04 Winter 冬
HK$50 | MOP50
Shedding light on social issues in Asia 揭示亞洲社會問題
“We do not wake up and decide to be refugees.” 「我們並非一覺醒來就 打算成為難民。」 – Harmony “Anne-Marie” Ilunga & Clarisse Akonyi
Six asylum seekers find purpose in Hong Kong 踏 上 不 屈 之 路:六 名 尋 求 庇 護者在港逐夢
Hong Kong is failing displaced children 失 落 的 一 代:尋 求 庇 護 者孩子的悲歌
How media bias has cultivated racism 未 審 先 判:媒 體 如 何 塑 造排外意識? ARIANA 2019
C O N T E N T S 目錄
C O N T E N T S 目錄
ON THE COVER Harmony “Anne-Marie” Ilunga and her mother Clarisse Akonyi fled the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 2011. Learn how they’ve found passion and purpose in Hong Kong on pages 56 and 129. Harmony “Anne-Marie” Ilunga與母親 Clarisse Akonyi於2011年逃離剛果民主共 和國。請閱讀第56和129頁了解她們在香 港尋找生存目標的故事。
under 5 minutes
08. T H E
MEDIUM 中篇 五分鐘內
I N I T I AT I V E 環 球 倡 議
World of Change 變革世界 Four impactful projects take us around the world, from a drama academy in India to a transgender portrait series in the UK.
under 10 minutes 10分鐘內
16. T H E
PITCH 變革攻略
Building Bridges 構築橋樑 Fiona Nott, CEO of The Women’s Foundation, offers a few words of advice in this insightful conversation. 婦女基金會行政總裁 Fiona Nott向公平僱傭基金提
144. L A S T
WORD 流芳之語
A High Note 曲高和眾 Celebrated soprano Barbara Fei Ming-yi shared traditional Chinese folk music with the world. 知名女高音費明儀以天賦嗓音推廣中國傳統民歌。
供建議 。
從印度戲劇學院到英國跨性別人 士攝影集,四個倡議項目為全球 不同地區帶來正面影響。 28. H E R
The Full Picture 統觀全貌 Hong Kong-born photojournalist Nicole Tung explains why she covers conflict zones despite the risks. 在香港出生的攝影記者童 瑩 分
22. I N
Making an Impact 揚波起浪 Splash Foundation teaches domestic workers and underprivileged children how to swim and boosts their confidence in the process. Splash基金會透過為家傭及貧困兒童開辦游泳 課程,幫助他們重拾自信。 36. T H E
FA C T S 事 實 數 據
A Global Crisis 全球危機
134. P H O T O
We explain the plight of refugees around the world through statistics and infographics.
E S S AY 圖 文 並 荗
Utopia 烏托邦
In this photo essay, we explore different interpretations of ‘utopia’ for asylum seekers in limbo. 透過照片和文字剖釋為何香港對 難民來說 「不是地方」。
以數據與圖像呈現全球難民面對的困境。 129. L O C A L
Beyond Borders 超越國界 Hong Kong and Macao residents discuss the social, legal and political situation for refugees. 香港及澳門居民討論難民面對的社會、 法律及政治 問題。
70 ARIANA 2019
C O N T E N T S 目錄
under 20 minutes 20分鐘內
46. The
Art of Defiance 不屈的藝術
Six entrepreneurial asylum seekers in Hong Kong share stories of strength and passion. 六名尋求庇護分享在香港追尋理想的故事。 60. Lost
Generation 失落的一代
The children of asylum seekers face an avalanche of issues, from trauma to education. 探討尋求庇護者孩子在教育和心理上面對的重重阻礙。 70. Trial
by Media 媒體審判
Some Chinese-language media outlets have skewed public opinion through bias. 香港部分中文報紙透過偏頗報導塑造了難民的負面形象。 84. Breaking
the Chains 掙脫枷鎖
Victims escape sex trafficking rings in China only to find an inhospitable environment in Hong Kong. 性販運受害人逃出中國犯罪組織後,卻在香港受到不友善對待。 96. A
Safe Haven 安全避風港
Four decades ago, Macao’s refugee camps proved it possible to handle resettlement with compassion. 40年前澳門的難民營印證了難民也能獲得人道對待。 106. Canary
in the Coalmine 燕處危巢
After a climate disaster in the Philippines, displacement and human trafficking foreshadows a global crisis. 一場橫掃菲律賓的風災導至數以百萬人流離失所, 甚至陷入人口販運的困 境。 118. The
Other One Per Cent 個別的百分之一
Hong Kong rarely approves protection claims, leaving few asylum seekers with any hope of resettling in a third country. 香港的庇護聲請成功率底,使得尋求庇護者獲得第三國安置的機會渺茫。
M A S T H E A D 出版頁
Publisher 出版商 i-CABLE Communications Limited
Cover Photographer 封面攝影師 Yankov Wong
Executive Director 行政總監 Andrew Chiu
Illustrators 插畫師 Kay Leung, Lauren Crow, Leonor Coelho, Lily Padula, Stella So
Production 製作 Ariana Life Guest Editor 客座編輯 Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein Editor-in-Chief 總編輯 Mariana César de Sá
Social Media Manager 社交媒體經理 Tina Chu Printing 印刷 Asia One Printing Ltd Distribution 物流 One Logistics
Managing Editor 管理編輯 Kate Springer Editor-at-Large 特約編輯 Gonçalo César de Sá Deputy Editor 副編輯 Cathy Lai
Get in touch 聯絡我們
Features Editor 專題故事編輯 Samuel Miller
Story ideas and feedback
Writers 作者 Andrea Lo, Chermaine Lee, Crystal Chow, Fatima Qureshi, Karen Cheung, Marianna Cerini, Rafelle Allego, Tanja Wessels Translators 翻譯員 Kary Lam, Ng Mei Kwan, Rosa Chen, Thomas Phillips Proofreaders 校對員 Anna O’Connor, Yoko Siu
Partnership inquiries 查詢合作,請電郵至
Room 1902-1903, 19/F Far East Consortium Building 121 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong 香港中環
Designers 設計師 Fernando Chan, Inês de Campos Alves, Sandra Norte Photographers 攝影師 Anthony Kwan, António Sanmarful, Eduardo Leal, Karma Lo, Nicole Tung, Samuel Miller, William Liberman
德輔道中121號 遠東發展大廈19樓 1902-1903室
arianamag.hk ARIANA 2019
am deeply privileged to be the guest editor of this issue of Ariana – delving, as it does, into a critical topic that explores what it means to be human. Our point of embarkation is a snapshot of four creative initiatives around the world, led by people who are making a difference (pg 8). From there, we journey home to Hong Kong and eavesdrop on a fascinating conversation between the Fair Employment Foundation’s Zofia NiesterowiczLawrence and The Women’s Foundation’s Fiona Nott on ethical employment of migrant workers (pg 16). We then plunge into a pool with Rafelle Allego as she reports on the Splash Foundation (pg 22), which strives to empower foreign domestic workers and underprivileged children. In a personal interview on page 28, photojournalist Nicole Tung, who has covered many of the world’s worst conflicts, underscores the simultaneous vulnerability and resilience of the people she has captured with her camera. We then transition into the heart of the publication with “The Art of Defiance” by Tanja Wessels on page 46. This series of six moving portraits chronicles the lives of forced migrants in Hong Kong who fled their homes but never lost their determination. All six have developed creative mechanisms to cope not just with the stress invited by the uncertainty of their status, but also to enrich and improve the community. Next, Karen Cheung provides a useful lesson about the complexities of non-refoulement procedures in Hong Kong in “The Other One Per Cent” (pg 118). We then tune into “Trial by Media” on page 70, where Cathy Lai analyses biased reporting that has characterized some Chinese-language media coverage of ethnic minorities in Hong Kong. In “Lost Generation,” on page 60, Fatima Qureshi highlights the colossal difficulties faced by the children of asylum seekers as they grow up in Hong Kong. Zooming out in “Breaking the Chains” (pg 84), Qureshi then explores the plight of sex-trafficking victims who seek refuge in Hong Kong only to endure more hardship.
Offering another perspective, Samuel Miller’s photo essay “Utopia” (pg 134) conveys why the city is a “nonplace” to asylum seekers. Ultimately, with the rapid onset of climate change, newly-created vulnerable communities have emerged, only to be caught up in the world of trafficking – as Crystal Chow explains in “Canary in the Coalmine” (pg 106). As these challenges accumulate, we will soon have to ask: What sort of humanity do we want to be or become? Loving? Or mean-spirited? There is reason to believe it could be the former – Miller and Allego write in “Safe Haven” (pg 96) of more positive experiences during the resettlement of Vietnamese refugees in Macao in the late 1970s. We end our journey with Chermaine Lee and Allego, who offer a snapshot of divergent views amongst Hong Kong and Macao citizens in “Beyond Borders” (pg 129). Finally, a personal note from me. My father was an Iraqi prince for the first 22 years of his life. In July 1958, a coup overthrew the monarchy and, my father – who was then studying in Cambridge – was suddenly left with much of his family dead and without a country. I asked him recently what went through his mind at the time, given the enormity of the calamity that had befallen him. “Nothing,” he said. “My mind was a void, it could not comprehend much less compute.” In other words, like so many refugees then and now, he tumbled from a life of security and privilege to one of vulnerability and desperation, and all in a blink of an eye – a prince to stateless in a matter of seconds. For anyone who believes they are above it all, they would do well to heed the fickleness of fortune.
Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein Perry World House Professor of Practice of Law and Human Rights, The University of Pennsylvania, and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights 2014-2018
十分榮幸能擔任本期Ariana雜誌的客席編輯, 與大家探討一個對人類的生命意義至關重要的 主題。 首先,我們帶領讀者環視全球,了解四個由銳 意 改 變 世 界 的 倡 儀 者 領 導 的 創 意 項 目 ( 8頁 ) 。 然後,我們回到香港,聆聽公平僱傭基金會的 Zofia Niesterowicz-Lawrence 與 婦 女 基 金 會 行 政 總裁 Fiona Nott 就外傭聘用的道德標準發表獨特見 解( 16 頁)。 我們也跟隨Rafelle Allego與Splash的學員一起體驗 暢泳之樂(22頁),從而了解這個基金會如何為外籍 家庭傭工及弱勢兒童賦權。在28頁的個人專訪中,攝 影記者童纓瑩分享在世界各地報導嚴重衝突的經歷, 並透過鏡頭展示拍攝對象的脆弱與堅韌。 接下來,我們將焦點放到 46 頁的重點報導上:由 Tanja Wessels撰寫的故事系列《不屈的藝術》,娓娓 道出六名尋求庇護者在香港的動人經歷;雖然身不由 己地逃離家園,這六位主人翁卻從未失去決心,努力 透過各種創新方式來抵抗身分不明所帶來的焦慮,甚 至為改善社區貢獻心力。 另 一 篇 由 Karen C heung 撰 寫 的 專 題 報 導 《 個 別的百分之一》(118頁)揭示了在香港尋求免 遣 返 保 護 的 複 雜 程 序 。 然 後 C at hy L a i 在 7 0 頁 的 《媒體審判》中,為我們剖析香港某些中文媒體 對少數族裔的偏頗報導。 在62頁的《失落的一代》,Fatima Qureshi聚焦於 尋求庇護者子女在香港成長所面對的重重困難;然後 在《掙脫枷鎖》(84頁)揭示性交易受害者如何在香 港尋求庇護時遭遇到更多磨難。Samuel Miller的攝影
文章《烏托邦》( 134頁)則從另一個角度探討為何 香港並非尋求庇護者的「避風港」。 隨著氣候變化速度加劇,弱勢社群應運而 生,Crystal Chow在《燕處危巢》中(106頁)報導了 這些社群如何因為人口販運而泥足深陷。當這些挑戰 如雪球般越滾越大,我們必須撫心自問:我們想成為 一個怎樣的人?友愛還是涼薄? 我們有理由相信答案是前者。 Miller 和 Allego 在 《安全避風港》(96頁)描述了1970年代末,越南難 民在澳門被重新安置期間的一些鼓舞人心的經歷。 這趟人權之旅以 Chermaine Lee和 Allego的《超越國 界》( 129頁)作結,她們收集了香港與澳門市民對 難民議題的不同觀點。 最後是我的個人記憶。我父親22歲時仍是一位伊 拉克王子,然而,一場發生於1958年7月的軍事政變 推翻了伊拉克的君主制度,當時正在劍橋求學的父親 因而家破人亡,被迫流亡海外。最近我問他,大禍臨 頭時,他的心裡在想甚麼? 他說:「甚麼都沒有,我的腦海一片空白,無法 理解當時的情況。」 換句話說,他跟過去和現在的許多難民一樣,驟 然失去安穩而優越的生活,淪為脆弱而絕望的階級。 頃刻間,一位王子變成無國籍的難民。命運無常, 任何相信自己擁有一切的人,最好還是保持警覺。
扎伊德·拉阿德·侯賽因 賓夕法尼亞大學佩里世界之屋法律與人權教授
Annual operating income in 2018 2018年度的營業收入
43.8 BILLION RMB Total assets 公司總資產
科技創新 引領進步
At Lens Technology, China’s leading manufacturer of glass and metal parts for
That’s why we invest roughly RMB 1.2-1.5 billion in research and development each
national patents, 13 international patents and 1,100 authorised patents.
consumer electronics, we believe that true leadership is rooted in innovation.
year. We have also secured the highest number of patents in the industry with 1,500
We are constantly exploring emerging technologies such as 3D glasses, sapphire,
world-class products into the hands of consumers.
precision metal and ceramics, biometrics, automatic production, and more, to put
As a believer in the‘Made in China 2025’strategy, we’re 「藍思科技積極響應『中國製造2025』戰略,我們很榮 “proud 幸能夠透過生產尖端消費電子零件,彰顯中國製造商的 to produce cutting-edge consumer electronics parts that 魄力與創造力。」 show the drive and ingenuity of Chinese manufacturers. ” Founder Chau Kwanfai 創始人周群飛
Number of national patents 國內專利數量
Investment in Hunan Province 在湖南省的投資總額
Employees in Hunan Province 在湖南省的員工數目
T H E I N I T I AT I V E 環 球 倡 議
WORLD OF CHANGE 變革世界 Mongolia
The Red Hero Collection Paul Cox, a Zimbabwean documentary photographer based in Hong Kong, first learned about the Tsolmon Ireedui Foundation (TIF) in 2013. Founded in 2010, TIF provides free daycare for children from families in need in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, so their parents can work. In addition, TIF also helps disadvantaged families enrol their children in local schools, offers warm meals, and distributes everyday necessities. Inspired by TIF’s mission, Cox began fundraising for the charity through his Red Hero Collection (Ulaanbaatar means ‘red hero’ in Mongolian) charity exhibitions. In collaboration with Kee Club and Christie’s, Cox has auctioned some of his favourite photographs from his many visits to Mongolia and, so far, has raised more than US$100,000 for the centre. 蒙古
《紅色英雄》攝影集 現居於香港的Paul Cox是一名來自津巴布韋的紀實攝 影師,他於2013年首次認識蒙古非牟利組織Tsolmon Ireedui Foundation(TIF)。TIF成立於2010年,致 力為蒙古烏蘭巴托的貧困家庭提供免費日間託兒服 務,讓父母可以安心工作。此外,TIF還幫助弱勢家 庭的孩子註冊入讀當地的學校、解決三餐溫飽,並 向他們派發日常必需品。 受 到 TIF使 命 的 啟 發 , Cox開 始 舉 辦 《 紅 色 英 雄》(即「烏蘭巴托」在蒙古語中的意思)攝影集 慈善展覽,為該慈善機構籌款。透過與Kee Club和佳 士得拍賣行合作,Cox拍賣了部分他走訪蒙古時所拍 攝的照片,迄今已為該中心籌集了逾10萬元美金。
Learn more 詳情請看 c8x-photography.com, tifcharity.org
Tsolmon Ireedui Foundation
Female in Focus Around the world, women account for 80 per cent of photography graduates, but only 15 per cent become professional photographers. It’s with those figures in mind that 1854 Media, which runs the British Journal of Photography, launched Female in Focus, a new award highlighting the work of female photographers globally. Among them is photographer Jess T Dugan, who created a photo series dubbed To Survive on this Shore: Photographs and Interviews with Transgender and Nonconforming Older Adults with partner Vanessa Fabbre. “The series depicts candid, frank portraits from the LGBTQ community,” Dugan told the British Journal of Photography in an interview. “I hope that my photographs both validate those within queer communities and educate those who may be unfamiliar with LGBTQ people.” 英國
聚焦女性 女性在全球攝影專業的畢業生中佔80%,但只有15%成為 專業攝影師。有鑑於這些數字,發行《英國攝影期刊》 的媒體「1854 Media」設立了一個名為「聚焦女性」的 新獎項,以宣揚全球女性身分攝影師的工作。 攝影師Jess T Dugan就是其中之一,她與拍檔Vanessa Fabbre創作了一系列名為《在岸上生存 —— 拍 攝 並 採 訪 跨性別的叛逆老人》的攝影集。Dugan在接受《英國攝 影期刊》採訪時表示:「該系列作品描繪了來自LGBTQ 群體坦率的肖像。我希望我的照片既能肯定酷兒群體, 也能教育那些可能不熟悉LGBTQ群體的人。」
Learn more 詳情請看 femaleinfocus.com
Jess T Dugan/Female in Focus
T H E I N I T I AT I V E 環 球 倡 議
T H E I N I T I AT I V E 環 球 倡 議
Rede Asta Rede Asta, a Brazilian social enterprise with locations in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, helps talented female artisans from vulnerable communities become eco entrepreneurs. Established in 2005, the organisation has worked with more than 1,200 women and generated US$3.4 million in income for these artisans. In addition to providing several platforms where artisans can sell their products, such as showrooms and an online marketplace, the organisation also offers free business classes, networking, marketing connections, and mentorship. On the environmental side, Rede Asta focuses on sustainably produced items, which means artisans must transform waste – such as fabric scraps, seat belts, uniforms, and electronics – into lifestyle products and accessories. The innovative handmade items run the gamut from bags to jewellery, children’s toys, clothing, travel gear, and office supplies.
Rede Asta Rede Asta是一家巴西社會企業,在巴西里約熱內盧和聖 保羅設有辦事處,幫助來自弱勢社群並富有才華的女手 工藝人成為生態企業家。該組織成立於2005年,至今已 與超過1,200名女性合作,為這些手工藝人帶來了340萬 元美金的收入。 除了提供多種平台(如展覽廳和網上市場)幫助手 工藝人銷售產品,該組織還提供免費的商務課程、關係 網絡、營銷聯繫和指導計劃。 在環保方面,Rede Asta專注於可持續生產的產品, 這意味著手工藝人必須將布碎、安全帶、制服和電子產 品等廢物轉化為生活產品和配件。這些創新的手工製品 包括手袋、珠寶、兒童玩具、服裝、旅行裝備、辦公用 品等等。
Learn more 詳情請看 redeasta.com.br
Rede Asta
T H E I N I T I AT I V E 環 球 倡 議
Expression & Freedom
Founded in 2002 by professional drama instructor Insiyah Kirloskar, Expression & Freedom (E&F) is a speech and drama academy for children in Pune, India. With a mission to foster imagination and self-esteem, E&F encourages children to try a variety of artistic mediums from poetry to creative writing, speech, drama, storytelling, illustration and more. As part of a recent assignment in E&F’s Writers Module, 13-year-old student Trayi Ajit wrote a spoken word poem based on the prompt “I will dance”:
成 立 於 2002年 的 「 表 達 與 自 由 」 ( E&F) 是 印 度 浦 那 的 一 所 兒 童 演講和戲劇學院,由專業戲劇導 師Insiyah Kirloskar創立。E&F以培養學 生想像力和自尊為使命,鼓勵孩子嘗試 各種藝術媒介,從詩歌到創意寫作、演 講、戲劇、講故事、插圖等等。13歲的 學生Trayi Ajit在最近一份寫作課程的功 課中,根據提示詞「我會跳舞」寫了一 首口語詩:
I will dance The mere tapping of pencils on a table The distant humming of a boy doing homework The dha-dhinak-dhin-dha of a girl playing the tabla The trumpet being played in the studio across the road The tingling sensation in the bones of my socially awkward self I can’t dance, I say He can’t sing, he says “We are worthless,” we all say. But let us bring it all to one stage Make the 21st century the golden age Make the headlines on every page Break out of the unbreakable cage Of self hatred We are not worthless He will sing I will dance
Learn more 詳情請看 fb.com/expressionandfreedom
我會跳舞 譯者: Ng Mei Kwan 無非是鉛筆在桌上輕敲 一個遙遠男孩在寫作業 輕輕吟唱 一個女孩彈打塔布拉鼓 打搭塔拉 小號在練琴室演奏 吹響馬路 刺痛的感覺 深入我不擅社交的骨髓 我不能跳。我說 我不能唱。他說 「我們無用。」我們一起說。 但是讓我們把這一切帶上同一個舞台 創造21世紀的黃金時代 創造每頁的主題 打破那牢不可破 憎厭自己的樊籬 我們並非不中用 他會唱歌 我會跳舞
BUILDING BRIDGES 構 築橋樑 Fiona Nott, CEO of The Women’s Foundation, offers advice on fundraising, creative marketing, and the importance of building relationships to Fair Employment Foundation's Zofia Niesterowicz-Lawrence. 婦女基金會行政總裁Fiona Nott就集資、創意營銷以及建立關係的重要性,向公平僱傭基金發展經理 Zofia Niesterowicz-Lawrence提供了建議。
Words 文 Kate Springer | Photography 攝影 Anthony Kwan
air Employment Foundation (FEF), an NGO that was founded in Hong Kong in 2014, is working to build an ethical model for migrant recruitment with hopes to end forced labour of migrant workers across Asia. Currently, Hong Kong is home to some 380,000 migrant domestic workers and 1,400 employment agencies. Overcharging of workers for their own recruitment is a widespread problem in the industry and a major reason why they often remain vulnerable to abuse. Offering a responsible alternative, FEF’s non-profit Fair Employment Agency (FEA) is sustained by fees paid by employers, not workers, who use the agency to hire domestic workers. To date, FEA has placed over 3,500 workers into jobs. Zofia Niesterowicz-Lawrence has been working as the development manager of FEF for over a year. She hopes to expand the reach of the non-profit and, to do so, we invited her to meet with Fiona Nott, CEO of The Women’s Foundation (TWF), which strives to promote the full and equal participation of women and girls in all aspects of Hong Kong society. As a former lawyer, Nott has extensive experience in both the corporate and NGO worlds. Before joining TWF, she not only helped establish the Hong Kong chapter for Room to Read but also served as a volunteer for a number of non-profits over the years, including a year in New Delhi, India.
平僱傭基金(FEF)是一個於2014年在 香港成立的非政府組織,致力於為外 傭招聘程序建立道德規範,以結束亞 洲區內的強迫勞動。 目前,香港約有38萬名外傭及1,400間職業介 紹所,其中大多數對外傭收取過高的費用,這 是她們不斷受到壓迫的一個主要原因。而FEF的 非牟利機構公平僱傭中心(FEA)則提供一個負 責任的替代方案,它只向僱主收取費用,而非 外傭。迄今為止,該公司已幫助了3,500多名外 傭就業。 Zofia Niesterowicz-Lawrence擔任FEF的發展經 理一年多。她希望擴大機構的服務範圍,而婦女 基金會(TWF)則致力於促進婦女及女童全面平 等地參與香港社會,為此,我們邀請她與婦女基 金會行政總裁Fiona Nott會面。 曾經是律師的Nott在公司和非政府組織領域 都有著豐富的經驗。在加入TWF之前,她不僅協 助Room to Read成立了香港分會,多年來還在不 同的非牟利組織擔任義工,其中包括在印度新德 里服務了一年。 ARIANA 2019
The Fair Employment Foundation has been going for five years now, and I take care of the fundraising, partnership and relationship development side of things. That’s what I’d like to get some advice on. When you walk into a room with people who might not know your foundation, what are the key things that are going to drive them to donate? It’s important to talk about your mission and society’s need for the organisation – why you do what you do. You have to really articulate that need in a succinct way. I’d recommend telling a story – that’s what people best respond to. A lot of individuals can have misconceptions about gender, women, and girls, but when you actually tell them about it in a one-on-one, personal kind of way, their reaction is often like, ‘Wow, I didn’t know that.’ And then you can go into the details of how you run the programmes, your objectives, impact... Another thing I’d suggest is learning about the corporation or entity you’re meeting with. What do they want to learn, what are they interested in? For me, that’s a helpful way of turning a meeting into a relationship. For example, I remember meeting with a company that had a very public commitment to environmental issues. But through our conversation, I learned that they were also very committed to furthering girls’ education and were looking for ways to engage their employees in a meaningful programme.
And what’s your engagement strategy? Do you try to involve the donors in some of the programmes?
It changes, case by case. We always see the relationship with a corporate very much as a partnership, or as an investor. So it’s always a case of understanding what their motivation is to support us, and making sure we’re aligned on our value propositions.
公平僱傭基金至今成立了五年,而我主要負責籌 款、合作和關係發展方面的事情。對此,我希望可 以得到一些建議。當遇到對我們基金不太了解的人 時,你認為有甚麼關鍵因素可以促使他們捐款? 我認為講解你們基金的目標使命及社會需求是很重 要的,即「你為甚麼要做這件事」。你必須用一種 簡潔的方式去表達這種需求。我會建議用故事的形 式去表達,因為故事能有效地激發他人的回應。很 多人可能對性別、女性和女童有誤解,但當你以一 對一方式告訴他們時,他們的反應往往是「哇,我 還真不知道呢!」然後你就可以詳細說明這些項目 計劃的運作程序、目標和影響等等。 另一個建議是了解你要會面的企業或機構。 他們想知道甚麼?他們感興趣的是甚麼?對我來 說,這是把「會面」轉變為「關係」的有效方法。 例如,我記得我曾與一家對環境問題十分關注的企 業會面。但通過我們的交談,我了解到這家企亦努 力地進一步普及女童教育並希望找到方法讓他們的 員工參與一個有意義的項目。
你的溝通策略是甚麼?你會嘗試讓捐贈者參與某些 計劃嗎?
按情況而定。我們永遠把與企業的關係看作夥伴 關係,或者投資者關係。所以我們要理解他們支 持我們的動機是甚麼,並確保我們的價值主張是 一致的。
你的合作夥伴主要是企業嗎? 我們的項目主要是與企業合作。例如,他們會支持 我們的輔導計劃和社區計劃。我們也與其他非政府 組織和學術界合作,並得到一些個人支持,這些人 都是真正投身並受到讓他們產生共鳴的志業所 啟發 的人。
Is it mainly corporates who are your partners?
We have primarily corporate partners for our main programmes. They support our mentoring and community programmes, for example. We also collaborate with other NGOs and academics and are supported by individuals – people who are really committed to and inspired by a cause that resonates with them.
I’d like to start thinking more strategically, more outside the box. What would you suggest to develop those kinds of skills?
It’s always helpful to challenge yourself and learn skills from a different sector. For example, volunteering for another organisation or working with a start-up in an entirely different sector – perhaps art or creative industries – would be a great way to collect fresh ideas for how to get the word out about your product, business, or initiative. Earlier this year at TWF, we had our own ‘think outside of the box’ project where we tried something new. We produced a video called Flipping the Script, which incorporates some humour to address the unconscious bias women candidates face for boardroom interviews – it was really well received. I also think embedding yourself in the programme to gain a deep knowledge of it is crucial. That gives you the means to go and talk to a range of different entities. And then being out there, talking to as many people as you can, understanding what’s on a corporate agenda. Ask yourself: “What are the social or community issues they are interested in?” Exchanging ideas, forming relationships. All of this helps.
A video produced by TWF and 30% Club Hong Kong, Flipping the Script raises awareness about gender bias on corporate boards in Hong Kong, where women account for just 13 per cent of directors across Hang Seng Index companies. The clever video highlights stereotypical, sexist interview remarks often fielded by women but, this time, they’re posed to a fictional male interviewee instead: “You certainly look more mature than in your professional photo!” “Do you have arrangements in place for your children?” “You’re not emotional, are you?” By highlighting discriminatory comments and questions, the video spreads awareness about boardroom bias. “Hong Kong has a deep talent pool of women. Let’s stop the bias and focus on achieving greater gender diversity on Hong Kong boards. Because what is good for business, is also good for Hong Kong,” says Irene Lee, Chair of 30% Club HK. “We hope the video will inspire debate that will lead to sustainable change in Hong Kong.” 由婦女基金會和 30% Club Hong Kong製作的影片 「 Flipping the Script」,旨在令社會對香港公司 董事會中存在的性別偏見提高關注度。值得一提的 是,在恆生指數成分股企業中,女性董事僅佔 13%。 這段巧妙的影片突出了女性在面試中經常遇到的 性別刻板印象及歧視言論,但這一次,這些言論針 對的對象被虛構的男性面試者所取代:「你真人比 相片成熟更多」、「你把孩子都安頓好了嗎?」、 「你不會很情緒化的,對吧?」 通過突出歧視性的評論和問題,影片使更多人意 識到存在於董事會中的性別偏見。 30% Club Hong Kong主席利蘊蓮表示:「香港其實擁有很多女性人 才。讓我們停止各種偏見,專注於讓香港的董事會 有更大的性別多樣性。因為有益商業的,對香港也 有好處。」她又指:「我們希望通過影片引發社會 討論和關注,從而達致香港的可持續變革。」
Watch it here 在此觀看 bit.ly/2ljuBwQ
And in terms of your long-term strategic planning, how do you go about that?
我希望開始更有策略地思考,更多地跳出框框。你對發 展這方面的技能有甚麼建議?
First of all, you have to do that from the organisation’s perspective. It’s going back to your mission, what you’re trying to achieve over, say, three years, then locking that down. But you also have to be able to adjust. Things – markets, circumstances – can change. So it’s important to stay tapped into your surroundings. Always keep up with what companies are talking about and what’s on their agenda, then try to align your development strategy.
挑戰自己並從不同的領域學習技能總是有幫助的。例 如,在另一個組織做志願者,或者在一個完全不同的行 業(也許是藝術或創意行業)的初創企業工作,都會 是收集有關如何宣傳產品、業務或計劃的新主意的好方 法。 今年較早前,我們TWF推出了「跳出框框思考」項 目,並作了一些新嘗試。我們製作了一個名為「Flipping the Script」的影片,把一些幽默元素融入其中,呈現出 女性候選人在董事會面試時遇到的無意識的偏見,結果 很受歡迎。 我也認為讓自己深入了解這個項目非常重要,這樣 能提供與不同機構對話的方法。走出去,盡你所能與人 交談,了解這些企業所關注的議題,再問問自己:「他 們真正感興趣的社會議題到底是甚麼?」交換想法、建 立關係,這一切都會有幫助。
So I should be aware of corporate market trends? It’s more about understanding the corporate cycle for sponsorships, which often might be on a yearly basis. In addition, you need to understand their focus – how they’re evolving, and how can your organisation fit within all that. Keeping an eye on long-term trends is also important.
And how do you sustain longer-term partnerships with a corporate?
By truly developing relationships. Corporations are not just offices. They’re made of people. So try to nurture one-on-one relationships, engage with individuals, show your impact, and just as importantly, their impact too. Invite them to sit down with you and explain the work you’re doing together.
What about holding large-scale events? How important are they?
We have two major events a year, a gala and our International Women’s Day lunch. They’re both very important for us. They are resource-intensive, but they are essential to general fundraising. I’d recommend simple and fun events to start with – that could mean trivia quizzes or games around a theme so people can invite their friends along. These types of events are usually relatively easy to organise without the risk of high upfront costs or venue deposits.
你如何進行長期策略規劃? 首先,你必須從組織的角度來進行。這要回歸到你的使 命,例如你想要在三年內實現的目標,然後鎖定目標, 但你也必須能作出調整。比如說,市場和環境都可能改 變,因此融入你身處的環境是很重要的。時刻關注企業 正在談論和關注的議題,然後試著調整你的發展策略。 所以我應該了解企業的市場趨勢? 更重要是了解企業的贊助週期,通常是每年一次。此 外,你需要了解他們的關注點——這些關注點是如何演 變的,而你的組織將如何回應。將自己的目光放遠也是 非常重要的。 你又是如何維持與企業的長期合作關係呢? 通過真正建立關係。企業不僅僅是辦公室,它們是由人 組成的。所以,試著培養一對一的關係,與每一個個人 接觸,展示你的影響力,而同樣重要的是,要展示他們 的影響力。邀請他們和你一起坐下來,解釋你們正在一 起做的工作。
Another alternative is a social or drinks gathering where people can mingle and learn about the cause. Even though you may not raise a lot of money at such events, they are a fantastic way for people to get to know you and your cause. You can build from and host a few round tables with corporates then scale to much larger events. ZNL FN
Do you have any other advice? Don’t get discouraged if a partnership doesn’t work out. Sometimes, corporates might be looking to support other causes, or the timing might not be quite right. But keep talking to people and the tide will eventually turn, as you never know when an opportunity may come to fruition.
Learn more 詳情請看 fairfoundation.org.hk; twfhk.org
那麼舉辦大型活動呢?它們有多重要? 我們每年有兩個重大的活動,一個晚會和國際婦女節 午餐,它們對我們來說都非常重要,亦需要不少資源, 但它們對日常籌款是必不可少的。 我會建議先從簡單有趣的活動入手,可以是圍繞一 個主題的小測驗或遊戲,這樣人們就可以邀請他們的朋 友一起參加。這類型的活動相對容易組織,沒有高昂的 前期成本或場地押金等風險。 另一種選擇就是社交聚會或酒會,人們可以聚集起 來了解你機構的工作。儘管你不一定能在這些活動中籌 集到大量資金,但這卻是讓人們了解你和你工作的絕佳 方式。你可以與企業建立並舉辦幾次圓桌會議,然後將 活動擴展得更大。 你還有甚麼建議嗎? 如果合作不成功也不用灰心,因為有時企業可能會選擇 支持其他倡議,或者時機不太合適。但只要堅持和人們 交談,最終一定會成功的,因為你永遠不知道機會何時 可以成為現實。 ARIANA 2019
Local charity Splash Foundation helps foreign domestic workers and underprivileged children gain confidence – in and out of the water. 本地慈善組織Splash基金會透過開辦游泳課程,幫助外籍家庭傭工及貧困兒童重拾生活自信。
Words 文 Rafelle Allego| Photography 攝影 Toby Chu 22
M A K I N G A N I M PA C T 揚 波 起 浪
t’s a Sunday morning near the Mid-Levels escalators. Groups of women are sitting on cardboard mats – chatting, sharing meals, knitting, playing cards, or listening to music. They are foreign domestic workers, and this is their one day off in the week. In Hong Kong, domestic workers are legally required to live at their employers’ house and, during their limited free time, they often relax on sidewalks or in parks and public squares. Many also head to Hong Kong’s beaches. It was at Repulse Bay in 2014 where Simon Holliday, a learning and development manager for a Hong Kong law firm, found the inspiration behind Splash – an NGO that strives to make swimming more accessible. Remembering that afternoon, he recalls watching workers cautiously wade into the water, few ever going more than waist deep. “You didn’t have to scratch the surface much to realise that these women couldn’t swim,” he says, noting that swimming proficiency is closely related to socioeconomic circumstances. A standard monthly wage of HK$4,520 does not leave disposable income for swimming lessons, which range from HK$250 to HK$600 per hour in Hong Kong. Holliday, an avid swimmer and the first man to complete the 45-kilometre swim around Hong Kong Island, started researching the issue. He found alarming figures: According to a 2012 World Health Organization report, there had been a total of 130,149 deaths from drowning in Southeast Asia in that year alone. And in 2014, 372,000 people died from drowning worldwide. He also learned that neither the Philippines nor Indonesia – the two countries where the vast majority of the city’s 380,000 domestic workers come from – usually include learning to swim in their school curricula, which puts people at risk. Knowing free swimming lessons could save lives, Holliday reached out to an open-water swim group based in Hong Kong, asking for advice on how to move his idea forward. His words struck a chord with one of the group’s members, Libby Alexander.
日早晨,中環半山扶手電梯附近,一群群婦 女坐在紙皮上,閒聊、分享食物、編織、 打牌或者聽音樂。她們都是在香港的外籍 家庭傭工,而這是她們每週一日的休息日。 根據香港法例,家庭傭工必須居於其僱主的住所。 而在有限的自由時間中,她們常常會坐在人行道、公園 和廣場上;許多人也會去海灘。 2014年,香港一家律師樓的培訓及發展經理Simon Holliday在淺水灣獲得成立Splash的靈感,這間NGO致 力於讓游泳更普及化。回想起那個下午,他憶述家傭 們如何小心翼翼地走進水中,其中僅有幾個夠膽走到 超過腰深的地方。 「你不必多想就知道,這些女人不會游泳。」 他回憶道,並指出游泳技能是與一個人的社會經濟處 境緊密關聯的。每個月4,520港幣的標準工資,令家傭 沒有閒錢可以上游泳班,因為在香港,每小時的課程 就要花250到600港幣。 Holliday是游泳愛好者,也是第一位完成45公里環 港島泳的人。他開始研究這個問題,並發現了令人憂慮 的數據:根據世界衛生組織2012年的一份報告指出,當 年單是在東南亞就有130,149宗溺水死亡個案。在2014 年,全球共有372,000人死於溺水。 他 也 發 現 , 香 港 38萬 家 庭 傭 工 的 兩 大 來 源 國 —— 菲律賓和印尼,普遍都沒有將游泳納入學校課程, 因而增加了當地人遇溺的風險。 Holliday意識到免費游泳課可以拯救生命,於是聯 絡了香港一個公開水域游泳群組,請教他們如何可以進 一步落實這理念。他的提議立即得到了群組成員Libby Alexander的響應。 作為前游泳運動員,Alexander當時也剛剛得知她 聘用的家傭在晚上會偷偷與朋友在海灘見面,自學游 泳。Alexander擔心她們會遇溺,認為有必要開設免費 的游泳班,以保障她們安全的同時,也協助這些女性 的充權。於是Alexander與Holliday攜手在2015年一起 成立了Splash。
潛心開發 那年3月的一個週日,Splash在香港國際學校的室內 泳池開辦了第一堂課。為了宣傳,Holliday和Alexander 在家傭們放假常去的區域派傳單。 ARIANA 2019
A former competitive swimmer, Alexander had recently learned that the domestic worker she employs had been secretly meeting friends at the beach at night and they were teaching themselves how to swim. Aware of the dangers of drowning, Alexander agreed that free swim classes could be the solution. They would not only protect these women, but also empower them. Alexander joined Holliday, and the pair co-founded Splash in 2015.
DIVING IN On a Sunday in March that year, Splash held its first lesson at the Hong Kong International School’s indoor pool. To spread the word, Holliday and Alexander handed out flyers in areas around the city where large groups of domestic workers tend to spend their day off. Thirty people attended that first class – and Splash has grown steadily since. The organisation currently counts 80 active coaches, 40 annual programmes, and an average of 30 24
第一堂有30人參加,Splash也從此穩步發展,目前 有80名活躍的教練、40個年度項目和平均每堂30人的 參與規模。Splash估計,單是今年就會教授近千人學 習游泳。 Splash的運作模式很簡單:他們在市內的屋苑或私 人俱樂部泳池提供為期12週且免費的入門游泳班。此 外,他們也在工作日期間提供由僱主資助、12節作價 2,000港元的課程。 課程主要教授游泳安全和基本自由式,上完12堂課 之後,八成的學員可以自行游25米。至於上課時間, S p l a s h 的 原 則 是 盡 可 能 靈 活 ,以 顧 及 家 傭 的 長 工時。 「我們明白家傭不能自己控制時間表,而她們的僱 主可能會臨時要求她們工作。這是很常見的。唯一不能 妥協的就是,你不能第一堂就曠課。否則你就要等下個 學期開始,才能再參與。第一堂之後,你要出席夠課程 的75%。」Holliday解釋道。 Alexander記得有一次,一位家傭在完成12週的課 程之後,無法參加期末考試和畢業禮,因為她的僱主
M A K I N G A N I M PA C T 揚 波 起 浪
people per class. This year alone, the NGO estimates that it will teach nearly a thousand people how to swim. The way it works is simple: Splash runs free 12-week programmes designed for beginners at apartment complexes and private clubs across the city. In addition to free classes, the organisation also provides employer-sponsored lessons during the week, which cost HK$2,000 for a package of 12 sessions. Courses focus on teaching water safety and basic freestyle and, by the end of the 12-week cycle, about 80 per cent of participants can swim 25 metres without any assistance. When it comes to timing, Splash has made the programme as flexible as possible to account for domestic workers’ demanding hours. “We know that domestic workers aren’t in control of their schedules and their employers might ask them to work lastminute. It happens all the time,” explains Holliday. “One nonnegotiable is that you cannot miss the first lesson. Otherwise, you have to wait until the next term and try again. After that first class, you have to attend 75 per cent of classes.”
要她在一次麻將聚會中幫手。面對這位家傭抗議,僱 主回應道:「我的麻將聚會比學游泳重要。」 「這令人很痛心。你無法想像某些家傭與她們僱 主之間的關係。」Alexander說。她解釋道,在某些 情況下,這些關係會因為權力關係和居於僱主簷下的 各種挑戰而惡化。 Holliday希望,Splash能透過在私人俱樂部開課, 打破一些社會藩籬,並鼓勵人們體諒他人。「這些女 性不只是照顧者,也不只是清潔工。她們有技能,有 個性,現在還會游泳。」他說。
積極轉變 Alexander說,對於已完成了Splash12週課程的學員 而言,這些經驗能帶來重大的充權意義。「她們的自 尊心有了正面的變化。她們期待那些週日,亦很珍視 這一天,因為只有在這段時間裡,她們才可以為自己 做點事—— 那是她們去迎接挑戰、提升自己或純粹享 受其中的機會。」Alexander說。 ARIANA 2019
Alexander recalls an instance where a domestic worker had to miss her final assessment and graduation at the end of a 12-week programme because her employer needed her to work at a mahjong party. When the domestic worker protested, the employer replied: “My mahjong party is more important than you learning how to swim.” “It’s heart wrenching,” says Alexander. “You can’t imagine the relationships that some of these helpers have with their employers.” She explains that, in some cases, the tense relationship is aggravated by power dynamics, as well as the challenging experience of living inside the employers’ home. Holliday hopes that by holding lessons at private clubs, Splash can break down societal barriers and encourage empathy. “These women are not just caretakers. They’re not just cleaners,” he says. “They’ve got skills, they’ve got personalities – and now they’re swimmers as well.”
A POSITIVE SHIFT For those who complete Splash’s 12-week course, Alexander says the experience can be very empowering. “They go through a positive shift in self-esteem, ” Alexander says. “They look forward to that Sunday. They appreciate it because it is the one time they get to do something just for themselves. It’s their opportunity for a challenge, self-improvement or simply enjoyment.” Many “Splashers” – as they’re nicknamed – enjoy it so much that they volunteer after graduating. Some help with administrative duties, while others attend the NGO’s graduate trainee programme to become coaches. Liway Cruz Garcia – a 45-year-old domestic worker from the Philippines – is one such volunteer. Garcia graduated from Splash’s swimming programme in 2016 and it completely changed her relationship with water. Before the classes, Garcia says she was scared of water and would never go in unless she was certain her feet would touch the bottom. 26
Samuel Miller
M A K I N G A N I M PA C T 揚 波 起 浪
“After the programme, my fear disappeared,” she says, adding that she acquired more than just a physical skill. “It gave me confidence in and out of the water – I no longer feel inferior and I can communicate better.” Now a coach, Garcia says she felt motivated to volunteer because there are thousands of domestic workers in Hong Kong who can’t swim. “Since it helped me, I want to pass on what I learnt to as many non-swimmers as I can – and maybe they will be able to pass this skill on to their family, kids or friends.”
她們暱稱自己為「Splashers」,而其中許多人如此 享受游泳,到畢業後都仍然願意回來當義工。有些人幫 忙做行政工作,其他人則參加畢業生訓練計劃,目標是 要成為游泳教練。 來自菲律賓的45歲家傭Liway Cruz Garcia就是其中 一名義工。她在2016年從Splash的游泳班畢業,而這完 全改變了她與水的關係。上課之前,Garcia很怕水, 而且絕對不會進入雙腳碰不到底的水域。 「上完課程之後,我的恐懼 消失了。」她說,而且她得到 的不止是一項體育技能。「它 給了我自信,無論是在水裡還 "It gave me confidence 是上水時。我內心不再恐懼, in and out of the water." 我可以更好地與人交流。」 現已成為教練的Garcia說, 她做義工的動力來自於香港數 「它給了我自信,無論是在 千名不會游泳的家傭。「既然 水裡還是上水時。」 這課程幫助了我,我希望將我 所學到的一切盡可能傳授給更 – Liway Cruz Garcia 多不會游泳的人,也許她們可 以把這個技能傳授給自己的家 人、孩子或朋友。」
Domestic workers aren’t the only people in Hong Kong who are learning to swim. In 2016, Splash expanded its purview to introduce programmes for children from low-income families and, by 2020, the organisation aspires to teach 5,000 people in total. In order to raise operational funds, the NGO relies on revenue from employer-sponsored classes as well as several fundraising campaigns, such as Simon’s Swim and Splash Dash Relay. Taking place every year, Simon’s Swim comprises a 45km circumnavigation of Hong Kong Island that’s organised in collaboration with HK360Swim. This standalone event was conceived by Shu Pu, one of the original cofounders of Splash who is no longer involved, and provides an avenue for swimmers to circumnavigate Hong Kong Island – some take part as a personal challenge, others join to fundraise. The most recent race, held in November 2018, raised over HK$600,000 for Splash’s operations. Another major event, Splash Dash Relay, is an annual charity “swimathon” held in March at the Canadian International School of Hong Kong where each team commits to raising at least HK$5,000. In coming years, Splash has ambitions to branch into other parts of Asia, such as the Philippines and Indonesia, where they plan to teach both adults and children who often can’t afford swimming lessons, in hopes of spreading life-saving skills and self-confidence.
再添新猷 在香港,學習游泳的不止是家傭。2016年,Splash 拓 展 課 程 , 以 涵 蓋 低 收 入 家 庭 兒 童 , 並 計 劃 在 2020 年前教授5,000人。 為了增加運營資金,Splash既從僱主資助課程中賺 取收入,也舉行了數次籌款活動,比如Simon’s Swim 和 Splash Day接 力 賽 。 每 年 舉 行 的 Simon’s Swim與 HK360Swim合作,舉辦包括45公里環港島泳在內的活 動。最近一次比賽就在2018年11月舉行,為Splash籌 得了60萬港元的資金。 另一項主要活動Splash Day接力賽則是在每年3月舉 行的慈善「游泳馬拉松」。賽事在香港加拿大國際學校 舉行,每個參賽隊伍都要募集最少5,000港元。 在 未 來 幾 年 , Splash計 劃 擴 展 到 亞 洲 其 他 地 區 , 比如菲律賓和印尼,為不能負擔游泳課的成年人和兒 童提供課程,以推廣這種既可救人,又能提升自信的 技能。
Learn more 詳情請看 splashfoundation.org
THE FULL PICTURE 統觀全貌 Photojournalist Nicole Tung shares her experience reporting in the world’s most dangerous conflict zones. 攝影記者童𡢞瑩分享了自己在世上最危險的衝突地區報導的經歷。
Words 文 Marianna Cerini | Photography 攝影 Nicole Tung
or Nicole Tung, photographing conflict zones is not just a job but a duty. The 33-year-old photojournalist, who was born in Hong Kong, has been covering issues in Africa, Asia and the Middle East since 2011. Tung’s career began after she graduated in journalism and history from New York University. Keen to report on the Arab Spring, she traveled first through Egypt, then to Libya and Syria. Currently based in Istanbul, Turkey, Tung is often on assignment across the region where she has recently covered the aftermath of the war on ISIS, the Syrian conflict and, in Africa, former child soldiers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Her civilian-centric work has appeared in international publications such as The New York Times, Harper’s Magazine, The Washington Post, and more. She has received 17 awards and counting, including the International Photography Awards as well as the 2018 James Foley Award for Conflict Reporting. We spoke with Tung about her work, and why she believes it’s crucial for female photojournalists to cover conflict zones.
於童 孆 瑩來說,拍攝衝突不只是一份工作,而是一份責任。這位 33歲、生於香 港的攝影記者在紐約大學修讀新聞和歷史,畢業後投身新聞界,自 2011年起報 導非洲、亞洲和中東地區的議題。為了報導阿拉伯之春,她穿越埃及,一路去 到利比亞和敘利亞。 目前常駐在土耳其伊斯坦堡的童 孆 瑩經常要到區內不同地方採訪,主題包括對伊斯 蘭國( ISIS)的戰爭、敘利亞衝突所帶來的影響,以及在非洲剛果民主共和國前童兵的 狀況。她以平民為敘事核心的報導見於各大國際媒體,包括《紐約時報》、《哈潑斯雜 誌》、《華盛頓郵報》等等。她已經獲得了 17個獎項,包括 IPA國際攝影獎和 2018年詹 姆斯福利獎衝突報導獎。 我們與童 孆 瑩談到她的工作,以及女性攝影記者對報導衝突的重要性。
I wanted to explore the idea of neighbours and the evolution of conflict – how people who are living side by side one day can turn against each other the next. I was keen to understand and tell the stories behind that. I consider myself a witness and a documentarian. I see my work as a way to keep a record for our future history – a way to create evidence for posterity, so that no one will be able to say we didn’t know what was going on – be it a war, protest, or social injustice.
You’re one of few female war photographers. How hard are things for women on the job?
Quite hard, although there are more women paving the road for change. Overall, gender equality is a long way away for this particular type of reporting and the field is still dominated by men. Often, there’s still this traditional mindset that women are not capable of being conflict photographers because they’re more vulnerable. I couldn’t disagree more.
What drew you to this line of work?
童𡢞瑩 我想探討鄰里和衝突發展的概念,了解住在彼此旁
邊的人,怎麼會一夜之間反目成仇。我很想理解和 轉達背後的故事。 我把自己看成是目擊者和記錄者。我認為我的 工作是為將來的歷史保留記錄,為未來時代留下證 據,這樣就沒人可以說我們不知道當時發生了甚麼 事——無論是戰爭、示威還是社會不公。
Do you think being a woman ever plays to your advantage?
Absolutely. Being a female journalist in a very conservative place, or even in conflict zones, can be positive because women seem less threatening. People tend to open up more – women in particular, which is so important. In deeply religious societies, many aren’t allowed to speak to male colleagues, so if they want their voices to be heard, they approach me or other female journalists.
你是少數的女性戰地攝影師之一。這份工作對於女 性來說有多困難?
童𡢞瑩 還挺難的,雖然現在有更多女性為改變鋪路。但整
體而言,這類型的報導遠遠未達到性別平等,而這 個領域仍然由男性主導。認為女性太脆弱,沒有能 力做戰地攝影師,這種傳統思維還是會常常出現, 但我完全不同意。
童𡢞瑩 讓女性參與衝突的報導是必須的。如果我們只有男
性的視角,我們怎樣能完全理解戰爭的全貌,以及 它對另外一半的人口有甚麼影響呢?變化已經出現 了,而編輯們在其中擔當了重要角色,因為是由他 們去決定聘請更多女性攝影師的。
What’s your take on it? Having women covering conflict is highly necessary. If we only get the male perspective, how can we understand the full spectrum of the war and how it affects the other 50 per cent of the population? There has to be a shift – and editors should be a big part of it. It’s up to them to hire more female photographers.
童𡢞瑩 當然。在一個非常保守的地方,甚至是衝突地區,女
記者的身分是有優勢的,因為她們看起來沒那麼具威 脅性。人們也更願意跟你說話,尤其是女人,這是非 常重要的。在宗教信仰濃厚的社會,許多女性都不被 允許與我們的男同事講話,如果她們希望自己的聲音 被聽到,她們就會找我或者其他女記者。
童𡢞瑩 那要看我在哪兒,以及我在做甚麼工作。有時是處
理一些不希望有記者在場的人,無論是在示威中, 還是其他敏感的狀況。比如,一個家庭可能剛剛痛 失所愛,或者他們正在經歷巨大的創傷,例如在敘 利亞被政府軍無情轟炸。
A boy carries a white flag indicating he is not a combatant while fleeing Mosul, Iraq, in 2016 2016年,一名男孩在逃離伊拉克摩蘇爾時舉著白旗,以表明他不是戰鬥人員
What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve encountered in your career?
It depends where I am and what type of work I’m doing. Sometimes it’s having to deal with people who don’t want the press to be there, whether it’s a protest or a sensitive situation. For instance, families might have just lost a loved one, or are in the middle of incredible trauma, such as being shelled relentlessly in Syria by government forces. I’ve also worked in hospital wards, covering the extremely high rate of maternal mortality in the Central African Republic. None of these situations were easy to photograph because of just how invasive it is for the people I am photographing. But when I am given the privilege of doing so, I have to get it right.
我也在醫院病房裡工作過,當時我正在報導中非 共和國極高的孕產婦死亡率。這些狀況都不容易拍 攝,因為這對於拍攝對象來說是很大的侵擾。但當我 有這個機會做這樣的工作時,我就一定要把它做好。 等待也是我必須學會面對的事。戰地報導常常 靠耐性,例如等被准許進入某個地方;等狀況升級 或緩和;等人跟你說話。 ARIANA
童𡢞瑩 也許是2017年11月我在伊拉克摩蘇爾拍攝的一幅照
片吧,照片裡面是一群女學生走下一輛巴士。我拍 下 那 張 照 片 的 時 候 , ISIS剛 被 趕 走 了 幾 個 月 , 當 時 城市的大部分地方都還是廢墟,許多人正在掙扎著 重建家園,但孩子們卻那麼渴望重返校園。 ARIANA 2019
School children exit a bus in western Mosul, Iraq, in November 2017 after Mosul was liberated from ISIS and some schools reopened 2017年11月,ISIS剛被趕離伊拉克摩蘇爾後,部分學校復課,一群女學生在摩蘇爾西部走下一輛巴士
Waiting around is also something I’ve had to learn to deal with. War reporting is often based on patience: you wait for permission to access places, situations to escalate or calm down, and people to talk with you. ARIANA
在照片裡面,那些女孩們都穿著乾淨的校服, 頭 髮 上 綁 著 蝴 蝶 結 和 絲 帶 ——在 I SI S 原 教 旨 主 義 統 治下,這是絕對不允許的。我覺得那張照片標誌著 人們如何努力令生活重回正軌,以及他們是何等 堅韌。
Which of your photographs has stuck with you? ARIANA
Probably one that I took in November 2017 in Mosul, Iraq, just a couple of months after ISIS had been ousted. It depicts a group of schoolgirls getting off a bus. When I took it, most of the city was still in a state of devastation, with so many people struggling to rebuild their lives. But the kids were just so eager to go back to school. In the photo, the girls are all dressed in clean uniforms with bows and ribbons in their hair – something that would have never been allowed under the fundamentalist regime. I think that photo is symbolic of how life finds a way of coming back, of how resilient people can be. What impression do you want your photos to make?
I look at my photography as a way to build bridges, so that people can take notice of what’s happening in certain parts of the world. I always hope my work – the work of journalists covering conflict at large – will have a positive impact and raise awareness. There are people who decide to get involved after seeing a photo series, or reading a story, and that’s so important. Obviously, that’s not always the case. So many of us covered Syria, and nothing came of it in terms of positive change.
Have there been situations when you decided not to photograph something?
Yes, there are certain times when I decide not to shoot. Once, there was a very traumatic bombing of a civilian neighbourhood in Syria. I was in the hospital covering the victims coming in to get treated, and I witnessed parents being told their children had died. I chose not to photograph them because it felt too private and intimate. It was their loss, their moment of despair, and it wasn’t for me to share it with the rest of the world.
童𡢞瑩 我 視 我 的 攝 影 為 搭 建 橋 樑 的 一 種 方 法 , 讓 人 們 注 意
到世上某些地區正在發生甚麼事。我總是希望我的 工作——整體而言是作為報導衝突的記者的工作—— 可以帶來積極的影響和提高人們的意識。 有些人看完一輯照片,或者讀完一個故事後可能 會決定投身其中,而這是非常重要的。但很明顯, 世界並不總是這樣。報導敘利亞的人很多,但並沒 有帶來甚麼正面的改變。
童𡢞瑩 有時我會選擇不拍任何照片。有一次,敘利亞的一個
平民區遭到非常嚴重的轟炸。我在醫院裡面報導傷者 被送進來接受治療的時候,看到一對夫婦被告知他們 的孩子剛剛去世。我選擇不拍他們,因為那種經歷太 私人、太切身了。他們失去至親的絕望時刻,輪不到 我去拿來跟世界分享。 有時候,人們不希望說話或者被拍攝,因為相機 有時會帶來侵入感。對此我完全理解。在這種情況 下,我會嘗試用其他方法來講述這個故事。我也要在 工作過程中保護我拍攝的人,因為只要我稍有不慎, 他們可能會被扣留,甚至被綁架。
童𡢞瑩 所有在衝突地區工作過的人都會被改變。我也當然不
例外。每次我完成任務後,都一定要找方法去處理那 種狀況——要麼是獨自待幾日,要麼是去見朋友。我 從未被確診創傷後壓力症候群,但我覺得我在某程度 上是有的。我試過經歷記憶閃現、做噩夢。事情並不 只是放下、往前走那麼簡單。
Other times, people don’t want to talk or be photographed – a camera can feel invasive. I completely understand that, and in those cases, I try to find other ways to tell the story. I also have to protect the people I photograph while still doing my job, because they might be at risk of being detained or kidnapped if I don’t. ARIANA NT
Anybody who’s worked in a conflict zone comes out of it changed. I certainly have. Every time I finish an assignment, I have to find ways to cope with the situation – either by isolating myself for a few days or going to see friends. I’ve never been diagnosed with PTSD, but I think I have it to some extent. I’ve had flashbacks, nightmares. It’s not as simple as putting something aside and moving on. Could you tell us a bit about your exhibition at PMQ in May. Why Hong Kong?
My Hong Kong exhibition was done in tandem with Save the Children’s centenary. The theme of the exhibit was children in conflict, and I showcased work from the last eight years on children living in war zones, specifically in Iraq and Syria. It was important to show that in Hong Kong, because the Middle East can often seem abstract to people who don’t live there, and the idea of war is so far away from most people’s minds. It was necessary to show the reality of war – particularly to people in Hong Kong who aren’t exposed to it and live in a rather safe place.
「我總是希望我的工作可以帶 來積極的影響和提高人們 的意識。」
How do you decompress after an assignment?
"I always hope my work will have a positive impact and raise awareness."
What’s next for you? For now, I plan to keep photographing conflict because very few women are out there doing it. The people I meet and photograph are also tremendously important. Ultimately, this is not about me. It’s about the civilians’ stories and helping people grasp the full picture. They need to hear women’s voices.
– Nicole Tung 童𡢞瑩
可以跟我們說說你5月在PMQ元創方的展覽嗎?為甚 麼要在香港舉辦展覽?
童𡢞瑩 我在香港的展覽是與救助兒童會的一百週年紀念一起
舉辦的。展覽的主題是衝突中的兒童,並展出了過去 八年我在工作中拍攝過有關戰地兒童的照片,尤其是 在伊拉克和敘利亞的作品。 在香港展示這些照片是很重要的,因為中東對於 不住在當地的人來說往往很抽象。而戰爭對於大多數 人來說都是非常遙遠的事。所以有必要展現戰爭的真 實面貌——尤其是對於住在香港的人,因為他們沒有 經歷過戰爭,也生活在比較安全的地區。
童𡢞瑩 目 前 , 我 打 算 繼 續 拍 攝 衝 突 , 因 為 做 這 行 的 女 性 很
少。我遇見和拍攝的人也非常重要。歸根究底,這並 不是關於我自己,而是關於那些平民的故事,以及幫 助人們了解事件的全貌。他們需要聽到女性的聲音。
Learn more 詳情請看 nicoletung.com
A boy walks through a street near his home in Qayyarah, Iraq, in November 2016, as an oil well burns nearby 2016年11月,一名男孩在伊拉克蓋亞拉家附近的一條街道上行走,附近有一座油井正在燃燒
T H E FA C T S 事實數據
2018 was one of the worst years on record for forced displacement. 2018年是歷史上強迫流徙最嚴重的一年。
Words 文 Rafelle Allego | Graphics 圖 Inês de Campos Alves
million internally displaced people
million refugees
million asylum seekers
70.8 MILLION forcibly displaced people worldwide 全球流離失所者人數
Source 來源:UNHCR
WHY SEEK ASYLUM? 為何尋求庇護? These are the most common reasons people seek safety abroad. 這是人們到海外尋求庇護的五大原因。
2. WAR 戰爭
4. HUNGER 飢餓
Source 來源:Global Citizen
Peru 秘魯
Iraq 伊拉克 Democratic Republic of the Congo 剛果民主共和國
Asylum applications
Syria 敘利亞
Applications Received
Afghanistan 阿富汗
In 2018, most asylum seekers originated from these 10 countries.
Asylum applications
來源地 Venezuela 委內瑞拉
尋求庇護者來自 何處?
Destination 目的地 Brazil 巴西
Eritrea 厄立特里亞
Nigeria 尼日利亞
Pakistan 巴基斯坦
Iran 伊朗
Sudan 蘇丹
Greece 希臘
France 法國
Spain 西班牙
66,852 55,609
Canada 加拿大
Italy 意大利
Turkey 土耳其
96,495 83,777
Applications Received
Germany 德國
United States 美國
Asylum seekers sought refuge in these 10 countries most frequently in 2018. 2018年,最多尋求庇護者前去這10個國家。
Source 來源:Worlddata.info
T H E FA C T S 事實數據
SITUATION IN THE SARS 特區狀況 How the situation for asylum seekers has changed over time in Hong Kong and Macao.
Number of asylum seekers 尋求庇護者數字 MACAO 澳門
In Hong Kong, the majority of asylum seekers came from these countries as of 2016.
Number of asylum seekers 尋求庇護者數字
HONG KONG 香港 | Total people in refugee-like situations assisted by UNHCR 聯合國難民署協助的處境類似難民者人數
MACAO 澳門 | Total people in refugee-like situations assisted by UNHCR 聯合國難民署協助的處境類似難民者人數
Source 來源:UNHCR
of the world’s refugees are women and girls
of female refugees or displaced women have experienced sexual violence in a humanitarian setting
曾在人道救援設施遭受性暴力的女 性難民或流離失所者百分比
Source 來源:UN Women
T H E FA C T S 事實數據
Hong Kong does not offer residency to asylum seekers. However, it follows the UN Convention Against Torture and cannot send a refugee back to a country where their life or freedom are threatened. Here’s an overview of the current situation, according to 2018 statistics:
香港不會為尋求庇護者提供居民身分。 不過,香港遵守聯合國《禁止酷刑公 約》,因此不能將難民送回威脅他們的 生命或自由的國家。以下是2018年的 數據:
Protection claims in Hong Kong
Waiting to be removed due to a denied claim
Substantiated claims from 2009 to March 2018
Awaiting assessment by the Immigration Department
Acceptance rate for asylum seekers
Source 來源:Branches of Hope
ASYLUM STIPENDS 庇護津貼 The International Social Service Hong Kong Branch provides monthly assistance to asylum seekers while they wait for claims to be reviewed. 香港國際社會服務社會在尋求庇 護者等待聲請審核期間,為他們 提供每月援助。
Food vouchers
Transportation allowance 交通津貼
Sources 來源:Branches of Hope, Student Finance Office
Housing allowance per child
Housing allowance per adult
One-time grant for children's education costs
房屋津貼 (每名兒童)
房屋津貼 (每名成年人)
資助兒童入學的 全額津貼
WAVES IN HONG KONG 香港浪潮 Hong Kong’s population exploded from 1945 to 1980 as more than a million people fled wars in mainland China and Vietnam. 香港在1945到1980年間經歷了人口爆炸,期間有超過100萬人因為逃避中國內地和越南的戰亂而來到香港。
Mainland Chinese residents flee civil war and communist revolution
Vietnam War begins 越戰開始
Hong Kong establishes refugee screening system to curb Vietnamese refugees
About 1,400 are allowed to stay in the city permanently 約1,400人被允許永久居留香港
An estimated 606,000 people from China seek refuge in Hong Kong 約606,000人從大陸逃來香港
More than 200,000 refugees arrive by boat from Vietnam 超過20萬越南船民逃到香港
Another 332,000 people flee China 另有332,000人逃離中國內地
The journey from mainland China to Hong Kong was dangerous and many refugees died in transit. The shortest, most popular escape route was to swim from Shenzhen’s Shekou area to Yuen Long in northwestern Hong Kong. 從內地逃命到香港之路艱險非 常,許多難民死於途中。最短 且最多人選擇的路線是從深圳 蛇口游到香港西北的元朗。
9,137 asylum seekers deported 9,137名庇護申請人被遣返
More than 14,000 people seek protection 超過14,000人尋求難民庇護
T H E FA C T S 事實數據
Geneva Convention 年日內瓦公約 A set of treaties and subsequent protocols negotiated after World War II in order to establish an international standard for humanitarian treatment in war time with an aim to protect people who do not take part in the fighting – civilians, medics, aid workers – and those who can no longer fight. There are four Geneva Conventions, and the fourth affords protection to civilians, including those fleeing occupied territory. To date, the Geneva Conventions have been ratified by 196 countries.
第二次世界大戰之後簽訂的一系列條約和議定 書,目標是建立一套國際標準,以在戰爭時期提 供人道主義救援,從而保護包括平民、醫護、救 援人員在內的非戰鬥人員,以及無法繼續戰鬥的 人員。 日內瓦公約共有四份,其中第四份為平民提供 保護,包括逃離被侵佔領地的人。時至今日,已 有196個國家成為日內瓦公約的締約國。
Someone who has been recognised to be a refugee, based on the United Nations’ 1951 Refugee Convention – considered the international standard for determining refugee rights. The Convention defines a ‘refugee’ as any person who: “…owing to well‐founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence as a result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it…”
公約難民 根據《1951年聯合國關於難民地位的公約》而被 認定為難民的人。這份公約被視為確認難民身分 的國際標準。公約規定,「難民」即: 「有正當理由畏懼由於種族、宗教、國籍、 屬於其一社會團體或具有某種政治見解的原 因留在其本國之外,並且由於此項畏懼而不 能或不願受該國保護的人;或者不具有國籍 並由於上述事情留在他以前經常居住國家以 外而現在不能或者由於上述畏懼不願返回該 國的人......」
This definition does not apply to those who flee their home country due to civil disturbances, economic concerns, famine or natural disasters. According to the Convention, refugees flee due to the threat of persecution.
該定義不包括因為內部混亂、經濟問題、饑荒或 自然災害而逃離家園的人。根據公約,難民是因 為迫害威脅而逃亡的人。
The Hong Kong government is not a signatory to the Convention and, therefore, does not offer residency to asylum seekers. If a protection claim is accepted, Hong Kong practices 'non-refoulement' and will resettle the asylum seeker in a country that's deemed safe.
香港並非《難民地位公約》的締約方,因此不會 為尋求庇護者提供居民身分。一旦庇護聲請被確 立,聲請人便不會被「遣返」,並且會被安排移 居至另一個被認為是安全的國家。
Protection or safety given by a government to people who have been displaced from their own country.
Asylum seeker
A person who requests international protection but whose claim for refugee status has not yet been determined.
A person who is forced to flee from persecution outside of their home country.
The expulsion of persons who have the right to be recognised as refugees to territories where their life or freedom are threatened on account of their race, religion, nationality, or membership of a particular social group or political opinion.
The practice of not deporting asylum seekers back to a country where they are at serious risk of persecution or torture. In Hong Kong, non-refoulement claimants are permanently considered illegal immigrants, even if their claims are accepted by the government. Their children, even those born in Hong Kong, are also considered permanently illegal. The immigration department may give some refugees permission to work on an individual basis, but in general, they do not have the right to work.
The transfer of refugees from one country to another, where they can live, work and ultimately seek naturalisation.
尋求庇護者 難民 為逃避迫害而離開自己原居國家的人。
遣返 將有權被認定為難民的人驅逐至他們的生命或自 由會因為其種族、宗教、國籍、屬於某社會團體 或具有某種政治見解而受到威脅的地方。
免遣返 此做法避免將尋求庇護者送返他們有受到迫害 或虐待風險的國家。在香港,免遣返聲請者會 被永久視為非法移民,即便他們的聲請為政府 所接納。他們的孩子,即便在香港出世,也會 被永久視為非法移民。入境處可能會因個別情 況允許一些難民工作,但整體而言,他們沒有 工作的權利。
重新安置 將難民從一個國家送到另外一個他們可以生活、 工作和最終歸化入籍的國家。
歸化 當一個移民成為另一個國家的公民。在香港和澳 門,這意味著申請人將加入中國籍;申請人除了 要面對漫長而複雜的申請程序,更不能保留其外 國國籍。
國內流離失所者 被迫逃離家園但仍在其母國境內的人。 ARIANA 2019
When a migrant becomes a citizen of another country. In Hong Kong and Macao, this would mean applying to become a Chinese national. In addition to a long and complicated application process, applicants cannot retain their foreign nationality.
Internally displaced person (IDP)
A person who flees their home but seeks safety within their own country.
Stateless person
A person who does not have a nationality. Some people are born stateless, while others become stateless due to gaps in nationality laws, emergence of new states or changes in borders.
沒有國籍的人。有些人自出生以來就沒有國 籍,而有些人則因為國籍法的漏洞、新國家 的出現或國家邊界的變化而成為無國籍人士。
移民 因季節性工作、家庭或氣候變化等原因而暫時 或永久居住於非出生國的人。
環境移民 又稱氣候移民,是指因為饑荒、自然災害,或 因為旱災、荒漠化和海平面上升的問題而流離 失所的人。這種難民不被國際公約認可。
經濟難民 為了在別處尋求更佳生活而自願離開本國的 人。這並非國際公約認定的難民。
Any person who moves temporarily or permanently within the country of their birth or to another country for any reason – be it for seasonal work, family or climate change.
Environmental migrant
對外國人,包括對他們的文化、習俗和宗教信 仰的極度厭惡或恐懼。這些排外情緒通常源於 某地區的文化或種族同質性感受到威脅。
Also known as a climate migrant, these are people displaced from their homes due to famine, natural disasters, or changes from drought, desertification and rising sea levels. This type of refugee is not recognised by the Convention.
Economic migrant
A person who voluntarily leaves a country to seek a better life elsewhere. This is not a type of refugee recognised by the Convention.
Someone who has moved to a country other than their birthplace with the intention of permanent residence.
The extreme dislike or fear of foreigners, including their culture, customs, and religions. Often, xenophobia is driven by a perceived threat to the cultural or racial homogeneity of a certain area.
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F E AT U R E 專 題 故 事
DEFIANCE 不屈的藝術 Having fled political instability and, in some cases, violence, these six Hong Kong-based asylum seekers and refugees share one thing in common: they are survivors. 這六名在香港尋求庇護的人來自世界各地,或因為逃離政治動盪,或因為逃離暴力, 但他們都有一個共通點——他們都存活下來了。
Words 文 Tanja Wessels | Photography 攝影 Eduardo Leal
In a small artist’s studio on Lantau Island, floor-to-ceiling sculptures and vibrant canvases overrun the space. A drum set sits in one corner, barely visible under piles of animal prints and patterned textiles, while a needle perches mid-stitch on a hand bag in the centre of the room. “Art that can move around with you,” explains Kaze Ndassi, pointing to the colourful bag. Ndassi’s uncle, a painter and sculptor, nurtured his passion for creativity as a child and, at the age of 16, Ndassi enrolled in a programme at Cameroon’s Institute of Arts and Culture. There, he learned about the power of music and how his ancestors used symbolism to bring communities together.
在大嶼山的一個小小藝術工作室裡,雕塑和 生動的油畫從地板堆到天花板,滿滿當當; 一組套裝鼓安放在角落裡,幾乎被一堆動物 印畫和花布完全掩埋。房間正中央是 Kaze Ndassi正在趕製的一個手提包。「它是可以 環繞著你的藝術。」Ndassi說。 Ndassi的叔叔是一位畫家兼雕塑家,對 他的創作熱情影響尤深。16歲那年,Ndassi 考進喀麥隆的藝術與文化學院,在那裡,他 見識到音樂的力量,以及他的祖先如何運用 符號將整個社群聯繫起來。
F E AT U R E 專 題 故 事
His deep voice grows measured as he talks about the 然而,提到喀麥隆的政治動盪時,他低沉的聲線顯 political instability in his native Cameroon, a nation rife 得特別有分寸。那是他的祖國,數十年來在專制統治之 with corruption. After authorities took his outspoken 下,腐敗橫行。他的家庭敢於對社會公義的議題發聲, brother, Ndassi fled to Hong Kong in 2006 to seek asylum. 但在他的兄弟被當局捉拿後, Ndassi擔心自己的安全, The 45-year-old had to put his artistic career on 遂於2006年逃到香港尋求庇護。 hold when he arrived in Hong Kong, where he was held 剛來到香港時,這位45歲的藝術家必須將他的 for two months at Tai Lam Correctional Institution in 藝 術 工 作 束 之 高 閣 。 在 他 的 庇 護 申 請 被 處 理 期 間 , Tuen Mun while authorities processed his application. 他 被 扣 留 在 屯 門 的 大 欖 懲 教 所 , 「 我 開 始 萌 生 在 尋 “I started developing the 求庇護者當中創造藝術的 idea of creating art around 念頭,我認為這是讓他們 asylum seekers, as I saw it as 處理壓力的一種方法。」 a way for them to deal with 在被扣留期間,很多尋求 "I always want to let stress,” Ndassi says, referring 庇護者都必須面對長久的 people know that we are to the uncertainty that many 未知。 the same, even though we asylum seekers face. 這個想法持續在他的 In 2012, Ndassi started 腦 海 中 醞 釀 , 到 了 2012 have different skin colour.” an African drum group at 年,Ndassi在香港難民聯會 the Refugee Union to serve 成立了一個非洲鼓小組, 「我想讓人們知道,我們是 as a form of "drum therapy," 提供「擊鼓治療」,「你 一樣的,即使我們的 the artist explains. “The 打鼓越多,就能釋放出越 more you beat on a drum, 多能量。我嘗試向人們解 膚色不同。」 the more energy you release. 釋打鼓有甚麼作用,以及 I try to explain to people how 怎樣幫助你平衡生活。」 drums can help, how they – Kaze Ndassi 同年, Ndassi成立了混 can balance your life.” 合 敲 擊 樂 隊 Afritude 。 這 That same year, Ndassi 個現已易名為Afritude Plus started fusion percussion Kaze Arts的藝團,共有八 band, Afritude. Now known as Afritudeband Plus Kaze 名來自非洲的成員。 Ndassi渴望團結不同文化的人,在 Arts, the group has eight members from all over Africa. 這個理想的驅使下,Ndassi還在2014年創辦了One Love Ndassi also created the One Love Community in 2014 – a Community,舉行以音樂、食物和創意活動為主題的社 series of gatherings, which revolve around music, food, 區聚會。 and creative engagement. 在個人藝術創作方面, Ndassi從 2015年開始展出他 As for his own artwork, Ndassi first began exhibiting 的多媒體裝置藝術。在致力於滅貧和個人發展的非政府 in 2015. The NAVTI Foundation, an NGO focused on 組織NAVTI基金會贊助下,Ndassi在中環藝穗會舉辦了 poverty alleviation and self-development, sponsored a 長達一個月的個人展覽,「我的大部分作品都是關於團 month-long solo exhibition at the Fringe Club in Central. 結、和諧和自然。我想讓人們知道,我們是一樣的,即 “Most of my artwork is about unity, harmony, and nature. 使我們的膚色不同。」 I always want to let people know that we are the same, even 時至今日, Ndassi已經是一位有三個孩子的已婚父 though we have different skin colour.” 親,也是香港創作圈中的知名成員,「你創作藝術的時 Today, the married father of three is a prominent 候,白色、黑色和紅色是不一樣的。但當你將它們放在 member of the Hong Kong creative community. "When 一起,它們的差異就會帶出畫作的美麗。混合顏色能創 you make art, the white, the black, and the red are not the 造魔法,人類亦然。」 same. But when you put them together, their differences bring out the beauty of the painting. Mixing the colours Learn more 詳情請看 fb.com/afritudebandpluskazearts creates magic. Us humans, we are the same.” 48
F E AT U R E 專 題 故 事
When he was just four years old, Innocent Mutanga took to the pulpit of his local church in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, and by age eight, he was speaking at community meetings. Mutanga, one of three children raised by a single mother, says his intellectual curiosity paid off: At 19, Mutanga received a scholarship to study actuarial science (mathematical risk assessment) in the United States. Outspoken on a wide range of topics, Mutanga returned to Zimbabwe and began discussing voting rights. But Mutanga’s political discourse garnered the attention of authorities. When his peers started to disappear, Mutanga realised he was no longer safe and, in 2013, he took the first flight to a visa-free destination and ended up in Hong Kong. In his adopted city, Mutanga soon realised that things were not “all roses and sunshine.” He enjoyed few rights and was unable to return to the United States to study due to complications with his paperwork.
Despite the setbacks, Mutanga was determined to continue his education. In 2014, while awaiting the verdict on his asylum case, he audited classes on anthropology, linguistics, and Japanese language at CUHK, City University and HKU. In 2016, Mutanga says he became the first asylumseeker in Hong Kong to be granted the right to study. “There is this misguided notion that people working within a bureaucracy lack humanity. Many civil servants joined the service because they want to do good things in society, and if you give them something to work with, they will do their best to be true to themselves and true to why they joined in the first place,” he says candidly. Once he could legally study, Mutanga embarked on an undergraduate degree in Anthropology at CUHK “to better prepare me as a person in a globalised world.” While studying, he continued fighting for asylum and, in 2017, he was finally granted official Hong Kong resident
Innocent Mutanga 才四歲就在家鄉津巴布韋的布拉 瓦約市站上了教堂的講壇;到八歲時,他已經在社區 會議上發表講話了。 Mutanga 成長於單親家庭,媽媽一手帶大他和另 外兩個孩子。他對知識的好奇並沒有白費: 19 歲的時 候,他獲得獎學金,到美國修讀精算。 Mutanga 經常就各種議題發表見解。回到津巴布 韋後,他開始討論選舉權利。然而,在這個歷史上多 有選舉舞弊的國家, Mutanga 的政治表態引起了當局 的注意。當他的夥伴開始消失, Mutanga 知道自己不 再安全,最終在 2013 年首次乘飛機前往一個免簽證地 點,落地香港。 在這個新城市裡, Mutanga 很快就明白到世事並 非盡如人意。作為尋求庇護者,他權利極少,而且因 為文件問題,無法返回美國讀書。 儘 管 遭 受 挫 折 , Mu t a n g a 仍 然 決 心 要 繼 續 學 業。 2014 年,等待免遣返聲請審批的同時,他在中文 大學、城市大學和香港大學旁聽了人類學、語言學和 日文課程,同時爭取正式入讀高等院校。
2016 年, Mutanga 成為香港第一個被允許上學的 尋求庇護者。為了達成目標,他苦苦研究本地的入境 體系,並與處理他個案的入境處職員保持良好關係。 「人們常常誤以為在官僚系統中的人沒有人性化 的一面。但其實許多公務員加入公務系統都是為了造 福社會,如果你給他們這個機會,他們會盡全力實現 真我和初心。」他坦率地說。 一獲得入學的法律許可, Mutanga 便申請入讀中 文大學的人類學本科課程,「為一個全球化的世界裝 備自己」。與此同時,他仍然要繼續爭取庇護。 2017 年,他終於獲得香港居民身分,拿到了香港居民身分 證——這個結果是很難得的。 今年 5 月, Mutanga 從中文大學畢業,之後加入了 高盛的交易場。與此同時,他亦決心推廣平等權利, 「我思考很多關於黑人和非洲人的問題:無論我們走 到哪兒,我們都被當成垃圾。我們怎樣才能改變這種 狀況?我們怎樣才能保證自己得到有尊嚴的對待?」 懷著這個目標, Mutanga 在 2017 年跟伙伴共同成 立了 The Wandering Voice 。這個定位香港的社會企
status and received an HKID card – a rare outcome. enterprise called Harmony HK in October 2018 with After graduating from CUHK in May, Mutanga 21-year-old Congolese model Harmony “Anne-Marie” landed a job on the trading floor of Goldman Sachs. Ilunga. The enterprise offers a platform for ethnic Meanwhile, he is determined to address racial minorities to showcase their talents through the prejudice. “I’ve been thinking a lot about blackness and intersection of art, music and fashion, culminating in Africanness: wherever we go we are treated like trash. Harmony Show, a bi-annual fashion event. How can we change that, and how can we ensure that In January of this year, Mutanga spearheaded we are treated with dignity?” another social enterprise called Africa Center Hong With this in mind, Mutanga co-founded The Kong, which serves as a bridge between African and Wandering Voice in 2017. Chinese communities. Monthly The Hong Kong-based social events include talks and ‘fireside enterprise aims to “provide chats’ on Africa-China relations; an active voice for those an African Literature Book "I want these children in search of identity and Club; and the African Kidz to have a chance. hope” by including migrant Club, which welcomes children I don’t want them domestic workers, asylum and parents of all ethnicities. to internalise the seekers, and ethnic minorities “I want these children to in cooking programmes and have a chance. I don’t want them limitations that come media training classes to to internalise the limitations with labels." develop writing, editing and that come with labels,” he video skills. says. “Their parents might be 「我希望這些孩子有一個 Mutanga also set up refugees, but not these kids. We a refugee-curated social need everyone to realise that.” 機會。我不想他們內化了
標籤帶給他們的限制。」 業致力於「為尋找身分和希 Harmony Show中展示出來。 – Innocent Mutanga 望的人提供一把積極的聲 今 年 1 月 , Mut ang a 啟 動 了另外一個社會企業項目 音」,幫助外來家庭傭工、 A f r i c a C e nt r e Ho n g Ko n g 難民和少數族裔融入社會, ( 香 港 非 洲 中 心 ) , 項目包括在尋求庇護者的家 作為非洲與華人社會之間的橋樑。每月活動包括講座 中一同煮食,以及教授傳媒技巧,比如寫作、編輯和 和關注中非關係的「爐邊對話」,還有非洲文學讀書 短片製作等。 Mutanga 一 直 為 不 同 的 非 洲 人 創 造 機 會 尋 找 方 會和非洲兒童俱樂部,均歡迎不同族裔的兒童和家庭 法,他在 2018 年 10 月成立了關注難民議題的社會企業 參加。 Harmony HK ,合夥人是 21 歲的剛果模特兒 Harmony 「我希望這些孩子有一個機會。我不想他們內化 “Anne-Marie” Ilunga 。 這 個 社 會 企 業 為 少 數 族 裔 搭 了標籤帶給他們的限制。他們的父母可能是難民, 建平台,通過藝術、音樂、時尚等方式展現他們的 但這些孩子不是。我們要讓大家都明白這件事。」 Mutanga 說。 才能,並在九龍逸東酒店舉行的兩年一度時尚活動
Learn more 詳情請看 thewanderingvoice.com; harmonyhk.co; africacenterhk.com
F E AT U R E 專 題 故 事
AMANTHI SIVA Sixteen years ago, when she was 29 years old, Amanthi Siva* fled political violence in Sri Lanka: her husband had been murdered, and Siva was separated from her then one-year-old daughter. Today, all Siva knows is that the child is living in a shelter in the capital, Colombo, but there has been little contact. “It was tough when I first came to Hong Kong because I didn’t know the language. I’d also never worked, because I come from a very traditional family where I was a housewife,” Siva quietly explains. To learn English, Siva took classes with Christian Action, an NGO committed to improving the lives of refugees and asylum seekers. She then enrolled in a oneyear yoga teacher-training course. “I chose yoga to find peace,” she recalls. “I was experiencing a lot of stress, and I knew it could heal me and help with different psychological issues.” As a devout Catholic, pursuing yoga had its obstacles. Some members of her Hong Kong church community warned Siva that yoga might cause her to convert to Buddhism or Hinduism. Siva was undeterred: “It gives us inner strength to deal with the problems. Refugees have a lot of issues and yoga helps us to choose the right path.” Siva hoped to share the benefits of yoga with other asylum seekers but found that many had such strong
16年 前 , 年 僅 29歲 的 Amanthi Siva* 逃 離 祖 國 斯 里 蘭 卡 的 政 治 暴 力來到香港。她的丈夫被折磨並槍 殺,而 Siva 更被迫與一歲的女兒分 開。如今, Siva 只知道自己的女兒 住在斯里蘭卡首都科倫坡的一個庇 護所中,「她還好。」除此以外, 她幾乎一無所知。 「剛來到香港的時候,狀況很 艱難,我不懂得這裡的語言,我 也從來沒有工作過,因為我的家庭 非常傳統,我是一個家庭主婦。」 Siva 靜靜地解釋道。 Siva 在基督教勵行會學英語, 這個民間組織致力於改善難民和尋 求庇護者的生活。後來,她加入了 為期一年的瑜伽老師訓練班,「我 選擇以瑜伽來尋找平靜。」她回憶 道。「我承受著很多壓力,我知道 瑜伽可以治療我,並有助處理各種 心理問題。」 52
religious convictions that they declined to try. While navigating the surprisingly polarising world of yoga, Siva found an activity that’s universally accepted: running. About four years ago, Siva began training with RUN, a Hong Kong-based charity that aims to rehabilitate vulnerable refugees through physical activity. The experience provided a much-needed opportunity for Siva to engage with the local Hong Kong community, as well as rebuild her strength. In January 2019, Siva was selected to compete for an ultra-marathon on behalf of RUN. “We trained for five months for the 100-kilometre race and, in the end, they only picked three people. They needed to be sure that we were mentally strong enough,” Siva says proudly. Today, the 45-year-old feels healthier than ever. She also has refugee status but, she says, this affords her few additional benefits. “Hong Kong didn’t sign the Refugee Convention, so they can’t really help us. It’s their system. I can’t get my daughter here, and I can’t work. This is the life we have.” “Running, hiking, and yoga – these things make me happy. I don’t expect much, I just want to have a simple life with my daughter. That is my dream.” *Name has been changed at the request of the subject.
不過,對 Siva 這樣虔誠的天主 教徒來說,學瑜伽亦有一定的障 礙。她在香港的一些教徒朋友警告 她,瑜伽可能會影響她的性靈,甚 至可能導致她皈依佛教或者印度 教,然而 Siva 並未被嚇倒:「瑜伽 給我們內在的力量去面對問題。難 民有很多問題要解決,瑜伽可以幫 助我們找到對的路。」 Siva 希望與其他尋求庇護者分 享瑜伽對身心的益處,但發現當中 許多人有強烈宗教信仰,因而拒絕 嘗試。在探索意外地分化的瑜伽世 界時, Siva 亦發現了另外一項被廣 為接受的體育活動:跑步。 大 約 四 年 前 , Siva 開 始 參 加 香 港 慈 善 組 織 RUN 的 訓 練 , 該 組 織 旨在以體育活動使弱勢的難民得以 康復。這個經驗不但能為 Siva提供 與香港本地社群接觸的機會,更重 建了她的身心力量。
2019 年 1 月, Siva入選為少數能 代表 RUN 參加超級馬拉松的成員, 「我們為了這個 100 公里的賽事訓 練了好幾個月,最終他們只選了三 個人。他們要很確定,我們的心理 狀態足夠強壯。」 Siva 自豪地說。 今日, 45 歲的 Siva 覺得自己前 所未有的健康和強壯;她也獲得 了難民地位的確認,但這並沒有 為她帶來許多的額外好處,「香 港沒有簽署難民公約,所以他們 其實幫不了我們。這就是他們的 體系。我不能把我的女兒帶來這 裡,我也不能工作。這就是我們 的生活。」 「跑步、爬山、做瑜伽,這些 事讓我快樂。我所期望的不多,我 只希望和女兒過上簡單的生活,這 就是我的夢想。」 *應受訪者要求已使用化名。
F E AT U R E 專 題 故 事
DARIUS Darius is a former law student from Togo whose schedule revolves around two things: sport and human rights. After fleeing political instability in his home country, Darius arrived in Hong Kong where he sought asylum in 2012. With the help of local NGOs, Darius took English, Mandarin, and Cantonese classes to “keep busy and keep learning.” While developing his language skills, Darius began speaking at schools in Hong Kong to spread awareness about the plight of refugees and challenge negative stereotypes about displaced people. Around 2016, Darius picked up football, which he saw as another platform to “change people’s mindset.” His role as the team captain of Hong Kong’s "refugee" football team, All Black FC, is a testament to that. Founded in 2016 by Medard Privat Koya, a former professional footballer from the Central African Republic, All Black FC aims to build a better image for Africans in Hong Kong. And while the first players were exclusively African asylum seekers, today the team welcomes everyone. Darius says, on the field, players are judged by their skills rather than their status as asylum seekers.
Darius 是 來 自 西 非 國 家 多 哥 的 31 歲前法律系學生,他的生活中只 有兩件大事:運動和人權。 2012年 , Darius逃 離 祖 國 的政治動盪來到香港尋求庇 護。在本地非政府組織的幫助 下 , Darius報 了 英 文 、 普 通 話 和廣東話班,「讓自己忙碌和不 斷學習」。發展語言技能的同 時 , Darius 開 始 在 香 港 的 本 地 學 校中分享難民的掙扎,推動跨文 化理解和挑戰人們對流離失所者 的負面印象。 大約在 2016 年, Darius 開始參 加體育活動,尤其是踢足球,他 認為這是一個推廣平等、對抗偏 見的平台,而且可以達到「挑戰 人們的思維」的理想。他是香港 「難民」足球隊 All Black FC 的隊 54
Knowing sports can help debunk stereotypes, Darius set up his own multi-disciplinary sports academy earlier this year. At Legends Sports Academy, he coaches football and helps children understand his background. Outside of sports, Darius also acts on behalf of refugees and ethnic minorities as a core member of the Global Youth Connect group. Based in Sha Tin, the group advances human rights by empowering young activists to collaborate with grassroots NGOs, policy makers, and other stakeholders. Darius leads the programme, taking it to schools and universities, including Hong Kong University (HKU), Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, among others. He’s also been vocal in the local community, hosting a 2018 TEDxWanChai talk on how refugees can contribute positively toward social and economic change in Hong Kong. Since marrying his partner, who is a Hong Kong citizen, Darius has been able to work outside Hong Kong and attend events with the Asia Pacific Refugee Network. The network consists of civil society organisations and individuals from 29 countries, whose aim is to advance the rights of refugees in the region through joint
長,這個身分算是對他的信念的 明證。 All Black FC由中非前職業足球 員 Medard Privat Koya在 2016 年成 立,致力於改善非洲人在香港的 形象。雖然首批球員均是來自非 洲的尋求庇護者,但現在球隊也 歡迎所有人加入。 Darius說這項運 動很重要,因為在賽場上,球員 們是以技巧而非身分一決高下。 Darius 意 識 到 運 動 能 破 除 刻 板印象,於是在今年成立了一所 多 項 目 體 育 學 院 Legends 。 在 體 育學院裡,他擔任孩子們的足 球教練,並與他們分享他的人生 故事。 在 運 動 以 外 , Darius還 是 Global Youth Connect 的難民和少 數族裔核心代表。這個位於沙田
的民間小組通過促進全球各地的 年輕倡議者與基層非政府組織、 政策制定者和其他持份者一同合 作,以推動人權進步。 D ar ius 更 將 這 個 項 目 帶 入 院 校,包括香港大學、香港中文大 學和香港理工大學等等。他在本 地 社 群 中 也 非 常 敢 言 , 在 2018 年 的 TED Talk 灣仔站中演講了難民 如何可以為香港的社會和經濟變 化帶來積極貢獻。 結 婚 之 後 , Darius獲 得 了 香 港居民身分,自此可以到香港 以外的地方工作,出席跨地區會 議,與亞太難民權利網絡開拓新 方式去支援難民的社群、制訂政 策和鼓勵基層倡議。這個網絡齊 集 了 來 自 29 個 國 家 的 公 民 社 會 組 織和個人,旨在通過聯合倡議和
advocacy and outreach. “We [refugees] are the best people to speak up about what it feels like to be a refugee,” Darius says. In December 2019, Darius will travel to Switzerland to attend the ‘Global Refugee Forum’, an inaugural programme that aims to encourage more humanitarian responses to large-scale refugee movements, ease the pressure on host countries and enhance refugees’ self-reliance. Unsurprisingly, the 31-year-old is searching for new ways to support refugees, both in his personal life and his career. “My dream is still to become a lawyer, which is going to happen, no matter how long it takes,” he says, referring to his law school training, which was cut short in Togo. “I would like to go back to Africa and do something that will benefit the people there. I feel like the problem has to be fixed at the root, and that involves creating equal opportunities for everybody.”
外展,推進當區難民的權利發展,「我們 (難民)是道出身為難民的處境的最佳人 選。」 Darius 說。 2019 年 12 月, Darius 將到訪瑞士,出席 首年舉行的「全球難民論壇」,會議希望鼓 勵更多針對大規模難民活動的人道主義回 應,減少接收國的壓力,並促進難民的自力 更生。 現 年 31歲 的 Darius完 全 沒 有 閒 下 來 的意思。實際上,無論在生活上還是 工作中,他都在尋找新方法支援難民, 「我的夢想仍然是成為一名律師,而那 是會成真的,無論要多久。」他所說 的,正是他在多哥被中斷的法律學院 之路。 「我想回到非洲,做點造福當地人的 事。我認為問題要從源頭解決,而那就是為 所有人創造平等的機會。」
F E AT U R E 專 題 故 事
A former nurse, Clarisse Akonyi fled political turmoil in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in 2011 with her son and daughter. Like others seeking protection in Hong Kong, Akonyi faced a challenging new environment. But with the help of Christian Action, she learned English and, in 2012, a woman at Vision First (an NGO that works to improve the livelihood of asylum seekers) encouraged Akonyi to take up crochet. Having never picked up a crochet needle in her life, Akonyi found it meditative and calming. Akonyi’s designs progressed over time – from simple baby blankets to Christmas decorations, then soft toys such as teddy bears and giraffes. “Everywhere I went, needles and yarn could be found in my bag,” Akonyi recalls with a smile. Akonyi set up her first arts and crafts group in 2012, providing a safe environment for women to get together and share their skills. In 2017, Akonyi moved into fashion, establishing Art Women with the help of Tegan Smyth, founder of Table of Two Cities, a community project for refugees to share their stories and culture through food. The pair established Art Women with the aim of offering counselling and therapy for women who have suffered trauma. The group currently includes around 15 mothers from countries such as Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, and Egypt. During weekly Saturdays meetings at MakerBay, a coworking space in Tsuen Wan, participants focus on crafts that take their minds off daily stresses. “I don’t ask the women about their pasts. That would be like pushing them back into their trauma,” says Akonyi. Art Women goes beyond Hong Kong to help people back in the DRC, too. “In my country, there are orphans, homeless women, and women who have been disowned by their parents because they were raped,” Akonyi reflects solemnly. Working with charities in her village in the DRC, Akonyi sends sewing machines home so people can “learn how to help themselves.” In Hong Kong, Art Women brings African designs to the catwalk during the bi-annual Harmony Show, a refugee-curated fashion show. One of the co-founders of the event is Harmony “Anne-Marie” Ilunga, Akonyi’s daughter. Art Women’s designs mix Chinese and African textiles, creating a unique cultural crossover, and Akonyi plans to add Indian textiles in the future to enhance the diverse aesthetic. “When we’re together, I feel free. I’m happy because they are happy,” she says of the group of women she has brought together. How does she define the word empowered? Without hesitation, she replies: “Women who can look after themselves.”
Clarisse Akonyi 曾是一名護士,在 2011 年她為躲避剛 果民主共和國的動亂,與兒子和女兒一同來到香港尋 求庇護。 和其他尋求庇護者一樣, Akonyi 面對著新環境, 還有摻雜其中的敵意。在基督教勵行會的幫助下,她 學會了英語;及至 2012年, Akonyi認識了一位瑞士女 職員,並在她的鼓勵下開始學習鉤花藝術。一輩子從 未拿起過鉤花針的 Akonyi發現,鉤花時那種冥想般的 狀態有助於平靜她煩擾紛亂的內心。 Akonyi 的設計技巧漸趨成熟,從製作簡單的嬰孩 被單,到聖誕裝飾,再發展到軟綿綿的玩具,比如 泰迪熊和長頸鹿。「無論我去哪兒都帶著針和線。」 Akonyi 笑著說。 2012年, Akonyi成立了她的首個藝術和手工藝小 組,為女性提供安全的環境聚會並分享技巧,同時建 立一種社區感。 2017年, Akonyi進軍時尚界,在 Table of Two Cities的創辦人 Tegan Smyth的幫助下成立了 Art Women。 Table of Two Cities是一個通過食物讓難民們 分享自己的故事和文化的社區項目。 兩人成立 Art Women 的目的旨在為承受各種創傷 的女性提供諮詢和治療。小組中約有 15名母親,均來 自索馬里、肯亞、烏干達、盧旺達和埃及等國家。 每個週六,參與者都會在荃灣的共享工作空間 MakerBay相聚,並通過創意工藝把自己從日常壓力中 解放出來。「我不會問這些女性的過去。那就像把她 們推向她們的創傷一樣。」 Akonyi說。 Art Women 還走出香港,幫助在剛果民主共和國 的人,「在我的國家有孤兒、無家可歸的婦女、因遭 受強姦而被自己父母拋棄的女性。」 Akonyi 一臉嚴肅 地說。 Akonyi 與剛果村莊的慈善組織合作,將縫紉機 送回家鄉,讓當地人學習到縫紉技巧,並「學會幫助 自己」。 在 香 港 , Art Women 將 非 洲 設 計 帶 到 Harmony Show的T型舞台,這個兩年一度的匯演由Akonyi的女兒 Harmony “Anne-Marie” Ilunga主辦。Art Women的設 計混合了中非布料,創造出獨特的文化交集,而Akonyi 計劃於未來加入印度布料,提升美感的多元性。 談及她聚集起來的一班婦女時,她說:「我們在 一起的時候我覺得很自在。我開心,是因為她們開 心。」她如何定義「賦權」這個字? Akonyi毫不猶疑 地說:「女人可以自己照顧自己。」 Learn more 詳情請看 artwomen.bigcartel.com
F E AT U R E 專 題 故 事
PAU L A R A FA Paul Arafa* is easy to spot as he walks into a cafe in Kowloon for our meeting. Tall and broad shouldered with long, dark curly hair, the Egyptian man stands out on the streets of Hong Kong. Standing out is something Arafa has become accustomed to over the years. “I converted from Islam to Christianity 10 years ago. That was my first problem. My second problem is that I’m gay.” At the age of 25, Arafa shared his sexual and religious preferences with his devout Muslim family. They did not take it well. His coming out signaled the end of their relationship and prompted Arafa to leave home in 2010. “I don’t like Islam and I don’t like Sharia law. There’s too much talk about hate,” Arafa says. “I also had problems with my religious teachers and my father.” In Egypt, homosexuals are subject to imprisonment, torture, detention, community persecution, even murder. Since Arafa has a large extended family, he thought the chances were high that someone would report him, so he sought protection from his church.
當 Paul Arafa走進我們約定的一家九龍咖啡館時,我一 眼就認出了他。他高大魁梧,長髮深色且捲曲,這名 埃及男子在香港的街上非常惹眼。 Arafa早已習慣與眾不同,「 10年前我從伊斯蘭教 改信基督教。那是我的第一個問題。我的第二個問題 是,我是同性戀者。」 25歲時, Arafa向他虔誠的穆斯林家庭坦陳了他的 性取向和宗教信仰。家人無法接受;家庭關係破裂, 並導致 Arafa在 2010年出走。 「我不喜歡伊斯蘭教,也不喜歡伊斯蘭教法。裡 面有太多關於仇恨的東西。我也不喜歡我的宗教老師 和我的父親。」 Arafa說。 在埃及,同性戀可以導致入獄、折磨、拘禁、社 區 迫 害 , 甚 至 謀 殺 。 Arafa 的 家 族 很 大 , 他 直 覺 家 族 中很有可能會有人舉報他,因此他向教會尋求保護。 一名基督教牧師收留了 Arafa,並保護了他足足五年。 58
A Christian pastor took him in and protected him for the next five years. For safety, the pastor advised Arafa to cross the border into Sudan where he spent a year. But the situation soon became too dangerous for a homosexual Christian man in a predominantly Islamic country, so Arafa boarded a flight to Hong Kong. When Arafa arrived in 2016, he felt lost. But with the help of a local church and a number of NGOs, he began to find his way, reconnecting with a major source of inspiration that had helped during challenging times. “When I lived in Egypt and my father was trying to convert me from being gay to being straight, only one thing helped: dancing.” According to his mother, Arafa started dancing in her womb when she was seven months pregnant. In fact, Arafa’s aunt is a famous belly dancer in Egypt, and he recalls accompanying her to performances when he young. Back in Hong Kong, the 35-year-old dances in many styles – salsa, tango, jazz – but belly dancing feels the most natural. “When you listen to music your mind will go to another world. That’s where the moves
為安全起見,牧師建議 Arafa跨 越國境,進入蘇丹。 Arafa在蘇丹逗 留了一年,但在一個信仰伊斯蘭教 為主的地方,一個同性戀基督徒的 處境很快變差,他遂坐上了前往香 港的飛機。 Arafa 在 2016 年 抵 達 香 港 , 但 馬上就陷入一種迷失的狀態。在 一個本地教會和數個非政府組織 的 幫 助 下 —— 包 括 基 督 教 勵 行 會 和 Justice C entre , Arafa 開 始 找 到自己的路向,以及幫助他渡過 難關的力量之源,「我在埃及的 時候,我爸爸試圖把我從同性戀 變成異性戀,只有一件事能幫助 我:跳舞。」 根據他母親所言,他還在她肚
originate from, not from following instructions,” says Arafa, who likes to put a twist on routines that appear in old Egyptian films. “I have a dream of changing the culture of belly dancing in Egypt. Traditionally, belly dancing is only for women. But belly dancing – all dancing, in fact – is for everybody.” Two local churches – the LGBT-friendly Blessed Ministry Community Church and the Kowloon Union Church – have both provided Arafa with a place to perform, as well as a sense of community. However, Arafa has never felt fully accepted in Hong Kong. Darker skin makes him a target for discrimination and his passion, belly dancing, is not exactly mainstream. This autumn, Arafa resettled in Canada, where he hopes to find greater cultural acceptance. “My dream is to one day have a belly dancing school and support LGBT rights across Asia, the Middle East and Egypt,” he says. Arafa ultimately wants to help other refugees find the freedom to express who they are. “If there are positive examples then change can happen.” *Name has been changed at the request of the subject.
子裡才七個月大時就開始跳舞。實 際上, Arafa的阿姨也是一位知名的 肚皮舞者,他還記得自己小時候曾 和她一起表演。 在香港, 35歲的 Arafa會跳莎莎 舞、探戈、爵士等多種舞蹈,但肚 皮舞是讓他感到最自然的,「當你 聽到音樂,你的思想就會跳躍到另 一個世界。舞蹈就是從那裡來的, 而不是來自指令。」 Arafa說。他特 別喜歡給傳統埃及電影中的情節加 上一點個人變奏。 「我的夢想是改變埃及肚皮舞 的文化。傳統上,只有女性可以跳 肚皮舞。但肚皮舞——實際上所有 舞蹈都是給所有人的。」 兩個本地教會,包括對性小眾
友善的基恩之家和九龍佑寧堂,都 給 Arafa提供了表演的場所,還有社 群的歸屬感。不過 Arafa從未覺得自 己在香港被完全接受。他較深的膚 色讓他成為被歧視的對象,而他的 愛好肚皮舞在香港也並不是主流。 Arafa 早前已移居到加拿大溫哥 華,並希望在那裡尋獲更多文化認 同,「我的夢想是有一天可以成立 肚皮舞學校,支持亞洲、中東和埃 及 的 性 小 眾 群 體 。 」 Arafa 最 終 希 望幫助其他難民找到表達自我的自 由,不論他們有何種宗教信仰和性 取向,「如果有積極的例子,那麼 改變是可以發生的。」 *應受訪者要求已使用化名。
F E AT U R E 專 題 故 事
LOST GENERATION 失落 的一 代 Children in Hong Kong’s asylum-seeking community face numerous obstacles when it comes to education and psychological support, leading to a lack of purpose, stability and identity. 尋求庇護者在香港誕下的孩子在教育和心理支援上都面對著許多阻礙, 這讓他們缺乏方向、安穩和身分認同。
Words 文 Fatima Qureshi | Illustrations 插圖 Lily Padula
ourteen years ago, the West African nation of Togo erupted into violence following the death of the country’s long-serving dictator, Gnassingbé Eyadéma, who had ruled for almost four decades. Among the scores of protestors rallying against the coronation of the dictator’s son was the brother of Muhammad Bilal*. Amid the chaos, Bilal’s brother was imprisoned. Bilal spoke out against his brother’s unjust incarceration, which led to raids on the family’s home, harassment and death threats. In 2005, Bilal and his family sought sanctuary in Hong Kong, where his son Ismail*, aged 9, and daughter Hana*, 8, were born and raised. Although Ismail and Hana have always called Hong Kong home, being born in a local public hospital has never afforded them, nor any other children of asylum seekers, the right to “acquire a nationality and be registered at birth” even though Hong Kong has been a signatory to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child since 1994. While the convention covers the right to freedom, welfare and adequate living standards for child asylum seekers, in reality, children born in Hong Kong as asylum seekers aren’t granted citizenship or permanent residency and therefore experience limited freedoms. Bilal’s Hong Kong government-issued birth certificates for his children simply read ‘Not Established’ under ‘resident status’. Unfortunately, there is very little information publicly available on why the children of asylum seekers are not granted residence in Hong Kong and, when Ariana reached out to the Security Bureau and the Immigration Department, both declined to comment. Neither are there “specific laws or ordinances that stipulate the government’s responsibility and obligation” to grant asylum-seeking children a right of abode or equal education.
4年 前 , 統 治 西 非 國 家 多 哥 近 40 年的獨裁者 Gnassingbé Eyadéma 逝世後,多哥舉國 即陷入暴亂。 Muhammad Bilal* 的 哥哥是數十名反對獨裁者之子繼位 的示威者之一。 混亂中, Bilal 的哥哥被監禁, 而 Bilal 對 司 法 不 公 的 持 續 抗 爭 也 給他的家人帶來了突擊搜查、騷 擾 和 死 亡 威 脅 。 2005 年 , Bilal 和 他的家人逃到香港尋求庇護。在香 港 , Bilal 育 有 一 子 一 女 , 大 兒 子 Ismail * 已 經 九 歲 , 小 女 兒 Hana * 也八歲了。 Is m a i l 和 Ha n a 總 是 稱 香 港 為 家,雖然他們在本地的公立醫院出 生,但和其他尋求庇護者誕下的孩 子一樣,均沒有「取得國籍和登記 出生證明」的權利,即便香港從 1994 年 開 始 就 是 聯 合 國 《 兒 童 權 利公約》的締約方。 雖然這份公約也涵蓋尋求庇護 者的孩子享有自由、福利和適切的 居住標準的權利,但現實中,尋求 庇護者生於香港的孩子無法獲得公 民身分或居留權,他們的自由也因 此受到限制。 Bilal 的孩子從香港政 ARIANA 2019
F E AT U R E 專 題 故 事
“This situation creates a mentality of ‘otherness’ for in children, in addition to school-related struggles, the children,” says Janice Chan, a former psychosocial can be traced to their parents’ violent experiences coordinator at Justice Centre Hong Kong, an NGO that and post-flight issues. Mental health illnesses such as PTSD and anxiety in asylum-seeking parents can be works to protect the rights of forced migrants. “I saw the same self-perception of isolation and transmitted to children, the study asserts, if insecurities not being accepted by society and, above all, there is and disturbances are pervasive over time and across intergenerational trauma. Even the parents suffering from situations for the family. The author of the study, Nicole Marie Gosnell, who post-traumatic stress disorder [PTSD] and depression have trauma that they can pass down to their children. is a doctoral student in the School of Psychology at the University of Maryland in the United States, writes The child is living with it every day.” Chan’s assessment explains how unpredictable that grievances of everyday survival often give rise to reactions among children can adversely affect their “negative emotions, poor mental health and quality of education and social life at school. For instance, Hana and life as a refugee.” Chan agrees but calls for a mental health study about Ismail began to exhibit various levels of aggression and seclusion after learning about their asylum-seeking status asylum seekers specifically in the context of Hong Kong. “In my 10-year career [in this from a doctor who said he couldn’t field] I haven’t come across other perform a minor operation projects and programmes which because their father couldn’t afford have worked with this kind of "I’m just as helpless the fee. Up until this incident, Bilal intercultural and multicultural had hidden the family’s status from and alone as my trauma,” she says, adding that his children so as not to disrupt the children." evidence-based research with the perceived normality of their lives. aim of supporting asylum seekers Similarly, the children once in Hong Kong is long overdue. overheard their parents telling 「我和我的孩子一樣 “Back when I used to do a teacher at school that they 無助和孤單。」 outreach with schools in 2014, were struggling to pay for basic I found that local public school necessities, such as uniforms. teachers had very little knowledge Both events profoundly impacted – Muhammad Bilal about dealing with complicated them. “Hana was trying to make situations in which asylumherself invisible, never responding seeking children felt isolated due to anything I asked her, while her brother was getting into fights with his classmates,” Bilal to the lack of opportunities available to them,” Chan says, says. “His teacher told me that he’s angry with himself and noting that the resources to deal with asylum-seeking would throw tantrums whenever he was treated differently.” students facing emotional difficulties were limited. Bilal tried to discuss the issues with his children but it “When a child comes into contact with certain struggles was challenging, as he was also coming to terms with his that remind them of horrific situations, it might trigger own sense of powerlessness. “An individual who knows that negative behavioural reactions that the teachers need to nothing can happen without rights simply won’t talk,” he be prepared to address.” Mary Shannon*, an expat teacher at a private explains. “I’m speaking for myself also. I’m just as helpless primary school, shared her experience working with and alone as my children.” asylum-seeking children. “They are full of energy and enthusiasm but tend to find it very difficult to focus.” SIGNS OF TRAUMA She says they exhibit noticeable behavioural changes A Malaysia-focused study on refugees and mental after returning to class from mandatory visits to the health published in 2017 found that a critical stressor Immigration Department. 62
L O S T G E N E R AT I O N 失 落 的 一 代
府獲得的出生證,在「居民身分」 一欄下寫的是「未確定」。 不幸的是,在公開資料中,鮮 有提及為何尋求庇護者生於香港的 孩子無法取得本地的居留權。當 Ariana 向 保 安 局 和 入 境 處 作 出 提 問,兩個部門均拒絕評論。此外, 現時也沒有「規定政府的責任與義 務的法律與法例」可以給這些尋求 庇護者的孩子居留權或接受教育的 平等權利。 「這種狀態讓這些孩子產生了 一種『外人』心態。」香港 Justice C entre的 前 心 理 統 籌 員 Janice C han 說 。 Just ice C ent re 是 致 力 於保護被迫遷移者權利的非政府 組織。 「我也看到被孤立和不被社會 接受的自我認知,當中存在跨代創 傷。有創傷後壓力症候群和抑鬱症 的父母可能會把自己的創傷傳到下 一代。而他們的孩子就每天都生活 在創傷中。」 Janice亦 觀 察 到 , 這 些 孩 子 難以預計的反應,會為他們在學 校的教育和社交帶來負面影響。 例 如 , Hana 和 Ismail 從 一 名 醫 生 口中聽聞他們的父親因為付不起 醫藥費而無法接受一個小手術, 並從而得悉自己作為尋求庇護者 的身分,自後,他們開始出現不 同程度的攻擊和孤僻傾向。這件 事 , Bilal 一 直 不 讓 孩 子 知 道 自 己 的家庭狀況,避免破壞他們對自 己生活的正常感覺。 再者,這對兄妹還無意中聽到 父母對老師說他們難以負擔基本 的生活開支,比如買校服。這兩 件事對他們都造成了極深刻的影 響 。 「 Hana 想 讓 自 己 變 得 隱 形 , 我 問 她 甚 麼 她 都 不 回 應 , Is mai l 則開始跟同學打架。他的老師跟 我說,他在生自己的氣,一旦他 受到不一樣的對待,就會大發脾 氣。」 Bilal 說。
Bilal嘗 試 與 孩 子 們 討 論 這 件 事,但非常困難,因為他也未有方 法處理自己的無力感。「一個明知 沒有權利就無計可施的人,根本就 不會想說話。這也在說我自己,我 和我的孩子一樣無助和孤單。」他 解釋道。
受創的跡象 一 份 在 2017年 發 表 的 關 於 在 馬 來西亞的難民和心理健康的報告 指出,除了與學校有關的掙扎之 外,兒童壓力來源之一是他們父 母遭受暴力的經歷,以及逃亡之 後的問題。研究亦指出,如果一 個尋求庇護的家庭持續受到不安 和動盪困擾,父母就可能會將一 些心理問題,例如創傷後壓力 症和焦慮症,轉移到他們的孩子 身上。 這份報告的作者是美國馬里蘭 州大學心理學博士生 Nicole Marie Gosnell , 她 寫 道 , 日 常 生 存 的 艱 難常常會加劇「難民的負面情緒、 惡劣的心理健康和生活質素」。 Janice Chan 同 意 此 說 , 亦 呼 籲學術界研究在港尋求庇護者的心 理 健 康 , 「 在 我 10 年 的 工 作 中 , 我從未遇到其他項目是研究這種跨 文化和多元文化的創傷的。」她也 補充道,目的為支援香港的尋求庇 護者的實證研究一直遲遲未有。 「 2014 年我和學校合作做外展 時發現,本地公立學校的老師在面 對尋求庇護者子女因為缺少機會而 感到被孤立的複雜狀況時,並沒甚 麼知識可以令他們有能力處理。」 Janice Chan 說。她亦認為幫助尋 求庇護者子女面對情緒困擾的資源 非常有限,「一個孩子遭遇某種掙 扎,而這種掙扎又讓他們想起一些 可怕狀況的時候,就可能引發負面 的行為反應,而老師要準備好處理 這些反應。」
Mary Shannon * 是 一 家 私 立 學 校的外籍老師,有面對尋求庇護者 子女的經驗,「他們充滿能量和熱 情,但常常難以集中精神。」她說 這些孩子按規定到訪入境處之後往 往會出現明顯的行為變化。 「生活充滿不確定、定期向 入境處報到,以及旅行和就業 限制,這些都讓難民的生活極度 困難。就算父母盡力保護孩子不 必面對這些,孩子還是會感覺到 的。」 Shannon 說。 不過,在訓練老師處理有創傷 經歷的難民子女方面, Shannon 解 釋說,本地學校的老師大部分已經 處於過勞狀態,人手嚴重不足,因 此他們往往沒有時間去支援孩子們 的個別需求。 「知識、意識和同情都有幫 助,因此學校的確需要支援老師, 應該開會分享大家的觀察、關注和 目標,無論對象是難民的孩子還是 本地人的孩子。」 Shannon 說。 香港公開大學人文社會科學院 研究助理教授岑俊達是人權組織基 督教勵行會的長期志願者,他同意 Shannon 的講法,並指本地教育系 統未能為尋求庇護者的孩子提供心 理支援。 岑俊達說目前香港也沒有政策 指引老師應該如何處理這些學生經 常要面對的心理壓力。「(教育 局)應該提供敏感度訓練,幫助老 師去識別、評估和幫助有明顯情緒 變化的難民孩子。」他說。 有關心理健康介入,教育局通 過電郵回應稱,「駐校教育心理 學家會根據需要提供其他醫療專 業人員,例如精神科醫生的轉介 服務,以確保學生獲得適切的評 估和干預」。 如果有需要財務支援,教育局 說「有強烈人道主義理由」時, 在職家庭及學生資助事務處會提 供資助。 ARIANA 2019
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“Living in uncertainty, regular immigration appointments, restrictions on travel and employment all make a refugee’s life extremely difficult,” Shannon says. “Even if parents try their best to shelter their children from these issues, children can still sense it.” When it comes to training Hong Kong teachers to better support asylum-seeking students who have been through traumatic episodes, however, Shannon explains that most teachers in the local system are overworked and stretched too thin, hence why they will be less likely to find the time to support children’s individual needs. “Knowledge, awareness and compassion can really help, so schools do need to support their teachers and have staff meetings to share observations, concerns and goals for those vulnerable children, whether they are asylum seekers or local children,” Shannon notes. Terence Shum, a research assistant professor from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at The Open University of Hong Kong and a long-term volunteer with human rights NGO Christian Action,
觸碰玻璃天花板 在香港,阻礙獲得完整和適切教育 的限制不單會影響在這裡出生的孩 子,還會影響為了逃避在祖國的迫 害和暴力而來到這裡的孩子。 對 於 15歲 來 自 也 門 的 Ali Hussain*而言,這樣的事就發生在 2015年初。當時,武裝分子為反對 沙特阿拉伯支持的政府而發動起 義,也門遂爆發內戰,當軍方向村 莊 逐 個 攻 擊 的 時 候 , Hussain 的 家 人每天都面對著轟炸。 當年年底,聯合國指當地出現 了「重大人道主義危機」,並報告 稱有超過 5 , 000 人死於聯合轟炸, 而 自 戰 爭 爆 發 以 來 超 過 20 萬 人 死 亡,無數人則被迫遷徙。「感覺就 像和死亡四目相對。」 Hussain說。 Hussain一家因為與叛軍的關係 64
agrees, arguing that the education system fails to offer psychosocial assistance to asylum-seeking children. He says there’s also currently no policy guiding teachers on how to handle the psychological stresses that these students often face. “The [Education Bureau] should provide sensitivity training to identify, assess and readily assist refugee children who undergo visible emotional changes,” says Shum. With regard to mental health intervention, the Education Bureau responded in an email that “referrals to other health care professionals such as psychiatrists will be made by the school-based education psychologist on a needs basis to ensure that appropriate assessment and intervention will be provided for the students.” Should financial aid be necessary for covering mental health support services, the Education Bureau writes that “where strong humanitarian and compassionate grounds exist” the Student Finance Office of the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency will offer those means.
而面臨著被迫害的風險。隨著 2015 年走向不祥的終結,他們決定逃離 也門,飛向香港,並自此以庇護聲 請人的身分生活。但逃出了戰爭並 未給他們帶來夢寐以求的自由,也 沒有給他們帶來改善生活的機會。 尋求庇護者來到香港的時候, 政府會提供「免遣返」保護。根據 國際上保護難民的法律,如果一個 人有「理據充分的恐懼」,例如返 國之後可能遭到危及生命的迫害和 折磨等,接收的國家或地區不能將 其遣返。不過,一旦尋求庇護者提 交免遣返聲請,入境處就會沒收聲 請人的護照,而這個人只能留在香 港等待審批結果。 即便聲請在數月甚至數年後獲 得確立,香港也不允許尋求庇護 者定居和享受完整的居民權利。 「我發現自己無法離開香港的一
瞬間,我覺得整個世界都暗了下 來 。 」 Hussain 說 。 那 是 他 得 悉 難 民身分將限制他的自由之後感受 到的第一波抑鬱。「我希望可以 稱香港為我的新家園,因為我在 這裡重新開始生活,但如果這個 城市拒絕我,我還能做甚麼呢? 我沒有地方可以去。」
新的現實 申請庇護的家庭等待命運發 落的時候,父母被禁止在香 港工作。不過,孩子有受教 育的權利。香港教育局有權決 定哪些孩子可以到公立學校上 學,而學費會由國際社會服務社 支付。 Hussain在 2016年被安排到英文 學校明愛屯門馬登基金中學讀書。
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REACHING THE GLASS CEILING In Hong Kong, limited access to a full and proper education affects not only children born here, but also those who arrive as older children fleeing persecution and violence in their home country. For a 15-year-old Yemeni teenager named Ali Hussain*, this happened in early 2015. At that time, civil war was raging across the country as a result of a militant uprising against the Saudi-backed government; Hussain’s family faced daily bombardments as the military attacked village after village. By the end of the year, the UN, describing the conflict as a “major humanitarian crisis,” reported that coalition bombings had killed over 5,000 people, while more than
200,000 have lost their lives since the war began and countless more have been displaced. “It was like staring at death,” Hussain says. At risk of persecution due to the family’s rebel connections, Hussain and his parents decided to leave Yemen. As 2015 drew to an ominous close, they packed their possessions and flew to Hong Kong where they have been living as protection claimants ever since. But escaping the war did not bring them the freedom they dreamed of, nor did it offer them the chance to move on with their lives. When asylum seekers arrive in Hong Kong, the government offers ‘non-refoulement’ protection. This is an international refugee law stipulating that a country or territory is prohibited from deporting any individual back to their country of origin if he or she can present
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a ‘well-founded fear’ of life-threatening persecution or torture. However, once an asylum seeker submits a non-refoulement claim, the Immigration Department confiscates their passports and the individuals must remain in Hong Kong as they await the verdict. Even if their cases are verified after months, and sometimes years, of waiting, Hong Kong does not allow asylum seekers to settle in the city and enjoy full rights of residency. “The minute it hit me that I couldn’t leave Hong Kong, I found myself in a very dark place,” says Hussain, describing his first bout of depression after learning that his status as an asylum seeker would restrict his freedom. “I wanted to call Hong Kong my new home because I was starting my life over, but what can I do if the city rejects me? There’s nowhere for me to go.”
A NEW REALITY While asylum seeking families await their fate, parents are prohibited from working. However, children have the right to an education. Hong Kong’s Education Bureau has the authority to decide which children can study in public schools, which is then paid for by International Social Service. In Hussain’s case, the teenager began studying at Caritas Tuen Mun Marden Foundation Secondary School, an English-medium public school, in 2016. Due to his limited proficiency in English and Cantonese, Hussain had to repeat Form 4 to Form 6. This didn’t affect his self-esteem, in fact, he recalls feeling even more motivated to study. School, he says, distracted him from anxiety and uncertainties, from thoughts of the monthly visits to the immigration facility, the occasional stop-and-frisk searches by police officers on the street, and the nerve-wracking wait for court hearings. But the more time he spent in Hong Kong, Hussain says, the more frustrated he became, especially with his limited rights as an asylum seeker. Moreover, for students who are protection claimants, applying for extracurricular activities – such as athletic or academic competitions – is usually out of the question, given language barriers, costs, and potential travel required. 66
但由於他的英語和廣東話能力有 限,只能重讀中四到中六的課程。 不過,這沒有影響他的自信,事實 上,他覺得自己當時甚至更加有 學習的動力。他說學校可以讓他躲 開焦慮和不安,躲開一些惱人的念 頭,包括要每月到入境處報到、偶 爾被警察在街上截查,以及讓人神 經緊張的庭審等候。 但他在香港的時間越長,他就 越沮喪,尤其是作為尋求庇護者, 他的權利受到限制。此外,像他這 樣的學生常常無法參加課外活動, 比如體育和學術比賽,因為語言障 礙,或費用問題,甚或是因為活動 可能要出境。 Hussain記得自己在第一學期非 常努力學英文,希望可以在這裡盡 可能獲得更多機會。上學不久, 他就拿到了獎學金,可以到內地參 加文化交流活動。這是他進步的證 明,也是一個大好機會。 不幸的是,因為保護聲請人在 聲請被處理期間不得離境,因此 Hussain不得不拒絕獎學金,「我本 來是開心的。一切都在恢復正常。 但忽然之間,唯一一個改善我狀況 的機會被奪走了。」 殘酷的現實帶來了許多憤怒和 失望。更糟糕的是他家庭面對的 困境:他們可能隨時被遣返也門。
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Hussain remembers working hard to improve his English-language skills in the first semester, in the hopes of creating as many opportunities in the city as possible. Not long after he started school, he received a scholarship offer to participate in a cultural immersion programme in mainland China. It was a testament to his progress and a great opportunity. Unfortunately, Hussain had to turn down the scholarship because protection claimants are not allowed to travel while their claims are being assessed. “I was happy. Everything was returning to normal, and then suddenly the one chance to change my situation is taken away from me.” This harsh reality caused a great deal of anger and disappointment. Worse still was his family’s tenuous circumstances: They could be deported back to Yemen at any time. Hussain says the continuously looming concern was almost unbearable, triggering a series of post-traumatic episodes and recurring nightmares. When depressive symptoms worsened for Hussain, his teachers provided a much-needed support network. But their assistance and sympathy could only go so far. “Even the principal couldn’t do anything about my situation or use my grades and the scholarship as a reason for me to participate in a oncein-a-lifetime opportunity,” he laments. Fear and uncertainty have also seeped into Hussain’s daily life, affecting his mood and attitude at school where he began lashing out after the scholarship fell through. “Day and night, I was afraid of the future and afraid that my father could get caught if we were sent back,” says Hussain. “How can anyone sleep at night knowing that the army wants to kill your father?”
DEAD ENDS Hussain, Ismail and Hana are amongst hundreds of children of asylum seekers in Hong Kong, many of whom face daily stresses, experience PTSD, and absorb their parents’ trauma. Earlier this year, UNESCO published a policy report on mental health prevention for asylum seekers and found that severe exposure to violence and displacement can disrupt children's willingness to learn and their ability to perform well in school. According to the report, which was conducted globally, adolescent asylum seekers are particularly at risk and those struggling to adapt to new school environments find suppressing traumatic memories extremely challenging. Like Hussain, many children experience traumatic flashbacks, irritability, and emotional outbursts – all PTSD symptoms, which can be triggered by crowded places and loud sounds – often on a daily basis. “I’m angry, and most of the time I don’t know how to express it [to my family] because no one can help me get my old life back,” says Hussain. “I feel helpless.” Though Hussain missed his opportunity to study abroad, the government has since changed its policy. In 2018, the Legislative Council recognised recommendations introduced by council members that would
Hussain說,不斷加劇的擔憂幾乎叫 人難以忍受,引發一連串創傷後的 症狀和反覆的噩夢。 當 Hussain的抑鬱症狀加劇的時 候,他的老師提供了他急需的支援 網絡,但他們的幫助和同情只能到 此為止。「就算是校長也無法改變 我的狀況,也不能用我的成績或 者獎學金讓我把握著一生一次的機 會。」他抱怨道。 恐懼和不安定感也滲透 Hussain 的日常生活,影響他的情緒和 在學校的態度。失去獎學金之 後, Hussain開始變得脾氣暴燥,經 常衝撞身邊的老師與同學。「每日 每夜,我都擔心未來,擔心如果我 們被遣返,我爸爸會被抓走。說如 果你知道軍隊想要殺死你爸爸,你 怎麼可能睡得著?」 Hussain說。
死胡同 Hussain, Ismail和 Hana是數百名在 香港的尋求庇護者子女的其中三 位。這些孩子有許多都面對著壓 力 、 承 受 著 PTSD 和 吸 收 著 他 們 父 母的創傷。 今年早前,聯合國教科文組織 發表了一份政策報告,內容是有關 尋求庇護者的心理問題防治。報告 指出,嚴重暴露於暴力和流徙的經 歷可能影響兒童學習的意願以及在 學校表現良好的能力。這份在全球 範圍內進行研究的報告指,處於青 少年時期的尋求庇護者常常面臨風 險,而在他們當中掙扎著適應新學 習環境的人,會發現壓抑創傷記憶 極度困難。 和 Huss ain 一 樣 , 很 多 孩 子 都有經歷創傷閃回、易怒、情 緒 暴 躁 —— 這 些 P T S D 的 症 狀 , 特別是在擁擠之處或有巨大聲響 時就可能被引發,而這些症狀可 能每天都會出現。「我很憤怒, 很多時候我不知道應該怎麼表達 ARIANA 2019
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allow the children of asylum seekers to participate in overseas activities and provide subsidies for any required educational materials, subject to approval by the Immigration Department. While a positive development, children of asylum seekers remain largely disenfranchised when it comes to broader academic opportunities. For most, education stops after secondary school. Regardless of whether one’s refugee status has been determined or is still being processed, pursuing higher education is impossible, says Terence Shum, of Open University. “They have no future in Hong Kong,” he says, citing the controversial ‘no work’ policy for asylum seekers. For children, in particular, the pressure to adapt bars them from opportunities, such as the one Hussain was offered, indicating the failure to abide by the legally-binding Convention on the Rights of the Child in Hong Kong. Shum also takes the government to task for its lack of foresight when it comes to broadening the horizons
(給家人知道),因為沒有人可以幫我 找回我以前的生活。我覺得很無助。」 Hussain 說 。 雖 然 Hussain 錯 失 了 到 海 外 學習的機會,但政府自後便修改了相關 政策。 2018年,立法會通過了議員的動議,允 許尋求庇護中的兒童參加海外學習活動,並 為所需的學習材料提供補貼,但必須得到入 境處的批准。雖然這是一個積極的改變,但 在更廣泛的學習機遇方面,大部分尋求庇護 者子女的權利仍然處於被剝奪的狀態。對於 大部分人而言,求學只能在中學畢業止步。 公開大學的岑俊達認為,無論一個人的 難民身分已被確立還是仍在處理中,追求更 高等的教育都是不可能的,「他們在香港沒 有未來。」這指的是不准難民工作的政策。 對於孩子而言,適應的壓力往往讓他們與 許多機遇無緣,就像 Hussain那樣,這也 意味著香港未能履行作為《兒童權利公 約》簽署方的責任。 68
of the city’s Hong Kong-Chinese students: “As cultural ambassadors, the children of asylum seekers can help foster culturally diverse classrooms and raise the cultural sensitivity of Hong Kong-Chinese students by sharing their traditional cultures and experiences in various teaching and learning environments. This would offer local students much-needed exposure to different issues through face-to-face interactions with children from other parts of the world.”
BUILDING BRIDGES Increasingly, NGOs are working with the government to launch new programmes to help the children of asylum seekers. Christian Action, for example, is working with the Child Development Centre and individual clinical therapists to run mental health counselling workshops. “Asylum-seeking kids get the bare minimum in schools from social workers,” says Jeffrey Andrews, a long-time social worker at
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Christian Action. “That’s why we are making linkages between private institutions and governments agencies like, Health in Action to establish holistic counselling sessions for the community.” Annually, Andrews says, they host community forums for members of the education and refugee space to evaluate the performance of these counselling programmes and make the necessary improvements. In the past year alone, the programme has made significant progress, having established partnerships with mental health institutions such as The Child Development Centre and Health in Action. Another example of inter-community alliance is a project called Homework Assistance in To Kwa Wan, which was formed in early 2019 by a church and school in To Kwa Wan in collaboration with nonprofit organisations Branches of Hope and Table of Two Cities. Designed as a weekly homework assistance programme, the organisations pair asylum-seeking primary school students with volunteer tutors who
岑俊達也批評政府在拓寬本地 學生的視野方面缺乏遠見,「尋求 庇護者的孩子可以作為文化大使, 通過在不同的教學環境分享他們的 文化和經歷,加強學校中的文化多 元性,提升香港華人學生的文化敏 感度。本地學生亦可通過與來自其 他地方的孩子面對面互動,加深對 不同議題的了解。」
構建橋樑 越來越多非政府組織與政府合作 推出新項目,幫助尋求庇護者的子 女。基督教勵行會就與兒童發展中 心和臨床治療師合作,開辦心理健 康諮詢工作坊。「尋求庇護的兒童 在學校社工那裡只能得到最基本的 服務。這就是為甚麼我們將私營機 構和政府機構聯繫在一起,比如
help the children complete assignments and prepare for upcoming exams. From January to July of this year, Ismail and Hana were regulars in the programme, and, over time, began to perform better in school. “My wife and I never saw them excited about activities in school as much as they were about the homework tutorials,” Bilal says. “After such a long time, Hana began sharing both good and bad experiences from school because one of the tutors gave her the confidence to speak up.” And Ismail’s interest in improving his Cantonese also grew, as did his willingness to make new friends. Hoping for a continuation of the project, Bilal says that his dream is to watch his children live by their own choices, rather than try to survive with none at all. “[Asylum-seeking] children hold so much potential that the government and the Hong Kong people clearly fail to see. If they have any humanity, they will put the children first.” * Names have been changed to protect the identity of the individuals.
醫護行者,去為這個社群建立全面 的諮詢服務。」勵行會的資深社工 Jeffrey Andrews說。 Andrews 說 , 實 際 上 , 他 們 會 為社會工作者和難民舉辦社區論 壇,評估這些諮詢服務的表現, 並作出必要的改進。單單在過去 一年,這個項目就已經取得了很 大進展,與多個心理健康機構建 立了合作關係,比如兒童發展中 心和醫護行者。 另一個跨界合作的例子是土瓜 灣的補習計劃。這個項目在 2019年 初由在土瓜灣的一個教會、一所學 校和非政府組織希望枝子、 Table of Two Cities合作 啟 動,將尋求庇護中 的小學生和志願補習老師配對,每 週提供一次補習服務,幫助學生完 成作業和準備考試。 從 今 年 的 1 月 到 7 月 , Ismail 和
Hana 都 有 按 時 參 加 這 個 項 目 , 而 且學習成績慢慢變好。「我太太和 我從未見過他們對學校裡面的活動 有對補習班那樣的興奮。過了這麼 長 時 間 , Hana 終 於 開 始 分 享 學 校 裡面好和不好的經歷,因為其中一 個補習老師給了她說話的自信。」 Bilal 說 。 Ismail 對 學 習 廣 東 話 的 興 趣也增加了,還更願意去結識新的 朋友。 Bilal 希 望 這 個 項 目 可 以 繼 續 下 去,因為他的夢想就是看到自己 的孩子可以選擇自己的人生,而 不是在毫無選擇之下勉強生存。 「(尋求庇護的)孩子有很多潛 能,但很明顯政府和香港人看不 到。如果他們有人性的話,他們 會把孩子放在第一位。」 *受訪者為化名以保護個人私隱。
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Some Chinese-language newspapers in Hong Kong have published biased reports about ethnic minorities for years. But the tides may be turning. 香港部分中文報紙多年來對尋求庇護者和少數族裔作出偏頗報導。 但這種狀況可能正在改變。
Words 文 Cathy Lai | Photography 攝影 António Sanmarful and Eduardo Leal
Ng Fung-sheung, founder of the Hong Kong Society for Asylum Seekers and Refugees 香港尋求庇護者及難民協會創辦人伍鳳嫦
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n a warm spring morning in 2016, everything seemed normal as Paul Cheng Ka-pui served customers at his 7-Eleven on Pitt Street in Yau Ma Tei. But by the afternoon, the 39-year-old would be fighting for his life. A few hours after lunch on 8 March, Cheng spotted a man in his store who was eating crisps without paying for them. Cheng confronted him. After a brief verbal altercation, the man left, but returned not long afterwards brandishing a knife. The man threatened Cheng in front of frightened onlookers, then stabbed him in the chest before fleeing. Despite attempts by passersby and, later, medical staff, to save his life, Cheng died from the injury a week later. Meanwhile, the perpetrator, Bui Van-cuong, a 32-yearold Canadian national who had been visiting Hong Kong for two months on a tourist visa, was arrested, charged, and sentenced to life in prison. At the time, Bui told the police that a demon had possessed him. It didn’t take long for local media outlets to confirm that the killer was a Canadian of Vietnamese descent. Once media established the man’s ethnicity, some publications – including Chinese-language newspaper Oriental Daily News and Chinese-language online portal on.cc (both owned by the Oriental Press Group) – began incorrectly associating the man with the asylum-seeking community and parroting negative language used by proestablishment groups such as Bauhinia Action.
016年 3月 8 日的早上,鄭嘉沛 在他位於油麻地碧街的 7-11 便 利 店 裡 招 呼 客 人 , 一切似乎與平日無異。但到了下 午 , 這 名 39歲 的 店 東 就 會 命 懸 一線。 午飯後幾個小時,鄭嘉沛看到 一名男子從他的店內偷走了一包 薯片,並在門外進食。鄭嘉沛上 前質問他,並與他爭執了幾句。 那名男子離開了便利店,但不到 幾分鐘後他帶著生果刀回來,更 在眾人面前威脅鄭嘉沛,再往鄭 嘉沛的胸口插了一刀,然後逃去。 儘管目擊者們在現場盡力急 72
On 16 March, 20 members of Bauhinia Action laid floral wreaths by the entrance of Cheng’s 7-Eleven store and held placards that read: ‘Repatriate fake refugees; ban [torture] claimants”. The group also distributed leaflets outside the store, asking people to share reports with Bauhinia Action if they had been harassed by ‘South Asian fake refugees.’ Two days later, more flowers appeared, bearing similar sentiments, such as: ‘Fake refugees get out of Hong Kong; the rage of Hong Kong people!’ Some of the Oriental Press Group’s affiliated media outlets covered the development, with on.cc releasing two stories on 16 and 18 March with headlines that read, respectively: “Local group commemorates victim of convenience store murder and criticises pan-democracy camp for helping fake refugees” and “Convenience store murder: angry citizens roar; fake refugees get out of Hong Kong.” Oriental Daily News did not report Bauhinia Action’s demonstration specifically, but did cover the broader issue on 19 March with the headline: ‘Convenient store murder: flower plaque commemorates owner; fake refugees get out of Hong Kong’. None of the reports mentioned that Bui was, in fact, a Canadian national on a legitimate tourist visa, nor did they clarify that he was not, as many people had now been led to believe, a refugee or an asylum seeker. The inaccurate reports spread quickly, especially on Oriental Daily News’ official Facebook page. Despite several comments confirming that the murder had been
救,隨後醫護人員也全力以赴, 鄭嘉沛在一個禮拜後還是傷重不 治 。 同 時 , 32 歲 的 加 拿 大 籍 兇 徒 Bui Van-cuong被捕,他被起訴後被 判 終 身 監 禁 。 案 發 時 Bui 持 旅 遊 簽 證,已訪港兩個多月。他對警方說 自己行兇時被魔鬼纏身。 本地媒體很快就確認了犯案者 為加拿大籍越南人,但不久後, 部分媒體──包括東方報業集團旗 下的中文報章《東方日報》以及新 聞網站《 on.cc東網》──開始將行 兇者與尋求庇護者聯繫起來,更複 述「紫荊行動」等親建制團體的負 面言論。
3月 16日,紫荊行動的 20名成員 在鄭嘉沛的 7-11便利店門口獻花, 並手持:「遣返假難民,禁閉(酷 刑)聲請者」等標語。該團體在便 利店外派發傳單,表示若市民曾受 到「南亞假難民」騷擾,可向他們 提供資料。兩天後,店門外擺放了 更多花牌,上面寫著類似的標語: 「假難民滾出香港,香港人的憤 怒!」 東方報業集團旗下的媒體報導 了相關事態發展,其中,《 on.cc東 網 》 於 3 月 16 日 和 18 日 發 佈 的 兩 篇 報導,分別以《團體悼便利店死者 譴責泛民政黨助假難民》和《便利
Indians, Pakistanis, Nepalese, Bangladeshi, and Sri Lankans – comprise just over 1 per cent of the population. What’s more, over half of the Nepalese community and half of the Pakistani community in Hong Kong were born locally. Many ethnic Chinese residents (especially elderly ones and, by “They have been perceived 2033, a quarter of HongNUMBERS SPEAK in a negative light for so VOLUMES kongers are projected to be over 65) have little to long, and their struggles no contact with other Despite its self-proand achievements often go ethnic groups, apart from claimed moniker as ‘Asia’s unheard.” perhaps their domestic World City,’ Hong Kong workers who tend to be remains ethnically and Southeast Asians. And a racially homogenous. Ac「他們長期以來被籠罩在負面報 study published in 2012 cording to the 2016 Pop導中,而他們的掙扎和成就往往 by Hong Kong Unison, ulation By-census, 92 per an NGO that serves ethcent of Hong Kong’s 7.34 無人知曉 。」 nic minorities, found that million residents are eth– Ng Fung-sheung 伍鳳嫦 less than half of Chinese nically Chinese, while the Hongkongers accept Afnext largest ethnic group, ricans, South Asians, or at around 4.6 per cent, comprises Southeast Asians – specifically, people of Fili- Southeast Asians into their personal lives as friends, relapino and Indonesian descent – the vast majority of whom tives or spouses. In 2016, the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups work legally as domestic helpers. Residents of Thai ethnicity account for just 0.1 per interviewed 520 Hong Kong residents between the ages of cent; “Other Asians,” as the census states, 0.2 per cent; 15 and 34 and found that 63 per cent had not interacted and Caucasians, 0.7 per cent. Meanwhile, South Asians – with an ethnic minority in the past year. In addition, the committed by a Canadian the initial posts still drew prejudicial comments including: “Fake refugees, rotten refugees, ruining Hong Kong,” and “Fake refugees are stealing money and killing people in Hong Kong...we need to work together to resist them.”
店謀殺案市民怒吼:假難民滾出香 港》為標題。 《東方日報》沒有報導紫荊行 動 的 示 威 , 但 在 3 月 19 日 對 相 關 議 題作出更廣泛的報導,其標題是 《便利店命案花牌悼店東:假難民 滾出香港》。以上的報導均沒有提 及 Bui 其 實 是 持 有 訪 港 簽 證 的 加 拿 大國民,也沒有澄清他並非如很多 人被誤導相信那樣,是一名難民或 者尋求庇護者。 這些不準確的報導傳播得很 快,尤其是在東方日報的臉書專頁 上。雖然已有網民留言指出犯案者 其實是加拿大人,但原帖仍然招來
一些充滿敵意的留言,包括「假 難民,真爛民,禍害香港」,以及 「假難民旣謀財,又害命……香港 市民要同心合力, 一起對抗」。
數字說明一切 雖然香港自詡為「亞洲國際都 會」,但其民族和種族結構非常單 一。 2016年的人口普查指出,香港 的 人 口 達 734 萬 , 當 中 92% 為 華 裔 人士,第二大族群是包括菲律賓和 印尼人的東南亞裔人士,佔大約 4 . 6% , 這 些 人 大 都 在 香 港 做 家 庭 傭工。
泰裔人士只佔香港人口的0.1%; 「 其 他 亞 裔 人 士 」 佔 0 . 2% ; 高 加 索 人 種 佔 0 . 7% 。 而 包 括 印 度 人 、 巴基斯坦人、尼泊爾人、孟加拉人 和斯里蘭卡人在內的南亞裔人士佔 整 體 人 口 剛 超 過 1% 。 此 外 , 超 過 一半在港尼泊爾人和一半在港巴基 斯坦人都是在本地出生的。 許多本地華人,尤其是年紀比 較大的,都甚少與其他族群接觸, 可能除了他們來自東南亞的家傭之 外。而到了 2033年,香港人口中預 計有四分之一會超過 65歲。服務少 數族裔的 NGO香港融樂會於 2012年 發表的報告指出,少於一半的香港 ARIANA 2019
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survey provided insights into Hongkongers’ attitudes through negative comments, such as: “Ethnic minorities are not productive and make no contribution to society”; “We have different lifestyles”; and they “have body odour.” Ng Fung-sheung, assistant professor at The Education University of Hong Kong, and founder of the Hong Kong Society for Asylum Seekers and Refugees (HKSASR), says the media has traditionally played a significant part in shaping negative perceptions about ethnic minorities and asylum seekers in the city: “They have been perceived in a negative light for so long, and their struggles and achievements often go unheard.” In recent years, prejudice and resentment against asylum seekers, especially an uptick in the use of the term ‘fake refugee’, has permeated news reports and everyday conversation. Experts have attributed negative public opinion to the low acceptance rate of protection claims (Hong Kong verifies around 0.8 per cent of nonrefoulement applications), which breeds skepticism about their reports of torture and persecution in their home country. A survey conducted by The Education University of Hong Kong in 2018 found that 61.5 per cent of respondents associated asylum seekers with ‘fake refugees,’ while half of them associated them with criminal activities. Ng believes that some local media outlets stoke fears and resentment against asylum seekers and ethnic minorities in Hong Kong. Her assertion is supported by the research she published in 2017, which explored media portrayals of asylum seekers locally. The study looked into news reports published between 1 June 2015 and 31 July 2016 by 11 major Chinese-language newspapers and two English-language newspapers in the city, and found that 358 stories contained the terms ‘illegal immigrants’, ‘asylum seekers’, ‘refugees’, ‘human snake’, ‘South Asian men’, ‘non-refoulement claimants’, and ‘immigration papers’. Of these, 218 were in relation to crimes committed or allegedly committed by asylum seekers; of these, 169 were associated with South Asians. Meanwhile, out of these 358 articles, 219 mentioned ‘fake refugees’, and almost all of them were crime-related. And out of these 219 stories, 142 were published by Oriental Daily News and 60 by The Sun (Oriental Daily News’ sister newspaper, which ceased publication in April 2016). “We noticed that other ethnic minority groups are rarely mentioned in the immigrant-related crimes,” says Ng. “This 74
shows that the local media puts a lot of focus on negative news reports concerning South Asians – associating them with fake refugees, illegal immigrants and criminals.” According to statistics from the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF), of the 28,966 individuals arrested in 2018, only 4,021 (13.8 per cent) were of non-Chinese ethnic background. Meanwhile, numbers from 2014 to 2018 show that, among non-Chinese individuals who were arrested, around half were local residents. The HKPF does not specify ethnic groups – for example, listing “Africans” as one category – which makes it challenging to extract more precise insights. “We have to be very careful when we look at these statistics – being arrested doesn't mean being charged; sometimes, [asylum seekers] are arrested only because they get into a fight with each other, and will be released after they decide to settle the case,” Ng explained. “Moreover, as the police don't break down the number of arrested non-Chinese by their ethnicity, there is a lot of uncertainty in these numbers.”
ALTERNATIVE AGENDAS In January 2016, four South Asians robbed a garage owner in North Point and stole HK$100,000. While Apple Daily and Ming Pao reported that the perpetrators were South Asian, Oriental Daily News and on.cc used more prejudicial language. They described the behaviour as a ‘poisonous tumor’; the four men as ‘South Asian bandits’; and warned of ‘South Asian armies’ committing numerous crimes in the city. Both publications also associated the crime with an influx of ‘fake refugees’ and South Asian ‘human snakes’ (a commonly used term referring to ‘illegal immigrants’) even before the status of the offenders had been confirmed by the police. Unfortunately, asylum seekers can do little to defend themselves against negative media coverage. Rita Mendoza*, a 44-year-old Filipina woman who moved to Hong Kong as a domestic worker 13 years ago, is now applying for asylum in the city in an attempt to flee her abusive husband back home. The Philippines is one of the only countries in the world where divorce is still illegal. “I feel scared and worried when I heard some news implying that [asylum seekers like us] are causing problems in Hong Kong,” she says. “We know that some reports are
Reports from Oriental Daily regarding 'fake refugees' 東方日報有關 「假難民」的報導
華人接受非洲人、南亞人或東南亞 人進入他們的私人生活,成為他們 的朋友、親戚或伴侶。 2016年 , 香 港 青 年 協 會 訪 問 了 520名 15至 34歲 的 香 港 居 民 , 並 發 現 63%的 受 訪 者 在 過 去 一年沒有接觸少數族裔人士。 該調查亦探討了香港人對少數 族裔的態度,並收集到如「少 數族裔不事生產,對社會沒有 貢獻」、「生活習慣不同」, 以及「有體味」等負面評價。 香港教育大學助理教授伍鳳嫦 是香港尋求庇護者及難民協會的創 辦人。她認為,傳統上,媒體在塑 造尋求庇護者和難民的負面形象方 面扮演了重要的角色。「他們長期 以來被籠罩在負面報導中,而他們
的掙扎和成就往往無人知曉。」 近年,對尋求庇護者和難民的 偏見和厭惡,尤其是「假難民」 這種字眼,經常出現在新聞報導 和日常對話中。專家認為,公眾 的負面印象部分是由於香港的聲 請 確 立 率 太 低 ( 只 有 約 0. 8%的 免遣返聲請被接納),讓人們質 疑難民是否真的如他們所說般, 在家鄉遭受到折磨和迫害。香港 教 育 大 學 2018年 的 一 項 調 查 發 現, 61 . 5% 的受訪者會將尋求庇護 者與「假難民」聯繫在一起,而 半數人更會將他們與犯罪活動聯 想起來。 伍鳳嫦認為,部分本地傳媒煽 動了社會對尋求庇護者和少數族裔 的恐懼和厭惡。她在 2017 年出版的
研究也證明了這個觀點。這項研究 探討了香港媒體對尋求庇護者的描 述,並從 11 家主流中文報紙和兩家 英文報紙於 2015 年 6 月 1 日到 2016 年 7 月 31 日出版的報導中,找到了 358 篇包含「非法入境者」、「尋求 庇護者」、「難民」、「人蛇」、 「南亞人」、「免遣返聲請」和 「行街紙」等字眼的報導。其 中, 218 篇與尋求庇護者犯罪或被 指控犯罪有關,而 169 篇則與南亞 人有關。 同 時 , 在 這 358 篇 報 導 中 , 有 219 篇提及「假難民」,並且幾乎 全部與犯罪有關。在這 219 篇報導 中,有 142 篇來自《東方日報》, 60 篇 來 自 《 太 陽 報 》 ( 《 東 方 日 報》於2016年4月停刊的姊妹報)。
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discriminative or even inaccurate, but we can’t say anything about it. The people here are not in favour of us.” Leung Yuk-ming, an associate professor in the Cultural Studies Department at Lingnan University, says Oriental Press Group’s media outlets, in particular, have shown a systematic approach in portraying ethnic minorities and asylum seekers as a social problem – from the number of negative reports to the inflammatory language used. “When these media outlets talk about South Asians, they usually associate them with fake refugees or illegal immigrants, followed by unnecessary and negative descriptions. They are intentionally lumping different groups of people together,” says Leung. “Such reports just show how insouciant these publications can be, and how little they care about truth. They are violating the media’s code of ethics.” Ng goes on to confirm that the types of newspapers that mention refugees, asylum seekers, and South Asians in a negative light are often pro-establishment, and close to the pro-establishment parties in the Legislative Council. Ariana reached out to Oriental Press Group for comment but did not receive a reply. According to Ng’s observation, news reports about ‘fake refugees’ soared after pro-establishment lawmaker Ip Kwok-him submitted a motion to the Legislative Council to combat ‘fake refugees’ in December 2015, alleging that they were working illegally and causing disturbances in the local community. The motion received overwhelming support from other proestablishment lawmakers, many of whom proposed the establishment of a closed refugee camp. The motion to combat ‘fake refugees’ was rejected by the Legislative Assembly, but the proposal to set up refugee camps was raised again last year by pro-establishment lawmakers and local scholars. In response, John Lee Kachiu, current Secretary for Security, said such an approach did not fit the current situation.
A CULTURE OF COMPLACENCY In 2016, Ng conducted research in a village in Pat Heung, in the New Territories, that has a sizable population of ethnic minorities, including asylum seekers and Hong Kong ID holders. During one such visit, local Chinese residents told her that they had held a meeting to discuss whether they should continue to lease their houses to ethnic minorities. 76
Ng recalls: “They said there had been too much negative news about these people and too many reporters visiting their village. They were worried that the ethnic minorities would do something bad and ruin the reputation of their village.” According to Ng, some villagers decided to stop renting property to ethnic minorities. When Ng asked some of the villagers what these people had done wrong, they only said they did not like them sitting outside their houses all day. Mendoza from the Philippines is also no stranger to the “sin of existence.” She says she has experienced many instances of discrimination while living in Hong Kong. Once, when she sat in an empty seat on the MTR, she remembers a Chinese woman yelling at her for using Hong Kong’s public services: “How can you do that? I know you are getting money from the Hong Kong government!” Ng says it’s hard to prove whether such hostility is fueled by negative news reports or personal experiences – or a combination of both – but ‘wasting public funds’ and ‘wasting resources’ are some of the more common assertions made by pro-establishment politicians and their respective media outlets to smear asylum seekers. Critical headlines include: “Hong Kong is sinking: [Lawmakers] pretend they don’t see the problem of fake refugees, like sweeping garbage into the carpet” and “Fake refugees break the law and commit crimes; local groups condemn [fake refugees] for wasting public funding and urge sending them back to their home countries’, published by on.cc on 22 October 2018 and 6 March 2019, respectively. Other reports include: “Fake refugees refuse to leave and destroy Hong Kong; five years burning away HK$5 billion public funding” and “The destruction caused by fake refugees to Hong Kong never stops because the government refuses to build a closed refugee camp” published by Oriental Daily News on 30 December 2018 and 4 May 2019, respectively. “The problem is, the media reports about asylum seekers are on surface level and tend to make generalisations. They seldom probe the real reason why they are in Hong Kong in the first place or shine a light on the difficulties they face,” Ng says. “The saddest thing is, asylum seekers [who I know] believe they can’t argue back, that they don’t have a voice, because they know they’re just living at the mercy of the Hong Kong government.”
Leung Yuk-ming, associate professor in the Cultural Studies Department at Lingnan University 嶺南大學文化研究系 副教授梁旭明
「我們留意到,其他少數族 裔群體很少在與移民有關的犯罪 報導中被提及。這意味著本地媒 體將大量焦點投放在關於南亞人 的負面新聞報導中,並將他們與 假難民、非法入境者和罪犯聯繫 在一起。」伍鳳嫦說。 香港警方數字顯示,2018年 共 有 28, 966人 被 捕 , 而 當 中 只 有4,021人(13.8%)是非華裔 人 士 。 此 外 , 2014到 2018年 的 數字顯示,在非華裔被捕人士當 中,大約一半是本地居民。警方 沒有具體指明這些疑犯的種族背 景 —— 比 如 只 是 概 括 地 提 到 「 非 裔人」,因此很難從數據中獲得 到更準確的見解。 「我們必須小心看待這些數 字,因為被捕並不代表被控告;有 時候,(尋求庇護者)可能只是因 為一場爭執而被捕,待雙方決定和 解後便會被釋放。此外,由於警察 沒有按種族細分被逮捕的非華裔人 數,因此這些數字存在很多不確定 因素。」伍鳳嫦解釋道。
藏議題 2016 年 1 月,四名南亞人在北角搶 劫 一 名 車 房 東 主 , 並 盜 去 10 萬 元 港幣。《蘋果日報》和《明報》的 報導指出犯案人是南亞裔人士,而 《 東 方 日 報 》 和 《 on.cc 東 網 》 的 用詞則充滿偏見。 報導形容犯罪行為是「治安 毒瘤」,犯案的四人則是「南亞 幫」,並警告「南亞軍團」會 犯下更多罪行。兩份報章都將這 宗案件與「假難民」和南亞「人 蛇」(非法入境者的常用代稱) 的湧入聯繫在一起,儘管當時犯 案者在香港的身分仍未得到警方 確認。 不幸的是,尋求庇護者往往做 不了甚麼去捍衛自己和反擊負面的 媒體報導。 44歲的 Rita Mendoza* 13 年前來到香港做家傭。她目前正在 香港申請庇護,以逃離在菲律賓會 對她施暴的丈夫。菲律賓是世上少 數禁止離婚的國家之一。 「每次聽到有新聞暗示(像我
們這樣的尋求庇護者)搞亂香港, 都會令我擔驚受怕。我知道有些報 導帶有歧視性,甚至不準確,但我 們甚麼都不能說,因為這裡的人不 喜歡我們。」她說。 嶺南大學文化研究系副教授梁 旭明認為,從負面報導的數量以 至煽動性言辭的使用來看,東方 報業集團旗下的媒體尤其會系統 地將少數族裔和尋求庇護者描寫 成社會問題。 「每當提及南亞人的時候,這些 傳媒往往會有意地把他們與假難民 和非法入境者聯繫起來,再加上不 必要的負面描述,從而將不同群體 的人混為一談。從這種報導可以看 出這些媒體做事粗疏,完全不在意 真相,違反了媒體的道德操守。」 梁旭明說。 伍鳳嫦指,經常以負面筆調 描述難民、尋求庇護者和南亞人 的報章往往是親建制的,它們 與立法會中的親建制派也關係密 切 。 Ariana 曾 向 東 方 報 業 集 團 提 問,但至截稿前仍未有回應。 ARIANA 2019
F E AT U R E 專 題 故 事
SHAPING THE NARRATIVE A survey of 1,000 young people (aged 15 to 29) conducted in 2013 by Clement So, a professor at Chinese University’s School of Journalism and Communication, found that 67 per cent of Hongkongers surveyed often consume news via social media. Similarly, market research group Statista found in 2017 that 78 per cent of Hong Kong’s population are active social media users. As such, many of the city’s traditional Chinese language newspapers, such as Oriental Daily News, Ming Pao, Ta Kung Pao, and Sing Tao Daily have established Facebook pages, Instagram accounts, YouTube channels, and news apps within the last decade to keep pace with readers’ habits. Among these, the Facebook page of Oriental Daily News has attracted half a million followers (almost 10 per cent of the city, though this might also include international readers) and has since become one of the most-followed Facebook news platforms in Hong Kong. “In the past, we tended to believe that the core audience for traditional or pro-establishment newspapers were the older generations but now, through social media channels, the news media is also reaching younger audiences,” says Ng. Where there are negative perceptions, there are also positive portrayal particularly with high-quality, online Chinese-language news media, such as Initium Media and The News Lens, having launched in the last few years. According to Ng, these outlets tend to feature quality, in-depth stories about asylum seekers and ethnic minorities in Hong Kong. For instance, an article published by Initium Media in 2016 told the story of a teacher who fled his home in the Congo in 2003 and has been stuck in Hong Kong ever since. On a more personal level, social media channels offer a variety of platforms for ethnic minority youth to express their cultural identities and pursue creative endeavours. John Nguyet Erni, Fung Hon Chu Endowed Chair of Humanics at Baptist University, has spent many years studying media culture and ethnic minorities. “Many ethnic minority youths that I know are very grateful for having these platforms to showcase their talents, because in the mainstream entertainment world of Hong Kong, which is dominated by Chinese entertainers, they basically stand no chance.” 78
據伍鳳嫦觀察,建制派議員葉國謙以「假難民」 造成黑工和治安問題等理由,在 2015年 12月向立法會 提出打擊「假難民」的動議,此後,有關假難民的報 導就大幅增加。動議獲得絕大部分建制派議員的支 持,其中許多人更建議政府建立封閉的難民營。雖然 有關動議在立法會沒有獲得通過,但去年,建制派議 員和本地學者再次提議建立難民營。保安局局長李家 超回應指有關做法不合時宜。
自滿文化 2016年,伍鳳嫦在新界八鄉的一條圍村進行調查,那 裡居住著相當數量的少數族裔居民,包括尋求庇護者 和香港身分證持有人。在其中一次訪問中,當地的村 民告訴伍鳳嫦,他們曾經開會討論是否應該繼續出租 給少數族裔人士。 伍鳳嫦回憶道:「他們說關於這些人的負面新聞 太多了,而且吸引了太多記者到他們的圍村採訪。他 們擔心少數族裔會做壞事,影響圍村的名聲。」 伍鳳嫦說,部分村民決定不再把房子租給少數族 裔。但當伍鳳嫦問他們這些人到底做錯了甚麼,村民 只說他們不喜歡少數族裔整天坐在房子外面。 來 自 菲 律 賓 的 Mendoza深 明 這 種 「 存 在 就 是 錯 」 的無奈。她說她曾多次在香港遭受歧視。有一次, 她坐在地鐵列車的座位上,一名華人婦女不滿她佔 用香港公共服務,並對她叫喊說:「你怎麼能這樣 做?我知道你正在收香港政府錢!」 伍鳳嫦認為,雖然很難證明這些敵意是由負面 報導還是由個人經歷引起,但「浪費公帑」和「浪 費資源」的確是親建制的政客及傳媒最常用來抹黑 尋求庇護者的說辭。主要標題包括由《東網 on.cc 》 分 別 於 2018年 10月 22日 和 2019年 3月 6日 發 佈 的 「香港沉淪:假難民問題扮睇唔見似垃圾掃入地氈」, 以 及 「 假 難 民 為 非 作 歹 團 體 轟 嘥公 帑 促 遣 返 原 居地」。 其他報導包括《東方日報》在2018年12月30日 出版的「假難民賴死禍港5年燒50億公帑」和2019 年 5月 4日 出 版 的 「 政 府 拒 設 禁 閉 營 假 難 民 禍 港 未停」。 「問題是,有關尋求庇護者的報導都非常片 面,而且傾向以偏概全。他們鮮少探討尋求庇護者 為甚麼要來香港或在這裡面對的困難。最令人難過 的是,尋求庇護者認為自己不能反駁,不能發聲, 因為他們知道自己只是在依靠香港政府的憐憫。」 伍鳳嫦說。
Raja Hamza, founder of online entertainment channel The HBA 網上娛樂頻道 The HBA創辦人 李為民
Raja Hamza is a testament to the possibilities. The 22-year-old, who moved to Hong Kong from Pakistan as an infant and speaks Cantonese fluently, founded an online entertainment channel called The HBA in June 2017, through which he directs and acts in short films that he shares on the channel ’s Facebook page. Hamza says he has always had an interest in film production and has appeared in at least 10 local television and film productions. But he was tired of always being offered the role of the gangster or bodyguard, thus consigning him to a stereotypical view of ethnic minorities in Hong Kong. He was inspired to establish The HBA to counter these exhausted clichés. “I want to let the people in Hong Kong know who South Asians really are. I want to let them know that we are also Hongkongers.” His short films and interviews have received positive responses from viewers, many of whom left comments of encouragement such as “Real Hongkongers!” and “Your Cantonese is better than ours!” However, the positive support was soon overshadowed by hostility after Hamza released a short film called The Story of South Asians in December 2017, which aimed to highlight the discrimination faced by South Asians in Hong Kong and raise awareness against negative stereotyping. Hamza recalls the attacks and insults that came flooding in. Racial comments included “South Asians please don’t rape women” and “I f***ing hate South Asians using the basketball courts to play cricket.” The film was
“Such reports just show how insouciant these publications can be, and how little they care about truth.” 「從這種報導可以看出這些媒體 做事粗疏,完全不在意真相,違 反了媒體的道德操守。」 – Leung Yuk-ming 梁旭明
塑造敘述 香港中文大學新聞與傳播學院教授蘇鑰機在 2013年的 一項研究中訪問了 1, 000名 15到 29歲的香港年輕人, 並 發 現 當 中 有 67% 的 人 經 常 從 社 交 媒 體 獲 取 新 聞 資 訊。同時,市場調研集團 Statista於 2017年發現 78%的 香港人活躍於社交媒體。 香港許多傳統中文報章,比如《東方日報》、 《明報》、《大公報》及《星島日報》,在過去 10 年間都建立了臉書專頁、 Instagram賬號、 YouTube頻 道 , 或 新 聞 APP , 以 追 上 讀 者 的 閱 讀 習 慣 。 其 中 , 《東方日報》的臉書專頁有 50 萬的讀者(接近香港人 ARIANA 2019
F E AT U R E 專 題 故 事
even shared on the Facebook page of a local Hong Kong group that demands the repatriation of refugees, with an updated text criticising the film for “neglecting the serious problem of their compatriots imposing violence and crimes on Hong Kong people.” Ng, like many cultural experts, sees how effective the internet is when it comes to bringing like-minded people together; however, it can also become an echochamber that influences preconceived ideas rather than challenges them.
POSITIVE CHANGES On the bright side, John Nguyet Erni of Baptist University has noticed that traditional news media outlets have started to feature more positive stories about ethnic minorities in Hong Kong over the past two or three years. Besides the hard work and perseverance of ethnic minority groups in Hong Kong, Erni believes that there are a number of reasons for this shift, including the increased attention from politicians and a proliferation of studies conducted by academics and historians. For instance, The Invisible Citizens of Hong Kong, a book published by Sophia Law in 2014, explores the history of Vietnamese boat people in Hong Kong. Meanwhile, Erni’s own publication (co-written with Leung from Lingnan University) Understanding South Asian Minorities in Hong Kong in 2014 chronicles the history and culture of South Asians, as well as the challenges and discrimination they face. Erni says the more studies there are on ethnic minorities, the more understanding there will be. He also credits the city’s NGOs, which work tirelessly to promote the rights and opportunities of ethnic minorities, asylum seekers, and immigrants in Hong Kong. “You occasionally see in the news that members of an ethnic community have been given awards, gained a place at a university, or found a prominent job.” The NGOs, he says, are very much behind these types of positive stories and motivational opportunities. Meanwhile, Ng believes that increased interaction between Hong Kong’s Chinese and ethnic minority groups is vital in promoting mutual understanding. With this in mind, Ng’s NGO, HKSASR, welcomes locals to visit and interact with asylum seekers. According to Ng, she has encountered people of all 80
口的十分一,雖然當中可能有海外讀者),也是香港 其中一個最多人追蹤的臉書新聞平台。 「過去,我們往往會認為傳統或親建制報章以老 一輩為主要讀者群,但現在這些報章也可以通過社交 媒體接觸到年輕的讀者。」伍鳳嫦說。 負面看法存在的同時,一些中文網絡媒體也開始 對相關議題作出正面報導,比如在過去幾年間建立的 端傳媒和關鍵新聞網。伍鳳嫦指,這些新聞機構會對 尋求庇護者和少數族裔作出深入且高質素的報導。比 如,端傳媒在 2016 年發表的一篇報導,就詳述了一名 來自剛果的教師如何在 2003 年逃離家園,之後一直滯 留在香港的故事。 在個人層面上,社交媒體為少數族裔青年提供多 元化的平台,去表達他們的文化身分和創意。浸會大 學馮漢柱基金全人教育講座教授陳錦榮研究媒體文化
Ng Fung-sheung hosts a Cantonese learning playgroup for asylum seekers 伍鳳嫦為尋求庇護者 提供廣東話興趣班
和少數族裔多年,他認為:「許多 我認識的少數族裔青少年都很感激 有這些平台,可以讓他們一展才 華,因為在華人主導的香港主流娛 樂界裡,他們基本上沒有機會。」 巴基斯坦裔青年李為民就是一 個例子。李為民隨家人來到香港時 只是一名嬰兒,現在他已經 22 歲, 並且能說一口流利的廣東話。他 在 2017 年 6 月建立了網上娛樂頻道 The HBA ,並在該頻道的臉書專頁 上發佈他自導自演的短片。 李為民說他對電影製作很有興 趣 , 也 曾 經 參 與 演 出 超 過 10 部 本 地電視劇和電影,可是他往往只能
獲得帶有種族偏見的角色,例如黑 幫分子或保鏢。對此他感到非常厭 倦 , 並 決 定 建 立 The HBA 來 對 抗 這些陳詞濫調。「我希望香港人知 道南亞人其實是怎樣的。我希望讓 他們知道我們也是香港人。」 他的短片和訪問得到觀眾正面 回應,其中許多人留言鼓勵,比 如「真香港人!」、「你的廣東話 比我們的還好!」不過,李為民在 2017 年 12 月發佈了一條短片《南亞 人的故事》,以展示南亞人在香港 面對的歧視,以及提升人們對負面 偏見的覺察。此後,積極的支持很 快就被敵意掩蓋。
李為民還記得攻擊和侮辱怎 樣洶湧而來。充滿種族歧視的留 言包括「南亞裔請唔好再強姦女 人 」 和 「 最 L憎 就 係 南 亞 人 喺籃 球埸打板球」。短片甚至被分享 到網上群組「要求遣返難民大聯 盟」的臉書專頁上,並被加上帖 文,批評短片「漠視(南亞人) 同鄉以暴力罪案種族仇恨香港人 的嚴重社會問題」。 和許多文化專家一樣,伍鳳嫦 明白互聯網如何有效地讓志同道 合的人聚在一起。不過,它也可 以成為強化預設立場而非挑戰它 們的回音室。 ARIANA 2019
Education 教育
More than 40 per cent of 36 Hong Kong kindergartens surveyed by the Zubin Foundation in 2018 did not enrol any ethnic minority students. As a result, many ethnic minority students fall behind in their language skills during primary and secondary school, and later struggle to pass university admission exams. 「小彬紀念基金會」在2018年調查了36家 幼稚園,發現超過四成沒有任何少數族裔學 生,而在某些學校裡,少數族裔學生佔整體 學生達九成。少數族裔學生在中小學裡都會 因語言能力而落後於人,後來亦難以通過大 學入學試。
ages who have doubts about asylum seekers and immigrants, including the young. “Sometimes they ask me why we should let these people stay in Hong Kong,” Ng says. “The advantage of young people is that you can reason with them. They are more open to new ideas and concepts.” However, this doesn’t mean the older generation can’t, or won’t, change their perceptions. Ng says she revisited the same walled village in Pat Heung recently and found out that the villagers had since re-accepted ethnic minorities, as they began to gradually realise they were not there to make trouble. Undoubtedly the increase in positive news stories in the mainstream media, and increased interactions, have helped. “Misunderstandings are often caused by language barriers and cultural differences. In this context, negative reports in the media will simply fuel anxieties,” Ng says. “But we’ve noticed that when the two communities start to understand more about each other, their relationship improves.”
Job Hunting 求職
Cantonese is listed as the most important skill amongst 63 per cent of 50 companies surveyed in a 2018 report by Junior Chamber International. More than 50 per cent of 150 non-Chinese employees surveyed had difficulties finding jobs due to language issues. 國際青年商會在2018年的一項調查發現, 在50家受訪企業中,63%指廣東話能力是 最重要的技能,同時,在150名受訪的非華 裔僱員中,超過一半稱因為語言問題而難以 求職。
Brain Drain 人才流失
Based on a 2018 study by Ethnic Minority Youth Aspiration, 43 per cent of 253 ethnic minority youth surveyed said they will not live in Hong Kong in 10 years’ time. 據2018年發佈的「少數族裔青年的展望、挑 戰和身分認同」研究,在253名受訪的香港 少數族裔青年當中,有43%的人相信自己在 10年內不會在香港生活。
從好的方面看,陳錦榮留意到,在 最近兩三年裡,傳統新聞媒體開始 發表關於少數族裔的正面報導。 除了本地少數族裔群體的努力 和堅持,陳錦榮相信,這種變化背 後還有幾個原因,包括政客關注度 的上升,以及學者和歷史學家所做 的研究。 例 如 , 羅 淑 敏 在 2014 年 出 版 的 The Invisible Citizens of Hong Kong 回顧了香港越南船民的歷史。而陳 錦榮與嶺南大學的梁旭名合著, 並 於 2014 年 出 版 的 Understanding South Asian Minorities in Hong Kong 則詳述了南亞人的歷史和文化,以 及他們面對的挑戰和歧視。陳錦榮 說,這些研究均有助於提升人們對 少數族裔的理解。 他還讚揚香港的 NGO努力不懈 地促進少數族裔、尋求庇護者和移 民的權益和機會。「你偶爾會在新 聞中看到某個少數族裔人士獲獎、 考上大學,或者找到一份前景優厚 的工作。在這些勵志故事背後,香 港的 NGO扮演了重要角色。」
伍鳳嫦認為,香港的華人和少 數族裔之間的互動增加,對於增進 彼此的了解至關重要。因此,她所 創立的香港尋求庇護者及難民協會 歡迎本地人到訪,並與尋求庇護者 互動。 伍鳳嫦說,任何年紀的人都有 可能對尋求庇護者和移民抱有懷 疑,年輕一族也不例外。「有時他 們會問我,為甚麼要讓這些人留在 香港。不過年輕人的好處是,你可 以跟他們講道理。他們亦更易於接 受新的想法和概念。」伍鳳嫦說。 不過,這不意味著老一輩的人 不會改變他們的看法。伍鳳嫦說 她最近再次到訪八鄉的圍村,並發 現那裡的村民已經再次接受少數族 裔,因為他們逐漸明白到,少數族 裔不是來這裡找麻煩的。當然,主 流媒體正面報導以及雙方互動的增 加都起著重要作用。 「誤解常常來自語言障礙和文 化差異。在這種情況下,媒體的負 面報導只會增加人們的焦慮。但我 們注意到,當兩個族群開始更多地 互相了解,他們之間的關係也有所 改善。」伍鳳嫦說。
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BREAKING THE CHAINS 掙脫枷鎖 In Hong Kong, victims of labour and sex trafficking are among the most vulnerable types of asylum seekers. 勞動與性販運受害人是尋求庇護者中最弱勢的一群。
Words 文 Fatima Qureshi | Photography 攝影 Karma Lo
our years ago, a 22-year-old university graduate from Madagascar named Anna Rakoto* saw an online advertisement for a fashion retail job in Fuzhou, China, and eagerly applied. With guaranteed training, a decent salary, and potential connections to major international brands, it seemed like a dream. Her application was quickly accepted and, just a month later, an employment broker based in Madagascar arranged to smuggle Rakoto onto a flight to China so she wouldn’t have to pay for an expensive ticket. Unbeknownst to Rakoto, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), which provides resources and services to trafficking victims, had raised an alarm about Malagasy women being forced into unpaid labour or sex trafficking in China. In the first half of 2019, hundreds of Malagasy women were sent “on false pretense of legitimate work to China and end up exploited in forced labour and sold as brides,” according to IOM.
Onia Merina* A Malagasy woman who escaped a human trafficking ring in Fuzhou, China 逃出福州人口販運組織的馬達加斯加女性
年 前 , 剛 畢 業 的 馬 達 加 斯 加 女 生 Anna Rakoto*在網上看到一則招聘廣告,說中國 福州的時裝零售商有意招募職工,並保證 會為僱員提供培訓及可觀的工資,以及與國際主流品 牌接觸的機會。對於 Rakoto來說,這是一個不容錯失 的機會,於是她毫不猶豫地提交了申請。僅僅一個月 後,在馬達加斯加的求職中介就安排她偷偷登上了飛 往中國的客機,而她無須支付昂貴的機票費用。 然而,當時只有 22歲的 Rakoto並沒有注意到,國際 移民組織( IOM)早已就馬達加斯加女性在中國被迫 進行無薪勞動甚至被性販運的狀況提出警示。 IOM專 門為人口販運受害者提供資源和服務,該組織指出, 僅在 2019年的上半年,已有數百名馬達加斯加女性被 蒙騙到中國,「以到中國進行合法工作為名,最終被 強迫勞動甚至被販賣為人妻」。 ARIANA 2019
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And so it was for Rakoto. As soon as they landed in the southeastern industrial city, the smuggler took Rakoto to a nondescript hostel that housed 10 other Malagasy women then instructed them to wait for representatives to arrive, at which point they would be assessed and recruited. Another two weeks went by before any representatives came. When they finally arrived, Rakoto remembers dozens of Chinese men taking the young women, one by one, into different rooms for the ‘interview’ process. During Rakoto’s recruitment interview, she says a man told her that he was an executive of a fashion company and asked her questions about where she was from. “He then forced himself on top of me and raped me for hours,” Rakoto recalls. “My body was frozen.” Rakoto’s nightmare lasted almost a year, during which time she barely went outside and ate just one meal a day. She was also forbidden from contacting her family. “It felt like I was living in hell – day in, day out.” The smuggler then revealed another twist. Some of the Chinese men wanted to marry select women and, if they agreed, those women would be guaranteed work. Rakoto wasn’t chosen, and so the smuggler took her to Hong Kong to source more clients. One night, when the broker was sleeping, Rakoto escaped, walking out of the hotel and onto the streets
Rakoto 的 命 運 正 正 如 此 。 抵 達中國東南部的一個工業城市之 後, Rakoto就被人口販子帶到一間 不知名的賓館,那裡還住了另外 10 名馬達加斯加女性。人口販子對她 們說,稍後會有一些「代表」到來 對她們進行面試與甄選;然而,這 些「代表」兩個禮拜後才出現在賓 館裡。 Rakoto憶述,他們一共有數 十人,均為中國男子;隨後,這些 男子將她們一個一個地帶到不同的 房間進行「面試」。 Rakoto 說 , 與 她 一 同 進 房 的 男 子自稱是一家時裝公司的主管, 又問了她從哪裡來。不過,這名 86
of Tsim Sha Tsui on Hong Kong’s Kowloon peninsula. Alone and penniless, Rakoto found herself stranded in an unfamiliar city and on a precarious two-week tourist visa that was running out. She walked for hours and found herself in Chungking Mansions. There, she says a Frenchspeaking Malagasy woman – also seeking asylum in Hong Kong – invited Rakoto to stay in a tiny flat in one of the building’s towers. Sharing a space with a number of other asylumseeking women, Rakoto waited for her visa to expire, then filed a protection claim. While it might sound counterintuitive, in Hong Kong, asylum seekers are often advised to submit their claim once their tourist visa expires. “For many years, the immigration [department] has adhered to the practice of processing a claim for non-refoulement protection only after the claimant has overstayed,” explains Benjamin Chan, a barrister from South China Chambers who provides legal representation to asylum seekers and refugees. “This results in their being liable for removal. The practice was the subject of a legal challenge in BK v Director of Immigration and CK v Director of Immigration. Both BK and CJ failed. Their appeals were dismissed by the Court of Appeal."
「主管」很快便露出了真面目。 「他突然壓到我身上,對我施暴 了數小時,我全身都僵硬了。」 Rakoto回憶道。 R akoto 的 噩 夢 持 續 了 接 近 一 年,期間她幾乎完全沒有離開過 那家賓館,每天只能吃上一頓 飯。她也被禁止聯絡自己的家 人,「感覺就像日復一日地在地 獄之中受盡折磨。」她說。人 口販子還有別的計劃,就是把她 們賣給想娶妻的中國男人,如果 她們願意的話,還會得到一份工 作。 Rakoto沒有被選中,於是人口 販子將她帶到香港賣淫。
一 天 晚 上 , Rakoto 趁 著 人 口 販 子睡覺時偷偷逃出旅館,跑到尖沙 咀的街頭上。在這個陌生的城市中 走了好幾個小時後, Rakoto最終來 到重慶大廈,並遇到一位講法文的 馬達加斯加女士。這名女士正在香 港尋求庇護,她邀請 Rakoto在大廈 裡一個狹小的單位休息。 Rakoto 在 重 慶 大 廈 認 識 了 另 外 數名尋求庇護的女性,並與她們一 起待在單位裡。等到她的旅遊簽證 於兩週後過期後, Rakoto便向入境 處遞交了庇護申請。雖然聽起來違 反常理,但尋求庇護者往往會被要 求在簽證過期後才遞交申請。
Benjamin Chan, a barrister from South China Chambers South China Chambers大律師陳鉅鵬
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HONG KONG’S ‘INHOSPITABLE’ ENVIRONMENT While Rakoto’s claim was being processed, she realised that she was pregnant. The father soon disappeared after learning about the forthcoming child, leaving Rakoto to give birth alone in a public hospital. Around the same time, Hong Kong immigration authorities processed Rakoto’s protection claim through the government’s Unified Screening Mechanism (USM) which was introduced in 2014 to ‘unify’ two formerly separate systems that analysed claims of torture and persecution. Rakoto says she explained the dangers of returning to Madagascar, but the immigration officer saw it differently. She recalls him saying that if Rakoto had managed to escape from the trafficking ring in China, she could also survive if she returned home. “The smuggler lives in my village [in Madagascar],” she says. “If I go back, they’ll punish and torture me to death for running away.” Given that Hong Kong never signed the UN’s 1951 Refugee Convention or the UN’s Trafficking in Persons protocol, the city does not grant asylum and allow refugees to resettle. Instead, a successful claim via the USM can at best prohibit the deportation of asylum seekers who can prove a “well-founded fear” of torture and persecution in their home country. This law is commonly known as ‘non-refoulement.’ “All the doors were shut, and I was completely alone in Hong Kong. I also didn’t know a word of English, so it was hard for me to explain the details of the dangers of returning to Madagascar,” Rakoto says, describing her first interview with the Immigration Department, in which she says they questioned her without an interpreter. Rakoto’s case is not an isolated one. Another Malagasy woman also ended up in Hong Kong after escaping a human trafficking ring in Fuzhou in 2016. Onia Merina* says she endured forced labour conditions and sexual violence in a textile factory that she believes is owned by a businessperson from Madagascar. On arriving in Hong Kong, Merina learned that the city doesn’t accept refugees. She sought non-refoulement protection, nonetheless, submitting a protection claim based on well-founded fears of returning to Madagascar. Merina says the female smuggler who lied to her about the ‘job’ in China could kill her or take her back to China. “We weren’t allowed to keep a single dollar, but I kept some money and I’m sure they know, so if they find out they’ll cut my hands off and kill me.” Merina continues: “Immigration didn’t give me a date for the first interview after I sent them my claims and I had to wait a long time [for them] to hear my case. All I thought was that I had been rejected.” In 2016, Merina was called to her first and last interview with immigration authorities, a meeting that lasted just half an hour. A year later, the Immigration Department mailed their decision in a letter. Her instinct was right: They rejected her claim. When Merina 88
South China Chambers 大律 師陳鉅鵬曾多次為尋求庇護者 和難民提供法律服務,他表示: 「多年來,入境處一直沿用這個 方式,就是等到聲請者的合法逗 留權限過期後,才開始處理他們 的免遣返聲請。這導致他們需要 對被遣返負上責任。這個做法來 源 於 兩 宗 案 件 , 包 括 『 BK 訴 入 境 處處長』和『 CK 訴入境處處長』 。兩案的原告都敗訴了。他們的 上訴也被上訴庭駁回。」
不友善的環境 Rakoto 在等候聲請處理期間發 現自己懷孕了。孩子的爸爸得悉後 便消聲匿跡,留下她一個人在公立 醫院待產。 差不多同一時間,香港入境處 以 「 統 一 審 核 機 制 」 檢 視 Rakoto 的 申 請 。 這 個 機 制 在 2014年 引 入,將過去兩個分開的系統「統 一」起來,以分析有關被折磨或被 迫 害 的 保 護 聲 請 。 Rakoto 說 她 已 經向入境處職員解釋了返回馬達加 斯加後的危險,但他們卻不予認 同 。 她 記 得 職 員 說 , 如 果 Rakoto 能夠從中國的人口販運組織中逃 脫,那麼她回到自己的國家也能生 存。「這些人口販子就住在我的村 莊裡。如果我回去,他們會一定會 懲罰我,把我折磨至死。」她說。 由於香港從未簽署聯合國 1951 年的《難民地位公約》,也沒有 簽署人口販運議定書,因此不會 發出難民庇護,亦不允許難民留 港定居。經統一審核機制批准的 申請最多只可以保證尋求庇護者 不會被遣返,但他們必須有充分 理據證明自己在返回本國之後會 遭到折磨或迫害。有關規定一般 被稱為「免遣返聲請」。 「所有的門都關上了,我在香港 徹底孤立。我不懂英文,所以很難 (向入境處職員)解釋我回到馬達
加斯加之後可能會面對的危險。」 Rakoto 說 。 她 第 一 次 會 見 入 境 處 官員時亦沒有翻譯員在場協助。 Rakoto 的狀況並非孤例。同樣 來自馬達加斯加的 Onia Merina * 也 在 2016 年 逃 出 福 州 的 人 口 販 運 組 織 來 到 香 港 。 Merina 說 她 在 一 家紡織廠被強迫勞動,也遭受到性 暴力,她相信那家工廠的老闆是一 名來自馬達加斯加的商人。 在得悉香港不接收難民後, Me r i n a 便 向 當 局 提 交 免 遣 返 聲 請,並詳述了返回馬達加斯加後可 能 會 面 對 的 危 險 。 Merina 說 , 當 年騙她去中國「工作」的女人口販 子會殺死她,或者將她帶回中國, 「我們被禁止保留任何一分錢,但 我還是偷偷地留下了一些錢,我肯 定他們也是知道的,所以如果他們 發現了,他們會把我的手砍下來, 甚至會殺死我。」 Merina 接著說道:「在我遞交 申請之後,入境處並沒有確定會面 時間,我等了很久才等到他們處理 我的個案。我以為我被拒絕了。」 六個月後, Merina 首次——也是最 後一次——與入境處官員會面,而 那次會面只有半個小時。一年之 後,入境處將他們的判決郵寄給 Merina 。 她 的 直 覺 是 對 的 : 他 們 拒 絕 了 她 的 申 請 。 Merina 向 入 境 處官員詢問原因,但他們拒絕解 釋。自此,她就開始找律師幫忙上 訴,但至今仍然徒勞無功。
對抗「新型奴隸制」 過去半個世紀,國際社會在打擊奴 役和勞役方面取得了長足的進步。 不幸的是,這個趨勢似乎有所逆 轉,而人口販運的受害人數在近期 也 升 上 歷 史 高 位 。 2017 年 , 聯 合 國國際勞工組織( ILO )估計,全 球有超過 4 , 000 萬人生活在強迫勞 動或婚姻中。 ILO 將這種現象稱為 「新型奴隸制」。 ARIANA 2019
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asked the immigration officers why they declined to offer any explanation. She has since been searching for legal representation to help file an appeal but has had no luck so far.
COMBATTING ‘NEW SLAVERY’ The international community has made great strides over the past half century to combat slavery and forced servitude. Unfortunately, that trend may be reversing as human trafficking recently hit historic highs. In 2017, the UN’s International Labour Organization (ILO) estimated that more than 40 million people worldwide are living in conditions of forced labour or marriage. The ILO has labelled this phenomenon “new slavery.” With regard to Hong Kong, the government recognises human trafficking as a form of modern-day slavery and has made considerable efforts to eliminate the practice. As a result, the US State Department’s 2019 Trafficking In Persons (TIP) report has upgraded the region from the Tier 2 Watch List to Tier 2. However, countries classified as Tier 2 (such as Hong Kong, Denmark, Egypt, Germany, Ghana, and Ireland) still fail to meet the minimum standards to combat trafficking, which include “internal trafficking crimes, including domestic servitude, [and] forced begging.” And according to the report, there is no comprehensive anti-trafficking law in Hong Kong, noting that “officials continue to penalise trafficking victims for unlawful acts traffickers compelled them to commit.” The report also criticises the Hong Kong government for failing to adequately investigate trafficking claims; convict labour traffickers; make sufficient efforts to ensure the safe repatriation of victims to their home countries; or enact legislation to fully criminalise all forms of trafficking. While Hong Kong has recently introduced a victim identification mechanism and increased training for officials and law enforcement, the US State Department’s report recommends that the government investigate and prosecute suspected sex and labour traffickers; improve their victim-centred approach; and, most importantly, allow foreign victims to work and study in Hong Kong while participating in judicial proceedings against traffickers. 90
When it comes to why Merina and Rakoto’s claims may have been rejected, researchers from the Justice Centre Hong Kong, a local human rights NGO, provide insights in a 2017 report. The report notes that those who overstay their visas, even when advised to do so, may see more skepticism from officials because they are by default ‘illegal’ immigrants. As the report notes: “There is an impression that ‘real’ refugees ‘file claims immediately upon entering the city.” If they come to Hong Kong and do not request protection upon arrival, it can cast doubt on their claim and make it harder to substantiate. In addition, Hong Kong’s opaque definition of human trafficking makes the situation all the more challenging. Article 4 of the Hong Kong Bill of Rights, the city’s domestic legislation apparatus, states that holding any individual in slavery, servitude or “requiring them to perform forced or compulsory labour” is prohibited without fully defining whether forced labour also covers human trafficking crimes. The term “trafficking” isn’t used in the Bill at all. “With a highly circumscribed definition of human trafficking,” the Justice Centre report explains, “almost nobody receives ‘official’ categorisation as a victim of trafficking.” “It’s unfortunate for those who resort to seeking protection in Hong Kong, as the success rates are consistently low and it is a very expensive city to live in,” says Chan. Having worked on a number of asylum cases, Chan says employment and resident status remain the top two restrictions for asylum seekers. Applying for employment and obtaining residential status are illegal for asylum seekers unless their protection status has been determined, thus limiting access to public services and benefits. For Chan, Hong Kong is ultimately “an inhospitable environment for asylum seekers.” Asylum seekers are forced to live in decrepit conditions in one of the most expensive cities in the world, Chan explains. This also leaves them at risk of being exploited – some employers may take advantage of asylum seekers, knowing they are ‘illegal’ and can’t report abuse or seek recourse. The possibility of asylum protection with regards to trafficking and the UN Convention Against Torture may even be lost on authorities, according to Chan. “In assessing a claim based on trafficking, a question sometimes arises as to whether the claimant faces a real
香港政府視人口販運為一種 現代奴役,並一直致力消除這種 不當行為。由美國國務院發表的 《 2019販 運 人 口 報 告 》 已 將 香 港從第二級觀察名單提升到第二 級名單,然而,這個包括丹麥、 埃及、德國、加納和愛爾蘭等國 家在內的級別仍然未能達到打擊 人口販運的最低標準,包括「國 內販運犯罪、家庭勞役和強迫乞 討」。報告指出,香港沒有全面 的反販運法律,「官員繼續懲罰 販運受害人,因為他們在被強迫 之下作出了違法行為」。報告也 批評香港政府未能對人口販運的 指控作出充分調查,或把人口販 子定罪,同時未盡力協助受害人 安全地返回本國,也未能透過立 法把各種形式的販運刑事化。 雖然香港最近引入了受害人 身分確認機制,並增加對官員和 執法人員的訓練,但美國國務院 的報告仍然建議香港政府主動調 查和檢控懷疑從事性和人口販運 的嫌疑人士,並改善以受害人為 中心的調查機制,而最重要的是
允許外國受害人在香港工作和學 習,以及起訴人口販子。 對於 Merina 和 Rakoto 的申請被 拒絕的原因,香港人權非政府組 織 Justice Centre 一份 2017 年的報 告提供了一些見解。這份報告指 出,逾期居留的人,即便是在被 建議這樣做的情況下,也會承受 當局官員的許多質疑,因為他們 原則上是「非法入境者」。 報告指出:「人們一般會認為 『真的』難民會在他們抵埠的時 候就遞交申請。」如果他們在 抵達香港時沒有提出任何保護請 求,這會讓他們之後的申請招人 懷疑,因而更難獲得進一步的支 持。此外,香港對人口販運案件 不透明的處理手法也讓狀況更加 艱難,「香港對人口販運的定 義相當狹窄,幾乎沒有人可以被 『正式』界定為人口販運的受害 人。」報告稱。 「那些寄望在香港尋求保護 的人是很不幸的,因為這裡的成 功率一直很低,而且生活成本很 高。」陳鉅鵬說。他亦提到,就
業和居住仍然是尋求庇護者面臨 的兩大限制。 在庇護身分獲得確認之前,求 職和居留對於尋求庇護者來說都是 非法的,這也讓他們接受公共服務 和福利的機會受到限制。陳鉅鵬認 為,雖然香港是全球其中一個最富 有的城市,但她「對於尋求庇護者 來講是很可怕的地方」。尋求庇護 者被迫住在破破爛爛的環境中,亦 礙於其「非法」身分而不能舉報被 虐待或對外求援,因此往往會被僱 主佔便宜,陷於被剝削的境地裡。 在《聯合國禁止酷刑公約》的 保障下,人口販運的受害者本來 是有機會獲得難民庇護的,但陳 鉅鵬認為,這樣的可能性或許已 被淹沒於官方程序中。「在評估 基於人口販運的聲請時,一個不 時被提出的問題是,如果聲請人 返回本國,是否真的會面臨被再 次販運的風險?」他說。陳鉅鵬 其後補充指,要應對個人的弱勢 狀況,便需要建立以受害者為中 心的評估機制,以確定聲稱是否 理據充分,並據此發出保護令。
FLOWERS OF HOPE 希望之花 Following a week-long filmmaking workshop provided by the International Organization for Migration, a group of Malagasy women – all human trafficking victims – filmed a documentary in 2018 called Flowers of Hope. Chronicling the harrowing experiences of sexual abuse and forced labour, the film reveals the depth of their suffering. 在參加了國際移民組織主辦的一周電影工作坊之後,一群來自 馬達加斯加的人口販運受害人在2018年製作了紀錄片《希望之 花》。電影記錄了強迫勞動中的性虐待,並揭示了她們所面對 的深刻痛苦。
Watch it here 在此觀看 vimeo.com/292190812
F E AT U R E 專 題 故 事
risk of being re-trafficked upon return to the country of origin.” Chan adds that an individual’s vulnerable position calls for a victim-centred assessment to determine whether their claims are well-founded and warrant protection.
DOUBLING DOWN In December 2018, the Legislative Council’s Panel on Security proposed restrictive amendments to the USM, citing an increase in the number of non-refoulement claims. The proposed changes include speeding up the removal of rejected cases; continuing the indefinite detention of asylum seekers awaiting updates of travel documents from their countries of origin; and barring “overstayers” from entering Hong Kong by introducing a fine of HK$100,000. Cyrus Cheung, administrative secretary for the Review Division for the Security Bureau, responded via email to Ariana that asylum seekers have “every reasonable opportunity to substantiate their claims under the USM.” By expediting the duration of handling claims since early 2019, “the clearance of the backlog, new claims received could be handled by the department readily,” Cheung went on to write. The Bureau is slated to submit an amended bill before the end of the year. One of the suggestions under consideration is to minimise the time in which an individual can lodge an appeal from two weeks to one. Merina, one of thousands who lodged appeals last year, expressed dismay at the proposal, since the current timeline is already challenging for asylum seekers. Having only a week to secure legal representation and gather documents and evidence would put tremendous pressure on asylum seekers. Responding to these measures, Chan says that “proper regard to due process and fairness” would be absent. Tightening the timeframe would continue the current status quo of appeal cases which he says are “poor in quality" and enable officials to reject a claim in a shorter time. The quickened pace would particularly affect asylum seekers who were caught up in "unforeseen cases of health battles, human trafficking, and changes in political circumstances in their countries of origin," he adds. Since 2016, government moves to crack down on alleged “illegal immigrants” have increased. In 2018 92
alone, nearly 2,000 asylum seekers were deported and, so far this year, more than 100 asylum seekers have been repatriated to their country of origin every month, according to a report by the South China Morning Post. The Secretary of the Security Bureau, John Lee, released a public statement earlier this year saying that the government’s proposed amendments were needed in order to deter criminal activities by illegal immigrants and visa overstayers. Tegan Smyth, founder of Table of Two Cities, a local grassroots project where asylum seekers can share their culture and stories through the medium of food, says the ‘fake’ or ‘illegal’ labels often associated with asylum seekers stem from a failure to evaluate the reasons for seeking protection, which differ from case to case. “The reality is that people in this position may actually be asylum seekers but the means in which they came to Hong Kong was through trafficking,” Smyth says, citing
Tegan Smyth Founder of Table of Two Cities Table of Two Cities創辦人
加倍堅定 鑑於免遣返聲請的數量有所上升, 立 法 會 保 安 事 務 委 員 會 在 2018 年 12月提出對統一審核機制作出限制 性修訂,包括加快遣返被拒絕的 申請人、等待來源國發放新旅行證 件的庇護申請人要繼續被無限期拘 押,而逾期居留者進入香港則要被 罰 10萬港元。 保 安 局 檢 討 組 行 政 秘 書 Cyrus Cheung電郵回覆Ariana時稱,庇護申 請者「在統一審核機制下有充分合理
的機會證實自己的聲請」。他又表 示,自2019年初,入境處已加快處理 聲請的進度,並已準備好處理積壓 的案件和新接收的聲請。保安局預 計年底前向立法會提交修訂法案。 其中一個被考慮的建議是把上 訴時間由兩周縮減到一周。作為 去年數千名提出上訴的聲請人之 一, Merina對建議則毫無寄望,因 為現有的時間表對於聲請人已經是 一大挑戰。若建議被通過,聲請人 就必須在一周之內聘請律師和準備 文件,這可謂難上加難。
大律師陳鉅鵬指,這些措施缺 少了「對應有程序和公平性的恰 當考慮」。他認為現有的上訴機 制「質素差劣」,即使縮短了時 間也不會有所改善,而且程序的 加快只會讓官員可以在更短時間 內拒絕聲請,這對於那些深陷在 「無法預知的健康問題、人口販 運,及來源國政治變化」中的尋 求庇護者,影響尤為嚴重。 政 府 自 2016 年 開 始 加 強 打 擊 「非法移民」。據《南華早報》 報導,單在 2018 年就有接近 2 , 000 ARIANA 2019
F E AT U R E 專 題 故 事
first-hand accounts of asylum seekers published on the 名庇護申請人被遣返;自今年初起,每個月都有超 Table of Two Cities website. A human rights lawyer by 過 100名聲請人被送返自己的國家。保安局局長李家 profession, Smyth explains that collectively framing a 超早前發表聲明,指政府建議的修訂是必要的,目 vulnerable group as ‘illegal’ is negligent and bigoted. 的是遏制非法移民和逾期居留者的犯罪活動。 While the USM framework excludes the international 本地民間組織 Table of Two Cities 讓庇護申請人 refugee law, she adds, it still recognises those who have 通過烹飪分享自己的故事,其創辦人 Tegan Smyth本 experienced torture and persecution and should protect 身也是一名人權律師,她認為,庇護申請人經常被標 trafficking victims accordingly. 籤為「造假」或「非法」,原因是政府無法評估為何 Matt Friedman, head of Hong Kong-based anti- 當事人要尋求庇護,而這些原因往往是因人而異的。 slavery group The Mekong Club, says laws addressing 根 據 發 表 在 Table of Two Cities 網 站 上 的 故 trafficking cases are glaringly absent in Hong Kong. 事, Smyth說:「處於這種狀況的人實際上是尋求庇 According to the US State 護者,只不過他們是以人口 Department’s 2019 Trafficking 販運的方式抵達香港的。」 in Persons report, the official 她解釋道,將一個弱勢群體 number of victims in Hong 整體地標籤為「非法」是盲 "The government does Kong last year stood at 29 but, 目而狹隘的,因為儘管統一 not have sufficient laws in reality, Friedman says this 審核機制的框架不包括國際 in place to adequately is just the “tip of the iceberg.” 難民法,但仍然認可那些經 “Because the government 歷過折磨和迫害的人,所以 address the needs of of Hong Kong does not have 也應該給販運受害人提供適 trafficked persons." sufficient laws in place to 切的保護。 adequately address the needs 駐 港 反 奴 役 組 織 The 「香港政府沒有足夠的 of trafficked persons, when Mekong Club 的 負 責 人 Matt many victims are identified, Friedman說,針對販運個案的 法律去處理被販運人口 they often enter the system 法律在香港明顯不足。美國 的需要。」 as illegal immigrants because 國務院發表的 2019販運人口報 they overstayed their visa,” says 告指出,香港於去年正式錄 Friedman. And while a move – Matt Friedman 得 的 人 口 販 運 受 害 者 只 有 29 to apportion funding and 名,但實際上, Friedman說這 resources to trafficking cases 不過是「冰山一角」。 was proposed in 2018, he adds: 「因為香港政府沒有足夠 “Little progress has been made to fully operationalise a 的法律去處理被販運人口的需要,即便很多受害人 comprehensive set of protective procedures.” 的身分已經被確認,但他們仍因為逾期居留而必須 With their claims rejected, Rakoto and Merina’s 以非法入境者的身分進入系統。」 Friedman說。儘管 only hope is to win on appeal. If successful, they could 去年政府宣佈會增撥資金和資源來打擊人口販運,但 be eligible to earn an income as “protection claimants” Friedman認為:「在全面實施一套保護程序方面,進 while they wait to be resettled in a country that’s 展可謂非常少。」 deemed safe. It’s particularly crucial for Rakoto to find 聲請被拒絕後, Rakoto和 Merina唯一的希望就是 a job as a single parent. 贏得上訴。如果成功,她們就有資格以「保護聲請 “I want to work and give my son a good future in 人」的身分工作,同時等待到第三國定居,而作為單 Hong Kong, but it’s illegal to help my family. I just can’t 親媽媽的 Rakoto尤其需要找到工作。 stop thinking about how I could get deported back to 「我希望工作,給我兒子在香港一個好的未來, Madagascar anytime, and I’m scared that returning 但我養家是犯法的。我不斷想到自己隨時可能被遣返 could put my son in danger.” 馬達加斯加,我很害怕這會讓我的兒子有危險。」
ACTS OF KINDNESS 善意之舉 These small deeds helped asylum seekers feel more at home in Hong Kong. 一點善意、一些善行,足以讓尋求庇護者感受到家的溫暖。
I’ll always remember how I made my first friend in Hong Kong. During our first month here, we were trying to find The Vine Church in Wan Chai for Sunday service. We got lost and started asking for directions on the street.
Yemen 也門
When I feel stressed, I cook. One day in Hong Kong, I went to buy groceries to make a special Yemeni chicken stew but couldn’t find all the ingredients at ParknShop. In the spices aisle, I started talking to myself in Arabic about what black pepper to get. I felt a
When my husband and I weren’t looking, my 5-year-old daughter
Hannah* asked a Chinese woman in English: “Are you Christian? Do you know about a church here? I’m tired and my mother won’t let us sit down until we find the church.”
young worker at the store, who was stacking jars of sauces and condiments, look over at me. I immediately went quiet, grabbed the cheapest bottle of black pepper, and started
I felt very nervous and embarrassed. But the lady just smiled at
looking for coriander. I came across
Hannah then asked me for the name of the place. I showed her a photo
several small jars of green powders
on my phone and, since she was heading the same way, she asked us
but was confused because I couldn’t
to follow her.
read English and they all looked the
I knew very little English and I couldn’t say much. My kids told her
same to me. I thought maybe the
where we came from and that we’re asylum seekers. When we made it
shop worker could help, so I asked
to the church, I thanked her many times. She gave us her number and
him in English where to find coriander.
said: “Call me if you want someone to talk to or if you get lost again.” We’re still friends today. Sometimes she visits us at home, teaches
He shook his head and said something in Cantonese. I didn’t know what
me English words and I cook her native food from Alexandria! Her
to say next. But he stood up and gestured for me
name is Linda Chan and she is one of my favourite people.
to lead him to the aisle. While I tried to explain, he searched for all kinds of herbs on his phone.
我永遠都不會忘記,自己是怎樣在香港結識到第一個朋友的。來 到香港一個月後,我們一家想到灣仔的葡萄藤教 會參加週日禮拜,可是我們迷路了。 我和丈夫在找路的時候,我五歲的 女兒Hannah*用英語問一個華人女士: 「你是基督徒嗎?你知道這裡有個教
When an image of coriander came up, I shouted: ‘This!’ We both laughed. He took me to the refrigerator and picked a fresh stalk of coriander. For the next 10 minutes, he helped me find the rest of the ingredients on my list through Google translate. We couldn’t understand each other through words but somehow it worked. That memory always makes me smile.
堂嗎?我好累,我媽媽說要找到教堂才 我感到有壓力時就會做飯。有一次,我想煮家鄉菜也門燉雞,便來到
能坐下。」 當時我既緊張又尷尬,但那位女士
麼地方。我給她看了手機裡面的一張照 片,發現我們剛好同路,於是她讓我們跟
頭來看著我。 我立即安靜下來,拿了最便宜的黑胡椒,然後開始找芫荽。我看到 了好幾罐綠色的粉末,但不知道是甚麼,因為我不會英文,而它們看起
我英文不好,所以沒說甚麼,不過我的孩 子卻告訴她,我們是來自埃及的尋求庇護者。 到達教堂後,我向她連番道謝。沒想到她把自
己的電話號碼給了我,並說:「如果你想跟人聊 天,或者再次迷路,就打給我吧。」
我們到今天還是朋友。有時她會來我們家, 教我英文,我會給她煮亞歷山大港的家鄉菜。她叫 Linda Chan,是我最好的朋友之一。
來都一樣。我想店員也許能幫忙,於是用英文問他要在哪裡找芫荽。 他搖搖頭,用廣東話說了些甚麼,然後便站了起來,示意我帶他去 貨架那邊。在我試圖解釋的同時,他亦用電話搜索各種香料。
當他搜到一張芫荽的圖片時,我立刻大喊:「這個!」我們都笑 了。他帶我去冰櫃,拿了一束新鮮芫荽給我。之後十分鐘,他用谷歌翻 譯,幫我找齊了清單上餘下的材料。 我們無法用言語溝通,但事情還是解決了。每次想起這件事,我都 會會心微笑。
*Names have been changed to protect the identity of the individuals. 受訪者姓名已經被更改以保護身分。
F E AT U R E 專 題 故 事
When thousands fled the war in Vietnam four decades ago, Macao’s refugee camps proved that resettlement can be humane. 40年前,數以千計的越南人為逃避戰亂而來到澳門,並在當地的難民營安頓下來。 他們的故事印證了即使身在難民營,人們也能獲得人道對待。
Words 文 Samuel Miller and Rafelle Allego
n a reclaimed tract of land southeast of Macao’s Cotai Strip, the remains of the former Ka Ho Refugee Camp are slowly being erased, lost to time’s inevitable march. The camp’s defunct administrative building in Coloane still stands, but the space now hosts the Centro de Formação Juvenil Dom Bosco youth education centre. Meanwhile, in central Macao, there are echoes of the former Catholic Relief Services headquarters, which played a pivotal role under the stewardship of the late Father Lancelote Rodrigues – who was affectionately known as ‘The Priest of Refugees’ – in the complex resettlement of thousands of Vietnamese refugees in the late 1970s. But evidence of this period, when the region offered vital protection for people fleeing war and persecution, is slowly disappearing; both sites’ days are numbered, and whatever bricks and mortar remain will soon be repurposed or razed to the ground. There are no plaques or memorials, and the selfless work of those who supported and resettled refugees in Macao has largely gone uncelebrated. Paul Pun, secretary general of Caritas Macau and president of the Association for the Relief of Refugees, senses a missed opportunity. Pun, who worked at a Macao refugee camp called Ilha Verde, says the territory’s progressive and humanitarian approach deserves to be commemorated through historical markers or a museum. “We have all the documents and photographs here [at the Caritas office]. What happened at Ka Ho was remarkable and we should teach others about the role we all played in helping refugees.”
A REGION IN TURMOIL Macao’s post-war relationship with refugees began in 1949 following the ascent of Mao Zedong’s Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Within a decade, the CCP had implemented sweeping land reforms and a dramatic overhaul of the country’s economic and cultural systems, beginning with the Great Leap Forward in 1958. 96
日的九澳難民營坐落在 現今澳門路氹金光大道 東南面,這個曾用於安 置越南難民的地點,在時間的沖蝕 下已逐漸杳無蹤影,而位於路環的 難民營行政大樓雖已停止運作, 但建築仍保存完好,現已改建為舉 辦教育活動的九澳鮑思高青年村。 當年設於澳門半島的前天 主教救助服務會總部,在人稱 「難民之父」的莫慶恩神父領導 下,亦曾在收容難民的過程中擔當 了重要角色,於 1970 年代末庇護了 數以千計的越南難民。 不過,這段歷史的印記正隨著時 間逐漸消失;上述兩個地點已時日 無多,剩下的一磚一瓦將很快被變 更用途或夷為平地。人們找不到關 於這段歷史的牌匾或紀念碑,許多 曾在澳門支援和安置難民的人都沒 有得到應有的讚許。 澳門明愛總幹事兼澳門難民 福利會會長潘志明曾在澳門的 青洲難民營工作,他認為,澳 門以進步而人性化的方式對待難 民,值得透過歷史標誌或紀念 館等方式予以肯定。「明愛辦公 室保存了所有相關文件和圖片。 九澳難民營是一個了不起的成就, 應該讓別人知道我們在幫助難民當 中所扮演的角色。」他說。
Catholic Relief Services/Caritas Macau
Refugees waiting to be transferred to one of Macao’s camps 越南難民等待被安置 到澳門的營地
Millions were executed or sent to re-education camps, while millions more died from malnutrition and starvation. Of those fortunate enough to escape, many travelled overland to Macao, which was then under Portuguese administration. According to volume five of the Cronologia Da História De Macau by Beatriz Da Silva, 758,916 entered Macao in 1958. That same year, 715,423 refugees were resettled elsewhere – meaning only 43,493 people remained in Macao and integrated into society. Further upheaval gripped the region as the 1960s and 70s wore on. Starting in 1975, a second wave of refugees began arriving in Macao, this time from Vietnam after the communist victory over the United States ended a bloody and protracted war that had killed some 2 million people. In the next few years, hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese fled the country by boat to avoid potential execution, re-education, or imprisonment by the communists who were now in power. Many also fled because they were suspected of collaborating with the American government or their proxies in Ho Chi Minh City (known then as Saigon).
動亂之地 澳門與難民在戰後的關係始於 1949 年,當時由毛澤東領導的中國共 產黨剛成立了中華人民共和國。 從1958年的「大躍進」開始,中國共 產黨在十年內實施了全面的土地改 革,大刀闊斧地改造中國的經濟和 文化體制。數以百萬計的人被處決或 下放勞改,甚至死於營養不良和飢 餓,有幸逃脫的人當中,很多人循陸 路進入當時由葡萄牙管治的澳門。 據施白蒂著作《澳門編年史》第五卷 記載, 1958年 12月錄得 758, 916名難 民逃到澳門,其中715,423人隨後遷 移到其他地方,只有43,493人選擇留 下,並融入當地社會。 ARIANA 2019
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Paul Pun, secretary general of Caritas Macau and president of the Association for the Relief of Refugees 澳門明愛總幹事兼澳門難民福利會會長潘志明
To compound matters, China invaded Vietnam in early 1979 and a third wave of some 250,000 refugees (mostly Hoa people, ethnic Chinese who had settled in Vietnam centuries earlier) fled to Macao, Hong Kong, and other countries in Southeast Asia. According to the United Nations, between 1975 and 1995, at least 7,100 Vietnamese refugees arrived in Macao before being resettled in third countries, predominantly the United States, Canada, Sweden, Australia, and the UK. Only a handful remained in Macao.
MAKING PROGRESS When refugees arrived in Macao, the Social Welfare Department and the UNHCR gave them clothing, food, toiletries, and basic kitchen utensils. They also assigned them to one of three camps: Ka Ho, Luís de Camões (both of which were run by Catholic Relief Services, or CRS) and Ilha Verde, which was operated by Caritas Macau. There was also an informal settlement where the Scout Association of Macau is currently located, near the Macau Jockey Club in Taipa, that temporarily housed more than 300 refugees, as well as another in Hac Sa Wan that housed 100. In total, the camps cost around US$10 million (MOP80.5 million) to build and maintain, with funds coming from the United Nations, the Red Cross, CRS, various religious groups, and the Portuguese-Macao 98
六七十年代,社會動盪進一步 加 劇 。 1975 年 , 越 共 擊 敗 美 軍 , 結束了長達 20 年且造成 200 萬人喪 生的越南戰爭。在接下來的數年 裡,成千上萬的越南人乘船逃離祖 國,以躲避遭執政共產黨人處決、 再教育或監禁的命運。還有許多人 因為被懷疑與美國政府或西貢(現 稱胡志明市)的美方代理人勾結而 被迫逃亡。澳門亦因此迎來第二波 難民潮。 其 後 , 中 國 於 1979 年 初 入 侵 越 南,導致約 25萬名越南人(主要是 幾世紀前移居越南的華裔人士)逃 往澳門、香港和其他東南亞國家, 因而形成第三波難民潮。聯合國統 計司數據指,約 7,100名越南難民在 1975至 1995年間抵達澳門,並以此 為跳板前往美國、加拿大、瑞典、 澳洲和英國等第三國安置,只有極 少數留在澳門。
Catholic Relief Services/Caritas Macau
Snapshots of Ka Ho’s dormitories, badminton courts, factory jobs and salon 九澳宿舍、羽毛球場、工場和美容院照片
government. In addition, the Catholic Diocese of Macau provided healthcare and educational needs. Ka Ho refugee camp, a former Portuguese military barracks on the northeast tip of Coloane, was the largest of the three, with around half a dozen 10-metre-long metal shacks that contained rows of bunk beds. The camp – which operated between December 1978 and July 1991 – was crowded and fenced off, but refugees had relatively unrestricted freedom of movement. “The refugees were not locked up and they were free to leave,” says Pun. “In this open environment they learned new skills, found work, and were able to better integrate with the local community.” Looking at old photographs of Ka Ho camp, one is struck by the range of facilities and activities which
取得進展 越南難民抵達澳門之後,當地的社會工作局和聯合 國難民署首先為他們提供衣物、食物、梳洗用品和 基本的廚具,再安排他們入住難民營。當時澳門共 有三個難民收容所,包括由天主教救助服務會管理 的九澳越南難民營和白鴿巢仁愛會之家,以及由澳 門明愛管理的青洲難民營。另外還有幾個非正式的 臨時收容所,例如位於氹仔澳門賽馬會附近的澳門 童軍總會現址,就曾經收容了 300 多名難民,黑沙灣 也曾收容約 100 名難民。 這 些 難 民 營 的 建 設 和 維 修 費 合 共 約 1 , 000 萬 美 元 (澳門幣 8, 050萬元),資金分別來自聯合國、紅十字 會、天主教救助服務會、各種宗教團體及澳葡政府。 此外,天主教澳門教區則提供醫療保健和教育。 ARIANA 2019
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were rare in that time period, if not today. Refugees had access to education and medical care, as well as a variety of recreational and educational activities. There was a tuck shop, a beauty salon, a carpentry workshop, communal televisions, a children’s playground, beach outings, swimming lessons, water polo, competitive football matches, table tennis, badminton, chess and athletics competitions, marriage ceremonies, a disco, music nights, Vietnamese cultural evenings, and annual Christmas parties. More importantly, the camp took care of refugees’ health and hygiene, and there were opportunities to work for a modest wage, alongside the daily allowance of MOP7 for single refugees (MOP30 in today’s currency), MOP13 for couples, and a weekly ration of rice in addition to regular
Ka Ho camp was located on the northeastern corner of Coloane 九澳難民營位於路環東北端
位於路環東北端的九澳難民營 前身為葡萄牙兵營,是三個難民 營中最大的一個,共有大約六間各 長 10米的鐵皮屋,裡面放滿排列整 齊的碌架床。這個在 1978年 12月至 1991 年 7 月 期 間 運 作 的 難 民 營 收 容 了大批難民,並以圍牆遮攔,但難 民擁有相對不受限制的行動自由。 潘志明說:「難民並沒有被關起 來,可以自由出入。他們在這個開 放的環境學習新的技能,甚至找到 工作,融入當地社區。」 100
從舊照片可以看到九澳難民營 擁有完善的設備,這在當時相當少 見。難民可以獲得教育和醫療服 務,以及參加各種娛樂和教育活 動。營內有一間雜貨店、美容院、 木工工作坊,並備有幾部共用的電 視機、兒童遊樂場所,還會不定期 舉行海灘遠足、游泳課、水球活 動、足球比賽、乒乓球、羽毛球、 象棋和田徑比賽等,難民還可以舉 辦結婚典禮、的士高派對、音樂之 夜、越南文化之夜和聖誕節派對等。
更重要的是,難民營照顧難 民的健康和衛生,為他們提供工 作機會讓其賺取微薄的薪水,並 配有生活津貼,每人每日可獲澳 門幣七元(以通貨膨脹計算相當 於 現 在 的 澳 門 幣 30 元 ) , 一 對 夫 妻 則 有 澳 門 幣 13 元 , 每 週 有 白 米 配給,食堂也會固定供應膳食。 許多工廠亦僱用難民在營區內工 作,如婦女可以製作絲絹花,男 性則主要從事建築、工程或電子 方面的工作。
meals in the canteen. A number of factories also hired refugees from the camps. For example, many women produced artificial silk flowers while men often worked in construction, engineering or electronics. One of the women who made flowers was the mother of Michael Hoang. Hoang was born in Ka Ho refugee camp in 1984. Four years earlier, his parents had escaped the aftermath of war in Vietnam, found refuge in Macao and eventually married in the Ka Ho camp. Like many other refugees fleeing Vietnam, their journey to Macao was fraught with danger. The small boats were packed with 50 refugees, and the ordeal was long and arduous – full of illness, fear, anxiety, and death. The UNHCR estimates that between 200,000 and 400,000 Vietnamese people died from overcrowding, piracy, disease, starvation, malnutrition, and storms whilst en route to countries across Asia. Hoang’s parents’ boat eventually arrived in Hong Kong, only to be redirected to Macao, something of a blessing given how well the city treated refugees at the time. Hoang, now 35, works for a major media and telecommunications company in Toronto. Over the phone, he describes his parents’ life inside the camp. “The nurses, the administration staff, and Father
Catholic Relief Services/Caritas Macau
Father Lancelote played an instrumental role in caring for refugees in Macao 莫慶恩神父在收容難民的 過程中擔當了重要角色
Lancelote were all extremely good to us,” says Hoang. “And when the refugees were outside looking for work, the locals treated them like normal people. They didn’t think any less of them.” When discussing this period, it’s difficult to overstate the role played by Father Lancelote, who passed away in 2013, in caring for refugees. Hoang’s parents described him as a thoughtful, generous individual who always saw the best in others: “You had all walks of life in the refugee camps. Some families weren’t educated, while some were suffering a great deal of trauma, but Father Lancelote always did his best to make the most of the situation and make sure we were all well-fed, housed, and had a purpose in life.” The year Hoang was born, the family left Macao and resettled in Canada. Right before the Hoang family moved, Father Lancelote gave them money to help with the transition. “He didn’t have a lot of money himself, but that’s the kind of man he was.” Hoang believes that the Malaysia-born Portuguese Father Lancelote hasn’t received the credit he deserves: “The younger generation probably have no idea who he is and what he did for Macao. Maybe only the older generation do. It’s almost like he’s a forgotten memory.”
黃有成的母親也是在難民營穿 絲絹花的婦女之一。黃有成的父 母在越南同一個村莊長大,其後在 1980年雙雙逃離越南抵達澳門。二 人在九澳難民營結婚,並於 1984年 在營中誕下黃有成。 不過,一如其他難民,黃有成 的父母也經歷了一趟驚心動魄的旅 程 才 抵 達 澳 門 。 二 人 與 另 外 50 名 難民乘坐一艘小船飄洋過海,過程 漫長而煎熬,還受到疾病與死亡 的威脅。聯合國難民署估計,越南 難民前往亞洲各國的途中,大約有 20 萬 至 40 萬 人 死 於 擠 迫 、 海 盜 、 疾病、飢餓、營養不足和風暴。黃 有成父母的小船最終抵達香港,後 來再被送往澳門,以當時難民在澳 門得到的優厚待遇來看,他們算是 屬於幸運的一群。 如今黃有成已經 35歲,並且在 多倫多一家大型媒體和電 訊公司工作。他接受
我們的電話訪問,講述父母在難民 營的生活。「護士、工作人員和莫 慶恩神父對我們都非常好。難民在 外面找工作時,當地人都把他們當 作普通人一樣,絲毫沒有看不起他 們。」他說。 說起莫慶恩神父悉心照顧難民 的義舉,令人肅然起敬。黃有成 的父母形容莫神父是一個細心體 貼、心胸寬大的人,總是看到別人 的優點。「難民營裡面有各式各 樣的人。有些家庭沒有受過太多教 育,有些家庭遭受極大傷痛,但莫 神父總是盡最大的努力滿足所有人 的需求,確保我們得到溫飽,可以 安居樂業,並擁有人生目標。」 他說。 黃有成一家在他出生的那一年 移居加拿大,在他們離開澳門之 前,莫神父給了他們一筆錢,以協 助他們開始新生活。「他沒有很多 錢,但他就是如此無私善良。」 ARIANA 2019
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Michael Hoang was born in the Ka Ho refugee camp 黃有成在九澳難民營出生
While the Ka Ho facility was progressive, it was still extremely challenging to live as a refugee – it was a dark period to be alive and many people had to fight to survive, according to Hoang. “In terms of the 1970s and 80s, we’re talking about the aftermath of the Vietnam War. It was miserable. It was not a good time in Asia, economically or politically,” he says. “So many people were leaving their home countries, and Macao was a safe haven for people to get out of whatever situation they were in. But even then, it was no beach resort. You had hundreds of people showing up on the shores and filling up the camps, and you had these people working there thinking, ‘What will we do with all of them? What is the right thing to do?’” Hoang says people like Father Lancelote, Paul Pun, and countless others, did the best they could to make the conditions bearable for thousands of people who were ripped from their homeland, hoping to begin a new life elsewhere. Fortunately for the Hoangs, and for others in the Ka Ho refugee camp, that reality eventually came to pass. 102
A few years ago, Hoang returned to a very different Macao than the one he had left over three decades earlier. Macao is arguably more closed off with regards to its refugee policy than it was prior to the 1999 handover to the PRC, and is run predominantly on the casino, tourism and luxury goods; where Chinese refugees in their hundreds of thousands once flooded in, now its Chinese tourists. Apart from a few hundred refugees who sought protection in 1999 when the Indonesian army invaded Timor Leste following an independence referendum, Macao hasn’t witnessed a refugee crisis of any great magnitude since the last Vietnamese were resettled in 1991. Recognising the current turmoil in countries like Syria, Paul Pun says he would like to see Macao once again extend a hand. “We are a small place and letting in more people would be a good way to show the world that we care.” He says it’s “the right thing to do” and might encourage others to follow suit. As a symbolic gesture, Pun says Macao should accept at least 100 asylum seekers and offer them full rights as refugees so that they can work and contribute to society or, at the very least, find a safe haven before being resettled in a third country. To put those figures in context, Germany accepted 1 million Syrian refugees in 2015 (around 1.25 per cent of its population). The decision continues to generate heated political and social debate, and for Macao to do the same would mean inviting around 8,000 refugees to resettle in the SAR. Unlike Hong Kong, Macao has signed the 1951 Refugee Convention, which defines the term ‘refugee’, outlines the rights of displaced people, as well as the legal obligations of States to protect them. While the government processes individual claims, asylum seekers receive financial aid of around MOP4,230 per month from the Social Welfare Bureau, as well as government housing. They are, however, prohibited from working or studying, unless they are granted official refugee status. There are currently no official refugees in Macao, and only a handful of asylum claims are being processed. Though Hong Kong is not a non-signatory to the refugee convention, most asylum seekers choose to go to Hong Kong over Macao because it’s a much larger city
黃有成認為,這位出生於馬來西亞的葡裔神父並未得 到應有的表揚,「年輕一代可能不知道他是誰,以及 他對澳門的貢獻,可能只有老一輩才清楚。他幾乎就 像一個被遺忘的回憶。」 儘管九澳難民營的設施已相當先進,但黃有成指 出,難民仍然必須跨越重重挑戰,才能在黑暗的時代 中生存下來。「我們在 1970和 80年代,承受越南戰爭 的慘痛後果,加上亞洲各地在經濟及政治方面都處於 低潮,情況很惡劣。很多人離開自己的祖國,而澳門 為他們提供了一個擺脫困境的避風港。不過即使在那 個時候,這裡也絕非愜意的海灘度假勝地。每天都有 數以百計的人上岸,每個難民營都人滿為患,而在這 些地方工作的人大概都在自忖:『我們應該如何處置 這些人?』」 幸而,莫慶恩神父、潘志明和其他無數人都盡了 最大努力,為成千上萬失去家園、流離失所的人開創 一個生存環境,帶給他們在他方展開新生活的希望; 而黃有成一家和跟其他曾入住在九澳難民營的幸運兒 最終亦得償所願。
不一樣的澳門 闊 別 30 多 年 後 , 黃 有 成 終 於 在 數 年 前 重 回 澳 門 , 然 而,這座城市已經歷了翻天覆地的變化。隨著澳門於 1999年回歸中國,大型娛樂場所和奢侈品牌林立,吸 引了絡繹不絕的中國旅客,也為小城帶來豐厚收益。 然而澳門的難民政策卻變得更為封閉,昔日大量難民 湧入的情景再不復見。 自從 1991年的越南難民潮之後,澳門最後一次收 容難民是在 1999年,當時東帝汶通過公投決定獨立, 導致印尼起兵攻打,數百名難民因而逃至澳門尋求庇 護。自後,澳門不曾處理過任何大規模的難民事件。 莫慶恩神父亦於 2013年去世,享年 89歲。 鑑於當前許多國家的動盪局勢,尤其是敘利亞, 潘志明希望澳門能再次伸出援手,「澳門是個小地 方,讓更多人進來可以向全球展示我們關心世界,而 且能鼓勵其他國家或地區效發。」 潘 志 明 認 為 澳 門 應 該 象 徵 性 地 接 納 至 少 100 名 尋求庇護者,為提供他們一個安全的避風港,以及 與難民同等的權利,讓他們能夠安心工作,貢獻社 會。從數據上來看,德國在 2015年收容了 100萬名敘 利亞難民,約佔其總人口 1. 25%,雖然該決定持續在 政界和社會上引起激烈爭論。對澳門而言,如果要 採取相同舉措,就等於要收容 8, 000名難民,不過, 潘志明僅要求政府收留 100名難民。
Imperial Japanese Army and Chinese National Republican Army clash in Battle of Shanghai 日本陸軍和國民革命軍在上海開戰
121 Shanghai-Portuguese refugees arrive in Macao 121名上海葡裔難民抵達澳門
Another wave of 265 Shanghai-Portuguese people seek refuge 另一批共265名的上海葡國人尋求庇護
Vietnam War begins 越戰開始
Great Leap Forward begins and 758,916 refugees enter Macao 中共開始推動大躍進運動, 758,916名難民隨之逃到澳門
Macao opens temporary camp for Vietnamese refugees 澳門為越南難民開設臨時難民營
At least 7,100 Vietnamese refugees arrived in Macao 至少7,100名越南難民抵達澳門
Macao absorbs several hundred refugees from Timor-Leste 澳門吸納數百名東帝汶難民
Catholic Relief Services/Caritas Macau
F E AT U R E 專 題 故 事
Life at Ka Ho camp in the 1970s and 80s 1970至80年代九澳難民營生活照
with hundreds of direct flights globally, a UNHCR office, many diasporas and communities, and arguably more employment opportunities (both legal and illegal). That being said, Pun still hopes to draw on Macao’s legacy as a haven for refugees to create a safe, productive and welcoming place for forced migrants.
THE PAST LIVES ON When it comes to legacies, Hoang and Pun are on the same page. The two men connected in 2015 when Hoang returned to Macao with his mother “to find my own identity,” as he puts it. Hoang says he identifies as a Canadian but coming back to Macao made him reflect deeply on what his parents went through. “When I went back there, I understood,” he says. 104
Both men believe that Macao’s unique role in caring for Vietnamese refugees, as well as other victims of war and persecution around the region, should be recognised an example for modern society. “I definitely think the camp should be commemorated,” Hoang says, resolutely. In terms of what memorialisation might look like, Hoang believes that it’s more about education than a physical commemoration: “It could be a day for the citizens or residents of Macao to celebrate, or it could be social programmes that educate people so the story becomes part of the system.” “A lot of the people who worked there are heroes,” Hoang says. “And they did it because, for them, it was the right thing to do…That charity, that humanity, and the overall compassion of the people is still alive and strong. Unfortunately, they’re not recognised for it.”
Catholic Relief Services/Caritas Macau
有 別 於 香 港 , 澳 門 簽 署 了 1951 年的《難民地位公約》,該公約定 義了難民、難民的資格及權利, 以及提供難民庇護的國家應該負起 的法律義務和責任。在政府處理 單獨個案時,尋求庇護者每月可以 得到澳門社會工作局發放約澳門幣 4 , 230 元 的 經 濟 援 助 , 並 由 政 府 安 排住屋。不過他們必須正式獲得難 民身分,才能合法工作或就學。目 前澳門並無任何難民,僅有極少數 的尋求庇護者在等待審核。 雖然香港雖並未簽署《難民地 位公約》,但無論是以自願或人口 販運的方式,尋求庇護者大都選擇 前往香港而非澳門,因為香港是一 個大城市,每天有數以百計的直航 航班往返世界各地,還擁有聯合國 難民署的辦事處、眾多海外人士及 社群,因而可以提供更多工作機會 (無論合法或非法)。話雖如此, 潘志明仍然希望澳門能延續作為難 民避風港的往績,為被迫離開家鄉 的移民創造一個安全、富饒而且熱 情友好的環境。
精神常存 說到延續往日的成就,黃有成和潘 志明的看法一致。黃有成在 2015 年 與母親一起回來澳門「尋根」時, 與潘志明取得聯繫。黃有成說他一 直把自己當作加拿大人,但是回到 澳門後,他便深深感受到父母年輕 時的經歷,「回到那裡,令我頓時 心領神會。」 二人都認同,澳門曾在照 顧越南難民及其他亞洲區內的 戰爭受害者發揮了獨特作用, 因此應該獲得肯定。黃有成強
調:「我絕對同意紀念難民營 的事蹟。」至於紀念的形式, 黃有成認為應該著重於教育, 而不光是興建一座紀念館: 「我們可以訂一個紀念日,或者 舉辦具有教育意義的活動,甚至 將難民的故事融入社會之中。」 黃有成說:「許多曾經在難民 營工作的人都是英雄。對他們來 說,從事這項工作的理由只有一 個,因為這是該做的事。這種善 心、人道理念,以及所有澳門人的 同情心至今依然鮮明而強烈。只可 惜並未受到肯定。」 ARIANA 2019
As widespread environmental catastrophe looms larger, climate-driven migration crises are becoming a stark reality 隨著廣泛的環境災難惡化,氣候變化所 帶來的遷徙危機也變得越來越嚴峻。
Gloria Garcia*, a sex trafficking survivor from Concepcion, Philippines 來自菲律賓康塞普西翁的性販運生還者
Crystal Chow
Words 文 Crystal Chow
ecord-breaking Typhoon Haiyan, which swept across the Central Philippines in November 2013, claimed some 6,000 lives and displaced more than four million people. Yolanda, as it was known locally, decimated entire towns and villages, leaving in its wake fallen trees, toppled power lines, and trails of debris. Nearly six years on, the recovery in Estancia, a coastal town 131 kilometres from the provincial capital of Iloilo City, is still underway, with no end in sight. One of its residents, Trisha Reyes*, lives with five members of her family in a crowded, damaged house. Since the typhoon, they have attempted to fix the structure with whatever makeshift materials they could find – little by little, piece by piece. Whenever it rains, the house leaks. Reyes was 11 years old when the storm hit. Estranged from her father (who went to Saudi Arabia to work when she was young before leaving his family for another woman) and raised by a working mother, Reyes often found herself alone, free to wander the neighbourhood. “My parents weren’t around,” she says. “Even if they had been, they couldn’t understand how I felt about myself and this broken family.” With many livelihoods and homes uprooted, “young people just stayed idly in the streets, waiting for something to happen,” according to Analisa Baclas, a community volunteer who works with the Bidlisiw Foundation, a social development NGO dedicated to helping impoverished urban families in the province. “Often someone from the community would reach out to them, luring them with promises of earning quick money.” That ‘quick money’ usually involves either selling drugs – often a type of methamphetamine colloquially known as shabu – or selling their bodies. For Reyes, it was both. A male relative of Reyes’s best friend persuaded her – along with a dozen more underage girls – to engage in this underground enterprise. She stopped going to school and, at one point, was earning 6,000 pesos (HK$902) per week, at least four times the weekly minimum wage in the Western Visayas region. “I wasn’t doing it just for myself, but also to support my siblings’ studies,” Reyes explains, somberly. Reyes eventually left that life behind about three years later, in 2016, not long after she met Baclas on a home visit, where the volunteer encouraged her to join a group of sex trafficking survivors. The criminal network Reyes used to work for no longer operates, to her knowledge, as the war on drugs waged by President Duterte since coming into power in June 2016 led to “many killings” in her town. While the drug trade and prostitution have had strong footholds in the Philippines for decades, there has been growing evidence linking climate change and natural disasters to human trafficking and gender-based violence across the world. Various studies worldwide have suggested that disasters exacerbate and further entrench existing social inequalities, including structural forms of vulnerability faced by women and girls. And with the region confronted
013 年 11 月,超級颱風海燕席 捲 菲 律 賓 中 部 , 導 致 6 , 000 人喪生,超過 400 萬人流離失 所 。 在 當 地 被 稱 為 Yolanda 的 海 燕 將城鎮和村莊夷為平地,留下坍塌 的樹木、電線和頹垣敗瓦。近六年 過去,在距離省會怡朗市 131 公里 的沿岸小鎮 Estancia ,修復的完成 仍然遙遙無期。 鎮 上 的 一 位 居 民 Tr i s h a Re yes * , 一 家 六 口 擠 在 被 損 毀 了 的房子裡。颱風過後,他們試圖用 各種可以找到的臨時材料,一磚一 瓦地修復房屋。但只要一下雨,房 子就會漏水。 颱 風 來 襲 的 時 候 , Reyes只 有 11歲 。 她 的 父 親 在 她 小 時 候 就去了沙特阿拉伯工作,之後拋 棄家庭,與另一名女子一起,故 此她與父親關係疏離,並由在職 媽媽一手帶大。她成長過程中往 往獨自一人,在社區裡面隨意遊 蕩。「我的父母都不在身邊。即 便他們在,他們也不會明白我對 自己和這個破碎家庭的感受。」 她說。 當颱風將許多人的生活和家園 連根拔起,「年輕人就整日賦閒 在街上,等待著甚麼發生。」社 區義工 Analisa Baclas 說。 Baclas 來自 Bidlisiw 基金會,這個非政府 組織致力於幫助該省的貧困城鎮 家庭。「通常社區裡的某些人會 接觸他們,引誘他們賺快錢。」 這種「快錢」往往來自販毒(最 常見的是在當地被稱為 shabu 的冰 毒)或是賣淫。對 Reyes 而言,則 兩者皆是。 Reyes好 友 的 一 名 男 性 親 戚 遊說她,以及其他十幾個未成 年少女,參與這些地下勾當。 她再沒有上學,那時候她一度可 以 在 每 週 賺 到 6 , 000 披 索 ( 大 約 902 港 幣 ) , 是 西 維 薩 亞 斯 地 區 最低週薪的大約四倍。「我不 ARIANA 2019
by natural disasters, which are growing in frequency, complexity and severity due to climate change, the longterm impacts on poverty-stricken countries like the Philippines are unfathomable. The Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) reported that, in 2018 alone, weather-related disasters have forced more than 17.2 million people to migrate within their countries. The Philippines was among the 10 worstaffected countries in the world, with 3.8 million new displacements recorded and more than 700,000 projected displaced people during any given year in the future. “Women and girls suffer higher rates of genderbased violence at such times … In societies where a woman's role is more submissive or subservient, existing inequalities and vulnerabilities are often made worse,” warned a briefing paper released by IDMC in 2014. During displacement, girls “become easy targets for smugglers, armed groups, and even members of their own family in times of conflict, violence and disaster.” Economically desperate and lacking access to essential needs, displaced women and children in disaster-struck communities, such as Estancia, often find themselves in vulnerable situations that predatory traffickers and abusers seek to exploit.
只是為了自己而做,我也是為 了支持我的兄弟姊妹上學。」 Reyes 沉著臉解釋道。 這樣的生活維持了三年,直 至 Reyes 在 2016 年 的 一 次 家 訪 中 認 識 了 Baclas , 並 在 她 的 鼓 勵 下 參 加了一個性販運倖存者的小組, 此 後 , Reyes 才 終 於 重 過 新 生 。 而 Reyes 曾 經 效 力 的 犯 罪 組 織 現 在 已經停止運作,因為杜特爾特在 2016 年 6 月 當 選 總 統 後 發 動 的 反 毒 戰爭,已為她的家鄉小鎮帶來了 「許多殺戮」。 數十年來,販毒和賣淫問題在 菲律賓由來已久,但全球都有越 來越多的證據顯示,氣候變化和 108
IN CALAMITY’S WAKE In recent years, grim accounts of women and children being sexually assaulted by their male neighbours or foreign relief workers in evacuation camps have also surfaced in post-catastrophe nations, from Nepal and Indonesia to Fiji and Haiti. However, cases of individuals being lured or coerced into bonded labour, commercial sex, or other forms of exploitative work conditions often go unreported, making them harder to verify, trace, or act upon on a national or regional level. In 2018, the Global Slavery Index estimated that 784,000 people were living in “modern slavery” in the Philippines, although the reliability and accuracy of this kind of broadly defined data measured on a large-scale has been called into question. Other reports offer further context and insights: For example, findings from the Philippines’ Education Cluster and Child Protection Working Group assessed after 2012’s Typhoon Bopha (known in the Philippines as Typhoon Pablo) flagged increases in both reported cases of sexual violence – including trafficking – and the number of minors involved in commercial sex work. Another study, conducted
自然災害與人口販運和性別暴力 存在關聯。 世界各地多項研究指出,災害 進一步深化現存的社會不公,包 括女性面對的結構性弱勢處境。 自然災害為受災地區帶來的長遠 影響是難以想像的,特別是如菲 律賓這樣的貧國。而現在,隨 著氣候變化,自然災害的頻密程 度、複雜程度和規模都日益提高。 國內流離失所者監察中心 ( I DMC ) 報 告 顯 示 , 單 在 2 0 1 8 年,與氣候現象有關的災害就迫 使 超 過 1,720 萬 人 要 在 自 己 的 國 內 遷徙。菲律賓是全球十大受影響 國家之一,該國流離失所者最新
數字為 380 萬,預計未來每年會有 70 萬人流離失所。 「在這些時候,女性會遭遇較 多性別暴力……在女性角色更為 從屬的社會,現存的不公和脆弱 處境常常會惡化。」 IDMC在 2014 年發佈的一份簡報中如此警告。 在遷徙的時候,年輕女性「很容 易成為人販子、武裝團體,甚至 自己家人的目標,尤其在爆發衝 突、暴力和災難的時候」。 在經濟上尤其弱勢,也缺乏渠 道滿足基本所需的情況下,災區的 婦女和兒童,比如 Estancia ,常常 會發現自己陷入弱勢的境地,讓販 賣者和加害者得以乘虛而入。
a month after Typhoon Haiyan and cited by the same RDC report, revealed that around 15 per cent of affected households surveyed in the Philippines said they noticed an increased risk of human trafficking in their evacuation sites. To make matters worse, in the aftermath of such disasters, development projects promising to kick-start much-needed local economic recovery can actually become a haven for opportunistic sexual offenders and sex traffickers alike. On the east coast of Iloilo province, for instance, the China-backed Concepcion Power Station was built on the premise of boosting rural infrastructure when it finally became operational in 2016. At least 120 workers from China were reportedly involved in the development of the coal-fired power plant. Among these were the “clients” to whom Gloria Garcia* was “sold.” “Taxis would pick us up at night from Iloilo City and take us to another nearby town, where we would meet [the clients] at a hotel,” says Garcia, who was 14 years old at the time. Given the economic interest and negative publicity at stake, some suspect the local government ignored these illegal liaisons. “The community knows about it, but people just kept silent, even local government officials,” says Evelina Trinidad, a local community volunteer at the Bidlisiw Foundation.
“The police conducted a raid once, but only the child victims were caught. They were then transferred to the social welfare services,” Trinidad adds. In any case, the full extent of such offences will probably remain unknown. While underground chains of organised trafficking networks can stretch across regional and national borders, the ways low-level recruiters and brokers operate are often woven through the social fabric of their communities. Like Reyes, relatives and friends “recruited” Garcia. For two years, she had to be vigilant in keeping her double life a secret. Though Garcia herself has since left the trafficking network, two girls she met during that time are still involved in prostitution. They are the breadwinners in their families and “don’t have many other options,” she says. To date, more than 10 people Garcia knows of have been killed in the drug war. But when asked if she’s afraid of being incriminated, she says with an assured smile: “I’m not afraid. I can defend myself.”
災難之後 近年,從尼泊爾、印尼,到斐濟和 海地等災後國家的救援營中,婦女 和兒童遭受他們的男性鄰居或外國 救援人員性侵的狀況時有所聞。 不過,被誘拐或者強迫進入抵 債勞動、性工作或其他形式的剝削 性工作的個案則常常不會被記錄在 案,這使得相關現象難以在國家或 地區層面上進行查證、追蹤或作出 改變。 2018 年 , 「 全 球 奴 役 指 數 」 估 計 , 菲 律 賓 有 784 , 000 人 生 活 在 「現代奴隸制」中,雖然這種數據 定義寬泛且測量規模大,其準確性 往往受到質疑。 其他報告則提供了更多脈絡 和觀察:比如,菲律賓教育聯網 與 保 護 兒 童 工 作 小 組 在 2012 年 颱 110
風寶霞之後的評估報告顯示,性 暴力(包括性販運)的已通報個 案,以及未成年人參與性工作的 數字,均有上升。該報告所引用 的另一項在颱風海燕後一個月進 行的調查指出,在菲律賓,大約 15 %被調查的受影響家庭表示,他 們所在的庇護區,人口販賣的風 險有所上升。 更甚者,在這樣的自然災害之 後,以 啟 動當地亟需的經濟重建為 名的發展項目,實際上可能成為投 機的性侵犯者和性販子的溫床。比 如,在怡朗省的東岸,由中國投資 的康塞普西翁發電站就是以重振鄉 鎮基建的口號而建成,最終在 2016 年 投 入 運 作 。 至 少 有 120 名 來 自 中 國的工人據報參與了這個燃煤發電 站的工程,其中包括 Gloria Garcia* 被「賣予」的「顧客」。
ymphotos / Shutterstock
The lack of centralised reporting of documented cases of post-disaster human trafficking makes it challenging for researchers to understand the true scale of the issue. “As the patterns of trafficking had already existed before 2014, it’s difficult to link Typhoon Yolanda directly to increased cases of trafficking simply by looking at the data. But I would say, in comparison, the numbers would definitely be larger in areas affected by disasters,” says Lolita Ganapin, executive director of the Bidlisiw Foundation.
The immediate aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines 風災過後的菲律賓沿岸市鎮
are not adequately informed. “And then there are cases where the restrooms are located outside the camps, so women and children have to risk walking in the dark just to use the toilets.” And since affected communities can take years, if not decades, to fully recover, the complex, prolonged dynamic between disasters and the communities' existing trafficking risks warrants attention from researchers and policymakers alike. Presently, efforts fall short when
According to Ganapin, in the aftermath of a climate disaster, many displaced people and children are likely to join trafficking rings in an effort to escape desperate situations. And amidst the chaos, initiatives dedicated to protecting women and children are often undermined. As Ganapin observes, despite clear guidelines stipulating the need for child protection in evacuation centres (such as establishing childfriendly spaces), they are not always followed and, sometimes, volunteers
it comes to aligning anti-trafficking with disaster relief and climate action, admits Marissa Kokkoros, executive director of Canadian charity Aura Freedom International, at the Women Deliver Conference held in Vancouver in June. A veteran humanitarian worker with first-hand experience on the frontline in postearthquake Nepal, Kokkoros believes that addressing climate change and human trafficking in a joint effort would greatly benefit vulnerable communities in the long run.
CLIMATE MIGRATION AROUND THE WORLD 世界各地的氣候移民 The 10 countries with the most displacement led by climate-related disasters in 2018, according to the IDMC. 根據IDMC數據,以下10個國家在2018年錄得最多因氣候災難而流離失所的人:
United States Indonesia 美國
1.2 million
2.7 million
3.8 million
4.5 million
Kokkoros expresses disappointment that human trafficking was not on the main agenda of this year’s conference, which is the world’s largest summit on gender equality: “[The issue] affects women and children disproportionately. Why aren’t we talking about it?” Back in the Philippines, Ganapin and her team have been working with trafficking victims, many of whom are informal settlers in a squatter area in Mandaue City in Cebu province. After working on HIV/AIDS prevention in the 1990s, Bidlisiw shifted its focus to human trafficking. It gradually became clear that minors were at risk of exploitation and sexual abuse, with the perpetrators being their neighbours, close relatives, and even parents.
However, identifying human trafficking victims can be challenging in the Philippines, due to the ambiguous way it is defined. As Ganapin explains: “While children involved in commercial sex are automatically categorised as trafficking victims by law, the cases for adults are not that clearcut. Human trafficking doesn’t necessarily mean sex work and vice-versa. Trafficking can take many forms.” In the Philippines, trafficking is often incorrectly equated with prostitution – long a contentious subject among aid workers and gender advocates. In a report on cases of human trafficking victims from January 2005 to May 2019 by the Field Office VII of Philippines’ Department of Social Welfare and Development, prostitution is filed as a sub-category – alongside “pornography” – under
“sexual exploitation”. This definition may dilute the efforts in addressing the needs of at-risk children and women who are trafficked during displacement.
「計程車會在夜晚來怡朗市接 載我們,之後將我們帶去另一個鄰 近城市,我們會在那裡的一間旅館 (和客人)見面。」當時年僅 14歲 的 Garcia說。有人懷疑,政府忽視 這種不法行為,是因為顧慮經濟利 益和負面形象。「當地人都知道, 但沒有人作聲,當地官員亦然。」 同樣為 Bidlisiw基金會工作的社區義 工 Evelina Trinidad說。 「警察曾經進行過突襲,但只 拘捕一些涉事兒童。他們之後被轉 介往社會福利機構。」 Trinidad 補 充道。無論發生了甚麼事,這些罪 行的全貌大概將持續不為人知。 雖然人口販賣組織的地下網絡 可能延伸到整個國內區域以至跨國 邊境,低層招募者和中介的運作常 常與他們所在的社區緊密關聯。 和 Reyes 一 樣 , Garcia 是 經 由 親 戚和朋友「招募」的。有兩年時
間,她必須非常小心,不讓自己的 秘密生活曝光。雖然那之後 Garcia 就脫離了這個網絡,但當時她認 識的兩個女孩仍然在從事性工作。 她說她們是家裡的收入來源,所以 「別無選擇」。時至今日, Garcia 所認識的人中,已經有 10個死於反 毒戰爭。但被問到是否擔心被指 證時, Garcia微笑著說:「我不害 怕,我會保護自己。」
Ganapin 指 出 , 在 氣 候 變 化 所 帶來的自然災害之後,許多流離失 所的人和兒童都可能進入販運圈 子,以逃離貧困無依的絕境。而在 混亂中,保護婦女和兒童的項目則 往往受影響。 Ganapin 觀察到,雖 然庇護中心有關於兒童保護的清楚 指引(比如建立兒童友善空間), 但這些指引往往都不會被遵從,而 且有時義工並未得到充分資訊。 「然後就會出現洗手間設置在營地 的外面,婦女和兒童則要冒險摸黑 上廁所的情況。」她說。 由於受災地區的復原工作需要 數以年計,甚或數以十年計,災害 與現存販運風險之間複雜而長遠的 互動,確實需要研究人員和政策制 定者的關注。 今 年 6月 在 溫 哥 華 舉 行 的 Women Deliver大會上,加拿大慈 善機構 Aura Freedom International執
斷裂的應對 災後人口販運個案缺乏中央記錄, 使研究者難以充分理解問題的嚴重 程度。「由於販運早在 2014年前就 存在,單靠數據,很難將颱風海燕 和販運個案的增加直接聯繫起來。 但我認為,相較而言,受災地區的 數字肯定更大。」 Bidlisiw基金會執 行董事 Lolita Ganapin說。
POST-TRAUMA RECOVERY Since the root cause of the issue in the Philippines lies in poverty, there are welfare interventions currently in place specifically designed to help “rehabilitate” survivors in the system. However, the livelihood assistance programme provided by the Department only amounts to 10,000 pesos (HK$1,502) – far from enough to support a family’s short-term expenses or start up an alternative source of income. However, the psychological consequences of being lured or
pressured into commercial sex as a child compounds the challenge. “There’s the behavioural aspect we need to talk about,” says Pamela Uy, Bidlisiw’s deputy executive director. “Most human trafficking victims entered the sex industry at a very early age and went through a great deal of trauma.” In Bidlisiw’s experience, Uy says recovering victims commonly struggle to hold down a job, even with assistance and referrals, due to the mental and emotional impact, as well as the challenges of adjusting to a more structured lifestyle. “That’s why our programme is really invested in the counselling sessions, to help develop their skills and selfvalue so that they can be ready whenever there are better opportunities.” At the moment, Bidlisiw is also exploring an alternative care system for rehabilitated minors – a pilot programme akin to foster care services. In light of the global climate crisis, a joint focus on trafficking patterns and disaster-struck communities is an essential part of tackling the wider issue. Moving forward, there’s a need for governments and aid
Squatter area in Mandaue City, Cebu 宿霧省曼達維市寮屋區
行董事 Marissa Kokkoros 承認,目 前反人口販運與救災和氣候行動共 同協作的努力仍然不足。 Kokkoros 是一名資深人道救援人員,曾經在 地震後的尼泊爾提供前線服務,她 認為,把應對氣候變化和打擊人口 販運的努力連結起來,長遠而言將 對弱勢社群大有裨益。 Kokkoros對於今年的會議沒有將 人口販運納入主議程表示失望,因為 該會議是全球最大的關於性別平等的 峰會,「(這個問題)對女性和兒童 的影響特別大。我們為甚麼不談?」 在 菲 律 賓 , Ganapin 和 她 的 團 隊一直為人口販運受害人服務,其 中許多人是宿霧省曼達維市的寮屋 114
區 居 民 。 在 上 世 紀 90 年 代 專 注 於 愛滋病的預防工作之後,並慢慢意 識到,年輕人承受著被剝削和性侵 犯的風險,而侵犯者就是他們的鄰 居、親戚,甚至父母。 不過,在菲律賓,要辨認人口 販運受害者並不容易,因為有關定 義很模糊。 Ganapin 解釋道:「參 與性工作的兒童根據法律會被自動 歸類為人口販運受害人,但成年人 就沒有這麼清晰。人口販運不等於 性工作,反之亦然。人口販運可以 有多種形式。」 在菲律賓,人口販運常常被 錯誤地與性工作畫上等號,而這 爭議在援助工作者和性別議題倡
議者之間存在已久。菲律賓社會 福利和發展部七號辦公室的一份 報 告 研 究 了 2005 年 1 月 到 2019 年 5 月之間記錄的人口販運受害人個 案,而其中「性工作」與「淫穢 作品與活動」一道被列為「性剝 削」的子項目。這種定義方式可 能會削弱了支援遷徙中的高風險 兒童和女性的努力。
災後復原 由於這些問題的根源在於貧困,現 在的福利介入政策中已經包括倖存 者的「復康」服務。不過,政府的 生活支援計劃只提供最多 10 , 000 披
Crystal Chow
THE CASE FOR WOMEN 至於女性 Women and children are
14 times more likely
than men to die during a disaster. There is also a direct relationship between women’s risk of being killed during disasters and their socio-economic status.
當災難發生的時候,女性和兒童死亡的機率 是男性的
14倍 。女性在災難中死亡的風險與她們的社會經濟地
位也有直接關聯。 During the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, women
and children made up
in Indonesia.
77 per cent
of the victims
2014年印度洋海嘯,印尼的死者中有 77%是女性和
兒童 。
After the global food price crisis of 2007 and 2008,
1.6 times more likely than male-headed households to be food insecure.
female-headed households were
之主的家庭比以男性為一家之主的家庭面臨糧食短缺的 機會多 1.6倍 。
Studies conducted by the UN Women in six Pacific
Island countries and territories found that
cent of women
60-80 per
surveyed had experienced forms of
physical or sexual violence by partners or others.
聯合國婦女署在六個太平洋島國和地區的研究發 現, 60%到80%受訪女性 曾經遭受來自伴侶或其 他人的肢體或性暴力。
索(港幣 1 , 502 ),遠遠不夠一個家庭的短期開支, 或用以開發其他的收入來源。 此外,在童年被誘拐或者強迫賣淫所帶來的心理 影響亦增加了復康工作的難度。「我們需要正視行為 方面的問題。大部分人口販運受害人都在年幼時就投 身賣淫行業,並遭受了巨大的心理創傷。」 Bidlisiw副 執行董事 Pamela Uy說。 她說,根據 Bidlisiw的經驗,受害人在心理和情緒 的影響下,再加上適應更為規範化的生活時所面對的 挑戰,即便有支援和轉介,也常常難以長期投入固定 工作。 「這就是為甚麼我們的項目要於諮詢服務上投入 許多資源,幫助他們發展技能和自我價值,讓他們能 為更好的機會作好準備。」目前, Bidlisiw也為未成年 受助者的復康工作探索新的照顧形式:一個類似收養 照顧服務的試驗計劃。
sexual and gender-based violence increases during and Global evidence also shows that
after disasters.
世界各地的證據也顯示, 性侵與性別暴力 在災難期 間和之後都會更有增長趨勢。
The South Pacific Ocean nation of Vanuatu has seen
a 300
per cent increase in new domestic violence
cases after two tropical cyclones hit the island nation in 2011.
南 太 平 洋 島 國 瓦 努 阿 圖 在 2011年 經 歷 兩 次 颱 風 吹 襲 之 後,兩年間錄得的家庭暴力個案 增長300% 。 Sources 資料來源: UN Women, FAO, UNDP, UNFCCC
organisations worldwide to identify context-appropriate and gender-sensitive measures to help those in need and, at the same time, avoid sidelining broader issues on child abuse, sexual violence, labour trafficking, and human rights in the process. Gender advocates also believe that anti-trafficking efforts should not work against the premise of women’s empowerment. “While trafficking per se is a major crime, the work being undertaken in the name of combatting trafficking and ‘rescuing’ victims is very problematic,” says Anisha Chugh, deputy executive director of feminist donor organisation Women's Fund Asia. Specifically, programmes that aim to provide employment support and skills training should avoid stigmatising women who are, or used to be, involved in commercial sex. As for Reyes and Garcia, they have both moved on. Reyes, now 17, was two months pregnant at the time of our interview. The Philippines has one of the highest teenage pregnancy rates in Asia, and many believe its deeply ingrained, religiously conservative stance on family planning inhibits women breaking out of the cycle of poverty.
面對全球氣候危機,把針對人 口販運和受災社群的關注連結起 來,是應對這個牽連廣遠的議題的 必要一步。未來,世界各地的政府 和援助機構都要找到切合當地的 實際情況,並具有性別敏感度的方 式去幫助有需要的人,同時在過程 中要避免將虐童、性暴力、勞動販 運,以及人權等問題邊緣化。 性別議題倡議者也相信,反販 運的工作不應該違背女性賦權的大 前提。「雖然販運本身問題很大, 但很多以打擊販運和『拯救』受害 者為名的工作也存在很大問題。」 女 性 主 義 捐 助 組 織 Women's Fund Asia 的 副 執 行 董 事 Anisha Chugh 說;而致力為女性提供就業支援和 116
But Reyes’s face glows as she talks about her prospective motherhood with the support of her 28-year-old husband. “I can’t say I’m ready, but I’m doing my best for the baby,” she says. “Whatever happened before is a lesson for me and my future family.” Meanwhile, Garcia, now aged 16, has returned to her studies through the Alternative Learning System, a curriculum designed for young people who have no formal education or have previously dropped out of school like she did. When I asked her if she ever considers herself a victim, she responded by quietly shaking her head: “That’s a past I accept.” In the future, she says she wants to set up a foundation to help people who have gone through similar experiences. Crystal Chow’s investigation was partially supported by Ariana, as well as International Women’s Media Foundation’s Reporting Grants for Women’s Stories, funded by the Secular Society, and the Women Deliver 2019 Conference Media Scholarship programme. Roxanne O. Doron also contributed to the reporting. *Names have been changed to protect the victims’ privacy.
技能訓練的項目,就更應該避免標 籤或污名化那些正在或曾經從事性 工作的女性。 現在, Reyes和 Garcia都已經踏入 了人生的新一頁。現年 17歲的 Reyes 在受訪時已經懷孕兩個月。菲律賓 是全亞洲青少年懷孕率最高的國家 之一,很多人認為,在家庭計劃方 面根深蒂固的保守宗教立場,是讓 女性難以走出貧困循環的原因。 但 說 到 28 歲 的 丈 夫 對 她 的 支 持,以及她對成為母親的期待 時 , Reyes 的 臉 發 出 光 芒 。 「 我 不 能說我已經做好準備,但我正為 孩子盡最大的努力。過去發生的 事對於我和我未來的家庭都是一 個教訓。」她說。
現 年 16 歲 的 Garcia 已 經 通 過 特 殊學習系統重返校園,這個課程是 為未受過正規教育或者曾輟學的年 輕人設計的。問到她會否覺得自己 是受害者時,她搖搖頭,小聲說: 「那是一段我所接受的過去。」在 未來,她希望設立基金會,幫助與 自己擁有相似經歷的人。 Crystal Chow的 調 查 報 導 部 分 由 Ariana支 持 , 部 分 由 Secular Society出 資 的 「 國 際 婦 女媒體基金會」下的女性故事報導資助項 目 , 以 及 2019年 Women Deliver大 會 的 會 議 傳 媒 資 助 項 目 支 持 。 Roxanne O. Doron 對報導亦有貢獻。
INCREASING UNCERTAINTY 變數不斷 Climate change and resulting natural disasters have already affected
millions of people around the globe. Here’s what you need to know:
Why worry about climate change?
Climate change increases the risk of natural disasters and places a
strain on livelihoods – it exacerbates poverty and can potentially cause
situations of conflict and instability. 有甚麼實例? What are a few examples?
In 2018, extreme weather events such as severe drought in Afghanistan,
Tropical Cyclone Gita in Samoa, and flooding in the Philippines resulted in acute humanitarian needs.
人們會去哪兒? 大部分災害遷徙都與自然災害有關,而受影響的人必須留在自己的國境範
Where do people go?
Most disaster displacement linked to natural hazards is internal, with those affected remaining within their national borders. However, displacement
across borders also occurs, and may be interrelated with situations of
conflict or violence.
How else does climate change affect a community?
Climate disasters can destroy homes, jobs, and infrastructure – rendering
affected persons highly vulnerable. It has been linked with a higher risk of
exploitation and abuse, including sex trafficking.
What do scientists predict will happen in the future? The worsening impacts of climate change in three densely populated regions of the world – Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and Latin America – could see over 140 million people move within their countries’ borders by 2050, according to a World Bank Group report.
Sources 資料來源: World Bank, UNFCCC, UNHCR
F E AT U R E 專 題 故 事
THE OTHER ONE PER CENT 個別的百分之一 Hong Kong approves less than one per cent of asylum claims, making it one of the most challenging places to seek protection in the developed world. 在香港,只有不到1%的酷刑/免遣返聲請申請獲得確立,是全球發達地區中 最難以確立聲請的地方之一。
Words 文 Karen Cheung | Illustrations 插畫 Stella So
avigating Chungking Mansions in Tsim Sha Tsui is an exhilarating experience. A labyrinth of boarding houses and shops, the halfcentury-old Kowloon landmark is a hub of activity where thousands of individuals from all corners of the world eat, sleep, shop, socialise, and conduct business. But to a particularly marginalised population in Hong Kong, Chungking Mansions is also a sanctuary. On the 17th floor of one of the building’s many tower blocks, sits the Centre for Refugees – the only drop-in service centre for asylum seekers in the city. Run by Christian Action, a local non-profit that strives to help Hong Kong’s most disadvantaged communities, the centre provides everyday essentials, food, language classes, training programmes, counselling, and several community activities. A whiteboard lists upcoming activities: football training, art and poetry classes, even a seminar on globalisation by Professor Gordon Mathews of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. These services fill a much-needed gap in a city where legal hurdles often send asylum seekers into a perpetual state of limbo. A lot can, and does, go wrong as asylum seekers wait for their fates to be decided. “We have over 20 counsellors providing different types of therapies as many clients go through a great deal of trauma. I know one man who just gets worse and worse every week. He feels discriminated against and believes there's no hope," says Andrews. "Imagine an individual who's been waiting for their case for 10 years. What can they do?” 118
走在尖沙咀重慶大廈中,會叫人目眩神迷。這 幢位於九龍半島、已有半世紀歷史的標誌性建 築裡,擠滿了賓館和商店。數以千計來自世界 各地的人會在這裡吃飯、睡覺、購物、交往和做生意。 但對於一些活在香港的邊緣群體而言,重慶大廈 也是一處避難所。由基督教勵行會營運的難民服務中 心就設在 17 樓,而這裡也是來港尋求庇護的人唯一獲 得救濟的地方。勵行會是一個本地非牟利組織,致力 幫助香港最弱勢的社群,而中心則為尋求庇護者提供 每日的基本所需、食物、語言課程、訓練課程、諮詢 和多種社區活動。 一塊白板上寫著即將舉行的活動:足球訓練、藝 術和詩歌班,甚至還有香港中文大學教授麥高登關於 全球化的講座。香港的法律障礙讓尋求庇護者長期陷 於前路未卜的困頓裡,而中心的服務便填上了這亟待 填補的空白。當尋求庇護者等待命運裁決的時候,許 多事情往往未如人意。 「我們有超過 20名輔導員提供不同類型的治療, 因為很多受助人都經歷過嚴重創傷。這裡有一位男 士,一個禮拜比一個禮拜糟糕,他覺得自己被歧視, 覺得沒有希望。」在勵行會中負責幫助尋求庇護者渡 過難關的社工 Jeffrey Andrews說。「你試想一下一個人 在這裡等待申請批准 10年,期間甚麼都不能做。」
F E AT U R E 專 題 故 事
If an individual’s case is successful, the government will permit that person to remain until they are able According to estimates by Hong Kong’s Security to resettle abroad, which can take years. On the other Bureau, there are currently around 13,100 protection hand, if a claim is rejected, the authorities will return the person to their country of origin. claimants in the city. Officially introduced in March 2014 following a These individuals often fit the definition of ‘refugees’ provided by the United Nations as “someone who series of landmark court cases, the current system has been forced to flee his or her country because of for assessing non-refoulement claims is known as the persecution, war, or violence.” However, Hong Kong has Unified Screening Mechanism (USM). It’s designed a different set of terminology. This is because Hong Kong to be more comprehensive than its predecessor and is not a signatory to the UN’s 1951 Refugee Convention. process all claims under “high standards of fairness.” Three legal foundations have formed the legal Ratified by 145 states, the international treaty and its subsequent 1967 protocol outline the rights of refugees grounds for the USM. The first is torture, as defined under UNCAT. The second is torture or cruel, inhuman, and legal obligations of host nations. As Hong Kong also does not offer asylum, legal- or degrading treatment or punishment, as well as the right to life, as set out in the Hong ly, NGOs refer to individuals who Kong Bill of Rights, including would be considered asylum seekers Article 3. The third is persecution, and refugees elsewhere in the world “Hong Kong with reference to Article 33 of the as “protection claimants.” Further1951 Refugee Convention, which more, according to Hong Kong law, does not accept prohibits states to “expel or return they are “illegal immigrants,” and refugees, but (refouler) in any manner whatsoever hence granted none of the rights it has a nonto the frontiers of territories where that legal residents in the city enjoy. his (or her) life or freedom would be Refugee laws in Hong Kong refoulement threatened on account of his race, were first decided by the UK when policy in place.” religion, nationality, membership of the territory was still under colonial a particular social group or political rule and, later, by China after the opinion.” 1997 handover of sovereignty. While Patricia Ho, a Hong Kong-based human rights both China and the UK are signatories, neither country lawyer, says that most asylum seekers arrive via plane. extended the 1951 Refugee Convention to Hong Kong. Hong Kong does not follow the UN’s convention to At Hong Kong International Airport, they can make a accept refugees in the city, but it has been a signatory statement to the Immigration Department explaining of the UN Convention Against Torture (UNCAT) why they need protection and should not be sent back since 1992 and, as such, has a non-refoulement policy to their country of origin. Immigration officers at in place that prevents the return of individuals to a the airport then share this information with a noncountry where they are at risk of torture, or face “cruel, refoulement assessment team to decide whether the claim can be accepted. inhuman, or degrading punishment.” If unsuccessful, the Immigration Department will The policy also recognises fear of persecution: In 2013, the city’s courts ruled that, even though Hong Kong is not remove the asylum seeker from the airport, sometimes bound by the 1951 Refugee Convention, the Immigration forcibly, and send the individual back to their country of Department has a duty to independently assess whether a origin. Ho has also heard of instances where people from high-risk regions, such as Egypt and Yemen, have not claimant’s fear of persecution is well-founded. Upon arrival in the city, protection claimants can been allowed to submit an initial claim and have been lodge a non-refoulement claim with the hope that they immediately deported, which she says “demonstrates a clear picture that the government is going to the extent will be resettled in another country, such as Canada. 120
這些聲請人來到香港時,可以 提出免遣返保護聲請,以望被安 據香港保安局統計,香港現今約有 置 到 別 國 , 比 如 加 拿 大 。 如 果 個 13,100 名庇護申請人。 案申請成功,政府會允許這個人 這些人的狀況往往符合聯合國 留 在 香 港 , 直 到 他 能 移 居 外 國 , 對難民的定義,即「因迫害、戰 而這個過程可能長達數年。如果 爭或暴力而被迫離開自己國家的人 申 請 不 成 功 , 當 局 就 會 將 聲 請 人 士 」 。 然 而 , 香 港 卻 有 一 套 不 同 遣返。 術語。這是因為香港並非聯合國於 在一連串重要的法庭裁決後, 1951 年 通 過 的 《 難 民 地 位 公 約 》 香 港 政 府 制 定 了 一 套 更 完 善 的 系 (難民公約)的締約方。該公約已 統,它以「高度公平標準」來處理 經在 145 個國家和地區實施,這份 所有來自香港的申請。這個系統自 國 際 公 約 和 後 來 在 1967 年 生 效 的 2014 年 3 月正式實施,稱為「統一 《有關難民地位的議定書》均列明 審核機制」( USM )。 了難民的權利,以及接收國的法 律義務。 由於在法律上,香港並不會 為聲請者提供庇護,非政府機構 「雖然香港不 會稱呼這類人士為「保護聲請 接收難民, 人」,即使在全球大多數地方 他們都被稱為「尋求庇護者」或 但亦有責任 者「難民」。再者,根據香港 實施不遣返 法律,他們是「非法入境者」, 政策。」 因此無法獲得跟本地居民同等的 權利。 香港的難民法律最早由英國 制定,當時香港仍然是英國的殖 USM系 統 由 三 個 法 律 基 礎 組 民地,回歸之後則由中國制定。 雖然中國和英國都是聯合國公約 成。第一個是符合聯合國《禁止 的 締 約 國 , 但 兩 個 國 家 都 沒 有 把 酷 刑 公 約 》 定 義 的 「 酷 刑 」 。 第 二是符合《香港人權法案條例》 《難民公約》延伸到香港。 雖然香港不遵從聯合國公約接 包 括 其 第 三 條 定 義 的 「 酷 刑 」 或 收 難 民 , 但 自 1992 年 開 始 , 香 港 「 殘 忍 、 不 人 道 或 侮 辱 之 處 遇 或 已是聯合國《禁止酷刑公約》的締 懲 罰 」 , 以 及 生 存 的 權 利 。 第 三 約方,因此亦有責任實施不遣返政 是 1 9 5 1 年 《 難 民 公 約 》 第 3 3 條 策,即不能將一個人遣返到他或她 定 義 的 「 迫 害 」 , 及 禁 止 任 何 締 可能會遭受折磨,或面對「殘忍、 約 國 以 任 何 方 式 「 將 難 民 驅 逐 或 不人道或有辱人格的待遇或處罰」 送 回 至 其 生 命 或 自 由 因 為 他 的 種 族、宗教、國籍、參加某一社會 的地方。 這 政 策 也 確 認 了 被 迫 害 的 恐 團體或具有某種政治見解而受威 懼 : 2013 年 , 根 據 香 港 法 庭 的 裁 脅的領土邊界」。 決,即便香港不受《難民公約》的 香港人權律師何珮芝說,大 約束,入境處也有責任獨立審視每 部 分 尋 求 庇 護 者 是 乘 坐 飛 機 來 港 個聲請人對被遣返後受到迫害的恐 的 , 而 在 香 港 國 際 機 場 , 他 們 可 懼是否有其根據。 以向入境處提交一份聲明,解釋
他們為甚麼需要保護,並且不應 該被送返來源國。然後,機場的 入境處職員會把資料送交處內的 免遣返評估小組,而後者則會決 定是否接受聲明。 如果當局不接受,入境處便 會從機場帶走尋求庇護者,有時 甚至是強行帶走,並將這個人送 回其來源國。何珮芝也有聽聞一 些來自如埃及、也門這些高風 險國家的人,不被允許提交基本 聲請就直接被遞送出境。她說 這種情況「清晰說明政府甚至會 用非法手段」阻止人們入境。 何珮芝說,有記錄顯示,入境處 人員在遞解出境過程中折磨聲請 人 。 Ariana 為 此 向 入 境 處 查 詢 , 處方表示無法就沒有任何具體個 案的指控作出回應。 如果基本聲請被接受,聲請人 會被釋放並指示到九龍灣的宏天 廣場報到。如果他們被認為有潛 逃風險,或會被扣留在青山灣入 境事務中心。 在審視聲請期間,入境處會沒 收聲請人的護照並不會歸還,除非 有基於行政理由的特別申請,比如 開立銀行戶口。聲請人會得到一份 臨時身分證明書,這份臨時證書讓 他們在等待政府裁決期間可以合法 地留在香港。 之後,聲請人會獲委派一位律 師,並被指示在 28日內提交正式的 免遣返聲請,入境處職員將會審 視他們的聲請是否堅實可信。如 果正式聲請被拒絕,他們可以向 酷刑聲請上訴委員會提出上訴。 如果上訴失敗,聲請人可以 申請司法覆核作為終極手段。這 項法律程序審視政府的行政決定 是否不公、不合理、違憲或不合 法。如果聲請人成功申請司法覆 核,法庭不僅會重新檢視聲請的 個案,還會判斷入境處在處理聲 請的時候是否充分正當。 ARIANA 2019
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of using illegal means” to stop people from coming in. According to Ho, there have also been accounts of immigration officers torturing claimants during the removal process. When Ariana reached out for comment, the Immigration Department said it cannot respond to allegations without reference to specific cases. If the preliminary statement is accepted, claimants will be released and instructed to report to Skyline Tower in Kowloon Bay. Alternatively, if officials believe there’s a risk of abscondment, they may detain the protection claimant at Castle Peak Bay Immigration Centre. At this point in time, the Immigration Department will confiscate the claimant’s passport, which will not be returned throughout their assessment unless specifically requested for administrative reasons, such as opening a bank account. In each case, claimants are given recognisance papers – temporary identification that allows them to stay in the city while they await the government’s decision. Next, claimants are assigned a lawyer and instructed to file their official non-refoulement claim form within 28 days. Immigration officials then assess the merits of their claim; if the official claim is rejected, individuals can lodge an appeal with the Torture Claims Appeal Board.
Justice Centre Hong Kong 是一家專為弱勢移民提供法律和心 理援助,同時進行研究和倡議工作 的非牟利機構。據它處理案件的經 驗 , 在 USM 系 統 啟 用 之 後 , 一 個 聲請個案平均需要六至八個月來處 理,如果他們的聲請被拒絕,上訴 則往往再需要六至 12 個月。如果一 個尋求庇護者繼續進行司法覆核, 就可能再需要九個月至兩年。 審批時間的長短可能受到幾個 因素的影響。例如,如果聲請人尋 122
Should the claimant fail in their appeal process, they can then lodge a judicial review as a last resort. This legal process examines whether an administrative decision is unfair, unreasonable, unconstitutional, or illegal. If a claimant is successful in a judicial review, the court will not only re-assess the asylum seeker’s case, but also determine whether the Immigration Officer or Department acted correctly when assessing the claim.
求法律援助,或無法即時找到懂得 其語言的翻譯,處理案件的時間就 可能更長。不過,香港的現行機制 已經較以往有所進步。 在 2014 年 USM 系統 啟 用之前, 個案的處理需時更久亦更為複雜, 可能需時 10 年以上,而不是數月或 數年。 Justice Centre 的其中一名服 務使用者在 2007 年提交聲請,超過 10 年後的今天仍然在法律程序中。 在此期間,聲請人並沒有很多 方法去追蹤自己的個案進度,他們
能做的就是等待審批結果。而且, 他們必須定期向入境處報到,頻率 則因人而異。 無論是偷渡的聲請人、持有效 簽證入境後提出聲請或希望簽證過 期後仍可以留下的聲請人,都適用 於這個機制。不過,後者只能在簽 證過期之後才能在 USM 系統下提出 聲請。 在處理聲請期間,香港政府 會為尋求庇護者提供每人每月 價 值 1,200港 幣 的 超 級 市 場 食 物
According to casework experience of the Justice Centre Hong Kong – a non-profit that focuses on providing legal and psychosocial support for vulnerable migrants as well as research and advocacy work – the processing time for an average claimant who has lodged a case after the implementation of USM is about six to eight months. If their application is denied, it usually takes another six to 12 months for an appeal. Should an asylum seeker lodge a judicial review, it can take another nine months to two years. The timelines can expand or contract due to several factors. If, for instance, the claimant applies for legal aid or speaks a language for which interpreters are not readily available, it could take much longer. However, it’s still an improvement from Hong Kong’s earlier model. For cases lodged before 2014, the year that USM was implemented, the process is significantly longer and more complicated – it can take over a decade in some instances, rather than months or years. One Justice Centre client who lodged a claim in 2007 is still undergoing legal proceedings, more than a decade later. During this period, claimants have few means to track their cases. All they can do is wait to be notified of the result. Even so, they must report to the Immigration Department on a regular basis, though the frequency differs from person to person.
LANDMARK COURT CASES 標誌性法庭案例 Three major court cases form the legal grounds for Hong Kong’s USM claim-evaluation process. 香港USM聲請處理機制的法律基礎主要來自三宗法庭案件。
FB & Ors v Director of Immigration and Secretary for Security
FB & Ors訴入境處處長及保安局局長 The assessment of torture claims must be conducted in accordance with high standards of fairness, which includes providing an opportunity for oral hearing and legal representation for claimants. 對酷刑聲請的評估必須在高標準的公平性下進行,包括給聲請人提 供聆訊機會和法律代表。
Ubamaka Edward Wilson v Secretary for Security Ubamaka Edward Wilson訴保安局局長
Before removing a claimant, Immigration has a duty to determine whether a person faces a “genuine” risk of being subjected to torture or cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment. 驅逐一個聲請人之前,入境處有義務確定該人是否有遭受殘忍、 不人道或有辱人格的待遇或處罰的「真實」風險。
券、 1,500 港幣的住房津貼,以及幾百元交通和日 用津貼;後者由社會福利署定額,並通過香港國際 社會服務社發放。 相對於香港的高生活成本,這些津貼明顯微不足 道,尤其是政府不允許聲請人在港工作或求職。香 港政府聲稱把這些支援保持在較低水平是合理的, 因為政府不希望製造「磁石效應,對香港現有支援 系統的長遠承擔能力及入境管制造成嚴重影響」。 「在香港要找到一個月租 1,500 港幣的地方並不 容易。」勵行會社工 Andrews 說。他補充,政府可 以看看目前的房屋市場以了解這種困難,「政府可 以做得更好,看看現實是怎樣。」
C & Ors v Director of Immigration C & Ors訴入境事務處處長
Rather than relying on the UNHCR’s assessment of non-refoulement claims, the Immigration Department must “independently” determine whether the claim is well-founded before deporting claimants. 入境處不應依賴聯合國難民署對於免遣返聲請的評估,而必須「獨 立」確定聲請是否有充分理據支持,之後再驅逐聲請人。 With reference to Mark Daly’s summary in HK Lawyer. 參考:人權律師帝理邁於《香港律師》中所撰之小結。
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This process also applies to asylum seekers who are smuggled into Hong Kong by human traffickers, as well as those who enter the city on valid visas but who seek non-refoulement to prevent deportation after their prescribed stay runs out. However, in the latter scenario, they can only apply to have claims assessed under the USM if and when they overstay their visa. While claims are being processed, the Hong Kong government provides each asylum seeker with a monthly stipend of HK$1,200 for food in the form of supermarket coupons; HK$1,500 for housing; and a few hundred dollars for transport and utilities – determined by the Social Welfare Department and distributed by the International Social Service. Given Hong Kong’s high cost of living, these subsidies are insufficient, especially as the government does not allow asylum
seekers to work or seek employment. The government has maintained that the relatively nominal support is justified, arguing that it does not want to create “a magnet effect which could have serious implications on the sustainability of our current support systems and on our immigration control.” “It’s not easy to find a place to rent for HK$1,500 [a month] now in Hong Kong,” Andrews says, adding that the government could examine the current housing market to identify the challenges. “The government can improve on that, seeing the reality of the situation.”
A KNEE-JERK SYSTEM According to the Immigration Department, 21,553 non-refoulement claims have been determined between 2009 and 2019. Out of those, only 172 (or about 0.80 per cent)
have been successful in achieving non-refoulement status and resettled internationally. Human rights advocates generally agree that Hong Kong needs to step up its efforts. When compared with other developed cities, where asylum seekers are allowed to remain on humanitarian grounds, Hong Kong does not do its part to protect the world’s most vulnerable people. “Hong Kong is such a rich city,” says Justice Centre Senior Research and Policy Officer Annie Li. “It should share more of the responsibility.” Patricia Ho notes that the success rate for claims is one of the lowest in the world, a fact, she says, that “speaks for itself.” However, she adds that it could also be a reflection of the large amount of people who genuinely do not fulfil the criteria of non-refoulement claims.
膝跳體系 入境處的數字顯示, 2009到 2019年 間,當局審核了 21,553宗酷刑/免 遣 返 聲 請 。 其 中 , 只 有 172 宗 ( 或 大約 0. 8%)成功獲批免遣返身分, 並得以被安置到外國。 整體上,人權倡議者同意香港 必須加快改革的腳步。在其他發 達城市,尋求庇護者可以人道理 由獲准逗留,但香港並沒有負起 保護世界上最弱勢者的責任。 「香港是一個如此富庶的城 市。它應該承擔更多責任。」 Justice Centre 的高級研究及政策 主任李敏說。 何珮芝指出,香港的聲請成功 率在全球的排名仍屬最低,這個 124
Ho says that Hong Kong’s system has been developed in a “passive” and “knee-jerk” way, with the government only moving to implement new policies after court rulings. She recalls having worked with a client who underwent over 100 interviews before ultimately being successful, because she believes officers were deliberately trying to buy time or find inconsistencies in the case. And, in some instances, Ho says unaccompanied minors underwent extensive questioning, and some were even detained. Such treatment has not continued unchallenged. For example, the Court of First Instance made a declaration in a 2008 case, FB and Ors v Director of Immigration and Secretary for Security, that officers are “insufficiently trained or instructed in respect of the screening and decisionmaking process on the claim.” Slowly,
with a series of judicial reviews, several instances of unfair procedures have been corrected. For instance, claimants are now entitled to legal representation – a right that was introduced after the 2008 court case. While the procedure has improved, Ho says, the training of immigration officers falls far short of international standards. “The job continues to be done by people who
have only been trained to remove non-Hong Kong residents [such as asylum seekers],” she says, adding that many of the officers are on job rotation schedules and, therefore, may not be specifically qualified for assessment purposes. “With that type of [rotational] employment process, the reality is that it’s very hard for them to do things in a fair manner.”
事實「不言自明」。不過,這亦 可能反映有一大部分的聲請人的 確不符合免遣返資格。 何珮芝說,香港的體系是「被 動」和「膝躍反射式」的。政府 只有在法庭作出裁決之後才會推 出新的政策。她記得曾經有一位 聲請人,在最終獲批聲請之前, 曾經接受面試超過 100 次,她相信 這是因為政府官員想拖延時間, 而且希望找到證詞中不一致的地 方。有些時候,就連無人陪伴的 未成年人也要面對冗長細緻的盤 問,部分人甚至會被拘留。 這樣的處理手法並非沒有 受 到 非 議 。 在 2008年 , 原 訟 法 庭 就 FB 訴 入 境 處 處 長 ( 2 0 0 8 ) HKCFI 1069 ( FB & Ors )一案作
出判決,表明有關官員「未獲充分 訓練或指示以檢視有關聲請和作出 決定(原文中譯)」。在連串司法 覆核之後,數個不公平的程序都慢 慢得到改善,例如,聲請人現在會 獲派律師,這是在 FB & Ors 一案裁 決後才引入的權利。 雖然有關程序得到改善,但何 珮芝說,入境處職員的訓練仍然 未達國際標準:「有關工作仍然 由只接受過把非香港居民(例如 尋求庇護者)驅逐出境的訓練的 人來進行。」她又指,許多職員 是依輪崗制度工作,因此未必符 合進行審批的資格。 「事實上,在這樣的(輪 崗 ) 制 度 下 工 作 , 他 們 很 難 公 平 處事。」
未開發的潛力 對於那不到1%聲請成功的尋求庇 護者而言,大部分人希望被安置 到一個安全的國度。他們沒有逗 留在香港的權利。 香港政府堅持「《難民公 約》及其1967議定書從未適用於 香港」,並且「不給予任何人庇 護或核實任何人的難民身分的堅 定政策」。 政府辯稱,實行這樣嚴格的機 制是為了香港的最佳利益,因為這 個城市的繁榮對於移民可能太吸引 了。2018年,針對聯合國提出檢討難 民政策的呼籲時,香港政府回應稱: 「我們認為沒有理由改變《難民公 約》不適用於香港的一貫政策。」 ARIANA 2019
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For the less than one per cent of asylum seekers who see their nonrefoulement claim substantiated by the government, the most they can hope is to be resettled in a safe country. They will not be granted the right to remain in Hong Kong. The government maintains that “the Refugee Convention and its 1967 Protocol have never been applied to Hong Kong and our firm policy of not determining the refugee status or granting asylum to anyone.” The government argues that this stringent system is in Hong Kong’s best interest, since the city’s prosperity could be too alluring to immigrants. In a response to an appeal from the UN to reconsider its stance on refugee policy in 2018, the government said that it did “not see any change to the circumstances of Hong Kong that justify a departure from our position of not applying the Refugee Convention to Hong Kong.”
Furthermore, the statement argued that Hong Kong’s situation is unique, given its high population density, liberal visa policies, high volumes of visitors, and sophisticated transit system, continuing: “Hong Kong is particularly vulnerable to the ill effects of illegal immigration.” As a result, asylum seekers must be resettled in another country, and it might be years before there is such an opportunity due to the speed at which that country issues travel documents. Many asylum seekers have been in Hong Kong for over a decade and haven’t seen family members back home since they first arrived. “We saw that [protection claimants] were getting depressed; they were getting isolated; they were getting lonely,” Andrews says. “I’ve seen clients just going downwards in terms of mental wellbeing.” Even with a successful claim, asylum seekers’ situation improves very little. Unlike countries that have signed the UN treaty, the government classifies asylum seekers as “illegal
immigrants" by default, meaning they cannot be granted official residency in Hong Kong, regardless of the number of years they have lived here. While they can’t obtain residency, successful claimants can apply to the Immigration Department for permission to work. Christian Action, for example, has successfully helped 30 of its clients secure the right to work. However, these permissions are by no means a guarantee. They must be reassessed every six months, which can cause job insecurity and take an emotional toll on the asylum seeker, as they may face pressure from the employers and delays in salary payment, Andrews says. It also makes it challenging for employers to hire asylum seekers, since businesses must endure the long bureaucratic process of re-filing forms every six months and run the risk of losing their employees. Unsurprisingly, successful employment applications are few and far between. However, that's chang-
此外,政府聲明指,香港情 況特殊,包括高密度的人口、自 由的簽證政策、大量的訪客和成 熟的運輸體系等,因此「香港難 以承受因經濟理由前來及停留在 香港的非法入境者所帶來的負面 影響」。 如是者,尋求庇護者必須被送 到另一個國家,而這種機會的到來 取決於接收國簽發簽證的速度,可 能需要數以年計的等待。許多尋求 庇護者滯留在香港超過 10 年,自來 港後便沒有見過自己的家人。 「我們看到(保護聲請人)變 得抑鬱;他們越來越被孤立,並覺
得孤單。我見過有人的精神狀態不 斷惡化。」 Andrews 說即便聲請成 功,對改善尋求庇護者的狀況也 非常有限。有別於聯合國公約的締 約國,香港政府界定聲請人為「非 法入境者」,這意味著他們不能在 香港合法居留。雖然不能獲得居留 權,成功的聲請人也可以向入境處 申請工作許可。 勵行會已成功幫助 30 名聲請人 獲得工作的權利。不過,這種許可 並非無後顧之憂的。 Andrews 說, 每六個月,他們就要再接受評估 以延續工作許可,而這種機制可能 令他們就業不穩,也會帶來情緒負
擔,因為他們可能要面對僱主的壓 力,以及被拖欠薪金。同時,這政 策也令僱主難以聘請尋求庇護者, 因為企業也必須承受冗長的官僚程 序,每六個月就得重新填表,更可 能面對流失僱員的風險。 雖然就業申請的成功率仍是非 常低,但已有所提升: 2014 年,入 境處只向五個申請人發出了工作許 可,不過在 2019 年已增加至 55 個。 當局回覆公開資料查詢時指出,這 種許可根據「酌情和個別(原文中 譯)」的基礎而發出,需要考慮的 因素包括對本地就業的影響、治安 問題或申請人的個人處境等。
ing: In 2014, the Immigration Department granted only five applications for the permission work, but the number rose to 55 as of 2019. The department has said in a Freedom of Information request that this permission is granted on a “discretionary and exceptional” basis. Permission is usually granted after considering the impact on the local employment sector, security concerns, and the personal circumstances of the applicant. Most often, asylum seekers are denied because the department was “unable to give any meaningful consideration in the absence of sufficient relevant supporting information.” The children of asylum seekers in Hong Kong, of which there are at least 900, face a similar predicament as they grow up. “They grew up in Hong Kong, everything they know is here, they speak Cantonese" says Patricia Ho. Yet they may not have a passport from either their family’s country of origin or from Hong Kong. When they finish secondary education,
很多時,尋求庇護者不獲發工 作許可是因為「無法為當局的考量 提供充分的資料(原文中譯)」。 香 港 現 在 至 少 有 900名 尋 求 庇護者的孩子,他們長大之後將 面臨同樣的困難。他們當中很多 人都生於香港,能說流利的廣東 話,但他們既沒有祖國的護照, 也沒有香港的護照。完成免費的 中學教育之後,他們無法工作 或旅行。何珮芝說,如果這些孩 子被視為香港居民,能夠求職、 交稅和對整體社會作出貢獻,他 們 可 能 是 一 股 「 明 顯 未 被 開 發 的 潛力」。 ARIANA 2019
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which is provided free-of-charge by the government, they are unable to work or travel. Ho says that if these children are recognised as residents and were able to seek employment, pay taxes, and contribute to wider Hong Kong society, then they would be a source of “clear untapped potential.” Annie Li says it's a missed opportunity, since asylum seekers would fill a need for workers in industries with labour shortages. In addition, the right to work would enable asylum seekers to cover their own expenses, thus alleviating the financial burden faced by taxpayers and empowering individuals to contribute to the community. The government argues that allowing asylum seekers to work would attract an influx of asylum seekers to the region, hence opening “a floodgate for the admission of foreign workers.” However, Li says the government has never released any numbers to support this claim. Ultimately, advocates say that the uncertain legal status asylum seekers face in Hong Kong is in urgent need of reform. “It’s the most demoralising thing for someone to wait 10 years for their case to be accepted,” Ho laments, “only to find out that the situation is exactly the same as it was before and that they can’t move on with their lives.”
李敏解釋道,香港的部分產業 面臨著人手不足的問題,而尋求庇 護者可以填補這些空缺。此外,工 作的權利可以讓尋求庇護者自給自 足,也由此減輕納稅人的負擔,讓 個人可以通過貢獻社會而充權。 政府說,允許尋求庇護者求職 會吸引更多同類人來到這裡,因此 打開「引入外國工人的缺口」。不 過,李敏說香港政府從未公佈過數 據以支持它的這些說法。 倡議者們指出,尋求庇護者在 香港所面對的不確定的法律地位亟 待改革,「最不道德的事,是要一 個 人 為 他 的 聲 請 被 確 立 而 等 待 10 年。」何珮芝批評道,「而最終只 發現狀況一成不變,並無法開展新 生活。」
Learn more 詳情請看 christian-action.org.hk; justicecentre.org.hk
A LONELY DEPARTURE 孤獨的離去 Asylum seekers who pass away in Hong Kong are
considered “unclaimed bodies.” For Muslims, local
mosques often arrange funeral proceedings. Christian
Action has stepped in on a number of occasions to ensure that individuals have a dignified death. But, in cases where Christian Action is uninformed of the person’s passing, the Hong Kong government will arrange to cremate the body and scatter the ashes without a funeral service as a last resort. In that case, families will not be contacted, and the bodies will not be returned to the individual’s country of origin.
不過,如果勵行會未被知會,香港政府就會火化遺 體,不舉行葬禮便撒掉骨灰。在這種情況下,死者家屬 也不會被通知,遺體也不會被送返其祖國。
BEYOND BORDERS 超越國界 We ask activists and refugees, students, journalists, professors, and lawmakers about issues facing asylum seekers in Hong Kong and Macao. 我們採訪了社運人士、尋求庇護者、學生、記者、教授和議員,以了解他們對港澳尋求庇護者面對的問題有何看法。
Words 文 Chermaine Lee and Rafelle Allego Photography 攝影 António Sanmarful and Karma Lo
Hong Kong 香港 BARRIER TO ENTRY Harmony “Anne-Marie” Ilungaa, founder of refugee support programmes Harmony HK and Learning Together, talks about the biggest challenges facing asylum seekers: “When I first came to Hong Kong with my mother and brother from the Democratic Republic of Congo, I was 12 years old and I could only speak Lingala and French. This made it difficult for me to interact with other people and I felt left out. But after I picked up English, everything got better. “The biggest challenge for asylum seekers in Hong Kong is that they don’t know what the future holds. They are not allowed to work, which means they can't support their children and basic needs. This can negatively affect their mental health."
難以融入 難 民 支 援 計 劃 「 Harmony HK」 與 「 L earning Together」的創始人 Harmony “Anne-Marie” Ilunga談到 了尋求庇護者面臨的最大挑戰: 「我12歲的時候便與母親和弟弟從剛果來到香港,當 時我只會講林格拉語和法語。這讓我很難與他人交 流,並覺得自己備受泠落。但當我學會英語後,情況 開始變好了。」 「尋求庇護者在香港面臨的最大挑戰,就是他們不 知道未來會怎樣。他們不被允許工作,這意味著他們 無法養活孩子和解決基本需求,這樣可能會對他們的 心理健康產生負面影響。」 ARIANA 2019
STUCK IN LIMBO Kelley Loper, the director of a human rights law programme at the University of Hong Kong, explains the legal status of asylum seekers: “Refugees and asylum seekers are still, technically speaking, ‘illegal immigrants’ in Hong Kong. They are not granted any legal status or permission to stay. They are essentially stuck in limbo, do not have the right to work, and are forced to put their lives on hold. “Hong Kong provides basic protections for refugees who are at risk of persecution, torture, or other forms of cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment. Yet, they are not allowed to settle in Hong Kong and must wait for a third country to accept their resettlement request. There are more refugees in the world who need resettlement than places available, so this causes a long, often fruitless, wait. “Hong Kong should grant status to refugees and others at risk of serious harm. Along with such a status, they should provide the right to work, so they can lead more dignified lives.”
陷入困境 香港大學人權法課程主任 Kelley Loper 解釋尋求庇 護者的法律地位: 「從技術上來說,在香港的難民和尋求庇護者仍然 是『非法移民』,不能獲得任何合法身分或居留許 可。他們基本上陷入了困境,沒有工作的權利,生 活被迫停頓。」 「香港為面臨迫害、折磨或其他殘忍、不人道或 侮辱的待遇或處罰的難民提供基本保障。然而,他 們不能在香港定居,並且必須等待第三方國家接受 他們的居留請求。世界上需要重新安置的難民比可 供安置的地方更多,這往往會造成漫長的,甚至毫 無結果的等待。」 「香港應該為難民和有機會遭受嚴重傷害的人 士提供合法身分,此外,他們還應該享有工作的權 利,這樣他們才能過上更有尊嚴的生活。」 130
HOLDING PATTERN Fernando Cheung, a pro-democracy lawmaker, shares his thoughts on the plight of refugees: “Hong Kong is not a friendly place for refugees. The city didn’t sign any conventions relating to the status of refugees, which means asylum seekers can stay here temporarily but can’t obtain permanent residence. “Asylum seekers are living in pain. The application process [for refugee status] is very lengthy – many wait for over five years, and thousands are stuck in the city and have no way to leave. I talked with many asylum seekers – they can’t do any meaningful work, so they tend to develop emotional or mental disorders. “Refugee children are in a particularly precarious situation. They call Hong Kong their home, yet their prospects are on hold as the government does not subsidise their education after secondary school.”
停滯不前 香港民主派議員張超雄分享了他對難民困境的看法: 「香港對難民並不是一個友好的地方,因為香港沒有簽署任何有關難民 身分的公約,這意味著尋求庇護者雖然可以暫時留在這裡,但不能獲得 永久居留權。」 「尋求庇護者生活在痛苦之中,申請難民身分的過程亦非常漫 長。許多人等待了超過五年,而數千人更被困在這座城市裡,無法離 開。我和許多尋求庇護者談過,他們都表示不能做任何有意義的工 作,所以他們很容易產生情緒或精神困擾。」 「難民兒童的處境尤其堪虞。他們視香港為家園,可是,由於政 府不資助他們中學畢業後的教育,他們的前程都被耽誤了。」
MELTING POT Timothy Chan, organiser of Refugee Kitchen at Kowloon Union Church, explains why it’s important to break down social barriers: “There are 30 to 40 refugees in our church activities, and they really enjoy cooking. Since their cuisines are very delicious, I started having the idea of a ‘Refugee Kitchen’ back in 2016. Hongkongers love eating, so why don’t I combine that with public education and empowerment of asylum seekers? “We organise Refugee Kitchen once a month. Refugees from different countries cook dishes for 35 local guests who give a donation to join the activity. They have a chance to spend time with refugees, who share their stories about coming to Hong Kong and introduce the culture of their countries. “Hongkongers generally don’t know much about African countries and their culture, so they are very interested and engaged. A refugee chef told me she felt more accepted by the community after having a chance to interact with Hong Kong people.”
YOUNG VOICE Rax Cheng, an 18-year-old student, says Hongkongers lack empathy for asylum seekers:
九龍佑寧堂「難民廚房」舉辦人陳嘉認為突破隔閡是至關重要的: 「在我們的教會活動中有30到40名難民,他們真的很喜歡烹飪,而且他 們所做的菜餚非常美味,因此我在2016年開始有了『難民廚房』的構 思。既然香港人喜歡飲飲食食,為甚麼我不把它與公眾教育和尋求庇護 者的權利結合起來呢?」 「我們每月組織一次難民廚房,讓來自不同國家的難民為35位本地客 人製作自家菜。這些客人透過捐款參與活動,並有機會聽到難民分享他 們來香港的故事,以及介紹他們國家的文化。」 「香港人一般不太了解非洲國家及文化,所以他們都很感興趣,亦非 常投入。一位難民廚師告訴我,在與香港人接觸之後,她覺得自己更能 被社群接受。」
“In general, Hongkongers are not very friendly towards asylum seekers. Our conservative mindset, combined with insufficient education, leads to a lack of understanding about their issues – not to mention the media in Hong Kong paints a nasty picture of them. “I admit that I am a Hongkonger with prejudices. Some South Asians made me feel unsafe, because my impression is that they have likely committed robbery or arson before. I don’t understand their language, so that makes me feel uncomfortable about interacting with them.”
青年之聲 18歲學生成港中認為香港人對尋求庇護者缺乏 同情心: 「一般來說,香港人對尋求庇護者不是太友 好。我們心態保守,加上教育不足,這導致我 們對尋求庇護者的問題缺乏了解,更不用說香 港的媒體對他們的惡意抹黑了。」 「我承認我是一個有偏見的香港人。部分 南亞人讓我感到不安,因為我總覺得他們可能 犯過搶劫或縱火等罪行。而且我不懂他們的語 言,所以和他們交流會讓我感到不舒服。」
Macao 澳門 BUREAUCRATIC BLOCKADES Paul Pun, secretary general of Caritas Macau, shares his views on the government's current measures: "Though the government has measures in place to vet the identity of people applying for refugee status, in our opinion, it seems that these measures are not proactive enough. For example, they lack coordination and cooperation between relevant government departments and NGOs – in many cases, asylum seekers do not know what they should do. "In the long run, we feel that the government can adopt more positive measures at the airport and customs, such as permitting NGOs to set up special counters to help refugees and asylum seekers.”
官僚桎梏 澳門明愛總幹事潘志明分享了對澳門現行政策的看法: 「雖然政府已經採取措施審查申請難民身分的人士,但我們認為這些 措施似乎有欠主動。例如,有關政府部門和非政府組織之間缺乏協調 與合作,而在許多情況下,尋求庇護者不知道他們應該做甚麼。」 「從長遠來看,我們認為政府可以在機場和海關採取更積極的 措施,比如允許非政府組織設立特別櫃檯幫助難民和尋求庇護者。」
DUE PROCESS An associate professor at the City University of Macau’s Institute for Research on Portuguese-speaking countries, Francisco Leandro explains why the asylum determination process is so complicated: “Making a fair, fast, and transparent determination of the legal status of each asylum seeker is difficult. On the one hand, the process has to ensure that two important principles are observed at all times: non-discrimination and non-refoulement. “On the other hand, due process must also guarantee that the system is not abused for other means – be that human trafficking, religious persecution, money laundering, political purposes, or simply as a way to establish new economic migrants. “People are starting to talk about the issue in informal groups, which will hopefully lead to new legislation that better protects vulnerable groups such as asylum seekers.” 132
正當程序 澳門城市大學葡語國家 研究院副教授Francisco Leandro解釋為甚麼庇 護確認程序如此復雜: 「要公正、迅速和透明 地確認尋求庇護者的法律 身分是很困難的。首先, 整個程序必須遵守兩項重要原 則:不歧視和不遣返。」 「另一方面,正當程序必須確保該制度不被濫用於其他目 的,如人口販運、宗教迫害、洗黑錢、政治目的,或僅僅作 為建立新經濟移民的一種方式。人們已開始在非正式組織中 討論這個問題,這有望促成新的法例,以更好地保護尋求庇 護者等弱勢群體。」
PERCEIVED CONSTRAINTS Ana Catarina Alvarez D, a social worker at Good Shepherd Centre, says Macao is not equipped to handle refugees: “There used to be camps in Macao for refugees and asylum seekers in the 1960s and 1970s, until most were absorbed by other countries with pathways to citizenship. A few chose to settle in Macao and marry local residents. “Today, with Macao being an over-crowded city, space and resources can be a challenge. As of now, if asylum seekers were to come, I think little can be done to provide for their needs. It won’t be as easy as it was before, when it was much less crowded.”
已知局限 澳門善牧中心社工郭安瑩認為澳門 沒有能力處理難民問題:
YOUNG VOICE 「上世紀六七十年代,澳門曾經有 難民和尋求庇護者的營地,直到當 中大部分人被其他國家接收。 不過,亦有部分人選擇在 澳門定居,並與本地 居民結婚。」 「如今,澳門 是一個擁擠的城 市,空間和資源 都是一個挑戰。 我認為,如果現 在有尋求庇護者 來到這裡,他們的 需求幾乎是無法被滿 足的。這不會像以前那 麼容易,因為以前人比較 少。」
Lina Ferreira, a journalist in Macao and the producer of 2016 documentary “Boat People” shares her views on how the situation has changed over time:
2016年紀錄片《Boat People》的製 片人兼澳門記者 Lina Ferreira分享了 她所觀察到的變化:
“Macao follows international conventions concerning refugee practices, having approved a law in 2004 to provide basic needs such as food allowances, accommodation, healthcare, and school for children. “Despite a reputation for welcoming refugees in the past, there are so few cases of people seeking refuge today that asylum seekers are basically invisible. In 2015, I interviewed an asylum seeker in Macao who had been waiting for a response for four years. “Macao people need to pressure the government to speed up the process, instead of making them wait for years without the ability to work. This is unlike the case with the Vietnamese refugees in the 1970s who were informally allowed to work, giving them some dignity.”
「澳門遵循有關難民處理的國際公 約,並於2004年通過了一項法例, 為難民提供基本需要,如食品補貼、 住宿、醫療保健和兒童入學。」 「儘管過去以歡迎難民而聞名, 但現在很少有人(向澳門)尋求庇 護,所以尋求庇護者基本上是看不 見的。2015年,我採訪了一位在澳 門的尋求庇護者,當時他已經等待 了四年的時間。」 「澳門人需要向政府施壓,以加 快審核程序,而不是讓他們在無法工 作的情況下等待多年。這與70年代越 南難民的情況不同,當時他們被非正 式地允許工作,並得到一點尊嚴。」
Ryan Wong, a 14-year-old student from Yuet Wah College, believes asylum seekers should have the right to work: “Most people think that refugees and asylum seekers come from countries that have a lot of wars, but some actually come from places with oppressive governments. They escape these conditions to find better lives elsewhere. “In Macao, instead of prohibiting asylum seekers from working, I think we should give them job opportunities so they can have financial freedom. This would be a better way to support them.”
青年之聲 就讀於粵華中學的14歲學生 黃顥言認為尋求庇護者應該 被賦予工作的權利: 「大多數人認為難民和尋求 庇護者來自戰爭頻繁的國 家,但實際上有些人是在家 鄉受到政府壓迫,才逃到別 處尋找更好的生活。」 「在澳門,我認為我們不 應該禁止尋求庇護者工作, 而是給他們工作機會,讓他 們可以擁有經濟自由,這樣 的支持方式對他們更好。」
P H O T O E S S AY 圖 文 並 荗
From the Greek ou (not) and topos (place), utopia literally means 'non-place'. Through this lens, Hong Kong is a utopia, a 'non-place' for asylum seekers. Home, too, is remote, indefinite – a utopia that might never be seen again. 「烏托邦」( utopia)一詞是由希臘語的 ou(意:不是)和 topos(意:地方)兩個字組成,其字面意思為「不是 地方」。 在此鏡頭下,香港對於尋求庇護者也是一個烏托邦,一個「不是地方」。「家」,也是遙遠且不確定, 一個可能永遠不會重返的烏托邦。
Photography 攝影 Samuel Miller
am an invisible man. I am here, yet I am unseen. My days are spent in search of something, anything. They say that I am lazy, but they do not understand. All I ask is to be given the right to work, to be self-sufficient. Without this, I am nothing. A man without a job is a man without respect. The years are passing me by. Without a sense of purpose, I languish somewhere that is, in fact, nowhere. I live in a 2- by 3-metre room in a dilapidated building in Kowloon infested with rats and cockroaches, a place where the trash is never removed, and the murmurs of others echo day and night; the stairwells smell of urine and rotten food and the discarded materials of a hard city. For this privilege, my landlord demands money I do not owe – money I do not have, money I cannot earn. Home is a small country in Africa that exists only in my mind. I used to own a shop there until they burned it to the ground. My political activism was too dangerous for them and I have the scars to prove it. They destroyed everything. Now, I have nothing. I cannot stay nor can I return. But I beseech you: Do not pity me. Our large family house was filled with the sound of laughter and joy and a feeling of safety and love. We used to sit on the front porch in the cool evening breeze and look out to sea, contemplating the infinite possibilities that lay beyond. From time to time, I sit by the harbour in Hong Kong and look out to sea, searching in vain for a place I once knew.
是一個隱形人。我在這裡,卻不被看見。 我每天都在尋找一些東西——不管是甚 麼。他們說我懶惰,但他們不明白。我只是 想獲得工作的權利,能夠自給自足,否則我甚麼都不 是。沒有工作的人是沒有尊嚴的。歲月也在我身邊漸 漸流逝。 沒有目標,我只是在一個地方苟延殘喘, 但其實,這裡根本不是一個地方。在九龍一幢破舊 的大廈裡,我住在一間六平方米的房間,與老鼠和 蟑螂為伍。那裡的垃圾從不清理,其他人的竊竊私 語日夜迴響;樓梯間裡有尿味,有食物的腐臭, 還有城市的廢物。享受這些「待遇」的代價, 就是被房東索取我從未欠下的錢——我沒有錢, 也掙不到錢。 「家」是非洲的一個小國,它只存在於我的腦 海中。我在那裡曾經擁有過一家店鋪,直至他們把 它燒成平地。我的政治主張對他們來說太危險了, 而我亦有傷疤作為印記。他們摧毀了一切,令我 一無所有。我不能留下,也不能返回。但我懇求 你們,不要可憐我。 從前,我家的大房子裡充滿歡聲笑語、愛與 安穩的感覺。我們常常坐在門廊上,迎著涼爽的 晚風眺望大海,思考著遠方的無限可能。現在, 我只能坐在香港的岸邊看海,徒勞地尋找那個 我曾經熟悉的地方。
P H O T O E S S AY 圖 文 並 荗
P H O T O E S S AY 圖 文 並 荗
P H O T O E S S AY 圖 文 並 荗
P H O T O E S S AY 圖 文 並 荗
U U TT O O PP II A A 烏 烏托 托邦 邦
Barbara Fei used her gift to celebrate Chinese folk music and unite people through song. 費明儀以天賦嗓音演繹中國民歌,拉近人與人之間的距離。
Words 文 Andrea Lo | Illustrations 圖 Lauren Crow
n a cold night in January 1951, 19-year-old soprano Barbara Fei Ming-yi took the stage at Queen’s College in Hong Kong to perform two traditional folk songs from Shanxi, China – Embroidered Purse and Aunt Li – for her her first solo. Her father, who suffered from heart disease, obtained permission to leave the hospital and watch his daughter in concert. It would be the last time he ever saw her perform. After her father’s passing, Fei rose to become one of Hong Kong’s most talented performers. She shared the beauty of Chinese folk music with audiences around the region and, in 1964, established the Allegro Singers, a choir group that still performs today. “She had this standout quality,” recalls Rita Wong, Allegro Singers’ vice-chairman. “She was able to attract people as soon as she hit the stage.”
BORN WITH IT Fei was born in Tianjin, China, on 8 July 1931, then moved to Shanghai with her family soon after. She was very close to her father, legendary film director Fei Mu, and often cited him as her greatest influence. A key figure in Shanghai’s creative circle, Fei Mu was “the first person who encouraged me to study music,” wrote Fei in autobiography Singers and Songs. He played Bach, Mozart and Beethoven at home, and took Fei to concerts and operas. The two also made a pact that, one day, Fei would compose scores for her father’s films. As the oldest of seven children, Fei was described as headstrong by her family. But Allegro Singers Chairman Johnny Au Choi-kai remembers her as exceptionally caring: “She was your teacher, your friend, and sometimes even your parent.” Fei’s talents were obvious from childhood. At age 4, she performed a song from a film her father had
951 年 1月 的 一 個 寒 夜 , 19歲 的 女 高 音 費 明 儀 在香港皇仁書院登台。身穿標誌性旗袍的她 首次獨擔大旗,演唱兩首來自中國陝西的民歌 《繡荷包》和《李大媽》。雖然她的父親當時正罹患 心臟病,但也獲得醫院的准許去看她演出。那是他最 後一次看她表演。 在父親去世之後,費明儀逐步成為香港的殿堂級 歌唱家。她將中國民歌之美帶給大中華地區的聽眾, 並在1964年成立「明儀合唱團」,合唱團至今仍然 活躍。 「她就是如此氣質出眾。只要她一登上舞台,就能 抓住大家的注意力。」明儀合唱團副團長黃菊芬說。
天生我才 費明儀1931年7月8日於天津出世,不久後,她就隨 著家人搬遷到上海,並在那裡度過她童年的大部分時 光。費明儀的父親是傳奇電影導演費穆,與她特別親 近,而她亦經常提及父親對她的重大影響。 費穆是上海文藝圈的重要人物,也是「第一個鼓勵 我學習音樂的人」,費明儀在她的自傳《歌者與歌》 中寫道。費穆會在家中彈奏巴赫、莫扎特和貝多芬的 作品,也會帶費明儀去聽音樂會和歌劇。兩人還約 定,費明儀將來會為父親的電影寫歌。 作為家中七個孩子中最年長的一位,費明儀是家人 心目中特別頑固的孩子。然而,在明儀合唱團團長區 載佳的記憶中,費明儀為人寬厚體貼。「她是你的老 師,你的朋友,有時甚至是你家長。」他說。 費明儀的天賦在兒時已嶄露頭角。年僅四歲,她 就在一場晚宴上演唱了她父親執導的電影的主題曲 《天倫歌》。「(我)記不清當時是通過甚麼方式 學會這首歌,整天口中嘰哩咕嚕唱個不停。」費明 儀在她合著並於2008年出版的《律韻芳華:費明儀 的故事》中回憶道。而那次演出已預示了她「會走 上歌唱家之路」。 費明儀六歲的時候已學會了彈鋼琴,並在1945年 ARIANA 2019
directed at a banquet dinner. “Not sure how I learned to 14歲時向作曲家丁善德拜師學藝。兩年後,她父親將 sing it – I just blabbed it all day,” said Fei, according to 她送到南京國立音樂院學習,以培養她自立;該校為 The Story of Barbara Fei, a 2008 book she co-authored. It 中央音樂學院的前身,也是中國最頂尖的音樂學院之 was an event that marked “the beginning of her musical 一。不過,由於中國內戰期間的政治不穩,費明儀只 career.” 在南京逗留了一年就返回上海,在現已停辦的震旦大 She learned to play the piano at age 6, then began 學學習法語。1949年5月,她和家人移居香港,並在尖 taking lessons from Chinese composer Ding Shande 沙咀落腳。 when she turned 14. In 1947, Fei’s father sent her to the 自後,17歲的費明儀成為了曾在布魯塞爾學藝的知 Conservatory (now the Central Conservatory of Music), 名男中音歌唱家趙梅伯的學生。音樂事業開始走上坡 one of the top music schools in China, to cultivate her 路的同時,費明儀亦接到越來越多的邀請,讓她去不 talent and independence. During the Chinese Civil War, 同的高檔場所表演。 Fei left Nanjing and returned to Shanghai where she 然而好景不常,三年之後,費明儀年僅44歲的父親 studied French and, in May 1949, moved to Hong Kong 因病去世。黃菊芬憶述,費明儀因父親的去世大受打 with her family. 擊,甚至好幾個月拒絕唱 Once settled in Tsim 歌。幸而,她的叔叔,也就 Sha Tsui, the 17-year-old 是親中報章《大公報》的前 “She was able to attract began singing classes with 社長費彝民,鼓勵她繼續唱 Chao Mei-pa, an acclaimed 歌,並為她向趙梅伯支付了 people as soon as she hit Brussels-trained baritone. 一年的學費。 the stage.” With her musical career 復出後的費明儀開始憑 on the rise, Fei began 藉自己的天賦、熱情和舞 「只要她一登上舞台, performing at prestigious 台魅力而備受矚目。與此 就能抓住大家的注意力。」 venues around the city. 同時,她的私人生活也步 But three years later, 入了繁花盛放的春天:她 – Rita Wong 黃菊芬 tragedy struck: Fei’s father 在朋友的婚禮上認識了銀 passed away at 44. She 行 家 許 樂 群 , 二 人 在 1952 “refused to continue singing” 年締結良緣。然而,婚姻 for several months, because she was “so devastated,” says 並沒有令她變成家庭主婦。1956年,25歲的費明儀移 Wong. Her uncle Fei Yi-ming – a director of Ta Kung 居法國,一圓父親的心願。「父親生前經常說,將來 Pao, the oldest active Chinese-language newspaper – 一定送我到法國巴黎學習,因為父親認為巴黎是文化 encouraged her to sing again, writing Chao a cheque for 之都。」費明儀寫道。 a year’s worth of lessons. 費明儀入讀了法國東部的里昂音樂學院,並盼望著 Back on stage, Fei quickly gained acclaim for her 可以一會旅居於巴黎的知名奧地利女高音歌唱家洛特• passion and presence. Her personal life also bloomed: In 軒納夫人。終於,她通過一位熟人和軒納夫人取得聯 1952, she married financier James Coe, whom she met at 繫,並在抵法的第二年成為她的學徒。黃菊芬記得, a friend’s wedding. A few years after their marriage, the 剛開始時費明儀覺得自尊心大受打擊。「費明儀在香 25-year-old moved to France in 1956 to fulfill her father’s 港時已經開過演唱會了,軒納夫人卻讓她從基本功學 dream for her to study music there. “My father talked 起。」黃菊芬說。 about sending me to Paris … because he always considered 「去法國以前,我被人冠以『中國民歌之后』的美 it the capital of culture,” she wrote. 譽。軒納夫人覺得我太驕氣了,(她)吩咐我對於藝術 She initially studied at the Conservatoire de Lyon, but 的態度,不能過於輕率,更不能虛榮地追求名利。」 soon connected with illustrious Austrian soprano Lotte 費明儀在《律韻芳華:費明儀的故事》中寫道。 Schöne, who was based in Paris, and started apprenticing 三個月後,軒納夫人幫助費明儀進入著名的巴黎聖 under her the following year. 歌學院深造。1959年,費明儀頻繁往返香港和巴黎,並 “Prior to France … I had been dubbed ‘The Queen of 於同年12月誕下兒子。 146
Chinese Folk Music,’” Fei wrote in The Story of Barbara Fei. “Madame Schöne thought I was too proud and taught me to approach art more seriously … and not to seek fame and fortune in a vain manner.” Fei then enrolled at prestigious conservatory Schola Cantorum de Paris, where she continued to study singing. The soprano gave birth to a son in 1959 and graduated from the conservatory the following year, then performed with Schöne in Salzburg, Austria, before returning home where she took time off to give birth to her second son in December 1961. She started performing again four months later, starting with a concert at City Hall, which opened that year.
1960年的夏天,費明儀從聖樂學院畢業,並與軒 納夫人在奧地利薩爾斯堡同台演出。之後,她返回香 港並決定暫別舞台,直至在1961年12月誕下第二個兒 子。四個月後,費明儀重返舞台,在當年新落成的香 港大會堂演唱。 區載佳回憶道,費明儀才華洋溢,且對各種樂器 都非常了解,即便是她不會演奏的樂器。儘管未接受 過專業訓練,她也能夠編輯作曲家的作品。 她以表演中國民歌而享負盛名,有時也會用民歌來 源地的方言演唱。她在法國學習聲樂期間,還學習了 法語、德語、意大利語和西班牙語。「在與音樂有關 的所有方面她都有廣博的知識。」黃菊芬說。
In the 1960s, Fei’s performances took her to the US, Malaysia, Singapore, and New Zealand. She also held concerts in Taiwan, which was particularly challenging due to turbulent China–Taiwan relations. But her music wasn’t about politics; Fei wanted to build bridges in the name of arts and culture. “I’m not there to sing anti-Communist music,” she would later tell her uncle, who was opposed to her performing in Taiwan. “I’m there to promote Chinese folk art. What’s wrong with that?” Her debut concert in 1962 was warmly received despite the music’s origins. “Taiwan was very much against Chinese folk music at the time, especially songs from northern Shaanxi [in northwestern China] which was an ‘old Mao’ stronghold,” explains Fei in The Story of Barbara Fei, referring to Mao Zedong, the founding father of the People’s Republic of China. “Singing northern Shaanxi folk songs would mean promoting his revolutionary ideas.” Fei continued to perform in both Taiwan and China because she believed it was important to share traditional Chinese music. She also facilitated meetings in Hong Kong between musicians from the two territories – something that “only Fei could have done” with her influence, says Au.
上世紀60年代,費明儀遠赴美國、馬來西亞、新加坡 和新西蘭等地演出。她也曾在台灣舉辦演唱會。當時 正值兩岸關係動蕩之際,這些機會來之不易。 1962年,她首次在台灣演出,但這次表演卻因為 她家族的親中背景而備受爭議。不過,費明儀強調, 她的音樂與政治無關,她只希望以文化與藝術之名建 立橋樑。「我不是去唱反共歌。我是去推廣中國民間 藝術的。這有甚麼不對?」她跟反對她去台灣演出的 叔叔說。 區載佳說,她的首演在台灣這個沒人唱中國民歌的 地方大受歡迎,「當年台灣對中國民歌很抗拒,尤其 對陝北民歌特別敏感,因為那是『老毛』的根據地。 如果唱陝北民歌,便等於是宣傳他的革命思想。」費 明儀在《律韻芳華:費明儀的故事》中寫道。 雖然這次演出影響了她和叔叔的關係,但費明儀繼 續在台灣和中國表演,因為她相信,分享音樂和推廣中 國傳統文化有其重要性。她也致力促進兩地音樂家在香 港會面交流,這是「只有費明儀才能做到的事」,區載 佳說。
IN WITH THE OLD In 1964, the soprano established the Allegro Singers to raise awareness about Chinese folk music in Hong Kong. “The atmosphere of British colonisation was strong, and not many knew about Chinese folk songs. People thought
新舊融合 1964年,費明儀成立了「明儀合唱團」,繼續努力提 升香港人對於中國民歌的印象和認知。「當時香港的 政治環境,英國殖民地氣息濃厚,很多人沒有機會接 觸中國民歌,他們認為唱中國民歌就是共產黨。」費 明儀在《律韻芳華:費明儀的故事》中寫道。 費明儀接受的是美聲唱法的訓練,這種意大利歌劇 唱腔強調控制呼吸和氣息。但她對中國聲樂的理解和研 究,足以讓她引導明儀合唱團唱出民歌的原汁原味。 ARIANA 2019
“The atmosphere of British colonisation was strong, and not many knew about Chinese folk songs.” 「(當時)英國殖民地氣息濃厚, 很多人沒有機會接觸中國民歌。」 – Barbara Fei 費明儀
singing folk songs meant they were Communists,” she wrote in The Story of Barbara Fei. Fei was professionally trained in bel canto, an Italian operatic singing style that emphasises breathing control. Yet her mastery of Chinese vocalisation and native dialects enabled her to guide the Allegro Singers to perform authentic folk music, true to its form. “The majority of other people who sing Chinese folk songs would, unbelievably, use Western vocalisation,” explains The Story of Barbara Fei. According to the book, Chinese folk singers emit nasal sounds, whereas Western singing uses the diaphragm and vocal cords. Throughout the next three decades, Fei continued to perform and conduct the Allegro Singers. She also held leadership positions in numerous organisations, including the Hong Kong Arts Development Council’s Music Group and Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra. The Hong Kong government awarded her Bronze and Silver Bauhinia Stars in 2001 and 2012, respectively, for her distinguished service to the community. When Fei passed away in 2017, then-Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying praised her “longstanding commitment to promoting the development of music, culture and the arts,” and tributes poured in from entertainment industry veterans. She left a musical legacy in Hong Kong and the 40-member Allegro Singers still performs regularly. “We can’t stop singing because Ms Fei is gone,” says Au. “We’ll always continue her philosophy – to sing a variety of songs and inspire young people.” 148
《律韻芳華:費明儀的故事》解釋道,費明儀演唱中國 民歌的成功之處,在於她真正領悟了中國的發聲法,而絕 大多數表演者演唱中國民歌時,竟運用西洋歌曲發聲法。 書中指出,中國民歌唱法要求歌者發出鼻音,但西式唱腔 則強調控制隔膜和聲帶。 上世紀七八十年代,費明儀一邊表演一邊指導明儀合 唱團。她還擔任多項公職,包括香港藝術發展局音樂組主 席,以及香港中樂團資深音樂顧問。 在1999年接受了重大的心臟手術之後,費明儀大幅放慢 了自己的腳步,但她繼續在明儀合唱團工作。她在 2001年 和2012年分別獲得銅紫荊星章和銀紫荊星章,這是香港表 揚對社會有傑出貢獻的人士的最高榮譽。 2017年,費明儀去世。時任特首梁振英發表聲明,讚揚 費明儀「長期致力推動音樂、文化和藝術發展」,同時,演 藝界人士亦紛紛表示哀悼。 費 明 儀 給 香 港 留 下 了 重 要 的 音 樂 遺 產 , 而 約 有 40名 成員的明儀合唱團至今仍然定期表演。「我們不能因為 費明儀老師的離去就停止表演。我們會繼承她的理念, 表演各色各樣的曲目,並 啟 發年輕一代。」區載佳說。