The Next Steps - COVID-19 Youth Perspectives

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Ariel foundation International


© Copyright Ariel Foundation International 2021 ISBN 978-1–7375204-0-5

Ariel foundation International


Acknowledgements We would like to thank Dr. Ariel King, president of the Ariel Foundation International, and the entire Ariel Foundation International team - Young Ambassadors, Directors, Advisors, Volunteers and members - for giving us such an incredible opportunity by giving us delegate status within the United Nations Human Rights Council virtually for three days. It was this incredible experience that has enabled us to write this report, and engage with critical contemporary decision-making. Dr. King’s dedication to empowering the Global Youth and her sustained belief that we can contribute to global decision making is what has made this report possible.

Ariel foundation International


Table of contents The Next Steps and Building Back Better - Austin Dowling Page 6 The Pandemic and Gen Z - Selin Hara Page 9 Thoughts About ECOSOC Youth Forum 2021 - Murat Eren Kutlu Page 11 ECOSOC Gençlik Forumu 2021 - Murat Eren Kutlu Page 13 The Triple B Philosophy from the Youth ECOSOC Forum: Build Back Better - Siddharth Satish Page 15 La Filosofía Triple B del Foro ECOSOC Para Jóvenes: Reconstruir Mejor - Siddharth Satish Page 16 A Youth Perspective on Bringing Back Better after COVID-19 Alvin Wong Page 21

年轻⼈对2019 新冠肺炎疫情后如何重建更美好未来的看法 Alvin Wong Page 23

Ariel foundation International


The Next Steps and Building Back Better by Austin Dowling, 15, Bermuda For over a year now, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2, has plagued our lives. Governments have issued lockdowns, closed international borders and stopped travel. With all of the lockdowns and mandates many people have still died from the virus and the myriad of illnesses it can cause. This global emergency has led people to panic causing unrest and violence in many communities and leading health organisations to scramble for a solution to the ongoing pandemic. Eventually a variety of new vaccinations were hastily produced all the while people grow more and more restless. Which leads us to summer 2021. We cannot get rid of COVID 19, so finding different ways to function through it will be the next step forward. The decisions made about how to handle this pandemic will be key to survive past it. As investigation into its origins in China are ongoing we need more immediate action to help squash this virus whilst we are still living through it. Vaccinations have been able to save the lives of the most vulnerable in this pandemic - the elderly community and those with chronic illnesses; however we now have to look at ways to help those who either cannot be vaccinated or choose not to: making vaccinations mandatory or even just necessary to function normally in the world is not ethical or realistic - we Ariel foundation International


need to be doing studies on more treatments and other forms of prevention to broaden the scope of people who are protected. Rather than censoring people who claim the effectiveness of treatments we need to investigate these treatments thoroughly (via multiple peer reviewed longitudinal studies) and decide what is best for each of our communities respectively. In essence we need to be more flexible with our approach and look to broaden the amount of solutions, deal with each person on a case by case basis and choose what is best. Furthermore, we need to deal with the atmosphere of unrest and fear that has been created. There have been many situations where people have reacted in anger due to the stresses lockdowns and mask wearing creates. While these measures have undoubtedly slowed down the spread of Coronavirus, they have also created multiple problems of their own such as: poverty, homelessness, abuse, violence, suicide and depression just to name a few. These problems lead to chaos as seen by violent riots such as in the US and other events where people have been injured and killed. Clearly we have a problem and need to work together to find solutions. Governments and entertainment industries should be boosting morale and media outlets should cover stories that are positive and heartwarming. In conclusion the way forward is not to spread messages of Ariel foundation International


fear and uncertainty but to encourage the public to keep going, give us clear deadlines and involve us in decision making so that there is a general conscience where people are aware of the situation but not in a state of fear. I urge governments and officials to make changes and think about the wellbeing of their people as a priority and unrelentingly search for more solutions in fighting this pandemic.

Ariel foundation International


The Pandemic and Gen Z by Selin Hara, 16, UK As a young girl who has experienced a pandemic for the first time in my life, I was worried. When I think about how pandemics have affected people around the world in the past, I see significant social, economic, and cultural implications. For instance, the plague epidemic swept our continent by killing millions in the mid-1300s, however as many writers and thinkers believe with its economic, political and cultural consequences it had positive impact on the welfare of today’s Europe by giving way to destroy feudalism, changing urban architecture, contribute to public health and protected forests. I was impressed with the whole session, where all senior members were present, I found it very interesting. All the messages were very important, I was particularly touched with girls' education difficulties at Africa expressed in details by Ms Anika Jenne Dorothy from Kenya, and how covid affected people at around the world, especially those expressed by Nadine at Lebanon. Message of the President of Costa Rica, Mr Quesada, was important. ‘Do what you love. Love what you do’ I think this should be the main philosophy to achieve, to be successful and to reach your target whatever you do in life. I also noted well there is a Youth 2030 report that should be downloaded and read carefully. Covid-19 problems, education issues and financial difficulties were reported to be main problems. Co-operation should continue Ariel foundation International


and government bodies should be involved to support. What a person needs is to get rid of egoism and to contribute to a better and fair sharing of world resources. Education is an extremely important asset to raise children. Good education will contribute to the target of raising better quality and decent children who will contribute to the welfare of all human beings and poor education will contribute to the opposite. Therefore, the decisions to support a good level of education needs to be provided and our goal should be to support and contribute to these decisions. People going through all these processes help the matter recycle itself by respecting its natural state, but it does not allow human inner development. Sustainable development can only occur with the strength of harmony of human intelligence, love and will. One day I got asked by a friend, what would you change about this world? I said hatred towards other people, I said crime, war, violence, racism and more. But we need to think bigger. By helping the world and making the world a better place we need to do something different that would help. If we don’t do anything then nothing will change.

Ariel foundation International


Thoughts About ECOSOC Youth Forum 2021 by Murat Eren Kutlu, 14, Turkey First of all I don’t think that the days with COVID-19 is much more different from the days before COVID-19. Before COVID19 there were social, economic crisis. There were leading problems on the earth. There were climate changes. There were many deaths because of various diseases. The world was on the wrong way and there were few people who were trying to do something to save the world. And now nothing changed. But all these things are happenning faster than before. With COVID-19, I believe that many eyes are opened. Many inequalities became much more clean to see. inequalities in education, in economy, in society… All of these things were here before the epidemic but the difference is now we can see them clearly. The most important thing that needs change in this world is the education system. Education system has designed to make students pass their exams. But in the end exams are not useful for humanity. I liked the way to identify how the education’s purpose must have done, on the forum. It was like that: “Do what you love and love what you do. You have a purpose, whenever you feel useful for others, whenever you become a tool in the positive tool for change.”. Youth is the key of the new world and education is the key of the youth. Ariel foundation International


We must learn the positivity and hope. Positivity is not to think that the pack of crisps has air in half of it. It’s to understand how delicious it is. And hope is to believe that there is more delicious things we can create on the earth when the pack of crisps is finished. Leading is a highlighted problem of the humanity. There are many leaders in the history who run the train off its track and some leaders succeeded to put the train on the right track again. Nowadays people are thinking and brainstorming about what we should do to solve all these problems. Actually every problem has solved which means; we all know the solutions to protect the world from humans. We all can see the road. But who has the power to turn the wheel on the road? Unless a person feels that power inside, can’t be a leader. It’s not the time for thinking singular. It’s the time to act in unison with all the people to make it possible to save the whole world. The youth on earth has passion, ideals and imagination. COVID-19 might damage the youth, the uncertainity might let them grasp in the dark. The key qualifications here that the youth must have; hope and opportunity. So let’s be the hope, Let’s be the change, Let’s be the leader!

Ariel foundation International


ECOSOC Gençlik Forumu 2021 tarafından Murat Eren Kutly 14, Turkey Öncelikle, COVID-19 sürecinde yaşadığımız günlerin COVID19’dan önce yaşadığımız günlerden çok da farklı olduğunu düşünmüyorum. COVID-19’dan önce sosyal ve ekonomik krizler vardı. Dünyada liderlik sorunu vardı. İklim değişiklikleri vardı. Çeşitli hastalıklardan dolayı, çok sayıda ölümler vardı. Dünya yanlış bir yoldaydı ve çok az sayıda insan dünyayı kurtarmak için bir şeyler yapmaya çalışıyordu. Şimdi de bir şey değişmedi, farklı bir durum yok. Ancak, bütün bunlar öncesine göre daha hızlı gerçekleşiyor. COVID-19 sürecinde daha fazla insanın algılarının açıldığına inanıyorum. Birçok konuda eşitsizlikler daha net görülmeye başlandı. Eğitimde, ekonomide, toplumda eşitsizlikler gibi… Bütün bunlar salgından önce de vardı ama fark; şimdi bunları daha net görebiliyor olmamız. Dünyada değişime ihtiyacı olan en önemli şey, “Eğitim Sistemi”dir. Eğitim sistemi öğrencilerin sınavlarda başarılı olmaları üzerine tasarlanmış. Günün sonunda, bu sınavların insanlığa faydası yok. Forumda, eğitimin amacının nasıl olması ile ilgili yapılan tanımlamayı çok beğendim. Şöyle bir tanım yapılmıştı: “Sevdiğin işi yap ve yaptığın işi sev. Başkalarına faydalı olduğunda, değişim için olumlu bir araç olduğunda, bir amacın olur”. Gençlik, Yeni Dünyanın anahtarı ve eğitim de gençliğin anahtarıdır. Ariel foundation International


Liderlik, insanlığın üzerinde durulması gereken bir sorunudur. Tarihte, treni raydan çıkaran birçok lider vardır ve bunların bir kısmı treni tekrar rayına oturtabilmeyi başarmıştır. Bugünlerde insanlar bütün bu sorunları çözebilmek için ne yapmaları gerektiğini düşünüyorlar, beyin fırtınası yapıyorlar. Aslında, bütün sorunlar çözüldü, demek istiyorum ki, dünyayı insanlardan koruyabilecek bütün çözümleri zaten biliyoruz. Yolu görüyoruz ama direksiyonu bu yola çevirmeye kimin gücü var? Eğer bir insan bu gücü içinde hissetmiyorsa, lider olamaz. Bireysel düşünmenin hiç zamanı değil. Zaman, bütün dünyayı kurtarabilmeyi mümkün kılabilmek için, bütün insanların birlikte hareket etmesinin zamanıdır. Yeryüzündeki gençlerin, tutkuları, ülküleri ve hayalleri var. COVID-19 gençlere zarar verebilir, bu dönemde belirsizlik içinde savrulabilirler. Buradaki anahtar nitelik, gençliğin mutlaka umudu ve fırsatı olmalıdır. Öyleyse, umut olalım, Değişim olalım, Lider olalım.

Ariel foundation International


The Triple B Philosophy from the Youth ECOSOC Forum: Build Back Better by Siddharth Satish, 16, USA The 10th annual Youth ECOSOC Forum hosted from 7th to 8th April 2021 changed the lives of many youth advocates, by bringing a historically underrepresented group of young leaders to the decision making table. This ECOSOC Youth Forum was different not only because it was held virtually, but also because the ideas that many youth leaders had were actively included into the livestream conversations. Amongst the variety of discussions and roundtables that occurred at the Youth ECOSOC forum, perhaps the most important conversation that happened, was on the role of youth following the end of the pandemic. As pfizer, moderna and other name-brand vaccines are released at a lifesaving rate, it seems that the end of the pandemic is soon at sight. Businesses are reopening slowly and some health agencies believe that the darkest hours of COVID may be behind us. While many may be rejoicing that they can go out more freely and meet friends with ease, this sense of comfort brings with it compliance. Compliance often brings with it willingness to accept reality without any reason to question it - a dangerous characteristic in our modern age. More than compliance, the end of the pandemic should give us all a sigh of relief and time to focus on some of the long standing issues of conflict in our own communities.

Ariel foundation International


he president of Costa Rica spoke to the forum and addressed the need for youth to identify internal struggles within their communities and be the vehicle of transformation. Throughout the world, we have seen a historic rise in injustices against people of color and gender minorities. From infanticides in Somalia to the systemic racist institutions of the United States, every part of the modern world is suffering. The youth have either inherited this world littered with a litany of problems. This means that change is coded along the DNA of our blood. We walked into a world of issues and we are tasked with addressing them. This sense of responsibility must become paramount in the lives of every youth. The concept of reform and service was elaborated on by Ms. Nadine Khaouli, who spoke a little bit about her organisation, which helps families in need. Ms. Khaouli also addressed how service to others is a responsibility that every young person has to meet. Giving youth a sense of purpose is the first real step to enacting change, and that was what Ms. Khaouli recognized this through her own work. Any group that ends up doing great things, always has an ethos, something that motivates them to weather the troughs and enjoy the peaks of their service. Finding that ethos brings with it more drive and a greater caliber for change. At the end of the session Mr. Ahmad Alhendawi told the youth listening to the livestream that change ought not to be delayed by the prospect that we are young, but bolstered by Ariel foundation International


the realization that we still have a long time to live. This message, to me, transcends the boundaries of time and space since it will ring true no matter how far we move in the future. As youth leaders in AFI, we have been given the opportunity to have our voices heard. We have all been given a seat at the decision making table, but that is seldom the case for the majority of the youth population in the world. In a world where nearly 1/7th of the population is youth, it is not often that you see this demographic get represented. The ECOSOC Youth Forum made youth feel like they were heard and seen, which gave young people across the world a greater purpose and motivation to build back better.

Ariel foundation International


La Filosofía Triple B del Foro ECOSOC Para Jóvenes: Reconstruir Mejor Por Siddharth Satish, 16, USA El décimo Foro ECOSOC Juvenil anual organizado del 7 al 8 de abril de 2021 cambió las vidas de muchos defensores de la juventud, al traer a un grupo históricamente subrepresentado de jóvenes líderes a la mesa de toma de decisiones. Este Foro Juvenil del ECOSOC fue diferente no solo porque se llevó a cabo de manera virtual, sino también porque las ideas que tenían muchos líderes juveniles se incluyeron activamente en las conversaciones de transmisión en vivo. Entre la variedad de discusiones y mesas redondas que tuvieron lugar en el foro del ECOSOC de la Juventud, quizás la conversación más importante que tuvo lugar fue sobre el papel de la juventud después del fin de la pandemia. A medida que pfizer, moderna y otras vacunas de marca se lanzan a un ritmo que salva vidas, parece que el fin de la pandemia está pronto a la vista. Los negocios están reabriendo lentamente y algunas agencias de salud creen que las horas más oscuras de COVID pueden haber quedado atrás. Si bien es posible que muchos se regocijen de poder salir con más libertad y encontrarse con amigos con facilidad, esta sensación de comodidad trae consigo el cumplimiento. El cumplimiento a menudo trae consigo la voluntad de aceptar la realidad sin ningún motivo para cuestionarla, una característica peligrosa en nuestra era moderna. Más que el cumplimiento, el fin de la pandemia debería darnos a todos Ariel foundation International


un suspiro de alivio y tiempo para concentrarnos en algunos de los problemas de larga data del conflicto en nuestras propias comunidades. El presidente de Costa Rica habló en el foro y abordó la necesidad de que los jóvenes identifiquen las luchas internas dentro de sus comunidades y sean el vehículo de transformación. En todo el mundo, hemos visto un aumento histórico de las injusticias contra las personas de color y las minorías de género. Desde los infanticidios en Somalia hasta las instituciones racistas sistémicas de los Estados Unidos, cada parte del mundo moderno está sufriendo. Los jóvenes han heredado este mundo plagado de una letanía de problemas. Esto significa que el cambio está codificado a lo largo del ADN de nuestra sangre. Entramos en un mundo de problemas y tenemos la tarea de abordarlos. Este sentido de responsabilidad debe ser primordial en la vida de todos los jóvenes. El concepto de reforma y servicio fue elaborado por la Sra. Nadine Khaouli, quien habló un poco sobre su organización, que ayuda a las familias necesitadas. La Sra. Khaouli también se refirió a cómo el servicio a los demás es una responsabilidad que todos los jóvenes deben cumplir. Dar a los jóvenes un sentido de propósito es el primer paso real para lograr un cambio, y eso fue lo que la Sra. Khaouli reconoció a través de su propio trabajo. Cualquier grupo que termine haciendo grandes cosas, siempre tiene un espíritu, algo que los motiva a capear las depresiones y disfrutar de los Ariel foundation International


picos de su servicio. Encontrar ese espíritu trae consigo más impulso y un mayor calibre para el cambio. Al final de la sesión, el Sr. Ahmad Alhendawi dijo a los jóvenes que escuchaban la transmisión en vivo que el cambio no debería retrasarse por la perspectiva de que somos jóvenes, sino apoyado por la constatación de que todavía nos queda mucho por vivir. Este mensaje, para mí, trasciende los límites del tiempo y el espacio, ya que sonará verdadero sin importar cuán lejos avancemos en el futuro. Como líderes juveniles en AFI, se nos ha dado la oportunidad de que se escuchen nuestras voces. A todos se nos ha dado un asiento en la mesa de toma de decisiones, pero rara vez es el caso de la mayoría de la población joven en el mundo. En un mundo donde casi una séptima parte de la población es joven, no es frecuente ver que este grupo demográfico esté representado. El Foro de la Juventud del ECOSOC hizo que los jóvenes se sintieran escuchados y vistos, lo que les dio a los jóvenes de todo el mundo un mayor propósito y motivación para reconstruir mejor.

Ariel foundation International


A Youth Perspective on Bringing Back Better after COVID-19 by Alvin Wong, 14, Hong Kong We cannot even begin to talk about building back better from the pandemic before addressing the importance of improving emotional health. Arguably, awareness of emotional health and wellbeing have never been fully appreciated until the emergence of COVID-19. The pandemic has brought stress and discomfort upon our lives. The social and economic hardships we already face have been further exacerbated during this time. As the world recovers from this pandemic, we, as youth, must make swift, but steady progress to advocate the importance of our emotional wellbeing, as this is a crucial step to building back a better world. I believe that the first step to achieving this would be for us to realize the prevalence of anxiety and depression around the world. According to data from the CDC, 7.1% of children aged 3-17 have diagnosed anxiety, while 3.2% of children aged 3-17 have diagnosed depression. Anxiety and depression have both been on a steady incline in the past decade, and have, without doubt, become primary issues of concern during this pandemic. I encourage my fellow youths around the world to advocate for an improved emotional support system in two ways: Youths should advocate on using our natural environment to Ariel foundation International


boost emotional wellbeing. Many studies have shown that having a plant near our workstations helps reduce anxiety and improve attention spans! One simple way for us, as youth, to contribute would be to encourage our schools to plant greens within classrooms. This not only benefits the students, but also the teachers who nurture them! Music is another important tool to enhance our mental and emotional health. We have all probably heard of the saying that “music calms the soul.” It turns out that music actually has many other benefits, such as improving concentration, strengthening memory, and boosting academic performance. I encourage youth who can play musical instruments to explore and practice music therapy, which is basically playing music as a means of therapy for those with emotional needs. This can greatly benefit those with anxiety and depression. We have an ambitious agenda to improve our world after COVID-19. As youth, we have the responsibility to address the issue of emotional health, an issue that would otherwise grow in prevalence and seriousness in the future. Apart from the environment and music, there has got to be many other possible ways to enhance emotional health. As we continue to churn out great ideas, we need to adopt what I call the “2030 vision”. This is a vision that requires us to look to the future rather than the past as we make changes that will bring back better to the world.

Ariel foundation International


年轻⼈对2019 新冠肺炎疫情后如何重建更美 好未来的看法

作者:Alvin Wong,14 岁,⾹港

谈起重建⼀个更好的未来, ⾸要处理的便是如何改善⼈们情绪建康 的问题。这是及其重要也是关键的⼀环。在疫情还未席卷⽽来的时 候,⼈们对情绪健康的意识还未有充份的了解。疫情带给我们很多 焦虑和不安。随着疫情好转,作为年轻⼈应积极宣扬处理情绪建康 的重要性,因为这是重建美好将来所需迈出的关键⼀步。 我有信⼼要实现这⼀⽬标,⾸先就要对全球焦虑症和抑郁症的确 诊程度有⼀个⼤致的了解。根据美国疾病防治中⼼的统计,三⾄⼗ 七岁的⼉童中便有7.1%的⼉童被诊断患有焦虑症,⽽3.2%的⼉童 则被诊断患有抑郁症。在这短短的⼗年内被诊断患有焦虑和抑郁症 的⼉童有持续向上趋势。我⿎励⼤家提倡以下两项⽀援⽅法来帮助 ⼉童和⻘少年改善情绪建康: 年轻⼈应当采⽤⾃然环境法来促进精神与情绪的平衡。许多研究指 出在⼯作区放置植物会帮助减低焦虑及增加注意⼒。⼀个简单的⽅ 法是:我们这班年轻⼈可以⿎励学校在教室⾥种绿⾊的植物。这不 但对同学们的⾝⼼健康有好处,⽽且对教导他们的⽼师也有益处。 ⽽⾳乐是另⼀类重要的⽅法来改善⼼理和情绪健康。⼤家都听过俗 话说:“⾳乐可以舒缓⼼灵”。事实证明⾳乐的确有很多其他的益处 例如改善注意⼒,增强记忆⼒和提升学业成绩。我⿎励玩乐器的年 轻⼈去探究和实践⾳乐疗法。这种以治疗情感需要的⽅法来对抗焦 虑和抑郁症⼤有益处。 Ariel foundation International


疫情后,我们已定下了有挑战性的议程去令世界更美好。⽽作为年 轻⼈,我们有义务去处理社会上的情绪建康问题,否则情况只会持 续恶化和⽇益严峻。除了⾃然环境及⾳乐治疗外,还应有其他合适 的⽅法去改善情绪建康。当我们继续提出其他可被采纳的建议时, 应该还要考虑所谓「2030的愿景」。因为我们不仅仅要脚踏实地 也要仰望星空才能重建更好的明天!

Ariel foundation International


Ambassador Biographies

Mr. Austin Dowling He is a 15-year-old high school student and Eagle Scout from the beautiful island of Bermuda. He attends Saltus Grammar School, where he has earned the character and overall academic attainment award. He has achieved further academic prizes in mathematics, history, design and technology, art, geography and humanities. Austin has a particular passion for mathematics, literature, and the arts. He fosters his creativity through woodworking, 3D rendering, and video editing. Austin also has a deep fascination with the world of aviation, and when he’s not playing baseball, practicing for debate club or learning to play jazz on the trumpet or piano, he trains to become a licensed pilot. He actively works toward leadership and community service in his role as a member of Future Leaders Bermuda and the Duke of Edinburgh awards program.

Ms. Selin Hara My name is Selin Hara, I was born on the 7th of October 2004 in Ipswich England. I am in secondary school Year 11. I am interested in pursuing a career in musical theatre therefore I have been attending Stagecoach for 9 years after school. Singing, dancing and acting makes my soul feel amazing and free. I can play the piano. I do ballet. I love team and individual sports like tennis, skiing, hockey, rounder’s, to do at school since I was young. I have a particular passion for literature, writing and reading, swimming and cycling. I also like singing songs in different languages. I want to study law as well, but at the same time I want musical theatre to be in my life. I am interested in philosophy and that’s why I joined the P4C (Philosophy for children) program weekly because I like questioning things in depth. I am bilingual, I can speak Turkish and English. I like to travel to different countries and it’s my greatest desire to understand to see historical places all over the world that have distinct features and beauties. I find interesting learning about the cultures and histories of those countries I am visiting. I notice all cultures are inspired by each other. When I have travelled to Saint Petersburg and Moscow in Russia that I was enchanted by all the beauties I saw. When I visited Prague in Czech Republic, in all corners of the city, I could see the effects of the medieval times that we read in history books. When planning a travel, I get extremely excited that I will visit museums and historical places and get closer to the history, art and literature of a country. I am interested in politics, how countries in the world are governed and follow their approach to human rights and the environment. I love helping people in the world, that’s why I have donated to charity. I always like donating food in supermarkets and they give the foods we bought for homeless people and one day I hope I can do more. I find it really important to help people with no homes, no food and I feel like everyone should be grateful for what they have because a lot of people don’t have what we have. I prefer living, not just being alive, so I am interested in everything that contributes to life.

Ariel foundation International


Ambassador Ambassador Biographies biographies

Mr. Murat Eren Kutlu My name is Murat Eren Kutlu and I was born on the 10th of December, 2006 in Bursa, Turkey. I am attending a prep school and in 8th grade this year. I have a powerful desire to do something for poor helpless people, especially for children. I believe that all children have right to education and not to die of starvation and or diseases preventable by vaccines. When I was in 3rd grade, I organised a fair at the school and donated its income in aid of LOSEV ( The foundation for children with leukemia). Ensuing years, I have carried the torch with my friends; make handmade bracelets, love beads and toys and sold them in support of ONKODAY (a social association to support cancer patients and their families). I like to meet children from different countries, that’s why I have participated CISV (Children’s International Summer Village) Youth Meeting Turkey team for years. I have lots of friends from various countries and I take pleasure in having text chat with them. It is really great to learn different cultures. Apart from having education at school, I am also studying at YGA (Young Guru Academy) (It is a non-profit, nongovernment organisation). The goal of YGA is to raise double-winged young individuals giving hope for the future. These two wings symbolises conscience and knowledge and means that these young individuals grow their wings while producing innovative technology projects useful to humans. Here, It makes me happy trying to produce projects, discussing detailly on these projects together with my friends. When I was 11, I participated a JMUN Turkey conference as a member of Norway delegation commitee to present the system of education and child rights in Norway. I learned too much about the children’s livings, standarts, cultures and rights in so many countries in the end of this conference, it expanded my awareness about the children’s problems in undeveloped and underdeveloped countries. Since my mother is a volunteer educator at TEGV (Turkish Education Volunteers Foundation), I have joined her lessons with children having inadequate education and lead them by sharing my experiences, encourage them to do some simple science experiments. In the end of these days, I feel myself happy and peaceful. In these pandemic days, we mostly do distance learning at homes causes more spare times for students. I have make use of this opportunity by joining some on-line educations such as mindfullness and P4C (Philosophy for children), watching some webinars like” Human’s factory settings” and “Açık Beyin”(opened mind) which is a skill based training for a positive behavioral change on people by combining actual scientific knowledge with longstanding wisdom of community. Leisure times, I enjoy to do something with my family, play with my friends, dealing with robotic coding and listening music. I am trying to learn playing guitar on my own.

Mr. Siddharth Satish Siddharth Satish is the AFI Youth Ambassador at the UN. He is also the founder of two non profit initiatives and a student led podcast. Throughout all of his initiatives you will see his passion and dedication towards UN sustainable development goals. Siddharth is an ardent supporter of education and equity in access to education, and this belief is what influenced his entrepreneurial endeavors. His fiscally sponsored non profit organization, Rememoirs is helping redefine healthcare by caring for the elderly with alzheimers and dementia and by increasing education about the same. So far this group has 54 chapters world wide, with 500+ members and has impacted 10,000 people. His second non profit initiative is the Politics, Economics and Philosophy (PEP) magazine. As a pioneer of equity in education he felt that he had the responsibility to increase awareness of political, economic and philosophical concepts amongst youth, so he began this magazine. The magazine is not gender normative which serves to boost female and gender fluid representation in the field; and the images are racially diverse – which means that more and more children of color can see themselves in the magazine. Over 100,000 people have read his magazine and he has over 600 people working with him. Lastly, he has his own podcast. Siddharth created this podcast to spark conversation on various political and nonpolitical issues within his community, to promote cross-cultural communication and has interviewed people on a host of interesting topics. He has spoken to multiple activists and has over 1,000 listeners from over 5 countries. No matter where he is or what he is doing, Siddharth tries to make a positive and lasting impact on his community. When he is not working he can be found spending time with his family, facetiming his grandparents and cousins in India or sipping on boba tea at a park.

Ariel foundation International


Ambassador Ambassador Biographies biographies

Mr. Alvin Wong Hi there! My name is Alvin, and I am a high schooler studying in Hong Kong. I have a passion for music and science, and I often like to combine both of my interests to promote social justice. The two areas of social justice I am advocating for are good well-being and quality education. My passion for music drives my passion for advocating for our well-being. In my opinion, music doesn’t only alleviate stress, but also improves mood. I have founded my own music therapy initiative, “March to Your Beat”, to help youth with special needs in their emotional health. I think that having a proper education is essential for all youth, including those with special needs. I strongly believe that inclusivity in education is extremely important, as everybody deserves a right to education and selfempowerment.

Ariel foundation International


DR. ARIEL ROSITA KING, PHD, MPH, MBA, DTM&H, phd (France), phd (UK)

Dr. King was chosen to be on the Expert AIDS Prevention working Group with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (USA) and Human Science Research Council (South Africa). Prof. Dr. Ariel R. King is the Founder, and President Ariel Consulting International, Inc. founded in 2000, a company that creates and enhances PublicPrivate Partnerships in international health, policy, and management with focus on developing countries. She also founded The Ariel Foundation International founded in 2002 as a non-profit organization with an international focus on children and youth in Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Community Service world-wide. In 2008 Dr. King founded the Ariana-Leilani Children’s Foundation International to educate and advocate for Children’s Human Rights Worldwide. Dr. Ariel King now as President of AFI, which has Economic, Cultural and Social Council (ECOSOC) status, has been a representative for various NonGovernmental Organizations (NGOs) at the United Nations in Geneva, the United Nations in Vienna (UNOV) and United Nations in New York. Dr. King’s life focus is on the worlds children and youth. Dr. King has over 35 years of experience in international health, international public health policy and international management in government, business and NGOs. As a Professor in International Health, Management, Policy and Environment she has taught at Universities in the USA, Europe and Africa. Dr. King was a part of SAHARA: Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS Research as the Chair of the Continental Advisory Board, and worked on forging public private partnerships, including a MOI between University of Bayreuth (Germany) and SAHAA. She was on the Friends of Madagascar Advisory Council (FOMAC) led by the late Madagascar Ambassador to the USA, H. E. Ambassador Jocelyn Radifera. Dr. King’s focus is on International Public-Private Partnerships in Development that has its foundation of 35 years of iving and working in 11 countries and traveling to over 65 countries in Asia, Africa, Americas, Middle-East, Americas and Europe.

Ariel foundation International


Dr. King is currently a Trustee of CRAE- Children’ Rights Alliance of England. She has also represented the International Council of Women (Paris) at various UN meetings and has served on the Boards of Directors including currently, the Acid Survivors Trust International (ASTI) based in London, UK; and had served on the board of directors of the National Black Women’s Health Project (Atlanta, USA), Positive Art: Women and Children with HIV/AIDS (South Africa), The Life Foundation: AIDS Foundation of Hawaii, The Black Alliance for AIDS Prevention, the Pediatric HIV/AIDS Care, Inc., and the Ronald McDonald House. Dr. King is a Founding and Board member of Women Impacting Public Policy (WIPP), member of the Dr. King was chosen to be on the Expert AIDS Prevention working Group with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (USA) and Human Science Research Council (South Africa). Prof. Dr. Ariel R. King is the Founder, and President Ariel Consulting International, Inc. founded in 2000, a company that creates and enhances Public-Private Partnerships in international health, policy, and management with focus on developing countries. She also founded The Ariel Foundation International founded in 2002 as a non-profit organization DR. ARIEL ROSITA KING, PHD, MPH, MBA, DTM&H, Women’s Foreign Policy Group (WFPG) and has been active member of various International Rotary Clubs for fifteen years. Dr. King completed a second research degree (PhD) in Sociology with focus of community care of traumatised children. She also has completed advance certificates in the study of Children’s Human Rights, from the UER Droits de l’enfant/Children’s Rights Unit, Institut Universitaire Kurt Bösch (IUKB) in Switzerland. Dr. King holds a Diploma Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (DTM&H); Doctorate (PhD) in Philosophy in Public Health and Policy from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, University of London; a Master in Business Administration (MBA) in International Health Management from Thunderbird American Graduate School of International Management, Master in Public Health (MPH) in international Health from the University of Texas School of Public Health; and a Bachelor of Arts (BA) from the University of Hawaii.

Ariel foundation International


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