AFI Changemakers on Peace

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Editors: Dr. Ariel Rosita King Joleen Bakalova Cover Pages Artist: Austin Dowling

AUTHORS Thaddeus Anim-Somuah, Ghana "A Poem for Peace" Joleen Bakalova, USA "Peace and Pessimism" Austin Dowling, Bermuda Jason Eappen, USA "Is Peace Possible?" Selin Hara, UK "All we are saying is, give peace a chance!!!" Vicky King, Switzerland "Dove of Peace" Murat Eren Kutlu, Turkey Mugisa Aloysius Mary, Uganda "The Peaceful Ridge" Yuxin Liu, China "Peace"


Mugisa Aloysius Mary, Uganda "The Peaceful Ridge" Abigail Oppong, Ghana "Peace, Women and Children"


Introduction..................................................................... 1 A Poem for Peace.............................................................. 2 Peace and Pessimism........................................................ 3 Is Peace Possible?............................................................ 4 All we are saying is, give peace a chance!!!..........................6 Dove of Peace................................................................... 8 Peaceful Ridge.................................................................. 9 Peace............................................................................. 11

和平 ................................................................................ 13

Peace, Women and Children............................................. 15 Author Profiles................................................................ 16


Ariel Foundation International Changemakers are young leaders from all over the world who are passionate about promoting peace for all. In this publication, they share their art, music, and writings in two languages about the ultimate goal of world peace. Enjoy viewing, listening to, and reading our reflections on peace.


A POEM FOR PEACE By: Thaddeus Anim-Somuah Ghana

Most days, when I think about the future, it’s full of hopes and dreams. A picture of perfection and a step towards what heaven could be. Fun, Adventure, Success Living a great life Today, I see war in the present; It’s full of death and destruction The reality of despair and a step into what distress can be Crime, Homelessness, Hunger Fear of no life Today, when I think about the future, it’s full of struggles and sacrifices A picture of priorities and a step towards what normality could be No violence, No fear, No threats Staying alive Tomorrow, I see peace in the present; it’s full of nothing A picture of a blank white flag and a place with no need for more steps Peace, Rest, Freedom Peace, the foundation for all life The foundation for hopes and dreams Peace, the foundation for future prosperity




By: Joleen Bakalova USA

Peace seems fake. It seems like a social concept that is rarely ever implemented. These days, the traditional definition of peace as the lack of war seems to only ever be ‘maintained’ in the most developed countries. And the irony is that the cost of preventing war is hardly ever peaceful in action or idea. Even if a country is technically in ‘peacetime,’ is there ever truly peace? Protests, violence, and injustice still exist, even if a country is not at war. Sure, there are minute moments of perceived peace in a society, but those often seem like a short illusion created by the ‘powers that be.’ For many young people, there is prominent passivity and pessimism surrounding the concept of peace. In this nuclear age and time of worldreaching strife, both in traditional and non-traditional senses, it is difficult to truly believe in a perfect peace as currently portrayed. True, peace is not perfect. It never will be. But there is great relevance in recognizing leaders and their continual efforts of striving toward peace. The millions of people who dedicate their lives towards implementing justice and progress for the world must be honored. And, in them, there comes a sharp distinction. The utopia-adjacent image of a pure white dove holding a glorious olive branch in its impeccable beak is not real. It is just a symbol. But those who lead their nations and communities toward a better path forward are real. They are the true representatives and shapers of a ‘perfect peace,’ the true representatives of the hope of humankind. As humanity moves forward in this time of crisis, we still can be optimistic about peace, as people are its promoters and progressors. And as history has told time and time again, it is difficult to be pessimistic about people and the future that they will bring us.



By: Jason Eappen USA

Peace. A word that is desired by many in the world today, yet no matter how easy it can be achieved by our leaders today, polarization, differences, unattainable measures has caused peace to falter throughout human history. Moreover, rather than striving for peace, many in our world today dedicate their position of power to causing instability. Everyday our world strives for greater understanding of each other in order to attempt to unify; many times, international gatherings and conferences are held in order for people to come together to achieve peace. Many international events like the Olympics, World Games, the World Cup, and the World Championships are held in order to bring people together. However, when you turn on the television, you hear about wars, famines, political gridlock, and the divisive topics that plague our world today. When our world looks in the mirror, can the leaders of today achieve the peace that has been debated since the beginning of human time?



By: Jason Eappen USA

The next generation has to be the generation that answers the question of whether or not peace can be attained. Today’s leaders have continued to be at a roadblock with very little progress being made. Diplomacy, leadership, and determination have to be the characteristics that are shown during peace talks. Many times people are not willing to sacrifice a little for the greater good. This world is holding on to the values of the past without looking to the future. It's time to change this narrative. The next generation of leaders have to stand up for what is right. Wars are started when both sides are not willing to talk through their differences in order to try and deescalate the situation. In today’s world, leaders are willing to sacrifice their people in order to achieve a goal that benefits a minority rather than the majority. Millions of lives have been lost because of this notion. In order to achieve peace, this has to change. Leaders have to foster a world where people come together and sit down at the table. Peace is attainable and there are many examples of time periods in the past where peace and great times were occurring. This historical precedent proves that peace is possible; however, it is going to be up to the next generation of leaders to decide that.



By: Selin Hara UK

Since my awareness has increased, I’ve noticed everyone has been talking about living in peace, I believe you have heard or said at least as much as I have or even more. John Lennon once said ‘If you want peace, you won’t get it with violence.’ This reference has inspired me. Everyone will have a different perspective of this meaning and I will be telling you mine. Why is there still violence in the world when we want peace? People are filled with hate, and they are prejudiced against each other and there is a great deal of injustice but why is that? People are unable to consider others for who they are. People dislike others who are not like them. To avoid this from happening, we must all use our voices. We need to use our voices to make change. Even if it’s just one voice because one voice can make a massive change because silence is betrayal. Instead of hating each other, we should stick together. Live together side by side. And if we do so, the world will be in a much better place. How can we bring peace? We have to bring out equality to everyone. Treat all people with respect, despite race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, culture, social background and other considerations.



By: Selin Hara UK

People are all equal when they are born but why do people treat other people differently because of their differences? Because those people want everyone to be the same. But if we were all the same there would be no joy in this world. Some people have a hard time understanding this, so they refuse to believe that everyone is different. People are quick to judge and they always put labels on people. People are getting killed because of their differences. In my opinion, I believe that everyone’s difference is beauty. Since the dominant classes refuse to accept necessary changes, humanity’s current path is destructive and unfair to say the least. It is unavoidable that we will need everyone’s help to embrace change. Change must and will happen. But it must be accompanied by inner change. A better future will be impossible without human beings who have a strong moral foundation, a deep understanding of the world and human nature, the ability to consider different viewpoints and create a synthesis, the ability to see the bigger picture and to put the ‘whole’ above their own personal interests. Our most urgent task is therefore not outer change but to bring out inner change. There are different types of peace, I believe the most important type of peace is peace in your heart. If you can’t have peace in your heart you can’t have peace with others.

DOVE OF PEACE By: Vicky King Switzerland


PEACEFUL RIDGE By: Murat Eren Kutlu Turkey When the war starts we all go down Well I hear all the screams in town Just wander who has the crown Easier to find when you are well known I heard the Lennon's call To imagine the world in his thought Then I heard the falgs fall Understood that was the end of the drought


PEACEFUL RIDGE By: Murat Eren Kutlu Turkey

All the patterns have collapsed And truth got straight No one wanted to see No one wanted to become rich Everyone felt the pleasure On the peaceful ridge Everyone just got on well There is no more I have to tell It is out of the dell Through the peaceful ridge When there is no war we wouldn't go down Well I hear no screams anymore There was no one owns the crown Everyone lived as one as a core Lyrics by Murat Eren Kutlu for the band Melodram Clarinet: Rebekka Nicola BEHR, 15 Electric Guitar: Murat Eren KUTLU, 16; Bora DİNÇ, 17 Bass Guitar: Ender Ege GÜRBÜZ, 15 Bağlama: Alp KARADENİZ, 15 Drums: Ege AYGÜN, 14 Vocalist: Bilge AKÇAY, 14




By: Yuxin Liu China

Peace is a permanent topic. There always are conflicts in the world because of gender, race, religion, culture, interests and so on. People desired to live a world where does not have conflicts and discrimination. However, does complete peace really exist? In my opinion, conflict is always there. For example, at this moment, there is bound to be someone who contradicts my point of view, which is a conflict. Just as there are no two identical leaves in the world, different people have different outlooks on the world, outlooks on life and values. We come from different families, different regions, different nations, we lived in diverse growth environment, had diverse growth experience, educational content, educational level and so on, each of these different factors constitute the unique us. Virtuous conflict sometimes could make people become better. So what is virtuous conflict? As a Chinese saying goes, only under pressure can we have motivation. It is the most benefit of virtuous conflict that we could translate this pressure from conflict into power. Then we should record failures, summarize successes, find shortcomings and gradually improve. However, because conflict is always there, do we let it develop? Certainly not! In addition to functional conflict, there also have dis-functional conflict. Some violent conflicts that never bring advantages for us, these conflicts only hit people’s lives and enthusiasm. If we want to avoid the malignant conflict, we should learn to respect others firstly. Of course, respect plays an important role in functional conflict. ‘Respect’ also the crucial point in my proposal about peace.



By: Yuxin Liu China

How can we look at ‘respect’? I have mentioned ‘respect plays an important role in avoiding dis-functional conflict’, mutual respect, to be precise. And we call for mutual respect. But, actually, in my view, in the act of mutual respect, I focus more on self-discipline. I think the first thing to call for is to respect others starting with yourself, and then ask others to respect you. When you propose mutual respect in a conflict event, I think you should first make sure that you respect others, and the word mutual respect should first be to restrain yourself before you restrain others. Issues like gender, race, religion, culture, etc. that we mentioned at the beginning, what we need most is our respect for each other. We have to learn to respect women, men, third sexes, and genderless people, to respect every race, to respect the different beliefs of different people, and so on. Besides, I agree that respect is often based on equality, for example, gender equality, cultural equality and racial equality, etc. Above all, we should build a platform on which both sides are equal, and the equality is not equality in ability or material equality, but equality on the spiritual level. The two sides are on the same level, I don't despise you, and you don't look down on me. The differences in our outlooks are not discrimination in the sense that my experience is superior to yours, not ‘I must be right’, but because we are in a different environment of growth, I respect the three outlooks you have formed, and you respect my thoughts. No one is nobler than another, our views all make sense in our own world, but between us, we should seek common ground while reserving differences. In a word, peace does not mean the absolute absence of conflict, contradictions are always there, and we need to look at contradictions rationally. I think the real meaning of peace is happiness, a satisfaction of human beings with the state of life.



By: Yuxin Liu China

和平是一个永久的话题。因为性别、种族、宗教、文化、利益等,这个世界 上总是会产生各种冲突。我们总是渴望和平,但是世界上真的会有绝对的和 平吗? 在我看来,冲突是永远存在的。比如现在,一定会有人反驳我的观点,这就 是冲突。就像世界上没有完全相同的两片树叶,我们每个人的世界观、人生 观、价值观都是不一样的。我们来自不同的家庭、不同的地域,不同的国 家,我们的成长环境、成长经历、受教育内容、受教育程度等等都是不一样 的,每一个不一样的因素组成了独一无二的我们。 良性冲突的存在有时候可以使人进步。那么什么才是良性冲突呢?中国有句 俗话:有压力才有动力。良性冲突最大的好处在于,把冲突带给人的压力转 化为动力,从冲突事件中总结经验,寻找不足,逐渐完善。 那么,难道因为冲突永远存在,我们就放任其发展吗?当然不是。除了良性 冲突,还有恶性冲突,一些完全不会带来任何好处的暴力冲突,只会打击人 们的生命活力。如果想要避免恶性冲突,我们就要首先学会尊重。当然尊重 在良性冲突中也是不可或缺的重要部分。尊重也是我想要提出的关于和平问 题至关重要的一点。



By: Yuxin Liu China

那么我们如何来看待 “ 尊重 ” 这个词呢?刚刚我提到了 “ 避免恶性冲突需要尊 重 ” ,这里的尊重是相互尊重,我们呼吁相互尊重。但是,其实在我的观点 里,在相互尊重这个行为中,我更加侧重于自我约束。我认为,首先要呼吁 的是从自我出发尊重他人,然后再要求别人尊重你。当你在一个冲突事件中 提出相互尊重时,我认为你应该首先确保自己是尊重他人的,相互尊重这个 词首先应该是约束自己的,然后才可以去约束他人。像我们开头所提到的性 别、种族、宗教、文化等问题,最需要的就是我们彼此的尊种。我们要学会 尊重女性、男性、第三性别以及无性别人士,学会尊重每一个种族的人,学 会尊重不同人的不同信仰,等等。 除此之外,我认为尊重往往是建立在平等的基础上的,比如性别平等、文化 平等、种族平等 … … 首先,我们要建立在双方平等的基础上,这里的平等不 是实力的平等也不是拥有物质的平等,而是精神层面上的平等。双方是平视 的,我没有轻视你,你也没有看低我。我们观念上的不同不是在歧视中所认 为的 “ 我 ” 比你的经历优越,不是 “ 我一定是对的 ” ,而应该是因为我们所处的 成长环境不同,我尊重你所形成的三观,你尊重我的思想。没有一个人比另 一个人高贵,我们的观点在自己的世界里有道理,而我们的相处,应该是求 同存异的。 我非常赞同中国所提出的和平共处五项原则,这是一个超越社会制度和意识 形态发展关系的基本原则,已为世界绝大多数国家所接受。如果我们都能认 真遵循这五项原则,我相信,我们所期待的和平,是可以实现的。 和平不代表完全的无争执状态,矛盾永远存在,我们需要理性看待矛盾。我 认为和平的真正意义是幸福,是人类对生活状态的一种满足状态。



By: Abigail Oppong Ghana

The nonexistence of peace affects men, women, and children. Nevertheless, the effect of conflicts and war are heavily affected by women and children. Women and children are known to suffer both before and after conflicts. From the past and current news, we see cases where women and children are terribly abused in situations from the millions of children killed during the Holocaust to the Rwandan Genocide where children and women are raped and killed. Survivors from the rape that occurs during these wars are terrified with the horrified images of the rape throughout the rest of their lives. In March 2021, nine doctors in Ethiopia were interviewed by CNN to talk about the Tigray War which has constituted rape as a weapon of war. In the interview, the doctors reported the numerous cases of rape among different women and the health consequences as these women are either raped by gang or by an army for days. Mothers are being raped Infront of their children going a long way to impose a long-lasting psychological damage to both mother and child. The emergence of widows and orphans emerges as they struggle to sustain their themselves after the conflict. Therefore, it is with a great consent that women stand up for peace and preach peace to the world. Including women in peace making process is crucial to help them air their rights as human to help with formal peace negotiations. As the UN Women and other organization bodies are working tediously to help investigate areas where there is conflict, there is a need to also work towards having both women and children being the agent of change rather than being tagged as “victims that needs to be protected”. As these agencies support the advocacy of women’s participation in decision making and strengthening the protection of women affected by conflict, there is more that needs to be done to help empower women after conflicts.




Chemical Engineer World Energy Council FEL Forbes 30 Under 30




Joleen Bakalova is a youth activist whose life mission is to incite tangible change for underrepresented communities around the world. Since the age of fourteen, she has been an elected official within the American political system, focusing on the engagement of youth towards promoting systemic change and driving government policy adjacent to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Currently, she serves as the youngest-ever statewide political party leader in California, the largest state in America. She has helped pass legislation in the US Congress taking action in promoting human rights in China and registered thousands of young people to vote in key elections, exciting them to amplify their voices in their country as well as in the world. Outside of promoting civic engagement in her nation, she serves as an intern for UN Women, where she helps develop and advance key campaigns, like Generation Equality and Safe Cities, as well as moderate official events, like the International Day of the Girl. With Columbia University, she has performed cross-cultural research of young people’s view on government surveillance in China and the United States. Joleen also produces her own ethnography research podcast, which promotes a more understanding global society by educating a new generation on regional history and conflict through the lens of family history. With listeners from around the world, she has conducted dozens of interviews with youth from Palestine, Belarus, the Roma community, and more. In 2021, she was honored for her service in promoting a more just and equal society as one of only two delegates, selected amongst over a million students, for the US Senate Youth Program. Outside of advocacy and research, Joleen is a State Honors classical pianist, honors choir singer, and music teacher for local foster youth. While always seeking to improve the world around her, she loves to spend time with friends and family, immerse herself in music, and pet her cat.



Austin is a 15-year-old high school student and Eagle Scout from the beautiful island of Bermuda. He attends Saltus Grammar School, where he has earned the character and overall academic attainment award. He has achieved further academic prizes in mathematics, history, design and technology, art, geography and humanities. Austin has a particular passion for mathematics, literature, and the arts. He fosters his creativity through woodworking, 3D rendering, and video editing. Austin also has a deep fascination with the world of aviation, and when he’s not playing baseball, practicing for debate club or learning to play jazz on the trumpet or piano, he trains to become a licensed pilot. He actively works toward leadership and community service in his role as a member of Future Leaders Bermuda and the Duke of Edinburgh awards program.




My name is Jason Eappen. I am the co-founder of an international non-profit as well as a representative of an international human rights advocacy group. Throughout all of my initiatives I am a firm believer that education is a human right. Education is the first step for people to gain the knowledge, critical thinking, empowerment and skills they need to make this world a better place.

My passion stems from educating the youth to help the next-generation. Within my non-profit, we help spread stem education to the youth in rural areas to help them dream about their future. We partner with pilot organizations and the state government in order to target rural communities and expand educational access to thousands of students in rural school districts. My second initiative is mental health. I am one of the core leaders of a state-wide movement known as whisper. All over the world, COVID- 19 puts a massive strain on the mental health of thousands of students. Through organizations like whisper, we help give voices to those in the shut out or have been hurting. Conversations and being vulnerable has helped hundreds even thousands of students hear the message of whisper that opening up about problems we all face is the first step towards a solution of a more open and accepting society. With a podcast in the making, everyone around the world will be given a voice and a safe place to be themselves through whisper. My third initiative is food insecurity. Throughout the world, food deserts are visible throughout. With many kids going without key meals and being deprived of key fruits and vegetables. Seeing this, I helped create an environmentally-safe, nutrient-filled, and sustainable hydroponic gardening system. This system maximizes crop yield by using scientifically formulated nutrients placed into the garden to help not only produce more nutrient rich fruits and vegetables, but helped thousands of families get access to cheap/affordable food. Regardless of which initiative I work on, I always uphold myself to the highest of standards by being genuine and always trying to make a positive impact on the community around me. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family and binge watching marvel movies.




My name is Selin Hara, I was born on the 7th of October 2004 in Ipswich England. I am in secondary school Year 11. I am interested in pursuing a career in musical theatre therefore I have been attending Stagecoach for 9 years after school. Singing, dancing and acting makes my soul feel amazing and free. I can play the piano. I do ballet. I love team and individual sports like tennis, skiing, hockey, rounder’s, to do at school since I was young. I have a particular passion for literature, writing and reading, swimming and cycling. I also like singing songs in different languages. I want to study law as well, but at the same time I want musical theatre to be in my life. I am interested in philosophy and that’s why I joined the P4C (Philosophy for children) program weekly because I like questioning things in depth. I am bilingual, I can speak Turkish and English. I like to travel to different countries and it’s my greatest desire to understand to see historical places all over the world that have distinct features and beauties. I find interesting learning about the cultures and histories of those countries I am visiting. I notice all cultures are inspired by each other. When I have travelled to Saint Petersburg and Moscow in Russia that I was enchanted by all the beauties I saw. When I visited Prague in Czech Republic, in all corners of the city, I could see the effects of the medieval times that we read in history books. When planning a travel, I get extremely excited that I will visit museums and historical places and get closer to the history, art and literature of a country. I am interested in politics, how countries in the world are governed and follow their approach to human rights and the environment. I love helping people in the world, that’s why I have donated to charity. I always like donating food in supermarkets and they give the foods we bought for homeless people and one day I hope I can do more. I find it really important to help people with no homes, no food and I feel like everyone should be grateful for what they have because a lot of people don’t have what we have. I prefer living, not just being alive, so I am interested in everything that contributes to life.


VICKY KING Switzerland

Since seven Vicky has been a child Delegate during several summits at the UN for children’s rights. Now Vicky’s at 14 turns her attention to animal rights at the UN in Vienna. Vicky would like to be a vet. She is an Equestrian who counts a horse as a part of her family. Vicky plays tennis and likes swim and to ski. She loves to travel and speaks 5 languages.




My name is Murat Eren Kutlu and I was born on the 10th of December, 2006 in Bursa, Turkey. I am attending a prep school and in 8th grade this year. I have a powerful desire to do something for poor helpless people, especially for children. I believe that all children have right to education and not to die of starvation and or diseases preventable by vaccines. When I was in 3rd grade, I organised a fair at the school and donated its income in aid of LOSEV ( The foundation for children with leukemia). Ensuing years, I have carried the torch with my friends; make handmade bracelets, love beads and toys and sold them in support of ONKODAY (a social association to support cancer patients and their families).

I like to meet children from different countries, that’s why I have participated CISV (Children’s International Summer Village) Youth Meeting Turkey team for years. I have lots of friends from various countries and I take pleasure in having text chat with them. It is really great to learn different cultures. Apart from having education at school, I am also studying at YGA (Young Guru Academy) (It is a non-profit, non-government organisation). The goal of YGA is to raise double-winged young individuals giving hope for the future. These two wings symbolises conscience and knowledge and means that these young individuals grow their wings while producing innovative technology projects useful to humans. Here, It makes me happy trying to produce projects, discussing detailly on these projects together with my friends. When I was 11, I participated a JMUN Turkey conference as a member of Norway delegation commitee to present the system of education and child rights in Norway. I learned too much about the children’s livings, standarts, cultures and rights in so many countries in the end of this conference, it expanded my awareness about the children’s problems in undeveloped and underdeveloped countries. Since my mother is a volunteer educator at TEGV (Turkish Education Volunteers Foundation), I have joined her lessons with children having inadequate education and lead them by sharing my experiences, encourage them to do some simple science experiments. In the end of these days, I feel myself happy and peaceful. In these pandemic days, we mostly do distance learning at homes causes more spare times for students. I have make use of this opportunity by joining some on-line educations such as mindfullness and P4C (Philosophy for children), watching some webinars like” Human’s factory settings” and “Açık Beyin”(opened mind) which is a skill based training for a positive behavioral change on people by combining actual scientific knowledge with longstanding wisdom of community. Leisure times, I enjoy to do something with my family, play with my friends, dealing with robotic coding and listening music. I am trying to learn playing guitar on my own.



I'm a junior student in Henan Normal University in China. My major is economics. I'm very interested in some of current economic issues and phenomena around us. I'm very willing to discuss with you some economic problems. Besides, when I was a freshman, I worked in the editorial department of the Society for the Study of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for College Students of Henan Normal University. Therefore, I'm relatively familiar with editing. And my writing has been published in the bulletin of the Study Association, I hope I can also contribute to AFI publications.




Currently in my senior year at Kyambogo University, aspiring to graduate with an Undergraduate Degree of Chemical and Process Engineering. This puts me on the front line of solving outstanding environmental issues like Pollution, Waste Management, Degredation, Expensive Energies, Greenhouse Effect, Global Warming to name a few.




"Rather than standing or Speaking for Children, we need to stand with children speaking for themselves. We don’t need a political movement for children [ we need to] build environments and policies for our collective future." Abigail Oppong is a humanitarian young African lady who passionately work to impact life. She is a Young Speaker, Mentor, Changemaker, Young Activist and a Social Entrepreneur. Abigail Oppong is the Youth Ambassador for Ariel Foundation International focusing on Africa and making the voices of African Voices heard. Being a changemaker, she is passionate about social impacts project that seeks to empower women, children, and youth. She is part of the Board Members of Women Media and Change working hard to make sure young women’s voices are represented well in the media. Passionate about engaging more women in Technology, she is part of several women in TECH organisations working hard to make sure women are represented well in the STEM Industry. Abigail is skilled at Information Technology, Project Management, Entrepreneurship, Humanitarian, Communication, Design Thinking, Graphic design, leadership, Personal Development, Public Speaking. She is a Recipients of the “Young Leaders Creating a better World for All award” at the Women Economic Forum, 2019 and the first youngest leader to receive such an international award from the Women Economic Forum.



AFI Founder and President

Dr. Ariella (Ariel) Rosita King ( founded The Ariel Foundation International ( in 2002 as a non-profit organization with an international focus on children and youth inspired leadership and participation worldwide. Dr. Ariel King is a Rotarian for over 20 years. She is the Main Representative at the United Nations (Geneva, New York and Vienna ) for AFI, with Special Economic, Cultural and Social Council Special (ECOSO). She has also represented other NGOs in Geneva since 2008, the United Nations in Vienna (UNOV) since 2010 and United Nations in New York since 2000. Dr. King is also an NGO Representative at the European Parliament. Dr. King’s life focus is on inspiring leadership and participation of worlds’ children and youth. Ariel Foundation International is a member of EuroChild, Dr. King was a Trustee for Children’s Rights Alliance England (CRAE), Now Just for Law Kids, and the Acid Survivors Trust International (ASTI) United Kingdom. Dr King is also the Founder (2000), and President Ariel Consulting International, Inc., that creates and enhances Public-Private Partnerships in international diplomacy and policy. She has over 35 years of experience in international public policy and international management in government, business and NGOs. As a Professor in International Health, Management, Policy and Environment she has taught at Universities in the USA, Europe and Africa. Dr. King has published on the topics of Kangaroo Newborn Baby Care, International Health Policy and Management, Medical Ethics, Organ Transplantation, National Essential Drugs Policy, HIV/AIDS; Breast Cancer; Violence Against Women; Youth Participation at the United Nations and Children’s Human Rights. _____________________ Dr. King completed a second research degree (PhD) in Sociology on Community Engagement in the Psychosocial Care of Their Traumatised Children – A Case Study of Botswana, Liberia and Morocco at the Unitersité de Franche-Comte, France (December 2018). She also has completed advance certificates in the study of Children’s Human Rights, from the UER Droits de l'enfant/Children's Rights Unit, Institut Universitaire Kurt Bösch (IUKB) in Switzerland. Dr. King holds a Diploma Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (DTM&H); Doctorate (PhD) in Philosophy in Public Health and Policy from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, University of London; a Master in International Health Management (MIM) from Thunderbird School of Global Management; Master in Public Health (MPH) in international Health from the University of Texas School of Public Health; and a Bachelor of Arts (BA) from the University of Hawaii at Manoa.

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