P u m p k i n
P a t c h
Bradford, Ohio 45308
• www.bradfordpumpkinshow.com
Volume 91
91st Annual
d r o f d bra n i k p m Pu Show october 8-12, 2019
91st Annual
BRadfoRd PUMPkin Show OCTOBER 8-12, 2019 • BOARD OF DIRECTORS •
A Statement & Invitation to All...
Display & Produce Building: Kelly Dunlevy, 448-2449 eljer@woh.rr.com Entertainment: Jennifer Peck, 467-3160,
President: Jim Wysong, 875-0873, jwysong3853@gmail.com Vice President: Greg Peck, 467-1469, greg.g.peck@gmail.com
The committee named in charge of the Pumpkin Show, together with many others who give their time and effort to make this annual event an outstanding activity for the Village of Bradford and community, earnestly and sincerely solicit your help, support, and advice for this year’s events. The greater number of people actively engaged in planning and directing this great annual show will add much to its improvement and success, as well as lighten the burden carried throughout the past by the present members of the sponsoring group. This is not a closed group; everyone interested in the community of Bradford is welcome and may be a part of the group who is constantly striving to build a bigger and better Bradford, through this annual Pumpkin Show.
Secretary: Kathy Wysong, 875-0874, wysongkathy@gmail.com Treasurer: Mary Dross, 448-2460 Board Member: Jill Rank, 448-6474, 564-2119, sportsmom1980@hotmail.com Board Member: Kathy Weldy, 417-3010, weldykj@hotmail.com Board Member: Cyril Monnin, 448-0138, 216-3088 Board Member: Debbie Richard, 448-2845, drichard2@woh.rr.com Board Member: Don Stump, 448-6604, 307-2029, dstump@woh.rr.com Board Member: Randy Patty, 448-2006, 564-2065, Rpatty001@woh.rr.com Board Member: Deb Wirrig, 417-0045, jdwirrig@woh.rr.com • COMMITTEE MEMBERS • Advertising: Greg Peck, 467-1469, greg.g.peck@gmail.com 40th Reunion Class Homecoming: Gloria Shafer, 448-2185, dgshafer@embarqmail.com Dianna Shafer, 448-2652, dbskt@embarqmail.com Bake-a-Pumpkin Pie & Pumpkin Bread Contest:
Extravaganza & Miami County Fire Prevention Parade: Jan Mottinger, 448-2054, jmottinger@co.miami.oh.us Debbie Richard, 448-2845, drichard2@woh.rr.com General Information: Jim Wysong, 875-0873, jwysong3853@gmail.com Greg Peck, 467-1469, greg.g.peck@gmail.com Kathy Weldy, 448-0630, 417-3010, weldykj@hotmail.com Kiddie Tractor Pull: Jennifer Peck, 467-3160 jennifersuepeck@gmail.com Little Miss & Master Pumpkin Pageant: Kathy Weldy, 417-3010, weldykj@hotmail.com
• Monday activity •
Lucky Pumpkin Sweepstakes: Kathy Wysong, 875-0874, wysongkathy@gmail.com Pee-Wee Cheerleading Competition: Ashley Szilagyi, 417-0298, cheer20_07@hotmail.com
Dottie Carder, 418-3833 Band Parade: Jill Rank, 448-6474, 564-2119, sportsmom1980@hotmail.com Cutest Baby / Diaper Derby / Pumpkin City Run: Deb Wirrig, 417-0045, jdwirrig@woh.rr.com Brenda Selanders, 570-8511, brenda.selanders@gmail.com Big Wheel Races: Becky Wackler, 418-1927, becky.wackler@remedirx.com
Pet & Novelty Parade: Joanne Pittenger, 216-8951, jpitte1029@aol.com Prince & Princess Pageant: Emily Welch, 418-0965, welchemily@gmail.com Property Decorating Contest: Kathy Wysong, 875-0874, wysongkathy@gmail.com Pumpkin Chronicle: Becky Wackler, 418-1927, becky.wackler@remedirx.com
Car Show: Doug Minnich, 418-2973 Concessions & Space: Jim Wysong, 448,6671, 875-0873, jwysong3853@gmail.com Randy Patty, 448-2006, 564-2065, rpatty001@woh.rr.com
Pumpkin Painted & Decorated Contest: Michelle Lavey, 418-2068, shedybeans@mac.com Queens Pageant: Alisha Patty, 564-5661,alishapatty12@gmail.com
Confetti: Don Stump, 448-2185, dstump@woh.rr.com Greg Peck, 467-1469, greg.g.peck@gmail.com
School Parade: Crystal Yingst, 526-5436 Talent Show: OPEN Trophies & Ribbons: Don Stump, 448-6604,dstump@woh.rr.com
Craft Show: Marissa Wirrig, 564-5886, marissa.wirrig7@gmail.com Katelyn Diehl, 418-6572, katelynselanders@gmail.com
T-Shirt: Emily Welch: 307-2029, dstump@woh.rr.com Website: Brock Wysong, 564-1932, brock.wysong@gmail.com
Megan Hunt, 423-0694, mhunt4896@edisonohio.edu
EntEr thE LargEst DEcorating anD PaintED PumPkin contEst in ohio All Communities Invited to Participate! • contESt RULES • Grades K-6 may decorate their pumpkin entries AT HOME and bring them into the Display Building between 4-7 p.m. Monday, Oct. 7. Children may submit any pumpkin entry they so desire, as long as it is their own work. Remember … no carving in this category! Grades 7-12 and adults must bring their entries to the Display Building between 4-7 p.m. Monday, Oct. 7. Carving is permitted in these groups. All entries must be the bona fide work of the submitter. All EnTRiEs MusT usE PuMPKins! Gourds are permitted, but must be used along with pumpkins. • • • •
Winnings may be picked up after the parade on Thursday evening at Festival Headquarters Over $300 in Cash & Prizes $50 Top Prize EVERYONE ELIGIBLE FOR OVERALL GRAND DECORATED PUMPKIN For information, call michelle Lavey • 937-418-2068
Used Cars, SUV’s & Trucks
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• Monday activity •
ProPerty Decorating contest
EntEr thE LargEst DEcorating anD PaintED PumPkin contEst in ohio
The 91st Annual Pumpkin Show will host the House and Property Decorating Competition. We are encouraging everyone to show their community spirit and support by entering the competition or by putting up some fall decorations. We are hoping many individuals, families, friends, businesses, churches, organizations, school classes, clubs, and sports teams will get involved. Please help the Bradford Pumpkin Show express our community spirit! There will be two themes: 1) Fall For Christmas: Bring out the Christmas decorations a little early this year. Display your favorite part of Christmas. 2) Fall: Display your fall decorations. There will be three winners chosen in each division. Each winner will receive $100. There will be a People’s Choice Award of $100 chosen by popular vote. You can cast your vote at Patty’s IGA on Sunday, Oct. 6, until 8:30 p.m. There will be a random drawing for $91 from ALL entries NOT receiving another prize. Judging will be on Sunday, Oct. 6, at dusk. All participants must be registered by September 20 and their division chosen at that time. There will be no changing of division after you are registered. ••• GENEral CoNtEst rUlEs ••• 1) Entries must reside in the Bradford school District. 2) All entries must use some live pumpkins in their display. 3) All displays must be lit so they can be judged on sunday, Oct. 6, between 7 p.m. and 11 p.m. 4) Entries must leave entire decoration in place the entire week of the Pumpkin show (October 8 thru 12) and must be lit every night until 10 p.m. in order to qualify for your prize money. if you use luminaries, live people, fires, or any other special effects, they must be in place every night, so total entry can be seen by all. 5) Entries must decorate appropriate to the themes: “Fall For Christmas” or “Fall” 6) Your entry number should be displayed somewhere on your property in letters large enough to be seen by the judges from the street. 7) You will be judged on the creative use of live pumpkins in your display, neatness, originality, creativity, and overall appeal. QUEstioNs aNd ENtriEs may bE dirECtEd to: Kathy Wysong – 937-875-0874 or wysongkathy@gmail.com
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All Communities Invited to Participate! • contESt RULES • Grades K-6 may decorate their pumpkin entries AT HOME and bring them into the Display Building between 4-7 p.m. Monday, Oct. 7. Children may submit any pumpkin entry they so desire, as long as it is their own work. Remember … no carving in this category! Grades 7-12 and adults must bring their entries to the Display Building between 4-7 p.m. Monday, Oct. 7. Carving is permitted in these groups. All entries must be the bona fide work of the submitter. All EnTRiEs MusT usE PuMPKins! Gourds are permitted, but must be used along with pumpkins.
Your Full-Service
Local Realtor '
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• Winnings may be picked up after the parade on Thursday evening at Festival Headquarters • Over $300 in Cash & Prizes • $50 Top Prize • EVERYONE ELIGIBLE FOR OVERALL GRAND DECORATED PUMPKIN
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Al Hitchcock & Linc Branson
For information, call michelle Lavey 937-418-2068
‘Cutest BaBy Contest’
PumPkin DiaPer Derby & PumPkin City run
This event will be held Saturday, Oct. 12, and will take place at the north end stage at 2 p.m. This contest is open to babies 24 months and under by the October 12 deadline. Interested applicants should send a 5x7 photo (portrait style) of their child along with child’s and parents’ names, child’s age, birth date, address, phone number, and a $5 entry fee with the registration form. Please mail your non-refundable entry fee check of $5, made payable to Bradford Pumpkin Show, along with the registration form and 5x7 picture to:
new FOR 2019 will be age gROups 4 Years • 5 Years • 6 Years
Both events will take place at the north end area of the festival (corner of Oakwood St. and Miami Ave.) on Tuesday, Oct. 8, at 5:30 p.m. There will be a $5 entry fee for each event. The Diaper Derby is for crawling babies only. Babies will be required to crawl across a carpeted race course while coaxed by a parent at the finish line. Races will be ran in age groups. Walkers will be disqualified. One parent at the beginning and end will be at the carpet edge. The pumpkin City run is for walking babies up to 48 months (by birth date). Races will be ran in age groups. One parent at the beginning and one at finish line will be allowed. Registration will be held starting at 4:45 p.m. Tuesday at the north end stage area. NO PRE-REGISTRATION. For information on this event, please contact Deb Wirrig at 937417-0045, or Brenda Selanders, 937-570-8511.
Deb Wirrig, 705 Stichter St., Bradford, OH 45308
• tuesDay aCtivity •
RegistRatiOn FORm can be FOunD at... www.bradfordpumpkinshow.com
Prince & Princess Pumpkin Pageant
DeaDline tO enteR is satuRDaY, Oct. 5
On Tuesday, Oct. 8, the Bradford Pumpkin Show will host its annual Prince & Princess Pumpkin Pageant. The theme for this year's pageant is “Fall for Christmas.” Contestants should be creative and dress as their favorite part of Christmas; whether you are a Christmas tree shining bright on Christmas morning, the special present under the tree, or Rudolph pulling Santa’s sleigh with a bright, shining nose. As long as it’s Christmas, anything goes! Be the Elf on the Shelf or even the big man himself. Come and be jolly, where confetti falls like snow and celebrate this year’s Bradford Pumpkin Show! All contestants must be between 6 - 11 years old as of October 1. All contestants will be judged on stage in the following categories: Appearance, Stage Presence/Poise, Costume, and Interview. There will be no pre-judging of the contestants. The crowned Prince & Princess Pumpkin will each receive $50 and a trophy. First Runner-Up winners will receive $25 and a trophy. Second Runner-Up winners will receive $15 and a trophy. We will also award a trophy to the Best Costume for both the Prince and Princess contestants. All contestants must ride through Tuesday's parade in their own vehicle. Please have your vehicle marked on both sides with your child's name and be at Bradford High School at 6:15 p.m. for the parade line-up. You are also invited to participate in Wednesday’s, Thursday’s, and Saturday’s parade. If you are interested in entering this pageant, please send a $20 (non-refundable) check made payable to the Bradford Pumpkin Show, ℅ Emily Welch, 5650 Croft Mill Rd., Bradford, OH 45308. Entry deadline is September 30. Along with the entry fee, please include your child's name, date of birth, what school your child attends, their grade, parents’ names, e-mail address, and telephone number.
vOting - Each contestant’s picture will be posted to a display board in front of the Village Hall. Each picture and a corresponding container will be numbered. Monetary donations can be made to the voter’s choice. Voting will be open throughout the entire week of Pumpkin Show up until noon on Saturday. Money will be counted daily and totaled on Saturday to determine the winner. All contestants will need to be at the stage area at 1:30 for judging and line-up on Saturday, Oct. 12.
a percentage of the net proceeds will be donated to Dayton children’s hospital and the local children’s miracle network. previous donations to Dayton children’s from the pumpkin show total over $900.
REGISTRATION fORmS ARE AvAIlAblE ON ThE PumPkIN ShOw’S wEbSITE bradfordpumpkinshow.com
meijer & Joe thoma Jewelers are Proud Sponsors of this event ••• cOstume cOntest (OptiOnal) ••• This year’s theme is “Fall into Christmas.” Judging will be held and the winners announced during the contest. Call 937-417-0045 or 937570-8511 for more information.
Again this year we will hold a Prince & Princess Float Contest prior to the parade. We ask that all floats be brought to the Bradford High School parking lot on Tuesday by 6:15 p.m. for judging. Best Float overall will receive $75 and a trophy, second place will receive $50 and a trophy, and third place receives a trophy. We ask that the Prince & Princess Pumpkin winners ride on the royalty float in the parade on Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday of the 2019 Bradford Pumpkin Show. Float winners are also invited back to participate in these parades. Please be at Bradford High School by 6:15 p.m. for the parade lineup on Wednesday and Thursday, and 3:15 p.m. on Saturday.
This evenT is generously sponsored by Treasures on high ConCreTe sTaTuary specializing in Concrete statuary, Candleberry Candles & antiques iF YOu have anY questiOns, please cOntact emilY welch 937-418-0965 welchemily@ymail.com
We invite you to help celebrate the
Pumpkin Show ! "%
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• tuesDAY/thursDAY ActivitY •
Bake a PumPkin Pie & PumPkin Bread Contest
HigH ScHool Band ParadeS High School Band Parades will be held Tuesday, Oct. 8, at 7 p.m., and Thursday, Oct. 10, also at 7 p.m. Any high school band wanting to register for either event, please call Jill Rank at 937-564-2119 or 937-448-6474 for additional information.
SNAPCHAT FILTER The Bradford Pumpkin Show Snapchat filter is back and will be live at 4 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 11, and will last through 11 p.m. on Saturday! So, when you’re on the midway, by the stage, or taking selfies in front of the Pumpkin Pyramid, be sure to use our Snapchat filter so people can see how much fun you’re having at the 2019 Pumpkin Show!
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• Prizes • Again this year, there will be no pumpkin pie or Grand Champion Pumpkin Pie: $91 pumpkin bread entries in the Display Building. Instead, Champion Pumpkin Pie: $50 everyone is encouraged to enter the Bake A Pumpkin 3rd Place Pumpkin Pie: $15 Pie & Pumpkin Bread Contest. Greenville National Grand Champion Pumpkin Bread: $91 Bank sponsors this event. Champion Pumpkin Bread: $25 • rules & regulAtioNs • 3rd Place Pumpkin Bread: $15 ••• Entries to be delivered between 10 a.m - 1 p.m. Best-Looking Pie: $50 Wednesday, Oct. 9, to Clark’s Pizza House. All entries All Auction Money Will be Applied to displAy building become property of the Pumpkin Show. ••• Pies must be baked in at least an 8" or 9" disposable foil pan. Canned pumpkin may be used, but pre-mixed pie crusts or frozen cannot be used. ••• Pumpkin bread must be in 1 pound loaves (this is a small loaf) and should be in a disposable foil pan or wrapped in cellophane. May be frosted, un-iced, with or without nuts. ••• All pies and breads will be auctioned or sold Wednesday, Oct. 9, 6 p.m., at Clark’s Pizza House.
Remember to Celebrate 91 Years of a Great Festival By Baking a Pumpkin Pie or Bread
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The 91st Annual
Bradford PumPkIn shoW october 8 - october 12, 2019 schedule of eVents
Sunday, OctOber 6 7:00pm
Property Decorating Contest
MOnday, OctOber 7 4:00pm-7:00pm
5:30pm-8:00pm 6:30pm-8:00pm
Pumpkin Painting & Decorating Contest (All entries for children, teens, & adults are entered at the Bradford City Building) Display Building entries for the largest pumpkin Display Building entries received (see specific depts.)
tueSday, OctOber 8 10:00am-Noon 4:00pm 4:00pm 5:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 10:00pm
Display Building entries received (see specific depts.) Official Opening of the 2019 Pumpkin Show Midway of Rides, Games & Concessions will open Pumpkin Diaper Derby & Pumpkin City Run Band Parade Princess & Prince Contest (north end stage) Festival Closing
WedneSday, OctOber 9 9:00am-1:00pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 10:00pm
(nO cOnfetti night) Bake-A-Pumpkin Pie & Pumpkin Bread Contest (entries received at Clark’s Pizza) Midway of Rides, Games, & Concessions will open Little Miss Pumpkin & Master Pumpkin (north end stage) Pumpkin Pie & Pumpkin Bread Auction (at Clark’s Pizza) Little Miss Pumpkin & Master and Queens Parade Winners of the Little Miss Pumpkin and Master Pumpkin will be crowned Queen Pageant – Crowning of Miss Pumpkin 2019 (north end stage) Festival Closing
thurSday, OctOber 10 4:00pm 4:30pm
Midway of Rides, Games, & Concessions will open Kiddie Tractor Pull (Held on the Midway. If weather does not permit, the event will be held at the Bradford Fire Dept.) Band & Cheerleading Parade Pee-Wee Cheerleading Competition (north end stage) If the weather does not permit, the competition will be held on a future date at Bradford High School Festival Closing
7:00pm 7:30pm
friday, OctOber 11 1:00pm 1:30pm 4:30pm 8:00pm-10:00pm 11:00pm
Midway of Rides, Games, & Concessions will open School Parade Big Wheel Races (Held on the Midway. If weather does not permit, the event will be held at the Bradford Fire Dept.) Entertainment – Spittin’ Image (north end stage) Festival Closing
Saturday, OctOber 12 9:00am-12:00pm 12:00pm-3:00pm 12:00pm 12:00pm 2:00pm 4:00pm
5:30pm 10:00pm 11:00pm
Car Show Registration Car/Motorcycle Show Pet & Novelty Parade (line up behind Bradford City Building – awards at north end stage) Craft Show (Midway) Cutest Baby Contest (north end stage) Extravaganza Parade & Miami County Fire Prevention Parade - Hometown Heroes will be honored Grand Marshals will be Bob & Linda Beckstedt Bradford High School Class of 1979 Smash-A-Pumpkin (north end stage) “Lucky Pumpkin Sweepstakes” (north end stage) Closing of the 2019 Bradford Pumpkin Show
CRAFT SHOW SATURDAY, OCT. 12 ~ Starting at Noon ~
for additional information about this year’s Pumpkin show, check out:
held on the south end of the midway walk come see many vendors offering items for everyone! Vendors Interested In PartIcIPatIng can VIsIt:
schedule of eVents • eVent regIstratIon forms
2019 PumPkin show sPonsors Backyard Team Apparel Bradford Fire & Rescue C.F. Poeppelman, Inc. Covington Savings & Loan Dick Lavy Trucking GNB Banking - Bradford Branch Joe Thoma Littman-Thomas Agency Marshall’s Service Station Meijer’s Primary Care Internists, Inc. Production Paint Stocker Fraley Funeral Home Tidd Kitty TRN Treasures On High Unique Treasures & Vintage Prop Rentals
28th Annual
CAR SHOW SATURDAY, OCT. 12 ~ 9 a.m.-3 p.m. In BACk OF THe CITy PARk RegistRation: 9 a.m. - noon
cost: $10 Per regIstratIon DASH PLAQUES GIVEN TO FIRST 100 ENTRIES, TOP 25, & BEST OF SHOW ••• motorcYcle class & 2000 neWer class •••
For information, call Doug Minnich at 937-418-2973 – not Responsible for fire, theft, accidents, or injury –
Bob & Linda Beckstedt Honored To Be Named 2019 Grand Marshals Bob and Linda Beckstedt are pleased to be named this year’s Bradford Pumpkin Show Grand Marshals. Bob is a native of Piqua and graduated from Piqua Central High School in 1953. He went on to a career at Armco (Piqua Materials) alongside his father and three older brothers. He retired in 1998 after 45 years of service. Linda is a lifelong resident of Bradford, graduating from Bradford High School in 1955. She retired from the Village of Bradford after completing over 27 years as their Village Clerk/Treasurer. Bob and Linda were married June 27, 1959, and recently celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary. Following their marriage Bob relocated to Bradford where they purchased their present home on School St. They are the proud parents of four children, six grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren, with a fourth due in December. The Beckstedts have been active participants in the Bradford Pumpkin Show since 1960, volunteering for a multitude of jobs to assist in making the festival a success. For many years Bob assembled tables and stands for display in the School and Display Tent, which students and organizations would then decorate with their works of art. He was there to pound a nail or put a staple in something to hold it together for other projects when he was needed. Linda was more of a decorator and had an eye for making floats and displays look their best. Together with other committee members they designed, built, and decorated many queen floats and organization displays, as well as participated in and helped with the school parades during the years of raising their children. For several years Bob and Linda participated in the house decorating contests either by decorating their home or assisting with decorating one of their children’s homes. Bob and Linda have in the past and continue to help with ideas, costumes, and floats for their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren as they participate in the contests. Linda designs and sews costumes, while Bob builds the base of the floats which are then decorated. Back in the early 1960's, while vacationing with family in northern Indiana, they attended a Mermaid Festival where a Prince and Princess contest was held in conjunction with the Queen contest. This prompted an idea that it might be a good addition to the Bradford Pumpkin Show. Linda, along with a committee, then chaired the first contest for small children and it has become a popular festival event, along with costume and float competitions. When not designing, building, decorating, and driving floats in parades, Bob and Linda could be found behind a confetti booth, the Presbyterian Pumpkin Patch, or other local booths, volunteering their time and services to help in making the Pumpkin Show what it is today. Bob and Linda have thoroughly enjoyed the many years spent helping with the Bradford Pumpkin Show events and encourage the younger generations to step up and help continue the success and keep the festival thriving for many years to come!
PUMPKIN PATCH PAGE 10 • Wednesday activity •
Little Miss & Master Pumpkin Pageant On Wednesday, Oct. 9, the Bradford Pumpkin Show will host its 14th Annual Little Miss & Master Pumpkin pageant. The pageant will begin at 4:30 p.m. on the north end entertainment stage, with the winners announced following the parade. This event is generously sponsored by Littman-Thomas Agency, your community’s residential and business insurance provider since the 1860’s. All contestants must be between 2-5 years of age as of October 1 and must be able to walk onto the stage by him/herself. The theme for this year’s pageant is “Fall into Christmas.” Tis the season to celebrate the 91st Bradford Pumpkin Show! Contestants should be creative and dress as their favorite part of Christmas. Whether you are a Christmas tree shining bright on Christmas morning, the special present under the tree, or Rudolph pulling Santa’s sleigh with a bright, shining nose, as long as it’s Christmas, anything goes! Be the Elf on a Shelf, or even the big man himself. Come and be jolly, where confetti falls like snow and celebrate this year’s Bradford Pumpkin Show. All contestants will be judged on stage in the following categories: Appearance, Stage Presence/Poise, Originality, and Crowd Response. There will be no pre-judging or interviewing of the contestants. The Little Miss & Master Pumpkin winners will each receive $50 and a trophy. 1st Runner-up winners will receive $25 and a trophy, and 2nd Runner-up winners will receive $15 and a trophy. We will also award a trophy to the Best Costume Little Miss & Master Pumpkin contestants. All contestants are invited to ride through Wednesday's parade in their own vehicle. If participating in the parade, you must have your vehicle marked on both sides with the child's name and be at Bradford High School at 6:15 p.m. for the parade line-up. If you are interested in entering, please send a $20 (non-refundable) check made payable to the Bradford Pumpkin Show, ℅ Kathy Weldy, 426 School St., Bradford, OH 45308. Entry deadline is September 30. Along with the entry fee, please include your child's name, date of birth, parents’ names, e-mail address, and telephone number where you can be reached. Also include a description of their costume and note their special interest(s), such as their favorite cartoon, pet, hobby, etc. In addition, please note whether or not you will be participating in the Wednesday evening parade prior to the contest. Registration forms are available on the Pumpkin Show’s website (bradfordpumpkinshow.com) Again this year we will hold a Little Miss & Master Pumpkin Float Contest prior to the parade. We ask that all floats be brought to the Bradford High School parking lot on Wednesday by 6:15 p.m. for judging. Best Float Overall will receive $75 and a trophy, second place will receive $50 and a trophy, and third place receives a trophy. We ask that the Little Miss & Master Pumpkin winners ride on the royalty float in the parade on Thursday and Saturday of the 2019 Bradford Pumpkin Show. Float winners are also invited back to participate in these parades. Please be at Bradford High School by 6:15 p.m. for the parade line-up on Thursday, and 3:15 p.m. on Saturday. If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Weldy at 937-417-3010.
• thursday activity •
Kiddie TracTor Pull On Thursday, Oct. 10, at 4:30 p.m., the Kiddie Tractor Pull will take place downtown on the midway, close to the Festival Headquarters. If the weather does not permit the event to be held on the midway, it will be held at the Bradford Fire Department. The tractor pull will have three classes: Ages 3 & 4 • Ages 5 & 6 • Ages 7 & 8 Sign-up for the Kiddie Tractor Pull will begin at 3:45 p.m. Winners in each class will be receiving prizes. Gregory Peck Sound Service will be sponsoring this event. Any questions about this event should be directed to Jennifer Peck, 937-467-3160, or e-mail: jennifersuepeck@gmail.com.
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PUMPKIN PATCH PAGE 12 • monday & Tuesday activity •
Lucky PumPkin SweePStakeS THERE WILL BE 225 tICKEtS SOLD THIS YEAR! All Proceeds Help Sponsor the Bradford Pumpkin Show Drawing will be helD at 10 p.m. SaturDay, Oct. 12 at the nOrth enD Stage
DONATION: $25 PER TICKET To purchase tickets, contact any Pumpkin Show Board member. There will be 25 tickets held back to be sold during the festival. PuRcHASE TIckETS AT THE FESTIvAL HEADquARTERS ~ CHAIRpERSON ~ Kathy Wysong : 937-875-0874
1st prize (225th ticket Drawn) – $1,000 2nd prize (224th ticket Drawn) – $500 First ticket Drawn – $100 100th ticket Drawn – $250 prize For every 25th ticket Drawn – $100
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DISpLAY BuILDING ENtRIES DISpLAY BuILDING We are happy to submit this Premium List and trust that you will find an exhibit that your labors have produced and that a satisfactory premium is offered. Again this year, entries in the display building will be received on Monday evening as well as Tuesday morning (see time in the rules and regulations). This change has been made to accommodate the many people who were unable to bring their items to the display building during the morning hours. Displays will be housed in the Display Building at the center of the midway. The committee would like to thank the city officials for their cooperation. Any club or organization desiring space in the display building is asked to call Kelly Dunlevy, 937-564-4006. RuLES & REGuLAtIONS 1. The Pumpkin Show Committee shall not be liable or responsible for any damage, loss, or injury to any of the projects exhibited. However, the committee will take every precaution possible to protect exhibitors from loss or damage to all articles entered and exhibited in various classes. 2. All entries without competition will be awarded first only if, in the judgment of the judge, said entries are worthy; judge’s decision is final. 3. No exhibitor may be present while judging is being done. 4. Entries in Dept. 1 Class 3 are the Largest Pumpkin by weight. Class 4 is the Largest Display of Pumpkins and will be received by Monday, Oct. 7, from 5:30-8 p.m. 5. Exhibitors of pumpkins, squash, and gourds are permitted to sell these items from beneath their display beginning Friday, Oct. 11. 6. Other entries can be accepted on Monday, Oct. 7, from 6:30-8 p.m., as well as on Tuesday, Oct. 8, from 10 a.m. to no later than noon. 7. Entries in Dept. 2 Canned Goods must be from Fall 2018 or 2019 harvest. 8. Entries in Dept. 5 - Please bring flowers for display by 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday so flowers can be entered and placed by noon for the judges. 9. All articles are to be picked up between 121 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 13, including school displays. Claim ticket must be presented. we are not responsible for items left after check-out time. 10. All items must be entered under the name of the bona fide owner.
(department #1) dennis stryker (419-706-8499) pumpKINS entries in Class 3 (largest pumpkin by weight) and Class 4 (largest display of pumpkins) will be received by monday, oct. 7, from 5:30-8 p.m. Class 1. Best 3 Yellow Pie Pumpkins (washed) 2. Best 3 Field Pumpkins (washed) Prizes: $5, 1st; $3, 2nd; $1, 3rd 3. Largest Pumpkin (by weight, washed, minimum weight is 50 lbs.) Prizes: $200, 1st; $50, 2nd; $25, 3rd; $10, 4th 4. Largest display of Orange Pie Pumpkins (minimum of 100 pumpkins per place) Prizes: $125, 1st; $75, 2nd; $50, 3rd
“We’ll Go Out On A Limb For You” $ ! # # % $ & '
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sQUasH Classes 5. Best 3 Acorns 6. Best 3 Bananas 7. Best 3 Zucchini 8. Best 3 Hubbard Prizes: $2, 1st; $1, 2nd 9. Largest Squash (by weight) 10. Largest Gourd (by weight) Prizes: $5, 1st; $3, 2nd 11. Largest Display of Gourds 12. Most Artistic Display of Gourds Prizes: $3, 1st; $2, 2nd 13. Vegetable Sweepstakes Display (at least 10 varieties) Prizes: $5, 1st; $3, 2nd FrUiTs Classes 14. Best 5 Red Delicious Apples 15. Best 5 Golden Delicious Apples 16. Best 5 Winesap Apples 17. Best 5 Grimes Golden Apples 18. Best 5 Misc. Apples 19. Best 5 Pears Prizes: $2, 1st; $1.50, 2nd 20. Fruit Sweepstakes Display (at least 10 varieties) Prizes: $5, 1st; $3, 2nd 21. Tallest Sunflower 22. Tallest Stalk of Corn Prizes: $3, 1st; $2, 2nd
VegeTaBles Classes 23. Best 5 Table Beets 24. Best 5 Hot Peppers 25. Best 5 Bermuda Onions 26. Best 5 Yellow Onions 27. Best Head Red Cabbage 28. Best Head Green Cabbage 29. Best 5 Red Tomatoes 30. Best 5 Yellow Tomatoes 31. Best 5 Salad Tomatoes 32. Best 5 Cucumbers 33. Best 5 Bell Peppers 34. Best 5 Potatoes 35. Best 5 Sweet Potatoes 36. Best 4 Ears of Field Corn 37. Indian Corn (5 Ears) 38. Most Unusual Entry 39. Best 5 Carrots 40. Miscellaneous 41. Largest Head Cabbage 42. Largest Beet 43. Largest Turnip 44. Largest Onion 45. Largest Tomato 46. Largest Cucumber 47. Largest Potato 48. Largest Sweet Potato 49. Largest Sunflower Head 50. Largest Carrot 51. Best 3 Crook Neck Gourds Prizes: $2, 1st; $1, 2nd
(department #2) Katie Bazill (937-448-6273) FrUiTs Classes 1. Best Can Peaches 2. Best Can Applesauce 3. Best Can Pears 4. Best Can Misc. Fruit Prizes: $2, 1st; $1, 2nd VegeTaBles Classes 5. Best Can Whole Tomatoes 6. Best Can Corn 7. Best Can Green Beans 8. Best Can Beets 9. Best Can Tomato Juice 10. Best Can Peas 11. Best Can Carrots 12. Best Can Soup 13. Best Can Sauerkraut 14. Best Can Misc. Vegetables Prizes: $2, 1st; $1, 2nd 15. Best Can Pumpkin Prizes: $5, 1st; $3, 2nd meaTs Classes 16. Best Can Chicken 17. Best Can Beef 18. Best Can Pork 19. Best Can Other Meat Prizes: $2, 1st; $1, 2nd preserVes & Jellies Classes 20. Best Jar Cherry Preserves 21. Best Jar Strawberry Preserves 22. Best Jar Grape Jelly 23. Best Jar Other Jelly Prizes: $2, 1st; $1, 2nd piCKles Classes 24. Best Jar Sweet Pickles 25. Best Jar Dill Pickles 26. Best Jar Bread & Butter Pickles 27. Best Jar Mixed Pickled Foods or Peppers 28. Miscellaneous Prizes: $2, 1st; $1, 2nd CondimenTs Classes 29. Best Jar or Bottle Chili Sauce 30. Best Jar Pickle Relish 31. Best Jar Other Relish 32. Best Jar Spaghetti Sauce 33. Best Jar Salsa 34. Best Jar Other Sauce Prizes: $2, 1st; $1, 2nd
(department #3) pee wee Football & Cheerleading organization evie Hudelson (937-564-6431) ~~all classes in this department will have two separate categories~~ Under 16 & adult. entry must be submitted under name of person who made it. CaKe Classes (May submit either a small cake or one large serving on a plate) 1. Angel Food Cake 2. Chocolate Cake 3. Miscellaneous Cake Prizes: $3, 1st; $2, 2nd 4. Pumpkin Cake Prizes: $5, 1st; $3, 2nd 5. Best Decorated Cake - Novelty Theme 6. Best Decorated Cake - Harvest Theme 7. Best Decorated Cupcakes Novelty Theme 8. Best Decorated Cupcakes Harvest Theme All decorated items need not be edible. Accessories may be used. Prizes: $3, 1st; $2, 2nd CooKie Classes (3 cookies on a small plate, covered with clear plastic wrap) 9. Chocolate Chip 10. Oatmeal 11. Peanut Butter 12. Sugar 13. Brownies 14. Miscellaneous Cookies Prizes: $3, 1st; $2, 2nd 15. Pumpkin Cookies Prizes: $5, 1st; $3, 2nd
Bread Classes (Up to 2 slices on a small plate, covered with clear plastic wrap) 16. Nut Bread 17. Banana Bread 18. White Yeast Bread 19. Cinnamon Rolls (yeast, 3 on a plate) 20. Miscellaneous Bread Prizes: $3, 1st; $2, 2nd 21. Pumpkin Bread Prizes: $5, 1st; $3, 2nd Candy Classes (At least 3 pieces on a plate, covered with clear plastic wrap) 22. Mints 23. Peanut Brittle 24. Peanut Butter Fudge 25. Chocolate Fudge 26. Miscellaneous Candy Prizes: $3, 1st; $2, 2nd 27. Pumpkin Candy Prizes: $5, 1st; $3, 2nd
(department #4) Bradford Church of the Brethren Teresa stryker (937-564-7146) ~~all classes in this department will have two separate categories~~ Under 16 & adult. entry must be submitted under name of person who made it. Home sewing Classes 1. Pillow 2. Dress 3. Sport Outfit 4. Suit 5. Short Outfit 6. Skirt 7. Apron 8. Doll 9. Blouse 10. Appliquéd Garment 11. Miscellaneous Article 12. Wall Hanging 13. Lap Robe Prizes: $2, 1st; $1, 2nd QUilTing 14. Quilted Wall Hanging 15. Quilted Clothing 16. Baby Quilt 17. Quilted Pillow 18. Quilted Accessories Prizes: $2, 1st; $1, 2nd 19. Quilt Prizes: $5, 1st; $3, 2nd CroCHeT Classes 20. Booties 21. Pillow Cases 22. Doilies 23. Baby Outfit 24. Baby Afghan 25. Miscellaneous Prizes: $2, 1st; $1, 2nd 26. Crocheted Afghan Prizes: $5, 1st; $3, 2nd emBroidery Classes 27. Picture 28. Pillow Cases 29. Dresser Scarf 30. Tablecloth 31. Punch Embroidery 32. Crewel Embroidery Picture 33. Needlepoint Picture 34. Latch Hook Rug 35. Plastic Canvas (Single Item) 36. Counted Cross-Stitch 37. Cross-Stitch Garment 38. Cross-Stitch Picture 39. Display of Plastic Canvas 40. Miscellaneous Prizes: $2, 1st; $1, 2nd KniTTing Classes 41. Booties 42. Sweater 43. Baby Outfit 44. Miscellaneous 45. Baby Afghan Prizes: $2, 1st; $1, 2nd 46. Knitted Afghan Prizes: $5, 1st; $3, 2nd
(department #5) gro garden Club diane Beck (937-417-3232) Artistic arrangement material is the designer’s choice, except for these rules: • Dried arrangements must contain dried or glycerinated plant material. A minimum of dyed or tinted flowers can be used in dried arrangements. • Do not use tinted or painted plant material in fresh arrangements. • Do not use plastic or silk flowers in either dried or fresh arrangements. • Please bring flowers for display by 11:30 a.m. Tuesday so flowers can be entered and placed by noon for judging. If entering a large number of items, please bring by 10:30 a.m. Tuesday morning. • Please do not use paper or foam cups or plastic wine glasses for vases.
arrangemenT Classes 1. Pumpkins and Flowers (must use fresh pumpkin in design) Prizes: $5, 1st; $4, 2nd 2. Log cabin (wood with dried flowers) 3. America the Beautiful (no flags in the arrangements) 4. Fairy Garden Playhouse Party 5. Pink Garden (minimum 5” but less than 12” in any dimension) Prizes: $3, 1st; $2, 2nd * Best Overall Arrangement Class - 15 - Prize: $5 speCimen Classes 6. Any new introduction of a sedum for 2019 7. Three Cut Herbs in a vase 8. One Cut Herb (stem must be long enough to put in a vase) 9. Crested Cockscomb (large) 10. Crested Cockscomb (small or medium) 11. Plumed or Feathered Cockscomb 12. Marigold, Giant, 1 bloom, orange 13. Marigold, Giant, 1 bloom, yellow 14. Marigold, Dwarf, Single, 1 bloom 15. Marigold, Dwarf, Double, 1 bloom 16. Mums, 1 spray each a. Yellow b. Bronze c. Pink d. Purple e. Maroon & Red f. White g. Lavender 17. Dahlia, small, 1 bloom 18. Dahlia, medium, 1 bloom 19. Dahlia, large, 1 bloom 20. Mini Zinnia (Profusion, Old Mexico, etc.) 21. Zinnia, small 22. Zinnia, large 23. Artemisia 24. One Bloom with stem attached from a bulb (excluding gladiola) 25. Gladiola, 1 bloom, any color 26. Sedum, 1 bloom 27. Sedums planted in a small shallow dish (not to exceed 15" in diam.) 28. Annual (not listed in other classes) a. 1 round form b. 1 spray c. 1 spike 29. Perennials (not listed in other classes) a. 1 round form b. 1 spray c. 1 spike 30. Coleus cutting (no bloom) Prizes: $2, 1st; $1, 2nd 31. Rose Hybrid Tea or Grandiflora a. White b. Yellow c. Pink d. Red e. Coral or orange f. Any other color g. Fragrance class, best smelling rose 32. Rose, Floribunda, 1 spray 33. Mini Rose a. 1 bloom b. 1 spray c. climbing mini, 1 spray or single bloom 34. Climbing Rose, single bloom or spray, with at least 2 roses open 35. Shrub Rose, 1 spray or a single bloom with foliage attached Prizes: $3, 1st; $2, 2nd * Green Thumb Award (for best cut annual or perennial) Prize: $3 * Award of Elegance (best rose of show) Prize: $3
HOBBIES (department #6) annie gregg (937-448-2386) ~~All classes in this department will have two separate categories~~ Under 16 & Adult. Entry must be submitted under name of person who made it. Classes 1. Best Display of Collectors’ Item (display must contain at least 3 items, maximum of 6) 2. Best Display of Handcrafts (display must contain at least 3 items, maximum of 6) Entries 3 thru 12, no more than 2 entries per person. 3. Best Black & White Photograph 4. Best Color Photograph 5. Best Painting 6. Best Sketch 7. Best Tole Painting 8. Woodcraft 9. Decorated Wreath 10. Best Scrapbook - 1 Page 11. Best Scrapbook - 2 Page spread (considered as one entry) 12. Make a Pumpkin Out of Something 13. Best Handmade Greeting Card Prizes: $3, 1st; $2, 2nd
PUMPKIN PATCH PAGE 13 • Friday activity •
Big Wheel Races The Bradford Pumpkin Show will hold their “Big Wheel Race” at the 91st Annual Bradford Pumpkin Show. The event will be held on the midway Friday, Oct. 11, 4:30 p.m., in front of the Festival Headquarters. If the weather does not permit the event to be held on the midway, it will be relocated to the Bradford Fire Department. Registration will be from 4-4:15 p.m. at the Festival Headquarters on the midway. Age divisions are as follows: 3, 4, 5, and 6 years old. We will be giving 1st and 2nd place medallions to the winners of each category. Sign-ups will be held prior to the event on Friday. Please contact Becky Wackler if you have questions prior to the event at 937-418-1927 or e-mail becky.wackler@remedirx.com.
Signature Homes Desi Layman President
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Hrs: Mon.-Fri. 10am-5pm; Sat. 10am-4pm; Closed Sunday
Free Written Estimates
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Smash–A–Pumpkin Contest
Royalty Night Wednesday, OctOber 9 Come celebrate “Fall into Christmas” at the Bradford Pumpkin Show and see who will become the 2019 Miss Pumpkin. The streets come alive when the Bradford High School Band marches to their beat, and the Queen contestants drive through among the crowd. Following the parade, at the north end stage, will be the crowning of the Little Miss and Master winners and then we will get underway with the 2019 Royalty Night. The Bradford Community Festival Association extends an invitation to girls of sophomore, junior, and senior classes to enter. Sponsors for the entry fee may be a school organization, 4-H Club, civic group, area business, or even parents. The 2019 Miss Pumpkin will receive $75 cash, flowers, sash, and crown. 1st Runner-Up will receive $50 cash and sash. 2nd Runner-Up will receive $25 cash and sash. Awards will also be given for Miss Congeniality, Most Photogenic, and Best Evening Gown. If we have over 12 contestants, we will award the top 10 contestants, and if we receive less than 12 contestants we will only award the top five. Contestants having questions should contact Committee members Alisha Patty, 937-564-5661, or Megan Hunt, 937-423-0694. If you would like to participate, please mail your name, address, phone number, a wallet-size photo, and $25 entry fee (non-refundable) as well as the Miss Pumpkin Queens Contest Application Form to: Alisha Patty, 6814 N. St. Rt. 721, Bradford, OH 45308 by SEPTEMBER 30. RegistRation FoRms available at: bradfordpumpkinshow.com Make Checks Payable to Bradford Festival Association Your school counselor will have the Miss Pumpkin applications as well as any Committee member. Please come to see who the next miss PumPkin will be!
Pee Wee Cheer Competition We will hold the Pee Wee Cheer Competition on Thursday, Oct. 10, following the parade. Please see detailed information below, and feel free to call or text Ashley Floyd at 937-417-0298 or Marissa Wirrig at 937-564-5886. PaRade: Each squad shall participate in the parade at 7 p.m. Squads should arrive at Bradford High School no later than 6 p.m. Bradford Firefighters will inform each squad where they will be in the parade line-up. ComPetition oRdeR: The competition order will be emailed to advisors no later than Sunday, Oct. 6. CoaCHes’ meeting: The coaches’ meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m., before the parade, in the Auxiliary Gymnasium.
The Bradford Community Festival Association would like to have your participation in a great event on Saturday, Oct. 12, at 5:30. This event will be held at the north end stage. You have the opportunity to purchase tickets to smash a pumpkin – something you have always wanted to do – without getting in trouble! HERE IS HOW THIS WILL WORk: Purchase a ticket – 1/$1, 7/$5, or arm-length (21 tickets) for $10 from any Board member, Committee member, or at the Festival Headquarters during the week of the Pumpkin Show. All of the tickets will be placed in a raffle drum. Ten tickets will be drawn on Saturday night and each of the ten “winners” will choose a pumpkin to smash. Pumpkins will contain cash ranging from $15 to $200. Breakdown: one at $15, two at $20, one at $30, one at $40, one at $75, one at $100, one at $150, and one at $200. Then we will have one pumpkin that will have a Lucky Pumpkin Sweepstakes ticket inside. If you are the lucky person to smash this pumpkin, it will allow you to have a chance to win up to $1,000 in the Saturday night Lucky Pumpkin drawing at 10 p.m. If you purchase a ticket and you are not at the festival, a Committee member will smash the pumpkin for you.
ComPetition inFoRmation: Where: North End Stage, in Patty’s IGA/Post Office Parking Lot When: Thursday, Oct. 10 Time: Competition follows the parade at approximately 7:30 p.m. Eligibility: 2019-2020 Cheerleading squads may participate divisions: Junior Varsity Cheer, Junior Varsity DanCe, Varsity Cheer, Varsity DanCe, inDiViDuaL • Dance division must consist of all music and no cheers. • Cheer division must consist of a chant, cheer, and dance(s). It may be in any particular order of your choice. • Individual must consist of cheer, chant, and dance. • Routines have a maximum of three minutes. Props may be placed on the performance area before the squad is announced. entRY Fees: $25 for Cheer and Dance divisions. $15 for Individual division. musiC: We will provide a sound system; however, you are responsible for the music to be used during your performance and a person to operate the sound system for your squad. Music must be on a CD ONLY. best sPiRit awaRd: Show your team spirit throughout the parade and get the crowd involved!!! PaRade sign ComPetition: Each squad will be responsible for their own sign to identify themselves. The sign must be carried through the parade on Thursday. The sign can either be a fall theme or school theme. This will be judged by our spirit judges throughout the parade. NOTE: If the weather does not permit us to do the competition outside, we will cancel and reschedule for a later date.
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PUMPKIN PATCH PAGE 15 • Friday Night Entertainment •
SPITTIN’ IMAGE identical twins Blain and Brian Swabb, a musical / comedy duo from Greenville, will be performing Friday from 810 p.m.
They Hope To See You At the Pumpkin Show! • Friday activity •
School Parade The School Parade will take place Friday, Oct. 11, at 1:30 p.m. This is the event that features Bradford’s finest! Our very own school children take to the streets to begin the festivities for Friday. The parade will feature pre-school and elementary children, high school organizations, the football team, cheerleaders, Homecoming Court, and much more! Come and enjoy the fun of seeing the students of Bradford Exempted Village School. If you have questions, please contact Crystal Yingst at 937-448-2719.
• Saturday activity •
Pet & Novelty Parade The Pet & Novelty Parade will be held Saturday, Oct. 12, at noon. anyone wishing to enter must be pre-registered by calling Joanne Pittenger, 937-216-8951 on or before Thursday, Oct. 10. ReMeMBeR TO Pick yOuR caTegORy PRiOR TO calliNg! ••• AbSOLUTELy NO FRIDAy OR SATURDAy ENTRIES wILL bE pERMITTED ••• We will begin lining up beside the City Building at 10:45 a.m. It is very important that all entrants be in their category because of judging. Judging will begin promptly at 11:30. If you are not in your category by that time, you may not get judged. After judging we will parade to the north end stage to announce the winners! At the north end stage, the child will go on stage in their respective category. Each entry will be introduced and winners will be announced at that time. Cash prizes will be awarded to each winner in the categories listed below. Each entrant will receive a ribbon and a goody bag. Sign carriers are needed! If you would like to carry a sign, please call before Friday, Oct. 11. Judges’ decisions are FINAL. No horses, ponies, livestock, or reptiles may be entered. No commercial entries. One entry per person.
• Categories • 1. Little Miss Baby Pumpkin (0-23 mos.) 2. Little Mr. Baby Pumpkin (0-23 mos.) EnTRiES fOR THE ABOvE MUST BE DRESSED in PUMPkin ATTiRE! PRiZES: $15 and a Medallion for 1st place; $10 for 2nd place; $7 for 3rd place
9. Best nursery Rhyme / Story BookCharacter 10. Best Tv /Movie Character 11. Best Dressed football Player 12. Best Dressed Cheerleader 13. Best Decorated Wheels (includes wagons, bikes, strollers, or tricycles) PRiZES: $10 for 1st place; $7 for 2nd place
3. Best Dressed Clown 4. Best Dressed Cowgirl/Cowboy 5. Best Dressed indian 6. Best Hobo 7. Best Historical Character 8. Best Cartoon Character
14. Best Dressed Pet 15. Largest Dog 16. Smallest Dog 17. Prettiest Pet 18. Most Unusual Pet PRiZES: $7 for 1st place; $5 for 2nd place
• Saturday activity •
Extravaganza ParadE The Bradford Community Festival Association would like to invite everyone to participate in the Bradford Pumpkin Show’s Extravaganza Parade to be held Saturday, Oct. 12, at 4 p.m. There will also be a Float Contest. There will be three categories: Queen’s Choice, Mayor’s Choice, and Civic, with one winner in each category. Cash prizes will be awarded to the winners. Go-carts, dirt bikes, three-wheelers, four-wheelers, or motorcycles are NOT allOwed in the parade because of liability. Four-wheelers may pull a float. For more information or an entry form, please contact Debbie Richard at 937-448-2845 or e-mail her at drichard2@woh.rr.com. REGISTRATION FORM IS LOCATED UNDER EVENT REGISTRATION FORMS www.bradfordpumpkinshow.com Hometown Heroes to Be extravaganza Parade sPecial guests!
The Bradford Pumpkin Show invites all “Hometown Heroes” to be special guests of the Extravaganza Parade on October 12. All former and present military personnel are invited. We would like to honor you in the parade to thank you for your past and present service to the United States. Please contact Debbie Richard at 937448-2845 or drichard2@woh.rr.com.
Let US
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1 Order of Breadsticks, One 2 Liter Of Your Favorite Pepsi Product
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“Celebrating 42 Years In Miami County”
The Little Mader Farm ! !
Welcome To The Bradford
PumPkin Show!
Covington â&#x20AC;˘ Bradford