counties. Versailles 937-417-2969
JD 8300 Grain Drill: 12 ft. 18-hole. 7-1/2 in. Spacing needs new disc openers. $900 OBO. Cloverdale 419-615-7147
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5362,9, 08904. 57 :*9054?06 $,738 (8/ 57 67, (6675;,+ */,*18 7,+09 *(7+8 < (8/0,704. ,, 55+ )> 5<)5> (;, &(2,70, 5/4854 =,*:957 -57 9/, 89(9, 5!7,)2, 5 !75)(9, (8,
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TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items. Dealer for 20 years. Call for catalog & brochures. Russia 937-238-6661
WINDOW SHUTTERS: 64-1/2 x 4-1/2 x 1 in. Sidney 937-295-3553 ‘83 N5 GLEANER COMBINE: 15’ grain table w/floating SCH cutter bar & poly skid plates. 6-row 30” corn head w/header cart. GC! $9,950 OBO. Ft. Loramie 937-295-2906
JD 40’ ELEVATOR: PTO driven. Kept inside. No longer need. $400 OBO. Wapakoneta 419-233-0397 FULL-SIZE BED, frame, & dresser. Brookville 937-475-3526
EASY CHUTE Hoof Trimming Chute: Maria Stein 419-852-7042
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GREEN STAR Field Monitor: Off JD 9610. Comes with whole system. $750. West Manchester 937-564-4753
WOOD SIDEBOARDS: 12”H x 1-1/8”W. To fit Ford F150. Tie-downs on side. Celina 419-586-4388
Large Auction of Antiques • Glassware • Primitives • Furniture • Early Cupboards Local Find Arrow Heads • Marbles/Shooters • Costume Jewelry • Bottles/Jars Books GWTW Type Lamps • Crocks • C-I Skillets • Wood Duck Decoys • Longaberger Baskets • Early Quilts
8-1/2’ ROUND BALE Hay Manger: Wooden bottom. GC! $225 OBO. Ft. Recovery 419-375-4346
FOR SALE: Rear rims to use as burn pit. Eaton 937-336-3601
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JD GATOR: TS 4x2. Brush guard, windshield, floor mats, light kit, bedliner, power dump, HD alternator, fender guards, HD tires, rear hitch. 408 hrs. Brookville 937-837-3955
JD 507 ROTARY MOWER: 7 ft. Pull-type. GC! $1,500. Sidney 937-726-9575
(2) SETS of Horse Harness: One has breast pad & one with collar. Bio-Thene. One brand new. Never used. $400 for all. Springfield 937-520-7755
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Page 20 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2018
• Equipment Repair & Modification • Grasshopper Mower Sales & Service • Grasshopper Parts • Mobile Unit for On-Site Welding or Repairs • Farm & Excavating Equipment Repair !
Deadline For Next Month's Country Living
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Our name says it all!
937-456-4672 • 456-4673 • Fax 456-1523 723 Yost Rd. • West Alexandria, Ohio
7:30 AM TO 5 PM M-F, 8-12 SAT. Distributors of... • Ads Pipe • Hancor Pipe • Snyder Tanks Septic - Cistern 300-1500 gal. • Infiltrator Leaching Systems • PVC, SDR & Metal Culvert
Page 21 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2018
“ America’s Best Place To Buy Stoves & Fireplaces” %# )'
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DEMCO HP Pull-Type Sprayer: 800 gal. With 60’ hyd. adjust booms. $3,250. Greenville 937-547-0446
100 BU. GRAVITY Bed Wagon: Cobey running gear. $350. New Paris 937-336-0585
CASE/IH Round Baler: RBX441. LN! Under 500 bales. Twine only. Always stored inside. No longer doing hay. $14,000. Laura 937-684-6159
WE MAKE BENCHES, recipe boxes, cornhole games, & clothes racks. Amos M. Wickey, 620S—650E, Decatur, IN 46733
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Page 24 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2018
H BUNK FEEDERS: 5’x8’ sections. 6. Style w/glazed tile. Versailles 937-564-0145
‘71 4020 JD TRACTOR: Dsl. Dual outlets. Good rubber. Wide front end. $9,000. Sidney 937-710-6060
IH PLOW: 4 or 5 btm. Semi-trip. 3 pt. $500. Farmersville 937-475-0369
GM HOOD & right fender for ‘07-’14 GMC Sierra. Used. Blemished. Black. $175 for both. Wapakoneta 419-204-7229
RABBIT HUTCH w/cover. Made out of aluminum. Very nice! $225. Other equipment. Anna 937-538-6605 ANTIQUE Steel-Wheeled Spokes Wagon: New wood bed & sides. 4x10 ft. $500. Lumber—oak, cherry, walnut, maple. Rough-sawn or milled to order. Greenville 937-548-0463 G-690 A-G BAGGER; 62’ x 8” Mayrath grain auger. Versailles 937-564-0145 MM FOUR-STAR TRACTOR: 3 pt. GC! $2,900. Wapakoneta 937-596-5841
990 DAVID BROWN Dsl. Tractor: Hyd. outlets, live power, 3 pt. Very good tires. Runs great! $3,900. Houston 937-726-9965 3 PT. NH Post Somerville 513-292-3514
Hole Digger: 937-787-9936
GC! or
‘87 LS MONTE CARLO: GC! $9,000. New Lebanon 937-687-2334 ‘64 1600 IH TRUCK: 12’ bed. Sidney 937-492-1591 or 937-489-6128
Page 25 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2018
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LINCOLN AC-DC Arc Welder: 225-125 “outfit.” Like new. $250. West Alexandria 937-839-5673 GMC SPREADER truck w/Wilmar bed. 20,800 orig. mi. Cat dsl. motor. $4,250. Greenville 937-547-0446 (12) GUINEA KEETS: Hatched weekend of May 12. Lavenders & pearl. $5 ea. Jackson Center 937-538-1592 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER: 46”H x 56”L x 21”D. Cherry finish. $25. Bradford 937-214-5294 NI V-10 PULL-TYPE wheel hay rake. VGC! $2,500. New Paris 937-997-2384 ‘64 F600: 14’ bed, w/hoist. $2,500. Lewisburg 937-603-9036
‘03 FORD MUSTANG Convertible: Blue w/white top. V6 engine. Auto. 108K mi. Asking $5,000 OBO. Wapakoneta 419-236-3139 FORD 7610 w/2846 Bush Hog loader, 87hp, 2 outlets, 7’ bucket. Tires are LN! 2,600 hrs. $20,000. West Alexandria 937-260-9981 FIBERGLASS Truck Bed Brookville 937-837-1070
6’ BED ROLLBACK COVER for GMC. LN! $350. Greenville 937-214-1614 5-7pm GRADER BLADE: ARPS, 6 ft., $250; SS pallet forks, 48 in., JD brand, $850; MF weights w/bracket, fit MF 275, $200; boat motor, 5.5hp Evinrude, $300. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
Our readers tell us one of their favorite pages is the Snapshot of the Month. Winners – who are always pleasantly surprised to find their picture published – say they enjoy the reaction of friends, neighbors, and family members. All you need to do is send an interesting color picture (original photos preferred, or if emailing, use either a jpeg or tiff format) of good quality, along with some background information. Farm-related photos are best suited for country living. When taking your pictures, make sure the lighting is sufficient, and that your subjects are centered in the viewfinder. Stand back far enough so that heads aren’t cut off. If need be, we can crop photos to eliminate any unnecessary background. Don’t forget to include your actual mailing address if you email your picture and information to us, so your prize can be mailed out to you. Mail your entry to: Country living snapshot of the Month Contest P.o. Box 69, Covington, oH 45318 Entries can also be emailed to us at: arenspub@gmail.com
Word Limit on Free CLassiFied ads Due to space limitations, we ask our readers to please limit their FREE classified ads to 20 words or less. ADS THAT ARE LONGER THAN 20 WORDS MUST BE EDITED to allow sufficient space for the volume of ads we receive each month. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Country living
Page 26 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2018 TOM THUMB Popcorn: Hull-less. Very tender kernels. Covington 937-473-3635 FREE FILL DIRT: Good clay mix, w/some rocks. Easy access along driveway. You load, you haul. Approx. 20 large dump trucks. Pleasant Hill 937-216-9567 OUTDOOR WICKER round table w/umbrella, lounge chair, & coffee table. 6 pc. white wicker furn. set. Brookville 937-837-1070 ‘98 JD 9510: 2,570 hrs. Bin extension. 925F grain platform w/Unverferth header cart. 643 poly corn head. EC! Ft. Recovery 419-852-7056 KEROSENE LAMPS: Old. $15 ea. Old furniture. Yard fish pool. Nice! $200. Lots of new flue piping. St. Paris 937-478-6986 INT. MODEL 35: 4-bar rake w/dolly. GC! With newer teeth. Always stored indoors. No longer doing hay. $2,000. Laura 937-684-6159
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GLEN HAVEN MEMORIAL GARDENS Cemetery Lots: At greatly reduced price. 614-477-8841 (2) STACKHAND 10: One useable & one for parts. $1,000 for both. New Paris 937-437-4149 ‘07 CASE IH 2206 Corn Head: 6-row. EC! Field tracker. Height control. No rust. Always stored inside. Low acres. $20,000. Calls only. Arcanum 937-459-7788 NEW, ASSEMBLED Thermos 26,500 BTU Grill: Stainless burners. Porcelaincoated grates. Two side shelves. With cover. Rockford 419-363-3792 HAY TEDDER/FLUFFER: Pequea 910, PTO driven, $2,250; JD 953 gear w/hoist, no bed, $750; JD 655 tractor, $5,750; 8N fenders, $150/pair. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
BLACK ANGUS CALVES: On feed, grass, & hay. Avg. 550 lbs. (4) Angus steers & (2) heifers. New Carlisle 937-308-2909 3 PT. JD BLADE w/skid plates. Celina 419-942-1004 FULL-TIME HOUSEKEEPER NEEDED Hourly position, with benefits. Apply in person at 15 Industry Park Court, Tipp City. ‘10 CYCLONE Toy Hauler 5th Wheel: 12’ garage, triple slide, tri-axle, generator, fuel station. Stored inside. Sleeps 10. Houston 937-726-9965 VERY NICE ORGAN: 4-1/2’ long. For home entertainment. Not recommended for church. $50. Covington 937-418-3202 NH 68 Square Baler: Hasn’t been used in a few years. $500. West Alexandria 937-260-9981
Call Eli
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Page 27 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2018 HORSE ROAD CART or Training Cart: Three can sit on seat. Has headlights, taillights, & brakes. $1,750. Springfield 937-520-7755 ‘57 FORD C75: $750. Motors, 477 & 360. Ford truck transmissions. Rossburg 937-564-0719 OLD HENDERSON Upright Piano: Needs repaired. FREE for removal! Needs tuned. Coldwater 419-678-3289 180 BU. SEED WAGON w/like new Kasco 14’ plastic cup auger. Hyd. driven pump w/hoses. $2,100. Tipp City 937-901-0198 NORTH STAR Fiberglass Truck Camper: Fits 6-1/2’ bed. Fully self-contained. Electric jacks. Tie-downs & other extras. Stored indoors. LN! $9,000. Greenville 937-459-9004 WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622 TRUCK SCISSOR HOIST: $125. Wagon hoist, $75. (1) 750 24” cleat tire, 8-lug rim, $65. Rossburg 937-564-0719 AIR TUBES for Grain Bin: $2 ea. Sidney 937-710-6060 ALLIS CHALMERS C w/6’ belly mower. GC! $1,650. Greenville 937-547-0446 REMCO phase convertor w/400 amp disconnect panel. $2,500 OBO. Lewistown 937-538-5351 BOER GOAT DOES FOR SALE: Doelings, yearlings, & older does. Exc. genetics! Call/text for pictures & prices. Mark, West Milton 937-371-6511 ROLLBACK SWING: Wood. 5 ft. Heavyduty, w/chains. Dark green. VGC! $100 OBO. New Knoxville 937-423-4440 600 GAL HORIZ. TANK on wagon, w/Honda engine & pump. Valved for 2-way pumping & mixing, w/hoses. $1,500. Tipp City 937-901-0198 ALUM. PORCH POSTS: 8” diam. x 90”— $20 ea. Ft. Recovery 419-852-3888 BATTERY PALLET JACK: $900. Pulley for Ford tractor, $75. Skidloader bucket edge. 66 in. $125. Rossburg 937-564-0719 WANTED: JD Category II quick hitch. Eaton 937-336-3601 WOODS RM990 3 pt. finish mower, $2,150; Woods RD7200 finish mower, $1,250; Skid Steer Carry-All, $400; Chevy 350 engine/trans., $500. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 ‘99 CHEVY S-30 Cut-Away Van: Fire damage. Good metal. 125K mi. Box has side door. $1,500 firm. West Liberty 937-465-7520 JD NARROW ROW Corn Head: 443. Newer snapping rolls. $1,500 OBO. Brookville 937-687-1733 WANTED: Good windmill head & derrick. M. Schwartz, 422E—200S, Monroe, IN 46772 TURN YOUR LOGS INTO LUMBER! I do custom sawing with a Woodmizer sawmill. 16 years experience. Your place or mine. Hardwood lumber for sale. Pleasant Hill 937-216-7292
Page 28 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2018 APPROX. 50 Bales Alfalfa Hay: $4/bale. Russia 937-526-4091 QUARRY TILE: 6x6x1/2 in. All colors. American Olean. $10/box. Other sizes. Clarksville 937-263-6432 YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground for rent in â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;18. Darke & surrounding counties. Versailles 937-417-2969 UTILITY TRAILER: 4x7. With ramps. Great for mowers/quads. $500. Cash only. Piqua 937-570-2419 ÂŹÂŹÂŹÂŹÂŹÂŹÂŹÂŹÂŹÂŹÂŹÂŹÂŹÂŹÂŹÂŹÂŹÂŹÂŹ BLUE JET APPLICATOR: 750 gal. 13-shank. Blades & knives. Twin piston. JD pump. Urbana 937-597-3629 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;72 FORD 4000 S.V.: 57hp. Dsl. 5,429 hrs. Good to exc. cond. $7,500 OBO. Ft. Recovery 419-375-4346 WORK WANTED Specializing in interior/exterior barn/ house repair, remodeling/ replacing, oak beams, foundations, wood/metal roofing & siding, hardwood flooring. SCHWARTZ RENOVATIONS 419-399-2868â&#x20AC;&#x201D;419-584-6408
JOHN DEERE 750 tractor w/mower. Less than 700 hrs. Great shape. Power steering. Versailles 937-564-3312 ďŹ&#x201A;ďŹ&#x201A;ďŹ&#x201A;ďŹ&#x201A;ďŹ&#x201A;ďŹ&#x201A;ďŹ&#x201A;ďŹ&#x201A;ďŹ&#x201A;ďŹ&#x201A;ďŹ&#x201A;ďŹ&#x201A;ďŹ&#x201A;ďŹ&#x201A;ďŹ&#x201A;ďŹ&#x201A;ďŹ&#x201A;ďŹ&#x201A;ďŹ&#x201A; (2) 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x18â&#x20AC;&#x2122; FLAT RACKS: Deere gears. Never weathered. Straight pulling. Totally rebuilt. $1,350 OBO. Urbana 937-597-3629 BUZZ SAW: Belt-driven, off PTO. $350. (4) extra heavy-duty swivel casters. 5â&#x20AC;? hard rubber. With grease zerk. $15 ea. Englewood 937-789-8996 FORD F350: Dually. 10â&#x20AC;&#x2122; flatbed. Gooseneck & Shock hitch. 460 motor. 5 spd. 41K mi. Clean. Well kept. $6,500. Wapakoneta 937-596-5841 CLEAN, BRIGHT WHEAT STRAW: Twine-tied, small, square bales. Easy loading or delivery available. West Milton 937-875-1220 or 937-698-3541 NH 489 HAYBINE: GC! Extra knives. $3,000 OBO. Sidney 937-726-4143 RING NECK PHEASANTS: Hatching weekly. $1. New Weston 419-305-9616
9164 County Road 101, Belle Center
Handcrafted ! !
Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t trust your grain to anything less. â&#x20AC;˘ Control your grain marketing and maximize your profitability. â&#x20AC;˘ Market your grain on your terms. Contact us today to learn more.
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Page 29 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2018 NUBIAN Breeding Buck: 1 year old. $200. Somerville 937-205-1483. Call or text. 21’ DONAHUE tandem-axle drop deck trailer. Good for bales. Celina 419-942-1004 GLEANER F combine w/13’ FII grain head & 4x30 corn head. Used last fall. $4,500. Brookville 937-687-4138 CANNING JARS: Small-mouth qts. & pts. $2/dozen. Houston 937-418-1931 ROCKWELL Floor Model Drill Press: Older. US-made. 4spd. 110V. 1/2” nontapper chuck. $250. Wapakoneta 419-204-7229 WANTED: If you’re thinning out your Iris plants, call me for your leftover Iris. Greenville 937-564-5317
JD REAR WHEEL cast centers. #R36190R. W/bolts & clamps. Off JD 5020 w/24.5x32 tires. Will fit tractors with 3-5/8” axle. Tires, tubes, rims available. Eaton 937-336-3601 DEMOLITION: Also, concrete demolition such as old swimming pools, barn foundations, porches, etc. Also, general excavating work. 937-232-7380 ‘80 F2 GLEANER COMBINE: Dsl. Air. Adj. 4-row corn head. 30 to 38 in. 13 ft. platform. $10,000. Germantown 937-855-3069 NUBIAN GOAT DOES: Born early Jan. ‘18. $150 ea. Call/text Somerville 937-205-1483 JUVENILE Australian Shepherd: Sell or trade. Male or female. 937-545-8737
Page 30 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2018
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Pond Chemicals / Management Certified Aquatic Applicators Custom / Pond Aeration Water Features / Fountains #
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TAILGATE for Chevy or GMC pick-up. GC! $150. Also, pair of tail lights. $75/ both. New Lebanon 937-687-2334
APPALOOSA Pony Stud Colt: Born March ‘18. Very pretty! $300. Ready 1st of August. Ludlow Falls 937-657-0272
WANTED: Used 3-phase motors. Bolts, 7/8” x 10” & 12” long. Take off tires. 16, 15, & 14. Rossburg 937-417-2219
‘65 CASE 830 Comfort King Tractor: Model 841C. Wide front. Gas engine. Restored. New paint. Many new parts & decals. Runs great! $12,000. New Paris 937-997-2384
30’ HINIKER #4800 Air Seeder: Plants soybeans, wheat, & cover crop. $5,000. Lewisburg 937-603-9036 (3) 100 GAL. STEEL water tanks & (1) 50 gal. $50 ea. Feed rack, 40” wide, 10’ long, all steel, for square bales. Has catch panel. $700. West Alexandria 937-260-9981 HI-TENSILE wire tighteners & springs; black plastic water lines. North Star 419-336-7418
IMS 16 SPD Floor Drill Press: Model DP-16F. 1/2” chuck. 1,720 RPM’s hp. Rockford 419-363-3792
26 ACRES Residential Ground: In Village of West Milton. Laid out for 53 lots. Greenville 937-232-7380
6’ 3 PT. BLADE; 3 pt. 2 btm. plow; 6’ 3 pt. rotary mower; NH #27 Whirl-A-Feed blower in VGC. Versailles 937-423-5379
(3) MINIATURE Jerseys. (1) 2 year old bull. (1) 1 year old heifer. (1) 2 month old heifer. Elam E. Wickey, 4373E—100S, Monroe, IN 46772
RED WATTLE Feeder Pigs: Heritage breed. 25 lbs. $50 ea. Sidney 937-638-6488 SEASONED FIREWOOD: All ash wood. Split small, in 17-18 in. lengths. The more you buy, the better the price! $160/cord. Arcanum 937-459-0128 §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ WANTED TO BUY: Silver dollars. Paying cash. Call Buck, Eldorado, 937-273-3165 COMMERCIAL Bulls & Freezer Beef: New Paris 937-437-4149 ‘86 C-10 4x2: 96,511 mi. 3,600 mi. on rebuilt 350. Extra trans. & misc. parts. Power windows & locks. Needs body work. $1,100 OBO. West Alexandria 937-733-6068 GRAIN DRILL: 12 ft. 20x7. Double disc openers. Wheat & bean feed cups. Melroe brand. $650. Brookville 937-687-4138 BARN WOOD WANTED: Looking for old barn wood in large quantities. Beams, sleepers, dimensional material. Let us know what you have! We’ll be happy to come out & take a look. Thanks! Located in Arcanum, Ohio. Call 970-596-3151. www.backroadslumber.com
APPROX. 18 mo. old Hereford bull. $1,000 or $1 per lb. Weighs 1,000 or better. West Manchester 937-678-2409
FARMALL H/M rear wheel weight set, $80. (2) non-GMO-fed feeder calves, 450-500 lbs. each. Anna 567-356-0306
JD GATOR: TS 4x2. Brush guard, windshield, floor mats, light kit, bedliner, power dump, HD alternator, fender guards, HD tires, rear hitch. 408 hrs. Brookville 937-837-3955
INDUSTRIAL COMPANY has full-time employment. Laborers, $12/hour. CDL Drivers, $17-$19/hour. Training provided. Benefits. Apply at: 15 Industrial Park Court Tipp City, Ohio 45371 WANTED TO BUY: 10 or more acres of land in Miami Co. or Darke Co. Prefer west of I-75. Ludlow Falls 937-698-6611 SET OF Slide Rail Duals: 18.4x34. Pleasant Hill 937-216-4784 TWO HORSE trailer axles, wheels, & tires. $200 OBO. Russia 937-295-2855 or 937-726-1649
STRAW: Out of field. July 4 time frame. $3/bale. Russia 937-638-8088
(3) BRED Holstein Heifers: Best offer. West Milton 937-470-7173
15’ GRAIN HEAD for M or L Gleaner & other used parts for M & L Gleaner combines. West Alexandria 937-839-4071
GAITED HORSE: Buckskin Paso Fino gelding. 8’ truck camper. Arcanum 937-448-0660
NH 315 BALER: Hyd. bale tension. $3,000. Ft. Loramie 937-726-5386
800 SMALL, Square Bales Wheat Straw: $3/bale. Versailles 937-467-9562
JD 7200 6R-30” Planter: Liquid fert. Insect. No-till. Vac. $9,500. Anna 937-507-2457
GOODYEAR Wrangler All-Terrain Adventure. 275/65R18. 14/32. $300. Union 937-760-4390 (text only) vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv JOHN DEERE 235 Center Fold Disk: 20 ft. 7 in. spacing. Twin bar harrow. 500 acres on new blades & bearings. Urbana 937-597-3629
WANTED: Kenmore Model 721 Magic Blue sweeper-vacuum. Whole sweeper or parts. Steve, St. Marys 419-236-9102
JD 3-1/2 x 8 cylinder; Case 3-1/2 x 8 cyl.; Cross 4x8 cylinder; Co-op rear wheel weights. Rockford 419-363-3792
YOUNG FAMILY looking for farmground to rent. Competitive wages & exceptional care for your property. Darke & Miami Counties. Arcanum 937-448-9127
WILLETT CHERRY table & 4 Roseback chairs; 4-poster bdrm. suite; desk. St. Henry 419-678-4125
SMALL CEMENT MIXER: With electric motor. Wheelbarrow type. Wapakoneta 419-738-7231
NH 565 Small, Square Baler: Very low acres. EC! $8,500. Russia 937-638-8088
(6) SLIDING closet doors, $5. Old Conservo, $10. Coldwater 419-678-3289
INT. 1460 COMBINE w/20’ 1020 grain table w/header wagon. Well maintained. Stored inside. Field ready. Minster 419-305-2200
‘91 GMC 2500: 4WD, V8, auto. hitch receiver, brake controller, cross box. Dependable work truck! $2,200 OBO. Brookville 937-902-6727
MOTOROLA 2-Way Radio: Astro XTL 1500, UHF/VHF frequency bands. Includes mounting, antenna, microphone. $300 OBO. Lewistown 937-538-5351
CHAINSAW SCULPTURES: Stumps in your yard or items on display. dklchainsawman@aol.com. 765-977-4563 or 937-839-4183. Photos on facebook. See Dayle Keith Lewis.
HOLSTEIN Feeder Calves: All sizes. Capable of some larger group sizes. Bradford 937-417-9861
NH 273 BALER: Super Sweep. $1,700. NH 258 rake, $500. NH 472 haybine, $1,500. Eaton 937-456-5675
STRAW: $4/bale. Okeana 513-403-1638 JD 5410 TRACTOR: With 540 loader. 2,500 hrs. $20,000. Tipp City 937-667-6583
30-40 VINYL RECORDS: 33 rpm. Country Western & Christmas albums. Take one or all. Make offer. Some collector items. Brookville 513-833-3288 WANTED: One axle dual hub for IH 5288. Lewisburg 937-603-9036
TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items. Dealer for 20 years. Call for catalog & brochures. Russia 937-238-6661 LAKE LORAMIE Fall Festival Power Show: Sept. 14-16. Bring your vintage tractors. Power show, crafts, music, beer garden, & mums. Anna 937-726-4980 APPALOOSA Pony Stud Colt: Born March ‘18. Very pretty! $300. Ready 1st of August. Ludlow Falls 937-657-0272(2)
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METAL TUBE cattle rack for full-size pick-up truck bed. Sits inside bed. $250. Cloverdale 419-615-7147 JD 7’ SCRAPER BLADE: Heavy-duty. 3 pt. swivel 360. Like new! Great paint. Asking $275. Troy 937-216-4664 WANTED: Ranger 4x4 truck w/ext. cab. With low miles. Must be in EC! NO JUNK! Piqua 937-570-2419 JD Z757 MOWER: 60” deck. 925 hrs. $3,900. Ansonia 937-337-7901 or 937-238-7901 T-POST DRIVER: 2-handle. $20. Clayton 937-999-8699. Leave msg. WANTED: 4- or 5-person paddle boat w/alum. pontoon. Also, dock ladder. Elam Wickey, 4373E—100S, Monroe, IN 46772 MATTIS TILLER: 2 cycle. Greenville 937-214-1614 5-7pm
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110' reach AERIAL TOWER
580CK CASE BACKHOE: For restoration or parts. Backhoe is complete. $2,250. Ft. Loramie 937-489-9949
PAINTING We paint metal siding!
Interior & Exterior House Barn • Church • Roof Coating Brush & Spray Free Estimates Paint Aluminum Siding FULLY INSURED FOR YOUR PROTECTION
TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items. Dealer for 20 years. Call for catalog & brochures. Russia 937-238-6661
EQUIPMENT or Bobcat Trailer: 14,000# GVW. 18’x82” deck. LED lights. Stand up ramps. 16” tires. Warranty. $3,895. Conover 937-441-8083 LOOKING FOR AC snap coupler equipment; All Crop 90 combine parts, & parts for Gleaner S combine. St. Marys 419-753-2255
For All Your Painting Needs…
VERSAILLES PAINTING LLC Rodney D. Saintignon 937-968-3828
SINCE 1969
Morgan Doppler 765-964-4303
# " "
BANJO: Open back. Minstrel model. $125. New Paris 937-232-1856 ROOSTERS FOR SALE: Brookville 937-475-3526
10881 Stateline Rd., Union City, OH 45390 BOER GOAT KIDS: 4 months old. Bucks, $125. Does, $85. Palestine 937-548-7376 (12) 5x6 NET-WRAPPED good hay in the dry. Somerville 937-787-9936 or 513-292-3514 BADGER 10-ton, 20’ bed, $800. 10-ton gear, $700. New pins & bushings on both. Rossburg 937-564-0719
Standing Seam Metal Roofi fin ng New Installation ~ Ser vice Repairs ~ Metal Sales
JD BACKHOE Attachment: #E00093. Heavy 14’ hoe. 3 buckets. No cracks or welds. Dozer or 3 pt. $2,500. Wapakoneta 419-204-7229
SIMPLICITY 18hp 46” cut zero-turn mower. Van Guard V-twin engine. Tipp City 937-335-9239 HOPPER: JD. Telescoping tongue. 200 bu. New tires. $750. J&M 10-ton gear. $700. Rossburg 937-564-0719 NH 617 disc mower, 9’ cut, 3 pt., $5,250; JD 5,500W generator, elec. start, $750; High Boy sprayer dolly, $500; Barge Wagon body w/hoist, $500. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
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05 INT. 4400 DT466: Allison AT. Like a Western-style RV. Alum bed. AC. FW & gooseneck. (4) new spare tires/rims. CB. 80K mi. $32,000. Clarksville 937-263-6432
RED WATTLE BOARS: Heritage breed. 50-75 lbs. $100 ea. Sidney 937-638-6488
COMMERCIAL SIZE masonry wet or dry saw. On legs. Wapakoneta 419-738-6298
‘94 MUSTANG GT Convertible: Auto., 4 spd. 107K. Laser red. Leather int. A/C. Power seat, tilt, speed. Power windows/ locks. 5.0, V8. $12,500. New Knoxville 937-423-4440
HOT DOG Roller Griller: 24” long x 17” wide. $200. Brookville 937-414-7242
CUSTOM WHEAT Harvesting & Baling: West Manchester 937-564-4753
ANTIQUE TOOL CHEST: Dovetailed corners. $25. Bradford 937-214-5294
FORD 3 Pt. Hitch 6’ Disk: Casstown 937-469-3279
S10 RIMS with P205 75/R14 tires. $100 for all. Ft. Recovery 419-852-3888
WANTED: Farmground to rent in Darke & surrounding counties. Any size acreage. Greenville 937-547-0446
STRAW: $3/bale. 937-459-5102
ARE FIBERGLASS Truck Cap: With ladder rack. Off S-10. $100 OBO. Brookville 937-687-1733 ‘55 CHEVY 2 Dr. Sedan Sheet Metal: Front fenders, hood, doors, trunk. Above avg. cond. All for $600 OBO. Eaton 937-456-3590
TV’S FOR 937-475-3526
HOT TUB, $500; manure bucket, 5’ wide, 6 flat teeth, $100; 275 gal. fuel oil tank, $50. New Bremen 419-629-3510 ROTARY PHASE CONVERTER: 3hp to 20hp. $250 to $1,500. Rossburg 937-417-2219
ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓ WANTED TO BUY: Silver dollars. Paying cash. Call Buck, Eldorado, 937-273-3165
TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items. Dealer for 20 years. Call for catalog & brochures. Russia 937-238-6661
CLUTCH ASSIST for tractor without live power. Great for bushhogging! $75. ‘61 Harmony acoustic guitar. Great cond. $200. Brookville 937-687-2235
18-TON GRAIN BIN: Fair cond. And 9-ton. Good cond. $500 ea. Covington 937-418-5237
TRAILER FRAME: Made out of 3” & 4” channel iron, w/axle & 15” Chevy wheels. 4’ wide. Celina 419-586-4388 WANTED: Farmground to rent for ‘18. Darke & surrounding counties. Rent payable spring of ‘18. Versailles 937-417-2254 ALLIS CHALMERS WD: Completely restored. $1,650. Greenville 937-547-0446 JD 7000 12-Row Corn Planter: Liquid fert. 2 pt. hitch. Computer Track 200 monitor. Call for details! $8,500. New Madison 937-459-6309. Can text pictures
5’ JD HAY HEAD: Fits JD 35, 38, 3800 choppers. St. Henry 419-852-3704
300 GAL. Overhead Fuel Tank: New Paris 937-437-4149
6 GAL. Air Compressor: Sears Craftsman. New, in box. $70. West Alexandria 937-839-5673
◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊ DOG KENNEL: 15’x21’x8’ tall. Two sides, two doors. 1” chainlink. $600. Huber Heights 937-510-6869
‘04 WESTFIELD 10x61 swing-away auger. Low profile hopper. Asking $3,500. Lewistown 937-538-5351
WANTED: Pasture, farm ground, or hay ground to rent or make on share. Covington 937-308-1350
FREE: Barn kittens. Somerville 937-787-9936 or 513-292-3514
REDUCED PRICE! Oak desk. LN! 32x62 in. Lap drawer, 2 drawers, 2 file drawers. Patterned design on both ends. New Carlisle 937-308-2909
12’ V-BOTTOM BOAT: With 5.5hp Johnson motor & trailer. Wapakoneta 419-738-6298 LANDSCAPE/UTILITY TRAILER: 16’x76” deck, ramp gate, 7,000# GVW, brake, side railing. Warranty. NEW! $1,895. Conover 937-441-8083
HUSKY CROSS PUPS: $200. 1st shots. Ready to go. Bradford 937-547-2161, Ext. 3 JD TX GATOR UTV: ‘07. With power dump bed. 4x2. Gas. 3,100 hrs. Super clean! $4,500. Conover 937-441-8083
MAKE YOUR OWN Diesel for $.75/Gallon: Complete operation, with (5) 55 gal. drums of vegetable oil, filters, pumps, & holding tanks. Wapakoneta 419-738-7231 WOODS 3 pt. 8’ Cat. 2 blade. Retails for $1,600. Selling for $800 (cash only). Piqua 937-570-2419 LIKE NEW BUSH HOG: Used 3 times. 60 in. cut. Up to 9 in. Two blades, with counter-clockwise rotation. St. Henry 419-305-5751 ‘09 HEARTLAND 5th Wheel Camper: One slide-out. Sleeps 6. Queen bed. Rear jacks. Exc. cond. Clean! $11,500. Celina 419-733-2874 10 CU. FT. DUMP CART: 750 lbs. hauling capacity. Removable tailgate. Has tubes in tires. Rockford 419-363-3792 FARMALL 450: In GC! 3,522 hrs. Good T/A. Extra parts, including hyd. cyl. $3,850. Greenville 937-423-2664 MTD Chipper/Shredder: Chips up to 3 in. Casstown 937-469-3279
LeROI 175 Air Compressor: Trailer-type. Towable. $4,250. Ansonia 937-337-7901 or 937-238-7901
WANTED: Farmground to rent for ‘18. Darke & surrounding counties. Rent payable spring of ‘18. Versailles 937-417-2254
AG BAGGER: 10 ft. With self-cleaning. Model G-6000. Good working cond. $18,500. Sidney 937-710-6060
J&M 250 WAGON w/tarp, side windows, & lights. Adj. tongue. Large tires. Pleasant Hill 937-477-9389
Page 34 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2018 ‘73 INT. 1800 Loadstar Grain Truck: 400 bu. bed. 58K mi. $3,250. Greenville 937-547-0446 RIMS: 22.5x13.5. 8-lug. $75; (4) 16.5x10” pick-up rims, $40; (2) 17.5x12” w/tires, $40. Rossburg 937-564-0719 WANTED: Honey bee swarms. Auglaize Co. Wapakoneta 419-738-7231 550 GAL. FUEL TANK w/elec. pump, $350. Snyder 200 gal. saddle tanks w/plumbing & valves. $400. Tipp City 937-901-0198
Deadline For Next Month's Country Living
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‘90 WILSON Grain Trailer: $8,500. 3-wheeled golf cart. $100. Rockford 419-953-5351
(3) BULLS: Weigh between 700-800 lbs. Can deliver locally. New Madison 937-996-3112
JD X740 DSL. MOWER: 62” deck. 800 hrs. Very, very good! $5,750. Ansonia 937-337-7901 or 937-238-7901
CASE IH 8575 BALER: 3x3 square. EC! Ready for field. Never used acid. $30,000. Covington 937-623-5725 or 937-903-8897
11-KNIFE BLUE-JET 28% Applicator: 850 gal. tank. All coulters & knife units rebuilt 300 acres ago. John Blue wheeldriven pump. Hyd. fold. $11,800. Tipp City 937-901-0198
WELDER: Hobart Handler. With tank & cart. $500. Pleasant Hill 937-676-3016
CHISEL PLOW: 7 ft., w/gauge wheels. 3 pt. hook-up. Like new! Asking $950. Troy 937-216-4664
41’ NEW IDEA hay/corn elevator. Always shedded. $1,200. Int. 2A husker shredder. Works good. $650. New Knoxville 937-416-2456 16’ CORN PRO Livestock Trailer: GC! $1,900. Germantown 937-855-3069 HARLEY RAKE: 3 pt., 6 ft., $4,750; chipper shredder, 4” Wallenstein, 540 PTO, $2,750; Skid Steer bale squeeze, $1,550; SS plate, $125. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
JD GATOR: TS 4x2. Brush guard, windshield, floor mats, light kit, bedliner, power dump, HD alternator, fender guards, HD tires, rear hitch. 408 hrs. Brookville 937-837-3955 SERVIS BLADE: 8’ angle, tilt, offset, $1,250; bale wagon, Pequea, $3,500; JD 911 front mower, $2,000; front end ‘67-’72 Chevy P/U, $500. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
(2) METKO CONVEYORS: 35 ft. & 14 ft. Maria Stein 419-852-7042 LARGE, HEAVY-DUTY dump cart w/hard rubber wheels. Four times larger than wheelbarrow. Great manure hauler! $195. Greenville 937-621-4580 WANTED: Livestock trailer. Gooseneck or bumper pull. In good cond., w/good floor. Conover 937-441-8083. Leave msg. w/price.
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ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ GRASSHOPPER 718: Briggs 18hp V-twin. 52”cut. New drive tires. 760 hrs. Urbana 937-597-3629
STRAW CHOPPER for JD 4400: New blades, knives. $750 OBO. Bellefontaine 937-597-3858
fififififififififififififififififififi WANTED: Large size Ohio National Bank Notes. I buy all U.S. large size paper money. Pay cash. Buck, Eldorado, 937-273-3165
FOOD GRADE 55 gal. open-top metal barrels w/lids. $10. Wapakoneta 419-738-7231
YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground for rent in ‘18. Darke & surrounding counties. Versailles 937-417-2969
LAYING HENS: (5) Leghorns. Just started laying last fall. $8 ea. Call/text Somerville 937-205-1483
BROWN EGG-LAYING PULLETS: 17 weeks of age. Versailles 937-526-4541
8” 42’ TRANSPORT AUGER; 8” roof auger for 36’ bin; 6” transfer auger, 12’ long, fits gravity bed. All in GC! Farmersville 937-238-5745 MEDICAL bedside commode, $20; bench-type bath chair w/back, $40. EC! Clayton 937-999-8699. Leave msg.
30-40 VINYL RECORDS: 33 rpm. Country Western & Christmas albums. Take one or all. Make offer. Some collector items. Brookville 513-833-3288 REMCO Phase Converter: With 400 amp disconnect panel. $2,500. Lewistown 937-538-5351 WHITE BARN Roofing or Siding: New. 15 sheets. 3’ x 20. $700. Used siding. GC. Will throw in approx. same sq. ft. Eaton 937-456-3590 ROLLBACK SWING: Wood. 5 ft. Heavyduty, w/chains. Dark green. VGC! $100 OBO. New Knoxville 937-423-4440 IH CUB NQS-Certified Super Stock Pulling Tractor: Show quality. Must see to appreciate. Tipp City 937-335-9239 10”x61 WESTFIELD Swing-Away Auger: Low profile hopper. Asking $3,500 OBO. Lewistown 937-538-5351 INTERNATIONAL CUB LOW BOY Tractor/Mower: 44” cut. $2,100. West Alexandria 937-416-2959 ‘09 DEUTZ FAHR: Model 150, w/425 hrs. LN! St. Henry 419-852-3704 KLINE SAFETY BELT for pole climbing. LN! Celina 419-586-4388 KILLBROS 350 bed, $350; AC 18’ field cult., $350; cult. parts; J&M 250 bed, $200. Rossburg 937-564-0719 JD DUAL hay rake hitch, hyd. swing, $1,850; Skid Steer rock bucket, 84 in., $950; Shaver 8 in. post driver, $1,450; Kuhn rake tedder, $1,450. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 PUREBRED Polled Hereford Bull: 15 mos. old. Big, dark, quiet. $1,850. West Liberty 937-465-7520 FREE!!! 30-plus containers of used cooking oil. Covington 937-473-2414 WURLITZER PIANO: Walnut. Low style. $500 firm. Schoolhouse desk. 7 drawers. Pull-outs on sides. $200. Greenville 937-548-0463
Page 35 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2018 JD OPERATORS’ MANUALS: F110 & F120 plows, F135H & F145H plows, & RG4, 6, 430, & 630 cults. $12 ea. Anna 567-356-0306
FORD 9N: New paint. EC! $1,500. (2) chain hoists, $150 & $100. Portable air compressor, 220V, $75. Englewood 937-789-8996
4th CUTTING Grass Hay: Big squares. Feed tested. Lewistown 937-538-5351
L3 GLEANER with 20’ grain head, $9,000. M2 Gleaner with 20’ grain head. $4,000. (2) A630 corn heads, $2,500 ea. Bradford 937-547-2161
6’ TONNEAU COVER for short bed Chevy truck. Make offer. Ludlow Falls 937-698-6611 OLIVER 207 Hay Rake: $500. Ft. Loramie 937-726-5386 15 GAL. DRUM GREASE: 2/3—3/4 full. Imported Moly-Shield. $100. Call/text St. Marys 419-305-9547 JD 4400 COMBINE: 443 4-row corn head. Grain platform. Versailles 937-564-0145 McCLARIN SS tracks, 12x16.5 tires, $1,250; Gravely L, $450; winch, portable, 110V, $200; JD Top Link, $350; Craftsman table saw, $75. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 WANTED: Good Chihuahua female & a Rat Terrier male or female. Also, English Shepherd farm dog. M. Schwartz, 422 E —200 S, Monroe, IN 46772-9415 580CK CASE BACKHOE: For restoration or parts. Backhoe is complete. $2,250. Ft. Loramie 937-489-9949 UPRIGHT KAY BASS: 1956. $1,200. New Paris 937-232-1856 GIRLS’ 7 SPD. Schwinn Bike: White. New. Brookville 937-837-1070
ANHYDROUS GEAR: $400. JD gear, $400. Killbros gear. 4-1/2” x 8” x 20’ beams. $700. Rossburg 937-564-0719
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JD 48’ 6” trans. auger. GC! $850. Sidney 937-726-9575 USED STEEL GATES: From hog barn. 12’ & 18’ lengths. $125 per gate. Minster 937-726-5845 SQUARE BALES Wheat Straw: $3/bale. Bradford 937-448-2217 or 937-564-6948 CHAPARRAL Livestock Trailer: 16 ft. Sidney 937-492-1591 or 937-489-6128 ‘88 FORD 800 Dsl. Grain Truck: Singleaxle, w/Scott bed. VGC! Always in barn. Good, solid truck for a smaller grain farmer. Greenville 937-417-2315 ‘96 EAGER BEAVER 9H DB pintle hitch trailer. 23,000 lbs. GVWR. 20’ bed w/5’ ramps. GC! $5,500 OBO. Bradford 937-448-8071 FRONTIER 3 pt. hitch Bush Hog: 6’ wide. $675. Greenville 937-547-0446 BREEDING AGE BULLS: Large selection. Top genetics. New Weston 419-305-9616
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GRASS HAY: Made w/o rain. 250 bales. $3/bale. Wheat binder in working cond. $975. New Bremen 419-629-3510 WANTED: Pocket watches, 17 jewel, 21 jewel, etc. Elam E. Wickey, 4373E— 100S, Monroe, IN 46772 JD 643: Poly. EC! $6,500. Ft. Recovery 419-852-7056 GOT BEES? I can remove swarms. Bees in buildings, barns, etc. 937-545-8737 REMINGTON 700 BDL 22-250 w/scope & sling. Shot very little. LN! Great coyote, ground hog gun. With ammo. $750. Greenville 937-621-4580 ‘05 HEAVY-DUTY Interstate Landscape Trailer: All metal. Rear & side ramps. 10,000 lb. capacity, brakes. $2,500 cash (firm). Covington 937-473-2414 SLAVEN’S MINIATURE HEREFORDS: Registered. Both polled & horned. Small & gentle. Ken, DeGraff 937-539-6019 ‘09 HARLEY-DAVIDSON 1200 Sportster motorcycle. 3,100 mi. Like new! California King bed w/mattress & bookcase headboard. Greenville 937-417-2315 CLUB CAR GOLF CART: 36V. Batteries 1 year old. With working battery charger. Versailles 937-423-5379 FREE CEMENT PIECES: For fill. Will help load. Sidney 937-710-6060 GRASS HAY: Out of field or barn. 4x5 round bales. $120/ton. Houston 937-726-9965
DANUSER hyd. post driver, $1,250; SS hyd. breaker, $3,250; SS bucket, Kubota, 6 ft., $850; JD 953 gear, $850; Ford 800 hyd. lift cover, $650. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
CHAINSAW SCULPTURES: Stumps in your yard or items on display. dklchainsawman@aol.com. 765-977-4563 or 937-839-4183. Photos on facebook. See Dayle Keith Lewis.
(3) FEED AUGERS: 4” diam. 13’ long. Maria Stein 419-852-7042
275 NH BALER w/kicker, $1,000. Old corn drag. Make offer. Sidney 937-492-2470
(2) HORSE BLANKETS: $60. Springfield 937-520-7755 JD OPERATORS’ MANUALS: No. 800 3 pt. hitch. No. 801 hitch. Harrow TH 224. No. 490 4-row planter. $12 ea. Anna 567-356-0306 F2 GLEANER COMBINE: Hyd. drive. 15’ grain head. 4-row 30” corn head. Must see to appreciate. North Star 419-336-7418 FREEZER BEEF: No hormones. Grainfed. Arcanum 937-678-5435 CHAMPION FORGE: 18x22 in. With blower. $400. Cloverdale 419-615-7147 WANTED TO BUY: NH 973 grain head. 25 ft. Would trade or sell 20’ head. Covington 937-371-9376 or 937-623-5725 APPROX. 50 Bales Alfalfa Hay: $4/bale. Russia 937-526-4091 CASE IH 8920: MFWD. 2,860 hrs. Duals. $59,000. Anna 937-507-2457 SS TUBE FEEDERS: With waterers. 50” wide. $125 per feeder. Minster 937-726-5845 55 GAL. Steel Barrels: $4 ea. Ft. Recovery 567-644-5927
NERF Running Boards: Came off ‘05 Chevy Crew Cab. No rust. Very nice! Lewistown 937-538-5343 55 GAL. Steel Barrels: $4 ea. Ft. Recovery 567-644-5927 13’ 3 PT. Field Cult.: Glencoe. With harrow. Good shovels. Reduced price! New Knoxville 419-753-2498 BOX WAGON—HORSE-DRAWN: Wood & steel wheels are excellent. Faded red. Box is green. Brakes. Asking $1,475. Troy 937-216-4664 ASH FIREWOOD: Cut to 20-22 in. Mostly limb wood. $50 per pick-up truckload. Covington 937-473-3635 YOWZA!!! Paying CASH—Jingle— Scratch—Moola for plastic—metal 1-6 gal. gas cans, spouts, caps. Steve, St. Marys 419-236-9102 ANTIQUE WOOD CAROUSEL HORSES: PRICE REDUCED! Phillipsburg 937-832-7124 4.6 ACRES or 2 Building Lots: At Rt. 49 & Blank Rd., Phillipsburg, Ohio. 937-832-7124
GOOD FARM-RAISED Broilers & Lambs: M. Schwartz, 422 E—200 S, Monroe, IN 46772 REDUCED PRICE! Full-time, livable house on Filburns Island. Can buy, contract, or trade for equal value of farmland. Must see! New Carlisle 937-308-2909 19.5” WHEEL SIMULATORS: Rear set. Complete. Brand new, in box. Call/text. St. Marys 419-305-9547 WOODS 8’ heavy-duty grader blade, $1,450; SS 42” fork attachment, $550; hay wagon, David Bradley gear, 7x14, $500; JD gear, $850; mower sulky, $75. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 STIHL CHAINSAW: VGC! With manuals. $250. New Lebanon 937-687-2334 YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground for rent in ‘18. Darke & surrounding counties. Versailles 937-417-2969 (6) JD Insecticide Boxes: With lids. $150 OBO. New Paris 937-336-0585 ‘77 HARLEY-DAVIDSON 3-wheel gas golf cart. $1,800 OBO. Russia 937-295-2855 or 937-725-1649 WHEAT STRAW: Large rounds & big squares. Lewistown 937-538-5351 LARGE FIELD SPRAYER: PTO driven. $300. Greenville 937-564-1169 ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓ RAVEN 4600 CONTROLLER: Reasonable offer. Top Air T1100 60’ boom. Triple bodies. Raven 440. Rinse. Urbana 937-597-3629
Page 37 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2018
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Page 38 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2018
FENCE CONTRACTING SALES & SERVICING •Post Driving •Split Rail •Vinyl •Board Fence •High Tensile •Electric •Chain Link •Max-Flex™
WESTERN OHIO FENCE & SUPPLY 5410 N. County Rd. 25-A, Piqua, OH (937) 773-0215
RIBSTONE SILOS Silos Unloaders • Feeders & Conveyors • New Silo Roofs and Repairs • Silo Fillpipe, Ladders and Distributors Wood Doors For All Silos Available Urbana, Ohio 43078
Phone: 937-653-7429
TRUMP AVIATION, INC. Aerial Seeding, Fertilizing, Weed Control Defoliation and Insect Control
Roger Trump Certified Aerial Applicator G.P.S. Guidance 5992 Kruckeberg Rd Greenville, Ohio
937-548-2397 www.trumpag.com
CASE IH 8575 BALER: 3x3 square. EC! Ready for field. Never used acid. $30,000. Covington 937-623-5725 or 937-903-8897
ANGUS BULL: Approx. 3 yrs. old. 2nd breeding season. Nice, young bull. Easy to have around. Asking $1,400. Greenville 937-459-7514
WELDER: Hobart Handler. With tank & cart. $500. Pleasant Hill 937-676-3016
TOM THUMB Popcorn: Hull-less. Very tender kernels. Covington 937-473-3635
41’ NEW IDEA hay/corn elevator. Always shedded. $1,200. Int. 2A husker shredder. Works good. $650. New Knoxville 937-416-2456
(45) TREATED FENCE POSTS: 8 in. x 6 ft. $5 per post. West Alexandria 937-733-6068
550 GAL. FUEL TANK w/elec. pump, $350. Snyder 200 gal. saddle tanks w/plumbing & valves. $400. Tipp City 937-901-0198 YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground for rent in ‘18. Darke & surrounding counties. Versailles 937-417-2969 (3) BULLS: Weigh between 700-800 lbs. Can deliver locally. New Madison 937-996-3112 7’ BOX SCRAPER BLADE: St. Henry 419-852-3704 MOWER-CONDITIONER: JD 1209. 9 ft. cut. Extra sickle. $1,500. Hay wagons. 14 ft. $425 to $500. Brookville 937-687-4138 BENCH VISES: $50 & up. Chain hoist, 1/4 ton to 10 ton. Rollers are heavy-duty. 10 in. 10 ft. long. $90. Rossburg 937-564-0719 DISC MOWER: NH 616, 8 ft., 3 pt., $4,950; Bush Hog rotary mower, 6 ft., 3 pt., $1,150; gas welder/generator, $1,200; hay wagon, NH gear, $900. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 WANT TO BUY: 6’-8’ cultipacker, single or double, and old Ford tractors, running or not. Paying cash. Greenville 937-621-4580
MM GVI TRACTOR: Dsl. Orig. GC! $2,950. Wapakoneta 937-596-5841
+$$ $"& ' +$% (# & $') ( "$ () & " " "* ! (+ # ))'(" ) '+*! - !'& ,,, *+(& (*( "$ () MOWER-CONDITIONER: JD 1209. 9 ft. cut. Extra sickle. $1,500. Hay wagons. 14 ft. $425 to $500. Brookville 937-687-4138 BENCH VISES: $50 & up. Chain hoist, 1/4 ton to 10 ton. Rollers are heavy-duty. 10 in. 10 ft. long. $90. Rossburg 937-564-0719 DISC MOWER: NH 616, 8 ft., 3 pt., $4,950; Bush Hog rotary mower, 6 ft., 3 pt., $1,150; gas welder/generator, $1,200; hay wagon, NH gear, $900. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
350 KILL BROS hopper wagon w/14’ seed auger & telescoping spout, tarp, 20” truck tires, & 2 split hopper compartments. EC! $2,350. Fletcher 937-875-0597
WANT TO BUY: 6’-8’ cultipacker, single or double, and old Ford tractors, running or not. Paying cash. Greenville 937-621-4580
JD 4-ROW NARROW Corn Head: 443. $1,100. St. Paris 937-788-2734
(2) FRONT WHEEL STEEL wheel tractor, 5-hole, 9-5/8” center hole. Versailles 937507-1729 or 937-526-4193
OLIVER 415 Sickle Bar Mower: New Pitman arm, sickle sections, & swath board. Works good! $450. Anna 567-356-0306
WANTED: AC Gleaner A330. Black 3-row corn head. In GC. Versailles 937-507-1729 or 937-526-4193
GEHL 1540 Vortex silage blower. EC! Ft. Loramie 419-953-2574
(2) BAR STOOLS: EC! $25 ea. Phillipsburg 937-884-5454
SHUCKS! There’s money in them thar old gas cans! Paying cash for gas—fuel cans, spouts, & caps. Steve, St. Marys 419-236-9102
37 TEETH for Case steel wheel rake. LN! Versailles 937-507-1729 or 937-526-4193
ELEC. TRUCK SEAT: LN! Helps you get in & out of truck. Will sell or trade. Brookville 937-837-1070 TRAILER: 12-ton, heavy-duty. $5,500. New Lebanon 937-687-2334 CUSTOM LOG SAWING: Using Wood Mizer mill. Keith Marshall, Greenville 937-548-046 7’ BOX SCRAPER BLADE: St. Henry 419-852-3704
USED HARDWOOD LUMBER: Mostly 2x6 & 2x8. Varying lengths. Half-price of new! Phillipsburg 937-884-5454 DUMP TRUCK: 3500. Heavy-duty. Low profile. Auto. 4-wheel drive. 8’ snow plow. 800 lb. Boss salter. Reese hitch connection. One owner. Excellent condition. Red in color. Asking $16,800. Troy 937-216-4664
TRACTOR: Massey-Ferguson ‘02 Model 4355 with loader with quick disconnect. Only 2,100 hrs. Cab, heat, air, buddy seat, shuttle, front wheel assist, diesel with new injector pump & a new shuttle computer. Two outlets out the rear. Full lights. Good paint. Like new... nicest one around! Asking $32,500. Troy 937-216-4664 WAVE RUNNER: Kawasaki. ‘93. 750. 2-seater with trim. Serviced with new battery. Prepped & ready! Full cover. Spare tire. Jack. Shorelander trailer. Works great. Like new! Asking $1,475. Troy 937-216-4664 ‘12 JEEP LIBERTY: Low miles— 44,000. Loaded! Burgundy. One owner. Like new! Asking $16,800. Troy 937-216-4664 4-WHEELER: Suzuki. Electric start, brakes. Adj. speed control. Great shape! Works good. Great paint. Asking $950. Troy 937-216-4664 TRUCK LADDER RACK: Heavyduty. Outside to outside wide 70 in. length, outside to outside, 95 in. Asking $175. Troy 937-216-4664 TRAILER: 16’ tri-axle. 18,000 GVW. Heavy-duty, factory equipment trailer. New paint, new lights, new leaf spring bushings. With beaver tail, with springloaded ramps for easy pick-up. All tires & bearings are good. Easy pull. Your load can dictate the tongue weight. Asking $1,800. Troy 937-216-4664
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Page 40 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2018
Call Steve
GEHL 99 High Pro Silage Blower: Eaton 937-533-8398 4-ROW 36” corn head; 150 bu. J&M hopper wagon on JD running gear. North Star 419-336-7418 (2) BALE KING Wagons: 9x18 ft. VGC! Always inside. $1,850. 14.9x26 12-ply tire. LN! $200. New Bremen 419-629-3510 SADDLE TANK: 400 gal. With mounting hardware. Pleasant Hill 937-216-4784 WANTED: Chinese geese. White or brown. Bradford 937-547-2161, Ext. 3 NEW GARAGE DOORS: 9x7 Sandwood. All hardware. Still in boxes. $250. Or 2/$450. New Bow Flex, $200. St. Paris 937-478-6986 2HP 3-PHASE Baldor electric motor. $95. Nice 1/3hp electric motor. $30. Greenville 937-621-4580 60 ACRES Tillable/Wooded Property: Newton School District. Very scenic! Fuel oil furnace, 8 yrs. old. Good cond. Greenville 937-417-2315 JD 215 GRAIN HEAD: GC! Versailles 937-526-3012 #278 BUSH HOG MOWER: 8 ft. $200. Lewisburg 937-603-9036 JD PLOW: 145. Semi-mounted 4x14’s. $500. Ft. Recovery 419-375-4975 WANTED TO RENT: Barn, garage, or shed. 360 sq. ft. Weather-tight. Lockable. Tipp City or Monroe Twp. Contractor & personal storage. 937-689-2305 CLARK Gravity Bed Wagon: With canvas top. Three new tires. $1,500. West Alexandria 937-416-2959
HAY: Approx. 400 bales alfalfa/grass hay. 3rd & 4th cuttings. Made w/o rain. Russia 937-726-1649 or 937-295-2855
STRAW: Small, square bales. Out of field. 100-plus bales, $2.25. 100 bales, $2.50. Pleasant Hill 937-676-2089
KUHN HAY TEDDER: 2-basket, pulltype, $1,750; PTO generator, Generac 80/40KW, on trailer, $2,000; Skid Steer lifting boom, $250. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486
JD 4425 COMBINE: Only 2,900 hrs. With #213 grain head, 443 corn head. Well maintained. Field ready. Stored inside. $13,500. Russia 937-526-4091. Leave msg.
ANTIQUE Canning Jars: Some clear, some blue. Glass top. Lids. $1 ea. West Alexandria 937-839-5673
RIMS OF ALL SIZES! New & used. 14, 15 & 16 in. New Paris 937-437-4149
CLEAN, BRIGHT, Long-Stemmed Straw: 38-40 lbs. per bale. $3.25/bale. Russia 937-417-6078 WANTED: Honey bee swarms. Auglaize Co. Wapakoneta 419-738-7231 CLEAN, SMALL squares of wheat straw. $3.50/bale. Arcanum 937-692-6137. Leave msg.
WANTED: Chiappa or Winchester Model 1837 12 ga. lever-action shotgun w/pistol grip stock. Elam E. Wickey, 4373E— 100S, Monroe, IN 46772 JOHN DEERE 4720 Compact Tractor: Hyd. 58hp. Cab. 4-wheel drive. Loader. 1,450 hrs. Set up for skidloader attachments. $28,500. Botkins 937-726-0642
BALE WAGONS: 14, 16, 18, & 20 ft. Old & new. Most on JD gear. Covington 937-308-1350
COMBINE Tires & Rims: 30.5x32, Firestone 12-ply. Already mounted. Selling as a unit. Came off JD 9560. Includes spacers, bolts. Lewistown 937-538-5351
FORD 172 cu. in. tractor engine. Out of 961 Powermaster. Good for rebuilding. No cracks. Turns over. Greenville 937-621-4580
HORSE-DRAWN WAGON: Used in parades. Made of oak, with spring seat. Steel running gear on rubber. $1,500. Van Wert 419-203-7130
250 HONDA EX Sport Track 4-Wheeler: EC! $1,800. Eaton 937-533-8398
‘94 MUSTANG GT Convertible: Auto., 4 spd. 107K. Laser red. Leather int. A/C. Power seat, tilt, speed. Power windows/ locks. 5.0, V8. $12,500. New Knoxville 937-423-4440
WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622 JD WATER PUMP for 4520—4620 tractors. Rebuilt. $150. Sidney 937-726-9575 DODGE RAM Truck Mirrors: 1500, 2500, 3500. ‘98-’02. Sport mirrors, not tow. Brand new pair. St. Marys. Call/text: 419-305-9547 (2) 8’ ROUND Bale Feeders: Maria Stein 419-852-7042
‘99 SUBARU Legacy Outback: For parts only. Repairable front end. Collision damage. Good engine. 165,099 mi. $500 firm. West Liberty 937-465-7520 CLEAN, BRIGHT WHEAT STRAW: Twine-tied, small, square bales. Easy loading or delivery available. West Milton 937-875-1220 or 937-698-3541
JD 609 6’ rotary cutter, 3 pt., $1,550; remote valve for Ford tractor, $200; buzz saw, 3 pt., w/PTO gear box, $200; IH Cub snow blade, $150. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 WANTED TO BUY: Old wire box. Springs to fit twin bed. Tipp City 937-367-3655 NATURA Ceramic Tile: 8x8 in. Glazed. 10 sq. ft. per box. 100 boxes. Different colors. $5/box. Also have other tile. Clarksville 937-263-6432 (6) LARGE ROUND BALES Grass Hay: Never rained on. Stored inside. Last year’s cutting. Troy 937-308-8225 HARLEY-DAVIDSON Electra Glide Parts: Set of mag wheels & tires, mufflers, running boards, & much more! Brookville 937-687-2235 FLATBED CART: 50x26 in. Great for heavy items. $25. Clayton 937-999-8699. Leave msg. JD 1008 Rotary Mower: 10 ft. 3 pt. GC! $3,000. Sidney 937-726-9575 JD GATOR: TS 4x2. Brush guard, windshield, floor mats, light kit, bedliner, power dump, HD alternator, fender guards, HD tires, rear hitch. 408 hrs. Brookville 937-837-3955 TS115 NH TMR Mixing Tractor: Nice! $13,000. Ft. Recovery 419-852-9866 MIXED HAY: Alfalfa/orchardgrass. 1st cutting. $4/bale. Tipp City 937-667-6583 CORN STOVE: LN! Paid over $3,900 new. Used 2 years. Works great. No longer needed. $1,900 OBO. Arcanum 937-459-0128 CASE IH 1020: 17-1/2 grain table. New cutter bar. Very low acres. $5,500. Russia 937-638-8088
Page 41 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2018
Here's what's cooking in our . . .
COUNTRY KITCHEN You are invited to share your favorite recipe – for a main dish, casserole, salad, vegetable, dessert or snack. If it’s chosen a 1st Place Blue Ribbon Winner, we'll mail you $5! Recipes should be clearly printed or typed, with full instructions, and mailed to:
Country Kitchen, c/o Country Living, P.O. Box 69, Covington, OH 45318
COOKIES & CREAM CUPCAKES 1 package Baker’s Corner white cake mix 1-1/4 cups water 1/4 cup vegetable oil 3 large egg whites 1 cup chocolate sandwich cookies, crushed 1 can Baker’s Corner vanilla frosting Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. Place 12 paper baking cups in regular-size muffin cups (or grease lightly with non-stick cooking spray or shortening). Prepare cake as directed above. Lightly fold in 1/2 cup crushed sandwich cookies and pour remaining crushed cookie pieces into a separate shallow bowl. Divide batter equally among 12 prepared muffin cups (about 2/3 full). Bake 16-18 minutes or until center of muffin bounces back when touched lightly. Cool 10 minutes before removing from pan. Frost completely cooled cupcakes and roll frosted cupcake tops in remaining crushed cookies. ThESE ARE VERY GOOD! SUBMITTED BY: Margaret Eicher 6866 E - 900 S, Geneva, Indiana 46740
JOHNNY MARZETTI 8 oz. pkg. broad noodles 1 onion, cut fine 1 can condensed tomato soup or pizza sauce
1/2 lb. grated cheese 1/2 cup water 3/4 lb. pork shoulder or hamburger
Cook noodles in boiling water for 12 minutes. Place in colander and let cold water run over them. Put into a buttered baking dish. Fry together meat and onion until done. Drain off grease. Add to noodles. Mix all ingredients together in a baking dish. Dot plentifully with butter and sprinkle top with cheese. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. THIS IS DELICIOUS! SUBMITTED BY: Leah N. Hilty 9681 S - 50 E, Geneva, Indiana 46740
BAKER BEACH SALAD 3 cups fresh spinach 1 banana, sliced 1/2 cup raspberries OR 1 orange, peeled & sliced 1/2 cup sliced radishes or cucumber 1/2 cup slivered carrots 6 oz. barbecued or smoked deli chicken, sliced 1 Tbsp. grated Parmesan cheese (optional) 1/4 cup fat-free or reduced-calorie Italian salad dressing Place spinach on two salad plates. Arrange banana, raspberries, radishes, carrots, and chicken over spinach. Sprinkle Parmesan cheese over each serving, if desired. Pour dressing over salads. PREP TIME: 15 Minutes
YIELD: 2 Servings
PER SERVING: 281 calories, 7g fat (3g sat), 21mg cholesterol, 1,123 mg sodium, 44g carbohydrate (9g dietary fiber, 16g sugars), 12g protein, 121% Vitamin A, 52% Vitamin C, 17% calcium, 28% iron, 18% potassium, 8% folate) SUBMITTED BY: Esther Shetler 2170 E - 350 S, Monroe, Indiana 46772
PLEASE SEND US YOUR RECIPES! Do YOU have a tasty recipe you’d like to share with our readers? Each month we have six or seven faithful readers who share a favorite recipe with us, but we know there are many more great cooks out there with delicious recipes our readers would love to try themselves. Send your recipe to us at the address above. We would especially like recipes for main dishes or casseroles, but we also welcome salad, vegetable, dessert, and snack recipes. Be sure to include detailed instructions for mixing ingredients, as well as oven temperature, baking time, etc. COOkBOOk anD pUBliShED rECipES nOt aCCEptED
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SATURDAY, JUNE 9 AT 10 A.M. Auction located at 52 E. Cross St., Laura, Ohio (Potsdam). Furn.; Collectibles; Glassware; (2) Early Dolls; Quilts; Appliances; Sewing Machines/Supplies. Rozetta Wray, Owner. Walnut Harvest Auctions, LLC. See Page 8 SATURDAY, JUNE 16 AT 10 A.M. Auction located at 1485 West St. Rt. 122, Lebanon, Ohio. Tractors & Farm Tools. Family of the Late Jack and Alice Welsh, Owners. Kramer & Kramer, Auctioneers. See Page 5 SATURDAY, JUNE 16 AT 10 A.M. Estate Auction located at 722 S. Franklin St., Eaton, Ohio. Antiques; Glassware; Primitives; Furn.; Early Cupboards; Arrowheads; Marbles/Shooters; Costume Jewelry; Bottles & Jars; Books; GWTW-type Lamps; Crocks; CI Skillets; Wood Duck Decoys; Longaberger Baskets; Quilts. Estate of Dorothy L. Walker. Walnut Harvest Auctions, LLC. See Page 18 TUESDAY, JUNE 19 AT 6 P.M. Multi-Parcel Auction located at 1530 N. Sulphur Springs Rd., West Alex, Ohio. 113.2 (+/-) Acres Offered in Two Tracts. Dennis R. Stiver, Owner. Walnut Harvest Auctions, LLC. See Page 8 SATURDAY, JUNE 23 AT 9 A.M. Estate Auction located at 1369 St. Rt. 705, Fort Loramie, Ohio. Tractors & Farm Equipment; 30+ Collector Tractors. Estate of Ivo Gottemoeller. Polk Auction Company. See Page 8 SATURDAY, JUNE 23 AT 10 A.M. Public Auction of Surplus Equipment located on St. Rt. 703, 3 miles south of Celina, Ohio. Trucks; Tractors; Golf Carts; Lawnmowers; Equipment. Kozy Campgrounds, Owner. Coldwater Auction Service. See Page 5 SATURDAY, JUNE 30 AT 10 A.M. Auction located at 8044 MonroeCentral Rd., Eldorado, Ohio. Antiques; Collectibles; Primitives; Glassware; Framed Pictures/Prints; Older Books & Magazines; Quilts & Comforters; Coins; Cookware; Household Items: & Much More! Estate of Lynn F. Sorrell. Walnut Harvest Auctions, LLC. See Page 18 SATURDAY, JULY 7 AT 10 A.M. Auction located at 740 Bischoff Rd., New Carlisle, Ohio. Furn.; Glassware; Collectibles; China Dishes; Household & Kitchen Cupboard Items; Tractor & Loader; Lawn, Garden & Garage Items; Hand/Power Tools; Misc. The Anspaugh Revocable Living Trust. Walnut Harvest Auctions, LLC. See Page 10 wEDNESDAY, AUgUST 15 AT 6 P.M. Real Estate Auction located at 6576 Westfall Rd., Greenville, Ohio. Distinctive Custom-Built Home on 11.48 Acres. Eunice Steinbrecher, Owner. Midwest Auctioneers & Realty, Inc. See Page 10
• SCHRADER REAL ESTATE & AUCTION CO. • Real Estate, Farm Equipment, and Personal Property offered in June. See Page 6
IMPORTANT NOTICE TO FREE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS It has long been the policy of Country Living to publish four free classified ads each month – 20 words or Less per ad – for our customers with paid subscriptions. However, many customers submit ads far exceeding their 20 word limit, and many submit more than their four allotted ads per month. We have tried to accommodate our customers. However, due to the large volume of ads we receive each month, we are experiencing serious space limitations. We regret it will now be necessary to enforce the 20 word Limit per ad (within reason). Ads running considerably longer will be shortened or not published. We know how important Country Living classified ads are to our customers, and it is our wish to please as many customers as possible with publication of free classified ads. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter and look forward to serving you.
Deadline For Next Month's Country Living FRIDAY, JUNE 22, at 4:30 p.m.
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Page 43 - COUNTRY LIVING - JUNE 2018
FAMILY FUN... DOWN ON THE FARM Every year at Easter our grandchildren and their parents come over to visit. Grandpa takes each one of them on a ride on his 1957 Little Red Ford tractor, up and down our lane. After all the kids get a ride, we always take a picture of the grandchildren gathered around and on the tractor. Needless to say, with 13 grandchildren now, we are running out of room on “Old Red.”
Submitted by Larry & Jane Grogean of Russia, Ohio Do You Have An Interesting Color Photo To Share With Our Readers? Please send original Photo, as coPies made on Printer PaPer are not usable
c/o Country Living • P.O. Box 69 •Covington, Ohio 45318 be sure to include Your mailing address - Photo Will be returned once it is Published
presorted standard us postage paId deLpHos, oHIo perMIt no. 21
FLORA’S Small Engine Repair
8524 W. St. Rt. 185 • Bradford, Ohio 45308 We are here to support all of your Outdoor Power Equipment needs!!!