Foundations of Design : Representation, SEM1, 2017 M3 JOURNAL - PATTERN vs SURFACE Arika Brandon
915362 Carl Areskoug Studio 15
WEEK 6 READING: SURFACES THAT CAN BE BUILT FROM PAPER IN ARCHITECTURAL GEOMETRY Question 1: What are the three elementary types of developable surfaces? Provide a brief description. (Maximum 100 words) The elementary types of developable surfaces are cones, cylinders and tangets. All of these surfaces are special ruled surfaces with tangets lines. Cylidner surfaces are the most basic of the three and are formed by parallel lines. However tangent surfaces are formed by multiple polygons joined together.
Question 2: Why is the understanding of developable surface critical in the understanding of architectural geometry? Choose one precedent from Research/Precedents tab on LMS as an example for your discussion. (Maximum 100 words) The understanding of developable surfaces are critical in in the understanding of architectural geometry because developable surfaces can be both flat surfaces (2D) and 3D surfaces. It also challenges the boundaries of design and construction as they can be very complex as seen in the Cloud Canopy.
2d Panelling, Pattern: Triangular
2d Panelling, Pattern: Wave
2d Panelling, Pattern: Dense
2D variable pattern 1
Note: all three variable 2d pattens could not be used in the final design as they were not recognised as surfaces on rhi which is the reason why they are not shaded in the pictures
2D variable patten 2
2D variable patten 3
A mix of two panels joined together and unrolled and a single panel unrolled. Some joined panels did not work so the final design is mostly single unrolled panels
3D panels for the test prototype. However these pnale swere not scored which is why the the folds are kind of ‘bubbly’. However as this was only just the test it did not make a difference and the panels in the final model were all scored before being folded to avoid this bubbly look
WEEK 7 READING: DIGITAL FABRICATION Complete your reading before attempting these questions:
Question 1: What is digital fabrication and how does it change the understanding of two dimensional representation? (Maximum 100 words) According to Iwamoto, digital fabrication is Digital fabrication is a type of manufacturing that is done on comupters. Digital Fabrication narrows the gap between 2D and 3D, or, narrows the gap between drawing and reality. It represents 3D surfaces in 2D and vice versa.
Question 2: Suggest two reasons why folding is used extensively in the formal expression of building design? (Maximum 100 words) When folding is introduced into digital fabrication, it creates a new dimension. Objects can go from 2D to 3D simply by just being folded into place. Folding affects buildings with its ‘ability to integrate unrelated elements with a new continuous mixture’, it creates expression and meaning in the design of the building. Folding also connects the surfaces in the buildings in the sense that a fold in a surface can form a wall and the ceiling and creates a feeling of continuity in the design of the building.
3D panelling with 3 different types of panelling. Closed pyramids, slightly open pyramids and fully open pyramids
UNROLL TEMPLATE OF YOUR FINAL MODEL 4 of the unrolled 3D panels. Panel templates were numbered so that they were no confused when assembling all of the Panels together. The numbering did not show up on the final model. As stated before, most of the unrolled 3D panels are single panels instead of multiple panels that are joined together, this is because some panels when joined together overlapped. The panels are joined in groups no bigger than 2. The 2D panels were grouped in panels of 5 or smaller to fit onto an A4 page. However because the 2D panels are grouped in such small numbers, it doesn’t match up properly on the final model and the fold lines show up.
View of the final model. The 3 different 3D panel varioations can be seen at the top of the model. Closed panels on the right, slightly open panels in the middle and panels with big openings on the left. However the final model differs from the model I had envisioned as the 2D panels were not printed to scale so minor adjustments were made to accommodate for this change which included holes in the design. Despite the 2D panels not being to scale and completely changing the shape of the model, the 3D model was exactly how i envisioned it to be.
Close up view of 9 of the closed 3D panels on the top right of the model. Unlike the 2D panels, the 3D panels were quite successful and joined together without problems. Both tape and glue were used to stick the panels together. This was because the panels were built from 290gsm paper so it was thick and heavy so it was slightly difficult to stick together.
APPENDIX The unrolled panel templates were printed on ordinary paper and then taped onto ivory card to score the outline and edges of the panel. Once the panel was scored, the template was removed and the panel was cut out of the ivory card. Equipment pitcured are kinves, metal ruler, tape, ivory card and cutting mat. I made sure to score the paper this time so I would not repeat the same mistake I did in the prototype.
Once the 3d panels were cut out of the ivory card, the were creased in preparation for the assembly of the panels. Equipment pictured: kife, metal ruler, ivory card, cutting mat. Equipment not pictured but used in this process: masking tape and glue.
Experimenting with the curve attractors and deciding how the panels were going to be laid out according to the height of the curve. The far left was chosen for the final model because the 3D panels showed the height of the topgoraphy better than the middle one. The right one was not chosen because as seen in the final model, the entire middle section was taken out and 2D panels were used instead. So if the right model was chosen, the varying 3D panels would not have shown up on the final model as they would have been replaced by the 2D panels
This is one of the very first 3D panel design. However it did not go through as this design is unachievable on the materials we were working with. The design consisted of 4 pyramids in each corner of a square all pointing upward. However they did overlap and created some solid pyramids as you can see at the top of the model and some pyramids that was half tall and half short.