Ariel Foundation International 2016 year in review

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Ariel Foundation International 2016 Year in Review 1


Editor: Sarah Perchikoff Sarah Perchikoff is a recent graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in Writing. Sarah’s background is in non-fiction and blog writing, editing, and copyediting. Sarah’s life passion is for social justice, and giving voices to people who are not often heard. She believes in the power of words to make change in the world. Sarah has spent most of her life growing up in Michigan. She currently cohabitates with her miniature dachshund, Gracie. Photos by: Ariel Foundation Intenrational Delegates and Parents Ariel Foundation International © Copyright 2017 All Rights Reserved


Dr. Ariel Rosita King, MPH, MBA, PhD President, Ariel Foundation International ECOSOC Representative, Geneva, New York & Vienna Children and Youth Human Rights Advocate

The Ariel Foundation International is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization founded by Dr. Ariel King, in 2002. The Foundation promotes partnerships, peace and prosperity through entrepreneurship via education, experience through serviceTM, leadership and support of children, young people and their communities in developing countries. Ariel Foundation International is a member of Eurochild. Vision: If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am only for myself, what am I? If not now, then when? - Hillel Mission To better the lives of AFI partners world wide through building bridges of partnerships, understanding, respect, peace and prosperity Values We are committed to: Teaching and Encouraging Leadership and Entrepreneurship Partner with developing countries to improve the lives of its youth and their families. Directing human and financial resources directly to the people through families, groups, and organizations. Making the lives of those who are a part of the Ariel Foundation International better. 3

ARIEL FOUNDATION INTERNATIONAL 2016 YEAR IN REVIEW SUMMARY 2016 In 2016, Ariel Foundation International (AFI) broke new ground in several international areas for children, youth and seniors. AFI Young Ambassadors Children’s Summits: In June 2016, AFI and Ariana-Leilani Children’s Foundation held the four the Children’s Human Rights Summit at the United Nations on Children’s Rights Summit on Violence Against Children with the special Chair, Dr. Matthew McVarish AFI Changemakers (18-29)): In June 2016, young AFI Changemakers Summit at the Human Rights Council conducted important groundbreaking work at the World Health Assembly. In November, pioneering work continued at Changemakers at the UK Parliament with Julie Ward, MEP as Chair. In December the Changemakers submitted an official statement to the UN Right to Development. AFI Young Changemakers (14-17) through a partnership with Goodwall gave the opportunity for high school students from 12 to 16 to be accredited to attend United Nations meetings as delegates. European Parliament and UN Committees: AFI Children’s human rights team gave a presentation) on their experiences at the conference on children as actors transforming society (CATS) to Members of the European Parliament, while our young adult team attended the UN Committee on Discrimination in Geneva.. Looking Forward to 2017: In 2017, we plan to continue our pioneering work with empowering and opening doors for children with the World Health Organisation Exectuive Board 140th Session in May and an AFI Changemakers Summit on Human Rights in June. In addition, we will continue to support children and youth to realize their rights to participate fully in society regardless of the country in which they are born or their socio-economic status.


AFI Changemaker Circle of Leaders 2016 Iman Neumann - Rapporteur Benjamine Ryder Hanna Quassim Ziyad Campbell Isabel Pearson Zainab Ahmed Alexandra Walsh

Upcoming Events World Health Organisation Executive Board 140th Session 22nd-26th May 2017 Geneva, Switzerland On the 22nd-26th of May, AFI will be hosting Changemakers at the 140th session of the World Health Organisation’s advisory organ, the Executive Board. Here, Changemakers will gain insight into theinner workings of the world’s premierauthority on all things health, as experts from around the world convene to discuss issues ranging from health emergencies and epidemics, to progress being made in the eradication of poliomyelitis, and the health of refugees and migrants. Register today at:

35th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council 21-23 June 2017 Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland. On the 21-23 March 2017, AFI Changemakers will be attending the 35thSession of the Human Rights Council at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. You as a Delegate will be alongside other delegates representing governments, businesses, civil society, UN bodies, National Human Rights Institution and Organizations, trade unions, academia and the media will converge upon Geneva to discuss issues pertaining to human rights across the globe. Do not miss this chance to be a AFI Changemakers at high-level policy formulation and discussion first hand. Register today at:


AFI Changemakers at the 32nd UN Human Rights Council In June 2016, AFI Changemakers participated in the 32nd session of the Human Rights Council at the UN in Geneva, Switzerland. The AFI Changemakers summit was chaired focused on issues pertaining to human rights across the globe. Issues discussed included migration, freedom of expression, global poverty and the right to development.


AFI Young Changemakers at Senegalese Parliament

In September 2016, young changemakers were able to go to the Senegalese Parliament and have their voices heard on a variety of important issues affecting children in the world



YOUTH SUMMIT ON CHILDREN’S HUMAN RIGHTS A PARALLEL EVENT TO THE UN HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL AT THE PALAIS DES NATIONS– GENEVA In June 2016, AFI Young Changemakers experienced a once in a lifetime learning experience where they were able to interact with other delegates ages 7- 17 from around the world. They learned, discussed and presented on a wide array of topics.


Cassava Farm/Lumpsum Corner Bridge - Limbe – Cameroon Global Youth Service Day Activity On 17th April, 2016 in Limbe-Cameroon, ten children and young people volunteered with the Association for the Protection of Women’s and Children’s Rights (APWCR), in coordination with Ariel Foundation International, to serve their communities by reducing mosquitoe bites that cause malaria. They cleaned an upper part of a stream under the bridge linking the Cassava farms quarter and Lumpsum quarter in Limbe – Cameroon. The participants included These are the names of those who participated: Ndu Benis Ndem, Enow Marion, Tawoh Nissi Nkie, Njewel Stephanie, Nkem Anita, Angadam Gilbert, Ngwota Vanessa Princess, Mbamu John, Kwenyi Sylvanus and Ojah Tawoh Wisdom.


Global Youth Service Day Zambia Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education Tnis year’s Global Youth Services Day event in Zambia was held on the 16th of April, 2016 by Ariel Foundation International (AFI) in partnership with Advocacy on Human Development (AOHD) under the 4th Sustainable Development Goal dubbed as “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”. Ariel Foundation International Zambia country Coordinator, Mr. Clyde Milimo, on behalf of the AFI President Dr. Ariel King, addressed about 20 youths from Mufulira district on the Copperbelt province. This is a district that has been badly hit by miners’ job losses on a large scale, has very high HIV and poverty rates whose adverse effects can easily be seen around the communities that people live in. Among the participants were some youths with physical disabilities who expressed stigmatization at the manner in which educational services are currently being offered to them. From the commemoration of this event, a technical youth working group has been formed that will be upholding and advocating for inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all through the Ariel Foundation International in Zambia. Mr. Milimo also hinted on the “Youth Service” as a new approach to working with young people. He said that the goal of Youth Service was to help youths find the best option for education, training or work and that It aims to get young people into education, training or work-based learning. This would help young people gain the skills to find a job and have an independent future regardless of their status in society. 11

As a product of its meetings at the UN, AFI Changemakers frequently publish reports detailing work done at the UN, as well as statements presented to the international community. Missing children, disappearances, abductions and exploitation is increasing internationally. The story behind each missing child is as different as the child, and yet there are trends. The recent numbers of unaccompanied minors into Europe, North America, and other countries have given way to their additional vulnerability to disappear. Now there are more than 10,000 registered unaccompanied refugee children who went to Europe who are missing. Children are vulnerable to exploitation, especially sex exploitation are usually separated from their protective family through their own actions or the actions of state and nonstate actors. Children are extremely vulnerable to disappearance and exploitation.

AFI Changemakers participated at the UN and in The Geneva Peace Week is a platform that for the third year brought together key peace-building actors and institutions to discuss current challenges that we face in the International Community. The main institutions that organised the event were: The Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding (CCDP), of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies; the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP); Interpeace; and the Quaker United Nations Office, Geneva (QUNO). This report on the potential for peace in Syria is youths assessment of the challenges and opportunities.



This report on the Right to Development was carried out following the 32nd Session of the UN Human Rights Council taking into consideration what was said together with our own submissions derived from our research. The report highlights the similar and symbiotic nature of basic human rights and the basic needs of development. It then goes on to examine the effects of phenomena such as marginalization of certain sectors of populations and those of the involvement of multi-national corporations on these developing economies and their human rights records. The report puts forward a number of recommendations to conclude that there is a need for more practical enforcement of the Right to Development, that all individuals must be included in the process and that the international community should focus on capacity building in order to achieve this. Authors: Isabel Pearson, Sofia Kelly, Tizane Rogers, ISBN:978-0-9980092-1-6

In attending the UNHRC, AFI Changemakers noted that the new challenges for freedom of expression posed by the advancements of new technology and the digital age are juxtaposed with continuing and prevalent violations of the right in its most rudimentary forms. This report explores this position and outlines recommendations for the Human Rights Council. The report also draws on the youth perspective and how advancements can hinder free expression for the youth. Authors: Iman Nauman, Rebecca Morcos, ISBN: 978-0-9980092-0-9



Prepared on behalf of AFI Changemakers, the report on extreme poverty 2016 explores statistics and discussion around the topic of extreme poverty in a modern day context. The report provides a brief thematic background of social-economic rights and human rights and explores ideas in the form of recommendations, to address the issue. There is a particular focus and expansion on the “RIA Framework� presented by Sir Philip Alston at the 32nd Session of the Human Rights Council, 2016. The Report is intended to promote youth awareness of human rights issues, and provide a platform to facilitate dialogue and tools for further action between youth and government. Authors: Ruth Reid, Benjamin Ryder, Erum Dahar, ISBN: 978-0-9980092-2-3

This report on Human Trafficking was prepared and presented at the 32nd session of the Human Rights Council. This report is influential as AFI Changemakers have explicitly explained what human trafficking is and why it is such a concerning topic which was greatly discussed during the session. This report explores the main reasons of trafficking such as conflict. Furthermore the report explains the different types of trafficking, various statistics from different reports have been analyzed for example UNICEF on children trafficking. In addition Changemakers noticed a gap as a lot of the research ignores men and boys, thus this shows gender biases are coherent in international institutions. The report also suggests a number of recommendations, which concludes the report. Authors: Zainab Ahmed, Samaira Nazar Ali, Satarupa Ghosh, ISBN: 978-09980092-3-0



AFI is proud to announce the publication of a report from three young Lithuanian Changemakers, Vilmantė, Inga and Delianas, Their report was written after they were AFI Changemaker Delegates who attended the 88th UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) session for Lithuania. In the report, they give their opinion about racial discrimination, tolerance, other related problems and it solutions within the Lithuanian society. The report is in Lithuanian and will soon be available in English.

AFI Lithuania the Trip of Human Rights Told by Children Children from Lithuania villages and towns from all backgrounds went on a trip of Human Rights to the UN in Geneva, they spoke at the European Parliament in Brussels, the UK Parliament, and visited leaders in the Netherlands (Hague and Amsterdam). The photos and writings are all from the children with their view of the world in words and photos


4, Chemin des Papillons CH - 1216 Geneva, Switzerland Tel: +41 22 534 94 41 Fax: +41 22 580 22 27 Email: | Skype: Ariel Foundation International | | FB: Ariel-Foundation-International | Twitter: AFIchangemakers | YouTube Channel: Arielfoundation 16

Ariel Foundation International Š Copyright 2017

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