Ariana #02

Page 18

T H E I N I T I AT I V E 環 球 倡 議



-United Kingdom-

- 英格蘭-



Harnessing the power of visual storytelling to shed light on positive social and environmental initiatives around the world, FotoDocument is an arts education not-for-profit with global ambitions. Founded in 2012, the organisation runs an ethical photography agency, FotoAgency, which reinvests profits into FotoDocument’s arts education work. It also commissions photographers to produce photo essays, creates socially engaging visual stories for the public sector, and hosts workshops and competitions. One of FotoDocument’s main projects is Empowering Women Entrepreneurs Worldwide, a series of photo essays highlighting the work of Lendwithcare. The initiative, run by leading aid and development charity CARE International UK, features inspiring women entrepreneurs in five of the countries where the NGO operates: Pakistan, Ecuador, Zimbabwe, Philippines and Zambia.

FotoDocument是一個放眼世界的非牟利藝術教育組 織,它利用視覺敘事的力量,介紹世界各地具建設 性的社會和環境倡議項目。該組織成立於2012年, 一直營運著一家良心攝影社FotoAgency,這家攝影 社會把盈利投資在FotoDocument的藝術教育工作之 中。FotoDocument也會委託攝影師製作攝影專題, 創作介入社會的視覺故事,以及舉辦一些工作坊和比賽。 現時FotoDocument的一個主要項目是「為全球女 性企業家充權」(Empowering Women Entrepreneurs Worldwide),它是一系列講述Lendwithcare工作 的攝影專題。該項目由重要的支援和發展慈善機構 CARE International UK主理,重點介紹一些鼓舞人心 的女性企業家故事,而這些女性企業家均來自CARE International UK服務的五個國家,包括巴基斯坦、 厄瓜多爾、津巴布韋、菲律賓和贊比亞。


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Ariana #02 by Ariana Life - Issuu