Penny Saver Published by arens cor p • P O Box 69, 395 S High St , Covington, OH 45318 • 937-473-2028 E MAIL: arenspub@gmail.com • FAX: 937 473 2500 • WEBSITE: www.arenspub.com NOVEMBER 28, 2022 Where Your Ad IS The News " !" $ " $ - ,) )% )! %+ ( )%' . +++ % $ *'$")*' %# # &# ) # &# *$ %%$ &# ) $ +!) !' &" ! !$!$ ) ! '%%# ) BLACK FRIDAY BLACK FRIDAY "!$!$ % door busters ) !$ "!$ '( * $ !, ))' (( ( Real Estate Agents Builders • Developers REAL ESTATE LTD DEVELOPMENT LTD PRE SORTED STANDARD U S POSTAGE PAID Arens Corporation GROCERY Buschur ’s Page 2 INSERTS ~ Full: Kroger Zoned: Versailles Ace Hardware SECTION B Wagner ’s IGA SPECIAL SECTION ~ Fall Sports Pages 4 5 PENNY SavEr CLaSSIFIEDS rEaCH OvEr 20,000 HOmES wEEkLY! TO PLACE AN AD, CALL 937 473 2028 • PAID ADVERTORIAL •
PENNY SAVER Where Your Ad IS The News Combine the power of pr int with the power of the inter net All of our adver tising is also available online visit www arenspub com Page 2 PENNY SAVER NOVEMBER 28, 2022 www arenspub com B U S C H U R ' S M A R K E T B U S C H U R ' S M A R K E T 1002 E E. . Ma ai in n S St tr reet • 5226 6 5 51 0 08 • Rus ss sia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u i d e N e i g h b o rh o o d Irish Electric Motor Service Service All Your Motor Needs • Home • Farm • Industry • New • Used • Repair • Rebuild 419-394-3284 Fax: 419-394-7128 1600 Celina Rd. St. Marys, OH 45885 Billing Performs In UF’s Fall Piano Recital Brynn Billing of Anna re cently performed in a fall piano recital at the University of Find lay She performed “Shepherd’s Song by L Beethoven arr Faber " ! ' $ $ # #" & $ ! ) ( $ $ & % ( $ $ & % # $ % '&% '& &% 40th Greenville Farm Toy Show & Swap Meet $ NEW & USED TOYS RON DIETRICH " ! # 937-548-4780 ! " "
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