Arizona Gaming Guide Magazine - February 2024 - 16:02

Page 26


YES, I GAMBLE It’s OK To Tell People Gambling Is Your Hobby


n this 24-7-365 world of sharing everything all the time with everyone (spouse, children, relatives, friends, coworkers, random strangers, online “friends”) I get the impression that gambling, as a hobby or pastime, is still not as socially acceptable, as say collecting shoes, or playing video games. One of the main reasons why may be because not everyone gambles on a regular basis. And let me clarify that, not everyone goes to one of the many casinos in Arizona and wagers money on a game like slots, poker, blackjack, bingo, and so on. Plenty of people gamble with their lives every day, like first responders and our fellow citizens who are brave enough to serve in the armed forces (a quick shout out and thank you to all of them). I know we all gamble with our lives as soon as we get behind the wheel and leave our parking spot. We’re gambling when we order a product from an online retailer! I never know what condition the item I just ordered will arrive in, much less if it is even the right item or, if it is, will it even work as promised. So, it’s unfortunate that gambling tends to get a bad rap as a high stakes vice that involves risky behavior and is frowned upon by many that don’t gamble. The fact is, casino gaming is a hobby just like traveling, painting, cooking, golfing, visiting museums or any of the other thousands of hobbies out there. Indulge me for just a moment here while I define what a hobby is. A hobby is an activity you can complete in your free time which brings you pleasure. This activity is usually regular and ongoing across your lifetime. Participating in your hobby allows you to develop skills and challenge yourself by attempting or experiencing new things. And, participating in a hobby should also be an effective way to rest your brain in a manner that is free from work-related or anxiety-heightening tasks. Personally, I can’t count how many times I’ve heard the phrase “I can’t wait to get home tonight and crack open a bottle of wine!” So, the bottle of wine is just for you? A 750ml bottle of wine is designed to be shared by two couples each receiving around 100ml per glass. Everyone gets almost two glasses out of the bottle. That’s a “normal” serving! But, that’s not a hobby. Nowadays, if you listen to people talk, watch what is discussed

or portrayed in all forms of media, or actually purchase a wine glass, bigger and more is clearly OK. So, if consuming copious amounts of alcohol to “deal with the day” is socially acceptable to the point that one person drinking an entire bottle of wine or more does not make them an alcoholic, you stating you have gambling as a hobby ought to be OK as well without someone looking at you sideways and making snide comments. Playing the slots is a hobby. Here’s why. You regularly play in your free time. You can always find a new slot to play. You can always travel to a new casino to introduce a novel experience. You are resting your brain. The same applies to video poker, keno, live poker, all the other card games like blackjack, roulette, craps, sports betting, etc. Do not be embarrassed by your hobby. It’s time for society to accept gambling as a hobby. Of course, if your hobby results in emotional distress, negative impacts on mental or physical health, drains your finances (too many pairs of shoes anyone?), makes you withdraw from your social circle, causes physical pain or violence, interferes with obligations and responsibilities (like work, family, paying bills), then your activity is no longer a hobby, it’s a problem and time to get help. I’m convinced regularly drinking an entire bottle of wine (again, NOT a hobby!) will lead to one or more of the issues I listed above. It’s OK to have gambling as a hobby so don’t be ashamed to admit it. $

Editor’s Note: If you or someone you know believe you may have a gambling problem, call 1-800-NEXTSTEP for free confidential advice. For confidential free help on substance abuse or any other mental health issues, call the SAMHSA National Helpline at 1-800-662-4357. Visit or

26 Arizona Gaming Guide | February 2024 |

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