Sam Francis x Hans Hartung | Beyond Limits

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Paris 26 mai - 8 juillet 2023 | May 26 - July 8, 2023 | Galerie A&R Fleury BEYOND LI MITS
Sam Francis x Hans Hartung
Vue de
© A&R
l'exposition Sam Francis x Hans Hartung
Beyond Limits
View of the exhibition Sam Francis x Hans Hartung
Beyond Limits.
Fleury © 2023 Sam Francis Foundation, California / Ars, New York / Adagp, Paris. © 2023 Fondation Hartung Bergman / Adagp

EXPOSITION | 26.05 - 08.07.2023 GALERIE A&R FLEURY

36 AVENUE MATIGNON - 75008 PARIS | | +33 (0)1 42 89 42 29

- Hans Hartung p. 173

Focus: T1966-R29, 1966 p. 186

Expositions personnelles (sélection)

Expositions personnelles (sélection)

Collections publiques (sélection)

Collections publiques (sélection)

Selected solo exhibitions

Selected solo exhibitions

Selected public collections

Selected public collections

Sam Francis p. 104

Hans Hartung p. 110

Sam Francis p. 114

Hans Hartung p. 116

7 INDEX Avant-propos - Foreword p. 0 9 Texte - Text - La vocation de peintre | A painteryl vocation p. 111
Lumière, couleurs, action ! | Light, colours, action! p. 115
Une méthodologie expérimentale et spirituelle | An experimental and spiritual methodology p. 119
Les dernières années
The last
p. 125
L’héritage culturel et
postérité | Cultural legacy
posterity p. 129 Catalogue - Catalogue p. 135
- Sam Francis p. 137
Focus: The Blue between the Red and Green, 1960 p. 144

C’est en mettant les œuvres de Sam

Francis et Hans Hartung côtes à côtes que nous voyons vraiment l’importance que mettent ces deux artistes sur la vivacité des couleurs et de la lumière

Side by side, the works of Sam Francis and Hans Hartung reflect on the importance that these two artists place on the brightness of colours and light

Sam Francis et Hans Hartung ont eu de longues carrières fructueuses, ils ont cotoyé les mêmes cercles d'artistes et les mêmes galeries, pourtant ces deux grands maîtres de l'abstraction d'aprèsguerre n'ont jamais eu de regards croisés.

Pour la première fois, leurs œuvres vont se côtoyer dans une exposition consacrée à déterminer la similitude de leurs ambitions, de leurs thématiques et de leurs approches artistiques dans l’expérimentation du geste et de la matérialité.

Hans Hartung et Sam Francis vont avoir la compulsion de peindre, - l’un pour vaincre une peur et l’autre pour accabler une douleur. Poussés par une même motivation de se surmonter, ces deux artistes se servent de leur créativité comme moyen d’évasion. Quand nous regardons une œuvre de Hans Hartung ou de Sam Francis, nous constatons qu’elles portent une dimension presque thérapeutique. Leurs circonstances faisaient qu’ils ne pouvaient pas s’empêcher d’explorer leur créativité et de manifester leurs émotions, et parfois leurs frustrations, par la peinture.

Avant-propos | Foreword

Sam Francis and Hans Hartung had long fruitful careers, and although they mingled with the same artists’ groups and galleries, the works of these two masters of post-war abstraction never converged.

For the first time, their artworks will be presented side by side in an exhibition devoted to showcasing their similarities. Looking closer one finds that their ambitions, thematics and approaches towards experimenting with movement and materiality have an undeniable likeness.

Hans Hartung and Sam Francis had the compulsion to paint — one to conquer a fear and the other to overcome pain. Both animated by the same motivation of surpassing themselves, these two artists used their creativity as a means of escape. When looking at a painting by Hans Hartung or Sam Francis, one cannot help but observe the therapeutic dimension of the works. The artists’ circumstances made it so that the need to explore and express their emotions, and at times their frustrations, manifested by means of painting.

Sam Francis dans l'atelier de Palo Alto, 1991 | Sam Francis in Palo Alto studio, 1991. Photo © Nico Delaive © 2023 Sam Francis Foundation, California / Ars, New York / Adagp, Paris.

Lespeinturessontseulementdes suggestionspourquelesgenss'enservent.

Thepaintingsareonlysuggestionsfor peopletouse.

Sam Francis

L’abstractionlyriqueestlaseuleexpression picturalequinousreliedirectementau spirituel.Notreattachementaumatérielfait quecelanouséchappe.

Lyricalabstractionistheonlypictorial expressionthatdirectlyconnectsustothe spiritualdimension.Ourattachmenttothe materialworldmeansthatitescapesus.

Hans Hartung
Hans Hartung dans son atelier, Antibes, c.1975. © Photo André Villers © 2023 Fondation Hartung Bergman / Adagp.
l'exposition Sam Francis x Hans Hartung
Beyond Limits
View of the exhibition Sam Francis x Hans Hartung
Beyond Limits. © A&R Fleury © 2023 Sam Francis Foundation, California / Ars, New York / Adagp, Paris. © 2023 Fondation Hartung Bergman / Adagp


A&R Fleury © 2023 Sam Francis Foundation, California / Ars, New York / Adagp, Paris.
FRANCIS SAM 1923-1994
Untitled, acrylique sur papier posé sur panneau, 1958, 50,8 x 68,6 cm | Untitled, acrylic on paper laid on panel, 1958, 20 x 27 in.

The Blue between the Red and Green, acrylique et gouache sur papier, 1960, 85,8 x 58,7cm

The Blue between the Red and Green, acrylic and gouache on paper, 1960, 333/4 x 231/16 in

Untitled SFP67-20, acrylique sur toile, 1967, 237,5 x 177,8 cm | Untitled SFP67-20, acrylic on canvas, 1967, 931/2 x 70 in.
Untitled SF84-223, acrylique sur papier, 1984, 94 x 181,6 cm | Untitled SF84-223, acrylic on paper, 1984, 37 x 717/16 in.
Untitled SF90-202, acrylique sur papier, 1990, 152,4 x 20,3 cm | Untitled SF90-202, acrylic on paper, 1990, 60 x 715/16 in. Vue de l'exposition Hans Hartung The Last Paintings, 2020, à la galerie A&R Fleury | View of the exhibition Hans Hartung The Last Paintings, 2020, at the galerie A&R Fleury.
HARTUNG HANS 1904-1989
© A&R Fleury © 2023 Fondation Hartung Bergman / Adagp, Paris. SAM FRANCIS x HANS HARTUNG | BEYOND LIMITS
T1965-R16, acrylique et grattage sur toile, 1965, 54 x 81 cm | T1965-R16, acrylic and scratching on canvas, 1965, 211/4 x 317/8 in.
T1966-E45, vinylique et grattage sur toile, 1966, 19 x 24 cm | T1966-E45, vinylic and scratching on canvas, 1966, 77/16 x 97/16 in.
T1966-R29, acrylique et grattage sur toile, 1966, 92 x 65 cm | T1966-R29, acrylic and scratching on canvas, 1966, 363/16 x 259/16 in.
T1975-K39, acrylique sur toile, 1975, 100 x 73 cm | T1975-K39, acrylic on canvas, 1975, 395/16 x 2811/16 in.
T1989-R37, acrylique sur toile, 1989, 97 x 146 cm | T1989-R37, acrylic on canvas, 1989, 383/16 x 577/16 in.
Sam Francis et Nico Delaive dans l'atelier de Venice, Californie | Sam Francis and Nico Delaive in Venice Studio, California © 2023 Sam Francis
California © A&R Fleury © 2023 Sam Francis
California / Ars, New York /
Adagp, Paris.
43 Expositions personnelles Collections publiques Solo Exhibitions Public collections SAM FRANCIS x HANS HARTUNG | BEYOND LIMITS

Expositions personnelles (sélection) | Selected solo exhibitions | Sam Francis


Jonathan Novak Contemporary Art, New York

Heather James Fine Art, Palm Desert


Gallery Delaive, Amsterdam

Seizon Museum of modern art, Nagano, Japan

Centre Pompidou, Metz, France


Bernard Jacobson Gallery, London

Opera Gallery, Zurich

Museum Jan van der Togt, Amstelveen, Netherlands

Galeria Proarta, Zurich

L A Louver Gallery, Venice


Galerie Iris Wazzau, Davos, Switzerland

Ma Galerie, Paris

Gallery Delaive, Art New York

Norton Simon Museum, Passadena

Bechtler Museum of Modern Art, Charlotte

Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee

Amon Carter Museum of Western Art, Fort

Worth, Texas

Bernard Jacobsen Gallery, London

Manny Silverman Gallery, Los Angeles

Galerie Koch, Hannover, Germany

Samuel Vanhoegaerden Gallery, Knokke, Belgium

The University of British Columbia, Vancouver


Galerie Diane Pollignac, Paris

Tokyo Station Gallery, Toyama

Van de Wege Fine Art, New York

Centre Pompidou, Paris

Bernard Jacobson Gallery - New York

Bernard Jacobson Gallery - London

Bechtler Museum of Modern Art, Charlotte

Galerie Koch, Hannover, Germany


S2 Gallery, Sothebys, New York

Jonathan Novak Contemporary Art, Los Angeles

Galerie Iris Wazzau, Davos, Switzerland

Leslie Sacks Fine Art, Los Angeles

Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento

Pasadena Museum of Art

Museum Jan van der Togt, Amstelveen, Netherlands

Guy Pieters Gallery, Knokke, Belgium

Greenfield Sacks Gallery, Santa Monica

Robert Green Fine Arts, Mill Valley

Galerie Fleury, Paris


Fondation Beijeler, Basel.

Pasadena Museum of California Art- PMCA, Pasadena

Malingue, Paris

Galleria d'Arte Maggiore, Bologna


PST, Berlin.

Martin Lawrence Galleries, New York

Museum of Art, Santa Barbara.

Iris Wazzau, Davos.

Gallery Delaive, Amsterdam.

Agnellini Arte Moderna, Brescia

Galleri MDA, Helsingborg


Galerie Jean Fournier, Paris

Gallery Delaive, Amsterdam

Galerie Thomas Modern, Munich

Page Gallery, Seoul

Tibor de Nagy Gallery, New York

Nantenchi Gallery, Tokijo

Robert Green Fine Arts, Mill Valley

Gallery Artzone-Kaguraoka, Kyoto

Elins Eagles-Smith Gallery, San Francisco

Galerie Son, Berlin

Galerie Thomas Modern, Munich



Galerie Proarta, Zurich

Helly Nahmad Gallery, New York.

Danubiana Art Museum, Bratislava, Slovak Republic

Coskun Fine Art, London

Galerie Koch, Hannover, Germany


College of the Canyons Art Gallery, Santa Clarita, California

American Contemporary Art Gallery, Munich

Smith Andersen North, San Rafael, California

Leslie Sacks Fine Art, Los Angeles

Samuelis Baumgarte Galerie, Bielefeld, Germany

L&M Arts, New York

Bernard Jacobson Gallery, London

Gallery Delaive, Amsterdam

Guy Pieters Gallery, Knokke, Belgium


Jack Rutberg Fine Arts, Los Angeles

Galerie Proarta, Zurich

Galleria San Carlo, Milan

Galleria Repetto, Acqui-Termi


Galerie Jean Fournier, Paris

LC Galerie, Paris


Kunstmuseum, Bern, Switzerland

Galerie Flintholm, Verster Skerninge, Denmark

Robert Green Gallery, Mill Valley, California.

Galerie Lovers of Fine Art, Gstaad

Galerie Jean Fournier, Paris

Galerie Kornfeld und Cie., Bern

Leslie Sacks Fine Art, Los Angeles


Gallery Wild, Frankfurt, Germany

Robert Sandelson Gallery, London, UK

Leslie Sacks Fine Art, Los Angeles, California, USA

Kaare Berntsen, Oslo, Norway.

Movimento Arte Contemporanea, Milan, Italy

Gallery Delaive, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Rosenbaum Contemporary, Boca Raton

Ohara Museum of Art, Kurashiki

American Contemporary Art Gallery, Munich


Baukunst Galerie, Cologne, Germany

Galleri GKM Siwert Bergström, Malmö, Sweden

Galerie Thomas, München , Germany

Alanda Arte Contemporanea, Carrara, Italy

Samuelis Baumgarte Galerie, Bielefeld, Germany

Galerie Proarta, Zurich, Switzerland

Venice Design Art Gallery, Venice, Italy

Martin Lawrence Galleries, San Francisco, USA

Gallery Artzone-Kaguraoka, Kyoto

Museum Jan van der Togt, Amstelveen, Netherlands

Gallery Delaive, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Solo show Prototypes at Gallery Delaive, Amsterdam


Solo show at Galerie Iris Wazzau, Davos, Switzerland.

Ace Gallery, Beverly Hills, California

Artemis Greenberg Van Doren Gallery, New York.

Galerie Guy Pieters, Saint Paul de Vence, France

Robert Sandelson Gallery, London, UK

Broadbent Gallery, London, UK


Idemitsu Mseum, Tokyo organizes major Sam Francis travelling exhibition (The Museum of Modern Art, Toyama; Kawamura Memorial Museum, Chiba; The Museum of Art, Ehime; Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo; Iwaki City Art Museum, Fukushima; Oita Art Museum, Oita.)


Galerie Andreas Baumgartl, München, Germany

Galerieof Fine Arts Ltd., Gstaad, Switzerland


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