Penny Saver 9.9.2019

Page 1


Real Estate Agents Builders • Developers

Penny Saver Where Your Ad IS The News

SEpTEmbER 9, 2019

published by arens corp • p.O. box 69, 395 S. High St., Covington, OH 45318 • 937-473-2028 E-mAIL:

FAX: 937-473-2500



GROCERY INDEX ~ BUSCHUR’S Page 3 INSERTS ~ Full: Wagner’s IGA, Kroger Zoned: Anna Market



D on’t w ait to to get get your your h ome Don’t wait home holiday with beautiful holiday rready eady w ith b eautiful Hunter Douglas Hunter D ouglas sshades. hades.


S SEPT. EP T. 1144 ––DEC. DEC. 99,, 22019 0 19

Designs By Janice Seger 5167 Ft Loramie Swanders Road Minster, OH 937-295 -3645 w w *Manufacturer’s mail-in rebate offer valid for qualif ying purchases made 9/14/19 –12/9/19 from par ticipating dealers in the U.S. only. Rebate will be issued in the form of a prepaid reward card and mailed within 4 weeks of rebate claim approval. Funds do not expire. Subject to applicable law, a $2.00 monthly fee will be assessed against card balance 6 months after card issuance and each month thereafter. See complete terms distributed with reward card. Additional limitations may apply. Ask par ticipating dealer for details and rebate form. ©2019 Hunter Douglas. All rights reser ved. All trademarks used herein are the proper t y of Hunter Douglas or their respective owners. 19Q4NPAPC1


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SELL IT FAST... IN OUR CLASSIFIEDS! Call 473-2028 or 473-2029 to place an ad. Just a reminder that the deadline is THURSDAY AT 5 P.M. PRECEDING PUBLICATION

in the Penny Saver.

Here’s My Card To be included on our next Monthly Business Card page please call 937-473-2028 or email


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Keep the numbers of these locally owned businesses on hand for all of your service and shopping needs.

Page 3 - PENNY SAVER - SEPTEMBER 9, 2019

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BUSCHUR'S MARKET 102 E. Main Street • 526-5108 • Russia

PAGe 4 - Penny SAVer - SePTeMBer 9, 2019

2019 Lake Loramie State Park Fall Harvest Festival & Campout - SEPT. 13, 14 & 15 Celebrating Over 70 Years of Ohio State Parks! FrIdAy, SePT 13

SATUrdAy, SePT 14 Continued

SATUrdAy, SePT 14 Continued

SUndAy, SePT 15 Continued

4:00 pm Festival Begins, Arts and Crafts, Antique Tractor Show, Sawmill Operations, Food Stands, Mountain Men Encampment, Beer Garden Open, DARE Officer with mascot (4-6pm), Nature Tent opens (4-7pm) (games, wildlife displays and crafts) at Playfield Area, Hospitality Tent near Power Show Area, (NEW) Jack Howison, Blacksmith, Power Show Area 7:00 pm (NEW) Shelby Jorden Band - Performing Power Show Area (7pm-10pm) 5:30 pm Tractor Activity Races, Power Show Area 6:00 pm Tim Kuening Chainsaw Carvings, Power Show Area, Life Jacket Safety at Nature Tent, DARE Officer Fingerprinting (6-8, Jack Howison, Blacksmith, Power Show Area, ADA Launch Ramp Presentation Leon Mertz 7:00 pm Wild Craft Time (7pm-8pm) 7:30 pm Karma’s Pawn, on Stage

11:00 am Puppet Show # 1 by the Seedsowers at Playfield Area Shingle Mill Operation, Rage & Rocco Dalmation Duo at Playfield Area (11am-1pm), DJ on stage (until 1pm) Fort Loramie Fire Truck (until 1pm) 11:30 am “Live” Birds of Prey program w/ Naturalist Shawn Conner at Playfield Area 12:00 pm Tim Kuening Chainsaw Carvings, Sawmill Operation, Jack Howison, Blacksmith, Power Show Area, Beer Garden Open, Inflatables (12pm- 5pm) 12:30 pm Treasure in the Sawdust Activity, Power Show area 1:00 pm Open Road Band, Classic Country, Power Show Area, Archery w/ Naturalist Stephanie Moorman (until 3pm), Craft Kit (take home activity for kids) Sponsored by Home Depot open (until 3pm), Remy & Friends (ventriloquism) at Playfield Area (until 2pm), Watercraft simulator in Playfield Area (until 7pm) 2:00 pm Tim Kuening Chainsaw Carving, Power Show Area, Remy & Friends strolling ventriloquism through festival (until 4pm), Tommy Renfro & Friends on stage (until 5pm), Jack Howison, Blacksmith, Power Show Area Mark Cantwill on stage (2pm-5pm) 3:00 pm Tractor Activity Races, Power Show Area, Animal Exhibits at Nature Tent, The Amazing Alto (magic show) at Playfield Area (until 4pm)

4:00 pm Shingle Mill Operation, Power Show Area, The Amazing Alto will be strolling through festival (until 5pm) 5:00 pm Open Road Band, Classic Country, Power Show Area, Nature Tent Open (until 7pm) at Playfield Area, Puppet at Playfield Area, DJ on stage (until 7pm) 5:15 pm Funny Bones the Clown at Playfield Area (Balloon Twisting until 7:15 pm) 6:00 pm Tim Kuening Chainsaw Carving, Power Show Area, (New) Nature Hike-meet at Nature Tent 6:30 pm Ft Loramie Alumni Band on Stage 7:00 pm NEW! Kaitlyn Schmidt and the Move on Stage (until 11pm)

11:30 am Fort Loramie High School Marching Band, on Stage, Sawmill Operation, Power Show area 12:00 pm Minster High School Marching Band, on Stage Treasure in the Sawdust Activity, Power Show Area, Beer Garden Opens, Inflatables (11am-2pm), The Amazing Alto (magic show) at Playfield Area (until 1 pm) 12:30 pm Russia High School Marching Band, on Stage 1:00 pm Make Your Own Boat at Nature Tent NEW! Blue Collar Band on Stage (until 4pm) K9 Agility at Playfield Area (until 3pm) 1:30 pm The Amazing Alto will be strolling through festival (until 2 pm) 2:00 pm Tim Kuening Chainsaw Carvings, Power Show Area, K9 Agility at Playfield Area, Jack Howison, Blacksmith, Power Show Area 3:30 pm Tim Kuening Chainsaw Carvings, Power Show Area, Jack Howison, Blacksmith, Power Show Area 4:00 pm Festival Concludes

returning this year! Park Mascot “Tuffy the Turtle” and shuttle service transporting visitors from remote parking areas (beach, camp office/ store, & Daniels Picnic Area (south of campground) on Friday 4 pm-7 pm. Saturday 10 am-7 pm & Sunday 10 am-2 pm.

SATUrdAy, SePT 14 8:00 am Breakfast, Sausage Gravy and Biscuits, Coffee and Donuts by the Lake Loramie Improvement Association, Farmers Market at Playfield Area, until noon. 8:15 am Pam Moorman-National Anthem 9:00 am Arts and Crafts Open, Nature Tent Opens 9am-7pm, Antique Power Show, Sawmill Operation begins, DARE Mascot at Nature Tent (9am-noon), DJ on Stage (until 10am) 10:00 am Tractor Parade (Main Camp Road Closed until 11am)

50/50 drAwInG at Beer Garden & Power Show registration need not be present to win new! registering Tractors, Lawnmowers and other related exhibits will enter you for door Prizes

SUndAy, SePT 15 8:00 am Breakfast, Sausage Gravy and Biscuits, Coffee and Donuts by The Lake Loramie Improvement Association 8:15 am Pam Moorman-National Anthem 9:00 am Arts and Crafts Open, Food Stands Open, Antique Power Show, Nature Tent Open (9am-4pm), DARE Mascot at Nature Tent (9-noon) 10:00 am Puppet Show #3 by the Seedsowers at Playfield Area DJ on stage (until 11:30 am) 10:30 am Barbecued Chicken Dinner (until gone) by the Ft Loramie Community Service Club 11:00 am Tim Kuening Chainsaw Carving, Shingle Mill Operation, Tractor Activity Races, Power Show Area, Rage and Rocco Dalmation Duo at Playfield Area, Boat Bingo at Nature Tent, Jack Howison, Blacksmith, Power Show Area

Food VendorS: Lake Loramie Improvement Association Future Farmers of America Fort Loramie Community Service Club Cumberland Kettle Corn Houston Community Association Lugibihl’s Ice Cream Grandma Moses Ice Cream Lockington United Methodist Church ranger Concessions egbert Concessions

MUMS located on campsite 48 & 87 MUMS do not sell on Sunday



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Page 5 - PENNY SAVER - SEPtEmbER 9, 2019

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Page 6 - PennY saVeR - sePtembeR 9, 2019

131 S. Washington St. New Bremen


419-629-2683 1-800-700-0405

Tim Hemmelgarn

Broker, Owner, ABR Realtor

Brian Schwieterman Agent Realtor

Tate Myers Agent Realtor

Steve Dabbelt Agent Realtor

Becky Dabbelt Agent Realtor

Make Your Move With A Name You Can Trust! soLd 199 S. Walnut St., New Knoxville

d L o s 207 E. German St., New Knoxville

New ListiNg 12099 Walnut Dr., Minster

12970 Sidney Freyburg Rd., Anna

Walnut Street Subdivision

Cardinal Subdivision

24 Lots Available

2 Lots Available near the high school

Prices start at $40,000

Prices start at $39,000

New Bremen

d L o s 134 St. Clair Place, New Bremen

soLd 287 N. Main St., Minster

L OT N E A R E I M A R O L LAKE 0 Eilerman Rd., Minster


Residential lot $18,000

308 West St., Jackson Center


New Price 5567 Island View Dr., Celina

New Bremen

1310 Shroyer Place, Sidney


soLd 426 N. Franklin St., New Bremen


1311 Shroyer Place, Sidney

7871 St. Rt. 219, Lot #52, Celina

amsterdam center Retail Space Available for Lease


1,206 sq. ft., 25,000 sq. ft. 8023 US RT. 33, Celina


Call Tim For Details 419-629-2683

Call Tim for Details 419-629-2683

Page 7 - PENNY SAVER - SEPTEMBER 9, 2019

HAVE A SERVICE TO OFFER? Advertise it in our classifieds.

Call 937-473-2028


Garage Sales

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PENNY SAVER CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE: 2001 JD 9550 combine, 4,110 eng. hrs., 2,609 sep. hrs.; JD 693 6 row corn head; JD 925 F 25 ft. grain head. Field ready. Versailles 937-526-3801. Leave Msg. TOPSOIL FOR SALE Free delivery within 10 miles of Covington. 937-473-2243 ∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆ WANTED: Broken or nonrunning John Deere, Cub Cadet, & Wheel Horse lawnmowers. 937-473-2705 or CAR & BOAT STORAGE: Inside. Reasonable rates, no birds. 937-526-3606

PIQUA DOG CLUB OBEDIENCE CLASSES: New location! Inside Pet Value Store, 1212 E. Ash St., Piqua. New session starts Sept. 3 at 6:30. This is a registration for puppies & beginners—NO DOGS! Please bring updated shot records. Puppy classes Sept. 9—Oct. 14, 6:30-7:30. Beginner classes, Tuesday, Sept. 10—Oct. 15, 6:30-7:30. For preregistration & information, call 937-773-5170. No credit or debit cards. PONTOON: 24’ JC Tri-toon. 90hp Honda. Motor, seats, & floor in nice, clean condition. Life jackets & safety equipment included. Licensed until 2022. Dock #31, Earls Island West. Lighted parking. $9,950 (cash). 419-305-8449

STUFF...All bought with good intentions to repurpose, resell, remodel, restore and redecorate. Primitives, old hardware, barn items, garden elements, craft supplies and household. Things you’ve never seen & I forgot I had. Thurs. & Fri., Sept. 12 & 13, 9-6. 7585 W. Piqua-Clayton Rd., Covington. ESTATE SALE: Sept. 12-13-14, 9-4. Antiques; Fuzzy Red Hair Cabbage Patch doll: farm equip.; tools; furniture; seasonal decorations; golf cart-motorcycle & more. 630 S. Miami, West Milton.

LARGE 3 FAMILY Garage Sale: 3213 S. St. Rt. 721, Laura. Sept. 11-12-13-14, 9-6. Something for everyone. Hunting knives, golf cart, 4 wheeler, scooter, all types of electrical tools, surger, antique sewing machine, kitchen items, lots of costume jewelry.

REAL ESTATE FOR RENT: Two bdrm. apt. available. Egypt, Ohio. 419-953-4793

FOR SALE: (2) horse trailer, $1,500; ground driven manure spreader, $450. 937-573-7718.


FOR SALE: Large cage for parrots. Covington—937-473-2243

DEMOLITION: Also, concrete demolition such as old swimming pools, barn foundations, porches, etc. Also, general excavation work. 937-232-7380 AMISH CREW Sam Schwartz wants any type of carpenter work. Room additions, roofs, foundation replacements, restoration of buildings, etc. For FREE estimate, call 260-701-8020.



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IMMEDIATE OPENINGS! General Laborer, $13/hour. CDL, $21/ hour. Apply at 15 Industry Park Court, Tipp City.


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‘05 SUZUKI BURGMAN 650 Less than 16,000 miles. New water pump. New battery. LOTS OF EXTRAS! Runs good & looks good. Ready to ride! $3,500 937-875-3256 (cell) MOBILE AUTO REPAIRS LLC ASE certified. 36+ years experience. GM engine, transmission, & differential repair. Call Dennis Bowerman at 937-459-8451

Need some work done around your home? Find the help you need in our



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LARGE COUNTRY GARAGE SALE: Sept. 12-14, 8-6. 5244 St. Rt. 718, Troy. 2 mi. east of Pleasant Hill. Dishes, linens, Singer surger, jewelry, tools, furniture, amish oak high chair, antique flax spinning wheel, old Tonka trucks, 16’ boat trailer plus lots more. LARGE 2 FAMILY Garage Sale: Thurs., Fri.,Sat., Sept. 12-14, 9-5. On 571 toward Tipp across from Nashville Church. Lots of misc. including furniture.

Looking for an honest deal? You can find it in our classifieds.


GARAGE SALE: Antiques, households, clothing, holiday, mower jack, men’s bike, porch rockers & misc. Sept. 12-14, 9am—4pm. 5130 N. Front St., Covington.

◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊ WANTED: Old motorcycles, mini-bikes, mopeds, 3-wheelers, or 4-wheelers. Running or not. Covington 9 3 7 - 4 7 3 - 2 7 0 5 .




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Page 8 - PENNY SAVER - SEPTEMBER 9, 2019

wooded acreage excellent hunting

35 ID 85

35 ID 01

Priced to sell!!! Call Todd Weigandt for details.



G! N I D N E

Minster - 12430 Greystone Dr. Owner is relocating! Premium location overlooking Arrowhead Golf Course. Four bedrooms, 4-1/2 baths. Open floor plan. Finished basement. Call Todd for all the exciting details!

Minster - 674 E. THIRD ST

3 bdrm ranch style home, updated kitchen, one full bath, two car garage and more...

34 ID 80

Minster - 248 N. Cleveland St.

Large older home with 3 bedrooms, 1.5 bath, living room, family room, two-car garage and 25’x30’ shop.

Tillable farm acreage located near Sidney on Mason rd. in Salem Township, Shelby County. Nice opportunity to add acreage to your farming operation...

30 ID 00


51 acres

34 ID 90

New PriCe

ID 55 35

35 ID 75

We Deliver results ...

• 51 Acres • 76 Acres Purchase the real estate and very well established floral business... Great opportunity... Call Todd for more details.

New PriCe


Sidney - 475 Vandemark Rd.

2,200 sq. ft. of commercial space for lease. High visibility, brand new construction, will finish to suit. Call for more details.

Minster - 52 N. Main St. 5,348 sq. ft. commercial building located on St. Rt. 66. Great retail storefront. Call Todd for the details.

stonegate suBdiVision ~ Minster ~

36 ID 00

New PriCe

Minster - Flowers and Gifts By Dudley, Inc.

35 35

35 ID 15

Darke County Call For Details

12 lots aVailaBle

New PriCe

34 ID 85

ID 95 35

Minster - 35 Madyson Ave. BRAND NEW “Custom Built” 4/5 bdrm, 3 full bath, ranch style home. Has custom cabinetry, gas fireplace, private master suite, 3.5 car garage, full basement and more... Call Todd for more details.

S St. Mary’s - 2413 Glynwood Rd.

5 bedrooms, 1 office, 3 full baths, two-story home, 14.3 acres, stocked pond, horse barn and pasture...Rare Opportunity

St. Henry - 142 N. Sycamore St.

ID 90 35



Ft. Loramie - 101 S. Main St.

Minster - 717 Oakwood Dr.

Very nice 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, ranch style home, 2.5 car garage, finished basement.

• 5.017 Acres • Minster - 132 Hanover St.

Unique 2 bdrm, 1.5 bath Condo with lots of character. Fireplace, basement, two car garage...

“there is no suBstitute for experience”


State route 66 road Access


New PriCe


Upper level retail space, lower level finished space located on St. Rt. 66. Lots of potential. Call Todd for the details.

commercial lot ~ minster ~

ID 35 34

lot Prices start

A 3 bedroom, 2-1/2 bath family size home with 1 car garage. Many updates!

35 ID 80

Kettlersville - 8794 St. Rt. 274 K-VILLE GRILL LLC Purchase the real estate and equipment. Complete remodel in 2016. Many new updates. Great opportunity for an owner-operator.

ParK Place suBdiVision ~ Minster ~

Minster - 11989 St. Rt. 362

Updated 1 bdrm, 1 full bath home near Lake Loramie, two car garage... Priced to Sell!

woodland suBdiVision ~ Botkins ~

8 lots aVailaBle

8 Year tax aBatement 6 lots aVailaBle

lot Prices start

lot Prices start



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dIck wEIgandT brokEr

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dEan kEmpEr agEnT

JanE kaylor agEnT

randy spIllErs sandy scHmITmEyEr agEnT agEnT

Isaac HoyIng agEnT

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