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April 1980 Vol. 14, No.2
Arkansas Lawyer SPECIAL FEATURES Cover: Where law ends
OFFICERS E. Harley Cox, Jr., President
Practicalities of the Orphan's Deduction
Phillip Carroll, President-elect James A. Buttry, Secretary-Treasurer
Primer on Environmental Law
Robert L. Jones, III David R. Malone Thomas D. Ledbetter Tom B. Smith Robert G. Serio LeRoy Froman William C. Bridgforth Dennis Shackleford Clint Huey Christopher Barrier Webster L. Hubbell Gus B. Walton, Jr.
E. Hartey Cox, Jr. Phillip Carroll Wayne Boyce James A. Buttry W. Russell Meeks, III John F. Stroud Herschel H. Friday
C. E. Ransick
.Thomas L. Overbey
Paul N. Means 112
Pension and Profit Sharing Plans
Bertram S. Silver 120
Death Actions on Inland Waterways
James A. George 108
Membership Directories .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . • . • . . . . . . . ..
REGULAR FEATURES President's Report E. Harley Cox, Jr. 54 Juris Dictum 116 Legal Economics Fran Shellenberger 66 Law School News .....•.•.......•....................... 118 Oyez-Oyez B. Tarkington 114 In Memoriam ,............................. 64 Executive Council Notes ......•.•..........James A. Buttry 122 Service Directory . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. IBC Lawyer's Mart .......•................................... 111 Addenda .........•...•.•.•.................C. E. Ransick 123 W. Christopher Barrier 110 Context AICLE News Claibourne W. Patty, Jr. 59 The Arkansas Bar Foundation Boyce Love 56 Tax Tips Paul D. Williams 65 Advising Innovators Robert R. Keegan 69 The Arkansas Lawyer (USPS 546-040) is published quarterly by the Arkansas Bar Association, 400 West Markham, Little Rock, Arkansas 72201. Second class postage paid at little Rock, Arkansas. Subscription price to non-members of the Arkansas Bar Association $6.00 per year and to members $3.00 per year included
in annual dues. Any opinion expressed herein is that of the author, and not
Robert T. Dawson E. Alvin Schay Cyril Hollingsworth
necessarily that of the Arkansas Bar Association, The Arkansas Lawyer, or the Editorial Committee. Contributions 10 The Arkansas Lawyer are welcome and should be sent in two copies to the Arkansas Bar Center, 400 West Markham, Uttle Rock, Arkansas 72201.
All inquiries regarding advertising should be senl 10 The Arkansas Lawyer. above address.
April 1980/Arkansas Lawyer/53
DETERMINE THIS DAY WHOM YOU WILL SERVE The 1980 budget of the Legal Services Corporation is approximately $300,000,000.00. This represents a vast increase in the last five years. The commitment of the Legal Services Corporation to the United States Government was to provide "minimum access" to the poor of our country which has been defined as availability of two lawyers for each 10,000 of those in our population characterized by government standards as "poor". Because our average income levels are lower than national averages, the efforts of the Legal Services Corporation impact somewhat heavier on Arkansas than many other states. Your Association has attempted to keep you informed concerning the growth of these services in every manner possible. HopefUlly, many of you will have read the article on "Legal Services for the Poor in Ar1<ansas" by Donald M. Hollingsworth in the January, 1980, issue of The Arkansas Lawyer. If you did, you will notice that before the end of 1980, all counties in Arkansas will have some form of access to Legal Services Corporation funded legal services. There isn't any question that the advent of this new form of delivery of legal services will affect the law practice as we have known it for a large segment of the lawyers in the state. Consequently, thoughtfUl lawyers will remain informed regarding the developments in this area. In adversary situations, whenever any action is commenced by a Legal Services Corporation agency on behalf of an indigent client, obviously, there will be a defendant to be represented on the other side. In some instances, there will be other poor peopie unable to obtain counsel for themseives in the normal way. At that point, the long-standing commitment of Arkansas lawyers to serve the poor without payment, or adequate payment, may be put to the test. Generally, this burden falls most heavily on a relatively small number of the profession. MANDATORY PRO BONO PUBLICO SERVICES? The so-called "Kutak Committee" of the American Bar Association is engaged in revising the Code of Professional Conduct. Sweeping changes in several areas appear to be in the making. Among these is a plan that would probably call for every lawyer to render pro bono services in some form and to be accountable, ethically, for doing so. In an early draft version of this proposal, not only would each lawyer have an obligation to render free legal services to the poor, but a 60 hour annual minimum was fixed with a reporting requirement to a centrai administrative body in order to 54/Arkansas Lawyer/April 1980
maintain licensure. According to my information, these requirements have been tempered somewhat, but the general premise remains a probable feature of the revisions to be proposed by the Kutak Committee. Any such recommendations must be passed first by the House of Delegates of the American Bar Association and, subsequently, must be adopted by our Supreme Court before they become binding. This type of ethical change can result in many questions for lawyers throughout the entire spectrum of the law. Does a tax attomey have to look up a poor person in need of having his tax return prepared in order to render his pro bono legal services? Or would the tax attorney have to become familiar with criminal law in order to represent an indigent defendant to meet his pro bono obligations? Can lawyers who have specialties not applicable to the poor (e.g., bond counsel) meet their pro bono obligations by some type of contribution in cash? Or by additional contributions of service by their partners or associates? How will the flow of services to the poor be organized in order that lawyers are provided opportunities to provide their pro bono obligations? LOOKING AHEAD FOR THE PROFESSION In April, the Executive Council of the Association with some past presidents and other invitees will meet in a "retreat" to give specific thought to the long-range factors which will change the law practice as we know it and the responses which the Association should give to those changes. One of my more vivid recollections is my first airplane flight. The most significant sensation which I recall from that experience is looking down on the lands which I had passed over on the ground with a vastly different perspective than I had before. Something of the same experience has occurred since I have had the good fortune to serve as your President-my perspectives of our profession have been increased and broadened. It is this role which I believe both the President of your Association and its other elected leadership should provide for the profession. The planning retreat in April should provide us the opportunity to use our heightened perspectives to the better advantage of the profession and the administration of justice in our state. It is my hope that not only the Executive Council members and the selected other participants will contribute to the results of this planning conference, but that any lawyer who feels there are matters deserving the attention of the organized Bar will call these to our attention so that they may be properly considered. The 1980s will be an exciting decade, and each of us ...\ should want to make a contribution to it.
Out of the loneliness â&#x20AC;˘ a shining star.
Carleton Harris was once heard to say that the work of a chief justice "can be very lonely." And as chief justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court. he could frequently be seen silently stalking the great halls of the Justice Building. pondering the burdens of a pending case. But from the loneliness. there emerged an impeccable record of jurisprudence. At retirement he had completed 23 years as chief justice -more than any Arkansas chief ju tice before him. and more than any of the current state
â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘
chief justices in all the 50 states. H is services as chief justice were characterized by absolute fairness. the highest standards of integrity and dedication to his responsibilities. He changed with the times. being the driving force behind many innovations in the state justice system. And he remains a stirring orator. an unflinching Christian. a devoted family man and a dedicated member of his community. Proof. indeed. that giants still walk the land.
~ ~
April 1980/Arkansas Lawyer/55
ARKANSAS BAR fOUNDA rlON by Boyce Love Chairman
We want to take this opportunity to recognize the lawyers, who have contributed most to the Arkansas Bar Foundation. The first group are the Fellows, who make up the largest percentage of the Foundation's membership. Each has contributed at least $1,000.
THE FELLOWS Julius C. Acchione Richard B. Adkisson
R. Ben Allen Guy Amsler Guy Amsler, Jr. Philip S. Anderson R. Keith Arman William S. Arnold Virginia Atkinson Le Roy Autrey R. Eugene Bailey James P. Baker, Jr. E. J. Ball William K. Ball Ralph C. Barnhart Joe C. Barrett 'J. Clib Barton Edgar E. Betheil Joe D. Beil
Maurice Cathey Leon B. Catlett James W. Chesnutt Billy S. Clark William M. Clark W. Dane Clay H. Murray Claycomb Oliver Clegg Osro Cobb Ashley Cockrill Howard H. Cockrill Eldon F. Coffman Robert C. Compton John A. Cooper Ben Core Frank H. Cox E. Harley Cox, Jr. 'Courtney C. Crouch Claude B. Crumpler
G. Thomas Eisele Byron M. Eiseman W. A. Eldredge, Jr. John D. Eldridge William H. Enfield Lindsey J. Fairley Oscar Fendler John A. Fogleman Herschel H. Friday J. William Fulbright James W. Gallman Charles R. Garner Osborne W. Garvin 'N. J. Gantt, Jr. E. C. Gathings J. Emmet Gaughan John P. Gill C. J. Giroir, Jr. Art Givens
David Blair
James B. Blair Thomas J. Bonner Wilbur Botts William H. Bowen Wayne Boyce Comer Boyett, Jr. Douglas Bradley Thomas M. Bramhall 'Frank G. Bridges, Jr. 'Brooks Bradley William C. Bridgforth Gerald Brown Bruce T. Bullion Dale Bumpers Dan M. Burge Lawrence B. Burrow Eldridge J. Butler Richard C. Butler
James A. Buttry Richard J. Byrne Donald P. Callaway George E. Campbell 'Carroll C. Cannon Charles L. Carpenter Phillip Carroll Thomas L. Cashion 56/Arkansas Lawyer/April 1980
Theodore Rooseveft said: "Every man owes part of his time and money to the (profession) in which he is engaged."
'Edward L. Cullum James D. Cypert John Speer Daily Roy E. Danuser "Jeff Davis Robert T. Dawson John A. Davis, III John C. Deacon Gerald L. DeLung Jay W. Dickey, Sr. Edward B. Dillon, Jr. W. G. Dinning, Jr.
Darreil D. Dover "Thomas E. Downie William H. Drew James Trester Dyke William A. Eckert Charles H. Eddy E. Charles Eichenbaum R. A. Eilbott, Jr.
R. Julian Glover James T. Gooch Edward Gordon, Jr. Nathan Gordon Albert Graves, Sr. Richard Earl Griffin James C. Hale, Sr. Milas H. Hale John T. Haley, Jr. O. Wendell Hall, Jr. Herman L. Hamilton, Jr. W. P. Hamilton P. H. Hardin John N. Harkey Thomas Harper Oren Harris
John T. Haskins M. Steele Hays E. DeMatt Henderson J. Smith Henley
Robert W. Henry E.H.Herrod M. Fuller Highsmith Richard W. Hobbs William H. Hodge David A. Hodges Kaneaster Hodges, Jr. Bill R. Hoiloway oW. H. Holmes Jack W. Holt, Jr. Frances D. Holtzendorf A. F. House Gaines N. Houston F. J. Howeil, Jr. W. Max Howell A. Michael Huckabay Clint Huey Q. Byrum Hurst C.R. Huie Randall W. Ishmael Dick Jackson Alston Jennings W. Horace Jewell Robert L. Jones, Jr. 'Edwin B. Keith Eugene T. Kelley James L. Kidd, Jr. Marvin L. Kieffer John N. Killough Donald K. King Harold L. King William J. Kirby Knox B. Kinney Frank Lady Earl J. Lane 'Carl Langston David N. Laser Sam Laser Ike Allen Laws, Jr. Leland F. Leatherman William Lee Robert A. Lellar 'Edward Lester 'Jerry T. Light Robert V. Light J. E. Lightle, Jr. Robert S. Lindsey Fred Livingston
Floyd J. Lofton J. Hugh Lookadoo, Jr. Boyce R. Love Fred MacDonald Herlbert H. McAdams A. D. McAllister, Jr. Austin McCaskiil 'John L. McClellan
Francis H. McClernon 'Bon McCourtney James E. McDaniel Harry E. McDermott, Jr. Abner McGehee 'E. L. McHaney, Jr. James M. McHaney Horace H. McKenzie James A. McLarty, III Sidney S. McMath H. W. McMillan Duncan L. McRae Arthur R. Macom Edward S. Maddox Emon A. Mahony John W. Mann Terrell Marshall Richard L. Martin M.P. Matheney Stephen A. Matthews Ronald A. May S. Hubert Mayes, Jr. Eugene J. Mazzanti Pat Mehaffy William S. Miller, Jr. H. Maurice Mitchell William S. Mitchell James W. Moore John B. Moore, Jr. Mitchell D. Moore William M. Moorhead W. D. Murphy, Jr. • Cecil B. Nance Cecil B. Nance, Jr. William Nash E. Sheffield Nelson 'Fred Newth Walter R. Niblock Bobby Lee Odom John A. O'Connor, Jr. ·Wayne W. Owen Gerland P. Patten William L. Patton, Jr. Edward M. Penick "'Roy Penix Norwood Phillips Fred M. Pickens, Jr. George E. Pike George Pike, Jr. James H. Pilkinton Odell Pollard William I. Prewett N. Dale Price David Pryor Joe E. Purcell 'Heartsill Ragon Louis L. Ramsay, Jr. Richard A. Reid James R. Rhodes, III Ben E. Rice Elton A. Rieves, Jr. Judith Rogers Charles B. Roscopf Louis Rosen James A. Ross Herbert C. Rule, III Don S. Ryan Alex G. Sanderson Eugene L. Schieffler Don M. Schnipper Leonard L. Scott Dennis Shackleford
John M. Shackleford, Jr. Jacob Sharp, Jr. James B. Sharp Harold Sharpe J. L. Shaver J. L. Shaver, Jr. Bruce H. Shaw Nabors Shaw Richard B. Shaw William F. Sherman Robert Shults Jack Sims Berl S. Smith Donald H. Smith Douglas O. Smith, Jr. George Rose Smith Griffin Smith 'John Mac Smith Ray S. Smith, Jr. William J. Smith Willis B. Smith Frank Snellgrove, Jr. David Solomon Thomas E. Sparks Henry E. SptiZberg Wilton E. Steed William M. Stocks John F. Stroud, Jr. Paul Sullins William H. Sutton Neva B. Talley Bayard Taylor 'Beloit Taylor Cecil A. Tedder, Jr. William L. Terry Marvin D. Thaxton Hoyt Thomas "'Thomas B. Tinnon Hugh W. Trantham N. Walls Trimble Otis H. Turner 'Clifton Wade G. D. Walker William J. Walker William S. Walker James R. Wallace Lee Ward C. Randolph Warner, Jr. Frank L. Watson, Jr. James E. West Bernard P. Whetstone Bud Bernard Whetstone Frank L. Whitbeck John T. Williams Richard A. Williams Robert H. Williams Adrian Williamson J. Gaston Williamson '" Lamar Williamson Ralph E. Wilson William R. Wilson, Jr. J. Gayle Windsor, Jr. Henry Woods 'John P. Woods Joe Woodward Asa Jean Woolfolk Richard H. Wootten 'Edward L. Wright Robert R. Wright Charles E. Yingling, Jr. Elizabeth G. Young James K. Young
Paul B. Young Some of the Fellows have desired to do more. Accordingly, the Patron classification was created during the second fund drive in 1972. A Patron is a lawyer who has paid in at least $1,000 on a pledge of $2,500 or more. Most Patrons have completed payment on their pledges. THE PATRONS E. J. Ball Joe C. Barrett William H. Bowen 'Brooks Bradley Richard C. Butter Leon B. Catlett Billy S. Clark Howard H. Cockrill John A. Cooper 'Courtney C. Crouch 'Edward L. Cullum John S. Daily John C. Deacon "'Thomas E. Downie
E. Charles Eichenbaum W. A. Eldredge, Jr. John D. Eldridge Oscar Fendler John A. Fogleman Herschel H. Friday, Jr. James W. Gallman 'N. J. Gantt, Jr. Edward Gordon, Jr. Nathan Gordon James T. Gooch P. H. Hardin M. Steele Hays W. H. Holmes Max Howell Alston Jennings W. Horace Jewell Sam Laser 'Edward Lester Robert S. Lindsey J. Hugh Lookadoo, Jr. Herbert H. McAdams 'E. L. McHaney, ·Jr. Sidney S. McMath Pat Mehaffy H. Maurice Mitchell William S. Mitchell William Nash Walter R. Niblock Wayne W. Owen Gerland P. Patten Fred M. Pickens, Jr. N. Dale Price 'Heartsill Ragon Louis L. Ramsay, Jr. Bruce H. Shaw Robert Shults William J. Smith David Solomon Henry E. Spitzberg C. Randolph Warner, Jr. John T. Williams J. Gaston Williamson Henry Woods 'Edward L. Wright Elizabeth G. Young Paul B. Young • Deceased
Another method for the Fellows to remain involved and suppor-
tive of the Foundation's goals and projects is through Sustaining Membership upon contribu-
tion of at least $50 per year. THE SUSTAINING MEMBERS Virginia Atkinson R. Eugene Bailey Ralph C. Barnhart William H. Bowen Comer Boyett, Jr. William C. Bridgforth Dan M. Burge E. J. Butler James A. Buttry George E. Campbell Charles L. Carpenter Maurice Cathey Oliver M. Clegg Osro Cobb John A. Cooper James D. Cypert Robert T. Dawson John C. Deacon W. G. Dinning, Jr. William H. Drew James T. Dyke E. Charles Eichenbaum William A. Eldredge, Jr. William H. Enfield Herschel H. Friday Charles R. Garner John P. Gill James T. Gooch Edward Gordon, Jr. Nathan Gordon Milas H. Hale O. Wendell Hall, Jr. W. P. Hamilton Thomas Harper Oren Harris
John T. Haskins E. DeMatt Henderson M. Fuller Highsmith Bill R. Holloway Jack Holt, Jr. Gaines N. Houston Max Howell Clint Huey C. R. Huie Randall W. Ishmael Engene T. Kelley James L. Kidd, Jr. Ike Allen Laws, Jr. Robert S. Lindsey Fred Livingston Boyce R. Love Arthur R. Macom Emon A. Mahony Pat Mehaffy Stephen A. Matthews Ronald A. May S. Hubert Mayes, Jr. Eugene J. Mazzanti H. Maurice Mitchell Herbert H. McAdams A. D. McAllister, Jr. Austin McCaskill, Sr. James A. McLarty, III Sidney S. McMath H. W. McMillan William Nash April 1980/Arkansas Lawyer/57
Sheffield Nelson Walter R. Niblock John A. O'Conner, Jr. Bobby Lee adam Edward M. Penick Fred M. Pickens, Jr. William I. Prewett N. Dale Price Joe E. Purcell Louis L. Ramsay, Jr.
Elton A. Rieves, III Louis Rosen Eugene L. Schieffler Don M. Schnipper Leonard L. Scott J. L. Shaver Robert Shults Douglas O. Smith, Jr. Berl S. Smith Ray S. Smith, Jr. William J. Smith David Solomon John F. Stroud, Jr. William H. Sutton Neva B. Talley W. J. Walker William S. Walker C. R. Warner, Jr. Frank L. Watson, Jr. Frank L. Whitbeck John 1. Williams Richard A. Williams Robert H. Williams J. Gaston Williamson Wm. R. Wilson, Jr. J. Gayle Windsor, Jr. Asa Jean Woolfolk Henry Woods Robert R. Wright Paul B. Young
Meeting with appropriate parchment certificates. They were also honored at the 1974 Annual Meeting with the creation of the Lester-Woods Scholarship Fund. When Ed Lester died in 1979, the Fund was split into a separate scholarship fund for each honoree. Each fund had some $4,000 towards its goal of $5,000, the permanent scholarship level. The Woods Scholarship Fund was raised to $5,000 by a contribution of nearly $1,000 from his law firm, in honor of the occasion of Henry Wood's appointment to the Federal Bench. Ed Lester's classmates at Law School have initiated through the efforts of Jack Deacon and Bob Jones, Jr. a drive amongst them-
selves for the $800 needed to complete the Lester Scholarship Fund. The Foundation has just set up a new scholarship fund by Friday, Eldredge & Clark in memory of deceased members of the law firm. The first honored is the late Jerry T. Light. Friday, Eldredge & Clark will supplement the fund from time to time. Rather, Beyer & Harper, the Association's group insurance administrators, have just added another $1,000 to its Scholarship Fund with the Foundation. It should be noted that the Foundation will be giving out some $6,000 in law school scholarship in 1980. There now are 10 scholarship funds.
... ...
CONTRIBUTIONS Many other lawyers (700-800) have made personal contributions to the Foundation. There have also been memorial gifts to remember recently deceased lawyers. Beautiful memorial cards are sent to the donor
and to the families of the deceased. There have been a firm bequests made to the Foundation. Whenever appropriate, lawyers are urged to remember the Foundation. MEMORIAL BORDER One of the finer ways to remember a deceased lawyer is enrollment in the Memorial Border in the Memorial Lobby at the Bar Center. Well over 100 names, along with life span years and home town, have been inscribed in the beautiful marble borders-a true Westminster Abbey. The subscription is $1,000. Six honored have been enrolled during 197!t--R. A. Eiloott, Jr., Azro L. Barber, U. M. Rose, Henry J. Burney, Judge Marvin Harris and William W. McCrary, Jr. SCHOLARSHIPS During the second fund drive and creation of the Arkansas Bar Center, two lawyers provided a great deal of the leadershipthe late Ed Lester and Henry Woods. They were so recognized at the 1978 Annual
58/Arkansas Lawyer/April 1980
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A'CLE NEWS by Claibourne W. Patty, Jr. Executive Director Arkansas Institute of Continuing Legal Education
RECORD ATTENDANCE AT ARKANSAS FEDERAL TAX INSTITUTE The Eighteenth Annual ArkansasFederal Tax Institute, cosponsored by AICLE and the Arkansas Society of Certified Public Accountants, was held at the Camelot Inn on November 15th and 16th. The total attendance was 268, which was a record. Lawyers, lawyer-accountants, and lawyer-trust officers comprised approximately one-third of this registration, which is also a record for lawyer attendance at this event. The institute, conducted at an advanced level by out-of-state speakers, covered the following topics; estate planning and lifetime gifts, family transactions as estate planning tools, estate planning for closelyheld businesses, current and important legislative and administrative developments in federal taxation, partnerships and the use of special allocations, tax planning with Subchapter S corporations and professional corporations. I attribute the good lawyer attendance to two factors: one that the institute was held in Uttle Rock for the first time in recent years; and second, and most important, I have detected an increasing tax awareness on the part of practitioners and their approach to continuing legal education programs involving taxation issues. In other
words, I think the tax awareness workshops conducted jointly with the Taxation, Trusts and Estate Planning Section of the Arkansas Bar Association are beginning to bear fruit, in that the tax awareness seminars have advanced some practitioners to at least an intermediate level where they feel proficient enough to attend an advanced seminar such as that which is jointly sponsored with the CPA's. For those practitioners who are consi-
dering attending future tax institutes at different levels, please take note that the next tax awareness institute will be conducted in Litlie Rock at the Camelot Inn on Friday, April 25th and Saturday morning, April 26th, details of which are discussed later in this article; and the next annual ArkansasFederal Tax institute will be conducted in Little Rock at the Camelot Inn on November 13-14,1980.
1980 MID YEAR MEETING By the time you receive this issue of the Arkansas Lawyer, the January 1980 Mid Year Meeting will have been history, but due to the deadline of this particular issue it is not possible to give you the figures on attendance at this particular meeting. We Will cover the results of the Mid Year Meeting in the next issue of the Arkansas lawyer I however.
THIRD ANNUAL LABOR LAW INSTITUTE The Labor Law Section of the Arkansas Bar Association and AICLE will cosponsor a seminar on collective bargaining in the
pUblic sector, various recent developments in the area of employment discrimination
and arbitration at DeGray Reservoir, Arkansas, on Friday, February 29, and Saturday morning, March 1, 1980. The program co-chairpersons, Russell Gunter, Tucker Raney Mathis, Fred Harris, Mike Hamilton, and Jeff Starling emphasize that this seminar deals with subjects which are timely and of interest, not only to the labor law specialist but also to the general practitioner with business clients and the professional personnel manager and Union Representative. The speakers are: Hon. Richard S. Arnold, U.S. District Judge, Eastern and Western Districts of Arkansas; Patricia Fields a Regional Director, EEOC New Orleans Regional Office; Sherry Black, NLRB staff; Jeanie Lambie, President, Association of State, County, and Municipal employees; Kenneth Patton, Chief, Branch of RegUlations and Procedure, Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Department of Labor; Jack Harrington of the NLRB; and Peter Gregan, Coordinator, Labor Education Program, University of Ar-
Bolts Workshop" on basic taxation subjects pertaining to trusts for the general practitioners and trust officers at the Camelot Inn, Little Rock, April 25-26. Randy Ishmael, of Jonesboro the Program Chairman, indicates that the proposed topics to be discussed are: irrevocable insurance trusts, revocable trusts,
Clifford trusts arrangements, property leaseback trusts and children's trusts. Also an area to be considered is that of permissible trustees for various trusts; ie. a lawyer must often tell a client when he must have an independent trustee, an adverse trus路 tee, a non路adverse trustee, a spouse or
himself. A brochure will be mailed to the Bar Association membership in advance of this program which will announce the particular topics and speakers.
SECOND ANNUAL TRIAL ADVOCACY COLLEGE The UALR School of Law and AICLE will jointly sponsor another trial advocacy college on the model of that which was so successfully conducted in May of 1979. It is proposed that a five day program, limited to approximately 40 registrants, will be conducted early in May and once again will be designed primarily for practicing attorneys with zero to five years of trial practice experience. The trial advocacy program will stress techniques and information designed to enhance the practical knowledge and to sharpen the courtroom skills of those attorneys who will attend. Lecturers, demonstrations and workshops will be conducted by a highly qualified team of experienced trial practitioners and law professors. At the workshops the performances by respective participants will be videotaped, thereby focusing on improvement of the participants' trial skills, This particular
kansas Industrial research and extension
format has met with most enthusiastic re路
sponse in the past and will remain the main focus of this partiCUlar program, By the time this issue of the Arkansas Lawyer has been pUblished, the general Bar membership will have received a
SPRING TAX AWARENESS SEMINAR FOR THE GENERAL PRACTITIONER The Taxation, Trusts and Estate Planning Section of the Arkansas Bar Association and AICLE will cosponsor a "Nuts and
brochure with a more complete announce-
ment of the particular topics and workshop leaders and participants who will comprise the faculty.
April 1980/Arkansas Lawyer/59
THE PRACTICALITIES OF THE ORPHAN'S DEDUCTION By Thomas L. Overbey The estate tax orphan's deduction, introduced by the Tax Reform Act of 1976 and subsequently modified by the Revenue Act of 1978, is sometimes overlooked by attorneys in preparing wills. This can arise through reliance on the estate tax marital deduction to protect an estate from estate tax where there is a surviving spouse and the estate is not large. However, the marital deduction will not be available where the spouse predeceases the decedent. In such cases, the availability of the orphan's deduction would complete the estate plan. A problem can also arise in the case of a "simple" will. The usual simple will leaves all of the husband's property to the wife if she survives. If she does not survive the husband, all of the property passes outright or in trust to the children. Unless the property passing to or for the benefit of the children qualifies for the orphan's deduction, the estate may be subjected to unnecessary estate taxes. This article will outline the availability of the orphan's deduction and illustrate the need to take advantage of it even in a small estate.
Much has been written about the increased amounts of property upon
which there is no estate tax at death and the increased marital deduction under the Tax Reform Act of 1976. Through the use of the maximum marital deduction and the unified estate tax credit, a decedent may now pass large amounts of property to a surviVing spouse entirely free of estate tax. The amount for 1980 is $411 ,563 and the amount for 1981 and thereafter is $425,625. A tax problem will arise, however, where the spouse predeceases the decedent and the marital deduction is not available as planned. In such an event, it may be very important to have an effective orphan's deduction in the will for the decedent as an alternative to the marital deduction provisions. In addition, the surviving spouse's will should contain orphan's deduction provisions. The illustration below shows the dollar effect of both the marital deduction and the orphan's deduction on a typical medium-size estate. Many decedents will have a valuable estate represented by a home, investments, cash assets, life insurance policies, furniture, automobiles, boats, jewelry and antiques. A $420,000 (or larger) estate is very common considering the effect of inflation on these typical assets. The illustration below computes the estate tax in a simplified fashion based on three assumptions. The first column assumes a surviving spouse with effec-
Author Thomas L. Overbey is the Chairman of the Arkansas Bar Association's Taxation, Trust and Estate Planning Section. This article is in the continuing series by the Section. Overbey has a B.A., Hendrix, 1968; J. D., University of Arkansas, 1972; and LL.M. (emphasis in Taxation and Corporate Law), S.M.U., 1973. He is an active member of the Pulaski County, Arkansas and American Bar Associations. He is a member of three ABA Sections (Taxation; Corporation, Banking and Business Law; and Real Property, Probate and Trust Law). He is the current Chairman of the Arkansas Bar Association's Committee on Specialization and Advertising.
BO/Arkansas Lawyer/April 1980
tive marital deduction provisions in the estate plan. Even with a $420,000 gross estate, the estate tax payable is only $2,700. The second column assumes that there was not a surviving spouse and the estate plan did not contain effective orphan's deduction provisions. Due to the loss of both the marital duduction and the orphan's duduction, the estate tax payable in the same $420,000 estate is $86,100. The third column illustrates the value of the orphan's deduction in this estate. Assuming the survival of three orphans who are two, four and six years oid, the total estate tax payable, even without the marital deduction, is only $1,100. A major inducement to the attorney preparing the estate plan to include the orphan's deduction provisions is the danger of a malpractice claim if this important tax benefit is overlooked. In the above illustration, the attorney who failed to effectively plan for the orphan's deduction might have exposed the estate to an additional $85,000 in estate taxes. Estates involving quite modest assets likewise may benefit greatly from the inclusion of provisions for the orphan's deduction. If you assume a gross estate of $250,000 with a one year old orphan, the difference between estate taxes with and without the orphan's deduction is $28,300. As a
practical matter, the effect of the orphan's deduction begins with the first dollar above the minimum taxable amounts of $161,563 in 1980 and $175,625 in 1981 and thereafter.
The availability of the orphan's deduction in computing estate taxes is govemed by Internal Revenue Code ยง2057. A primary concern for allowance of the deduction is the absence of a surviving spouse. In addition, the decedent must be survived by a minor child who has "no known parent" immediately after the death of the decedent. A minor child is defined as one who has not attained the age of 21 before the date of the decedent's death. ' The requirement that the minor child have no known parent can become complicated where a divorce has occurred. A decedent who has been divorced and remarried must not be survived by his second wife or his first wife for his estate to be able to utilize the orphan's deduction. This can cause drafting problems in a mUlti-marriage situation. If the estate quaiifies as set forth above, a deduction is allowed from the gross estate in determining the value of the taxable estate. The deduction is available only for property which passes or has passed from the decedent to the orphan child and only to the extent that such property is included in determining the value of the gross estate. The amount of the deduction is iimited to a specific amount for each minor child. The specific amount is computed as an amount not to exceed $5,000 mUltiplied by the number of years that the orphan child is under age 21 on the date of the decedent's death. Thus, the orphan's deduction for a child who has not yet attained his first birthday is $105,000. Because of the role of the orphan's deduction as a replacement for the marital deduction, some of the rules which apply to the availability to the marital deduction have been carried over and applied to the orphan's deduction. One such requirement is found in IRC ยง2057(c} which provides that the orphan's deduction shall only be available to the extent that the property passing to the minor child would have been allowable under the termin-
able interest rule of the maritai deduction section.' The purpose of the terminable interest rule for both the marital deduction and the orphan's deduction is to prevent property left as an ordinary life estate from qualifying for the deduction. If the decedent does not desire to leave the property outright to the surviving spouse or the orphans, the most common solution has been to use a trust containing a life estate but with a power of appointment sufficient to avoid the terminable interest rule.' In keeping with the purpose of the orphan's deduction provisions, the terminable interest rule for marital deduction purposes is modified for the orphan's deduction to avoid treating an interest as terminable merely because the property in a life estate will pass to a brother or sister if an orpahn should die before the youngest child of a decedent reaches age 23. If the decedent were satisfied to ieave the property directly to the minor orphan, compliance with the above requirements would enable the estate to take the orphan's deduction. Unfortunately, such a provision would require a guardianship for each orphan under age 18. A decedent who has carefUlly planned his estate will therefore usually desire the creation of a trust for the orphans. Whether property is left outright to orphans or in trust for their benefit, the attorney drafting the will should make sure that all of the requirements of Internal Revenue Code ยง2057 have been complied with. ORPHAN'S DEDUCTION TRUST
Until Internal Revenue Code ยง2057 was amended by the Revenue Act of 1978, most orphan's deduction provisions provided for separate trusts for each orphan child to be funded by the same amount of deduction allowable for that orphan. This created undesirable problems and inequity between the orphaned children. A separate trust for each orphan could be burdensome as well as expensive. In addition, the determination of the funding for each trust depended solely on age without considering other factors. For these reasons, the Revenue Act of 1978 added a new subsection to Internal Revenue Code ยง2057 specifying the requirements for utilizing one trust for the benefit of all orphans.' In order to obtain an orphan's deduc-
tion for property left if trust for the orphans, five requirements must be met.' First, except as provided under the fourth requirement, all beneficiaires of the trust must be minor children of the decedent. Second, the corpus of the trust must be property which passes or has passed from the decedent to the trust. Third, except as provided under another provision, all distributions from the trust to the beneficiaries before the termination of their interests must be pro rata. Fourth, if any beneficiary dies before termination of the trust, the beneficiary's pro rata share of accumulated income and corpus must remain in trust for the benefit of the minor children of the decedent who survived the deceased beneficiary. An Alternative to leaving the deceased beneficiary's interest in trust is for his interest to vest in "any person." The beneficiary's share is vested in any person if it is either distributed to such person or is vested in a separate share of the trust for such person. For example, it would be permissibie to provide that upon the death of an orphan beneficiary, his pro rata share of the trust must be distributed to his heirs or his share is to remain in trust as a separate share for the benefit of his heirs. Fifth, upon termination of the trust, each beneficiary must receive a pro rata share of accumulated income and corpus. If a trust meets these five requirements, it is referred to as a "qualified minors' trust." There are two other important provisions which may be contained in a quaiified minors' trust. One is an alternative to the requirement that all distributions be made on a pro rata basis to the beneficiaries. Disproportionate distributions are permissible if they are limited by an ascertainable standard relating to the health, education, support or maintenance of the orphan beneficiaries.' This is an important provision to permit the trustee to make allowances for the differing needs of the beneficiaries. The second is that a qualified minors' trust may also permit the trustee to accumulate income.' In drafting the quaiified minors' trust, care must be given to the distribution of the orphan's interest in the event of death. This is partiCUlarly true if the qualified minors' trust is to terminate April 1980/Arkansas Lawyer/61
when the decendent's youngest child attains an age greater than age 23. The trust may provide that if death of an orphan occurs prior to the attaining of age 23 by the decedent's youngest child, the deceased orphan's share may either remain in trust for the benefit of the decedent's other children or it may vest in any person (i.e., the orphan's heirs). If the death of the orphan's beneficiary occurs after the attaining of age 23 by the decedent's youngest child, the terminable interest rule will apply and the orphan's deduction will be lost unless the deceased orphan's share is made payable to his estate or the deceased orphan is given a general power to appoint his share.(The new supplement to the Arkansas Bar Association Wills and Trusts System contains language for a qualified minors' trusl.)
CONCLUSIONS Due to the complexities of the application of the federal estate tax and the possible maipractice exposure to the drafting attorney, the use of the
Without Orphan's Deduction
"With Orphan's Deduction
Gross Estate Less Marital Deduction less Orphan's Deduction
250,000 0
420.000 0 0
420,000 0 255,000
Taxable Estate
45,200 42,500
128,600 42,500
43,600 42,500
Tentative Tax Less Unified Credit (1980)
Estate Tax .. Assumes 3 children who are 2, 4, and 6 years old at date of decedent's death. Nole lhallhe Unified Credit for 1981 and thereafter will be $47.000.
"simple will" is much more limited. Even in relatively small estates where there are minor children, this type of estate plan can cause unnecessary estate taxes. Almost every will involving minor children, whether for a husband or a wife, should now contain appropriate language permitting the estate to utilize the orphan's deduction, if available.
'Internal Revenue Code §2057(e)(1). 'Internal Revenue Code §2056(b). .slnternal Revonue Code §2056(b)(S).
'Internal Revenue Code §2057(d)(4). 'Internal Revenue Code §2057(d).(3). 'Internal Revenue Code §2057(d)(3). 'Internal Revenue Code §2057(d)( 4). 'Internal Revenue Code §2057(c) and (d)(6).
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62jArkansas Lawyer/April 1980
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April 1980/Arkansas Lawyer/63
In .t.,路路路.. m
Arkansas Bar Association and the Northeast Arkansas Estate Council. Mr. Sloan also was a member of the Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church and the Knights of Columbus. Survivors include his wife, three daughters, three sons, his father and a sister.
TAX TIPS by Paul D. Williams Director, Little Rock District Internal Revenue Service
James I. Kincaid 1931-1979 James I. Kincaid of Hot Springs, died December 6, 1979. He was a lawyer, a member of the First Baptist Church, a retired Major in the U.S. Army, a veteran of both the Korean War and the Vietnam War. He was a member of the American Bar Association, the Arkansas Bar Association and the Garland County Bar Association. He was also a member of the Oaklawn Rotary Club, a member of the Board of the American Red Cross, a member of the Elk Lodge, and a member of the Retired Officers Association. Kincaid is survived by his wife, three daughters, a brother and his mother.
John Willard Bailey 1918-1979 John Willard Bailey of Little Rock died on October 8, 1979. He was a staff lawyer for the State Alcoholic Beverage Control Board. Born at Seymour, Mo., he moved to Little Rock in 1936 and was a deputy United States Marshal from 1942 to 1947. A graduate of the Arkansas Law School, he was admitted to the bar in 1945. He was deputy prosecuting attorney from 1947 to 1954, then practiced privately. Bailey had been director of the Alcoholic Rehabilitation Commission and was a member of the Arkansas Bar Association and the First Christian Church. Survivors include his wife, a son, two daughters, two brothers, three sisters, and four grandchildren.
Randall Vernon Laverty 1892路1979 R. V. Laverty, an attorney at Jasper for 20 years, died on October 16, 1979. Mr. Laverty was born in Philadelphia, Pa., and left home at the age of 16 to work on the railroads for 44 years, retiring as Vice-President of Locomotive Firemen and Engineers. He returned to school at age 60, to take degrees from laSalle University in Chicago and Jackson School of Law in Jackson, Mississippi. He practiced law in Jackson for a time, then moved to Fayetteville, AR. Laverty then moved to Jasper in 1959, in response to an ad for an attomey for that city. There he served as city attorney for many years. Mr. Laverty was a recognized authority on railroad law and was the editor of the monthly digest" Railroad Commentary" for the past 23 years. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge of Jasper, and a humanitarian who shared his knowledge and ability with all who came to him for help. SurviVing him are his wife, three daughters, three sons, 13 -"" grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.
Earnings and Profits; Change In Accounting Method; Section 481 Adjustment-Revenue Procedure 79-47-IRB 1979-39 When a taxpayer obtains permission from the Commissioner to change method of accounting, the change may create or result in a distortion of income. The taxpayer is generally required to spread the adjustment computed under section 481 (a) of the code over a number of years specified by the Commissioner to even out and prevent a distortion of taxable income. However, the adjustment computed under section 481 (a) may also create a distortion of earnings and profits available for distribution in the year of change. To prevent this distortion, when computing earnings and profits (current and accumuiated) available for the payment of dividends, this Revenue Procedure provides that the taxpayer shall follow the new method for reporting taxable income and shall take the section 481 (a) adjustment into account (whether positive or negative) over the same period as is done for purposes of computing taxabie income. Burned Out Tax shelters Another area of concem to the IRS is the Burned Out Tax Shelter. These Burned Out Tax Shelters are shelters that have reached the cross over point or have become insolvent. The taxpayer may attempt to "walk away" from this venture or the promoter may continue to file returns showing no income and expense or only a nominal loss. In many cases, some of the claimed losses may need to be recaptured as ordinary income. Aiso some investors donate their interest in the venture to a charitable institution (at an inflated value). Examiners and classifiers will be checking situations which may involve burned out shelters. Three examples follow: 1. Charitable contribution-Some taxpayers may attempt to dispose of their interest in a burned out shelter partnership by donating it to a charitable organization and claiming a contribution deduction. 2. Ordinary or capital loss-Dnce the shelter has burned out, taxpayers may claim an ordinary or capital loss for their initial cash investment. 3. Capital gains-Some taxpayers may recognize the deferred tax consequences and report it as capital gain thus sheltering the income through use of IRC 1202 deduction. In most cases, some of the gain should be reported as ordinary income. Apnl 1980/Arkansas Lawyer/55
LEGAL ECONOMICS by Fran Shellenberger Information Systems Support Analyst
MERGING VARIABLES WITH LEGAL FORMS In the early days of automatic typewriters, two methods of inserting variables into forms were available-the stop code and the switch code. The stop code required the operator's presence during printing for the purpose of typing in the variable information when the printer reached a stop code encoded for that purpose. When the machine stopped, the operator typed the needed information manually and then started the machine again. A disadvantage became apparent, however, with the discovery that stop codes were not only encoded for purposes of typing in variable text; they were also encoded for the purpose of stopping the printer at the end of a page (so that fresh paper could be rolled into the platen) and to allow the operator to change line spacing from single to double or vice versa. To further complicate things, the machines were programmed to "stop" at the end of a line whenever a hyphen might be needed. This line-ending "stop" was an automatic feature on the typewriter, not the same as a "stop" encoded by the operator for inserting variable information. This meant that the operator first had to know the PURPOSE for the stop code and then perform the manual step (insert paper, change line spacing, type variable text required, insert hyphen). If the operator guessed wrong, she had to start the page or document over. These codes are still in use today on equipment such as magcard and memory typewriters. The switch code improved greatly over the stop code. It allowed the operator to PRERECORD the variable text followed by the switch code. The machines, either dual tape or dual magcard systems, could print a form from one tape drive and automatically switch to the other at the switch code, print the variable information from the second tape drive, and then switch back to the basic form tape. The switch code gave the operator the benefit of making typographical corrections on the variables while recording them (rather than while typing them manually on final copy) and it required less operator attention during printing. Stop codes were used along with the switch code, but their purpose was limited to page endings, and changes in line-endings and spacing, eliminating part of the guesswork involved with the stop code. However, the switch code had it own disadvantages, which were that (1) it was too difficult for some operators to master, and (2) variables had to be prerecorded in the proper SEQUENCE; if one variable was out of sequence, the rest of the document from that point on wouid print the 66/Arkansas Lawyer/April 1980
wrong variabie in the wrong place on the form. Today's word processors-most of them using floppy disks instead of magnetic cards, memory or tap~ffer many new methods for inserting variables into forms. A partial list of these new features and a general description of their use is as follows: 1. Link Code. The link code allows the operator to prerecord a variable, assign it a "name" and record it SEPARATELYon the media. The basic forms are encoded with the new "link" code followed by the NAME of the variable. When the form is merged with the variables, the systems "read" the link code followed by the "named" variable. The system knows to "link" the named variable into the text. At first glance, the advantages of the link code may not be readily apparent. However, one advantage lies in the fact that it has a "name." As an illustration, consider the number of times a defendant's or plaintiff's name must be inserted into a legal instrument. The link code allows the name of the defendant or plaintiff to be recorded separately and given a "name ," such as "df" or "pf." Whenever the defendant's or plaintiff's name is to appear in a legal form, a link code followed by "df" or "pf" is encoded. In use, the system "links" the information into the document correctly every time, WITHOUT having to type the actual name more than ONCE. Another advantage is that the document is merged with its variable list through a CRT screen. This makes it possible to duplicate the forms in its entirely, with all variables "linked" into position. The recorded document is available on the disk as a backup for later revision if necessary. 2. Group Code. The group code is similar to the link code and may be used together with the link code; however, it adds an important feature, that of recording variables TOGETHER under one name. Additionally, each variable in the group may have its own "subname." The variable "group" for your client may carry the same name or an abbreviation of the same name or file number you use in your office. A list of variables prepared for a client file with group codes would look something like this: Your File Number: She1l/12. Your "Group" Name on a floppy disk: Shell/12 gil Fran Shellenberger
g/2 3801 Fox Hill Road g/3 Little Rock, Arkansas 72116
This "group" of variables refers to one client and may contain a list of all the data needed for the purpose of filling in forms. The forms themselves prepared for use with the group code simply encode the "g" followed by the Group name and the "subname" desired for that variable. The information contained in any "subname" need not be limited to names, addresses, and dates, etc. A subname can refer to a paragraph, pages or pages of information, a property description or medical history for example. The group code may be viewed as a file which may have the same label as a client file and where bits and pieces, large and small, of case data may be stored together and accessed individually at the word processor for insertion into any type of paperwork produced by the lawyer for that client. 3. Numbered Variable Codes. "Variables," when used in reference to legal forms, may be defined as the term given to client or case data which is inserted into prerecorded forms and correspondence. A variable code is similar to the switch code mentioned earlier in this article with one significant improvement-it may be assigned a number. As an example, consider the same variable discussed previously, where the Plaintiff's name is Variable No.1 and where the Defendant's name is Variable No.2. In the Complaint Form, whereever these names should print the operator encodes "v1" or "v2." The specific information regarding the plaintiff's and defendant's name is recorded
as part of a variable list on the system. This information, since it is accessible by its number, need only be typed ONCE, regardless of the number of times it appears in that document OR ANY OTHER RELATED DOCUMENT. This is a distinct improvement over older systems requiring sequential variable lists where the plaintiff's name had to be typed ten times, if it appeared ten times. These advanced features are important to every lawyer interested in producing any type of repetitive document or correspondence. They will make it possible for a lawyer to take on work which was not previously profitable because the time and work involved did not justify the expense to the client. They will provide a simple, effective means of producing written documents with a minimum effort on the part of lawyer and staff. They are even more important to those lawyers interested in the systems approach to law practice. The Arkansas Bar Association is a leader in the development of law practice systems, such as "The Arkansas Corporate System" and others, which have organized the documents and correspondence required in specific practice areas. These systems may be viewed as the lawyer's "input" to a secretary or typist who produces the final document. Now, with new features such as those discussed here, we can take these systems a giant step forward byautomating the "output" part of the job, the production of a finished document. ...\
Data, Inc. CPT Word Processing Systems -
OFFICES: UTILE ROCK - FAYETIEVILLE - FORT SMITH 1105 Boyle Bldg., Little Rock - (501) 372-2355 - Call Ron Blasingame 316 Dickson, Fayetteville - (501) 521-3088 - Call Wayne Easton Court Plaza Ste. 104A, Fort Smith - (501) 521-3088 - Call Wayne Easton
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68/Arkansas Lawyer/April 1980
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This is Art? Innovative people in generally nonartistic pursuits should have a greater awareness of the copyright law. Too often the copyright law is thought to be applicable only to the fine arts and the popular arts but not to more mundane fields of endeavor. In fact the sweep of the copyright law is extremely broad, even more so in the revised Copyright Law of 1976. ' Whether fortuitously or by design the framers of the Constitution used words that could be given very broad scope in the Constitutional authorization for copyright protection. Article I, Section 8, states "The Congress shall have power...To promote the progress of science and useful arts by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries". The grant to "authors" of an exclusive right in their "writings" has been extended far beyond any contemplation of the framers of the Constitution, while arguably remaining within the broadest sense of the terms "authors" and "writings". Without going into the history of the gradual extension of copyright protection, let it suffice to state that now such mundane or prosaic articles as T-shirts, plastic figures, comic characters, photographs, novelty items, packaging art, catalogues, directories, menus, computer programs, posters, architectural plans and singing radio or TV commer: cials are within its scope. In fact, few things which by any stretch of the imagination could be considered a "writing" are not copyrightable. Of the few "non-writings" held to be uncopyrightable, some which come to mind are blank business forms, purely abstract ideas, and basically functional designs of utilitarian objects. As to the lalter it should be noted that ornamentation applied to the utilitarian objects, such as a sculpture forming the base of a lamp, has long been a copyrightable "writing". Together with the lack of appreciation of the broad scope of the copyright
law there is frequently oversight of the fact that innovation is commonly taking place in ordinary business enterprises which would qualify the innovator as an author or publisher of copyrightable material. Incidentally, under the Copyright Law of 1976 it is not necessary to pUblish the work before seeking copyright protection, as it was in most cases before, and almost all forms of copyrightable material now can be protected as an unpublished work. When the work later is published a copyright registration based on the publication must also be obtained, however, Clearly the only people who might well be concerned with copyright are not in New York, Los Angeles and Nashville. Among those who should be aware of the availability of copyright protection are the architect with plans for a residence of possible broad usage, the photographer dabbling in commercial photography, just about anyone who manufactures an article or who is involved with catalogues or packaging. Even retail businesses should be aware of copyright if they have occasion to produce advertising brochures, periodical ads, catalogues, or even menus, where any significant amount of commercial art is involved. One could go on and on with examples of instances in which copyright is overlooked more often than not. Protection of one's copyright interest is so easy that it should be done quite routinely. The essential ingredient of copyright protection is putting the notice "Copyright 1980 John Doe" on every pUblished copy of the work. It is not necessary to file any kind of paper before placing the notice on the work. Furthermore, if no application is filed with the Copyright Office until long after publication only peripheral remedies are impaired, and not the copyright itself. On the other hand, if the notice is omitted from the work with knowledge and consent of the copyright owner, it will generally result in the
copyright interest being lost to the public domain. Many small scale entrepreneurs should be made aware that they are creating copyrightable works, and if they fail to mark them with the proper copyright notice they are donating their copyright to the public. Furthermore, the "public" may turn out to be their fiercest competitor who will copy the work and obtain the free benefit of the creativity of the author. Entrepreneur clients are at times creative, but at other times they wish to copy or reproduce articles created and distributed by others. In the lalter case they should be exceedingly wary of any copyright notice which might appear somewhere on the article. The remedies of a copyright owner against a copier can be quite severe including preliminary or permanent injunction, statutory damages (beyond any actual damages), attorneys fees, costs, and, in some cases, even criminal penalties can be invoked. Of course every article marked with a copyright notice is not necessarily protected in its entirety by a valid copyright, but one should assume that it is unless investigation and professional legal analysis leads to a contrary conclusion. It is an inescapable conclusion that great numbers of people are unknowingly authors of copyrightable "writings" and they should be made aware of their rights under the copyright law. ilthen they choose to donate their "work of art" to the public by publishing it without a copyright notice they will be free to do so. However, it will be with the knowledge that they had the option of taking relatively simple steps to protect their rights of authorship. Marking your intellectual property is at least as important a protective measure as marking your CB radio or other personal property. In the case of intellectual property, fai.lure to mark may absolutely waive your right to any recovery. 17 USC ยง102(a)
Copyright 1979
April 1geO/Arkansas Lawyer/69
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0 Please rush me further mformauon on AGRICULTURAL
Zlp _ _
"Address" Membership Directory AMITY-71921 Holcomb, Gordon V. RI. 1 Box 192 ARKADELPHIA-71923 Ashby, Agnes F. Lookadoo Bldg. Bell, James Ed Box 772 Chaney, Donald P. Drawer 947 Gooch, James T. Lookadoo Bldg. Hankins, Jr., Herman H. 4th & Clay Streets Huie, C. R. 1219 Haddock SI. Lookadoo, Jr., J. H. Courthouse Mathis, Sherry J. 322 Main Box 399 Mathis, Travis Box 399 McCorkle, Ed W. Box 607 McMillan, H. W. Box 607 McMillan, Toney D. 929 Main Morgan, V. Henry Box 579 320 Clay SI. Sanders, Bob W. Box 607 Turner, Otis H. Wright, Wm. G. P.O. Drawer 947 ASHDOWN-71822 Bishop, Eric W. Box 645 Buchanan, Mickey Box 5B6 Capeheart, Ted C. Box 546 Finley, John C. Box 405 Finley, III, Johnny C. box 405 P.O. Box 337 Hawkins, Jr., Claude S. Laws, Kathryn Elaine P.O. Box 95 Spears, Mark A. B7 East Main Tackett, Boyd A., Jr. Box 95 ASH FLAT-72513 Beller, Samuel F. Box 323 Orr, Dan M. Box 86 AUGUSTA-72006 Daugherty, James F. 101 South 2nd Eldridge, John D. Box 479 Eldridge, III, John Dupree River Bldg. Rtzhugh, Tom B. 115 Main Smijh, J. Ford 316 Locust SI. Waters, Ray A., Jr. P.O. Box 520 BALD KNOB-72010 Box 396 MoodJ;' J. H. BAT SVILLE-72S01 Allen, Tom Box 279B Arnold, Martin Blair Box 3891 Belew, Johnny M. Box 2535 Box 2476 Bell, Steve L. Bennett, Caldwell T. lSO South Third SI. Blair, H. David Box 2595 Blankenship, Leroy Box 2848 Clark, David M. Box 2476 Farris, Phillip B. Box 2496 Gregg, John C. Box 2496 Harkey, John N. Box 2535 Hart, Josephine L. Box 2496 Highsmijh, Samuel C. P.O. Box 'E' Highsmith, M. F. Box 2496 Hively, Thomas J. Box 2476 Ketz, Jr. Wesley J. Box 3196 Hopkins, Breck G. 230 Gean Irvin, Jerry R. Box 2637 Lindsey, Dean R. Box 2997 Livingston, J. Fred Box 2015 McSpadden, Don 285 E. College Murphy, W. D., Jr. Box 2595 72/Arkansas Lawyer/April 1960
342-5695 246-5858 246-4782 246-6796 246-5858 246-7214 246-2355 246-5858 246-5886 246-5886 246-2468 246-2468 246-2468 246-9888 246-2466 246-2468 246-6796 B9B-5488 89B-5511 89B-3055 B98-3147 B98-3147 B9B-5608 B9B-S001 B9B-2201 89B-S001 994-2456 994-7325 347-2592 347-2521 347-2521 347-5588 347-2435 347-2595 724-567B 793-9638 793-7583 793-6618 69B-1896 793-5734 793-3821 739-5206 69B-1896 793-7556 793-7556 793-6818 793-7556 793-2338 793-7556 698-1B96 698-1896 793-6876 793-4431 793-315B 793-3131 793-9B38 793-3821
Post, Jerry C. Purtle, John T. Rutledge, David K. Skinner, J. T. Stroud, Robert D. Thompson, Alfred Francis Vinson, Gary Walmsly, Bill H. BARLlNG-72923 Choate, Marsha L. BEEBE-72012 Berry, Richard B. Hughes, Teresa L. Hughes, Thomas M. BENTON-72015 Alsobrook, Robert Baxter, J. Ray Briner, Fred E. Brown, Greg B. Carden, Clarence M. Garrett, Robert W. Gibson, Sam E. Hall, Jr. O. Wendell Hardin, Joe K. Hardin, Robert N Lancaster, Paul K. Lovell, Jr., John F. Moudy, Dan E. Purcell, Joe Rice, Mark Randy Rickard, Curtis E. Tucker, W. Lee BENTONVILLE-72712 Ackerman, Wayne A. Bigger, Stephen R. Burrow, Lloyd C., Jr. Comellus, Odas Ray Couller, C. Warren Davidson, Paul Dodge, John C. Dossey, Jerry B. Enfield, William H. Garrett, Larry W. George, David Gocio, Charles L. Hendren, J. L. Hutchinson, W. Asa Jackson, Blaine A. Keijh, Tommy J. Lawrence, Emest G., Jr. Little, Clayton N. Lookadoo, Jr., Fred W. McCollum, Sid Mixon. James G. Rees, Floyd L. Sawyer, Stephen P. Smith, Richard H. Snodgrass, Larry L. Vandever, Kay Wells, Richard A. Williams, Ralph C. BERRYVILLE-72616 Anglin, M. D. Coxsey, James Kent
Box 2595 Box 2555 Box 2738 P.O. Box 2174 Box 2595 Box 3891 Box 2732 Box 2535
793-3821 793-5734 793-5482 793-2795 793-3821 793-7583 698-1709 793-6818
Box 286
Box 414 109 North Main 109 North Main
B82-3211 882-5197 882-5197
Box 606 Box 71 Box 428 501 N. Market SI. P.O. Box 2B5 Box 1034 Box 211 Box 606 315 N. Market Box 71 Box 507 115. W. ConwayBox 606 Box 606 Box 611 103 Valley SI. Box 71 Box 606
778-7491 778-2201 778-232B 778-7044 778-0518 776-06OB 778-7471 778-7491 77B-2201 77B-1193 776-1B97 77B-7491 77B-7491 77B-1169 776-0783 77B-2201 77B-7491
Box SOl Box 569 P.O. Box 237 P.O. Box 116 Box 569 702 N. Highway 71 Box 588 Box 588 Box 553 Box 569 Box 447 Box 588 Box 589 Box 506 P.O. Box 65B Box P 130 West Central Box 447 1712 Lawrence Box 447 Box 447 Box 133 Box 237 Box 569 Box 569 P.O. Box 116 503 N. Main Box 546
273-2668 273-3365 273-2521 273-4000 273-3365 273-3764 273-5557 273-3324 273-2221 273-3365 273-2417 273-3324 273-7711 273-9066 273-9561 273-9558 273-9561 273-2417 273-3331 273-2417 273-2417 273-2642 273-2521 273-3365 273-3365 273-4000 273-4000 273-3447
203-04 Bank Bldg. Box 226
423-2B18 423-3948
Jackson, H. Paul Vowell, Stevan E. BLYTHEVILLE-72315 Bradley, Gene E. Bradley, John H. Burge, Dan M.
Burrow, Leon Caudill, John W. Ellis, Charles E. Fendler, Oscar Gardner, Charles J. Gardner, J. M. Harber, Everett E. Harlan, Bruce Johnson, E. S. Martin, Brent Wayne Mayes, John B. Partlow, H. G. Prevallet, Donald Reid, Richard A. Ritchey, Daniei G. Ross, Bill Steinsiek, James W. SUdbury, J. Graham
Box 89 Box 89
423-2285 423-2285
Box 106 Box 1001 Box 107 Box 627 Box 201 Farmers Bank & Trust Company Box 548 118 West Walnut Box 1587 217 West Walnut Box 627 Box 181 P.O. Box 1343 Box 307 Box 307 Box 107 Box 107 P.O. Box 443 Box 486 Box 1587 115 North Second
762-2332 763-2700 763-4586 763-7073 763-3742 763-8101 763-6891 763-8186 763-8186 763-1541 763-7073 763-8633 763-4926 762-2692 762-2692 763-4586 763-4586 763-2773 763-0077 763-8186 762-2421
Box 504 17 W. Main Box 504 Box 147
675-2924 675-2924 675-2880
BOONEVILLE-72927 Lippard, C. Richard Nolan, Bennett S. Williams, Paul X., Jr. BRADLEY-71826 Cochran, Edward F.
Box 368
BRINKLEY-72021 Elledge, Steven W. Kennett, Dan MacDonald, Fred Sharp, James B. Sprott, James D.
Box 472 Box 806 309 W. Cedar Box 552 P.O. Box 552
734-3317 734-3224 734-4651 734-4060 734-4060
Box Y Box Y Box Y P.O. Box y
847-3031 847-3031 847-3031 847-3031
Rt. 3, Box 182 P.O. Box 514 Box 9 Box 9 P.O. Drawer AM
843-3515 843-3596 843-3596 843-6553
Box 777 Box 938 Box 635 Box 96 Box 777 Box 777 Box 96 Courthouse Box 777 Box 735 Box 524 Box 777 Box 777 Box 40 Box 938 724 Crestwood P.O. Box 777 Box 96 143 Jackson, SW. 2413 Maul Road, NW. Rt. 2, Box 178
836-5771 836-7328 836-4113 836-4166 836-5771 836-5771 836-4166 836-9163 836-5771 574-0410 836-4135 836-5771 836-5771 836-2796 836-7328 836-3392 836-5771 836-4166 836-7341 836-2139 231-4761
BRYANT-72022 Boswell, Ted Ellis, George D. Plummer, Robert P. Smith, David E. CABOT-72023 Feland, William P. Hanshaw, Lance Lamar Martin, Howard L. O'Bryan, Joseph H. Rhodes, Keith G. CAMDEN-71701 Barnes, Harry F. Bramblett, Eugene Dole, Lester E. Faulkner, Ralph E. Gaughan. J. E. Gaughan, III, John E. Goza, Ralph C. Graves, John M. Harrell, Jr., Searcy W. Ives, Daniel D. Keaton, Edwin A. Laney, Robert S. Lindsey, Paul E. Plunkett, Charles E. Pratt, James M., Jr. Purifoy, Robert J. Roberts, Allen P. Rollins, V. Benton Singleton, Hamilton H. Streett, J. Bruce Warnock, John N.
CARLISLE-72024 Stuart, J. Michael Box 303 CHARLESTON-72933 Ramos, Joseph Box 24 White, Stephen A. Box 85 CHEROKEE VILLAGE-72525 Drawer 500 Hopper, Paul E. P.O. Box 500 Lambert, Stewart K. CLARENDON-72029 Abramson, Raymond R. 227 Madison Moore, John B., Jr. P.O. Box 224 Serio, Robert G. P.O. Box 224 CLARKSVILLE-72830 Gunn, Iva Nell Wyles 210 Building Harris, Ronald G. Box 397 Box 588 Holman, James M. Patterson, John Box 36 Swindell, Benny E. Box 585 Taylor, Armil Box 444 Taylor, David S. Box 242 Weaver, Roderick H. Box 754 Woolsey, Edgar A., Jr. 106 South Fulton CLINTON-72031 Burnett, Jim Box 147 James, Stephen E. Box 351 Stripling, Dan Box 388 CONWAY-72032 Adkisson, William Cain P.O. Box 1390 Brazil, William Clay 1008 Front St. Burton, Ron L. Box 1150 Clark, Richard P. II #8 Sandstone Road 801 Parkway Clark, William M. Clawson, C. E. 809 Parkway Easterwood, Larry J. Rt. 3, Box 117 Foster, Harry G. Box 1105 Gearhart, G. David 21 Morningside 627 Locust Graddy, Larry E. Henry, Robert W. 627 Locust Jones, Jr., Guy H. Box 24 McNeil, Andre E. 801 Parkway Roberts, Russell L. (Jack) 1008 Front St. Shaw, Frank E. #201 Federal Building Stratton, Phil Box 1224 Thompson, Jesse W. 809 Parkway Watson, James B. Box 1405 Williams, Tim D. 1305 Main Wilson, Thomas G. Box 729 CORNING-72422 Hollaway, E. L. 321 West 1st Smith, Philip G. 308 So. Washington COTTER-72626 Pond, Jennie F. P.O. Box 9 CROSSETT-71635 Amold, William S. Drawer "A" Box 520 Bridgforth, Joe K. Draper, Gary M. Box 948 Griffin, Richard E. Box 948 Johnson, Robert J. Box 696 McClendon, L. Philip P.O. Box 520 Rainwater, Paul S. Box 948 Streetman, Thomas S. P.O. Drawer A Switzer, Bruce D. Box 777 Switzer, Ovid T. P.O. Box 777 Zimmerman, Gayle D. Box 276 DANVILLE-72833 Strait, Bill Tatum, John T. Sullivan, Terry DARDANELLE-72834 Armstrong, William H. Donovan, Tom
Box 386 522 Main 522 Main
552-7571 965-7577 965-2226 257-3116 257-3116 747-3377 747-3813 747-3813 754-2663 754-2600 754-3495 754-2400 754-6000 754-2339 754-8447 754-2512 754-3790 745-2480 745-2468 745-4044 329-5662 327-4457 327-7211 329-5656 329-5662 327-2.534 327-1990 327-2268 329-5623 329-5623 327-6526 329-5662 327-4457 329-5803 327-6526 327-3091 329-2631 329-8359 329-5656 857-3646 857-6101 425-2189 364-2213 567-8066 364-2111 364-2111 384-2155 567-8066 364-2111 364-2214 364-5161 364-5161 364-5743
495-2319 495-7115 495-2649
229-3311 Box 90 Box 332 229-3446 April 1980/Arkansas Lawyer/73
Parsley, Kenneth M. Witt, Ernie DeQUEEN-71832 Carlton, Gordon B. Hainen, John B. Hodge, William H. May, John W., III Norwood, G. E. DERMOTT-71638 Gibson, R. Bynum Gibson, Robert B. DES ARC-72040 Guthrie, Jr., W. B. DeVALLS BLUFF-72041 Thweatt, John D. DeWITT-72042 Berry, Russell D. Botts, Wilbur Hudson, Thomas Gary Jenkins, C. W. Pike, George E. DUMAS-71639 Gill, Marion S. Holthoff, Howard M. Johnson, Bernard K. EL DORADD-71730 Adcock, Robert E. Alderson, Edwin B. Anthony, Beryl, Jr. Baine, James E. Brooks, Jr., J. S. Calloway, James J. Camp, Jr., Worth Compton, Robert C. Deming, Claiborne P. Dickens, H. D. Dodson, Don B. Gathright, Emmette Griggs, Ronald L. Guthrie, David F. Hall, Patsy Hanna, Albert R.
108 Quay Box 332
229-3553 229-3446
Box E. 214 North Third Box 606 214 North 3rd Box 529
584-2826 584-2566 584-2057 584-2566 584-3636
Box 499 Box 499
538-5900 538-5900
Box 225
Box 448
Box 409 117 N. Adams 117 North Adams Box 409 P.O. Box 631
946-2926 946-3567 946-3567 946-2926 946-2100
Box 605 Box 516 Box 605
382-4988 382-2126 382-4988
862-5523 100 E. Church 862-5565 First Nat'l Bk. Bldg. 862-7422 Box 1877 862-6272 Box 1024 863-6720 1st National Bk Bldg. 862-7949 522 N. Jackson 862-1323 435 N. washington 862-3478 423 N. Washington 862-6411 200 Jefferson St. 862-5801 814 Lion Oil Bldg. 510 First Nat'l Bk. Bldg. 862-5565 862-6212 P.O. Box 828 862-5187 431 N. Washington 862-8751 211 E. Elm Route 1 Box 365 862-6404 Box 1853 863-1303 Federal Building Harris, Oren 423 North Washington 862-3478 Hickey, Joseph 863-8216 Box 212 Hoggard, Jabe E. 863-3276 Box 641 Hurtey, Louis E. 863-5506 Box 674 Jewell, Wayne 862-6181 301 N. Washington Kassos, Anthony 862-5433 Box 127 Landers, Michael R. 863-4325 417 W. Cedar Love, Claude E. 862-6464 406 Annstrong Bldg. Mahony, Emon A. 862-6464 406 Armstrong Bldg. Mahony, Joseph K., II 862-6464 406 Annstrong Bldg. Mahony, Michael F. 862-8411 200 Jefferson Ave. May, E. T. Buck Union County Mayfield, Melvin E. 863-8461 Courthouse 510 First Nat'l Bk. Bdg. 862-5565 McDonald, Gary Don 8s!3-7139 Courthouse McLean, William A. 863-3275 Box 841 Menefee, Bruce Tandy 862-4471 814 Lion all Bldg. Moody, Wallace M. 863-6060 205 Annstrong Bldg. Nobles, James H., Jr. First Nat'l Bk. Bldg. 862-5565 Nolan, Wm. C., Jr. 863-8118 308 NBC Plaza O'Connor, J. A., Jr. 2112 Lakeland Peace, R. H. 862-5523 100 East Church Phillips, Norwood 423 North Washington 862-3478 Prewett, William I. 862-6411 200 Jefferson Ave. Rowe, H. Y 862-8411 200 Jefferson Rowe, Wm. Bayless 862-5523 100 E. Church Shackleford, Dennis l. 862-5523 100 East Church Shackleford, John M., Jr. 862-4913 305 N. Washington Shepherd, Bobby 305 N. Washington Ave. 862-4913 Spencer, J. V., Jr. 74/Arkansas Lawyer/April 1980
Spencer, James V., III Taylor, George l. Thomas, Floyd M., Jr. Thornton, Denver L. Vickery, Ian Walter Watkins, Jerry W. Webb, Mark W. Weeks, Thomas W. Wynne, William J. Yocum, Henry S., Jr.
305 N. Washington Ave. 527 West Wesson 423 North Washington Box 1816 510 First Nat'l Bk. Bldg. 200 Jefferson 4603 West Hillsboro Box 751 303 Murphy Building Union County Court House
ENGLAND-72046 Box 182 Brown, N. Cloyteen Box 182 Kesl, Marjorie M. Box 327 Reed, Wm. N. EUDORA-71640 Box 367 Cashion, Thomas L. Box 667 Grubbs, W. K. Rt. 2 Box 50 Pratt, Richard L. EUREKA SPRINGS-72632 Box 327 Buice, R. Edward 45 Spring St. Cantrell, III, Edwin B. Rt. 3, Box 195 Castleberry, Kenneth H. Box 470 Epley, Aian D. Box 470 Epley, Lewis E., Jr. FAYETTEVILLE-72701 Adams, Stephen E. Atkinson, Charles W. Ball, E. J. Banks, Warren E. Barnhart, Ralph C. Bassett, Jr. W. W. Bassett, III, Woodson W. Boyd, Jim H. Bracey, Bill Eugene, Jr. Brandt, David W. Brill, Howard W. Bumpass, Ronald E. Burke, Thomas Burleson, David J. Butler, Jr., George E.
862-4913 862-5677 862-3478 862-7989 862-5565 862-8411 862-5523 863-3181 863-8118 863-4335 842-2531 842-2531 842-2316 355-4712 355-4457 355-2142 253-9888 253-8189 253-8732 253-8732 253-8732
442-6213 Box 567 521-7234 8 North College 442-6213 Box 567 442-6337 1109 Sunset Dr. 442-8705 634 Oliver Ave. 521-7600 Box 1688 521-7600 Box 1688 442-4188 Box 551 521-9868 P.O. Box 637 521-3172 Box 4105 575-5358 U of A School of Law 521-3172 Box 4105 521-1411 Box 1000 442-2619 1028 Sunset Drive PA's Office, 521-8400 Courthouse Annex 521-8400 Courthouse Butt, Thomas F. One Mcilroy Plaza #210 521-6220 Carson, Gary l. 521-7600 P.O. Drawer 1688 Clark, Constance G. 521-0133 200 East Poplar Clifton, Ralph Michael 575路5348 U of A School of Law Copeland, Milton 575-4005 U of A Law School Crocker, Elizabeth M. 442-4411 Box 396 Cummings, l. Maupin 521-1122 Box 1606 Davis, Erwin l. 521-7600 Drawer 1688 Davis, Sidney P., Jr. 575-5600 U of A Law School Davis, Wylie H. 521-8976 7V, East Mountain Donovan, Ann C. 521-1411 20 E. Center Eldridge, III, John R. 521-5510 Box 818 Elliott, Jr., Don R. 521-4444 62 E. Mountain St. Estes, Sr., Peter G. 521-4444 62 E. Mountain St. Estes, Jr., Peter G. 521-4444 62 E. Mountain St. Estes, Robert R. 443-1900 Box 4011 Evans, Marshall D. 521-5102 Box 4246 Gallman, James W. 521-5400 Box 1288 Gardner, Kathleen D. Drawer 1688 521-5510 Garrett, W. Dale 521-5400 Gathright, Richard Emmette P.O. Box 483 800 Pittman 443-2363 Gibson, William Russell 112-50 East Ave. 521-4800 Giles, Stephen R. U of A Law School 575-2708 Gitelman, Morton 442-2562 Box 4276 Greenhaw, Leonard F. Box 4276 442-2562 Greenhaw, William K. 130-C N. College Ave. 521-5337 Hall, James M. 442-4077 1315 Edgehill Dr. Halpern, Gerard 442-2378 Box 788 Hanks, Charles E.
Hart, Demaris A. Henry, Ann R. Henry, Morriss M. Heuer, Sam T. Hill, Jeanie Johnson Hipp, Richard Horne, David Hotz, Hartman Insen, Betta S. Isaacs, William B. Jackson, James A. Jameson, Paul Johnson, Phyllis Hall Jones, l. D. Jones, Terry D. Keegan, Robert R. Kincaid, Hugh R. Kirkpatrick, Terry R. Krauft, Conrad Chester Lee, Gerald D. Leflar, Robert A. Levin, Jeffrey E. Lindsay, Mark Lineberger, John R. Linzay, Jr., Lee H. Longino, Jr., Hugh E. Maglothin, E. E. Malone, David R. Martin, Festus H., Jr. Mayes, Bob I. McAllister, A. D., Jr. McCann, Ronald M. McCord, James N. Mcivor, Marcia McNair, D. Malcolm, Jr. Medearis, Charles A. Miller, James F. Miller, James K. Miller, Michael K. Miller, Richard l. Moore, W. RUdy, Jr. Morris, Sally Svoboda Maurton, Kenneth Myers, William G. Niblock, Walter R. Odom, Bobby Osborne, Richard P. Durand, Richard C., Jr. Parker, Ginger R. Pearson, C. Thomas, Jr. Pettus, E. Lamar Pope, Priscilla Karen Reed, Joe B. Reynolds, Ray A. Robinson, John F. Robinson, Walter S. III Rose, Jim III RUdko, Frances Howell Scharlau, Charles E. Segers, Joseph W., Jr. Smith, T. H., Jr. Stewart, David A. Stuart, Rupert A. Taylor, C. Odell Tharel, Kent l. Trammell, Ray Trumbo, C. Bass Vervack, Jerry J. Wade, Lynn F. Wade, Wyman R., Jr. Werner, James F.
118 South College 521-4300 1418 Hope 442-8826 Box 1727 442-2981 1776 Stubblefield Road 521-3475 Box 454 521-2894 Box 388 443-5731 Box 599 521-7050 Box 1285 521-8546 P.O. Box 4246 521-5102 530 N. College, Bldg. D. 442-0600 34 E. Center 443-2363 Box 4056 521-8400 Box 1866 443-2363 112 S. East Ave. 443-4313 Box 729 521-0503 34 E. Center SI. 521-4412 202 First NaYI Bk Bldg. 521-7050 530 N. College, Bldg. D. 442-0600 26 E. Center 443-4500 Box 818 521-5510 1717W. Center 575-3148 530 N. College, Bldg. D 442-0600 P.O. Box 4128 521-4890 Box BB 521-8400 Box 583 521-0570 Box 4157 521-6070 P.O. Box 373 442-8798 U of A Law School 575-5603 Box 205 521-6644 Box 388 443-5731 Box 1000 521-1411 Drawer 818 521-5510 Box 1405 521-9630 530 D. North College 442-0600 319 E. Maple 521-7800 118 S. College 521-4300 201 Ozark Theater Bldg. 442-2951 U of A Law School 575-3102 East Gate Shopping Center 521-4306 Box 205 521-6644 Box 1000 521-1411 200 East Poplar Street 521-0133 Box 567 442-6213 Ozark Theater Bldg. 2A 442-6219 Box 818 521-5510 RI. 1, Hwy. 45 E 521-5510 26 East Center 521-5555 2210 Briarwood 443-5638 P.O. Box 2933 442-8065 36 East Center 521-4300 P.O. Box 1866 443-2363 36 E. Center 521-4300 530 N. College, Bldg. D.442-06oo Box 729 521-0503 P.O. Box 4151 442-4672 209 Harold 521-4711 118 South College 521-9964 P.O. Box 341 521-3222 Box 1288 521-5400 112 South East 443-4313 112 South East 521-7000 26 East Center 521-5555 Box 248 521-7130 204 N. East SI. 521-2424 Box 334 521-3121 405 Admin Bldg. U of A 575-5401 202 First Nat'l Bk Bldg. 521-7050 2090 Winwood Dr. 521-5809 Box 1000 521-1411 P.O. Box 788 442-2378 Mcilroy Plaza 521-3648
Westphal, Mary Ann White, Esther M. White, Robert R. Wikstrom, Deborah Wiley, Buford 8., Jr. Williams, Charles N. Wilson, Douglas l. Wing, Glen Wise, George R., Jr. Wommack, Richard l. Woodruff, R. G. Wright, Daniel Wright, Tilden P. III Yancey, T. E. FORDYCE-71742 Mays, Tommy l. Phillips, Ronnie A. Sparks, Thomas E. Trussell, l. W. Wynne, Frank Wynne, T. D., Jr. Wynne, Thomas D., III FORREST CITY-72335 Bridgforth, John D. Bu1ler, Eldridge J. Dane, Dan Easley, B. Michael Glover, William D. Hamilton, Donald E. Hicky, Phil Hicky, Preston G. Jones, Louis B. Kinney, Knox B. Long, Jr., Fletcher Mann, John W. McCUlloch, Richard B. Morledge, W. Frank Norton, N. M. Routon, Steve Sharpe, Harold Story, Bentley E. VanWyke, William P. Venters, Christopher W. Wilkinson, Henry FT. SMITH-72901路72903 Arnold III, James A. Barry, Ben T. Barry, William B. Beasley, Jr., C. A. Beasley, John R. Bedwell, Edward E. Bethell, Bruce H. Bethell, Edgar E. Bowers, Donaid Busby, Wilson H. Bryan, Lem C. Callaway, Donald P. Canfield, Jerry l. Carter, Michael C. Chronister, Rex W. Ciift, Orville C. Cloar, Robert Cloninger, Lawson Coffman, Eldon F. Cogbill, J. Michael Cohen, Robert Y. Cooper, Richard F. Core, Ben Cromwell, Jan Cromwell, William M.
123 W. Spring SI. Box 624 One Mcilroy Plaza, #501 Box 567 Box 4246 112 SE Avenue 530 North College Bldg. D Box 33-28 S. College Box 583 Box 4128 36 East Center 130-C N. College Ave. Drawer 1688 P.O. Box 1224
442-0600 443-2255 521-0570 521-4890 521-4300 521-5337 521-7600 443-4011
Box 784 Box 781 Box 784 304 Main 301 Main 308 Main 310 Main
352-3138 352-7105 352-3138 352-2468 352-5101 352-5101 352-5101
118 South Izard Box 830 Box 987 504 Court Ave. 1753 Trenton Rd. Box 987 Box 830 Box 830 Box 1421 Box 486 Box 1098 Box 390 Box 1053 Box 924 Box 998 P.O. Box 830 Box 924 Box 249 317 N. Washington 317 N. Washington Box 429
633-5820 633-4611 633-3777 633-2350 633-3112 633-3777 633-4611 633-4611 633-7525 633-2350 633-2164 633-1522 633-1240 633-3141 633-4525 633-4611 633-3141 633-3484 633-9460 633-9460 633-4567
442-8065 442-5373 521-4153 442-6213 521-5102 521-4800
Box 185 782-7294 Box 1584 782-8813 Box 991 782-0241 Box 7 782-2041 Box 23 782-7911 22 North 7th 783-0476 615 North B 782-7911 615 North B 782-7911 Box 3524 452-5637 3217 Caitlin Court 783-3181 Box 1745 783-1197 615 North B 782-7911 Box 1446 782-0361 Box 1448 782-0361 Box 1665 783-1061 PA's Office, Courthouse 783-8976 100 Court Plaza Bldg. 783-1186 Courthouse 783-0261 Box1448 782-0361 Box185 782-7294 Box 43 782-1001 Box 1359 785-7700 Box 1448 782-0361 Box 669 782-6066 Box 669 782-6066 April 1960/Arkansas Lawyer(75
Currie, Mary Daily, J. S. Daily, Thomas A. Danielson, Elizabeth Danielson, Paul Davis, Hal Wayne Dawson, Robert T. DeLung, Gerald L. Dougherty, Robert P. Douglas, Troy R. Dunn, James M. Dyer, Janet B. Ellig, Michael L. Evans, J. H. Frtzhugh, J. H. Foltz, Harry A. Gamer, Charles R. Gean, Paul Baker Gea", Jr., Roy R. Gean, Roy R. III Gilbreath, E. C. Gllker, James A. Giuffre, Paul L. Hardin, P. H. Harper, Thomas Harper, Jr., Tom Harris, C. Wayne Harrisort, Ronald D. Hayes, L. Cody Hewet1, Mark Holland, John G. Holmes, III, Paul K. Hornberger, Robert E. HUbbard, David T. Jackson, Randolph C. Jesson, Bradley D. Johnson, Joel D. Johnson, Robert E. Jones, Kendall B. Jones, Jr., Robert L. Jones, III, Robert L. Karr, Charles
Box 1623 783-2345 Box 1446 782-0361 Box 1446 782-0361 782-1011 P.O. Box 43 Box 43 782-1011 1221 Highway 7 South 646-4677 Drawer 968 783-6186 Box 1626 782-6041 2300 S. 46th 783-2254 15 Court St. 783-8080 Box 1626 782-6041 100 North 6th 785-5211 3008 South 97th 783-7970 Box 1626 782-6041 Box 1745 783-1197 Professional Bldg. 785-5211 3017 Free Ferry 782-0308 1st Federal Bldg. 783-1124 783-1124 1st Federal Bldg. 600 First Federal Bldg 783-1124 782-7203 Box 2023 Box 3365, Sta A 783-3109 Box 1626 783-6041 Drawer 968 783-6186 782-1001 Box 43 782-1001 Box 43 782-6041 Box 1626 2200 S. Waldron 452-7600 Box 1626 782-6041 2200 S. Waldron 452-7600 783-1103 Courthouse Box 1626 782-6041 782-7294 Box 185 4918 South X St. 452-4050 Box 2023 782-7203 783-6186 Box 968 100 N. Sixth 785-5211 646-3593 3222 South 39th P.O. Box 2023 782-7203 Box 2023 782-7203 Box 2023 782-7203 783-3236 Box 1802 Kimbrough, Warren O. 782-3035 2600 W. 46th 785-4151 Kincannon, Barry D. 51 South 6th St. Kizer, Bernice L. 221 May Ave. 474-6831 Langston, Don Box 1902 785-2326 Ledbet1er, Charles R. 212 Merchants Nat'l 782-7294 Bk Bldg. 783-4191 Leamons, Spence A. Box 2407 Lewis, John A. Box 1626 782-6041 Looper, Jeryl Q. Box 47 785-2811 2514 South 46th 783-5125 McCord, Larry R. Mahony, Emon A., Jr. 10701 Hunters Point Rd. 783-3181 505 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. 782-4028 Martin, Richard L. Maurras, S. Wallon 782-1001 Box 43 Box 968 783-6186 Metcalf, Ronald W. Miller, John E. P.O. Box 1525 783-7045 Moll, Mark A. 782-7203 P.O. Box 2023 Box 1626 782-6041 Moore, Pat N. Morris, William T. Box 1584 782-8813 Mosley, Wm. B. 509 Rogers Ave. 782-3053 Narisi, Vincent J. 541 Greenwood, North 782-2958 Nolan, Toni Swift 100 North Sixth 785-5211 Paddock, Ben L. Box 818 785-2867 Parker, Douglas W. 615 Rogers 782-1072 782-0308 Person, Gary D. 3017 Free Ferry Pruit1, Jerry D. 15 Court St. 782-7988 P.O. Box 1584 782-8813 Pryor, Thomas B. 783-3109 Ries, Richard D. Box 3365 Sta. A. 782-7911 Robertson, Thomas E. 615 N. B 782-8813 Robinson, H. Clay Box 1584 Ryan, Dorsey M. Box 1626 782-6041 76/Arkansas Lawyer/April 1980
Settle, John W. Sharum, Stephen M. Shaw, Bruce H.
54 South 6th Box 1951 212 Merchants National Bk. Bldg. Shaw, Frank R. 22 North Seventh St. 212 Merchants National Shaw, J. Michael Bk. Bldg. Shaw, Richard B. Box 185 Shoffey, J. E. 620 First National Bk. Bldg. Skogen, Tony Box 43 Smith, Don Allen Box 43 Smith, Douglas 0., Jr. Box 1626 Smith, Gregory G. Box 1584 Smith, Willard C., Jr. Box 1665 Spearman, Richard L. 3015 Free Ferry Spears, Jim P.O. Box 751 Stewart, Ned, Jr. Box 1525 402 1st Federal Bldg. Stocks, William M. Swan, Hugo, Jr. Box 3365 Sta A Box 1446 Taylor, Norris C. Taylor, Phillip J. Box 3392 Taylor, Robert C. Box 2082 Terry, Rex M. Drawer 968 Thomasson, Jerry 2684 South Enid Thompson, Wm. Powell Box 818 P.O. Box 1421 Vandergriff, David B. Box 411 Vater, Robert W. Box 884 Wahl, Eugene A., Jr. Walker, Eddie H., Jr. 3600 Kinkead #116 Box 1626 Warner, C. R., Jr. Wells, Robert Travis 100 North 6th Street Box 1446 West, James E. Box 1446 West, Janice E. Wheeler, Michael E. Sebastian County Court House Wilder, Franklin P.O. Box 1143 Box 1623 Williams, Paul X. 600 North 17th Wood,J. Sam Wooten, G. Alan Box 1626 Yoes, Genevieve M. Farrell Box 1947 Box 1584 Yoes, Robert E. GENTRY-72734 Kirby, Louie C. Box 57 GLENWOO[)-71943 Clay, Philip M. Box 1421 Yeargan, Charles A. Box 214 GRADY-71644 Runde, Daniel J. Box 500 GRAVETTE-72736 Box 287 Embry, Charles S. GREENWOO[)-72936 Box 280 Cox, James O. Skinner, Jack Merte P.O. Box 1225 Wallers, Bill Box 280 GUROON-71743 Jackson, John H. 115 S. First
HAMBURG-71646 Barker, James M., Jr. Hamillon, Herman L., Jr. Johnson, William E. Pope, Samuel B. Tarvin, Timothy R. HARDY-72542 King, Kevin N. HARRISBURG-72432 Collier, L. K. Easterting, Chartes R. Henry, John R. Maddox, Edward S. Mooney, G. Wayne
785-2326 785-2923 782-7294 783-6164 782-7294 782-7294 783-3337 782-1001 782-1001 782-6041 782-8813 783-1061 783-3109 785-2684 783-7045 783-5105 783-3109 782-0361 783-1088 782-8813 783-6186 452-4050 785-2868 783-6435 782-4028 785-0093 782-2826 782-6041 785-5211 782-0361 782-0361 783-8976 783-2041 783-2345 783-5307 782-6041 646-4366 782-8813 736-2735 356-2330 356-3947 479-3311 787-5652 996-2122 996-6167 996-2122 353-4977
212 E. Lincoln Box 71 Box 209 P.O. Box 148 Box 209
853-5414 853-5461 853-5227 853-8097 853-5227
Box 363
Box 16 400 Market St. 404 Market St. P.O. Box 356 404 Market St.
578-5914 578-5403 578-2422 578-2332 578-2422
Tiner, Lohnes T. 400 Market 578-5403 Van Ausdall, Rice Lee Box 566 578-2332 HARRISON-72601 Adarns, Donald J. Box 909 741-3478 Baker, Roy L., Jr. 101 South Cherry Street 741-5555 Bishop, Donald Box 512 741-8100 Campbell, Gene C. Box 729 741-3448 Covington, J. Scott Box 909 741-3478 Elcan, II, Frank C. Box 1595 741-6114 Fitton, Garvin Box 249 741-6114 Gresham, James E. Box 58 741-6164 Henley, J. Smith 200 Federal Building 741-2353 Jones, Claude R. Box 1577 741-4100 Kirkpatrick, Fred C. Box 1592 741-6361 Ledbetter, Thomas D. Box 637 743-1207 Logan, Roger V., Jr. P.O. Box 58 741-6164 Meadows, Phillip E. Box 1595 741-6114 Miner, Jay C. Box 313 741-2856 Pinson, Jerry D. Box1111 741-3403 Reeves, Ken R. P.O. Box 1111 741-3403 Walker, W. S. Box 729 741-3448 Webb, Gordon Box 463 741-2711 Webb, Kandy Gregg Box 483 741-2711 Wilson, J. Gregory Box 218 741-8754 Wright, Ernie E. Box 307 (L.R.) 370-5305 Younes, Van Thomas Box 909 741-3478 Young, Ronald D. Box 729 741-3448 HAZEN-72064 Gammill, Randall L. Box 532 255-3597 Proctor, Charles J. Box 299 255-4591 Screeton, Jerry J. Prairie County Bk Bldg 255-3414 HEBER SPRINGS-72543 Choate, Stephen Box 525 362-3125 Gardner, Patrick J. 307 West Spring Street 362-6255 Harrod, Dave W. 307 W. Spring 362-6255 Irwin, Michael E. Box 368 362-3135 McSpadden, Carl B. Box 129 362-5551 Reed, Floyd L. Box 368 362-3135 Thomas, Hoyt 317 West Searcy 362-5871 HElENA-72342 Anderson, John L. 714 Liberty 338-3801 Burch, Rickey A. 302 Cherry St. 732-6370 Dinning, Jr., W. G. 538 Rightor 338-8581 Epes, S. Wooten Box 610 338-3438 Frankel, Arthur G., Jr. 203 Helena Bk Bldg 338-3103 Galloway, Raymond F. 417 Rightor St. 338-6731 Raff, Arthur Eugene, Jr. 417 Rightor St. 338-8637 Ridenour, Garland O. 500 Pecan 338-6448 Roscopf, Charles B. Box 610 338-3438 Solomon, David 215 Cherry 338-7427 Tennant, John L. Box 610 338-3438 HOPE-71801 Brown, Lyle Rt. 4, Box 332 L.B. 777-9535 Crow, Floyd C. Box 642 777-2866 Graves, Sr., Albert Citizens Nat'l Bk Bldg. 777-2391 Graves, Jr., Albert Citizens Nan Bk Bldg. 777-2391 Graves, John R. Box 458 777-2391 Gunter, Jr., James H. Box 591 777-8621 Pilkinton, James H. 116 E. Second St. 777-8871 Pilkinton, James H., Jr. P.O. Box 583 777-8871 Short, Joe C. Box 276 777-8618 Walker, Charles M. Box 591 777-8621 Weisenberger, Royce P.O. Box 370 777-4544 Wilson, John L. Box 591 777-8621 Wright, Wm. R. Box 458 777-2391 HORSESHOE BEN[}-72536 White, David H. Box 4075 670-5631 HOT SPRINGS-71901 Anderson, Sam L. 455 W. Grand Ave. 624-5731 Arman, R. Keith 623 Central Ave. 623-3356 Bachelor, G. Latta III Box 1532 321-1200 Bosson, Paul R. 500 Ouachita 623-6666
Britt, Henry M. Burtness, Janet Callahan, George M. Campbell, James R. Chesnutt, James W. Clark, Mark P. Cook, Elbert Cook, Jr., H. E. Cox, Richard L. Crow, Jr., Carl A. Dobbs, P. E. Farrar, Clay Garnett, Bruce T. Gibbs, Gary R. Gist, Morse Upshaw, ,Jr. Glover, R. Julian Gray, James A. Hargraves, Robert S. Henry, Jr., Lloyd A. Henry, Richard L. Hobbs, Richard W. Hogue, Paul J. Laidler, Regina W. Lax, Gary Martin Longinotti, III, Louis J. Macphee, Bruce A. Matthews, Gene Miller, Stan Muse, Richard S. Newton, R. Lee Parkerson, John W. Patterson, Eudox E. Pullen, Donald C. Raley, C. Jeffrey Rand, Christopher E. Rasmussen, Sigun Reis, Bryan Jay Rephan, Jerome Ridgeway, Robert D. Robbins, John B. Rogers, Robert L., III Rothman, Michael G. Sanders, J. E. Schnipper, Don Martin Slagle, Richard L. Smith, Ray S., Jr. Smitherman, Edward T. Sullins, Paul SUllins, Nanette B. Sullins, T. Neal Switzer, David B. Tapp, John S. Vaccaro, Charles G. Walbert, T. D. White, Chartes R. Williams, James H., III Wooton, Richard H. Wright, John Homer Wright, Waiter G. WUlfsohn, Leo HUNTSVILLE-72740 Cain, Howard G., Jr. Hall, W.O. Parsons, Patrick IMBODEN-72434 Steele, Larry Joe JACKSONVILLE-72076 Alexander, Hubert Batton, Robert
Courthouse 127 Hawthorne Box 1523 133 Magnolia Courthouse Box 1440 219 Mockingbird Ln. 123 Market 227 Woodbine 520 Ouachita 400 Dell St. 600 W. Grand 4697 West Elice ABT Towers Bldg., #401 622 Malvern Avenue 520 Ouachita Route 8, Box 281 520 Ouachita Ave. 428 Ouachita 401 ABT Towers Bldg 500 Ouachrta Box 1315 116 Trivista Right P.O. Box 1532 500 Ouachita 227 Woodbine 1st Nat'l Bk Bldg. Box 1440 623 Central Ave. P.O. Box 1114 520 Ouachita Ave. 225 Woodbine 623 Central Ave. 201 Woodbine 622 Maivern 800 Whittington Box 1440 622 Malvern Ave. 127 Hawthorne Ave. 1st National Bk Bldg. Rt. 17, Box 465 Box 1771 520 Ouachita Ave. 123 Market 503 First National Bank 123 Market Box 1059 2207 Marion Anderson Rd. Box 1532 Box 1060 127 Hawthorne Box 1197 225 Woodbine Box 1060 123 Market Box 1315 First Nail Bk Bldg. 623 Central, #101 623 Central Ave. #201 Rt. 7, Box 233
624-4112 321-1551 321-1200 623-4372 624-4112 321-1993 525-2960 624-1252 321-1993 623-5538 623-8966 623-4441 624-5404 624-5793 624-2591 623-5538 767-6293 623-5538 624-2541 624-5793 623-6666 321-2667 569-2271 321-1200 623-6666 623路1759 623-2593 321路1993 623-3356 623-8426 623-5538 321-1136 623-3356 623-2565 624-2591 321-2667 321-1993 624-2591 321-1551 623-2593 321-1335 623-5538 624-1252 623-2593 624-1252
767-9822 321-1200 624-8000 321-1993 623-5111 321-1136 525-2966 624-1252 321-2667 623-2593 321-1621 321-1333
Box 539 Box 7 Box 633
738-6817 738-2410 738-2244
Box 497
Box 66 982-3135 501 W. Main 982-6556 April 1980/Arkansas Lawyer/77
Christian, Carrol P. Cummings, Jr., William C. Dougherty, William P. Groce, Paul D. Hughes, Steve McNee, John R. Mattingly, Lesly W. Mills, Ronald C. Olson, Daisy Rice, Ben E. Vaughan, R. Ke~h Wilson, Mike K. JASPER-72641 Martin, Thomas A., Jr. JONESBORo-72401 Barrett, Joe C. Bartels, Anthony Beason, John W. Blackman, Denzil K. Boling, Larry B. Boone, Jr., Joe C. Boothe, Carson Bradley, Douglas Bristow, Bill W. Burton, Jimmy R. Coleman, Jon R. Deacon, Barry Deacon, J. C. Dickson, James E. Dupwe, Warren Etter, Bill D. Frierson, III, Charles Gott, Michael Harrison, Hugh W., Jr. Henry, Troy Henson, Judy Alma Hopper, Paul E. Howard, William B. Howard, William Louis Hunter, Scott Ishmael, Randall W. Jarrett, Richard A.
102 A Hospital Circle 32 Preston Box 5269 1526 W. Main 102-A Hospital Circle Box 5269 Box 66 Box 519 Box 824 501 W. Main 501 W. Main Box 5269
982-7549 982-3036 982-9411 982-7770 982-7549 982-9411 982-3135 982-9411 982-2090 982-6556 982-6556 982-9411
Box 104
Box 1245 316 S. Church Box 1202 Box 1233 Box 1328 Box 1423 McAdams Bldg. Box 1212 216 E. Washington Box 6063 Box 1212 Box 1245 Box 1245 Box 867 Box 549 Box 1574 Box 1346 400 S. Main 624 South Main 630 South Main Box 607 P.O. Box 38 Box 1491 Box 1491 Mc Adams Trust Bldg. Box 4096 Box 4096 Kieffer, Marvin McAdams Trust Bldg. Lady, Frank Box 1233 Landis, David Box 1245 Langley, Stanley R. Box 1348 Laser, David N. Box 1348 Ledbetter, Mark Box 1348 Lovett, Glenn, Jr. Box 1348 Lusby, Richard Box 1306 407 S. Main Lyons, R. James McDaniel, Bobby 400 S. Main, 2nd A. 605 Madison McDaniel, James E. McNeill, Paul D. P.O. Box 1245 Mixon, Donn Box 1306 Mooney, Charles M. Box 1423 Parker, Dian 630 S. Main Pearson, Gerald E. 909 Pinecrest Penix, Bill Box 1306 Penix, Marion F. Box 1306 Phelps, John V. Box 1245 Reasoner, Stephen M. P.O. Box 1245 216 E. Washington Seay, Donald F. Sloan, Eugene Box 367 Sloan, Frank Box 700 Sm~h, Berl P.O. Box 1245 Smith, Jesse M. Box 515 Snellgrove, J. Frank Box 1348 Templeton, Howard W. Box 1404 Walden, Mike 630 South Main Walker, G. D. P.O. Box 1348 Ward, Malcolm Box 1274 78/ArKansas Lawyer/April 1980
932-6694 972-5000 935-9221 935-3730 935-0120 935-5847 932-3536 932-5321 935-9000 932-1061 932-5321 932-6694 932-6694 932-1961 935-5845 932-7701 932-8357 932-5950 932-8115 932-4522 972-5344 932-6640 932-3599 932-3599 932-1162 972-1400 972-1400 932-1120 935-3730 932-6694 932-8357 932-8357 932-8357 932-8357 932-7449 972-5440 932-5950 932-3566 932-6694 932-7749 935-5847 932-4522 932-2264 932-7449 932-7449 932-6694 982-6694 935-9000 932-2671 932-3071 932-6694 932-5440 932-8357 932-1655 932-4522 932-8357 932-7701
Wells, Phillip J. 400 South Main 932-5950 932-6694 Wheatley, Archer P.O. Box 1245 Womack, Tom D. 932-6694 Box 1245 Zolper, Dennis M. 935-7090 216 East Washington LAKE CITY-72437 237-4310 Woodruff, Arlon L. 202 Cobean Blvd. LAKE VILLAGE-71653 Burnside, Ohmer C. 265-5308 5 South Cokey 265-2205 Drew, William H. Box 744 Gillison, Jr., David F. 265-2235 Box 669 Holloway, Bill R. 265-5775 Box 391 Mazzanti, Jerry 265-5901 Box 191 LAVACA-72941 Llewellyn, James M., Jr. 674-5297 P.O. Box 108 LEWISVILLE-71845 Atkins, Jr., J. F. 921-4272 Box 669 Beatty, David L. Drawer 640 921-4218 Magee, William F. Drawer M 921-4249 Robinson, G. Pat 222 Maple SI. 921-4347 Robinson, Patsy A. 921-4347 222 Maple SI. LINCOLN-72744 DaVis, Boyce R. 824-3305 Box I LITTLE ROCK-72201-72219 Ablondi, Leslie R. 372-7566 314 South Victory Acchione, Julius 411 E. 6th 375-3307 Achor, John W. 3001 West Roosevelt 661-4685 Adams, Dale E. Box 1979 372-8565 Adkisson, Richard B. 409 Couthouse 375-9855 Akins, James H., Jr. 1100 Worthen Bk Bldg. 372-0090 Allen, H. William 2200 Worthen Bk Bldg. 371-0808 Allen, R. Ben 376-8267 Box 2635 Amsler, Guy 663-4814 4301 Kenyon Amsler, Jr., Guy 1500 Union Nat'l Plaza 372-6175 Anderson, Betty 44 Wingate Anderson, Overton 2000 First Nat'l Bldg. 376-2011 Anderson, Phillip 2200 Worthen Bk Bldg. 371-0808 Arnold, Ben F. Box 3363 376-4731 Arnold, Richard S. Box 429 378-5521 Atkinson, Virginia 721 W. Second 374-6120 Bacon, Donald H. 376-2011 2000 First Nat'l Bldg. Bailey, George H. 1700 1st Nat'l Bldg 372-4209 Bailey, R. Eugene 602 Union Life Building 374-5511 Baker, Charles W. Box 2381 378-6357 Balentine, Judieth P. 6925 Rockwood Barket, Gary P. 300 Spring Bldg., #305 376-7934 Baribeau, Donald L. 5424 Drexal 664-9002 Barnes, Don K. 209 W. Capitol, Rm 36 376-3423 Barnes, Irene J. Box 71 376-3021 Barnhill, James B. 126 Dennison 375-1757 Barns, MerlO. 211 Spring SI. 372-4144 Barrier, W. Christopher 400 Gaines Place 376-3151 Barron, Jr., John W. 300 Spring Bldg., #305 376-7934 Barrow, Robert L. 210 State SI. 376-0886 Bartell, Dan E. Box 1471 371-7350 Bartley, Sherry P. Justice Bldg. 372-5643 Bassett, Beverly 400 Gaines Place 376-3151 Bassett, Don W. 10001 Whispering Pine Drive Bauman, Steve 600 Tower Bldg. 375-4531 Beavers, Sandra Trawick 3001 W. Roosevelt Rd. 661-4685 Bell, Jeffrey A. 1111 West Capitol Rm.1oo5 372-7168 Bell, Joe D. 2000 First Nat'l Bldg. 376-2011 Benham, Paul B. 2000 First Nat'l Bldg. 376-2011 Bennett, Donald R. 7th & Wolfe, #201 371-1105 Berg, Janet Lee 108 Cambridge Place Bilheimer, John 955 Tower Building 372-0400 Bingham, Mariem J. Box 6156, Falcon Jet 372-5254 Binns, Garland Wm. 1205 Jennifer Dr. 227-5007 Bird, Allen W. 720 West Third 375-9131 Bimback, Bernard 4801 Fourche Dam Pike 372-5054
Bishop, William E. Blagg, J. Ted Blanshard, Robert A. Bloom, Rudolph L. Boe, Time Bogard, David Bonner, Douglas W. Bonner, Thomas J. Bowen, W. H. Bowers, M. Drew Bramhall, Thomas M. Brantley, Ellen B. Bratton, Jr., Sam I. Brewer, Garry L. Brewer, Silas H., Jr. Brodie, Ralph G. Brooks, Elizabeth Brown, Charles Brown, Darrell F. Brown, Marilyn J. Brown, Robert J. Brown, Robert L. Brown, Sandra L. Brunson, Ruth Buck, C. Brantly Buckalew, Robert B. Buffalo, Joseph L. Buffalo, William L. BUford, Jr., C. Douglas Bufford, Dan Buford, Tom A. BUllion, Bruce Bumpers, D. Brent Bunch, M. Ray Burks, Larry W. Burnett, Jr., John L. Burns, Alice A. Burns, Craig Burrow, L. B. Burton, Marion B. Butler, R. C. Butler, Jr., Richard C. Buttry, James A. Buzbee, John R. Byme, Richard J. Cabe, Robert D. Calaway, Richard B. Calhoun, Jr., John C. Calliotte, Clyde D. Campbell, Frederick K. Campbell, George E. Carmichael, Lillian M. Carpenter, Jr., Claude B. Carpenter, Thomas M. Carroll, James R. Carroll, Phillip Carver, Stephen D. Casey, Paula J. Cash, Clarence Catlett, Leon B. Catlett, Meredith P. Catlett, S. Graham ceartey, Jr., Robert M. Cherry, James W. Cherry, John Cherry, Patricia Gail Cherry, Sandra Wilson Chinula, Donald M. Chisenhall, Larry, Jr. Chisholm, Dan P. Choate, John S. Chowning, F. E.
375-9131 720 West Third #143 Valley Club Circle 224-9137 374-9992 Box 587 225-1631 12 Serenity Drive 1635 Union Nat'l Plaza 376-7575 Box 1510 378-7870 375-9131 720 W. Third 376-6641 Box 791 Box 1331 378-3221 663-1522 2501 Durwood Rd. 664-9440 870 Plaza West Bldg. 371-2268 UALR Law School 238 State Capitol 371-7552 904 West 2nd 376-9991 955 Tower Building 372-0400 1133 Worthen Bk Bldg. 376-2327 378-4320 # 1 Union Plaza 1095 Union Nat'l Plaza 374-758~ 2522 Echo Valley Drive 372-6303 1920 Kavanaugh, #10 378-7877 Box 3773 374-1229 810 Tower Bldg. Box 1611 372-7168 Pul. Cty. Law Library 371-1071 720 W. Third 375-9131 1690 Union Nat'l Plaza 372-2224 300 Spring Bldg., #405 375-9947 300 Spring Bldg., #405 375-9947 2200 Worthen Bk Bldg 371-0808 376-2981 One Spring St. 400 Gaines Place 376-3151 372-8542 5411 Edgewood Rd. 400 Gaines Place 376-3151 1502 Green Mtn. Dr. 376-2011 2000 First Nat'l Bldg. 376-2269 904 W. 2nd Ally Gen's Office 371-2007 224-4400 Box 31 378-1237 Box 1681 372-5431 1720 Tower Bldg. 378-3258 Box 1331 Box 624 378-3107 2000 First Nat'l Bldg. 376-2011 300 Spring Bldg., # 1004 376-3418 Box 2877 375-1281 2200 Worthen Bk. Bldg. 371-0808 371-1011 3005 N. Taylor St. 1902 First Nat'l Bldg. 372-3466 '" 1 Monica Dr. 1001 Breckenridge, #762 375-9131 720 W. Third Quapaw Towers, #5-A 374-9052 1515 W. 7th St. 375-5566 372-4040 807 W. Third 372-7700 Box 666 375-9131 720 West Third St. Box 2876 372-2604 371-2268 UALR Law School 666-1379 624 N. Palm Pyramid Life Bldg. 375-8283 2000 First Nat'l Bldg. 376-2011 1200 Worthen Bk Bldg. 372-2121 Box 1510 378-7870 378-5766 1200 West Third 1500 Union Nat'l Plaza 372-6175 372-3009 Supreme Court 378-5178 5320 Crestwood 1850 Union Nat'l Plaza 372-4823 375-9151 1550 Tower Building 14 Palisades 683-2951 372-3425 700 Tower Bldg. 2110 Country Club Ln 683-2351
Chowning, Robert Church, Beresford L. Churchill, Jr., William O. Clark, B. S. Clark, J. Steven Clark, Jr., James C. Clay, W. Dane Clements, Joe T., Jr. Clinton, Annabelle D. Clinton, William J. Cloar, Ralph M., Jr. Cobb, John Cobb,Osro Cockrill, Ashley Cockrill, H. Howard Cockrill, Rogers Coleman, George Randy Cook, Wayne R. Coplin, Barry Corn, John P. Cotham, E. Ralph, IV Crank, R. H. Crockett, C. Richard Cromwell, James R. Cross, Debby Davies Cross, John B. Cross, Jr., Junius Bracy Crutcher, Zimmery Curdie, Don N. Dabbs, Sid C. Dabbs, William M., Jr. Daniel, Ed Darr, James E. Darrow, Bert N. Davidson, Charles D. Davidson, Waller Davis, D. Derrell Davis, Jeff, Jr. Davis, Lynn A. Davis, N. L. DaVis, Oscar E. DeBoer, Sandra A. DeGostin, Robert J., Jr. DeLille, Jeanene C. D. Denham, Monica L. Derden, Terry Lynn Dickey, M. Jane Digby, Tom F. Dillahunty, W. H. Dillon, Jr. Edward B. Dissly, Jayme Smith Dixon, Philip E. Donham, William H. Dougan, Chartes R. Douglass, Lee Dover, Darrell D. Dowden, James F. Dowell, James N. Drummond, Winslow Duckett, James M. Duke, William David Dunaway, Edwin E. Dupre, Durward D. Dyke, James T. Eads, James R., Jr. Echols, John E. Ehrenberg, Katherine D. Eichenbaum, E. Chartes
Box 7300 664-7807 708 W. Second St. 372-2407 372-7141 Box 363 2000 First Nat'l Bldg. 376-2011 Ally General's Office 371-2007 2000 First Nat'l Bldg. 376-2011 720 West Third 375-9131 19 Kings Arms Road 2200 Worthen Bk. Bldg. 371-0808 Govemor's Office 371-2345 1716 First Nat'l Bldg. 378-0106 1690 Worthen Bk Bldg. 372-7715 1360 Tower Bldg. 372-7167 201 Pyramid Life Bldg. 374-4859 201 Pyramid Life Bldg. 374-4859 250 Pulaski Bk & Trust 661-7700 300 Spring Bldg., #305 376-7934 8 Pinnacle Point 663-9700 Box 1272 371-2451 Box 9859 568-2170 Box 4408 562-7600 1511 N. Hughes 375-9143 600 Tower Bldg. 376-4531 623 Midland 664-5380 #8 Beverty Place 1550 Tower Building 375-9151 Box 71 376-3021 830 Union Nat'l Bldg. 372-6303 Box 1229 378-5635 1295 Tower Bldg. 376-3275 1295 Tower Bldg. 376-3275 P.O. Box 7317 224-4300 600 Tower Bldg. 376-4531 1433 Donaghey Bldg. 372-0154 1095 Union Nat'l Plaza 374-7582 376-4731 Box 3363 304 Commercial National Bank 376-1969 41 Scenic Road 378-5487 1015 West Second 371-9090 Justice Building 371-2007 2000 First Nat'l Bldg. 376-2011 209 West Capitol, Rm36 376-3423 408 Del Rio Dr. 666-6454 Box 2918 569-3194 Rt. 4, Box 1334 P.O. Box 1229 378-5451 720 West Third 375-9131 Courthouse 372-8426 9710 Catskill Rd. 1550 Tower Bldg. 375-9151 209 W. Capllol, Rm 36 376-3423 1550 Tower Building 375-9151 #2 Natural Resources Dr 371-1289 4800 Kavanaugh Blvd 666-6509 1520 S. Broadway 376-1374 1550 Tower Bldg 375-9151 Box 1979 375-9143 Box 2261 569-2271 2200 Worthen Bk Bldg 371-0808 927 Pyramid Life Bldg 375-3022 1500 Tower Bldg. 375-9151 810 Tower Bldg. 374-1229 Box 1611 372-7168 309 Center 376-2921 9905 Treasure Hill Rd. 2000 First Nat'l Bldg 376-2011 300 Spring Bldg. #910 376-7766 376-4531 600 Tower Bldg. April 1980/Arkansas Lawyer/79
Eisele, G. Thomas Eiseman, Jr., Byron M. Eldredge, William A. Elrod, Waymond W., II Engstrom, Stephen Eubanks, Gary L. Eubanks, Herman W. Evitts, Les Farrar, Kathlyn G. Faulkner, Robert W. Ferstl, Tom M. Festinger, Steve Fewell, Victra L. Files, Jack D. Finch, Roy Jr. Fleming, Victor A. Fogleman, John A. Fooks, Robert H. Ford, C. V. Forrester, Kenneth J. Foster, Kent R. Foster, Vincent W. Foster, Wayne R. FOWler, Jr., James M. Frank, Ben W. Franks, Candace Ann Webb Frazier, Donald Freeland, Byron Fricke, George Spence
Box 3684 2000 First Nal'l Bidg. 2000 First Nal'l Bldg. 1209 Jennifer Dr. 1100 Worthen Bk. Bldg. 1735 Tower Bldg. 8101 Cantrell #1403 2200 Worthen Bk. Bldg. Box 1958 5624 W. 31st 211 Spring Attorney Gen.'s Office 1406 Cantrell 1515 West 7th St. #600 210 Commercial Nat'l Bldg. Justice Building 40 Bradford Dr. 18020 Highway 10 2519 Montreai Dr. 400 Gaines Place 720 West Third 313 West 2nd 720 West Third WCC Justice Bldg.
378-5969 376-2011 376-2011 371-1010 372-4723 372-0266
371-0808 378-6107 666-0950 372-4144 371-2007 372-4566 375-5566 372-4125 372-5643 868-5196 378-5487 376-3151 375-9131 372-4639 375-9131 372-3930
# 1 Gibson Drive 227-0776 701 Union Life Bldg. 372-0771 376-3151 400 Gaines Place Justice Bldg.Supreme Court 372-0431 2000 First Nat'l Bldg. 376-2011 Friday, Herschel H. State Capitol Room 09 371-1937 Friedlander, R. B. 1742 First Nat'l Bldg. 375-2572 Fussell, Robert F. 2417 Clapboard Hill Rd. 371-2171 Gaddy, William D. 1433 Donaghey Bldg. 372-0154 Gannaway, James B. 1591 First National Bldg. 372-4200 Garrett, Dean A. 317 Fausett Plaza Bldg. 663-3478 Garvin, O. W. 374-6262 Geister, J. F. Donaghey Bldg. 400 Gaines Place 376-3151 Gelzine, Joseph W. 904 West 2nd #5 376-1144 Gershner, Stephen L. Giles, Roger A. 6212 Boyle Park Road 371-2007 Gill, John P. 400 Gaines Place 376-3151 Giroir, Jr., Charles J. 720 West Third 375-9131 378-7870 Gitchel, W. Dent Box 1510 Givens, Art 300 Spring Bldg. #1004 376-3418 2200 Worthen Bk. Bldg. 371-0808 Glasgow, Roger A. Glaze, Thomas A. 307 Courthouse 372-8538 Box 1331 378-3331 Glidewell, Robert J. Box 2038 376-8015 Glover, Gilbert L. 6 Riding Road 371-2171 Godwin, M. R. Goldberg, Steven UALR School of Law 371-2268 Goodman, Arnold 807 W. Third 376-1482 39 Tallyho Ln 225-4210 Goodrich, William R. 376-4601 Goodwin, Perry C., Jr. Box 31 Goss, Kathy Woodward First Nat. Bldg. 30th FI. 376-7661 Goss, Patrick James 2200 Worthen Bk. Bldg. 371-0808 Gould, Kenneth S. UALR Law School 371-2268 2200 Worthen Bk. Bldg. 371-0808 Griffen, Wendell L. Gregory, III, H. Watt 720 West Third 375-9131 Griffin, Royce O. 11 Leslie Circle Grim, Linda Sue 209 W. Capitol Rm 36 376-3423 Grobmyer, Mark Box 3363 376-4731 Gunter, Joe T. Box 3375 684-6000 Gunter, Robert S. Box 404 376-6060 Gunter, Russell A. 1550 Tower Building 375-9151 Hadfield, O. D. P.O. Box 667 374-2424 Halbrook, William M. 315 State Capitol 371-1937 Hale, Michael Eugene 1500 Union Nat'l Plaza 372-6175 Haley, John H. One Spring St. 376-2981 400 Univ. Tower Bldg. Halinski, Jr. Richard T. 371-1811 80/Arkansas Lawyer/April 1980
Hall, Harold L. Hall, John W., Jr. Hamilton, Don F. Hamilton, W. P. Hamlin, Frank S. Hamner, Ralph C. Hanf, Ruyle E. Hardage, Albert C. Hardin, L. A. Hargis, David M. Harper, George A., Jr. Harrill, Raymond Harris, Carleton Harris, James Ed Harris, O. Fred Harrison, Fred H. Harrod, Roger B. Hart, Fred, Jr. Hartman, Gary T. Harvey, J. Victor Haskins, John T. Haught, William D. Hawk, Boyce E. Hays, Steeie Haynes, Lloyd R. Hays, Patrick H. Heister, Peter B. Helms, Jr., A. Leon Henderson, E. Dematt Henry, David P. Henry, Donald H. Henry, Robert L. III Henslee, W. E. Hickey, Paul Hilliard, Zenola M. Hirby, Oscar Hogue, L. Lynn Holifield, Larry D. Holland, James D. Hollingsworth, Cyril Hollingsworth, Donald M. Hollingsworth, P.A Hollis, James M. (Jim) Holt, Jack Holt, J. Frank Holt, Jr. Jack Holtzendorff, Frances Hoover, Paul W., Jr. Hopkins, Randolph B. Home, Allan W. House, A. F. Houston, Gaines N. Howard, Dorothy Yancy Howard, Jr., George Howard, J. Roy Howell, Jr., F. J. Howell, Max HUbbell, Webster L. Huckabay, D. Mike Hulen, Charles Mike Irby, Freeman B. Ivester, Hermann Jack, Don T., Jr. Jackson, Cliff Jackson, Fletcher Jackson, Jerry D. Jacobs, David Jacobs, John H. Jacoway, Cooper James, Dennis L.
300 Spring Bldg. #415 12920 Southridge 1550 Tower Building 1950 Union Nat'l Plaza Tower Building Ste 600 1100 Worthen Bk Bldg. 7019 Kingwood Rd. Box 1540 6101 Forblng Rd. 1550 Tower Building 4815 West Markham 2250 First Nat'l Bldg. Justice Building 2000 First Nat'l Bldg. 2405 Dorchester Dr. 810 Tower Bldg. Box 552 607 N. Polk Box 1611 2718 Dorchester Dr. 1690 Union Nat'l Plaza 2200 Worthen Bk Bldg. 600 Tower Bldg. Justice Bldg. Box 1979 1950 Union Nat'l Plaza One Spring St. 21 Colony Road Pyramid Life Bldg. 927 Pyramid Life Bldg. 1550 Tower Building 1500 Union Nal'l Plaza 902 West 2nd Street 1591 First Nat'l Bldg. 209 W. Capitol 5309 Halifax UALR Law School Legislative Council 2000 First Nat'l Bldg. Box 3363 209 W. Capitol, Rm. 36 1191 1st Nat'l Bldg. 1023 North Polk 600 West Markham Justice Bldg. 115 N. State St. 300 Spring Bldg. #615 210 Commercial Nal'l Bldg. 1500 Union Nat'l Bldg. Box 3363 510 Brookside Drive 1210 Tower Bldg. 306 Pul. County Cths. Justice Building 312,5 Main Place 211 Spring St. 211 Spring Street 720 W. Third One Spring St. 1700 First Nal'l Bldg. 344 Riverclift Apts. 2000 First Nal'l Bldg. 1550 Tower Building 2322 First Nat'l Bldg. Box 1229 400 Gaines Place 1714 First Nal'l Bldg. 210 Commerical Nat'l Bldg. Pyramid Life Bldg. Box 404
372-4885 225-9030 375-9153 372-1333 376-4531 375-4754 664-2919 378-5682 663-0881 375-9151 371-3645 372-5578 372-2315 376-2011 371-2268 374-1229 376-4791 372-7168 225-7082 372-2224 371-0808 376-4531 370-5303 375-9143 372-1333 376-2981 227-4952 375-8283 375-3022 375-9151 372-6175 372-2118 372-4200 376-3423 562-3172 371-2268 371-1937 376-2011 376-4731 376-3423 374-3785 663-9026 371-4742 372-3009 376-7770 374-9995 372-4125 372-6175 376-4731 375-4685 374-7360 370-5297 375-2339 372-4144 372-4144 375-9131 376-2981 374-5900 663-0767 376-2011 375-9151 378-7857 378-5451 376-3151 371-0293 372-4125 372-3148 374-4868
James, Gerald W. James, Jerry G. Jefferson, Gary S. Jegley, G. Lawrence Jennings, Alston Jennings, Jr., Alston Jernigan, George 0., Jr. Jernigan, John T. Jewell, W. Horace Johnson, Chartes D. Johnson, III, Ector R. Johnson, James D. Johnson, John L., Jr. Johnson, John L. Johnson, Paul Johnson, Walton T. Jones, Jr., Glenn W. Jones, Henry L., Jr. Jones, J. Fred Jones, Jackson M. Jones, Kenneth Jones, III M. Samuel Jones, Robert Lee Jones, Stephen W. Jones, W. Wilson Kaplan, Philip E Kaufman, David B. Keet, Margaret O. Kelly, Jr., William D. Kelly, William T. Kemp, Hal Joseph Kemp, Joseph C. Kennedy, William H. Kidd, J. L. Kidd, Judson Kilgore, Collins, Jr. Kilpatrick, Jr., Joseph E King, H. Lloyd, Jr. King, Harold Kirkpatrick, Neal B. Knight, W. Jane Koopman, Howard W. Kozinsky, Melva H. Kready, B. J. Kroha, Jr., Daniel J. Kumpe, Peter G. Kumpe, Roy Lamb, Stephen P. Lambright, William Frank Lance, James W. Langston, J. W. Larzelere, Jr., H. T. Laser, Alvin Laser, Sam Lassiter, Jack T. Lavey, John Leatherman, Leland F. Leathers, Timothy James Ledbetter, Jr., Calvin R. Leggett, Thomas P. Leslie, Robert B. Lessenberry, Jack L. Lester, Markham Letzig, Frank, Jr. Lewis, Willis V. Light, Robert V. Liles, Gary F. Lincoln, Charles J. Lindsey, Robert S. Lindsey, Ruth Linville, Carol Ann Lipe, Linda Bon
Box 2181 664-5085 Box 55101 370-5335 378-0505 1700 First Nat. Bldg. 1950 Union Nat. Plaza 372-1333 2200 Worthen Bk. Bldg. 371-0808 2200 Worthen Bk. Bldg. 371-0808 374-2215 1000 Tower Bldg. Courthouse 374-0254 1550 Tower Bldg. 375-9151 Box 2261 569-2271 1970 Union Nat'l Plaza 376-0767 372-6711 801 Union Life Bldg. 300 Spring Bldg. #200 376-1985 2000 Worthen Bk. Bldg. 376-0551 11300 N Rodney Parham227-9292 Box 1442 945-4840 1500 Union Nat. Plaza 372-6175 Box 3393 376-5853 12800 Kanis Rd. 227-6398 Attomey Gen.'s Office 371-2007 22402 Kanis Rd. 227-6803 2200 Worthen Bk. Bldg. 371-0808 10434 W. 36th-20D 227-5346 1550 Tower Bldg. 375-9151 375-9131 720 West Third 955 Tower Building 372-0400 372-3445 1720 First Nat. Bldg. 2200 Worthen Bk. Bldg. 371-0808 375-2236 Box 925 2168 First Nat'l Bldg. 376-6321 1021 Pyramid Life Bldg. 372-7243 372-7243 Pyramid Life Bldg. 375-9131 720 West Third 313 West 2nd 375-9901 313 West 2nd 375-9901 375-1997 904 W. 2nd St. 2000 First Nat. Bldg. 376-2011 8101 Cantrell, #802 375-9143 411 E.6th 375-3307 Atty. General's Office 371-2007 375-1802 Courthouse #301 #8 Misty Court 661-4685 904 West 2nd Street 372-1133 3201 W. Roosevell Rd. 375-9143 1713 First Nat'l Bldg. 375-3747 2200 Worthen Bk. Bldg. 371-0808 664-7100 7610 Choctaw P.O. Box 1775 376-6060 1950 Union Nat'l Bldg. 372-1333 300 Spring Bldg. #800 376-9997 400 Amer Fd Life Bldg. 374-8203 2000 First Nat" Bldg. 376-2011 376-2981 One Spring St. One Spring St. 376-2981 800 Tower Bldg. 376-6173 376-2269 904 W. Second Box 71 376-3021 P.O. Box 1272 371-2451 3230 Ozark 372-7333 2000 First Nat'l Bldg. 376-2011 1095 Union Nat'l Plaza 374-7582 807 W. Third 372-4040 663-9201 113 Ridgeway 1500 Old Forge 225-6110 Second & Arch Sts. 375-4671 2000 First Nat. Bldg. 376-2011 376-4531 600 Tower Bldg. 375-9151 Tower Bldg. #1550 2200 Worthen Bk. Bldg. 371-0808 6111 Ridgecrest Drive 663-1382 1405 Kavanaugh 666-1508 312 Midland 375-9143
Lofton, Floyd J. Lorenzo, Thelma M. Love, Boyce R. Lovett, Tom F. Lovett, Jr., Tom S. Lowe, Jr., Chester C. Lowery, Robert L. Lowry, Robert C. Lucy, Gladys M. Luker, Joe C., Jr. Lusk, Jr., George E. Lyon, Philip K. Mackey, B. Frank, Jr. Mackey, Diane S. Madden, Joe E Magruder, R. Jack, III Malcom, Phil Mallory, George L. Marks, Leon Marshall, Terrell Martin, Susan Fox Martin, Ward Martindale, Everett O. Mathews, Terry L. Mathis, Lewis H. Matthews, C. D. Matthews, Gail O. Matthews, John E Matthews, K. L. May, Ronald A. Mayes, S. Hubert Mayes, S. Hubert, Jr. Mays, P. Douglas Mays, Richard L. Mays, Robin Lafferty Mazzanti, Eugene McAdams, Herbert H., Jr. McAdams, Hall, III McAdams, Letty C. McArthur, William C. McCain, Lloyd B. McCain, Susan McCaskill, Austin McCaskill, Austin, Jr. McCaskill, Martha Miller McClain, James E, Jr. McCloy, Clifford, Jr. McCrary, Christy B. McCright, Lewis R. McDermott, Donald G. R. McDermott, Harry E., Jr. McDonald, Julie W. McFaddin, Ed F. McGehee, Abner McHaney, James M. McHaney, James M., Jr. McHenry, Robert M., Jr. Mcinnis, E Winton McKinley, Lester A. McKnight, Woodrow B. McMath, James Bruce McMath, Phillip H. McMath, Sidney S. McMinn, Ben C. Means, H. N., III Means, Paul N., Jr. Measler, Mary Meek, Harry E Meeks, Wm. Russell, III
1741 First Nat'l Bldg. 371-0333 3 Queens Court 565-2661 2000 First Nat'l Bldg. 376-2011 372-n71 2324 First Nat'l Bldg. 1550 Tower Bldg. 375-9151 300 Spring Bldg. #1010 376-6801 1700 First Nat'l Bldg. 372-5316 1200 Boyle Bldg. 375-7315 2624 N. Grant 664-3396 1550 Tower Bldg. 375-9151 2200 Worthen Bk. Bldg. 371-0808 1550 Tnwer Bldg. 375-9151 376-0767 1970 Union Nat'l Bk. Box 3684 378-5969 110 Crystal Court City Atty. City Hall 371-4527 2000 First Nat'l Bldg. 376-2011 2200 Hidden Dr. Ste 7 376-9953 2919 North Fillmore 372-0400 Pyramid Life Building 372-7069 2200 Worthen Bk. Bldg. 371-0808 Rt. 4 Box 804 888-2903 10121 Rodney Parham 224-4000 2200 Worthen Bldg. 371-0808 1st Nat'l Bldg. 20th FI. 376-2011 Box 1276 372-0399 Box 2259 378-0717 372-0090 Box 404 401 Union Life Bldg. 376-8363 2200 Worthen Bldg. 371-0808 1819 N. Harrison 663-3514 2248 First Nat. Bldg. 375-9952 Paramount Life Bldg. 3rd FI 376-8060 Justice Building 372-0941 Justice Bldg.-WCC 372-3930 #1 Spring St. Ste 310 374-0202 Box 1541 378-4000 Box 1541 378-4000 600 Tower Bidg. 376-4531 800 Tower Bldg. 376-6173 Box 2900 372-5000 720 Ash 663-3492 1500 Union Nat. Plaza 372-6175 1500 Union Nat. Plaza 372-6175 Union Nat. Bk. Trust Dept. 378-4229 376-3151 400 Gaines Place 375-9342 Box 751 UALR School of Law 371-2288 4942 W. Markham 663-2066 1200 W. Third St. 378-5571 Union Life Bldg. 374-3773 2300 Rebsamen Pk. Rd. A116 371-2007 2 Lombardy Lane 663-4803 201 Pyramid Life Bldg. 374-4659 1902 First Nat. Bldg. 372-3466 1902 First Nat. Bldg. 372-3466 700 Tower Bldg. 372-3425 1100 Worthen Bk. Bldg. 372-6744 1101 Pine valley Rd. 1305 Biscayne Dr. 225-3289 376-3021 Box 71 Box 71 376-3021 Box 71 376-3021 P.O. Box 2438 372-5007 401 Union Life Bldg. 374-7442 814 North Pine St. 663-1520 611 Spruce St. 663-1610 819 N. Ash 663-0949 Attorney Gen.'s Office 371-2007 April 1980/Arkansas Lawyer/81
Cantrell & Cedar Hill 663-2435 2140 First Nat. Bldg. 376-0353 2200 Worthen Bk. Bldg. 371-0808 4120 W. Markham 664-4808 Ste.3oo 600 Tower Bldg. 376-4531 Miller, Wm. S., Jr. Mitchell, H. Maurice Ste 400 Gaines Place 376-3151 1014 West 3rd 378-7870 Mitchell, Michael W. Mitchell, William S. 1200 Boyle Bldg. 375-7315 Molock, Dennis R. Affy. General's Office 371-2007 300 Spring Bldg. Moody, Edward O. Ste. 512 376-2888 2200 Worthen Bldg. 371-0808 Moody, James M. Moore, Boyce F. P.O. Box 3688 400 American Fd. Moore, Dewey, Jr. Life Bldg. 374-8203 2200 Worthen Bk. Bldg. 371-0808 Moore, H. Clay 1st Nat. Bldg. 20th FI. 376-2011 Moore, James W. 375-9901 Moore, Richard N., Jr. 313 West Second St. 371-4288 Moran, D. Pat Box 551 Muldrow, Lee J. 2200 Worthen Bk. Bldg. 371-0808 Munns, Michael D. 918 Garland 375-3236 # 1 Spring St. 376-2981 Munson, Bruce E. U of A Law School 371-2268 Murphy, James W. 2248 First Nat. Bldg. 375-9952 Murray, Waller A. Murry, Ike 1960 Union Nat. Plaza 374-6453 565-1551 Nance, Donald W. 32 Westmont Circle 375-9131 Nash, William 720 W. 3rd 11210 Shenandoah Nelson, E. Sheffield Valley Dr. 372-6241 1550 Tower BLDG. 375-9151 Nestrud, Charles R. Newbern, David Justice Bldg. 370-5301 912 Univ. Towers Bldg. 664-7377 Newbery, Susan A. 372-5577 1700 First Nat. Bldg. Newcomb, Robert A. Nicholson, Paul J. 1700 First Nat. Bldg. 378-0330 376-2011 1st Nat'l Bldg. 20th FI Nisbet, A. Wyckliff, Jr. Box 1510 378-7870 Nixon, Dana D. 371-1370 Nixon, Walter W., III 3000 Kavanaugh Nixon, William R., Jr. 1955 Union Nat'l Plaza 376-6291 371-1177 Northcutt, Herrn P.O. Box 2981 1520 S. Broadway 376-3953 Nussbaum, Alan J. 375-4605 Oberlag, Kaye S. 400 W. Markham St. Oberlag, Randal K. 1516 Broadway 375-1786 1700 First Nat'l Bldg. 374-5654 O'Brien, Richard D. O'Daniel, Gene Box 2153 378-0385 1950 Union Nafl Plaza 372-1333 O'Hara, James F. Afly. Gen. Office 371-2007 O'Malley, Michael C. 371-2336 O'Neal, Peggy Box 2940 214 Prospect Bldg. 664-0021 Orintas, Richard J. First Nat'l Bank, 5th FI. 371-7301 Orr, Wm. S., III 1st Nan Bldg. 20th Fl. 376-2011 Orsini, David A. 300 Spring Bldg. #200 376-1985 Osterloh, Henry J. 1091 Rrst National Bldg. 378-0001 Overlbey, Thomas Overstreet, William D. 1550 Tower Building 375-9151 Overton, William R. Box 1540 378-5682 720 W. Third 375-9131 Owen, Charles C. Owen, William L. 400 Gaines Place 376-3151 1500 Tower Building Owings, Anne E. 375-9151 Packard, Curtis V. 35 Belmont Dr. 565-2423 Parker, Mike O. Box 3363 376-4731 Palten, Gerland P. 1095 Union Nat'l Bldg. 374-7582 Patton, Jimmy D. BCBS, 6th & Gaines 378-2375 Box 1504 661-4885 Palterson, William H. Patton, Wm. L., Jr. 1st Nat'l Bldg. 20th FI. 376-2011 Pafly, Claibourne W. 610 Pyramid Life Bldg. 372-2219 UALR Law School Pafly, Claibourne W., Jr. -AICLE 371-2268 512-300 Spring Bldg. 376-2888 Peace, John B. 666-7371 Pearson, Hazel Bob One Betsy Lane 602 Union Life Bldg. 374-5511 Pence, B. Jeff Penick, Ed M. Worthen Bank 5th FI. 378-1414 Perroni, Samuel A. 115 N. State St. 376-7707 82/Arkansas Lawyer/April 1980
Mehaffy, Pat Mehlburger, Max C. Menz, David F. Mickel, A. Delbert, Jr.
Pike, George E., Jr. Plastiras, George N. Plegge, John B. Plowman, Norvell, Jr. Polk, Joe A. Powell, David M. Price, N. Dale Price, Stanley E. Proctor, George Prudhomme, M. Edwin Pruitt, Manuel L. Pulliam, Janet L. Purtle, John I. Purvis, Joseph H. Quiggle, Richard Ragsdale, Philip Rahn, Bill Raines, John W. Raney, A. Tucker Rather, Gordon S., Jr. Rauls, Stanley D. Ray, J. Thomas Ray, Middleton P., Jr. Rea, William C. Rebsamen, Don R. Redden, P. Michael Remmel, Augustus C. Reynolds, A. Jack Reynolds, Charles W. Rhodes, James R., III Rice, James H., Jr. Richardson, F. Eugene Richardson, Janis A. Riddick, Walter G. Riffel, Riddick Riggs, Steve L. Ritchey, Anne P. Roachell, Richard W. Roaf, Andree L. Roberson, Fred, Jr. Roberts, Chartes L. Roberts, Taylor R. Robinson, Robert L., Jr. Robinson, Wanda McKamy Rodham, Hillary Rogers, James M. Rogers, Judith Rosen, Louis Ross, Joseph Ross, Mark L. Ross, Robert D. Ross, Robert R. Rosteek, Louis W. Rotenberry, Burl C. Rowland, Ben D., Jr. Roy, Elsijane T. Rule, Herlbert C., III Russell, James S., III Ryan, Don S. Rybum, Michael E. Sanders, Roy Gene Saxton. James M. Sayes, James M. Sayre, Eugene G. Schay, AI Schlumberger, Charles L. Scott, Bob &:ott, Isaac A., Jr. Scott, Leonard L. Scott, Mary L. Selig, John S. Sellars, Rick
376-2011 1st Nat'l Bldg. 20th FI. 376-4731 Box 3363 1004 Pyramid Lite Bldg. 374-5612 Plaza West Bldg. #590 661-1500 376-2981 One Spring St. 371-0808 2200 Worthen Bldg. 372-4144 211 Spring 375-9131 720 W. 3rd 378-5342 25 Huntington Rd. 376-8888 Box 161 1100 Worthen Bk. Bldg. 372-4440 374-3785 11911st Nat'l Bldg. 375-8414 Justice Building 371-2007 Affy. General's Office 1114 Worthen Bk. Bldg. 375-2963 376-3757 308 Commercial Nart. 209 W. Cap~ol, Ste 36 376-3423 374-7436 Box 470 376-2011 2000 Rrst Nat. Bldg. 2200 Worthen Bldg. 371-0808 Box 706 375-2301 2000 Worthen Bldg. 372-5000 Box 2900 376-3322 1700 First Nafl Bldg. 372-3930 Justice Bldg. WCC 2200 Hidden Valley Dr. 224-8800 372-9103 1010 West 3rd St. 2913 Imperial Valley Dr. 225-6422 375-4685 1210 Tower Bldg. 372-4200 1591 1st Nat'l Bldg. 371-7346 First Nafl Bk. 5th FI. 8023 Chicot Rd. 568-0955 912 Univ. Towers Bldg. 664-7377 378-5200 Box 1229 372-7243 Pyramid Life Building 375-9151 1550 Tower Bldg. 378-5521 Box 429 1014 West Third St. 378-7870 1850 Union Nat'l Plaza 372-4623 371-0550 18 Brookview Dr. 375-5566 1515 Bldg. Ste. 600 384 Prospect Bldg. 664-8658 375-9151 1550 Tower Bldg. 200 Arch St. 720 West Third SI. 375-9131 1902 First National Bldg. 372-3466 663-6812 3201 West Roosevell Box 1555 374-2042 842 Donaghey Bldg. 374-4211 374-4211 842 Donaghey Bldg. 401-300 Spring Bldg. 375-9947 Attorney Gen.'s Office 371-3663 374-7442 401 Union Life Bldg. 224-6427 2001 Shumate Dr. 300 Spring, Ste 604 375-3384 Box 3255 378-5866 375-9131 720 West 3rd 2000 Rrst Nafl Bldg. 376-2011 313 West Second St. 375-9901 1800 Worthen Bank Bldg. Box 2259 378-0717 2000 First Nat'l Bldg. 376-2011 2324 First Nat'l Bldg. 372-7771 Ste. 400 Gaines Place 376-3151 1917 Spring 376-2970 2200 Worthen Bk. Bldg. 371-0808 918 Garland 375-3236 2200 Worthen Bldg. 371-0808 600 Tower Bldg. 376-4531 1 Crestmont St. Ste. 400 Gaines Place 376-3151 602 Union Life Bldg. 374-5511
Sewall, Frank B. Shamburger, John K. Sharp, Jacob, Jr. Shemin, Kenneth R. Sherman, Wm. F. Simpson, Harold H., II Simpson, James M., Jr. Simpson, William R., Jr. Sims, M.J. Singleton, Chas. R. Sipes, Stephen C. Skelton, Waner L. Skipper, Michael A Skokos, Theodore C. Sloan, James L. Sloan, Ralph M., Jr. Smith, George Rose Smith, G. Ross Smith, Griffin Smith, H. Vann Smith, James E, Jr. Smith, James, H. Smith, Michael V. Smith, Robert D., III Smith, Wm. J. Solloway, Lanny K. Southem, Byron S. Sowell, Emest H. Spears, James W. Spencer, Mary Ann Spies, Frederic K. Spinks, Hugh F., Jr. Spitzberg, Henry E Spivey, John Wm., III Spradley, J. Mark Stafford, Logan S. Staley, Thomas B. Stanfield, Paul Wesley Stein, Norman Steinkamp, Richard B. Stephenson, Martha S. Stewart, Gale Stittsworth, Karen K. Stockburger, Jean Dawson Stockley, Griffin J. Stone, Thomas S. Storey, James D. Storey, O. H., III Stringfellow, William R. Strock, Douglas R. Strother, Martha L. StrOUd, John F. StUbblefield, H. B. Sutton, Wm. H. Swindell, James F. Talley, Neva N. Taylor, Thomas N. Tarlowski, Louis Tarvin, W. Edward Tatum, Allyn C. Taylor, Jimmy D. Tenney, A Leigh Terai, Cheryl J. Terry, Wm. L. Thalheimer, Lee Thomas, Jack C. Thomas, Lindsay C. Thomas R. Christopher Thompson, Michael G. Thompson, Reed W. illy, R. Bryan Tisdale, John R.
Univ. Tower Bldg. #400 300 Spring Bldg. #401 One Spring St. 720 W. Third St. 504 Pyramid Life Bldg. 400 Gaines Place 2000 First Nat'l Bidg. 3001 Roosevelt Rd. 701 Union Life Bldg. Box 2038 1908 Biscayne Dr. 1021 Pyramid Life Bidg. 700 Tower Bldg. 400 Gaines Place 1100 Worthen Bk. Bldg. Worthen Bk. Int'l Dept. Sup. Ct. Justice Bldg. First Nat'l Bldg. 20th FI. 1955 Union Nat'l Plaza 1000 Tower Bldg. Box 2381 2311 Biscayne Dr. 2901 High Street 1000 Tower Bldg. 2000 First Nat'l Bldg. 2224 "C" South Main 319 West 2nd 224 W. 16th UALR Law School 209 W. Capitol Ste 36 UALR Law School 1735 Tower Bldg. Ste 400 Gaines Place 2200 Worthen Bk. Bldg. Box 3363 2148 First Nat'l Bldg. 1550 Tower Bldg. 1550 Tower Bldg. UALR Law School 720 W. Third 4720 Club Rd. Box 3375 UALR Law Library Ste. 400 Gaines Place 209 W. Capitol #36 Box 3363 2200 Worthen Bldg. 210 Commercial Natl 1500 Riveriront Drive Box 5343 One Spring St. Justice Bldg. Worthen Bk. Bldg. 2000 First Nat. Bldg. 1609 Union Nat. Plaza 722 West Markham 73 Warwick Quapaw Towers, 6-H 1850 Union Nat'l Plaza WCC Justice Bldg. 2250 First Nat'l Bldg. P.O. Box 68 Box 1277 2000 First Nat'l Bldg. One Spring SI. Worthen Bk. & Trust 200 Union Life Bldg. 115 N. State 2000 First Nat'l Bldg. 1515 Bldg. #514 5219 Stonewall Rd. 2200 Worthen Bk. Bldg.
371-1811 375-9947 376-2981 375-9131 372-3148 376-3151 376-2011 661-4685 374-9992 371-2495 372-7243 372-3425 376-3151 372-2497 378-1369 372-0230 376-2011 376-6291 374-2215 378-6357 227-5400 374-2215 376-2011 372-5123 374-4868 375-7676 371-2268 376-3423 371-2268 372-0266 376-3151 371-0B08 376-4731 372-3382 375-9151 375-9151 371-2268 375-9131 666-0589 371-1071 376-3151 376-3432 376-4731 371-0808 372-4125 661-0218 376-2981 372-2315 372-2121 376-2011 372-2224 372-2756 376-9384 372-4823 372-3930 371-0444 374-1572 376-2011 376-2981 378-1229 375-9187 372-2344 376-2011 371-8129 371-2441 371-0B08
Tomlinson, Don E Townsend, A. E., Jr. Townsend, Willis Trice, William H., III Trimble, N. Walls Tucker, J. G. Tuohey, John T. Ursery, Frederick S. Vehik, Joan L. Villines, Floyd G. Walker, John W. Walker, Pamela D. Walker, W. J. Walker, Woodson D. Wallace, James R. Walloch, Richard L. Walsh, Robert K. Waiton, Gus B., Jr. Warren, Eugene R. Warren, Joyce Williams Watson, Emest S. Watson, John D. Watt, William W. Watts, Louis I. Weber, Harlan A. Weber, Raymond A Webber, Susan Weinberg, Susan M. Weltchek, Andrew Whetstone, Bernard P. Whetstone, Bud B. Whitbeck, Frank B. Whitbeck, Frank L. Whitmore, Perry V. Wiihelm, Jack M. Wilkins, James H., Jr. Williams, David L. Williams, John T. Williams, Richard A. Williams, W. J., Jr. Williamson, Imogene M. Williamson, J. Gaston Wilson, Lavona Marie Wilson, Philip M. Wilson, Raiph R. Wilson, Robert L. Wilson, Robert M. Wilson, William R., Jr. Windle, Don R. Windsor J. Gayle, Jr. Witt, Dave E Wood, Robert Jr. Wood, Warren E Wood, Daniel Woods, Henry Woodyard, Wm. H. L. Wright, Edward L., Jr. Wright, Robert R., III Yancey, H. Lawrence Young, Elizabeth G. Young, Jack Yowell, Marsha R. zakrzewski, Wayne LONOKE-72086 Burnett, James O. Clark, Elizabeth G. Jenkins, Faber D. Walls, Charles A, Jr. LOWELL-72745 Matthews, David R. MABELVALE-72103 Mason, Ronald J.
1901 Pine Valley Rd. 371-2007 5604 Country Club 224-1700 106 Riviera Bldg. 666-5436 211 Spring St. 372-4144 602 Union Life Bldg. 374-5511 2148 1st. Nat'i Bldg. 372-3382 1500 Union Nat'l Plaza 372-6175 2000 First Nat'l Bldg. 376-2011 1821 North Tyler St. 412 Fountain 376-1676 1191 First National Bldg. 374-3758 955 Tower Building 372-3363 Box 946 376-2382 1850 Union Nat'l Plaza 372-4623 1118 Worthen Bk. Bldg. 375-7321 204 Prospect Bldg. 664-6152 UALR School of Law 371-2268 2200 Worthen Bk. Bldg. 371-0808 1014 West Third 374-9292 1916 South Pine Street 661-2390 Box 1681 FABCO 378-1425 First Nat'l Bldg. 20th FI. 376-2011 1005 Boyle Bldg. 9615 Cerelle 225-7148 1004 Pyramid Life Bldg. 374-5612 762-Prospect Bldg. 664-6152 UALR School of Law 371-2268 11 Lawrence Drive 227-8038 2101 S. Main 376-7781 400 Tower Bldg. 376-3564 400 Tower Bldg. 376-3564 1128 Savers Bldg. 372-5525 1741 First Nat'l Bldg. 372-5512 Pul Cty. Courthouse 372-8424 5B08 Country Club So. 720 West Third 375-9131 Atty. Gen.'s Office 371-2007 1st. Nat. Bldg. 20th FI. 376-2011 Ste. 400 Gaines Place 376-3151 2200 Worthen Bldg. 371-0808 207 Donaghey Bldg. 372-1586 720 West Third St. 375-9131 1705 West 23rd St. 1690 Union Nat'l Plaza 372-2224 One Spring St. 376-2981 1500 Stephanie Dr. 1950 Union Nat. Plaza 372-1333 Box 71 375-6453 11390 NHodney Parham 224-0242 1040 Tower Buiiding 372-4208 Pyramid Life Bldg. #615 374-6449 10215 Raymond Dr. 224-70BO 1004 Pym. Life Bldg. 374-5612 Box 1676 372-1111 376-3021 Box 71 Univ. Tower Bldg. #400 371-1811 2200 Worthen Bldg. 371-0808 UALR Law School 371-2268 1550 Tower Building 375-9151 18 E Palisades Dr. 664-2627 One Spring St. 376-2981 209 W. Capitol Rm 36 376-3423 612 Pyramid Life Bldg. 374-7411 Box 153 8 Ponderosa Box 248 10W, West Front
676-3131 676-2337 676-6237 676-2325
Box 38
Box 361 565-9665 April 1980/Arkansas Lawyer/83
MAGNOLlA-71753 Anderson, E. M Bell, Ronny J. Chambers, Melvin T. Chambers, Rodney T. Chandler, Larry Choate, Richard L. Clegg, Carolyn J. Clegg, Elliott L. Clegg, Oliver M. Crumpler, Paul C. Dodson, Floyd Mac Eckert, William A Eckert, III, W. A Epley, Michael G. Finnegan, William T. Jennings, Bill F. Kinard, M. Mike Larey, Lance L.
Box 701 Box 701 Box 157 Box 157 Box 66 Box 66 Drawer A 20 1 McAlister Drawer "A" Drawer A Box 701 Box 727 Drawer A. Drawer A
Thomason, Winston B. Woodville, Mark Woodward, Joe D.
Box 727 Box 701 Box "B" Box 727 P.O. Box 1318 So. Ark. Univ. Box 642 Drawer J Box 727
MALVERN-72104 Bryant, J. Winston Gilliam, William C. Glover, David Mac Glover, Dorsey D. Glover, Lawson E. Glover, William H. McClure, George L. Spears, Donald M. Stanley, Fenton Walthall, G. Chris
124 West 2nd 112 Second SI. Box 454 Box 516 Box 454 1661 Circle Dr. Box 400 726 East Page 315 W. Third Box 454
MARIANNA-72360 Cahoon, David W. Box 646 Daggett, Doddridge M. Box 646 Daggett, Jesse B. Box 646 Daggett, J. J. Box 646 Daggett, W. H. Box 646 Donovan. Robert J. Box 267 Felton, III, Daniel H. 100 Gerrard Bldg. Neal, Oily, Jr. 33 N. Poplar SI. Ray, Carrold E. P.O. Box 267 Reed, Stanley E. Box 634 VanDover, James R. P.O. Box 646 MARKED TREE-72365 Dabney, M. Burk Box 395 MARSHALL-7265O Daniel, James W. Box 16 P.O. Box 147 Patterson, Jerry D. McCRORY-72101 Peacock, Joe N. 106 W. Second McGEHEE-71654 Ferguson, Gibbs Drawer 650 Hubbell, Billy J. Box 381 Smith, James N. Box 381 Smith. Robert M. Box 381 MELBOURNE-72556 Dellinger, L. Gray P.O. Box 246 Box 467 Dunaway, Forrest E. Attorney-At-Law Wiley, W.G. MENA-71953 507 Hickory SI. Boudreaux, Phillip B. Hardegree, Joe H. 507 Hickory Drawer 229 Keeter, Bob Maddox, J. David 405 Mena SI. Shaw, Nabors P.O. Box 27 Drawer 229 Stoker, James D. 64/Arkansas Lawyer/April 1960
234-6100 234-6100 234-1692 234-1692 234-1036 234-1036 234-3550 234-3550 234-3550 234-6100 234-4727 234-3550 234-3550 234-4727 234-6100 234-6565 234-4727 234-5120 234-1571 234-6110 234-4727 332-5213 332-5061 332-5541 332-2788 332-5541 332-3395 332-2777 332-6931 332-6371 332-5541 295-3434 295-3434 295-3434 295-3434 295-3434 295-3478 295-5275 295-2576 295-3476 295-2273 295-3434 356-2605 446-5252 448-5112 731-2547 222-6660 222-3456 222-3456 222-3456 366-4317 368-4314 366-4373 394-4262 394-4262 394-1735 394-6060 394-1061 394-1735
MONTICELLo-71655 Ball, William K. Bird, Samuel N. Bond, Clifton Daniels, Jr. William R. Johnson, Norman Keith Lonsberry, Michael W. Ross, Don H. Ross, James A Ross, James A, Jr. Wellen berger, Robert B. Williamson, Adrian MORRILTON-72110 Cambiano, George J. Cree, W. J., Jr. Eddy, Charles H. Gordon, Edward Allen Gordon, Jr., Edward Gordon, Nathan G. Loh, III, Phillip H. Massey, Edmund M. Rowell, Felver A., Jr. Yates, Howard C. MT.IDA-71957 Bames, Harold M.
Box 507 Box 507 360 E. Shelton Ave. Box 723 622 Knollwood Street Box 507 Box 209 105 E. Shelton, P.O. Box 209 P.O. Box 209 203 N. Slemmons Box 771 Box 779
367-6266 367-6266 367-5366 367-2340 367-3475 367-6286 367-5351
106 S. Moose 108 South Moose Box 186 Box 558 Box 556 Box 556 Box 190 Box 190 P.O. Box 357 Box 190
354-2471 354-2471 354-2146 354-0125 354-0125 354-0125 354-1505 354-1505 354-3666 354-1505
367-5351 367-5351 367-2340 367-3395
Mountain Harbour
Resort Ford, Gayle Box 226 McKimm, William Harry 135 Elder SI. Box 677 Peterson, John Wm. Box 655 MOUNTAIN HOME-72653 5th & Baker Streets Atkins, James W. Bailey, Frank H. 310 First Nat'l Plaza Camey, Leo J. 511 S. Main Crain, John A. Box 351 Cunningham, Edward J. 701 S. Church SI. Danuser, Roy E. 510 South Baker 926 Springbranch Rd. Dixon, Philip R. Engeler, Gordon F., Jr. Seventh and South Gearhart, Van A Box 370 Huckaba, Frank J. Box 370 Johnson, James C. 7th & South Kincade, Ronald P. 701 S. Church Nelson, Richard F. 511 Main SI. Osmon, David L. Box 724 Paden, Richard S. 310 First National Plaza Poynter, Terry M. 123 E. Seventh Sanders, Ted H. 7th & South Sts. Spencer, Frederick S. 409 East Sixth Strother, Lane H. P.O. Box 724 Drawer F. Vandegrift, Charles F. Wilber, Norman C. 119 East 6th SI. Wright, Nell Powell Cty. Courthouse MT. VIEW-72560 Kemp, Jr., John Dan Box 329 MURFREESBORo-71958 Featherston, Jimmy Lee Box 296 Graves, James C. Box 156 Hile, Lindell Courthouse Square NASHVILLE-71852 Clardy. Floyd, III Box 54B Darling, Peter R. 437 N. Main DaVis, Richard H. RI. 5, Box 46 B Steel, George E. Box 56 Steel, George E., Jr. 102 North Main Steel, Jim Bob Box 548 120 North Main Wharton, Wm. L. NEWPORT-72112 Allen, B. Richard Box 601 Bengel, W. H. 223 Ash Bowie, Max O. 110 Main
667-2221 667-3112 667-2162 667-3141 425-6951 425-6041 425-6354 425-6951 425-8454 425-5121 425-2166 425-2126 425-2196 425-2196 425-3139 425-6454 425-6354 425-6636 425-6041 425-2196 425-2126 425-6964 425-8636 425-2101 425-3010 425-5500 269-6989 265-3122 265-3713 265-4011 645-4532 645-5060 645-4659 645-1670 645-3355 645-4532 645-5604 523-3626 523-2926 523-6549
Boyce, Sam H, 110 Main 523-3626 Boyce, Wayne 209 Walnut 523-6751 Carlyle, Gerald W. Box 622 523-8938 Erwin, Harold S. Box 70 523-6549 Hartsfield, Larry J. 412 Third St. 523-9846 Hodges, David A. 4 Dogwood Drive 523-6791 Hodges, Kaneaster, Jr. 307 Main St. 523-6791 Hout, Phillip D. Box 8 523-3677 Howard, Steven G. Box 8 523-3677 James, Joseph P. Box 741 523-6516 McLarty, James A., III 209 Walnut St. 523-6751 Newton, William L. P.O. Box 623 523-9892 Pickens, Fred M., Jr. 209 Walnut 523-6751 Ponder, Andrew G. Circuit Judge 523-2975 Simmons, David B. Box 623 523-9892 Thaxton, Marvin Box 8 523-3677 Watson, Tim F. 209 Walnut 523-6751 Box 741 Winningham, Ronald L. 523-6516 N. UTILE ROCK-72114-72119 Adametz, John H. 109 East A. Street 753-5866 Allen, Henry A. 2500 McCain Blvd. #103 758-1058 Babb, D. M. 2504 McCain Place #203 753-0555 Baker, Darryl E 2500 McCain Place #103 758-1056 Bell, Harvey L. 1319 Starfield 371-1011 Benton, William Evans 525 TCB Bldg. 372-2236 Berry, J. Harrod 123 West Seventh 374-9932 Bingham, John B. 3001 J.F.K. Blvd. 758-9037 Blevins, William B. 324 Professional Bldg. 758-3131 Bogard, Byron R. Box 5572 374-7176 Bosshart, Fred E 1819 North Main 753-5375 Calhoun, Ken # 1 Riverfront Place 6th FI. 372-0110 Capps, Paul D. 4601 North Hills Blvd. 756-4553 Carpenter, Charles L. 1405 Main St. 374-1364 Carpenter, C. Larry, Jr. 1405 Main St. 374-1364 Clark, Andrew L. 106 East 4th St. 375-2388 Clayton, John R. #1 Riverfront Place 6th FI. 372-0110 Cole, J. C. 2900 Percy Machin Dr. 756-3320 Combs, Delia # 1 Riverfront PI #620 372-7301 Combs, Rodney E. 5009 Walnut Dahlgren, Richard B. 1903 Arrowhead Davis, Steven 3701 G, McCain Park Dr. Dawson, Bob 7603 Sylvan Hills Hwy. 634-1269 Dittrich, George Robert Box 5670 756-2436 Downing, Richard C. 2500 McCain Place, #103 756-1056 East, III, Jack 2500 McCain, Ste 103 756-1056 Eaton, Jim #1 Riverfront Place, #525 372-2236 Fields, Branch T. 3501 Lakeview Rd. 753-0362 Forster, John #1 Riverfront Place, #650 372-0110 Govar, Robert J. 11 Greer Road 635-6356 Grace, David A. 2500 McCain Place, #103 756-1056 Green, Gary L. 4915 J.F.K. Blvd. 753-6048 Hale, David L. 4801 N. Hills Blvd. 756-4553 Hale, Milas H. 4801 N. Hills Blvd. 756-4553 Hamilton, Jim 106 East 7th 371-0122 Hankins, Stuart W. Box 5670 756-2438 Hardin, G. Robert 2500 McCain BlVd., #103 756-1058 Harper, Jr., Emest H. #1 Riverfront PI., 6th FI. 372-0110 Hemingway, Charles W. 6212 Allwood Dr. Herrod, E H. 2900 Percy Machin Dr. 756-3320 Hicks, Basil V., Jr. Box 5670 756-2436 Hilburn, Sam # 1 Riverfront Place 372-0110
Hollis, James M, Hoofman, Clifton H. Howell, F. J., Jr. Hurley, RUby E Jones, Michael R. Kubicek, C. James Lee, Russell Wayne Levi, Robert O. McLees, Milton Madden, Harold W. May, James M., III Montgomery, Sam Moore, Marlene S. Morley, Dean R. Morley, Steve Morphew, Gary Joe Munday, John L. Napper, Steve Nash, Jim R. Nelson, Shelton R. Patterson, Ralph M. Pierce, Robert L. Pruniski, John E., III Raia, Philip Reed, Murray O. Robinson, William S. Roddey, Robert L. Sirmans, David Edward Smith, C. Byron, Jr. Smith, Charles E Stanley, James W. Stodola, Mark A. Stuenkel, Arthur H. Suggs, Kenneth Sykes, A. Gene Tanner, Homer Thurman, John B. Tullos, Ronald R. Vaughn, Scott Thomas Wallace, Larry C. Welch, Morgan E, Jr. Whitwell, Stephen E. Wilson, zachary D. Wood, M. Doug, Jr. Woods, James Wm. Wools, Russell J. Zimmerman, Don A. OSCEOLA-72370 Banks, Charles A. Bearden, Michael R. Burnett, C. David Fergus, William L. Gibson, Michael L. Hyatt, Jr., James E Levenstein, Malcolm, B. Lynch, Jr., Claude E Moore, Janet K. Moore, Mitchell D. Rhodes, J. W. Taylor, D. Fred, Jr. Wilson, R. E. Wilson, Ralph E, Jr. OZARK-72949 Gleason, II, George G. King, A. Jack King, Neva B. McKenzie, Gregory P. Mainard, James C.
Box 397 3001 J.F.K. Blvd. Rt. 1 Box 148-A 3001 J.F.K. Blvd. 1905 Broken Arrow Dr. 550 Edgewood Dr., #104 4915 J.F.K. Blvd. 13 W. Avalon Dr. P.O. Box 387 108 East 4th 1 Riverfront Place 405 West 5th #2 Elks Point 200 Pershing Blvd. 4915 J.F.K. Blvd. 3001 J.F.K. Blvd. 21 05 Cedar Creek 2500 McCain Place Ste 103 1506 Lakewood House 27 Houston Dr. 2900 Percy Machin Dr. 324 Professional Bldg. 850 Twin City Bk Bldg. 5408 Randolph Rd. 4920 Lakeview Rd. 324 Professional Bldg. 650 TCB Bldg. 1 Riverfront PI, #660 Box 24 #1 Riverfront PI. 324 Professional Bldg. 2222 Main Street 2500 McCain Blvd., Ste 103 2500 McCain Place, Ste 201 1013 W. A P.O. Box 777 4801 N. Hills Blvd. 2222 Main Street #1 Riverfront Place #1 Riverfront Place 2900 Percy Machin Dr. 3001 J.F.K. Blvd. Box 5670 2500 McCain Blvd.-103 25 Pine Tree Loop #6 Nicklaus Drive Box 36
756-7907 756-2444 374-6405 758-1254 756-0664 372-0110 372-0110 758-8000 753-7723 756-2436 758-1056 758-0777 851-2876 758-1610
Box 966 Box 666 Box 704 Box 965 Box 666 Box 336 207 Marjorie, South Box 541 401 West Hale Box 567 119 East Hale Ave. 113 E Hale, Box 6 Box 306 P.O. Box 308
563-3213 563-3700 563-3211 563-3506 563-3700 563-2913 563-2719 563-5759 563-5252 563-5252 563-2062 563-6553 563-6554 563-6554
758-9037 372-3930 753-7723 851-1110 753-6048 753-8487 376-4106 372-0110 374-2518 835-3344 753-3828 753-6048 758-4070 835-8144 758-1058 771-1442 635-5271 756-6000 756-3131 372-0110 753-2522 756-3131 372-0110 371-1247 375-9169 372-0110. 756-3132 756-0664 758-1058
667-2161 Box 196 Box 266 667-4721 667-4721 Box 266 Box 197 667-2151 110 West Commercial 667-2155 April 1960/Arkansas Lawyer/85
Turner, Lonnie C. 110 Commercial Yates, Jonah T. Box 197 PARAGOULD-72450 Branch, Robert 414 W. Court Brown, Gerald Box 871 Cathey, Maurice Box 726 Goodson, David R. Box 842 Goodwin, Ray A. Box 726 Hami~on, Donis B. Box 726 Hardin, Stephen Lynn P.O. Box 726 Herget, Phil 206 South 4th SI. Holifield, T. Joe Box 754 Honand, Anred J. Box 335 Lands, III, Jack Box 593 Light, Charles W. 4 Happy Go Lucky Lane MacMillan, Brian F. 414 West Court Street Moore, Harry T. Box 726 Rhine, L. V. P.O. Box 123 Thompson, Robert F. 414 West Court Todd, Michael E. Box 335 Watkins, John C. 28 Hillcrest Dr. Williams, Ronald A. 414 West Court Young, Robert E. Box 123 PARIS-728SS Cleveland, Herschel W. Drawer 607 24 E. Main Cravens, David R. Hixson, Raymond H. Drawer 607 Rush, Coy J., Jr. Drawer 607 Stockton, Bill G. 23 West Main PEA RIDGE-72751 1611 Jenks Ct. Roe, Ramona PERRYVILLE-72126 Branscum, Jr., Herby Box 587 COUlson, Beth Gladden Box 186 PIGGOTT-72454 Brinkley, Guy 116 W. Main Knauts, Comrade W. 249 E. Main PINE BLUFF-71601路71613 Baim, Kenneth B. Box 5100 Beard, Roy T. Box 7808 Benton, William W. P.O. Box 8926 Boe, Michael Gerard 1206 West 46th SI. Box, Richard W. Box 1721 Bridgforth, William C. Box 8509 Brockman, Jr., Edward W. 609 Simmons Bldg. Brown, Don R. 122 Main Street Brown, Thomas E. Box 5010 Bryant, Noel F. Box 5100 Buckner, Kenneth E. Box 8724 Bynum, F. Wilson 315 Martin SI. Byrd, Richard W. National Bldg. Carfagno, James, Jr. 214 National BUilding Cox, Jr., E. Harley Box 8509 Dalrymple, Stevan B. 625 State Davis, III, Fred D. Box 8043 Dawson, Lawrence E. 3908 Linden Street Dickey, J. W. Box 6038 Dickey, Jr., J. W. Box 6038 117 Main Dill, Jimmy D. Drake, Ted Box 7808 Eilbott, Don A. Box 5010 Fels, James O. 2504 W. 47th Fikes, Jr. Horace 414 National Bldg. Flowers, W. Harold 104 S. Mulberry Fortenberry, Sharon M. 516 National Building Gathright, M. Morrell Box 5268 Gay, Thomas S. 214 National Bldg. Gilbert, Martin G. Box 8509 Goldberger, Charles S. Box 5615 Gregory, Henry W., Jr. Box 6009 Gunti, David K. Box 5100 Hall, Jr., James L. Box 1492 86/Arkansas Lawyer/April 1980
667-2155 667-2151 239-9581 236-6518 236-n18 239-9631 236-n18 236-7718 236-7718 236-3621 239-9578 236-7711 239-9571 236-7681 239-9581 236-7718 236-7673 239-9581 236-7711 236-3313 239-9581 236-7673 963-3001 963-2567 963-3001 963-3001 963-6408
889-5101 889-2382 598-2258 598-2233 534-2941 534-5532 535-8460 534-1536 534-0874 534-5221 534-2551 534-2301 534-3721 534-2941 536-4412 534-0141 536-1055 536-9006 534-5221 536-2555 534-0224 534-2071 534-6302 534-6302 534-0521 534-5532 534-3721 534-8774 536-6103 535-1032 534-3743 536-8440 536-9006 534-5221 534-9272 535-6465 534-2941 536-0600
Harrelson, F. Daniel Harris, Eugene S. Hart, Jr., Robert L. Holmes, G. N. Holmes, M. J. Holmes, Robert H. Humphries, Alan R. Hunt, Eugene Hyden, James W. Jamison, Leon N. Jones, John H. Joyce, Jimmy D. Lile, III, John G. Long, Fredye Mac McKissic, Gene E. McNulty, J. A. Matthews, Stephen A. Morehead, Robert F. Mouser, William Kirby Mullis, Bart G. Norton, C. Mac Owens, Edward M. Pendleton, Paul B. Petty, Melvin E. Probst, M. J. Ragar, Thurman A. Raley, Phillip A. Ramsay, Louis L., Jr. Ramsay, Richard L. Robinson, Gregory N. Robinson, Spencer F. Rush, John L. Simpson, James M. Smith, Donald H. Starling, M. Jeff, Jr. Staten, Edward I. Steed, Wi~on E. Strode, Joseph A. Tolson, Robert Jr. Trafford, Winfred A. Vassaur, Brenda Ward, Edward J., Jr. Wilkins, Cassandra F. Williams, Randall L. Wynne, Terry F. Young, H. David Young, Paul B. POCAHONTAS-72455 Berry, D. L. Burris, John A. Dudley, Robert H. Grider, Murrey L. King, V. James, Jr. King, Vernon J. Riffel, J. Kirby Simpson, Harrell Simpson, Harrell, A., Jr. Throesch, David Wilson, George N. PRAIRIE GROVE-72753 Everett, John C. Whitlock, Robert L. PRESCOTT-71857 Barber, Barry D. Culpepper, Duncan McRae Fore, Joe M. Hale, Eugene, Jr. McKenZie, H. H. McKenzie, James H. McRae, D. L. Rodgers, Danny P.
Box 8509 Box 8964 2400 W. 48th Ave. Box 7070 Box 7070 Box 7808 Box 5010 520 West 2nd Box 8509 P.O. Box 7664 Box 7673 Box 8537 Box 8509 214 National Bldg. 918 West 13th Box 7808 Box 7808 Box 8767 Box 5100 Box 7247 609 Simmons Bldg. 414 Nafl Bldg. 305 National Bldg. Box 7673 Box 8567 Box 9023 Box 8509 Box 8509 Box 8509 Box 8761 Box 8509 Box 7009 505 National Bldg. P.O. Box 5010 P.O. Box 8509 Box 8901 Box 8248 Box 7808 Box 8221 Box 7070 Box 7808 2505 W. 18th 214 National Bldg. Courthouse Box 7808 Box 7808 Box 7808
534-5221 535-4642 541-1104 534-3743 534-3743 534-5532 534-3721 534-4460 534-5221 534-5320 535-2271 536-4639 534-5221 536-9006 536-4057 534-5532 534-5532 536-6911 534-2941 534-0224 534-2551 536-6103 534-0534 535-2271 536-9237 536-2555 534-5221 534-5221 534-5221 534-2396 534-5221 541-1111 536-5906 534-3721 534-5221 536-8378 534-0874 534-5532 536-1316 534-3743 534-5532 534-5895 536-9006 534-2512 534-5532 534-5532 534-5532
Box 410 Box 410 P.O. Box 251 Box 525 105 East Broadway 105 East Broadway Box 47 Box 11 Box 47 Box 463 101 North Marr P.O. Box 525
892-3542 892-3542 892-4991 892-4911 892-5288 892-5288 892-5034 892-3144 892-5034 892-4948
Box A Box A
846-2103 846-2103
Box 599 Box 599 120 East Elm Box 5 Box 662 Drawer H Box 599 Box 636
887-2601 887-2601 887-3779 887-5283 887-2601 887-2601 887-2601 887-6661
Vasser, A. Glenn RECTOR-72461 Calvin, C. Joseph Upton, Verlin E REDFIELD-72132 Byrd, Conley RISON-71665 Beshear, Sanford L. Eckhart, Edward L. Elrod, John W. ROGERS-72756 Adams, Oliver L. Boyer, Ronald L. Burnett, John Cameron Croxton, Hardy Duncan, Xollie Buffer Geigle, Stephen A. Hunt, Sr., George M. Jennings, John E Kelley, Eugene Kendall, Donald B. Ungle, James G. McCennell, Daniel F. Sampier, J. Wesley Schrantz, R. Doug Scott, John R. Slinkard, Howard L. Williams, Claude M., Jr. RUSSELLVILLE-72S01 Bailey, Jr., Bob Braden, Dale S. Bullock, William R. Finley, Dale W. Gardner, Richard E, Jr. Gardner, Stephen C. Hardin, Luther B. Hardin, Robert W. Harris, John C. Kennedy, James D. Laws, Jr., Ike Allen Marschewski, James R. McCermick, David McCey Dale E Mobley, Jeff Mobley, Richard Pate, James R. Peel, Richard L. Priddy, R. M. Sanford, Jon R. Shermer, Jon P., Jr. Smith, Wm. Finis, Jr. Streett, Alex G. Swain, William S. Williams, R. H. Young, James K. SALEM-72576 Plumlee, Carl D. Ray, Herbert L. SEARCY-72143 Beebe, Mickey D. Bell, Arthur W. Blount, Robert L. Boyett, Jr., Comer Cavaneau, Jerry W. Edwards, Robert Farmer, Marion L. Froman, Leroy Hatfield, Richard Ughtle, Jr., J. E Millar, Mike Mills, William P. Morgan, James L.
Box 599
Box 196 P.O. Box 63
595-3741 595-3645
Box 61
Box 467 Box 406 Box 346
325-6632 325-7510 325-6233
Box 66 209 South 2nd Box 1651 209 South 2nd P.O. Box 474 Box 193 Box 33 117 South Second Box 763 Box 474 Box 33 Box 1373 206 S. 2nd Ste. 4 Box 474 Box 66 Box 33 P.O. Box 167
636-2161 636-4565 636-3606 636-4565 636-7522 636-1057 636-9169 636-1059 636-1051 636-7522 636-9169 636-5211 636-4390 636-7522 636-2161 636-9169 636-2500
Box 66 Box 26 Box 1064 306 S. Arkansas Ave. Box 666 Box 666 Box 1064 Box 1293 500 Building # 11 0 P.O. Box 444 Box 630 107 N. Boston P.O. Box 1064 Box 964 126 East Main Box 279 Box 1004 Box 966 Box 1293 Box 1004 Box F 126 East Main P.O. Box F Box 630 Box 1746 306 S. Arkansas Ave
966-2373 966-3697 966-1426 966-2536 966-5333 966-5333 966-1426 966-2394 966-3009 966-2595 966-1166 966-5474 966-1426 966-5676 966-1412 966-2260 966-5474 966-4000 966-2394 966-5474 968-3685 966-1412 966-2030 966-1166 966-5333 966-2536
Box 787 Box 401
895-2530 695-3370
310 310 500 405 Box Box Box 103 Box 310 405 612 Box
266-4111 268-4111 268-7153 266-2404 266-3536 268-6661 268-3340 266-7156 268-4201 266-4111 266-2404 268-4204 266-2404
N. Spring N. Spring West Arch Arch 100 42 854 E Arch 1170 N. Spring W. Arch S. Main 606
266-7161 602 W. Arch Patterson, John E. 266-7161 Petty, Denny P. 602 Arch St. 266-3536 Box 100 Pollard, Odell 266-6661 Box 42 Raff, Christopher C. 266-4111 Raney, Donald P. 310 North Spring 266-5344 Shoffner, Clarence P. Box 906 266-5506 Tedder, Cecil, Jr. 26 Jamestown Dr. 266-4201 Thompson, Winfred L. Box 1170 266-7153 500 West Arch Wilson, Jerry B. 266-6666 Box 144 Yingling, C. E, Jr. SHERIDAN-72150 942-2165 Cele, John W. Box 211 942-5111 Box 191 Shirron, Phillip H. 942-3713 Swaty, Joseph W. 112 W. Pine St. 942-4595 Thornton, Ray H. P.O. Box 521 SILOAM SPRINGS-72761 Brown, John E John Brown University 524-3131 524-4146 Drawer 560 Elrod, Georgia K. 524-4146 Elrod, John R. Box 560 524-4146 Elrod, Russell Box 560 524-4146 Lee, John Terry Box 560 524-5111 310 E Main Moss, Michael E 524-6414 221 S. Maxwell Tucker, Thomas J. 524-5421 Woods, Powell P.O. Box 117 SMACKOVER-71762 725-3041 Drawer K Rogers, Homer T. SPRINGDALE-72764 273-4000 Barlow, Curtis H. 4004 Watkins Ave. 751-4723 Baugus, Chester A. Box 606 751-5222 Box 669 Blair, James B. 751-5222 Box 669 Clark, Jr., William M. 751-4742 Cloer, John W. Box 336 751-5222 Crouch, James E. Box 669 751-5222 Cypert, James D. Box 669 751-5797 Davis, Charles E Box 264 751-5797 Box 284 Douglas, Larry D. 751-9452 Box 285 Evans, James E, Sr. Evans, James E, Jr. Box 265 751-9452 Herdlinger, David S. Box 667 751-6464 Huffman, Donald R. 756-0707 1600 Hiwy. 66 W. #3 Jacoway, Jill R. Box 667 751-6464 Jacoway, Thomas A. Box 667 751-6464 1600 Hiwy 66 W. Ste. A3756-0707 Lovett, Thomas M. 751-9452 Ludwig, Stanley W. Box 265 751-5222 Mashburn, Michael H. Box 669 Mills, R. H. Box 606 751-4723 Penix, James A., Jr. P.O. Box 264 751-5797 Reid, L. L. Drawer 669 751-5222 Roy, James M., Jr. P.O. Box 669 751-5222 Smith, Theodore C. 1906 West Sunset St. 756-6300 Stanley, Roy E Box 667 751-6464 Teal, Charles R. 756-4000 P.O. Box E Tolley, Jay N. Rt. 5, Box 66 A 751-2790 Waters, H. Frank P.O. Box 669 751-5222 STAMPS-71860 Corbin, Donald L. 533-4492 Box 426 Haltom, Brent Box 156 533-2455 STAR CITY-71667 Armstrong, Murray F. 626-4102 Box 760 Binns, Mark 626-4102 P.O. Box 760 Carter, Odell C. 626-4614 Box 598 STUTTGART-72160 673-1673 Green, Jr., J. W. Box 660 Henry, David G. 673-1673 1817 Weidner 673-1673 Macam, Arthur P.O. Box 660 Madsen, Carl J. 673-1626 P.O. Drawer 232 673-2491 Moncrief, Virgil Box 306 673-1673 116 West 3rd Moorhead, William M. 673-7662 P.O. Box 349 Smith, Malcolm R. 673-2632 Box 716 Smith, Norman M. SWEET HOME-72164 490-1456 Dickinson, H. T. Box 408 April 1980/Arkansas Lawyer/S7
TEXARKANA-75502 Arnold, Johnny P. 507 Hickory Arnold, Richard L Box 1938 Arnold III, W. H. Box 1938 Autrey, Leroy Box 960 Barnette, Charles D. Box 1938 Burnett, Ronald S. Box 924 Cranford, Jr., James B. 6 State Line Plaza Dowd, C. Wayne Box 2631 Dunn, Winford L 6 State Line Plaza Folsom, David Box 1897 Franks, E. Ben Box 1938 207 Miller Cly. Courthse Goodson, John W. Griffin, Joe Box 2711 Harrell, Alan D. Box 1897 Harrelson, Jr., F. G. Box 2631 Box 1321 Johnson, Kirk D. Kemp, Karlton H., Jr. 604 State Line Plaza Larey, Bert B. Box 8001 State Line Plz Lavender, George W. Box 1938 Lingo, Donald W. Box 1321 McClerkin, Hayes 6 State Line Plaza Manley, David J. 1720 Hickory Moore, John O. Box 2631 Moore, Marshall, H. Box 2631 Ste 6 State Line Plaza Morgan, Charles A. Nutt, James N. 6 State Line Plaza Nutter, R. Gary 6 State Line Piaza Box 1897 Patton, Nicholas H. 522 Hickory Potter, Charles A. Potter, David J. 522 Hickory Box 2711 Purifoy, Philip B. Rochelle, Jerry A. Box 1938 Box 2666 Sanderson, A. G. Ste 6 State Line Plaza Shaw, Nelson V. Smith, Willis B. #6 State Line Plaza Smith, Willis B., Jr. 1301 Country Club Ln. Tilmon, Charles E., Jr. 20 Green Acres Dr. Weisenberger, Royce S., Jr.P.O. Box 960 Whitefield, Carolyn L Box 8007, State Line Williams, Dennis K. 604 State Line Plaza Young, Damon Box 1897 TRUMANN-72472 Gibson, L D. Box 165 Houston, A. Noyi Box 190 Inboden, Stephen D. Box 190 Webb, Kelly W. P.O. Box 190 VAN BUREN-72956 Batchelor, Fines F., Jr. Drawer L Batchelor, Lonnie Box 437 Black, Larry Rt. 1, Box 90 Cottrell, Gary R. Box 328 522 Main St. Creekmore, Carl K. 522 Main Creekmore, Jr., Carl K. Box 414 Edwards, N. D. Box 416 Gant, H. Zed Box 416 Gant, Paul D. 522 Main St. Harriman, Jr., Morril H. Box 357 Marquette, Robert 411 Fayetteville Park, Sam Hugh Partain, David O. Box 442 #5 Lovers Lane Riddle, Elmer A. Rogers, Floyd G. Box 426 WALDRON-72958 Box 836 Cain, Jerry 8. Box 567 Goodner, Donald Scott Box BB Hodge, Dewain W. Main St. Killion, Ronald G. WALNUT RIDGE-72476 Andrews, Robert Franklin P.O. Box 686 Box 163 Hilburn, Thomas L Box 549 Jarboe, Richard A. 88/ArKansas Lawyer/April 1980
773-3187 773-3187 773-3187 773-5684 773-3187 772-3736 773-5651 774-5191 773-5651 774-3206 773-3187 774-2421 774-3161 774-3206 774-5191 772-7183 772-5511 772-4431 773-3187 772-7183 773-5651 773-8934 774-5191 774-5191 773-5651 773-5651 773-5651 774-3206 774-2283 774-2283 774-3161 773-3187 774-7722 773-5651 773-5651 774-5681 773-5684 772-2475 772-5511 774-3206 483-5822 483-7651 483-7651 483-7651 474-6371 474-6923 474路1772 474-0721 474-1701 474-1701 474-1221 474-3466 474路3466 474-1701 474-9763 474-2700 474-1664 474-2670 474-3101 637-2936 637-3286 637-2113 637-2109 886-7877 886-2432 886-3535
Mullen, Wm. David Ponder, H. L, Jr. Rainwater, Sloan, Jr. Sloan, James F., III Stallcup, James W. Westerfield, Steve P. WARREN-71671 Claycomb, H. Murray Gamer, Robert E. Haley, Jr. John T. Huey, Clint Ligon, Stark Roper, Rickey Vittitow, Robert C. WEST FORK-72774 Beye, Rick A. WEST HELENA-72390 Allen, Charles P. Baker, James P. King, Durwood W. Murray, Ralph C. PItman, John M Porter, Jesse E., Jr. Schieffler, Eugene L Simes, LT., III Yates, Harvey L. WEST MEMPHI5-72301 Baretz, Marc, I Brick, Jake Cook, Kathy W. Cook, Ken Dodd,Doyne Durrett, Chadd L Fairley, Lindsey J. Fleming, James E. Fogleman, Julian B. Forrest, Donald A. Goldstein, Bernard Hale, James C. Hale, Jr., James C. Hightower, William E. Hopper, R. Dale Johnson, Jr., James A. JUlian, Jim L Masengale, Roy L Mayton, Connie L Mayton, Michael R. McCaa, James C., III Montgomery, Thomas G. Nance, Cecil 8., Jr. Nance, Cecil 8., III Rainey, Wm. Pal Rieves, Elton A., Jr. Rieves, Efton A., III Rogers, Joe M. RUbens, Kent J. Russell, James W. Saxton, Richard Clint Shelton, David C. Skillman, Vincent E., Jr. Sloan, Ralph W. Smeglesky, Sandra L Smith, Jr., Arthur L Smith, Robert L Spears, J. H. Sutton, James D. Wood, Stephen K. Taylor, zachary Thomas, Jr., A. Jan Turner, Jr., Samuel Weisburd, Everard Young, Kay West
Box 567 P.O. Box 549 115 SW. Second Box 309 Box 627 115 SW. Second St.
886-2446 886-3535 886-6644 886-2331 886-2343 886-6644
Box 191 Box 537 Box 191 Box 458 Box 191 P.O. Box 191 Box 458
226-2681 226-5155 226-2681 226-2674 226-2681 226-2681 226-2674
Box 141
422 Sebastian Box J. P.O. Box C Box 2397 108 So. Fifth St. Box J P.O. Box C Box 2309 332 N. Sebastian Box 2309
572-6065 572-6777 572-3751 572-3722 572-6777 572-3751 572-2161 572-3796 572-2161
732-4102 Box 1107 735-4545 318 East Bond 735-2502 Box 1988 732-3936 Box 2206 735-4900 Box 1058 735-3735 Box 1667 735-7220 Box 1059 735-3310 Box 1090 735-1900 Box 1666 735-3420 Box 1359 735-3863 524 East Broadway 735-1900 Box 1666 735-1900 Box 1666 735-8990 Box 1299 735-1542 P.O. Box 1793 735-3270 Box 768 735-3735 524 East Broadway Box 1149 732-6370 Box 1359 735-3420 735-3420 Box 1359 735-8990 Box 1299 735-3313 Box 781 735-3310 P.O. Box 1090 506 Rooseveft 735-5440 Box 1866 735-3420 Box 1359 735-3420 P.O. Box 1359 Box 1666 735-1900 735-5500 Box 1599 732-2813 P.O. Box 236 Box 1599 735-5500 Box 1359 735-3420 735-3735 Box 1667 Box 768 735-3270 Box 814 732-6370 735-3150 220 E. Bond 300 Roosevelt 500 E.BroadwayBox 768735-3270 Box 1551 735-3100 P.O. Box 2186 732-1203 Box 1090 735-3310 Box 1957 735-7700 Box 1043 735-2415 Box 796 735-3636 314 North Rhodes 732-6370
WYNNE-72396 Ford, Robert M. KilloU9h, John N. Luker, James C. Proctor, Richard L. Shaver, J. L. "Bex"
Box Box Box Box Box
373 373 366 468 592
238-2348 238-2348 238-8588 238-3831 238-2317
Shaver, Jr., J. L. Smith, Tom B. YELLVILLE-72687 Isbell, Gary B. Kelly, Michael E. Smith, Kenneth R.
210 E. Merriman Box 592
238-2317 238-2317
Box 176 Box 565 Box 565
449-4622 449-4248 449-4248
"Out-aI-State" Membership Directory Brown, J. Scott
Collier, Curtis
Fast, Stanley W.
50 & 51 Russell Square london WC1 B - 4JW
204 Hollowrock Slidell, LA 70458
3138 South 67th E. Ave. Tulsa, OK 74145
Brown, Shawna L
Collier, Jr., George P.
Field, Russell H.
1100 Commerce, Rm 5 827 Dallas, TX 75242
1555 lynn Field #110 Memphis, TN 38138
Buckley, Jr., Blair
Collins, George B.
Box 179 New Madrid, MO 63869
1 North laSalle St. Chicago, Il 60602
Bullock, William G.
Cooper, Edwin D.
700 Texarkana Nat'l Bk Bldg. Texarkana, TX 75501 Burke, Richard K. 1211 Valley View Or. Vermillion, SO 57069
6420 Camberley CT. E. Memphis, TN 38138
3016 Green Acres Rd. Metairie. LA 70003 Fitting, lawrence W. 8551 Willow Glen Court Mawassas, VA 22110 Fltzslnwnons, F. P. 3604 Gingerbread Alexandria, LA 71301
Courtway, Thomas C.
Fleischer, Deborah Jackson
6313 Senate Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20510
25 North Bridge SI. Somerville, N.J. 08876
Burton, Cleve C.
Cox, James T,
Fleischer, Richard E.
Box 18744 Memphis, TN
Arnold, Thomas S. P.O. Box 2791 Texal1c:ana, Texas 75501
Box 1166 Shreveport, LA 71163 BUSHy, Carl William 2640 Prospect Kansas City, MO 64127
Aste, Robert 901 Sayamo Ave. Coral Gables, FL 33146
Caldwell, Bruce T. 1308 Scott Road
25 North Bridge 51. Somerville, N.J. 08876 Fleming, Ii, Joe W. 1730 Rhode Island Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Fogg, lanier 100 N. Main Bldg., #3100 Memphis, TN 38104
Adams, Robert M. 25 Punkin Patch Woodbridge, eN 06525 Alexander, Wm. V. 201 Cannon HOB Washington, D.C. 20515 Allen, Phillip E. 4211 Nurbourne Blvd. louisville, KY 40207 Anders, Dowell H. 5508 North 31 sl AI1inglon, Virginia 22207 Arnold, Richard L.
1900 Southland Center Dallas, TX 74201 Arnold, T. Hayden
Box 240 Texarkana, TX 75501
Bachmann, Steve 628 Baronne New Orleans, LA 70113 Baker, Eddie C" Jr.
3B 117
Crisp, John David P.O. Box 1928 Texarkana, TX 75501
CronkhJte, Tripper
Omaha, NE 68128
Environmental Protection Agency 1st Inlern'l Bldg. Dallas, TX 75260
Cameron, Anthony B.
Crowell, John W.
529 Hampshire, Ste 505-09 Quincy, II 62301
Baker, John P.
Capshaw, Donald W.
2713 S. loge 51. Arlington, VA 22202
Box 1928 Texarkana, TX 75501
Box 1111 Columbus, MS 39701 Culver, Curtis N. 831 Cleveland, #210 Greenville, SC 29602 Cure, Harding B. 3003 N. Central, #1800 Phoenix, AZ. 85012
Barbour, Richard P.
Caraway, P. W.
Curlee, E. D.
363 N. Arrowhead Ave., Ste 302 San Bernardino, CA 92401
4450 S. Park Ave., #516 Chevy Chase, MD 20015
332 South Michigan Ave Chicago, Il 60604
Barrickman, Ray E. Box 9405, Rosslyn Sla. Arlington, VA 22209 Barton, Curtis
Cardin, T, W.
Curlee, Steve
Box 188 Cassville, MO 65625
Appellate Revlew Activity Washington Navy Yard Washington, D.C. 20374
Box 60080 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73106
Capes, David 8132 Cannon 51. louis, MO 63130
Carter, Jack E. Box 2044
Foltz, Edwin J. 917 Black Rock Rd. Gladwyne, PA 19035
Foster, James T. Box 1563 Sandpoint, 10 83864 Fraley, Falon A. 1816 Franklin Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89104
Friedman, Donald Box 2630 Texarkana, TX 75501
Friedman, Errol N. Box 2630 Texarkana, TX 7550 1 Friedman, Michael A. Box 2630 Texarkana, TX 75501
1130 Westport Rd. Kansas City, MO 64111
Texarkana, TX 75501
Barton, David F.
Carter, Ralph F.
33 Paradise Pt. Shalimar, FL 32579
SI. louis, MO 63166
Dalmut, Pete M.
Garner, Curtis E.
33 Paradise Point Shalimar, FL 32579
PSC Box 1738 APO New York, NY 09130 Chamberialn, H. A. 1100 Milam Bldg.-28th Fl Houston, TX n002
815 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006
7207 Dormont St. SpI'ingfield, VA 22150
Colvin Road Gates Mills, OH 44040
Daniel, AI J., Jr.
Beardall, Charles W.
Chapman, Marguertte A.
308 North Carolina Avenue, SE
Garrett, Jr., Rufus S. 2900 Ft. Worth Nal'l Bk Bldg.
5880-B Adams St. Fort Knox, KY 40121 Bemis, Douglas K. 1054 31st Street Washington, D.C. 20007
2025 Kak>rama Rd., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20009
Washington, D.C. 20003 Davia, III, John A. AMCA, 7 Allen St. Hanover, NH 03755
Barton, M.rllyn D.
Childs, Jerry P. 310 N. Lincoln Odessa. TX. 79761
Christian, James B. 4945 N. 34th 51.
Box 852 Chanute, KS 66720
Arlington. VA 22207
Claiborne, Harry E.
1700 John Hand Bldg. Birmingham , Al 35203
300 Las Vegas Blvd., South Las Vegas, NV 89101
Blaney, Daniel C.
Clark, Randall B.
86 E. State SI. Moroexo, IN 47963
Dearborn Heights, MI 48127
9010 Tlmbef Park San Antonio, TX 78250 Clement, F. B. VA Center Bonham, TX 7541 ( Cockrell, Phillip N. Box 1928 Texarkana, TX 75501
Brooksher, Robert R.
Cottman, Edward M.
519 FIdelity Bank Building Baton Rouge, LA 70801
3504 51. Elizabeth Ad. Glendale, CA 91206
Booth, Harvey D. Box 512 Vera Beach, FL 32960
Bowdon, Jr., Frank A.
7334 Highview
Dahlen, Richard BOO N. lindbergh Blvd.
Deacon, Rush B. 1200 Milam Houston, TX 77002 Dermott, Jon Box 729 Joplin, MO 64801
Dibrell, Frank S. 145 E. 23rd St. New Yorl<, NY 10010
Doshier, Robert J. 612 Main 51. Texarkana, TX 75501
Fulbright, J. William
FI. Worth, TX 76102
Gates, Virginia R. APDO-Postal 5-42 Guadalajara 5 Jalisco, MX
Gerard, Joe
400 Madison 51. #1009 Alexandria, VA 22314
Gettle. F. S. 4200 Westheimer Houston, TX 77027 Gilliam, John D. 1323 Amherst BUrkburnett, TX 76354
Glover, Don E. 23 W. 4 (2nd Floor) Tulsa, OK 74103
Ellis, Clyde T.
Gonzenbach, David S.
5317 Kenwood Chevy Chase, MD 20015 Erwin, Joseph M. 3326 Rosedale Avenue Dallas, TX 75205
10 Broadway S1. louis, MO 63102
Graham, Gregory B. Box 1838 Texarkana, TX 75501
April 1980/Arkansas Lawyer/89
Graham, Walter K. 2313 Astoria Richmond, VA 23235 Greer, Ill, John B. Box 1928 Texart<ana, TX 75501 Gross, Kenneth J. 1250 Long Beach Blvd. Los Angelos, CA 90021 Hadden, Charles A. 1630 Villanova Richardson, TX 75081 Haley, Violet L. Dominion Towers, Apt. '219 Mington, VA 22204 Hall, Charles G. 412 Texas Blvd. Texarkana, TX 75503 Hall, Robert H, 600 Monroe Jefferson City, MO 65101 Hamm, Harry O. 510 N. Beverly Dr. Beverly Hills, CA 90210 Harp, David K. Box 526 Dunn, NC 28334 Hass, William R. 211 Chestnut SI. Thayer, MQ 65791 Hastings, Jr., W. R. 4705 Ottawa Dr. Fort Wayne, IN 46815 Hawkins, Jr., John C. Box 5969 Texarkana, TX 75501 Hawkins, Mary ktalee P.O. Box 961 Texarkana. TX 75501 Hays, Brooks 470 t Willard Ave.• #935 Washington, D.C. 20015 Henderson, Vincent C., II 2600 Sky Walker. ApI. 2085 M Houston. TX 77058 Hendrick, Jr., David R. Box 5424 Waco, TX 76708 Herman, Delbert M. 1300 Union Commerce Bldg. Cleveland, OH 44115 Higginbotham, Jan P.O. Box 183 Pensacola, FL 32598 Hightower, David Box 1201 Fort Wayne. IN 46801 Hili, Jr., William A. US Dept of Justice-Antitrust Washington, D.C. 20530 Hitchcock. Raebern B. 991-3 Payne Ave. SI. Paul, MN 55101 HItt, Cahill 2701 Louisiana Houston, TX 77006 Hlavlnka. Victor F. Box 1049 Texart<ana, TX 75501 Hoerster, J. K. Bank of California 30th R. Seattle, WA 98164 Hofmann. Jack J. 3735 Lawnwood Dr. Omaha. NE 68123 Hofmann. Vlrglnla Warneke 3735 LawnwQOd Dr. Omaha. NE 68123 Hollman, Ramona A. 1441 "L". NW. Washington, D.C. 20007 Holland, William R. AMCA, Dartmouth Nat'! Bk Bldg. Hanover, NH 03755 Holman. John Hawley Box 1049 Texarkana, TX 75501 Honey, William C. 8301 East Minnezona Street Scottsdale, AZ 85251
90/Arkansas Lawyer/April 1980
Hooper. Jimmy L. Box 2630 Texarll:ana, TX 75501 Hopkins, David 1105 Hamitton Allentown, PA 18101 Hopkins. R. Howard 449 Fairmount Catham, NJ 07928 Hopper, William L. Box 247 Oxford, NC 27565 Hough, William A. 17137 E. Evans Drive Aurora. CO 80013 Hul, Suan Fountain Box 320, 1200 N. State St. Los Angeles, CA 90033 Hurley. Joe B. Box 15294 Nashville, TN 37215 Jacobs, Patricia D. t001-3rd St., SW #604 Washington. D.C. 20024 Jackson, Edwin F. Box 10 Des Moines, IW 50301 James, Thornas P. Box 2001 Lake Charles, LA 70601 Jans, Fred C. 500 S.W. Medison Corvallia, OR 97330 Jeffries. Jr. Charles C., 9424 Goshen Ln. Burt<e, VA 22015 Jelen, Susan E. 8518 Beauregard #B Dallas. TX 75225 Johnson. Donald L 15515 Clover Ridge Dr. Chesterfield, MO 63017 Johnson, Jarnet E. Judidal College Bldg.• U 01 NV Reno, NV 89559 Johnson. M. Perry Box 531566 San Francisco, CA 94131 Jones, Ben Block Box 3672 JacKson, MS 39207 Jones. Dorothy May 800 S. 4th, #706 Louisville. KY 40203 Jones, Ed P. 506 Cannon Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20515 Jordan, Raymond W. Box 1928 Texarkana. TX 75501 Jordan. Jr. Vernon E. 500 E. 62nd SI. New YOfk. NY 10021 Jorden. Douglas A. 6401 E. Uncoln Ave. Paradise Valley, AZ 85253 Joyce, John H. 2863 NE 26th Court Ft. lauderdale, FL 33306 Kasaos, John E. 611 Marine Bank Bldg. Tampa. FL 33602 Kelly, Harry G. P.O. Box 52790 Houston, TX 77052 Kimberly. John 1170 Sterling Ave., #211 Palatine. IL 60067 Knight. D8Vld A. 307 S. Reynolds St., #P401 Alexandria, VA 22304 Knight, Richard C. 7575 Grand Kansas City, MO 64114 Kusln, Sherman A. 406 Texas Ave. Texar1<ana, TX 75501 La.h.... Kim R. 1119 North West 10th Avenue Gainesville, FL 32601
Laughlin. Kendall A. Box 8355 Dallas, TX 75205 Lavender, larry M. Campbell Center II, #1185 Dallas, TX 75206 LeMay, Ronald T. 1010 Pine St. #1554 S1. Louis, MQ 63101 Leasel, John V. 3456 Camino Del Rio North San Diego. CA 92108 lewis, Jr.• Paul K. 6064 Tammy Dr. Alexandria. VA 22310 Lincoln, Ivy Glen Interstate Commerce Comm. Washington. D.C. 20423 Lindsey, Bruce R. 3355 S. Stafford SI. Arlington, VA 22206
L1pe, Larry 4100 Bk of Oklahoma Tower Tulsa. OK 74172 Littrell, Robert W. Box 1049 Texart<ana. TX 75501 livingston, John T. 1516 San Saba Dr. Dallas, TX 75218 Looney, Jerry W. Department of Economics Waters Hall Kansas State University Manhattan, KS 66506 Malone, Clyde N. 10726 Sandpiper lane Dallas. TX 75230 Martensen, John K. Office of SJA HDQ V Corps (I. G. Fan:ten Bldg.) APO New Yort< 09079 Martin, WIIUam A. PSC Box 2972 APO San Frandsco, CA 96328 Mathews. Edward C. 1223 North Richmond Wichita, KS 67203 McCall, Charles J. 2009 N. 14th SI. #708 Arlington. VA 22201 McClemon, F. H. P.O. Box 1601 Springfield, MO 65805 McEwen. Lewla P. 702 Ridgeway Ave. Grove City, PA 16127 McKnight, John P.O. Box 1184 New Iberia, LA 70560 McMenls, James E. 2211 Banbury SI. Charlottesville, VA 22901 McRee, George W. 27 Sixth SI. Bristol, TN 37620 McWIlliams, George L. P.O. Box 1928 Texar1<ana. TX 75501 Meredith, J. Conley 340 Mara Villa Dr. Riverside. CA 92507 Miller, Sharon B. 16160 Chapel St. Detroit. MI 48219 Mills, Wilbur D. 1600 S. Eads SI. Arlington, VA 22202 Minnick, Ronnie H.
So,533 Texarkana, TX 75501 Minton. Davkt L 1741 Concord Dr. Charlottesville, VA 22901 Monroe, Thomas Ark, III 6311 Massachusetts Ave. Bethesda, MD 20016 Montgomery. Don D., Jr. 4221 First International Bldg. Dallas, TX 75270
Moore, McPherson D. 7733 Forsyth Blvd. Ste 2162 SI. Louis. MO 63105 Morriss, Josh R., III Box 1838 Texar1<ana, TX 75501 Moser, James C. Box 700 Poplar Bluff, MO 63901 Myer•• Leo O. 20 Sea Trout Ponte Vedra, FL 32082 Neely. Thomas A. 700 Scott St. Exec. Bldg. WIChita Falls, TX 76301 Nichols. Mark 4 Washington Village Apt 8--13 New York, NY 10012 Nutt. Victor L 600 New Hampshire Ave., NW Washington, D.C. 20037
Oliver. Ed P. P.O. Box 2044 Texarkana, TX 75501 O'Neal, Mike E. 24255 Padfic Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90265 Overholt, Hugh R. 3414 Ramsgate Terrace Alexandria, VA 22309 Pagan, John R. College of Wm and Mary Williamsburg, VA 23185 Parr, E. Glen JA/UAF LMDC·JA Bldg. 1404 Maxwell AFB, AL 36112 Parrish. Max R. 4531 Que SI., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20510 Patterson, C. Cary Box 1049 Texarkana, TX 75501 Patton, Thomas K. P.O. Box 1928 Texarkana, TX 75501 PaUl, Edgar F., III US Dept. of Energy 6718 Marisol Houslon, TX 77083 Peek, Wm. L, Jr. P.O. Box 1928 Texarkana, TX 75501 Pickett, Fred E. 508 Sophia lane Shreveport, LA 71 t 15 Pierce, David A. 358 E. SI. Charles Elmhurst,ll60126 Pratt, William R. 1519 Brent Dr. Knoxville, TN 37919 Price, Charles C. 1562 Camtwia East Lansing, MI 48823 Pruett, Ricky Lee JAGC Ft. leonard Wood, MO 65473 J. Gary Nolan QUick, II 2601 Villa Prom Oklahoma City, OK 73107 Rader, WIIUlim S., Jr. 2 North Padfic Cape Girardeau, Me 63701 Raffaelli, Louis J. Box 411 Texarkana, TX 75501 RaUch, Marilyn Box 170 Texart<ana, TX 75501 Rawlings. Paul C. 3002 Nava;o Circle Hattiesburg, MS 39404 Rice, Grace Ellen 113 Fifth St., S.E. Washington, D.C. 20003 Rlcharetson. Chllrles T. P.O Box 121 Aduar Farms Walnut Springs, TX 76690
Richardson, James W. 3003 N. Central. *1104 Phoenix. AZ 85012 Ridlon, Wm. F. II SJA, HHC 5th Inf. Di.... Ft. Polk, LA 71459 Robbins, Julia S. 100 N. Main Bldg. Memphis, TN 38103 Roberts, William B. P. O. Box 1928 Texarkana, TX 75501 Robinson, Sam At. 2. Box 274 Montrose, CO 81401 Rogers, R. E., Jr. 902 Moorefield Creek Rd. Vienna, VA 22180 Schulze, W. H. 6820 Bamberry New Orleans, LA 70126 Searcy, Jack C., Jr. Box 3128 Houston, TX 77001 Shuplk, Rudolph A. 355 Frenchtown Road Bridgeport, CN 06606 Smith, Norma 2703 E. Fir Seattle, WA 98122 Smith, Robert M. 553 South 1200 East Salt Lake City, UT 84102 Sparks, Robert A. 104 E. Henderson Cleburne, TX 76031 Ste...ens, Michael 803 Sprt.ee SI. Texarkana; TX 75501
Stewart, Viola C. At. 1, Box 36 Castleberry, Ala. 36432 Strecker, Theodore A. 4564 S. Campbell Springfield. MO 65807 Stubblefield, Charles R. 84 19 Capricorn Uni...ersal City, TX 78148 Sumner, Da...kt W. 4074 Aintrock Way Martinez. GA 30907 Swanson, Kelly H. 5025 S. Eastern 127 Las Vegas. NV 89119 Tate, William E. Box 2044 Texarkana. TX 75501 Taylor, Jesse, Jr. 611 OIi...e St. St. Louis, MO 63101 Taylor, Robert G., II 2400 Two Shell Plaza HOUston, TX 77002 Temple, William C. 2028 Shebia Or. Birmingham, AL 35216 Tidwell, Gary L. Office of the SJA Fort Jackson, SC 29207 Timmons, A. Wayne 1727 Bank of SW Bldg. Houston, TX nOO2 Tual, Blanchard S. 1041 Sterick Building Memphis, TN 38103 Turner, Lawson W., III 1101 Connecticut A...e., N.W. #1201 Washington, D.C. 20036
Tyra, Raymond E. 1030 Frito lay Tower Dallas, TX 75235 Walker, Barth P. 3535 NW 58th Oklahoma City, OK 73112 Walker, Ralph W., II 177 Frey's Gin Rd.. SE Marietta, GA 30062 Wall, Larry J., Jr. 409 Cedar SI. Tipton, 10 52772 Wallace, Virgil O. 2500 Wisconsin A...e. N.W. Washington, D.C 20007 Walton, James W. P.O. Box 1067 Corvallis, OA 97330 Ward, John R. Box 62552 Virginia Beach, VA 23462 Warren, William M. 1218 Commerce Bldg. Fort Worth, TX 76102 Watson, Frank L., Jr. 2000 Sterick Bldg. Memphis, TN 38103 Webb, Norris 9604 lK Steilacoom Or.. SW Tacoma, WA 98499 Wheeter, C. B. Box 1838 Texarkana, TX 75501 Whitehead, John W. 13512 Kelmont Ct. Woodbridge, VA 22193 Whitehead, Roy, Jr. 530 Yarnell Rd. Kailua, Hawaii 96734
Wiggins, William E. 206 Texarkana National Bank Texarkana, TX 75501 Wiley, Dayton G. Box 7 GG San Antonio, TX 78201 Williams, Bill E. O. 311 North Harvey Apt *101 Oklahoma City, OK 73102 Williams, David M. 16630 Imperial VaHey *233 Houston. TX 77060 Williams, Edd N., Jr. 6014 N. 28th St. Arlington, VA 22207 Williams, Floyd L. 2905 Gameron Mills Rd. Alexandria, VA 22303 Williams, Lee 1603 Mason Hill Or. Alexandria, VA 22307 Winberry, Lanny T. 1500 7th Street Ste 14A Sacramento, CA 95814 Woolfolk, AS8 Jean Box 1986 Indianapolis. IN 46206 Worthen, Ronald 1745 Winchester Ardmore, OK 73401 Wyrick, W. Kelvin Box 1838 Texarkana, TX 75501 Zunla, Richard Box 302 Lowell, IN 46356
"Alphabetical" Membership Directory Ablondi. leslie R. Abramson, Raymond R. Acchione, Julius Achor, John W. Ackerman, Wayne A. Adametz, John H.. Jr. Adams, Dale E. Adams, Donald J. Adams, Oli...er l. Adams. Robert M. Adams, Stephen E. Adcock, Robert E. Adkisson, Richard B. Adkisson, William Cain Akins, James H., Jr. Alderson, Edwin B., Jr. Alexander, Hubert Alexander, Wm. V. Allen, B. Richard Allen, Charles P. Allen, H. Wm. Allen, Henry A. Allen, Phillip E. Allen, R. Ben Allen, Tom Alsobrook, Robert Amsler, Guy Amsler. Guy, Jr. Anders, Dowell H. Anderson, Betty Anderson, E. M. Anderson, John l. Anderson, O...erton S. Anderson, Phillip Anderson, Sam L Andrews, Robert Franklin Anglin, M. D. Anthony, Beryl, Jr. Arman, R. Keith Armstrong, William H. Armstrong, Murray F.
Little Rock Clarendon little Rock little Rock Bentonville N. little Rock little Rock Harrison Rogers
Woodbridge Fayette...ille EI Dorado little Rock Conway little Rock EI Dorado Jacksonville Washington
Newport West Helena little Rock N. Little Rock louisville Little Rock Batesville
Benton little Rock little Rock Arlington little Rock Magnolia
Helena Little Rock Little Rock Hot Springs Walnut Ridge Bel1)'\'ille ElDorado
Hot Spr;,gs Dardanelle Star City
Arnold. Arnold, Arnold, Arnold. Arnold. Arnold, Arnold, Arnold, Arnold.
Ben F. James A., Ifl Johnny P. Martin Blair Richard l. Richard l. Richard S. T. Hayden Thomas S.
Arnold. W. H.. III Arnold, William S. Ashby, Agnes F. Asle, Robert Atkins. J. F., Jr. Atkins. James W. Atkinson. Charles W. Atkinson, Virginia Autrey, leroy Babb. D. M. Bachelor. G. Latta, III Bachmann, Ste...e Bacon. Donald H. Bailey, Bob, Jr. Bailey. Frank H. Bailey, George H. Bailey, R. Eugene Baim, Kenneth B. Baine, James E. Baker, Charles W. Baker, Darryl E. Baker, Eddie C., Jr. Baker, James P. Jr. Baker, John P. Baker, Roy l., Jr. Balentine, Judleth P. Ball. E. J. Ball. Wm. K. Banks, Char1es A. Banks, Warren Eugene, Jr. Barber, Barry D. Barbour, Richard P.
little Rock Fort Smith Texarkana Batesville Dallas Texarkana little Rock Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana Crossett Arkadelphia Coral Gables lewisville Mountain Home Fayette...llle little Rock Texarkana N. little Rock Hot Springs New Orleans little Rock Russell...ille Mountain Home Little Rock little Rock Pine Bluff EI Dorado little Rock N. little Rock Oklahoma City W. Helena Arlington Harrison little Rock Fayette...iIIe Monticello
AA VA AA AR AR AR AA Fayetteville AA Prescott AA San Bernardino CA April 19BO/Arkansas Lawyer/91
Baretz, Marc I. Baribeau, Donald L Barker, James M., Jr. Barket, Gary P. Barlow, Curtis H. Barnes, Don K. Barnes, Harry F. Barnes, Harold M. Barnes, Irene J. Barnette, Chartes D. Barnhart, Ralph C. Barnhill, James B.
West Memphis LltIe Rock Harnblxg LItle Rock Springdale Little Rock Camden Mount Ida Little Rock Texarkana Fayetteville LItle Rock
Barns, Mer! O. Barrett, Joe C.
Ut1le RocI< Jonesbo<o
Barrickman, Ray E. Barrier, W. Christopher Barron, John W., Jr. Barrow, Robert L. Barry, Ben T. Barry, William B. Bartell, Dan E. Bartels, Anthony Bat11ey, Shooy P. Barton, Curtis S. Barton, David F. Barton, Marilyn D. Bassett, Beverly Bassen, Don W. Bassett, W. W., Jr. Bassen, Woodson W., III Batchelor, Rnes F., Jr. Batchelor, lonnie Batton, Robert Baugus, Chester A. Bauman, Steve Baxter, J. Ray Beard, Roy Thomas, III BeardaJl, Charles W. Bearden, Michael R. Beasley, C. A.. Jr. Beasley. John R. Beason, John W. Beatty, David L. Beavers, Sandra Trawick Bedwell, Edward E. Beebe, Mk:key D. Belew. JoMny M. Bell. Arthur W. Bell, Harvey L Belt. James Ed Bell, Jeffrey A. Bell, Joe D. Bell, Ronny J. Bell, Steve L. Beller. Samuel F. Bemis, Douglas K.
Arlington Little Rock Little Rock Little Rock Ft. Smith Fort Smith Little Rock
Bengel. W. H.
Newport Little Rock
Benham, Paul B., III Bennett, Caldwell Bennett. Charles F. Bennett, Donald R. Benton, William Evans Benton. William W. Berg, Janet Lee Berry, D. L. Berry, J. Harrod Berry, RIchatd B. Berry, Russen D. Beshear, Sanford L. Bethell. Bruce H. Bethell. Edgar E. Beye, Rick A. Btgger, Stephen A. Bilheimer, John
Bingham, John
Jonesbo<o Little Rock Kansas City Shalimar Shalimar Little Rock Little Rock Fayetteville Fayetteville Van Buren Van Buren Jacksmvitle Springdale Ut1le Rock Benton Pine Bluff Ft. Knox Osceola Fort Smith Fort Smith Jonesboro Lewisville Little Rock Fort Smith Sean:y Batesville Sean:y
North Ut1le RocI< Arkadelphia Little Rock Little Rock Magnolia Batesville Ash Aat Washington
Balesville Chanute Uttle Rock N. Utle Rock Pine Bluff Little Rock Pocahontas North Little Rock
Beebe Dewitt Rison Ft. Smith Fort Smith West Forie Bentonville Little Rock
N. Ut1le Rock
Bingham, Mariam J. Binns, Garland Wm., Jr. Binns, Mark Bird, Allen W.. II Bird, Samuel N.
Little Rock Little Rock Star City Little Rock Monticello
Iliml>ack. Bema<d
Ut1le RocI<
Bishop, Donald
Bishop, Eric W. Bishop, William E. Black, Larry Blackman, Denzil K. Blagg, J. Ted Blair, H. David Blair, James B. Blair, William L
92/Arkansas Lawyer/April 1980
Little Rock Van EkKen Jonesboro Little Rock Balesville Springdale Little Rock
B1an, ORia L, Jr.
Blaney, Daniel Blankenship, Leroy Blanshard, Robert A. Blevins, Wm. B. Bloom, Rudolph L. Blount, Robert L Boe, Michael Gerard Boe, Tim Boga<d, BY'on R. Bogard. David Boling, Larry B. Bond, Clifton Bonner, Douglas W.. Jr. Bonner, Thomas J. Boone, Joe C., Jr. Booth. Harvey D. Boothe, Carson Bosshart, Fred E. Bosson. Paul A. Boswell, Ted Botts, Wilbur Boudreaux, Phillip B. Bowdon, Frank A., Jr. Bowen, W.H. Bowers, Donald Bowers, M. Drew Bowie, Max O. Box, Richard W. Boyce, Sam H. Boyce, Wayne Boyd, Jim H. Boyer, Ronald L Boyett, Cooler, Jr. Bracey, sal Eugene, Jr. Bradley, Douglas Bradley, Gene E. Bradley, John H. Bramblett, Eugene Bramhall, Thomas M. Branch, Robert Brandl, David W. Branscum, Herby, Jr. Brantley, Ellen B. Bratton, Sam I., Jr. Brazil, Wm. ctay Brewer, Garry L Brick,Jake
BridgIO<tl1, John D. Bridgforth, William C. Bridgforth. Joe K. Braden, Dale S. Brewer, Silas H., Jr. Brill, Howard W. Briner, Fred E. Brinldey. Guy Bristow, Bill W. Britt. Herny M. Brockman, Edward W., Jr. Brodie, Ralph G. Brooks, Elizabeth Brooks, J. S., Jr. Brooksher. Robert R. Brown, Charles Brown, Darrell F. Brown, Don R. Brown, Gerald Brown, Greg B. Brown, J. Scott
Brown, John E. Brown, Lyle Brown, Marityn J. Brown. Brown. Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown,
N. Cloyteen Robert J. Robert L Sandra L. Shawna L. Thomas E. B.-l6ISOn, Ruth H. Bryan, Lam C. Bryant, J. Wll"I$ton Bryant, James M. Bryant, Noel F. Buchanan, Mickey
Buck, C.
Buckalew, Robert B. Buckley, Blair, Jr. Buckner, Kenneth E. Buffalo, Joseph L. Buffalo, Wm L
Batesville Little Rock North Little Rock Little Rock Searcy Pine Bluff Little Rock North Little Rock Little RocI<
Jonesbo<o Monticello Little Rock Little Rock
Jonesbo<o Vero Beact Jonesboro N. Little Rock Hot Springs Bryant Dewitt Mona Dearborn Heights Uttle Rock A.Smith little Rock
Newport Pine Bluff
Newport Newport Fayetteville Roge<S Se...cy Fayetteville
Jonesbo<o Btytheville Blytheville
Camden Uttle Rock Paragould Fayetteville Perryville little Rock little Rock Conway Little Rock West Memphis Forrest City Pine Bluff Crossett Russellville Little Rock Fayetteville Benton
Piggott Jonesbo<O Hot Springs Pine Bluff Little Rock Uttle Rock EI Dorado Balon Rouge Little Rock Little Rock Pine Bluff Paragould
Ber<on London WCIB Sioam Springs
Hope Little Rock England Little Rock Little Rock Little Rock Dallas Pine Bluff Little Rock Fort Smith Malvern Little Rock Pine Bluff
Ashdown Little Rock Little Rock New Madrid Pine Bluff Little Rock Little Rock
aurtord, Dan
lrtde Rod<
lrtde Rod< UI1Ie Rod<
BUford, Tom A.
Buice. R. Edward BulltOn, Bruce Bullock. WiHiam G. Bullock. William A. Bumpass. Ronald E Bumpers, D. Brent Bunch, M. Ray Burch, Rickey A. Burge, Dan M. Burke, Richard K Burke. Thomas BlKks. Larry W. Burleson. David J. Bumett.C.David Burnett. James O. Burnett, Jim Burnett. John C. BlXl'l8tt. John L, Jr. Burnett. Ronald S. Burns. Alice A. Bums, Craig Burnside, Ohmer C.. Jr. Burris, John A. Burrow, L B. Burrow, Leon Burrow, Lloyd C., Jr. Busby, Wilson H. Bussey, Carl W~liam 6tlton, Oeve C. Bu1on, Jirrwny R Bu1on, Marion B. BlKton. Ron L Burtness, Janet Butler, George E., Jr. Buller, Ektridge. J. Butler, R. C. Buller, Richard C., Jr. Buttry, James A. Butt, Thomas F.
Buzbee, JoM A. Bynum. F. Wilson Byrd, Conley Byrd, Richard W. Byrne, Rtchard J.
Cabo, Robert O. Cahoon, David w. Cain, Jerry B. Cain, Howard G., Jr. Calaway. Richard B. Caldwell, Bruce T. Calhoun, John C., Jr. Calhoun, Ken Callahan, George M. Callaway, Donald P. Calliolte, Clyde D. Calloway, James J. Calvin, C. Joseph Cambiano, George J. Cameron, Anthony B. Camp, Worth, Jr. Campbe6l, Frederick K. Campbetl, Gene C. Campbell. Geo<ge E. Campbell, James R. Canfiekt, Jerry L Cantrell, Edwin B., III Capeheart, Ted C. Capes, David Capps. Paul D. Capshaw, Donald W. Caraway, P. W. Carden, Clarence M. Cardin, T. W. Carfagno, James, Jr. Canton, Gordon B.
Car!y1e, Gerald Cam1ichael, L M. Carney, Leo J. Carpentef', Charles L Carpentef', Charles L, Jr. Carpentef', Claude, Jr. Carpenter, Thomas M. Carroll, James R. Carroll, PhJtlip Carson, Gary L. Carter, Jack E. Carter, Michael C.
Et6eka SPrings Little Rock Texarkana Russellville Fayetteville Little Rock Little Rock Helena Blytheville Vermillion Fayelteville
lrtde Rod< Fayetteville ~a
Lonoke Clinton
Aogers UtIle Rock Texarkana Little Rock Little Rock Lake V~lage Pocahontas Little Rock B¥heville Bentonville Fort Smrth Kansas Crty
SlYe""""" Jane_a UI1Ie Rod< Conway HoI Springs Fayetteville Forrest City Little Rock Little Rock Little Rock Fayetteville Little Rock Pine Bluff Redfield Pine 81urt
UI1Ie Rod< Little Rock M.....ma Waldron Huntsville
Urn. Rod<
Little Rock N. Little Rock Hot Springs Fort Smith Little Rock
EI Dorado
Aedo< Morrilton
Quincy EI Dorado Little Rock Harrison UtIe Rock
HoI Springs Fort Smith EUf~a
Ashdown SI. Louis N. Little Rock Texarkana Chevy Chase
Pine 81uff DeOueen
Newport Lillie Rod<
MouJuin Home N. UtIle Rock N. UtIle Rock Lillie Rock Lillie Aock Little Rock Little Rock Fayetteville Texarkana FOI1 Smith
Carter, Odell C. Carter, Ralph F. Carver, Stephen D. Casey, Paula J. Cash, Clarence, Jr. Cashoon, Thomas L Casllebefry, Kenneth H. Cathey, Maurice Catlett, Leon B. Catlett, Meredith P. Callett, S. Graham Caudill, John W. Cavaneau, Jerry W. Cearley, Robert M., Jr Chamberlain, H. A. Chambers, Melvin T. Chambers. Rodney T. Chan::ller, Larry Chaney. Donald P., ~ Chapman, Marguerite A. Cherry. James W. Cherry, John Cherry, Patricia Gail Cherry, Sandra Wilson Chesnutt, James W. Childs, Jerry P. Chinula, Donald M. Chisenhall, Larry, Jr. Chisholm, Dan P Choate, John S. Choate, Marsha L. Choate, RM::hard L. Choate, Stephen Chowning, F. E. Chowning, Robert Ctvistlan. Carrol P. Ctlislian, James B. Chronister, Rex W. Church, Beresford L. Churchill, Wm. 0., Jr. Claiborne, Harry E. Clardy, Floyd, III Clark, An::Irew L. Clark, B. S. Clark, Constance G. Clark, David M. Clark, Bizabeth G. Clark, J. Steven Clark, James C., Jr. Clark, Mart P. Clarl<. Rand. . B. Clark, Richard P. Clark, William M. Clark, William M., Jr. Clawson, C. E., Jr. Clay, Philip M. Clay, W. Dane Claycomb, H. Murray Clayton, John R.
Star City APO New York Little Rock UtIle Rock Little Rock Eudora ElKeka Springs Paragould Little Rock UtIle Rock Little Rock Btytheville Searcy UtIle Rock Magnolia Magnolia Magnolia
UtIe Rock Little Rock Little Rock Little Rod< Hot Springs Odessa Little Rock Little Rock Lltle Rock Little Rock Barling Magnolia
Hebe< Springs
Little Rock Little Rock Jacksonvil6e Arlington Fort Smith Little Rock Uttle Rock Las Vegas Nashville N. UtIle Rock Little Rock Fayetteville Batesville
Cochran. Edward F.
Little Rock Utlle Rock HoI Springs San Anlonio Conway Conway Springdale Conway Glenwood Little Rock Warren N. UtIle Rock Magnolia Magnolia Magnotia Bonham Little Rock Paris FOf't Smith Fayetteville Little Rock Uttle Rock Little Rock Fort Smith Springdale FOI1 Smith Little Rock Utlle Rock Texarkana Little Rock UtIle Rock UtIle Rock Bradley
Collman, Edward M.
Coffman, Eldon F. Cog"", J. M;chael Cohen, Robert Y. Cole, J. C. Cole, John W. Coleman, George Randy Coleman, Jon A. CoIUer, Curtis Collier, George P., Jr.
Fort Smith Fort Smith Fort Smith N. Utlle Rock Sheridan Little Rock Jonesboro Slidell Memphis
Clegg, CMoIyn J. Clegg, Elliott L. Clegg, Oliver M. Ctement, F. B. Clements. Joe T.• Jr. Clevelan::l, Herschel W. Clift, Orville C. Clifton, Ralph Michael Ctinton, Annabelle D. Clinton, William J. Cloar, Ralph M., Jr. Cloar, Robert Cloer, John W. Cloninger, Lawson Cobb, John Cobb, Osro Cockr~l, Phillip N. Cockril, Ashley Cockrill, H. Howard
Cocluil, Rogers
April 1980/Arkansas Lawyer/93
Collier, L K. Collins. George B. Combs. Delia Combs, Rodney E. Complon. Robert C. Cook. Elbert Cook. H. E.• Jr. Cook. Kathy W. Cook. Ken Cook. Wayne A. Cooper. Edwin D.
Cooper. Ak:hlud F. Copeland, Milton Coplin. Barry CorbIn. Donak! L Core, Ben Corn, John P. Cornelius, Odas Ray Cotham. E. Ralph, IV Cottrell. Gary A. CoUson. Beth Gladden Col.Iter. C. Warren Courtway. Thomas C. Covington. J. Scott Cox. E. Harley, Jr. Cox. James O. Cox. James T. Cox. Rk:hard L Coxsey, James Kent Crain, John A. Cranford. James B., Jr. Crank. A. H. Cravens, David A. Cree, W. J.• Jr. Creekmore, Carl Creekmore. CaI1 K, Jr. Crisp, John David Crocker. ENzabeth M. Crockett, C. Richard Cromwell, James A. Cromwell, Jan Cromwell, William M. Cronkhite. Tripper Cross, Debby Davies Cross. J. Bl"uce Cross. Junius Bl"acy. Jr. Crouch. James E. Crow, Carl A., Jr. Crow, Floyd C. Crow,"l, JoM W. Croxton, Hardy Crl.lllpktr. Paaj C. CnAchef. ZJmmery Culpepper, Duncan Culver, Curtis N. Cummings, L Maupin Cummings, William C.. Jr. Cunningham, Edward J. ClIdie, Don N. CLXe. Harding B. C.....,E.D. ClKlee, Steve Currie, Mary Cypert, James O. Dabbs, Sid C Dabbs. William M. Dabney, M. Burk Daggett, DOOdridge M. Daggett, Jesse B. Daggett, J. J. Daggett, W. H. Dahlen, Richard Dah6gren, Richard B. Daily, J. S. OWly, Thomas I\. DaimlA. Pete M. Dalrymple. Stevan B. Dane, Dan Daniel, AI J., Jr. Daniel, Ed Daniel. James W. Daniels, William A., Jr. Danielson, ENzabeth Danielson, Paul E. DanuS8f, Roy E. Darling, Peter A. Darr, James E., Jr. Darrow, Bert N. Daugherty. James F. Davidson, Charles D.
94/Arkansas Lawyer/April 1980
Harrisburg Chicago N. Utle Rock N. L.ltIe Rock
EJ 00<_ Hot Springs Hot Springs West Memphis West Memphis little Rock Memphis A.Smith Fayettevile L..itI:Ie Rock Stamps Fort Smith little Rock Bentonville Little Rock Van Buren
Perryv;11e Bentonville Washington Harrison Pine Bluff Greenwood Memphis
Hot Springs Berryville Mountain Home Texarkana little Rock Paris Morr~ton
Van BlKen Van Blsen Texar1<ana Fayetteville little Rock little Rock Ft. Smith Fort Smith Dallas little Rock Linle Rock little Rock Springdale Hot Springs Ho,," CoIl.1llbus
Aoge<s Magnolia Linle Rock Prescott Greenville Fayetteville Jacksonville Mountain Home little Rock Phoenix Chicago Washington Fort Smith Springdale little Rock little Rock Marked Tree Marianna Marianna Marianna Marianna St. louis N. little Rock Fort Smith Fort Smith Springfield Pine Bluff Forrest City Washington little Rock Marshall Monticello Fort Smith Ft. Smith MountainHome Nashville little Rock little Rock
Augusta Ut1Ie Rock
Davidson. PaiJ Davidson. Walter Davis. Boyce R. Davis, Charles E. Davis, D. Oerrell Davis. Erwil L Davis. Fred D.. III Davis. Hal Wayne Davis, Jeff. Jr. Davis. John A.• 1II Davis. lynn A. Davis. Netwyn L Davis. Oscar E.• Jr. Davis. Rk:hard H.• Jr. Davis. Sidney P.. Jr. Davis. Steven Davis, Wylie H. Dawson, Bob Dawson. lawrence E. Dawson. Robert T. Deacon. Barry Deacon, J. C. Deacon. Rush B. DeBoer. Sandra A. DaGostin. Robert J. DeUlle. Jeanene C. Dellinger. L Gray
DeLung, Gerald L Deming, Claiborne P. Denham, Monica L Derden, Terry lym Dermott, Jon Dibfell, Frank S. Dickens. H. D. Dickey, J. W. Dickey. J. W., Jr. Dickey, M. Jane Ok:knson, H. T. Dickson. James E. Digby, Tom F. Dill, Jimmy D. Dillahunty, W. H. Dillon. Edward B.• Jr. Dinning, W. G., Jr. OissJy, Jayme Smith Dittrich. George Robert Dixon. Philip E. Dixon. Philip A. Dobbs, P. E. Dodd, Deyna Dodge, John C.
Dodson, Don B. Dodson, Floyd Mac Donham, William H.
Donovan, Ann C. OoIe, lester E. Donovan, Robert J. Donovan. Tom Doshier, Robert J.
Dossey, Jerry B.
Dougan, Cha<1es A. Dougharty, Robert P. Dougherty, William P. Douglas, larry D. Douglas, Troy A. OougIass. Lee Dover, Darren D. Dowd, C. Wayne Dowden, James F. Dowell, James N. Downing, Richard C. Drake, Ted Draper, Gary M. Drew, Wm. H. Onmmond, WInSlow Duckett, James M. ()ujley, Robert H. Duke, William David Dunaway, Edwin E. Dunaway, Forrest E. Duncan, Xollie Buffer Dunn, Winford L Dupre, Durward D. Dup¥l/e. Warren Durrett, Chadd L Dunn, James M. Dyer, Janet B. Dyke, James T. Eads, James R.. Jr. Easley, B. Michael
Bentonville Little Rock Lincoln Springdale little Rock Fayetteville Pile Bluff Fort Smith Linle Rock Hanover little Rock LinIe Rock LinIe Rock Nashville Fayetteville N. little Rock Fayetteville Sherwood Pine Bluff Fort Smith Jonesboro Jonesboro Houston little Rock little Rock little Rock Melbourne Fl. Smith EI Dorado little Rock little Rock Joplin New Yof1( El Dorado Pine Bluff Pine Bluff littie Rock Sweet Home Jonesboro little Rock Pine Bluff little Rock little Rock Halena Little Rock N. UtIe Rock little Rock Ml.Homa Hot Springs West Memphis Bentonville EI~
Magnolia Linle Rock Fayetteville Camden Marianna Dardanelle Texarkana BantonWle LinIe Rock Fort Smith Jacksonville Spmgdale Fort Smith Little Rock little Rock Texarkana little Rode little Rock N. little Rock Pine Bluff Crossett Lake Village little Rock LinIe Rock
Pocahontas little Rock little Rock Melbourne
Aogars Texarkana Linle Rock Jonesboro West Memphis Fort Smith Ft.Smith UtIle Rock Ut1Ie Rock Forrest City
East. Jack, III Easterling, Charles A. Easterwood, Larry J. Eaton, Jim Echols, John E. Eckert, Wm. A. Eckert, W. A., III Eckhart, Edward L. Eddy, Charles H. Edwards. N. D. Edwards, Robert Ehrenberg, Katherine D. EichenbalXll, E. Chas Don A. Eilboll Ellioll, Don A., Jr. Ellis, Charles E. Ellis, Clyde T. Eisele, G. Thomas Eiseman, Byron M., Jr. Elcan, Frank C., II Eldredge, Wm. A., Jr. Eldridge, John D. Eldridge, John Dupree, III Eldridge, John A., III Elledge. Steven W. Etlig, Michael L. Ellis, George D. Elrod. Georgia K. Elrod. John A. Elrod. John W. Elrod, Russell Elrod. Waymond W.. II Embry, Charles S., Jr. Enfield, William H. Engeler. GOfOOn F.â&#x20AC;˘ Jr. Engstrom, Stephen Epes. $. Wooten, Jr. Epley, Alan D. Epley, Lewis E., Jr. Epley, Michael G. Erwin, Harold S. Erwin, Joseph M. Estes, Peter G., Sr. Estes, Peter G., Jr. Estes, Robert A. Etter. Bm D. Eubanks, Gary L Eubanks, Herman W. Evans, J. H. Evans, James E., Sr. Evans, James E., Jr. Evans, Marshall D. Everett, John C. Evitts, les Fairley, Lindsey J. Farmer. Marion L Farrar, Clay Farrar, Kathlyn G. Farris. Phillip B. Fast, Stanley W. Faulkner, Ralph E. FaUlkner, Robert W. Featherston, Jimmy lee Feild, Russell H., Jr. Feland, William P. Fels, James O. Felton, Daniel H., III Fendler, Oscar Fergus, William L Ferguson, Gibbs Festinger, Steve Ferstl, Tom M. Fewell, Vietra L Fields, Branch T. Fikes, Horace, Jr. Files, Jack D. Finch, Roy Finley, Dale W. Finley, John C. Finley, Johnny C., III Finnegan, William T. Fitting, Lawrence W. Frtton. Garvin FItZhugh, J. H. Fitzhugh, Tom B. Fitzsirrmons, F. P. Fleischer, Deborah Jackson Fleischer, Richard E. Fleming, James E. Fleming, Joe W., II
N. Little Rock Harrisburg
Conway N. lillie Rock lillie Rock Magnolia Magnolia Rison Morrilton Van Buren Searcy lillie Rock Little Rock Pine Bluff Fayelleville Blytheville Chevy Chase Little Rock Little Rock Harrison Little Rock Augusta Augusta Fayetteville Brinkley FI. Smith Bryant S~oam Springs Siloam Springs Rison Siloam Springs Little Rock Gravette Bentonville Mountain Home LittleRock Helena Eureka Springs Eureka Springs Magnolia
Newport Dallas Fayetteville Fayetteville Fayetteville Jonesboro little Rock Little Rock Ft. Smith Springdale Springdale Fayetteville Prairie Grove little Rock West Memphis Searcy Hot Springs Little Rock Batesville Tulsa Camden little Rock Murfreesboro Metairie
Cabol Pine Bluff Marianna Blytheville
Osceo<a McGehee little Rock litt1e Rock N. Little Rock N.UttleRock Pine Bluff little Rock little Rock Russellville Ashdown Ashdown Magnolia Mawassas Harrison Fort Smith Augusta Alexandria Somerville Somerville West Memphis Washington
Fleming, Vietor A. Flowers, W. Harold Fogg, lanier Foglemen, John A. Fogleman, Julian B. Folsom. David Foltz, Edwin J. Foltz, Harry A. Fooks, Robert H. Ford, C. V. Ford, Gayle Ford, Robert M. Fore, Joe M. Forrest, Donald A. Forrester, Kenneth J. Forster, John, Jr. Fortenberry, Sharon M. Foster, Harry G. Foster, James T. Foster, Kent R. Foster, Vincent W., Jr. Foster, Wayne A. Fowler, James M., Jr. Fraley, Falon A. Frank, Ben W. Frankel, Arthur G., Jr. Franks, Candace Ann Webb Franks. E. Ben Frazier. Donald Freeland, Byron Fricke, George Spence Friday, Herschel H. Friedlander, R. B. Friedman. Donald B. Friedman, Errol N. Friedman, Michael A. Frierson. Charles, III Froman, leroy FUlbright, J. Wm. Fussell, Robert F. Gaddy, William D. Galloway, Raymond F. Gallman. James W. Gammill, Randall L. Gannaway. James B. Gant, H. Zed Gant, Paul D. Gardner. Charles J. Gardner, J. M. Gardner, Kathleen Dulan Gardner, Patrick J. Gardner, Richard E. Gardner, Stephen C. Garner, Charles R. Gamer, Curtis E. Garner. Robert E. Garnett, Bruce T. Garrett, Dean A. Garrell, Larry W. Garrett, Robert w. Garrett, Rufus, Jr. Garrell, W. Dale Garvin, O. W. Gates, Virginia R. Gathright, Emmette Gathright, Richard Emmette Gathright, M. Morrell Gaughan. J. E. Gaughan, John E., III Gay, Thomas S. Gean. Paul Baker Gean, Ray R.. III Gean, Roy A., Jr. Gearhart, G. David Gearhart, Van A. Geigle, Stephen A. Geister, J. F. Gelzine, Joseph W. George. David Gerard, Joe Gershner, Stephen L Gellle, F. S. Gibbs, Gary A. Gibson, L D. Gibson, Sam E. Gibson, Michael L Gibson, A. Bymm Gibson, Robert B. Gibson, William Russell Gilbert. Martin G.
Little Rock Pine Bluff Memphis Little Rock W. Memphis Texarkana Gladwyne Fort Smith Little Rock Little Rock Ml. Ida Wynne
West Memphis Little Rock N. Little Rock Pine Bluff Conway Sandpoint lillie Rock Little Rock lillie Rock Little Rock Las Vegas lillie Rock Helena lillie Rock Texarkana Little Rock Little Rock Little Rock Little Rock Little Rock Texarkana Texarkana Texarkana Jonesboro Searcy Washington Little Rock Little Rock Helena Fayetteville Hazen Little Rock Van Buren Van Buren Blytheville Blytheville Fayetteville Heber Springs Russellville Russellville Ft. Smith Gates Milts Warren Hot Springs Linle Rock Bentonville Benton Fort Worth Fayenevifle lillie Rock Jalisco EI Dorado Fayetteville Pine Bluff Camden Camden Pine Bluff Fort Smith Fort Smith Fort Smith
AR AR AR AR AR TX AR AR MX AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR Conway Mountain Home AR Rogers AR little Rock AR Little Rock AR Bentonville AR Alexandria VA little Rock AR Houston TX Hot Springs AR Tnxnann AR Benton AR Osceola AR De<mon AR AR Dermott Fayetteville AR Pine Bluff AR April 1980/Arkansas Lawyer/95
Gilbreath, E. C. GWes. Roger W. Giles, Stephen R. Gilker, James A. GWI, John P. GUI. Marion S. Gilliam, John D. Gilliam, William C. Gilltson. David F.• Jr. Giroir, Chas. J., Jr. Gist. Morse Upshaw. Jr. Gitchel. W. Dent Gitelman, Morton Giuffre, Paul L. Givens. Art Glasgow. Roger A. Glaze, Thomas A. Gktason, George G., II Glidewell, Robert J. Gk>ver, David Mac Gklver, Don E. Glover, Dorsey D. Glover. Gilbert L Glover. Lawson E. Glover. A. JlAian Glover, W~liam H. Glover, William D. Gocio, Chal1es L Godwin. M. R. Goldberg. Steven Goldberger, Charles S. Gokjstein, Bernard Gonzenboch, David S. Gooch. James T. Goodman, AmoId Goodner, Donald Scott Goodrich, Wm. R. Goodson, David A. Goodson. Judge John W, Goodwin, Perry C., Jr. Goodwin, Ray A. Gordon, Edward Allen Gordon. Edward Jr. Gordon. Nathan Goss, Kathy Woodward Goss. Patrick James Gatt, Michael Gould, Kenneth S. Govar, Robert J. Goza. Ralph C. Grace, David A. Graddy. larry E. Graham, Gregory B. Graham, Walter K. Graves. Albert, Sr. Graves, Albert, Jr. Graves, James C. Graves. John M. Graves, John A. Gray, James A. Green. Gary L Green, J. W., Jr. Greenhaw, leonard F. Greenhaw, William K. Greer, John B., III Gregg, John C. Gregory, Henry W., Jr. Gregory, H. Watt. III Gresham. James E. Grider, Murrey L Griffen, Wendell L. Griffin, Joe Griffin, Richard E. Griffin, Royce O. Griggs, Ronald L Grim, Uncia Sue Grobmyer. Maril; Groce. Paul D. Gross, Kenneth J.
Little Rock Little Rock Jacksonville Los Angeles
Grubbs, W. K.
Gunn. Iva Nell Wyfes Gunter, James H., Jr. Gunter, Joe T. Gunter, Robert S. Gunter, Russell A. Guntl, David K. Guthrie, David F. Guthrie, W. B. Jr. Hadden. Chal1es A. Hadfield, 0 .0.
OarXsville Hope Little Rock Little Rock Little Rock Pine Bluff EI Dorado Des Arc Richardson Little Rock
OO/Arkansas Lawyer/April 1980
Ft. Smith Little Rock Fayetteville Fort Smith UtIle Rock Dlmas Burkburnett Malvern Lake Vilage litle Rock Hot Springs Little Rock Fayettevile FI.Smith Little Rock
UtIe Rock
Little Rock
0_ UlJe Rock Malvs," Tulsa Malvem UtIle Rock Malvern HoI Springs Malvem Forrest City Bentonville little Rock Little Rock F';ne Bluff West Memphis St. louis Arkadelphia Little Rock Waldron Little Rock Paragould Texal1cana Little Rock Paragould Morrilton Morrilton Morrilton Little Rock litl.1e Rock Jonesboro Little Rock North little Rock Camden N. Little Rock Conway Texarkana Richmond Hope Hope Mlrlreesboro Camden Hope Hot Springs N. Utle Rock Stuttgart FayetteviHe Fayetteville Texar1tana Batesville F';ne Bluff Utle Rock Harrison
Pocaho<11as Little Aock Texarkana
c,ossett UtlIe Rock EJ Dorado
Hainen. John B. Halbrook.. WNtiam. Marcus Hale. David L Hale, Eugene, Jr. Hale, James C. Hale, James C., Jr. Hale, Mk:hael Hale, Milas H. Haley. John Haley. John T., Jr. Haley, Vtolet L Halinski. Richard T., Jr.
Hall. Charles Ga<y Hall, Hall, Hall, Hall, Hall, HaN,
Harold L James L, Jr. James M. John W....... O. Wendell, Jr. Patsy
Hail, Robert H. Hall, W. a Halpern. Gerald Hallom, Brent Hamilton, Don Hamilton, Donald E. Hamilton. Donis B. Hamilton. Herman Hamilton, Jim Hamilton, W. P. Hamlin, Franklin S. Hamm, Harry O. Hamner, Ralph C. Han', Ruyle W. Hankins, Herman H.• Jr. Hankins, Stuart W. Hanks, Charles E. Hanna, Albert A. Hanshaw. lance L Harber, Everett E. Hardage, Albert C. Hardegree, Joe H. Hardin, G. Robert Hardin, Joe K. Hardin, L. A. Hardin, luther B. Hardin, P. H. Hardin, Robert N. Hardin, Robert W. Hardin. Stephen lynn Hargis, David M. Hargraves, Robert S. Hal1cey, John N. Harlan, Bruce Harp. Davkt K.
Harper, Ernest H.• Jr. Harper, Thomas Harper, Tom. Jr. Harrel, Alan D. Harrell. Searcy W., Jr. Harrelson, F. Daniel Harrelson, F. G., Jr. Hamil. Raymond Harriman, Marril H., Jr. Harris, C. Wayne Harris, Carleton, Eugene S. Harris Harris, James Ed Harris. John C. Harris, O. Fred Harris, Oren Harrison, Fred H. Harrison, Hugh W.• Jr. Harrison, Ronald D. Harris, Ronald G. Harrod, Dave W. Harrod, Roger B. Hart. Demaris A. Hart, Fred, Jr. Hart, Josephine l. Hart, Robert L, Jr. Hartman, Gary T. Hartsfield, larry
Harvey. J. VlCfor Haskins, John T. Hass, Wm. A. Hastings, W. R., Jr. Hatfield, Richard Haught. William D. Hawk, Boyce E. Hawkins, Claude S., Jr.
DeOueen Little Rock N. Little Rock
W. Memphis W. Memphis Little Rock N. IJttIe Rock Utle Rock
Warren Mington Little Rock Texarkana Little Rock Pine Bluff Fayetteville little Rock Benton
EI Do<ado Jeffe<son Oty Huntsville Fayetteville Stamps Little Rock Forrest City Paragould Hamburg N. Little Rock little Rock Little Rock Beverly Hills Little Rock little Rock Arkadelphia N. Uttle Rock Fayetteville El Dorado
Cabol Blytheville Utile Rock Mena
N. Uttle Aod< Benton little Rock Russellville Fort Smith Ben/on Russellville Paragould little Aock Hot Springs Batesville Blytheville
Dunn N. UtIe Rock
Fort Smith Fort Smith Tex&1<ana Camden Pine Bluff Texarkana Little Rock Van Buren Ft. Smith
IJttIe Rock Pne Bluff Little Rock RusseIlvi~
Little Rock EI Dorado Little Rock
FI.Smith OarksviUe Hebe< Springs little Rock FayetteviBe
Uttle Rock Batesvillo Pine Bluff little Rock
Newpo<t little Rook Little Rock Thayer Fort Wayne Searcy Little Rock Litl.le Rock Ashdown
Hawkins, Jom C., Jr. Hawtdns, Mary Idalee
Hayes. L Cody Haynes, Lloyd A. Hays, Brooks Hays, Patrick H. Hays, Steele Heister, Paler B. Helms, A. leon, Jr. Hemingway, Charles W. H~son,E.DeMatt
Henderson, Vncent C., II Hendren, J. L Hendrick. David A., Jr. Henley, J. Smith Henry, Ann R. Henry, David G. Henry, David P. Henry, Donald H. Henry, John R. Hervy, Uoyd A., Jr. Henry, Morriss M. Herry, Richard l.
He<vy. Aobe<t L. III Herry, Robert W. Henry, Troy Henslee, W. E. Henson, Judy Alma Herdllnger, David S. Herget, Phil H8fman, Delbert M. Herrod, E. H. Heuer, Sam T. Hewett, M8l1l: Hickey, Joseph Hickey, Paw Hicks, Bas~ V., Jr.
Hid<y.Phil Hicky, Preston G. Higginbotham, Jan Highsmith, M. F. Highsmith, Sam C. Hightow8f, David Hightower. William Hilburn, Sam Hilburn, Thomas L Hill, Jeanie Johnson Hill, W~liam A., Jr. Hilliard, Zenola M. Hipp, Richard Hirby, Oscar Hitchcock, Raebern B. Hilt, Cahill Hively, Thomas J. Hixson, Raymond H. Hlavinka, VIctor F. Hobbs. Richard W. Hodge, Oewain W. HOOge, William H. Hodges, David A. Hodges, Kaneaster, Jr. Hoerst8f, J. K. Hofmann, Jack J. Hofmann, Virginia Warneke Hoggard, Jabe Hogue. L Lynn Hogue, Paul J. Holcomb, Gordon V.
Holmald. Larry D. Holifield, T. Joe Holiman, Ramona A. Holland, Alfred J. Holland, James O. Holland, John G. Holland, William R. Hollaway, E. l. Hollingsworth, Cyril Hollingsworth, Donald M. Hollingsworth, P.A. HolI;';. James M. (Jm) Holloway, ~ R. Homan, James M. Homan, John Hawtey Holmes, G. N. Homes. M. J. Holmes, Paul K., 111 Holmes, Robert H. Holt, J. Frank Holt, Jack Holt. Jack, Jr.
Texarkana Texarkana A. Smith little Rock Washington little Rock little Rock little Rock little Rock North little Rock little Rock
Harrison Fayetteville Stuttgart little Rock little Rock Harrisburg Hot Springs Fayettevifte HoI Springs UltIe AocI<
Conway Jonesbo<o little Rock
Jone_o Springdale Paragould Cleveland North little Rock Fayetteville Ft. Smith El Dorado Uttle Rock N. little Rock Forrest City Forrest City Pensacola Batesville Batesville Fort Wayne West Memphis N. UtIle Rock Walnut Ridge Fayetteville Washington little Rock Fayetteville little Rock St. Paul Houston Batesville Paris Texarkana Hal Springs Waldron
Newport Newport Seattle Omaha Omaha EI Dorado little Rock Hot Springs
Amity Uttle Aoct< Paragould Washington Paragould little Rock Fort Smith Hanover Corning Uttle Rock Uttle Aoct< little Rock
Utlle AocI< lake V~lage
Ctatt<sv;,1e Texal1<ana Pine Bluff Pine Bluff Fort Smith Pine Bluff little Rock UtIle Rock little Rock
Holthoff, Howard M. Hottzendorff, Frances Honey, WilHam C. Hoofman, Oilton H. Hooper, Jimmy l. Hoover, Paul W., Jr. Hopkins, Breck G. Hopkins, David Hopkins, A. Howard Hopkins, Randolph B. Hopp8(, Paul E. Hopper, A. Dale Hopper, William L
-98'. Aobe<t E. Home, Allan W. Horne, David Hotz, Hartman Hough, William A. House, A. F. Houston, A. Noy!, Jr. Houston, Gaines N. Hoot, Phillip Howard, Dorothy Yancy Howard, George, Jr. Howard, J. Roy Howard, Steven G. Howard, William B. Howard, William louis Howell, F. J., Jr. Howell, Max Hubbard, David T. Hubbell, Billy J. Hubbell, Webster L Huckaba, Frank J. Huckabay, D. Mike Hudson, Thomas Gary Huey, caint Huffman, Donald R. Hughes, Steve Hughes, Teresa L Hughes, Thomas M. HuJ, Susan Fountain Huie, C. R. Hulen, Charles Mike Ht.rnptYies, Alan A. Hunt, Eugene
H..... Geo<ge M.. 5<. Hoot8f, Scott Hurt8y, Joe B. Hurley, Louis E. Hurley, Ruby E. Hutchinson, W. Asa Hyatt, James E., Jr. Hyden, James W. Ibsen, Betta S.
Dlrn8s little Rock Soottsdale N. little Rock Texarkana Uttle Rock Batesville Allentown
Cotham UtIle Rock
Jonesbo<o West Memphis
Oxfonl A. Smith little Rock Fayetteville Fayetteville Aurora little Rock Trll'Tlann little Rock
Newport Uttle Rock Pine Bluff Uttle Rock
Newport Jonesboro
North Uttle Rock Uttle Rock Fort Smith
McGehee little Rock MountainHome
Utlle AocI< DeW," Warren Springdale Jacksonville Beebe Beebe los Angeles Arkadelphia Uttle Rock Pine Bluff Pine Bluff
Jone_o Nashville EI Dorado N. little Rock Bentonville
C>s<:OOa Pine Bluff Fayetteville
Inboden. 51_Dale
Irby, Freeman B. Irvin, Jerry R. Irw." Michael E. Isaacs, William B.
little Rock Batesville
Ishmael, Randall W. Ives, Daniel D. Ivester, Hermann Jack, Oon T., Jr. Jackson, Blaine A. Jackson, Oiff Jackson, Edwin F. Jackson, Fletcher Jackson, H. Paul Jackson, Ja~ R. Jackson, Jerry D. Jackson, John H. Jackson, Randolph C. Jacobs, David Jacobs, John H. Jacobs, Patricia D. Jacoway, Cooper Jacoway, JHI R. Jacoway, Thomas A.
James, Dennis L James, Gerald W. James, Jerry G. James, Joseph P. James, Stephen E. James, Thomas P. Jameson, Paul JamIson, leon N. Jans, Fred C., Jr. Jarboe, Richard A.
_Springs Fayetteville YeUvilie Jonesboro
Camden lillie Rock little Rock Bentonville little Rock Des Moines UtIle Rock
Benyv;11e Fayetteville UttIe Rock
GU<don Ft. Smith little Rock little Rock Washington little Rock
S_a1e S_a1e little Rock UttIe Rock UtIle Rock
Newport Clinton lake Charles Fayetteville Pine Bluff CorvaIlia Walnut RM1ge
AA AA OA AA ApriI1980/Arkansas Lawyer/97
Jarrett, Richard A. Jefferson, Gary $. Jeffries. Charles C. Jegley, G. Lawrence Jelen, Susan E. Jenkins, C. W. Jenkins, Faber D., Jr. Jennings, Alston Jennings, Alston, Jr. Jennings, Bill F. Jennings, John E. Jernigan, John T. Jernigan, George 0., Jr. Jesson, Bradley D. Jewell, W. Horace Jewell, Wayne Johnson, Bernard K. Johnson, Charles D. Johnson, Donald L Johnson, Eclor R., lit Johnson, E. S. Johnson, James A., Jr. Johnson, James C. Johnson, James E. Johnson, James D. Johnson, Joel D. Johnson, John L, Jr. Johnson, John L Johnson, Kirk D. Johnson, M. Perry Johnson, NOffi"tan Keith Johnson, Paul Johnson, Phyllis Hall Johnson, Robert E. Johnson, Robert J. Johnson, Walter T. Johnson, William E. Jones, Ben Block Jones, Claude R. Jones. Dorothy May Jones. Ed P. Jones, Glenn Welch, Jr. Jones. Guy H., Jr. Jones. Henry L., Jr. Jones. J. F. Jones. Terry D. Jones. Jackson M. Jones, John H. Jones, Kendall B. Jones, Kenneth Jones. L. D. Jones, Louis B., Jr. Jones, M. Samuel, III Jones, Michael R. Jones, Robert lee Jones, Robert L., Jr. Jones, Robert L., III Jones, Slephen W. Jones, W. Wilson Jordan, Raymond W. Jordan, Vernon E., Jr. Jorden, Douglas A. Joyce. Jimmy D. Joyce, John H. Julian, Jim L. Kaplan, Philip E. Karr, Charles Kassos, Anthony Kassos, John E. Kaufman, David B. Keaton, Edwin A. Keegan, Robert R. Keel, Margaret O. Keeter. Bob Keith, Tommy J. Kelley, Eugene Kelly, Harry G. Kelly, Michael E. Kelly, William D., Jr. Kelly, William T. Kemp, John Dan, Jr. Kemp, Hal Joseph Kemp, Joseph C. Kemp, Kartton H., Jr. Kendall, Donald B. Kennedy, James D. Kennedy, William H. Kennett. Dan Kesl. Marjorie M. Ketz, Wesley J., Jr.
96/Arkansas Lawyer/April 1960
Jonesboro Litlle Rock Burke Little Rock Dallas Dewitt lonoke Little Rock little Rock Magnolia Rogers Little Rock little Rock Fort Smith little Rock EI Dorado Dumas little Rock Chesterfield little Rock Blytheville West Memphis MountaIn Home
Reno Little Rock Fort Smith little Rock little Rock Texarl<ana San Francisco Monticello Little Rock Fayetteville Ft. Smith Crossett little Rock Hamburg Jackson Harrison louisville Washington little Rock Conway Little Rock Little Rock Fayetteville little Rock Pine Bluff Fort Smith Little Rock Fayetteville Forrest City Little Rock N. little Rock Little Rock Fort Smith Fort Smith Little Rock Little Rock Texarkana NewYoriI: Paradise Valley Pine Bluff Fl. Lauderdale West Memphis Little Rock Fort Smith EI Dorado Tampa little Rock Camden Fayetteville littleRock Mena Bentonville Rogers Houston Yellville little Rock Little Rock Mountain View Little Rock little Rock Texarkana Rogers Russellville little Rock Brinkley England Batesville
Kidd, J. l. Kidd. Judson Kieffer, Marvin Kilgore, Collins, Jr. Killion. Ronald G. Killough, John N KHpatrick, Joseph E., Jr. Kimberly, John Kimbrough, Warren O. Kinard, Milam M. Kincade, Ronald P. Kincaid, Hugh A. Kincannon, Barry D. King, A. Jack King, Durwood W. King, Harold King, H. Lloyd, Jr. King, Kevin N. King. Neva B. King, V. James King, Vernon J. Kinney, Knox B. Kirby, Louie C. Kirkpatrick, Fred C. Kirkpatrick, Neal B. Kirkpatrick, Terry R. Kizer, Bernice L Knauts, Comrade W. Knight, David A. Knight, Richard C. Knight, W. Jane Koopman, Howard W. Kozinsky, Melva H. Krauft, Conrad Chester Kready, B. J. Kroha, Daniel J., Jr. Kubicek, C. James Kumpe. Peter G. Kumpe, Roy Kusin, Sherman A. lady, Frank laidler, Regina W. Lamb, Stephen P. Lambert, Stewart ~. Lambright, Wm. Frank Lancaster, Paul K. Lance, James W. Landers, Michael R. Landis, David Lands, Jack, III laney, Robert S. langley, Stanley R. langston, Don langston, J. W. Larey, Bert B. Larey, lance l. Larzelere, H. T.. Jr. Laser. Alvin Laser, David N. Laser, Sam Lashlee, Kim R. lassiter. Jack T. Laughlin, Kendall A. lavender, George W. lavender, larry M. Lavey. John lawrence, Ernest G., Jr. Laws, Ike Allen, Jr. Laws, Kathryn Elaine laJ<, Gary MartIn leamons, Spence A. leatherman, Leland F. leathers, Timothy James ledbetter, Calvin R., Jr. ledbetter, Charles R. ledbetter, Marl< ledbetter, Thomas D. Lee, Gerald D. Lee. John Terry lee, Russell Wayne Leflar, Robert A. leggett, Thomas P. leMay, Ronald T. Leslie, Robert B. lessel, John V. lessenbeny, Jack l. lester, Markham letzig, Frank, Jr. Levenstein. Malcolm B. levi, Robert O.
Little Rock Little Rock Jonesboro little Rock Waldron Wynne little Rock Palatine Fort Smith Magnolia Mountain Home Fayetteville Fort Smith Ozark West Helena Little Rock Little Rock Hardy Ozark Pocahontas Pocahontas Forrest City Gentry Harrison little Rock Fayetteville Fort Smith Piggott Alexandria Kansas City little Rock Little Rock little Rock Fayetteville little Rock Little Rock N. little Rock little Rock Uttle Rock Texarkana Jonesboro Hot Springs little Rock Cherokee Village Little Rock Benton Little Rock EI Dorado Jonesboro Paragould Camden Jonesboro Fort Smith UttleRock Texarkana Magnolia little Rock Little Rock Jonesboro Little Rock Gainesville UltleRock Dallas Texarkana Dallas Little Rock Bentonville Russellville Ashdown Hal Springs Fort Smith Little Rock little Rock little Rock Fort Smith Jonesboro Harrison Fayetteville Siloam Springs N. Uttte Rock Fayetteville little Rock SI. Louis Little Rock San DIego Ultle Rock Little Rock little Hock
Osceole North Uttte Rock
Levin. Jeffrey E. Lewis. John A. Lewis, Paul K.. Jr. Lewis, W~lis V. Light, Charles W.
Ught. _ V . Lightle, J. E., Jr. Ligon. Star1o: Lile. John G. HI Liles, Gary F. UlcoIn, Charles J. UncoIn, Ivy Glen Lindsey. Dean R.
Undsey. 8nlee R. lindsay, Mar1I: Lindsey, Paul E.
LroseY._S. Lindsey, Ruth
Unebe<ge<. John R. Li'lgle, James C. Lrogo. Donald W. Lnville, Carol Ann Unzay, Lee H., Jr.
Upe. Lany Lipe, linda Bon Lippard. C. Richard UtIle. C1aylon N. Uttrell, Robert W. Livingston, J. F. Livingston, JoIYl T. LJewellyn, James M., Jr. ~fton, Floyd J. Logan, Roger V. Loh, Phillip H.. III Long, Fletcher, Jr. Longino, Hugh E., Jr. Longino«;, louis J., III Lansberry, Michael W. Lookadoo, Fred W., Jr. Lookadoo, J. H., Jr. Looney. Jerry W. Looper, Jeryl a. Lorenzo. Thelma M. Love, Boyce R. Love, Claude E. Lovell, John Franklin. Jr. Lovett, Glenn, Jr. Lovett, Thomas M. lovett, Tom F. lovett, Tom S., Jr. LOW'e, Chester C., Jr. Lowery, Robert L.
Low'}'._C. Lucy, Gladys M. Lldwig, Stanley Luker, James C. Luker, Joe C., Jr. Lusby, Rk:lKvd Lusk, G80fgB E., Jr. Lynch, Oalde E. Lyon, Philp K lyons, R. James MacOonakt, Fred MacMiltan. Brian F. Macom. Arthur Mackey, B. Frank, Jr. Mackey, Diane S. MacLong, Fredye
Macphee, IlnJce A. Madden, Harold W.
Madden. Joe E. Maddox, Edward S. Maddox, J. David Madsen, Carl J. Magee, Willlam F.
MaglolhOl, E. E., .1<. Magruder, R. Jack, III Mahony, Emon A. Mahony, Emon A., Jr. Mahony, Joseph K., II Mahony, Michael F. Mainard, James C. Malcom, Phil Mallory, George L. Malone, Clyde N. Malone, David R. Manley, David J. Mann, John W. Mart<s, Leon Marque«e, Robert
Fayetteville Ft. Smith Alexandria UttIe Rock Paragould UtIle Rocl< Searcy Warren Prle Bluff Linle Rock Little Rock Washington Batesville Mington Fayetteville
Camden UItIe Rock Uttfe Rock Fayetteville Rogers Texar1<ana Little Rock Fayetteville Tulsa UtIle Rock Booneville Bentonville Texarkana Batesville Dallas Lavaca Little Rock Harrison Morrilton Forrest City Fayetteville Hot Springs Monticello Bentonville Arkadelphia Manhattan Ft. Smith Little Rock Little Rock EI Oofado Benton
Springdale Little UItIe Little Little UttIe Little
Rock Rock
Rock Rock Rock Rock
S","'gdale Wynne UItIe Rock
Jonesbo<o Little Rock Osceola UItIe Rock
Jonesbo<o Bmkley
p",agoUd Stuttgart UItIe Rock Little Rock Pne Bluff Hot Springs N. Little Rock Little Rock Harrisburg
Mena Stuttgart Lewisville Fayetteville Little Rock El Dorado Ft. Smith El Dorado EI Oofado Ozark Little Rock Little Rock Dallas Fayetteville Texarkana Forrest City Little Rock Van Buren
Marschewski. James R. Marshall, Terrell Martensen, John K. Martin. Brent Wayne Martin, Festus H. Martin. Howard L. Martin, Richard L. Martin, Susan Fox Martin, Thomas A.. Jr. Martin, Ward Martrl, William A. Martindale, Everett O. Mashburn. Michael H. Masengate. Roy L Mason. Ronald J. Massey. Edmund Mathews, Edward C. Mathews. Terry Mathis, Lewis Mathis, Sherry J. Mathis. Travis Matthews. C. D. Matthews, David R. Matthews. Gail O. Matthews, Gene Matthews. John E. Matthews. K. L Matthews, Stephen A. Mattingly, Lesly W. Maurras, S. Walton May, E. T. Buck May, James M., III May, JoIYl w., II May, Ronald Mayes, Bob I. Mayes, John B. Mayes, S. Hubert Mayes, S. Hubert, Jr. Mayfield, Melvin E. Mays, P. Douglas Mays. Richard L. Mays, Robin Lafferty Mays, Tommy L. Mayton, Connie L Mayton, Michael R. Mazzanti. Eugene Mazzanti. Jerry McAdams, Hall, III McAdams, Herbert H.
McAdams. l.etty C. McAJlist8f, A. D., Jr. McArthur, William C. McCaa. James C., III McCain, lloyd B. McCain, Susan McCall, Charles J. McCann, Ronald M. McCaskill, Austin McCaskill. Austin, Jr. McCaskill, Martha Miller McClain, James E., Jr. McClendon. L Philip Mcaerkin, Hayes McClefnon, F. H.
McCtoY. C1iffO<d• .1<. McCllJe, George L McCollum. Sid McConnefI, Daniel F. McCord, James N.
McC<><d, Lany R.
McCorIde. Ed w. McCormk:k, David McCoy, Dale E.
MeCn,'}', Christy 8. McCright. L R. McCulloch, Richard B. McDaniel, Bobby McDaniel, James E. McDermott, Donald G. R. McDermott, Harry E., Jr.
McDonald, Ga'}' Don
McDonald Julie W. Mcewen, Lewis P. McFaddin. Ed F. McGehee, Abner McHaney, James M. McHaney, James M.. Jr. McHenry, Robert M., Jr. Mcinnis, E. Winton Mcivor. Marcia
Russellville Little Rock
B¥heville Fayetteville
Cabot Fort Smith Little Rock
Jaspe< Little Rock San Francisco Uttle Rock Springdale W. Memphis Little Rock MomIton WIChita UtIle Rock UItIe Rock Ar1o:adelphia
Arkadelphia Uttle Rod<
Lowell Uttle Rock HoI Springs Little Rock Little Rock Pine Bluff Jacksonville Fort Smith
EI Dorado N. UtIle Rock DeOueen Little Rock Fayetteville Blytheville Little Rock Little Rock EI Dorado Little Rock Little Rock LitUe Rock Fordyce West Memphis West Memphis Little Rock Lake V~[age Little Rock Uttle Rock UtIle Rock Fayetteville Little Rock West Memphis Little Rock UtIle Rock At1ington Fayetteville Little Rock Little Rock Little Rock Little Rock Crossell Texarkana Springfield Little Rock
Malvern Bentonvie
AR AR AR Arkade<phia AR Russellville AR Russellville AR little Rock AR Little Rock AR Fooest City AR Jonesbo<o AR Jonesbo<o AR Little Rock AR Little Rock AR EI Dorado AR Little Rock AR Grove City PA Little Rock AR Little Rock AR Little Rock AR Little Rock AR Little Rock AR Little Rock AR Fayetteville AR April 1980/Arkansas Lawyer/99 Roge<s
Fayetteville Ft. Smith
McKenzie, Gregory P. McKenzie, H. H. McKenzie, James H. McKimm, William Harry McKinley, Lester A. McKissic, Gene E. McKnight. John McKnight, Woodrow B. Mclarty, James A., III McLean, William A. McLees, Milton McMath, James Bruce McMath, Phillip H. McMath, Sidney McMenis, James E. McMillan, H. W. McMillan, Toney D. McMinn. Ben C. McNair, D. Malcolm, Jr. McNee, John R. McNeil, Andre E. McNeill, Paul D.
McNulty. J. A. McRae,D.L McRee, George W. McSpadden, Carl B. McSpadden, Oon McWilliams, George L. Meadows. Phillip E. Measler. Mary Means, H. N., III Means, Paul N., Jr. Medearis, Charles A. Meek, Harry E. Meeks, William A., III Mehaffy, Pat Mehlburger, Max C. Menefee, Bruce Tandy Menz, David F. Meredith, J. Conley Metcalf, Ronald W. Mickel, A Delbert, Jr. Millar, Mike Miller, James F. Miller, James K. Miller, ..Iotv1 E. Miller. Michael K. Miller, Richard L Miller, Sharon B. Miller, Stan Miller, Wm. S., Jr. Mills, Ronald C. Mills, R. H. Mills, Wilbur O. Mills, William P. Miner, Jay C. Minnick, Ronnie H. Minton, David L. Mitchell, H. Maurice Mitchell, Michael W. Mitchell, William S. Mixon, Donn Mixon, James G. Mobley. Jeff Mobley, Richard Moll, Mark A. Molock, Dennis R. Moncrief, Virgil Monroe, Thomas Ark, III Montgomery, Don 0., Jr. Montgomery. Sam Montgomery, Thomas G. Moody. Edwaro O.
Moody. J. H. Moody, James M. MOlXty, Wallace M. ~ey, CharlesM. Mooney, G. Wayrl6 Moore, Boyce F. Moore, Dewey, Jr. Moore, H. Clay Moo<e. Hany T. Moore, James W. Moore, Janet K. Moore, John B., Jr. Moore, John O. Moore, Marlene S. Moore, Marshall H. Moore, McPherson D. Moore, Mitchell D.
100/Arkansas Lawyer/April 1960
Ozark Prescott Prescott Mount Ida Little Rock Pine Bluff New Iberia Little Rock Newport El Dorado North Little Rock Utlle Rock Little Rock Little Rock Charlottesville Arkadelphia Arkadelphia Little Rock Fayetteville Jacksonville
Conway Jonesbo<o Pine Bluff Prescot!
Bristol Heber Springs Balesville Texarkana Harrison Little Rock Little Rock Little Rock Fayetteville Li1tle Rock Li1tle Rock Li1tle Rock Little Rock EI Dorado little Rock Riverside Fort Smith Little Rock Searcy Fayetteville Fayetteville Fort Smith Fayetteville FayetteviHe Detroit Hot Springs Little Rock Jacksonville Springdale Arlington
Se_ Hamson Texarl<ana Charlottesville Little Rock Li1tle Rock Uttle Rock
Jonesbo<o Bentonville Russellville Russellville Fort Smith Uttle Rock Stuttgart Bethesda Dallas N. Ut1Ie Rock West Memphis Little Rock Bald Knob Little Rock EI Dorado Jonesboro Harrisburg Ut1Ie Rock Little Rock Little Rock
p",agcxid Little Rock
Osceola Clarendon Texarkana N. Little Rock Texarkana SI. Louis
Moore, Pal N. Moore, Richard N., Jr. Moore, Rudy, Jr. Moorhead, William M. Moran, Pat Morehead, Robert F. Morgan, Charles A. Morgan, James L Morgan, V. Henry Mortedge, W. Frank Mortey, Dean R. Morley, SIeve
Morphew. Gary Joe Morris. Sally Svoboda Morris, W~liam T. Morriss, Josh A., III Moser, James C. Mosley. Wm. B. Moss, Michael E. Moudy, Dan E. Mourton, Kenneth Mouser, William Kirby Muldrow, Lee J. Mullen, Wm. David Mullis, Bart G. Munday, John L Munns, Michael D. Munson, Bruce E. Murphy, James W. Murphy, W. D.. Jr. Murray, Ike Murray, Ralph C. Murray, Walter A_ Muse, Richard S.
Myeo;. Leo O. Myers, William G. Nance, Cedi B., Jr. Nance, Cecil B., III Nance, Donald W. Napper, Sieve Narisi, Vincent J. Nash, Jim A. Nash, W~liam Neal, OIly, Jr.
Neely. Thomas A. Nelson, E. Sheffield Nelson, Richard F. Nelson, Shehon A. Nestrud, Charles R. Newbern,David Newbery, Susan A. Newcomb, Robert A. Newton, R. Lee Newton, William L Niblock, Walter A. Nichols, Mark Nicholson, PalJ Nisbet, A. WyckIiff, Jr. Nixon, Dana D. Nixon, Walter W., III Nixon, William R. Jr. Nobles, James H., Jr. Nolan, Bennett S. Nolan, Toni Swift Nolan, Wm. C., Jr. Northcutt, Herm Norton, C. Mack Norton, N. M. Nofwood,G.E. Nussbaum, Alan J. Nun, James N. Nun, Vidor L Nutter, R. Gary Oberlag, Kaye S. Oberlag, Randal K. O'Brien, Richard O. O'Bryan, Joseph H. O'Connc:w, J. A., Jr. Odom. Bobby O'Danlel, Gene O'Hara, James F. Cliver, Ed P.
O'Malley, Michael C. O'Neal, Mike E. O'Neal, Peggy Orinlas, RIchard J. Orr, Dan M. Orr, Wm. S., III Orsini, David A.
Ft. Smith Little Rock Fayetteville SlUtlgart Little Rock Pine Bluff Texarkana Searcy Arbdelphia Forrest City N. Little Rock N. Little Rock N. Little Rock Fayetteville Ft. Smith Texarkana Poplar Bluff Fort Smilh Siloam Springs
Bentoo Fayetteville Pile Bluff Little Rock Walnut Ridge Pile Bluff N. Little Rock little Rock little Rock Little Rock Balesville Little Rock West Helena Little Rock Hoi Springs Ponte Vedra Fayetteville West Memphis West Memphis little Rock N. Little Rock Fort Smilh N. Little Rock Little Rock Marianna Wichita Falls Little Rock MolKltain Home N. Little Rock Utlle Rock Fayetteville Little Rock Little Rock Hot Springs Newport Fayetteville New yon.: Little Rock Uttte Rock little Rock little Rock Uttte Rock EI Dorado Booneville Fort Smith EI Dorado Little Rock Pile Bluff FOffest City
DeOueen Little Rock Texarkana Washington Texarkana Little Rock Little Rock Little Rock
Cabot EI Dorado Fayetteville Utlle Rock little Rock Texar1(ana Jacksonville Little Rock Malibu Little Rock Little Rock Ash Flat Little Rock little Rock
Osborne, Richard P. Osmon, David L. Osterloh, Henry J. Ourand, Richard C., Jr. Overbey, Thomas Overholt. Hugh A. Overstreet, William O. Overton, William R. Owen, Charles C. Owen, William L. Owens, Edward M. Owings, Anne E. Packard, Curtis V. Paddock, Ben L. Paden, Richard S. Pagan, John A. Park, Sam Hugh Parker, Douglas W. Parker, Ginger A. Parker, Mike Parker, Dian Parkerson, John W. Parr, E. Glen Parrish, Max A. Parsley, Kenneth Parsons, Patrick Partain, David O. Partlow, H. G. Pate, James A. Patten, Gerland P. Patterson, C. Cary Patterson, Eudox E. Patterson, Jerry D. Patterson, John Patterson, John E. Patterson, Ralph Patterson, William H. Patton, Jimmy O. Patton, Nicholas Patton, Thomas K. Patton, Wm. L, Jr. Patty, Claiboume W. Patty, Claibourne, W., Jr. Paul, Edgar F., JJI Peace, John B. Peace, R. H. Peacock, Joe N. Pearson, C. Thomas, Jr. Pearsen, Gerald E. Pearson, Hazel Bob Peek, Wm. L, Jr. Peel, Richard L. Pence, B. Jeff Pendleton, Paul B. Penick, Ed. M. Penix, Bill Penix, James A., Jr. Penix, Marlon F. ~erroni, Samuel A. Person, Gary O. Peterson, John Wm. Pettus, E. Lamar Petty, Denny P. Petty, Melvin E. Phelps, John V. Phillips, Norwood Phillips, Ronnie A. Pickens, Fred M., Jr. Pickett, Fred E. Pierce, David A. Pierce, Robert L Pike, George E. Pike, George E., Jr. Pilkinton, James H. Pilkinton, James H., Jr. Pinson, Jerry O. Pittman, John M. Plastiras, George N. PIegge, John Plowman, Norvelt, Jr. Plumlee, Can D. Plummer, Robert P. Plunkett, Charles E. Polk, Joe AJ Pollard, Odell Pond, Jennie F. Ponder, Andrew G. Ponder, H. L., Jr. Pope, Priscilla Karen Pope, Samuel B.
Fayetteville Mountain Home Little Rock Fayetteville Little Rock Alexandria Little Rock Little Rock Little Rock LittleRock Pine Bluff Little Rock LittleRock Fort Smith Mountain Home Williamsburg Van Buren Fort Smith Fayetteville Little Rod< Jonesboro Hot Springs Maxwell AFB Washington Dardanelle Huntsville Van Buren Blytheville Russellville Little Rock Texarkana Hot Springs Marshall Clarksville Searcy N. UtIle Rock Little Rock Little Rock Texarkana Texarkana Little Rock Little Rock Little Rock Houston Little Rock ElDorado McCrory Fayetteville Jonesboro Little Rock Texarkana Russellville UtIle Rock Pine Bluff Little Rock Jone.sbQ(o Sp<ingdale Jonesbc)(o Little Rock Fort Smith Mt. Ida Fayetteville Searcy Pine Bluff Jonesbol'o [;1 Dorado Fordyce Newport Shreveport Elmhurst North lillie Rock DeWitt Little Rock Hope Hope Harrison West Helena Little Rock Little Rock lillie Rock 5alem Bryant Camden Little Rock
Newport Walnut Ridge Fayetteville Hamburg
Porter, Jesse E., Jr. Post. Jerry C. Potter, Charles A. Potter, David J. Powell, David M. Powers, Lonnie A. Poynter, Terry M. Prall, James M., Jr. Pratt, Richard L Pratt, William A. PrevaHett, Donald Prewett, William I. Price, Charles C. Price, N. Dale Price, Stanley E. Priddy, R. M. Probst, M. J. Proctor, Charles J. Proctor, George Proctor, Richard L. Prudhomme, M. Edwin Pruett, Ricky Lee Pruitt, Jerry D. Pruitt, Manuel L. Pruniski, John E., III Pryor, Thomas B. Pullen, Donald C. PUlliam, Janet L. Purcell, Joe Purifoy, Robert J. Purtle, John I. Purtle, John T. Purvis, Joseph H. Quick, J. Gary N. II Quiggle, Richard Rader, William S., Jr. Raff, Arthur Eugene, Jr. Raff, Christopher, C. Raffaelli, Louis J. Ragar, Thurman A. Ragsdale, Philip Rahn, Bill RBia, Philip Raines, John W. Rainey, W. Pal Rainwater, Paul S. Rainwater, Sloan, Jr. Raley, C. Jeffrey Raley, Phillip A. Ramos, Joseph Ramsay, Louis L., Jr. Ramsay, Richard L Rand, Christopher E. Raney, A. Tucker Raney, Donald P. Rasmussen, Sigun Rather, Gordon S., Jr. Rauch, Marilyn Rauls, Stanley D. Rawlings, Paul C. Ray, Carrold E. Ray, Herbert L Ray, J. Thomas Ray, Middleton P., Jr. Rea, William C. Reasoner, Stephen M. Rebsamen, Don A. Redden, P.Michael Reed, Floyd L Reed, Joe B. Reed, Murray O. Reed, Stanley E. Reed, Wm. N. Rees, Aoyd L. Reeves, Ken A. Reid, L L Reid, Richard A. Reis, Bryan Jay Rephan, Jerome Reynolds, A. Jack Reynolds, Charles W. Reynolds, Ray A. Rhine, L. V. Rhodes, James A. III Rhodes, J. W. Rhodes, Keith G. Rice, Ben E. Rice, Grace Ellen Rice, James H., Jr. Rice, Mark Randy
West Helena Batesville Texarkana Texarkana Little Rock Little Rock Mountain Home Camden Eudora Knoxville Blytheville EI Dorado East Lansing Little Rock Little Rock Russellville Pine Bluff H~en
Little Rock Wynne Little Rock Ft. Leonard Wood Fort Smith Little Rock North Little Rock Fl. Smith Hoi Springs Little Rock Benton C~n
Little Rock Batesville Little Rock Oklahoma City Little Rock Cape Girardeau Helena Searcy Texarkana Pine Bluff Little Rock Little Rock N. UtIle Rock Little Rock W. Memphis Crossett Walnut Ridge Hot Springs Pine Bluff Charleston Pine Bluff Pine Bluff Hot Springs Little Rock Searcy Hot Springs Little Rock Texarkana Little Rock Hattiesburg Marianna Salem Little Rock Little Rock UtIle Rock Jonesbol'o Little Rock Little Rock Heber Springs Fayetteville N. Utlle Rock Marianna England Bentonville Harrison Springdale Blytheville Hot Springs Hot Springs Little Rock Little Rock Fayetteville ParagOUld Little Rock Osceola Cabot Jacksonville Washington Little Rock Benton
April 1980/Arkansas Lawyer/101
Richardson, Charles T. Richardson, F. Eugene Richardson, James W. Richardson, Janis A. Rickard, Curtis Riddick, Walter G. Riddle, Elmer A. Ridenour, Gar1and Ridgeway, Robert D. Ridk>n, Wm. F. II RIes, Richard D. Rieves, Elton A., Jr. Rieves, 8ton A., III Riffel, J. KKby Riffel, Riddick Riggs, Steve L. Ritchey. Anne P. Ritchey, Daniel G. Roache!l, Richard W. Roaf, Andree L Robbins. John B. Robbins, Julia S. Roberson, Fred, Jr. Roberts, Allen P. Roberts, Charles L Roberts, Russell L (Jack) Roberts, Tayk)r R. Roberts, William B. Robertson, Thomas E. Robinson, G. Pat Robinson, Gregory N. Robinson, H. Oay Robinson, John F. Robinson, Patsy A. Robinson. Robert L, Jr. Robinson. Sam Robinson, Spencer F. Robinson, WaI1er. III Robinson, Wanda McKamy Robinson, William S. Rochelle, Jerry A. Roddey, Robert L Rodgers, Danny P. Rodham, Hillary
Roe, Ramona
Rogers, Floyd G. Rogers,Home<T. Rogers, James M. Rogers, Joe M. Rogers, Judith Rogers, R. E., Jr. Rogers, Robert L., II Rollins, Benton Roper, Richard L. Aoscopf, Charles B. Rose, Jim. III
Rosen, L.ouls Ross, Bin Ross, Don H. Ross, James A. Ross, James A., Jr. Ross, Joseph Ross, Mark L. Ross, Robert D. Ross, Robert A. Rooted<, louis W. Rotenberry, Burl C. Rothman, Michael G. Routon. Steve Rowe, H. Y. Rowe, Wm. Baytess Rowell, Felver A., Jr. Rowland, Ben D., Jr. Roy, Elsijane T. Roy, James M., Jr. Rubens, Kent Rudko, Frances Howell Aule, Herbert C. Runde, Daniel J. Rush. Coy J., Jr. Rush, Jotvl L
Walnut Springs
Sande<s, Roy Gene
Little Rock
little Rode
Sanders, Ted H.
MI. Home
Phoenix Little Rock Benton Little Rock Van Buren
Sande<son, A. G.
Sanbd, Jon R. Sawyer, Stephen P. Saxton, James M. Saxton, RIchard Clint Saves, James M. Sayre, Eugene G. Scharlau, Char1es E. Sohay, AI Schietrler, Eugene L. SchIumberger, Chanes L. Schnipper. Don Martin Schrantz, R. Doug Schwe, W. H. Scott, Bob Scott, Isaac A., Jr. Scott, John R. Scott. Leonard L Scott, Mary L Screeton, Jerry J. Searcy, Jack C., Jr. Seay, Donald F. Segers, Joseph W., Jr.
Texarkana Russellville
Helena Hot Springs Ft. Polk Fort Smith West Memphis West Memphis Pocahontas Little Rock
little Rode Little Rock Blytheville Little Rock Little Rock Hot Springs
Memph;s Little Rock Camden
UI1le Rode
Conway Little Rock Texarkana Fort Smith Lewisville
Pine Bluft Ft.Smith Fayetteville Lewisvtlle Little Rock
Sellars, Rick
Settle, John W. Sewall, Frank B. Shaddeford. Dennis L. Shackleford, John M .• Jr. Shamburger, John K.
Fort Smith Little Rock EIOofado EIOofado Little RCId< little Rod< Brinldey Forrest City Fort Smith WyMe
West Memphis
little Rode
Smad<over little Rode
Hot Springs
Camden Warren Helena Fayetteville Little Rock Blytheville
little Rode
Little Little Littte little
Rock Rock Rock Rock
little Rode HoI Springs Forrest City EIOofado EI~
Morrilton Little Rock Little Rock Springdale West Memphis Fayetteville little Rock
G,ady Subiaco Pine Bluff
little Rode
Russell. James W. Rutledge, David K. Ryan, Don S. Ryan, Oofsey Rybum, Michael E. Sampier, J. Wesley Sanders, Bob W. Sanders, J. E.
West Memphis Batesville little Rock Fl. Smith Little Rock Rogers Arkadelphia Hot Springs
Serio, Robert G.
Little Rock Pea Ridge Van &Ken
Rogers New Orleans Lime Rock Little Rock Rogers Little Rock Little Rock
little Rode HoI Springs
Houston Jooesboro FayeneviUe Uttle Rock little Rock
Pine Bluff Fayetteville Little Rock N.UtleRock Texarkana N. Little Rock
Russell, James S., III
102/Arkansas Lawyer/April 1980
BentOf"lViIIe Little Rock West Memphis Little Rock Little Rock Fayetteville Utle Rock West Helena
Selig, John S.
Sharp, Ja<x>b Sharp, James B. Sharpe, Harold Shan.m, Stephen M. Shaver. J. L MBex" Shaver, J. L, Jr. Shaw, Bruce H. Shaw, Frank E. Shaw, Frank R. Shaw,J.MichaeJ Shaw, Nabors Shaw, Nelson V. Shaw. Richard B. Shelton. David C.
$hemin, Kenneth A.
Bobby Sherman, Wm. F. Shermer, Jon P., Jr. Shirron, Phillip H. Shoffey, J. E. Shoffner. Clarence P.
Wynne Fort Smith Conway Fort Smith Fort Smith
Mena Texarkana Ft. Smith West Memphis Uffle Rock
EI Do<ado Little Rock RusseIMl1e Sheridan Ft. Smith Searcy
Short, Joe C.
Shults, Robert
Little Rock Bridgeport West Helena Newport Little Rock Pocahontas Pocahontas Pine Bluff Little Rock little Rock Little Rock little Rock
Shup;k, Rudolph A. Smas, LT., /I Simmons, David B. Simpson, Harold H., II Simpson, Harrell Simpson. Harrell A., Jr. Simpson, James M. Simpson, James M., Jr. Simpson, William R., Jr. Sims, M. J. Singleton, Chas. R. Singleton, Hamitton H. Sipes, Stephen C. S¥mans, David Edward Skerton, Walter L Skillman, Vncent E., Jr. Skinner. Jack Merle Skinner. J. T. Skipper, Michael A. Skogen, Tony Skokos, Theodore C. Slagle, Richard l. Slinkard, Howard L SIoan,E~
Soan, Frank Sk)an, James F,. III 9oan, James L
Sloan, Ralph M.. Jr. Sloan, Ralph W. Smegelsl<y, Sand", L. Smith, Smith, Smith. Smith,
Arthur L.. Jr.
Berl C. Byron, Jr. Char1es E.
Camden little Rock N. We Rock little Rod< West Memphis Greenwood Batesville Little Rock Ft. Smith Little Rock Hot Springs Rogers o Jooe__ Jooe__o Walnut Ridge UI1le Rock UI1le Rock West Memphis West Memphis West Memphis Jonesboro N. UttIe Rock N. UttIe Rock
Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith. Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith.
David E. Don Allen Donald H. Douglas 0., Jr. G. Ross George Rose Gregory G. Griffin H. Vann James E., Jr. J. FOfd James H. James N. Jesse M. Kenneth A. Malcom A. Michael V. Noona Norman M. Philip G. Ray S., Jr. Richard H. Robert D., III Robert L. Robert M. Robert M. Sm'h, C, (Ted) Smith, T. H.• Jr. Smith, Tom B. Smith, Willard C.• Jr. Smith, Wm. Fll"'Iis, Jr. Smith, Wm. J. Smith, Willis B. Smith, Willis B., Jr. Smitherman, Edward T. Snellgrove. Frank Snodgrass, larry L SoIIoway, Lanny K. Solomon, David Southern, Byron S. Sowell, Emest H. Sparks, Robert A. Sparks, Thomas E. Spearman, Richard L. Spears, Oonak:l M. Spears, J. H. Spears, James W. Spears, Jim Spears, Mark A. Spencer, Frederick S. Spencer, J. V., Jr. Spencer, James V., III Spencer, Mary Ann Spies, Frederic K. Spinks. Hugh F., Jr. SpiIzberg, Henly E. Spivey, John Wm.. III
S",edley, Marl< Sprott, James D. Stafford, logan S. Staley, Thomas B. Stallcup, James W. Stanfield, Paul Stan~y, Fenton Stanley, James W. Stanley, Roy E, Starting, M. Jeff, Jr. Staten, Edward I. Steed, Wilton E. Steel, George E. Steel, GecH'ge E., Jr. Steel, Jim Bob Steele, Larry Joe Stein, Norman Steinkamp. Richard B. Steinsick, James W. Stephenson, Martha S. Stevens, Michael Stewart. David A. Stewart, Gale Stewart, Ned A., Jr. Stewart. VIOla C. Stitsworth. Karen K. Stockburger, Jean Dawson
Fort Smith Pine Bluff Ft. Smith little Rock little Rock Fort Smith little Rock Litlie Rock Uttle Rock Augusta little Rock McGehee Jonesboro Yellville Stuttgart Little Rock Seattle Stuttgart
Com;ng Hot Springs Bentonville little Rock West Memphis McGehee Salt Lake City Springdale Fayeneville Wynne Ft.Smith Russellville little Rock Texarkana Texarkana Hot Springs
Jone_o Bentonville UttIe Rock Helena
Little Rock little Rock Cleburne
FO«lyce Fort Smith Malvern West Memphis Little Rock Fort Smith Ashdown Mountain Home EI Dorado EI Dorado little Rock UtIle Rock Uttle Rock
Little Rock Little Rock Little Rock Brinkley little Rock little Rock Walnut Ridge
Little Rock Malvern
N, UttIe Rock Springdale PrIe Bluff Pine Bluff Pine Bluff Nashville Nashville Nashville
UttIe Rock
Uttle Rock Blytheville little Rock Texarkana Fayetteville Little Rock Fort Smith
castteberTy Little Rock
Stockley, Griffin J,
UttJe Rock Uttle Rock
Stockton, Bill G. Stodola, Mark A. Stoker, James D. Stone, Thomas Storey, James D.
Paris N. Uttle Rock Mena UtIle Rock Uttle Rock
Storey. O. H.• III Story, Bentley E. Strait, Bill Stratton, Phil Streck8f, Theodore A. Streetman, Thomas S. Streett. Alex G. Streett, J. Bruce StmgfeUow. WlIliam R. Stripling, C. Dan Strock, Douglas R. Stocks, William M. Strode, Joseph A. Stroth8f. Lane H. Strother, Martha Stroud. John F. Stroud, Robert D. Stuart. J. Michael Sluart. Rupert A. Stubblefield, Char1es A. Stubblefield, H. B. Stuenkel, Arthur H. Sudbury, Graham Suggs, Kennelh SUllins, Nanette B. Sullins, Paul Sultins, T. Neal Suftivan, Terry Sumner. David W. Sutton. James D. Sullon. Wm. H. Swain, William S. Swan, Hugo, Jr. Swanson. Kelly H. Swaty. Joseph W. Swindell, Benny E. Swindoll, James F. Switzer. Bruce D. Switzer, David B. Switzer, Ovid T. Sytl.es, A:Gene Tackett. Boyd, Jr. Talley, Neva B. Tanner. Homer
T_. John S. TartowslO, louis TaJ"M, Timothy R. Tarvin, W. Edward Tate, William E. Tatum, Allyn C. Tatum, John T. Taylor, ArmU
Taylo<, C, Odell Taylor, D. Fred, Jr. Taylor, David S.
Taylo<, Geo<ge L Taylor, Jesse, Jr. Taylor, Jimmy D.
Taylo<, Noms C. Taylor, Phillip J. Taylor. Robert C. Taylor, Robert G.. II
Taylo<, Thomas N, Taylor. zachary Teal. Charles R. Tadde<, CedI A., .k. Temple, William C. Templeton. Howard W. Tennant, John l. Tenney, A. leigh Terai, Cheryl J. Terry, Rex M. Terry. Wm. L Thalheimer. Lee Tharel, Kent L
Thaxton. MaMn Thomas. Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Thomas,
A. Jan, Jr. Aoyd M.• Jr. Hoyt Jack C. Undsay C. A. Chrislopher
Thomason. Wnston B. Thomasson, Jeny Thompson, Thompson, Thompson, Thompson, Thompson, Thompson,
Alfred F.
Jesse W, Michael Reed W. Robert F. Wm. Powell
UtIle Rock Forrest City Danville Conway Springfield Crossett Russellville C~
UtIle Rock Clinton little Rock Ft. Smith Pine Bluff Mountain Home little Rock lillie Rock Batesville Carlisle Fayetteville UnrversaJ City Uttle Rock N. Uttle Aock Blytheville N. lJttle Rock Hot Springs Hot Springs Hot Springs Danville Martinez W.Mem~s
little Rock Russellville Fort Smith las Vegas Sheridan Clarksville
UttIe Rock Cr~tt
Hot Springs Crossen N. UtIle Rock Ashdown little Rock N. Little Rock Hot sp<ings UttIe Rock Hamburg Little Rock Texaril:ana little Rock Danville Clarksville Fayetteville ~a
Clarksville EI Dorado SI. louis Little Rock Fort Smith Fort Smith Fort Smith
little Rock West Memphis Springdale Searcy Binningham
Helena Uttle Rock
Lime Rock Fort Smith Uttle Rock Uttle Rock Fayetteville Newport West Memphis EI Dorado Heber Springs little Rock Uttle Rock UttIe Rock
Magnolia Fort Smith Batesville Conway little Rock little Rock Paragould Fort Smith
April 1980/Arkansas Lawyer/103
Thompson, Winfred L Thorntofl, Denver L Thornton, Ray H. Ttvoesch, David Thurman, John B. Thweatt, John D. Tidwell, Gary L, TIlley, R. Bryan TIlmon, Charles E., Jr. Timmons, A. Wayne TIner, Lohnes T. Tisdale, John R. Todd, Michael E, Tolley, Jay N. Tolson, Robert, Jr. Tomlinson, Don E. Townsend, A. E., Jr. Townsend, Willis Trafford, Winfred A. Trammell, Ray Trice, William H. Trimble, N. Walls Trussell, L W. Trumbo, C. Bass Tual, Blanchard S. Tucker, J. G. Tucker, Thomas J. Tucker, W. Lee Tullos, Ronald R. Tuohey, John T. Turner, lawson W., III Turner, Lonnie C. Turner, Otis H. Turner, Samuel, Jr. Tyra, Raymond E. Upton, Verlln E. Ursery, Frederick S. Vaccaro, Charles G. Van Ausdall, Rice Lee Vandegrift, Charles F. Vandergriff, Davlcl B. Vandever, Kay VanDever, James R. VanWyke, William P. Vassaur, Brenda Vasser, A. Glenn Vater, Robert W. Vaughan, R. Keith Vaughn, Scott Thomas Vehik, Joan L Venters, Christopher W. Vervack, Jerry J. Vickery, Ian Walter Villines, Floyd G. Vinson, Gary Vittitow, Robert C. Vowell, Stevan E. Wade, Lynn F. Wade, Wyman R., Jr. Wahl, Eugene A., Jr. Walbert, T. D. Walden, Mike Walker, Barth P. Walker, Charles M. Walker, Eddie H., Jr. Walker, G. D. Walker, John W. Walker, Pamela D. Walker, Ralph W., II Walker, W. J. Walker, W. S. Walker, Woodson D. Wall, Larry Wallace, James A. Wallace, Larry C. Wallace, Virgil P. Walloch, Richard L Walls, Charles A., Jr. Walmsley, Bill H. Walters, Bill Walthall, G. Chris Watton, Gus B., Jr. Walton, James W. Ward, Edward J., Jr. Ward, John R. Ward, Malcolm Warner, C. R., Jr. Warren, Eugene A. Walsh, Robert K. Warren, Joyce Williams
104/Arkansas Lawyer/April 1980
Se"'CY ElDorado Sheridan Pocahontas N. Uttle Rock DeValls Bluff Fort Jackson Little Rock Texarkana Houston Harrisburg Little Rock Paragould Springdale Pine Bluff Little Rock Uttle Rock Little Rock Pine Bluff Fayetteville Little Rock Little Rock Fordyce Fayetteville Memphis Little Rock Siloam Springs Benton N. Little Rock Little Rock Washington Ozark Arkadelphia West Memphis Dallas Rector Little Rock Hot Springs Harrisburg Mountain Home Fort Smith Bentonville Marianna Forrest City Pine Bluff Prescott Fort Smith Jacksonville N. Little Rock Little Rock Forrest City Fayetteville El Dorado Little Rock Batesville Warren Berryville Fayetteville Fayetteville Fort Smith Hot Springs Jonesboro Oklahoma City
Hope Fort Smith Jonesboro Little Rock Little Rock Marietta Little Rock Harrison Uttle Rock TIpton I..ittJe Rock N. Uttle Rock Washington
Uttle Rock LOnoM;e Batesville Greenwood Malvern
Little Rock Corvallis Pine Blurt Virginia Beach Jonesboro Ft.Smith Little Rock Little Rock Little Rock
Warnock, John N. Warren, William M. Waters, H. Frank Waters, Ray A., Jr. Watkins, Jerry W. Watkins, John C. Watson, Ernest S. Watson, Frank L, Jr. Watson, James B. Watson, John D. Watson, Tim F. Watt, William W. Watts, Louis J. Weaver, Roderick H. Webb, Gordon Webb, Kandy Gregg Webb, Kelly W. Webb, Mark W. Webb, Norris Webber, Susan Weber, Harlan A. Weber, Raymond A. Weeks, Thomas W. Weisburd, Everard Wellenberger, Robert B. Weisenberger, Royce Weisenberger, Royce S., Jr. Welch, Morgan E., Jr. Wells, Phillip J. Wells, Richard A. Wells, Robert Travis Weinberg, Susan M. Weltchek, Andrew Werner, James F. West, James E. West, Janice E Westerfield, Steve Westphal, Mary Ann Wharton, Wm. L WheaUey, Archer Wheeler, C. B. Wheeler, Michael E Whetstone, Bernard P. Whetstone, Bud B. Whitbeck, Frank B. Whitbeck, Frank L. White, Charles R. White, David H. White, Esther M. White, Robert R. White, Stephen A. Whitefield, Carolyn L. Whitehead, John W. Whitehead, Roy, Jr. Whitlock, Robert L Whitmore, Perry V. Whitwell, Stephen E. Wiggins, William E. Wikstrom, Deborah WHber, Norman C. Wilder, Franklin Wiley, Buford B., Jr. Wley, Dayton G. WUey, W.G. Wilhelm, Jack M. WUkins, Cassandra F. Wilkins, James H., Jr. Wilkinson, Henry W~liams, Bill ED. Williams, Charles N. Williams, Claude M., Jr. Williams, David L. Williams. David M. Williams, DennIs K. WlIIlams, Edd N., Jr. Williams, Floyd L. WUlIams, James H., III Williams, John T. Williams, Lee Williams, Paul X. Williams, Paul X., Jr. Williams, Ralph C. Williams, Randall L. Williams, R. H. WWliams. Richard A. Williams, Ronald A. Williams, TIm D. Williams, W. J., Jr. Williamson, Adrian, WlIIiamson, Imogene M.
Camden Fort Worth Springdale Augusta ElDorado Paragould Utile Rock Memphis Conway Little Rock Newport Little Rock Little Rock Clarksville Harrison Harrison Trumann EI Dorado Tacoma Little Rock Uttle Rock Little Rock ElDorado West Memphis Monticello Hope Texarkana N. Little Rock Jonesboro Bentonville Fort Smith Little Rock Uttle Rock Fayetteville Fort Smith Fort Smith Walnut Ridge Fayetteville Nashville Jonesboro Texarkana Fort Smith Little Rock UttIe Rock little Rock Little Rock Hot Springs Horseshoe Bend Fayetteville Fayetteville Charleston Texarkana Woodbridge Kailua Prairie Grove Little Rock N. Little Rock Texarkana Fayetteville Mountain Home Fort Smith Fayetteville San Antonio Melbourne Little Rock Pine Bluff Little Rock Forrest City Oklahoma City Fayetteville Rogers Little Rock Houston Texarkana Arlington Alexandria Hot Springs Little Rock Alexandria Fort Smith Booneville Bentonville Pine Bluff Russellville Little Rock Paragould Conway Little Rock Monticello UtIle Rock
WIlliamson. J. Gaston Wilson. Douglas l. Wilson. George N. Wilson. J. Gregory Wilson, Jerry B. Wilson. John L
Wilson. Wilson. Wilson. Wilson. Wilson. Wilson, Wilson,
Lavona Marie
Little Rock Fayetteville Pocahontas Harrison
Se...cy Hope UItIe Rod<
Mike K. Philip M. A. E. Ralph E., Jr. Ralph A. Robert l. Wilson, Robert M. Wilson, Thomas G. Wilson, William R. Wilson, zachary D. Winberry, Lanny T. Windle, Don A. Windsor. J. Gayle, Jr. Wing, Glen Winningham. Ronald l. Wise, George R., Jr. Witt. Dave E. Witt, Ernie Womack, Tom D. Woovnack, Richard l. Wood. J. Sam Wood. M. Doug, Jr.
Wood, Aobert,.k. Wood. Stephen K.
UItIe Rod<
UItIe Rod< Osceola Osceola UItIe Rod< UItIe Rod< Little Rock Conway Little Rock N. Little Rock Sacramento Little Rock Little Rock Fayeneville Newport Fayeneville Little Rock Dardanelle Jonesl>o<o Fayeneville A. Smith N. Little Rock West Memphis
Wood. Warren E. Woodruff. ArIon L Woodruff, A. G. Woods. Daniel
UtIe Rock Lake CiIy
Woods, Hen<y
UItIe Rock
Woods, James Wm. Woods, ~eU Woodville, Mark Woodward, Joe D. Woodyard, Wm. H. l. Woolfolk, Asa Jean Wools. Russell J. Wor:J.sey, Edgar A.â&#x20AC;˘ Jr. Wooten. G. Alan
N. UtIle Rock S"",", Spnngs Magnolia Magnolia Little Rock Indianapolis N. Little Rock OarksviUe Fort Smith
Fayetteville UtIle Rock
Wootton, Richard H. Worthen. Ronald Wright. Daniel Wright. Edward l.. Jr. Wright. Ernie E. Wright, John Homer Wright. Nell Powell Wright. Robert A. Wright. Tilden P., III Wright, Walter G. Wright, Wm. G. Wright, Wm. A. Wulfsohn. Leo Wynne, Frank Wynne, T. 0 .. Jr. Wynne, Terry F. Wynne, Thomas D., III Wynne, William J. Wyrick, W. Kelvin Yancey, H. Lawrence Yancey. T. E. Yates, Harvey L Yates, Howard .C. Yates. Jonah T. Yeargan, Charles A. Y"mgling, C. E., Jr. Yocum, Henry S., Jr. Yoes, Genevieve M. Farrell
Yoes. Robert E. Younes, Van Thomas Young, Damon Young, Elizabeth G.
Young. Jack
Young. James K. Young, Kay West Young, Paul B. Young, Robert E. Young, Ronald D.
Young. H. David
Yowell. Marsha R. zakrzewski, Wayne Zimmerman, Don A. Zimmerman, Gayle D. Zolper. Dennis M. Zunia. Richard
Hot Springs ArdlTlOfe Fayeneville UtIle Rock Harrison Hot Springs Mountain Home Ut1e Rod< Fayeneville Hot Springs Arkadelphia
Hope Hot Springs Fordyce Fordyce Pine B1ulf
Fordyce EI Dorado Texarkana little Rock Fayeneville West Helena Morrilton Ozark Glenwood
Se...cy EI Dorado Fort Smith Fort Smith Harrison Texarkana Little Rock Pine 81uft Little Rod< RussellvWle West Memphis Pine Btuft Paragot.rld Harrlson Little Rock little Rock North Little Rock Crossen Jonesboro Lowell
April 1980lArkansas Lawyerl105
NEW PATENT SUPPLY CATALOG Excelsior-Legal, Green Industries Division announces the issuance of its revised Buyer's Guide and Catalog for the Patent and Trademark Attorney. Excelsior-Legal's Green Industries Division, located in New York City, with branch operations in Dallas/Fort Worth and Chicago, is the only company operating in the United States devoted exclusively to furnishing the highly specialized supply needs of patent and trademark offices. The catalog includes over 25 Patent Docket, Interference, and Trademark Folders specifically designed to give information at a glance; enabie easy entry of crucial data; organize the necessary documents and papers sent to and received from the Patent and Trademark Office; keep handy copies of drawings, etc.; and coordinate correspondence with clients. Individual foiders are provided for usage in the United States and in foreign countries. Folders may be purchased blank or with anyone of a dozen or more standardized printed forms specifically structured to meet the unique filing requirements of Patent and Trademark specialists.
• New A-4 metric size Bristol Board, typing and copy papers. Also included are several aids and systems constructed to foster more efficient management of the patent and trademark office.
Requests for the catalog should be sent to the attention of Chuck Munster, Excelsior-Legal, Green Industries Division, 62 White Street, New York, NY, 10013.
WhenYou're Locating Case Law, The Longest WlyAround Is Never the Shortest Wly Home This is the
In addition, the catalog features• Customized Patent and Trademark envelopes and document jackets
• 19 Receipt and Record forms and cards • over 40 patent, foreign language, and trademark application and assignment forms, including new assignment forms written in "Plain English".
There may be more than one way to find case law. But there is only one direct route to all case law in all jurisdictions - Arkansas as well as others that may have adjudicated points that yours has not. That is through West's Arkansas Key Number Digest. It is the easy-la-use index to your Arkansas Cases and cases from Arkansas in the South Western Reporter. In fact, your West's Arkansas Digest gives you not one but five direct routes
to case law: The Descriptive Word Index, the Topic Method. the Table of Cases. the Defendant-Plaintiff Table of Cases. and Words and Phrases. As you become familiar with them, you will use the one that best fits your particular problem. To learn more about West's Arkansas Digest, see your West sales representative, or send for the free booklet described below.
II·west Publishing Complny Elmer P. Roberts FREE P.O. Boll' 7659 lmle Rock. AR 72217 Phone: 501/224-5471
The boOklet "The DIrect Route. FIve ShOrTcuts to Case Law" Wflfe to West Publlshmg Company, 50 W. Kellogg Blvd, PO Boll' 3526, SI. Paul, MN 55165
April 1980/Arkansas Lawyer/l07
A Brief Review of the Law Governing Maritime Wrongful Death Actions Occuring on Inland Waters by James A. George
The Jones Act gives a cause of action to certain beneficiaries for the wrongfUl death of a seaman, and it also gives a survival action to the beneficiaries. Both of these actions are based on negligence and limited to a recovery of pecuniary loss. The Death on the High Seas Act 1 provides a remedy for wrongful death resulting from negligence or unseaworthiness, if the death occurs on the high seas more than one marine league from the shore. Like the Jones Act, DOHSA only permits recovery for pecuniary loss, and excludes recovery of nonpecuniary items of damage such as loss of society. Prior to 1970, the General Maritime Law did not provide a remedy for wrongfUl death, regardless of whether that death occurred on the high seas or within the territorial waters of a state. Admiralty courts were therefore required to turn to state wrongful death statutes to provide relief from the harsh rule of The Harrisburg,' a decision of
the United States Supreme Court which refused to recognize a maritime wrongfUl death remedy. In 1970, the United States Supreme Court overruled The Harrisburg and held, in Moragne v. States Marine Lines,' that the General Maritime Law did provide a remedy for wrongful death, although the Court left open such issues as the appropriate damages under the new cause of action and the beneficiaries entitled to recover those damages. Sea Land Services, Inc. v. Gaudet,' picked up where Moragne left off and for the first time revealed the elements of damage recoverable under the new Moragne cause of action. In Gaudet, the Supreme Court went beyond DOHSA and held that nonpecuniary loss, such as loss of society, was recoverable under the Moragne death action, noting that such damages were recoverable under most state wrongful death statutes and that Congress, by specifically limiting DOHSA to deaths occurring on the high seas, did not preclude the availability of nonpecuniary items of damage
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second in the series of three articles on maritime law by James A. George. "Pleasure Boats, Swimmers and Water Skiers-Recreational Accidents on Navigable Inland Waters" appeared in The Arkansas Lawyer, October 1979. "Injured Parties and Remedies" will appear in a subsequent issue. Actually, the current article has been moved up in view of the decision in Ivy v. security Barge Lines (606 F.2d 524) handed down by the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit on November 13, 1979, which will be of considerable impact in the area of death actions on inland waterways. Again, James A. George of Baton Rouge is a noted trial lawyer and expert in maritime law matters. We are indeed fortunate to be able to publish his articles in The Arkansas Lawyer.)
1DB/Arkansas Lawyer/April 19BO
under the new federal maritime death remedy. The United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit originally interpreted Gaudet very broadly as eliminating any restriction on the recovery of nonpecuniary loss. In Landry v. Two R Drilling Company,' the plaintiff asserted both a Jones Act claim and a claim for unseaworthiness as the result of the death of her husband, which occurred within the territorial waters of the State of Louisiana. The Fifth Circuit held, despite the Jones Act's limitation on the recovery of nonpecuniary damages, that Gaudet damages were proper, stating, at page 143 of the opinion: ". .. while the proper measure of damages when the recovery is soley under the Jones Act has not been decided by this Circuit, where, as here, there is liability under both a Jones Act claim and a General Maritime Law claim for unseaworthiness, this Court has rec-
ognized Gaudet damages as proper." Further, in Law v. Sea Drilling Corp.,' the Fifth Circuit threw caution to the wind and boldly discarded DOHSA as a remedy, holding that Moragne and the elements of damage recoverable thereunder, as announced in Gaudet, applied on the high seas as well as within state territorial waters: "It is time that the dead hand of The Harrisburg-whether in the Courts or on the elbow of the Congressional draftsmen of DOHSA-follow the rest of the hulk to an honorable rest in the briny deep . .. no longer does one need . . .DOHSA as a remedy. There is a federal maritime cause of action for death on navigable waters-any navigable waters-and it can be enforced in any court.'" The broad reading of Gaudet begun by the Fifth Circuit in Landry and culminating in Law, was considerably limited in Mobil Oil Corp. v. Higginbothan,' in which several widows sought recovery for the deaths of their husbands, which occurred in a helicopter crash on the high seas, under DOHSA and the General Maritime Law. The Supreme Court distinguished the case from Gaudet on the ground that the death in Gaudet had occurred within territorial waters and not on the high seas, and held that there could be no award to the plaintiffs for loss of society because of Congress' express refusal to allow the recovery of nonpecuniary loss under DOHSA. The lack of uniformity as to the measure of damages recoverable did not trouble the Supreme Court, which stated:
"It is true that the measure of damages in coastal waters will differ from that on the high seas, but even if this difference proves significant,
a desire for uniformity cannot override the statute, '" The Fifth Circuit, when presented with its next difficult case in which the damages question was posed, took the word given by the Supreme Court at ~s face value: "We have no authority to change the course set for us, no matter what star we would have chosen to steer by were we plotting the voyage. "" The above statement was penned by Judge Alvin B. Rubin in Ivy v. Security Barge Lines, Inc.," which involved the death of a Jones Act seaman within state territorial waters. At trial on the merits, the jury had returned a verdict against the Jones Act employer for negligence, but had specifically found that the defendant's vessel was seaworthy. The Trial Court, despite the jury determination of no liability under the General Maritime Law unseaworthiness claim, and the Jones Act's Courtinterpreted limitation on damages to pecuniary loss," allowed recovery of damages for loss of society. The Fifth Circuit, relying exclusively on Higginbotham, reversed, holding that the award of nonpecuniary damages could not stand:
"To allow the recovery of nonpecuniary damages under the Jones Act merely because the accident occurred within territorial waters would not only be inconsistent with. .. years of firmly established legal precedent, but would create. two separate Jones Act remedies, each applicable only within its own geographical sphere. It would be anomalous indeed if we interpreted the Supreme Court's opinion to encourage the creation of needless dis uniformity based soley on the
place of the accident, bringing the law full circle from the days prior to Moragne,"" The Fifth Circuit's decision in Ivy ignores the Supreme Court's blunt statement in Higginbotham that there could be a different measure of dam· ages recoverable depending upon whether the death occurred within three miles or beyond three miles. Also, at first blush, the Fifth Circuit's decision in Ivy prohibits the recovery of nonpecuniary damages in all Jones Act cases, whether the death occurs beyond three miles or within three miles. However, a close examination of Ivy reveals that the Court was concemed only with the measure of damages recoverable when liability is predicated only under the Jones Act, and not on any General Maritime Law theory, such as unseaworthiness. Thus, the survivors of a Jones Act seaman killed within three miles as a result of negligence and unseaworthiness, will presumably be entitled to recover nonpecuniary damages under the Fifth Circuit's decision in Landry v. Two R Drilling Company, which was quoted, but not overruled, in Ivy. The Ivy decision has now been reinstated, Ivy v. Security Barge Lines, Inc.,.. in a decision handed down on November 13, 1979. It is understood an application for certiorari to the United States Supreme Court is being contemplated at the time of the submission of this article.
FOOTNOTES 1. 46 U.S.G. §§761·768 2. 119 U.S. 199,7 S.C1. 140 (1886) 3. 398 U.S. 375 (1970) 4. 414 U.S. 573 (1974) 5. 511 F.2d 138 (5th Gir. 1975)
Forensic Document Examiner ROBERT G. FOLEY, M. S., M. A. P. O. BOX 4508 MONROE, LOUISIANA 71203 OFFICE: 318-323·5815 Scientific Examination of Handwriting. Typewriting, Ink and Paper Analysis. Dating, Copies and other Related Document Problems. Diplomate: American Board of Forensic Document Examiners. Inc. Member: American Society of Questioned Document Examiners American Academy of Forensic Sciences.
6. 523 F.2d 793 (5th Gir. 1975) 7. Id. at 798 8. 98 S.C1. 2010. 56 L.Ed.2d 581 (1978) 9. 56 L.Ed.2d 581 at 587
10. Ivy v. Security Barge Lines, Inc., 585 F.2d 732 at 738. 606 F.2d 524 (G.A. 5, 1979) 11. 585 F.2d 732 (5th Gir. 1978) 12. Michigan Central A.R. v. Vreeland, 227 U.S. 59, 33 S.C1. 192, 57 L.Ed. 417 (1913) 13. 585 F.2d 732 at page 738
14. Ivy Y. Security Barge Lines, Inc., 606 F.2d 524 (G.A. 5, 1979)
Qualified and Experienced Expert Witness. Hue Cam.r. and Mlcro.cope· Will Truel. April 1980/Arkansas Lawyer/109
CONTEXT By W. Christopher Barrier
RUN IT UP THE FLAG POLE, DOC... Now, it goes without saying that the vast majority of lawyers have embraced the opportunity to advertise with the enthusiasm of Henry Woods contemplating no-fault insurance. Polls have indicated that only one out of seven lawyers has advertised at all. However, now that even doctors (gasp!) are going to be allowed to tout their wares to the public, anything can happen in the field of advertising by professionals. In this regard, it may be useful to see what other professions are doing. Of course, chiropractors have never been constrained by the same limitations which medical doctors have placed on themselves. This has resulted in very little "advertising" in the same sense that car dealers and sun-tan parlors advertise. However, their yellow page advertising does occasionally list the sort of ailments which their particular talents are alleged to cure. A NATURAL PROGRESSION. .. But, there does seem to be a natural progression in advertising which starts with related occupations and moves ever closer to the basic professions. For example, opticians (peopie who make glasses) have advertised for years, and their efforts seem to have intensified in the past couple of years. Now optometrists (people who fit glasses) are also getting into the act. Newspaper ads by one optometrist essentially advertise a "package" of goods and services with reference to contact lenses, at what presumably is a favorable price. Optometrists have also utilized charge cards for not only their in-house optical departments but for their services as well, a definite step in the direction of merchandising. (However, I have run across none who give trading stamps.) "WE CARE ABOUT YOU. .. " Finally, ads have recently begun to appear for establishments which bear such names as The American Denture Center, which advertises "quality dentures and partials" provided by "licensed dentists". Apparently, ADC combines the services of a dental laboratory with that of a dentist's office. As a practical matter, perhaps it allows the dentist involved to advertise his services by a slight indirection--the name of the dentist is not used. However, ADC goes one step beyond the optometrists by adding slogans ("we care about you") to its advertising, and even a biblical citation (Phil. 4:19). In doing so, such ads go beyond the mere provision of information on fees and services. I understand that advertising by dentists goes far beyond this in some parts of the country (where else but California?), and that some chain department stores are now including outlets for dentures and so forth, sold like insurance ("you're in good hands with Allteeth, the denture people"). THE "CLINIC" EPIDEMIC. .. Some enterprising young lawyers have set up booths in 110/Arkansas Lawyer/April 1980
department stores or other heavily travelled public places, from which they dispense legal advice and perhaps do some simple drafting. Time will only tell whether such facilities will take on the aspects of the insurance and denture faCIlitieS. Given the fact that several legal "clinics" have established branch offices in a number of locations in several eastern cities, fortified with television advertising campaigns, it is not too difficult to foresee a chain of American Legal Document Centers, tucked under the escalator at Sears, dispensing advice and documents to the American buying public. ("Where there's a will, there's a fee!"). As a matter of fact, advertising by lawyers in Arkansas (so far) has been at least somewhat more restrained. Even highly traditional law firms have gone far enough to put the name of the firm in bold face type in the yellow pages. But, only three genuine "display ads" for lawyers appear in the current Pulaski County phone book, and they are relatively tame as to content. (Two out of the three do utilize the scales of justice and two out of three advertise the acceptance of charge cards). "UNCONTESTED DIVORCES $150 AND UP.. ." Newspaper ads have also been at least somewhat with a few small, discreet "tombstone" ads which resemble the ads produced by stock brokers and appear to fall within the Arkansas Supreme Court's guidelines. Others advertise prices ("uncontested divorces $150.00 and up") and the first ad with an attorney's picture in it appeared recently. Incidentally, the use of the term "legal clinic" appears to have come into some vogue, apparently seeking to indicate lower fees than traditional law firms, (which is not always in fact the case). The new permissiveness with reference to advertising does seem to have produced some loosening up in terms of style, if not substance. The ad with the lawyer's picture in it also has the name of the firm in elaborate script letters. At least one lawyer's letterhead which has crossed my desk has the scales of justice printed at the bottom and has the lawyer's initials blind embossed at the top. (Another more traditional firm used blind embossing for with the name of the firm seven or eight years ago and apparently met with such an unfavorable reaction that it discontinued the use of the stationery almost immediately). AND T-SHIRTS, TOO... And at least one plaintiff's firm has produced a firm T-shirt, with illustrations, slogans, etc. The shirts were apparently produced for a firm gathering, as were those distributed at Christmas by a traditional business firm, which bore simply the firm's initials. However, at least one solo practitioner has distributed less restrained T-shirts to his clients, and his ads in locally distributed magazines list his membership in several liberal organizations, both of which activities are presumably not
permitted by the guidelines. (He has privately justified the listing of the organizations as an effort to inform potential clients as to what sort of fellow he is, an argument which could presumably be applied to the lawyer's ad with the picture also, neither proposition being without some merit.)
PR, SO AND P&l. ..
Of course, the purpose of all of this is to attract and keep clients, and lawyers who would not be caught dead advertising embrace public relations and "business development" wholeheartedly. The general purpose of public relations (as opposed to advertising) is to create a favorable public image for the user or dispel an unfavorable one. It may involve something as simple as taking a client (or prospective client) to lunch, to the races, etc., or something as elaborate as hiring a consultant to tell you what to wear. John T. Molloy devotes a chapter of his book Dress for Success (Warner Books, New York, 1975) to what lawyers should wear "to dress up your case and win judges and juries." According to Mr. Molloy, several major law firms in New York have hired him to train their associates in what to wear. Molloy also has chapters in his book on office decoration and arrangement, and devotes another chapter to professional men generally--<Joctors included. (He says nothing, however, about T-shirts.) A number of interior decorators specialize in the offices of professionals. (For lawyers, they suggest keeping a lot of old law books prominently displayed. Interestingly, the display of professional diplomas and certifications is apparently regarded as much more important for doctors than lawyers). Law firms have also taken to retaining public relation professionals to review every element of their "image"-offices, stationery, and even firm name. So there we are. Professional advertising is upon us. And even if we don't find doctors advertising specials on gallbladder operations or lawyers pushing January white sales on wills, we have indeed moved from the courtroom to the market place, and virtually no aspect of our practice will ever be the same. -.\
Lawyers' Mart
20c per word $5 minimum
BOOKS FOR SALE Collier Bankruptcy Pamphlet; Collier Forms Manual; Collier Bankruptcy Manual; Erwin Defense of Drunk Driving Cases; Benders UCC Reporter Digest; Constitutional Rights of the AccusedPre-Trial; Complete Manual of Criminal Forms; California Jury Instructions; Illinois Jury Instructions; Federal Rules Decisions; BJashfield on Automobile Law and Practice; Federal Practice Manual; Federal Rules Criminal Procedure. Address inquiries c/o The Arkansas Lawyer. Complete set of ALA, aU three editions; Complete set of Larson's on Workmen's Comp.; ALA Fed.; Am Jur legal Forms. Contact Wilson Bynum. P.O. Box 7268, Pine Bluff, AR 71611. (534-0141). Complete and up to date set of Arkansas Dtgest and SW Reporter Arkansas Cases. King & King, 105 E. Broadway, Pocahontas, AR 72455. 892-5288.
sw Reporter, Arkansas Cases, 1st (complete), 2nd (Vol. 1-472)-Sl,5OO. Arkansas Statutes Annotated (through 1977)$300. Excellent condition. Mike O'Neal_ 24255 Pacific Coast Highway, Malibu, CA. 90265 (213) 456-4458
EQUIPMENT FOR SALE IBM Memory, 50 unit typewriter. Contact Wilson Bynum P.O. Box 7268, Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71611. (534-0141)
WANTED TO BUY Southwestern Reporter 2d. Volumes 1路375 Please contact Winona County Law Library, County Court House. Winona, MN 55987 Complete set of Arkansas Digest, AMI, S. W. Reporter (Ark. Cases). Conrad C. Krauft, P.O. Box 1261, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72201. Phone (501) 443-4500.
One IBM Executary Dictation Unit capable of using 3" belts. HALL, TUCKER, LOVELL. ALSOBROOK & MOUDY, Attorneys at Law, P.O. Box 606 Benton, Arkansas, 72015. 847-3061.
POSITIONS AVAILABLE WANTED LAWYER-AGENTS: Find out, as olher Arkansas Lawyers have, how you can provide a service to your clients, gain a new source of income and broaden your pradice. CALL: Insured Titles, Inc. Toll-tree 1-800-835-2764 John L. Felder, Agency Counsel
FOR LEASE New Building, Ideal for Law Firm, Clinic or Individual Pradice. Will Lease All or Part. Lots of Parking. Located on Hwy. 71 By Pass, Bentonville, Ark. Deferred Lease Payments Available. Contact Don Leithleiter (501) 273-5583. April 1980/Arkansas Lawyer/111
(EDITOR'S NOTE: We are indebted for this excellent article to the Arkansas Bar Association's Environmental Law Committee and, in particular, Chairman W. Dent Gitchell and Member Christopher Thomas. Author Paul N. Means is Chief of the Enforcement Branch of the Arkansas Department of Pollution Control and Ecology. This Branch is responsible for compliance monitoring and enforcement actions against permit violations. Means graduated from Vanderbilt University with a BA in 1973; UALR Law School in 1977. He served as Arkansas Assistant Attorney General from May 1978 to October 1979 in the State Agencies Division representing some 20 State agencies including the Department of Pollution Control and Ecology.)
Environmental law has had perhaps more effect on our day-to-day lives than any other government program ever undertaken. Did you ever wonder while you were waiting in line to buy gas, why you were buying expensive unleaded instead of cheaper regular? Remember in the early seventies when there were all those new brands of no phosphate laundry detergent; where are they today? Who ever heard of, or even cared about PCB, dioxin, and kepone until just recently. Ask a farmer about pesticides and he will sound like a Washington bureaucrat talking about RPAR, labels, and Section 18. Did you ever wonder why a city of 1,000 popul112/Arkansas Lawyer/April 1980
ation is building a $2,000,000 sewage treatment plant? Environmental law affects in some manner almost everything we do, and yet many lawyers know little about it. Environmental law is usually an elective course at law school and probably was not even offered when most attorneys were in school. The substantive portions of environmental law are buried in thousands of pages of unreadable and confusing regulations promulgated under acts setting forth broad policies. To fUlly understand the regUlations one must be a bureaucrat, engineer, chemist, biologist, ecofreak, and lawyer. Like IRS, the Environmental Protection Agency will never interpret a regulation the same way twice. It seems not worth the effort to learn about this area of the law, yet there is a great need for attorneys proficient in environmental law. Environmentai law is basically a regulatory process at both the state and federal levels. Regulation is centered around issuance of permits to conduct specific activities under certain conditions. The permit can be for the discharge of pollutants into the air or water, disposal of solid waste, or the generation, storage, disposal, and transportation of hazardous wastes. At the present time under Arkansas law, there are air permits, water permits, solid waste permits, mining permits, and hazardous waste permits. The federal law has counterparts for all these permits, plus a permit for under-
ground injection wells. Anyone involved in an activity that will generate pollution will probably have to obtain a permit. It can range from oil refineries to a hog farm. The State of Arkansas has to date issued some 2,335 water permits, 894 air permits, 164 solid waste permits, and 7 active mining permits. While the hazardous waste program has not yet been implemented, approximately 275 applications for permits have been received. These figures do not include federal permits issued in the state. To illustrate the permit process, oonsider a my1hical industry that builds a new plant in Arkansas. It will have an incinerator, discharge water, and produce some chemical waste. This will require an application for both state and federal air, water, and hazardous waste permits. The application will also include an engineering design for the plants, a description of the manufacturing process, and the pollutants produced. The Department of Pollution Control and Eoology and EPA have adopted air and water quality standards. Engineers employed by DPC&E will review the applications to see that the pollutants discharged by the plant meet the limits set by these standards. (Hereafter DPC&E shall refer to the Department of Pollution Control & Ecology; EPA shall refer to the Environmental Protection Agency.) If the chemical wastes are hazardous, special storage facilities and precautions are required. The plant must also make
arrangements to dispose of the chemical waste by an approved method. After all the permits are issued, inspectors periodically visit the plant and take air and water samples. The samples are chemically analyzed and if they exceed permitted levels, the plant is subject to enforcement action. The enforcement options include civil and criminal penalties, administrative orders, and revocation or suspension of the permit. The operation of the plant may also be enjoined. As can be seen, there is ample opportunity for a lawyer to participate in this regulatory process. Congress has recently recognized that the duplication of state and federal programs is expensive and unnecessary. As a result, EPA now has authority to delegate the administration of federal programs to its counterpart state agency. A program is also underway to require only one permit instead of separate air, water, solid waste, and hazardous waste permits. This will be of particular benefit to Arkansas, since the EPA offices are in Dallas. A prerequisite to delegation is that state law and regulations must be no less restrictive than the federal law and regulations. As the Arkansas DPC&E takes over federal programs, there will be only one set of regulations instead of the present two sets. The current Federal law and regulations are so broad and disorganized, that it may well be impossible to summarize them in one article. The state law is more amenable to summary, and the following is a brief survey of Arkansas environmental law. The Arkansas Solid Waste Management Act, Ark. Stat. Ann. Sec. 822701-82-2712, regulates the collection and disposal of solid waste. This inclUdes incineration and landfill. The act provides for county and municipal cooperation in the development of waste management systems, and authorizes DPC&E to promulgate regulations to protect public health, prevent pOllution, and to prevent the spread of disease. These regulations require the site to be located in geological formations where groundwater contamination is unlikely. Surface water runoff must be diverted around the landfill site. Refuse must be covered with soil at the end of each day, and no open burning is allowed. There
are other regulations of a similar nature that help achieve the purpose of the act. The Arkansas Hazardous Waste Management Act, Ark. Stat. Ann. Sec. 82-4201-82-4216, attempts to deal with one of the most complex environmental problems as have yet encountered. A purpose of the act, among other things, is to assure the safe and adequate management of hazardous wastes within Arkansas. The act covers the generation, storage, transportation, treatment, and disposal of hazardous wastes. This act will apply to almost any business dealing with chemicals, and also to hospitals, landfills, incinerators, railroads, truck lines, and many more. The State has not yet adopted the regulations necessary to implement the act. The proposed regulations define what is hazardous and address such things as site location, financial responsibility, personnel qualifications, disaster planning, and perpetual care. Hazardous wastes have the potential to generate a body of law that rivals tax law in complexity. The Arkansas Open Cut Land reclamation Act, Ark. Stat. Ann. Sec. 52-917-52-934, regulates open cut or strip mining. The act and regUlations require that precautions be taken to prevent water pollution during the mining operation and that the land be reclaimed to productive use upon completion of mining. The operator is required to obtain a bond to guarantee the land is reclaimed. The Arkansas Water Pollution Act, Ark. Stat. Ann. Sec. 82-1901-821909, regulates water pollution. The act extends the authority to regulate water pollution to all waters of the state which includes streams, marshes, ponds, wells, springs, irrigation systems, drainage systems, surface and underground, pUblic and private. Ark. Stat. Ann. Sec. 82-1902 Sub. 9(a). The original version of this act was passed in 1949, and establishes the Pollution Control and Ecology Commission and the Department of Pollution Control & Ecology. The Commission is composed of ten members, four appointed by the Governor to represent industry, municipal, agricultural, and mining interests. The other seven are representatives of the Health Department Game and Fish Commission, Oil and Gas
Commission, Soil and Water Conservation Commission, State Forestry Commission, and the State Geologist. The Commission guides policy, adopts regulations, and issues administrative orders. The Pollution Control and Ecology Commission is exempted from the Administrative Procedures Act because it has its own unique procedural rules. Any attorney part1icipating in an administrative hearing before the Commission should first attempt to decipher the procedure outlined in Ark. Stat. Ann. Sec. 82-1904, 82-1906, and thereby avoid confusion. Water regulations address oil and brine wells, water quality standards, licensing of wastewater treatment plant operations, and real estate subdivision sewage disposal.
The Arkansas Air Pollution Control Act, Ark. Stat. Ann. Sec. 82-1931, 821943, protects the air. A number of activities such as agricultural operations, barbecue grills, and land clearing are exempted from regulation. Ark. Stat. Ann Sec. 82-1934. The air program is closely tied to the federal program, and there are limits placed on the amount of contaminants which may be present in the air. This can lead to competition between industries. For example, the Arkadelphia area may be permitted 400 tons per year of sulfur dioxides. The Acme widget factory may be discharging 300 tons per year, leaving only 100 tons of capacity to new industry. If a new plant wishes to locate and produce widgets by the same process, it will be required to limit discharges to 100 tons. While this may seem to discourage industrial development, it has also eliminated the dark, smoke choked, steel towns of the east. It effectively requires industry to spread out and allows air pollution to disperse, preventing dense concentrations of pollution in localized areas. This survey has only touched on the major environmental programs. For those with an interest, there are numerous other areas such as 208 water quality planning, clean lakes program, dredge and fill programs, among others. Environmental law is a phenomenon of the seventies, and is almost a wilderness ready to be explored by the legal profession~ April 1960IArkansas Lawyerl113
OYEZ 路 OYEZ II by Barbara Tarkington Membership Secretary
HORACE H. McKENZIE has been chosen by the Prescott-Nevada County Chamber of Commerce as the "Citizen of the Year". Federal Magistrate ROBERT W. FAULKNER, Little Rock, has been named to a 15-person national committee that will draft procedures for implementing a new federal law that expands the powers of magistrates. L. T. SIMES, West Helena, has been appointed to the state Soil & Water Conservation Commission. LOUIS B. JONES, JR., Forrest City, has been appointed chairman of St. Francis County for the Arkansas State Council on Economic Education. TANDY MENEFEE, EI Dorado, graduated in August from the National Graduate Trust School, Northwestem University. FRED LIVINGSTON, Batesville, has been promoted to president & general counsel of Livingston Wiles Agency Inc. and Independence County Abstract Co. JEFF STARLING, Pine Bluff,has been elected director of the Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce. ROBIN LAFFERTY MAYS, N. Little Rock, has been added as the twelfth administrative law judge. VICTRA L. FEWELL, N. Little Rock and the sister of Ms. Mays is with the Attorney General's office in the Criminal Justice Division. O. D. HADFIELD, 114/Arkansas Lawyer/Apri/1980
JR., Little Rock, has published a manual on real estate. STEWART K. LAMBERT, Hardy, has been appointed deputy prosecuting attorney for Sharp County. SPENCER ROBINSON, Pine Bluff, has been appointed to the state Advisory Council to the Legal Services Corporation for a one-year term. DAVIS LOFTON has been appointed to the post of county planner for Crittenden County. Five new members have been appointed to three-year terms on the 11-member state Board of Law Examiners: CARROLD RAY, Marianna, replacing CHARLES B. ROSCOPF; FRED URSERY, Little Rock, replacing GUY AMSLER, JR.; FRANK HUCKABA, Mtn Home, replacing J. H. EVANS; KENNETH JOHNSON, Dumas, replacing JOE D. WOODWARD; and DON SCHNlp路 PER, Hot Springs, replacing JOHN BURRIS. NEVA B. TALLEY, Little Rock, received from the ABA a special Certificate of Merit, Family Law Section at its Dallas meeting in August. Judge CHARLES W. BAKER, Little Rock, spoke at a November meeting of the Hot Springs Rotary Club. JOHN LISLE, Springdale, spoke on real estate contracts at an OCtober meeting of the Washington County Chapter of the Women's Council of Realtors. MIKE ROTHMAN, Hot Springs, spoke on attitudes to the members of the Inter Church Singles Organization of Pine Bluff. GOVERNOR BILL CLINTON spoke at the investure of JOHN E. BROWN, III as the third president of John Brown University, Siloam Springs. HAROLD H. SIMPSON, II, Little Rock, was the principal speaker at the October meeting of the Arkansas League for Nursing and the Health Law Institute. JOHN PETERSON, Mt. Ida, conducted a symposium on federal contract compliances law in Arlington, TX for the Floyd Cranfill & Associates, Management Consultants. JERRY G. JAMES, formerly of EI Dorado, is now with the Public Employee Claims Divi-
sian, Legal Department, Little Rock. JAMES DODDS, age 76 of Beebe, has retired. GEORGE PROCTOR, formerly of Augusta, is now with the U.S. Attorney's office. MARTHA L. STROTHER is now associated with the Laser law firm of Little Rock. JACK HOLT, JR., Little Rock, has announced the removal of his office to 115 N. State Street. SAMUEL A. PERRON I, former Assistant US Attorney for the Eastern District of Arkansas, has announced the opening of his office at 115 N. State Street. CHRISTOPHER THOMAS will be associated with Mr. Holt & Mr. Perroni. MARK A. SPEARS, formerly of Texarkana, TX, is now in Ashdown. JIM ROSE, III, has become a partner in the Fayetteville law firm Medearis, Hart & Rose. JOHN WESLEY HALL, JR., formerly with the Pulaski County PA's office, is now in private practice in Little Rock. SAMUEL B. POPE, formerly with Arnold, Hamilton & Streetman of Hamburg, and GAYLE D. ZIMMERMAN, formerly with Delta Counseling & Guidance Center in Crossett, have a partnership with Mr. Pope in Hamburg and Ms. Zimmerman in Crossett. DAVID F. BARTON, formerly of Washington, has moved to Florida. STEPHEN P. LAMB is now associated with ROBERT S. GUNTER of Little Rock. MARKHAM LESTER, Little Rock, has been sworn in as assistant U.S. Attorney. STEVE RIGGS, Little Rock, has joined AP&L as assistant general counsel & director of legal services. LAWRENCE JEGLEY, Little Rock, has joined the law firm of Hamilton, O'Hara and Hays. RICHARD D. O'BRIEN, former deputy PA for Pulaski & Perry Counties, has opened his own law office in the First National Bldg. BRIAN McMILLAN has become associated with the Paragould law firm Branch & Thompson. JANIS A RICHARDSON and SUSAN A. NEWBERY of Little Rock have opened their law office in the University Towers
Building. JIM SMITH, Little Rock, is now with the US Bankruptcy Court. EDWARD O. MOODY and JOHN B. PEACE have formed a partnership with offices in the 300 Spring Bldg. Little Rock. JACK and VIRGINIA HOFMANN, recent graduates, have moved to Omaha, Neb. JANET MOORE and WHIT BARTON have joined the Osceola law firm of Mitchell Moore. WALKER DALE GARRETT and CONSTANCE G. CLARK, Fayetteville, have become associated with the firm of Davis, Bassett, Cox and Wright. RICHARD L. COX and BRUCE A. MacPHEE, Hot Springs, have formed a partnership. LANNY K. SOLLOWAY, Little Rock, has moved his law office to 2224 "C" South Main. JOHN L. JOHNSON, JR., a recent graduate, has become associated with HENRY J. OSTERLOH, Little Rock and is also serving on the ABA Section on Economics, Lawyer Relations with Public Committee. A change in law firm name has been made in Paragould, HARRY TRUMAN MOORE's name has been added to now read, Cathey, Goodwin, Hamilton & Moore with STEPHEN L. HARDIN as associate. KENDALL A. JONES and MARK A. MOLL, Fort Smith, have become associated with Jones, Gilbreath & Jones. LAWSON W. TURNER III, formerly of Virginia, is now with McDermott, Will & Emery of Washington, D.C. GARY EUBANKS and HUGH SPINKS are now located in the Tower Building, Little Rock. DAVID A. KNIGHT, formerty of Harrison, is now with a federal agency in Alexandria, Virginia. PAT GARDNER, Heber Springs, will be practicing law with DAVE HARROD. SAMUEL C. HIGHSMITH, Batesville, has withdrawn from his law firm and joined with his father in the management and operation of Batesville Truck Line, Inc. The law firm of Gibson and Bearden of Osceola has been formed with MICHAEL R. BEARDEN and MICHAEL L. GIBSON. PAUL E. HOPPER of Hardy and DAVID D. COOP have formed a partnership with offices in Jonesboro, but will continue to be associated with STEWART LAMBERT in Hardy. RUTH LINDSEY has retired as our Supreme Court Librarian and JACQUELINE S. WRIGHT has assumed her duties. C. R. HUIE has retired as Executive Secretary of the Judicial Department and is moving back to Arkadelphia. JIM PETTY will assume the duties of Executive Secretary. JOHN RUSS has joined the Hot Springs law
firm of Clark & Miller, Ltd. BRYAN JAY REIS and WILLIAM H. McKIMM have joined the Clark & Miller law firm with offices in Mount Ida. Col WILLIAM AUBERT MARTIN, SJA, has been transfered to SJA, Fifth Air Force & Legal Advisor, U.S. Forces Japan, Yokota Air Base. MIKE KINARD, Magnolia has been elected president of the Arkansas District Attorney's Association. WILBUR C. BENTLEY, Little Rock, has been elected vice president and ROBERT EDWARDS, Searcy, is secretarytreasurer for the association. TERRY DERDEN, Little Rock, is with the U.S. Attorney's office and his wife, CATHY, is with the PA's office. PETER R. DARLING, Nashville, has opened a law office on Main Street. ROBERT ANDREWS, Walnut Ridge, has opened his law office in the Block, Kelly Co. office building, J. T. SKINNER, Batesville, is now located on North Broad St. ARTHUR H. STUENKEL is associated with the N. Little Rock law firm, Napper, Wood, Hardin & Grace. GARY HUDSON has joined in the practice of law with WILBUR BOnS, of DeWitt. IVA NELL GUNN, a recent graduate, has located her office for the practice of law in Clarksville. XOLLIE BUFFER DUNCAN is associated with the Rogers law firm Kendall & Schrantz and practices in their Pea Ridge office. MARK BINNS is associated with MURRAY F. ARMSTRONG of Star City. RICHARD L. ROPER is associated with Haley & Claycomb of Warren. RAY CORNELIUS and KAY VANDEVER are with the legal division of Wal-Mart, Inc. in Bentonville. THOMAS COURTWAY, formerly of Conway, is in Washington, D.C. with
Senator Dale Bumpers. MARK WOODVILLE, formerly of Little Rock, is the regional attomey for the child support enforcement unit in Magnolia. DON P. CHANEY, formerly, of Paragould, is with WILLIAM G. WRIGHT of Arkadelphia. JOHN E. KASSOS, formerly of EI Dorado, is now in Tampa, FL. Two Little Rock law firms have merged and formed the firm of Mitchell, Williams, Gill & Selig. MARQUERITE S. CHAPMAN, formerty of Little Rock is now with HUD in Washington. JOYCE WILLIAMS WARREN, Little Rock, has been elected to the National Executive Board of Directors of Sigma Gamma Rho and is legal counsel to the Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. NEW LOCAL BAR OFFICERS Phillips County Bar Association Pres. WOOTEN EPES V-Pres. J .E. "RUSTY" PORTER Sec.(Treas. HARVEY L. YATES Boone County Bar Association Pres. KANDY GREGG WEBB V-Pres. VAN YOUNES KEN REEVES Sec.(Treas Chairman Law Library GENE CAMPBELL Baxter County Bar Association Pres. TED H. SANDERS V-Pres. NORMAN WILBER Sec. FREDERICK SPENCER Treas. CHUCK VANDEGRIFT Pope-Yell County Bar Association Pres. BOB HARDIN V-Pres. STEVE GARDNER Sec.(Treas. MS. RUTH TEAL Northcentral Bar Association Pres. STEWART LAMBERT V-Pres. DWAYNE PLUMLEE Sec. DAVID WHITE Cleburne County Bar Association Pres. ANCIL M. REED V-Pres. DAVE W. HARROD Sec. PATRICK GARDNER Treas. EARL OLMSTEAD Student Bar Leaders Pres. NICK THOMPSON 1st V-Pres. MIKE WILLIAMS 2nd V-Pres. MACK PIERCE 1st Year Rep. SAM MOYLE 2nd Year Rep. DEE ~AUER Student-Faculty Rep. KENT JOLLIF Sec. FRITZIE MOORE Treas. GEORGE VAUGHT
Ruth Lindsey
April 1980/Arkansas Lawyer/115
JURIS DICTUM By: Jean Langford Research Coordinator, Arkansas Judicial Department
JUDGE C. R. HUIE The retirement of C. R. Huie as Executive Secretary of the Arkansas Judicial Department as of December 31, 1979, ends fourteen years of service of the first Executive Secretary to serve in the department. Act 496 of 1965, which designated the Chief Justice as administrative head of the entire court system, created the Arkansas Judicial Department. The department, headed by the Executive Secretary, was established to assist the Chief Justice in carrying out his administrative responsibilities. In 1965, the department consisted of Mr. Huie and one secretary. Under his leadership, the department has grown since its inception to a staff of fifteen members. In addition to administrative assistance to the Chief Justice, the department now provides statistical information to courts, governmental agencies, and the public, conducts continuing education programs for judges and court personnel throughout the state, receives and disseminates information concerning judicial activity, provides management assistance to courts, and a variety of other services. C. R. Huie was appointed by Chief Justice Harris, with the approval of the State Judicial Council, to the position of Executive Secretary on July 1, 1965. Huie's appointment to the position capped a long and distinguished career in the law. 116/Arkansas Lawyer/April 1980
Born in Arkadelphia, Arkansas, in 1908, Huie attended pUblic schools there, followed by his graduation from Henderson College with honors. He attended the University of Arkansas Law School and passed the Arkansas Bar exam in 1931. In 1932, Huie entered the practice of law with his father, R. W. Huie. Huie served in the U.S. Navy during Word War II, and was awarded the Bronze Star. Prior to his military service, Huie served as Prosecuting Attorney for the Eighth Judicial Circuit and as State Representative from Clark County. From 1951 to 1952, Huie served an appointed term as Circuit Judge of the Eighth Judicial Circuit. In addition to his other departmental duties, Mr. Huie served as Secretary to the State Judicial Council and Judicial Retirement Board from 1965 to 1979, the State-Federal Judicial Council from 1971 to 1979, and as Chairman olthe National Conference of Court Administrative Officers in 1971 and 1972. In addition, he served from 1977 to 1979 on the National Court Statistics Project, the Arkansas Crime Commission Board, and the Criminal Justice Information Center Board. Mr. Huie has been a member of various legal, church, and social organizations. On his retirement, Mr. Huie plans to enter into private practice in Arkadelphia. An ardent proponent of court administration principles, Mr. Huie has extended the services of the department to all phases of the court system. His devotion to the law and the courts in Arkansas, coupled with his administrative abilities, have made a profound impact on the Arkansas court system. Former Prosecutor Coordinator James Guy Petty, Jr. has been appointed by the Chief Justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court, with the approval of the Supreme Court and the State Judicial Council, to succeed C. R. Huie as Executive Secretary of the Judicial Department. Born and raised in Paris, Arkansas, Mr. Petty received his bachelor's and law degrees from the
University of Arkansas at Fayetteville. He was licensed to practice law in the state in September of 1969, and then spent a year and three months on the Research Staff of the Arkansas Legislative Council. Prior to his association with the Little Rock firm of Cockrill, Laser, McGhee, Sharp and Boswell, Petty served in the Little Rock City Attomey's Office under City Attorney Joe Kemp. After nearly three years with that firm, Petty accepted a position with the Arkansas Securities Department in 1974. In March of 1975, Mr, Petty became the first person to be appointed to fill the newly-created position of Prosecutor Coordinator. Petty was selected for the position by the 7-member board of the Prosecution Coordination Commission. The Prosecutor Coordinator's Office was established to provide administrative and research assistance to Arkansas Prosecutors and Deputy Prosecutors. Working closely with the Prosecution Coordination Commission, Mr. Petty has expanded the staff of the office from one person in 1975 to the current staff of four persons and has greatly increased the services offered to Prosecutors and Deputies. During his service as Coordinator, Mr. Petty instituted a continuing education program for Prosecutors and Deputies, and helped with the publication of the Prosecutor's Trial Manual and the Extradition Manual. Mr. Petty cites his proudest accomplishment for the office as the establishment of the legal Research Center, which allows any Prosecutor or Deputy in the state to call the office's free WATS line for legal research assistance. Under Petty's tenure, the office recently began administering the compensation fund to medical facilities that treat rape victims under Acts 193 and 775 of 1979. Mr. Petty's administrative experience with the Prosecutor Coordinator's Office, in addition to his legal training and service, will be very helped in his service as Executive Secretary of the Arkansas Judicial Department.
CODE Of PROfESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY THE SUPREME COURT COMMITTEE ON PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT STATISTICAL DATA-1979 The following statistical data is set forth concerning operations of The Supreme Court Committee on Professional Conduct for the calendar year 1979: 1.Complaints requiring action-183 complaints were received and recorded that required some action on the part of the Executive Secretary, such as a letter to the attorney in question for information purposes; telephone calls to attorneys, complainants, and witnesses; check of court records; personal conferences; correspondence; interview of witnesses; preparing affidavits, etc. Out of these 54 written affidavits of complaint were filed with the Executive Secretary. 2. Inquiries not recorded-approximately 800 inquiries were received, either in person, or by telephone, of which no official record was made. These were disposed of at the time of inquiry. 3. Affidavits filed-54 formal affidavits (or equivalent) of complaints were filed with the Executive Secretary. 52 affidavits were referred to the Committee as a whole. Some were either withdrawn by complainant, or were never completely processed due to the desire or inactivity of the complainant. 4. Personal interviews-54 personal interviews were conducted with complainants by the Executive Secretary. This does not include witnesses, nor inquiries where no record was made. 33 of the complaints processed were from out-of-state complainants.
MAY 1ST路路 - - LAW DAY USA In past years, Law Day has been covered in depth in The Arkansas Lawyer. With the Arkansas Bar Association's new monthly publication, the NEWS BULLETIN, available, Law Day will be reported therein in a more timely fashion. However, atlention is called to the cover of this issue of The Arkansas Lawyer and the related cover story. One added observation, now is the time for all Americans-particularly the lawyers-to appreciate the differences between Law Day in our Country and May Day in Russia; to compare Jefferson and Lenin, Washington and Trotsky, Lincoln and Stalin, Kennedy and Kruschev, et al; and to be proud to be Americans.
5. Committee meetings-the Committee met seven times and conducted seven formal hearings. One hearing covered four separate complaints against the same lawyer. 6. Disciplinary action by the Committ~fthe 52 formal complaints referred to the Committee, 4 are still pending. Seventeen letters of reprimand and seven letters of caution were issued by the Committee to Arkansas attorneys. In addition relative to Committee investigations, one attorney voluntarily surrendered his license to practice law in Arkansas. 7. Pending matters-45 separate matters are pending before the Committee in various stages of processing.
COMMITTEE ON PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT Walter R. Niblock, Chairman Fayetteville Clint Huey Warren Dale Price, Secretary Little Rock James W. Steinsiek Blytheville Susan P. Miller Little Rock Caldwell T. Bennett Batesville Jerry W. Cavaneau Searcy Taylor R. Roberts, Executive Secretary 364 Prospect BUilding 1501 North University Little Rock, Arkansas 72207 (501) 664-8658 April 1980/Arkansas Lawyer/117
LAW SCHOOL NEWS Assistant Dean James K. Miller Assistant Dean Ellen Brantley
SCHOOL OF LAW, UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS, FAYETTEVILLE The University of Arkansas Law School Foundation recently received three significant gifts. Ruth Grabiel of San Antonio, Texas, donated twelve thousand dollars to establish a scholarship in honor of her father. John W. Grabiel. Mr. Grabiel practiced law in Fayetteville from 1912 to 1928 and was a leader of the bar and active in public affairs. James Carmody of Houston. Texas. donated one thousand dollars to the law school foundation to be used for faCUlty recruiting. library enrichment. and the expenses of the school's National Moot Court Team. The University of Arkansas Law School Foundation also received more than $33.000 of property from the estate of Maida M. Cravens for the John J. Cravens Memorial Scholarship Fund. Mr. Cravens was a 1949 graduate of the law school who practiced in Ozark, Arkansas for a number of years. A number of other individuals and law firms have made gifts to the University of Arkansas Law School Foundation for use in providing financial assistance to deserving students. Dean David Epstein was called to testify before the House SubCommittee on Economic Stabilization in hearings dealing with Chrysler Corporation's request for government loan guarantees. As an expert on bankruptcy law. Dean Epstein was asked to explain the provisions of the bankruptcy code and to speculate on special problems Chrysler would face in bankruptcy proceedings. Frank Skillern. visting Professor of Law from Texas Tech. is principal investigator and co-author of Analysis of Federal Statutes Affecting the Land Management Functions of the Forest service. Professor Skillern is serving as editor of Natural Resources Lawyer, the official publication of the section on natural resources law. and is working on a book on environmental law for McGraw-HilI. 118/Arkansas Lawyer/April 1980
Speakers at a regional ATLA serninar held at the law school included Harrison attorney Don Adams whose topic was "Eminent Domain." Fayetteville attorney Bill Bassett who discussed "Measuring Damages," and Assistant Dean David Malone whose subject was "Videotape Depositions." Professor Howard Brill attended the annual meeting of the Christian Legal Society held in Colorado Springs. Colorado. He acted as moderator for a discussion group during the conference. Professor Donald W. Garner, who is now teaching at Southern Illinois University School of Law, will join the University of Arkansas School of Law faculty in August. 1980. He currently teaches Torts. Products Liability. and Commerical Law Courses. His publications include Cigarettes and Welfare Reform, 26 Emory L. Journal (1977); FTC Rule 433 and the Uniform Commercial Code: An Analysis of Current Lender Status, 43 Mo. L. Rev. 199 (1978); No More Secret Subsidies of Cigarettes, Business & Society Review. Winter. 1979; Disposition of Repossessed Goods Under Article 9 ofthe UCC, 11 Texas Tech L. Re. (1980). He is now working on a casebook on products liability. Before joining the SIU faculty. Professor Gamer practiced law in Dallas. Texas. with Carrington. Coleman. Sloman, Johnson. and Blumenthal. Professor Robert Knowlton's latest article. "Comments Upon the New Jersey Penal Code." has been published in the Rutgers Law Review. Professor Tom Robinson has prepared an edition of the Arkansas Code of Professional Responsibility for publication by the Arkansas Law Review. Professor Robinson spoke about legal ethics to the 50th annual convention of the American Business Law Association. The Arkansas Bar Foundation spon-
sored a trial advocacy program which was held at the law school. Speakers included Judge Thomas Butt. Judge Tom Digby. Judge G. Thomas Eisele. and Justice John Fogleman. Dr. Robert A. Leflar has wril1en "Honest Judicial Opinions," an article published in the Northwestern University Law Review. Professor Robert Fairbanks is working on a book. "International Status of American Indian Tribes" which is to be published by Earl Coleman Publishers. Inc.â&#x20AC;˘ New York City. Professor Fairbanks was recently named Air National Guard Judge Advocate of the Year. Professor Carlton Bailey has developed two new clinical courses at the law school. The courses are Lawyering Skills and Advanced Clinic. Dean David Epstein has spoken to bar associations in Jefferson County. Pulaski County. and Sebastian County about recent developments at the law school. He has also presented National Practice Institute programs. on the new bankruptcy code. in SI. Louis and San Antonio. Student Bar Association officers for the Spring Semester are: President George Vaught, Hot Springs; Vice President Tim Fox. Little Rock; Secretary Mary Ann Gunn, Bentonville; Treasurer Ron Hope. Little Rock; 3rd year Representative Billy Meeks, Benton; 2nd Year Representative Ben Carruth, Marianna; 1st Year Representative John Olson, Fayetteville; and Faculty Representative Laura Hensley, Benton. Spring Semester officers of Delta Theta Phi legal fraternity are: Dean Leymon Solomon. Fayetteville; ViceDean Chris Williams. Malvern; Clerk of the Rolls Bob Marston. Norwich. CT; Clerk of the ExchequerJoeWray, Portland; Baliff Bob Topping. Evergreen, IL; Master of the Ritual Larry Ward. Oklahoma City, OK; and Tribune David Spann. Pine Bluff.
SCHOOL OF LAW, UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AT LITTLE ROCK LAW LIBRARY GETS WESTLAW The UALR-Pulaski County Law library will have its WESTLAW computer terminal installed in late January. This terminal will be available to attorneys for $37.50 a half-hour. Attorneys will be able to use the terminal directly, or may have research performed by the Student Bar Association's Research Pool. The WESTLAW terminal will also be used to train law students in its use and for research by the law faculty. In cooperation with the Pulaski County Bar Association's Continuing Legal Education Committee, the School of Law will sponsor a series of Continuing Legal Education Programs designed to help the practicing attorney learn to use the WESTLAW computer. These classes will begin in late January or ea'rly February. Assistant Dean Clay Patty will be writing to all Association members with information on the use of the terminal and the classes in its use. ABA COMMITTEES VISIT SCHOOL OF LAW The UALR School of Law hosted members of the Arkansas Bar Association Legal Education and Law School Committees for a day of visitation on December 6, 1979. Committee members visited classes, met with the Dean and faculty, and inspected the school's facilities. A program on Admissions and Placement was presented by Dean Robert K. Walsh, Assistant Dean Ellen Brantley, and Professor Glenn Pasvogel, Chairman of the faculty Admissions Committee. A panel presentation, "Enriching the Educational Experience: Clinical Legal Education, and Continuing Legal Education," featured Professor Kenneth S. Gould, Director of the Legal Clinic and Chairman of the Curriculum Committee, Professor L. Lynn Hogue, Advisor to the UALR Law Journal and Assistant Dean Claibourne Patty, Director of the Arkansas Institute of continuing Legal Education. Committee members met with both faculty and students at an informal coffee and were entertained at a reception and dinner given by Chancellor Robert Ross. DEAN SPEAKS TO LOCAL BAR ASSOCIATIONS During the past several months, Dean Robert K. Walsh has travelled
throughout the state to speak to local bar associations on the recent development of the School of Law. He spoke to the Sebastian County Bar on October 1, the Washington County Bar on November 14, the Craighead County Bar on November 15, the Phillips County Bar on November 16, the Greene-Clay County Bar on November 27, and the Jefferson County Bar on December 20. On October 17, he also spoke to the Lonoke Kiwanis Club on the same topic. PRE-LAW ADVISORS VISIT SCHOOL OF LAW Pre-Jaw advisors from public and private undergraduate schools in the state were the guests of the SChool of Law at a conference held on Friday, November 2. The advisors met with the Director of Admissions and members of the faculty Admissions Committee to learn about the admissions process. Dean Walsh presided at lunch, and the group toured the Schools' facilities. FACULTY NOTES Dean Robert K. Walsh served as Chairman of an American Bar Association inspection team which visited the University of Akron Law School, October 29-31. Dean Walsh has recently been named to the Executive Committee of the Pulaski County Bar Association. On Wednesday, November 5, 1979, he spoke at Naturalization Ceremonies conducted by Judge EIsijane Roy at United States District Court. An article by Dean Walsh on the Judicial Branch provisions of the proposed constitution will be published in the Gazette as part of a series on the constitution. A longer version of the article will appear in a book to be published by UALR. Professor Kenneth Gould served on an ABA inspection team which visited the SChool of Law of the State University of New York at Buffalo on November 11-14. Professor O. Fred Harris, Jr. attended the Southwestern Pre-law Advisors Association in San Antonio, Texas on October 11-14. He was recently appointed to the Municipal Court Advisory Committee of the Pulaski County Bar Association. An article by Professor L. Lynn Hogue, "Eastlake and Arlington Heights: New Hurdles in Regulating Urban Land Use?" has been published in the first volume of Zoning Law Anthology. The article originally appeared in the Case-Western Reserve Law Review. Professor Hogue
has been named chairman of the Standing Committee on Conferences and the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Legal History. He has been nominated for the position of Secretary-Treasurer of the Section on Legal History of the Association of American Law Schools. Assistant Law Librarian Karen K. Stitsworth, co-author of materials entitled Project L.E.A.D. (Legal Education to Avert Delinquency) which are used to teach elementary school children about the legal system spoke on the project at a workshop for teachers and volunteers working in the project in Fort Smith. She also spoke to the Siloam Springs Entres Nous Club which sponsors the program there. Professor Fred Spies served as a faculty member at the Midyear Meeting of the American College of Legal Medicine held in Chicago on November 10. On Saturday, September 1, Professor Susan Webber addressed a seminar on Women in Business Ownership sponsored by the Small Business Administration. Her topic was "Legal Matters-What Your Lawyer Can Tell You." Sylvia Dresser, Assistant Librarian for Acquisitions, was selected chairperson of the Government Documents Section of the Arkansas Library Association at the organizational meeting of the section held at Russellville on November 13. She recently attended the Fifth Annual Library Microforms Conference at Boston. Professor Glenn PasvogeJ was a speaker at a workshop for juvenile probation and intake officers held at DeGray Lodge on November 28-30. The workshop was sponsored by the Arkansas Juvenile Probation Officers Association and the division of Youth Services. Assistant Dean Ellen Brantley attended a conference on the Professional Development of the Woman Law Teacher held in Cincinnati, October 5-7. The conference was sponsored by the Association of American Law Schools. A number of law school faculty members attended the Association's annual meeting held at Phoenix, Arizona, January 5-8. Among those attending were Dean Robert K. Walsh, Professors D. Fenton Adams, Ruth Brunson, Kenneth Gould, L. Lynn Hogue, Arthur Murphey, Fred Peel, John Sheffey, Susan Webber and _~ Robert R. Wright. April 1980/Arkansas Lawyer/119
PENSION AND PROFIT SHARING PLANS OR WE NEVER MISSED A BEAT BY BERTRAM S. SILVER (Editor's Note: This islhe second article by San Francisco lawyer Bertram S. Silver. "Corporate or Partnership" appeared in the January 1980 issue of The Arkansas Lawyer, p.p. 36-38. See page 37 for Mr. Silver's biographical sketch.) I said in the last article that the biggest tax advantage of a corporate set·up is the Pension and Profit Sharing Plans. I'll say it another way: It's the btggest and best tax shelter and money maker Ihat the average lawyer can have for himself. In our view, ifs a MUST!! I can't be stronger than that. The genius combination of compound interest and minimizing taxes warrants some of the few drawbacks we'll talk about in a minute. In comparing participation and non· participation in a plan(s), I'm assuming (a) a lawyer employee not having a qualified plan(s) taking his gross available distributive salary and investing 20%' of what is left after tax payments versus (b) the comparable lawyer being paid 800ft.. of that cash available by the corporation, as salary, with the other 20'% being contributed by the corporation 10 the plans.' Over 10, 15.20, or 25 years it makes a huge difference. The following calculations of comparisons are dramalic and should help convince you of the need for you and your coshareholders, to have both qualified plans:
Of course, there is a lax on the money received later from the plans, but it should be at a lower rate. Also, ifs assumed you'lI earn more as time goes on and so your savings shown above will probably be much greater. But, I beg you, if you go into it, use both plans and put in the maximum allowable. Look at the figures! If you're not yet convinced and say, "But I don't-and can't-save," then I say, "more reason to have these plans!" It's a discipline you may well need, and, they may be your only retirement savings plans. It's a wholesale savings method and you get the benefit of buying dollars at a big discount. If you could buy AT&T stock each month at a 50% discount and pay taxes "later", would you do it? Of course It's the same here. I know there is Keogh (H.R. 10) to consider. It used to be so bad when the limit was $2,500 that it was of little use. but the only thing available. Now with a $7,500 maximum, it's more attractive. We found too many drawbacks, particularly for the higher paid lawyers; and what lawyer even when young, doesn't aspire eventually to move into that category? There are disadvantages: • Keogh has a$7,500Iimitcomparedtoarule of thumb 25% contribution (plus forleitures of others in the qualified Profit Sharing
Plan). • Unused deductions in Keogh are lost, whereas, in qualified plans they are carried over:
No Retll'emeol Plan: local
Amount 0125-
Income AY8l"age ()vflf 25- Year
Year Ac:cumula-
T OCal Amount 01 25-Year Accumula-
hon After Ts:ces
tion After T""os
$ 25,000 50,000 75,000 100,000 125,000
298.255 369,168 457,635
RetJremenl Plan;
$ 240,171 480,342
720,513 960.684 1,200,855
Thus, a lawyer with a net income of $50.000 over a 25-year period could accumulate retirement assets of $480,342~ under qualified retirement plans. Without the plans, with onty savings atler-tax dollars. he would for the same perlod. accumulate only $298,255. As the tax bracket increases the savings increase in greater proportion. Lest you think that the huge savings must be left over a 25-year period, let's look at it from the stand-point of a lawyer in his mid·forties who may have (or only want) to work 15·20 years more. Under the same assumption. let's look at the savings of plans versus no plans for only 17 years more 01 practice.
120/Arkansas Lawyer/April 1980
Tax savings" Anributable 10 Re!lremeol Plans
$ 63,750 182,087 351,345 503.049 653.092
year on retirement by income averaging than under H.R. 10 rules. • The age of retirement under qualified plans is more lenient and flexible. t recognize there are some disadvantages in these plans, but they are slight. Of course, you must take in other employees besides the lawyers; that includes your secretary. receptionist or others working over 20 hours a week. If you provide a 1o-year vestlng schedule and empk>yees leave after 2 to 4 years, they'll take with them only 20 to 40% of their share. The balance in the Profit Sharing Plan goes to you and the others remaining; the balance in the Penston Plan goes to lower next year's contribUtions. One of the plans can be integrated with social security; your being in a higher bracket will give you even more proportionately than other· wise. Another disadvantage is the added reporting and details of qualified plans under ERISA. But these aren't onerous. For an inexpensive and reasonable amount, our most capable administrator, Bakewell & companY' handled all of it with no effort on our part.
You are now convinced and want to start one or both plans. Start both and exert every effort to put in the maximum even if it means cutting the shareholder employee salaries a little or redirect· ing your present savings policy. When you see it accumulate, tax free, you'll be ecstatic in five years that you did.
RESULTS OF QUALIFIED PLAN V5. NO PLAN Amual Gross T...."'" Inc::ome AV'llfagtl Over 17·Year
No Retwemem Plan, Total Amounl 01 17Year Accumulalion After
Retirement Plan: Tetal Atnounl 01 17-Year AccumuI8lion After
Tax savings AMbulabie 10
Re!lremenl Plans
$ 25,000 50.000 75,000
$100,916 174,160 225,691
390.723 520.964
• H.R. 10 requires immediate full vesting when the other employees are eligible, rather than a period of partial vesting. • Keogh is fully taxable on death, whereas, the qualified plan has better tax treatment. • The Investmenl media of Keogh is much more restrictive than the other. • The employee lawyers cannot act as a Trustee under Keogh though they may under the corporate plan. • Employees may not borrow from an H.A. 10 fund, while they may do so under a qualified plan. • There may be better tax treatment under a corporate plan of distributions in a singe
$130,241 260,282
Total 17-Year
$ 29,325 86.122 165,032 238.655 311.249
Let's discuss how we started ours. Formerly, when we handled all types of practice, I participated as a lawyer in the formation of over 25 plans for clients. In this day of changing tax rules, new laws and specialization, we had determined that our clients, and us, would be better served by hiring a professional administrator_ We did and have been happy with the choice ever since. Grant Bakewell took us easily through the dis· cussion of various options, preparation of the plans, IRS submission and qualification, and even supplied us with forms of minutes and other required documents. He charged less by far than if we ourselves could have done It for ourselves. Our time is MONEY to us. They now do the yearly
actuarial reports, year end allocation and vesting details, and keep us up-to-date. One less headache for very little cost that saves us our time to devote to higher paying clients' matters. One other reason for using an outside specialist to set it up for you,-Ifll get done. One of our lawyer friends has talked of it for six years and recently finally "got to it"; but they lost valuable five years of compounding their savings and the tax deductions. An outsider would have done it before the end of the first fiscal year. Most every plan is different and must be tailored to meet your own needs, so it's foolish of me to counsel what yours should include. I'll comment only on a few of the more salient points that mean money in your pocket. First. we constantly contribute the maximum allowed by law, which is roughly 25% of the salaries of all participants. We do this for reasons earlier stated. It is like buying money wholesale; but we deposit it monthly directly into the accounts exactly as if we were paying rent or salaries. It thus becomes a monthly obligation. For example if the total monthly salaries of a three lawyer office (including secretaries and re· ceptionist) are $15,000, then $3,500-4,000
should be put aside monthly for the two plans. It is easier this way and becomes habit forming. As to employees participation, we are liberal. You can wait a year, or in some cases slightly more for them to come into the plans: we provide for only a 6-month wail. Once employees are included you can vest their interest over a 10year period. We provide, instead, for 20% per year to be vested. As I stated earlier, we try to pick top quality employees (they make more money for us) and encourage their staying (it saves retraining new ones). Thus, we use our plans as incentives to make more profit. When we started our plans, we picked our regular bank as the Trustee for both Plans and were satisfied. However, since we have our own resources, to pick and select the investments, the Bank, in effect, became only a custodian for the securities. We later became Trustees and save considerable money for the Plans; but if you are not doing your own selection, give serious thought to a Bank Trustee. We, instead chose an advisor-consultant to work with us on a monthly meeting basis, and, between us, decide on the purchase and sale of the investments. This is a personal matter. The advisor can be an investment counselor, a bank trust office, a top quality stock broker, or anyone who knows what he or she is doing. In our eighth year of our Plans we have done well-not spectacularly. Even after taking into consideration (a) our earlier speculative flings and (b) the 1973-74 poor market, we have increased our values over 10% per year compounded yearly. Since this is a book about how YOU can make money, let me give you our formula which has been successful. It's your nest egg, your retirement, your future. Whether you are a self-trustee or use a Bank, it is worth time to oversee the management of it. Here's the regimen: • Our advisory committee, at least two of our three lawyers, meets with our stock consultant every month (formerly when we had a corporate trustee, its representative was included). The
4% per year growth, is a little more conservative than our Profit Sharing Plan. • Have one secretary make sure all dividends and bond interest are received. It sounds foolish, but we carry a total of about 30 separate issues in both plans. That's 30 securities paying dividends or interest two to four times a year. Even the best corporate trustee's or broker's computer may lose one or two a year. A simple chart check-off has given us in some years over $1,000 of "found money." This same secretary, properly trained, can easily handle (a) the monthly deposits, (b) dividend/interest check-off, (c) setting up the monthly meetings, (d) securing and distributing the monlhly computer runout, and (e) drafting a yearly report to the participants. It takes her less than 2 hours a month to do all these things. But if she recovers even one "lost" dividend, isn't it worth it? • Keep the employees informed of their interest and benefits. One of the purposes is to create an incentive for the experienced worker 10 stay on to make the group more money. Don't be secretive and hide from any employee the benefits accumulating. I purposely haven't gone into details of the specifics of the plans or their adminis· tration. That's up to you and your ad· visors. The money you'll save will make it welt worth the expenditure.
meeting is usually an hour long and may lake place at lunch. We discuss, review and decide. Even if we feel in advance thai we will probably do nothing that month, we meel. It's a discipline and group therapy to have us control the plans instead of drifting. Even though we put money away every month and meet every month, we don't have to buy every month. That's a discipline also. We let the cash grow in Treasury Bills, Insurance Notes or a savings account until we feel we have the right purchase. This has benefited our portfolio-and our learning patience. • We receive from our broker a monthly computer runout with all data on each Plan. This is used at our monthly meeting and informs us of our status. • We never (but never) order the Trustee to buy or sell based on a "doorway meeting." Years ago when we were less disciplined, one of us would get a "hot tip" and run to the doorway of one of our partners, discuss it quickly and sometimes buy the stock. Now we are disciplined and use our monthly meeting as our forum. So, let's add to that: BUY
CONSERVATIVE, QUALITY ONLY. We, at first, sprinkled 10-25% speculative stocks in our portfolio and growth potential stocks for half the balance. It simply did not work. During the recession of 1973·74 we were sadly made aware of an erosion of values. So we now buy 100% quality; AND • We buy for yield. I somewhere earlier stated that the greatest invention in the world was compound interest. 5% per year compounded is great. 6% better and 10% win retire you quickly. With our dividend and interest yield, plus some growth, we've compounded 10%. Stocks go up and down. But, if they come back to the original price, at least we (you) will have your 6% compound growth. Don't try to make a killing and you will get rich. • Don't get wedded to any stock. We're married to our spouses and partners and anything else is saleable. Stock is a piece of paper. If it's made money or lost money, be willing to sell it if the experts tell you to do so. Our grealest losses were from watching a stock drift down and down and down and hoping it would recover. Now we sell it if it goes down 20%. We also are disciplined to sell at a profit. My personal rule is to sell any Grade A stock at 50% profit. No one, including my partners or broker agrees. But, if you are buying good quality you're not likely to get a lot more than this percentage, so sell. More importantly, it's a discipline to realize, take your profit and go on the other more current possibilities tor another 50% • Needless to say, diversity. We use and mix varying percentages of bonds, convertible bonds, preferred and common stocks. Our Pension Plan, being on a fixed formula basis and needing only
RULES: 1. Start both a Profit Sharing Plan and Pension Plan. 2. Be conservative and disciplined in its operation and management. , 20% referred 10 overall is Ihe same as 25% of the salary actually paid to the employee·shareholder, which 25% will either be (a) saved individually, or (b) contributed to the plan. ~
I recognize that the corporation doesn't contribute the lawyers specific money, nor is any designated portion of the contribution attributable from a specific employee. The assumptions made are: A 20% savings of available cash per year over a 25-year period, which is equal to 25% of salary laken and spent; 5% accumulation rate: married taxpayer; with two children; reasonable deductions each year: 1977 rates; no state taxes included or deducted. Also the calculations are based on the taxes paid at on overall income. Less taxes paid at a later date at a probably lower tax bracket.
• And they didn't even reduce our charges for this unsolicited plug. S
Donald W. Davis of Davis Skaggs Co., Inc. Don has done such an excellent job he should charge us more money. On the other hand, my giving him a plug should give us reduced com· missions and charges.
April 1980/Arkansas Lawyer/121
EXECUTIVE COUNCIL NOTES by James A. Buttry Secretary-Treasurer
ANNUAL REPORT OF SECRETARY-TREASURER ARKANSAS BAR ASSOCIATION FISCAL YEAR 1978-1979 This report is submitted to the members of the Association pursantto Article IX of the By-Laws of the Association which provides as follows: "The Secretary-Treasurer shall submit a report to the semiannual meeting of the House of Delegates which, prior to its presentation shall be examined and audited by an auditing committee appointed by the President. " The fiscal year of the Association ends on June 30, which is approximately a month following the annual meeting of the House of Delegates in early June of each year. This report is made to the House of Delegates at its semi-annual meeting which occurs midway through the next fiscal year. The financial affairs of the Association are examined by Cullum, Kenn & Mciliroy, P.A., through an annual audit of the Association's books and by the auditing committee of the Association which audits the Secretary-Treasurer's report. The Secretary-Treasurer reviews and relies upon the Audit Report and certain of the inhouse financial materials prepared by the Assocation. The auditors have rendered an Audit Report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1979, including the audit opinion letter of October 11, 1979. The Audit Report also contains a comparative balance sheet, a comparative statement of activity, a comparative statement of expenses, a comparative statement of members' equity, and a comparative statement of changes in financial position, each comparing the fiscal years ended June 30, 1978, and June 30, 1979. In addition, there are notes to the financial statements as well as a budget variance analysis for 122/Arkansas Lawyer/April 1980
the year ended June 30, 1979. The Audit Report is on file in the Association offices and is available for inspection by any member who desires to see it. The Audit Report reflects an increase in total assets from $192,581 to $258,503 and an increase in members' equity from $118,546 to $138,755. These increases can be realistically evaluated, however, only if it is recognized that the assets (and therefore the equity) include $40,672 which is held in the Repairs and Replacement Accounts, $33,793 which is allocated for the Systems and $7,689 which is allocated to CLE. In fact, only $28,207 is shown as liquid "Unrestricted Fund Surplus." The Audit Report reflects net revenues of $18,582. This is a decrease from $20,069 for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1978. And, again, certain adjustments must be recognized if a realistic evaluation is to be made. The net revenues figure includes extraordinary profits of about $10,000 for the Civil Procedures Manual and of about $6,000 from the Natural Resources Institute. Significant, though not expected, decreases in revenues from the last fiscal year are reflected in all the Systems sales. For example, revenues from the Wills and Trusts System dropped from $25,496 to $3,977. On the other hand, the Civil Procedure Meeting brought in $14,294, versus $1,250 for the prior fiscal year. Overall revenues dropped from $254,499 to $194,592. However, expenses were reduced from $234,430 to $176,010, the principal reductions, as expected, being in the expenses of the various Systems. The Annual Meeting cost less ($17,780 vs. $25,116) and earned
less ($25,092 vs. $36,439). These changes in revenues and expenses are reflected in a slight reduction in working capital, from $102,302 to $99,331. Revenues, it should be noted, did not reach the level included in the 1978-79 BUdget, but this was almost entirely due to the Annual Meeting projection and the inclusion in the Budget of three projected Systems which were not sold during the year. Actual revenues were $69,153 below budgeted revenues, but actual expenses were $87,735 below bUdgeted expenses. It can be reasonably expected the revenues of the Association will increase for the current fiscal year. The dues increase approved by the House of Delegates in January, 1979, will begin to be reflected, and membership continues to grow (2477 at June 30, 1979 vs. 2362 at June 30, 1978 and 2449 at October 31, 1979 vs. 2359 at November 16, 1978. Dues receipts already reflect a significant increase. Dues receipts as of October 31, 1978, were $90,748. As of October31, 1979, dues receipts for the current fiscal year were $152,312. IRS Form 990 and IRS Form 5500-C have been filed forfiscal year 1978-79. Overall, the financial condition of the Association appears to be reasonably sound, due in large part to the recent dues increase and assuming continued sales of the Arkansas Form Book as expected.
Respectfully submitted,
~~4~ James A. Buttry Secretary-Treasurer --'"
ADDENDA by C. E. Ransick Editor
Cover Story .....
"Where law ends" is a watercolor, pencil, collage from West '79jThe Law, the national art competion and exhibition of contemporary art reflecting aspects of the Law, sponsored by the West Publishing Company in cooperation with the Minnesota Museum of Art. Vice President Gerald L. Cafesjian of the West Publishing Company states in the exhibition brochure, "Just as its laws are a mirror reflection of society, so are its art works. They reflect our accomplishments and aspirations and the state and condition of our civilization in all of the eras through which it passes. Together, they also particularize the problems that beset us". In "Where law ends", American Artist Grant Giiderhus shows a remarkable insight into United States history as it revolves about the Law. Gilderhus uses the famous quotation, "Where law ends, tyranny begins", by the English philosopher John Locke (16321704). Locke was the initiator of the so-called Age of Enlightment and Reason in England, and is considered by historians as a famous political thinker. See his "Two Treatises of Government". More importantly, Locke was an inspirer of the American Constitution. Almost lost in the lower right hand of the artwork is the quotation, "Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies there, no constitution, no law can save it."-Judge Learned Hand (1872-1961). A federal judge for
52 years, Hand was a jurist known for his political skepticism and faith in the United States. Although never on the U.S. Supreme Court, Hand is generally rated a greater judge than all but a few to have so served. "The Law, wherein as a magic mirror, we see reflected not only our own lives, but the lives of all men that have been! When I think of this majestic theme, my eyes dazzle" .-Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. (1841-1935). This last meaningful quotation and Locke's "Where law ends, tyranny begins" established the theme for West '79/The Law. We add our congratulations for Artist Gilderhus-in these troubled times, his work deserves the spot on the cover of this issue of The Arkansas Lawyer. We are privileged to have the permission of the West Publishing Company to highlight various artworks from West '79/The Law. West is to be congratulated for its efforts to assemble a fine collection of art that will help interpret and illuminate the Law--â&#x201A;Źven, perhaps, start us all thinking. LAWYER MALPRACTICE CLAIMS In a recent issue of the Illinois Bar Journal, Associate Executive Director and General Counsel Howard H. Braverman of the Illinois State Bar Association reported on the ISBAsponsored lawyer malpractice insurance program with CNA Insurance. Only ISBA and the Arkansas Bar As-
sociation are fortunate to have "occurence-type" professional liability insurance programs in the Countrywith CNA. Mr. Braverman points up the fact that neariy 50% of all paid and closed claims had as their root cause, a missed statutory or regulatory time (limitation lapse). He then continues, "Within the limitation lapse category there are claims charged to malpractice arising from default jUdgments, expiration of time periods, lack of prosecution, failure to comply with court administrative orders, failure to respond to interrogatories and failure to timely file documents including tax returns. Fully half or more of the claims in limitation lapses are those which are charged to the expiration of stated time periods to institute an action. Lack of prosecution, failure to file documents and default judgments follow in that order. In an era where lawyers must be conscious of their own spiraling costs to protect their income, it is most unfortunate to find that half the malpractice claims come from permitting liability to arise from time lapse claims accounting in dollars for 48.3% of claim payments. Particularly distressing is that these claims fall in a category in which each individual lawyer can exercise curative control. April 1980/Arkansas Lawyer/123
Since the sUbject accounts for almost half the malpractice claims both in numbers and in dollars, it appears evident that we must attack this aspect of malpractice and bring about a sharp reduction in the claims it generates. Persons better able than I, will, I am sure, undertake to provide longer range solutions but there are steps that any lawyer or any office can implement immediately. For example: -Consult the statute books each and every time a new case is accepted; -Develop a primary and backup docket system to include new cases, motion dates and appeal dates; -Develop a managing partner and managing clerk intra-office system; -Verify in writing to the client your willingness (or unwillingness) to accept proffered employment including notice as to the applicabie statute of limitation; -Double check with courts and administrative agencies as to time factors of the next step in pursuit of the claim; -Develop closer supervision of associates and paralegals. Many of these functions seem to be elementary and many lawyers will assume that they are being done properly in his or her office. But apparently there are too many assumptions and too little review of office procedure being carried on. The time for self-analysis and internal restructure is here for we know that our assumption of fact is in error and can be improved if we will only make the effort." COMMITTEES-SECTIONS 1980-81 The "Preference for Committee Work" survey is being mailed to the membership. The Arkansas Bar Association has some 50 committees and 9 sections to carry on Bar programs. In addition the Arkansas Bar Foundation has 10 ~ommittees handling the affairs 124/Arkansas Lawyer/April 1980
of the "Number 1" Bar Foundation in the Country. Each member is urged to complete and return the survey. Every volunteer in recent years has been appointed to some committee-not always to the ones of choice, but in every case to one of related interest. Membership in the Sections is opened to all. The Speakers' Bureau is also available. We would like to quote from one of our colleagues in the National Association of Bar Executives, Executive Director Dalton W. Menhall of the New Jersey State Bar Association. "Sections and committees are the lifeblood of your State Bar Association. The members of sections and committees are impressive individuals. They ask the hard questions, they stimulate action, and, most importantly of all, they strengthen the law by improving it where necessary and preserving it where it is strongest and most just.
Who are the people who comprise the membership of sections and committees? Like you, they are busy and devoted practitioners. Basically, section and committee chairpersons, officers and members have found that the volunteer hours they invest in the work of the bar yield dividends for the individual and the profession as a whole. For example, members of sections, in helping to keep the Association informed of developments in substantive areas of law, by necessity themselves have up-to-the-moment information about proposed or opposed changes in the law. Active section and committee members know and are, in turn, recognized by the movers and shakers on the state and federal levels. Can you become involved in the work of sections and committees? The answer is an emphatic yes! Section and committee membership is wide open; these groups are not cliques composed of the select, but rather are individuals who have elected to participate in the important work of the organized bar. Sec-
tion membership is open to all interested Association members.
•••••••• Basically, only three questions remain to be asked of attorneys who are not currently involved in the activities of the Association: • Do you want to strengthen and enhance your profession? • Are you interested in improving our system of justice? • Are you prepared to meet the challenges of the new decade ahead actively and forthrightly? If your answer to any or all these questions is affirmative, you owe It to yourself and to your colleagues to get involved right now. Bring us your ideas, your suggestions for reform, and even your candid criticisms. We welcome and encourage honest and open dialogue with you. We cannot fulfill our goals without your help."
THE ARKANSAS LAWYER Last year, the President of the National Association of Bar Executives and Executive Director of a major State Bar Association, volunteered that we had an outstanding bar journal. Recently, a law school dean indicated that The Arkansas Lawyer was the most outstanding bar journal he read~f course, we do not know how many bar journals he peruses. Still, it is nice to hear these compliments. However, there is more than "lip service" support of their evaluations. In the January 1980 issue of The Arkansas Lawyer, articles by three wellknown out-of-state lawyers appeared. In the current issue, the same number have contributed articles. The remaining articles have also been submitted by volunteers. No other Bar Journal has as many "Regular Features" contributors. The Arkansas Lawyer is one law journal that does not have to solicit articles for pUblication. As Jackie Gleason ~ puts it, "How sweet it is!"
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