United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 30 Anniversary Celebration - Express Yourself

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Acknowledgements Ariel Foundation International conducted a Sustainable Development Goals Event for the 30th Anniversary of the United Nations Conventions on the Rights of Children (UNCRC) in November 2019 where young change-makers below the age of 18 participated in ‘Express Yourself Contest’. AFI received an over-whelming participation of global young change-makers worldwide. We give a special thank you AFI Young Ambassadors Ayush Chopra (Canada) and his organization, SDG for Children, Tanya Ken (India), Paisley Elliot (USA), Melissa Lee (Australia) and Ananya Chopra (Canada) for judging the entries. We thank Dr Ariel R King, President and Founder of Ariel Foundation International for promoting the voice of young people globally, Ms Kanika Sahijwani, AFI Ambassador and South Asia Manager, Ms Yamini Choudhary, Volunteer - India and Ms Yashika Thapar, Intern - India for editing and felicitating this publication. We thank all the participants for submitting their entries and propagating the rights of young people worldwide and all the teachers that encouraged them. We also thank Ms Saswati Swain from India, whose winning artwork for UNCRC contest is on the cover of this magazine. The winners for the contest are: 5-­7 Years Category (Video)-­ Paisley Elliot, USA 8-­10 Years Category (Writing)-­ Chaewon Yoon, India 11-­14 Years Category (Art)-­ Saswati Swain-­ India 15-­17 Years Category (Art)-­ Gunjan Madan-­ India 15-­17 Years Category (Writing)-­ H. Fareeha-­ UAE

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Our participants

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Name Muhsina Priyal Paavni Bansal Asma Mohd Akbar Kehkashan Fatima Saswati Swain Bareera H. Fareeha Zainab Ikram Amrita Madhav Ananya Aggarwal Nayala Khan Ridiksha Rajput Simran Sethi Roxely Nohemi Castro Hernandez Gunjan Madan Chaewon Yoon Neha Noufal Ronit Mathew

Age 10 13 12 12 11 11 10 15 12 14 14 16 12 13

Country UAE India India UAE UAE India UAE UAE UAE India India India India India

Page No. 6 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21


Honduras 22

16 10 13 10

India India UAE India

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Mariya Tharannum








Muhammad Fahad












Rishita Mittal


Honduras 33

Aysha Fateena




Adya Singh




Delaney Buchanan




Grezia Montoya


Honduras 37

Boden Price




Mohd Fahim




Emily Heidarsson




Hamid Tanvir




Noelle Flowers




Khushi Girdhar




Netahlia Kreig




Anabelle Wyatt




Izza Sajjad




Holly Shapleigh




Fellah Mariam




Zander DeJager




Bhavishya Singh




Emma Johnson




Sammie Allen




Minori Koyanagi




Moussa Camara








Miyu Hato








Mriga Poddar
















Tejas Sagoo




Sidhak Singh Handa




Ananya Sadana




Paisley Elliott



Video entry

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Child Rights By Muhsina, UAE, 10 Years The UN convention consists 41 articles, each of which details different types of rights. And the rights include: a)Survival rights b)Development rights c)Protection rights d)Participation rights 41 ARTICLES-­RIGHTS OF THE CHILD Article 1: Definition of child (under 18 years) Article 2: Freedom from discrimination Article 3: Best interests considered and protected Article 4: States must undertake measures to implement the CRC to the “maximum extent of their available resources” Article 5: Provision of parental guidance and direction in a manner consistent with the child’s evolving capacity Article 6: Life and maximum survival and development Article 7: Name, nationality, and to know and be cared for by parents Article 8: Preservation of identity, name, nationality, and family relations Article 9: Not to be separated from parents without having their views known Article 10: Family reunification: right to enter or leave a country for family reunification Article 11: Combat protection from illicit transfer and non-­return of children abroad Article 12: Participation and have views considered Article 13: Freedom of expression Article 14: Freedom of thought, conscience, and religion Article 15: Freedom of association and peaceful assembly Article 16: Protection of privacy Article 17: Right to information Article 18: Parents joint responsibilities assisted by the State Article 19: Protection from all forms of violence Article 20: Special protection for children deprived of their family environment, whether temporary or permanent Article 21: Adoptions only in the best interests of the child Article 22: Protection and humanitarian assistance for refugee children Article 23: Right of disabled child to dignity, self-­reliance and the facilitation of active participation in the community: special treatment, education, care Article 24: Provide child with the highest attainable standard of health Article 25: Right of child placed in care to periodic review of their treatment Article 26: Right to benefit from social security Article 27: Right to an adequate standard of living Article 28: Right to education Article 29: Right to education that develops respect for human rights, their identity and democracy Article 30: Right of minority or indigenous children to their culture, language and religion Article 31: Right to leisure and play

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Article 32: Right to appropriate working conditions and freedom from hazardous work or economic exploitation Article 33: Protection from drug use, production and trafficking Article 34: Protection from sexual exploitation and abuse Article 35: Protection from abduction, sale, and trafficking for any purpose or in any form Article 36: Protection from all other forms of exploitation Article 37: Protection from torture, degrading treatment, and deprivation of liberty Article 38: Protection for children in armed conflict: no hostilities for child under 15 years old Article 39: Right of rehabilitation and reintegration for mistreated, neglected or exploited child victims Article 40: Rights of the accused child in the criminal justice system Article 41: Protects respect for existing human rights standards ''According to me, these rights are not ranked in order of importance;; instead they interact with one another to form one integrated set of rights.''

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NOT JUST A RIGHT HAND, IT’S ABOUT THE RIGHT IN MY HAND. By Priyal, India, 13 years As I took a breath, Cried for the first time, I became a citizen Rushing my fingers through my rights. Hugging the right to a good life, Ladling into the skies, Never ending, That were caught in my eyes, Those, That showered vibrant VIBGYORs. Children are the future of this globe, they’re the foundation stone of successive accomplishments, they’re the ones who are capable for taking the pedestal to an even higher level. Children have aurum dripping off their minds that is absolutely luxuriant. But, if children can contribute to the sustainable development and advancements of this globe, what do they expect in return? That is a huge question that flips the adults as well. What people might think is that children would expect luxuries, gifts, awards and honors in return to their minutest contribution but, is that really true? To swivel the well informed and advanced psyches of adults, this question is enough, because the children definitely expect this but in what form? The luxuries would be those healthy meals, proper sanitation, a disinfected life. The gifts would be those little hues of affection to add to their life’s canvas. The award would be that sense of security and protection. And, subsequently the honor would be to be heard, to be respected, to be wanted. A right that every child has, to be protected against any sexual offence, mishap. Thinking about this right would definitely make one think about many whose voices were shut. For.. I was walking merrily, And crossed a room, And what I felt, Was a loud cry. It wasn’t someone, Of darkened soul, But a latter left, With an anatomy affected by potions. The latter had drizzling tears, Pouring out the emotions of a girl Who cried;; but died. My eyes retrieved dripping emotions, After the letter was picked by my manus. At the latter stared I, And realised that humans are now colder and dry. I felt, now hollow hearts reside, Along with a fake soul’s side. The latter followed a question, That your life was a joke, if there wasn’t I Then why my assassination?

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Yelled and commented a deep cry. She said, I’m a daughter, a sister and a mother, and my intentions aren’t any game’s puddle My psychology you fail to understand, But still I reside on this deleterious land. Every ‘she’ dwells, she prayed, And left the latter laid, She stamped her final soulful latter, With her dried blood’s matter. After the reading this I had a pale face, As every ‘she’, can’t in the paradise gaze, Her feathers got cut, as she uttered a cry, Even before she got to know, that she could fly! But, speaking doesn’t make a difference, taking action does, and this reminds me of another right that is curled up and forgotten somewhere, somewhere behind that is pulling us aback. The right to an opinion, be listened to and taken seriously. For.. As I grew up, I too had a psyche, One that thinks, being selfless. One that wants to be heard. I have been screaming around, Wanted to be heard, To be given a worth. For I too had blood rushing inside me That invigorates my thoughts Awakens me to tread over un-­walked paths Lying in front of me Curling ahead. For my roots are also bound, In the soil enriched With enthusiasm and lively spirit, I’ve got every merit Why don’t you hear me? My thoughts would purge you Purge the depriving aisle As I tread over the path same The dust will be shimmered. Hear me, you will be glimmered. Listening and giving worth to millennial philosophies is an icing on the cake, for millennials have a psyche that is refurbished and well equipped with social knowledge that lowers every hindrance, and widens every horizon. Children are the canvas, their rights are the paints, together they’re a finessed stroke of art.

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By Paavni Bansal, India, 12 Years 10 | P a g e

UNCRC By Asma Mohd Akbar, UAE, 12 Years Any child from any part of the world has many rights from the time of their birth till they become adults. Rights are something that every person deserve equally to live on earth and to reach their potential. All the rights are very important and are connected with each other. Every child is born with these rights and no one can take it away. Every child has rights. It does not depend on religion, gender, language, looks etc.... The children have the rights to play, relax, freedom for expressing their feelings, importance to be safe from violence and the right to educate. There are four articles that are said to be special and are known as "general principle". They help to interrupt all the other articles. They help to play a fundamental role in all the rights. They are: • • • •

Non-­ discrimination Best interest of the child Rights to be heard Rights to survival and development. This convention has a number of agreements so that later they can add more rights for the children which are optional for countries that are called "Optional protocols". They include: The optional protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict: This is needed for governments so that they can change the age group for the children so that they can join the armed forces from 15 years and to make sure that the children under 18 does not join the armed conflict directly. The optional protocol to the convention on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography: This gives detailed for governments to finish/end sexual exploitation and abuse of children. It saves children from being sold for non-­sexual purposes and other forms of forced labour, illegal adoption and organ donation. The optional protocol on a communications procedure: This makes the children to submit Complaint to the United Nation at the time when their rights are not give importance and their own country legal's cannot find a solution to it. The United Nation adopted this convention and opened the convention for the signature on 20 November 1989. It came into the force on 2 December 1990. After it was given formal consent by the required nation 196 countries are party to it, including every nation except United States.

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UN Convention on the Rights of the Child By Kehkashan Fatima, UAE, 11 Years

There are 4 Guiding Principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. 1. Non-­discrimination treat everyone fairly and with respect 2. Right to life ,survival & development Children have a right to the basic things 3. Best interest of children Always ask yourself “is the decision I’m making good for kids ?” 4. Respect the views of children Children views needs to be considered when decisions are being made that affect them

The convention on the rights of a child was adopted by United Nation on 20 November 1989. It is a children’s right to learn everything that is allotted to others. Let me explain in details. One fine morning, I was playing in a garden. After some time a rich good looking boy came inside the garden. Everyone came towards him to play. After some time a poor boy came inside the garden. No one shown interest to play with him. This is discrimination, not treating everyone fairly. I also met one of my friends who always show interest in doing something innovative instead of concentrating on regular studies, I saw sometime He was trying to make a pinhole camera. A object was missing and that was tracing paper, I went and asked that “if the tracing paper is not there how will you do that”. They said that they will use the butter paper for it I saw the best interest I have ever saw in any one. You should always respect the views of children. As a good citizen I respected the views of the children. There many children who can do many things so we should respect their views and opinion. Also government should come up with facility so that poor children can get education, clothes and food during their bad times. All are equal in Eyes of ALLAH SWT.

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By Saraswati Swain, India, 11 Years

On Child Rights By Bareera, UAE, 10 Years “Every child in this world has one thing in common their rights.” It is so shocking to see that lives of many children are still so heavily impacted by being deprived of their rights. Children’s rights include the right to health, education, family life, play and reaction, an adequate standard of living and to be protected from abuse and harm. Rights for children and young people under the age of 18 are set out in the UN convention on the rights of a child, the most accepted standard on children’s rights in the world. The law in UAE protects children against all forms of negligence, exploitation, physical and psychological abuses. The UAE gives top priority to children’s care and development. There are four general principles that underpin all children’s rights: 1. No Discrimination means that all children have the same eight to develop their potential in all situations and at all times. 2. The best interests of the child must be ‘a primary consideration’ in all actions and decisions concerning a child, and must be used to resolve conflicts between different rights. 3. The right to survival and development underscores the vital importance of ensuring access to basic services and to equality of opportunity for children to achieve their full development. 4. The views of the children mean that the voice of the child must be heard and respected in all matters concerning his of his or her rights. So, let us wage a glorious struggle for every child’s rights as they are the future.

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By H. Fareeha, UAE, 15 Years 15 | P a g e

The United Nation Convention on the Right of a Child. By Zainab Ikram, UAE, 12 Years The United Nations is responsible for the rights of children. It is the human rights treaty which sets out of civil, political, social, economics, health and cultural rights of a child. United nation must provide the child safety and freedom from cruelty and abuse from adults. There are some rights that the United Nations must follow: 1. Every child has a right to be born well, and to be cared and raised well. 2. Every child has the right to live with a family, who loves, cares and teaches good morals. 3. Every child has the right to have proper care and importance from other people. 4. Every child has the right to have basic things such as food, shelter, water, clothing and health care. 5. Every child has the right to have everything he /she needs for a better life. 6. Every child has the right to be educated. 7. Every child has the right to play and enjoy whenever they have the Opportunity. 8. Every child has the right to protected from abuse of adults. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Child or UNCRC, is the basis of all of UNICEF’s work. It is the most complete statement of children’s rights ever produced and is the most widely-­ Ratified International Humans Rights Treaty in history.

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By Amrita Madhav, India, 14 Years 17 | P a g e

The Bleeding Innocence By Ananya Aggarwal, India, 14 Years “I am the most unfortunate person.” I met Chotu, a child laborer who can’t view. Why do I have parents so stern? The world outside the factory dark and blue. I was thinking along this line. Even after hard work, he doesn’t know if he will get food When I felt a presence divine It all depends on the boss’s mood Before I could think Deprived of the basic amenities It transported me somewhere in a blink. There is no one to listen to his pleas I saw Omran, a Syrian child who doesn’t know I felt the realization of the luck I have That is the hatred of this world he will die or grow I can live without fear to get killed or to starve We fight for the useless luxuries with our parents I stood there dumbfounded as I think in deep He doesn’t even know if he’ll live by day’s end I felt so useless and couldn’t do anything but weep But soon I realized that I was thinking so wrong I’m transported to Asin, Somalian progeny I can do anything if I stay determined and strong Struggling for every crumb and penny He doesn’t know if he will get food tonight I call on you to save this world I could see his daily plight. To save children from the abuses hurled

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By Nayala Khan, India, 16 Years

Child Rights By Ridiksha Raput, India, 12 Years Every child has some rights;; For which they should not have to fight. The government should provide children their right;; If not provided, their future won’t be bright. First right is of Education;; If not provided their growth will be in cessation. Second right is of Health;; This is like wealth. The third right is to Play;; Which is important for some part of every day. Next right is of life;; Which cannot be taken away in strife? Last and paramount is the right of Equality;; Which society should ensure in reality. So, every child has some rights;; For which they should not have to fight.

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By Simran Sethi, India, 13 Years

Protection from Violence, Abuse and Neglect By Roxely Nohemi Castro Hernandez, Hondras, 16 Years This is my story. It all started when I was five. I was a young child, poor and without love. Every single day there was hate and war. His hands touch me all of my body and Tells me stuff. Whispering son, I love you just stay Discrete. I just stare with my angelic face. Now I am six and still don´t have a voice. All of my body is dirty and my Pure soul is deteriorating. My arms, legs and face are painted with large bruises. And my heart at a young age feels nothing. And I don´t understand why my mom cries and my brothers Left home. Now I turned 10 years old. The streets are cold, and I have no where to go. I still remember the words he told me: Son wait for me I´ll come back. But four years passed And I have forgotten those words. My bed is in a box and I have a good friend Bruno is his name. We walk together and ear some leftovers. This dog has been the first living thing to teach me what love is. 2 years later surviving on leftovers I walk to a corner and there someone calls me and invited me to become Part of his family. What I accept! This is where my path derivate to hell And already have blood in my hands. I am in jail physically and emotionally, With a gun in my head. I heard this voice ¨Path can be hard, but God is the righteous way.¨ All things have changed. And I have accepted God Now I have a family to trust. Nobody deserves to be mistreated. Violence and sexual abuse have ended thousands of Children’s lives. My life was hard and I have no advice, so make yourself hear against violence, neglect and sexual abuse.

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By Gunjan Madan, India, 16 Years

Essay on Child Rights By Chaewon Yoon, India, 10 Years Talking about child rights ,what rights do you think a child in a first world country like USA and a child in a third world country like Syria would expect when it comes to day-­to-­day living? The child in the USA is already exposed to all the rights s/he should’ve. The problem arises when we talk about the rights of a child living in countries where even the basic fundamental rights like right to safe drinking water etc. are not provided. Rights are Rights, irrespective of the fact that they’re for an adult or for a child. A 3y/o child himself/herself cannot fight for his/her rights because they don’t know what it means for obvious reasons. But that doesn’t mean people take advantage of the situation as for a child to protect itself is out of its capacity. Children are among the most vulnerable subjects in violent conflicts who suffer greatly and have their human rights brutally violated as a consequence. States and the UN, as well as other international organizations, already impose sanctions in response to human rights violations with a wide range of measures, including interventions and UN-­led military operations. I am also highly skeptical about the fact that sanctions would improve the conditions of the children in post conflict areas. Talking about child rights as a whole, children all across the world, in no matter what condition they’re living in do not have all their rights intact. A child, 6y/o, living in a middle class family of New Delhi made to stay in a locked room meanwhile, his parents are out for a movie;; is that right? Is this not hampering his rights? These types of situations aren’t attended to as much as the bigger ones are. Every child has to be provided with compulsory elementary education and cannot be made to work in industries where there is risk to life. Every child has to be provided with the basic necessities like clean water, adequate food, sanitation and clean air. They should be treated equally, there should be no discrimination on the basis of gender, religion, caste or color. Under the CRC, Article 12 1. states that parties shall assure to the child who is capable of forming his or her own views the right to express those views freely in all matters affecting the child, the views of the child being given due weight in accordance with the age and maturity of the child. 2. For this purpose, the child shall in particular be provided the opportunity to be heard in any judicial and administrative proceedings affecting the child, either directly, or through a representative or an appropriate body, in a manner consistent with the procedural rules of national law. Every child has dreams, big or small all alike;; parents and elders in the family should respect them and motivate the child to do what s/he wants to do and not what the family wants the child to do. Considering today’s scenario, children come under influence of their parents or friends and often take up steps because they’re being told to do so or in an attempt to imitate others. For this, they end up killing their own interests. What’s the point of dreaming when they know they’ll be forced to do what their parents what them to do? Above all, a child has the right to be recognized and have his/her own identity. Adequate care has to be taken of the child to ensure his/her all round physical, mental and emotional development. There are so many rights entitled to a child but sadly, most of them are there just for the sake of it, they’re not followed. Yes, gender discrimination exists;; yes, children are forced to work at a very early age that too in industries that have hazardous effects to their health;; yes, they are not provided with the compulsory elementary education, food, water etc.;; yes, what they feel and think is not attended to. We the children of today, have lost all faith in fighting for our rights. We do hope that one day we’ll find someone who attends to us, listens to us and finally, finds a solution to our problem.

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By Neha Noufal, UAE, 13 Years

Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle By Ronit Mathew, India, 10 Years Refuse the consumption and production of products, Which are not environment-­friendly and toxic in all conduct Reduce the use of non-­biodegradable products, Which affects air, water and land Reuse anything that you can, To support Sustainability and efficient use of resources available in our hands Sort out the trash to recycle the products, This will support responsible consumption by all of us Together when we all will Rethink and plan, It will spread awareness to re-­grow our Land.

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By Nafida, UAE, 14 Years

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Right To Be Heard By Mariya Tharannum, UAE, 11 Years A right to be heard Not restricted of words A voice that is true Not a transitory view A word that is said Its debris in our heads Of rate that’s true In both me and you It gestures the start From extreme in our hearts A problem befalls From huge to the small It flows like a stream… To the corners that gleam For eyes that have dreams No wonder through my hard work it beams…. I agree I am a child, At times sensible, naughty and wild Understand me, I say…. For the world has enough people who go astray!

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By Sumaiya, UAE, 15 Years 29 | P a g e

UNCRC By Muhammad Fahad, UAE, 8 Years WHAT IS UNCRC? The United Nations convention on the rights of child is an International agreement which describes the rights of children in detail regardless of their race, religion or abilities. Rights of children Children have the right to be fed, clothed and protected until they reach adulthood. Children must receive love and affection from their parents. Children have the right to be treated equally. Some main categories are: 1. Right to life, survival and development. 2. Freedom 3. Family environment and care 4. Basic health 5. Education 6. Special protection measures

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By Afraah, UAE, 13 Years 31 | P a g e

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By Muskan, UAE, 13 Years

Child Rights By Rishita Mittal, India, 16 Years When we hear the topic of child rights, what first comes to our mind are various rights. But I will talk about the most prominent rights like-­ the right to education and right against child labor. These days, many people, despite knowing the various perks of education still don’t want to educate their children. Making money for the poor family is seen as the primary concern in our society instead of sending a child to school. Family’s poor background, lack of interest in education and not wanting to send a girl child to school etc. can be some of the many reasons as to why a child is deprived of education. Calling education important is an understatement and people need to be made aware of what education is capable of doing. Often, I see many children begging on intersections and many of them employed in a factory under hazardous conditions. We are failing them as a society. Strict laws are needed to prevent this, as it endangers a child’s future. We too as citizens need to be aware of things happening around us, if we come across any of the above situations we need to intervene immediately, stopping the illegal practice. Also, the right to education is one of the fundamental rights in our constitution, which makes education compulsory for a child between the age of 6 to 14. Early employment and no education can ruin a child’s future in numerous ways possible. Education enables a man/woman to achieve great heights, be self-­independent and earn a living. Moreover, it sensitizes a human being about different issues. No matter what they government do to address this issue, there’s no point if people don’t cooperate and show interest in sending their kids to schools. Many governments organized schools are opened in each locality to ensure that poor people too, can afford to send their sons/daughters to study without paying a great deal of money. Also, various workshops and rallies are held so that people become ware that education is more important for their child as compared to employment at a young age. When young children work in factories they are imposed on the risk of life-­threatening diseases, depression, emotional torture, etc. Despite this being an illegal practice altogether, we see it all around us. The government must do something to stop it. Not only the government but also citizens have done a great deal in this respect. Many organizations and NGOs are opened by the active citizens of our society who are working together with the government to ensure that children aren’t deprived of their rights. The problems regarding child rights are not only present in India, they are present all over the world. We see many good people around the world doing something for the young generation of their country, some of them being Kailash Satyarthi and Malala Yousufzai, who also won the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts. In the end I’d like to add that, education and a secure future is every child’s right.

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By Aysha Fateena, UAE, 15 Years 34 | P a g e

We have Rights By Chaewon Yoon, India, 10 Years Adults consider children are young and not ready, so they say we follow their instructions. But they should know we have our own abilities, opinions and rights. I always think the most important right is『to rest』. The first reason I thought of this, because in India the poor people have their children to earn money to live. I feel so bad for them whenever I see the street kids hungrily standing on the roads. They have to keep begging to earn money, but sometimes they could be hurt by the car passing by, busses, police etc. The next issue to rest is the parents who expect their children to study well send them to learning centers and many other places to work harder day and night for all straight A. My next right is『to be safe』. In India, the children from the poor villages get kidnapped or sometimes killed. I don`t understand why the bad, cruel people would do that? That is one situation. Another unsafe possibility is from wars that are happening in Syria and kids are left in a very dangerous places or situation. During the war, the children have to be protected! I think that is obvious. Last reason is to be safe from family violence such as child abuse. I rely on that each and every parent should care for their kids but some don`t. I feel pity about how they survive day by day in such a dangerous background. Children must be taken care of in the secure place from the violent parents. Lastly, I believe kids have the right 『to express ourselves』to the teachers at school, when they feel unfair. I hope the teachers should step into their students’ shoes. We can`t express ourselves as teachers are sometimes wrong, even if we have our own thoughts. I also feel disappointed when it happens. In my experience, I got a strong hit by the ball in P.E. I expected that the teacher should say to me “Are you okay?”. However the coach told me it was just a ball. It gave me a shock! What if the teacher was hit by a ball, then he could say “It’s just a ball”??? Besides my three rights, we have lots of good things to stand up around us. We have to realize and share what we have rights, because we are the future!

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By Delaney Buchanan, USA, 11 Years

A Poem on Child Rights By Adya Singh, India, 12 Years Every child has the right To live this life without fright To sleep peacefully through the night Without fear of their precious lives Every child Kingdom is their life Adults are guardians guarding Their rights To a full and trouble -­free existence Spared from the madness of war Where life is insignificant Every child needs the Fullness of peace To develop and grow with ease Children are the future Its their rights we need to please May they forgive those who are Bringing them to their knees

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By Boden Price, USA, 11 Years

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Separation from Parents By Grezia Montoya, Hondras, 15 Years I´m a lonely soul that does not have parents because the scary and mad hands of neglection. I was hurt by society because they took me away from my guardian angels. And I don´t understand why. I started to wonder if I did something wrong or if my loving parents did something wrong. A year has passed and I am seven years old. I am travelling towards another foster home. I miss my parents. I learned forgiveness and I still love them, But my foster mother does not let me talk to my parents. I know our destiny will rise again and we will be together again. Two years have passed and once again I live happily with them. My lovely parents. This is my story. The story of a child taken from their castle fantasy to a terrible nightmare, which is the separation of a parent from their child.

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By Emily Heidarsson, USA, 11 Years

Right To Be Heard By Mohd Fahim, UAE, 15 Years I’m a lying, deceptive loser With a gun pointed at my head I still commemorate all you said Maybe I’ll be worth higher to you when I’m dead There’s a summer sunset I haven’t seen And it’s haunting my dreams The dawn breathes and blows away The whiff of you and everything you’ll say I can still hear the words But I’m still unsure If you really meant them And why I dislike them Daylight, dead of night, any time The speculations don’t stop in my mind I think and talk about it too much Everyone over me has heard enough

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By Noelle Flowers, USA, 11 Years Protection Right of a Child By Hamid Tanvir, UAE, 15 Years Every child has the right to live this life without fright To sleep quietly through the night Without fear for their beloved lives Every child’s kingdom is their life Adults are defenders defending their rights To a full and trouble-­free existence Spared from the absurdity of war where life is insignificant Every child needs the completeness of peace To develop and grow with ease Children are the future It’s their right we need to please May they absolve those who are bringing them to their knees?

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By Netahlia Kreig, USA, 11 Years

Child Rights By Khushi Girdhar, India, 15 Years To you we are a child A child of course we are Little though to you we are, We have our dreams and desires. We have all got rights Rights to sleep fill at night Rights to say no to what we feel is not right. Rights to express our opinions and to be listened to rather than to be said that 'you are young' Rights to development, survival And to live in a house that looks surreal Rights to an education that enable us to fulfill our potential Rights to not be taken advantage of. We beg of you, our elders and nation Never to deny us of our rights Never to lead us astray So we can grow to be Useful to ourself and to you Useful to our great nations And the world.

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By Anabelle Wyatt,USA, 11 Years

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UNCRC By Izza Sajjad Chaudhary, UAE, 10 Years What is UNCRC or CRC? The full form of UNCRC is United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Children. UNCRC means the agreement of child rights .The children have the right to not be bullied and should not be separated if they are different. Who is a child according to UNCRC? The children under the age of 18 are a part of UNCRC. Children have many rights like Survival rights, development rights, protection rights, participation rights. Children should have right and freedom. They should not have violence against children they should also have family environment and alternative care. They should also have basic health and welfare. They should have Education, leisure and cultural activities and lastly they should have special protection measures. The rights of children: 1-­They should be fed 2-­They should be clothed properly. 3-­They should be respected. 4-­They should have loving family.

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By Holly Shapleigh, USA, 11 Years

UNCRC By Fellah Mariam, UAE, 10 Years The United Nations convention on the rights of the child or known as UNCRC or CRC is a human rights treaty about the civil, political, economic, social, health and cultural rights of children. Nations that sign and agree to this treaty are to be bounded to it by the law. Order is watched by the UN committee on the rights of the child, which is created with members from places around the globe. Once in a year, the committee gives a report to the third committee of the United Nations. General assembly, also listens to a statement from the CRC chair. Then the assembly takes a resolution to the rights of the child. Governments of countries that have agreed to the convention are needed to report to, and appear before, the United Nations committee on the rights of the child occasionally to be inspected on their improvement with approving to the advancement of the implementation of the convention and the standing of child rights in their country, their announcements and the committee’s reports and concerns are on the committee’s website. The UN General Assembly chose to take up the convention and opened it for signing on 20th November 1989 (the 30th anniversary of the declaration of the rights of the child) it came into action on 2nd September 1990, after it was accepted by the required number of nations. Currently, 196 nations are members to it, including every member of the United Nations except the United States. Two optional protocols were chosen on 25th May 2000. The first optional protocol bans the involvement of children in military conflicts, and the second optional protocol restricts the selling of children, child prostitution and child pornography. Both protocols have been accepted by more than 170 states. A third optional protocol relating to communication of complaints was chosen on 11th December 2011 and opened for signing on 28th February 2012. It came into action on 14th April 2014.

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By Zander DeJager, USA, 11 Years

Child Rights By Bhavishya Singh, India, 12 Years Every child in this world is special in itself. As we want to see a better world we should pay attention to the children as they are the future of the world. Now, this responsibility comes on we the people of the world to make these children prepare for tomorrow. Unfortunately in some corner of the world attentions are not paid properly as it should be. Various reasons are there behind it and they are made victims of these. According to a world survey on children of the world show that poverty is being the major reason because of this menace, parents don’t care about their children properly, they even don’t know the importance of it. So, the make their children ‘child labor’ that makes their life burden. These poor people are illiterate so, they do not understand the child right. Seeing all these happenings UNICEF an international organization came forward so that something can be done in favor of such children. This organization is doing its best to create awareness among people of each country about children's rights. In each country, they appoint an ambassador so that the effect be made effective and sustainable and no doubt they are getting the good success that can be seen on the ground level. Now people around the world are being more careful towards their children. So, we can say that the future of the world will be bright and orient.

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By Emma Johnson, USA, 11 Years

We all have a Name By Sammie Allen, USA, 11 Years I am a person. I have a name. I am not lame Do not think less of me Because of my race. Let us not be haste We are the same We are all people We all have names Do not think less of us Because of our races We are kids We can change the world No matter of our Race or name We are all important We are should be heard We all have names. Yes I may be a child But we are important We are just as important We are just as smart We all have a heart We are the future We can do just as good as you No, we will do just as good as you Maybe even better I may seem like I can do nothing Because of my age But take a page Out of my book And look I am just as important And just as needed. I should have rights Yes I am a child Do not think less of us Because of our races We should be heard I can be from anywhere And still do great things I have a name I have a nationality I am me We all have names. I am...

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By Minori Koyanagi, India, 9 Years

I have right to life By Moussa Camara, Senegal, 17 Years I have a dream and it is a deeply guarded dream in my mind. I have a dream that one day mankind will be awoken and will know the real meaning of the right to life. I hold this truth to be self evident that no life is more important than children’s one. And only the family, the society and the government can help us to life rightfully. We may have a bad behavior however our families must understand us and their most duty for us. Everyone should work hard in order to make all lives valuable. As the saying goes, “life and let life’’ All men are created equal. So the government must protect us by all necessary means so that the society can respect the rules put record. As a final analysis, the most important one of children’s right is the right to life. The fact is all rights are respected excepted that one, this does means there is no right at all.

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By Riya, India, 9 Years

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By Miyu Hato, India, 9 Years 53 | P a g e

By Renad, India, 9 Years

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By Mriga Poddar, India, 9 Years 55 | P a g e

By Meika, India, 10 Years 56 | P a g e

By Samara, India, 9 Years 57 | P a g e

By Sara, India, 9 Years 58 | P a g e

By Tejas Sagoo, India, 10 Years 59 | P a g e

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By Sidhak Singh Handa, India, 9 Years

ESSAY ON CHILD RIGHTS By Ananya Sadana, India, 16 Years Talking about child rights ,what rights do you think a child in a first world country like USA and a child in a third world country like Syria would expect when it comes to day-­to-­day living? The child in the USA is already exposed to all the rights s/he should’ve. The problem arises when we talk about the rights of a child living in countries where even the basic fundamental rights like right to safe drinking water etc. are not provided. Rights are Rights, irrespective of the fact that they’re for an adult or for a child. A 3y/o child himself/herself cannot fight for his/her rights because they don’t know what it means for obvious reasons. But that doesn’t mean people take advantage of the situation as for a child to protect itself is out of its capacity. Children are among the most vulnerable subjects in violent conflicts who suffer greatly and have their human rights brutally violated as a consequence. States and the UN, as well as other international organizations, already impose sanctions in response to human rights violations with a wide range of measures, including interventions and UN-­led military operations. I am also highly skeptical about the fact that sanctions would improve the conditions of the children in post conflict areas. Talking about child rights as a whole, children all across the world, in no matter what condition they’re living in do not have all their rights intact. A child, 6y/o, living in a middle class family of New Delhi made to stay in a locked room meanwhile, his parents are out for a movie;; is that right? Is this not hampering his rights? These type of situations aren’t attended to as much as the bigger ones are. Every child has to be provided with compulsory elementary education and cannot be made to work in industries where there is risk to life. Every child has to be provided with the basic necessities like clean water, adequate food, sanitation and clean air. They should be treated equally, there should be no discrimination on the basis of gender, religion, caste or color. Under the CRC, Article 12 1. states that parties shall assure to the child who is capable of forming his or her own views the right to express those views freely in all matters affecting the child, the views of the child being given due weight in accordance with the age and maturity of the child. 2. For this purpose, the child shall in particular be provided the opportunity to be heard in any judicial and administrative proceedings affecting the child, either directly, or through a representative or an appropriate body, in a manner consistent with the procedural rules of national law. Every child has dreams, big or small all alike;; parents and elders in the family should respect them and motivate the child to do what s/he wants to do and not what the family wants the child to do. Considering today’s scenario, children come under influence of their parents or friends and often take up steps because they’re being told to do so or in an attempt to imitate others. For this, they end up killing their own interests. What’s the point of dreaming when they know they’ll be forced to do what their parents what them to do? Above all, a child has the right to be recognized and have his/her own identity. Adequate care has to be taken of the child to ensure his/her all round physical, mental and emotional development. Every child, or rather, every person alive, has the right to live. S/he should also have the right to voice his/her opinion and to express whatever s/he feels. There are so many rights entitled to a child but sadly, most of them are there just for the sake of it, they’re not followed. Yes, gender discrimination exists;; yes, children are forced to work at a very early age that too in industries that have hazardous effects to their health;; yes, they are not provided with the compulsory elementary education, food, water etc.;; yes, what they feel and think is not attended to. We the children of today, have lost all faith in fighting for our rights. We do hope that one day we’ll find someone who attends to us, listens to us and finally, finds a solution to our problem.

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