Ariana #05 Reproductive Rights

Page 120

LIFE STUDIES 生命何去 Experts from the fields of religion, biology, and psychology unpack challenging ethical dilemmas. 來自宗教、道德倫理、生物科技和心理學四個不同領域的專家, 分析生育權的道德問題。 Words 文 Cathy Lai | Photography 攝影 António Sanmarful and Krollfilm


eproductive rights catapulted onto the world stage in 1968 during the first United Nations’  International Conference on Human Rights, where member states and delegates assured citizens of the “basic human right to determine freely and responsibly the number and spacing of their children.” In theory, this meant that women would have improved access to education, contraception and legal abortion services, as well as greater self-determination in family planning. Half a century later, reproductive rights have once again entered international discourse. In the US, for example, a number of states have attempted near-total bans on abortion as ultra-conservative and religious factions push the Supreme Court to overturn the landmark 1973 abortion case Roe v Wade. In China, He Jiankui, an associate professor from Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen, stirred controversy when he announced in 2018 that he had created the world's first genetically engineered babies immune to HIV. In the wake of these developments, we have invited four experts to explore several ethical questions, from the legitimacy of abortions in instances of rape to controversies surrounding human genome-editing.



968 年 , 生 育 權 首 次 成 為 國 際議題,聯合國第一次國際 人權會議的與會國家及代表 承諾,確保公民「享有自由並負 責任地決定子女人數及其出生時 距之基本人權」。理論上,女性 會因此獲得更佳的教育機會,以 及避孕和合法墮胎服務,並在家 庭計劃方面擁有更大的自主權。 半世紀後,生育權再次受到國 際社會關注。以美國為例,在極 端保守分子和宗教人士推動下, 最高法院推翻對墮胎法影響深遠 的 Roe v Wade 案( 1973 年),以 致多個州份幾乎完全禁止墮胎。 在中國,前深圳南方科技大學副 教 授 賀 建 奎 於 2018 年 宣 佈 全 球 首 兩名對愛滋病免疫的基因編輯嬰 兒誕生,隨即惹來各界爭議。 鑑於以上最新發展,我們請 來四位專家,探討多個道德問 題,包括因姦成孕的墮胎合理 性,以及人類基因編輯所引起的 爭議等。

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