Stillwater Valley Advertiser 5-10-23

Page 7

ECRWSS Postal Customer STILLWATER VALLEY A DVERTISER PRE-SORTED STANDARD U S POSTAGE PAID Arens Corporation / ),# + ).&(%,)( )( +& !' *' / , +!"$)+" )( !, !' *' -( !' *' Vol 72 - No 19 Circulation: 10,508 • 937-473-2028 • May 10, 2023 FAX: 937-473-2500 • E-Mail: arenspub@gmail com • Check Us Out On The Web: arenspub com ZONED INsErts: PAttY s GA MENArDs NEwtON BOArD Of EDucAtION fAMIlY fArM & HOME sPEc Al PAGEs: MOtHEr s DAY PAGE 5 sPrING HOME IMPrOVEMENt: PAGEs: 6&7 Serving Miami Co. for ree Generations ! " $ ! " $ # ! " ! • PAID ADVERTORIAL •

‘The Big Sit’ Is May 13 at BNC

Come join intrepid Brukner Nature Center staff and Bird Club members and volunteers on Saturday May 13 6 a m til 6 p m , as they sit in a 17 foot circle in the parking lot and tally every bird species seen or heard from that small island This annual 12-hour fundraising event is held to share the fun and excitement of birdwatching with others to encourage an interest in this lifelong hobby, and to raise funds for their Wildlife Ambassadors

Did you know that you can see over 400 different bird species in the state of Ohio – how cool is that! Learn the call of the Eastern Phoebe, try out a spotting scope, then make a pledge for each species recorded and support the nature center ’s mission Typically, 50-60 species are recorded in this one day Every pledge adds up to help feed the birds each year! Email info@bruknernaturecenter com if you would like to make a pledge Brukner Nature Center is located at 5995 Horseshoe Bend Rd Troy

C heeRS tO

80 YeaRS!

John Simon will be celebrating his 80th Birthday on Wednesday, May 31 If you would like to help him celebrate this milestone by sending him a card, his address is:

JJohn F. Simon 7855 Bradford-Bloomer Rd. Bradford, Ohio 45308

Page 2 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - MAY 10, 2023 www arenspub com
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Line off S R 718/Hogpath Rd

GARAGE SALE: May 11-13 Thurs & Fri , 9-5; Sat , 9-noon Spr ng downsizing! Lots of misc 1515 S Greenlee, Ludlow Falls

GARAGE SALE: May 11-13 9-5

5590 Stillwe l Rd P qua Troy-Bi t til er; Toro zero-turn mower; dresser; clothes & shoes; household



1735 N Harshbarger Rd Covington May 12-13 8-? Eliptical & punching bag (both like new); keyed car-top carrier; lots of nice books (some classics); lots of records; p u z z l e s ; n i c e b a b y e q u i p me n t; clothing; canopy bed; furniture; guitar & high hat; electric stove; garden tub ( ike new); & lots of misc

www arenspub com Page 3 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - MAY 10, 2023 Wo u l d n’ t yO U r a D l o o k G r e a t I n T h i s S p o t ? C A L L T O DAY ! ! ! 9 3 7 - 4 7 3 - 2 5 0 0 BRADFORD STOR & LOCK Personal - Business - Commercial RENTING MONTH TO MONTH 5x10 | 10x10 | 10x15 10x20 937-448-6550 5/31/23 TrEE SErVICE 937-570-0448 ••• fREE ESTIMATE ••• FuLLY INSuReD 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE TRiMMinG • TRee ReMOVal 9/27 23 VEgETATIOn TECh ‹ R E M O V A L & P R U N I N G ‹ B R U S H & I N V A S I V E S P E C I E S C L E A R I N G FRee eSt Fully inSuRed BRADEN - 937-570-9691 www vegtechservices com 5/17/23 TrEE CarE JeANNe’S cReATIONS Specializing in Alterations, Mending, Zippers & MORE! EldErly or HandicappEd??? We can come to yoUr home! 40 YeARS eXPeRIeNce Appts Only • 937-473-5405 5/1/24 alTEraTIONS E a G l E ’ S E a G l E ’ S TrEE SErVICE we will gO Out On a liMB FOR yOu! Call uS Before you decide FRee eSTImATeS Steve • 937-773-5565 tfn TrEE CarE STOraGE FaCIlITy WOOD CHUCKIN, LLC STUMP & BRUSH REMOVAL SPECIALIST / PROPERTY SERVICES FRee eSTImATeS - INSuReD 937-538-8469 12/27/23 STUmP & BrUSh rEmOVal SEPTIC TaNKS COOPER'S Septic Tanks & Leach Beds Cleaned, Installed & Repaired S E P T I C T A N K P U M P I N G “ We ’ r e # 1 i n t h e # 2 B u s i n e s s ! ” 937-760-8396 937-698-6200 • 1-888-698-6200 3:1-tfn SEPTIC TaNKS lEaCh BED rEPaIr • aDDITIONS SEPTIC TaNK PUmPING BOB'S EXCaVaTING 698-4694 5 24/23 PlUmBING H & S H & S PLUMBING , INC . Quality is our Goal! aPPlIaNCE SErVICE DAVID DeHART SERVICE ON ALL APPLIANCES Emergency Service Available APPLIANce INSTALLATION All Brands - All models 937-698-5428 5/31/23 PlaSTErING NEW & rEPaIr J E f f f O x p L A S T E R I n g Interior - New & Repair Exterior - Stucco & Dryvit Systems Quality Work FREE ESTIMATES 9 3 7 - 8 8 4 - 7 5 9 8 9/27/23 aUCTIONEEr TIM LANDIS, Auctioneer, LLC Estates - Farm Equipment Antiques - Furn. - Consignments 6905 W Smith rd , Covington 937-418-8941 www auctionzip com #20717 timlandisauctioneer@yahoo com tfn JULIA’S CONFECTION CONNECTION 111 Marvin St Gettysburg 937-447-9207 Tues , 3-7; Fri , 11-5:30; Sat , 9-12 tfn CaNDy & CaKE SUPPlIES EXCaVaTING & DEmOlITION CRESS EXCAVATING Clean Waterw ays - Ditches - Ponds rOOm aDDITIONS • DEmOlITION 937-232-7380 12/27/23 GraVEl/ BlaCKTOP BlaCktOP & gRaVel new OR PRe-eXiSting Driveways - Far m Lanes Par king Lots - Hauling Re-gRaVel• Re-gRading COMMeRCial & ReSidential call us For All Your Driveway Needs! 937-698-1107 www coopersblacktop com ALL CLEAN PRESSURE WASHING Specializing in SOFt waSH technique does your Home Have algae? “WE KILL THE GREEN!” 1-Story Home Starting at $450 1-1/2 – 2-Story Homes Starting at $550 SeRVing daRke & MiaMi COuntieS Ask About Our Senior & Veterans Discount! 937-710-3606 5 31/23 EXTErIOr ClEaNING laWN CarE COMMeRCial & ReSidential MOWinG • TR MMinG • leaF ReMOVal BUshes • laWn ROllinG – FRee eSTImATeS –KUhn’s laWn CaRe 937-214-0014 10/25/23 Residential/Commercial/Service Your High Standards Plumber 937-836-8725 • 937-667-1030 Serving Miami Co S nce 1972 Ohio license #19777 3/14/24 LUMBERJACK’S TREE SERVICE REAL ESTATE AMISH CREW Sam Schwartz wants any type of carpenter work Room additions, roofs, foundation replacements, restoration of buildings, etc For F R E E e s t i m a t e , c a l l 260-301-1777 D E M O L I T I O N : A l s o , c o n c r e t e demolition such as old swimming pools barn foundations porches, etc Also, general excavation w o r k a n d l i g h t d e m o l i t i o n 937-232-7380 SAND & GRAVEL HAULING BRuSH cLeARING BOBCAT WORK Quality work! Reasonably priced For FREE estimates call Reed, 937-613-0511 or 937-581-0045 W O R K W A N T E D VALLEY CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS Automotive Automotive MOBILE AUTO REPAIRS LLC A S E c e r t i f i e d 4 1 + y e a r s e x p e r i e n c e G M e n g i n e , t r a n s m i s s i o n , & d i ff e r e n t i a l repair Call Dennis Bowerman at 937-459-8451 MOVING SALE! Home decor; craft tems; Wilton cake pans; Tupperware; toys & puzzles; k tchen items Too much to list! 8293 Falknor Rd , Covington May 11-13, 9-5 Halfprice Saturday 9-12 GARAGE SALE: May 10-13 9-5 Qu a l i t y, c e a n t e ms T h re e fu l l rooms Unique, unusua items plus collectibles; antiques; loca advertisng; a dozen nice lamps; tools/nails Vi n t a g e i te ms g re e t i n g c a rd s ; cameras; c gar boxes; kitchen items & more Indian statues; very old books; school desks; framed WWII ration coupons; new girls Barbie bike; & tons more! 1515 N Furlong R d , B ra d f o rd Mi a mi -D a rk e C o
B U s i n e s s s e R V i C e D i R e C T O R y B U s i n e s s s e R V i C e D i R e C T O R y
PEST CONTrOl P R I C E P R I C E Termite & pest Control FuLL -SeRvIce PeST cONTROL 3rd Generation Owners 937-573-6137 937-573-6185 tfn
Your Guide To ServiceS & GoodS in The STillwaTer valleY CALL 937-473-2028 TO PLACE YOUR AD!
FLOORING Call: 937-464-5494 Google:ma gicanvasohio Wo u l d n’ t yO U r a D l o o k G r e a t I n T h i s S p o t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n Pleasant Hill Public & private e n t r a n c e s $ 1 8 0 / m o n t h 937-216-7550 STORAGE UNIT FOR RENT: Ft Loramie / Minster area Garage door with opener 12x17 Call/ text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zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz WA N T E D : B r o k e n o r n o nr u n n i n g J o h n D e e r e , C u b C a d e t , & W h e e l H o r s e l a w n m o w e r s Wi l l p i c k u p o t h e r s 9 3 7 - 4 7 3 - 2 7 0 5 o r KJRIND01@hotmail com ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ WANTED: Old motorcycles, minib ik e s , m o p e d s , 3 -w h e e le r s , o r 4- w h e e l e r s R u n n in g o r n o t C o v in g to n 9 3 7 -4 7 3 -2 7 0 5 KJRIND01@hotmail com !! OlD GUiTaRs WanTeD !! Gibson, Fender, Martin, Etc 1930 s to 1980 s TOP DOLLAR PAID Call Toll-Fr ee 1-866-433-8277 Wo u l d n’ t yO U r a D l o o k G r e a t I n T h i s S p o t ? C A L L T O DAY ! ! ! 9 3 7 - 4 7 3 - 2 5 0 0
DEaDlINES aNNOUNCED FOR StillwateR Valley adVeRtiSeR MAY 31 EDITION (Due to Memorial Day) Display aD DeaDline: Thursday, May 25, 4:30 p m ClassiFieD aD DeaDline: Wednesday, May 24, 4:30 p m SPECIAL NOTE TO COVINGTON RESIDENTS: Covington Community Gar a ge S a l e s a r e fa s t a p p r o a ch i n g D u e t o Memoria Day and the ear ly deadline, be sure contact us by May 24 with your Garage Sa e ad for publication in the May 31 edition neWs DeaDline: Thursday May 25, 4:30 p m
Page 4 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - MAY 10, 2023 www arenspub com ! " " "
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www arenspub com Page 5 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - MAY 10, 2023 H A P P Y M O T H E R ’ S D A Y
Page 6 - STILLWATER VALLEY ADVERTISER - MAY 10, 2023 # # " " ! " ( ## ! %"! "' ! %"! "! % #& &#$ # % # &# # ! ) "& #% #$ * % # * !! # * & & * # $$ * & $ * %% # $ * % $$ % * ' # &) Ready to SpRuce up youR Home foR SpRing?


6 Signs You May Need A New HVAC System

There s no place like home, especially when that home is a comfortable and safe haven One of the ways residents find comfort in their homes is by maintaining the right indoor temperatures, which fluctuate along with the seasons While there is much to be said about opening windows and doors to let Mother Nature do her thing, indoor comfort is often maintained with an HVAC system

HVAC stands for heating, ventilation and air conditioning

It can include heat pumps, furnaces and air conditioning units

It is an automated system that works by adjusting a thermostat to regulate air temperature, and sometimes humidity, in the home According to Enviguard, a commercial contracting provider, HVAC systems also may be used to improve indoor air quality through filtration and oxygen replacement

As with any mechanical device, an HVAC system has a life span that must be considered Should any of the following conditions be present, it is likely time to consult with an HVAC technician to see if repairs or replacement of the entire system is warranted

1 Age

If the HVAC system is more than 10 years old, it could be time to begin budgeting for a new unit Many modern, efficient systems may last 12 to 14 years with routine maintenance But it’s good to keep an HVAC system’s age in mind so you can readily recognize when it might start to fail

2 Longer or constant running times

An efficient, properly working system will quickly heat or cool the home and then turn off A system that is turning on repeatedly or having to run for awhile before the set temperature is reached could be nearing the end of its utility

3 Strange noises

Groaning, banging or loud humming noises should be addressed While these noises may indicate that certain components need maintenance or replacement, they also could be symptoms of age and a system nearing failure

4 Frequent repair visits

Knowing the HVAC company’s repair person by name is a sign that the system has required too much work in recent months Repeated issues and repairs are probably signs that it’s time to consider a system replacement

5 Higher bills

Sticker shock when receiving electricity or gas bills likely mean the HVAC system isn’t working efficiently and might need to be replaced

6 Poor indoor air quality

If the home is dusty or humid or even if allergies seem to have cropped up out of nowhere, this could indicate a poorly functioning HVAC system

HVAC systems are vital to keeping indoor environments comfortable and safe Such systems may exhibit certain signs that indicate they need to be replaced

What’s happening at...

Milton-Union PUblic library

560 S Main St , West Milton & 937-698-5515

CINEMA SATURDAY - Saturday, May 20, 2-4:30 p m All ages are welcome to showing of a 2021 movie that is rated PG-13 This movie follows a single mother and her two kids as they delve deeper into the secret ghost-hunting legacy their grandfather left behind Refreshments provided


Homeschool parents and children are invited to check out the library and all it has to offer You will meet the children s librarian Miss Evelyn and discuss what the library can do to help and the activities that the library has to offer

5695 N. Stillwell Rd. ~ Piqua

Funko Pop Collection On Display At MUPL

Jade Huff of Laura hopes you’ll stop by the MiltonUnion Public Library during the month of May to enjoy his Funko Pop collection The library is located at 560 S Main St West Milton

Piqua-Caldwell Historic District

Hosts Mother’s Day Plant Sale

ADULT TRIVIA - Tuesday, May 23, 6-7:30 p m

Adults, get your thinking caps on and get ready for another round of trivia There will be six rounds each with their own category Please register ahead of time to attend Sign up in teams or be prepared to be placed into a team upon arrival


Join Staci for discussion of Where the Road Bends by Rachel Fordham

Books are available in the library, through the Ohio Digital Library, and HOOPLA

BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENINGS - Wednesday, May 24, 1-3pm Join us in welcoming Kettering Health as they conduct free blood pressure screenings No need for an appointment – just come on in!

PRINCESS MOVIE - Saturday, May 27, 1:30-4 p m Kids are invited to join Stacy and Evelyn as they show a famous animated princess movie which follows a princess as she is held captive by a beast who is actually a cursed prince Snacks and craft provided

LIBRARY CLOSED - The library will be closed Monday, May 29, in observance of Memorial Day and reopen Tuesday May 30 at 10 a m

For Infor mation About the Above Events, Contact the Librar y: 937-698-5515 • www mupubliclibrar y org

The Piqua-Caldwell Historic District Association (PCHDA) will once again be hosting their Mother s Day Plant Sale on Saturday, May 13, from 9:30 a m -2 p m Included in the sale will be gallon pots of brightly colored geraniums ($15 each) along with beautiful flowering hanging baskets and 10-inch mixed

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flower pots ($28 each) Mom will love them! The sale takes place at the corner of Ash and North Downing Sts Payment options include cash check or credit cards Pre-orders can be made at piquacaldwellhistoricdistrict org and picked up on the day of the event Customers purchasing five or more plants will qualify for free delivery within the Piqua city limits Proceeds from this sale will support the Piqua-Caldwell Historic District’s placement of aluminum cast historic markers to help increase awareness of the rich history behind its beautiful historic properties PCHDA is also working to partner with the City of Piqua to install historic district street signage to identify the district as specified in the National Register of Historic Places to encourage an increase in heritage tourism within downtown Piqua For more information about this organization, please visit piquacaldwellhistoricdistrict org Combine the power of print with the power of the internet All of our advertising is also available on line Visit www arenspub com
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