UP TO CODE 科技界性別新編程 Globally, there are far more men than women in tech. But the traditionally male-dominated industry will miss out on a world of talent if it doesnʼt encourage women to participate. We checked in with experts in Hong Kong and Macao to learn what's happening locally. 全球科技界的男性遠比女性多,但如果這個傳統上由男性主導的行業不鼓勵更多女性加入, 它將會錯失大量的人才。我們訪問了香港和澳門的相關專業人士,以了解本地業界的情況。
By Andrea Lo and Cathy Lai | Infographics by Fernando Chan
-Hong KongThe National Center for Women & Information (NCWI) in the US predicts that 3.5 million computing-related jobs will be available worldwide by 2026. But if more young women donʼt pursue science, technology, engineering and mathematics degrees – the so-called STEM subjects – they might be left out of the conversation. The fact that the tech industry has long been a boysʼ club is not breaking news. From Silicon Valley to Shenzhen, gender imbalance has been a distinctive trait in the industry, with significantly lower numbers of female employees compared to male. In the US, just 26 per cent of the computing workforce are women, as of April 2018, according to the NCWI, and a recent report from law firm Fenwick & West LLP revealed that women hold just 11 per cent of executive positions at Silicon Valley companies. Hong Kong is no exception to this phenomenon. The government does not outline statistics on women working in tech or STEM, but anecdotal evidence suggests the circumstances reflects worldwide trends. We ask thought leaders and industry veterans to share their insights on the topic.
“Girls grow up being bombarded with gender stereotypes. This often involves
有350萬個與電腦相關的職位。不過,如果沒有更多年輕女性攻 讀科學、技術、工程和數學(STEM)領域的學位,她們將無法 從中分一杯羹。
圳性別比例失衡都是的一個顯眼特點。在這個行業中,女性員 工人數遠遠少於男性員工。
中,只有26%是女性。而泛偉律師事務所(Fenwick & West
LLP)最近發表的一份報告指出,在矽谷的企業中,只有11% 的行政管理層職位是由女性擔任。
的趨勢並無二致。我們邀請了思想領袖和資深業界人士分享他 們對這個狀況的看法。
encouraging behaviours that are not necessarily prized in a male-dominated competitive workplace culture, such as humility, deference, kindness, and politeness.”
“Itʼs what I call ʻpinkification. Although attitudes are changing, historically girls
were simply not encouraged – and often discouraged – to pursue STEM subjects. So many girls and women assume that a career in STEM-related industries is either not possible or limited.” – Farzana Aslam, Director of Kintillo, an executive coaching and training organisation
禮貌,但這些作風在男性主導的職場競爭文化中不一定會獲 得賞識。」
女生就不被鼓勵攻讀STEM學科,甚至是常常被勸阻。而且很 多女性都假定,自己不可能在STEM相關行業中發展事業,或 者會受到限制。」
– Farzana Aslam