Penny Saver 6.10.2019

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Real Estate Agents Builders • Developers

Penny Saver Where Your Ad IS The News

juNE 10, 2019

Published by arens corp • P.O. Box 69, 395 S. High St., Covington, OH 45318 • 937-473-2028 E-MAIL:

FAX: 937-473-2500


GROCERY INDEX ~ BUSCHUR’S Page 2 INSERTS ~ Full: Wagner’s IGA, Kroger Zoned: Johns IGA, Anna Market



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2600 W. Michigan, Sidney (Next to the Lowes Store)

937-492-6730 • HOURS: M-F 10am-8pm; Sat 10am-5pm; Sun 12 Noon-5pm


Page 2 - PENNY SAVER - JUNE 10, 2019

University of Findlay Holds Commencement Ceremonies May 4 – Several Area Residents Earn Degrees –


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The University of Findlay held commencement ceremonies Saturday, May 4. More than 800 graduates earned doctoral, master, bachelor, or associate degrees for the academic year 2018-2019. Local students include: Fort Loramie - Jenna Barlage, Bachelor of Science in Animal Science, graduating cum laude; Sara Bornhorst, Bachelor of Arts in MultiAge/Spanish, graduating with the academic designation of summa cum laude. Minster - Elizabeth Dysert, Master of Business Administration. Anna - Whitney King, Bachelor of Science in Middle Childhood Education, graduating cum laude. New Bremen - Cory Stephens, Master of Arts in Education; Megan Kaufman, Master of Physician Assistant.

Sunday June 16


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,SELL IT FAST... IN OUR CLASSIFIEDS! Call 473-2028 or 473-2029 to place an ad. Just a reminder that the deadline is THURSDAY AT 5 P.M. PRECEDING PUBLICATION

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BUSCHUR'S MARKET 102 E. Main Street • 526-5108 • Russia

Page 3 - PENNY SAVER - JUNE 10, 2019

Father’s Day Contest Decorate the tie in a way that best describes your Dad. Please mail or drop your entry off by Tues., June 18, 3:00 pm. to Arens Corporation: P.O. Box 69, 395 S. High St., Covington, Ohio 45318 Winner gets to take DAD to a Dayton Dragons game!

Design A Tie For Your DAD!


and have the chance to Win TickeTs to a

Dayton Dragons game! Open to ages 5 - 10 years old!


B USC HU R'S MA RKET 102 E. Main Street • 526-5108 • Russia

Name:___________________________ Address:_________________________ State:________________Zip:________ Dad’s Name:______________________ Phone Number:___________________

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Page 4 - PENNY SAVER - JUNE 10, 2019

Find the Right Father’s Day Gift

Please Note - Deadline for submitting entries TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 3:00 PM

Father’s Day is an annual celebration of fathers and the contributions they make to their families. Dads get their due on Father’s Day, when sons, daughters and wives typically give dad a few gifts to show their appreciation for all he has done for them and how much he means to them. Finding the right Father’s Day gift is not always so easy. No two fathers are the same, so while a silk necktie might bring a smile to one father’s face, such a gift may fall flat with other dads. By asking themselves a few questions in the weeks before their dads’ big day, Father’s Day shoppers can narrow down their options and find gifts that Dad will appreciate. What are DaD’s hobbies? Even if your father or husband loves what he does for a living, a gift that indulges one of his favorite hobbies may be just the thing to make this Father’s Day extra special. Outdoorsmen may prefer some new camping or fishing gear, while fathers who have an artistic side may prefer some new paint brushes and canvasses. If Dad’s a car guy, book a day at a nearby racetrack where he can race around the track and embrace his inner race car driver.


What Does DaD Want? For the Dad who doesn’t seem to need anything, consider something he may want that he’s never had before. If Dad loves to cook but has never had formal training, enroll him in a cooking class. If Dad loves a local sports team but hasn’t been to a game in years, purchase tickets to a game and go with him to make the day even more special.

What Does DaD neeD? Sometimes the best gifts are what a recipient needs as opposed to what he wants. If you no longer live at home, ask your mother if there’s anything your father needs that would make his life easier or more enjoyable. If you live at home, pay close attention to your father to see if there’s anything that could lighten his load. For example, if Dad loves spending time in the garden, take a sneak peek at his gardening tools and replace any that have grown dull or rusty.

is DaD a techie? Dads with a love for technology are living in the golden age of gadgets. Father’s Day shoppers looking to satisfy their fathers’ love of technology have a host of possibilities at their disposal. Even if Dad is an early adopter who tends to get all the latest gadgets before anyone else, the tech industry evolves so rapidly that you’re bound to find something new on Dad’s wish list that he hasn’t purchased yet. Finding the right Father’s Day gift can be challenging. But shoppers who stop to think about their father and what makes the family patriarch happy can unearth a host of gift ideas that Dad is sure to love.

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Page 5 - PENNY SAVER - JUNE 10, 2019


B USC HU R'S MA RKET 102 E. Main Street • 526-5108 • Russia

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Phone 419-628-2984 Fax 419-628-9204

Complete Auto Repair Over 60 Years of Professional Service

Page 6 - PENNY SAVER - JUNE 10, 2019

PENNY SAVER CLASSIFIEDS ´´´´´´´´´´´´´´´ WANTED: Broken or nonrunning John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers. 937-473-2705 or

ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓ WANTED: Old motorcycles, minibikes, mopeds, 3-wheelers, or 4-wheelers. Running or not. Covington 937-473-2705


10’ GATE PANELS; misc. T posts, electric fence posts & insulators; stock racks for older Chevy truck; oak end table with drawer; 3’x3’ rabbit cage; head gasket for HK Huber. 937-241-4408 or 937-778-3808

STRAWBERRIES FRESH-PICKED! BURNS MARKET 6255 St. Rt. 41, Covington 1-1/2 mi. east of Covington Monday—Saturday Watch for Signs! fififififififififififififififi FOR SALE: S&W Model 60 357 Magnum revolver. Barrel 2.125. SS. In original box. Never been fired. Paid $670. Price: $550 firm. Call Buck, Eldorado 937-273-3165 TREADMILL FOR SALE: In good cond. New Bremen— 713-725-2854

FOR SALE: ‘08 Ford van, 12 pass., $7,800; old dry sink; porcelain-top table w/slide-outs; old baby cradle; modern dry sink. 937-473-2795 BROWN EGG-LAYING PULLETS: 17 weeks of age. Versailles—937-526-4541 WANTED: Small treadmill. Covington area. 937-473-5147. Leave message. ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ WANTED TO BUY: Silver dollars. Paying cash. Call Buck, Eldorado, 937-273-3165



CLASSIFIED MOBILE AUTO REPAIRS LLC ASE certified. 36+ years experience. GM engine, transmission, & differential repair. Call Dennis Bowerman at 937-459-8451 FOR SALE: ‘05 F350 4x4. White. Regular cab. Long bed. 204K. Good cond. Runs & drives great. Diesel. With Schuck farm bumper. Great tires. 419-305-3862 ‘71 EL CAMINO REAL: Good cond. 350 engine. Auto. A/C. $18,500. 937-875-0157

COTTAGE FOR RENT: Ready for a relaxing time on Morrison Lake (chain of six fishing/boating lakes), in Coldwater, Michigan? Two bdrm. cottage for rent by the week. Complete kitchen & bath. No pets. Smoke-free. Call 937-698-5354 for details! HOUSE FOR RENT— BRADFORD: Three bdrms., 2 baths. With garage. No pets. $600/mo. + utilities. 937-361-6032


WORK WANTED DEMOLITION: Also, concrete demolition such as old swimming pools, barn foundations, porches, etc. Also, general excavation work. 937-232-7380 AMISH CREW Sam Schwartz wants any type of carpenter work. Room additions, roofs, foundation replacements, restoration of buildings, etc. For FREE estimate call 260-701-8020

IMMEDIATE OPENINGS! General Laborer, $13/hour. CDL, $21/ hour. Apply at 15 Industry Park Court, Tipp City. FOOD SERVICE POSITIONS AVAILABLE: Must be 17 years old. Some travel involved. No experience necessary. 937-313-1118 HELP WANTED: Someone to do yard work & help clean house. 937-295-2596

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Garage Sales

ALL CHURCH FAMILY GARAGE SALE: Hoffman United Methodist Church will have its annual Garage Sale on Thursday, June 13, from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Most items are a quarter. The church is handicap accessible. The location is 201 S Main St., West Milton. Proceeds go to local missions. BARN SALE! Fri. & Sat., June 7-8, 9-? NO EARLY ARRIVALS, PLEASE! 11331 W. St. Rt. 36 (west of Buckneck Rd.), Bradford. Advertising items; antiques; collectibles; & more! GARAGE SALE: 9087 St. Rt. 36 East, Bradford. June 13-14, 8am-5pm. Household; dining chairs; clothing. PAINTER CREEK AREA 30th ANNUAL GARAGE SALES THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 9-6 Garage Sale maps available at each location! FAMILY GARAGE SALE: 4 pc. dinette set; outside furniture; clothes; shoes; household items; & more! June 13-14-15. Thurs. & Fri., 9-5; Sat. 9-1. 4423 Ft. Loramie-Swanders Rd., Minster.


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JUNE 13-14-15, 9-5 1515 N. Furlong Rd., Bradford. 5 mi. west of P-Hill, off 718. Local history/advertising; power tools; craft supplies; vintage Disney toys; hundreds of 100-200 year old books; hundreds of albums, including oldies/CDs; limited edition collector plates; greeting cards from ‘40-’50s; ceramic Avon steins & collectibles; ‘25 to ‘67 Troy/Greenville H.S. yearbooks; rare tin photos; 1895 Ladies Home Journal magazines; vintage sheet music.


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LARGE MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE SALE JUNE 19-21 • 9-6 1900 Kelch Rd., Russia Table & chairs; end tables; lamps; bistro patio set; lift chair; newer TV; bobble heads; kids’ clothing & toys; women’s size small clothing; men’s large & 2XL clothing; gocarts; & so much more! 3-FAMILY BARN SALE: 8909 W. Covington-Gettysburg Rd., Covington. June 13-14-15, 9-5. Home decor; outdoor decor; girls’ & women’s clothes; some antiques; lots of different misc. Too much to mention!




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4-FAMILY GARAGE SALE: 20 Laura Circle, Laura. June 13-14-15, 9-5. Weight bench; primitives; misc. items.

JUNE 13-15 • 9-? 9344 W. Emerick Rd. West Milton Home decor; antiques; Willow Tree; NICE CLOTHING— children’s & women’s plus. Too much to mention! 20% TO TORNADO RELIEF


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HAVING A GARAGE SALE? Just a reminder that the deadline for submitting classified ads is THURSDAY AT 5 P.M. preceding publication.

MULTI-FAMILY SALE: 7508 S. Rangeline Rd., Union. June 13-14, 9-5; June 15, 9-12. Living room suite; home furnishings; vintage sewing machines; Christmas decor; clothes; odds & ends.


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HOLY REDEEMER CHURCH GARAGE SALE: 120 S. Eastmoor Dr., New Bremen. Wed., June 26, 5-9pm; Thurs., June 27, 9am-5pm. Bag Day is Fri., June 28, 9am-3pm.

BIG BARN SALE! “Man stuff” only! June 13-14-15, 9-5. No early birds! 7235 S. Mote Rd., West Milton.


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SCHMIESING TREE SERVICE ! ! 4-%.(%+#%$ +/1.%$ .%% /0

Page 7 - PennY saVeR - june 10, 2019

131 S. Washington St. New Bremen


419-629-2683 1-800-700-0405

Tim Hemmelgarn

Broker, Owner, ABR Realtor

Brian Schwieterman Agent Realtor

Jon Wente Agent Realtor

Tate Myers Agent Realtor

Steve Dabbelt Agent Realtor

Becky Dabbelt Agent Realtor

Make Your Move With A Name You Can Trust! d l o s


d l o s

230 Wood Rd., St. Marys

207 E. German St., New Knoxville

213 S. Walnut St., New Bremen

d l o s

315 E. Front St., New Bremen

Walnut Street Subdivision

Cardinal Subdivision

25 Lots Available

4 Lots Available near the high school

Prices start at $40,000

Prices start at $39,000

New Bremen

New Bremen


Residential lot $18,000

d l o s



d l o s ID#

287 N. Main St., Minster

134 St. Clair Place, New Bremen


2001 5567 Island View Dr., Celina

t o L g in d l i u B


426 N. Franklin St., New Bremen

Sale g n i d n Pe




2002 1310 Shroyer Place, Sidney

2003 1311 Shroyer Place, Sidney

2013 7871 St. Rt. 219, Lot #52, Celina

d l o s

amsterdam center Retail Space Available for Lease


1,206 sq. ft., 25,000 sq. ft.


2014 0 Eilerman Rd., Minster

2005 308 West St., Jackson Center

8023 US RT. 33, Celina

Call Tim For Details 419-629-2683

Call Tim for Details 419-629-2683

Page 8 - PENNY SAVER - juNE 10, 2019


35 ID 40

35 ID 01

Purchase the real estate and very well established floral business... Great opportunity... Call Todd for more details.

34 ID 80

Lake Loramie - 12244 Short Drive Very nice 3 bdrm, 1.5 bath condominium located on Lake Loramie waterfront. Screened porch patio and boat dock.

35 ID 35

35 ID 00

Minster - Flowers and Gifts By Dudley, Inc.

3 bdrm, (2) full bath “Log Home” situated on a 4 acre “Wooded Lot”, 2 large outbuildings, nice country location...Wapakoneta school district.

35 ID 15

Wapakoneta - 18866 Weiment School Rd.

New Price

3 bdrm, 2 bath ranch style home, open floor plan, finished basement, 2-car garage. Call Todd for more details...

34 ID 65

35 ID 45

New Price

Minster - 3 Madyson Ave.

Minster - 137 S. Hanover St. Older two-story 3 bdrm with loft, one full bath, two car garage and basement...Great Price.

Priced to sell Call Todd Weigandt for details.

34 ID 90

Minster - 248 N. Cleveland St.

Large older home with 3 bedrooms, 1.5 bath, living room, family room, two-car garage and 25’x30’ shop.


! D L O S

Tillable farm acreage for sale located near Sidney on Mason rd. in Salem Township, Shelby county. Nice opportunity to add acreage to your farming operation...

Minster - 52 N. Main St. 5,348 sq. ft. commercial building located on St. Rt. 66. Great retail storefront. Call Todd for the details.

34 ID 55

ID 55 35

35 ID 50

We Deliver results ...

Price reduced

! D L O S

New Price

Minster - 294 S. Main St. Opportunity knocks! - Minster Tasty Treat Purchase the real estate, business and equipment. Fully turnkey operation. Established in Minster for 65 years.

ID 35 34

New Price

Sidney - 16742 Mason Rd. Picturesque country setting, 4 acre mini farm with farmhouse and four outbuildings. Rare opportunity for mini farm purchase in Shelby County...Priced to sell.

ID 70 35

Celina - 5292 Edgewood St.

Nice, neat 3 bdrm, 2 full bath ranch style home located near Grand Lake, newer updates, great location...Priced to Sell.

ID 95 34

Minster - 132 Hanover St.

“there is no substitute for experience”


Botkins - 105 Mary St.

Nice 4 bdrm ranch, 3 full baths, living room, family room, two-car garage and more...

3 bdrm, 3 full bath home, family room, living room, two-car garage, full basement. Priced to Sell.

ID 25 35

! SOLD Unique 2 bdrm, 1.5 bath Condo with lots of character. Fireplace, basement, two car garage...

ING! D N E P SALE St. Mary’s - 908 Williams St.

Ft. Loramie - 101 S. Main St.

Upper level retail space, lower level finished space located on St. Rt. 66. Lots of potential. Call Todd for the details.

ID 20 35

Minster - 155 N. Main St. 3 bdrm ranch, 1.5 bath, family room, living room, two-car garage. Priced to sell.

35 ID 60

ID 05 35

Minster - 35 Madyson Ave. BRAND NEW “Custom Built” 4/5 bdrm, 3 full bath, ranch style home. Has custom cabinetry, gas fireplace, private master suite, 3.5 car garage, full basement and more... Call Todd for more details.

34 ID 85

Kettlersville - 8794 St. Rt. 274 K-VILLE GRILL LLC Purchase the real estate and equipment. Complete remodel in 2016. Many new updates. Great opportunity for an owner-operator.


Minster - 65 N. Main St.

Sidney - 713 Stratford Drive

3 bdrm, 2 bath condominium, one car detatched garage with appliances... Priced to sell.

Nicely updated 4 bdrm, 2.5 bath home, family room, fireplace, full basement, two-car garage...

Now Celebrating 42 Years of Continued Service! View All Listings At:

REAL ESTATE LTD. 90 North Main St. Minster, Oh. 45865

(419) 628-3107 (800) 803-8213 Email:

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Isaac HoyIng agEnT

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