Country Living 8.2021

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Country Living Vol. 78 • no. 8

august 2021

come out&see all tHe great livestock sHows tHat HelP make tHe miami county fair


troy, oHio • august 13 - 19

Monday & Tuesday

rides&games burton brothers

aug. 16 & 17 Post Time 6:30pm

Harness racing

RidE SCHEduLE SuBJECt tO CHaNGE 4-H, FFa, GiRL SCOutS mEmBERS $18 daiLY witH FaiR paSSES (ExCEpt kidS’ daY)

Stadium: FREE!



aug. 13 - 6:30pm

salute to veterans FolloWed by

band entertainment Parade, crowning of tHe fair royalty, tom’s kitcHen table & laser ligHt sHow at dark Stadium: FREE! saTurday

aug. 19 - 7:30pm

jeremy camP in concert sTadiuM: TiCKeTs on sale!

sunday aug. 15


gosPel fest

10am Stadium:

cHeerleading comPetition 5pm Stadium: $5

aug. 14 - 6pm

buck & bulls rodeo

Stadium: $5 - PIT PASS: $15

nasHville crusH concert

omPta tractor Pull

7pm Stadium: FREE!

(Times & Events Could Be Subject To Change)

Wednesday aug. 18 - 7pm

demolition derby “smasH it” STADIUM: $5 - PIT PASS: $15


COUNTRY LIVING Contents Cover Picture Country Kitchen The miami counTy fair Are you ready for some fun? Mark your calendars for August 13-19 to take in all the excitement of this year’s Fair. Rides, games, entertainment, tractor pulls, a rodeo, harness racing, demolition derby, great food, and much more. You name it... the Miami County Fair has it! Additional Fair information can be found on pages 4 and 13.

Muffins make a tasty addition to any meal, and also great to grab for breakfast-on-the-go. Check out Alice Barhorst’s recipe for Apple Banana Corn Muffins on Page 39. An Indiana reader shares her recipe for Scalloped Potatoes with Ham, which she says is a favorite with her family. KEEP THOSE RECIPES COMING! Share Your Favorite Recipe With Our Readers AND HAVE A CHANCE TO WIN $10!


Is Published Monthly By: ARENS CORPORATION P.O. Box 69, 395 S. High St., Covington, OH 45318 937-473-2028 • 937-473-2029 • FAX: 937-473-2500

PAINTING We paint metal siding!

Interior & Exterior House Barn • Church • Roof Coating Brush & Spray Free Estimates Paint Aluminum Siding FULLY INSURED FOR YOUR PROTECTION


For All Your Painting Needs…

VERSAILLES PAINTING LLC Rodney D. Saintignon 937-968-3828

SINCE 1969

Morgan Doppler 765-964-4303

10881 Stateline Rd., Union City, OH 45390 STEEL CAR RAMPS: $15. 2-man cross saw, 6 ft., $40. Int. corn sheller, $50. Biax power scraper & spotter. $1,000 ea. Brookville 937-833-5613 (2) OVERHEAD Garage Door Openers: With 14’ rail, 3-button station. $295 OMO. St. Marys 937-441-6891 WANTED TO BUY: Female donkey. My jack wants a full-sized jenny for companionship. Harrod 419-303-8682

 WANTED: Broken or non-running John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers. 937-473-2705 or 6 GAL. RHEEM Water Heater: Slightly used. 120V. $30. Sidney 937-726-9485 BUSH HOG 600: Barn kept. (2) sickle bars. Still in wood covers. LN! Heavyduty winch. Brookville 937-837-1070

E-MAIL: CHECK US OUT ON THE NET: IMPORTANT!!! When submitting advertisements or news releases, always include your full name, address, & phone number (including area code)

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Irish Electric Motor Service Service All Your Motor Needs

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FREE NON-COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED AD POLICY FOR ALL COuNtRY LIvINg SuBSCRIBERS IF YOU VOLUNTARILY SUBSCRIBE TO COUNTRY LIVINg, you are eligible to submit a LIMIt OF 4 NON-COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED ADS (20 WORDS OR LESS) with the understanding that they will be published free of charge if they qualify. tHE COSt IS $22.95 PER YEAR. Publisher reserves the right to reject certain ads. They should always be in good taste, and LIMITED TO 20 WORDS. PLEASE PRINT LEgIBLY, and be sure to include your area code and phone number. Classified ads should come from a farmer or other country resident who is not using them for a commercial purpose in which he is regularly engaged. They must bear the name and address of the writer, along with his or her customer number, which tells us you are among the subscribers of our Country Living Honor Roll of Friends. ADVERTISERS WIShINg TO RUN ADS MORE ThAN ONE MONTh MUST RE-SUBMIT ADS EACh MONTh.

FRIDAY, AuguSt 27 - 4:30 p.m. COMMERCIAL ADVERTISING is not acceptable for publication and the free classified ad copy submitted to us is carefully scrutinized to reject commercial ads. Our commercial advertising rates are available on request. Among the types of ads frequently submitted to us as free copy but rejected because they are commercial, are the following: 1) Ads calling for the purchase, sale or rental of real estate; 2) Ads calling for the sale or rental of mobile homes; 3) Ads calling for the sale of motor vehicles less than seven years old. To control the volume of the free ads, we also have found it necessary to automatically reject offers to give away, sell, trade or breed pets. All of these types of ads are acceptable at commercial rates at 50 cents per word.

419-394-3284 Fax: 419-394-7128 1600 Celina Rd. St. Marys, OH 45885


TRIP BUCKET LOADER: $800. (1) chain hoist, $75. Computer w/2 speakers. Windows 98. Make offer. Englewood 937-789-8996 BARSKA Metal Detector: New. LARGE SUPPLY OF QUILTING BOOKS & MATERIAL. Wood ‘n Wool hooking frame. Lima 419-234-4785 (3) 250 BU. HOPPER wagons on 10-ton gears, w/telescoping tongues. VGC! Versailles 937-423-5379 NICE, SMALL, square bales alfalfa hay. 1st cutting, $5/bale. 2nd cutting, $7/bale. Wapakoneta 419-941-1196 (2) HAY FORKS w/pull-up bars. 35” high, 16” wide. For loose hay. $25 ea. Huber Heights 937-233-5791. Leave msg.

YOUR ADS will be seen in more than 13,000 country homes, and can be submitted in four ways: 1) Mail them to Country Living, Arens Corp., Publishers, P.O. Box 69, Covington, Oh 45318. 2) Telephone our office at 937-473-2028 or 937-473-2029 any time Monday thru Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Remember, you must give our receptionist your customer number or you will be billed for the ad(s) submitted. LIMIt OF 2 ADS PER tELEPHONE CALL. LIMIt OF 4 ADS PER MONtH PER SuBSCRIBER. 3) Fax your ad(s) to: 937-473-2500 4) Email your ad(s) to: COUNTRY LIVINg is published monthly. Free non-commercial classified ads will be accepted for publication in the following month's issue as late as possible. The earlier we receive your ad, the better chance it has to get in the next issue. When ads arrive too late to meet the deadline for a given issue, they are held over and given priority in the following issue.

DeaDline For SePTeMBer 2021 iSSue

• Home • Farm • Industry • New • Used • Repair • Rebuild


NEW TRAILER Tire & Rim: 4-hole. 5.70x8 tire. Celina 419-586-4388 VINTAGE MURRAY female bicycle. Concord female 12 spd. bicycle. Both for $250. Phillipsburg 937-832-7124 NICE, SMALL, square bales wheat straw. $4/bale. Wapakoneta 419-941-1196 3 PT. 3 BTM. Oliver Plow: GC! $250. Sidney 937-726-9485 (4) ANTIQUE cast iron hay trolleys. Phillipsburg 937-832-7124 WANTED: Winchester Model 1887 lever-action w/pistol grip stock. Elam Wickey, 4373E—100S, Monroe, IN 46772

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Build & Protect... It's What We Do! Boats, Trucks, ATV's, Horses, Machinery, RV's, & Much More

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Why Choose CLEARY?

FOR SALE: Mixed Nigerian Pygmy Goats. Brookville 937-608-4955 WANTED TO BUY: 10 or more acres of land in Miami Co. or surrounding counties. Prefer west of I-75. Ludlow Falls 937-698-6611

Next Month’s Deadline Friday, August 27, No Later Than 4:30 pm

TROY, OH 937-339-2150

• Strongest Structure in the Industry • DreamMaker 3D Design Software • We Manufacture & Construct Our Product • Lifetime Steel Warranty • Featuring Doors • Builders Risk & Full Insurance

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CHAINSAW CHAINS: New. 18 in. For Craftsman, Poulan, & Homelite. $10 ea. Clayton 937-999-8699. Leave msg. NH HAYLINER 269 baler w/bale thrower. Good cond., but knotters need work. Have manuals. Asking $1,200. Wapakoneta 419-738-7680

.+& #"0-1 4*2) +",*-"2&% .0 /&0," $.+3,- /.121 .-$0&2& '..2&0 /.30&% 4"++1 .-$0&2& 1+"# ./2*.- )&"2*-( 1512&, *- '+..0 *-& *-13+"2& 4"++1 &*+*-(1 4*2) +*-&0 /"-&+1

(20) CLOSET DOORS: $5 ea. Coldwater 419-678-3289 WOODS 72” Finish Mower: New paint. $695. 48” 3 pt. finish mower. Great cond. $495. Greenville 937-621-4580 5HP GAS 8 gal. Campbell portable air compressor. Wapakoneta 937-596-5841 FREEZER BEEF: No hormones. Grain-fed. Arcanum 937-678-5435 SEEKING LAND TO FARM in West Milton & surrounding areas. Please contact Steve McGuffey, West Milton —937-673-5730


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NH 273 Square Baler: Field ready. $2,400. Greenville 937-547-0446 AMERICAN AUTO. Grain Dryer: Propane. 2412T. 220 bu. 3-phase. Have manual. $850. Germantown 937-855-3129 fifififififififififififififififififi PELLET MACHINE w/new 10hp motor. Versailles 419-303-8537 1,800 SMALL, square bales 2nd cutting alfalfa/grass. 16.8 protein. 131 RFQ. No rain. Horse quality. Lewisburg 937-336-8441




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AMC 40 Grain Cleaner: With auger. GC! $1,200. West Milton 937-478-9774

APPROX. 700 lbs. beef feeder steer; used skidloader tires, 10.00x16, 8 available, $30 ea. Piqua 937-418-9029 GRADER BLADE: 3 pt. hitch. Approx. 6’ long. Variable direction. $100. Russia 937-526-4091. Leave msg.

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1/2 mile south of Palestine

28LR26 TITAN Torc Track Radial: Diamond Tread manure tank or grain cart tire. Three available. Brand new. Factory blemishes. $1,200. Ft. Recovery 567-644-5927


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TABLE WITH DRAWER: Solid wood. 21”H x 22”W x 27”D. $25. Clayton 937-999-8699. Leave msg.



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BULOVA Grandfather Clock: 7’ tall. Has moon phases. $800. New wheelchair. Large. $100. Somerville 513-523-1053 (2) 18.4x42” FIRESTONE Tractor Tires: 50% tread. $490/pair. St. Henry 419-852-8903 (2) SIDE GRAVITY Feed Wagons: 225 bu. J&M & 325 bu. St. Paris 937-788-2734 (2) LOG SPLITTERS: $500 & $650. Piqua 937-418-9029 HOLLAND GRILL: Maverick. With cover. $120. Arcanum 937-603-0610 FORD 5’ BUSH HOG: LN! $695. King Kutter 5’ scraper blade, 3 pt. LN! $250. Greenville 937-621-4580


Together we do more.



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STALL DOOR (or entry gate): Heavyduty oak. Angle iron on top to stop chewing. 52” x 33” x 1”—$50. Text for pictures. Troy 937-339-2929

WANTED TO BUY: Hay mow bale conveyors. Must be taken down. NH, Hayrite, JD & others. Charlie, Holland 419-277-0668

(6) REFINISHED antique ladder-back chairs, $300; Beretta Silver Pigeon shotgun. Lima 419-647-6327

18x4x34 DUALS; 14’ Kewanee disk; JD 145 4 btm. 4-16 plow; 4-row 36” row cult. Ft. Recovery 419-852-6004

FOR SALE: Jack Russell pups. Ft. Recovery 419-852-6004

50 BALES HAY: Wrapped. In barn. Approx. 700#/bale. $50. West Liberty 937-465-7616

INT. 4’ DISK for Farmall Cub: Great cond. $595. King Kutter 3 pt. 1 btm. plow. LN! $395. Greenville 937-621-4580 SEEKING FARM GROUND TO RENT: Darke & surrounding counties. Excellent fertility package. Versailles 937-467-1133


! Deadline for Next Month’s Country Living Friday, August 27, No Later Than 4:30 p.m.

DEMOLITION: Also, concrete demolition such as old swimming pools, barn foundations, porches, etc. Also, general excavating work. 937-232-7380 ‘89 NH COMBINE: 3,200 hrs. Good tires. Needs some work. Covington 937-418-5237 after 5pm

WANTED TO BUY: Farm machinery. Will buy one piece or complete lines. Arcanum 937-670-0323 SET OF 1-1/2” BLK tubular legs for picnic table. New. $25 OBO. Huber Heights 937-233-5791. Leave msg. PAYING CASH for cloth hybrid corn sacks & certain other cloth sacks. Text 927-726-1360 or e-mail: for information. Sidney. VERMEER Wood Chipper: Model 1600A. $4,000. 20 bales 5x5 grass hay. $45. Somerville 513-523-1053

9164 County Road 101, Belle Center Handcrafted !


Don’t trust your grain to anything less. • Control your grain marketing and maximize your profitability. • Market your grain on your terms. Contact us today to learn more.


IRVWHUHTXLSPHQWVDOHV FRP Storage | Handling | Conditioning | Structures


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CHICKEN MANURE FOR SALE: Trucking & spreading available. Versailles 937-564-3399 PAYING CASH for vintage J.C. Penney catalogs. Also, unusual vintage magazines. Text 927-726-1360 or email for information. Sidney. WANTED TO BUY: JD clutch lift plows & plow parts—wheels, coulters, jointers, etc. Need restorable items, as I am not a scrap dealer. Harrod 419-303-8682 KING BED: Amish-made. Solid oak. GC! $350. Clayton 937-999-8699. Leave msg. WANTED TO BUY: Good, used 14” tires, on or off rims. Charlie, Holland 419-277-0668

‘65 CASE 830 Comfort King Tractor: Model 841C. Wide front. Gas engine. Restored. New paint. Many new parts & decals. Runs great! New Paris 937-997-2384 WANTED: Illinois Bunn Special 60-hour pocket watches, 17 jewel, 21 jewel, etc. Elam E. Wickey, 4373E—100S, Monroe, IN 46772 TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items. Dealer for 22 years. Call for catalog & brochures. Russia 937-238-6661 JD 2010: GC! Good grill, sheet metal, & tires. Power steering. RollA-Matic. Wrap-around front weights. Workable or restorable. $4,000 OBO. Tipp City 937-269-5441 or 937-667-6342



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‘36 MM/TC Model JTU Tractor: Round spoke. F/H wheels & tires. With RE factory motor kit. Running, older restoration. Wapakoneta 937-596-5841


(2) BROCK 18’x8-ring bins, floors, unload augers, fans. (1) 15’x5-ring bin fan, unload augers. 1,000 bu. holding bin. Super Structure. All standing. $4,000 OBO. West Milton 937-478-9774


CHICKENS: Young Rhode Island Reds & Wyandotte layer hens. New Bremen 419-733-3364





WANTED: Antique clocks & watches, complete or parts. Books, etc. West Alexandria 937-839-5158


30.5-32 FIRESTONE Super All-Traction 23 degree tire. Over 2” of tread. $600. Ft. Recovery 567-644-5927



WANTED TO BUY: Grain-O-Vator feed cart. Quincy 937-441-1932

HAY: Tight, round bales. Netwrapped. No rain. Stored inside. 4x4, $40. 4x5, $60. Or $160/ton. Orchard, timothy, & alfalfa. Bellefontaine 937-468-2840














GRAIN ELEV. DISTRIBUTOR: 8 in. 6-hole. 45 degree. $250 OBO. New Paris 937-417-6675







FORD PEDAL TRACTOR: Looks like brand new! Can send pictures. Wapakoneta 937-538-8960

Deadline for Next Month’s Country Living - Friday, Aug. 27, No Later Than 4:30 p.m.

GLEANER F Gas Combine: 15’ grain head. Gleaner F2 dsl. combine. 13’ head & 4-30” row corn head. Ohio City, Ohio. 419-203-6265 or 567-674-3851

Page 13 - COUNTRY LIVING - AUGUST 2021 NORDIC TRACK Model 1750 22”x60” treadmill. LN! 15% incline. Color display console. WiFi. Folds up to 3’ space. $1,200 OBO. Tipp City 937-902-6926 WANTED: 4- or 5-person alum. pontoon paddle boat. Elam Wickey, 4373E—100S, Monroe, IN 46772 (2) 315/22x5 STEERING TIRES: New. 20-ply. $600. Somerville 513-523-1053 BRAUN WHEELCHAIR Lift for Van: $75. Coldwater 419-678-3289 NEW 4:00x19 3-rib front tractor tire for 2N-9N Ford, w/rim, $160. 5’ pulltype spiketooth harrow, good teeth, $250. Greenville 937-621-4580 CART TO PULL behind bicycle for people to ride in. Celina 419-586-4388 POMERANIAN: AKC. Chocolate & white male. 2 years old. Monroe, Indiana 260-223-5723 SWEET CORN: Bi-color & yellow. Lewisburg 937-603-9036 JD 8 YARD TRAILER: LN! Used maybe 6 times. St. Marys 419-394-2008 or cell: 419-953-7024 OLD BARN PLANKS & beech wood beams. Firewood. Cut & ready. Reasonable. Brookville 937-837-1070





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Come out and see all the great animal shows that help make the Miami County Fair memorable!

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Page 14 - COUNTRY LIVING - AUGUST 2021 5-1/2 FT. CROSSCUT SAW w/handle at each end. $25. Huber Heights 937-233-5791. Leave msg. WHIRLPOOL TUB FOR SALE: Wapakoneta 937-538-8960 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ‘93 SOONER ALUM. 4-horse slant gooseneck trailer, 7x20 ft. GC! $10,000. Versailles 419-303-8537 BUYING BLACK WALNUTS in Oct. ‘21. Call for details. Eaton 937-456-4803

We Offer

Since 1945

CAST IRON Butchering Kettle: 26” diameter. With bail & all! GC! Celina 419-586-4388 FERGUSON front wheel weights, 4 segments, $150. 5152 4-segment wheel weights, $150. Wapakoneta 419-302-2091

No Hidden Or Credit Card Fees


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CHINESE Ringneck Pheasants: All ages available. Some ready to release. Mike, New Weston 419-305-9616


GLEANER M2 Dsl. Combine: With 15’ grain head. Ohio City, Ohio 419-203-6265 or 567-674-3851



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STAINLESS STEEL Sarka Propane Grill: VGC! Wapakoneta 419-738-7523 CLAWFOOT ANTIQUE White Porcelain Bathtub: Brookville 937-837-1070 STIHL GAS Leaf Blower: With mulcher & bag. GC! Wapakoneta 419-738-7523 or 419-303-2830. Leave msg. WANTED: Horse-drawn farm machinery; sickle mower; & manure spreader. Jake E.S. Schwartz, 5350S— 525E, Berne, IN 46711 YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground to rent. Darke & surrounding counties. Versailles 937-417-2969 –––––––––––––––––––––––––– CUSTOM FARMING: Combining, planting, & tillage work. Please contact Steve McGuffey, West Milton— 937-673-5730 WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, & saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622

BOOK: Oil & Gas Boom, Mercer Co. Ohio. $45. Shipping: $5. St. Henry 419-852-0092

NH 258 RAKE w/dolly wheels on front. EC! $4,800. St. Henry 419-852-8903

APPROX. 400 Bales Wheat Straw: Small squares. $4/bale. Russia 937-526-4091. Leave msg.

GRADER BLADE: 3 pt. hitch. Approx. 6’ long. Variable direction. $100. Russia 937-526-4091. Leave msg.



JD 50: Ser. #5011594. Rear tires 95%. Good after-market 3 pt. hitch. New radiator. All new fluids. Celina 419-586-2985

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6’ 3 PT. BUSH HOG; IH 370 disk with LN fluted coulters. Versailles 937-423-5379

‘07 FORD RANGER TRUCK: V6. 4 dr. Ex. cab. EC! $6,000. West Liberty 937-935-7530

LATE ‘40s TRACTOR: Ferguson TE-20 (built in England). Needs starter. New tires. $1,800 OBO. New Carlisle 937-846-1578 or 937-215-3737

DANIEL BOONE (Aladdin) Metal Lunchbox: GC! Collectors’ item. $85 OBO. Text for pictures. Troy 937-339-2929

H-K P2000-V2: 9mm. With (2) 13-rd clips, case. Photo ID required. $675 (cash). Tipp City 937-902-6926

TWIN ADJ. BED Base Unit: Dual massage. $100. Coldwater 419-678-3289

55 GAL. STEEL BARRELS: $4 ea. Ft. Recovery 567-644-5927 MF 1163 6R CORN HEAD: GC! New paint. (4) JD 6-hole wagon wheel rims. Garage door opener. Chain drive. Ottawa 419-532-3637 JD 445 Garden Tractor: 60” HD deck. Runs good. No longer needed. $3,100 OBO. Tipp City 937-902-6926


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2412T AMERICAN Batch Grain Dryer: 12’ long. 350 bu. capacity. 230V. 3-phase electric. LP gas. 5 mil. BTU burner. $900. Arcanum 937-692-5933 WOODEN WHEEL dump rake. Advance seat. Cream separator. Jake Schwartz, 5350S—525E, Berne, IN 46711 SEEKING LAND TO FARM in West Milton & surrounding areas. Please contact Steve McGuffey, West Milton— 937-673-5730



FORD 150 fiberglass lid/bed cover. Fits ‘05 model. Brookville 937-837-1070 WANTED: 16” 6-bolt wagon rims. Minster 419-953-8812 WANTED: Junk autos & scrap metal of all kinds. Certified scale. Top dollar paid. Roll-off container services. Call for pricing or pick-up. Celina 419-363-2277 HARDWOOD LUMBER: 137 bd. ft. Mostly oak. Some maple & cherry. Planed. Assorted sizes. Middletown 513-594-7855. Leave msg. 73C 25’ GRAIN TABLE: New poly snouts. New SI cutting bar. With carts. 674 6N30 w/poly snouts, w/cart. Covington 937-418-5237 after 5pm CHICKENS WANTED: Paying $3 ea. Write or call 1-260-348-9106 between 5 a.m.—4:15 p.m. Ask for Amos L.E., or write Levi E.S. Schwartz, 7145S— 150E, Berne, IN 46711



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CDL DRIVERS NEEDED: Dedicated routes. Retirees welcome! Part-time. Brookville 937-837-3955 or 937-2866355 T30 INGERSOLL RAND 10hp elec. start air compressor. Celina 419-5864043 7-SHANK CHISEL PLOW: Pull-type. $500 OBO. Greenville 937-423-2281 or 937-968-6836 SUKUP D4111 centrifugal downstream heaters w/thermostats. $900 ea. OBO. Delphos 419-303-0686 DIVIDER BOARD for sickle bar mower. 8”x34” long. Also have 4-1/2‘ stick that attaches to board. $25 OBO. Celina 419-234-6798



42” HEAVY-DUTY Pallet Forks: 2x6 solid stock. Celina 419-586-4043 FARM STAR 7’ Grader Blade: LN! $225 OBO. Greenville 937-423-2281 or 937-968-6836 42’ DMC TRIPLE STIR-A-TOR: Can be made smaller. $3,000 OBO. Delphos 419-303-0686 150 GAL. ALUM. Semi Fuel Tank: Celina 419-586-4043 STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw. Twine-tied, small, square bales. Easy loading or delivery available. West Milton 937-875-1220 or 937-698-3541 14’ 470 IH DISK: Minster 419-3091424

INVERSION TABLE: GC! Sidney 937295-3553

‘18 CHEVY SILVERADO: Red. 4x4. Ext. cab. Exc. cond. LN! Only 22,000 mi. $42,000. Greenville 937-564-1169

OLIVER 13’ Grain Heads: Under roof. Best offer. Wapakoneta 419-3022091

WANTED: Good, low-hour backhoe. JD or Cat. New Paris 937-533-2923

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Deadline for Next Month’s Country Living Friday, Aug. 27, No Later Than 4:30 p.m.

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WANTED: JD lawnmower. L110 auto., for parts. Arcanum 937-947-1495 3 PT. HITCH buzz saw. Belt-driven. $300. PTO pulley for 8N or 9N. Pull yard wagon, $35. Englewood 937-789-8996 303 BRITISH INFIELD; Franciscan Apple & Desert Rose (2 sets). Antique dry sink. Lima 419-234-4785 ‘06 MERCURY MARQUIS: Only 65K mi. Very nice! Owner can no longer drive due to health. Make offer. Ludlow Falls 937-698-6611

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YOUNG RABBIT BUCK: Black & white. Celina 419-925-4177 WHEAT STRAW: Small squares. No weeds. Russia 937-638-0316 REG. RED ANGUS 3-Year-Old Bull: Throws great calves. Easy calving for mama cows. Very docile & tame. Just a nice young bull. Greenville 937-4172315 JACK & WHEEL DOLLY for 8” auger. $20. Lewisburg 937-603-9036

Standing Seam Metal Roofi fin ng New Installation ~ Ser vice Repairs ~ Metal Sales





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(2) OLD PORCELAIN Siegler oil heaters, from the ‘40s - ‘50s. Eaton 937-232-6540




1,500 BALES 2nd cutting alfalfa / orchardgrass hay. $6/bale. 3,500 bales clean wheat straw. $4/bale. Baled with hyd. tension baler. Camden 937-533-7310

WANTED: Butchering kettles; sausage stuffers; canning jars & such. Jake E.S. Schwartz, 5350S—525E, Berne, IN 46711


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Page 19 - COUNTRY LIVING - AUGUST 2021 LARGE FRAMED MIRROR: $25. 29-1/2 in. x 41-1/2 in. Clayton 937-999-8699. Leave msg.

NI 212 MANURE SPREADER: Good working cond. Photos available. $2,750. Fletcher 937-875-0002

CUSTOM FARMING: Combining, planting, & tillage work. Please contact Steve McGuffey, West Milton— 937-673-5730

IH REAR Wheel Weight: Fits H or M. MM rear wheel weight. $100 ea. New Paris 937-997-2384

JD 6620 Turbo Combine w/215 platform. GC! $8,250. Greenville 937-547-0446 FREEZER BEEF: Custom processed by the half or quarter. Call for prices. Eaton 937-456-4803 JD 7000 Soybean Planter: With factory splitter, 15” spacing, no-till, 13-row, w/box extensions. Does a great job! Piqua 937-418-9029 ANTIQUE HORSE hitching post; large artists’ easel; (2) school auditorium seats. Phillipsburg 937-832-7124 RECONDITIONED Manure Spreaders: Int. #30, 95 bu. VGC. $1,700. NI 12, 95 bu., VGC, $1,700. NI 12, 95 bu. $1,000. Charlie, Holland 419-277-0668

vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv 12’ DUNHAM CULTIMULCHER: $700. Versailles 419-303-8537 INDIAN BLUE Male Peacock: 4 years old. Big tail. $150. Quincy 937-441-1932 NURSE TANK: 1,000 gal. With newer motor. Tandem axle. $3,750. Piqua 937-418-9029 SHEEP STAND: $150. Cattle fan. Pedestal type. $150. Somerville 513-523-1053 NH 166 HAY INVERTOR w/hyd. motor to run belt. LN! $5,500. St. Henry 419-852-8903 ANTIQUE WOOD CAROUSEL HORSES: PRICE REDUCED! Phillipsburg 937-832-7124

HORSE BOARDING: Between New Carlisle & Huber Heights. Dayton 937-845-1112

COLT AR-15 223 Carbine Vortex Spitfire: 3X illuminated scope, fold bi/pod, laser, 6—20 rd mags, case, etc. $2,100 (cash). Tipp City 937-902-6926

WANTED: Jack Russell female. Short legs. Will get a good home. Jake E.S. Schwartz, 5350S—525E, Berne, IN 46711C

PLASTIC 55 GAL. barrels w/end cut out. For trash or storage. Celina 419-586-4388

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Page 20 - COUNTRY LIVING - AUGUST 2021 WANTED: Looking for a barn to rent to store farm equipment in Houston area. Piqua 937-638-9625 4-YEAR-OLD Standardbred Mare: TSS. Pacing bred. Registered. Trots good! Family horse. 16H. $6,000 firm. Anna 567-356-0306 MM G1000: Wheatland. ‘69. Propane & gas. Very good orig. shape. Wapakoneta 937-596-5841

FLATBED WAGON: 8’ wide x 14’ long, plus Diamond Plate bed, good tires, $950. Boat trailer. Galv. For up to 28’ boat. EZ-Load rollers. $800. Greenville 937-621-4580

(2) STRAW WALKERS. Also, a tank unloading auger for JD 4400 combine. St. Paris 937-788-2734

WANTED: JD 7000 corn planter. Dry fert. For parts. Arcanum 937-947-1495

HAY FOR SALE: Nice 1st cutting, square bales orchardgrass / timothy. $6/bale. West Milton 937-212-9856. Leave message.

NH 258 Dolly Wheel Rake: Late model. $4,650. Greenville 937-547-0446

DRY SINK; SKS rifle; well baler; 16’ dual-axle steel trailer. Lima 419-647-6327 FERGUSON TO-30: New battery. Runs good. Good sheet metal & tires. $2,500 OBO. Tipp City 937-269-5441 or 937-667-6342


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PAYING CASH for Vintage Catalogs: Sears, J.C. Penney, Ward’s, etc. Also, certain vintage magazines. Text: 927-726-1360 or e-mail: for information. Sidney.

STAINLESS STEEL Sarka propane grill. VGC! Wapakoneta 419-738-7523 ELEC. MOTORS: 1/4hp & 1/3hp. RollA-Round feed scales. $75 OBO. Ashton Drake Princess Diana dolls & plates, $400. Englewood 937-789-8996


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Page 22 - COUNTRY LIVING - AUGUST 2021 SET OF VINTAGE American Fostoria: #2056. Nearly 400 pcs. $2,500. Versailles 419-303-8537


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225/70R/19.5 TIRES: $100 ea. Call or text. St. Marys 419-305-9547 ‘78 L700 FORD: New engine. 5+2 trans. 15’ grain bed. $2,000. Somerville 513-523-1053


ANTIQUES/VINTAGE ONLY GARAGE SALE: Six families. MidSept. (date to be determined). Text for exact date & info. Troy 937-339-2929


WANTED: ‘80-’86 Ford pick-up truck body in good cond. Eaton 937-4564803

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(6) REFINISHED antique ladder-back chairs, $300. Beretta Silver Pigeon shotgun. Lima 419-234-4785 APPROX. 400 BALES Wheat Straw: Small squares. $4/bale. Russia 937526-4091. Leave msg. ‘72 1555 OLIVER: Gas. 7,460 hrs. Restored. New paint. New tires. Very good tractor. Always shedded. Oxford 513-273-2031 GOLDEN COMET brown egg-laying pullets. 16 weeks old in Aug. New Weston 937-423-3202 or 937-6219088

Call today...we are dedicated AND driven to complete your project!

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QUALITY PRO 25hp Lawn Tractor: Hydrostatic 52” mower deck. $400. Greenville 937-564-1169 FREE FIREWOOD! Small assorted pieces. Botkins 937-693-3771

IH FARMALL CUB: ‘51. Restored. $2,250. VGC. EV IH Farmall Cub. ‘51. $2,250. Everything works. With 5’ mower. VG tires. Good battery. Lewisburg 937-839-4540 CDL DRIVERS NEEDED: Dedicated routes. Retirees welcome! Part-time. Brookville 937-837-3955 or 937-2866355 NICE, SMALL, Square Bales Alfalfa Hay: 1st cutting, $5/bale. 2nd cutting, $7/bale. Wapakoneta 419-941-1196 ANTIQUE WIRE BASKETS for gathering eggs. Celina 419-925-4177 ‘73 LN 750 FORD TRUCK: 16’ bed & hoist. 361 gas motor. 5+2 trans. Lewisburg 937-603-9036 ALUM-ALUM. Sulfate Hydrate: Standard ground but clumpy. Use to treat phosphorus in ponds to slow algae growth. 50# bags, $25 ea., or $20 for 2 or more. New Bremen 419-3051994 2nd CUTTING Alfalfa / Orchardgrass / Timothy Hay: Small squares. Russia 937-638-0316 VW BEETLE TDI 2000 Diesel: $2,390. Factory replacement engine. 43K mi. Looks/runs great. 2 dr. coupe. GLS TDI manual trans. A/C, CC, power windows. Lewisburg 937-8394540 CHAIR SEATS & Backs Re-Caned: Call for prices. Eaton 937-456-4803 9’ 479 NH HAYBINE: $600. 9’ NH 469 haybine for parts. $300. Somerville 513-523-1053

Tuesday, August 24, 2021 - 7:00 PM !.!-1! - ) ./ ) % &!/. 4 - & ! / % &!/. 4 )"%!' % &!/. Modifieds Pro Stock Diesel 3.0 Trucks Two Wheel Drive Trucks Light Pro Stock Mini Mods Heavy Pro Stock Wednesday, August 25, 2021 - 10:00 AM - ) ./ ) % &!/. 4 )"%!' % &!/. Div. II Antique 4500 lb. Div. II Antique 5000 lb. Div. II Antique 5500 lb. Div. II Antique 6000 lb.

Div. II Antique 6500 lb. Div. II Antique 5250 lb. Div. II Antique 5750 lb.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021 - 7:00 PM - ) ./ ) % &!/. 4 )"%!' % &!/. Altered Farm Stock Natural Super Stock Alt. Gas 4x4 Trucks *! %)#!3'! $'! $/3

Hot Semi (Not Street) OMPA Mini’s Light Pro/Limited Pro

2.6 Diesel Trucks V-8 Hot Rods Hot Farm *- 0'!.

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(4) USED LT-275/65/R20 TIRES: Load range E. Off 350 Ford truck. Approx. 35% rubber. Good for truck not going many miles. Greenville 937417-2315 WANTED TO BUY: Pull-type 5-bar hay rake. Reasonably priced. Wapakoneta 419-941-1196 DOUBLE D double-throw manual elec. safety switch box, 600 amp/240V. #92456. Use on single & 3-phase. 45”Wx54”Tx17”D. VGC. Asking $400 ($2,000 new). New Bremen 419-305-1994 2nd CUTTING timothy grass hay with a little alfalfa. Small squares. Russia 937-638-0316

TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items. Dealer for 20 years. Call for catalog & brochures. Russia 9937-238-6661 FREEZER BEEF: No hormones. Grain-fed. Arcanum 937-678-5435 WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622 YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground for rent in Darke & surrounding counties. Versailles 937-417-2969 CHICKEN MANURE FOR SALE: Trucking & spreading available. Versailles 937-564-3399

GRAIN ELEVATOR DISTRIBUTOR: 8 in., 6-hole, 45 degree. $250 OBO. New Paris 937-417-6675

(4) ALUM. WHEELS: 5-spoke. Silver GM. 16x8 J550. For ‘97-’99 Camaro. Decent cond. $40 for the set. Coldwater 419-678-2792. Must leave message.

JD 50: Ser. #5011594. Rear tires 95%. Good after-market 3 pt. hitch. New radiator. All new fluids. Celina 419-586-2985

20’ 470 DISK: 3-bar harrow. Spring wings. Front blades 14 in. Rear 13-1/2 in. EC! Always in barn. $2,900. Willshire 419-495-2605

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Page 24 - COUNTRY LIVING - AUGUST 2021 (2) USED White Mountain ice cream makers. Canisters, dashers, & lids. 6 qt. $60 ea. GC! New Knoxville 937423-4440


WOOD CHICKEN CRATE: GC! Celina 567-644-4565 FIREWOOD FOR SALE: Make offer. Sidney 937-295-3553 JD 30’ FIELD CULT. w/5-bar harrow & rear hitch. Model JD 1010. GC! Greenville 937-417-2315 616 GRASSHOPPER: 48” deck. GC! Celina 419-586-4043




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OLIVER 531 3-row 30” corn head. GC! Stored under roof. $660. Wapakoneta 419-302-2091 FREE SEMI-TRAILER: No wheels or dollies. Great for storage. 40 ft. Covington 937-473-2509 MF 12’ HEAVY-DUTY DISK w/18” blades. $600 OBO. Greenville 937423-2281 or 937-968-6836 ALLIS CHALMERS radiator shutter for WC, WD, or WD45. $40. Eye brackets to attach dual wheels to spin-out rims. (2) sets of 4. $25 each set. Celina 419-234-6798 10”x21’ AUGER w/drive head. $1,500 OBO. Delphos 419-303-0686 CATERPILLAR 951B Track Loader: ROPS. Good undercarriage. 4 cyl. dsl. engine. Powershift (auto.) trans. 2-lever bucket controls. Peddle steer. 94” wide bucket. $12,450. Lewisburg 937-839-4540

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GENERAC PTO-Driven Generator: 25/50 kw - 120/240 volts. Trailer mounted. With accessories. LN! Used only 3 times. $3,950. Lewisburg 937839-4540

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SELLING OUT red oak, white oak, maple, & various other hardwoods. By board foot, starting at $1/bd. ft. Versailles 937-621-1309 or 937-526-4166 BUSH HOG ATF900: 7.5’ wide, 3 pt. PTO finish mower, side discharge, extra set of blades. VGC! Always inside. Little use. Ready to go. $3,410. New Bremen 419-305-1994

SIMPLICITY Zero-Turn Mower: ZT 4000. 48” deck. 26hp Briggs. Suspension. 370 hrs. VGC! Extra blades. $3,500. New Lebanon 937-430-8502 OLIVER 525 & 535 COMBINES: For parts. Best offer. Wapakoneta 419302-2091 WHEEL PLANTER with 6 plates. Sidney 937-295-3553 IH 5100 Soybean & Wheat Special Drill: $1,000 OBO. Greenville 937423-2281 o 937-968-6836 TRI-FOLD TONNEAU 60x100 in. cover. VGC! Almost new. Greenville 937-417-2315 15’ YETTER ROTARY HOE: For parts. $100. Delphos 419-303-0686 (1) PAIR AC late model snap couplers w/rod hole. No wear marks. $100/pair. (2) sets WD45 wheel weights. May fit other tractors. 130# ea. $150 for one pair. Celina 419-234-6798 PRO-TECH SNOW BLADE: SP12B. 12’ width. Rubber cutting edge. Fits most any loader bucket. Has post mount & chains. Always inside. GC! Commercial grade. $4,100. New Bremen 419-305-1994 CAST IRON soup kettle w/glass lid. Sidney 937-295-3553 CDL DRIVERS NEEDED: Dedicated routes. Retirees welcome! Part-time. Brookville 937-837-3955 or 937-2866355


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POST FRAME BUILDINGS 701 S. Main, New Knoxville, OH 419-753-2263

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Page 26 - COUNTRY LIVING - AUGUST 2021 PAIR OF 12-38 Goodyear Sure-Grip tires on 10-38 rims, w/9-bolt hubs. Wapakoneta 937-596-5841

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ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ WANTED: Old motorcycles, minibikes, mopeds, 3-wheelers, or 4-wheelers. Running or not. Covington 937-473-2705 J&M 500 Bu. Grain Cart: $7,250. Greenville 937-547-0446 (3) CROSSBRED Market-Style Buck Lambs: One Jan. & two March. Exc. breeding. Priced individually. Fletcher 937-875-0002

200 S. Main St. Piqua, Ohio 937-773-3657

Batteries For Everything! Cordless Telephone • Cell Phone • Camcorder AA - AAA - C - D - 9 Volt • 2 Way Radio • Coin Cell Cars • Trucks • Farm Equipment • Golf Cart Motorcycle • Marine Deep Cycle & Starting • ATV Wheel Chair • Emergency Power • Lawn & Garden Snow Mobile • Jet Ski • Toy Cars • Battery Chargers Cables • Jump Start Units

WANTED: Junk autos & scrap metal of all kinds. Certified scale. Top dollar paid. Roll-off container services. Call for pricing or pick-up. Celina 419-363-2277


AUGUST 17 — 5-8 p.m. JACKSON FARM 6891 Grubbs Rex Rd., Arcanum AgriGold, Brevant, & Pioneer varieties on trials. Seed & Anderson Marketing Reps giving updates. Meal served by Huston’s Restaurant. Arcanum — 937-692-5933

NH 40’ Bale Conveyor / Elevator: On wheels. 3/4 hp motor. VGC. Charlie, Holland 419-277-0668

TIRES & RIMS off NI manure spreader. 750x24” bar tires. $100 ea. New 28” 6-loop tractor rims for Ford —Ferguson—IH. $175 & up. Greenville 937-621-4580

(1) SET RADIAL 18.4x38” clamp-on duals. 35% tread. $590. (1) set 18.4x42” Firestone radial tires. 15% tread. $100. Bobcat 12” rim, $50. St. Henry 419-852-8903

8N FORD TRACTOR: Good paint. Good rubber. Runs great! $2,500. 6’ heavy-duty Dearborn snow blade, $350. Englewood 937-789-8996

DRY SINK; SKS rifle; well baler; 16’ dual-axle steel trailer. Lima 419-234-4785

WANTED TO BUY: 12-row, 30, Nobel, Yetter, Glencoe row cultivator. Yorkshire 419-852-3504

OLD-STYLE push cultivator w/accessories. Has 23” diam. front wheel. $30 OBO. Huber Heights 937-233-5791. Leave msg.

ALFALFA & GRASS HAY: $6/bale. 55 lbs. Jack, Greenville—937-417-2694 or 937-417-6462. Please leave msg.

4’x5’ ROUND BALES HAY: Nice mixed grasses & forbes. Netwrapped. Fertilized. Weigh 700-800 lbs. ea. $50/bale outside. $60/bale inside. Middletown 513-594-7855 BOOK: New Idea Co. Hay Tools. 1931-1999. $25. Shipping: $5. St. Henry 419-852-0092

VIETNAM-ERA Pugil Stick: Used for combat training. GREAT COLLECTORS’ FIND! $75 OBO. Text for pictures. Troy 937-339-2929 BRILLION 8’ Cultipacker: Exc. working cond. $950. Dunham 7’ cultipacker. Great for new yards or deer plots. $695. Greenville 937-621-4580

The Rodeo Shop Trailer Sales





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Page 27 - COUNTRY LIVING - AUGUST 2021 CDL DRIVERS NEEDED: Dedicated routes. Retirees welcome! Part-time. Brookville 937-837-3955 or 937-2866355

STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw. Twine-tied, small, square bales. Easy loading or delivery available. West Milton 937-875-1220 or 937-698-3541

T30 INGERSOLL RAND 10hp elec. start air compressor. Celina 419-586-4043

‘18 CHEVY SILVERADO: Red. 4x4. Ext. cab. Exc. cond. LN! Only 22,000 mi. $42,000. Greenville 937-564-1169

7-SHANK CHISEL PLOW: Pull-type. $500 OBO. Greenville 937-423-2281 or 937-968-6836 SUKUP D4111 centrifugal downstream heaters w/thermostats. $900 ea. OBO. Delphos 419-303-0686 DIVIDER BOARD for sickle bar mower. 8”x34” long. Also have 4-1/2‘ stick that attaches to board. $25 OBO. Celina 419-234-6798 INVERSION TABLE: GC! Sidney 937295-3553 OLIVER 13’ Grain Heads: Under roof. Best offer. Wapakoneta 419-3022091 42” HEAVY-DUTY Pallet Forks: 2x6 solid stock. Celina 419-586-4043

WANTED: Good, low-hour backhoe. JD or Cat. New Paris 937-533-2923

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SITREX 520H 4-basket tedder. GC! $4,200. Lewisburg 937-336-8441 20.8x38 OLD, USED Tractor Tires: Franklin 937-474-9899 HORSE BOARDING: Between New Carlisle & Huber Heights. Dayton 937845-1112 YOUNG LAYER HENS: Rhode Island Reds, Wyandotte, & Black Astralorp breeds. New Bremen 419-733-3364 WANTED TO BUY: Farm machinery. Will buy one piece or complete lines. Arcanum 937-670-0323

FARM STAR 7’ Grader Blade: LN! $225 OBO. Greenville 937-423-2281 or 937-968-6836

STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw. Twine-tied, small, square bales. Easy loading or delivery available. West Milton 937-875-1220 or 937-698-3541

42’ DMC TRIPLE STIR-A-TOR: Can be made smaller. $3,000 OBO. Delphos 419-303-0686

CHICKEN MANURE FOR SALE: Trucking & spreading available. Versailles 937-564-3399

150 GAL. ALUM. Semi Fuel Tank: Celina 419-586-4043

YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground for rent in Darke & surrounding counties. Versailles 937-417-2969

14’ 470 IH DISK: Minster 419-3091424

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Deadline for Next Month’s Country Living Friday, August 27, No Later Than 4:30 p.m.





“ America’s Best Place To Buy Stoves & Fireplaces” '% +)

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WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622 FREEZER BEEF: No hormones. Grain-fed. Arcanum 937-678-5435 TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items. Dealer for 20 years. Call for catalog & brochures. Russia 937-238-6661 GRAIN ELEVATOR DISTRIBUTER: 8 in., 6-hole, 45 degree. $250 OBO. New Paris 937-417-6675 CDL DRIVERS NEEDED: Dedicated routes. Retirees welcome! Part-time. Brookville 937-837-3955 or 937-2866355 GRAVELY, reel mower attachment, $250; hay wagon, D. Bradley running gear, 7x14, $500; JD running gear, $850. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 J&M WAGON: Red. Lights, brakes, factory roll tarp. 4-25/65R/22.5 tires. Bradford 937-448-8071. Leave msg. WANT TO BUY: Old Ford tractors & cultipackers, spiketooth harrows, or old equipment. Paying cash. Greenville 937-621-4580 FORD 555B Tractor - Loader - Backhoe: One owner. With newer engine. $12,500 or trade. Franklin 937-4749899 LAWN ROLLER: Can be pulled by small lawn tractor. Approx. 300 lbs. Don, New Carlisle 937-308-2909 IHC 4500 VIBRA SHANK Field Cult. 22 ft. hyd. fold. Like new shanks, single bar, Hiniker harrow, rear hitch, & gauge wheel on wings. $2,500. Piqua 937-418-2610

POST DRIVER: Shaver. 10 in. 3 pt. $2,500. Gravely rotary mower attachment, $100. Cub Low Boy tire chains, $75. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 IH 15C DOZER: Tilt blade. Fresh engine overhaul. $17,500. Ansonia 937-337-7901 or 937-238-7901 INT. 5100 GRAIN DRILL: 21 hoe. Has tongue extension to pull behind mulcher, or can be removed. GC! $1,800. St. Paris 937-663-0374 FORD NH 2000 Tractor - Loader Backhoe: With PTO & 3 pt. hitch. 4WD. Franklin 937-474-9899 STRAW: Clean, bright, small squares. Easy loading or delivery available. $3/bale. Arcanum 937-4480160 25’ IH FIELD CULT. with harrow. 4row disk planter. 3 pt. hitch. 50x8” auger w/hopper. Ohio City, Ohio 419203-6265 or 567-674-3851 WHEAT STRAW: Nice, twine-tied, square bales. $4/bale. Wapakoneta 419-738-7523 or 419-303-2830 ‘18 ROCKWOOD (Forest River) Camper: Hard side A-frame. Only used four times. LN! Make offer. Ludlow Falls 937-698-6611 UNVERFERTH 5-shank spring loaded Sub-Soiler, $7,700; 15’ M&W disk chisel, $5,500; disk mower (needs repair), $950. Germantown 937-696-2229 JD 2510: Row crop. Gas. $7,000 GC! Wapakoneta 419-568-6295 IH FARMALL 966: Roll bar & canopy. Best one around! $12,000 OBO or trade. Franklin 937-474-9899






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DIRT SCOOP: 30 King Kutter. 3 pt. Pull or push. $100. Rossburg 937338-3501 ROLL OF WOVEN Wire Fence: 6-1/2 ft. high. $45. (3) ‘68 Chevy pick-up instrument panels, $55 ea. Arcanum 937-417-2537 JD 6620 TURBO COMBINE w/915 header w/reverser. AC chopper. Good tires. Barn kept. $16,000 OBO. Retired farmer. Franklin 513-5711234 GRADER BLADE: King Kutter. 8’ angle/offset, $650. Hay wagon/NH gear, $900. Barge Wagon body w/hoist, w/o running gear, $500. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 IHC 1100 Sickle Bar Mower: 2 pt. hitch. 7’ bar. Nice mower! $950. Piqua 937-418-2610 225 GAL. USED MOTOR OIL for waste heater. $225. Ansonia 937337-7901 or 937-238-7901 TRACKS, GROUSER, 12x16.5, for larger skid steer, $1,650; front end ‘67-’72 Chevy P/U, $500. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 FORD 2WD 1200: Dsl. Make offer. Franklin 937-474-9899 BLACK ANGUS or Angus-Holstein cross freezer beef for sale. Half or whole portions. For September. With appointment at Winner’s, Osgood, for processing. Versailles 937-417-0779 CASE IH 1660: ‘91, 3,734 hrs., specialty rotor & chopper, $13,500; 1063 corn head, $5,000; 1020 grain head, $4,900 (carts available for additional $$). Mechanicsburg 937-605-4273


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SEVERAL 5’ 3 Pt. Hitch Bush Hogs: Franklin 937-474-9899 DEMCO Field Sprayer: 45’ booms. Hyd. centrifugal pump. With monitor. Field ready! $3,800. Krause 24’ field cult. w/harrow & hitch. $3,700. Germantown 937-696-2229 350 TRACTOR: Runs great. GC! 14.9x38 tires. $2,300. St. Paris 937663-0374 ROTARY PHASE CONVERTER: 3hp to 20hp. $250-$1,500. 1/2 ton. C&M 3-phase power trolley. $700. Rossburg 937-417-2219 FORD 5600 w/dual power. Runs like new! Franklin 937-474-9899 HAY FOR SALE: Alfalfa / orchardgrass / timothy mix. Small squares. 1st & 2nd cuttings available. $4 & up. Arcanum 937-448-0160 NH LS 170 Skid Steer: Super boom. High flow. 1,100 hrs. Very nice! $16,000. West Alexandria 937-9748113 STYROFOAM: 2 ft. x 8 ft. x 1-1/2 in. 38 pcs. Vinyl soffit. 48 ft. x13 in. (2) light poles, 35 ft. Ludlow Falls 937698-4066 LAWNMOWER Blade Sharpener: Don, New Carlisle 937-308-2909 JD 600 SERIES header points for grain platform. Ansonia 937-3377901 or 937-238-7901 NH 276 HAYLINER: Works LN! Ford 532 baler. Also works LN. Franklin 937-474-9899



Jared Gaier (937) 538-8527 ‘02 CaMaRO CONV.: Red w/black top. low mi. VgC! Make good Florida car. $9,950. (6) Kinze insect./herb. boxes. Half-price of new. germantown 937-696-2229 DRag RaCINg TROPHIES from ‘60s & ‘70s. Belong to a well-known arcanum drag racer. $15 ea. arcanum 937-417-2537 JD 640 lOaDER attachment brackets, $200; JD 953 gear 500; Ford 800 hyd. lift cover, $650. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

WaNTED: Used 3-phase motors, 5hp & up. good used 14.5-15-16 tires. Rossburg 937-417-2219 (2) 8000 FORDS: One set up for tractor pulling or farming. Franklin 937474-9899 DIEHl SIlagE WagON: $650. aC field cult. w/harrow. 18 ft. - $400. 24 ft. - $650. Rossburg 937-564-0719 ROUND 4x4 Mixed grass Hay Bales: Easy loading. Delivery available. $35. Square bales hay, $6. Straw, $4. Bradford 937-564-6948

2,000 gal. 304 stainless steel tank. $3,000. anna 937-507-2457

CRaFTSMaN Radial arm Saw: lN! Dust collector, hose, new guard, & new table-top on stand. all for one price or trade. Don, New Carlisle 937308-2909

aPPROX. 440 used 8x16 cement blocks. Wall still standing. Take down & haul away. $100. Houston 419-9535406

‘99 FORD TRUCK: 7.3 dsl. Used every day. (4) Draft horse collars w/hames. 19, 20 & 23” mirror inserts. Hand-made by amish. approx. 100 yrs. old. Troy 937-478-2314

NH 565 HaY BalER: EC! Bought new. Used on small farm. 30’ gerlach elevator with 3/4 power motor. North Star 937-467-3205

JD 2950 TRaCTOR w/cab. 6,953 hrs. 80% tread. Nice cond. St. Marys 419953-3487

IHC 1100 SICKlE BaR MOWER: 2 pt. hitch, 7’ bar. Nice mower! $950. Piqua 937-418-2610

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Deadline for Next Month’s Country Living Friday, Aug. 27, No Later Than 4:30 p.m.









Page 30 - COUNTRY LIVING - AUGUST 2021 HAY: 1st cutting grass hay. No rain. $4/bale (cash). Laura 937-689-2719

BRENT 24’ FIELD CULT.: Harrow, hitch. $7,500. Anna 937-507-2457

PULLEY FOR 8N FORD. Brackets for next size up. 800’s & up. $75. Duals, 18.4x34. 9-bolt rims (one bad rim). $125. Rossburg 937-564-0719

TRUCK BED: 8x20 ft. $500. 8x16 ft. channel iron frame. Needs floor for wagon. $200. Rossburg 937-5640719

SET OF TWO JD 5-BAR RAKES: Can be pulled in tandem. GC! $3,500. St. Marys 419-953-3487

SWEET CORN: Bi-color. $3.50/doz. Greenville 937-547-1767

SEVERAL FORD front end loader tractors. All dsl. Franklin 937-4749899 JD 443: Late style. Hi-tin. 4-row narrow. Asking $2,200. Hamilton 513726-4736 WOODS RM990 finish mower, 3 pt., $2,250; Grouser tracks, fit 14x17.5 tires, for JD 260, $1,750; Woods 9000 3 pt. backhoe, $4,500. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 JD 213 FLEX HEAD: Black Reel. SS seals. Bolt-on sections. Asking $1,700. Hamilton 513-726-4736 GRADER BLADE: 6 ft., $300; post driver, hyd., 3 pt., 10 in., $1,650; planter dolly, 3 pt. hyd., $650. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

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CRAFTSMAN 9” table saw w/3 blades. Older model. Still runs good. $50. Houston 419-953-5406 STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw. Twine-tied, small, square bales. Easy loading or delivery available. West Milton 937-875-1220 or 937-698-3541 HORSE BOARDING: Between New Carlisle & Huber Heights. Dayton 937845-1112 JD 40-T TRACTOR: Fully restored. EC! Asking $7,500. Hamilton 513726-4736 FLAIL MOWER: 3 pt. $500. JD 911 front mower. $1,500. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 4-ROW JD ROW CROP CULT. w/rolling shields. $350. Laura 937232-9610

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WANTED TO BUY: 10 or more acres of land in Miami Co. or surrounding counties. Prefer west of I-75. Ludlow Falls 937-698-6611 CHAINSAW CHAINS: New. 18 in. For Craftsman, Poulan, & Homelite. $10 ea. Clayton 937-999-8699. Leave msg. NH HAYLINER 269 baler w/bale thrower. Good cond., but knotters need work. Have manuals. Asking $1,200. Wapakoneta 419-738-7680



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(20) CLOSET DOORS: $5 ea. Coldwater 419-678-3289 WOODS 72” Finish Mower: New paint. $695. 48” 3 pt. finish mower. Great cond. $495. Greenville 937-621-4580 5HP GAS 8 gal. Campbell portable air compressor. Wapakoneta 937-596-5841 FREEZER BEEF: No hormones. Grain-fed. Arcanum 937-678-5435




SEEKING LAND TO FARM in West Milton & surrounding areas. Please contact Steve McGuffey, West Milton —937-673-5730 NH 273 Square Baler: Field ready. $2,400. Greenville 937-547-0446 AMERICAN AUTO. Grain Dryer: Propane. 2412T. 220 bu. 3-phase. Have manual. $850. Germantown 937-855-3129 FOR SALE: Mixed Nigerian Pygmy Goats. Brookville 937-608-4955

fifififififififififififififififififi PELLET MACHINE w/new 10hp motor. Versailles 419-303-8537 1,800 SMALL, square bales 2nd cutting alfalfa/grass. 16.8 protein. 131 RFQ. No rain. Horse quality. Lewisburg 937-336-8441 28LR26 TITAN Torc Track Radial: Diamond Tread manure tank or grain cart tire. Three available. Brand new. Factory blemishes. $1,200. Ft. Recovery 567-644-5927


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Fungicide • Fertilizing • Weed Control Cover Crop • Insect Control !

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ROGER TRUMP Certified Aerial Applicator G.P.S. Guidance



Page 37 - COUNTRY LIVING - AUGUST 2021 GRAIN ELEVATOR DISTRIBUTOR: 8 in. 6-hole. 45 degree. $250 OBO. New Paris 937-417-6675

WEIDER WEIGHT BENCH w/full set of weights & bars. $100. Houston 419-953-5406

(2) KILLBROS 385 Gravity Wagons: 12-ton gears. 8-lug. $5,000. Anna 937-538-6605

HYSTER 40 FORKLIFT: 4 cyl. gas. Runs & works. $1,800. Greenville 937-313-6502

CHICKEN MANURE FOR SALE: Trucking & spreading available. Versailles 937-564-3399

G6000 AG BAGGER: 9’ tunnel. Dry chemical applicator. GC! St. Marys 419-953-3487

CDL DRIVERS NEEDED: Dedicated routes. Retirees welcome! Part-time. Brookville 937-837-3955 or 937-2866355

FRICKLIN GRAIN CART: 500 bu. GC! Front corner auger. Diamond Tread tires. 1,000 PTO. $6,700. Mechanicsburg 937-605-4273

SHAVER 8” HYD. Post Driver: Front mount. $1,600. Yellow Springs 937572-5486

GRAVELY, sulky attachment, $100; tracks, Grouser, for Bobcat 753, w/10x16.5 tires, $950. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

DUALS: 16.9x34 T-rail w/hardware, $350; 18.4x38 Firestone, 30%, $150; (2) 16.9x28 Firestone, 50%, $450. Hamilton 513-726-4736

FREE SEMI-TRAILER: No wheels or dollies. 40 ft. Great for storage. Covington 937-473-2509

MF 2 BTM. PLOW, $300; Grouser tracks, 12x16.5, for 843 Bobcat, $1,250; backhoe attachment for Bobcat 843, $3,500; 8N fenders, $150. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

WANTED: Older Dodge dsl. pick-up for farm use. Any cond. Parts or complete. Bradford 937-313-6502 4600 FORD DSL.: New restoration. Runs like new! 55 hp. Franklin 937474-9899 FORKS FOR FORKLIFT: Hyd. cyls. New & used. Wood splitter cylinder. $125. Rossburg 937-564-0719 1,000 BU. HOPPER bottom bin; green chop wagon w/gears; concrete mixer; buzz saw on stand, belt-type. Greenville 937-423-4967 FREEZER BEEF: No hormones. Grain-fed. Arcanum 937-678-5435 TUPPERWARE: Overstocked! Huge savings on in-stock items. Dealer for 20 years. Call for catalog & brochures. Russia 937-238-6661

KILLBROS Model 350 Bed. 10-ton gear. $850. J&M 8-ton gear. $700. 10-ton for $850. Other beds also. Rossburg 937-564-0719 SPRAYER: 2 pt. hitch. 60 gal. poly tank. Approx. 20’ boom. $300. Piqua 937-418-2610 SKID STEER TRACKS: By Tracks Plus. 12x16.5. $1,250. JD 953 gear w/hoist, $750. 8N Ford sickle bar attachment, belly mount, $250. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 LIME CITY Hopper Bottom: 2010. Roll tarp. 36 ft. Used very little. $10,500. Mechanicsburg 937-605-4273

WANTED TO BUY: Horses, ponies, saddles. Ansonia 937-337-2622

GARDEN TRACTOR & Lawnmower: Projects engines, transmissions, hoods, tires, & wheels. Greenville 937-313-6502

(2) 1055 KILLBROS gravity wagons. Floatation tires, lights, brakes. $22,000. Anna 937-507-2457

GEHL 980 FORAGE WAGON: Front unload. 18’ long. GC! $4,000. St. Marys 419-953-3487

TO-20 FERGUSON w/Ford loader. Hand & foot clutch. Runs good. $2,850. Bradford 937-313-6502

WANTED: Looking for a barn to rent to store farm equipment. In Houston area. Piqua 937-638-9625

FORD NH 4630 w/nice loader & quick attach bucket. Shuttle shift. Make offer or trade. Franklin 937474-9899

HORSE BOARDING: Between New Carlisle & Huber Heights. Dayton 937-845-1112

BRILLION PACKER WHEELS: 4” hub. New. $20 ea. 12’ single packer. $200. Rossburg 937-564-0719 TRACKS: Made by Prowler, w/rubber over metal pads, for Bobcat S300 skid steer, $1,750. Grader blade, 6 ft., 3 pt.,  $250. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw. Twine-tied, small, square bales. Easy loading or delivery available. West Milton 937-875-1220 or 937698-3541 59” WHEEL for Ditch Witch R65 carbine teeth. Rossburg 937-564-0719

APPROX. 250 bu. of certified organic wheat. $5.85/bu. Arcanum 937417-2537 J&M 540 WAGON: Red. Lights, brakes, factory roll tarp. 425/65R/22.5 tires. Bradford 937448-8071. Leave msg. ‘69 FORD TRUCK PARTS: Motor, 361-477. 8x20 bed. $500. Rossburg 937-564-0719 55 BALES WET-WRAPPED dairy quality hay. Alfalfa orchardgrass. 4x4-1/2 round bales. Net-wrapped. $70 ea. 73 bales stubble hay. Wet wrapped. 4-4-1/2, $60 ea. Arcanum 937-448-0160

YOUNG FARMER seeking farm ground for rent in Darke & surrounding counties. Versailles 937-4172969

HUTCHINSON 10”x62’ Swing-Away Grain Auger: Rubber flex spout. VGC! $6,000. McFarlane reel disk, 150+ hp, $14,000. Mechanicsburg 937-605-4273

(2) HOG HAULERS for removal of deceased animals from barns. One is Hog Slat brand, one is Farmer Boy brand. LN! Greenville 937-423-4967

HUSKY WAGON: 175 bu. With J&M auger & cover. $1,300 OBO. Franklin 513-571-1234

WANTED: Trailer ball. 1-3/8” diam. Piqua 937-418-2610 BLACK ANGUS BULLS: Service age. Calving ease. Good dispositions. Versailles 937-570-7023 (6) MICHELIN 295-80-R22.5: Buy one or all. Extra heavy-duty. Little use. Little larger than 11R22.5. Good for farm or dump truck. Make offer. Franklin 937-474-9899 LOOKING FOR SMTA Farmall in work clothes. Running or not. Any cond. Bradford 937-313-6502

70+ CORN FODDER BALES: 4x5. Net-wrapped. Stored inside. $35 ea. Arcanum 937-448-0160 BRADY 13-1/2’ field cult. w/harrow & hitch. $900. Williamson 3 pt. extended boom rotary mower, 5’ pan. $5,900. Germantown 937-696-2229 SUPER H TRACTOR: Good orig. cond. New tires & rims. Live hyds. & M&W live PTO. $2,400. St. Paris 937-663-0374 ‘08 F350: Ext. cab, 6.4 dsl., 4x4. Alum. flatbed. Needs cam shaft. LN tires. $4,000. West Alexandria 937974-8113 8’ 3 PT. SCRAPER BLADE; 7x10 wood frame garage door & opener. FREE for removing. Ludlow Falls 937-698-4066 JD STAINLESS STEEL SEALS FOR 625 Flex Head: Ansonia 937-3377901 or 937-238-7901 PARTING OUT: JD 3020 tractor (motor sold). JD 4400-6600 combines. JD 444 corn head. JD 215 Flex. Hamilton 513-726-4736

WANTED TO BUY: Farm machinery. Will buy one piece or complete lines. Arcanum 937-670-0323 HITACHI 18-VOLT cordless impact driver w/battery & charger. LN! $95. Arcanum 937-417-2537 SNOW PLOW for Skid Steer: Bobcat brand. 84 in. $2,150. Remote valve. Fits Fords. $200. Buzz saw. 3 pt. With PTO gear box. $100. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 NH 8670: Looks like new! (2) Ford NH TS100. 2-wheel drive. One with ditch bank mower and 3 pt. hitch, PTO. Two sets of hyd. Very nice! Franklin 937-474-9899 (2) RUBBERMAID 100 gal. tanks. Water tanks for cattle. Don, New Carlisle 937-308-2909 JD 1010 Utility Gas Tractor: Independent PTO. Remotes. 3 pt. Float Rider seat. Power steering. Asking $3,900. Hamilton 513-726-4736 4-ROW JD ROW CROP CULT. w/rolling shields. $350. Laura 937232-9610 BRENT 24’ FIELD CULT.: Harrow, hitch. $7,500. Anna 937-507-2457 TRUCK BED: 8x20 ft. $500. 8x16 ft. channel iron frame. Needs floor for wagon. $200. Rossburg 937-5640719 SWEET CORN: Bi-color. $3.50/doz. Greenville 937-547-1767 CRAFTSMAN 9” table saw w/3 blades. Older model. Still runs good. $50. Houston 419-953-5406 STRAW: Clean, bright wheat straw. Twine-tied, small, square bales. Easy loading or delivery available. West Milton 937-875-1220 or 937698-3541 HORSE BOARDING: Between New Carlisle & Huber Heights. Dayton 937-845-1112 JD 40-T TRACTOR: Fully restored. EC! Asking $7,500. Hamilton 513726-4736

HEAVY-DUTY wire stripper & hyd. compactor unit. Other misc. machines/parts. Greenville 937-3136502

JD 443: Late style. Hi-tin. 4-row narrow. Asking $2,200. Hamilton 513726-4736

DISK: MF, 6 ft., 3 pt., $750; Gravely L, $450; running gear for Snowco hay elevator w/winch, $650; port. winch, 110V, $200; JD Top Link, $350. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

WOODS RM990 finish mower, 3 pt., $2,250; Grouser tracks, fit 14x17.5 tires, for JD 260, $1,750; Woods 9000 3 pt. backhoe, $4,500. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486

HAY: 1st cutting grass hay. No rain. $4/bale (cash). Laura 937-689-2719

JD 213 FLEX HEAD: Black Reel. SS seals. Bolt-on sections. Asking $1,700. Hamilton 513-726-4736

COFFEE BEAN burlap bags, $1 ea.; large old cupboard, $350; old barn cupboard, $375. Bradford 937-5646948 GRAIN BIN: 7,000 bu. 24’ diam. 7 rings high. With aeration floor & fan. $3,500. Botkins 937-693-3320 NH 450 UTILITY ROUND BALER: Bought new. EC! Options. Bale ejector. Large tires. Gathering wheels. Pick up wheels. North Star 937-4673205

GRADER BLADE: 6 ft., $300; post driver, hyd., 3 pt., 10 in., $1,650; planter dolly, 3 pt. hyd., $650. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486 FORD 5’ BUSH HOG: LN! $695. King Kutter 5’ scraper blade, 3 pt. LN! $250. Greenville 937-621-4580 FLAIL MOWER: 3 pt. $500. JD 911 front mower. $1,500. Yellow Springs 937-572-5486



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SATURDAY, AUGUST 7 AT 9 A.M. Equipment Consignment Auction located at 4938 S. St. Rt. 49, Greenville, Ohio. Tractors; Ag Equipment; Planter; Skid Steers; Trucks; Cars; Lawn & Garden; Recreational; Trailers; Snow Equipment. Bussey Bros. & Midwest Auctioneers. See Page 32 SATURDAY, AUGUST 14 AT 10 A.M. Stebbins Estate Auction located at 9311 Farmersville-West Carrollton Rd., Germantown, Ohio. Farm Toy Tractors & Implements; Antiques, Collectibles & Primitives; Misc. Farm Equipment; Household Furnishings. Estate of Donald C. & Pauline S. Stebbins. Jon W. Carr, Auctioneer. See Page 30 SATURDAY, AUGUST 21 AT 11 A.M. Guckian Retirement Equipment Auction located at 2224 Aukerman Creek Rd., Camden, Ohio. Tractors; Combine; Trucks; Planting; Tillage; Sprayer; Grain Handling; Wagons; Tanks; Mower; Misc. Jerry Guckian, Owner. Wilson National LLC – Real Estate & Auction Group. See Page 34 THURSDAY, AUGUST 26 AT 6:30 P.M. Auction located at L&M Products Banquet Hall, 1407 N. Barron St., Eaton, Ohio. 590 +/– Acres Offered in Eaton Ohio - Preble Co. Halderman Real Estate & Farm Management. See Page 30 SATURDAY, AUGUST 28 AT 9 A.M. Oswalt Family Farm Homestead Auction located at 5009 Hollansburg-Sampson Rd., Arcanum, Ohio. Tractors; Trucks; Mower; Planters & Drills; Plows & Rippers; Wagons & Running Gears; Misc. Tillage Equipment; Misc. Equipment; Harvesters & Combines; Combine Heads; Weights & Rims; Shop Items; Collectibles. Bussey Bros. & Harley Jackson, Auctioneers. See Page 33 SATURDAY, AUGUST 28 AT 10 A.M. Estate Auction located at 5461 Oakes Rd., Clayton, Ohio. Personal Property; Real Estate; Tractors & Equipment; Grounds Maintenance; Mower; Lawn & Garden; Motorcycle Trailer; Firearms; Shop Equipment; Tools & Related. Estate of Frank S. & Elizabeth Klugh. Jon W. Carr, Auctioneer. See Page 30

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790 NH CHOPPER w/824 2-row N corn head, 790 W hay pick-up. super 23 NH blower w/gooseneck deflector. (2) Rex silage wagons, 3 beater/roofs. Greenville 937-423-4967 DUALs: 13-38, 4” band. Older tires. $125. Laura 937-232-9610 (2) NH HAYBINEs: 7 ft. Franklin 937474-9899 WOODs BLADE: 8’ tilt / angle / offset, $950. skid steer Carry-All, $400. Chevy 350 engine/trans., $500. Yellow springs 937-572-5486 NI sICkLE BAR MOWER: Works good! $375. Greenville 937-313-6502

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 AT 10 A.M. Onsite Live Auction located at 8421 Paddock Rd., Eaton, Ohio. Farm Equipment; Backhoe; Grain Trucks/Wagons; Dump Truck; Farm/Shop/Livestock Items; Hand/Power Tools. Walnut Harvest Auctions, LLC. See Page 38

BUILDERs’ FELT: 4 rolls. HD. 216 sq. ft. per roll. True-Temper wheelbarrow, 6 cu. ft. capacity. New True- Temper Premium, 4 cu. ft. capacity. 3 rolls rubber, approx. 20’ long, 32” wide, 3/8” thick. Troy 937-478-2314

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 AT 10:30 A.M. Delk Farm Equipment Auction held at 4474 Shields Rd., Arcanum, Ohio. Tractors; Tillage & Planting; Sprayer; Harvest Equipment; Grain Trucks; Grain Bin; GPS; ATU; Misc. Equipment; & MUCH MORE! David & Beverly Delk, Owners. The Wendt Group – Land & Agricultural Asset Auctions. See Page 35

IHC 1100 sICkLE BAR MOWER: 2 pt. hitch, 7’ bar. Nice mower! $950. Piqua 937-418-2610

SEALED BID SALE OF FARMLAND - 40.000 Acres - Mercer Co., Granville Twp. Evers Family, Owners. Eiting Real Estate, LLC. See Page 34

• SCHRADER REAL ESTATE & AUCTION CO. • Real Estate, Farm Equipment & Personal Property Offered in August and September. See Page 36


BENCH VIsEs: $50 & up; chain hoists, 1/4-ton to 10-ton; rollers, heavy-duty, 10”x10’ - $80; new sickles, MF, 15’ for $50; skidloader bucket edge, 66” - one for $125 & one for $50. Rossburg 937-564-0719 6’ BUsH HOG sQUEALER: Rough shape. New PTO shield. $350. Laura HAY: 1st cutting grass hay. No rain. $4/bale (cash). Laura 937-689-2719


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WANTED TO BUY: Farm machinery. Will buy one piece or complete lines. Arcanum 937-670-0323 PULLEY FOR 8N FORD. Brackets for next size up. 800’s & up. $75. Duals, 18.4x34. 9-bolt rims (one bad rim). $125. Rossburg 937-564-0719 sET OF TWO JD 5-BAR RAkEs: Can be pulled in tandem. GC! $3,500. st. Marys 419-953-3487 sEVERAL FORD front end loader tractors. All dsl. Franklin 937-474-9899 JD 443: Late style. Hi-tin. 4-row narrow. Asking $2,200. Hamilton 513726-4736 WOODs RM990 finish mower, 3 pt., $2,250; Grouser tracks, fit 14x17.5 tires, for JD 260, $1,750; Woods 9000 3 pt. backhoe, $4,500. Yellow springs 937-572-5486 JD 213 FLEX HEAD: Black Reel. ss seals. Bolt-on sections. Asking $1,700. Hamilton 513-726-4736 GRADER BLADE: 6 ft., $300; post driver, hyd., 3 pt., 10 in., $1,650; planter dolly, 3 pt. hyd., $650. Yellow springs 937-572-5486 FORD 5’ BUsH HOG: LN! $695. king kutter 5’ scraper blade, 3 pt. LN! $250. Greenville 937-621-4580 HAY: 1st cutting grass hay. No rain. $4/bale (cash). Laura 937-6892719


COUNTRY KITCHEN You are invited to share your favorite recipe – for a main dish, casserole, salad, vegetable, dessert or snack. If it’s chosen a 1st Place Blue Ribbon Winner, we'll mail you $10! Recipes should be clearly printed or typed, with full instructions, and mailed to:

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