Gathering ‘19 COVINGTON COMMUNITY PARK State Route 36, Just West of Covington
Shopping & Dining at Fort Rowdy
Students Visit Fort Rowdy
Take a Stroll Over the Friendship Bridge
Getting Ready To Cook Breakfast Over the Fire
Covington Community Park
Aug. 31 Sept. 1 Sept. 2
Sunday Morning Worship Service Draws Crowd
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Saturday, Sunday, Monday
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Covington, Ohio
AUGUST 28, 2019
FT. ROWDY Celebration AUG. 31 • SEPT. 1 • SEPT. 2
There Is Always LOTS To Do At The Gathering! ®®® Tradin’ PosT Stop by for a chat, get information, or do some shopping. The Fort Rowdy Tradin’ Post will be selling this year’s edition of limited edition medallions, featuring a knife, commemorating the 27th Gathering. The medallions will sell for $5 each. In addition, the Tradin’ Post will be selling T-shirts, sweatshirts, cookbooks, and CDs. You may pick up activity schedules, concession lists, and rules for upcoming contests here.
®®® GoinG... GoinG... GonE!!! The annual Fort Rowdy Gathering Auction will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 31, on the Encampment Stage. Come get caught up in the excitement of an outdoor auction. There will be a variety of interesting pieces, from handmade items from camp and our vendors, items for young and old, serious and funny. There are always lots of unique items! Join us as auctioneer Joe Sampson presents an interesting and lively event. ®®® LoTs To do in THE EnCaMPMEnT There are many things to do and see in the Camp. Come watch our frontier games and canoe race, make a purchase from one of our period vendors, or make a swap with one of our blanket traders. Listen to great entertainers on our Encampment Stage. Questions about frontier life are welcome! Our campers are always willing to share their knowledge of the frontier and explain their camp set-ups.
Al Hitchcock & Linc Branson
®®® PHoTo ConTEsT Stop by the Tradin’ Post to enter our photo contest, or vote for your favorite photo. Entries should be of the 2018 Gathering and must be 5”x7” (unframed) and need to be turned in no later than noon Saturday at the Fort booth by the Friendship Bridge. Entries must have the photographer’s name and phone number on the back of the photo. Public voting will begin at 1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 31, and will end Monday at noon. Winner will be announced Monday at closing of the festival. All entries become the property of Fort Rowdy Gathering and may be used in future marketing of the Gathering.
®®® 50/50 draWinG The Gathering is currently selling tickets for a 50/50 drawing, with a maximum prize of $10,000! Tickets are $20 each, and only 1,000 tickets will be available. The amount of the grand prize will be determined by the amount of tickets sold. Drawing will be held November 16. Winner is responsible for any taxes. Tickets are available at the Trading Post during the Gathering, or from any Fort Rowdy Board member. For more information, contact Annette at 937-214-1599 or Keri at 937-570-8548. ®®® GUn raFFLE The Fort Rowdy Gathering is having a gun raffle. The drawing will be held September 2, at the close of the Gathering. The gun is a Sig Saur 365XL, 9mm, with a 12-round mag, and is optics ready. This model has only been on the market three months. Tickets are $10 each and only 100 tickets will be sold. Tickets may be purchased at Uniforms Plus in Piqua, at the Tradin’ Post during the Gathering, or from any Fort Rowdy Board member. You must be at least 21 years old to purchase a ticket. Winner must be in compliance with federal and state laws and applicable local ordinances. For more information, text Ben at 937-4183012, or call Annette at 937-214-1599. All proceeds benefit the Fort Rowdy Gathering.
®®® sPELLinG BEE & HisTorY BEE The upcoming Labor Day weekend, Fort Rowdy Encampment will host a Good Old Fashioned Spelling Bee and an Ohio Pioneer History Bee on Saturday, August 31, from 2-3 p.m. The Old Fashioned Spelling Bee divisions will be children going into grades 3-6, grades 7-12 and adult (anyone 18 or over). This is a not-to-be-missed event! Kids love the Spelling Bees, which encourage fortitude, grit, and confidence in those who participate. The Spelling Bee will include chalkboards, chalk, washcloth erasers, and a variety of words especially chosen for those specific age groups. Ms. Roeth, J.R. Clarke Library director, will lead and encourage all participants to “spell out-loud, so others can hear you!” We will also be using those new-fangled microphones to help everyone in the crowd hearken to our superb spellers! Winners in all categories will receive the new Fort Rowdy medallion, especially crafted for this Labor Day weekend. Word sheets used for each age division are available at the library. Fort Rowdy Encampment will also be holding an Ohio Pioneer History Bee. The questions for the History Bee will be from histories of Miami/Darke Counties and the Village of Covington and the surrounding area. There will be two divisions of this bee: Children going into grades 7-12 and adults (ages 18 and over). If you are interested, please see the local history books in the J.R. Clarke Alcove or refer to the websites listed below. In order to narrow down the time period, most questions are from 1800’s thru The Great Depression. Winners will also receive a 2019 Fort Rowdy medallion. Sign-up to participate in either or both of these Bees will be held at the Main Stage at 1:45 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 31. ®®® UniQUE sHoPPinG The Gathering will have a wide variety of crafters, vendors, trade demonstrators, and camp traders on both sides of the river. Some of the merchants, demonstrators and traders in the Encampment area are: Baker’s PrimiTive Candles ~ rebecca Baker mOunTain man BlaCksmiTH ~ dustin Baker sally’s PrimiTive’s – Clothing, accessories, blankets, etc. ~ dawn lowman unCle Jimmy’s Trades – Wooden rockers, wagon wheels, & more ~ James moody CrOOked Finger Weaving – sashes, leg straps, haversacks, etc. ~ Bruce renner mediCinal sPinner – Hand-spun yarn ~ Brittany Trask david WeBB & CHeryl Clark – Clothes and camp wares sOaring raven – song flutes and Cd’s denver WilsOn – Camp wares JeremiaH’s Trading POsT – Candy, camp wares ~ mathew delaney
Blanket Trader
®®® For YoUr TasTE BUds Local churches and civic organizations have been working hard to bring you the finest sampling of foods. The aroma of homemade goodies will lure visitors to the Gathering, where they can taste a wide variety of foods. Come down to the Gathering for lunch, dinner, dessert, or a snack!
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AUGUST 28, 2019
Covington, Ohio
FT. ROWDY Celebration AUG. 31 • SEPT. 1 • SEPT. 2
The 27th Annual
AUG. 31 • SEPT. 1 • SEPT. 2
Due to a City Ordinance, dogs are not permitted in the Covington Park during the Gathering. Service dogs, of course, are allowed.
FORT ROWDY GATHERING OPENING CEREMONIES SET FOR AUG. 31 Opening ceremonies for the 2019 Fort Rowdy Gathering will begin at 10 a.m. Saturday, August 31, on the main stage in the Covington Community Park. Amazing Grace will be played on the bagpipes by Kim Trytten and Sean Schultzy. Following the Flag Raising, the Covington Marching Band will play the National Anthem. The festival committee would like to welcome all state and local dignitaries, the 2019 Grand Marshals, area Vietnam Era Veterans, and the public to the 27th Gathering.
Welcome to the 2019 Fort Rowdy Gathering! Another year has rolled around and it’s time for the Fort Rowdy Gathering, to be held Saturday, Aug. 31 thru Monday, Sept. 2, at the Covington Community Park. The Gathering is FREE and offers SHUTTLE BUS SERVICE from Covington High School to the park every 1/2 hour. Shuttle is handicapped accessible.
When arriving at the park you will enter the present-day side where you can enjoy arts and crafts, entertainment, lots of good food, and things for the children to enjoy. Also joining us this year is Annie the Highway Cow and her friends (never know which friends she decides to bring along). They will also be bringing their merchandise with them. Cross the 208 ft. portable bridge spanning the Stillwater River, entering into the bygone years of the late 1700's. In this encampment the visitors will find campers living as they did in that era and enjoy the aroma of campfires and food being prepared over open fires. Visitors can watch campers participate in games of the same era. I would like to thank all of the Board members, campers, family, and volunteers for all their hard work to make this event a success. Come and enjoy seeing old friends and making new friends and wonderful memories. Annette Miller, Chairman
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Welcome To Covington. Enjoy Fort Rowdy!
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Covington, Ohio
AUGUST 28, 2019
aUG. 31 • SePT. 1 • SePT. 2
27th Annual Fort Rowdy Gathering
EntErtainmEnt SCHEDULE Saturday, auGuSt 31
10-11am – opening Ceremony 11-11:30am – Covington High School Band 11:30am-12:30pm – Barnhart road 12:45-1:45pm – rum river Blend 2-3pm – Spelling Bee/History Bee 3:15-4pm – drab Irish Band 4:15-5:15pm – Garcia and Scott 6-8pm – american Kings/ Buzz Ford Show
Sunday, SepteMBer 1
10-11am – Covington Christian Church 11:30am-12:30pm – Mule Skinner 1-2:15pm – reflection 2:30-3:45pm – rock Island plow Co. 4-4:45pm – ramblin rovers 5:30-7:30pm – dulahan
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Annette miller, Chairman DOnnie ClArK, Co-Chair JOHAnnA mcGrAtH, Secretary/treasurer miKe CAlDWell, member JennY miller, member DAVe WenriCK, member Keri HOlliS, member Ben CAmPBell, member AnitA HAWK, member
Enjoying Time Spent in the Encampment
Monday, SepteMBer 2
10-11am – Steve and phil Madewell 11:15am-12:30pm – titus Bowman 12:45-2pm – Berachah Valley 2:15-3:30pm – Willow
~ Give Us A Call & Ask About Our Personal Bill Pay Program ~
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Parking for the Gathering will be at a Covington High School parking lot. Please follow the signs to the correct lot. Shuttles will run every 30 minutes between the school and the Gathering. Shuttle schedule is as follows:
BOOSHWAY…rex Wintrow SeGunDO…matt taylor SCriBe…Johanna mcGrath AiDe De SCriBe…Carrie Sturwold BOArD liAiSOn…Dave Wenrick GAte CAPtAin…Anna Dutze HeAD DOG SOlDier…Beau martin 1st lieutenAnt…Gerry Bender FirSt AiD OFFiCer…theresa Swob 1st lieutenAnt… Alex leVeck WOrK PArtY COOrDinAtOr…Kourtnee Smith ArCHerY…Jason Curtis HAWK & KniFe…Jake mohr Flint & Steel…thomas norton-Smith SPeAr tHrOW…Shannon leVeck CAnOe rACe…Charlie Hollis lizArD Pull…Keith lear AtlAtl…Andy Huey HiGHlAnD GAmeS…Kim trytten enCAmPment YOunG CHilDren’S GAmeS & WOmen’S SKillet & Pin tOSS…theresa Swob teen GAmeS…libby Wenrick CAmP COOK-OFF…melinda Wenrick enCAmPment entertAinment…Steve Keefer SunDAY WOrSHiP SerViCe…Carl Ward trASH enGineer…Jason Brown iCe mAn…Donnie Clark
Free Parking & Shuttle
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Saturday, 9:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. Sunday, 9:30 a.m. - 8 p.m. Monday, 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
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Hrs: Mon.-Fri. 10am-5pm; Sat. 10am-4pm; Closed Sunday
Covington, Ohio
AUGUST 28, 2019
FT. ROWDY CelebRaTiOn aUG. 31 • SePT. 1 • SePT. 2
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Covington, Ohio
FT. ROWDY CelebRaTiOn aUG. 31 • SePT. 1 • SePT. 2
Welcome to the 27th Annual
Ft. rowdy GAtherinG Saturday & Sunday & Monday, Aug. 31, Sept. 1 & 2
Driveways • Farm Lanes • Parking Lots Re-Gravel • Re-Grading • Hauling Complete Gravel, Excavation & Hauling
Commercial • Residential
Schedule of Encampment Activities
encampment ScheduLe sAturdAy, August 31 9am 10am 11am 1pm 2pm 4:15pm 8pm
Archery – On the Peninsula Encampment Children’s Games – Camp Stage Flint & Steel – Camp Stage Encampment Teen Games – Camp Stage Hawk & Knife – On the Peninsula Fort Rowdy Gathering Auction – Camp Stage Spear Throw – On the Peninsula EnCAmPmEnT ClOSEd TO THE PubliC... Civilian guests are welcome, but must be escorted into and out of camp by a host camper.
sundAy, septemBer 1 9am 10am 1pm 3pm 5pm 8pm
Encampment Worship Service – Encampment Stage Canoe Race – Along the River Highland Games – north Field behind Peninsula Skillet & Rolling Pin Toss – On the Peninsula Camp Cook-Off EnCAmPmEnT ClOSEd TO THE PubliC... Civilian guests are welcome, but must be escorted into and out of camp by a host camper.
mondAy, septemBer 2 9am 10am 11am 12:30pm 3pm
S Our DON’T MIS out Herb Talk Ab stem Sy e un m Im The m Sept. 19 at 7p
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in order for our campers to enjoy quiet time with their families, access to the encampment area will be closed promptly at 8 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Only guests escorted by registered campers will be allowed into camp after that time. The encampment will open again on Sunday and Monday at 10 a.m.
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Noon 1:00pm 2-4pm 8:00pm
sAturdAy, August 31
Bettina Solas – Traditional Folk Music Pathfinders – Bluegrass & Old Timey Music Fort Rowdy Auction CAMP ClOSeS TO PuBliC Camp Meeting & Music by Ramblin’ Rovers
sundAy, septemBer 1
11:00am Drab irish Band – American & Celtic Folk Music Noon Ramblin’ Rovers – American & Celtic Folk Music 3:00pm Bettina Solas – Traditional Folk Music 4:00pm Pathfinders – Bluegrass & Old Timey Music 5:00pm Camp Cook-Off 8:00pm CAMP ClOSeS TO PuBliC Camp Meeting & Music hosted by Hawk
CookbookS AvAilAble The first and second editions of the Fort Rowdy Gathering cookbooks will be for sale at the Tradin’ Post for $12 each. The Friends of the Fort Rowdy Gathering Cookbooks contains recipes, stories, and photos from great cooks and storytellers.
~ sAfety equipment ~
The Fort Rowdy Gathering Encampment Officers would like to thank Mega City Fire for the use of fire extinguishers in the camping area.
11:00am Bettina Solas – Traditional Folk Music Noon Pathfinders – Bluegrass & Old Timey Music 1:00pm Steve Keefer - American & Celtic Folk Music 2:00pm Drab irish Band – American & Celtic Folk Music 3:00pm Final Camp Meeting
Local churches and civic organizations have been working hard to bring you the finest sampling of foods. The aroma of homemade goodies will lure visitors to the Gathering, where they can taste a wide variety of foods. Come down to the Gathering for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, or a snack.
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DOG ORDINANCE Due to City Ordinance, dogs are not permitted in the Covington Park during the Gathering. Service dogs, of course, are allowed.
Children’s ACtivities Annie the Highway Cow and her friends will be attending the Gathering all three days! Come meet Annie, her animal friends, and her human. Pick up a souvenir or two to support their care!
••• The Covington Kiwanis Club will once again sponsor a Children's Activity tent. They are pleased to announce that the Rowdy Town Hay Maze will return! Other activities for children include: Tin Punching, Beading, and Coloring. The Kiwanis tent activities are free for children 10 and under. Tent activities are Saturday and Sunday from noon until 6 p.m., and Monday from 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
The Best Memories Start On A Farm
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Tony’s Bod y Sh op, 1 02 E. Broad way, Cov ingto n 473 -255 4
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The Little Mader Farm
AdditionAl Children’s ACtivities Are still Being Added
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“Celebrating 42 Years In Miami County”
2019 Medallion art Contest Winner is Johanna mcGrath
Sunday WorShip ServiceS V
At 9 a.m. September 1 there will be a Sunday morning worship service, led by Carl Ward, at the Mountain Man Encampment stage. The public is invited to attend. Then, at 10 a.m., a Community Service will be held at the Main Stage in the park, led by the Covington Community Church.
mondAy, septemBer 2
Atlatl – On the Peninsula Children’s Games – Encampment Stage Encampment Teen Games – Encampment Stage lizard Pull – Center of Old Camp Final Camp meeting
encampment StaGe ScheduLe
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Covington, Ohio
AUGUST 28, 2019
FT. ROWDY CelebRaTiOn aUG, 31 • SePT. 1 • SePT. 2
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‘No event in American history is more misunderstood than the Vietnam War.’
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Vietnam War Era Veterans Honored as 2019 Grand Marshals
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The Fort Rowdy Gathering Board would like to welcome our 2019 Grand Marshals, all Vietnam War Era Veterans from Covington, Bradford, Pleasant Hill, and our Encampment. Your service and sacrifices have not gone unnoticed. The Vietnam War Era was from November 1, 1955, to the fall of Saigon on April 30, 1975. Direct U.S. involvement was from August 5, 1964 – March 28, 1973. The war was considered a Cold War era proxywar. The war was during a time of great social upheaval in America, dividing the country in both support and opposition to the war. The returning military members were in a unique position compared to other wars that came before. There were no “welcome home” parades or large gatherings of the public. In other conflicts, which had large demobilizations, units and companies returned together. The service members from Vietnam came back by themselves, usually after a one-year deployment. As one person was shipped off to fight, another was returning home. Many were sent back for multiple rotations. During the Vietnam War era, 9,087,000 military personnel served on active duty, both “in country” and as support in other areas. More than 58,000 U.S. military personnel died as a result of the conflict. As of February 2019, The American War Library estimates that approximately 774,000 Americans who served during Vietnam are alive today. As of 2017, there are 1,611 Americans still unaccounted for from the Vietnam War. Locally, our military are supported by three service organizations: VFW Post 4235, AmVets Post 66, and American Legion Post 80. It is a great honor to recognize those who served our country. We wish to give a big “Thank You” for your service and dedication to the United States.
Fort Rowdy Gathering
Arts & CrAfts DOTERRA - Doterra Essential Oils, Bracelets, Time Out Chairs, CBD Oils GRANDMA’S SOAP & STUFF - Soaps & Teas PAM SAMPSON - Crocheted Towels, Dishcloths, Scrubbies STITCHER’S CABIN - Leather, Clothes BOx MAkER - Wooden Items, Boxes LIBBy WENRICk - Scrunchies, Apple Watch Scrunchie Bands, Aprons
A BIG ROUND OF APPLAUSE! The Gathering’s Board of Directors would like to give a big “THANK YOU” to all who make the Gathering possible, whether it’s volunteering, donations of materials, or financial support. Your help allows the Fort Rowdy Gathering to continue! A speciAl THANK YOU to New Tech plastics for sponsoring our encampment Registration packets!
Competing at Highland Games
Covington, Ohio
AUGUST 28, 2019
FT. ROWDY CelebRaTiOn aUG. 31 • SePT. 1 • SePT. 2
Fort Rowdy Gathering
Spending the Weekend in the Encampment
ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH • Cabbage Rolls • Mashed Potatoes • Rye Bread • Coffee • Water • Snow Cones
BOY SCOUT TROOP 76 • Chili Cheese Brats • Metts • Brats • Hot Dogs • Dinner Plate (mashed potatoes, sauerkraut) • Nachos & Cheese • Loaded Nachos • Pop
AMERICAN KODOKWAN INSTITUTE • Texas Tenderloins • Chips • Pop
COvINGTON CHRISTIAN CHURCH • IBC Root Beer • Sugar Waffles • Chicken & Noodles • Cider • Pop
SUSIE’S BIG DIPPER • Ice Cream • Apple Dumplings • Root Beer • Root Beer Floats • Drinks
The GaTherinG is handicap accessible
••• SAvE THE DATE ••• ‹‹‹ The Fort Rowdy Gathering will be having their annual Mother’s Day Chicken BBQ Drive-Thru on Sunday, May 10, 2020, in the Covington Park. ‹‹‹ Another Quarter Auction is planned, with the date still to be determined. ‹‹‹ The 28th Fort Rowdy Gathering will be celebrated Labor Day Weekend in 2020.
Our Friendship Bridge Will AccOmmOdAte WheelchAirs
limited hAndicAp pArking in the pArk
check out our website:
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Covington, Ohio
AUGUST 28, 2019
FT. ROWDY CelebRaTiOn aUG. 31 • SePT. 1 • SePT. 2
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Pie & Cookie Baking Contests saturday, aug. 31
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PULL OUT YOUR RECIPE CARDS AND START BAKING! • Pie Baking Contest • 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Used Cars, SUV’s & Trucks
Pie categories are: Apple, Peach, Cherry, Berry, Pecan, Other, and Men’s entries. All pies must be double-crusted, lattice, or crumb, with the exception of Pecan. No meringues. Pies must be in disposable pie pans (no pans will be returned – refer to rule #6). There is a $1 entry fee per pie (you may enter as many times as you like). Pies may be signed in between 10:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. on Saturday, August 31, in the large shelter. Judging will be held at noon. 7. All pies entered will be auctioned off on Saturday, August 31. 8. Winners will be announced and prizes awarded during the Auction. 9. First place in each category will receive a Fort Rowdy medallion and a ribbon. Second and third place winners will receive a ribbon. 10. Best Overall Pie (picked from the First Place pies) will receive a cash prize and a Best of Show ribbon.
C ookie Baking Contest • The Fort Rowdy Cookie Baking Contest rules are as follows: 1. Categories are: Chocolate Chip, Peanut Butter, Sugar, and No-Bake. 2. Nine (9) cookies from same recipe on a disposable plate per entry (no plates will be returned). 3. There is a $1 entry fee per entry (you may enter as many times as you like). 4. Cookies may be signed in between 10:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. on Saturday, August 31, in the large shelter. Judging will be held at noon. 5. Winners will be announced and prizes awarded during the Auction. 6. First Place in each category will receive a Fort Rowdy medallion and a ribbon. Second and Third Place winners will receive a ribbon 7. Best Overall Cookies (picked from the First Place cookies) will receive a cash prize and a Best of Show ribbon. 8. All cookies entered will be auctioned off at the Fort Rowdy Auction on Saturday, August 31.
Your Full-Service
Local Realtor '
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Let US
Cook Dinner Tonight! - One 18” 1 Item Pizza, 1 Order of Breadsticks, One 2 Liter Of Your Favorite Pepsi Product • Additional Toppings Can Be Added at an Additional Cost •
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Covington, Ohio
AUGUST 28, 2019
FT. ROWDY CelebRaTiOn aUG. 31 • SePT. 1 • SePT. 2
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Covington, Ohio
FT. ROWDY CelebRaTiOn aUG. 31 • SePT. 1 • SePT. 2
An Invitation to Attend the Gathering
1793 - 2019 • 226 YEARS COVINGTON SAVINGS & LOAN 1886 - 2019 • 133 YEARS
JUST ONE. COVINGTON SAVINGS AND LOAN COVINGTON 117 High St., 700 E. Broadway 937-473-2021
BRADFORD 223 N. Miami Ave. 937-448-9160
AUGUST 28, 2019