APRIL 1992

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ifforts to klU'7l mort: lIhou. ,ub otho IInd.h. profasion, w, "'" initilltint'his FAX POIL Yn, _ wiO b. IISki"t 'futStions IIb.u. you, opi"ions, hllhits IIrui .houtbts i" tm""! som. ofyou mIIY bt in."tJt,J in ",IIdi"t .h. ,,,"Us oft SDmt ofyou ""'Y 1ID' .1Irt! lit 110 - _ hop< .h. "'ts" (11''1.0'' is IJss ft<ifum.. So 1I11SWtr .b, ifutStions. b, II sport IIrui FAX us you, IltUWm. Wt wiIJ n(J~ of COUTU USt your 1Ulmr, you Jon't nJm b/lV' put it tIttum! As put ofou, tonJi"uint

5. If you could find a job outside of the legal profession today, paying what you are making now, would you take i1? Yes


__ Maybe


This issue's FAX POLL deals wilh an issue that seems to be in hot debate among lawyers nationwide -. satisfaction wilh your career.

1. How satisfied are you with your career? a. Very satisfied b. Satisfied c. Not very satisfied d. Totally dissatisfied



a. Intellectual stimulation

a. Intellectual stimulation b. Prestigious position c. Thrill of competition d. Money you are making 3. If you could start over, would you choose the legal profession?

b. Prestige c. Gratifying Work d. Money 8. How long have you practiced law? a. Less than 5 years b. 5路10 years c. 10-20 years d. 20-30 years e. More than 30 years

__ No

4. Do you expect to stay in the legal profession for the rest of your working days? Yes


7. If you answered yes to 16, why would you recommend the legal profession?

2. Does your happiness/unhappiness stem from:

__ Yes

6. If your child came to you for career advice, would you recommend the legal profession?




uring lie a qua r, w cill you fin more disgusting: a. The press coverage of George Bush loosing his sushi in Japan b. The press coverage of Gennifer Flowers and her 'ovetapes"





There is hope

• • •

By Paige Markman

First of all, I must thank those who heeded my message and wrote! I can't tell you the delight I experienced opening those letters - I no longer feel I am trying to communicate with a vast black hole there are inhabitants of legal Arkansas. It wasn't an overwhelming response, but it made a wonderful difference to me, thank you! Your letters are printed on page 7. In the last issue, we published the women's portion of the study conducted by the Women & Minorities Committee. Now, before you even have time to let those numbers setlle in, we have the minorities portion starting on page 38. I won't kid anyone; this one was harder to get together. Why? I'm not quite sure. It would be unfair to say women aren't as upset or angry about their situation, or to say that they aren't as passionate in their quest for equality. I think a great deal of it comes down to trust and guilt. The women attorneys seem to have no real problem trusting the "powers that be" both in the Bar and throughout our society. And those "powers" don't seem to have any sense of guilt about former indiscretions in paying women less, or treating them with less respect than they deserve. I'm sure there are exceptions in both camps -- we didn't run into any during our work on the study. On the African-American side, the face of things changed dramatically. Not because anyone or any side was uncooperative or because of any breakdown in responsibility, but because of some factors which are, in my opinion, inherent in whites and African-Americans. We are all aware of the heinous atrocities that African-Americans suffered during slavery days. Some of us are even aware of the same type of difficulties African-Americans still face on a daily basis. Even though while Americans are supposedly so "enlightened to the plight of the African American," we cannot even begin to comprehend the inherent distrust many African-Americans carry with them. I saw a show recently where an African-American was trying to convey to some whites what it was like. He very passionately told of his experiencessituations we all see, but don't realize. He told of how he watches white women clutch their purses as they approach him on the street, how when he crosses the street he sees whites lock their car doors in fear, how when he window shops, store workers watch him like he is "casing the joint." When whites think about how they would feel in these situations, I believe we can all get a tiny glimpse of what AfricanAmericans go through daily in this "enlightened" country. This issue is just one of the aspects the Women & Minorities Committee has becn forced to confront. This commitlee is opening up roads untraveled and is trying to find ways to deal with these problems. Personally, and for many of the white committee members, our problem of guilt has surfaced. For me, it's not really the guilt of what my great-great-great grandfather mayor may not have done; that can't really have a tangible meaning for our generation. This guilt is worse, because it can't be dismissed as "not my action, not my fault, not my problem." It is a constant self-examination for any slip - a racist thought or assumption. Even those of us who try to be enlightened do it - have a patronizing tone in our voice when speaking with an African American, trying to fit in, it still doesn't come naturally for most of us. I think it is admirable to try to understand African Americans' struggle, but we need to realize it is insulting to say we do understand. We just can't. These issues make the results important-- not only for finding solutions in our legal community, but maybe for finding a starting point for Arkansas attorneys to make a difference in society as a whole. I have no solution. I don't even have a thought-through plan. What I do have, thanks to the members of this Commitlee, is hope. Thank you for that. 4 ARKANSAS LAWYER

APRIL 1992


Arkansas Bar Association EDITOR & ART DIRECTOR

Paig( &avm Markman Dir(etor ofPR/Mark(ting ARKA:\SAS BAR ASSOCIATION 路100 \Y. ~larkhall1 Iinle Rock. Arkansas 7220 I OFFICERS James H. McKenzie

Presidenr John P. Gill Presidcm~EJcct

Rodney E. Slater Scc.~ry


John C. E""....

In This Issue: 4 Letter from the Editor 7 Letters to the Editor

8 14 16

Executive Council Qair WiJliam A. Martin Executive DirectOr Judith G...y Assistant Executive: Director

EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Sanford Ileshcar William Clay Bratil Thomas M. Carpenter

Daniel R. Carter Carolyn J. aegg Boyce R. Davis John N. Fogleman Stephen A. Geigle Ike Allen ~. Jt. Robe.. Lynn Lowery F- lamar PettUS Jerry C. Post J. ThomaslUy

22 24 25

EX路OFFICIO James H. McKenzie John P. Gill Charles B. RoKopf Rodney E. Slater John C. Everett Lynn William5

dass postage paid at Little Rock, Arkansas. POSTMASTER: send address changes to The Atbnsu Lawyer.400 West MMkNm. Uttle Rock. Arkansas 72201. Subscription price to non~ ol the Arkansu 8u AssoW,tion $15.00 pel' ye.r and to members 510.00 per yeu included in annual dues. Any opinion expes&ed herein is that of the author, and not necessarily that of the Arkansas Bar Assodatlon or The Arkansas Lawyer. Contributions to The Arunau Lawyer Ire wekome and should be sent in two copies to EDITOR. Arkansas Lawyer, 400 West Markham. Little Rock. Arkansas 72201. All inquiries regarding advertising should be sent to The: Arkansu Lawyer at the above address.

By James H. McKenzie

General Practitioners Primer: The Civil Rights Act of 1991: What Does it Mean to Me?

By John T. Shannon

In Memoriam Young Lawyers' Section Column Law Office Technology Review Two Word Processors for Windows

By Lynn Williams By Barry D. Bayer & Benjamin H. Cohen

Crossword Puzzle: Arkansas Justices

By George Rose Smith

Law, Literature & Laughter

By Victor A. Fleming


On the Cover Agricultural Law in the 90's Old McDonald Just Thought He Had a Farm By William Bridgforth By Paul Means Eau De Hog Legal Issues in Private Timber Management By John S. Harbison & Vivica D. Pierre The Farmer's Comprehensive Liability Policy By John D. Copeland

49 51

Executive Director's Report

By William A. Martin

The Women & Minorities Study, Part II

By Dr. Doug M. Buffalo


In House News


Law Office Management: Lawyer Compensation

The Arluns.u lowy.. (USPS 546-00) is puI:lished

quort<rIy by the Arlu.nNs Bar Asood.o-. Soax>d

President's Message

27 28 30

Eddie H. Walker, Jr.

Robe.. E. Young

Disciplinary Actions


Read ing Reviews Hard Fall, In the Matter of Billy K., Compelling Evidence

AICLE Calendar

By Jerry Schwartz


You Asked for It ... You asked for letters and I am accommodating you. I enjoy the new format of The Arkansas Lawyer and think you should continue to have the "Letter from the Editor." I could not resist calling to your attention that you have used judgment again with the extra "e." Don't you wish I would quit criticizing your use of the word judgment. Best wishes and keep up the good work.

W. H. "Sonny" Dillahunty

Little Rock Editor's Note: No, I don't wish you would quit criticizing me, I enjoy our little game too much! But where is it? I thought had them all! I just keep forgetting that only lawyers and judges get to use the same form of "judgment" as GOD!

I Wrote! I just finished reading the 25th Anniversary Issue of The Arkansas Lawyer and thought I would WRITE! I guest there is a tendency to say nothing when we approve and only speak up when we have something to criticize. I for one look forward to




receiving The Arkansas Lawyer and I particularly enjoyed your 25th Anniversary Issue.

Stephen A. Geigle Rogers

I'm so impressed ... I have read the January 1992 issue and am delighted. The layout looks terrific, the content of the articles is splendid, and I wanted to commend you for the fine job that the issue represents. I am sure that you, like I, have found occasional typographical errors and the like, but please know that the issue looks great, reads great, and is great. I am especially pleased to read the incisive article from Jim McKenzie as well as the touching and thought provoking Executive Director's report titled, "Failure of Communication" by Bill Martin. Because I am so impressed by those pieces, I am sending a copy of this letter to Jim and Bill. Keep up the good work. Now you cannot say that I "don't call or write."

Wendell L. Griffen Little Rock

Corrections: Speaking of those occasional typographical errors, following are corrections from the January 1992 issue of The Arkansas Lawyer: In James H. McKenzie's President's Message, the sentence reading, "If 1% of the 1400,000 trial court filings are appealed to the Court of Appeals, the case load at the appellant level will increase another 28%." should have read, "If 1% of the 140,000 trial court filings ..."

In the "In Memoriam" col umn, the obituary for Robert S. Lindsey of Little Rock read that he was 87. He was actually 78 at the time of his death. Lindsey was awarded the Association's Outstanding Lawyer Award in 1969, the Outstanding LawyerCitizen in 1983, and the Pulaski County Bar Association's Lawyer Award in 1988, and was cited in the 1983 edition of The Best

Lawyers in America. Survivors include Little Rock attorney Ruth Lindsey.

The Editor regrets the errors.

The business and legal affairs reporting of George Wells and Pamela Strickland These two veteran legal reporters, formerly with the Arkansas Gazette, bring our readers more than just the facts with daily thought provoking analytical essay found nowhere else. In every daily issue, Wells and Strickland report the affairs of law, commerce and real estate from our professional audiences' point of view. Every Friday, if you're a member of The Pulaski County Bar Association, you already receive the official weekly membership bulletin published inside The Daily Record. Discover what your missing the rest of the week with a free trial subscription.

Daily Courthouse filings The Daily Record is the attorney's source for complete legal information. Read what happens at the Pulaski County and Federal courthouses, including Circuit and Chancery Court. Review "published-firsr' public record information of foreclosures and notice of suits, satisfactions and all statewide bankruptcy and new corporation filings. Get knowledgeable and quick reporting of specific Arkansas Supreme Court and Court of Appeals decisions and Attorney General's Opinions.

Agreat free trial offer for attorneys We're offering Arkansas Lawyer readers a special daily offer. We'll start sending you The Daily Record, everyday, for one month, FREE. After 30 days we'll send you an invoice for an annual subscription. If you choose not to subscribe, just return the invoice marked "NOT TAKEN." An annual subscription cost is only $95. Out of county, $135. (Pulaski County Bar Association members pay only $76. $108, out of county) Call 374-5103, FAX 374-1909 or write: The Daily Record, P. O. Box 1106 Little Rock, AR 72203.

George Wells

Pamela Strickland

DISCIPLINARY There follows a report from the Supreme Court Committee on Professional Conduct for the months of January through March, 1992, submitted by James A. Neal, Executive Secretary of that committee.

DANIEL J. KROHA Daniel J. Kroha of Little Rock received a letter of caution for violation of Rules 1.3 and 1.16(d) of the Model Rules of Professional Conduct as amended by the Arkansas Supreme Court as a result of a complaint filed by Roland J. Stanley. In his affidavit of complaint Mr. Stanley stated that he consulted Mr. Kroha on August 2, 1991, representation regarding his financial initiation of bankruptcy proceedings. Mr. Stanley had concluded that he was a proper candidate for Chapter 7 bankruptcy relief. He said that Mr. Kroha concurred with that assessment and would proceed with a Chapter 7 petition upon the advance payment of $120.00 for filing fees and $500.00 for attorney's fees. Mr. Kroha indicated that the paperwork could be prepared and filed within three to five days following payment of the fees. Mr. Stanley did not possess the necessary funds to pay the fees and had to make outside arrangements to obtain the monies. On August 30, 1991, the client presented Mr. Kroha with a check for $620.00 and provided his financial information and records. Mr. Kroha reviewed his situation and though t it best to proceed wi th Chapter 13 bankruptcy relief, a wage earner's payment plan. Mr. Stanley voiced his reservations concerning a Chapter 13 bankruptcy since it


contradicted prior advice he had received and his own evaluation of his circumstances. Mr. Kroha advised Mr. Stanley that it would be a simple matter to later convert a Chapter 13 bankruptcy into a Chapter 7 and that no additional fees would be required. Mr. Stanley informed Mr. Kroha that he would consider that suggestion and give his decision when he returned to sign the paperwork. Mr. Kroha advised that the petition would be ready for Mr. Stanley's execu tion on September 5, 1991. The paperwork was not ready for Mr. Stanley's signature on that date. During the following three weeks, the client had five or six phone conversations with Mr. Kroha regarding the status and progress of his legal matter. Each time the attorney would offer some explanation for the delays and advise him of another scheduled date for completion of' the paperwork. According to Mr. Stanley, the paperwork was not completed by the dates promised. The last date on which Mr. Kroha had assured him the petition would be prepared was September 27, 1991. Mr. Kroha was to contact Mr. Stanley on that date and have him come to Mr. Knoha's office to sign the papers. Having received no word from Mr. Kroha on that date, Mr. Stanley called to the law office about 3:00 P.M. and was informed that the petition would be ready the following morning. Mr. Kroha also advised the client that another $150.00 fee would be required in order to file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Mr. Stanley objected to the additional charge as being contrary to his understanding of the agreement. He stated that Mr. Kroha told him to "take it or leave it." Mr. Stanley terminated the employment and demanded return of the fees paid. Mr. Kroha advised him that he would only be required to return the filing fee. On October 2, 1991, Mr.

Stanley went to Mr. Kroha's office and was refunded the $120.00 filing fee and $100.00 of the advance attorney's fee. The client retrieved his financial records and other written information which he said were still in the original file folder in which he had provided the documents. Mr. Stanley stated that he found no notes, work papers, banlcruptcy forms, draft petitions, etc. in his file to indicate tha t Mr. Kroha had performed any work on his case. Mr. Kroha's response reflected that he did undertake the bankruptcy case for Mr. Stanley but the preliminary discussions and the proposed action were directed to seeking Chapter 13 relief. Mr. Stanley had informed Mr. Kroha that he desired to pay his creditors and that he would soon be employed as a substitute teacher. The client notified Mr. Knoha on September 13, 1991, of his desi re to pursue Cha pter 7 bankruptcy. The attorney advised him that he did not believe Mr. Stanley qualified because, in his estimation, some of Mr. Stanley's listed assets were undervalued. Mr. Kroha told him that he should continue with the Chapter 13 proceeding and that conversion to a Chapter 7 bankruptcy would not require an additional charge for filing fees but would necessitate additional legal fees. Mr. Stanley was to consider those options and get back to Mr. Kroha. About September 30, 1991, the client advised Mr. Kroha of his desire to pursue Chapter 7 relief, and he became considerably upset when the attorney reminded him of the additional fee charge and the problem with his reported assets. Subsequently, Mr. Stanley terminated Mr. Kroha's employment and was refunded his filing fee and part of the advance attorney fee. Mr. Kroha felt that the remainder of the fee was earned by his preparation of a budget for Mr. Stanley, a computer listing of

DISCIPLINARY his creditors, and the several consultations with him.

RALPH J. BLAGG Ralph J. Blagg of Clinton was issued a letter of reprimand for violation of Model Rules 1.9 and 8.4(d) as a result of a complaint filed by Hoyd C. Hunter. In his affidavit, Mr. Hunter stated that Mr. Blagg was retained to represent him in initiating a divorce action against his wife. Mr. Blagg filed such a complaint on behalf of Mr. Hunter on July 2, 1991. Subsequently, Mr. Hunter and his wife reconciled. Mr. Blagg then filed a motion to dismiss the divorce complaint at Mr. Hunter's behest. The Court granted that motion on October 2, 1991. On October 12, 1991, Mr. Hunter was served with a summons and a motion for change of custody filed by Mr. Blagg on behalf of his former wife. On or about October 15, 1991, Mr. Hunter asked Mr. Blagg to withdraw from the case stating his concern that he had recently confided in Mr. Blagg about personal matters regarding his domestic situation. One of the grounds put forth in his former wife's motion for custodial change involved these same personal matters that Mr. Hunter had discussed a few weeks before with Mr. Blagg. According to Mr. Hunter, Mr. Blagg refused to terminate representation of Mr. Hunter's former wife, stating that Mr. Hunter could get a fair hearing. Although he was duly served with this complaint pursuant to the Procedures of the Arkansas Supreme Court Regulating Professional Conduct of Attorneys at Law, Mr. Blagg failed to respond.


WARREN H. WEBSTER Warren H. Webster, Jonesboro, Arkansas, has surrendered his Arkansas Attorney's license. Mr. Webster's petition for surrender of his law license was presented to the Committee which forwarded it to the Court with a recommendation for acceptance. Mr. Webster had entered a guilty plea in U.S. District Court to a reduced charge of Misprision which entailed his having knowledge of a crime and failing to report it. Such conduct is in violation of Model Rule 8.4(b). The Arkansas Supreme Court accepted the surrender of Mr. Webster's law license by Per Curiam delivered on October 21, 1991. This disciplinary action was inadvertently omitted from the previous edition of the Arkansas Lawyer.

Court of the criminal offense of possession of cocaine with intent to deliver. Such conduct violated Model Rule 8.4(b).

JOSEPH WILLIAM SEGERS, JR. Upon recommend a tion of the Committee the Arkansas Supreme Court on January 13, 1992, accepted the surrender of Arkansas law license of Joseph William Segers, Jr., Fort Worth, Texas, formerly of Fayetteville, Arkansas. Mr. Segers was convicted in the U.S. District Court (E. D. Missouri) on three counts of mail fraud, three counts of wire fraud and one count of interstate transportation of stolen property. Such conduct violated Model Rule 8.4(b).

E. HARLEY COX, JR. Upon recommendation of the Committee the Arkansas Supreme Court on March 2, 1992, accepted the surrender of the law license of E. Harley Cox, Jr., Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Mr. Cox, who had been convicted in U.S. District Court on fifteen criminal counts involving fraudulent banking activities, was in violation of Model Rule 8.4(b).

JOHNNY LOUIS JOHNSON Upon recommendation of the Committee the Arkansas Supreme Court on January 21, 1992, accepted the surrender of the law license of Johnny Louis Johnson, Little Rock, Arkansas. Mr. Johnson was found guilty in the Faulkner County Circuit

GARY BEN RAINEY Upon recommendation of the Committee the Arkansas Supreme Court on March 9, 1992, accepted the surrender of the law license of Gary Ben Rainey, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Mr. Rainey pleaded guilty in WaShington County Circuit Court to the charge of forgery in the second degree, such conduct being in violation of Model Rule 8.4(b).

JAMES FRANCIS O'HARA Upon recommendation of the Committee the Arkansas Supreme Court on January 21, 1992, accepted the surrender of the law license of James Francis O'Hara, Little Rock,

continued on page 12

DISCIPLINARY continuedfrom page 9 Arkansas. An affidavit of complaint executed by Don Ray Harris, Heber Springs, alleged that in 1984 Mr. O'Hara visited him in the hospital where he was recuperating from serious injuries received in a construction related accident. Mr, Harris was not

acquainted with Mr. O'Hara and had no family or prior professional relationship with the attorney. The complainant entered into a contingent fee contract with Mr. O'Hara for legal services. In the course of the succeeding fouT years, Mr. O'Hara was successful in obtaining compensation for his client's injuries from a workers' compensation insurance carrier, the general contractor and a materials supplier in the total

approximate amount of $350,000. Mr. O'Hara deducted his contingent fee as settlement of each claim was satisfied. During the course of the representation, Mr. O'Hara borrowed $75,000 from his client on two separate occasions. These loans were memorialized by simple promissory notes bearing interest at 8% prepared by Mr. O'Hara. The attorney subsequently defaulted on both notes. Mr. Harris, who was paralyzed as a result of the accident, had built a home for which he had fully paid without resort to a lending institution or other mortgagee. In late 1989, Mr. Harris decided to sale the property and placed it with a realtor. The complainant was unable to find a buyer


for the property at his asking price of $150,000. Mr. O'Hara, who was aware of the attempt to sell the property, informed Mr. Harris that he was interested in purchasing the real estate. In late February 1990, the attorney mel with Mr. Harris at which time Mr. Harris executed a warranty deed to Mr. O'Hara and received Mr. O'Hara's two paragraph promissory note in the principal amount of $150,000 and bearing interest at 8% per annum. Mr. O'Hara, who had prepared the two aforementioned documents, advised Mr. Harris that the promissory note adequately ensured the collection of the indebtedness. No mortgage, deed of trust or other security instrument was executed for the protection of Mr. Harris' security interest. Mr. O'Hara defaulted on the promissory note. Mr. O'Hara failed to respond to the formal complaint against him. The Committee found the lawyer to be in violation of Disciplinary Rules 2-103(A) and 2-104(A), Code of Professional Responsibility, and Rules 1.8(a) and 8.4(c) of the Model Rules of Professional Conduct, as amended. The Committee elected to pursue a disbarment action against Mr. O'Hara. He was notified of the Committee's decision and offered the opportunity to voluntarily surrender his license in lieu of disbarment proceedings. Mr. O'Hara subsequently submitted a petition for voluntary surrender of his law license.

JOHN F. ARENS & RICHARD ALEXANDER On appeal, the Arkansas Supreme Court affirmed the Committee's issuance of letters of caution on December 13, 1990, to attorneys John F. Arens and Richard P. Alexander, Fayetteville, Arkansas. (john F. Arens and Richard P. Alexander v. Committee on Professional Conduct, 307 Ark. 308, Adv. Sh. _ S.W.2d_ (1991). The Committee had found the attorneys to be in violation of Model Rules 1.5 and 1.16(d). The opinion was delivered on November 25, 1991, and a petition for rehearing was denied on December 23, 1991.

B. DEWEY FITZHUGH On February 10, 1992, the Arkansas Supreme Court in the case of B. Dewey Fitzhugh v. Committee on Professional Conduct, 308 Ark. 313 , Adv. Sh. _ S.W.2d_~ (1991) affirmed the Committee's issuance of a letter of caution on February 5, 1990, to attorney B. Dewey FitZhugh, Little Rock, Arkansas, for violation of Model Rules 3.3(d) and 3.5(b).

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APRIL 1992


Philip S. Anderson Little Rock

Charles R. Garner Fort Smith

William A. Martin North Little Rock

Charles B. Roscopf Helena

R. Keith Arman Hot Springs

John P. Gill Little Rock

Ronald A. May Little Rock

Texarkana, Texas

Anthony Bartels Jonesboro

Charles L. Codo Bentonville

S. Hubert Mayes, Jr. Little Rock

Robert G. Serio Clarendon

Paul B. Benham, III Little Rock

Nathan G. Gordon Morrilton

Herbert H. McAdams, II Little Rock

Dennis L. Shackleford EI Dorado

Ted Boswell Bryant

Albert Graves, Jr. Hope

Hayes C. McClerkin Texarkana

David Solomon Helena

William H. Bowen Little Rock

John C. Gregg Batesville

H. H. McKenzie Prescott

John F. Stroud, Jr. Texarkana

Edward W. Brockman, Jr. Pine Bluff

Michael E. Hale Little Rock

James H. McKenzie Prescott

Fred S. Ursery Little Rock

Richard K. Burke Prescott, Arizona

Richard F. Hatfield Little Rock

H. Maurice Mitchell Little Rock

James R. VanDover Marianna

George B. Collins Chicago, Illinois

David A. Hodges Little Rock

Don D. Montgomery, Jr. Dallas, Texas

Robert C. Vittitow Warren

earl K. Creekmore Van Buren

Phillip D. Hout Newport

James L. Morgan Searcy

Lynn F. Wade Fayetteville

James D. Cypert Springdale

Clint Huey Warren

Walter R. Niblock Fayetteville

W.J. Walker Little Rock

M. Burk Dabney Marked Tree

Donald T. Jack, Jr. Little Rock

Bobby Lee Odom Fayetteville

C. R. Warner Little Rock

Walter W. Davidson Little Rock

Alston Jennings Little Rock

Joe D. Olson Branson, Missouri

John N. Warnock Camden

John C. Deacon Jonesboro

Robert L. Jones, 1lI Fort Smith

David L. Osmon Mountain Home

Timothy F. Watson, Sr. Newport

JayW.Dickey,Jr. Pine Bluff

Philip E. Kaplan Little Rock

Ben L. Paddock Fort Smith

Bernard P. Whetstone Little Rock

H. T. Dickinson Sweet Home

Warren O. Kimbrough Fort Smith

Ed ward M. Penick Little Rock

Perry V. Whitmore North Little Rock

Philip E. Dixon Little Rock

John T. Lavey Little Rock

Fred M. Pickens, Jr. Newport

J. Gaston Williamson Little Rock

Winslow Drummond Little Rock

Ike Allen Laws, Jr. Russellville

David A. Pierce Neosho, Missouri

Wm. R. Wilson, Jr. Little Rock

Davis Duty Fort Smith

Charles R. Ledbetter Fort Smith

William 1. Prewett El Dorado

Joe D. Woodward Magnolia

John D. Eldridge Augusta

Jack L. Lessenberry Little Rock

Donald C. Pullen Hot Springs

Robert R. Wright, 1lI Little Rock

Oscar Fendler Blytheville

Robert O. Levi North Little Rock

John 1. Purtle Little Rock

Tilden P. Wrightlll Fayetteville

Herschel H. Friday Little Rock

Ruth Lindsey Little Rock

Louis L. Ramsay, Jr. Pine Bluff

Texarkana, Texas

Norman C. Russell

Damon Young


Our Responsibility & the Challenge By James H. McKenzie

The future of the Arkansas Bar Association is to address the substantive issues challenging our profession. A self interest trade organization agenda will not sustain us. Our society stands in its envious position because of the foundation of the rule of law and not man. We have been entrusted with the responsibility to invest our resources in the enhancement of the judicial system to protect this inheritance. There are many perplexing state and national issues on the table today that will direct our future practice of law. These include: 1. Enforcement of Attomey Discipline;

2. Quality of State Courts; 3. Indigent Defense System; and 4. Civil justice Reform. Enforcement of Attorney Discipline. My goal is to have before the Executive Council on May 2 and the House of Delegates on june 13 a recommendation for revising the methods and procedures for enforcing the discipline of ourselves. This is mandatory if judicial regulation of lawyers is to continue in Arkansas free of political control. judicial regulation is essential to both the courts and the 14


APRIL 1992

bar. The American Bar Association's Commission on Evaluation of Disciplinary Enforcement submitted its report in February 1992. The Commission heard from a broad spectrum of the public that lawyer discipline is too slow, too secret and too soft. No system will satisfy all of the critics, but improvement will demonstrate to the public that judicial regulation is effective. The claim that lawyers must protect their reputation by secret proceedings will not be accepted by the lay citizens. The present system is seen as a back room with the curtains pulled, and we need to let the light shine in. This makes disclosure of a disciplinary complaint against a lawyer necessary upon a finding of probable cause. Funding and staffing for lawyer discipline have not kept pace with the growth of the profession. The Supreme Court should be asked for funds needed to operate the disciplinary system effectively. Quality of our State Courts. The word "merit" has been penned to "selection" too long when we discuss the manner in which we choose our judges. In Arkansas, judges are elected, and I anticipate

this is going to continue into the foreseeable future. Still, judges should be elected on the basis of merit and ability to render fair and impartial decisions and not on their ability to raise campaign contributions. The quality of our courts depends on the quality of our judges. But also, we must support our judiciary to strive for adequate working conditions that permit efficient rendering of decisions and not require the judges to race against a compelling case load that diminishes the quality of the justice dispensed. The Court of Appeals continues to be a place of focus where appeals filed have increased 335 percent in four years. The cases carried over to the next term are up to 559 which is an increase of 70 from the last year. This is while each judge wrote 109 decisions during the last term. The "Kansas Plan" adopted in the last General Assembly will dispose of 54 cases in a term which is equivalent to onehalf of a judge's current work load. Indigent Defense System. A statewide public defender system is mandatory to insure stability, to supply the needed consistency of the public defender system throughout

the state and to provide quality counsel to protect the constitutional rights of the defendants. Even though it is frequently overlooked in the funding debate, the primary issue is that the constitutional rights of the defendant be protected in a fair trial. This will be fiscally sound, because it is only when the defendant has been afforded an adversarial trial that there will be a reduction in the cost of multiple appeals and trials. When this occurs, the criminal justice system will both reduce the dollars spent and the cases pending. Civil Justice Reform. This is the new buzz word that starts the latest political wave of rhetorical lawyer bashing. Enough has been said about the statistical errors in Vice President Quayle's speech on this subject. President Bush has caused to be introduced as 5.2180 and H.R. 4155 legislation entitled "Access to Justice Act of 1992." The Administration has also released the Civil Justice Reform Model State Amendments which provide for the following: A. Fostering alternative dispute resolution procedures rather than trials to settle disputes. B. Core disclosures and discovery requiring automatic disclosure of basic information and discovery planning conferences. C. Courts determine if a proposed expert witness is a legitimate expert. D. A loser-pay rule for attorneys'

concern was not how the public feels about lawyers as individuals, but that the public will continue to respond wi th respect to the legal system. For emphasis, he told of the conclusion to Watergate in a perception that made me realize how important it is that the Arkansas Bar Association meet its challenges. Chief Judge Bauer said: "Most of us remember in 1974 when, for the first time in American history, the President of the United States was compelled to resign his position ... "The tapes that ultimately demonstrated his unfitness to hold that office were ordered released by a unanimous decision of the Supreme Court. And when those tapes were released, it was the beginning of the end. "It is interesting to think back now on the fact that President Nixon didn't fight the ruling. He




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These concepts are being Vigorously debated now. The Arkansas Bar Association needs to move to the forefront and join in the conferences so that the thoughts and views of all attorneys, as well as those of the public are known. Allow me to emphasize that these proposals are for state courts and not federal courts for which there is a separate movement. William J. Bauer, Chief Judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, recently spoke to tl\e American College of Trial Lawyers. He expressed that his

recognized that, like everyone else, he was subject to the rule of law. 'The day he resigned, there were a number of us watching the events on television. It was one of the saddest and most tragic events in the history of the United States. There was a television camera panning Pennsylvania Avenue that night. A news commentator stood on the front lawn discussing what was probably going on in the White House. Every now and then, a traffic policeman would go by on a motorcycle, and cars went back and forth; there was not one single tank to be seen, not one bayonet unsheathed and the most powerful man in the world resigned his office without a shot being fired. There is nowhere in this whole world that could have happened except here in the United States."_

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During the late 1980's the U.S. Supreme Court issued a series of opinions narrowly interpreting federal civil rights statutes. For two years, Congress and the President bickered over the language of a civil rights bill designed to restore the traditionally broad interpretation of civil rights legislation. President Bush vetoed the Civil Rights Act of 1990, calling it a "quota bill." Senator John Danforth (R-Mo.) successfully engineered a compromise bill. Proclaiming his support for affirmative action, President Bush signed the Civil Rights Act of 1991 ("CRA") on November 21, 1991. CRA profoundly changes federal employment discrimination jurisprudence. The purposes of the CRA are to provide additional remedies for intentional discrimination, to provide guidance for the adjudication of disparate impact suits and to codify the defense concepts of "business necessity" and "job related" as enunciated by Griggs v. Duke Power Co., 401 U.s. 424 (971). The product of rancor and compromise, CRA overrules or responds to eight U.S. Supreme Court decisions, amends five civil rights statutes and creates a new civil rights statute. CRA provides compensatory and punitive damages, jury trials and expert fees. CRA reverses essential burdens of proof in disparate impact cases and eliminates a key method by which 16 ARKANSAS lAWYER

APRIL 1992

The Civil Rights Act of 1991: What Does it Mean to Me? By John T. Shannon

employers attempted to give minority applicants a "fair shake" at job opportunities. CRA creates ambiguities on the key issues of retroactive application and the definition of "job related and consistent with business neceSSity." CRA titles apply to mallers of private employment, government employment, the "glass ceiling," and Civil War sites, a prime example of not looking too closely at the promulgation of legislation. The purpose of this article is to provide a broad overview of Title I - Federal Civil Rights Remedies. This article focuses on those provisions of CRA which fundamentally change the law. All CRA references include parallel citations to the Public Law and U.S. Code sections.


The Civil Rights Act of 1866 (42 U.S.c. § 1981) prohibited racial discrimination in the making and enforcement of contracts, including employment contracts. Federal courts traditionally applied the §1981 proscription of racial discrimination to all aspects of the employment relationship. A more conservative U.S. Supreme Court rolled back the scope of §1981, holding that the law only prohibited racial discrimination at contract formation and enforcement. Patterson v. McLean Credit Union, 491 U.S. 164 (1989). CRA overturns Patterson and restores the expanSive scope of §1981. "Make and enforce contracts" now includes the making, performance, modification, termination and enjoyment of all benefits of a contractual relationship. CRA § 101, 42 US.c. § 1981(b). CRA also codifies the holding of Runyon v. McCrary, 427 U.S. 160 (1976). Section 1981 applies to private as well as governmental racial discrimination in contracts. CRA § 101,42 U.S.c. § 1981(c). Section 1981 continues to allow unlimited compensatory and punitive damages and jury trials. Although CRA amends Ti tle VII to provide more liberal remedies, § 1981 actions continue to have advantages over Title VII actions: § 1981 applies to employers with fewer than 15 employees, and aggrieved persons may file lawsuits without first pursuing an administrative remedy,


rescuing Title VI! plaintiffs who fail timely to file a charge with the EEOC. Complaining parties may not receive duplicate awards. CRA provides the expanded Title VII damages only to complaining parties who cannot recover under § 1981. CRA § 102(a)(1), 42 U.S.c. § 1981A(a)(1). A victim of sexual harassment clearly cannot recover under § 1981 and shou ld file her claim under Title VII. Discrimination based on ancestry or ethnic characteristics falls into the gray area between § 1981 and Title VII. A prudent lawyer will file under both statutes so that the limitations period on the Title VII claim does not expire before a court rules that the claimant cannot recover under § 1981. A victim of race discrimination and sexual harassment should file under both statutes and may recover under both. COMPENSATORY DAMAGES, PUNITIVE DAMAGES AND JURY TRIALS Title VI! and the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA") provided monetary damages only for back-pay. But CRA amends these laws by creating a new statute, § 1981A. Section 1981A establishes, for victims intentional employment of discrimination based on race, sex, religion and disability, a right of action for compensatory and punitive damages. Compensatory and punitive damages are not available in disparate impact cases. CRA §102(a)(1), 42 U.s.c. § 1981A(a)(l). Under §1981, damages for racial discrimination are unlimited. Under §1981A, however, compensatory and punitive damages for intentional discrimination based on gender, religion or disability are limited according to the number of persons employed by the discriminatory employer. Damages recoverable by a victim of intentional discrimination are limited as follows: NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES DAMAGES UMIT 15 through 100 $ 50,000.00 101 through 200 $100,000.00 201 through 500 $200,000.00 over 501 $300,000.00

The limits on damages may be harassment. ephemeral. Attempting to end this Compensatory damages subject to inequality in remedies between § 1981 the cap include the usual "soft" and §1981A claims, Senator Edward injuries: future pecuniary losses, Kennedy (D-Mass.) and emotional pain and suffering, Representative Barbara Kennelly (0- inconvenience, mental anguish, loss Conn.) have sponsored the Equal of enjoyment of life, et cetera. There is Remedies Act of 1991 (S 2062, HR no cap on compensatory damages for 3975). The bill's purpose is to equalize past pecuniary losses, including remedies available to all bias victims medical bills and back-pay. CRA § by removing the caps. Senator Orrin 102(b)(2), 42 US.c. § 1981A(b)(2). Hatch (R-Utah) has introduced a bill Any party to an action seeking to preserve the $50,000.00 cap on compensatory or punitive damages damages for employers of fewer than under §1981A may request a jury fifty employees. Congress adopted trial. CRA does not provide jury trials limits on compensatory and punitive in disparate impact litigation. Courts damages as a compromise to draft a may not advise jurors of the damages bill the President would sign. caps. CRA § 102(c), 42 U.S.c. § The President likely will veto any 1981A(c). Although EEOC may bill that proposes to lift the attempt to conciliate an award to compensatory and punitive damages include compensatory and punitive damages, plaintiffs have great ceilings imposed by CRA. Under ADA, employers must incentive to go to trial. make reasonable accommodation to Courts now have discretion to the known disabilities of otherwise award "expert fees" to prevailing qualified individuals. Failure to make parties. CRA §§ 103, 113, 42 U.S.c. a reasonable accommodation is §§1988, 2000e-5(k). These provisions intentional discrimination, opening nullify West Virginia University the door for compensatory and Hospitals, Inc. v. Casey, 111 S. Ct. 1138 punitive damages. However, CRA (1991). CRA §§103 and 113 provide provides that damages may not be for the payment of "expert fees," not awarded if the employer "expert witness fees." Therefore, demonstrates good faith efforts to prevailing parties may be reimbursed make a reasonable accommodation. for the fees of experts who consulted This immunity from damages will during trial preparation. This remain even if a court later rules that provision may lead to "over-trying" the accommodation provided was not cases, but courts are likely to use Rule reasonable. CRA § 102(a)(2), 42 U.S.c. 16 pre-trial conferences to keep CRA § 1981A(a)(2). Employers should §§103 and 113 from becoming a blank document their efforts in making check. their accommodations. DISPARATE IMPACT In defining "intentional" One of the main focuses of the discrimination, CRA provides CRA is proof in disparate impact compensatory and punitive damages cases. Title VII was silent on disparate if the employer engaged in impact. The Supreme Court discriminatory conduct "with malice recognized disparate impact as a form or with reckless indifference" to of unlawful discrimination in Griggs federally protected rights. CRA § v. Duke Pcrwer Co., 401 U.s. 424 (1971). 102(b)(1), 42 U.S.c. § 1981A(b)(1). All Under Griggs, a plaintiff had the purposeful discrimination likely will burden of proving that an employer's qualify as malicious. Failure of an work practice had a disparate impact employer to respond to complaints of on qualified women or minorities. hostile environment sexual Upon making this showing, the harassment likely will qualify as burden shifted to the employer to reckless indifference. If an employee prove that the practice was required complains of sexual harassment in the by business necessity. If the employer workplace, employers should act proved requirement by business quickly and decisively to end the necessity, the plaintiff could still


prevail by showing that other equally effective practices with reduced disparate impact were available to the employer. Then came Wards Cuue Packing Co. v. Antonio, 490 U.S. 642 (1989). Wards Cove jolted the disparate impact proof scheme. If a plaintiff alleged that two or more job practices combined to create a disparate impact, Wards Cove added to the plaintiffs initial burden the requirement that the plaintiff demonstrate the disparity created by ench challenged employment practice. The plaintiff would have to demonstrate which specific selection criteria had a disparate impact. Wards Cove then scuttled the employer's business necessity requirement and replaced it with a lighter business justification standard. More importantly, Wards Cove shifted to the plaintiff the burden of persuasion on the issue of business justification. The employer was required to produce evidence on the issue, but the plaintiff had to prove the absence of business justification. Wards Cuue retained the right of a plaintiff ultimately to

prevail by showing the availability of alternative job practices without a discriminatory effect. By CRA §105, 42 U.S.c. §2000e-2, Congress and the President told a conservative Supreme Court that enough is enough. Section 105 codifies disparate impact discrimination and the Griggs burden of proof scheme. Under CRA the plaintiff must demonstrate - produce and persuade - that a particular employment practice, la wful on its face, caused a discriminatory impact. Statistical analysis traditionally is the basis for this demonstration. If a plaintiff challenges several employmen t practices, the plaintiff must demonstrate that each practice caused a disparate impact. This burden is similar to Wards Cove. However, if the plaintiff demonstrates that the elements of the employer's decisionmaking process are not capable of separation for analysis, the plaintiff may treat the entire decision-making process as a single employment practice. CRA §lOS, 42 U.5.c. §2000e-

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APRIL 1992

2(k)(1)(B)(i). This is the "cumulation" issue - multiple practices that cumulatively result in disparate impact. For guidance, the legislative history merely refers to Dothard v. Rawlinson, 433 U.S. 321 (1977)(height and weight requirements). Of course, the employer may quickly prevail by showing that the plaintiff's statistical basis is inaccurate. If not, the burden shifts to the employer to demonstrate that the challenged practice is job related and consistent with business necessity. Thus, CRA returns this burden of proof to the employer and reinstates the business necessity standard. CRA does not define "job related" and "business necessity." Instead, CRA refers to Griggs. CRA § 103(2),42 U.S.C § 1981. Even if the employer demonstrates that the practice which caused a disparate impact was job related and consistent with business necessity, the plaintiff may still prevail by showing that an alternative practice with a reduced disparate impact was available and that the employer refused to adopt it. Plaintiffs cannot base disparate impact claims on employment practices that bar the employment of persons who use illegal drugs. CRA §10S(a), 42 U.S.c. §2000e-2(k)(3). CRA provides no safe harbor to persons who use or possess illegal drugs. CRA is consistent with ADA. For this crucial issue of disparate impact, legislative history is by design almost entirely absent. CRA provides perhaps the only instance in the United States Code where Congress has identified the exclusive legislative history. Under § 10S(b), 42 U.S.c. §1981, the exclusive legislative history with respect to Wards Cuue, business necessity, cumulation and alternative business practices is a threeparagraph memorandum that appears on page S 15267 of the October 25, 1991 Congressional Record. The memo refers to Griggs and Dothard. Congress was unable to define the concepts of business necessity, job relatedness, cumulation and alternative business practices and still draft a bill acceptable to President

Bush. Congress punted the issues back to the federal courts, where recent decisions were found to be contrary to the spirit of Title vn in the first place. RACE NORMING Title vn allows employers to use professionally developed tests to determine the ability of job applicants. These tests, usually prepared by Americans of European descent, often created a disparate impact on minorities. To avoid litigation caused by the disparate impact and to "capture" for employment members of racial minorities who clearly were able to do the job, many employers used "race norming" of test scores. A score of 80% might be passing for a white applicant while a score of 70% might be passing for a black applicant. Race norming is now illegal. CRA § 106, 42 U.S.c. 2000e-2. Race norming is illegal even though employers used such racial differentiation to benefit racial minorities by equalizing work opportunities. The Administration demanded the end of race norming because it viewed race norming as establishing quotas. Employment tests likely will continue to produce a disparate impact. The practical result of prohibiting adjusting test scores is that many employers will stop using tests as a means of determining ability. CRA prohibits the disparate impact remedy ordered by Bridgeport Guardians, Inc. v. City of Bridgeport, 933 F.2d 1140 (2d Cir. 1991), cert denied, 112 S. Ct. 337 (1991). MIXED MOTIVE DECISIONS In Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins, 485 U.S. 933 (1989), the Supreme Court held that when a plaintiff shows that an unlawful factor motivated an employment decision, the employer may escape liability by proving that it would have made the same decision absent the unlawful motive. CRA overturns Price Waterhouse. Under CRA §107, 42 U.s.c. §2000e-2(m), an employment action violates Tille VIl and liability is established if discrimination was a motivating factor, even if lawful factors also were motivating.


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That an employer would have made the same decision absent discriminatory motives no longer exculpates the employer but is relevant only in the remedial phase of the litigation. If a mixed motive employment decision is unlawful because a discriminatory factor was "in the stew," the employer will not be required to hire the plaintiff or pay back-payor damages if the employer can establish that it would have taken the same employment action absent discrimination. Courts may still order other declaratory and injunctive relief and award attorney fees and costs. Perhaps more than any other issue in the CRA, mixed motive decisions provide the greatest potential for increasing Title VII and ADA litigation. Hiring and promotion decisions for executive and professional positions often involve a myriad of objective and subjective criteria. Many representatives of the employer are involved in the decision-making process. A plaintiff will often be able to find someone whose input into the process was

mOllvated by discrimination. Identifying that one unlawfully motivated contributing individual assures minimum liability. But what is a "motivating factor?" Is a stupid, stray remark a motivating factor? Looking back to Price Waterhouse, one might anticipate that in interpreting CRA §107, a conservative Supreme Court may read into the law a de minimis threshold: to create liability, the unlawful motive must be, if not the determining factor, a substantial factor in the decision-making process. Now that race, gender, religion and disability cannot be motivating factors in employment decisions, what happens to affirmative action? Although CRA §116, 42 U.S.c. §1981 appears to endorse affirmative action, CRA §107 appears to prohibit affirmative action. In his initial CRA statement, circulated November 20, 1991, President Bush called for the elimination of all governmental affirmative action programs, explaining that they constituted quotas inconsistent with the CRA. The President later described the


statement as a "draft." The controversy over affirmative action is heightened, not settled, by CRA. FINALITY OF COURT ORDERS In Marlin v. Wilks, 490 U.S. 754 (1989)(the "white fire fighters" action in Alabama), the Court held that white fire fighters who had failed to intervene in earlier employment discrimination proceedings in which consent decrees were en tered could challenge affirmative action taken pursuant to those decrees. CRA overturns Martin. Persons wanting to challenge job practices implementing a judgment resolving a claim under federal civil rights laws are barred from doing so if (1) they had actual notice of the proposed judgment and a reasonable opportunity to object, or (2) their interests were adequately represented. CRA §108, 42 U.s.c. §2000e-2(n). Employees opposed to affirmative action plans should speak before entry of a decree or forever hold their peace. SENIORITY SYSTEMS In Lorance v. AT&T Technologies, Inc., 490 U.S. 900 (1989), the Court

ruled that if an employer implements a discriminatory seniority system, the limitations period begins to run when the seniority system is adopted. This restrictive interpretation promptly disposes of many challenges to seniority systems. CRA overturns AT&T Technologies. When an employer adOp!5 a seniority system for a discriminatory purpose, the time for filing a charge with the EEOC begins either (1) when the system is adopted, (2) when an employee becomes subject to the system, or (3) when the employee is injured by the application of the system. CRA §112, 42 U.S.c. § 2000eS(e).

AGE DISCRIMINATION Under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act ("ADEN'), a person could not file an age discrimination suit until sixty days after filing a charge with the EEOC. In intentional discrimination cases, suits could not be filed more than three years after the alleged discriminatory act. CRA makes the limitations for age discrimination actions consistent with

Title VIl actions. Now, after the EEOC dismisses their charge, the EEOC must notify age bias claimants of their right to sue. The age discrimination claimant then has ninety days to file a lawsuit. CRA §115, 29 U.S.c. §626(e). ADR CRA encourages the use of alternative methods of dispute resolution. CRA §188, 42 U.S.c. §1981. To the extent tha t CRA may be read as establishing that the strong federal policy in favor of arbitration attaches to civil rights actions, this provision supports the enforceability of arbitration agreements in employment contracts. Courts must decide if the CRA's single sentence policy favoring arbitration overrides a statutory entitlement to trial. The Supreme Court recently held that an arbitration agreement was enforceable to compel arbitration of an ADEA claim. Gilmer v. Interstate/Johnson Lane Corp., 111 S. Ct. 1647 (1991). Employers, finding approval in CRA and Gilmer, likely will begin inserting broadly-worded arbitration clauses in employment






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APRIL 1992

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contracts. However, the House Committee on Education and Labor reported that an arbitration agreement in an employment contract does not preclude the affected person from seeking relief under the enforcement provisions of Title VII. What Congress and the Court clarify a committee muddles. Ultimately, and perhaps soon, federal courts will decide if arbitration agreements are valid for Title VII claims. RETROACTIVITY The application of CRA's new substantive rights and remedies to cases pending on November 21, 1991, and conduct occurring before November 21, 1991, presents the most pressing and difficult issue that has arisen from CRA. Congress <lid not decide the issue and the battle is already being waged in the courts. The effect of the ou tcome on defendant finances and judicial economy are enormous. Because the CRA contains no explicit direction concerning retroactivity, resolution is a matter of statutory construction. Federal courts have long relied on a presumption against the retroactive application of statutes. Bowen v. Georgetown University Hospital, 488 U.S. 204 (1988). Unfortunately, the Court has also held that statutes apply retroactively unless doing so would result in manifest injustice or there is statutory direction or legislative history to the contrary. Bradley v. Richmond School Board, 416 U.S. 696 (1974). In KIliser Aluminum & Chemical Corp. v. Bonjorno, 494 U.S. 827 (1990), justice Scalia stated in a concurring opinion that the time is ripe to end the confusion by overruling Bradley and adopting the ancient common law: absent specific indication to the contrary, the operation of non-penal legislation is prospective only. The issue of retroactive application of CRA had reached U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas. In Hughes v. Matthews, No. LR-C-90-422, and Bricker v. The Comedy House, Inc., No. LR-e-90-805, judge Susan Webber Wright found guidance in judge Richard Arnold's opinion in Simmons v. Lockhart, 931

F.2d 1226 (8th Gr. 1991). In Simmons, the Court ruled that it would not retroactively apply statutes or regulations without a clear indication that the legislature or administrative agency intends to diverge from the norm of acting prospectively. In refusing to retroactively apply CRA, judge Wright denied motions to amend a complaint to add claims for compensatory and punitive damages and for a jury trial. However, in Davis v. Tri-State Distributions, Inc., No. LRC-89-912, judge Elsijane Roy retroactively applied CRA and allowed the plaintiff to recover expert witness fees in the amount of $1,600.00. judge Roy cited the remedial purposes of CRA and the modest amount involved. Parties will appeal similar decisions, the Eighth Circuit likely will reject retroactive application, the Supreme Court likely will affirm, and Congress may again consider the retroactivity issue. CONCLUSION The Civil Rights Act of 1991, designed to enhance remedies for intentional discrimination, may end affirmative action. CRA ends the "race norming" of employment test scores. For intentional discrimination, CRA provides compensa tory and punitive damages with jury trials. In disparate impact cases, the employer again must prove that the discriminatory employment practice was necessary for business. In mixed motive actions, if discrimination motivates the employment decision, the employer is liable. The scope of §1981 is again broad, and expert fees are recoverable. CRA became effective on November 21, 1991, and the way Americans resolve employment discrimination disputes will never be the same again.

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READ MORE ABOUT IT ALI-ABA Publication #Q204, The Civil Rights Act of 1991, includes reference materials and the text of the Act and the complete Congressional flooT debates. Commerce Clearing House has published a succinct and helpful booklet entitled Civil Rights Act of 1991: Law and Explanation._

john T. Shannon is an associate with the WILUAMS & ANDERSON law firm at Little Rock. His practice includes employment law and commercial litigation. Mr. Shannon authored an article describing the Americans with Disabilities Act which appeared in the April 1991 issue of The Arkansas Lawyer and has since been reprinted in two national publications and on WestlaWÂŽ





Louie Christopher Kirby, 85, of Williamsburg, Virginia, died in january. He had been a resident of northwest

Alexander Nisbet, formerly of Little Rock, died in March. Memorials may be made to the donor's favorite charity. Survivors include a son, Little Rock attorney Wyck Nisbet, a daughter, a sister and five grandchildren.

Arkansas for most of his life. He was a retired petroleum geologist for the Texaco Oil Company and had practiced law in Gentry and Siloam Springs until 1988. Kirby was City Attorney for Gentry, a member of the Sons of the American Revolution, the American and Arkansas Bar Associations. He served the Arkansas Bar Association on the Environmental Law Committee. Survivors include two daughters and three grandchildren.

EMON ARMSTRONG MAHONY Emon Armstrong Mahony, 78, of El Dorado, a retired member of the Mahony & Yocum Law Offices and General Counsel and Board Member of El Dorado First National Bank died in November. Mahony was a state representative to the Interstate Oil Compact Commission and a former Board Member of Arkansas Louisiana Cas Co. He was an organizer

of the James jOhn~On Boys Club, a member of the EI orado Industrial Development Corpor t路iQ!!,~ Boards of the South Arkansas Symphony and the Rotary Club and was an elder and trustee

of First Presbyterian Church. Survivors include three sons, State Representative joseph K. "jodie" Mahony, Michael F. Mahony, Emon A. Mahony, jr., six grandchildren and a great-grandchild. Memorials may be made to First Presbyterian Church, 300 E. Main, El Dorado, Arkansas.


William M. Moorhead, n, of Stuttgart died in December. He was the last practicing attorney of the Macom and Moorhead Law Firm in Stuttgart. Moorhead served as a Special justice for the Supreme Court of Arkansas and was on the Committee for Professional Conduct. He was the first law clerk for State Supreme Court justice George Rose Smith. Moorhead was an elder in the Presbyterian Church, a Rotarian, and an honor graduate of Southwestern College at Memphis (now Rhodes College). Survivors include his wife, Marion Dickson, two daughters, two sisters, two brothers, and four grandchildren. Memorials may be made to First Presbyterian Church of Stuttgart or to the Arkansas Nature Conservancy.



APRIL 1992

STEPHEN EUGENE SAFLY Stephen Eugene Sa fly, 55 of Little Rock died in january. Safly was the Executive Secretary of the State Board of Law Examiners. He was also a claims attorney for the State Insurance Department. Survivors include a son, Michael Safly and a sister, Elsie Stockbarger. Memorials may be made to the University of Arkansas at Little Rock Law Library or the the Little Rock Public Library.

DONALD EUGENE STEEL Donald Eugene Steel, 63 of Texarkana died in March. He was a former member of the State House of Representatives, a former State Senator and Chancery路 Circuit judge of the 9th judicial District. Memorials may be made to the American Lung Association. Survivors include his wife, Darlene Buckles Steel, a son, a daughter, a brother and three grandchildren.

GRAHAM SUDBURY Graham Sudbury, 84 of Blytheville died in January. He was an attorney in private practice who had also served as Blytheville Municipal Court Judge for 27 years. He was past Chair of the Mississippi County Democratic Central Committee, a member and past Board Member of the First United Methodist Church. Sudbury was a member of the Blytheville, Arkansas, and American Bar Associations, and a past member of the Blytheville Kiwanis Oub. He is survived by his wife, Mary Lee Sudbury, three sons, a step-daughter, two step-sons, eleven grandchildren and two great路grandchildren. Memorials may be made to the First United Methodist Church.

Robert S. Lindsey Foundation Established The Robert S. Lindsey Foundation has been established to honor the memory of the late Wright, Lindsey & Jennings partner through the promotion of the ethical values that characterized his fifty-five years in the legal profession. Lindsey, who began practicing with the Wright firm in 1945, died in December, 1991. He was 78. During his career, Lindsey received many professional awards, including the Arkansas Bar Association's Outstanding Lawyer Award in 1969 and the Outstanding Lawyer-Citizen Award in 1983. The initial grant by the Foundation will support a presentation on ethics and the law by attorney I ethicist Michael Josephson at the Annual Meeting of the Arkansas Bar Association June 11, 1992 in Hot Springs. Contributions may be sent to: Robert S. Lindsey Foundation, 2200 Worthen Bank Building, Little Rock, Arkansas 72203.


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lI¡s Going to Take More in the 90¡8 By Lynn Williams

First, I must credit Sarah Polk of AICLE, for the inspiration of this quarter's column. She recently provided me a copy of a trends study of the legal profession. She received. it at a national meeting of continuing legal education directors in January in Dallas. This trend analysis was provided to that group by Gerry S. Malone of Hildebrandt, Inc. I will be referring to that analysis liberally. I am assuming that in this day and age we can still use a (orm of the word "liberal".

The 90s decade will undoubted bring more pressures on young lawyers. That pressure will be entirely different than the pressure of the 19805. According to the study, the 1980s was the best decade ever for law firms. There was unprecedented growth in work for attorneys. This precipitated increased earnings and hirings. Unfortunately, it also increased the debt loads of many of our law firms due to increased demands for office space, automation and increased suppor staff and services. Additionally, malpractice premiums also soared. In the 1980s it was enough for a young lawyer to become a member of a firm and do the work created by the "rainmakers" of the firm. In a few years, that lawyer made partner, or not. The pressure was one of increased workload within the time constraints of the real or imagined 60+ hour week. The 90s continues the pressure of time constraints, but young lawyers will be


APRIL 1992

expected to perform more of the "rainmaking" functions of the firm. One reason is the increasing lack of firm loyalty between partners. I am told by those more senior members of the bar that in the 1960's and 7Cfs, lateral moves by lawyers to another firm were infrequent. The 80s have reversed that trend, and there is no reason to believe another reversal to law finm monogamy is on the way. I believe that means that young lawyers must thrust themselves into a greater leadership role than they have in the past. Leadership is a many-faceted animal. It will mean different things to different lawyers and their firms. Leadership can mean looking to the future to position yourself into the up and coming practices areas. According to the Hildebrandt study, that means preparing oneself for a practice in banking (the S&L debacle is far from over), international law, white collar crime, employment, environmental, intellectual property and bankruptcy law. Leadership will mean not only being involved in these areas, but also being the best in the areas. We will see those who specialize, excuse me, limit their practice to specialized areas do better than those in a general field of law. Leadership may mean taking a greater role in professional and community organizations. One way to develop a client base is to be involved in bar activities (especially the young lawyers

section) or community activities. Whether it is working on a doctor-lawyer team in a high school or attending the noon Rotary meeting in your town, you will meet people. Actual interpersonal relationships still beat costly advertising for client development. Finally, your leadership opportunity may exist in your own firm. Lawyers are going to have to increasingly become more business-oriented. in the managing of their finms. Reality has set in at many finns. There will be more accountability, not only between partners and partners, partners and associates, but also from clients to their Jawyers. There will be a need to understand our dients' businesses. We need to understand our own. Our billings wilJ come under increased scrutiny. Clients will take longer to pay. New billing methods will come. We must be prepared for the day that the numbers of men and women in the profession will be equal. Dean Strickman reported to the Mid Vear meeting that the incoming 1L class at Fayetteville has more women than men. What all this means to us is that to be a successful attorney, it will not be enough to be a good lawyer. To be a successful lawyer and to achieve those probably unrealistic professional and economic goals we have set for ourselves, we will have to exhibit more leadership than we have in the past.•





Two Word Processors for Windows By Barry D. Bayer & Benjamin H. Cohen

Š 1992 Law Office Techrwlogy Review WordPerfect is the legal profession's most popular world processing software, but Microsoft Word has always been a worthy competitor. Although Microsoft was the first to release a serious Windows word processor, it was the release of WordPerfect 5.1 for Windows that really validated Microsoft Windows as an operating environment for the legal profession. For several weeks, we've been pounding on both Microsoft Word for windows, Version 2.0 and WordPerfect 5.1 for Windows. Each program provides a WYSIWIG ("What You See Is What You Get") display and a robust suite of word processing and de.sktop publishing tools, and the full range of automatic references, outlining, line numbering and other features that have made them popular for legal drafting. We almost don't mind that each program is substantially slower than its nonWindows counterpart.

Installation Both World for Windows and WordPerfect for Windows require a lot of space on the hard disk - about 10 megabytes for WordPerfect and more than 14 for full installation of World for Windows. By eliminating some files and features we reduced each program's hard disk consumption to a less unreasonable 8 megabytes.

Installation for each proceeded automatically with occasional pauses for user input and frequent disk swapping. Each installation installed a program icon on our Windows desktop, so we could start the program by clicking our mouse button. Each program shows a familial resemblance to prior nonWindows versions but uses the Windows environment well. Microsoft Word for Windows 2.0 As with the typical Windows program, the top line carries the program name in the middle with resizing buttons on the right and a control menu icon on the left. The next three lines display pulldown menus, a "toolbar" with buttons for frequently used word processing functions and a "ribbon" that shows (and allows you to change) the current style, type face, type size, type style, text justification and four types of tabs. Below these are the document window itself and a "ruler" showing margins and tabs. Toolbar, ribbon and ruler can be removed from the display if the user doesn't want them. Next comes the usual vertical and horizontal scroll bars, and information line showing page, line and column numbers, cursor location and document section. Features We found the Word for Windows tools useful and convenient. To cut a selected text portion, click on the tool

button with a picture of a scissors; the past button inserts the most recently cut or copied text or graphics at the current cursor position. Even easier than "cut and paste," the user can "drag and drop" by selecting the text to be moved, holding the mouse button while moving the pointer to the insertion point, and letting go. Tool buttons can be easily added to or deleted from the toolbar; even the menu bar can be customized. When we write these articles, for example, we use a tool button that counts the words in the file without requiring us to access a pull down menu. When we write a letter, we prefer a button that which grabs the address and prepares to print an envelope. A "style" can combine most formatting options; a few mouse clicks apply a style to selected text. A "template," more powerful than the old MS-DOS Word "style sheets," can include a custom collection of styles, macros, boilerplate "glossaries," graphiCS and tool and menu arrangements. An "annotation" feature, similar to WordPerfect's "comments," shows who added which notes, a great convenience when several lawyers edit the same document. Word for Windows even has a built-in version of the Houghton Mifflin CorrecText Grammar Correction System, which we didn't use in preparing this article.

WordPerfect for Windows. WordPerfect for Windows has a "Windows" look and feel. The first two lines of the screen are almost identical to the Word for Windows screen, except for some menu bar headings and functions. (The menu bar also differs from the nonWindows version menu bar.) A "Button bar," similar to the Word for Windows's "toolbar," is next, but the

buttons are larger and easier to recognize. Anyone familiar with the"reveal codes" operation of classic WordPerfect will recognize the same codes, and the same approach to dealing with them, in WordPerfect for Windows. Features. WordPerfect for Windows reads and writes the same files as nonWindows 5.1, and even uses the same spelling and thesaurus files, making it easy for Windows and non-Windows users alike to trade word processing files. The vast majority of keystrokes used on the non-Windows version will achieve the same result in WordPerfect for Windows, although the Windows version may also have more convenient ways of doing things. For example, we find using the columns button easier than the Alt-f7 keystroke combination, and a special "table" button a much easier way of setting up a table. La Meme Chose. Non-Windows versions of WordPerfect and Word look very different. Bu t Windows conventions cause the Windows versions of the two programs to look a lot alike. For example, each program uses the Windows "help" system, and each has a "draft" view mode that changes the screen display to a large monospaced font for faster typing and easier editing. Of course draft view mode is WYSIWIG, but it's easy to switch to page view for the final touches. And we must mention that each program lists the four most recently accessed files at the bottom 26


APRIL 1992

of the "file" menu, a feature so useful and obvious we wonder why we haven't seen it before. And the Winner is ... WordPerfect 5.1 for Windows and Word for Windows Version 2.0 offer reasonably priced upgrades and trade-ins. They both carry the same $495 suggested retail price, but we doubt than many will pay list. We found working with either program easier than using the corresponding non-Windows version, or other non-Windows word processors we've used. Both programs display a lot more information about the current file and the current place in the file than non-Windows versions, and we find that using a mouse to click a button is less work than the equivalent keystrokes. And Word for Windows's "drag and drop" editing is even easier than clicking a button. Windows 3.0 is slow; it took 10 to 12 seconds to load Word for Windows or WordPerfect for Windows; corresponding nonWindows versions take but a second or two on our 33MHz 386. Windows 3.0 crashes more than occasionally, requires a huge hard disk and may require substantial hardware upgrades, but ittums out to be a very friendly word processing environment.

Word for Windows 2.0 is an excellent program, but will have to overcome substantial WordPerfect goodwill among lawyers. Microsoft knows this and includes an excellent two way WordPerfect 5.1 file converter, offers direct execution of some WordPerfect commands automatic help screens which pop up when the user attempts a WordPerfect command that Word for Windows cannot execute. Microsoft claims tests showing that current WordPerfect prefer Word for Windows 2.0 over WordPerfect for Windows. We're skeptical, if only because fingers accustomed to WordPerfect command instinctively do the wrong thing with Word for

Windows. We expect that WordPerfect users who are not unhappy with the product will migrate to WordPerfect 5.1 for Windows as they gradually upgrade from older PCs to ATs to the 386 and 486 based computers required for Windows. Were we starting from scratch, we might prefer Word for Windows, but only by a tiny margin. We think that any lawyer or secretary would do well with either program. Summary WordPerfect for Windows and Microsoft Word for Windows Version 2.0 take full advantage of the Microsoft Windows operating environment and make word processing easier than with older, non-Windows versions. You can't go wrong with either program. Details

WordPerfect for Windows 5.1 requires IBM AT or compatible, Windows 3.0, 10 megabytes of hard disk space. Price: $495.00 Upgrade from non-Windows versions of WordPerfect $99.00 Trade in of any "major" word processor, $150.00. WordPerfect Corporation, Phone: (800) 451-5151 or (801) 225-5000. Word for Windows, Version 2.0 requires IBM AT or compatible, Windows 3.0, hard disk, from 6 to 14 megabytes of hard disk space. Price: $495.00; Upgrade from Word for Windows 1.0 or 1.1, M5-DOS version of Word, or any other competitive word processing program, $129.00. Microsoft Corporation, Phone: (BOO) 426-9400 or (206) 882-8080. Call for addresses. _

Barry D. Bayer and Benjamin H. Cohen are the owners of LAw Office Technology Review. They write reviews on computer and office equipment for lawyers which appear in several bar journals nationwide and also in legal publications such as The Chicago Daily Law Journal.




Arkansas Justices 1


By George Rose Smith 10
















39 42


45 50



58 61 ACROSS 1. Pluckier 6. Smart 10. Court figure 14. "If_you, I would sue" 15. Italian money 16. True 17. Justice serving in 1937 19. Competent 20. Before zwei 21. Swiss stream 22. Woolly 24. Kind of chase 26. _ noires; bugbears 27. Before omega 28. Overfilled 31. Titter 34. Barber's accessory 35. Sewup 36. 5-shaped molding 37. Forever: poetic 38. Justice serving in 1841

39. Zodiacal sign 40. Wilson's or English 41. Trig terms 42. Capitol and courthouse 44. Doe: Scot. 45. A Dickens character et al. 46. Featherlike SO. Seraph: Ital. 52. Wire nail 53. Bikini top 54. Orange or Peach 55. Justice serving in 1986 58. Gill ~ LeSage novel 59. Beanery sign 60. "_ snow! _ snow'" 61. Comeback toy 62. Heredity molecules 63. Small barracudas

DOWN 1. Taunts

2. Pend 3. Intennediate: law 4. Silkworm 5. Return of an illness 6. _ Boothe Luce 7. Raise the price 8. Wrath 9. First name ofa C. J. 10. Genus of spiders 11. Justice serving in 1843 12. Sentry's command 13. Robert 18. Indonesian island 23. Take one from me 25. Blade 26. Wilkes28. Footfalls 29. _homo 30. Mideast governors 31. Rent 32. Gentle oath

33. Justice serving in 1891 34. Porcine digs 37. Surrounded 38. Title examiner's concern 40. Wood under a window 41. Justice serving in 1890 43. "I _ gay, in a melancholy .. .44. Telephone 46. Full court, for one 47. Suppress, as a nuisance 48. on for size 49. Bridge positions SO. Van Buren 51. contendere 52. Key letter 56. Sunbather's goal 57. Cadence marching command

For answers, see page 62,





The Law as a Gregarious but Defaulting Jackass By Victor A. Fleming

In the continuing saga of whether pleadings, sworn testimony, or case law is the most entertaining, there have been many submissions since the last installment of LLL. A friendly default? Charles Harrison of Little Rock was puzzled by the following phrase in a response to a motion for a default judgment: "A review of the case law shows a marked reluctance on the part of the courts to grant default judgments except in the most gregarious instances." An ass yes, but impotent too? In Dan White's Still The Official I1lwyers' Handbook, there is a cartoon in which a lawyer is shouting, "Find me some authority for the propoSition that the law is an ass." Whether or not with that in mind, Ed Boyce of Newport sent me a case that is allegedly reported at 121 Neb. App. 72. Finding that the seller of a jackass had warranted the "animal in question to be fit and suitable for breeding," Judge Oliver opined: "The defendant ... knew at the time of the sale that no reasonable man would


APRIL 1992

attempt to use a jackass for any purpose other than to outrage nature by propagating mules ... Plaintiff on several occasions caused [the jackass] to be placed in the society of certain soft-eyed, sleek-eoated young mares, that were in the pink of condition which is supposed to arouse the interest and attract the attention of any reasonably amorous jackass, but that he passed them up and knew them not . . . He failed on the occasions just mentioned to [perform] with the zeal and ardor becoming of an ambitious jackass in full possession of his faculties. uHe was, indeed, a worthless, unpedigreed and impotent jackass, without pride of ancestry or hope of posterity- a source of disappointment to his female friends, and an item of expense to his owner. There is no brute in all the animal kingdom more worthless than a Missouri-bred jackass afflicted with lost manhood." Perhaps that should be "alien nation"? Bob Cloar of Fort Smith has proffered a classic complaint from

Sebastian Chancery, authored by Charles R. Garner, Sr. It was alleged that the defendant, "by various nefarious enticements and subtle inducements and influences did invade the hallowed castle of plaintiff ... while plaintiff was loyally serving in the uniform of his country on foreign shores [and thus] without the means, nearness, weapons and opportunity to defend the portals of his halcyon home." Returning stateside, plaintiff at 3 a.m. "went to his supposed home ... and did there and then find the lovenest ..., his suspicions aroused by whispers and rattling of change in a man's pants pocket" and confirmed by seeing the defendant "making a rather rapid and hurried exit through the rear door ... and into the all enveloping darkness of the night." How had the perpetrator accomplished his mission? According to the complaint, in typical American fashion: By "diligently employing those products of Bacchus presently distilled and fermented by Seagram and Gilbey; ... heaping upon her gifts not to be afforded on a PFC's wages and ... conjuring and

using other methods and means, practiced since man first pushed aside the proverbial fig leaf." When plaintiff's wife filed for divorce, it was alleged, he was "forced to undergo pain and suffering to such an extent that he is subjected to blackout periods, cannot eat or sleep and is without orientation as to his status and standing in the world ..." More on the Recession? From the late Gayle Windsor of Little Rock, I have a pro se answer to a student loan collection complaint, advising the court that "my unpunctilious redress for payment with specific respect to this indebtedness was due to an economy that has circumscribed itself to strictures of predilection for students in the humanities" and praying "for abeyance by the Court that will permit me to respectfully seek out financial closure. Score at the end of round 3: Pleadings 6; testimony 5; opinions 2.




Law, Literature & Laughter

(herein referred to as "LU ") By Victor A.


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To order, mail this form to VAF Enterprises, 5405 Sherwood, Little Rock AR 72207. copies of LLL. I enclose $ } Send me (books X $6, + $2 post/hand for up to 5). Mail to:}

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© 1992 by Victor A. Fleming

LAWYERS'MART For Sale: Large desk $550.00, Ark. Reports $900.00, Ark. Digest $250.00, 1947 Ark. Statutes & U. s. Code ServiceMake Offer. Mrs. Fred jones, 227-6398. For Sale: Arkansas Digest, s. W. Rep. (Ark. cases) Vol. 1-551, ALR 3rd Vol. 181, AMjUR 2d, USCS, AMjUR Pleading and Practice, AMjUR Trials Vol.1-25. Good condition, bargain prices. 2694024. For Sale: Must clear shelves; will almost give away; free delivery can probably be arranged; all books in good condition; call 698-1896; Am jur PROOF OF FACTS (9/82 Supplement); Am jur PROOF OF FACTS 2d(9/82 Supplement); Am jur PLEADING & PRACTICE FORMS (3/83 Supplement) ; West USCA (1989 Pocket Part); ALR 3d (Complete) (August 87 Supplement); ALR 4th (Through Vol. 76) (September 89 Supplement); and Am jur TRIALS (August 83 Supplement)

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HARD FALL By Ridley Pearson Reviewed by Trisha Henry According to FBI Agent Cameron Daggett, the terrorist who builds a bomb is one thing; but the terrorist who plants such a bomb - he is the real killer. Hard Fall chronicles the search of FBI Agent "Cam" Daggett for just such a killer in the character of Anthony Kort, a bomb planting terrorist responsible for the downing of an international flight two years earlier on which Daggett's parents and child were passengers. While the last two years have produced no significant leads in the apprehension of Anthony Kort, Kort's trail suddenly turns fresh again when a mysterious murder of a flight instructor takes place and evidence of two

detonator devices turns up. The possibility of more flight bombings and the immediate need to discover the plan for the detonators4 propel the reader along and make Hard Fall a gripping thriller. The dynamics of Pearson's characters, as well, add to the richness of his work. Anthony Kort possesses a shrewd criminal mind (capable of inventing masterful escapes) and challenges the reader, along with Daggett, to figure him out. Cam Daggett's relentlessness in his pursuit of Kort, his homelife struggles with both his teenage sons and his onagain--off-again lover give his character substantial emotional appeal. Taken as a whole, it has an abundant amount of suspense and considerable spice which combine to make Hard Fall an intense thriller and a suggested. item for anyone's reading list. _



By David A. Tate Reviewed by the Editor This was one of those books sent to me that I look at and think, oh, another lawyer-turned-author, Scott Turrowyou've-created-a-monster book. But I must say, it was good! The author, David Tate, is a lawyer, but has also worked as a psycho-therapist, real-estate developer and comic. Having his masters in clinical psychology, he really has a good grasp on the emotions of his problem-ridden characters. The novel involves the case of "Billy K.," a child diagnosed with a rare cancer. The child's parents refuse to have him treated. with conventional therapy, in this case, radiation and chemotherapy. By' demand of the attending physician, the state steps in under the auspices of parental neglect. The doctor happens to be close friends with a lawyer, Peter Heines, who has recently achieved his fifth year, cancer-free, after a bout with Hodgkins. After some painful soulsearching, Heines decides to act as the child's legal guardian. It is in the character of Heines that Tate does such an outstanding job of development. The psychotherapist writes deftly about Heines fear and alienation because of his own cancer The lawyer writes accurately about the legal battle that takes Heines nationwide on the search for information on holistic medicine and other unconventional methods of medical treatment. The Courtroom scenes are suspenseful and well developed as well, with, of course the cranky, old judge. (I'm beginning to think that a lawyer's own

novel is his or her chance to get back at every judge who ever ruled against their side!) If you have any interest in the differences and legalities involved in dealing with children and medical treatment, this book is a must read. It could almost do your research for you. _


By Steve Martini Reviewed by the Editor I ordered this book after reading a blurb about it in my book club monthly promo. It sounded great and turned out to be a very good effort from Martini, besides, you've got to like anyone with that last name. The novel is about a lawyer, Paul Madriani, who inadvertently becomes the defense for his ex-partner's wife who is accused of killing her Supreme-Court bound husband. The problem is that Madriani just happened to have had an affair with the lovely Talia Potter, hence the end of his association with her husband's prestigious law firm. The legal part of the story is suspenseful, exciting and well researched. I must say the character development is a little lacking, especially in the case of Madriani's wife and TaHa Potter. It's a bit confusing. Nevertheless, the legal battle with its novel ins-and-outs makes this book a worthy endeavor. Cheers to Mr. Martini!_

If you 'fJe rend a good book Ia/ely, scholMly or not, please send in a review -- Editor, Arkansas Lawyer Magazine, 400 W. Mzrkham, Little Rock, Arla"'sas 72201.

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路1路 路1路O:Old McDonald Just Thought He Had AFarm By William C. Bridgforth The Food, Agriculture, Conservation and Trade Act of 1990 (P. 1. 101-624) contained relatively few changes when compared to the changes which had occurred with the passage of The Food Security Act of 1985 (P. 1. 99-198) and its far reaching amendments in 1987. You will recall that the 1987 amendments limited an individual's participation in program payments to no more than three "permitted entities." Prior to that time, an individual could participate in as many benefits as there were operations in which he or she had an interest. Also, and as significant, no longer could an individual be considered as " actively engaged in farming" without making a "significant contribution" to that farming operation of both land, capital or equipment AND labor or management. The only instance in which an individual could be considered to be actively engaged in farming in which there was no significant contribution of labor or management was if that individual was a landowner as that term is defined in the Regulations. If the farm land in question is owned by a joint operation, the Regulations require, for the owners to be eligible to participate in the benefits assigned to that farm, the joint operation hold legal title to the land AND the members of the joint operation provide proof showing that upon dissolution of the joint operation, the title to the land owned by the joint operation will "revert" (their word, not mine) to the individual members in accordance with their interest in the joint operation. Interesting cases have arisen under this provision. It is also important to understand when, in the eyes of the Department of Agriculture, an individual is "actively engaged" and when their contributions are "significant." In order to be considered as "actively engaged," an individual, including an individual who is a partner in a general partnership, or a participant in a joint venture, must make a significant contribution to the farming operation of BOTH of the following: (1) capital, equipment or land, or a combination thereof, and (2) active personal labor or active personal management, or a combination thereof. In a joint operation, the joint operation may make the contribution of capital, equipment or land, but each member must make their own significant contribution of labor or management. For a contribution to be deemed "significant," when the contribution is of capital, equipment, or land, it must have a value equal to at least 50% of the individual or entity's commensurate

share of, if capital, the total capital often plans of operation would be necessary to conduct the farming approved, and the office and the operation, excluding any capital farmer thought every regulation was outlays for land or equipment; if land, being complied with, only to find out the total rental value of the land later that they were both wrong, often necessary to conduct the farming with the farmer, though innocent, the operation; or, if equipment, the total big loser. In any event, on to 1992. As ren tal value of the equipmen t necessary to conduct the farming indicated, only minimal changes were made by P. L. 101-624. The two most operation. significant for Arkansas farmers and If the contribution consists of a combina tion of the above, the lawyers were (1) The Secretary of combined contribution must have a Agriculture was given the option to value equal to 30% of the individual treat as two separate "persons" or entity's commensurate share of the married couples that individually and jointly participate in only one farming total value of the farming operation. If active personal labor is entity, provided they meet the other contributed, the contribution must be requirements of the payment an amount which is at least the limitation statute. (2) The 1990 Farm smaller of 1,000 hours per calendar Bill included a provision requiring the year or 50% of the total hours that establishment of a National Appeals would be required to conduct a Division to replace the A.s.C.s. farming operation comparable in size Appeals Staff. Section 1132, Food, to the particular individual or entity's Agriculture, Conservation and Trade commensurate share in the operation. Act of 1990 (P. L. 101-624). NAD, as It is more difficult to arrive at a it is affectionately called, was not precise definition of management. It created until the President signed the is required that the management must 1992 Appropriations Bill on October be critical to the profitability of the 28, 1991. Of particular significance is farming operation. Such definitions the fact that the Director of NAD is given the authority to issue lead to problems in many cases. administrative subpoenas. The expressed intent of the 1987 While the legislation requires the Amendments was to "provide program benefits to bona fide National Appeals Division to be farmers, personally providing independent from A.s.C.s., the Administrator retains the authority to meaningful inputs on the farm." While the 1987 Amendments overrule any determinations that are limited participation to some degree, issued by NAD. Of further they were welcomed otherwise since importance is that A.s.C.s. has the previous problems with specifically retained the authority llfinancing" and "custom farming" over all appeals in which "relief" is which had plagued farmers since sought by an affected producer. The 1985 were removed. At least the office of the Deputy Administrator of Amendments made compliance State and County Operations possible. Between 1985 and 1988 it (DAsCO) will continue to deal with was extremely difficult for even the this issue at least at this time. If most knowledgeable farmer to escape DAsCO denies relief in the first the pitfalls inherent in the law and, instance, the appeal will still be to more importantly, in the regulations NAD. The Appeal Regulations appear in and the manner in which those 7 CFR 780 and the appeal hearing regulations were being interpreted in Washington. Many of the problems procedure is set out in Sections 780.9 that arose then were also due to the and 780.19. Your careful review of lack of instruction that had been this new regulation is essential. Since given to the local offices charged with November a number of decisions reviewing farmer opera tions and have been issued by NAD, all against 34


APRIL 1992

the farmer involved, even in two cases in which a unanimous county and state A.S.C.S. committee recommended that relief be granted because, in one case, a farmer relied on information provided by the State Program Specialist. Too bad says NAD. Copies of all NAD decisions may be obtained by making a Freedom of Information Request (FOIA) directed to the Director, Information Division, USDA, ASCS, P. O. Box 2415, Washington, D. C. 20013. You will be charged for clerical time in copying at $9.50 per hour, professional time at $17.50 per hour, and photocopying at 20 cents per page. You will also have to make the request monthly to keep up to date. You should be aware that 7 CPR 780 is applicable to any adverse determination made by any state or county A.S.C.S. committee or personnel of A.S.C.S. or agents of the Commodity Credit Corporation after November 28, 1990, which has not otherwise become final by November 25, 1991. All other cases will be determined under the procedure previously in effect. As in the past, unless the reviewing authority determines that a transcript of the proceedings is appropriate, it will only be made at the Appellants request and at their expense. Unofficial recording of a hearing by tape recorder or otherwise is prohibited. While the hearings will retain their informal structure, all participants should use great care in supplying all relevant material and testimony for the record. In the event of subsequent court proceedings, generally, the parties will be confined to the record that has been made. In every case, a transcript should be requested if there is any possibility that the case may ultimately end up in Federal Court. One or two comments about the husband-wife rules. From the passage of the Agricultural Act of 1970, until the passage of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987, the Regulations provided that a husband and wife should be considered as one

It must be remembered that the "person" for payment limitation most important in filing any plans of operation with the Regulations A.S.C.S office is to are ever changing and purposes. After 1987, the only way that a husband and wife could be be truthful and factual. Obviously that the interpretations of those considered as separate "persons" was some judgment is necessary in Regulations change with even more if the husband and wife could show assessing the degree of relative frequency than the Regulations that each spouse was engaged in a contribution. As long as the facts are themsel ves. Care should be taken to separate farming operation prior to fully set forth on the plan of operation document, in writing, every the marriage and that during the filed with the county office, the interpretation received upon which marriage those operations were assessment made by the county the lawyer or his clients rely. Anyone maintained separate and distinct committee will be sufficient for that interested in becoming more involved during the entire marriage. This year's operation. in the practice should obtain a copy of Obviously, in virtually every case, the A.S.C.S. handbook on Payment obviously applied to very few the actual contribution of labor and Limitations (I-PL) as revised. A copy married couples. Though the United States Court of management by the husband exceeds of 1-PL and the existing revisions Appeals for the District of Columbia that of the wife. However, it is thereto can be obtained from the Circuit reversed a district court order important to note that both partners United States Department of requiring "person" determinations to can still be considered to be equal Agriculture, Agricultural Stabilization be made without regard to the marital partners because the regulations and Conservation Service, P. O. Box status of the individuals involved in allow for substantial equality and do 2415, Washington, D.C. 20013. It is the farming operation, Women not require hour for hour also cri tical to check with the local Involved in Farm Economics v. U.5.D.A., contributions. When the total value of A.S.C.S. office for amendments, 876 F.2d 994 (D.C.-1989), The Food, capital, equipment and owned or notices and interpretations as they are Agriculture, Conservation, Trade Act cash-rented land is taken into issued. Attorneys should also be of 1990 provided that, at the option of consideration, even if the contribu tion aware that there is often a significant the Secretary, spouses could be of labor and management of the time delay between the issuing of an considered separate "persons" under husband exceeds fairly significantly interpretation in Washington and the of that new circumstances outlined in the Act. the contribution of labor and dissemination That option was exercised by the management of the wife, the total interpretation to the state and county Secretary for the 1991 and 1992 crop value of all contributions can still be offices. In closing, no discussion of years. Numerous married couples sufficiently equal to allow for an have taken advantage of this change equal partnership to exist. For agricultural law would be complete in the law. In structuring a husband- example, if the value of capital, without a recognition of the wife partnership, the most Significant equipment, and land totals significant issues dealing with the issue to consider is that of $600,000.00, each partner is entitled to environment, both in the handling "commensurate shares," It is quite claim credit for $300,000.00 in an and application of agricultural easy for both spouses to make the equal partnership. If the total value of chemicals and in the manner in which same contribution of land, capital and the husband's labor is $15,000.00, but highly erodible soils and wetlands equipment, either through transfer of the wife's only $5,000.00 and the total must be treated. Before any ownership by one spouse to the other value of the husband's management significant work is undertaken on or by leasing or acquisition by the is deemed to be $24,000.00 and the farm land, all required permits from newly formed partnership. It is also, wife's only $16,000.00, the relative the Soil Conservation Service and, if in most cases, quite easy to show that contribution of the partners is still required, the U.S. Corps of Engineers both spouses make a contribu tion of 51.36% and 48.64%. Most county must be obtained. There are serious labor and management to the farming offices would find those contributions penalties involved if the requirements operation. Many farm wives, in fact to be sufficiently comparable to of these complicated and extensive most farm wives in the Delta, within qualify the partners as two equal regulations are not met. _ my experience, have been involved in partners. Again, it is critical to put the numerous activities relating to the actual contributions down and deal William C. Bridgforth is a senior part,.., with farming operation. While the husband with the percentages that those actual the law firm of Ramsay, Bridgforth, Harrelson is in the field, the wife has generally contributions mandate. It goes and Starling in PiPll! Bluff, where his prodia been the bookkeeper, delivered without saying that if the deals principally with ASCS questions in lunches, gone for parts, and even contributions of labor, management Washington and Agricultural Regulations. driven grain carts at harvest and or a combination of labor and He received his undograduate degree from driven trucks loaded with feedgrains management by either spouse are not William & Lee and his J.D. from the to the elevator. The problem comes in "significant," then that spouse is not University of Arkansas at Fayettevilk. He is assessing the reality of the equality of considered to be "actively engaged in the Choir of the Agricultural lAw Committee the overall contributions. What is farming." of the Arkansas Bar Association.

EauDeHog Or, It Smells Like Money to Me By Paul Means No, this article is not one of Justice Smith's April Fool's jokes. It is not one of Vic Fleming's humorous anecdotes. This is a scholarly discussion of the law of animal manure. In most of our experience, the legal usage of manure has been in the context of an expletive used to describe adverse rulings from a judge. Why on earth would an educated lawyer and respected member of the community give a _ _ about manure? A good reason is that the chief ecologist for the sta te has described manure as the "worst environmental problem" in Arkansas. Officials estimate that Arkansas chickens, turkeys, hogs, and cattle produce 1.6 million tons of manure each year. That's the equivalent of what is flushed down the sewer by 40.5 million people. Most of this manure ends up on pastures as "natural organic" fertilizer. Environmentalists and regulatory agencies have a concern that it is polluting streams and groundwater. While disease and the future of endangered species like madtoms or blind cavefish are important public concerns, to most individuals the problem is a little bit closer to home. In one corner you have people who want to live in bucolic bliss. Stink, foul, stench, reek, vile, loathsome, nauseating, repulsive, disgusting, revolting and just plain nasty are a few of the words people use to describe the smell of a freshly fertilized pasture. Why there are people out in the country with $150,000 homes and some redneck next door starts a hog farm. They loudly proclaim that Eau De Hog devalues their property. In the other corner are life-long residents of rural Arkansas.

Manufacturing and service sector jobs are few and available only in larger cities, often more than an hour's drive away. A couple of chicken houses and callIe are a way to make a decent income and remain on their family's farm. There are odors for a few days each year when animal manure is spread on pastures, but to the approximately 9000 growers of Arkansas, it smells like money. Incidentally, there are another 80,000 people in the feed and food processing industry whose jobs depend on the livestock and poultry raised by these growers. It has become one of those intractable 1990s environmental issues pilling capitalistic corporations, the American farmer, and economic growth against homeowners, environmentalists, and regulatory bureaucrats. The poultry ind ustry has been the dri ving force behind economic growth in Arkansas over the last decade. Determining the tradeoffs necessary to reach a balance between residential developments and livestock or poultry farms is a serious public policy issue for our state. The result is that if you are a general practitioner in an agricultural area of the state, the odds are good you will soon be seeing a client on some side of this issue. The purpose of this article is to help you be prepared when that client walks in, be she a retired school teacher from Chicago or a good ole boy from Howard County. Bureaucrats delicately refer to this substance as animal waste; the word manure being deemed too coarse for use in the halls of government. Animal waste is regulated by an environmental permitting system. Clients may seek your assistance in obtaining a permit or opposing the

issuance of a permit. This article will outline the adniinistrative procedures and key issues of proof in a permit proceeding. Although severely limited by statute, a common law nuisance action may be brought against odoriferous activities. Outraged citizens groups can demand political relief, and this article will conclude with some tips on handling the political aspects of a case. The permitting system is run by the Arkansas Department of Pollution Control & Ecology (ADPCE). By emergency order on January 31,1992, ADPCE put into effect Regulation No. 5 establishing a permit system for liquid animal waste operations. This regulation is pursuant to the Department's statutory authority to regulate activities that can pollute the waters of the state. The regulation applies only to hog, poultry, dairy cattle or other confined animal operations using liquid waste management systems. In plain English, this means those houses or barns where water is periodically used to flush manure into a holding pond or tank. The typical chicken or turkey house is a dry litter operation. The manure is removed by front-end loader, not by a water wash. Dry litter operations are not regulated. The rationale is that liquid waste sprayed onto a pasture might run-off into a stream, while dry liller spread on a pasture will stay in place. Prior to submitting an application, the grower must publish a notice at least weekly for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the county. Copies of the notice are also provided to the county judge. Any person wishing to object or request a public hearing must do so in writing to the Department within 20 days of the final day of publication of the notice.

The core of the pennit application is the engineering design of a waste holding system and a waste management plan. The holding pond design must insure there is no leakage to groundwater and that the pond will not overflow. If too much fertilizer is applied to a pasture, the excess can be washed into nearby streams. The USDA has developed

not regulate the smell from confined animal operations, which is exactly what the neighbors find objectionable. Regulation No.8 governs the administrative procedure of ADPCE. It sets the rules for public hearings and administrative appeals. The appeal deadlines and notice provisions are confusing and should

technical manuals that match the type of animal manure, soil characteristics, and grasses to determine the appropriate application rate. The waste management plan specifies the number of acres, the cover crop and application frequency. If a grower does not own sufficient acreage, he can contract with other landowners to apply waste to their pasture. In almost all cases, the design and management plan are prepared by the USDA Soil Conservation Service or Arkansas Soil & Water Conservation District staff. The permit contains a number of restrictions on application with in certain distances of wells, streams, buildings, and property lines. Borrowing a concept from the legal profession, growers are required to complete annual continuing education on waste management and odor control. Most importantly, ADPCE has no statutory or regulatory jurisdiction over odors from agricultural and livestock activities. The agency does

be read slowly and carefully. Copies of Regulations 5 and 8 may be obtained from the Public Information Office, Dept. of Pollution Control, P.O. Box 8913, Little Rock, AR 722198913, telephone 501-562-7444. The next step is to consider causes of



APRIL 1992


It is not likely that a grower will seek legal advice in the filing of a permit application. Both the USDA Soil Conservation Service and Arkansas Soil & Water Conservation Districts are there to help a grower develop waste plans and to complete an application. At this stage in the process your potential clients are neighbors who have organized into a citizen's group. If you are representing a citizen's group, there is a 2D-day deadline on filing objections and requesting a public hearing. The intent of ADPCE in requiring a public notice is for citizens to speak now or forever hold their peace. It is within ADPCE's discretion to hold a public hearing. Remember, ADPCE has no

jurisdiction over odor or property value. If citizens raise nonjurisdictional issues, ADPCE is unlikely to hold a public hearing. On the other hand, if the level of opposition reaches a critical mass sufficient to arouse slumbering politicians, there will be a public hearing no matter what. For your client's objections to be jurisdictional, they must go to the issue of water pollution. In a request for public hearing, you may wish to raise geology susceptible to groundwater infiltration, presence of streams, or inadequate crop cover. Basically you want to plead counts related to water pollution. At the public hearing, these can be expanded. Built into the regulation is a presumption that the USDA waste management plan is sufficient to prevent water pollution. The rule incorporates certain manuals by reference. In order to rebut this presumption, you must show the USDA manuals are in error as applied to this particular permi t. That requires expert testimony in the field of soil and plant sciences. Given the infancy of this field of law, finding these witnesses may be difficult. Most such experts are university professors or employees of the USDA. Another obvious objection is to allege the waste will find its way into groundwater or nearby streams. From the regulatory perspective, the restrictions on application near streams and wells will prevent this from occurring. You may be able to make a case for adjusting these buffer zones and affecting the acreage subject to the management plan, but such changes will rarely defeat the issuance of a permit. In summary, making the case on the merits for rejecting a permit application is difficult. Of course there is the time-honored environmentalist lactic of delay and political pressure. The first step is to demand a public hearing at which a rabid mob scares the bejabbers out of the local politicians. They in turn pressure the agency to deny the permit and save their political hides.

Environmentalists also take every procedural opportunity to cause delay by appealing every decision. Their hope is that frustration and mounting costs will cause the permit applicant to just give up. Delay also provides more time to build political pressure. None of these tactics go to the merits of the case. If you are retained by a grower whose permit has been challenged by a citizen's group, counsel him to read the Book of Job. Several strategies have been tried to counter these delaying tactics. On the west coast, there have been a few cases of land developers filing civil suits against environmental groups that have requested public hearings. Damages are sought on the grounds that costs were incurred because of time lost holding a hearing where no one raised meaningful objections. Because the law provides that public hearings shall be held to allow citizens to speak their mind, judges have frowned severely on such suits. In a circuit court case in Saline County, a rural development authority made a preemptive strike. Before it ever filed a permit application, the authority filed a declaratory judgment action against an environmental group that had announced its opposition to construction of a reservoir by the authority. The rural development authority asked the court to declare all of the possible objections of the environmental group to be irrelevant and that all permits should be issued. The case was dismissed on the grounds the administrative permit process had to be followed and that a court had no jurisdiction to review an administrative action that had not occurred. While such delaying tactics are frustrating and costly to the grower, to da te a successful defense has not been found. It is probably a matter of time before Rule 11 sanctions are sought against an environmental group and its attorney. This presents one of those interesting law professor questions. The environmental group plaintiff must first appeal the issuance of the permit to the Pollution Control

neighbors resolve to seek legal assistance. Even if the facts allow you to bring the nuisance action within the first year, there are some uncertainties. If the grower takes reasonable steps to control odors, the operation is not a continuous nuisance. The odor review? will be potentially offensive only for a Leaving this question unanswered, few days after the waste is spread on there may be common law relief from the pasture. This will recur the odor. The Arkansas Supreme approximately once a year. It would Court has held that offensive odors appear that the nuisance causes only requiring plaintiff to close the doors an incremental loss to property value, and windows of his house are a not a total loss. Thus the plaintiff nuisance and plaintiff may recover would be entitled to monetary because of inconvenience and damages for the first year, but does discomfort to himself and his family. the statutory limit bar a nuisance Yates v. Missouri Pac. R. Co. 209 S.W. action next year? It would appear that 353 (1925). However, in 1981 the is the legislative intent. Thus it may Arkansas Legislature acted to limit be wise to pray for damages equal to this cause of action. The act basically the net present value of losses over states that a confined animal the life of the facility. operation shall not be a public or Injunctive relief ordering cessation private nuisance if it has been in of the operation would be the best operation for a period of one year or solution in that it eliminates future more. ACA 2-4-101 et seq. problems. Equity can make obtaining To be successful, a nuisance suit such an injunction difficult. The against a poultry, turkey, or hog farm grower can always assert he made must be brought during the first year errors in management, has learned his of operation. There is a practical lesson, and the odors will not occur difficulty with such a nuisance case. again. Even a hard-hearted judge will The worst odors are associated with not put a man out of business for one spreading animal waste on pastures. mistake. But when he makes the It is a fairly common practice for a second mistake, the one year will grower to spread waste only once a have expired, and the court will have year. Thus the nature of the business no jurisdiction. If you seek injunctive is such that often the one year period relief, insure that the court keeps will have expired by the time the continuing jurisdiction.

Commission. The Commission holds an administrative hearing and upholds the issuance of the permit. The environmental group then files for judicial review of an administrative action. In this case, the circuit judge sits as an appellate court. Does Rule 11 apply to appellate

P!loto l짜 Dbdo KnIght

A yet untried remedy for controlling confined animal opera tions is zoning. One of those little known facts is that county quorum courts have authority to adopt zoning ordinances and maps for unincorporated areas. ACA §1417-201 et seq. Zoning has always been a dirty word in rural Arkansas and so far no county judge and quorum court have had the political courage to make a county-wide zoning plan stick. The political equation may be changing. Increased residential development and demographic shifts may be leading to a voting majority in favor of zoning to control confined animal operations and other activities perceived as obnoxious. A land use plan that places buffers between residential areas and agricultural areas is one way public policy can try to prevent disputes between neighboring landowners. There is always a political angle to these environmental type issues. Since the general public believes lawyers inherently know all about politics, you might as well try your hand at political consulting. If you are retained by a group of neighbors, ad vise them how to be effective. In their objections to ADPCE, they should focus on water pollution and not waste time hollering about odors. They should write letters to the county judge and quorum court members, not their U.s. Senators. Prepare a press release that states their case and give it to the local news media. If you are representing a grower, just flip the coin. Use other growers as a resource. A tour of a well-<lperated hog farm by the county judge and quorum court can effectively counter arguments about the future possibility of odors. Ask the USDA staff to publicly explain how they prepare the permit application. Emphasize the positive in contacts with news media. Tell your client to control his temper and resist the temptation to describe the citizen's group as a bunch of eco-kooks. Talk about the technology used to control odor and the jobs it provides for the local economy. By all means seek the 40 ARKANSAS LAWYER APRIL 1992

advice of the company with which the grower has a contract. They have the experience of hundreds of successful permits. We all profess that regulatory decisions are based on the facts but know in our private thoughts that bureaucratic judgment is influenced by political perceptions. Even though you may not have a strong evidentiary case, by using good public relations techniques, you can subtly tilt the scales in your client's favor. This brings us to the end of our discussion of animal manure. For the time being, public policy appears to favor the economic benefits of livestock and poultry over the residential use of rural land. The regulations are in place to protect water quality and wildlife, but not the ambience of residential developments. Only a limited nuisance action and politically problematical zoning are available to remedy offensive odors. Accepting cases on this issue also presents an

ethical dilemma for the practitioner. Given the subject matter, it is inevitable that certain puns will trip ligh tI Y off the tongues of your colleagues, much to the delight of the bar. Only those secure in their reputation and with thick skins should undertake to represent clients in this area of the law. As for myself, I believe I will regret not having written this article under a pseudonym. Peppy LaPuew, U. B. Stinky, Whiff Leghorn, ....

Paul Means graduated from the UALR ScJwol of LAw in 1977. After graduation he joind the Allorney General's office where he specialized in administrative law. In 1981 he took a position with Arkansas Power & Light as an environmental attorney. He was appointed as the Director of the Arkansas Department of Pollution Control & Ecology in 1987. Mr. Means returned to AP&L in 1989 as Manager of Legislati"" Research. His duties include lobbying the Arkansas ugislature and U. S. Congress. He is a member of the Agricultural lAw Committee of

of Arkansas The most accurate and timely source for Arkansas environmental law and regulations, compiled into one easy-to-use binder. • All regulations of the Arkansas Department of Pollution

Control and Ecology, plus selected regulations from other agencies, including the State Board of Health and the State Plant Board - updated as laws and regs are revised; • Draft copies of proposed regUlations;

• Calendar of regulatory hearings and agenda Subscription costs: Initial subscription year - new binder, all current law and regulations, and update service $385.00

Subsequent subscription year - regular update service .. $345.00 To subscribe or for additional information, contact Arkansas Legislative Digest, Inc. 1401 West Sixth Street lillie Rock, AR 72201 (501) 376-2843

Legal Issues in Private Timber Management: Federal Income Taxes & the Proceeds of Timber Sales This article is the socond in a series of articles for fanners and other individuals who own and manage non-industrial timberlands. It discusses the taxation of income derived from the sale of timber. This bulletin analyzes whether income arising from the sale of timber and timber products is accorded capital gains or ordinary income treatment. Copies of the other articles are available through the National Center for Agricultural lJIw Research and Infonnation, 501-5757646. Income realized from the sale of

(2) additional ordinary income of the taxpayer would be subject to the federal selfemployment tax; or By John S. Harbison &(3) the taxpayer would be in the top income tax bracket in 1991 Vivica D. Pierre and any subsequent years in which there is a differential between the tax National Center fir rates on ordinary income and capital gains. Agricultural Law Research How would a taxpayer with &- Information capital losses benefit from the treatment of timber receipts as a capital gain? Capitol losses can be deducted from taxpayer's gross timber must be reported Internal Revenue Service asto_~th~e~V~L~~it~~iiiiiii~~iil ri income to reduce the amount of either ordinary income or a income on which federal capital gain. Whether or not income taxes are payable. If the capital gains treatment is deduction is made from ordiadvantageous is a question nary income, up to $3,000 can that can only be answered by be offset. Here is a simplified analyzing a taxpayer's example. Assume that a taxindividual financial situation. payer sells an asset at a capital loss of $50,000 and then This article provides a general explanation of the special rules receives $75,000 from a separate for capital gains treatment of timber sale, his only income of timber. The taxpayer wishing a the tax year. If these timber more complete explanation receipts were ordinary income, should consult Forest Owner's the taxpayer could reduce his taxable income to $72,000 by Guide to Timber Investments, taking advantage of the allowed the Federal Income Tax, and $3,000 deduction. Tax Recordkeeping, United If this same taxpayer's timber States Department of receipts were reported as Agriculture, Forest Service capital gains rather than Agriculture Handbook No. ordinary income, however, 681. - there would be no limit on the When would capital gains amount he could deduct from treatment be advantageous? gross income. This means that Capital gains treatment of the taxpayer who has lost income received from the sale $50,000 on the sale of capital of timber could be assets would be able to reduce his taxable income to $25,000 by advantageous when: deducting the full amount of (1) the taxpayer has his loss from his capital gains. capital losses that exceed qualifying his timber By $3,000, and no other capital receipts as a capital gain, he gains; Photo by DIxIe Knight could significantly reduce his

tax liability. How would a time seller subject to the federal self..,mployment tax benefit from capital gains treatment? The sole proprietor of a business that sells timber in the regular course of its trade is subject to the federal Social Security self..,mployment tax on ordinary income. Currently,k this tax is 15.3." of the first $53,400 of net income (for 1991)1 However, the timber owner who would be able to qualify his income from timber sales as capital gains would not be subject to the self employment tax. 2 How would a taxpayer in the highest tax bracket benefit from the treatment of timber receipts as a capital gain? One consequence of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 has been the elimination of the differential between tax rates applied to ordinary income and capital gains during the years sinoe its enactment. Prior to the passage of the Act, the tax rate on capital gains was significantly lower than the rate on ordinary income. In the 1991 tax year, a small differential not to exceed 3 per cent will reappear for taxpayers in the top income tax bracket. 3 This modestly higher tax rate on ordinary income could make capital gains treatment of timber income beneficial to high income taxpayer.;. How does a taxpayer qualify income as capital in natune? The federal tax code provides three ways of qualifying income from the sale of timber as a capital gain. First, a sale of timber will qualify if the timber has been held as an investment. This will often be the case, especially when the seller holds a relatively small amount of timber acreage. Timber may be held as an investment asset when the owner is not in the regular trade or business of selling timber, provided. it is held for the eventual production of a profit. Proceeds from the sale of an investment asset are capital gains under Section 1221 of the federal income tax code. In addition, a taxpayer can qualify income from a timber transaction as capital in nature even if it is not an investment asset under Section 1221 in certain special circumstances. These circumstances are identified in Section 631. Under Section 63l(a), a taxpayer who cuts his own timber and either sells it later or uses it in his regular trade or business can obtain capital gains treatment, provided he makes the election offered in Section 63l(a) to treat the cutting as a taxable event. Most taxpayers who use Section 631 (a)


eventually sell their timber as processed wood products. The proceeds from these sales are ordinary income. If a capital gain is taken at the time of cutting under Section 631(a), however, the fair market value of the timber at that time is subtracted from the amount of ordinary income earned for reporting purposes. Under Section 631 (b), a taxpayer who sells standing timber in his regular trade or business can obtain capital gains treatment, prOVided he retains economic interest in the timber during the executory period of the contract of sale. The effect of meeting the requirements of Section 63l(a) or 63l(b) is that the taxpayer's timber will be treated as a capital asset under Section 1231. The principal requirements of Sections 1221 and 631 are summarized in the following chart: ยง1221 ยง631(a) ยง631(b)

business of selling timber. Accordingly, his timber sales would meet the requirements of Section 1221. If the timber is not a capital asset, how can the taxpayer qualify for capital gains treatment under Section 631 (a)? The taxpayer who has cut his own timber for use or subsequent sale in his trade or business can qualify for capital gains treatment under 631(a) by meeting three qualifications. First, the taxpayer must satisfy the holding period requirement. Generally, he must have owned the timber for more than one year as of the date of cutting. There is, however, one exception to this general rule. If the taxpayer acquired the timber between June 22,1984 and January 1,1988, the required holding period is only six months. 6 The holding period begins on the date of acquisition and ends on the date of cutting. Logs are deemed to be "cut" on the day they are Capital Required Not Req. Not Req. "scaled" or measured to determine their Asset quantity in board feet. 7 In some ----+-----if-----f----- instances, logs are ....scaled many months Self-Cut Not Req. Required Not Req. after they are actually felled. Second, the taxpayer must have cut the Retained Not Req. Not Req. ReqUired timber for sale or use in his regular trade or business. Third, the taxpayer must indicate his What is a capital asset? If timber is intention to have Section 63l(a) apply by held as a capital asset, proceeds from its prOViding certain information requested by the IRS on his tax return. By-<loing so, sale can always be treated as capital gains under Section 1221. Basically, timber will the taxpayer "elects" to treat the cutting be considered to have been held as a of timber for his own use as a capital asset if its sale is not in the course hypothetical sale and taxable event. of the sel1er's regular trade or business. How is a capital gain measured under This, of course, will always be a question Section 63l(a)? The information the of fact turning on the particular taxpayer must provide to make the circumstances of each taxpayer's peculiar election under Section 631(a) is the situation. However, the IRS and the computation of the timber's fair market federal courts frequently take into value. account the following factors: Normally, a capital gain equals the (1) the frequency and regularity difference between the sale price of the oftimbersalesbythetaxpayer~ capital asset and the asset's adjusted (2) the extent of the taxpayer's basis.8 This computation cannot be made personal involvement in the sale under Section 63l(a), however, because process;> there is no actual sale of the timber. If the (3) the size of the transaction; taxpayer converts the timber into wood and products for subsequent sales, he will (4) the relative portion of the then have ordinary income. Section taxpayer's income from timber sales. 63l(a) allows him to report a capital gain The taxpayer who is making frequent, at the time of cutting and thereby reduce periodic timber sales generating a the ordinary income he will have to significant portion of his annual income report at a later date. year after year would probably be in the Essentially, Section 63l(a) allows a trade or business of selling timber. taxpayer who cuts timber for his own use Accordingly, his timber sales would fail to qualify hypothetical proceeds as a to meet the requirements of Section 1221. capital gain. Section 631 (a) treats the On the other hand,the taxpayer who is taxpayer's use of the timber as a sale to himself. The capital gain is equal to the making infrequent, irregular and small sales of timber through hired agents difference between the timber's fair would probably not be in the trade or market value and its adjusted basis. This H

is the selling price a buyer and seller would agree upon if there were an actual sale. First, the taxpayer must evaluate the quantity, quality and condition of the timber. This includes the tree species and their age, size and other pertinent characteristics. The taxpayer should also

consider the timber's accessibility to buyers and local transportation oo5t5.9

Second, the taxpayer should obtain evidence of comparable sales in the vicinity. The fair market value of the taxpayer's timber would be shown by the average price of similar timber in these

actual sales. Alternatively, the taxpayer should determine the likely final selling price of the wood products that could be produced from his timber. This is the "net-back-to-stumpage" method of valuation. The timber's fair market value

would be shown by subtracting the cost of converting the timber into wood products from the final selling prices of these products. If the timber is not a capital asset, how can the taxpayer qualify for capital gains treatment under Section 631(b)?

The third requirement of Section 63l(b) is that the seller retain an economic interest in the timber. Proceeds

from the sale must "be contingent upon the severance of the timber, and be payable to the owner solely out of the proceeds of the natural resource."'O The taxpayer can satisfy this requirement by selling timber under a pay-as-cut contract. A pay·as·cut contract is an agreement under which the seller is paid for the timber as it is severed in a specified amount for each thousand board feet (or other unit) of timber actually cut. Under a pay-as-cut contract, timber is sold on the stump, cut by the purchaser and then scaled. After scaling, the seller is paid in accordance with the amount of timber severed. In short, the seller is paid on a per unit cut basis. This should be contrasted with a contract that obligates the purchaser to pay the seller a fixed

Instead of cutting it themselves, many timber owners sell standing timber under

contract. The timber owner conveys a right to cut the timber to some other person. Even if the timber is not a capital asset, the timber owner can qualify for capital gains treatment under Section 631(b). This section of the tax code allows a taxpayer who sells timber in his regular trade or business to treat the transaction

as a capital gain. To take advantage of Section 63I(b), the taxpayer must meet three requirements. First, the taxpayer must satisfy a

holding period requirement which is identical to the one discussed above with

reference to Section 631 (a). Second, the taxpayer must "dispose"

of the timber under a "contract." Disposal occurs when the taxpayer transfers actual ownership of the timber

to someone elsc. In addition, the purchaser must obtain the right and obligation to cut the timber. If the taxpayer cuts it himself, there is no disposal. The contract of sale does not have to be a formal written instrument. An informal oral agreement, providing it is

legally binding, is sufficient. But the contract must create a duty on the part of

the purchaser to cut the timber. A contract that gives the purchaser a discretionary right to cut the timber,

rather than a duty, does not satisfy Section 631 (b).

.. [........... ... . ,,~

amount regardless of the amount of timber severed. Under a fixed payment contract, the seller does not retain an economic interest. Fixed payments unrelated to severance are land rents which are treated as ordinary income. ENDNOTES I. s.. \991 Schedule SE. For Income about this amount the tax rate drops to 2.970 until net income exceeds 5125,000, when it drops off

altogether. 2. I.Re. § \402 (1988) 3. LRe. § 1(h)(I988). 4.

s.., e.g., Scott V.

United States, 305 Fld

460 (et. U 1962). 5. s.., e.g., Kirby Lumber Corp. v. SooReld.

89 F.Supp. 102 (W. DTex. 1950). 6. Tax Reform Act of 1984, Pub. L No. 98369,98 Stat. 494, \001 (1984). 7. Tr.... Reg. § 1.631·2(b)(2) (1991).

8. The concept of adjusted basis is discusoed In Producer Bulletin Number 8. 9. Treas. Reg. § 1.631(0(1) (1991). 10. Dyol P. United SIJJIzs, 342 Fld 248 (5th Or. 1965).

The Farmer1s Comprehensive Liability Policy: The Business Pursuits Exclusion

by John D. Copeland Farming is an inherently dangerous activity. The raising of animals and the use of chemicals and high-powered equipment pose a risk of injury or damage to other persons and their property, as well as to individual farmers. To protect themselves against liability claims farmers must have adequate liability insurance coverage. For most farmers, this means purchasing a Farmer's Comprehensive Liability Policy (FCLP). The FCLP is designed to meet the specialized needs of farmers and often includes a combination of coverages, such as 44 ARKANSAS LAWYER APRIL 1992

comprehensive personal liability, employer's liability, and the use of powered equipment.! But the FCLP, like all liability insurance policies, contains a number of critical coverage exclusions. One exclusion which can surprise farmers and result in severe economic consequences is the business pursuits exclusion. The FCLP provides coverage for bodily injuries and property damage arising out of farming activities, and excludes from coverage business pursuits other than farming. The following is typical of the business pursuits exclusion found in the FCLP: This coverage does not apply:

to bodily injury or properly damage arising out of (1) business pursuits of any insured except (i) activities therein which are ordinarily incident to non-business pursuits and (ii) farming, or (2) the rendering of or failing to render professional services."2 Because of the business pursuits exclusion many farmers are not adequately insured. Some farmers have a type of operation that is not covered under the standard FCLP. Examples of such operations include integrated farms where extensive processing of commodities takes place, such as creameries or dairies. Also, many farmers are involved

in uninsured business pursuits. Farmers often supplement their farm income with other sources. Many farmers lease their farm lands to hunting and fishing enthusiasts and other outdoor recreationists. Some farmers engage in custom cu tting operations or obtain off-the-farm jobs totally unrelated to agriculture. Whatever it is that an individual farmer decides to do to raise additional income, the farmer must be aware of the potential for personal liability which arises out of the activity and the accompanying insurance coverage issues. A. Definition of Farming

Although the standard FCLP provides coverage only for farming activities, farming is frequently undefined within the policy. As a result, the courts have often been left to define the term. In attempting to define farming, the courts have relied upon a variety of sources, including Webster's Dictionary, law dictionaries, agricultural zoning cases, and tax cases involving the preferential treatment of agricultural lands. 3 The courts have generally defined farming to include all acts and products connected with the tillage of soil and agricultural husbandry. But the courts frequently have had difficulty in determining what constitutes an insured farming activity, an insured activity incidental to farming, or a separate business pursuit not covered under the terms of the policy. For example, in Bloss v. Rural Mulual Casualty Insurance Co.,, the court had to determine whether mink raising constituted an insured farming activity when an employee sustained injuries while tending to the insured's minks. The employee also performed traditional farm duties involving the raising of crops and farm animals. But the court held that the mink raising operation was not a traditional farming activity and was not covered under the employer's FCLP.s A different result was reached, however, in SI. Paul Fire & Marine Ins. Co. v. Three "D" Sales. 6 The case involved allegedly defective potato seed sold by Three "D" Sales, Inc., a

potato storage and brokerage business. Three "D" Sales obtained at least some of its seed from Arctic Farms, a potato farming business? Three "0" Sales sold to Perfection Produce some of the potato seed purchased from Arctic Farms. Claiming the seed to be defective, Perfection Produce eventually sued Three "D" Sales and Arctic Farms and charged that Perfection's 1977 potato crop was infected by disease; that Three "D" Sales and Arctic Farms were negligent in the preparation, certification and distribution of the potato seed; and that they had breached express and implied warranties that the potato seed was free from any and all defects. Perfection sought damages of $750,000.00.8 Arctic Farms was insured under an FCLP. The insurer, however, denied coverage and refused to defend the action against Arctic Farms. The insurer then sue Arctic Farms for a declaration that it had no duty to defend or indemnify the insured. The insurer contended that the law suit did not allege that Arctic Farms was negligent in growing the seeds, but rather was negligent in preparing, certifying and distributing the seed. The insurer argued that this latter activity was not "farming."9 The insurer also contended that the preparing, certifying and distributing activities constituted a "professional service" specifically excluded from coverage.l0 The court, in holding for Arctic Farms, noted that the insurer failed to offer any proof that preparing and selling potato seed was not part of Arctic Farms' normal farming operation. The court had previously found the preparing and selling of farm products to be an incident of farming. l1 Also, the court held it to be unlikely that a farmer's preparation and sale of farm products would ever be classified as a professional service. Because the term "professional service" was not defined in the policy, the court held that the phrase had to be given its usual and ordinary meaning. As a general rule, the term

means something more than mere proficiency in the performance of a task. It implies an intellectual skill which is different from the skill used in the production and sale of commodities: "A professional act or service is one arising out of a vocation, calling, occupation, or employment involving specialized knowledge, labor, or skill, and the labor or skill involved is predominantly mental or intellectuaI, rather than physical or manual."12 B. Uninsured Business Pursuits The confusion as to what constitutes farming is further exacerbated because the standard FCLP does not clearly define what constitutes an uninsured business pursuit. Such policies typically define a business as any "trade, profession or occupation, other than farming and roadside stands maintained principally for the sale of the insured's produce."t3

The failure to clearly define farming, or to delineate within the policy what constitutes an uninsured business activity, is even more problematic given the fact that many farmers supplement their farm income with other fee-generating activities. Fee generating activities that are derived from the use of farm land for something other than traditional farming activities can be especially troubling. For example, farmers occasionally lease their land to others for hunting and fishing purposes. A number of economic studies recommend that landowners supplement their farm income with earnings from recreational activities on their land. I ' But the FCLP business pursuits exclusion raises serious questions as to whether the farmer is protected under the FCLP from the liability claims of persons who might be injured during recreational activities. In determining whether an activity constitutes a business pursuit not covered under the FCLP, the courts traditionally have used a two pronged test. The courts look to see if there is 1) a profit motive, and 2) evidence of continuity in the activity. If both elements are present, the

courts invariably have found that the conducted as a business, but only as a landowner's activity constitutes a hobby for their own enjoyment. Zl The business pursuit, separate and apart insureds owned 160 acres of land on they kept several from farming, and any cause of action which arising out of the activity is not thoroughbred race horses. Upon the covered under the farm owner's recommendation of a Shelter insurance agent the insureds liability policy. In Heggen v. Mountain West Fann purchased an FCLP.24 While racing at Bureau Mutual Insurance CO.,lS the a county fair, one of the insureds' court found that both prongs of the thoroughbreds veered from the track business pursuit test were met when and injured a bystander. The insurer the insured staged an annual steer denied coverage on the basis that the roping contest on his ranch. Although insureds' horse racing activity was a the annual fees charged to the "business pursuit" and, as such, was participants totalled between $1,200 excluded from coverage under the to $1,500, and the fees were policy.2S After the insureds reached a distributed as prize money, the court still found a profit motive.'6 The court settlement with the injured party, also found that the steer roping they sued the insurer for denying events were regular and continuous, coverage. A jury found for the even though in some years several insureds. The Arkansas Supreme were held and in other years only Court upheld the jury verdict, even one. As a result, the business though some of the insureds' income exclusion applied and there was no tax returns indicated that the horse coverage under the insured's FCLP racing activity was conducted as a business, albeit an unprofitable one. when a participant was injured.J7 The court in Aetna Casualty & The court found there was other Security Co. v. Brethren Mutual proof from which the jurors could Insurance CO.,18 however, found that infer that the insureds' horse racing an insurer's failure to define the term was a pastime intended primarily for "farming" within an FCLP created an their own enjoyment and not a ambiguity, which permitted a finding business pursuit. 26 of insurance coverage for the Cases involving off-the-farm insured's business of raising, training activities have presented the courts and pasturing thoroughbred race with fewer difficulties. A court had horses. 19 The insurance coverage little difficulty in finding that a farmer issue arose when the insured's horses who also worked as a school teacher escaped and were involved in an was not covered under his FCLP for automobile collision. The insurer the alleged physical abuse of a claimed that the insured's activities student occurring at the school.27 A constituted a business pursuit court also dismissed the coverage claim of a farmer, who also worked as excluded from the FCLP coverage. 20 The court, however, held that, a locomotive engineer, for injuries although the pasturing of horses for a arising out of the insured's negligent fee would normally be regarded as a operation of the locomotive and business pursuit, the raising and subsequent accident.2B grazing of animals constituted A more difficult case, however was "farming." Although some of the White v. State Fann Mutual Auwmobile insureds' activities, such as the Insurance Company.29 The insured breeding, training and selling of obtained a comprehensive policy to horses and the activities incident cover his farming operations. In thereto, could be characterized as a addition to his farming activities, the business, other activities, such as the insured was also a partner In a grazing and raising of horses, could bulldozer operation.:Jl The insured be characterized as farming. 21 rented farm land from a property In Shelter Mutual Ins. Co. v. Smith,22 owner who hired the insured's the Arkansas Supreme Court upheld a bulldozer operation to clear the land jury verdict finding that the insureds' for cultivation. During the clearing horse racing activity was not process, an employee of the insured 46 ARKANSAS lAWYER APRil 1992

was injured while burning piles of brush. 31 The Insured's FCLP provided coverage for injured employees. The insurer, however, relied on the business pursuits exclusion to deny coverage because the injured employee worked for the bulldozer operation at the time of the accident and not for the insured as a farm employee.32 The court agreed with the insurance company and held that, at the time of the accident, the employee worked for the bulldozer company, even though the insured would farm the cleared land. Because the employee was employed by the insured's other business pursuit, and not employed as a farm laborer, there was no coverage under the FCLP.31 C. Exception for Activities Ordinarily Incident to Non-business Pursuits The standard FCLP excepts from the business pursuits exclusion those activities ordinarily incident to nonbusiness pursuits. Certain activities are excepted from the business pursuits exclusion, even though they are profit motivated and have continuity, because they are incidental to the farming operation. The classic example of an excepted activity is the operation of a roadside stand to sell the farmer's produce. U a customer is injured at the stand as a result of the farmer's negligence, the event is covered under the farmer's FCLP. Some policies now make a specific reference to the roadside stand exception. Under the incidental to farming exception, coverage under FCLP's have been found in a variety of situations. For example, in one case a farmer received a monthly state allotment as a foster parent for agreeing to temporarily care for children. 34 The farmer occasionally permi tted the foster children to feed his callIe. Although the children considered farm chores to be a pleasure, rather than work, and the farmer received state aid as a foster parent, the court still found that coverage under the farmer's comprehensive liability insurance policy existed when one of the foster children was injured while cutting the ~


binding on a bale of hay.35 The court held the child's activity to be incidental to normal farming operations.36 Occasionally, courts have stretched the concept of what constitutes an activity incidental to farming to find coverage. For example, in Wint v. Fidelity & Casualty Company of New York,J7 the insured's operation consisted of operating a riding stable and pasturing other people's horses for a fee. Several of the pastured horses escaped onto a public highway. One of the horses collided with a vehicle and the driver of the vehicle was killed.38 One of the issues in the case was whether the event was covered under an FClP.39 While conceding that a "riding club" venture might be beyond a reasonable interpretation of "farming," the court held that a broad definition could include the grazing of animals. 40 The court added tha t, even if "grazing for hire" activities were a non-farming pursuit, coverage under the FClP still existed. The court found keeping fences and gates repaired, as well as closed, to be activities ordinarily incident to normal farming activities. Because the injuries arose from a failure to keep the gates closed, there was coverage under the FClP.,t One of the more unusual examples of a court stretching the concept of an activity incidental to farming is found in State Farm Mut. Auto Ins. Co. v. Gengelbach. 42 The insured was a residential developer, as well as a farmer. To protect himself from liability claims arising out of his farming activities, the insured purchased an FClP.43 The insured later purchased a residential lot for resale and proceeded to construct a residence on the property. However, the insured never completed the construction and left the residence in an unfinished condition for a number of years.ÂŤ Eventually, the insured began using the basement of the unfinished residence to construct hog houses. An open area in the basement, where a fireplace was to go, made working in f-the basement uncomfortable. As a

result, the insured's son or farm employee covered the hole with a sheet of insulation. While examining the property, an unaccompanied guest stepped on the insulation covering the hole and fell to the basement. A child she was holding at the time of the fall was seriously injured.4S The insurer denied coverage because the policy excluded coverage for business pursuits other than farming activities. The insurer believed that the accident was obviously related to the insured's activities as a real estate developer.4/; The court acknowledged that the insured's FClP would not have provided coverage for accidents occurring during the residence's construction or construction defects. But the court went on to hold that the placing of the insulation over the hole constituted an activity "ordinarily' incident to non-business pursuits," because the act was related to the construction of hog houses, an obvious farming activity.'7 D. Custom Farming Custom farming is also excluded under the standard FClP, unless the landowner pays a separate premium for the coverage. FClPs typically contain the following language as to custom farming: This policy does not apply: "... under any coverage for injury, death or destruction arising out of custom farming operations, unless such coverage is designated in the declarations and a premium paid therefor..."'" Custom farming is defined as: "the use of any tractor, farm implement or farm machinery for farming purposes for others for a charge, including the maintenance, movement, or transportation of any tractor, farm implement or farm machi nery or any connection therewith and incidentalthereto."<9 Some FClP's provide coverage for custom farming activities if the receipts from the activity over a particular period do not exceed a specified dollar amount. The following is typical of such provisions: "But this exclusion will apply only when your receipts during

the 12 months immediately preceding the date of the 'occurrence' from such operations exceed $2,lXXl."SO Uability coverage for custom farming can be obtained for farming receipts in excess of $2,000. This is done by means of a custom farming endorsement to the standard FClP. Of course, the endorsement, like all endorsements, increases premiums.S! A number of courts have determined that the custom farming exclusion applies to the actual activity of custom farming and not necessarily to the activities preparatory to custom farming. Thus, on a number of occasions, coverage has been found under an FClP even though the insured was clearly about to engage in custom farming. For example, the custom farming exclusion did not precl ude recovery when a collision occurred between the insured's tractor and the plaintiff's car while the insured farmer was towing a hay baler from one custom farming job to another.52 E. Modern Farming Definitions To avoid some of the confusion surrounding what constitutes farming, some policies now define farming. Occasionally, the definition for farming is very general. Farming is defined as an agricultural or aquacultural enterprise, including the operation of roadside stands on the farm premises maintained solely for the sale of farm products produced principally by the insured. 53 This general definition of farming does specify that other retail activity and mechanized processing operations are excluded.54 A more specific definition of farming states that it includes (1) the growing and marketing of field crops, fruits, mushrooms, nuts, or vegetables, flowers, greenhouse or nursery stock, or sod; (2) raising or keeping of bees, fur bearing animals, livestock (except commercial feed lots), poultry, or worms; and (3) the conducting of aquaculture (cultivation of the natural products of the water).S5 Obviously, the broader the definition of farming, the more likely it is that an activity will qualify for coverage. Of course, the more specific

a definition for farming is, the more careful the insured must be in seeing to it that his or her activities meets the definition. The indusion of aquaculture in any definition is especially important, since there has long been some controversy as to whether aquaculture constitutes farming. To further avoid letting the courts find liability coverage for some non-traditional farming activities, many FelPs are now written to exclude certain farming operations. Insurance companies will not write liability coverage for certain types of farms, or at least will not do so with a standard FClP, because of the increased liability risks associated with them. The following farms are not eligible for coverage under the standard FCLP: "1. Farms whos< principal purpo~ is 10 supply commodities the insured uses for proczssing or manufacturing for sale to others. Exampl.s of this type of operation aT< creameries or dairies. It is specified that slaughtering and dressing of livestock for the insured's own consumption, bunching vegetables, or crating berries are not

considered processing; 2. Farms who~ prinCipal purpo~ is to operate fruzing or d.hydrating plants or paultry factoms; 3. Farms with farm dwellings that """" moT< than four families; 4 Farms wher. farm dwellings aT< used for business purposes other than pennittd incidental occupancies.56 5. Poultry farms: 57 Farmers who have an operation typically excluded under the standard FClP will need to get a modified commercial general liability (CGl) coverage policy. These policies are very similar to the standard FClP. The CGl is modified to cove,r the types of farming risks previously described by adding farm premises liability and personal liability endorsements to the CGL.S8 These particular endorsements modify the CGl to adapt it to farm-related exposures. Conclusion Many farmers, like the rest of us, are ignorant of the terms and provisions contained in their liability insurance policies. Even more unfortunately, enlightenment comes only after a liability claim has arisen and the insurer denies coverage. Too often, it is only after the farmer has opened his or her land to the public for recreational purposes to bring in a few extra dollars, and an invitee is injured, that the farmer learns of the


APRIL 1992

significance of the business pursuits exclusion. Farmers, as well as the attorneys who represent them, must become more cognizant of insurance coverage problems in order to adequately protect farmers from liability claims. Hopefully, this analysis of the important business pursuits exc1usion will permit farmers and their attorneys to deal more intelligently with their insurers.

'ohn D. Copeland is the Director of the National Center for Agricultural Law &~arch and Information (NCALRI) and Associate Research Professor of Law, Unill<rsity of Arkansas School of lAw. BA., University of T.xas af Arlington; '.0., Southern M<lhodist University; LL.M., University of Arkansas. This ma/<rial is based upan work supparled by the USDA, National Agricultural Library under Agrum<nt HS932U4-8-13 and is adapt.d from a mOT< ut.nsill< work copyrighled and published by the NCALRI. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in the publication are t~ of the authar and do not necessarily r<fled the views of the USDA or the NCALRJ.

ENDNOTES 1. SUo John D. Copeland, AMI)l'U: af tJe~ Fumer', Policy, 24 INDIANA lAW REVIEW 1<51 0991). The INDIANA LAW REVIEW article I, adapted from the Centers publication, C4"'p,dtnsit1~ Li.bilily




Co"."dr.nlsio~ L~bilify

Polity, which will be pubUshod spr\r« 1m. 2. Clause taken (rom Rru\an'. Fund Insurance Companies FCl.P I. Covenge t,Personal UabUity, Exclusions Cb (Emphasis added). Set .1'0 FIRE

CASUALTY 6: SURETY BUllEI1NS, Aug. 1990, at Farms AJ>5 (hereinafter FaQ 8ULlEI1N'S). 3. See Aetna Casualty Insurance Co. v. Brethren MUl.lns. Co., 38 Md. App 197,379 A2d 1234(1VTl). 4. 270 Wis. 127, '70 N.W2d 602 (1955). S. III. at 13),70 N.W. 2d at 60&-5. State legi51atures sometimes define fanning. After BI., the Wisconsin legislature passed a law which defined mink raising as 'arming. Unfortunately for the insured in B106fi, the law was not made retroactive. 6. 518 FSupp. 305 (1981). 7. bL at 3J1l. S. /4. 9. 14. at 309. 10.11I. at 310. 1I.ld. 12. III. Three "0" Sale. WaJ also sued by the insurer. but Three "'[)'" was not • (ortunate as Arctic Fann•. Three "0" Sales was covered under a CGl policy which also had an endorsement entitled "Completed Operations Haunt and Products Hazard Exdusion Endorsement." The endorsement excluded coverage (or bodily injury or property damage occurring away (rom the insured's premises after physical possession o( the insured's products had been relinquished to others. This exdusion wiped out coverage (or Three "0" Sales. Arctic Farms wu also covered under Three "0'" Sales' OCl policy and was also sub;ect to the exclusion. Fortunately for Arctic Farms. it had Its FCLP, which did not contain a sI..mi.Lar exdusion.

13. Su Mmi1t o. SJlqMTII, 134 VI. 491, 493, 365

A.2d !171, 97.l 0976).

14. 5", •.g., CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, INCOME OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE PRIVATE LANDOWNER THROUGH MANAGEMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND RECREATIONAL Acce;S, West Virginia Uniwnity Extension Savice, Rural Development Publication No. 740 09!il». 15. 22OMonl398, 715 P.2d 1060 (Monl 1968). 16.715 p. 2d at 1062-63. 17. hi. at 1063. But su R,.,uIoIpIt D. Acktrsort, 108 Mich. App. 746, 310 N.W.2d 365 (1981) (using the twopronged. test, the court (ound that the insured" who tore down an old bam and !Old the wood (ar a proAt, was not Imgaged in a buslnKl pursuit within the pollcy exclusion, because there was no evidence he regularly razed barN for profiO. 18.38 Md. App. 197, 20S, 379 A.2d 1234, 1238 0977). 19. hi. at 208, 379 A. 2d at 1236. 20.11I. at 213, 379 A.2d at 1243. 21. /d. at 213, 379 A2d at 12(2~ 22. 300 Ark 348, 779 S.W.2d 149 (1989). 23. /d. at 350, 719 S.W.2d at lSO. 24.11I•• 7/9 S.W.2d. at 150. 25. W., 719 S.W.2d at 150. 26. hi. at 351, 719 S.W2d at 151. (The court did not specify wlult other proof was available. except (or the ....uul '" H"R mod<, which J""Ylowly I""P""'" the Insured's returns, to prepare returnl based on a bus..... concept). 21. Re&nce Ins. Co. v. Fisher, 164 Mont 278, 521 P2d 193 (1974). 28. Tranumerlca Ins. Co. v. Preston. 30 Wuh. App.l01,632P2d900(198I). 29. 59 Tenn. App.107, 443S.W2d 6610969). 3O.111•• t 715, 443 S.W2d at 664. 31.1d., 443 S.W.2d at 664. 32.11I. at n9, 44JS.W2d at 66/HU. D.W. at 722, 443 S.W2d at 668-69. 34. Country MuL Ins. Co. v. Watson, 1 III App. 3d 667, 66!>-70, 274 N.E2d 136, 138 (1971). 35. /d. at 668, 274 N.E.2d at 137. 36.1II. at 669-70, 214 N.E. 2d 138 0971). ~. 9 Cal 3d 757, ;m P.ld 1383, 1177 Cal Rptr. 175 097.l). 38. !d. at 260, 5lJ7 P.2d at 1385-84 Cal. Rptr. at 171. 39.111.. at 26(),.Q. Sl11, P.2d at 1386, 101 Cal Rptr•• t 171-78. 40. 111. at 262-63, srn P.2d at 1387, 107 Cal Rptr. at 178-79. 41. /d. at 263, 5I11 P.2d .t 1387, 107 Cal. Rptr. at 179. 42. 664 F.Supp. 1257 (W.O. Mo. 1987). 43. /d. at 1276. 44. hi. <5./d.

46.111. 47./d. 48. Shelter Mutual Insurance Company's FCLP, § Exclusions <0. 49.1d. at IV Other Definitions (g). SO. In 1985, the Insurance Service Office 050) rewrote and simplified. the 1mgu.a~ of the FCLP. ISO is a national, nonprofit corporation that asslats lnlurance companies in the preparation of insurance polides and programs. Sa Commercial Lines Manual, Division Four, Fann, ISO, ~20-1()"88. CoveraSf: Bodily Injury and Proporty o.m.ge llibility, § 21. lCopyrigll~ Insunn<e Suvl<es (){fi<o, Inc. 1985, 1!l88l. Feas BULLETINS, Aug.. 1990, at Farms A~



51. S. FCAQ BUUEIlNS, Aug. 1990, at FanN.

Ap<;. S2. See United. Fire and Casualty Co. v. Mras, 243 low. 1341. 55 N.W.2d 180 (1952). 53. Su ISO. A..-OO-20-1o.&, 5141"" note 49, § IV Dd'initions. 54. hi. SS. FC&-S Bulletins. June 1900, al Farms Ap-4. 56. FC&:S Bulletins,. Aug. 1990, at Fanna A~l. $l.lII. at FannsAp-l. 58.111. at Fanns Ap-l.




Someone Out There Doesn1t Like Us By William A. Martin

Vice President Dan Quayle isn't the only person bashing lawyers. Unlike his attack which appears to have included lots of erroneous data along with a few legitimate issues for political reasons, a number of consumer groups express genuine concern that the lawyer discipline system is not serving and protecting the public. Their knee jerk solution to a very real problem is to take regulation away from the courts and the profession and give it to legislatures, the Federal Trade Commission and various lay groups. The danger that this might happen unless we take steps to heal our shortcomings is greater than most lawyers realize. Because it is right to periodically reexamine our disciplinary procedures, and coincidental with the growing consumer activism, the American Bar Association has had a commission evaluating disciplinary enforcement since 1989. Reports and recommendations, with some modifications, were adopted by the American Bar House of Delegates in February 1992 as a model for Consumers generally distrust our discipline procedures and are frustrated by them. They see the high ra te of dismissal of complaints on jurisdictional grounds as lawyers protecting

other lawyers unfairly. The American Bar report notes the real reason: "The existing system of regulating the profession is narrowly focused on violations of professional ethics. It provides no mechanisms to handle other types of clients' complaints. The system does not address complaints that the lawyer's service was overpriced or unreasonably slow. The system does not usually address complaints of incompetence or negligence except where the conduct was egregious or repeated. It does not address complaints that the lawyer promised services that were not performed or billed for services that were not authorized." Further, many disciplinary systems, and especially ours, are so underfunded that only the most serious ethical violations can be investigated and acted upon. The report correctly notes that many of the dismissed complaints state legitimate grounds for client dissatisfaction and the public is left with no practical remedy. A proposed step toward fixing the problem is creation of a central intake office, under the supervision of the Supreme Court, to help people get their story in proper form, then to receive the complaint, and, if it states anything which might merit

action, to get it to the right agency. That agency might be one which imposes lawyer discipline, dispenses client protection money, provides mandatory arbitration of fee disputes (one of several new agencies we would need), provides voluntary arbitration of lawyer malpractice claims and other disputes, provides mediation services, gives lawyer practice assistance or does lawyer substance abuse counseling. The idea is to provide remedies and advice so that if a lawyer has done something wrong, it is set right without the la y person needing to hire another lawyer. Also, if the lawyer needs help with law practice management or substance abuse to a void future problems, he or she gets it Secrecy about complaints is another practice which causes public distrust. The American Bar proposal would make the records available to the public, including the media, from the time disciplinary authorities find probable cause to continue processing a complaint. Oregon has had 15 years of experience with records being public from the time a complaint is received and reports no harm to lawyers from open records. Another of the several

recommendations is to provide due process for both the lawyer and the complainant by giving each an appeal. Our Ethics and Professional Grievances Committee, chaired by H. William Allen, has been reviewing a draft of the American Bar report for some months and now has the approved report. For each section, it is examining the following questions: Is it fair to the client? Is it fair to the lawyer? The Committee expects to recommend to our Executive Council and House of Delegates this spring which changes in disciplinary procedures are right for Arkansas. The House could then authorize the Committee to petition the Supreme Court to change some or all of our rules. To increase public confidence in the disciplinary system we must have a system with the resources and funds for it to work properly and one which is open enough that the public can see what happens and thereby know it works. Improving the system to take proper action concerning the minority who causes problems may not make the public love us, but it could increase trust and respect. THE ARKANSAS FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT by John J.Walkins A complete source of material on freedom of information problems; thorough exposition on open meetings ard access to records. Tl"e book contains extensive citation of authority, including all relevant opinions of the Attorney General. The attorney will also find cross-references to federal legislation, an appendix selling forth all the statutory mao lerial, and, most usefully, an appendiX of forms, including model complaints and answers. Satisfaction guaranteed; may be returned within 30 days for full refund. Price: $16.95 plus $2.00 shipping

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m& m Press P.O. Box 338 Fa elteville, AR 72702 50 ARKANSAS LAWYER

APRIL 1992

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INTRODUcnON by William A. Martin The most striking revelation (or confirmation of what we suspected) in the survey data on minority attorneys is that about three fourths of the African-Americans feel that they are being adversely affected by discrimination while only two-fifths to one half of the white attorneys believe this discrimination against African-Americans exists. This survey informatiOn, along with a vast amount of other data indica ting the profession has a long way to go before equal opportunity is achieved for minorities, is published in the following article. It reports the second part of the study-that rela ting to minori ties-recently conducted by the Committee on Opportunities for Women and Minorities. The portion about women lawyers was published in the January 1992 issue of The Arkansas l1lwyer. Interpretation of the data about minority attorneys is more difficult than that published last quarter about women because of the very small numbers-50 African-American males and 17 females responded. A shift of one person's answer to a question means 1.5% is moved from one category to another when the whole group is considered or a 2%

move when only men are reported on. Also, any survey is a snapshot in time-in this instance the fall of 1990. That was a time when a number of African-American judges who had been appointed by Governor Bill Clinton to newly created chancellor and circuit judge positions were in office. Hence 10% of the AfricanAmericans who responded the question reported in Table 20 were then judges. We know the number dropped dramatically following the elections in November 1990. The small number of AfricanAmerican lawyers in our state tells us their opportunity to enter our profession is far too limited whether it be for economic reasons or because of more sinister forms of discrimination. The African-American lawyers tend to be younger and have less time in practice than whites, and this gap is even more pronounced when only males are compared. The very few African-Americans in law school offer no promise of our achieving a more equitable balance anytime soon. Statistics that tell us substantially fewer African-Americans were hired before graduation (Table 18), more are concentrated in criminal law, domestic relations and personal injury and insurance work (Table 2),

and working for one's self had more influence on the decision to accept current employment (Table 5), may reflect preferences, bu t is it not far more likely these numbers tell us opportunities to line up a job before graduation, opportunities to get into more economically rewarding types of practice such as commercial law and opportunities to be with a firm are not as available for AfricanAmericans? Eighty percent of the white attorneys work in segregated offices (Table 3) another indication of our slowness to hire and work with African-Americans. The figures in the survey confirm our gut feelings that we have a long way to go in making the legal profession fully open and rewarding to minority lawyers. As we requested in connection with the first part of this study, the Opportunities Committee wants and needs every lawyer's help in finding ways to making equal opportunity and fair treatment of everyone in our profession a reality. It is even more urgent in view of what our study shows that you write down your thoughts, reactions, ideals, recommendations and suggestions and sent them to: Opportunities Committee, Arkansas Bar Association, 400 West Markham Little Rock, Arkansas n201.

METHODOLOGY The questionnaire for this study was modeled after the survey a>nducted by the New Hampshire Bar Association Task Force on Women in the Bar. Many of the questions came directly from that questionnaire. TheProceu Attorneys selected for this study were drawn from the Arkansas Supreme Court records of licensed attorneys residing in Arkansas who are subject to minimum continuing legal education obigations Oess than age 70 or less than 40 years in practice) All females (624) and African-American males (85) who could be identified were sent a questionnaire. A 25 percent random sample of white males (749) was selected. A total of 1458 attorneys were surveyed. The questionnaire was mailed three separate times in a effort to insure a high return rate. The first mailing on October 30, 1990 resulted in a 38 percent return rate. A second mailing with a new cover letter sent 'Z7 days later raised the return rate to 62 percent. The final mailing was made on December 17, 1990. Each of the three mailings included the questionnaire, a letter from Chief Justice Jack Holt, Jr. requesting cooperation, and a return stamped envelope addressed to Elizabeth Dowling, Administrative Office of the Courts. Ms. DoWling received the envelopes, removed all identifying markings and gave the unopened responses to Dr. M. D. Buffalo, University of Arkansas at Uttle Rock, where they were opened and the data processed. All questionnaires will be destroyed when the data a>llection process is a>mpleted. Since all females and all male African-Americans were sampled, while only 2S percent of the white males were sent a questionnaire, it is clear that minorities were over-sampled. This type of over-sampling is common in survey research when two or more groups are to be compared and one or more of the groups has small numbers. The over-sampling insures that the smaller group is adequately represented in the results. Each sample adequately represents a subgroup (females, AfricanAmericans, white males), and may be used as long as they are kept separate. They may be compared but the samples may 110I be combined to form a representative sample of all attorneys in the state of Arkansas. Who Responded? The overall return rate for the survey was 74.4 percent. Black men had a return rate 01 58.8 percent (SO responses); women, 74.8 percent (467) ; and white males 74.4 percent (557). This response rate is similar to the New Hampshire Bar study. The

The Report By Dr. M.D. Buffalo Department of Sociology & Anthropology, University of Arkansas at Little Rock

DEMOGRAPffiC COMPARISONS Age and Experience It is reasonable to raise the issue of the influence of gender in the figures showing comparisons of whites and African Americans regarding the year admitted to the


APRIL 1992

o\-erall return rate in New Hampshire was 71.6 percent while females had a 80.3 percent return rate and males a 63.1 percent return rate. In addition to women and African-Americans, other minorities including 17 African-American females responded. The small size of such a group precludes even categorical reporting if a>nfidentiality Is to be maintained. Thus, the group is reported with other females in data that considers responses by gender. In a report to be published in a future issue, African-American women are reported as African-American when African-Americans are compared to whites. Also, five Hispanic, two Asian American and 12 other attorneys responded to the survey. Privacy prohibits their responses being separately reported. While everyone's attitudes and opinions are important, inclusion of this group into the African-American category would significantly change the character of both groups. Therefore, the 19 attorneys selfclassified as Hispanic, oriental and other are not included in this report. What Does -SignUkanl" Mean? Frequently readers ask whether a survey research finding is significant. What is meant by significant is not always clear because there are two basic kinds of significance. Sub."""irM significance is whether, for example, the difference found between female and male attorneys is meaningful. That is, does the difference matter? It would be substantively significant if it were found that male attorneys are SO times as likely as female to have a job when they complete law school. It would not be substantively significant to the legal profession to disa>ver that men are SO times more likely than women to enjoy country music. significance has to do with the relative frequency with which a given or larger value would occur on repeated random samples from the same population. When comparing two groups, statistical significance is often the answer to the question: "Is the difference found between these two a chance observation which is not likely to be found if we repeated the study, or is the difference likely to be found again?- If the difference is likely to be found again, then it Is said to be statistically significant. Where appropriate, statistical tests of significance have been computed on all the data developed from the survey. Statistical significance is rete. ted to when "significant'" is used in Ihe accompanying report. Whether a statistically significant finding is also substantively significant, and what to do is a decision for the legal community.


Arkansas Bar. If white female attorneys have entered the profession in large numbers in recent years, it could be that their figures are reducing the differences between African-American male attorneys and white male attorneys. Table 13 indicates the relationship between race and age with the inOuence of gender uncontrolled. Table 14, for comparison, indicates the relationship between age and race with the influence of gender removed. That is, all women have been removed from

Table 14 so that the figures are compared for men only. When reasonable, the influence of gender will be removed in the data reported throughout this report. A comparison of the data in the two tables indica tes the masking effect of gender on many of the comparisons between African Americans and whites. African Americans entered law later, graduated from law school later, (Table 10) are younger, (Table 15) and have practiced law a shorter period of

lime. (Table 1) Law School There is not a significant difference in the professional school

attendance patterns of white and African-American attorneys in Arkansas. Most attended law school in Arkansas. Approximately one-half

Legal Specialty While the percent of African Americans and whites is very similar for many legal specialties, there are some marked differences_ For example, African Americans appear to be under represented in commercial law. They also seem to be over represented in domestic relations, criminal law, and personal injury. (Table 2)

How many years have you practiced law in Arkansas? (males only) • African-Americans

• White




Employment History A significantly greater percent of whites indicated that they were hired before graduation from law school. (Table 18) Further, a greater proportion of African Americans indicated job mobility than whites. (Table 18) The survey data does not indicate whether the frequency in changing positions is associated with greater responsibility and professional achievement.






Table 2

Area of Specialty • African-American • White What is (or what was more recently) your area of specialty? Administralive & Management Legal services .~


.3% .3%

Agricultural & Environmental

PelSonallnjury & Insurance



.4% Criminal

-:::~: • • 32% 14%


& Civil


8% .2%


18% • • ::~:. 36%


S :om:e:s:tiC:R:e:lat:io:nt:~~ 32% 23% : Estate Planning & Probate -6% _8% Govemment & Courts


_6% Heahh Care & Medical



Real Estate 10%

11% Research & Appellate

.3% .2%

attended the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville and one in three attended the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. (Table 17)

Type Employment While some minor differences can be seen in the type of employment of African Americans and whites, these do not appear to be 30% significant. (Tabl~ 20).A majori~ of both groups are 10 pnvate practice. Furthermore, the vast majority of both groups are employed full time. (Table 21)

Size 8< Composition of WorkPlace Trial & General Practice White attorneys work in slightly 27% larger work places than African28% American attorneys. (Table 22) The Utility & Regulation .3% difference in size reported here, _5% however, is not significant. The difference in the race of w:o:rX:e:IS:'c:o:ml!!!sation .16% & Labor fellow attorneys in the work place 11% : is striking. The vast majority of Other _6% white attorneys work in segregated _5% offices while two in ten AfricanAmerican attorneys work in segregated offices. (Table 3)

How many of attorneys in your local workplace are non-white? • African-Americans




40% 28






4 0%


1 21-30% 31-40% 41-"0% 5Hl9% 100%






Salary levels Among All Full Time Male AUorneys • African-Americans

• WMe



3736 22 18 14




10 4 ll"I.

Under$2ll( S2O.aa< $:n<WK $4O-7OK $7O-100K


Factors Influencing Decision To Take Current Employment • African-American • White 'Which of the following factors had the most influence on your decision to accept your current employment?" Salary

Interest in duties

-:==~17"10 1 19%


.7% Potential for advancement

Need for job

14% 16%



People worle w~h



-:=i13~% • 18%

Worle for self


13% 34% 26% Flexlbil~



of hours



APRIL 1992

Salary The figures on the distribution of salary by race indicate some differences between the two groups at the very highest and at the lower salary levels. However, these differences are not significant. That is, the reported salary differences between African-American and white attorneys are not statistically significant. (Table 23) In addition, Table 4 shows the relationship between race and salary level with the influence of gender removed. Again, no statistically significant difference between races is found.

I!I!I!II_ 28%


Motivation African-American attorneys were more likely to indicate that they preferred to work for themselves than white attorneys. Generally, however, no factor influencing the decision to take current employment was chosen more frequently by AfricanAmericans than by whites. (Table 5) Gender significantly influences the pattern of principal responsibilities for attorneys. Therefore it is necessary to show the relationship with the infl uence of gender removed. When the influence of gender is removed, AfricanAmericans are more likely to be involved in courtroom work and case preparation for litigation than white attorneys. (Table 6) Whi tes are slightly more likely to be involved in setting rates for legal services than African-Americans. Regarding the other three management functions, there appears to be little difference between the two races in management involvement. African-Americans report working significantly more hours per week and have significantly more billable hours per week. The billing rate, however, of the two groups is

What three activities comprise your principal responsibilities?1I • African·American Business practice


39% ,====~:,43%

• Courtroom work

Case preparation for I~igation

'=~~ 30%

• Client contact

All others



----40% 23%

Is there an 1I0ld Boy Networl(l among attorneys in Arkansas? • African-American One exists


76% -======~~. 97%

One does not exist



1I0ld Boy Networl(l in Arkansas (Among those indicating one exists) • African-American


Does this 'old boy network'; Help wh~e attorneys more than nonwhite attorneys?

98% 87% Help wh~e attorneys and nonwhite attomeys equally?




Help nonWhite attorneys more than white attorneys?


not significantly different. (Table 25) African-American's estimates of number of hours worked per week were significantly longer than white attorney's estimates. White attorneys indicated that they worked an average of 49 hours per week while African-American attorneys estimated an average of 58 hours per week. While there was a clear and significant difference in the amount of hours worked per week, there was no corresponding difference in biIlable hours. Further, there was not a significant difference in the average billing rate of the two races. PERCEPTIONS OF DISCRIMINATION "Old Boy Network" It is clear form the data in Table 7 below that there is a significant difference in the perception of the existence of an "old boy network" in Arkansas Bar Association circles. African-Americans are almost unanimous in their belief that such a network exists while almost one in four whites do not believe the network exists. {Table 7} Among those who believe that an "old boy network" exists, almost all African-Americans and the vast majority of whites maintain that this network helps whites rather than being equal or helping AfricanAmericans. (Table B) African-American attorneys are more likely than white attorneys to believe that African-American attorneys experience discrimination in 1) level of respect in the profession; 2) initial hiring; 3) promotion; 4) attaining partnership; 5) assignment of choice cases; and 6) conditions of employment. A majority of AfricanAmerican attorneys perceive discrimination in all these areas except the conditions and terms of employment. A majority of white attorneys perceive racial discrimination against

Perceived Discrimination between African-American & White Attorneys • African-American


(Percent believing African-American Attorneys experience discrimination in area) "White attorneys tend to attain rnore respecVstatus than nonwhite attorneys.'

45% :::::::::~


'Nonwhite attorneys have more difficulty being hired than white attorneys.'

52'Yo :====~.84%

'Nonwhite attorneys have more difficulty being prornoted than white attorneys:

;==:=:~:.".75% 40%


'White attorneys attain partnership status or advancernent faster than nonwhite attorneys:

;===:::::~._77% 43%


"White attorneys are rnore likely to be assigned choice cases than nonwhite attorneys:

;===:::~ 39%

'Nonwhite attorneys often have rnore favorable terms and conditions of employment than white attorneys:

'=~~26% 14%

Observations of racists attitudes against African-American Attorneys by White Attorneys • African-American


'In the past year, have you personally observed or experienced any of the followlng (In routine Interactions among attorneys)? Use or terms that are derogatory and degrading In reference to nonwhite attorneys by white attorneys.

25% 39% :::::-:~

Condescending treatment of nonwhite attorneys by white attorneys.

• • • • •_il61% 14% :::~:Racist jokes.

:::::::::~47%51% 56


APRIL 1992

African-Americans only in the case of initial hiring. (Table 9) White attorneys are less likely than African-American attorneys to report having observed or experienced racially derogatory and degrading references toward African-Americans. There is an even greater difference in the reporting of condescending treatment of African-American a ttorneys. There was no significant difference, however, in the proportion of attorneys by race who reported observing or experiencing racist jokes. (Table With the lone exception of general working conditions, there was no significant difference between the percent of whites and African Americans with respect to specific areas of job satisfaction. In sharp contrast to satisfaction about their own job, the vast majority (80%) of AfricanAmericans indicated a belief that nonwhite attorneys in Arkansas fare worse than white attorneys. The difference between the perceptions of African-American and white attorneys on this issue is statistically significant also. (Table 27) No significant difference exists between the two groups regarding personal job expectations for the future. Most members of both groups expressed optimism for their professional future. (Table 28) A majority of AfricanAmericans indicated that they believe that members of other races or cultures have to downplay their race or culture and assertiveness in order to maintain professional credibility and' avoid offending the majority. Less than one in five white attorneys indicated the same belief. (Tables 11 & 12)

Dr. M. D. Buffolo would lilet to thonk Corpenter, 0 former student in the Sociology & Anthropology Deportment for her help preporing this report. The Committee wishes to thank Chief Justia Jode HoU ond the Administrotive Offia of the Courts, who not only funded, but distributed ond colleded the surveys; Associotion Presidents Philip E. Dixon, David M. (Moe) Glover, Charles B. Roscopf and Jomes H. McKenzie for their continued support ond encourogement; the JOLTA Foundotion ond Arkansos Bor Foundotion fo, substontill! finoncilll support ond Committee member Dec Dovenport Boll for outstonding scroicc to the Committee.


Most members of both groups expressed optimism for their professional future. There was found to be no statistically significant difference between the two racial groups in the percent reporting that they had observed a nonwhite attorney attempting to gain an advantage by the use of his minority status. The percent reporting observation of such an attempt is relatively small -approximately one in ten. African-American attorneys are not as likely as white attorneys to have or have had a mentor. _


•• U









U,. '7


55-59 _

2 •

5 S




Average 44 tl (Yearofbirth G).vetted kt.e by t.ftel.r'Cha:J

Tablet6 IJl wh<1lt yeu dkt YOlllrad..le frollllaw 1KhooI" A-A'" W'" 8e.foft: 1960 o • 1960-1969 2 '4 1910-1914 2D n 1915-1919 32 n 19110-1914 2D 2D 26 16 A.eRle 1979 1975

Table I? From wh~ law .aoo) did yoa,nd.al.e"

Table 13 1Jt wh<1lt yurwC!~ you admitted to tl'le Ark.l.nN.a buT Befo roe 1960


1960-1969 1970-1974

2 U





19850-1991 Avense



Table 1fo r. what yurwere yoa ad.Wed to the Adunau bar(mell only) A-A" Before 1960 o 1960-1969 2 19'70-1974 1975o-1919 1980-191411 198'>1991 Ave-rage 1910

. . "

UAF oulofsllle



Table 11

2D 26

Job HIstory


HlrH baoft: ,r.-:laallon More tit.. one Job .lAce pad.allo.


W" 6 lS 2D

1910-1914 1915-1919



2D 11 1976



AA'" 43




o o

11 23 52

W" 1


U 22 52

Table 20 Whkh of the foilowtDI bal describet yoarpradk:e lA Arbns.-" A-A'" W" Inactive AOIdemlc 2 3



Corporate J_dle L<s'" ServloeolPO Prinle Prac:1ka (Will not add to 10M'0)

430/0_ _ _85"10 _

Downplaying race or culture



a 10

5 4





TableD An: yOli hlftrd 10 work "put-tiaI1!' or-&lkl-.e7" Pm-tlme Full-time


A-A'" kfoft: 1960 1960-1969


• African-American

W" 35 51

Table 19 Men did YOUOUft:at eosployllleni bell• .,






Do individuals of minority races or cuitures ever have to downplay their assertivne55 in order to avoid offending the majority?



3 91

7 93

T"ble22 How IIlmy attorney. AI'e U. yoarlocal workplam (yoW' Immedl~e offloe>.,



Do individuals of minority races or cuitures ever have to downplay their race or cuiture in order to maintain professional credibility?


11-20 21. Anrage





• African-American


Under 30 31-34


Downplaying assertiveness


TabletS [n wh.t year were you boral

41% 85

A-A'" 13

n 2 4 6

.W" 15



Table., ClU'lnt ..... .......,. rule (before t&xeI, b.t .fter IIOnnal b••lne. dechKtJo••, mn

6; women) A~A'"

UIlloOtrS20K $20-30K ......K

_10K ~l00K




26 19 35 16 •

11 2ll 32 13


Table 24 Aft yo. lavalwed fa . .yof tile foUowln. fund50ftll A-A'" W,," Seltlna rates fot qalln'Vicel 66 77 Detennmlnl which d5e.nb will be O«<pt<d 81 7. Detmlll.aIDI who win ~dle a.es 11 67 Hldu. deckJou



(Will not _efta 1~)

Tabte2S Hoan Worked, Bill_Ie Ho.IS, .. BUllnl btes (M:n Only, Fun-lime, Private Practice) A-A'" Averaae holUlJ of worklweek 58 34 Averill" billable "ollnlweek A~e bUlJ.IIl raidllM.f "'.34 "'.24


Tole 2'



Salary .. 'dale beneflb



Houn ReLaUoDf wI m.ale co-workr:n AMiItuce hom •• pport staff Ad.....cemeat opport•• lties Challe"linl respoa.lbUlUes Ilnpect. utd preRlle

67 95

71 92



79 93 II

79 90 ..


Gnu" wadelu. exmdklon.s (WJll not Idd to l00'K0)



Table 27 AJNll from your lituatioft, p~ Indbte how well fa SelleraJ do yoalhlak ftOftwhile attomeys In ArbJlMI "'.re in the aIUI described In l.able 26 1ft comparlton with their white c:ollulues in ArbnIM1

(Mea oBly) Better Worse

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80 20

38 59


Don't Let the Rules Trip You!

In looldnJtow..rd the ItOt five yun, ~ you

opliDdaUc or peuimiaUc ..bollt slJnlflanUy bnprovlnJ YOllrslluUon In Ihe ~u described In T..ble 261 A-A ~ W~ OptlmWfc Peul.mislJc

78 22

53 17

T.lble29 la the p.ut yur, hMYe yo_ personally obKzved .. eoDwhile atlomey atte.. pt 110 . . hiliher rxe to saln .... advuuJe over .. while Mtomey1 A-A"W"Yes • U No 9Z a8

T..ble30 Do you have .. mentor 1Il)'OIIC plaot of work or dsewhrre who Jives you adna ad furthers your

....." V.. No

Hne had Ia t.he p... Do not need .. mentor


W" 29

. ..••





APRIL 1992

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IN UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AT UTTLEROCKSCHOOLOFLAW By Howard B. Eisenberg Dean and Professor of Law New Faculty Member. Pine Bluff native, Sarah Howard Jenkins, will join the UALR faculty in the fall as an Associate Professor, teaching in the areas of contracts, sales, commercial

paper, and

agency. Professor Jenkins is presently on the faculty Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law at Memphis State University. She was previously an associate with the Phoenix, Arizona finn of Lewis and Roca.

Professor Jenkins received her law degree from the University of Kentucky, a masters degree from Kentucky, and her baccalaureate degree from Hanover College in Indiana.

Faculty Activities. Professors Robert Wright and Kenneth Gould were appointed by Governor Clinton to serve as special State Supreme Court justices to hear the appeal by former Attorney General Steve Clark of his theft conviction. Professor Wright acted as Chief Justice and wrote the opinion of the Court; Professor Gould filed a concurring opinion. Professor Wright also served as the Editor in Chief of the revised edition of The Arllmsa5 Form Book which should now be available. Other recent faculty publications include: Professor Charles Goldner, "State and Local Government Fiscal Responsibility: An Integrated



Approach," 26 Wake Forest L. Rev. 925 (1991) and Professor Philip D. Oliver, "Rejecting the 'Whipping Boy' Approach to Tort Law: Well-Made Handguns are Not Defective Products," 14 U.Ark. Little Rock L.J. 1 (1991). Recent faculty presentations include: Professor Lawrence

H. Averill represented the Joint Editorial Board of the Uniform Probate Code at the State of Mississippi Chancellors' Education Seminar to explain the UPC's approach to the administration of decedents' estates; Professor Wright spoke at the Bar Leaders' Workshop during the ABA Mid-Winter m..ting in Dallas on the General Practice Section's Report of the Task Force on Solo and Small Firm Practitioners (of which he is the primary author); Reference Librarian Greta Boeringer has made a number of presentations on legal, public policy, and advocacy issues relating to persons with AIDS; Professor Dent Gitchell presented a CLE program on the proposed amendments to the Federal Rules of Evidence at the Arkansas Bar Association's Mid-Year meeting; Professor Betsy Parsons spoke to the Pine Bluff Downtown Lions Club on "The Clarence Thomas Controversy" and will serve on a panel discussing sexual harassment in the work place dUring the meeting of the Labor Law Section of the Arkansas Bar in Hot Springs in April; Professors Frances Rosenzweig and

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John Pagan attended the Our Town Program at DeGray State Park Lodge sponsored by the Arkansas Chapter of the National Conference of Christians and Jews and the Little Rock Chamber of Commerce. The focus of the program was to develop greater understanding and cooperation among community leaders from various racial, religiOUS, and cultural groups, and to explore whether these leaders could develop a consensus about what problems confront Greater Little Rock today and how those problems might be solved. Student Activities. Over 100 people attended the AIDS and the Law Conference sponsored by the UALR Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild on January 25th. Both UALR National Trial Competition teams coached by Professor Gitchell advanced to the semifinals of the regional competition in Columbia, South Carolina, before both being eliminated by a team from Wake Forest which ultimately won the competition. This is the fifth time in eight years that one or both UALR teams has reached the semi-finals of the regional trial advocacy competitions. During the spring semester moot court teams with represent UALR at the American Bar Association Appellate Advocacy Regional Competition in Austin, Texas and at the Prince Evidence Moot Court Competition in Brooklyn, New York. It will be the first time UALR has entered either of these competitions. Dean Eisenberg coaches both of these appellate teams. Dean Honored. On January 23, 1992 Dean Eisenberg received the first Walter F. Cummings Award presented by the Chicago Chapter of the Federal Bar Association. The award, named for, and presented by, a long time judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, will be presented annually to the court appointed attorney who has provided the best representation to an indigent party in a federal case in the Seventh Circuit.•

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by Dean Leonard Strickman Professor Dick Richards and his coauthors, C. Sullivan and M. Ziminer, are preparing a "Special Supplement" for Employ_nt Discrimination (2d Ed. 1988). The Supplement will analyze the changes made in employment discrimination law by the Civil Rights Act of 1991 . Professor Paul Schwartz had

published in 39 American journal of Comparative Law 618 (1991) a book review of David H. Flaherty's book Prot«ting Privacy in Surveillance Socid~. Professor john Watkins completed his term as chair of the Section on Mass Communications Law of the Association of American Law Schools by preparing the section's program, "Access to Judicial

Records," for the AALS meeting in San Antonio, Texas in january, 1992. Professor jake Looney recently lectured on basic concepts in Costa Rican

Law while leading a Legal Study Tour to Costa Rica for lawyers from Ohio, Tennessee, and Mississippi. Professor Looney also conducted a week-long workshop on ""Farm Business Organ· ization" at the Agri-Management Institute sponsored by the University of Tulsa. Professor Looney also recently participated in a Symposium in Yalta,

Ukraine, sponsored by the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Russia in cooperation with two U. S. organizations headquartered in Washington, D.C., Agricultural Cooperative Development

International (ACDI) and Volunteers in Overseas Cooperative Assistance (VOCA). The Symposium, "The Experience of Farmer Cooperative Development in the U.S. and the Problems of Cooperative and Farmer Movements in the c.I.S." was attended by farmers and other agriculturalists from throughout the former USSR Republics. His paper "Organization and Legal Structure of Agricultural Cooperatives H will be translated into Russian and pubHshed as a part of the conference

proceedings. As a result of liis participation in this conference, Looney has been requested to ad vise the Russian Ministry of Agriculture in the development of farmer cooperative legislation. Under the sponsorship of VOCA, he will work with advisors to the Minister of Agriculture, Victor N. Khlystun, in developing farmer cooperative legislation, in drafting model cooperative articles and by-laws, and in the publication of materials for use by Russian farmers in the organization and formation of farmer cooperatives as land reform measures are carried out in the republic. Professor Howard Brill and Professor

Lonnie Beard have both served recently as Special justices of the Arkansas Supreme


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Graduate Electrical Engineer, 34 Years Industrial Experience. Specialist in Industrial Machine Guarding and Safety. Born 1921. B. Sc. in Electrical Engineering 1947. 14 Years experience with General Electric Co. in engineering and industrial sales. II Years President of company involved with repair and rewinding of electric motors and the manufacture, sales, installation and servicing of electrical control panels for industry.

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3 states.

Curriculum vitae and references on request.

EXTE StYE COURTROOM EXPIlRlE CEo John E. McAllister, 9 Sierra Lane, Hot Springs Village, AR 71909·3214 Phone: (501) 922·1709 Fax: (501) 922·4177 60


APRIL 1992




Lawyer Compensation By Jerry Schwartz

Providing that the law office is profitable, each group of lawyers must face the task of determining how to distribute the profits. This can be a very simple or a very complicated procedure and probably should fall somewhere between. One of the main criteria of the

profit distribution system should be to strengthen the partnership. A partner is defined by Webster's Dictionary as 1: one of two or more persons in the same business enterprise, sharing its profits and risks and 2: a player on the same side or team. Those lawyers that fail to give any weight to the second definition are creating problems for themselves and the law office. Many compensation systems are designed to compensate lawyers solely on a formula basis. Some of the formulas are as follows: Equal: Each partner receives an equal share of profits and losses. Ownership: Each partner receives the same portion of profits and losses as the ownership percentage. Production and Origination: Each partner receives a percentage of profits and losses based on an average of lawyer's percent of production and origination as compared to the total law office production and origination. Fees to Cross: Each partner receives a percentage of profits and losses based on the percent of the lawyer's fees to gross fees. Prod uction less Expenses: Each partner receives an amount of profit and loss equal to the lawyers production less the expenses of the law office distributed equally or in some other proportion. Seniority: Profits and losses are distributed to the lawyers on longevity with the firm. Formula systems do accomplish the goal of distributing profits and losses, however, they do not encourage the development of

partnership as a team. The following are problems of using fonnula systems: They do not properly value the individual strengths that each partner brings to the partnership. They focus the partner on individual compensation and not on the good of the firm. They do not recognize the value of management, training or compatibility. They do not promote sharing of work or cross selling of services to clients. They tend to invite manipulation of the compensation system. The foHowing criteria are important to the law office as a partnership and should be considered in any compensation system. Different weights may be given to the various criteria, but all should be considered. Production and Profitability of Work Lawyers have an obligation to accept profitable work for the firm. The decision to do Npro-bono" work should be made by the partnership and not the client. Lawyers should also be paid based on the collections produced from their work product. Asset Management - Lawyers should manage the work in process and bill the client when appropriate. Proper follow up should be accomplished to insure collection of the accounts receivable. Client Origination and Client Retention - Lawyers must develop business and maintain their client base if they are to be successful. Management and Training - Lawyers that have the ability to manage and train should be compensated for the lime they spend on firm management and training which would have been spent on client matters. Risk and Investment - Lawyers that have a contributed capital balance should be compensated for their investment in

the firm and the founding partners should be given consideration for the sacrifices made in the start¡up of the firm. Technical Contributions - Lawyers with special skills should be recognized for their talents. Outside Activities - Lawyers that spend time working in professional and community activities to further the name of the law office should be credited for the time which would could have otherwise been devoted to client matters. Compatibility - Lawyers that contribute to a smooth running office should be recognized for their cooperation and the good working atmosphere that they help to create. Delegation - Lawyers that transfer work to the highest level of competency and those that complete the delegated task should be properly compensated. Seniority - The wisdom that only comes with experience should be acknowledged in the compensation system. These are many of the criteria that should be reviewed as contributing to the overall success of the law office. The main idea should be to give credit to the strengths which people bring to this association. Some lawyers will take the opportunity to use this subjoctive system as a means to discipline their partners. Discipline should take place at a meeting of the managing partner and the individual, not at the time of determining compensation. This process requires an open and fair mind and should be a method to encourage and compensate the strengths of the people we call "PARTNER." • Mr. Schwartz is the owner of Legal Management Services of Memphis,


ARKANSAS INSTITUTE FOR ClE CALENDAR Health Law CLE Credit: 6.00 Hours Date: April 24, 1992 Place: Best Western Inntowne, Little Rock

Government Law

Fee: 5125

Fee: 511 0.00

Program Planner: Scotty Shively

Program Planner: David H. White

Effective Negotiation CLE Credit: 6.00 Date: May 29, 1992 Place: Holiday Inn City Center, Little

CLE Credit: 6.00 Hours Date: May 6, 1992 Place: Best western Inntowne, Little Rock

Rock Fee: $110.00 Program Planner: Charles Carnes

Effective Legal Writing CLE Credit: 6.00 Hours Date: April 29, 1992 Place: Best western lnntowne, Little Rock

Fee: 5110.00 Program Planners: Cathy Derden, Ranko Oliver

Americans With Disabilities Ad CLE Credit: 3.00 Hours Date: May 7, 1992 Place: Best western Inntowne, Little Rock

The Best of CLE CLE Credit: 42 Hours Date: June 22-30, 1992 Place: UALR School of Law Fees: 3 hrs. $55.00 6 hrs. 5110.00 9 hrs. 5165.00 12 hrs. $220.00 Program Planner: AICLE

Fee: $55.00 Program Planner: Michael R. Jones

2nd District Trial Practice CLE Credit: 5.75 Hours Date: May 9, 1992 Place: Red Apple Inn, Heber Springs


Seminar dates & locations are subject to change. For more information or to request a brochure on these or seminars, call 375-3957; or fax 375-4901; or Write to: AICLE, 400 W. Markham, STE 700, LR, AR 72201

Program Planner: Ed Clawson

Tax Awareness CLE Credit: 6.00 Hours Date: May 1,1992 Place: Best western Inntowne, Little Rock

Fee: 5110.00 Program Planner: Tommy Womack

Depositions CLE Credit: 6.00 Hours Date: May 15, 1992 Place: Best western Inntowne, Little Rock

Fee: $110.00 Program Planner: Gregory T. Jones




LEGAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES Jerry Schwartz (901) 385.:.1185 Serving the legal community for over ten years 62 ARKANSAS LAWYER


(hom prlge 27)

. , ,






• •



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Abboll, J.Jordan 701 GREEN MTN DR' 1707, LITTlE ROCK AR 72211 22U281 AbIondI, L.... PO BOX 250243, LITTlE ROCK AR 7~43 684-53n Abney, Robert M. PO BOX 248, DES ARC AR 7204G-0246 256-4183 Abramson, RaymO<1d R. PO BOX 281, ClARENDON AR 72029-0281 747-33n AocNono, Julius C. 108 5 STATE ST, LITTLE ROCKAR 72201-2138 375-3307 Acke<man, Wayne A. PO BOX 501, BENTONVillE AR 72712-0501 273-2868 Ackln, ChriS1DpI1er J. 511 CEMETARY RD, MT VERNON AR 72111372-s530 Adin, R. G.-gc>Iy 200 W CAPITOL 12200, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3699 371-0808 A_, _am C. POBOX 122Q,LrrTLE ROCKAR72203-1228 378-5024 AdamI, Andy Edward PO BOX lM1, FAYETTEVl.LE AR 72702-1ll48 442~13 Adams,D. Fen... 400W MARKHAM ST, LITTlE ROCKAR72201-1408 324-_ AdamI,Dolo E. 212 CENTER ST FL 5, LrrTLE ROCK AR 72201-2429 375-5545 Adami, DonoId J. POBOX 1912, HARRISONAR 72602·1912 741-3515 AdamI, Gene 0 .. Jr. 501 W MAIN ST, JACKSONVLLE AR 72078-4478 982-3550 Adams, Slephon E. PO BOX 3674, FAYETTEVilLE AR 72702-3&74 444-a5OO Ada>ck, Lora/ AshlOn PO BOX 3685, LITTlE ROCK AR 72203-3685 378-9900 Ada>ck, Mat1ha M. 9 LORNA DR, LITTLE ROCK AR 72205-2532 Ada>ck, Robert E. 2105 STATE ST, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-2124 376-0888 AdJ<isson, Richard B. 12400 HUNTERS GLEN BLVD "8, LITTLE ROCK AR 374-3365 Adkisson, Wlliam C. POBOX 1390, CONWAY AR 72032-1390 329-5882 327-4457 AdIong, MaIIMw W. 913 OAK ST, CONWAY AR 72032Alogood, Chat10s Grog 313 W 2ND ST, LrrTLE ROCK AR 72201-2409 375-9901 Alderson, Edwin 13.. Jr. 202 W 19TH ST, EL DORADO AR 71730-3115 862-0202 448-2178 Aldworih, JoIv1 C. PO BOX 342, MARSHAll AR 72650-0342 Alexander, Hubon W. PO BOX 5239, JACKSONVILLE AR 72078-1539 982-0525 Alexander,loidlaol L. 124 W CAPITOL 11200, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3714 372-8175 Alexander, Robert 18210 SIMPSON LN, LITTLE ROCK AR 72211227-8880 AIfotd, John D. PO DRAWER 848, FOFIT SMITH AR 72902-0848 762-8813 AJen, Chat10s P. PO BOX 2602, WEST HElENA AR 72390-0602 572-8085 Alon, H. Wlliam 200 W CAPITOL 11200, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3&17 374-7100 Alon, Horvy A. 1501 N UNIVERSITY , 500, LITTlE ROCK AR 688-0400 AIon, Susan WIII<e< PO BOX 3092, RUSSELLVIlLE AR 72801-2212 968-8707 Allon, Tom PO BOX 2798, BATESVILLE AR 72503-2798 793-9838 Alison, MatI< H. PO BOX 3383, LITTLE ROCK AR 72203-3383 376-4731 Alison, Michael L. PO BOX 469, PERRYVILLE AR 72128-0469 889-5799 Alrod, Bily J. PO BOX 633, HUNTSVl.LE AR 72740-0633 736-2088 Almand, Wm. Grogg 124 W CAPITOL 11820, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3743 378-8905 Ammel, James M. 900 S SHACKLEFORD RD 1300, LITTLE ROCK AR 225-&75 Amslor, Guy, Jr. 124 W CAPITOL 11200, LrrTLE ROCK AR 72201-3714 372-8175 Andorson, Arthur J., Jr. 2111 N MAIN ST, NORTH LITTlE ROCK AR 72114- n,·ntO Andorson,l!nJoo PO BOX 191, WARREN AR 71871-0191 22&-2681 Andoraon, Chns D. 200 PRICKETT RD _ , BRYANT AR 72022Andorson, E. M. PO BOX 701, MAGNOLIA AR 71753-0701 234-<;100 Andoraon, JoIv1 L. 714 LIBERTY ST, t£LENA AR 72342-2514 338-8452 Anderson, OYel1on S. 400 W CAPITOL 12640, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3413 372·1887 Anderson, Phiil> S. 111 CENTER ST '2200, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-4429 372-0800 Anderson, Sam L., Sr. 455 W GRAND, HOT SPRINGS AR 71 901-5120 624-5731 Angel, R1chatd L. 320 W CAPITOL 11000, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3522 688-8800 Anglin, M. D. RT 2, BERRYVILLE AR 7281&-9802 423-2818 Angulo, Affred F.. Jr. 101 S SPRING ST 1300, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-2428 376-2981 An_y, Aubta, Jr. PO BOX 18n, EL DORADO AR 7173,.,8n 882-9375 An_y, CatOI Cral10n 1501 N JEFFERSON, EL DORADO AR 71730882-1073 Anlhony, SIOWn M. PO BOX 137, BEARDEN AR 71720-0137 687-3611 Ardrey, K..... l. 4624 S P STE B, FORT SMfTHAR 721iK)3..3110 Arena. CeroIlym RT 1 BOX aB, FAYETTEVl.1£ AR 72703-8600 ~78 442-0584 Arens. John F. PO BOX 1928. FAYETTEVLlE oAR 72702-1828 Arons, _ P. RT 1 BOX 98, FAYETTEVIlLE AR 72703-8800 ~78 Aroy, 0_ Fronkhn, III PO BOXSn, CONWAY AR 72032-08n 32G-1130 Arman, R. KeiIl1 PO BOX 758, HOT SPRINGS AR 71902-0750 623-3350 Armstrong, MJrray F. PO BOX 760, STAR CITY AR 71667-0780 626-4102 ArmS.on9, W.iam H. PO BOX K, SMACKOVER AR 71762-0818 725-3041 Amold, Ben F. PO BOX 70, LITTLE ROCK AR 72203-0070 376-1171 AmoId, Blair PO BOX 2595, BATESVILLE AR 72503-2595 793-3821 AmoId, Dale R. POBOX 11185, FORT SMITH AR 72917-1165 484-7620 Amold, Gary M. 1704 HIODEN VALLEY DR, Ben... AR 72015-2112 778-5882 762-7294 AmoId,"""'" A.. II POBOX 185, FORT SMITH AR 72902-0185 AmoId, JoIv1ny P. PO BOX 5387, TEXARKANA TX 75505-5387 792-4513 AmoId, Kay K. 3901 CEDAR Hill IS, LITTlE ROCK AR 72202-1ll48 664-742. AmoId, Richard S. PO BOX 429, LITTlE ROCK AR 72203«29 376-5521 AmoId, Stephen T. PO BOX 5398, TEXARKANA TX 75505-5398 793-&491 AmoId, Thomas H. PO BOX 240, TEXARKANA TX 75504-0240 793-5511 AmoId, Thoma. S. PO BOX 1858, TEXARKANA TX 75504-1850 773-8491 450-1223 AmoId, W. Elis, III 1801 HARKRIOER ST, cafflAY AR 72032-3002 246-8218 AmoId, W. H. Dub PO BOX 968, ARKADELPHIA AR 71923-0968 364-2213 Amoid' Wlliam S. PO DRAWER A, CROSSETT AR 71835-1801 Ashby, Agnes F. 309 CRITTENDEN ST, ARKADELPHIA AR 71923-8137 246-5850 375-9131 Askew, Je.s L.,III 120 E 4TH ST, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-2893 423-8855 Ardlloy, Russel C. PO BOX 208. BERRYVILLE AR 72810-0208 782-3393 Alkinson, J. F.. Jr. 51 S6TH ST 1103, FORT SMITH AR 72901-3604 Alkinson, RIchard B. U OF ARKANSAS LAW SCHOOL, FAYETTEVILLE AR 575-5801

Alkinson, RId1atd W. 2223 13 WuhinglDn, cx:A/WAY AR 72032327-8804 Alkinson, Rita Blown 2223 13 WASHINGTON, cafflAY AR 72032327-8804 Atkinson, Virginia 721 W 2ND ST, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-2297 374-8120 Aud, Michael Earl 400 W CAPITOL '2640, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3413 372-1887 AU11ey, LoRoy PO BOX 980, TEXARKANA TX 75504-0980 773-5084 AU11oy, LoRoy Wren PO BOX 980, TEXARKANA TX 75504-O9llO 773-5084 Autry, Shoton LouI.. PO BOX 1172, STATE UNi'.'ERSITY AR 72487-1172 A\IOriI, Lawtonoo H.,.1-. 400 W MARKHAM, LrrTLE ROCK AR 72201-1408 324-9445 A_, Robort D. PO BOX 848, LAKE VI.l.AGE AR 71853-0848 285-3181 A,;lion, Dobotah Cooksey 2712 S DALLAS, FORT SMITH AR 72901-87311 846-5872 Aydololl. Mod"", P. PO BOX 539, SEARCY AR 72143-0539 268-ellOO Ayres, Wlliam C. PO BOX 2207, WEST MEMPHIS AR 72303-2207 732-3810 Babb, Domis M.. Sr. PO BOX 8255, SHERWOOD AR 7211 &-0855 834-5801 ~,Brent 210 S STATE ST, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-2124 378-0888 _,JoyooBrodloy 111 CENTER 11100, LITTlE ROCKAR72201-4413 378-8500 BabIone, Wliam P. 37 ROBINSON ,WEST FORK AR 72n4-2901 -.:177 Bac:I101or, G. Lane, III PO BOX 1820, HOT SPRINGS AR 71902-1820 321-1200 Ila<:on, Donald H. 400 W CAPITOL '2000, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3493 378-2011 BadamI, James A. 825 MARSHAll ST, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-1020 862-1050 13_011, Jone-Elen 2602 ELKHART DR, LITTLE ROCK AR 722041IogweII, Randell J. 2602 ELKHART DR, LITTLE ROCK AR 722041IogweII, Trocy F. PO BOX 605, RISON AR 71865-0605 Baley, CorlIon U OF ARKANSAS LAW SCHOOL, FAYETTEVUE AR BoiIoy, Fronk H. 310 First NaIionol PIazo, Mountain Homo AR 72653BoiIoy, Nancy Hal 200 WCAPITOL 11136, LrrTLE ROCK AR 72201BaiIoy, Ada F. 6510 MABELVAlE CIO' F-21 , LrrTLE ROCKAR Bairn, Konnell1 B. PO BOX 5100, PINE BLUFF AR 71811-5100 534-2941 Baino,Jomos E. PO BOX 1024, EL DORADOAR 7173,.,024 882~ Baker, Chorlos W. 120 E 4TH ST, LrrTLE ROCK AR 72201-2893 378-8300 Bokor, Cynll1ioJ. 8218 OAKRIOGE RD, SHERWOOD AR 72116-_ 372-a580 Baker,DorryI 708 W 2ND ST, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-2227 372-0268 Bokor, Jam.. C. 400 W CAPITOL '2000, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3493 37&-2011 Bokor,Jamea P.. Jr. PO BOX 3288, WEST HELENAAR 72390-1288 572-8777 Bokor, Judy Anne PO BOX 253, MENA AR 71953-0253 394-5370 Bokor, Lindloo 2529-10 Kantz Drive, FAYETTEVl.LE AR 7270152HI93() Baker, RO\' L.. Jr. 101 5 CHERRY ST, HARRISON AR 72801-5023 74'·5555 :J75.8,31 BoIedgo, L.. R. 120 E 4TH ST, LITTlE ROCKAR 72201-2893 BeIonIine,.wioIl1 P. 202. ARKANSAS VLY DR 1305, LITTLE ROCK AR 224-0099 Bel, OM 0 0 _ POBOX 1681,LrrTLE ROCKAR72203-1881 378-1213 Bel, E. J. PO BOX 1948, FAYETTEVl.LE AR 72702-1ll48 442~13 Bel, Sllsan U1ldelwood 1 TEXAS WAY, FAYETTEVl.LE AR 72701-4473 442·93QO Bel, Tony R. 425 W CAPITOL 13801, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3447 376-3800 Bel, Woyne 111 CENTER 11200, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-4414 378-n88 Bel, Wlliam It PO BOX 507, MONTICELLO AR 71655-0507 367~ Belsbough, MIdlaei D. 4904 13 ST, LITTlE ROCK AR 72205Bamburg, Robert E. PO BOX 5913, JACKSONVILLE AR 72078-8913 Banaol~ Foyo 1501 N UNIVERSITY , 500, LITTlE ROCK AR Banfield, Robert D. RT 5, BOX 202, MALVERN AR 72104Bank., Char1H A. PO BOX 1229, LITTlE ROCK AR 72203-1229 324-5342 Batbor, Beny D. PO BOX 599, PRESCOTT AR 71857-0599 887-2801 Barotz, Mate I. PO BOX 1107, WEST MEMPHIS AR 72303-1107 732-4102 !latge<, Coloon M. 320 WCAPITOL 11000, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3522 688-8893 Ilatger, Erwm 0 .. Jr. PO BOX 520, CROSSETT AR 71835-0520 507_ Bwger, Tracy Ann 425 WCAPITOlI3801. LITTLE ROCK AR722Q1-3447 37&-3800 BanbNu. Donald L 11412 HURON LN. LITTLE ROCK AR 72211-1847 227-e285 Bwker,J.MadIIOO _ , Jad< Wm.

Barker. JItneI M. Ilari<sdaIo, C. B.

111 CEKTER l22OO,lITIlEROCKAR72201-4424

215 N WASHINGTON, EL DORADO AR 71730-5020 POBOX 111, HAMBURG AR 71646-0111

PO BOX 4089, HORSESHOE BEND AR 72512-0089 Borlow,Cunis H. 122WOOOCLFF RO,SPRINGDALEAR 72784-3691 Bames. Don K. PO BOX 8018, LITTLE ROCK AR 72203-8018 Bames, Harry F. 128 ELAINE, CAMDEN AR 71701-3233 Barnes, Matcio 10810 EXECUTIVE CTR DR 1215, LITTLE ROCK BameltO, Charles D. PO BOX 1938, TEXARKANA TX 75504-1938 Bamhort, Ralph C. 834 N OLIVER, FAYETTEVIlLE AR 72701-3019 Batro., Joe C. PO BOX 4032, JONESBORO AR 72403-4032 Ilatrior, W. ChrisIOp/lof 320 W CAPITOL "000, LITTlE ROCK 72201-3525 Ilam>n,JoIv1 W., Jr. 212 CENTER ST' 800, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-2437 Ilam>n, Thomas L. 212 CENTER ST, 600, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-2437 Beny, Bon T. PO DRAWER 848, FORT SMITH AR 72902-0848 Beny, Oovid lMronoo PO BOX 569, EL DORADO AR 71731-0589 Beny, Oon>Ihyenne 3038 OAK BALEY, FAYETTEVl.LE AR 72703Beny, Stow A. 425 WCAPITOL 11100, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3442 Bartel, Dan E. PO BOX 1331, LITTlE ROCK AR 72203-1331 Banels, Anlhony PO BOX 1840, JONESBORO AR 72403-1840 Banols, Slephanie M. PO BOX 1840, JONESBORO AR 72403-1840 BanJey, Shony P. 320 W CAPITOL 11000, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3525 Banon, WaI'e<WI'i, PO BOX 507, MONTICELLOAR 71655-0507 BarttoI~ John C. 400 S MAIN ST FL 2, JONESBORO AR 72401-2983 Basham, Cetoy E. 211 5 SPRING ST, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-2479

sn.oeoo 882-8322 853-5414

273-4259 371-1623 863-8481

227-8999 773-3187 442-8705 935-3232 688-8800

378-7934 378-7934 762-8813 1183-3181 443-3082 688-8229 371-8083 972-5000 972-5000 688-8800 367~

932-5950 372-4144

Bass.tt. Don W. 7301 BASEUNE RD. UTILE ROCK AR 72209B....tt. Tod PO BOX 1768. FAYETTEVIUE AR 72702-1768 Bassett. W. W.. Jr. POBOX 1768. FAYETTEVillE AR 72702-1768 Bassett, Woodson W .. 1I1 PO BOX 1768, FAYETTEVilLE AR 72702-1768 llaId1eIor. Fines F.• Jr. PO DRAWER L. VAN BUREN AR 72956-1917 Batd1elor. Joyce E. 5101 KAVANAUGH. LmtE ROCK AR 72207-4606 Baugus, Chester A. 847 DAVIS ST. FAYETTEVIUE AR 72703Baumen. S_ 124 W CAPITOL "400. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3738 Basler. Angele Yvette PO BOX 8731, PINE BLUFF AR 71811-8731 PO BOX 1038, BENTON AR 72015-1038 Baxter. J. Ray Basler. Samuel R. 10800 FINANCIAL CTR PKWY 1335. LITTLE ROCK Baxter, WiICam Thomas "00 W CAPfTOlI2OOO. L.mlE ROCK 72201-3493 Beach, Robert B. 400 W CAPITOL '2000. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3493 _ , James Paul PO BOX 3363. LmtE ROCK AR 72203-3363 Beam, Margar.t R. 127 HAwrnoRNE ST. HOT SPRINGS AR 71901-5142 Beard.lDnnie R. U OF ARKANSAS LAW SCHOOL, FAYETTEVLLE AR Beard, R. T.,III 320 W CAPITOL "000, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3525 Bearden,.1Jdi1l1 R. POBOXC. YELLVLLE AR 72687.om Bearden, -.oel R. PO BOX 1824, BLYTHEVILLE AR 72318-1824 BeuIoy,C. A.. Jr. 813 ClFTON CT, FORT SMlTHAR 72903-1814 Beuloy. John R. PO BOX 23, FORT SMITH AR 72902.0023 Beatty.Oom L PO BOX840.LEWlSVLLE AR 71845-0640 _ s . Brad J. PO BOX 924. FORREST CITY AR 72335-0924 Iledunan. ArnyC. 508 N OAKS ST, LITTLE ROCK AR 7~154 Ilockmam. Robert F. 2071 N CHESTNLIT FAYETTEVLLE AR 72703Beebe. M;ko 211 W ARCH • SEARCY AR 721<3-5301 Below, John lAo PO BOX 2122. BATESVLLE AR 72503-2122 Bel, A. Watson 211 W ARCH • SEARCY AR 72143-5301 Bel. Dam Lee 1810 S 7TH ST APT B, BLYTHEVILLE AR 72315Bel. Hatvey L. 902 W lNIlST. LmtE ROCK AR 72201-2102 Bel, Joe D. 400 W CAPITOL '2000, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3493 Bel, Ric:haJd L. 4508 BURROW, NORTH LmLE ROCK AR 72118-7039 Bel, Ronny J. PO BOX 701.lAAGNOLIA AR 71753-0701 Bel, Stanley lAo 1901 W ARCH, SEARCY AR 721<3BeIer. Samuel F. PO BOX 222, ASH FLAT AR 72513.0222 Bengel, W. H. 223 ASH ST. NEWPORT AR 72112-3201 Ber1hem, Peul B.. 1I1 400 W CAPITOL • 2000, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3493 Bennett. A. MarIl. III PO BOX 2844. FAYETTEVILLE AR 72702-2844 Bennett. Torn Arnold PO BOX 567. OSCEOLA AR 7237Q.0567 Benson. Joe PO BOX 4294. FAYETTEVILLE AR 72702-01294 Benton. Evens 323 CENTER ST • 1300. LmLE ROCK AR 72201-2821 Benton. WHilom W. PO BOX 8928. PINE BLUFF AR 7161 H1928 BeOuett•. Chris J. 425 W CAPITOL.32OO.LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3439 Bequett•• George J., Jr. 425 WCAPITOL '3200. LmLE ROCK 72201-3439 Bergenl. Paul R. 1113 E WALNLIT ST. ROGERS AR m56.Q634 Bernard, Robert R. PO BOX 6035. HOT SPRINGS AR 71902-6035 Berry. J. Herrod 123 W 7TH ST, NORTH LmLE ROCK AR 72114-5319 Berry, Russell O. POBOX 381, DE WITT AR 72042-0381 Beny, Travis R. PO DRAWER D47. ARKAOElPHIA AR 71923-0947 Besh.ar. Sen""d L..Jr. PO BOX 487. RISON AR 71_87 Belhea. Wlliam C. PO BOX 3507. L1TILE ROCK AR 72203-3507 Bethell, IlfUce PO BOX 192, FORT SlAlTH AR 72902.0192 Bethell, Edgar E. PO BOX 23. FORT SlAITH AR 72902.0023 Bethune. Edwin R.. Jr. 210 E VINE ,SEARCY AR 721<3-4333 Bettef1lln, Ooneld R. PO BOX 20<. OSCEOLA AR 7237Q.0204 Biddle. Anthony S. 410 HICKORY. TEXARKANA AR 755022882W WAlNUT. 5, ROGERSAR 72756Bigger. Stephen R. 81005, lee, III 208 N SPRING ST, SEARCY AR n143-n15 Bihetmer. Charlene D. '25 WCAPIT0LI16OO.LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3482 Blheimer. Slepl10n 902 W 2ND ST. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-2102 Biings, Carol Beth 720 W30TH ,PINE BLUfF AR 71603-5418 Bilingsloy, Keith I. 212 CENTER ST. 600. LITTLE ROCK AR 7220'-2437 Blngarnen. James H. PO BOX 1665. FAYETTEVLLE AR 72702-'665 Blngharn,John B. POBOX 1038. NORTH LITTLE ROCKAR 72115-1038 Illngharn,lA. Stephen 124 W CAPITOL 11200. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3714 Bn1s, GlWtand W., Jr. PO BOX 3363. LITTLE ROCK AR 72203-3363 Bn1s,lAari< POBOX 760. STAR CITY AR 71667.0760 Ilirch •.Im H. 120 E.TH ST. LmLE ROCKAR 72201-2893 Bird. AJen W.• II 120 E 4TH ST.LmLE ROCKAR 72201-2893 Bird. Kalhleen 13004 FOREST UN. HOPE AR 71801-6929 Bird. Samuel N. 210 lAAlN ST,lAONTlCELLO AR 71655Bishop, Bnen -.oel 7llO4 OHIO ST 128. LITTlE ROCK AR 72207_ Bishop, Donald E. POBOX 512. HARRISON AR 72602.()512 Bishop, Eric Thed PO BOX 609, ASHDOWN AR 71822-D609 B~hop, Eric W. PO BOX 609. ASHDOWN AR 71822-D609 PO BOX 14008. FORT SMITH AR 72902-1446 Bishop. Robert W. B~hop, Wlliam E. 120 E 4TH ST, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-2893 BIad<. Anlhony W.G. 825lAARSHALL ST. LmLE ROCK AR 72201-1020 BIad<. Kendell R. PO BOX 591, LITTLE ROCK AR 72203.0591 BIacll. Larry RT 1 BOX 318. VAN BUREN AR 72956-9801 5800 R ST • 220, LITTlE ROCK AR 72207-01454 BIackatd. C. B.. III Blacllard. Charl.slA. 32 PALACIO CIR. HOT SPRINGS AR 719Q9.302O Bleckman. Denzil Keith PO BOX 1233. JONESBORO AR 72403-1233 Blackstock. ClaytOn PO BOX 1510. UTILE ROCK AR72203-1510 118 TENKILLER. NORTH LmLE ROCK AR 72120Bleckwood. Amy A. Biagg.J. Ted 300 SPRING ST. 900. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-2'25 Blegg. Ralph J. PO BOX 746. CLINTON AR 72031.()7.. Blair. H. Dam PO BOX 2135. BATESVILLE AR 72503-2135 Blair. James B. PO BOX E, SPRINGDALE AR 72765-2020


562-6495 521-_ 521-11996 521-_ 474-6371 663-0109 442-7194 3~1

538-1253 778-2680

=--222 376-2011 376-2011 37&-4731 321-1551 575-4454

888-8800 449-401. 763-<1891

Bielr. Jena L. Blelr. John lAo Bleil. L. D. Blelr, WlI",," L Blankenship. L.",y Blass. Rebecca B. Ble'Ms, Beth Anne Ble'Ms, Wiiarn B. _ , M;kel R. Biood, Andtaw L BUna, W. Paul Illytho. lAo Kaith Boo, _ G.

400 WCAPITOL .,910, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201PO BOX 1620. ROGERS AR 72757-1620 12373 RIVERCREST, LmtE ROCK AR 72212-1437 3200 lALLBROOK RD. LmLE ROCK AR 72207-30008 PO BOX 2535. SATESVILLE AR 72503-2535 8 LONGFELLOW UN. LmtE ROCK AR 72207-3750 708 PATTYWOOll OR. BRYANT AR 72022600 W 4TH ST. NORTH LmLE ROCK AR 72114PO BOX 1208, SPRINGDALE AR 72765-1208 520 W 14TH ST, LmLE ROCKAR 72202-01816 808 HIGH ST, LITTLE ROCK AR 72202-3831 PO BOX 818. FORT SMITH AR 72902-0818 701 N DENVER • RUSSELLVLLE AR 72801-3403 Boo. Trn 120 E 4TH ST. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-2893 s.-mem, J., Jr. PO BOX 788, WYNNE AR 72398-0788 Boor1nger, MargeratJ. 400W lAARl<HAlA ST, LITTLE ROCK 72201-1_ Ilcgard,OoYld B. 401 W lAARKHAlA ST 1203, LITTLE ROCK 72201-1417 BogooIaYsky,AIHahem 320WCAPITOLl1ooo, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3525 1lcl<ony,IlfUce H. 12014 FLORESTA LN, ALEXANDER AR 72002-2502 _,Doniel D. S800 R ST, LITTLE ROCK AR 72207.....:10< Boldon, Slaphon Ray 2624 LOXLEY ,FAYETIEVLLE AR 72703Boing.leIry B. 2921 WOOD ST, JONESBORO AR 72401-8024 Bond, Clifmn 360 E SHELTON ,lAONTlC8.J..O AR 71655-5018 Bonda,Ilarbenl P. 212 CENTER ST' 900, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-2440 PO BOX 577. SLOAlASPRINGSAR 72781-DS77 _ , _Oorris 3023 WARE ST, LITTLE ROCK AR 72204PO BOX 1423. JONESBORO AR 72403- 1423 Iloono, Joe C.. Jr. lloono,lildaF. PO BOX 823. NEWPORT AR 72112-0823 Iloono, Tim 620 W3RO ST. 210.LmtE ROCK AR 72201-2223 Bcotho, Catoon 728 W lAATIHEWS ,JONESBOROAR 72401-30155 Boozer. Trnollty A. 413 HILL ST. JACKSONVLLE AR 72078Bon:Itort, Sylvie PO BOX 70. LITTLE ROCK AR 72203-0070 Ilomhoft, LaDoma 83 KINGSBRIlGE WAY, LITTLE ROCK 72212-3881 Ilomholt, Flaymond E.212 CENTER ST' 214. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201Booson, Pall R. 501 OUACHITA, HOT SPRINGS AR 71901-5154 1losweI, Ted PO BOX 798, BRYANT AR 72022.0798 Boas. Wilbur 117 N AOAlAS ST. DE WITT AR 72042-2032 !loudr_x, Phi~P B. ONE STATE CAPITOL STE 315. LITTLE ROCK AR Boume. Don PO BOX 1567, RUSSELLVIUE AR 72801-1567 Bowden. Srephenia lA.L. PO BOX 388. RUSSELLVIllE AR 72801.o:l86 Bowen. Arthur Paul PO BOX 1224, LITTLE ROCK AR 72203-1224 Bowen.lAartin Wlt/ne 396 THREE FORKS 16. WEST lAElAPHIS72301-o1243 Bowen, Wiliarn H. PO BOX 1471, LmLE ROCKAR 72203-1471 Bowers. Den PO BOX 17Q7. HARRISON AR 72l102-17Q7 Bowers. Ooneld PO BOX 3524. FORT SMITH AR 72913-352' Bowmen. Cu<1is L. 425 W CAPITOL 83400, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3439 Bowmen. .1J1Ia BenaJIeld ,. PINTO PT. LmLE ROCK AR 72211-01100 1Ioy<:e, Brian P. PO BOX 1660. LmLE ROCK AR 72203-1660 1Ioy<:e. Edward PO BOX _ . NEWPORT AR 72112.0948 1Ioy<:e, Henry H. PO BOX 38. NEWPORT AR 72112.0038 1Ioy<:e. Sem H. PO BOX 38. NEWPORT AR72112.oo38 1Ioy<:e. Valeria 111 CENTER 11200. LmLE ROCK AR 72201 ....14 1Ioy<:e. Wit/no PO BOX _ , NEWPORT AR 72112.0948 208 E DAVIDSON ST, FAYETIEVIlLE AR mOI-3501 Iloyd,Dianne C. Iloyd,Jack N.. Jr. PO BOX 1928. TEXARKANA TX75504-1928 1loyd•.Im H. PO BOX 1503, FAYETIEVLLE AR 72702-1503 Iloyd,JooI D. RT' BOX 214. LAKE VLLAGE AR 71653-9711 Iloye<. Ronekt L 221 N 3RO ST. ROGERS AR m58-3703 IIoyeIl, Corner. Jr. PO BOX 808. SEARCY AR 72143-D806 Boyles, Raymond E. PO BOX 744. JACKSONVLLE AR 72078-0744



268-4111 ~247

2fi8.4111 532-8394 37&-1800 37&-2011 753-9700 234-8100

994-230<8 523-2928 37&-2011 575-3708 563-5252

44<1-8000 372-2288 535-8460 374-1107 374-1107 6511-8800 623-5052 374-9932 ~4611


325-6264 3n-2328 785-01556 782-7Q11 268-3055 563-7"9 773-3184 638-0212

268-4209 375-1820 376-1600 378-7934

443-2383 371·9224 372-6175 376-01731

828-4102 3~g131

375-913' 777-5483 387-7llO4 223-3705

74'·8100 896-5058 896-5058 782.0381 375-9131 682-6880 378-2382

47...,n2 661-7711 922,'~7

932·2101 378-7870

378-eQ97 74S.4302 793-8350 756-4000

375--1517 631..()100

225-5530 7ll3-6818 661-6514 847-6381 376.Q4O<

758-5900 378-1857 375-7922 785-2867 968-5596 375-9131

238-7977 324-9444 372-6416 68fI.88OO 882-31501 681-7700 932-3460 387-5368 378-4242 52....9531 562-5550 93S-S847 523-llIl92 374-6535 932-3832

1)86..9192 376-1171 882-2606 372-6185

623-3700 778-2573

_3567 682-1937 968-6457 867-5588 37&-5248 735-3420 371-7010

141-6166 452·5637 375-1122

372-ml 523-5242 S23-3826 523-3826 37&-7788 523-5242 442-7672 794-3341 521·5565 265-2309 636-oI58S 268-24004

BrabllDn. Suzanne 14 Tol1Oise Park Cove. LITTlE ROCK AR 72211· 227-&412 783-7003 1Itacoy. BiI E.. Jr. 420 PARK ST. BLYTHEVILlE AR 723'5-2'22 Bracey. M;kka ConneaIy .20 PARK ST. BLYTHEVLLE AR 72315-2422 783-8005 PO BOX 28. RUSSELLVUEAR 72801.0D28 968-3897 Bradan, IloIe S. _Ioy,Jemes Heraway 822lAALVERN ,HOT SPRINGSAR 71901-5432 62..258' BIIOdIoy, John H. PO BOX 1001, BLYTHEVLLE AR 72318-1001 783-2700 _loy, Len W. PO BOX 585, CLARKSVUE AR 72830.0585 7S4-6OOO _ 1 o y . _ P . 32261Ol.A • FORT SlAITHAR 72903_Ihw, Sensh lAo 5918 TUlERSIlE RO. LmLE ROCK AR 72204-8556 568-3985 Il<ady, L_enceJ. 111 CENTER ST '"00, LITTLE ROCK AR 7220' .... '3 376-8500 8lambloll, E~ PO BOX 938. CAlADEN AR 71701.0938 838-7328 8lamhall, Thomas lA. 415 N lACKlNLEY 1620. LITTLE ROCK AR 72205-3021 684-_ Branch. Jallrey T. 41 4 W COURT ST. PARAGOULD AR 72450-012" 239-9581 Branch. Robert 414 W COURT ST, PARAGOULD AR 72450-012" 239-9581 Iltanch. Robert Bruct, Jr. PO BOX 607. LITTLE ROCK AR 72203.0607 684-5156 Brandon. CynlNe Jo 300 S SPRING 1420, LmLE ROCK AR 72201-2413 372-1353 Branscoot, Herby. Jr PO BOX 587. PERRYVILlE AR 72128.Q587 889-510'

e'en B.

401 W MARKHAM #Jl)7. LITTLE ROCK 7220"'4'7 8 BENT TREE OR, LmtE ROCK AR 722'2-2502 Bral1Dn. Sam I.. Jr. 2400 RIVERFRONT e225. LmLE ROCK 72202-2200 Brazil. Wi~arn CIIt/ 913 OAK ST. CONWAY AR 72032-4352 OUACHITA 82, HOT SPRINGS AR 71901-5118 Brackervldg•• Kemeth



Btanton. Wiey Austin


Breeding, Mark Ste'¥'9n 6204 KENWOOD RD. UrTle ROCK AR 72207·1828 BtaWer. Geny L. 9010 RESERVOIR CT, LmLE ROCK AR 72207-5702 Brewer, Silas H.,Jr. 4'5 MAIN ST,lIlTLE ROCK AR 72201·3815 Brewster, Clartl; S. PO BOX 798. BRYANT AR 72022-0798 Brick. Jel<e PO BOX 1328, WEST lAElAPHIS AR 72303-1328 Bridewell, laurie A. Bridewell. Robert G.

PO BOX 391, LAKE VILLAGE AR 71653-0391 PO BOX 391 • lAKE VIllAGE AR 71653-0391


327·«57 623-7500 684-7039 372.0400 778-2573 735-4545 265-3835 265-3835

Bridglom. Dovid R. PO BOX 8509. PINE BlUfF AR 71611.asoG Bridglom. John D. 710 N WASHINGTON. FORREST CITY n:J35.2854 Bridglom. Kimberly Crawford 7407 OAK. PINE SlUFF AR 71603BridgIom. WI iam C. PO BOX 8509. PINE BlUFF AR 71611.asoG Bridgfor1h. Wlliam McShIno PO BOX 8509. PINE BLUFF AR 7181 HI509 BriIoy. _ H.• Jr. SllOll PECAN lAKE RD. LITTlE ROCKAR72204~20 BriI. Howanl W. U OF ARKANSAS LAW SCHOOl. FAYETTEVLLE AR Bn"",. Fnld E. PO BOX 428. BENTON AR 72015-0428 Bn'*loy. Guy 162 S 2ND • PIGGOTT AR 72.54-2l542 POBOX lnl. FAYETTEVUE AR 72702·1nl BrinlOn.Marcia M. BriSlow. BI W. 218 E WASHINGTON •JONESBORO AR 72401·3102 Britt. Horny M. 128 TRIVISTA RIGHT ST. HOT SPRINGS 71901·7502 Brittain. Grego<y Glenn PO BOX 10060. FORT SMITH AR m17.Q060 Broadaway. MOl)' LIIo 333 W COURT. PARAGOUlD AR 7245(1. Broadaway. Wm. Brad PO BOX 728. PARAGOULD AR 7245H)726 8fOck. Jotna Phiip 210WE FIRST. RUSSEllVUE AR 728OHI916 8fOckman. Edwanl W.. Jr. POBOX_7. PINE BLUfF AR 71611-8967 _ . Ralph G. 200 W CAPITOl 11100. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3616 _ . Bob R.• Jr. PO BOX 555'. NORTH LITTLE ROCK AR 72119-5551 _ . E_1Il M. PO BOX 23301. LITTlE ROCK AR 72221-3301 _ . E""'Yn EJ_1Il PO BOX 728. FAYETTEVUE AR 72702-0728 _ . J . S.. Jr. 101 W MAIN STE 40'. El DORADO AR 7173(). _ . Nancy K. 923 W34TH ST. NORTH LITTLE ROCKAR 72118BltlOkI. Timolhy L POBOX 1921. FAYETTEVillE AR 72702·1ll21 Brown. Brian ADan '01 S SPRING ST 1300. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201·2.28 Brown. Carolyn l. 31 BEVERlY Pl. LITTlE ROCK AR 72207·


_711 5041·11311 53S-lIOOO 53S-lIOOO ~135

S7S-5358 77ll-2328 5ll8-2258

442·"88 ll35-lIOOO 321·2211

.52·7050 239-4002 239-2225

966-3993 534-2551 376-2327 372-0110

882-4534 575-0117 863-8720

753-lI032 443-5222 376-2981

Brown, Charlet A. 124 WCAPITOl "870, UTILE ROCK AR 72201·3732 374-7582 Brown. Dab<a K. Hutellenl 6115 GREENWOOD RD. LITTlE ROCK 72207· 884-3ll88 Brown. Don R. 1601 FOREST HILLS. BEllA VISTA AR 7271"231llI 655-8151 Brown, Ernest W. 2212LACARI ST "20, MAGNOlIA AR 71153-2176 234-05n Brown, Greg 8. PINEWOOD DR, BENTON AR 72015-2418 778-0411 Brown.Jana K. POBOX 1221l.LITTLE ROCK AR 72203-122ll 378-5342 Brown. John E. 2OOOJOHN BROWN UNIV.• SLOAM SPRINGS AR 52..3131 Brown.Josaph L.. 4OOWCAPITOl LITTLE ROCK722Ql·3493 378-2011


Brown. Marilyn J. Brown. Rcbar1 J. Brown. Robartl. Brown. SharryJ.


700 W CAPITOl. 3201. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-32'6 378-5246

PO BOX 24003. LITTlE ROCK AR 7222'-4003 625 MARSHAll ST. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201·1020 1917 S 12TH ST. ROGERS AR 72756Brown. Thomas E. POBOX 9260. PINE BLUFF AR 71611·9260 Brown. WilUam M. 201 S BROADWAY. 210.LmLE ROCK AR 72201· Browna. Jack 400 W CAPITOl 11700. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3435 BrownSlein. Ballina Ellan 200 W CAPITOlt22oo.lITTLE ROCK 7220'·3699 8Ioyl... Jamas H. PO BOX 7114. MOUNTAIN VIEW AR 72S6Q.0764 IlrunlmOf. Chau__ U OF ARKANSAS LAW SCHOOl. FAYETTEVILLE AR Ilrunaon. Ruth H. 6712 GREENWOOll RD.LmLE ROCK AR 72207·1611 3520 FREE FERRY RD. FORT SMITH AR 72llQ3.1756 8Iyon.Lam C. 8Iyanl. Barry Alan STATE LINE PlZto BOX 8030. TEXARKANA AR 300 S SPRING 1310. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-2.,11 8Iyant. Grego<y E. Bry...t. J. '11I1\1"" 323 CENTER ST '200. lITTlE ROCK AR n201·2610 8Iyanl.JohnAddison 120 E.TH ST. LITTLE ROCKAR 72201-2tm 8Iyanl. Noel F. PO BOX 922•• PINE BLUFF AR 71611·922. Buchanan. Ilruat E. 303WCAPITOl LITTLE ROCK AR 7220'-3533 Buchanan. ClayT. 2300 REBSAAEN PARK RD' D201.LITTlE ROCK AR 2022 S GAINES ST. LITTlE ROCK AR 72206Buchanan. Eric S. Buchanan.Mickay POBOX669.ASHOOWNAR71622·0669 Buchnar. F. Pre.1On PO BOX 250559.LmLE ROCK AR 72207-0559 Buck. C. Branday 120 E 4TH ST. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201·2693 Buck. Richard Ilruat PO BOX.58. HOPE AR 71601-0458 Buckalow. RobertB. PO BOX 2S334. LITTlE ROCK AR 72221·533' Ilucknor. Kanne<h E. PO BOX 672•• PINE BLUFF AR 71611-tl72' Buorg)ar. Wlliam B. PO BOX 7. FORT SMITH AR 72902-0007 1IullaIo. Josaph l.. Jr. 300 S SPRING ST. 400. LITTLE ROCK 72201·2.20



101 S SPRING r.KIO, lITIlE ROCK AR 12201-2.28


882_ 631-88n 536-5167 3n-t\l20 372·0'75 37'-0006 269-402. 521-tl6113 663-4661 773-5651 375-3344

882·2007 375-11131 534-2146 324-6311 ...._ 378-7540 698-3365

....367. 375-9131 =·2391 221-0444 536-44'2 762·2041 375-9947


B_d. C. DoogI... Jr. 200 W CAPITOl. 2200. LITTlE ROCK 72201-3699 401 N PAlM ST. LITTlE ROCKAR 72205-3632 Butord. Tom A. BlAlon.1lruat T. 50411 EOGEWOOD RD. LITTLE ROCK AR 72207·5309 PO BOX 1064. RUSSEllVIlLE AR 72801·1064 Buiock. Bunny PO BOX 1926. TEXARKANA TX 75504-1926 Bullock. Wdiam G. Bullock. Wdiam R. PO BOX '99. DARDANEllE AR 72634·0499 Bumpass. Ronald E. PO BOX "05. FAYETTEVIllE AR 72702-4105

37'-0&06 ......58111 663-0757 1168-"26 794·33" 229-1.43 52'·3172

Bumpers, Brent

PO BOX 122Q, UTILE ROCK AR 72203-1228


Bunch. M. Ray Burbank. GOI)' R. Burge. Dan II. B..-geu. Ralph Kolb BlKgess. Wiiam G. BOOut. John G. 8lKI<a. Thomas B. 8lKt<s. Jan Gaily BlK1<s. larry W. B.-on. DalM! J. Ilt.rieson. DIana Joan Burleson. Jane Buman. Dav;d Bunnall. Jama. O.

12' W ELM ST. ROGERS AR 72758-4531 215 N WASHINGTON • EL DORADO AR 7173Q.5620 PO BOX 107. BlYTHEVIlLE AR 72318-0107 PO BOX 11128. TEXARKANA TX 75504-1928 PO BOX 551.LmLE ROCK AR 722O:l-055' 40QW 18TH, HOPE AR 71801PO BOX FAYETTEVIlLE AR 72702.QS80 2.00 N PERCE ST. LITTlE ROCK AR 72207-3619 400 W CAPITOl '2000. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3493 1028 SUNSET DR. FAYETTEVUE AR 72701-1737 123 PROSPECT T~ .. N.LITTLE ROCK AR 72118-521. 4615 W MARKHAMt31, LmLE ROCK AR 722QS.3867 PO BOX 704, OSCEOlA AR 72370-0104 2735 S COlLEGE DR. FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701·7133

636-2017 662·6322


763-4586 794-3341 3n·5044O

443-0906 66'-0058 376-2011 442·2610 758-4711 661·2000 563-3211

Burnett, Jim

PO BOX 1.7, CLINTON AR 72031-0147


Buman.John L.. Jr. Sumoll. Ronald S. Burnalta. Kim D.

POBOX 2657. LmLE ROCK AR 722Q3.2857 PO BOX 92•• TEXARKANA TX 7 5 _ ' .2 STONELEDGE. N.LmLE ROCK AR 72113-6018

372-1133 7112·3736 651-462'

BllIMtIO. MIrl< Tarry CrIlg 8lKnI. KoWl R. 8lKrou. C. Bob Ilooow. John L Ilooow.Loon Ilooow. lloyd C.• Jr. Burrow. PaDick A. Burton. Jon R. Burton. Morion B. BUifioid. Julia L. Bush. J. Cori

1717 KAVANAUGH. LITTlE ROCK AR '72205-41.5 663-4018 7 PATRICIA LN. LITTlE ROCK AR 72205221-2444 120 E 4TH ST. LITTlE ROCKAR 7220'·2693 375-0131 RR 2 BOX 65. SCOTT AR 72"2-9509 842·35llll 107 W EMMA • SPRINGDAlE AR 727&4-4304 1511-2030 POBOX 627. BLYTHEVUE AR 72318-0627 7113-7073 PO BOX 237. BENTONVUE AR 72712-0237 273-252' PO BOX 8509. PINE BlUFF AR 7'811-tl5Oll 535-lIOOO PO BOX 6063. JONESBORO AR 72403-6063 ll32·1061 2230 COTTONDALE LN. 6. LITTLE ROCK 72202·2048 661-11261 700 W CAPITOl. 3201. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201· 324-5246 PO BOX 164_. LITTlE ROCK AR 722111-4608 378-6355 Bush.1AarIo May PO BOX 626. BENTON AR 72015-0626 882-6206 Bu1Ier. Dav;d F. PO BOX 727. MAGNOlIA AR 71753-0727 234-4727 BU1lar. Eldridga J. PO BOX 989. FORREST CITY AR 723:J5.01l61l 633-4611 BU1lar. Gaorga E.. Jr. 207 W CENTER ST. FAYETTEVUE AR 72701·5llO5 442·521' BU1lar. Richard C.. Sr. 5905 FOREST Pl. 210. LITTlE ROCK AR 72207·52.5 BU1lar. SIOphan W. 316 W POPlAR. ROGERS AR 72757· 636-:1161 BU1lar. Wi iam R. 132 GRAND ISLE I1·A. HOT SPRINGS71013-_ 525-5602 IlU1I. Thoma F. PO BOX 135. FAYETTEVUE AR 72102-0135 521-6400 IlU1I. WilamJ.. 1I PO BOX 1688. FAYETTEVUE AR 72702·1886 521·7110O 1lu1>y• .lamas A. 400 W CAPITOl t2OOO. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3493 378-2011 _ . John R. 300 S SPRING 11004. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-2'28 378-3418 378-0650 Byariay. Thomas W. 6305 AlVIN LN. LITTlE ROCK AR 72207-3ll3O ByinglOn. Evart Kallll 6 SHERWOOD. CONWAY AR 72032· ByinglOn.lAarilyn L. 6 SHERWOOD DR. CONWAY AR 72032-4606 32....1357 ONE STATE CAPITOl STE 315. LITTLE ROCK AR Bynum. DanaLyM 882·HlI37 Bynum. F. Wbon.Jr. PO BOX 7268. PINE BLUFF AR 7'611·7268 536-.... _57 Bynum. John M. PO BOX 1587. RUSSEllVIllE AR 72601·1587 Byrd. John Richard PO BOX 3llO. HAMBURG AR 71646-o3llO 653-llllO6 PO BOX 631. LITTLE ROCK AR 72203-0831 37....12SM) Byrd. PIl.II Byrd. Richard W. 200 W 5TH STE 505. P.,.llIuff AR 7'60'-42115 538-1055 Bynna. R_d J. 2521 HIlDEN VAllEY. LITTlE ROCK AR 72212-3517 225-8369 Cabo. Roben D. PO BOX 1469. LITTlE ROCK AR 72203-1469 378-2436 CaddaI. F _ l . PO BOX '84. FORT SMITH AR 72902-0184 7112·52Il7 ll32_ Cahoon. Dal'<! W. PO BOX 4057. JONESBORO AR 72'03-4057 Cain. Howard G.• Jr. PO BOX 5311. HUllTSVUE AR 7274Q.OS31l 738-8817 Caln. J. liam. Jr. 1120 MARSHAll ST t311.LITTLE ROCK 72202-4610 324-9215 Cairns. Jay R. 601 BROOKSIOE DR • 5. LITTLE ROCK AR 72205228-5309 CaI_. Richard B. 3005 N TAYLOR ST. LITTlE ROCK AR 72207-2840 882-39ClO Cola. Randall Charla. PO BOX 1267. FAymEVILLE AR 72702·1267 442·2802 Calhoon. Ken F. PO BOX 5551. NORTH LITTLE ROCKAR 72119-5551 3n~110 Calhou1. Jaan 2701 N GRANT. LITTlE ROCK AR 72207· Calhou1. John C.• Jr. PO BOX 5551. NORTH LITTLE ROCK AR 72119-5551 372-0110 Calhou1. "-ph 0 .. III '25 W CAPITOl 13801. LITTLE ROCK 72201·3447 378-3800 CoIkins. Ronald A. 3012 W.TH ST.LmLE ROCK AR 72205-5808 378-noo CaI_.Gaorge II. POBOX 1620. HOT SPRINGSAR 71902·1620 321-1200 Callan. _ Jay ,.,2 PRINCETON DR. FORT SMITH AR 72llQ3.6573 648-1_ CaI_. CJyda D. , _IlriYO. LITTlE ROCK AR 72204· 37'·2341 PO BOX 1116. RECTOR AR 72461-01116 5G5-3504 CaMn. C. Joaaph Camblano. Marit 106 S lAOOSE ST. MORRllTal AR 7211<).3426 354-0128 111 CENTER STt1200. LITTLE ROCK 72201-441. 378-naa Camp.CharlaaR. Camp. WorIh, Jr. 304 E PEACH ST. El DORADO AR 7173Q.5636 862·'323 Campball. CrIlg A. "0 S 2ND ST. ROGERS AR 72756-4525 638-0875 7.,_6 Campball. Gall Inman PO BOX 729. HARRISON AR 72602-om Campball. Gana C. PO BOX 729. HARRISON AR 72602-o721l 7"·3446 Campball. Gaorge E. 120 E.TH ST. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201·2693 375-9131 Campball.Jam.. Calvin 200 SPRING ST. HOT SPRINGS AR 71901-4151 62"'6" Campball. PNlip W. PO BOX 5551. NORTH LITTLE ROCK AR 72119-5551 372-0110 320 W CAPITOl 11000. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3525 888-8800 Campball. Rick Campball. Shaila F. 22 GOODWIN CIR. N.LITTLE ROCK AR 72117-3111' 372-4623 Campbell. G.• Jr. 34 SUMMIT RIlGE DR. LITTlE ROCK AR 722"· 227." CanIiold.Jony l. PO BOX , .... FORT SMITH AR 72902·1'" 7112_' CaM. Dovid P. 315 GERONIMO. HOT SPRINGS AR 710'37ll7·'7114 Can.... Edw., B. PO BOX 2.11. SPRINGDAlE AR 727ll5-O2.11 75().5661 ~ Tad C. PO BOX 546. ASHOOWN AR 7'622-0S46 lIll8-OO55 Cappa. PllIriCa A. PO BOX 365. BALD KNOB AR 72010-0365 724-65ll2 Cappa. P... D. 516 S CROSS ST.LmLE ROCK AR 72201·3022 794-3341 Capshaw. Donald W. PO BOX 1ll26. TEXARKANA TX 75504·1ll28 Carder. Mac: John. Jr. 2000 MAGNOlIA • '67, LmLE ROCK AR 72202· Catfac)no. JUn. Jr. Ona Ma>n Place. te. RUSSELLVUE AR 72801· Carie. Kailh PO BOX ll254. JONESBORO AR 72'03-ll254 Corison. MoIania Rulll 11610 PlEASANT RIOGE RD t1103.LITTLE ROCK CharIas N. U OF ARKANSAS LAW SCHOOl. FAYETTEVUE AR Carnav.LooJ. 511 S MAIN ST. MOUNTAIN HOME AR 72653-364' Coton.llari.. J. 502 VANDEVENTER. FAYETTEVIllE AR 7270', Caroom. GIOll"'Y Scott 425 W CAPITOl t34OO. LITTLE ROCK 72201-3439 375-1122 CarpanlOr. BaYOrly E. PO BOX 1914. EL DORAIlOAR 71731-101. 862-0301 37....1364 Carpa_. CharIaa L.Jr. '405 MAIN ST. N.LITTlE ROCK AR 72114-4126 Carpanlor. Claude. Jr.6Oll N PALM ST. LITTLE ROCK AR 72205-1946 ......5544 371....s27 Carpanlar. Thomas M. 500 W MARKHAM 1310. LITTLE ROCK 72201-1430 227-4102 Carrol. Jannas R. • SILVER BIRCH CT. LITTLE ROCK AR 722'2· Carroll. PIWUp 120 E 'TH ST. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201·2693 375-11'31 Carrol. Thada S. t2 OakdaJaCirda. CONWAY AR 72032· 329-84117 Carrulll. Dav;d PO BOX 91. CLARENDON AR 7202Il-0091 747-3839 7112_, Carson.Dougia. M. PO BOX 1446, FORT SMITH AR 72902·'''' Carson. GOI)' l. 116 N BlOCK • FAYETTEVIlLE AR 72701·5201 521-6220 Car1or. Chri...phar O. PO BOX 3611. FLIPPIN AR 72634-o36ll 45UOO1 Car1or. Da11iol R. PO BOX 341113.LITTLE ROCK AR 72203-41113 378-4660



Catler,Jean Tumor Cal1ar, Kenford O. CaItaf. Michael C. Catler, 0d0I C. CaJItr, SIOphen Paul CaItaf. Wllam Da'lid Catu1h, Ben Cuay, PIlAa J. Callh, Clarence W.

815 W w.RKHMU2OO. UTTLE ROCK AR 72201·1328 37lHlO15 POBOX 1198, YELLVILLE AR 72887·1198 449-4018 PO BOX 1448. FORT SMITH AR 72902·1448 782.oos1 PO BOX 598. STAR CITY AR 71687.(l598 828-04814 PO BOX 507. BENTONVILLE AR m12.()507 855-1000 STATE LINE Pl.Z STE 8 BOX 8030, TEXARKANA AR 773-5851 PO BOX 558, MORRLTON AR 7211~ 354.()125 400 W MARKHAM ST, LITTLE ROCK AR 7220,.,408 324-_ 400 W CAPITOl.1700. LfTTlE ROCK AR 72201-3435 37";114 CaIlh, MaI1< A. AT 2 BOX '71. CABOT AR 72Q23.9802 843-3859 CUln. Samuel W. 3001 WEDtNGTON 152, FAYETIEV1.LE AR mOl· CaIIl~, K. H. RH BOX 310. EUREKA SPRINGS AR 72832· 2S!-74n CaSll~, Vl'lliria H.li12GREEN lATN DR. 171·H. LfTTLE ROCK =,2· 882-11857 Ca,doman, Bob PO BOX 525. POCAHONTAS AR 72455.()525 892-<517 Casdeman, ~eI PO BOX 285. MINERAL SPRINGS AR 71851.()285 287·5259 Ca,doman, Aichatd L.PO BOX 525. POCAHONTAS AR 72455.()525 892-4517 Callett, Moredilh P. 400 W CAPITOl.2000. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3493 376-2011 Callett, S. Graham 323 CENTER ST 11800, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201·2805 372·2121 Caudill, John W. PO BOX 201 , BlYTHEVILLE AR n318.()201 783-3742 Cavaneau, Je<ry W. PO BOX 1438, LITTLE ROCKAR 72203-1438 324-7112 Ca,;n, Wylie 0 .. 11I 320 W CAPITOl 11000. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3525 888-8800 Caviness. Keith 317 ROSETTA ST, UTILE ROCK AA 12205-5863 663-7855 Cazort. Brad A. 300 S SPRING • .oo, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201·2420 375-9947 Ceat1ey, Robert M.. Jr.• 2'7 W 2ND STl350.lITIlE ROCKAR 72201· 375-9451 Chadick, Een Buddy POBOX 1788, FAYETTEVILLE AR n702·1788 521·99!l8 Ch_, Marl< B. 225 W BARRAOUE ST. PINE BlUFF AR 7'801-4201 538-5' 10 Chadwid<, Chert.. R. 38 E CENTER ST, FAYETTEVILLE AR 7270'·5301 52'-4300 Chambers, Da'lid L. PO BOX 447, MONTICElLOAR 71655-0447 387·2438 Chambe<s. James D. 1710 MOORES LN, TEXARKANA TX 75505-5517 792·8246 Chambers. Rodney T. PO BOX 157, MAGNOlIA AR 71753.()'57 234-1892 Chambe<s. TeriL. 8'2 DOROTHY, NORTH LITTlE ROCK AR 72117· Chandler, lMTy PO BOX 453, MAGNOlIA AR 7'753.()453 234-1038 Cheney, lJoneld p.. Jr. PO DRAWER 947, ARKADELPHIAAR 71923-0947 248-<1798 Ch.... ~eI C. PO BOX 504, BENTONVILLE AR m12.()504 621-8557 Cheelham, Trn A. 124 W CAPITOl 11200, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3734 372-<1175 Chenaul~ Nod.... G. 1105 STARR RD, FAYETTEVILLE AR 7270'· Cherry, James W.. Jr. PO BOX 488. LITTlE ROCK AR 72203-0488 376-5547 124 W CAPITOl 11200, LITTLE ROCK AR 7220'-3714 372-<1175 Cherry,JoM S.. Jr. Cherry, Sandra Wilson PO BOX 1m, LITTLE ROCK AR 72203-1229 324·5342 Cheuhir, Bryan L. PO DRAWER 947, ARKADELPHIA AR 71923-0947 246-8798 Childers. MeMn L. PO BOX 827. BLYTHEVILLE AR 72318.()827 783-7073 Chl,enhell, wry, Jr. 400 W CAPITOl.2840, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3415 372-5800 Chism. Kerry Dee PO BOX 724. MOUNTAIN HOME AR 72853.()724 425-8838 Chowning, Robert PO BOX 7487, LITTLE ROCK AR 72217·7487 884·7807 Christien, Eddie N. PO BOX 1725, FORT SMITH AR ngoz'1725 782·9147 Christian, James E. PO BOX 1725. FORT SMITH AR 72002·1725 782·9147 ChlMd1, Ber.. ford L.• .k. 1110t ANDERSON 1307. LITTlE ROCK ='2·2475 228-9952 Clardy, Bleka Shennon AT 8 BOX 439 A. SPRINGDALE AR 72784Clar1<, BiI S. .00 WCAPITOl'2000, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3493 376-2011 Clar1<, CcnaIanCe G. PO BOX 1888. FAYETTEVILlE AR n702·1888 521·7800 Clar1<, Eimbolh G. 8 PONDEROSA DR, LONOKE AR 72OIl8878-2337 Oartt, Greg 121 S MAIN, BENTONVU£ AR 72'712·5960 273-2n7 Clar1<, Jam.. C.. Jr. .00 WCAPITOl.2000, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3493 378-2011 Clert<. Jam.. H. 121 S MAIN ST. BENTONVILLE AR 727'2·5980 273-2n7 Clar1<, JohnJ. PO BOX 1390. CONWAY AR 72032·1390 =-5882 Clar1<, Kemelh A. PO BOX 305, MELBOURNE AR 72558.()305 aart, RiehWd p", II PO BOX 729. CONWAY AR 72032-0729 =-5858 Clark, Ronald M. 120 E ..TH ST. lITTlE ROCK AR 72201·2893 37>9131 751·5222 Clark, Wilam M., Jr. PO BOX '''00. SPRINGDALE AR 727~1400 327-4457 Clawson. Charles E........ 913 OAK ST. CONWAY AR 72032--4352 Clewson. Jame' Odell, Jr. 501 N 20TH ST, FORT SMITH AR 7290'·333' Clay, Phiip M. '23 MARKET ST, HOT SPRINGS AR 71901·5308 824-1252 Cley, W. Dane 120 E 4TH ST, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201·2893 375-9131 ClayaMTlb, H. Murray POBOX 191. WARREN AR 71671..()191 226-2681 Claylon, John A. 425 W CAPITOl. 3801, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201·3447 375-4100 CI"llll, Carolyn J. PO BOX 102a, MAGNOlIAAR 7'753-102a 234·3550 POBOX '02a, MAGNOlIAAR 71753-102a 234·3550 CI"llll, Elliott L PO BOX 102a, MAGNOlIAAR 7'753-102a 234-3550 CI"llll, Oliver M. Clemen~ TanyeT. 2217 PEACHTREE DR. LITTlE ROCKAR=11-4329 224-683-4 Clements. Joe T. 19 KINGS ARMS AD. LITTLE ROCK AR 72207·2119 225-0787 Cleveland, HerIChel W. PO BOX 807. PARIS AR 72855.()8()7 983-300' Clevenger, Marshe 808 MCADOO ST. UTIlE ROCK AR n205-2735 378-5882 Clevenger, T. Scon 320 W CAPITOl 11000. LfTTlE ROCK AR 72201-3525 888-8800 Cliffotd. Ralph S. PO BOX 833. HUNTSVILlE AR 7 2 7 _ 545-3840 ClIft. <hiI1e C. PO BOX 2587. FORT SMITH AR 72902·2587 .....5444 Clifbn.1lat'janWl J. 900 W 3RD ST APT G. LfTTlE ROCK AR 72201-2,43 324-5553 Clition. Ralph PO BOX 808, BRINKLEY AR 72021-C8Oll 734-3224 0 ...., AonaId Alen PO BOX 1115, FORREST CITY AR 72335-1115 833-1447 Cling«, Da'lid S. 100 NE A ST. BENTONVILLE AR 727,2·5339 273-5557 Clnton, B~I 1800 CENTER ST. LITTLE ROCK AR 72208-1418 882-2345 Clinton. Hilary Aodham 120 E 4TH ST. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201·2893 375-9131 Cloar, Ralph M.. .k. 400W CAPITOl' 1700, LfTTLE ROCK AR 72201-3435 318.()'08 CIoar, Robert A. POBOX '823. FORT SMITH AR 72902·1823 783-1188 PO BOX 338, SPRINGDAlE AR 72785-0338 751-4743 Cloer, JoM W. Cloninger, Lawson 3 MGGovern. UTILE ROCK AR 72205224·0383 Clower, WilUem Brooks PO BOX '408, FAYETTEVILLE AR 72702,1408 52,.,,41 Cobb, Oslo 124 W CAPITOl 11980. LITTLE ROCK 7220'·3739 372·7187 Codven. Edward F. POBOX 335, STAMPS AR 71880533-2800 CodYan, Tamra l. McMillan 221 N 3RD ST. ROGERS AR n756-3703 ~585

Cochran. VIctorie K. CocloaII, Philip N. Codull, H. Howanl

124 N THOMPSON ST, SPRINGDALE AR 72784-4113 PO BOX 1928. TEXARKANA TX 75504-1928 2224 COTTONDALE '202. LfTTLE ROCK 72202·2038 CodulI. Rogera '50' N PERCE' 112, UTIlE ROCK AR 72207·5222 Collman, Eldon F. POBOX 1448, FORT SMITH AR 72902·1448 Cogbil. J. Michael PO BOX 185, FORT SIMTH AR 72902'()'85 Cohen. Robert Y.• II PO BOX 10205, FORT SMITH AR m17.()205 Collar, Kei1h D. PO BOX 2470, RUSSELLVILLE AR 7280'·2205 Collar, Kenneth D.• Jr. PO BOX 2470. RUSSELLVILLE AR 72801·2208 Colbert. Roger U. PO BOX 728, PARAGOlIl.D AR 72451.()726 Cole, Joel C. PO BOX NORTH LfTTLE ROCK AR 721'5-OOll8 Coleman, ChoMa T. 200 WCAPITOl.2200. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3699 e-nen, Gaorge Randy 425 WCAPfTOL 13200, LITTLE ROCK 72201-343a Coleman, Gerold A. PO BOX 1887. WEST MEMPHIS AR 72303-1887 Coleman. Jon A. PO BOX 1212. JONESBORO AR 72403-1212 Coleman, Robert L PO BOX 107, BLYTHEVILLE AR 72318.()107 Coleman, Robert S., Jr. 90 PEBBLE BEACH, LfTTLE ROCK AR =,2· Col..... L K. PO BOX 18. HARRISBURG AR 72432-0018 Colier, Uncia P. PO BOX 1870, CONWAY AR 72032·1870 ColIna, Blad Alen 7111 INDIANA ST • B·9, LITTLE ROCK AR 72207·5051 Combe, v"niam B., Jr. POBOX 1185, FAYETTEVILLE AR 72702-1185 Compton, Cathleen V. PO BOX 1Q17, EL OORAOOAR 71731-1Q17 Comp P e t _ 2300 CALION RD, EL DORADOAR71730Comp RobertC. PO BOX li17, EL DORADOAR 7173,.,917 Comp Welte< Knox 200 PEACH ST. EL DORADO AR 71730-5890 Condit, Bruce A. 524 SPRUCE ST. TEXARKANA TX 7550'·5532 Cone. James M. 1370 N OAKLAND 11, FAYETTEVILLEARm03Conay, _ Edward 10' MIl.LBRANCH LN, HOT SPRINGS AR 7'aG'· Cook, C<eig Lewil 100 N 8TH. FORT SMITH AR 7290'· Cook, Don lloyd. II 21 W lAOUNTAIN 1305. FAYETTEVILlE 72101_ Cook, Ebert 21i MOCKINGBIRD LN. HOT SPRINGS 7'i13·7228 Cook, J. Kendel 111 CENTER 11200, LITTLE ROCKAR 72201-44'4 Cook, L.-ry KeI1h PO BOX 200. CABOT AR 72023-0200 Cook, Vld<i S. 225 WDD08INE ST, HOT SPRINGS AR 7'901·5122 CooP. Da'lid D. 13'4 HUNTSMOOR, N. LITTlE ROCK AR 72118-5531 Cooper, E _ D. 10'3 ROSELAWN CIR, W.lAEMPHIS AR 7230,·2841 Cooper, IAar1< F. 511 S MAIN ST, MOUNTAIN HOME AR 72853-3841 Cooper. !Au G. 522 S 8TH ST. ROGERS AR 72758-4412 Cooper. Richard F. PO BOX 48, FORT SMITH AR 72902.()048 Cooper, Tom W. PO BOX 889, ASHDOWN AR 71822-0889 CopeIend, John D. U Of ALAW SCHOOl. FAYETTEVILLE AR Copeland, Milton U Of A LAW SCHOOl. FAYETTEVILLE AR Copelin, J. David 1524 W OlIVE ST, ROGERS AR 72758Copin. Berry E. 400 W CAPITOl'2000. LITTLE ROCK 72201·3493 Cottlin.lJoneid L. 825 MARSHALL ST, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201·1020 Cottlin, llo<cy K. PO BOX 5551, NORTH LITTLE ROCK AR 72119·5551 Cordi, CalmineJ.. .k. 701 GREENE lATN DR' 4'0. LfTTLE ROCK AR 72211· PO BOX 1448, FORT SMfTHAR 72902·1448 Core, Ben Corlay. M. Gayle .00 W CAPITOl.2000. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3493 Corlay. MaI1< W. PO BOX 841. BENTONVILlE AR 727'2.0s41 Com.JoM P. il05CHICOT RD, LfTTlE ROCK AR 72209-<1104 Cornett. _ K. '001 BRECKENROOE DR. 782. LmLE ROCK AR Corrolhe1I, G.-ryJ. 5'07 GLENVIEW. N. LfTTLE ROCK AR 72117-3420 Corlinez. Robert A. 323 CENTER ST "750, LITTLE ROCK 7220'·2825 Corlinez. Robert R.. II 323 CENTER. '750, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201·2825 Con.m. Gory D. PO BOX 71. LmLE ROCK AR 72203-0071 CoI!IalI. A. 123 WEST ELM. ROGERS AR 72758Couctl. David A. "25 WCAPfTOlr.J700, UTILE ROCK AR 72201-3439 Coulson. Belh Gladden 4920 COUNTRY CLUB, LITTlE ROCK 72207·4722 Coulter. C. Wanen 1801 FOREST HilLS. BELLA VISTA AR 72714·2399 Cou~er, Nathan 200 W CAPITOl.2200. LITTlE ROCK AR 7220' ·3827 Courtway, JoM F. PO BOX 3883, LITTLE ROCK AR 72203-3883 Courtway. Thomes C 200 W CAPITOl.2200, LfTTLE ROCK AR 72201-3899 Coutts. Jam.. V. PO BOX 358, RUSSELLVILLE AR 72801·0358 Covington, J. Soon PO BOX 009, HARRISON AA 72802.()909 Cowen, Kenneth W. PO BOX 23, FORT SMITH AR 72902'()o23 Cox. Alene R. PO BOX 301, WEST FORKAR 7277...a301 Cox, Boyd D. 75 N EAST A' 508. FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701·8038 122' HIGHWAY 71 S. FORT SMITH AR 72901_7 Cox, James O. Cox, Normen Glenn PO BOX 301. WEST FORKAR 72n4.Q301 Cox, Ray F.. Jr. 200 WCAPITOl'2200, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201·3899 Cox, Aichetd L. 300 BROAOWAY 1509, HOT SPRINGS AR 71901·5330 Couey, ~ Kent PO BOX 228, BERRYVLlE AR 7261~228 Cozert. ArwJr_ PO BOX 444, RUSSELLVILlE AR 7280'.()444 Cozert. Nancy Irwin PO BOX 444. RUSSELLVILLE AR 72801.()444 200 E CENTRAL. BENTONVILlE AR 72112·5357 Crebtr.., Terry Cracralt, George K. 825 MARSHALL ST, LITTlE ROCK AR 7220'·1020 Crain, Chris H. 1204 MILITARY RD, M-.RION AR 72364Crein. JoM A. PO BOX 351. MOUNTAIN HOME AR 72853-0351 CraIn. W.iam Slephen 324 SPRING ST. 212. LITTLE ROCK AR 7220'· Crane, lArry E. 1814 W 3RD. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201· C<ane. Steve A. PO BOX 721, MAGNOlIA AR 71753.()m Cranford, Bryan. K. 120 E 4TH ST, LITTLE ROCK AR 7220'-2893 C<enford, Jeme, B.• .k. PO BOX 5387, TEXARKANA TX 75505·5387 Crass. Kevin A. 400 W CAPITOL '2000. ROCK AR 72201·3493 Cravena, David R. 24 E MAIN ST, PARIS AR 72855-3322 Cr_d, Bladtey Cherte, PO BOX 729, HARRISON AR 72802·0729 Crawford, _ I H. 415 OUACHITA. HOT SPRINGS AR 71901·5130 C<_e. Cert K. 522 MAIN ST. VAN BUREN AR 72956-5110





751-1747 794-3341 ....9393

884-3435 782.()381

782·7294 782·1001 988-8662 _2

239-2225 376-8388 37'.()808

374-"07 735-3735 932-5321

783-4588 578-2241


862-3478 862·7422 862-3478

_5 794-2887 385-1243 785-5211 521-14'"

525-2980 378-nB8 843-8591

1l23-<l' 98 835-7217

732·2232 425-8354 838-<l789 785-6132 898-3385

758-85'0 575-72!l8 378-2011 882·7482

372.()110 782.()381 378-2011 836-789a

588-2170 225-8794 882,1083 372-8000 372-8000 375-8453 831-8484 375-9151 378-4222 855-6151 37'-ol108 378-5593 37'.()808 987·3225 74'-3478 782·79' 1 839-2717 521·2052 846-8292 839-212' 371.()808 823-1759 423-3948 988-3595 273-89Il5 882·7'" 425-8951 324-92"0 234-4727 37>9131 792...513 376-2011 983-2587 741·3448 32,.,982 474-1701

Cloer, Tracy Pe<na CIogo, Philip W. Clewl, Claibourne C. Clewl, RobertB. Crippa, Eldon E. Criap, Cawtoa L. Crilp, Ginger P_r Crilp, Hugh E. CriIp,Jom DaYid Clocker, Bizlboll1 M. Cnlc:I<oll, C. Ric:llard Cnlc:I<oll, MichaoI A.

'00 W CAPITa. 12&40, LITTlE ROCKAR 7220',34'3 15" ALONZO ST, JONESBORO AR 72401-4801 22' W 2NO ST. 923, LmLE ROCK AR 7220'-251' POBOX 1555, NEWPORT AR 72112· PO BOX 237, BENTONVILLE AR n7,2-Q237 PO BOX 1531, LITTlE ROCK AR 72203-153' 2858 HYLAND PARK, FAYETTEVILLE AR72701-3817 12. W CAPITa. "170, LITTlE ROCKAR 7220'-3733 PO BOX 1928, TEXARKANA TX 75504-1928 U CF ARKANSAS STE SA 328, FAYETTEVUE AR PO BOX 24003, LITTlE ROCK AR 72221-4003 82'2 LOWELL LN, LITTlE ROCK AR 72207· CnlmwoII,Jan PO BOX 1112, FORT SMITH AR 72902-0'92 Ctonkhill, I, III 333 EXECUTIVE CT, LITTlE ROCK AR 7~ Ctoom, 1.1.,,,. PO BOX 100, RUSSELLVUE AR 72801-0100 Oou,J.1lruco PO BOX 3178, LITTLE ROCK AR 72203-3178 c.oal, I..ony M. 7325 SHADY GROVE LN, LITTlE ROCK AR 72209Oou, O1hoIIoC. PO BOXl1052, PINE BLUFF AR 7'81'-9052 C<oucI1,c.1a D. "5Q£ROI<EE OR, SEARCY AR 72143-6522 C<oucI1, Jamoo E. PO BOX 1400, SPRINGDALE AR 72785-1400 0.-, Cart A.. Jr. PO BOX "77, HOT SPRINGS AR 71902-1'77 0.-, Gofllid Kent 203 PUBLIC SO, BERRYVUE AR 72618-3957 0.-, Gregory L. PO BOXeos, FORT SMITH AR 72902-0968 eroJdOn, Hardy W.. Jr. 221 N 3RO ST, FKlGERS AR 72758-3700 Cn.mplor, Paul C. PO BOX 701, MAGNa.1A AR 71753-070' Ctutdlor, Zinmtry,Jr. "5 MAIN ST, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201·3828 Ctuz, Kallly A. H. 201 WOODBINE ST, HOT SPRINGS AR 71901-5122 CutImon, Stephen It 400 W CAPITOL II 22', LITTlE ROCK AR 7220'·3430 CUp, NaII1an C. 12' W CAPITa. • 990, LITTlE ROCKAR 7220'· CuIpaww, Duncan PO BOX 599, PRESCOTI AR 7'857-0599 Culpappor, Malcolm PO BOX '348, JONESBORO AR 72403-'348 Cumins, H. E."Bud", III PO BOX 25061, LITTlE ROCK AR 7222'-5081 C<mIngham, Elana Leigh 323 CENTER 1200, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-2610 Cunl.., Don N. 23 Warol Valoy IJriw, LmLE ROCK AR 72211· Cl.ny, Co<an 323 CENTER ST • 750, LITTlE ROCK AR 7220'·2615 Curry, F. Thomaa PO BOX 807, ARKADELPHIA AR 71923-0807 Curry, Stephen L 111 CENTER ST "200, LmLE ROCK AR 7220""" Cypan, Jam.. D. PO BOX 62, SPRINGDALE AR 72765-0062 Oobba, Sid C. 323 CENTER ST. 1295, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-2620 Dabbs, W~iam M.. Jr. 323 CENTER • '295, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201·2620 Dabney, M. Burl< PO BOX 369, MARKED TREE AR 72365-0369 Daggett, Doddridge M. PO BOX 646, MARIANNA AR 72360-G648 Daggett, J. J. PO BOX 648, MARIANNA AR 72380-0646 Daggett, Je... B. PO BOX 648, MARIANNA AR 72380-0646 PO BOX 648, MARIANNA AR 72360-0648 DaggeIL W. H. Daily, Thomaa A. PO BOX 1446, FORT SMITH AR 72902-1'" Dally, CanlI Connody STATELINE PLZ 16 BOX 8030, TEXARKANA AR Dale, Dinah Marie 323 CENTER ST. 200, LITTlE ROCK AR 7220'·26'0 Dale, Renee SUo 7. STTHOMAS CT, LITTlE ROCK AR 72211OUymple, Stevan B. 200 E 8TH ,PINE BLUFF AR 71801-504' Dengeau, Jell PO BOX 1408, FAYETTEVILLE AR 72702·1408 Oenlel, Ed, IV .,0W3RD ST. 200, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201·2316 Oenoel,JamelOoYid PO BOX 1212,JONESBOROAR 72403-12'2 lleIwI, Jamel W. 625 MARSiHALL ST, LITTLE ROCK AR 7220'·1020 lleIwI, K. LeAnne PO DRAWER 947, ARKADELPHIA AR 71923-0947 PO BOX 5551, NORTH L1TILE ROCK AR 72"~555' Daniel, Scott Daniela, Wi iem R.. Jr. PO BOX 723, MONTICELLO AR 71655-0723 DonieIaan, Elzabetl1 625 MARSiHALL ST, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-1020 DonieIaan, PU PO BOX 5, BOONEVUE AR 721l27-0005 Oenusor, Roy E. 5'05 BAKER ST, MOUNTAIN HOME AR 72653-382. Dora,JoahuaJ. 18NOUNCAN ,FAYETTEVUEAR7270'-.936 DllIl>o, Kir1< D. 5 OPHELIA OR, MAUMELLE AR 72113-

372·1887 Q35·9723 37.-a787 523·5588

273·llO26 37s-as78 52'-'71' 378-3584

794-334' 57S-6308 22,-293ll

78S-<4558 223-4'33 964·1270 371-11ll9ll 660-6722 536-4062 751-5222 321·1481 423-2'91 783-a,88 638-0200

234-l!'OO 372-a3CXl 823-a196 374-5900 372-4823 887-280' 932-a357 225-0048 882-2007 22HK106 882-367' 246·2488 378-7788 75'·5222 378-3275 378-3275

356-2605 295-3434 295-3434 295-3434 295-3434

762-0361 773-5651 882·2007

543·1880 521·1141 37..7900 932·5321 378-1402

2_796 372-0110 367-8181 682·7481 675-2100


DwIing, P...... R. PO BOX 1SQ7, NASHVLlE AR 71852·1597 DIrlI"lQ. am Weblter,ll 111 CENTER '1100. urn..e: ROCK 72201~413

84$05060 376-8500

Don-, Jamaa E.. Jr. PO BOX '88, LITTlE ROCK AR 72203-0488 Ooughorty,JameI F. '0'5 2ND ST, AUGUSTA AR 72006-2309 De1ridaon, Bobby D. '2' W CAPITa. 11100, LITTlE ROCKAR 7220'-3733 De1ridaon, Chatlaa D. PO BOX 1300, LITTlE ROCK AR 72203-1300 De'lidaon, 00_ MeI1< PO BOX 3363, LITTlE ROCK AR 72203-3363 Oo'lidaon, Joeeph Scott PO BOX 2'35, BATESVILLE AR 72503-2'35 OoYldson, Paul L. PO BOX 525, BENTONVILLE AR n712-0525 DoYidaon, Wal. . W. PO BOX 3363, LITTlE ROCK AR 72203-3363 DoYidaon, WlIam Scott POBOX 12'2,JONESBOROAR 72403-1212 DlMI, Boyoe R. PO BOX 999, LINCOLN AR 72744-0999 DlMI, Brent 630 5 MAIN ST, JONESBORO AR 7240'-2825 DlMI, Charlel E. PO BOX 6, SPRINGDALE AR 72765-0006 DlMI, Clay Howltd 120 E .TH ST, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-2893 00~1, D. 0emII PO BOX 7l1B, BRYANT AR 72022-0798 DlMI, Dona R. 8" 5 RUOOLE RD, BLYTHEVILLE AR 723'5-4620 00~1, OenniIJ. 1221 HIGHWAY 71 5, FORT SMITH AR 72901-8467 00~1, Fred 0 .. 11I PO BOX 9'40, PINE BLUFF AR 71611-9140 De~I, Hai Wayne 122' HIGHWAY 7' 5, FORT SMITli AR 72901-8467 08.... Jeff.... 41 Sc:enk: Road. UrnE ROCK AR 122070e~1, John A. "Zan", IV 12' W CAPITa. 11890, LmLE ROCK 7220'-3738 0e~1, John D. 200 W CAPITa.. 2200, LITTlE ROCKAR 7220'·3699 Davi•• John Gary 124 W CAPITOL. '1170, UTILE ROCK 72201·3733 00~1, MIchael Ray 915 OAK ST STE 1000, CONWAY AR 72002·4371 De~I, Nefwyn L. 201 BROADWAY '400, LmLE ROCK AR 7220'·2325 00~1, Dacar E., Jr. .00 W CAPITa.. 2000, LITTLE ROCK AR 7220'-3493 0e~1, Sidney P.. Jr. PO BOX 1688, FAYETIEVILLE AR 72702-1688

376-4531 347·506' 378-0807 37'-9977 318-473'

793-8350 273-3764 318-4731 932·5321 62'-3305 932-4522 751-33" 375-9131 847-300' 762,"'9 646-a292 535-a511 ....6292 378-5487 37'-7113

37'-0808 376-3564 329-ae16 377-a285

376·2011 52'-7800

Oovla, S..ven B. Oovla, Steven R.

PO BOX 1595, HARRISON AR 72802-'595 7.,..... .705 SOMERS 1102', N. LITTlE ROCK AR 7211" 758-7000 00~1, Thomaa Marlin 212 CENTER ST FL 10, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-2429 374-'229 Dowaon,lawronoe E. 101 E BARRAQUE STE 204, Pine Bluff AR 711lO3--4361l 54'·5363 Dowson, Robon T. PO BOX 968, FORT SMITH AR 72902-0968 783-a188 Dey, I<aJharineC. 265 BROWNING OR, MONTICELLO AR 71855Oeaoon, Barry PO BOX 4057, JONESBORO AR 72.03-4057 932.Oeaoon,JohnC. po BOX 4057,JONESBOROAR 72403-4057 Ooaa>n, Rush B. 111 CENTER ST 12200, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-4429 372-oeoo oee-, Sandra A. 209 WCAPITOL • 36, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3630 378-3423 Deere, 86111 1.1. PO BOX 3683, LITTlE ROCK AR 72203-3683 376-5593 Oeininge<, Neil 401 W CAPITOL • 500, LITTlE ROCK AR 7220'-3437 372-3843 DoLor, R. G<.mer PO BOX 185, FORT SMITH AR 72902-0185 782-7294 DoL_, Mike 402 5 MAIN ST, JONESBOAO AR 72401-2963 ll32-4433 DoLung, GIfIIkj L. PO BOX 1626, FORT SMITH AR 72902·1626 782-8041 DoMera, Tona Maria PO BOX 19407', LITTlE ROCK AR 7221~71 372-2959 Deming, CIaiIomo P. 200 PEACH ST, EL DORADO AR 7'730-5890 882-l1411 Dendy,..oar- 1.1. 300 5 SPRING. '00, LITTlE ROCK AR 7220'·2420 375-9947 OenIaon, ReboccaJ. 212 CENTER ST '800, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-2437 372·1200 Oonnoa,JodI_ ONE STATE CAPITOL 1256, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201· 372-a560 Oonnia, _ J. PO BOX 7808, PINE BLUFF AR 71611-7808 534-5532 OonnialDn, Mar1t Travia 1 CREST LN, FAYETTEVUE AR 72701·1958 00n1Dn, Valerio <00 WCAPITOL "900, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201374-8535 lloppo<, Robon L..Jr. 31. E ON< ST, EL DORADOAR 71730-5834 862-4913 OoPriaaL Jamaa B. 209 W CAPITOL • 36, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3630 378-3423 Derdon, CaJhy 400 WMARKHAM ST, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-1408 324-9445 Derden, Torry Lynn PO BOX 1229, LITTlE ROCK AR 72203-1229 376-5342 Dorrick. Mar1t 1.1. 26 STONEYBROOl< LN A. 5, SEAFICY AR 72143-<l144 Oos.nont, Judl1I1 PO BOX 5100, PINE BLUFF AR 71611-5100 534-2IM1 DeSIOfano, Pe. . L., Jr. PO BOX 2000, HARRISON AR 72602-2003 7.1-11977 DeVenney, Emily RR 2 BOX 1220, HOPE AR 7'801·9602 0lMne, James D. 20' E MARKHAM. 500, LmLE ROCK 72201-1637 375-2025 Drine, Thomas B., III POBOX 312', LITTlE ROCKAR 72203-312. 377"'20 Oewill, Staoey A11aon 320 W CAPITa. 11000, LITTlE ROCK 72201-3525 886-8800 Old<ena, H. D. 2" N WASHINGTON STE 81., EL OORAOOAR 7'730-5847 862·5801 Dickeraon,Jad< W. 1401 MALVERN 1140, HOT SPRINGS AR 71901-lI300 321-1)808 Dickerlon, Paul L. PO BOX 1936, TEXARKANA TX75504-1936 773-3187 Old<ey,Jay W., Jr. PO BOX 8038, PINE BLUFF AR 71611-8038 534-6302 120 E'TH ST, LmLE ROCKAR 72201-2883 375-913' Dickey, M. Jane Dickinaon, Dena C. PO BOX 460, SILOAM SPRINGS AR 72781-0480 524-8191 Dickinson, H. T. PO BOX '06, SWEET HOME AR 72'''·0408 '90-"58 Dickinson, Walter M., Sf. 3'0' HINSON RD, LITTlE ROCK AR 72212-2713 663-9770 713 CLUB RD, SHERWOOD AR 7211.. 835-26'3 Digby, Tom F. Dil,.immy D. 122 5 MAIN ST, PINE BLUFF AR 7180104320 536-'943 Dilalulty, W. H. 10600 FINANCIAL CENTRE' 255, LITTlE ROCK 22!HlO78 Dillon, Edward B.. Jr. 320 W CAPITOL • 1000, LmLE ROCK 7220'·3522 886-8800 Dinning, W. G.. ". 500 FFIANKLIN ST, HELENA AR 72342·3208 338-858' DiPi_ John lolA. 400 W MARKHAM ST, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-1408 324-_ Dillric:h, G. Robon PO BOX 6, STUTIGART AR 72160-0006 673-4420 534-5532 Dillon, Jellrey Hanil PO BOX 7808, PINE BLUFF AR 7'6"-7806 Dillon, PIlWp E. .25 W CAPITOL' 3700, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3439 375-9151 Dillon, PIlip R. PO BOX 809, ROGERS AR n757.()8()9 636-1975 Dillon, Randal 111 5 2ND ST, DARDANELLE AR 72834-4017 ~259 llobbola, Jell PO BOX '2, MOUNTAIN VEW AR 72560-0042 ~1 Oobaon, Allen C. PO BOX 3178, LmLE ROCK AR 72203-3178 371·_ Dodge, Jom 1006 CALLAHAN OR, FKlGERS AR n756-ll526 636-6100 2'5 N WASHINGTON ,EL DORADO AR 71730-5820 882-8322 Dodoon, Don B. Dodoon,.1Idy Rudd 1105 SUMMIT ST, LITTlE ROCK AR 72205-4458 376-ll806 33 HUNTINGTON RD, LITTLE ROCK AR 72207-2322 Dodoon, Mac 7112·5400 Dodoon, Ric:llard N. PO BOX 3257, TEXARKANA TX 75504-3257 Dodoon, RobonE. POBOX 1877, TEXARKANA TX75504-1877 794-3'21 Ooerpinghaua, CharIaa J.. Jr. 507 OAK HU RD, BENTON AR 72015-3400 776-9322 Don8tue. Brendan M. 18 HONEY LOCUST CT. UTTl.E ROCK AR 72211~778I Oonalut, BrianC. 12109 STAGECOACH RD. 217, LITTlE ROCKAR 72209- Dono..", Oovid M. 101 5 SPRING ST. 300, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201· 378-298' Dono..", Franda T. 234 HAlTER BLDG, cafflAY AR 72032Donovan, Richerd T. '20 E.TH ST, LmLE ROCK AR 7220'-2893 375-913' Donovan, Robon J. PO BOX 646, MARIANNA AR 72380-G646 295-3434 Donovan, Thomaa 530' MCCLANAHAN OR STE 0-7, N. LITTlE ROCK 7S6-3336 0011, Angela Morie PO BOX 1768, FAYETTEVUE AR 72702-1768 52'-9996 001I, Oovid W"_,,,. 207 W CENTER ST, FAYETTEVILLE AR 7270'· 443-3373 lJoaaay, Jerry B. PO BOX 588, BENTONVUE AR n712.Q588 273-332. Dougan, Chat1aa R. 7509 CANTRELL RD • 232, LlTILE ROCK AR 72207- 66HOOS6 00ugher1y, Kir1<man T. PO DRAWER 968, FORT SMITH AR 72902-0968 783-a166 Dougherty, Robert P. 2300 5 46TH ST, FORT SMITH AR 72903-3523 783-2254 Dougherty, WlNiam Penn, Jr. 111 CENTER 11100, LmLE ROCK 72201-4413376-8500 00ugIaa, Larry D. PO BOX 711, SPRINGDALE AR m65-0711 751·8804 Douglasa, Wiliam F. PO BOX 720, EUREKA SPRINGS AR 72632-0720 253-535' OoYer, Don-el D. .25 W CAPITOl. 13700, LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3439 375-9'51 Dow, Marie E. 30'1 RIDGE PASS RD, LmLE ROCK AR 72207-2123 224-2880 Dowd, C. Wayne PO BOX 2631, TEXARKANA TX 75504-2631 774-5191 Dowden,JameI F. PO BOX 70, LITTLE ROCK AR 72203-0070 376-1171 Dowling. Elizabeth E. 625 MARSHAll ST.lrTn.E ROCK AR 7220101020 3nHS6SS Downing, Richard C. 40' W CAPITOL • 500, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3437 372·2066 Dralle, Marl< D. PO BOX 361, lAC GEHEE AR 71654-0381 222·3456 Dralle, Ted N. PO BOX 7808, PINE BLUFF AR 71611-7806 534-5532 Draper, Gary 1.1. PO BOX 948, CROSSEn AR 71635-0ll48 364-2111 688 N WILLOW, FAYETIEVIlLE AR 7270'·3549 443-5435 Driver, Claudia L. llrull, Jam.. H. 120 E .TH ST, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201·2883 375-9'31 Drummond, Winslow PO BOX 1401. lITTlE ROCK AR 72203-1401 378--3021


Ducken.James M. 111 CENTER ST, 1300. LITTLE ROCK AR 12201-<415372-7243 Dudeck, Reinhold F.. III '63 RODEN MILL RD, CONWAY AR 12032-9556 321-6049 Dudley, Tlroothy O. PO BOX 71, LmLE ROCK AR ~71 375-6453 Duel, Cherles Mat1hew 4011 5 DALLAS ST, FORT SMITH AR 72903-5437 648-1890 Du\e, William De~d 400 W CAPITOL' 2891, LITTLE ROCKAR 72201-3415 374-3818 Dun89ln, Devid L. PO BOX 41 , FORT SMITH AR 72902-()041 Dunaway, Edwin E. 212 CENTER ST FL 10, UTILE ROCKAR 72201-2429 374-122Sl Duncan, Karen WaUac:e PO BOX 1038, BENTON AR 72015·1038 nS-2660 Duncan. PhllllpJ. 415 N MCKINLEY ST '820, LmLE ROCK 72205-3021 664-9«() Duncan, Xoille PO BOX 1186, BENTONVILLE AR 72712-1186 271-2220 Dunham, James S. PO BOX 986, RUSSELLVILLE AR 72801-0986 968-4000 Dunlap, Chat PO BOX 54, TRUMANN AR 72472-0054 483-7116 Dunlap•..immle G. PO BOX 386, MARKED TREE AR 72365-0386 358-4060 Dunn, James M. POBOX 1626. FORT SMITH AR 72902-1626 182-6041 Dunn, WinforO l. STATE LINE PLZ STE 6 BOX 8030, TEXARKANA AR 773-5651 Dupwe, Warren E. 300 JEFFERSON • A, JONESBORO AR 72401-2751 935-5845 Durand, Steven D. 120 E 4TH ST, UTILE ROCK AR 72201-2693 375-9131 Duren. Chadd l. PO BOX 1661. WEST MEMPHIS AR 72303-1667 135-3735 0utJ0n, Vernon l. 11620 WSTONEY POINTer LmtE ROCK72211·1633223-3n. Duty, De~. PO BOX 1925, FORT SMITH AR 72902-1925 185-3889 DuVall, RobertA. 307TOWN CENTRE. BELLA VISTA AR 72714-1601 655-1579 DYe, Awana Ughrtoot PO BOX 146, AUSTIN AR 12007-0146 Dyer. Cecilie R. RT 2 BOX 518, HOT SPRINGS AR 71901Dyer. Charles B., Jr. PO BOX414, VAN BUREN AR 72956-0414 474-1221 Dyer, Janet B. 100 N 6TH ST, FORT SMITH AR 72901-2149 785-5211 Dyke, John Benton, Jr. 124 W CAPITOL' 675. LmLE ROCKAR 72201-3729 376-1555 Dymond, Johnny F. 1301 DALINE ST, SPRINGDALE AR 72764Eables, Patricia A. 2 CEDAR POINT CT, LITTLE ROCK AR 72211·3149 370-5630 Earl, John Chatte. 425 W CAPITOL' 1100, LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3439 372-8534 Easley, B. Michael PO BOX 1115, FORREST CITY AR 72335-1115 633-1447 Easley, Eddy R. POBOX 191, SHERIDAN AR 72150-0191 942-4573 East, Jack, lit 410 W 3RD ST' 200, LmLE ROCK AR 72201-2316 378-7900 Easterling, Chanes R. PO BOX 539, JONESBORO AR 72403--0539 932-4355 Easterwood, Raymond,Jt. 221 W 2ND ST' 923, LITTLE ROCK 72201-2514 372-4390 Eaton, PaulO. 1S River Ridge, lmLE ROCK AA 72207 225-6603 EbeI, Waher 1.1., 111 400 W CAPITOL' 2000. LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3407 378-2011 Echols, John C. 400 W CAPITOL' 2000, LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3493 378-2011 Eckert. William A. PO BOX 1029. MAGNOLIA AR 7175).1029 234·3550 Eckert, William A.• III 111 CENTER ST, 1200, UTILE ROCK AR 72201-4414 37tJ..nea Eddy, Charles H. POBOX 188, MORRILTON AR 7211().0188 968-4000 Eddy, Dey" L. POBOX 1106, RUSSELLVILLE AR 72801-1106 968-7300 4

Edwards, Cynthia Stricklin PO BOX 101. SCOTT AR 72142-0101


Edwards, Kenneth L., Jr. PO BOX 311, FAYETIEVILLE AR 12702-0311 Edwards, Michael R. 406 WEBSTER ST, VAN BUREN AR 72956-5138 Edwards, Robert 300 N SPRUCE, SEARCY AR 72143-7786

521-4890 474-3444 279-6212

Edwards, William H. 124 W CAPITOL .. 1200, lmlE ROCK AR 72201-3714 372-6175 Eichenbaum. E. Charles 124 WCAPITOL, 1400, lmLE ROCK 72201·3736 376--4531

Elbott. Don A. PO BOX 8946. PINE BLUFF AR 71611-8948 534-3721 Eisele, G. Thomas PO BOX 3684. LITTLE ROCK AR 72203-3684 324-5969 Eiseman. Byron 1.1.. Jr. 400 W CAPITOL • 2000, LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3493 3762011 Eisenberg, Howard B. 400 W MARKHAM ST, LmLE ROCK AR 72201-1408 324-9434 EisenJuamer, Kethryn P. PO BOX 21661, LmLE ROCK AR 72221-1661 Elane,Judith 310 ROSE ST. UTILE ROCKAR 12205-4032 662-6655 Eican. Frank C.," PO BOX 549, HARRISON AR 72602-0549 741-~ Eldredge, William A.• Jr. 400 W CAPITOL' 2000, lITnE ROCK 72201-3493 376-2011 Eldridge. John D. PO BOX 479, AUGUSTA AR 7~79 347·2521 Eldridge, John D.• III Eldridge, John Rolfe, Eaedge. Sleven W. Eaig, Michael

Elion, Don R., Jr. Elion, Jeff C. Elis, Charles E. Enis, George D. Elrod, Deniel R. Elrod, Georgia K. Elrod, John R. Elrod, John W. Elrod, W. W.,II Eiser, Kenneth P. Emerson, James D. Emerson, Michael J.

PO BOX 479, AUGUSTA AR 72006-0479 347-2521 III PO BOX 580, FAYETTEVilLE AR 72702-0580 «3-0908 PO BOX 472. BRINKLEY AR 72021.0472 734-1787 616 GARRISON STE 207. FORT SMlTH AR 729(11·2521783-7970

PO BOX 1866, FAYETIEVILLE AR 72702-1868 1710 MOORES LN, TEXARKANA TX 7SSOS-5517 PO BOX 1205. BLYTHEVILLE AR 72316-1205 PO BOX 1259. BENTON AR 72015-'259 PO BOX 460, SILOAM SPRINGS AR 72761-0460 PO BOX 460, SILOAM SPRINGS AR 72761-0460 PO BOX 460, SILOAM SPRINGS AR 72161-0460 PO BOX 346, RISON AR 71665-0346 425 W CAPITOL. 3801, LmLE ROCK AR 12201-3447 PO BOX 536, BERRYVILLE AR 72616-0536 3410 MILLBROOK, LmLE ROCK AR 72207-

442-7575 792-8246 163-2432 776-3916 524-8191 524-8191 524-8191 325-6233 376-3800 423-6669

Eubank., Gal)' L. 708 W 2ND ST. LmLE ROCK AR 72201-2227 Eubenks, Herman W. 108 W 2ND ST, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-2227 Eubanks, RoIbef1 1.1.• 11I 320 W CAPITOL 11000. LITTLE ROCK 72201-3522 Evans, Audrey R. 400 WCAPITOL' 2400. LmLE ROCK AR 12201-3411 Evans. Deanna SUe PO BOX 1912, HARRISON AR 72602-1912 Evana.HaIOIdJ. 1123SUNIVERSITY STE601.LmLEROCKAR Evan., J. H. PO BOX 1872, FORT SMITH AR 72902-1672 Evan•• James E., Jr. PO BOX 285, SPRINGDALE AR 72765-0265 Evan•• MarshaD D. 36 E CENTER ST. FAYETIEVILLE AR 72701-5301 E_en, Deborah Sextoo PO BOX 1646. FAYETIEVIlLE AR 72702-1646 Everett, John C. PO Box 1646, FAYETIEVlllE AR n702·1646 E_on, Mike 412 BROADWAY ST, MARKED TREE AR 12365-1406 Evitta, J. Loslle, III PO BOX 966. FORT SMITH AR 72902-0966 Fai~ey, U1dsey J. PO BOX 1059, WEST MEMPHIS AR 72303-1059 Farmer. D. Alec, Jr. PO BOX 1794,JONESBOROAR 72403-1794 Farmer. M. Jack 101 N SPRING ST,SEARCYAR72143-7712 Farnell, SlaCy L. PO BOX 6137, HOT SPRINGS AR 71902~137 Farrar,Clay 600WGRAND '201,HOTSPRINGSAR71901-3922 Farria, PNIJp B. PO BOX 2496, BATESVillE AR 12503-2496 Farris, Thoma. Chad PO BOX 164608, LmLE ROCK AR 72216-4&)8 Farrow, Jackson, Jr. 120 E 4TH ST, LmLE ROCK AR 12201-2893 F..~ Stenley W. 35 VAOUERIA LN, HOT SPRINGS AR 11909-3101 Faugh~ Jeff K. PO BOX 2092, RUSSELLVILLE AR 72801·2092 Faulkner, B. Kaith PO BOX 4105, FAYETIEVILLE AR 72702-4105 F...... Frenk.in Michael 120 E 4TH ST, LmLE ROCK AR 12201-2693 Feetherston, Jimmy Lee PO BOX 298, MURFREESBORO AR 71958-0298 Fe/and, William Price PO BOX 200, CABOT AR 12023-0200 Fe/too, Deniel H.. III 3 N POPLAR ST, 100, MarIanna AR 72360Fendler, Oacar PO BOX 548, BLYTHEVILLE AR 72318-0546 Fer9US. William L. PO BOX 965, OSCEOlA AR 72370-0985 Fer9uson, Gibbs 209 W OAK ST. MC GEHEE AR 71654-2223 Ferrell. Usa C. 120 E 4TH ST, LmLE ROCK AR 12201-2893 Fersll. Torn 100 MAIN ST '438, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201Fik.., Horace J.• Jt. PO BOX 5832, PINE BLUFF AR 71611-5832 Fiyew,James R. PO BOX 1117, FORT SMITH AR 72902-1117 Finan, Eugene M. 1900 MALVERN • 401, HOT SPRINGS AR 71901Finch, Jay T. RR 3 BOX 372, SPRINGDALE AR 72764-9803 Find1. Ao\r, Jr. 721 W 2ND ST, LmLE ROCKAR 72201-2281 Fino, O. Millon. II 320 WCAPITOL, 1000, LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3522 Fmk,John W. 425 WCAPITOL, 3400, LmLE ROCK AR 1220'-3439 Finley, Dale W. PO BOX 161. RUSSELLVILLE AR 72801-0761 Finley, FrOflC8S Morri. 212 CENTER ST , 201, LmLE ROCK AR 72201-2433 Finley. John C. PO BOX 405, ASHDOWN AR11822-0405 RnIey.JohnnyC.,1II PO BOX 405, ASHDOWN AR1'822-0405 Finnegan, Wlliam T. 100 S UNIVERSITY '213. LmLE ROCK AR Fittjng, Lewrence W. PO BOX 1925, FORT SMITH AR 72902-1925 Fitton, Garvin

PO BOX 249, HARRISON AR 72602-0249

FItzi>.Jgh, Bay PO BOX W, AUGUSTA AR 72006-1003 FItzi>.Jgh. J. H. PO BOX 1745, FORT SMITH AR 72902-1745 Fitzhugh, Kathryn C. 800 W CAPITOL' 224, LmLE ROCK AR 72201Flea:us, Jane. U Of ARKANSAS LAW SCHOOl.. FAYETIEVILLE AR Flemin9, Victor A. 425 W CAPITOL' 3801. LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3447 Fie......, Soon D. 111 CENTER 51 11250, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201FIowera, Stephanie A. 104 S MULBERRY ST, PINE BLUFF AR 71601-3962 Flynn, Lynn Manning PO BOX 2023, FORT SMITH AR 72902-2023 Fogleman, John A. 425 W CAPITOl_ 3601 , LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3447 Fogleman. John N. PO BOX 1666, WEST MEMPHIS AR 72303-1666 Fogleman, Julian B.

PO BOX 1666, WEST MEMPHIS AR 72303-1666

Folsom, David PO BOX 1897, TEXARKANA TX 75504·1897 Foltz. Heny A. 7128 S OS" CIRCLE. FORT SMITH AR 72903Ford, A"'f L. 301 FAIRFAX, LmLE ROCK AR 72205-4307 Ford, Den PO BOX L, ROGERS AR 12757-1580 PO BOX 373, WYNNE AR 72396-0373 F"'d. Paul N. Ford. Robert M. PO BOX 373, WYNNE AR 72396-0313 Ford. William L. PO BOX 8184, HOT SPRINGS AR 71909-0184 F",rest, Donald A. PO BOX 1638, WEST MEMPHIS AR 72303-1638 F",res~ Key West PO BOX 1638, WEST MEMPHIS AR 72303-1638 Forrester. Kenneth J. 2519 MONTREAL DR, LmLE ROCK AR 72204-3460 F",seth, Kimberly SUe PO BOX 1165, LmLE ROCK AR 72203-1165 Forster, John F., Jr.

PO BOX 3355, lITTU:· ROCK AR 72203-3355

372-0268 372-0268 688-8800 37U565 741-6515 686-2500 185-3337 751-9452 521-4300 443-0292 443-0292 358-5800 783-6188 735-1220 935-0ss0

268-3340 624-5793 ~441

793-7S56 376-6355 375-9131 922-0848 968-8600 521-3172 375-9131 265-3122 843-6591 295-5275 763-6891 563-3506 222-6660 375-9131 375-1439 536-8378 783-3399 623-6455 271-1030 378-3379 688-8861 375-1122 968-2538 376-6462 898-3147 898-3147 785-3889 741·6114

347-5991 783-1197 378-5039 575-5045 376-3800 378-8250 535-1032 782-7203 376-3800 735-1900 735-1900

n4-3206 782·0394 631-0100

238-2346 238-2348 922-0153

735-5720 376-5467 378--6461

F"'tenberl)', Sharon M. 200 W 5TH STE 316, PINE BLUFF AR 71601-4229 Foste<, Kent R. PO BOX 8082, LmLE ROCK AR 72203-8082

535-5904 317-3525

FOSler, lym 400 W MARKHAM ST, lITTlE ROCK AR 72201-1408 Foater,OrWlWayne 411 MENAST,MENAAR71953-3335 FOSler, PhillipJ. PO BOX 731, CAMDEN AR 71701·0731

324-9444 394-2947 836-2794

Emerson, Scott A.

124 WCAPlTOL, 1200.llTTLE ROCK AR 72201·3714 372·6175 PO BOX 7044, JONESBORO AR 72403-7044 972·5440

Emmons, Wayne Enfield, William H. English, Cindy M.

310 S SERVICE RD 1325, WEST MEMPHIS AR 72301- 732-5111 601 ENFIELD RD, BENTONVILLE AR 12712-5427 273-2221 10 LEFEVER LN, UTILE ROCK AR 72207-3304 371-1811

Foster, Stephen Doal< 320 W CAPITOL' 1000, LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3525 688-8800 FOSler. Vincent. Jr. 120 E 4TH 5T,lITTlE ROCK AR 72201-2893 375-9131

Engsltom. Stephen Epes. Wooten Epley. Alan D.

PO BOX 71, lmlE ROCK AR 72203-0071 375-6453 200 W CAPITOL' 1510.lmlE ROCK AR 72201-3620 376-9208 PO BOX 470, EUREKA SPRINGS AR 72632-0470 253-8732

Fowler,James M., Jr. PO BOX 3647. LITTlE ROCK AR 72203-3647 Fowl., lea Ellen 6612 BEACON ST, lmLE ROCK AR 72207-3417 Fowlkes. Whitman W. PO BOX 1050, MOUNTAIN VIEWAR 72560-1050


Epley, Lewis E., Jr. Epley. Michael G.

PO BOX 470. EUREKA SPRINGS AR 72632-0470 PO BOX 765, MAGNOLIA AR 71753-0765

Fox, Susan A. Fox. Tmothy D. France, Connie SUe Frank, Ben W.

751-7657 377-7387 253-8732 662-2179

253-8732 234-6641

Epperson. N. Marian 7925 Woodshire Drive, Mabefvale AR 72103· 562-4982 Estes, Monte Darrel 425 W CAPITOl' 3700, lmlE ROCK AR 72201·3439 375-9151 Estes, Peter G., Jr. PO BOX 3710, FAYETTEVillE AR 72702.-3710 521·4444

Estes, Robert R. PO BOX 1327. FAYETIEVILLE AR 72702-1327 Ethredge, Devid L. PO BOK 124, MOUNTAIN HOME AR 72653-0724 EIOCh, Louis Anthony 127 CHERRY ST. HELENA AR 72342-3307 Etzkorn, Denlel 0009les PO BOX 251104, LmLE ROCK AR 72225-1104

575-1163 425-8636 338-3591

100 E EMMA, SPRINGDALE AR 12764PO BOX 5751, NORTH LmLE ROCK AR 72119-5757 PO BOX 470, EUREKA SPRINGS AR 72632-0470 RR 1 BOX 20, TRASKWOOD AR 72167-9601

Frankel, Arthur G., Jr. Phillips Cly Courthouse, Helena AR 72342·

Franks, Candace A. Franks, E. Ben. Franks, James E. Frazier, Randal B.



1 Gibson Drive, LITTLE ROCK AR 72207227-0176 PO BOX 2710, TEXARKANA TX15504-2710 792·3117 PO BOX 490. PRESCOTI AR 11651-0490 887-2668 111 CENTER ST 11200, LmLE ROCK AR 12201-4414 378-1768

Frooland.ll\'ron L 320 W CAPrrOl I 1000. LrTTlE ROCK AR 72201-3525 688-8800 F r _ , MoIt<J. 2t3llAUSTil OR, FAYETTEVLLE AR 72703-2902 75&-<000 F r _ . Sheila E. 320 W CAPrrOl I 1000, LrTTlE ROCK AR 72201-3525 688-8800 Freeze, _ D. STATE LINE PLZ STE I BOX 8030, TEXARKANA AR 7n-5851 Frend1. MelInda N. POBOX 975. Me GEHEE AR 71654-0975 222·"717 French. T..... PO BOX SO. Me GEHEE AR 71154-0050 222-6598 12.. W CAprrOll 1200. LrTTLE ROCK AR 72201-3714 3n-e175 Fricke. George S. Friday. HotscIlol H. 400 W CAprrOl I 2000. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3493 376-2011 Fried_, R. B. 1000 CENTER STl2018, LrTTLE ROCK AR 72201· 612·2047 794-3921 Friedmon. DonoId B. PO BOX 2130. TEXARKANA TX 755001-2130 PO BOX 2130, TEXARKANA TX 755001-2130 794-3128 Friedmon. Errol N. Friedman, _ I A. PO BOX 2630, TEXARKANA TX 75504·2630 794-3121 Frier""" Charles, III PO BOX llOO7, JONESBORO AR n403-8007 932-8843 Froman, LeRoy 103 E ARCH ,SEARCY AR nl432611-7158 Fryxell. L _ D. 13300 ABINGER OR. LrTTlE ROCK AR m12· Fuldler. H. Clay 7 Colt SquaIe, B, FAYETTEVLLE AR 72703Fulkerwon. At>d<"" 333 W COURT ST, PARAGOl.Ul AR 50-<307 Fuller, Aeron L. 705 BAYSHORE LN. HOT SPRINGS AR 71901·92111· An_y Lyn 701 5 WALTON BLVD, BENTONVILLE AR n71.-OOOl 273...27 Fill""", R. Ray, II PO BOX lIS, FORT SlAlTH AR 72902-0185 782·n94 Fuque. Devid M. POBOX 5551. NORTH LrTTLE ROCK AR nl19-5551 3n-0110 Furr, SheNy E. C. 911 DYSON OR, SHERWCXlIl AR nl tSF.....I. RobenF. POBOX 2381. LrTTlE ROCKAR 72203-2311 3201-1035 Galct<l.,Dome M. POBOX317S,LrTTlE ROCK AR m03-3178 371·9999 GlIkhJl, Kemelh Edwarda 10719 BRAZOS VALLEY LN, LrTTlE ROCKm12- 378-7554 PO BOX ..2..., FAYETTEVILLE AR n702-42... 4«-7777 Gelman, Janel P. Gellowey. Reymond F. "17 RIGHTOR ST, HELENAAR n342·3219 338-1731 Gonvnil. Margaret Mayfield PO BOX 532. HAZEN AR 72OS4-0532 255-"583 255-..583 Gemmil. Rendall L. PO BOX 532, HAZEN AR 72064-0532 Gw, H. Zed POBOX411, VAN BUREN AR 72956-0418 ..7 _ Gan, PallO. PO BOX 418, VAN BUREN AR 72951-0411 ..7 3486 ~ •• Charles A. 200 PEACH ST, EL OORAOO AR 71730-5890 182-e411 Gordner. Chet1esJe" PO BOX 1587, BLYTHEVLlE AR n31S-1587 783-8188

n ..

Gardner,Jam•• M.

PO BOX 1587. BLYTHEVIllE AR 72316-1587


Gordnef, Judilh Mangum 911 COMMERCE ST 110, LITTLE ROCKn202-3984 188-1510 Gerdnef. KeJIioen D. PO BOX 751. LrTTlE ROCK AR 72203-<1751 377·...58 Gerdnef, Price C. 400 W CAPrrOl 12000. LrTTlE ROCK AR 72201-3407 378-2011 Gerdnef, RICherd E. PO BOX 2892, RUSSELLVLLE AR 72801·2207 968-5333 Gordner, SIlIphen C. PO BOX 811, RUSSELLVLLE AR n801-G8ll8 968-5333 PO BOX 12... CORNING AR 72<22-012" 157·3711 GerIand, Gory D. Garner. Chart.. R. 28S CENTRAL MALL. FORT SMrTH AR n9Q3·2034 "52·2351 782-7203 Garner. Chart.. R.. Jf. PO BOX 2023, FORT SMrrH AR n902-2023 Garner. Hershel H. 733 CANTERBURY RD, FAYETTEVILlE ARn701·21513S1·222.. GametI, Bruce T. 226 v.oooBINE ST. HOT SPRINGS AR 71901·5121 82....5404 Gamell. John Down"'9 323 CENTER ST I 17SO, LrTTlE ROCK 72201·2825 3n-eooo Gamen. Karen Jay 2OOWCAprrOl I 2200, LrTTlE ROCK AR 72201'l627 371-010I Ganen, Dean A. 5000 ROGERS STE 5000, FORT SMrTH AR 729CXl-2071 "52-0100 Garren, Glll}' J. '20 E <TH ST, LrTTLE ROCK AR mOl·2893 378-1300 Garren, Leny W. PO BOX 978, BENTONVILLE AR 72712-0978 27307... Garren, Walker Dale PO BOX 1768, FAYETTEVLLE AR 72702·1781 521·_ Garrison, Deb<a W. 405 N HUGHES ST, LrTTlE ROCK AR 72205-284. 375-31157 GMIn. E _ V PO BOX 1571, FAYETTEVLLE AR n702·1571 521·7334 Gory,Jomeo M. 120 E ..TH ST, LrTTlE ROCKAR 72201·2893 375-9131 GuIOn. CoIeneMarshell 1410 W RIOGEWAY, FAYETTEVLlE AR n701· Gates, Alan 320 W CAPITOL. 1000. lITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3525 688-8800 Gates, Virginia R. PO BOX 17••, FAYETTEVILLE AR 72702·17« «2·8882 Galhrigh, Emmene POBOX 821, EL DORADO AR 71731-0828 182-8212 Gathrighl, M. Mooell PO BOX 5268, PINE BLUFF AR 71.11·5268 538-8440 GallI•• TotmlY Bruuell323CENTER ST 1750, LrTTLE ROCKAR 72201·26'5 682·3170 Gauicin. C. Alan 2600 5 THC».!PSON. SPRINGDALE AR 758-8811 Gay, Dome L. 625 MARSHALL ST. LrTTlE ROCK AR 72201·'020 376-ll855 Gsy. KaIheti"leC. PO BOX 818. FAYETTEVUE AR 72702-oB18 521·5510 Gay, Thomas S. 2100 S SPRING ST, LITTLE ROCK AR 72206-1567 378-7807 Gazzola, Jerri 1125 N 34TH ST, FORT SMtTH AR 72904-6n5 452-8817 Gean. ()av;d Alton. III 831 S MOUNT OUVE ST, SilOAM SPRINGS n761· 524-5581 Geer1. Devid Chet1es 52< GARRISON 1500. FORT SMrrH AR n901·2519 763-112..



52. GARRlSON • 500, FORT SMITH AR 7N01-2519

Goon, Roy,ok. 52.. GARRISON 1500, FORT SMrrH AR n901·2519 Gean, Roy R.. III 52" GARRISON 1500, FORT SMrTHAR n901-25'9 Gean, Thome.C. 52" GARRISON 1500, FORT SMrrH AR n901·2519 120 E 4TH ST, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201·2893 Gearhert. Je"rey J. Gearhen. Van A. PO BOX 370, MOUNTAIN HOME AR no53-037O G . , Stephen A. PO BOX 193. ROGERS AR 72757-0193 107 E 7TH ST 11048. LrTTLE ROCKAR n20HSOl Geisrer,J. F. Gelzlne, JosephW. 320 WCAprrOl 11000, LrTTlE ROCK AR 72201-3525 1801 FOREST HLlS BLVD, BElLA VISTA 72714·2399 George, Anne G. POBOX «7, BENTONVILLE AR 72712-0«7 George. DeVld Gibbons, Devid L. PO BOX 2092. RUSSELLVILLE AR 72801-2202 Gibbons, H. Thomas "25 WCAPrrOl I 3300. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3439 Gibson, Anna H. 200 W CAprrOl I 2200. LrTTLE ROCK AR 72201-3899 Gilson. ColVIn R. 3900 MCCAIN PARK OR APT 125, N. LrTTlE ROCK Gibson. Charles 5 PO BOX 510, OERMOTI AR 71636-0510 Gibson, Gin, III PO BOX 447, MONTtCELLO AR 71655-0«7 Gibson.l. D. PO BOX '.5, TRUMANN AR n-Ol85 Gibson, M. Keith ,ooog FOXBORO RD. FORT SMITH AR 72903·1327 Gibson, Marcie E 1710 S SPRING ST,UTILE ROCK AR '72206-1.50 Gibson. M<:haell. PO BOX 688. OSCEQA AR n37o-<l686 Gibson,PamelaBryan 1123SUNIVERSrTY STE801.LrTTlE ROCKAR Gibson, R. Bynum, Jf. PO BOX <99. OERMOTI AR 711l36-o499

n ..


763-112.. 783-112< 783-112" 377-03..2 <25-2198 636-1057 374-8212 S68-6800 155-8151 2732417 988-6800 378-9241 371-010I 585-7000 538-3268 367·2438 463-5822 674-2211

682-2345 583-3700 688-2500 538-5900

Gillon. Robert B.• Sr. PO BOX "99. OERM:)TI AR 711l36-o499 538-5110O Giboon, Som E. PO BOX 211, BENTON AR nol5-0211 778-7..71 Gibert, Mer1ln G. 702 SW ITH ST, BENTONVLLE AR n71ll-0001 2734000 Gibert, Mainde R. ONE RIVERFRONT PL 1750, NORTH LrTTlE ROCK AR 37&-00' 8 Giber1lOn, SheI'ry Marie 2000 WEDINGTON DR. FAYETTEVILlE n701·163t 521-6«S GlbrOllh. DerieI W. PO BOX 2023. FORT SMITH AR 72902·2023 7S2.n03 GibrOllh, E. C. PO BOX 2023. FORT SMITH AR 72902·2023 7S2.n03 Giel. Gregory Ron PO BOX 2831. TEXARKANA TX 75504-2831 n4-5191 Gigr. JaIT* A. RR 2 BOX 81. MOUNTAINBURG AR 72941-9505 368-4294 Gikef, Joseph F. RR 2 BOX II. MOUNTANlURG AR 72941-9505 368-4294 Gikef, Paul A. RR 2 BOX 81. MOUNTAINBURG AR 72941-9505 319-4294 Gil, Brooks A. PO BOX 805, DUMAS AR 7183ll-Q6OS 382·"981 Gil, John P. <25 WCAPrTOl I 380', LrTTLE ROCK AR 72201-3447 378-3llOO Gil, Marion S. PO BOX 605. DUMAS AR 71ll39-oS05 382-4981 nol SEOUOYAH, NORTH LrTTlE ROCK AR nIl&_,122 GIIIert. Ron G...". WiI.."C. 112 W 2ND ST. MALVERN AR n'04-3708 332·5081 Gjieon. Devid F.. ok. PO BOX _.lAKE VLlAGE AR 7'853-OllIlI 215-2235 Gipaaid<. _ P. 312-8 JEFFERSON • JONESBORO AR n401·2751 935-I!iOS Gingerich, Jame. D. 825 MARSHALL ST, LrTTlE ROCK AR 72201·'020 378-eS55 G;ro;r, Charles J.• Jf. 111 CENTER ST I 1900. LrTTLE ROCK AR n201· 372·3000 Gi1r::heI, W. Dent 400 W MARKHAM ST, LrTTLE ROCK AR 72201·1408 324-9437 GMIman.1Aonon U OF ARKANSAS LAW SCHOOl, FAYETTEVLLE AR 575-2708 GJUfh, Palil. 101 N 10TH ST APT E. FORT SMITH AR 72901·2783 785-4140 G'-", An 300 5 SPRING ST "004. LrTTlE ROCK n201·2"26 378-34tl G'-", Nande IAcheIe 132 SHAMROCK. CIJIfflAY AR 72032· GIedW1l1. _ J . PO BOX 688, PRAIRIE GROVE AR 72753-0668 848-2185 200 WCAprrOl I 2200, LrTTLE ROCK AR 72201-3899 371-QllQll GIaagow, Roger A. Glaze, Sharron P. PO BOX 513, CAVE crrv AR 72521-0513 213-5195 Glaze, Thomas A. 825 MARSHAlL ST. LrTTlE ROCK AR 72201-1020 182-eB70 Glover, D. D. PO BOX 518, MALVERN AR nl04-05'8 332·2788 Glover, DeVld II. PO BOX <54, MALVERN AR nl04-0454 337·ll537 Glover, Don E. PO BOX 219, OERMOTT AR 711l3l1-o219 538-9071 Glover, James J. 200 W CAprrOl I 2200. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3899 371-QllQll GIo_, W~lIem D. 1753 TRENTON ST. FORREST crrv AR n335-1925 633-3112 Glover. Wiliom H. 1111 CIRCLE OR, MALVERN AR nl~7 332-33115 ~,Cher1eol. PO BOX 568. BENTONVLLE AR 72712-0568 273332.. Godlrey.Kim 8100 CANTRELL RDI 101. LrTTlE ROCK 72207-es02 182-<1630 GodwIn. II. R. RR 2 BOX "94. HEBER SPRINGS AR 72SI3-9S77 Golf, Merie E. 301 IlOUSmlAl BLVD, CIJIfflAY AR no32·7188 450-142" 534-2514 Goldberger. CharteI S. PO BOX 5815. PINE BLUFF AR 71111·5815 Goldie, Jem.. E. PO BOX 1595, HARRISON AR 72802·1595 7.......... Goldman, Jo-Am L 500 BROADWAY ST 1201. LITTLE ROCK 72201·3339 378-7357 GoIdmon, v.lliem DeVld PO BOX ,_, HOT SPRINGS AR 71902-1440 321·1931 Goldner. CharIee W.. Jf. 400W MARKHAM ST.LrTTlE ROCK 72201·1408 32....9437 GoIdIlhol, Scol P. 12.. WCAPrTOl 1175. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-37211 378-1555 GoodIng, Jock Walter PO BOX 23. TEXARKANA AR 75504-0023 77....7525 GoodIng, v.lloam C_ 3702 MAPLECREST ST. TEXARKANA TX 75503·1419 _3121 Goodloe, AlberIT., II 625 MARSHALL ST. LrTTLE ROCK AR 72201·1020 182·3930 Goodman, Ron L PO BOX 2713, LrTTLE ROCK AR 72203-2713 375-1151 Goodner, DoneId S. PO BOX 587, WALDRON AR 72958-0587 137·3268 GoodrIch. v.lliem R. 2514 SHENANDOAH VALLEY OR, LITTLE ROCK AR 225-4210 Goodeon. Devid R. PO BOX 842. PARAGOULD AR n45H,lloI2 238-2151 Goodson, John C. PO BOX 611, TEXARKANA TX 75504-0616 772-4113 Goodson,John W. 611 PECAN, TEXARKANAAR 15504m"113 GoodWin, Perry C., ok. PO BOX 31, LITTlE ROCK AR 72203.Q031 224-«00 Goodwin, Rendell D. PO BOX 192., TEXARKANA TX 75504-1926 794-3341 Goodwin. Rey A. PO BOX no, PARAGOULD AR n"51-ono 238-2225 Gotdon, Edward Alen PO BOX 558, MORRIlTOO AR nllO-o551 354-0125 Gordon. Ne1hen G. POBOX 558, MORRLTON AR n11l).()558 354-0125 Goo•• Kathy W. PO BOX ...... LONOKE AR ~I 878-6522 P,trickJomeo 200 WCAPrTOl I 2200, LrTTlE ROCK AR 72201-3899 371-QllQll Gott._ R. 3OOJEFFERSON ,JONESBOROAR72401·2751 9n·5878 Gould, Kenneth 400 W MARKHAM ST, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201·1408 324·9437 Gould, Philip D. 715 CHESTNUT ST. CIJIfflAY AR 72032· 338-0980 Goz" Ralph C. PO BOX 8«, CAMDEN AR 71701-01« 836-9585 Graci, D8vtd A. 410 W 300 ST. 200, ROCK AR 72201·2318 378-7900 GI'84». ~ lee..... POBOX 251765. LITTlE ROCK AR 72225-17'118 372-3000 Greddy.larry E. PO BOX 198. CONWAY AR no32-Q898 327-0220 Grahem. E. [)jane PO BOX 5420, LrTTlE ROCK AR ml5-542O 221·7100 Gre_. Jeffrey M. 323 CENTER ST 11295, LrTTLE ROCK AR 72201·2820 378-3275 Gre_. Stephen M. PO BOX 208. BERRYVILlE AR 7261.-0208 "23-1855 Greming, J. DougIu PO BOX 3710. FAYETTEVLLE AR 72702-3710 52' ......... Gren, RidlOId A. 1922 W 2ND ST. LrTTlE ROCK AR 72205-4404 3n-eB52 Gruby. _ 1819 N FLlMORE ST, LITTLE ROCK AR 72207-4404 114-40OoI Greurnen, Edward PO BOX In, HELENA AR n342-0672 338-7777 Gra..... Abert, ..... PO BOX 458, HOPE AR 71 eol~ m-2391 Greve., Albert. Sr. PO BOX 458, HOPE AR 71801-0458 777·2391 PO BOX 922, NASHVILLE AR 71152-0922 845-5251 Greve•• Daniel H. Greve•• Dewn Buder 4407 KENYON OR. LrTTlE ROCK AR 72205-2014 378-_ Gre_. Jame. C. PO BOX 922. NASHVLLE AR 71852-0922 845-5258 135 JEFFERSON SW, CAMDEN AR 71701-3945 836-9t63 Grave•• John II. Greves. John _ PO BOX458, HOPE AR 7'801-0458 777·2391 Gra\IU, Kalhtyn 200 WCAPfTOl. 22OO,LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3898 371..()8()8 Gre""s-Banel. Alloon 2401 WENTWOOll VLY OR 1104. LrTTLE ROCK n212· • Grey, Alice 5, 800 W MARKHAM ST. LrTTLE ROCK AR 72201·1331 371·..543 Grey, Dottie M. 531 E MAPLE ST IC, FAYETTEVLLE AR n701-3518 Greyson. Keolh L 20' Oo\K LN I B, LrTTlE ROCK AR n205-4508 GI8en.Gory J. 98 ARIAS WAY. HOT SPRINGS AR 71908GI8en.Gery L. S2ll WBROADWAY STI3OO, NORTH LITTLE ROCK AR 378-1500



G,_, J. W.• Jr. Green. K. Michael Gr_.1Aaty E. Green, O. Jerome Green, Th..... H. Green, WlWam W. Gr_baum. David Greenberg, Karin S. Greene, Omar F.. II G_, JoIw1 B.. III G_, John C. Gregory, Gena AM G,tgOly. H. Watt. III GrtgOly. Johnny GrtgOly. Joseph W. Gnder, Muney l. Gnffen. Wendelilo

PO BOX 680, STUTTGART AR 721110·0080 16110 JOANWOOl) LN, LITTlE ROCK AR 7221 (1.2942 21 W MOONTAIN STI305. FAYETIEVUE 72701-6068 .25 WCAPITOl' 3801, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3«7 PO BOX 766. WEST MEMPHIS AR 72:lO:Hl766 809 W GRAND. HOT SPRINGS AR 71913-3528 625 MARSHAll ST,UTILE ROCK AR 72201·1020 719 BROOKSIDE DRt15, LITTlE ROCK 72205-1656 1017 N PAlM ST. LITTlE ROCKAR 72205-1950 PO BOX 1928, TEXARKANA TX 75504-1928 PO BOX 2496, BATESVLLE AR n503-2496 tOt S SPRING ST.:lOO, ROCK AR 12201·2428 111 CENTER ST 11900, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201· PO BOX 1306, BENTON AR 72015-1306 333 EXEClITlVE CT. LITTlE ROCK AR 72205-4548 PO BOX 249. POCAHONTAS AR 72.5S-02.9 200 W CAPITOl. 2200. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3699



Hannah. Jamft R.

Courthouse, SEARCY AR 72143-



Hennah. R. Craig 120 E 4TH ST. LITTlE ROCKAR 72201·2693 _.Oemis R. 400 W MARKHAM ST.lITIlE ROCK AR 72201-1408 Hensen, Mildred Haverd 111 CENTER STl12OO,LITTlE ROCK 72201-4414 Henshew.l.enoe l. PO BOX 219, LONOKE AR 72086-02'9

375-9131 3201-9445

521-141' 37!Hl00 735-5500 624·5413 682·3930 682·2694

370-56n 794-3341 N3-7556 31&-2981 372-3000 376-1402 223-417. 692·2521 371-G808

Gnffin. Joe E. 412 UUREl ST • 208. TEXARKANA AR 75502-5235 n4-2111 Gnffin, Todd Landef. 1301 FLORIDA ST.lrTTlE ROCK AR 7?207-600] Grillin. Wiiem M.. III 400 W CAPITOl. 2OOO,LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3493 376-2011 Grilfilh. Charlee Nonnen RT I BOX 338, WINSlOW AR 72959Griggs. Ronald l. <31 N WASHINGTON. EL DORADOAR 71730-5615 862-5167 Grines, AM B. 2'21 N JACKSON ST,LmLE ROCK AR 72207-3715 661-1747 Grrnes, lonnlel. AT 3 BOX 114, SHERIOON AR 12150Grisa>m, Mel)' S. ONE CAPITOl MAll' 315.lITIlE ROCK AR 72201- 682·1937 Grisham, Audrienne PO BOX 190268, LITTlE ROCK AR 72219-0268 3701-7400 Grobmyer, Melt< W. POBOX70,LITTlE ROCK AR 72203-0070 376-1171 PO BOX 2086. NORTH LITTlE ROCKAR 72115-2086 756-653S Groce, Paul D. Grooms, TlmoIhy W. 111 CENTER ST. 2200. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-4429 372-oaoo Grosedos, Gene G. RT 3 BOX 170, BENTONVLLE AR 72712273-1866 PO BOX 68, LmLE ROCK AR 72203-0068 Gross, Robert l. Grubbs, W. K. PO BOX 687, EUDORA AR 71640-0667 35S-4457 Gruber, Rite W. PO BOX 5312, NORTH LmLE ROCK AR 72119-5312 375-5061 POBOX 5312, NORTH LmLE ROCK AR 72119-5312 375-5061 Gruber. Weyne Grundfe... Stacy VanAusdall 722 N ASH, lITTlE ROCK AR 72205Gsdlwend, H. Charles, Jr. 400 W CAPITOl. 2000, LITTlE ROCK 72201-3493 376-2011 GlJ"Ideflon. Slewn Duane PO BOX 1000. FAYElTEVI..LE AR 72702·1000 G......r• ..James H. t Jr. PO BOX 621. HOPE AR 71801-0&21

Guntet. Joe T. Gooter, Russell A. Gunter. Susan Gunlharp, Shirley E. Gun;, David K. Guhie, David F. Glollman. Rafael Hauer, James Cash

521·'411 777-4544

RR 2 BOX 362. AUSTIN AR 72007· 843-7191 PO 80X 3178, LmlE ROCKAR 72203-3178 371·GGGG 320 W CAPITOL' 1000. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3525 688-8800 912 W 41h,LmLE ROCK AR 72201· 376-6<44 PO BOX 5100, PINE BLUFF AR 71611·5100 5301-2941 31. E OAK ST, El DORADO AR 71730-5634 682-4913 U OF ARKANSAS LAW SCHCXll. FAYETIEVIlLE AR 575-3350 PO BOX 5049, BARLING AR 72923-0549 452-5693 Hadden, Charle. A. PO BOX 1411. UTIlE ROCK AR 122()3..1411 371-6101 Haddod<, James W. PO BOX 151. LAKE VilLAGE AR 71853-0'51 265-3833 Hagler.J. Eric 323 CENTER ST. 750, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201·2615 682-3670 Habrool<, William Marcus 1401 MELLON ST, LmLE ROCK AR 72207-6149 866-5627 Hale, Eugene B.• .k. PO BOX 5, PRESCOTI AR 71857·0005 887·5634 Hale, James C.• Jr. PO BOX 1666. WEST MEMPHIS AR 72303-1666 735-1900 Hale,James Cecil, III 310 MIDCONTINENT.325, WEST MEMPHIS AR 72303-732-llO69 Hale. Michael E. 124 W CAPITOll12OO,LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3714 372-6175 Hale, Rite R. 206 BEACHVEW CIR. HOT SPRINGS AR 71913-9600 525-1933 Haley, JoIw1 H. PO BOX 7O,LmLE ROCK AR 72203-0070 376-1171 Haley, John T.. Jr. POBOX 191, WARREN AR 71671-oUl1 22&-2681 Haley, Violet Lowry 3207 ALBERT PIKE APT 234. HOT SPRINGS 71913-4536 Hal, ArthurJ. PO BOX 193052, LITTLE ROCK AR 7221~3052 4$S-.w..5 Han, Calvin J. 400 W CAPITOL. 2000, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3493 376-2011 Hal, James L., Jr. PO BOX 10492, PINE BLUFF AR 71613-1492 536-0600 HaI. ..btln Wesley. ok. S23 W 3RD ST, UTll...E ROCK AR 72201·23Oi 371·0131 Hal. O. WendeI,.k. POBOX 1366, BENTON AR 72015-1311 n6-2059 HaJ. Pal 6<70 SOlITHFELD RD. El DORADOAR 71730-9807 863-08n Hal, Randel Irwin PO BOX 5551, NORTH LITTlE ROCKAR 72119-5551 372-0110 Hal, Robert H.• .k. PO BOX <83, CORNING AR 72422-0483 857-6761 2801 S UNIVERSITY ,LmLE ROCK AR 722001569-3027 Halpern. Gerard Hals.y, Barbara Ann 630 S MAIN ST, JONESBORO AR 7240'-2825 972·9999 Hat , MatI< K. POBOX 5551, NORTH LmLE ROCKAR 72119-555' 372-0110 Hat , M~'on F. 72'6 PONTIAC DR. NORTH LITTlE ROCK AR 72"6-4322 . Hallom, Bren. MIlleR COUNTY COURTHOUSE' 6. TEXARKANA TX n4-'SOO Hamby, Amy '6 COUNTRY WOOO, CABOT AR 72023221 E CAPITOlHH Fl,LITTlE ROCK AR 72202·2412 688-1403 Hamil"". Don F. Hamilon.llonis B_ PO BOX 726, PARAGOlLD AR 72'51-0726 239-2225 Hamil"", Herman 1..Jr. PO BOX71, HAMBURG AR 71646-0071 853-5461 Hamillon, Jame. A. PO DRAWER A, CROSSETT AR 7163$-1801 :J64..2213 Hamilton, Jeanette Lynn 323 CENTER STI2OO, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-2610682-2007 Hamillon, Jim 2115 MAIN ST, NORTH UTIlE ROCK AR n114-2867 758-6262 Hanihon, W. P. 425 W CAPITOl' 1500, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201--3439 31S-182O Harlin, Fnri S. 12< W CAPITOl. 1400. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3736 376-4531 Hanm. Nancy lDUse PO BOX 3213, FAYETIEVIllE AR 72702-3213 443-3500 Hanner. Ralph 212 CENTER ST STE SOO,LITTlE ROCK 72201·2<36 375-5545 Hampron. Cur1is T. 137" SCARlET OAK DR, LITTlE ROCK 72211-313< 221·9990 Hamp"". Elizabeth SiMa'te 13711 SCARlET OAK DR. LITTlE ROCK 722" 221·9990 Hamp"", James E. POBOX 1235, MARVELL AR 72366-1235 629-3726 Hance, C. Eric POBOX 4175. BATESVILLE AR 125()3.4175 1i3-7083 Hance, Jeffrey E. PO BOX4175. BATESVIllE AR n503-4175 793-7083 Han<ins, Swart W_ PO BOX 5670. NORTH LmLE ROCKAR 72119-5670 371·9226 Herb, Charles E. PO BOX 1027. FAYETIEVIllE AR 72702-1027 442-3076


676-313' _ . Everett E. 315 N 2NDST, BlYTHEVIllEAR 72315-2809 763-9090 Harberg, Sorah H. 323 CENTER ST. 2OO,LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-2610 682·2007 Hettlour, Melt< S. 1201 LINDA LN, CABOT AR 72023-3922 988-762' 1<12 CENTER ST,LITTlE ROCK AR 72202· Hardage, A. Carter 374-1387 Hardcastle, C. J. 212 N MAIN ST, BENTONVIlle AR 72712·5335 273-7600 Hardegree. Joe H. 507 HICKORY • MENA AR 71953-304< 394-4262 PO BOX 751.LmLE ROCK AR 72203-075' 3n-4863 Harde<, Chetles J. Hardin. G. Robert <10 W 3RD ST. 200. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201·2316 376-7900 Hardin, JoIw1 T. 120 E 4TH ST,LITTlE ROCKAR 72201·2693 376-6300 Hardln.Lulher B. PO BOX 1064, RUSSELLVIlle AR 72801-1064 968-1428 Hardin, P. H. PO BOX 968. FORT SMITH AR 72902-0968 783-6188 794-2713 625 SONNEN SHINE BlVD. BENTON AR 72015Hardin. Robert N. PO BOX _ . RUSSELLVLLE AR 72801-0866 Hardin. Robert W. 968-239< PO BOX 397. CORNING AR 72422-0397 Hardin. Sf8phen l. 8S7-ll370 Hardwicke, _ d S.PO BOX 1097. BENTONVIllE AR 72712·1097 273-0322 Hargis, Devid M. 809 W 2ND ST,LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-2147 375-0200 Hargraves.OImonH. POBOX 106'. FORREST CITY AR 72335-1061 633-1675 321 ....,18 Hargra.... Robert S. PO BOX 519. HOT SPRINGS AR 71902-0519 Harkey, J. Adem 1684 BYERS ST, BATESVIlle AR 72501696-1960 Harkey. John N. PO BOX 2535, BATESVillE AR n503-2535 793-6818 Harten. Bruce PO BOX 627, BlYTHEVIllE AR 72316-0627 763-7073 Harmon, Melva 111 CENTER ST "_,LITTlE ROCK AR 72201· Harmon. Midleel E. 415 OUACHITA ,HOT SPRINGS AR 71901-5130 321-1982 Harmon. Ther... L 622 N MEUON, LITTlE ROCK AR 72205Hamed. W. Price PO BOX 321, MOUNTAIN HOME AR 72653-0321 425-2345 Harp, David K. PO BOX 998, FORT SMITH AR 72902_ Harper, Ennest H.. .k. PO BOX 5551, NORTH LITTlE ROCK AR 72119-5551 372-0110 Harper, Jeff C. PO BOX 1208, SPRINGDAlE AR 72765-1206 756-5900 Harper, Kenneth A.

100 N MAIN, MONTICEllO AR 71655-


Harper, R. VIClOr Harper, Terry D. Harper, Tom. Jr.

711 S LINCOlN STE 5. STAR CITY AR 71667-1002 PO BOX 629. FAYETIEVIllE AR 72702-oa29 PO BOX 10205, FORT SMITH AR 72917-Q205

521·7900 762·1001

HwreI. Alan D. PO BOX 5517, TEXARKANA TX 75505-5517 Harrel. Searcy W.. Jr. PO BOX K. CAMOENAR 71701-0390



636-m5 Hen-elsort, F. DeneI PO BOX 8509, PINE BLUFF AR 71611-8509 535-9000 n4·5191 Harrelsort, F. G., Jr. PO BOX 2631, TEXARKANA TX 75504-2631 Harrelsort, Tammare Ranl<Jn 200 W CAPITOlI2200, LmLE ROCK72201·3627 371-G808 223-3158 Harrli. Raymond A. PO BOX 21096, UTILE ROCK AR 72221-1098 HarrIman, Moml H.. Jr. 522 MAIN ST, VAN BUREN AR 72956-5110 .7.-1701 Harmglon, _ Ann PO BOX 687, SPRINGDAlE AR 72765-0687 751-6<64 Hwns, C. Wayne PO BOX 1626, FORT SMITH AR 72902·1626 762-804' Hwns, E,-", S. PO BOX - " . PINE BlUFF AR 71611'-' 541·5381 Hwns, James E. 400 W CAPlT0lI2OOO, LITTlE ROCK AR 7220'·3493 376-2011 Harns, James l. 120 E 4TH ST. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-2693 375-9131 Hanris, JoIw1 C. 500 W MAIN. 110, RUSSEUVIllE AR 72801· 968-3009 Harris, John David 323 CENTER ST. 200, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-2610 682·2007 Harris. On>n PO BOX 1733, EL DORADO AR 71731·1733 862-1303 Hams, Pet PO BOX 1229,LmLE ROCK AR 72203-1229 3201-5342 HarrIs. Terri L 42. OUACHITA. HOT SPRINGS AR 71901-5129 823-3566 Hamson, David M. PO BOX 21n.LITTlE ROCK AR 72203-21n 661_ Harrison. Eleen Woods 625 MARSHAlL ST,LmLE ROCK AR 72201-1020 682-3930 Hamson, Fred H. 212 CENTER ST FL 10, LITTLE ROCK AR 12201·20429 374-1229 Harrison, Hugh W.. .k. 512 JEFFERSON ,JONESBORO AR 72401·2759 932·8115 Harrison, Paul E. PO BOX 1401, LITTlE ROCK AR 72203-1401 376-3021 Hamson, Roneid D. PO BOX 185, FORT SMITH AR 72902-0185 782-7294 PO BOX 1728, FAYETIEVIUE AR 72702-1726 ....-....4 Hamson, Scott P. Herrod. Deve Wisdom 307 W SPRING ST. HEBER SPRINGS AR 72543-3003 382-6255 Herrod. Devid Warner PO BOX 310, HAMBURG AR 7'6<6-0310 853-5236 Herrod. S. RaId, Jr_ PO BOX 310, HAMBURG AR 71646-0310 853-5227 Hart, Demaris A. STATE LINE PlZ STE 6 BOX 8030. TEXARKANA AR n3-5651 Hart, J. Fred, Jr. 807 N POlK.LmLE ROCK AR 72205Hart, Josephine l. PO BOX 2496, BATESVIUE AR n503-2.96 793-7556 Hart, Robert l.• .k. PO BOX 7009, PINE BLUFF AR 71611-7009 541-1104 Hartje. Geotge F., Jr. PO BOX 1670, (X)NWAV AR 72032·1670 329-5909 PO BOX 5551, NORTH LITTlE ROCK AR 72119-5551 372-0110 Her1Ie, MIchael E. Hertslield,Lany J. 12. WCAPITOlI1620,LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3744 375-8500 Hervey, Raymon B. 901 CEDAR ROOE DR. LITTlE ROCK AR 72211-3123 682·6952 Harwell, Chertes L PO BOX 1400, SPRINGDAlE AR 72765-1400 751·5222 Hashem. Han! W. PO BOX 447, MQl(TICELLO AR 7165S-0447 367·2<38 Haskins, John T. PO BOX 8028, LITTlE ROCK AR 72203-8028 221·1888 Hedield, Richard F. 0101 WCAPITOl. 502. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3<37 37'·9010 Hathaway. James E., III 111 CENTER ST. 2200. UTTLE ROCK 72201·.429 3n-oeoo Hathaway. Koren Wadley ONE STATE CAPITOl STE 315, LITTlE ROCK AR 682·1937 Haught, William O. 111 CENTER ST "400, UTll.E ROCK AR 72201· 375-5257 _ ..... Hany F. 112 EAGlE CREST DR, ROGERS AR 72756-7703 925-3933 Havner. Kyle W. RT 3 BOX 85 A, SHERIDAN AR 7215(1. Hawk, Boyoe E. 320 WCAPlTOl. 1000, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3525 688-8800 783-5125 Hawkins, Cllwde S.. Jr. PO BOX 152', FORT SMITH AR 72902-'52' Hawthorne, Gordon W. 5113 CRESlWO<Xl DR, LITTlE ROCK AR 72207·5401 227·2018 Hayden, Donne M. 112 S EAST AVENUE, FAYETIEVILLE AR 72701-8040 521-7000 Heyes,l. Cody PO BOX 1626, FORT SMITH AR 72902·1626 782·6041 Hey.., Melt< R. 2120 S SPRING ST.LmLE ROCK AR 72206-1567 376-7585 Heyes, W.iam lany PO BOX 404. WALNlIT RIOGE AR 72476-0404 886-9797 Heynes,lIoyd R. 6910W32Nll ST. LmLE ROCKAR ~711 562·2'94

224-5551 He~. Floyd A. PO BOX 24487.Lrm.E ROCK AR 72221 ....7 lI64-648ll Heemaberger. Ca1a Wilson 1240 W OAK. EL DORADO AR 717301147-<18SO HelSley. David PlIlJ 2201 CARYWOOD DR. BRYANT AR 72022·2401 Hellley. SanIh J. 724 N JACKSON. LITTlE ROCK AR 72205Hegrnann. Wiliam P. PO BOX 2048. TEXARKANA TX 75504-2048 653-71 11 HelIlor. Po..- B. 124 WCAlPIT0l."4OO.LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3738 376-4531 Held. Margaret MeeI<a 400 W CAPITOl. , 1700.Lrm.E ROCKAR 72201·3435 372·3363 Heier. ChrialDpher 400 W CAPITOl.' 2000. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3493 378-201 I Helma. A.Leon. Jr. 21 Colony Roed.Lrm.E ROCK AR 72207227·4952 Hendereon. Am 2024 ARKANSAS VLY DR I406.LmLE ROCK 72212- 225-7100 E. DeMott PO BOX 5551. NORTH LmLE ROCK AR 72119-5551 372-0110 Hendereon.JameaA. 1112 SOUTHERlAND .MENAAR71953-2941 394-1407 I Ieud.. 801, Vincent C .• II 5118 CANTREll RD. LITTlE ROCKAR 72207-4602 663-5485 RR 5 BOX 31. GRAVETTE AR 72736-9401 7ll7-6411 Hendren. GayIeJ. PO BOX 589. BENTONVUE AR 72712-0589 273-nl1 Hendren.J. L Hendrix. Phylis M. 2175 HOlMES RD. SEARCY AR 72143279-2026 Hendry. Philip Merlin PO BOX 2332. LITTlE ROCK AR 72203·2332 Henley. J. Smtih 200 F_eI Buiding. HARRISON AR 72601· 2917 WARE ST. LmLE ROCK AR 72204Henn. CeroIyn ~. 2465 COMMON DR. FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703-3568 Henry. Ann R. Henry. Cliffold J. POBOX 1107. CCHl/AY AR 72032·1107 329-5823 406 TEXAS BlVD. TEXARKANA TX 75S01·5538 794-2561 Henry. Crai9 L PO BOX 680. STUTTGART AR 72180-0680 673-1673 Henry. David G. 2224 COTTONDALE lNt202.LITTlE ROCK72202·2038 666-9393 Henry. David P. Henry.lloneId H. 400 W CAPITOl.' 15417.LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3433 371-6797 Henry. John Riey _ MARKET ST. HARRISBURG AR 72432·1934 57S-2422 Henry. Judy Sunmo. . 200 W CAPITOl. 12200. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3699 371-o8Oll Henry._11 M. 204 S EAST • FAYETTEVIllE AR 72701-6042 442·5227 Henry. Ridlard l. 300 BROADWAY STE 509. HOT SPRINGS 71901·5330 624-1401 Henry. Robert L.. III 124 WCAPITOl.' 1200. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3714 372-8175 Henry. RobertW. POBOX 1107. CONWAY AR 72032·1107 329-5823 124 WCAPITOl.' 675.LmLE ROCK AR 72201·3728 378-1555 Henry. RolOn.. 201 SCHESTER. LmLE ROCK AR 72201· 37S-n55 Henry. Trish Henry. T"'I' 630 S MAIN ST. JONESBORO AR 72401·2825 932-4522 2 RANCH VAllEY RD. lITTlE ROCK AR 72207-5139 Henslee. W. E. Herge~ Phi 206 S 4TH ST. PARAGOUlD AR 72450-4239 236-3821 Herilllgt. Petrida J. 120 E 4TH ST. lITTlE ROCK AR 72201-2893 375-9131 Heuer. Sam T. 523 W 3RIl ST. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201·2309 371-9131 M.lAark 35 S 8TH ST. 305. FORT SMITH AR 72901·2414 783-1727 _It, Mer<:ellera PO BOX 2ll31.LITTlE ROCK AR 72203-2831 374-3218 Hidulm. D. Scott PO BOX 8137. HOT SPRINGS AR 71902-8137 624-4330 11025 ANDERSON DR' 100. UTILE ROCK AR 72212· 221-2472 Hid<am. Terri A. _ey.Joseph POBOX 1917. EL DORADOAR 71731·1917 862·3478 _ey. Pa~ 400 WCAPITOlI 1130.LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3429 372-5558 .-non. Connie l. '401 N PERCE ST, 24. LITTlE ROCK AR 72207·5356 Hlcka. Bul. Jr. PO BOX 5870. NORTH LITTlE ROCK AR 72119-5870 371-9226 Hlcka. ~s R. '24 W CAlPITOl.. 1950. lITTlE ROCK AR 7220.-3739 371_ Hlcka. GingerJ. ,.,9 N FUlAORE ST. LITTlE ROCK AR 72207-4_ 664-4004 Hld<y. Phil PO BOX 989. FORREST CITY AR 72335-0969 633-4811 Hld<y. PrOlIDn G. PO BOX 1115. FORREST CITY AR 72335-1115 633-1447 Hl911ino.loYeII Ashley PO BOX 810. HELENA AR 72342·0610 338-3438 1l6:!-4061 Higgino. Roymond B. PO BOX 975. EL DORADO AR 71731-0975 Hlghamilh.lA. F. PO BOX 2397. BATESVILLE AR 72503-2397 793-2338 Highamllh. SomJeI C. PO BOX 2012. BATESVILLE AR 72503-2012 793-2338 Hlgh_. Paul R. 312 SCHOOlWOOO LN.LmLE ROCK AR 72207·2737371·2047 Hdbum, Sam POBOX 5551, NORTH UTTLE ROCK AR 72119-5551 372.()110 tilbum. Tom L PO BOX 350. WAUIJT RIDGE AR 72476-0350 886-2432 til.JeerieJohnaon 1965 Bois d'Alc lone. FAYETTEVillE AR 72703til. Randy l. 320 ClAY ST. ARKADELPHIA AR 71923-8124 246-2468 til, Vidor L PO BOX 2511, WEST MEMPHIS AR 72303-2511 338-9834 371·gggg Hilega. KIIhIeen A. PO BOX 317&. UTILE ROCK AR 72203-3176 Hillard, Zenola M. 1"01 S CHESTNUT ST, PINE BLUfF AR 71501·5728 535-041. Hlrby, Oscar 620 W 3RO ST. 212, lmlE ROCK AR n201· 375-1212 Hirsch. E. Kent 107 W EMMA • SPRINGDALE AR n784-4304 751-0251 HiYOly. ThomesJ. PO BOX 2476. BATESVILLE AR 72503-2476 698-1896 Hi •• Steve 5315 BASELINE RD.LmLE ROCK AR 72209-5119 562-4252 443-4313 HilllOl\.1<enne1h S. 112 S EAST. FAYETTEVUE AR 72701-8040 tilllOl\. R. H. Buddy PO BOX 607. PARIS AR 72655-0607 963-3001 HeW1ke, Viclot F. 1710 MOORES LN. TEXARKANA TX 75505-5517 792-3248 Hobbs. Ric:llard W. 228 WOOllllINE ST. HOT SPRINGS AR 71901·5121 Hodge. Dewain W. 2558 MOUNT COMFORT RD 122. FAYETTEVILLE AR Hodges. David A. 124 W CAlP1T0lI155O.LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3743 374-2400 400 W CAPITOl.' 1700. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3435 375-0400 Hodges. Henry 523-8791 Hodges. Kaneaa.or. Jr. 307 MAIN ST. NEWPORT AR 72112-3719 968-5775 Hodges. Kennelh A. 1000 N ARKANSAS STE A. RUSSELLVILLE AR Hollman. David Duene PO BOX 507.lAONT1CEllO AR 71655-0S07 367-8288 Hogen. 801h Wood 1515 W7TH ST, 204. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201·3936 682-2748 Hogue. C<Jnis E. 207 W CENTER ST. FAYETTEVUE AR 72701·5905 521-7OSO Holben. Rdlerd 1501 BaoID ST. LITTlE ROCK AR 72202·5700 37$-3245 Holcomb. Alee Ughlle 2900 N PERCE ST. LITTlE ROCK AR 72207·2828 372-8530 Holcomb. Johrrie R. PO BOX 3507. LITTlE ROCK AR 72203-3507 3n-2306 HoIc:cmbe. Thomes H. PO BOX 973. TEXARKANA TX 75504-0973 838-6591 ONE STATE CAPITOl. STE 315. LmlE ROCK AR 682·.937 Hoifield.l.eny _ . T. Joo 423 W COURT ST. PARAGOUlD AR 72450-4203 ~957& Hollmen. Richard E. 400 W CAPIT0ll1700.Lrm.E ROCK AR 72201-3435 375-1170 HoIend. John G. 35 S6TH ST. FORT SlAlTHAR 72901·2414 783-1103 Hohman. Sranley lAo PO BOX 2578. FORT SMITH AR 72902·2578 783-1142 HoIIngsWOOh. Cyri PO BOX 3363.LmLE ROCK AR 72203-3383 378-4731 HoIIngswOOh. Donaid M. 209 W CAPITOl.' 36.LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3830 378-3423




HoIingswOOh. P. A. HoIingswom. Pa>ick Hollo. JomeI M. HoIis, John R.

415 MAIN ST. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3814 374-3420 ~731 PO BOX 3363. LITTlE ROCK AR ~ 500 BROADWAY STt201.Lrm.E ROCK 72201-3338 37S-7357 PO BOX 458. HOPE AR 711101-0458 m·23fl1 Holloway. 811 R. PO BOX 1069. Me GEHEE AR 71854-1069 222-«158 Holman. GaJy J. PO BOX 49. BERRYVUE AR 7261&«149 Holman. J. Hawley PO BOX 5367. TEXARKANA TX 75505-5367 792-4513 534.Q223 HoI George N. 200 W 5TH STE 820. PINE BlUFF AR 71801-4232 HoI James Leon 111 CENTER ST'2200.LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-4429 372-oeoo HoI M. Joo 22 SOUTHERN PINES • PINE BLUFF AR 71 BOO534-2063 HoI P. K.• III PO BOX 1628. FORT SMITH AR 72902·18211 782-8041 HoI Robert H. PO BOX 810. RUSSELLVLLE AR 72801-0810 968-5557 _ . Thorn. W. 2520 BlACKWOOD. LITTlE ROCK AR 72207· Holt, Joel<, Jr. 62S MARSHAll ST. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-1020 Holt, Joel<, Sr. 62S MARSHAll ST. lITTlE ROCK AR 72201-1020 Holt, WlIam Gwy 706 W 2ND ST. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201·2227 372-o2ll8 Homeyer. Karen 0J0en PO BOX 161'.Lrm.E ROCKAR 72203-1.,1 373-5878 Honea. Robert M. 200 W CAPITOl. '2200. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3627 371-01108 Honey. Charle.Le",y. Jr. POBOX 638. PRESCOTT AR 71857_ 687-8881 Honey. Chetlel M. PO BOX 836. PRESCOTT AR 71857_ 887..ee81 Honeyoult, J. MoMn PO BOX 1696. VAN BURENAR 72956-1696 ..7....3003 Honeyoult,wry C. 500 OUACHITA , 2. HOT SPRINGS AR 71901·5107 823-<884 Honeyoult, Pemela B. PO BOX 1951. JONESBORO AR 72403-1951 932-0917 Hon"l'luckle. Jenan Kemp PO BOX 551 • LITTlE ROCK AR 72203-0551 3n-4000 Hood. - . r d W. PO BOX 550. BENTONVUE AR 72712.Q550 273-nl1 aSH. PO BOX 1038. NORTH lITTlE ROCK AR 72"5-1038 371·822.. _·HiII. KeI~ K. 122 N CEDAR ST. LITTlE ROCK AR 72205-5507 Jinvny L PO BOX 2630. TEXARKANA TX 75504-2630 __ Pu W.• Jr. III CENTER ST "'00. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-4413 376-8500 211 S SPRING ST.LmLE ROCK AR 72201·2479 372-4144 Hope. RoneJd A. PO BOX 913. MALVERN AR 72104-0913 332·2020 Hopkino. George Hopkino. GtOVOry M. 400 WCAPITOl.' 19to.LITTlE ROCK AR 72201·3406 375-1517 Hopkins, Mariam M .... Hwwr Hill, Box 78. Maf...m AR 32....5882 Hopkino. Randolph B. 111 CENTER ST "300. lITTlE ROCKAR 72201-4415372·7243 Hopper. PlIlJ E. PO BOX 550. CHEROKEE VllAGE AR 725~ 856-32lI8 HonIn. Jenniffe< M. PO BOX 3686. FAYETTEVUE AR 72702-3886 442·2:106 HonIn. ~ PO BOX 43. FORT SMITH AR 72902-0043 785-3790 Horgan. Po~ F. 11101 RESERVOIR RIa 12O.Lrm.E ROCKAR 72207· 224-3290 HomI>e<tlor. Roben E. PO BOX 165. FORT SMITH AR 72902-01.5 782·7294 Home. Allan W. PO BOX 3363. LITTlE ROCK AR 72203-3383 37S-4731 Home. David B. 207 W CENTER ST. FAYETTEVIllE AR 72701-5905 521·7050 HoIkino Hert. Tore.. L 3702 FOXCRa'T RD. LITTlE ROCK AR 72207-2335 37S-5338 HollO. Bryon E. 323 CENTER ST, 1300. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-2621 783-8599 Hou9h. Robert E.• Jr. PO BOX 2127. FORT SMITH AR 72902-2127 Hough. Stephen G. PO BOX 2127. FORT SMITH AR 72902·2127 __ House. A. F. .701 RIlEY DR, E-3.LITTlE ROCK AR 72205-&509 22S-3577 House. Gtegory T. PO BOX 1928. FAYETTEVUE AR 72702-1928 442_ House. Roy D. PO BOX 13007 Cemp~. NORTH LITTlE ROCK nl·5208 HouSIlln. NoyI PO BOX 3076. JONESBORO AR 72403-307& 1135-3730 Hou~ Philip D. PO BOX 6. NEWPORT AR 72112-0008 ~ Howald. Charles S. PO BOX 4006. FAYETTEVIllE AR 72702-4006 _,9 Howald. Dorolhy Yarq 1215 SKYLINE DR. NORTH LITTlE ROCK AR 721 18-8320 . Howald. G. Roy 220 N TAYLOR IS. LITTlE ROCK AR 72205- • Howald. George. Jr. PO BOX 349.LmLE ROCK AR 72203-0349 37S-8031 523-36n Howatd. SteYOn G. PO BOX 6. NEWPORT AR 72112-0008 Howatd. Wiliem LO<Jis PO BOX 1491. JONESBORO AR 72403-1491 932-35llll Jr. PO BOX 1l487. PIolE BlUFF AR 71811_7 _ , Howatd. Wiliem _ Howel. Bobby L PO BOX 41 I. TEXARKANA TX 75504.Q411 792-3755 Howel. Trnolhy Edwald PO DRAWER 1888. FAYETTEVUE AR 72702,1888 521·7llOO Howel. W. !Au 211 S SPRING ST. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-2479 372-4144 30 S8TH ST STE ISO. FORT SMITH AR 72901·2410 785-2967 Hubbord. David T. PO BOX 574. CROSSETT AR 71835-0574 384-8.,'4 HubbeI. BHIyJ. HUbbel, Webaler l. 120 E ..TH ST, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201·28D3 3]5.Sl131 Huckaba, Fronk PO BOX 1330. MOUNTAIN HOME AR 72653-1330 424-m2 Huckabay. D.lAieheei 400 W CAPITOl.' 1900. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201· 374-8535 Huc:kaby. Curt 204 COBEAN ST. lAKE CITY AR 72437·9704 237·4319 Huddle. LOWIs A.• Jr. 10411 W MARKHAM STI130.Lrm.E ROCK AR 72205- 375-4357 Hudgins.Robert 211WARCH • SEARCY AR72143-5301 -'<111 Hudson. James S .• Jr. 203 Iller Cou-ttyCths. TEXARKANA AR 75502· n2·98I. Hudson. John R. PO BOX 1868. FAYETTEVUE AR 72702·1868 442·ID5 Hudson. R. Read PO BOX 1921. FAYETTEVUE AR 72702-1921 443-5222 Hudspelh. Glen CetW PO BOX Ian. TEXARKANA TX 75504-18n 794-3121 HIley. Clin. PO BOX 458. WARREN AR 71671-0458 226-2674 HuSman. DoneId R. 100 NE A ST. BENTONVUE AR 72712· 271-1022 91 PEBBlE BEACH DR. LmLE ROCK AR 72212·2769 Huo9. LOIW Gf1ly Hug9ins. EWzebelh Am 401 W EMMA • SPRINGDAlE AR 72764-44 I5 756-22114 Hughes. Celherine l. 301 INDUSTRIAL BLVD. CCHl/AY AR 72032·7188 32H838 Hughes.l<eren Jlon 101 S SPRING ST 1300. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201·2426 37S-2961 Hughes. Richerd l. 400 WCAPlTOl., 1700. lITTlE ROCKAR 72201-3435 372-0822 Hugt.l. Robert P.. III 5IlO3 JENNY LIND RD. FORT SMITH AR 72903-7439 785-2328 POBOX 91. SEARCY AR 72143-0091 2fl8.Q504 Hughes. Tor... l. Hui. Susen Founlain 3827 N FAT GlUEY RD. FAYETTEVLLE AR 72703- 443-7ll8O Hl.mphrey, Marion A. 600 W MARKHAM ST, lmLE ROCKAR 72201·1331 371 .......1 HlMnplYies. Alan R. PO BOX 9068. PINE BLUFF AR 71611·9068 541-9311 Hun•• Eugene 219 W 5TH . PINE BLUFF AR 71801-4211 534-4480 Hun~ George M.• Sr. 630 BRIERLEY ST. SHERWOOD AR 72118_~ _ G. PO BOX 3644. LmLE ROCK AR 7220~ 372·5745 _lor.Jeyne lAo 3619 GLEN FLORA WY. FORT SMITHAR 72903_lor. S. Kyle PO BOX 373. WYNNE AR 72398-0373 238-2348

_lmen. _per.



Hunlef. Scott PO BOX G26. JONESBORO AR 12403-01l2fl 932-1162 HuIS, Harry S_• .k_ 200 W CAPITOL. 2200. LITTLE ROCK AR 12201-36911 371-0808 400 W CAPITOL. 2000. LITTLE ROCK AR 12201-3493 376-2011 HUIS, Joseph B. HuIS, a. By""'. ok. 201 \YOOllIllNE ST. HOT SPRINGS AR 71901-S122 623-2565 HulSt. Sleven Garland 9600 DCllARWAY RD. WHITE HAll AR 71602-9801 247-1247 Hutdlinscn. W. Asa 602 GARRISON STE 505. FORT SMITH AR 72901·2534 782-<4028 Hyden. James W. 124 WCAPITOL. 1500. LITTlE ROCK AR 12201-3743 376-8222 Imbo<. Annabel. Clinton 401 W MARKHAM STel02.LITTLE ROCK 12201 370-5620 Inboden. Steve PO BOX 22. TRUMANN AR 72472-0022 483-7682 Infante, Oementlne 6011 SOlJTHWIND OR, NORTH LITTLE ROCK 72118 758-3629 1rMg. Robert S. 304 CHARLES ST. LITTlE ROCK AR 72205-4304 661-1121 Irwin.l.t<:heel E. PO BOX 368. HEBER SPRINGS AR 72543-0368 362-5806 ~beIl. Gary RR 11 BOX 491. MOUNTAIN HOME AR 72653-9622 42>8121 Ishmeel. Randal W. POBOX 4096. JONESBORO AR 12403-4O!l6 912-1400 hzkllwltz. Matjofy W. 42S W CAPITOL' 3300. LITTLE ROCK AR 12201-3439 376-9241 1Yn. Oanief O. 143 JACKSON 5T SW, CAt.M)EN AR 71701-3939 838--'1.

lvealer, Hermann

111 CENTER ST "200,lITILE ROCK AR 72201·4414 376-nea

Ivy. Den C.

PO BOX 3090. FAYETTEVILLE AR 12702-3090 521-1874 Jack. DoneldT.• .k. 425 W CAPITOL. 3400. LITTLE ROCK AR 12201-3439 375-1122 Jacl<son. Blaine A. 424TOWN CENTRE E. BELLA VISTAAR 72714-1817 855-9062 Jacl<son. Cherles Scott PO BOX 89. BERRYVILLE AR 1281"0089 423-2285 Jecksoo. Edwin F. 320 W CAPITOL 11000. LITTLE ROCK AR 12201-3525 888-8800 Jackson. H. Paul PO BOX 89. BERRYVIllE AR 72818-0089 423-2285 Jecksoo. Julia Beth 5501 SCENIC DR. LITTLE ROCK AR 72207·1922 Jecksoo.Lesa B_ PO BOX 1229. LITTLE ROCK AR =1229 376-5173 Jackson. Ptiip R. 2313 GENTLE OAKS LN. FAYETTEVILLE AR 12703-6144 • Jecksoo. Randolph C. PO BOX 2023. FORT SMITH AR 72902·2023 782·7203 Jecksoo. RobertK_ 111 CENTER ST "200. lITTLE ROCK AR 72201 .... 14 376-n88 Jecksoo. Sandra E. 200W CAPITOL 11200, LITTlE ROCK AR 12201-3817 374·7100 Jacobs. ~hn H. 111 CENTER ST. 1100. LITTLE ROCK AR 12201~413 376-8500 Jacoway• .l1I R. PO BOX 3458. FAYETTEVIlLE AR 72702-3458 521·2821 Jacoway, ThomesA. 2891 E JOYCE ST. FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703-4558 James. Derris l. 1501 N UNIVERSITY • 500. LITTLE ROCK AR 666-0400 684-S085 James. Gereld W. PO BOX 2181. LITTLE ROCKAR =2181 375-1517 James. PaIriclt R. 400 W CAPITOL "910. LITTLE ROCK AR 12201· James. Paul J. 500 BROAOWAY STe403.lITTLE ROCK 12201·3343 James. Rober1T. 313 W 2ND ST. LITTlE ROCK AR 12201·2_ 375-9901 James. Step/Iefl E. PO BOX 35 1. ClINTON AR 72031-0351 745-2468 Jameson. Paul PO BOX 4056. FAYErrEVILLE AR 12702"056 "2~ Jam..son, leon N. PO BOX 76&4, PINE BLUFF AR 71611·76&4 S34-532O Jam, Ridlard C. 1501 N UNIVERSITY '227A, lmlE ROCK AR 72207· 663-0n3 Janson/us. Neel W, PO BOX SSI.LITTLE ROCK AR 72203-0SS1 3n·SS52 Jatboe. Ric!1ard A. PO BOX 549. WAlNUT RIOGE AR 72476-0549 886-3535 37..6655 Jarrell, Jack 825 MARSHALL ST• LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-1020 Jeffrey. Robert N. PO BOX 2'9. SHERIOAN AR 72150-0219 942-7018 817 E KIEHl. SHERWOODAR 12120-2923 ......,..,s. Faber D. 834-1202 ......,..,s. Sherry l. 415 E SPRING. FAYETTEVIllE AR 12701· Jemngs. A~ton 200 W CAPITOL. 2200. LITTLE ROCK AR 12201-3899 371-0808 Jemngs. A~ton• .k. 200 W CAPITOL. 2200. LITTLE ROCK AR 12201-3899 371-0808 POBOX B, MAGNOLIA AR 71753·1039 234-8S8S Jervings. BUI F. Jervings. JoIln E, 520 W CYPRESS ST. ROGERS AR 727~428 662-7481 Jervings. Larry R. PO BOX 16. HARRISBURG AR 12432-00'8 578-2241 Jeremiah. RogerT, 822 BROADWAY ST 17. VAN BUREN AR 72956-5834 471·1533 Jernigan. G""'90 0 .. ok. PO BOX 34193. LITTLE ROCK AR 72203-4193 37..4660 JernIgan. John T, 2415 N PIERCE ST. LITTlE ROCK AR 12207·3618 663-5888 Jesoon. Bradley D. PO BOX 968. FORT SMITH AR 72902-0968 783-6188 Jester. Christopher lA. 512 JEFFERSON • JONESBORO AR n401-2759 912-SSS3 Jewell. BarryJ. 111 CENTER ST "309. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201· 376-8250 Jewell. John M, 4001 ROONEY PARHAM RO. LITTLE ROCK 72212· 220-4340 JeweIt. W. Horace 425 W CAPITOl' 3100. LITTLE R<:X:K AR 72201-3439 375-9151 Jiles, Gary D. 425 W CAPITOl. 3400, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201~ 375-1122 Johnson. Bernerd K. PO BOX 60S. DUMAS AR 71~ 382·4_


Johnson. e. S.

PO BOX 181. BlYTHEVillE AR 72316-0181

JoIl..on, James D. PO BOX 1088. CONWAY AR 72032·1088 JoIlnson•.lm D. 913 SE ".r ST. BENTONVIlLE AR 72712· D. PO BOX 1628. FORT SMITH AR 72902-1628 Johnson. _ Johnson. John lloyd. Jr. 703 W MAIN ST. RUSSEllVIllE AR 72801· Johnson. ~hn Louis 400 W CAPITOL FL 30. LITTlE ROCK AR 12201-3438 Johnson. Lynda M. PO BOX 5420. LITTLE ROCK AR 12215-5420 Johnson. MatI< R, RR 2 BOX 183-0. HARDY AR 12542·9802 Johnson, I.t<:hael B. PO BOX 3507. LITTLE ROCK AR =3507 Johnson, Norman Keith 43 SHADY VAllEY DR. CONWAY AR 72032·3333 JoIln.on. Paul PO BOX 21009. LITTlE ROCK AR 72221·1009 JoIln.on. Phyllis Hell 130-0 N COLLEGE ,FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701 -5311 JoIln.on. Robert E. 2707 S WALDRON RD. FORT SMITH AR 72903-3742 Johnson. Robert J. PO BOX 696. CROSSETT AR 7183S-0696 Johnson. Rufus W. RR 2 BOX 22O-A. PRAIRIE GROVE AR 72753-9602 Johnaon. Winiam E. PO BOX 70, HAMBURG AR 71&46-0070 Johnson-Buchanan. Sandr.l 12 HICKORY CT• LITTLE ROCK AR 72209JohNlDn, Alison lea 25()8.1 RIVERFRONT DR, UTTLE ROCK AR 72202JohnIfDn, JacquelineJ. 50Q NAPA VAllEY' 423, llTTl£ ROCKAR 72211· JoI.... Slephen N. 120 E 4TH ST. LITTLE ROCK AR 12201·2893

Jones, Berlin C. PO BOX 8230. PINE BLUFF AR 71611-4230 ~s. Beverly Hood PO BOX 400. LITTlE ROCK AR 12203-0400 ~s. ~s. ~"


Claude R. Gereld C. ~" GIeM W.. .k. Jones. Gregory D.

PO BOX 1224. CONWAY AR 12032-1224 PO BOX 15n. HARRISON AR 72802·1Sn 120 E 4TH ST. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-2893 124 WCAPITOL. 1200. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3714 112 S EAST • FAYETTEVILLE AR 12701-6040

763-8633 329-8383 782-6041 967·2811 376-0551 221-7100 856-2323 3n·2S88 376-7600 227·9292 442·0805 ....3593 364-21SS 846-2497 853-5221 324·5853


535-8511 662·2047 327·6528 741-4100 375-9131 312·6175 ~13

Jones. Gregory T, Jones. Guy. ok. Jones. Henry l.. ok. Jones. J.l.t<:hael Jones. Jackson lA. Jones. John H, Jones. Kendall B.

200 W CAPITOL '2200. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3699 371-0808 PO BOX 24. CONWAY AR 12032-Q024 327_ PO BOX 3393. LITTLE ROCK AR 12203-3393 378-5853 PO BOX 102. DUMAS AR 71~102 382~11 PO BOX 283. HARREll AR 71745-0283 247·1800 PO BOX 7ll73. PINE BLUFF AR 71811·7873 535-2271 PO BOX 2023. FORT SMITH AR 72902·2023 782·1203 ~s. Konnelh 24720 KANIS RD. LITTLE ROCK AR 12211·9512 821·3n9 ~ •• l. D. 112 S EAST. FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701-6040 443-4313 Jone', laJeana Faye PO BOX 1090, DE OUEEN AA 71832·1090 642-3271 Jones. langdon R.. II 14500 JEROME DR. LITTLE ROCK AR 72212·1904 888-5217 Jones. Louis B" ok, PO BOX 1408. BENTONVillE AR 72712·1408 638-1202 Jones.lA. Semuel.1II 200 WCAPITOL. 2200. lITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3699 371-0808 Jones. Mid1eel F_ PO BOX 18n. TEXARKANA TX75S04-18n 794--3121 Jones. I.t<:heeI R. RR 2 BOX 81. MOUNTAINBURG AR 72ll46-9SOS 369-4294 Jones. Oer:ar Eve. IV PO BOX 4075. BATESVillE AR 72S03-407S 793-3208 Jones. Robert l..111 PO BOX 2023. FORT SMITH AR 72902·2023 782·1203 Jones. Robert l.. ok. PO BOX 2023. FORT SAMTH AR 72902·2023 782·7203 Jones. Slephen W, 425 W CAPITOL. 3400. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3439 375-1122 Jones. T. Crelg 120 E 4TH ST. LITTLE ROCKAR 12201·2893 375-9131 Jones. Thomes P. S800 EVERGREEN DAll01.LITTlE ROCK 72205-1758 683-0296 Jones. Ton/. PaopIe. 400 W CAPITOL. 2000. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3493 376-2011 Jones. W, 120 E 4TH ST. LITTlE ROCKAR 12201-2893 375-9131 Joplin. John E.• III 9 S OUINCY CIR. FORT SMITH AR 12901-8043 848-'958 Jordan. RaymondW. POBOX 1928. TEXARKANA TX7SS04-1928 _3341 Jordan. Steverl B. PO BOX 1170. SEARCY AR 72143-1170 286-4201 Joyce. John H. 28'2 S ENID PL. FORT SMITH AR 72901·7128 846-0384 .kJdges.lJonaId U OF ARKANSAS LAW SCHOOL. FAYETTEVillE AR 575-7S71 Men. Jim l. 400 WCAPITOL' 2840. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3415 3n·S800 Juneeu. D. Wayne RT 12 BOX 6701. PINE BLUFF AR 71603541·5387 Kelkbrenner. Ric!1ard C. 124 W CAPITOL 11200. LITTlE ROCK 72201-3734 3n..,75 Keplan. Phll~ E. 415 MAIN ST, LITTLE ROCKAR 72201·3815 372·0400 KOlber. Gregoty T, PO DRAWER 846. FORT SMITH AR 72902-0848 782-8813 Katber. Sherr! C<Jnningham 5422 PAINTER LN. FORT SMITH AR 72903-7128 484-024g KllII'. ChaI10s 602 GARRISON STE S05. FORT SMITH AR 12901·2534 782~28 KllII'en. Braday l. 2300 W OLRICH ST. ROGERS AR 127~958 • Kessos. Anthony G. PO BOX 889. EL OORAllOAR 71731-'l88!l 862"'181 Kaamey. Joffery H. 204 SUBURBIA. PINE BLUFF AR 71803-8951 Kaemey. Rachel B. U OF ARKANSAS LAW SCHOOL. FAYETTEVillE AR 575-7844 K... Doneld E. POBOX 941 STA A. SEARCY AR 12143-SS91 ~210 Keegan. Robert R. 130 N COLlEGE 'G. FAYETTEVillE AR 12701·5311 52'·4412 Keeler. Bob PO BOX 229. MENA AR 71953-0229 394-1735 Kel. Man PO BOX 618. TEXARKANA TX 75504-<l618 m~113 Keisler. William B. POBOX 1681. LITTLE ROCK AR 72203-1681 378-1208 Koith. Tom J. 22S Courthouse. BENTONVIllE AR 72712· 273-9212 KoI._W"Jr, 111 CENTERSTa 1100. LITTLE ROCKAR 7220, ....,3378-8500 K_. Kim Taylor 89 ROBINWOOO OR. LITTlE ROCK AR 12207-2217 Koley. Eugene 222 W WAlNUT ST. ROGERSAR 72756-8685 638-1051 Koley. GIem Eugene 425 W CAPITOL. 3801. LITTLE ROCK AR 12201·3447 378-3800 Koliler. Down Rene 20903 ROlAND HEIGHTS RD. ROlAND AR 12135-9615 Kelly. Jerry PO BOX 390. CARUSLE AR 12024-0390 552·75'3 219 W 5TH • PINE BLUFF AR 71801·4211 534-4480 Kelly. Lisa A_ Kelly. Micheel E. PO BOX SSI. YELLVILLE AR 72887·0551 449-4248 Kemp. Hel ~eph 111 CENTER ST. 1300. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201·4415 372·7243 269-8989 Kemp. John Den. ok. PO BOX 329. MOUNTAIN VIEW AR 72S6O-0329 Kemp. KarllOn H.. .k. STATE LINE PlZ STE 604 BOX 8002. TEXARKANA AR m-SSI I Kendall. Donald B. POBOX .,8. FAYETTEVILLE AR 12702-0&18 521-SS10 K.-.deI. Wlllter A. S$dP. Jr. 101 5 SPRING ST 1300. LJTTlE ROCK 72201-2428 37&-2981 Kennedy. James D. PO BOX F. RUSSELLVILLE AR 12801.()6S9 966-2030 Kennedy. KaYin W. 200 W CAPITOL. 2200. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3827 371-0808 Kemedy. W~liam H.• III 120 E 4TH ST, Urn.E ROCK AR 72201·2893 375-9131 Kennett, Den 24 WCAPITOL "400. LITTlE ROCK AR 12201-3738 376-4531 Kepesky. MlcheeI E. PO BOX 23470. LITTLE ROCK AR 72221-3470 224-3333 '973 GREENVIEW DR. FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701·2514 442-0584 Kosi. Ma~OfIe M. Kea. Wesley J .• Jr. PO BOX 2476. BATESVillE AR 72503-2478 696-1896 Kidd. J.l.• .k. 313 W 2ND ST. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-2_ 375-9901 Kidd• .AJdson C. 313 W 2ND ST. ,ITTlE ROCKAR 12201·2_ 375-9901 Kigore. CoIins 401 W MARKHAM a 309. LITTLE ROCK AR 12201· 3n-8S34 ~ . Ann U OF ARKANSAS LAW SCHOOL. FAYETTEVillE AR 575-7843 ~h. John N. PO BOX 373. WYNNE AR 72396-0373 236-2348 Klough.larry R.. .k, PO BOX 806. SEARCY AR 72143-0B06 Kipalridc, Josaph E.• ok. 400 WCAPITOlI264O.LITTLE ROCK AR 72201·3413312·1887 Kimbrough. Walren O. 2800 S 46TH ST. FORT SMITH AR 72903-3529 782·3035 Kinerd. Milam Mike PO BOX 727. MAGNOLIA AR 71753-0727 234-4n7 Kincade. Roneid P. 701 S CHURCH ST. MOUNTAIN HOME AR n6S3-4434 425-8454 Kinceid. Hugh R. 207W CENTER ST. FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701-5905 521·7050 King.1>Jnoood W. 500 PECAN ST. HELENA AR 72342-3214 338-6448 King. Herold l. 106 S STATE ST. LITTlE ROCK AR 12201-2138 375-3307 King. KeW1 N_ PO BOX 363. HAROY AR 12542-0363 856-3122 Kong. Michael Jim RR 1 BOX 25-C. SHERlOAN AR 12150-9801 King. Teytor A. PO BOX 607. ARKADELPHIAAR 71923-0607 246-2488 Kong. V_Jarnes.Jr. PO BOX 19, POCAHONTAS AR 12455-0019 892~28 Kimey. Baird PO BOX 2, FORREST CITY AR 12335-0002 633-5995 273-4505 Kimey. Derris Mic:heeI 702 SW 8TH ST. BENTONVIllE AR 72716-000' Kimey. Knox B_ PO BOX 1655. FORRESTCITY AR 12335-1655 633-2350 Kinslow. Hervy C. 211 N WASHINGTON 1101. EL DORAOO 71730-5842 882-0838 KirlJy. Chris W, 1 WMOUNTAIN. 302. FAYETTEVIlLE AR 12701443-2999 Kir1<petrick, Terry U OF ARKANSAS LAW SCHOOL. FAYETTEVillE AR Kirt<sey. Jerry l.t<:haell01 S SPRING STa300.LITTLE ROCK AR 72201·2428 376-2981


782-6041 KJueI. Kathryn S _ POBOX 1826. FORT SMITH AR 72G02-182ll 374-1145 Kitterman. Grogoty S. 201 N IZARD ST.lITTtE ROCK AR 72201-1318 Kitlannon. JoIwl S. 201 N IZARD ST. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-1318 375-8840 452-6420 1235N 58TH TER. FORT SMITH AR 72904-7415 Kizer. Bemice L Kizer. MaxIe G. POBOX 7423. PINE BLUFF AR 71811-7423 5304--7004 KJapponbach. NonnIn It PO BOX 792. FORDYCE AR 71742~ Kleier. Goo<geO. PO BOX 1359. FORT SMITH AR 72G02-1358 78S-7808 Klow. Lore.. A. 13023 MORRISON RD. LITTLE ROCK AR 72212227-61115 Kinge<. T1molhy C_ POBOX 1084. FAYETTEVILlE AR 72702-1084 Knlgh~ Devid A. PO BOX 3507. LITTLE ROCK AR 72203-3507 3n-2573 KnoIlmoye<. Michael 22ll N BAIlEY ST. JACKSONVillE AR 7207&-4405 985-1780 Knox. Deborah RR 5 BOX 871. MOUNTAIN HOME AR 72653-9225 424-3400 Koib. Joseph F. 124 W CAPITOL. 1200. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3734 372-6175 KoaIs".. JoIm.1II 111 CENTER ST '"00. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-4413 376-8500 Koonce. K. Max. II PO BOX 507. BENTONVillE AR 72712-0507 85S-1000 Koopman, Howard W. MISTY CT , 8. LITTlE ROCK AR 72207-0376 3n·8120 Kradel. Eileen C. PO BOX 818. FORT SMITH AR 72902-0818 785-2ll87 Kraut\, Conrad C. PO BOX 1261. FAYETTEVILlE AR 72702-1261 443-4500 Krupp. WU.", JoIwl. III PO BOX 284. FORT SMITH AR 72G02-0284 785-0123 K . - . C. _ 801 ROCK ST. LITTLE ROCK AR 72202-2538 374-4334 Kuc:e. LMry E. 5000 RDGEFELD RD. LITTLE ROCK AR 72211-8724 821-3338 111 CENTER ST. 2200. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-44211372-OSOO K""'!'O. PeterG. K...,...ris.1..ori L. 323 CENTER ST. 750. LITTtE ROCK AR 72201-2615 682·3870 KumJs. H. Baker 200 W CAPITOL. 1600. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3637 375-2301 Locy. W~1iam Bn>Wn.1I1 PO BOX 10'8. JONESBORO AR 72403-'019 932-23211 Lecy. W~liam R. POBOX 1294. CONWAY AR 72032-'294 329-8055 935-3730 Ledy. Frank PO BOX 3076. JONESBORO AR 72403-3076 PO BOX 4096. JONESBORO AR 72403-4096 972-1400 LoFarle... Bany J. 18 Beldoir Court. HOT SPRINGS AR 71901·7084 569-2271 Leldl.... Regina W. L.embert, Robert J .• Jr. PO DRAWER 7030. SPRINGDALE AR 72765-7030 756-8510 Lombert, Stewert K. POBOX 550. CHEROKEE VILLAGE AR 72525-0550 257·3116 Lancuter. 400 WCAPIT0lJ2OOO. LITTLE ROCK AR 7220'-3407 370-1550 Lonoe.Jemes W. 300 S SPRING ST 0900. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-2425 376-7495 LonderI.loId1ael R. 111 W ELM ST. EL OORADOAR 71730-5653 862·5433 Landis. Dellid PO BOX 4057. JONESBORO AR 7 2 _ 7 932-6894 Laney. D. Randy 702 SW 8TH ST. BENTONVILlE AR 727'6-000' 273-4148 Laney. Roben S. PO BOX 777. CAMDEN AR 71701-on7 838-snl langdon. Brent M. PO BOX 5367. TEXARKANA TX 75505-5387 792-45'3 LonakJ<d. Lynda Bar, PO BOX 1510. LITTtE ROCK AR 72203-1510 376-7870 Langley. Jem.. RUlleiI 824 BALLARD DR. BENTON AR 720,5-ll576 794-3349 932·8357 Longley. Stanley R. PO BOX 1346. JONESBORO AR 72403-1348 Longs""'. Don 35 S 6TH ST. FORT SMITH AR 72llO1-2414 782-8687 LongslOf1. Lydie S. '210 N 6TH ST. BLYTHEVILLE AR 723'5lansky . .Asdilh C. 2013 TOPF RD. NORTH LITTtE ROCKAR 72116-8318 376-8031 loI1<owsJd. Jerome E. 18 FAIR OAKS. LITTtE ROCK AR 72204LoRue. Melody Harris 3'00 OOGWOOll TAL. CONWAY AR 72032-9'52 329-8935 Lanelete. H. T.. Jr. 400 W CAPITOL. 2000. LITTLE ROCKAR 72201-3493 376-2011 Lo..... Dellid N. PO BOX 13-46. JONESBORO AR 72403-1346 932-8357 l.uer. Swn 101 S SPRING STI3OO. LmLE ROCK AR 72201-2488 376-2ll81 LuhIee. Kim R. 318 W POPLAR. ROGERS AR 72757· 838-2181 Lossi1er. Jock T. 425 W CAPITOL 11500. LITTtE ROCK AR 7220'-3439 375-1820 WIer. Shaton Gal 324 S SPRING ST 0208. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-2413 375-ll809 2502 RIVERFRONT OR • 4. LITTLE ROCK AR 72202-1757 • Lolhem. John Louck. Sco. Greenley 1912 GREEN MTN DR LmLE ROCK 72212682-7484 Leu,enco. Robert U OF ARKANSAS LAW SCHOOL. FAYETTEVILLE AR 575-5601 LeY8llder. G. WiUiam POBOX 1838. TEXARKANA TX 75504-1938 773-3187 Leyoy. JoIwl T. PO BOX 2657. LITTLE ROCK AR 72203-2657 376-2269 lawrence, Ernest G., Jr. PO BOX 658, BENTONVlLlE AR 72712-Cl658 273-9561 l.ewnlnoe. Ric:hard L. 323 CENTER ST 01300. LmLE ROCK AR 72201-2621 375-5253 l.ewnlnoe. SlO_ D. PO BOX 705. HEBER SPRINGS AR 72543-0705 362-0570 Lows. Hugh R. POBOX 3000. RUSSELLVILLE AR 72801-2211 866-1188 laws, Ike AIen. III POBOX 3000. RUSSEUVUE AR 72801·2211 gu.,'68 LaWI, Ike Ahn. Jr. POBOX 3000, RUSSELLVillE AR 72801·2211 G68-1168 LoWlOfl. Bob J.. Jr. 212 CENTER ST • 200. LITTtE ROCK AR 72201·2433 376-7200 PO BOX 5551. NORTH LITTLE ROCK AR 72119-5551 372-0110 Lowson. Jwnea D. Lex. Gary M. PO BOX 8038. HOT SPRINGS AR 71802-6038 321-8194 Lax. Michael F. .ooWCAPITOl' 2400, UTTlE ROCK AR 72201-3411 3~ Leamons, Spence A. POBOX 2407, FORT SMITH AR 72902·2407 783-4191 Leasure. Stanley A. PO BOX 1446. FORT SMITH AR 72G02-'«6 782·0361 Lealherman. Leland F. PO BOX 1401. LmLE ROCK AR 72203-1401 376-3021 LeBoeul. Micl1ae1 A. 212 CENTER ST. 500. LITTtE ROCK AR 72201·2436 375-5545 Ledbe CaMn R.• Jr. 43221 ST. LITTtE ROCK AR 72205-2054 663-2100 Ledbe Charles R. POBOX 185. FORT SMITH AR 72902-0185 782-7294 Swnuel E. PO BOX 47. LITTtE ROCK AR 72203-0<>17 372-5859 Ledbe Ledbe Thomas D. POBOX 1430. HARRISON AR 72602-1430 743-1207 LN. G.-old DeY1l POBOX 1430. SPRINGDALE AR 72765-1430 751-8582 LN.JoIwl T. POBOX 1348. SLOAM SPRINGS AR 72761-1348 524-8181 LN. Peul H. POBOX sao. RUSSELLVLLE AR 72801-0580 • Lellar. Robert Ie U OF ARKANSAS LAW SCHOOL. FAYETTEVLLE AR 575-3148 Lellar. Robert B. U OF ARKANSAS LAW SCHOOL. FAYETTEVILLE AR 575-2708 Legge•• Thomas P. 400 W CAPITOL' 2000. LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3493 376-2011 311 W 3RD ST. MALVERN AR 72104-3717 337-0071 Lomons. Phylis J. Lessel. John C. 320 W CAPITOl' 1000, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3525 688-8800 Le.....beny • .lad< L. 1800 BEECHWOOD. LITTtE ROCK AR 72207-2002 372·8550 Le~. Roben O. 13 W. AveJoo Drive. NORTH LITTLE ROCK AR 72118- 753-8487 Le~n. Jeffrey E. PO BOX 583. CLARKSVILLE AR 72830-0583 754-2398




Lewaften. Partida SleV8fI200W CAPITa. 12200, LITTLE ROCK n201·3627 371·0808 Lewden. Richard D. 2123 N ARTHUR ST. LITTtE ROCK AR 72207-3411 Lewelan. Roy C. PO BOX 287. MARIANNA AR 72360-0287

668-8429 295-2764

Lewelan. Todd Ie 111 CENTER ST 11200. LmLE FlOCK AR 72201-4414 S76-nBB L_. _ C. PO BOX 351. LITTLE ROCK AR 72203-0351 376-4OllO L_.Jemes Mark PO BOX 1212. JONESBORO AR 72403-1212 ~. Jellety CllI1 PO BOX 5517. TEXARIWlA TX 75503-5517 L_. JoIwl Alan PO BOX 1826. FORT SMITH AR 72902-182ll L_. It C.• ,k. 226 WOClOIlI£ ST. HOT SPRINGS AR 71801-5121 L_. Peul K.. Jr. 7 IRON HORSE RD. LITTtE ROCK AR 72211-ll502 L_. Wllis V. 200 5 ARCH ST. LmLE ROCK AR 72201-2330 375-4671 LighUlany A. 400 W CAPITOL. 2000. LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3407 370-3304 LJg!l~ louis W. 6221 BOYLE PARK RD. LmLE ROCK AR 72204-2538 666-2452 LJg!l~ RobertV. 400 WCAPlTOL, 2000. LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3493 376-2011 Ughlfoot. John Douglas 200 N JEFFERSON STE 516. EL DORADO AR 862-5565 Ugon. Stark PO BOX 881. WARREN AR 71671-0881 226-2288 Ule. John G.. III 200 WCAPITOL' 2200. LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3888 371-0808 124 W CAPITOL 11400. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3738 376-4531 Uies. Gary F. 376-0717 Uies. Mard L. Talbot 813 W 3RD ST. LITTtE FlOCK AR 72201-2'03 Uly. Mertin E. PO BOX 8035. JONESBORO AR 72403-8035 935-7320 Uncoln. Cotol L. 82ll W BROADWAY02OO. NOFITH LITTtE ROCK72114- 1163-0881 UnccIn. CharlesJ. 212 CENTER ST. 200. LITTtE FIOCKAR 72201-2433 378-7200 UnccIn. hIy 8 POWDER HORN CT.lITTtE ROCK AR72212-2ll2O 224-3Q77 Undsay. Mark PO BOX 1812. FAYETTEVILlE AR 72702,1812 521-4000 200 W CAPITOL. 22OO.lITTtE ROCK AR 72201-3888 371-0808 Undsay.1ltuce R. PO BOX K. CAMJEN AR 71701-o:lllO 838-n25 Undsay. Pall Undsey. Rulh 6111 RIOGECREST DR. LITTLE ROCK AR 72205-21122 663-1382 521-8400 Unebe'll.... JoIwl R. PO BOX 88. FAYETTEVILlE AR 72702-1798 Ungle. 8alt>ara E. 8805 PLEASANT RIDGE RD. ROGERS AR 72756PO BOX 652. ROGERS AR 72757-0B52 Ungle. James G. 836-0095 Upsoomb. Benjamin C. 3856 GULLEY RD. FAYETIEVILLE AR 72703-8008 Upsoomb. Tobilha HubbI PO Box , 287-Tru.. Dept.FAYETTEVIlLE72702-1287 575-7015 Upsmey.... J. Dale 222 E RAILROAD .IAORRLTON AR 72110-3410 354-5176 UsIt. LyM Deniol 2637 OLD WIRE RD. FAYETTEVLLE AR 72701..2-0584 Usle. JoIwl 2600 S THOMPSON ST. SPRINGDALE AR 72784-<l3S4 Uoowski.Jemes F.. Sr. 814 GROSVENOR OR. NOFITH lITTtE ROCK 72116-8518 • Uttle. CloY"" N_ 307 NW 8TH ST. BENTONVUE AR 72712-4713 273-2607 llewellyn. James M. PO BOX 818. FORT SMITH AR 72G02-0818 785-2887 Loddtert. W. Kirby 320 WCAPITOL. 1000. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3525 888-8800 Lodge. Holy B. 305 GILBERT OR. LITTLE ROCK AR 72205-2118 ~ Lofton. Floyd J. 401 W MARKHAM ST lO408. LITTLE FlOCK 72201-1417 372-6580 Long. Flet<:h.-. Jr. PO BOX 88ll. FORREST CITY AR 72335-0888 833-2184 Long. Guy S. PO BOX 1422. BLYTHEVILlE AR 723'6-1422 782-2324 Long. Jamea A. 118112 S OUNCAN. FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701· 521-8882 PO BOX 8038. PINE BLUFF AR 71811-6038 534-6302 Long, MarIe E. n4-8314 Longino. Hugh E.• Jr. 1824 BEECH ST. TEXARKANA AR 75502-3504 Lookadoo. Fred W.. Jr. PO BOX 809. ROGERS AR 72757-0B08 638-1875 Lookadoo. J. Hugh. Jr. 223 N 5TH ST. ARKADELPHIA AR 71823-5108 246-4273 Lookedoo. Liz_lh 620 W 3RD ST • 210. LITTtE ROCK AR 72201-2223 374-6535 Looney. J. W. U OF ARKANSAS LAW SCHOOL. FAYETTEVILlE AR 575-5801 Looney. Rita S. 10810EXECUTlVE CTR DR0215.lITTtE ROCK AR 227_ Looney. S. Randolph 2 TALMAGE CT.lITTtE FlOCK AR 72204227_ Lorence. Rick F. 07 HeIsted Cirde. ROGERS AR 72756638-5718 Love. Jennoler A. 8710 MEANDERING WAY 015. FORT SMITH AR 72903-1308 • PO DRAWER 7030. SPRINGDALE AR 72788-7030 756-8510 Lovelace.Jeny L. Lovell. John Frarld... Jr. PO BOX 806. BENTON AR 72015-0808 n&-7481

Loven. G1eM• .k.

PO BOX 1346. JONESBORO AR n4()3..1346

Love•• Torn F. PO BOX 1660. LmLE ROCK AR 72203-1880 Low8ty. Robert Lynn PO BOX 1147. DE OUEEN AR 71832-1147 Lowery. Vonce 293 PLAINVIEW CIR.NORTH LmLE ROCK72116-8!l13 LowlY. RobertC. 103 WCAPITOL' 1111. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-5727 LOWlY. S _ 301 FAIRWAY LN. FAYETTEVUE AR 72701-7158 Lowlhef. Edwin L.. Jr. 200 WCAPITOL. 2200. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3698 Lucas. Adele E..en 1801 FOREST HILLS BLVD. BELLA ViSTA 72714-2388 2624 N GRANT ST. LmLE ROCK AR 72207-3808 Lucy. Gladys M. Ludwig. Gene A. 900 S SHACKLEFORD RD. 200. LITTLE ROCK AR Ludwig. Slanley W. PO BOX 1400. SPRINGDALE AR 72765-1400 L _ . Petty W. 217 W 2ND ST. 200. LITTLE FlOCK AR 72201-2521 Luffman. Jem8I M. 113 WWAlNUT ST. ROGERS AR 72756-8682 PO BOX 368. WYNNE AR ~ Luker. James C_ Luppen. PetrideS. 400 WCAPITOL. 2891. LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3415 Lusby. RidlenI PO BOX 1308. JONESBORO AR 72403-1308 Lusby. Susan T"""", PO BOX 4232. FAYETTEVIllE AR 72702-4232 • Luslt. George E.. Jr. 200 W CAPITOL. 2200. LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3898 Lyden. Charie Notman.Jr. 2016 OURWOOO.lITTtE ROCKAR 72207-4107 LykJ<d. Robert M. PO BOX 194208. LITTtE ROCK AR 722111-4208 LyM. Rebecca L. 210 N 2ND ST. HEBER SPRINGS AR 72543-3031 LyM. TenyJ. 210 N 2ND ST. HEBER SPRINGS AR 72543-3031 Lyoo. PNlip It 425 WCAPITOL' 34OO.lITTtE ROCK AR 72201-34311 PO BOX 7044. JONESBORO AR 72403-7044 Lyons. R. James MadlonaId.lmogeno "W1nnie°38 E CENTER ST0107. FAYETTEVLLE 72701Mad<ey. B. Frank. Jr. 124 WCAPITOL. 675. LITTtE FlOCK AR 72201-3728 Mad<ey. Cl1arIes A. 1700 SANFORD ... LITTtE FlOCK AR 72207- • Mad<ey. David E. 12 SHAWNEE FOREST CV.lITTtE ROCK AR 72212Mad<ey.lJIane S. 400 WCAPITOL' 2000. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3483 Macom. ~r R. 12 C & H Cirde. SnrttgaltAR n160MaoP'-. Bruce A. 300 BROADWAY STE SOB. HOT SPRINGS 71801·5330 PO BOX 5670. NORTH LmLE ROCK AR 72119-5670 Madden. Harold W. Madden. Jean 515 ROCK ST. LmLE ROCK AR 72202-2445 Madden. John K. 110 CRYSTAL CT. LITTtE ROCK AR 72205Maddox. Edwerd S. PO BOX 178. HARRISBURG AR 72432-0178 Maddox. J. DeYid 520 CHURCH • MENA AR 71953-3210

932·8357 372·7771 642-8740 753-'850 375-7315 «2-2618 371-0808 855-8151 664-33116 223-2300 751-5222 374-0010 236-8588 374-3818 932-7«8 371-0808 • 570-2288 382-8117 382-6117 375-1122 872·5440 «2-8880 376-1555


873-2860 824-140' 371·g22ll 376-nco



PO BOX 1025, LEWISVILLE AR 11845-1025 921-4249 PO BOX 1308, cotIWAY AR 12032·1308 321-4340 Iottin, E. E.,.N. 2' W MOUNTAIN STI3OO. FAYETTEVillE 7210'-6068 521·71lO6 ,Joseph K.. II 100 W MAIN STE 406, ElIXlRAOO AR 1,T.l(). 862-8464 .lAichaeI F. 100 W MAIN STE 406. EL OORAOO AR 71730862_ .• Jeny 1.• .N. 404 N MCAOOO, LITTLE ROCK AR 72205•James C. 110 W COMMERCIAL ST, OZARK AR 72949-3228 667·2'55 · Phil 400 W CAPITOl. 2000. LITTlE ROCK AR n20'-34113 37G-1580 · Geotge l. 1 SHACKLEFORD PL, LmLE ROCK AR ="·'889 224-3031 .Ilruco D. PO BOX 250. MAGNOlIA AR 71153<>250 234-22" · DIm R. U OF ARKANSAS LAW SCH<Xll, FAYETTEVn.LE AR 575-558' Malone, Jeff)' Lee 400 W CAPITOl. 2000, LmLE ROCK AR 72201-34113 376-20" Malone, Sandra Caroline PO BOX 1928, TEXARKANA TX 75504-1928 794-334' Manley. Da~d J. 815 W MARKHAM ST 1200. LITTlE ROCK 7220'·1328 376-80'5 MoM.Drake POBOX 841.LmLE ROCK AR 72203-0641 37'·1011 Mam. Wiliam C., III 500W MARKHAM ST .:310, UTIlE ROCK 72201·'400 371..527 Maples. CheI)'I K. PO BOX llO65, NORTH LmLE ROCK AR 72119-llO65 316-1313 lAaIc2IA<, ~J. 301 SKYlIfE OR. NORTH LITTlE ROCKAR72,,63n-8'2O MaId•• Terri ToIlen '31 SAN JOSE DR. SPRINGDAlE AR 12784-2537 156-1880 PO BOX 887. SPRINGDAlE AR 72185-0681 15'_ Mars. Thomas A. Mats<:Mws • James R. 1101 EVERGREEN ST, GREENWCXlll AR 72936-3215 MataI1, Melanie l. 4 IlllEWOOO PL. NORTH LITTlE ROCK AR 72" U205 MataI1, R. Blake 4' REA CIR, WARREN AR 71611-3023 3711 FOXCROFT RD. LITTlE ROCK AR n207·2336 82'·2122 Marsh. Robert E. _ I . Den2i Price• .N. PO BOX 4057, JONESBORO AR 7 2 _ 7 ll32-6694 3n·3532 Marshal. Linda Kaye 6 GI"'eigh.LITTlE ROCK AR n207· M8IShail. Margaret Tumer PO BOX 6496. PINE BlUFF AR 718"·6496 536-0374 ll32·8137 Marshall. R. 8I)'ant PO BOX 4037. JONESBORO AR 72403-4037 Marshall, Te~ell 372 SKYLINE DR. NORTH LITTlE ROCK 72116·9226 753-2376 Marshall, Wiliam Taylor 4OOWCAPITOl.2891, UTTLE ROCK 72201·3415 374-3818 Mattin, Brent Wayne PO BOX 1343. BLYTHEVUE AR 72316-1343 J6,3.4g28 MattIn. EvereneLewis 320 W CAPlTOll1ooo. LmLE ROCK AR 7220'-3522 886-8800 MattIn. '-ard L 206 N 1ST ST, CABOT AR 72023-3010 643-3596 MattIn, Jack PO BOX 1000. SPRINGDALE AR m65-1OOO 27,.,028 Mattln,James Wm.• ok. 400W MARKHAM ST. LITTlE ROCK AR 7220'·'408 324-9445 PO BOX 472, BRINKLEY AR 7202H1472 134-1167 MattIn.John W. Marti1, Mark louis PO BOX 3597. FAYETTEVILLE AR 72702-3597 442-2244 MattIn. OIis H., ok. PO BOX 469. MENA AR 7'953-0469 394-3166 MattIn. Richard l. n.8 WESTMINISTER Pl., FORT SMITH 72903-4257 782·4028 MattIn, Suaan Fox 42 HICKORY HILLS CIR.LmLE ROCK AR ='2·2766 . Manin, Thomas A., ok. PO BOX 45•. JASPER AR 72641·0454 446-5546 3324 N HILLS BLVD.NORTH LmLE ROCK72,,6·9342 375-4605 Matlin, William A. 224·4000 Martindale. E_ett O. 900 S SHACKlEFORD RD 1300, LmLE ROCK AR 374-6535 Martindl, Denise M. 400 W CAPITOl 11900. LmLE ROCK AR n20" 15 WIlLOW OAK LN. RUSSEUVIllE AR 7280'·9096 964-7940 MoMn, Uaa E. 443-5222 Mashbum. Michael H. PO BOX 1921. FAYETTEVillE AR 72102·1921 Mason, Cl8l1< W. PO BOX 1300.LmLE ROCK AR 72203-'300 374-ggn Massey. Edmund PO BOX '90. MORRIlTON AR 7211G-O,90 354-'505 Massey. Richard N. 120 E 4TH ST.LmLE ROCKAR n20.·2893 375-9131 ~. TO«)' L 200 W CAPITOl. 2200. LITTlE ROCK AR n201-3699 37Hl808 Ma1lli~ LiaaG. '700 WESTPARK DR 1183. LITTlE ROCK AR n204- 884-8965 Malhi" Travis PO BOX 39SJ. ARKADELPHIA AR 71923-0399 2~S886 Malhil, William Travis, II 4403 KENYON OR. LITTlE Rcx:K AR 72205-201. Matson. Matgaret M. 5415 C ST APT A.LmLE ROCKAR n205-3472 372·8534 Mam-s, DI~d R. "9 S 2ND ST. ROGERS AR 72756-4525 836-0875 Mam-s. Gall 8'3 W 3RD ST,LITTlE ROCK AR 7220'·2103 376-0717 Matthews. Kay L. 221 W 2ND ST, 401. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201·2509 376-8363 Matthews, Mary Beth 119 S 2ND ST, ROGERS AA n756....525 636-0875 Mam-s, Stephen A. PO BOX 7808, PINE BlUFF AR 71611·1808 534·5532 PO BOX 66, JACKSONVillE AR 72071HXl66 982-3135 Mattingly. Lally W. Maulding. Diana McW.ianu 1406 rot'( CHAPel RD. LITTlE ROCK AR 72206- 316-1500 MalKras. S. Wahoo PO BOX 10205. FORT SMITH AR 12917..0205 782-1001 _ey.JoAIVl C. "5 MAIN ST. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201·3815 372-0400 May. James M.. III PO BOX 1329. LITTlE ROCK AR 72203-'329 663-5524 May, John W. 28 S COllEGE . FAYETTEVLLE AR n701-5313 443-6653 May, Nancy Beahou.. 200 W CAPITOlI2200.LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3699 371-0806 May, Ronald A. 200 W CAPITOl. 2200, LITTlE ROCK AR n201-3699 37'-0806 May. Wall'" E. 200 W CAPITOl' 2200, LITTlE ROCK AR n201-3699 371-0806 PO BOX 307. BlYTHEVILLE AR 72316-0307 762·2692 Mayes,JoIv1 B. ,Wlliam F.

. ,!Mcllael A.

Mayea. S. Hubert, Jr. 101 5 SPRING ST 1300, UTTlE ROCK AR 72201·2428 376-2981

May'ield, Melvin E.

625 MARSHALL ST. LmLE ROCK AR 7220"'020 305 WAY1..Af'l), SPRINGDALE AR n764· Mayo. Wlliam R. PO BOX 120. SILOAM SPRINGS AR 7278'·0720 Maya, P. Douglas 2 Natural Resour08S Il<• lITTLE ROCK AR n205Mays. Rld1atd1. "5 MAIN ST. LITTlE ROCK AR 7220'·38'5 Mays. Robin l. 401 W MARKHAM STI303.LITTlE ROCK 7220""'1 MayIon,!Mcllaei R. PO BOX '359. WEST MEMPHIS AR 72303-'359 Mazzanli. Eugene J. 625 MARSHAlL ST. LmLE ROCK AR 72201·1020 Mazz J8<I)' POBOX '91.LAKE VUAGE AR 7'653<>'9' Mazz ,Joseph P .. 1I1 PO BOX '5'. lAKE VILLAGE AR 11653-0151 PO BOX '54'. LITTlE ROCK AR 72203-1541 McAdams. Hall. III McAdams. Herben H.. II'24 WCAPlTOU11OO.LITTlE ROCK n20'·3737 11' CENTER ST I1100,LmLE ROCK AR 72201·44'3 McAdams,Letty C. McAlister. MarthaJett 124 W CAPITOl. 1400,lrTTlE RCX:K AR 72201-3736 McAlister. M'lChael E. 4 BELMONT OR, LITTLE ROCK AR 72204....817 • McAIiiSler.A. D., ok. POBOX '000. FAYETTEVILLE AR 72702·1000 McAI~ler. John M. 300 S SPRING ST 1420, LmLE ROCK AR n20'·242O McCallister. Bobby 0.140' COPPER CREEK DR, BENTON AR 72015McCallum, Robef1 E. PO BOX 196. BRYANT AR 72022-0798

Mayo, Walter P.

882·7<n 751·~

52'-11314 223-8327 372-0400 370-5610 735-3420 882·5076 265-5901 265-3833 372-4595 372-4595 376-8500 376-4531 52,.,411 374·8504 847·303'

McCarln, Ronald M. PO BOX 4'58. FAYETTEVUE AR 72702-4158 McCar1y, laGayle Dawn 113 W MOUNTAIN. FAYETTEVILLE AR 72101· McCar1y. Palrid< 6'5 ROGERS. FORT SMITH AR 72901·2401

443-5011 515-83'3 782"072

'24 W CAPlTOl 11200, LITTLE ROCK AR 12201-37'4 372~175 PO BOX 1928. TEXARKANA TX75504-'928 794-3341 McCasdail. J. Col 111 CENTER ST' 1900. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201· 372-3000 McCalIoy,Jamoa R. PO BOX 1442. JONESBORO AR72403-1442 ll35-88OO McClanahan. Kay M. 625MARSHAU ST ·AOC.LmLE ROCK n20,.,020 376-6655 McCIerilin. Hay.. C. STATE LINE P1.Z STE 6 BOX 8030. TEXARKANA AR 773-5651 315-9342 McCloy. Cllford, ok. PO BOX 151. LITTlE ROCK AR 72203-0151 McCkJ.., Edwin N. 119 S 2ND ST. ROGERS AR 12756-4525 638-0875 McCIu... George l. PO BOX 400. MALVERN AR 12'04-0400 332-m7 McCIUIll. Andrew Jay 400 W MARKHAM ST, LmLE ROCK AR n20.·1406 324-9437 McCoI1ou9h. Claude '2 CHINOOK CIR. NORTH LmLE ROCK 72116-530' 835-5467 271-1083 McCollum. SIdney H. PO BOX 7'8. BENTONVIllE AR 72712-07'8 McCo<d. James N. 207 W CENTER ST, FAYETTEVUE AR 7210'·5905 442'-6 McCo<d, S _ E. 8800 HAWTHORNE RO, LITTlE ROCK AR 72207-3455 882.-9 McCottlIe, Ed W. PO BOX 801. ARKAIlELPHIA AR 11ll23-o807 2....2468 _ . U n d a C . POBOX5257,LITTLE ROCKAR=,5-5251 663-2700 _ . Dowl PO BOX 1106. RUSSEUVILLE AR n80,.,,06 966-7300 _ . W...... Aus~n PO BOX 250362. LITTLE ROCK AR 72225-0362 McC<ackar1. J. Van PO BOX 8268, NORTH LITTLE ROCK AR 72"9-6288 835-779Il McC<ary, lAichaeI S. PO BOX 5'9. HOT SPRINGS AR 11902-0519 321-4118 PO BOX 1559. HOT SPRINGS AR 11902·'559 624-5771 McCraw, Dan McCuIIod1, R. Ken 124 W CAPlTOl 11200, LmLE ROCK AR 7220'-3734 372-6175 McCuI1ou9h, R. S. PO BOX 250508, LITTlE ROCK AR 72225-0508 316-•• " McCutd1en, Joey H.. II POBOX 1971. FORT SMITH AR 72902·197' 783-0036 400 S MAIN ST FL2, JONESBORO AR 7240'·2963 ll32·5950 McDaniel, Bobby McDaniel. C. Dou9laS 124 W CAPITOl' '400, LITTlE ROCK AR 1220'-3736 316-'531 316-1171 McllonIeI. Chat10a D. PO BOX 1O.LmLE ROCK AR 12203-0010 McllonIeI.Lucinda PO BOX 4057, JONESBORO AR 72403-4057 ll32_ G. R. 4600 BUNKER HILL DR. NORTH LmLE ROCK AR 153-6120 _ HarIY. 111 PO BOX 3034, FAYETTEVUE AR 72702-3034 443-'888 _ HarIY E.• ok. 13020 County Farm Rood. LITTlE ROCK AR 722'2· 374-3n3 MdlonaId. Gary D. 215 N WASHINGTON. EL OORAOO AR 7'730-5820 662-8322 MdlonaId,..uio W. 508 ROSE ST, LITTlE ROCK AR n205-3906 374-<36' 66o-6ll55 MdlonaId. Robert M. 2'06 S GAINES ST, LmLE ROCK AR 72206-1394 MdlonaId, RodJ.. 1I 406 N CEDAR. LITTlE ROCK ARn205-5536 316-7808 McDonough, DI~ J. 4001 ROGERS APT 28. FORT SMITH AR 72903-3058 185-52" McElroy, Michelle E. 19'0 N fkJGHES.LmLE ROCK AR 72207McFarlin, Janie Willbanks 400 W CAPITOl. 2840. LITTlE ROCK n201·34,5 372·5800 McGee, Eiaabeth Murphy 32 BARBARA DR, LITTLE ROCK AR 12204· McGill, Robert D. 200 W JACKSON. HARRISBURG AR 72432· 782-6041 McGinn•• J. Randal PO BOX 1626. FORT SMITH AR 72902·1626 194-3121 McGinn•• Robef1 S .. .N. PO BOX '8n, TEXARKANA TX 75504-18n McGough. PtlIIIp 1405 PIKE. NORTH LITTlE ROCK AR 12114-4049 375-8294 McGowan, Mary Spencer 40' W MARKHAM. 2'4, LITTlE ROCK AR n201· 37G-5602 McGowan, Thomaa H. PO BOX 164808. LITTlE ROCK AR 72216-<608 316-6355 McHaney. Jam.. M.• ok. POBOX 555', NORTH LITTlE ROCK AR 72119-555' 372-01'0 McHerwy. Roben '24 WCAPlTOl. 650, LITTlE ROCK AR 7220'-3730 372-3425 McHughea. Josh E. PO BOX 2'80. LITTlE ROCK AR 72203-2.80 316-913' Mc'-. Marcia 26 E CENTER ST. FAYETTEVLlE AR mO'·5301 442-(1600 McKenzit, Gregoty P. PO BOX 107. OZARK AR 72949-0'07 667·215' McKenzie, H. H. PO BOX 599. PRESCOTT AR 71857·0599 887·280' McKenzie. James H. PO BOX 599. PRESCOTT AR 7,857-05GG 887·280' McKImm, William Harry POBOX sn, MOUNT IDA AR 71957.()6n 867·2182 McKinley, Lealer A. PO BOX 629. DE WITT AA 72042-0&29 946-1248 Mcl(jnney, Robert C. 425 W CAPITOl 11500, LITTlE ROCK AR 7220.-3462 375-1820 lkKiMOn. LauraJ. PO BOX 1121, FAYETTEVillE AR 72702·1127 521-1555 McKl1igh~ B. 1305 BISCAYNE DR. LmLE ROCK AR n201·5816 225-3289 Mclarty.Jamoa A.• III 114 MAIN ST. NEWPORT AR 72112· 523-2403 372·1'2' Mclaod. Kaye Har1ensl8in PO BOX 3644. LmLE ROCK AR 72203-3644 McMahan. Robef1 S. 323 CENTER ST '150. LITTlE ROCKAR 72201·2615 882·3670 McMath. James IlnJoe PO BOX '401. lITTlE ROCK AR 72203-1401 316-3021 _ . P h l pH. POBOX 1401. LITTlE ROCK AR 72203-1401 316-302' _ . Sandy S. POBOX 140'. LITTlE ROCKARn20~'40' 316-302' _.SidnoyS. POBOX 140'.LmLE ROCK AR 72203-1401 316-302' 2....2468 MlM"an. TOf18y D. PO BOX 801. ARKADELPHIA AR 7.ll23-o807 McWIan, MarIan Major 324S SPRING ST 1204, LmLE ROCK 72201·24'3 316-9"9 McNair, C. RandY,III 102 SW 8TH ST. BENTONVIUE AR 72716-000' 213-"'4 McNair. D. Malcolm. ok. 339 N WASHINGTON.FAYETTEVILLE AR 7270'-4230 575-m5 lAcNee, John R. PO BOX 827. JACKSONVILLE AR 72076-0827 982·45" McNeil. Andre E. PO BOX 237. CONWAY AR 72032-0237 327·5'33 McNeil, Judy P. PO BOX 3363, LITTLE ROCK AR 72203-3363 316-4731 _ I . Paul D. PO BOX 4057, JONESBORO AR 72'03-4057 ll32...... McHuIty, Jed< A. PO BOX 1808. PINE BLUFF AR 1'611·7808 534-5532 UcPhermn. Kei1h M. S01 NAPA VlY, 720. llT'TLE ROCl< AR 72211· McRae. D.l. PO BOX 599. PRESCOTT AR 7'857-0599 887·2801 McSplldden. Carl B. PO BOX '29. HEBER SPRINGS AR 725003-0129 362·2939 McSpadden. Don PO BOX 205 •• BATESVUE AR 12503-2051 793-3257 McSpaddon. _ 200 WCAPITOl. 2200. LmLE ROCK AR 1220.-3699 31'-0808 McWiliama, Alan Roy 4214 KENYON, LITTlE ROCK AR 72205McWllianu. George l. PO BOX 1928, TEXARKANA TX 75504-1928 194-3341 Meact".m,Jerri Beth 1655 MAPlE, BATESVILLE AR nso,· Me'-a. Philip E. PO BOX 2263. HARRISON AR nso2·2263 427·5492 Meads. Mar9are'8unn PO BOX '00. SEARCY AR 72143-0'00 266-3536 374-7442 Means, Henry N.,1I1 5'5 ROCK ST, LITTlE ROCK AR 72202·2445 Me...... P8lJ1 N. PO BOX 551. LITTlE ROCK AR 722ll3-o55, 3n-3577 _ , Thomaa F., ok. 400 W CAPITOL. 2000. LITTLE ROCK AR n20'·3407 316-20" McCasI<iI, Aullin

McCasland, Krilli I.



MoeI<I, Wllam Ruosell. III

PO BOX 34193. LmLE ROCK AR 72203-4193


Meeks. Wi lam Soltt PO BOX 71. HAMBURG AR 71&48-0071

853-5481 ~.MuC. 111 CENTER ST' lloo.UTTl£ ROCKAR 72201-«13371>8500 Mohycu. JuIa K. 17 PURDUE CIR. LmLE ROCK AR 72204Meief. Deborah K. 314 AW/JA LRAFB. JACKSONVILlE AR 72099-5000 _, Moii.. EricFOI.... POBOX381.llE wmAR 72042-0381 _11 Mellon. James Soltt 702 SW 8TH ST. BENTONVILLE AR 72718-0001 273-8581 Menoh>e.1lnJce Tandy PO BOX 129. WYNNE AR ~129 238-2381 Monz. David F. 111 CENTER ST. 2200. LmLE ROCK AR 72201-4429 372·0800 Men:r. John R. 1710 MOORES LN. TEXARKANA TX 75505·5517 792·8248 Metcalf. Ronald W. POBOX 1844. FORT SMITH AR 72902·1844 783-0239 Metzger. Jay P. POBOX 337.ASHOOWN AR 71822-0337 898-5121 Metnr. RobertF. 411 W ARCH • SEARCY AR 72143-~7'81 _ . A. Delbert. Jr. lS01 N UNIVERSITY n66. LmLE ROCK AR 664-4808 _ . Robin W.._ PO BOX 400. LmLE ROCK AR ~ 682·5825 _ . Thomu W. 14 WWY CT. LmLE ROCK AR 72207·3227 224-e234 M_oon. Cynll'oi. R. PO BOX 268. MONTICELLO AR 71855-0268 MidcIalDn. Mall< E. 320 W CAPITOL. 1000. LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3522 688-8800 Minllt. Mike PO BOX 806. SEARCY AR 72143-0806 268-2404 Mil A. Paul PO BOX 2044. TEXARKANA TX 75504-2044 794·2711 Mil Andrew R. 2481 BROPHY '2. FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703· Milar. B~I R. 100 N 2ND ST. AUGUSTA AR 72008~. Danny A. POBOX 1286. MENA AR 71953-1288 394-1061 MJOf. David E. PO BOX 420. MELBOURNE AR 72556-0420 368-4311 •James K. UOf ARKANSAS LAW SCHOOL, FAYETTEVILlE AR 575-3102 PO BOX 209. FORREST CITY AR 72335-0209 633-4802 · James N. MJOf. John F.• Jr. PO BOX 3030. TEXARKANA TX 75504-3030 831-5283 Milar. Lanoe R. 320 W CAPITOL. 1000. LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3522 688-8800 MillOf. Mari.Bomarde 12810 SAINT CHARLES BLVD. LmLE ROCK 722,,· 682·2007 WI.... Mat1h. M. 1423 W3RO ST 119. LmLE ROCK AR 72201·1639 372·7442 Miller, Pel8f A. 111 CENTER Sf '1820, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201·.... '8 374·6300 M~ .... Randel K. 124 W CAPITOL 11400. LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3736 378-4531 Milar. RichIItd L. PO BOX 3354. FAYETTEVILLE AR 72702-3354 521·8288 MR, Stan MiIef. SIOphenJ.

POBOX 1«0, HOT SPR~S AR 71G02·1440


2744 COY KAYLOR DR "1. FAYETTEVILlE AR 72703•S..... P. 32OWCAPITOL.,000.LmLE ROCK AR7220I-3522 6B8-BBOO • lam S.. Jr. 124 W CAPITOL 11300. UTTl£ ROCK AR 72201-3736 378-4531 I. ChattesF. 5 TOULOUSE CT. LmLE ROCK AR 72211·5538 227·7162 Mils. James Rodney POBOX 1168. FORT SMITH AR 72IlO2-o!l68 783-6186 I. Wil>ur D. PO BOX 402. KENSETI AR 72082-0402 Mill. Winiam P. POBOX 1378. SEARCY AR 72143-1378 268-7114 MinIOn. David L. 3418 SlJM'.£RHILL DR. FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703Mi<on. Philp 124 W CAPITOL' 1500. LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3743 376-8222 M;u:hell. Conrie M. 380ll E CASTLERIDGE ST. TEXARKANA AR 75502·2416 M.u:hell. Oe'ld S. 124 W CAPITOL 18SO. LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3730 372·3425 Miu:hell. Grog L. PO BOX 1109. MAGNOLIA AR 71753-1109 234-8552 _ I . H. _ 320 W CAPITOL. 1000. LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3525 6B8-BBOO Miu:hel1.Jimmy W. 200 WCAPITOL' 2200. LmLE ROCK AR 72201-36!l9 371-0808 Mi1dleIl. Kely O'Guin 3608 BRENTWOOD DR. FORT SMITH AR 72903-9272 646-7955 M _ . _ W . POBOX'510.UTILEROCKAR72203-'510 378-7870 MilChusson, Gary James PO BOX 989. FORREST CITY AR 72335-0989 ~'1 Mixon, Donn PO BOX 1442, JONESBORO AR n403-1442 935-8600 Mixon, Hugh Clarke, 111124 WCAPrTOL'1620,lmlE ROCK AR 72201-3744 37S.asoo Mixon. Jamel G. PO BOX 3182. UTILE ROCKAR 72203-3182 324-6037 Maol. Mon. M. 400 W CAPITOL' 1700. LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3435 372-8300 Mobley. Jeff 128 E MAIN ST. RUSSELLVILLE AR 72801·5128 968-1412 Mobley. MarIlJ. 128 E MAIN ST. RUSSELLVILlE AR 72801-5128 968-1412 Mobley. Richerd PO BOX 279. RUSSELLVILLE AR 72801-0279 968-1117 Mol. Mall< A. PO BOX 2023. FORT SMITH AR 72902·2023 782·7203 Mol. Sendre Baiey 304 ~E VALlEY RD. LmLE ROCK AR 72207-4120 682·2'08 Molock. OeMis R. PO BOX 92. STUTIGART AR 72' 6O-oOll2 673-«26 Moncrief. V.gol PO BOX 308. STUTIGART AR 721SO-0308 673-2491 Monroe, Thomas Ark 320 W CAPITOl' 1000, lrrTlE ROCK AR 72201-3522 688-8800 MontgOmery. om E. 221 W SECOND '524. LmLE ROCK AR 72201· MontgOmery. Roben H. 124 W CAPITOLII 170. LmLE ROCK AR 72201·3733 376-3584 Moody. Edwlltd O. 801 W 4TH ST. LmLE ROCK AR 72201·2,o7 376-0000 Moody. James M. 200 W CAPITOL. 2200. LmLE ROCK AR 72201-36!l9 371-0808 Moody. James _ . Jr. 200 WCAPrTOU22OO. LmLE ROCK 72201·3627 371-0808 Moody. Wolace M. PO BOX 7005. EL DORAOO AR 71731·7005 864-1303 Moon. J. D. 5503 BRYANT PL. SPRINGDALE AR 72764-259' 442·29OlI Moon. Philip A. PO BOX 1943. FAYETTEVILlE AR 72702,1943 ....lI5OO Mooney. ChatIes M. PO BOX 1423. JONESBORO AR 72403-1423 935-5847 Mooney. Charlel M" Jr. PO BOX 1423. JONESBOROAR 72403-1423 935-5847 Mooney. G. Wayne 404 MARKET ST. HARRISBURG AR 72432·1934 578-2422 Moofe. David L. 3081 MARKET. '. FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703521·5233 Moofe. Dowey. Jr. 3 FlnenciaJ Cen1&<. a3OO. LmLE ROCK AR 722' ,. 224·3700 Moore. Harry T. PO BOX 726. PARAGOULD AR 72451-0726 2311-2225 Moofe.James L..III POBOX 7808. PINE BLUfF AR 71611·7808 534-5532 Moore. James W. 400 W CAPITOL' 2000. UTTl£ ROCK AR 72201-3493 37&-2011 Moore. Janet K. PO BOX 587. OSCEOLA AR 72370-0567 563-5252 Moore.Jellrey H. 400 W CAPITOL' 2000. LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3407 370-'5'8 Moore. John B.. Jr. PO BOX 224. CLARENDON AR ~224 747·3826 Moore, John E. ..00 W CAPITOl' 1900,lmLE ROCK AR 72201374--6535 Moofe. John E.• Jr. 2100 RIVERFRONT 0Ra240. LmLE ROCK72202·1793 663-0535 Moofe, Marlene S. 4814 WHEELER. FORT SMITH AR 72901-7837 646-8941 Moore. Marshall H. POBOX 2631. TEXARKANA TX75504·2631 n"'51., Moore. Micl1ae1 S. 400 W CAPITOL • 2000. LmLE ROCK AR 7220'-3493 376-2011 Moore. MiIChel O. PO BOX 587. OSCEOLA AR 72370-0567 563-5252 Moore, Pal N. POBOX 1626, FORT SMfTH AR 72GQ2·1626 782-8041

375-lIllOl Moote. Ric:hatd N.. Jr. 313 W 2HO ST. LmLE ROCKAR 72201·2409 521·7648 Moote. Rudy. Jr. PO BOX 580. FAYETTEVILlE AR 72702-0580 Mootehead. Evolyn L. PO BOX 2381. LmLE ROCK AR 72203-2381 314-3758 538-6589 MoNIleed. DlMd F. 3Oll8 W 40TH ,PINE BLUFF AR 71803~an. ChatIes A. STATE LINE PLZ STE 8 BOX 8030. TEXARKANA AR 773-5651 ~an. OeIeJ. "Jey".Jr. 1701 Fair Pwl< BlYd. LmLE ROCK AR 72204861·9749 Morgan. James L. PO BOX 806. SEARCY AR 72143-0808 288-2404 Mo'llen. Jesse D. 2001 W 3AD CT. RUSSELLVILLE AR 72801· Mo'llan. M. Edward PO BOX 388. CLINTON AR 72031-0388 745-4044 Mo'llen. R. Scott PO BOX 7808. PINE BLUFF AR 7'611-7808 534-5532 Morgen. Roger L. PO BOX 1138. MOUNTAIN HOME AR 72653-1136 425-2128 MoI1edge. W. Frenk PO BOX 912. FORREST CITY AR 72335-0912 1133-9531 Molloy. Dean R. PO BOX 5508. NORTH UTTl£ ROCK AR 72119-5508 372-4314 Molloy. Randol W. PO BOX 5757. NORTH UTTl£ ROCK AR 7211~ 377·7387 Molloy. Soephen E. PO BOX 5508. NORTH UTTl£ ROCK AR 72119-5508 372-4314 Mr:HpMw. G. Jos 2224 COTIONOALE LNa202. LmLE ROCKI2202·2038_ll3ll3 Morris. Oevid E. I E CENTER ST '209. FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701·5387 443-5566 Morris. Helll)' C. PO BOX 808.llE QUEEN AR 7'832-0808 642·2228 Morris. Tom C.• III PO BOX 447. BENTONVILLE AR 72712-0447 273-2417 Morrison. Howlltd Keith 200 WCAPIT0La22OO. LmLE ROCK AR 72201_ 37'-0808 Motrisa. Josh R.. 1I1 1710 MOORES LN. TEXARKANA TX 75505-5517 792·11246 Mo... Micl1ae1 E. PO BOX 220. Sll.Oo\M SPRINGS AR 72781-0220 52...5111 Mo.. F. Jackson 111 CENTER ST 01900. UTTl£ ROCK AR 72201· 372-3000 Moudy. Dan E. PO BOX 574. BENTON AR 72015-0574 778-1l3B8 _ . ChatIes L. 2420 RIVERFRONT DR '16. UTTl£ ROCK AR 72202· MoIxlon. Kemelh R. PO BOX 1948. FAYETTEVILlE AR 72702·1946 44N121S _ . RouJind M. PO BOX 8509. PI'*' BLUFF AR 71811-85011 535-9000 _ . Wm. Kirlly PO BOX 5100. PI'*' BLUFF AR 7,.,,·5,00 534-2ll41 Mowarr.Joseph S. 111 CENTER STa 1900. LmLE ROCK AR 72201· 372·3000 Mowarr. Wjilltn Heward 1710 MOORES LN. TEXARKANA TX 75505-5517 792-8246 Moy..-. Cerl F. RR 4 BOX 35 L. EUREKA SPRINGS AR 72632·9419 253-5304 Muldrow. L.. J. 200 W CAPITOL. 2200. LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3699 371-0808 MuIkey.1lnJce L. 1039 W WALNUT 12. ROGERS AR 72756Muloly. _ E . POBOX 1346. JONESBOROAR 72403-1346 932·8357 MuI.... _ I E 400W MARKHAM ST. LmLE ROCK AR 72201-1_ 32......5 Mulis. Bart G. PO BOX 7247. PI'*' BLUFF AR 71.,1·7247 534-0224 Muncy.lachaty Paul POBOX 1946. SEARCY AR 72143-1946 279-2700 Munoon.1lnJce E. 620 W3RD ST. 2'0. LmLE ROCK AR 72201·2223 374-<l535 Murdocl1. Tin W. PO BOX 3000. RUSSEUVILLE AR 72801·2211 _1168 Murphey. Ar1hur G.. Jr. 400 W MARKHAM ST. LmLE ROCK AR 72201·1408 32...9445 Murphy. ChIItJolle Brown 111 CENTER ST 11620. LmLE ROCK 72201-4418 374·6300 Murphy. _os W. PO BOX 31.5. LmLE ROCK AR 72203-3195 22""078 Murphy. _ Lee 913 Oo\K ST. COH'NAY AR 72032-4352 327-«57 Murphy. Randy P. 400 WCAPITOL' 2840. LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3413 372·1887 Murphy. Rulhanno N. 9 KINGS CT. LmLE ROCK AR 72211-1603 22a-0494 Mu"O)'. Ralph C. PO BOX 2397. WEST HELENA AR 7239o-03lJ7 572-3722 Murrey. Todd H. PO BOX 2397. WEST HELENA AR 7ZlllO-2397 572-3722 Murrey. WaI1efA. ,,2W4TH ST. LmLE ROCK AR 72201·2126 372·7000 Murry. John W.. Jr. 707 NW 7TH ST. BENTONVILlE AR 72712-4808 273-1828 MJny, KeYinCoctnn PO BOX 1928, FAYETTEVUE AR 72702-1821 442·D7 MJny, MonfyGene PO BOX 1877, TEXARKANA TX 75504-1877 N4-3121 Muse. Rl<:hard S. PO BOX 758. HOT SPRINGS AR 71902-0758 823-3358 My...I. Dane Jacob 106 WOODCLIFF RD. SPRINGDALE AR 72764751·5397 My.,I. Ronald Kellh 803 PINE ST. TEXARKANA TX 75501-5111 792·2221 My..... Wiliarn G. 308 ADAMS ST. FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701-1903 442-8219 Nadzam. Cat1a R. 706 AUTUMNBR<XlK CIR. NORTH UTTl£ ROCK AR 835-3649 Nalley. John Doyle PO BOX 606. BENTON AR 72015-0606 778-7491 Nance. C. B.. Jr. PO BOX 1090. WEST MEMPHIS AR 72303-1090 735-3310 Nance. CeciJ B.• III PO BOX 1090. WEST MEMPHIS AR 72303-1090 735-3310 Nance. Don 32 WESTMONT CIR. LmLE ROCK AR 72209-1720 565-3309 Napp«. Sle.. 201 SCHESTER ST. LmLE ROCKAR 7220'·2015 378-n55 NapP«. T.,... 400WMARKHAM ST.LmLE ROCKAR 72201·1_ 32......, Naramore, Ronald G. 226 'NOODBINE ST, HOT SPRINGS AR 7HiM)1·5121 623-8688 Narlol. Vinc;entJ. 541 N GREENWOOD. FORT SMITH AR 72901·3509 782·2956 Nash. Wdiam 410 FAIRFAX DR. LmLE ROCK AR 72205-43'0 375-5587 Neal. Barry Dele 5205 S GARY. FORT SMITH AR 72903Nebben. Curtis L. PO BOX 1768. FAYETTEVILlE AR 72702·'768 521·lI998 Nee1. Glom A. PO BOX 1762. FORT SMITH AR 72IlO2·1782 ~7. Nel00n. E. Shelfield 425 WCAPITOL. 3400. LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3439 375-1122 Nel00n. EdwardA. 817 COLYNWOOO DR. NORTH LmLE ROCK 72120- 371-1937 Nel00n. RichIItd F. 511 S MAIN ST. MOUNTAIN HOME AR 72653-3841 425-2827 Nes11Ud. Chat1el R. 400 WCAPITOL. 2840. LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3415 S72·58OO Now. Timothy D. 200 PEACH ST. EL DORAOO AR 7'730-5890 862-&411 Nowc:omb. Robert PO BOX 2301. UTILE ROCK AR 72203-2301 372·5577 Nowel. C. Burt PO BOX 1620. HOT SPRINGS AR 71902·1620 321·1200 Nowel. Frank B. 5414 EDGEWOOO RD. LmLE ROCKAR 72207·5310 371·S051 Newman. Brad K. 2300 REBSAMEN PARK RD • 0212. LmLE ROCK AR Newman. Oeria P. 319 HOLLY ST. FAYETTEVILlE AR 72703Newton. MatgaretMwy POBOX 7372. LmLE ROCKAR722,7·7372 S72-&4'. Nor. MorshaIt S. 320 WCAPITOL . , 000. LmLE ROCK AR 72201-35251l8UllOO Ni_. Gaorge H. 265 HOLLY ST. FAYETTEVILlE AR 72703-1814 . Niblock. Walter R. PO BOX 182. FAYETTEVILlE AR 72702-0182 521·5510 NIcI1oIs. John David II. S WCXX)flQW ST. LmLE ROCK AR 72205-5942 NlcI1ols. Johnny L. PO BOX 1912. HARRISON AR 72602·'912 741 .... '00 Nicl1oll. Mark PO BOX 47. LmLE ROCK AR 72203-0047 372-5659 Nicl1olson. E. Leon PO BOX 273. GREERS FERRY AR 72067-0273 ~ NId<e1s. James E. 118 Thomhil. Sheowood AR 721201134-2712 Nickle. W. Roy PO BOX 7044. JONESBORO AR 72403-7044 972·5440 NialIooi. Shod Boley 26 ALINA LN. HOT SPRINGS AR 71909-3425 922-2170

tflelsen, Jan K.




Nisbet, A. Wyddil!. Jr. 400 W CAPITOl.. 2000, L1TILE ROCK AR 72201-3493 376-2011 Nisenballn. Louis J. Nix, John Robin. II Nixon, Dana D. Nixon, David G. Nixon, W. Robert, Jr. Nixon, WalterW.. 11I Noblet, James H.. Jr. Nolan, Bennen S. Nolan. CecilI>Jlf, Jr.

1317 COUNTRY CLUB TER. JONESBORO AR n401· PO BOX 1306, JONESBORO AR n403-1306 1412 GRAHAM RD, JACKSONVR..LE AR 72076-3835 7 Colt Square, B, FAYETIEVILLE AR n70312. WCAPITOl.' 1955, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3739 POBOX 551, LITTLE ROCKAR 72203-0551 100 W MAIN STE 205. EL DORADO AR 7'130PO BOX 16<, FORT SMITH AR 72902~18< PO BOX 68, STUTTGART AR 1216G-0068

NoWl. Wiliam C., Jr. 202 W 19TH ST, El OORAOOAR 7173Q.3115 _ . Rag'" A. ONE STATE CAPITOl. STE In. UTILE ROCK AR 13323 KANIS RD, LITTLE ROCK AR n211-<001 NorthQJtl, Hem1

932·7«9 982·2379 ...·7854 316-6291

663-6060 182·5297

613-3200 862-0202 682"\131


Norton, C. Moe PO BOX 8967, PINE BLUFF AR 71611-6967 53H551 Norton, N. 1.4., Jr. 200 W CAPITOl.' 2200, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3699 37H1808 Norvel, Phillip U OF ARKANSAS LAW SCHOOl.. FAYETIEVILLE AR 575-2206 NoMOOd, Gamel E. 602 HICKORY ST, TEXARKANA AR 75502· nH569 NoMOOd, Nonnan Douglu 20S W ELM ST. ROGERS AR 1V56-olS33 636-1262 No""" Batbara lAke 503 A E WUIS, IoAONTICELLO AR 71655361-34<1 Nussbaum. Alan J. PO BOX 2301, LITTLE ROCK AR 72203-2301 376-3953 Nu""', R. Gary STATE LINE PLZ STE 6 BOX 6030, TEXARKANA AR n3-S6S1 Nye.DebbyThet1ord POBOX '.37,L1TILE ROCKAR72203-'<37 682·893< PO BOX 1541, LImE ROCK AR 72203-1541 O'Brien, Michael A. O'Oaniel, Gene 217 W 2ND ST' 125, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201·2520 378-0385 O~m, Jame. E., IJI PO BOX VOol. FORT SMITH AR 72902·Vo< 783-5570 O~m. Thoma. J. '00 5 UNIVERSITY 1213. LITTLE ROCK AR O\Aaley. Akhael C. 320 W CAPITOl.' 1000, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3525 68ll-88OO O'Ouim, M. Darren 425 W CAPITOl_ 3700, lITTLE ROCK oAR 72201-3439 375-9151 Odom, Bobby Lee PO DRAWER 1668, FAYETIEVUE AR m02·1668 «2·7575 Ogles. D. John PO BOX 5587, JACKSONVIlLE AR no76-6587 982-6SS6 Oglesby, Edward T. 620 W 3RD ST. 2'0, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201·2223 37.-6535 Ohm, Ralph C. 320 OUACHITA 1211, HOT SPRINGS AR 71901·5161 6201-7555 Ohnemus, Emma Jane 522 N COOLIDGE ST,UTIlE ROCK AR 72205-2714 371·5232 Old', Charles B. 109 WILD CHERRY RD, ROGERS AR mS6-8608 925-197. George D. ONE W MOUNTAIN 1103, FAYETIEVIllE AR 1V01· «3-OolOol Oiw. David M. PO BOX 17017, FORT SMITH AR 72917-7017 785-7606 Oiwr. Philp D. 400 W MARKHAM ST, LITTLE ROCK AR72201·10108 3201-9«0 Cliver. Ranko Shiraki 6723 SANDPIPER OR,UTILE ROCKAR 72205-5147 371·1071 Olver, Steven D. PO BOX 1620. HOT SPRING5AR 71902·1620 321·1200 Ol.en, Kenneth A. PO BOX 1683.UmE ROCK AR 72203-1683 375-7575 Ol.zewskl, Richard E. 505 WESTFIELD DR. NORTH LITTLE ROCK AR 72116Orr, Dan M. PO BOX 100, ASH FLAT AR n513-0100 994-7325 Orsirl. David A. 2'2 CENTER ST. 900, LITTLE ROCK AR n20l·2«0 376-.2.2 ClrIlrl. Nina 3201 N PINE ST. NORTH LITTLE ROCK AR n116-ll83O nl~l Osborne. Kenneth PO BOX 3<81. FAYETIEVIlLE AR n702-3<81 521·nV Osborne. Richard P. 26 E CENTER ST. FAYETTEVIllE AR n701-5301 521·5555 Osment, Pamela Sue 913 OAK ST, CONWAY AR 12032· 327-3650 PO BOX 72., MOUNTAIN HOME AR n6~n. .25-8636 Osmon, Da~d L. Ost"'loh, Henry 902 W 2ND ST, LITTLE ROCK AR n20l·2102 376-1985 66<-61OS Overbey, Thoma. L. .25 N UNIVERSITY, LITTLE ROCK AR 72205-3160 Overs.ee~ Willam D.•25 W CAPITOl.. 3100, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3439 375-9151 Ovef\on, David Kirby 301 W 33RD • lOlA. PINE BLUFF AR 71603-60n . Owen. Charle. C. 29 PINEHURST CIR. LITTLE ROCK AR n212-3432 225-2586 Owen, Ray, Jr. 320 OUACHITA 1300. HOT SPRINGS AR 71901·5167 6201-<2« Owen, Willam L. PO BOX 989, LITTLE ROCK AR 72203-0989 3n·l655 0NenI, Edward M. 200 PINE 5T, 414, PINE BlUFF AR 71601-.4294 536..e:103 Owens, Rodney P. AT 2 BOX 1810, LOWELL AR n745751·0494 Owin9" Karen J. 1502. GORGEOUS VIEW TRL,LITTLE ROCK AR ml0 227·5261 Owings, SIeve A. 217 W 2ND ST , 200, LmLE ROCK AR 72201·2521 374-0010 OMngs. Wi'1am A. 4 Broadview T8frac&, UTILE ROCK AR n207· ~·1300 Poco. Kely M. 1309 PICKERING DR, LITTLE ROCKAR mll· Packard, Cunis V. 3S BELMONT DR, LITTLE ROCK AR 722001-<816 565-2.23 Paddock. Ben L 115 N 10TH ST APT A110. FORT SMITH 72901·Z704 783-6698 Paden, Richard 5. 149 College Street. Mountain Home AR 72653· 42>2240 Padgham, Charle. R. 229 HOBSON • HOT SPRINGS AR 7'913-372. 6201-3300 Pagan, John R. 6901 LUCERNE DR, LITTLE ROCK AR 72205-5026 371-1071 Page, Patricia A. PO BOX 30, MENA AR 11953-0030 394-3091 Pake, David L. ,. PINE FOREST DR, MAUMEllE AR 72113682·5218 Paris, 5teYen Jame. «OS N LOCUST ST, NORTH LITTLE ROCKAR nl16-81.7 • Pariah, Rhonda J. 702 SW 8TH ST. BENTONVILLE AR 72716-0001 213-4439 Parbr, Chril 124 W CAPITOl. 1400, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3736 376-4531 Parker, DanIell.. 124 W CAPITOl' 1400, lmlE ROCK AR 72201-3136 37&-4531 P""",,, Donald L., II 320 W CAPITOl.. 1000, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3522 686-8600 Par1l"',DouglasW. 615 ROGERS ,FORTSMITHAR72901·2401 782·1 Park"" Kyle D. 615 ROGERS, FORT SMITH AR 72901·2<07 782·1072 PO BOX 3363, UTILE ROCK AR 72203-3363 376-.731 Parker, Micheel O. ,.,0 ELMWODO PL, JONESBOROAR 72.01·5035 933-8183 Parker,Olan P""",,, Pamela T. 9 BOGEY LN, ROGERS AR m56741-.4100 P"""", Richard R. PO BOX 2.6. HARRISON AR neo2~2<6 Parker, Timothy S. PO BOX M6. MARIANNA AR ~ 295-3<3< Parker_, John W. S20 OUACHITA, HOT SPRINGSAR 7'901-5107 321·9611 POBOX 1660, UTILE ROCKAR 72203-1660 3n·7T71 Par1ls,t.ana Parsley, Kenneth '08 OUAY ST, DARDANELLE AR 7283<-3836 229-3S53 Parson., Charlone E. 400 W MARKHAM ST, L1TILE ROCK AR 72201-1.08 3201-9<37 Parson., PelricJ< PO BOX 389<. HOT SPRINGS AR 719'.·389< • ]63.3191 Partlow, Graham Mississippi Cly CthouS8, BlYtheville AR 72315Pas<:aIe,Jo.eph K. ., LONGMEADOW. PINE BLUFF AR 71603400 W MARKHAM ST, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-10108 3201-9«0 Pas\lOllel. Glenn



P.... Jame. R. PO BOX 100<. RUSSELLVIlLE AR n801·100< 968-50\7. PalIAIf1. Gerland P. 103 W CAPITOl.' 1095. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201·5726 375-3400 P.....,.,. _ Dawn APACHE, LITTLE ROCK AR 722OSP.....,.,. Eudox E. 22S WOOllllINE ST, HOT SPRINGS AR 71901·5122 321-1'38 PaII8f_. Jeny D. PO BOX 820. MARSHALL AR 726SO-082O «8-5112 Pall8fson. John PO BOX 36, CLARKSVILLE AR 7283Q.OO36 7501-2400 PeDOflOn,John E. PO BOX 1378. SEARCY AR 721.3-1378 268-711. Pa"",son. T. B.• Jr. PO BOX 667. JACKSONVillE AR no76-0661 982·5588 PeDOf_. Tonie B. 30 OO\IE CREEK CIR, NORTH LITTLE ROCK AR nl '6 570.2886 PaDDn,.Im O. PO BOX 2181. lITTlE ROCK AR 72203-2181 318-2315 Paoon, John W.• IV POBOX 321.lEWISVUE AR 71845-0327 21·$765 Penon. _ a s H. PO BOX '897, TEXARKANA TX 755001-1897 nol-3206 Penon, Thomas K. PO BOX 1928, TEXARKANA TX 755001-1928 19oI-330S1 Parton, Winiam l., Jr. 400 W CAPITOl' 2000, lITTlE ROCK AR 72201-345113 378-2011 Pany. CJaiboume W.. Jr. PO BOX 5312, NORTH L1TILE ROCK 72119-5312 375-5061 Paul. Devid G. PO BOX 5420, LITTLE ROCK AR m,5-542O 221·1100 Paul, W. Chrillophef 100 E HUNTINGTON. A, JONESBORO AR 72401·2900935-7090 Paulson, Walter A.. II 400 W CAPfTOl. • 2000, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3493 376-2011 P _ . KmbOfly M. PO BOX 1893, CONWAY AR no32·,893 327·V9Q Pawik, Kellin J. POBOX 187. BENTONVUE AR =12~'67 V3-9079 Poyne, Brian L. PO BOX 1. DUMAS AR 7 ' _ ' 382-6836 ~eaca. John B. .25 W CAPfTOl.. 3700, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3439 375-9151 Peocod<, Joe N. PO BOX 599. Me CRORY AR 72101~99 731·2S0S7 I"e.,_, C. Thomas, Jr. 38E CENTER ST, FAYETIEVR..LE AR 72701·5301 521·<300 Peer_, G",aJd E. 909 PINECREST DR, JONESBORO AR n.Ol·7161 932·226< Pearson, Hazel Bob 1 BETSY LN, LITTLE ROCK AR n~909 666-7371 Pawson, Willam M. PO BOX 588. CLARKSVillE AR 7283O-OS88 754-3<95 Donald B. U OF ARKANSAS LAW SCHOOl.. FA'YETTEVIllE AR S7S-lI.09 Padlgo, James D. PO BOX 1350. HOPE AR 11801·1350 n7·753O P _ a I D. 52. SPRUCE ST. TEXARKANA TX 75501·5532 1901-2667 P , Willam L.,.k. PO BOX '928, TEXARKANA TX 755001-1928 19oI-330S1 Peel, Richard L. PO BOX 986, RUSSELLVILLE AR n601.Q986 -..000 Peeples, Oevid C. PO BOX 168, WEST MEMPHIS AR n303-0768 735-5500 Pence, B. Jeffwy 22' W 2ND ST. 50<, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201·2510 3101-9001 Pence.Lym 209 W CAPfTOl. • 36, LITTLE ROCK AR n201-3630 376-3<23 376-S30S2 Pence. Richerd 1.4.. Jr. PO BOX 1229. LITTLE ROCK AR 72203-1229 Pance. Tany 15,5W 7TH ST' 2' •• LITTLE ROCK AR n201·3936 682·5251 Pender, Jame. R. 400 W CAPfTOl. • 2400, LITTLE ROCK AR 1220'-3411 376-6!i6S Pendorll'al!, Neal Ros. PO BOX 19058, FAYETIEVIlLE AR =02·190S8 «2-6213 Pendle1On, Paul B. 200 WSTH STE .,., Pine Bluff AR 71601-<29< S3oI-OS3< Penick, Edward M. 12. W CAPITOl. "400, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3736 376-<531 PenIck,..Im 12. WCAPITOl.. 1400, LITTLE ROCK AR 12201-3736 376-<531 Penix, Bil PO BOX JONESBORO AR n.03-,306 932·7«9 Penix, Jame' A.. .k. PO BOX 1<8, SPRINGDALE AR m65-01<6 751~5 Pem. Suzame 209 W CAPfTOl. • 36. LITTLE ROCK AR 7220'·3630 376-3<23 P......nglOn. Oevid H. PO BOX 70. LITTLE ROCK AR 72203-0070 376-1171 Peoples. Marl< AllIn '20 E .TH ST. LITTLE ROCK AR ='·2893 375-9131 perogm. Deniol PO BOX 2.72. LITTLE ROCK AR = 2 . n 376-92.' Perkins, G. S. Bran' PO BOX oIOS1. JONESBORO AR n.03-<OS1 932_ Perkins, Gregory A. 11' CENTER ST 12200. LITTLE ROCK AR 29 3n~ Perkins, Willie E.. Jr. 829 HAlBERT ST, MALVERN AR 72'0<·2607 332·6633 Pennoai, James PO BOX 5361. TEXARKANA TX 75S05-5367 792"5'3 Pen'OIli. Samuel A. 10810 EXECUTIVE CTR DR 12' 5, LITTLE ROCK AR 227-a999 PO BOX 6016, MARIANNA AR 7236lHlM6 295-3<3< Pany, Joe R. Parson, Gary D. S903 JENNY LIND RD. FORT SMITH AR 72903·7<39 M6-«lSO P_k, PhilipA. 320 WCAPITOl.. 1000, LITTLE ROCK AR 7220'-3522 686-8800 Pe-..n. Elmo F. 8 t£RENCIA CIR, HOT SPRaNGS AR 71909-3413 922-0341 Peterson, John H. 200 WCAPITOl' 1100, lmlE ROCK AR 12201-3616 375-5447 P.teflOn. John W. PO BOX 679, MOUNT IDA AR 71957-Q679 861·2717 PellU., Donna C. PO BOX 1665, FAYETIEVILlE AR 72702·1665 «3-2363 PellU., E. Lamar PO BOX 1665, FAYETIEVIllE AR 12702·1665 «3-2363 Peny,DennyP. 411 WARCH ,SEARCYARn143268-7161 Peny, James G.. Jr. PO BOX 1503, SEARCY AR nl.3-,503 268-2985 PO BOX 1673, PINE BLUFF AR 71611·71173 S35-2Vl Pany, MaMn E. Phelp., John V. PO BOX 4057, JONESBORO AR n403-40S7 932_ Phllhour., Randy F. .,. WCOURT ST. PARAGOULDAR n.SQ.042<6 239-958' PhIlips, Grisham A. PO BOX 1037. BENTON AR 72015-1037 778-229< Phillips, Jame. A. <69 Rocl< Cliff Road, FAYETTEVILLE AR n701· 521·6999 Phillips, Jeffwy Woy... 306 5 2ND, DARDANELLE AR 7283<· 229-1106 PhIlips, Kevin H. 1102 MARRABLE Hill, EL DORADO AR 71730-8226 PhIlips. Norwood 100 E CHURCH ST. EL DORADOAR 71130-<602 862·5523 Phil ps._A. POBOX18I,FORDYCEAR717.2~181 3S2·llOS PhilNps-Hatril, Tan'VllY l. PO BOX 17i14, NORTH lmLE ROCK 72117·7'814 3n-e120 Pdenl, Fred M., Jr. 209 WAlNUT ST. NEWPORT AR 72112·3325 ~2 Pidlan•• J. Michael 400 WCAPITOl.' 2000, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3407 376-20" Pidlan., Kirby K. 73' 2 GERONIMO CIR, NORTH LITTlE ROCK 72116· 835-.593 PO BOX '938, TEXARKANA TX 1550<·1938 n3-3167 Picken, John M. Pierce, Mackie M. PO BOX 66. JACKSONVILLE AR 72076-0066 982·3135 Pike. George E.. Jr. PO BOX 3396, LITTLE ROCK AR =3396 3n~ Pikjnton, J8mes H. 402 E 19TH ST, HOPE AR 71801-8309 m-8871 f'jkjn"". James H.. Jr. PO BOX 583, HOPE AR 71801~ n7-6671 PirlkIIon. Reuban"oRr PO BOX 26, BRYANT AR no22~26 8<7..93< PJI'lSOI'l,Jerry O. PO BOX 1111, HARRISON AR 12602·1111 141·30403 PopI<.n., Deborah irene 2609 LINDEN, LITTLE ROCK AR 72205Pit1man, Jeffrey R. 1509 E MATIHEWS, JONESBOROAR 72<01-<3.2 9n·3S17 Pittman. John M. 902 E PARK ST, WEST HELENA AR n39Q.3127 336-5522 Plutlras. George N. '2. WCAPITOl.. lSOO.LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-37<3 376-8222 Plegge,John B. 401 WMARKHAM ST 1205, LITTlE ROCK 72201-1.'7 370.5630 Plammons, Lym Frank 108 5 MOOSE ST. MORRLTON AR 72110.3<26 3501-0'28





Plowman. _ I N. 200 W CAPITOL' 1120, LITTlE ROCK AR 7220'-3818PUnIoe, C. Dwayne PO BOX 747, SALEM AR ~747 895-2530 PUnll101', Robert P. POBOX '327, FAYETTEVU£ AR n702-'327 575-1124 P1unken. CharI.a E. PO BOX 40, CAMDEN AR 71701~ 838-27ll6 POOle<, Susie 18 CRYSTAL MOUNTAIN LANE. MAUIo4ELLE nl13324-9436 Pol<. Joe A. POBOX 70, LITTlE ROCK AR 72203~70 378-1171 Polard, 0daII PO BOX 100, SEARCY AR n14~I00 288-3536 Ponder. Andrew G. PO BOX 208. HAROY AR n542~208 858-2115 Ponder. Gall K. 124 W CAPITOL' 1200, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3714 372-6175 PO BOX 549. WALNUT RIDGE AR 72478-0549 ~ Ponder. H""y L. _ . Bony lJidroy • HOT SPRINGS AR 719Pope, Semual B. PO BOX 32. HAAlBURG AR 7'~ Ponor. Austin. Jr. 1723 S BROADWAY. LITTlE ROCK AR 72208374-3758 5n·3751 Ponor, Ja... E.. Jr. PO BOX 2747, WEST HELENA AR 72390-0747 POll, Dovid S. POBOX '227. FAYETTEVILLE AR n702-,227 521~15 POOl. ~ C. PO BOX 25115. BATESVILLE AR 72503-2595 N3-382' Poe, Poul R. PO BOX 2578. FORT SMITH AR n802-2578 783-"42 Pon«, Do'lid J. 90' N STATE LINE ,TEXARKANA TX 7550'·5202 784·2283 Powell, Oa'lid M. 200 W CAPITOL' 2200, LITTlE ROCK AR 7220'-38911 371-ll808 Powell, Rachel Anne PO BOX 1725, FORT SlAITH AR 72902·1725 782·9147 PowaIJ. Wlism _ '808 WAR EAGLE DR, NORTH LITTlE ROCK 635-0030 Poy",... T..", lot PO BOX 370, MOUNTAIN HOME AR = = 7 0 425-21ll6 5' INVERNESS CIR. LITTlE ROCK AR 722'2· Prolhor, Jaoon D. 838-7328 Proll,Jamos M.. Jr. PO BOX ll38, CAlAllEN AR 7'70'-0038 pron. Rk:hard L. RR 2 BOX SO. EUDORA AR 7'640-9805 355-<4611 Pray, Kinton Lynn 121 HWY 365, CONWAY AR 72032Pravalle, llonaId E. PO BOX '07, BI.YTHEVU£ AR ml~'07 783-4586 PO BOX 698, RUSSELLVillE AR neo'~98 968-8806 Prowell, Oa'lid E. Prewett, Wiliam I. POBOX '817, El DC>RAOOAR 71731-1917 862-3478 Prico, Cl1arIaa Clay 200W CAPITOL' 2200. LmLE ROCK AR n201-38911 371·0808 2" S SPRING ST, LmLE ROCK AR 72201-2479 3n·41« Prioo, N. Dol. Prioo, RobonJ. 211 S SPRING ST. LmLE ROCK AR 72201-2479 3n.. Prioo, Troy A. 200W CAPITOL' 2200. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3827 371-ll808 PO BOX 3On, JONESBORO AR n403-3072 932-8228 Prioo, Val P. 80' SERlE. RUSSELLVilLE AR n80,-6245 968-2394 Priddy, R. M. Prince. Thomas A. 425 W CAPITOL' 34OO,lrrTLE ROCK AR 722014439 375-1122 PlOCIDr. Chetles J. 2003 BEUMER ST. STLmGART AR nll'O·...2' . P""*,,, Richerd L. PO BOX _ . WYNNE AR 723ll8-O488 238-3831 P""*". Wllard,.... 221 W 2ND ST' 521. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-25'0 378-n2O PNilI, Lyn Pooplea 320 W CAPITOL' '000, LmLE ROCK AR 7220'-3522 688-8800 PNni5~,John E.. III PO BOX 5551. NORTH LmLE ROCK AR n119-555, 372-0110 PNnisId, lAaoy J. 2'00 RIVERFRONT DRI240,LmLE ROCK 72202-'783 ~ P",or. Oavid H. 700 W CAPITOL' 3030, LmLE ROCK AR 7220'-3215 324-8336 Poyor. K.lhoyn 200 W CAPITOl' 2200, LITTlE ROCK AR 7220'-3827 37,-ll808 Poyor.lAaI1l Lunsford 200 W CAPITOL' 2200, LITTlE ROCK AR 7220'-3899 37,-ll808 PO DRAWER 848, FORT SMITH AR 72902~ 782-88'3 P",or, Thomas B. Pulaslll Cly Bar, Cindy Smilh 400 W MARKHAM ST. LonE ROCKn2O,.,408 375-9311 Pulan. Donald C. PO BOX 758, HOT SPRINGS AR 71802-()758 823-3358 Puliam,Janot L. 111 CENTER ST 11 '00, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-«'3 37&-8500 PlM>Ioy, PhIlp lAi.... Cly~l304.TEXARKANAAR1S502· n4-n22 PIX,Ioy, RobertJ. RR 2 BOX 339. CHIDESTER AR 71=-6207 Pur1Ie, John I. 300 SPRING ST, 500, LonE ROCK AR n2O,· 372·8882 Pur1Ie, John T. 520 HARRISON ST, BATESVilLE AR 72501-I1ll41 793-5734 Pur1Ie, Susan!Auriol 28 E CENTER ST. FAYETTEVILLE AR n70,·530, «2-C800 Puma. Joseph H. 425 W CAPITOl' 3700, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3439 375-8'51 Putman. John R. PO BOX '375, HARRISON AR 72602,'375 741-4ll49

n, ,..

Putman, Winiam B., rv 516 TERRY DR. FAYETTEVILLE AR 72703-


Quanlebaum. Anne EI~aball154'2 CENTERWOOD RO, LmLE ROCKn207· OuanIebaum. Sl8Yon W. 111 CENTER STI22OO, LonE ROCK 7220"'428 0UggI0. RIchard PO BOX 2851, LITTlE ROCK AR 72203-265' Quirk, JoAnn C. '50' N UNIVERSITY , 500. LITTlE ROCK AR Raff. Arthur Eugene, Jr. 417 RIGHTOR ST, HELENA AR 72342·3219 Ran, Chris PO BOX 496. SEARCY AR 12143-0496 RaNaell, Louis J. 602 PINE ST. TEXARKANA TX 75501-5517 Rao-. 1luman A.,Jr. POBOX 196, VAN BUREN AR J2956..()796 Ragon, Heansol.1I1 POBOX 5420, LmLE ROCK AR 722'5-5420 Ragsdale. PhiHp W. PO BOX n19, lnTlE ROCK AR 72217·n19 Rahn. BII 6'5 W MARKHAM ST 1200, LmLE ROCK 72201-'328 PO BOX 470, LmLE ROCK AR 72203-0470 Rainea. JoIYl W. Rulay. Wjlsm P. POBOX 8ll. MARION AR 72384·0088 _ ..,C.Randy POBOX587.MENAAR719~7 _alar, lAichaa! R. 425 W CAPITOl' 3200. LITTlE ROCK AR n20'-3439 RaJnwat.., Paul S. PO BOX ll48. CROSSETT AR 7'835-0948 Raley. Pt1UNp A. PO BOX 8509. PINE BLUFF AR 71811-8509 18 EVE LN, CONWAY AR n032· Ralph, Staphon D. Ramar.Ja"y D. PO BOX 598, DANVIlLE AR 72833-0598 Ramos. Josaph PO BOX 24. CHARLESTON AR 72933-0024 Ramsay, Louia L., .... POBOX 8509. PINE BLUFF AR 718' '-6509 Ramsay, Richard L. POBOX 70, LmLE ROCK AR 72203~70 Randolph, John Claylon 400 W CAPITOL' 2000, LonE ROCK 7220'-3407 Raney. DonaJd P. 211 W ARCH. SEARCY AR n,43-530' Raney, Tucker " ' CENTER ST 11'00. LITTlE ROCK AR 7220'-«13 Ransick, C. E. COMP '2 ARROW RIDGE CT, LmLE ROCKAR 72205-'802 Raldiff. Brian H '00 E CHURCH ST, EL DORADO AR 71730-4802 Ralhor, Gordon S .. Jr. 200 W CAPITOL' 2200, LmLE ROCK AR 7220'-3899 Ra~ff. Alan G. ,aooCAPPS RO 18. HARRISON AR 7280', Rauch.lAarolyn 209 W CAPITOL' 36. LonE ROCK AR n201-3630 Rauls, St""y D. 108'0 EXECLITIVE CTR DR 12'5, LonE ROCKAR Ray, C81TOld E...... PO BOX 5551. NORTH LmLE ROCK AR n119-555,

688-4040 3n-C800 375-2ll63 ~OO

338-6731 268-6900

792-3755 474·5994 22'·7'00 66&-6394 37&-80'5 374-7438 739-«48 384-2787 374-1107 364-2'11 535-9000

965-15n 535-8000 37""71 37&-20" 285-4111 37&-8500 882·5523 37'-0808 37&-3423 227·_ 3n·Ol10

Roy.J. Thomas 200 W CAPITOl' 1600. lITTlE ROCK AR 7220'-3637 37S-2301 Roy, _ P., Jr. PO BOX 2llOO, lITTlE ROCK AR 72203-2llOO 372·5000 ReaIon<lf, S18phon M. PO BOX '54ll, LITTlE ROCK AR 72203-,54ll 324-5682 Rebsamon, AJvin H. 5008 RANDOLPH ST.NORTH LonE ROCK7211lHl836753-6208 RedO, KAliIl1 PO BOX 10205, FORT SMITH AR 72917-0205 782·1001 Reed. Floyd L. PO BOX 368.I£BER SPRINGS AR 725013-0068 362-3135 Reed, Joe B. 2600 S "THOMPSON, SPRINGDALE AR 7271l4750-401« Reed.IAu"IY O. 4m LAKEVIEW RO,NORTH LITTlE ROCK721 16-6727 753-2522 141 ROBERTSON ,MARIANNA AR 7ZI6O-2e31 2llS-2273 Reed. Stanley E. Reed, Thoma L. 4103 STUOER RO, LonE ROCK AR 722' Hnl Reed. Willam N. PO BOX 327. ENGlANO AR 7204lHl327 &12·2537 _a. Oa'lid PO BOX 1573. JONESBORO AR n403-1573 8n·l100 _ _, Ken R. PO BOX 308. HARRISON AR 72602~308 741·3000 _ _, Samuel MaMn PO BOX 568, BENTONVIlLE AR 727'2~568 273-3324 Reger, Margaret PO BOX 1813, HARRISON AR 72802·1813 741·2454 _.Lallie L. PO BOX 1400. SPRINGOAlE AR 727tl5-'400 151-5222 Reid. RidIord A. PO BOX 107. BI.YTHEVU£ AR 723'~107 763-4588 R.d, Elon A. L.. tar PO BOX 1878. LITTlE ROCK AR 72203-1ll7ll 372-8560 Rolf, WlUsm Michael 425 W CAPITOL' 3700, LITTlE ROCK AR 7220' -3438 375-8151 600 WGRAND, 201, HOT SPRINGSAR 71801-3!l22 _ , Rola, llIyanJ. -.rd. Wordy Kelley 8no LONGWCXlO RO. LonE ROCK AR 72207·2n8 _ a , P&U E. ," CENTER ST, lITTlE ROCK AR 72201372-3000 2 ST VINCENT CIR, lITTlE ROCK AR 72205-5488 _,8 Reyroald$, A. Jad< Reyroald$, CIIat1es W. PO BOX 3178, LITTlE ROCK AR 72203-3'78 371·_ Reynolda, OaYid L. 80' LOCUST, CONWAY AR n032-S300 450-4831 Rhoades, IlnJco A. PO BOX 512, BENTONVU£ AR 727'2~'2 273-8078 R. "8 S 2"" ST, ROGERS AR 727$-4525 1I36-Oll75 _ . _ E . 22' N3ROST.ROGERSAR72758-3703 63'~'25 _ , Robart K. 702 SW 8TH ST. BENTONVIllE AR n71~' 273-4,« _ , Byron Cola 22' HAZEL ST. HOT SPRINGS AR 71801-5132 32'·2734 _ , Jamos R.. III 425 WCAPITOl, 3700, LITTlE ROCK AR 7220'-3438 37S-8,5, Rhodoa. Rdlard F...... PO BOX 888. OSCEOlA AR m7~ 563-3700 RI_.I.latttJ. 9710 INTERSTATE 30. LITTlE ROCKAR~ 588-5880 RIoo, Bon E. SOl W MAIN ST, JACKSONVUE AR no7&-«78 1182_ _ RIoo, Jam.. H. 490' E CRESTWOOO DR, LITTlE R<X;K 72207·5407 863-<lO5O Rico, M. Randy 200 W CAPITOL 11'00, LmLE ROCK AR 7220'-38'8 374-1018 RIoo, Sorah Wilson SOl E HAYWOOOST, ENGI.ANOAR 720018-'848 882-8878 _ s o n , No_ C. PO BOX 113. BIG FLAT AR n&lH113 «8-2888 RIchardson, Wiliam L. . PO BOX ll38O, JONESBORO AR n403-ll38O m-ll224 Ridlatd, Curtia PO BOX 71. BENTON AR no,5-007, 778-220' RIddell, W. R. Randy PO BOX 8204, LmLE ROCK AR n22,-82004 227-7542 RIddIo, EIIl101' A. ISloWII Lane, Van Buron AR 72ll58474-2ll70 RIdenour, Garland Q. 500 PECAN ST,!£LENA AR n342-3214 :J38..8«8 RIdgeway, Robert D. '27 HAWTHORNE ST. HOT SPRINGS AR 7180'-5142 32'-'55' RIdgeway, Robo<1 Dean,Jr. 534 OUACHITAI2,HOT SPRINGS AR 7'80'-5118823-1500 Rla",a, Elton 1..• 111 PO BOX '359, WEST MEMPHIS AR 72303-1358 735-3420 RI.",a, Elton A.. IV 200 SHOPPINGWAY BLVD. WEST MEMPHIS n301· 735-3420 R111el, J. Kltby PO BOX , 8. POCAHONTAS AR n455-0018 lIIl2-«28 RIggs, 518", L. 425 W CAPITOl' 3700, LITTlE ROCK AR 7220'-34311 375-8'5' Rinke. Joel '4801 IRONTON CLlTOFF RO,LonE ROCK72208-524188U1S4 320 WCAPITOl 11000, LmLE ROCK AR 7220'-3525 888-8800 Rlldloy, Ama P. PO BOX «3, BI.YTHEVILLE AR 72318~43 783-2773 Rild1ay, Dania! G. 80' W 4TH ST, LmLE ROCK AR 72201-2'07 37&-0000 Rlldloy, Lewia E. Roach, Wiliam S. PO BOX 8509. PINE BlUFF AR 7'811-8509 535-8000 Roa_.1lo-'Y A. PO BOX 7300. LITTlE ROCK AR 72217-7300 __7807 Roa_. RidIord W. PO BOX '5'0, LITTlE ROCKAR 72203-15'0 378-7870 Roe!, And... L. 124 W CAPITOL' UUO, LonE ROCK AR n201-3731 3n·4823 Robb, JanolJam.a 18 Kaswicl< CoWl, LmLE ROCK AR 72212224-8708 Robben. Elzaball1 J. 400 W CAPITOl. , 2000, LITTlE ROCK AR 7220' -3483 37&-2011 _ . John B. SO, OUACHITA' 303. HOT SPRINGS AR 71801-5'78 824-232' Robatson, Fred, Jr. Two Financial C1r 110', LmLE ROCKAR 7221" 225-,521l PO BOX K, CAMDEN AR 7'70'·0380 838-m5 Rober1I,Alon P. Roberts, Bud 200 WCAPIT0l.,107, UTILE ROCK AR 72201· 37'6-6873 Rober1s, caaUa F. PO BOX '325, WEST MEMPHIS AR 72303-1325 633-2188 Robo<1s. ChoI A. PO BOX 3383, LITTlE ROCK AR 72203-3383 37&-473' RobertI. Martt PO BOX .54, MAlVERN AR 72104-6454 337-lil637 RobertI, Michaell. . 6124 ROCKW<XX>, UrnE ROCK AR 72207· 864-5693 Rober1I, Russall L."Jac:l<" '3'2 OAK ST, CONWAY AR n032·5338 ~ Robo<1s, Suunno 208 W CAPITOL' 3'8, LonE ROCK AR n2O,·3630 37&-'80' Rober1s, WdUsm B. PO BOX 1828, TEXARKANA TX 15504-1828 784-3341 _ _ ', _ _ U.t. POBOX '225, GREENWOOOAR 72ll38-1225 -"87 Robo<1son, Jaamall8 A. 408 ";FFERSON' A. JONESBORO AR n40,-2757 ll32-8flO8 Robo<1son, Ragineld '212 E POLK, WEST MEMPHISAR n301-«4' 735-n38 Robo<1son, Thomas E. PO BOX 23, FORT SMITH AR 72902~23 782·78" 534-2841 Robinscn, Grego", N. PO BOX 5'00, PINE BLUFF AR 71811·5'00 Robinson. H. Cloy 7125 ROCKWCXlO RO, LITTlE ROCK AR 72207·1707 ~5 Robinson. John F. PO BOX 4151. FAYETTEVU£ AR 72702",51 521-1'22 Robinson. Jon P. PO DRAWER 7030, SPRINGDAlE AR 72768-7030 758-8510 Robinscn. P...y A. PO BOX 'OIl6. LEWISVilLE AR 71845-'_ 821-4347 Robinson. RobartL...... 4OOWCAPIT0l'2891, LmLE ROCK AR 7220'-34'5 374-3818 Robinson. Sem 6925 HWY 300. LITTlE ROCKAR 72212·9543 868--4812 RobInson, Sponoo< F. PO BOX 8509, PINE BlUFF AR 7'811-8509 535-8000 RobnIon, WailIliIf.1Il RR 12 BOX SOA. FAYE'TTEVLLE AR 727Q3.9,OO 52''''711 Robinson, William S. 600 W.TH ST, NORTH LfTTlE ROCK AR 72114·5383 372-3131 Roc:holle, Ja"y A. PO BOX 'll38, TEXARKANA TX 75504-,ll38 773-3187 _ I e , Ja"y Dean RR 3 BOX 255A. TEXARKANA TX 75503-ll803 324-5342 Roddey. Robart L. PO BOX 1229. LmLE ROCK AR 72203-.229 3n-3803 Rodond<, RIchard A. PO BOX '483, LITTLE ROCKAR 72203-'483 Rod8l)', RidlM. PO BOX 247. PIGGOTT AR n4S<598-2218




Rodgets. Danny P.

PO BOX 8. PRESCOTT AR 71857-0008 887-2631 2000 REBSAMEN PI< RDtll-l03.lITTLE ROCK 72202- 666-1949 Rogers. Brian E_ 701 N OENVER • RUSSEUVlllE AR 72801-~ 968-5598 Rogers. Clvis 320 W CAPITOl' 1000. lITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3522 688-8800 Rogers. FioI'd G. 300 MAIN. VAN BUREN AR 7295647~ Rogers. Gilt}' B. 425 W CAPITOl' 3700. lITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3439 375-9151 Rogers. GilA. PO BOX 185. FORT SMITH AR 72902-0185 782-7294 Rogers. Jam.. _ PO BOX 5551,NORTH lITTLE ROCK AR 72119-5551 372-0110 Rogers. Jeffrey C. PO BOX AA. SMACKOVER AR 71762-0601 725-3370 PO BOX 1666. WEST MEMPHIS AR 72303-1666 73S-19OO Rogers. Joe M. Rogers. Judith 625 MARSHAU ST.lmlE ROCK AR 72201-1020 882-7491 Rogers. Karen T. 809l0YOlA DR.lmlE ROCK AR 72211-5521 22.-3350 Rogers. Michael Brett 1400 W CAPITOl.lmlE ROCK AR 72201324-9001 787-5542 Roger•• Robert Thom... II PO BOX 66. HIWASSE AR ID39-0066 Roger"",. Doneld Scott PO BOX 773. SPRINGOAlE AR IDSS-Om 751>4587 Rolns. V. Benllln 143 JACKSON ST SW. CAMOEN AR 7'701-3939 836-4166 _~ Jom T. 323 CENTER ST 11800.lmLE ROCK AR 7220'-2605 372-2121 Roper. Ridlatd L PO BOX 191. WARREN AR 71671-019' 2211-2681 Roscopl. Chet1es B. PO BOX 610. HELENA AR 72342-<l610 338-3438 Roscopl. Chetles Devid PO BOX 610. HELENA AR 72342-0610 338-3438 113 W MOUNTAIN. FAYETTEVUE AR 7270157!Hl313 Rose. Jony E. Rose. Themes N. 400 W CAPITOl' 2000. lITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3493 376-2011 Rosen. louis 415 N MCKINlEY ST 1370. lITTLE ROCK ~16 663-0792 375-9131 Rosenlhal. Brian Marshell 120 E 4TH ST. lITTLE ROCK AR 72201-2893 Rosenzwei9. Frances FendI... 400W MARKHAM ST,lITTLE ROCK72201-1406 324-9440 Rosenzweig. Jen M. 300 S SPRING ST 1310.lmlE ROCK AR 72201·2452 372·5247 PO BOX 466. BlYTHEVIUE AR 72316-0486 763-0077 Ross. BiQ E. PO BOX 209. MONTICEllO AR 71655-0209 367-5351 Ross. Don H. 367·5351 Ross. James A.• Jr. PO BOX 209. MONTICEllO AR 71655-0209 Ross.Joe POBOX 1582. LITTLE ROCKAR72203-1582 374-4211 Ross. Marl< L PO BOX 1582. lITTLE ROCK AR 72203-1582 374-4211 Ross. Pear1ie L 11702 PlEASANT RIOGE CT 1102. lITTLE ROCK AR 72212-· Ross. Hoben D. 300 S SPRING ST 1400. lITTLE ROCK AR 72201·2420 375-9947 Ross. Hoben A. POBOX 7O.lmLE ROCK AR 72203-0070 376-1171 Ro... S<Jsle Sal", POBOX 1327. FORT SMITH AR 72902·1327 763-2898 Rosteck.louis W. 2lnlie Circle. LITTLE ROCK AR 7220S225-3248 Rolenberry. B..-1 C. PO BOX 400. lITTLE ROCK AR 72203-0400 372·3930 Routon. Sieve PO BOX 924. FORREST CITY AR 72335-0924 633-4611 Row'. Roger D. 200 W CAPITOl' 22OO.lmlE ROCK AR 72201-3699 37Hl808 Row'. W. Bayless 200 PEACH ST. El OORADO AR 71730-5890 862-6411 Rowell. Stephen B. P.O. BOX 2.77. lITTLE ROCK AR 72203-2177 661·8000 374·6535 Rowlett. Beverly A. 820 W 3RDST. 2.0.lmlE ROCK AR 72201·2223 RoY. E~ijane T. PO BOX 3255. LITTLE ROCK AR 72203-3255 378-5866 RoY. James 1.4.. Jr. 2706 DIVIOEND. SPRINGDAlE AR 72764· 758-8510 Rubens. Kent J. PO BOX 768. WEST MEMPHIS AR 72303-0768 73S-SSOO RUdd. Charlesl.. 424 OUACHITA . HOT SPRINGS AR 7'901·5129 624·5008 Rudi<D. Frances PO BOX 341. FAYETTEVUE AR 72702-0341 521·3222 Rule.Ho~C.. 1I1 120E 4TH ST. lmLE ROCK AR 7220'-2893 375-9131 Rumpz. Pamela Anne 411 N CEDAR. lITTLE ROCK AR 72205RuMOlIs. _ K. 620 W 3RD ST , 210. lITTLE ROCK AR 72201-2223 374-6535 PO BOX 607. PARIS AR 72855-0607 963-3001 Rush. CO\' J .• Jr. RR 2 BOX 428. FORT SMITH AR 72916-935. Rush. Dovld L Rush. John L POBOX 7009. PINE BLUFF AR 71611·7009 541·1111 221 HAZEL ST. HOT SPRINGS AR 71901·5132 321·2734 Rush, Slephany Russell, Amelia Mosley 320 W CAPITOl'1 000, lITTlE ROCK AR 72201·3522 688-3800 Russell, James S.• III 400 W CAPITOL' 2000, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3.93 37&2011 RUN••, Norman C. 1710 MOORES LN. TEXARKANA TX 75503-5517 7i2-82048 Russell, ~ober1A., ok• • ,5 N MCKINLEY ST.a20,lrTTLE ROCK 72205-3021 664-94.-0 Ru..... Sharon DoLane 608 N OlD MISSOURI RD.SPRINGDAlE 7276-4-3639 521·5510 Rust, Meissa K. 323 CENTER ST '200, UTTLE ROCK AR 72201-2610 682-2108 Rutledge. David PO BOX 2496. BATESVillE AR 72503-2496 793-7558 Ryan. Don S. 313 W 2NOST.lITTLE ROCK AR 72201·2409 375-9901 Ryan. Dorsey M. PO BOX 1964. FORT SMITH AR 72902·'964 782-2233 POBOX 24.,8. lITTLE ROCK AR 7222'-4918 221-4269 Ryburn. Michael E_ Sachar, V1ncentJ. 176 Sidon Road. Rose Bud AR 72137556-5131 SaIlings. Deborah R. 425 WCAPITOl' 34OO.lmLE ROCK AR 72201-3439 375-1122 5ammon>. Gal}' Ray 124 W CAPITOl 11200. lITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3714 372·8175 Sarnp.e<. J. We~ey 221 N 9TH ST. ROGERS AR 72758-3503 636-4034 17 STONELEOGE DR,NORTH lITIlE ROCK 72113851-4375 Sandage. Vid<i J. Sanders. J. E. 520 OUACHITA • HOT SPRINGS AR 71901·5107 623-5538 Sanders. Roy Gene 613 W 3RD 5T.lITTLE ROCK AR 72201-2103 378-0717 Sanders, Sandra lou POBOX 1401, LITTLE ROCK AR 72203-1401 376-3021 Sanders. Ted H. POBOX 1136. MOUNTAIN HOME AR 72653-1136 425-2128 Sanderson. AlexG. STATE LINE PLZ STE 6 BOX 8030. TEXARKANA AR 773-5851 Sankxd. Jon A. PO BOX 2645. RUSSEllVillE AR 72801·2645 988-1990 Saracn, Sharon Ann 124 WCAPITOl'1200.UTILE ROCK AR 72201-3714 3n-8175 Sargent. Shelm E. 4705i1 S 10TH ST, FORT SMITH AR 72G01-7801 64&-7096 Satterfield. G. Randolph 6520 BASELINE RD. A.lmLE ROCK AR 72209-4732 . sauer. Kattvyn Jt.ne 3226 GRlNl£ll ,FORT SMITH AR 72903-8726 on·sggo Saunders, laOuita K. 701 W NETTlETON ,JONESBORO AR n.-o1·3973 SawyOf. Sara M. 204 W UNiO'I • MONTICEllO AR 71655-4341 367·8304 SawyOf. Slephen P. PO BOX 237. BENTONVILLE AR IDI2·0237 273-9026 400 W CAPITOl. 2OOO.lmlE ROCK AR 72201-3493 376-2011 Saxlon. James M. Saxton. Jay S. PO BOX 33. ROGERS AR ID57-0033 636-9169 732·3810 Saxton. Richard Clint PO BOX 2207. WEST MEMPHIS AR 72303-2207 Saye•• J. Mei 813 W 3RD ST. lITTLE ROCK AR 72201·2103 376-0717 Sayre. Eugene G. 425 W CAPITOl. 34OO.lmlE ROCK AR 72201-3439 375-1122 SbanotlO. Dennis POBOX 23. FORT SMITH AR 72902-0023 762·79" SchefOf. Marl< 221 N 3RD ST. ROGERS AR 72758-3703 636-7522

Roe. Ramona


Schalfet. Beverly Bassen 100 W CENTER STl200,FAYETTEVIllE AR 72701· 575-0808 Schallhom. J. SCott 120 E 4TH ST. lITTLE ROCK AR 72201-2893 375-9131 Schet1eu. Ch..... E. POBOX 1408. FAYETTEVUE AR 72702,1406 52.·1141 M. K . - 10801 EXECUTIVE CTR DR _ ' . lITTLE ROCK AR 225-7776 K. PO BOX 2309. WEST HELENA AR 72390-0309 572·2161 SchIeIIIet. Edward H. PO BOX 2309. WEST HELENAAR 72390-0009 572·2181 Schielller. Eugene l. PO BOX 2309. WEST HELENA AR 72390-0009 572·2161 Schiumbetg.... CI1er1es l. 200 W CAPITOl 12200. lITTLE ROCK 72201-3699 37.-0808 Scmelder. Do~d l. 109 SPRING ST STE 9. SPRINGDALE AR 72764-4500 751-2790 Scmelder. Mary M. Whfie PO BOX 33. ROGERS AR ID57-0033 636-9169 Schnippor. Don M. 123 MARKET ST. HOT SPRINGS AR 71901·5308 624-1252 Schoen. David C. PO BOX 3463. FAYETTEVIlle AR 72702-3483 444-6200 SdvenlZ. A. Doug 221 N 3RD ST. ROGERS AR ID58-3703 636-7522 Schu~e. James G. 708 W 2ND ST.lmlE ROCK AR 72201·2227 372·0266 Schu~e. Wdliem H. 8020 lEE SUMMIT. lITTLE ROCK AR 72204586-4005 Schwartz. p.u U OF ARKANSAS LAW SCHOOl. FAYETTEVLLEAR 575-5815 Schwartz. Slep/1en Michael 1805 SUNRISE MTN RD. FAYETTEVUE AR 72701· SCott.IsucA.. Jr. 2OOWCAPITOl' 2200. lITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3699 371-0808 318 W POl'lAR. ROGERS AR ID58036-2188 Scon. John A. 124 WCAPlTOlI1400.lmLE ROCK AR 72201-3736 376-4531 Soon. Leonerd l. PO BOX 3201. lITTLE ROCKAR 72203-3201 324-5818 Soon. Mary Dovies 124 W CAPITOl' 1950.lmLE ROCK AR 72201-3739 37HI068 Soon. Mickey L SaimsNre. Edwerd E.520 lOCUST ST. MAlVERN AR 72104-3814 337·9193 Saoggins. Frences E. 400 W CAPITOl' 2640. lmlE ROCK AR 72201-3413 372-1887 Salssel.JenDowoody 1400WSTH • PINE BlUFF AR 71601-3922 536-9006 Seey.GoorgeB. 217SJEFFERSON .ElOORADOAR71730-5914 ~ See.J. Flelcher.11I PO BOX 1741.lmlE ROCK AR 72203-1741 375-3344 Selby. Peul Dovid PO BOX 111. HAMBURG AR 71~111 853-5414 320 WCAPITOl. 1000. lITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3525 888-8800 Se119.John S. Seln.JemlIor Moad 2123 lOREN CIR. FAYETTEVUE AR 72701· • Selars. Rick 516 S CROSS ST. lITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3022 374-5511 747-3813 Serio. Robert G. PO BOX 224. ClARENDON AR 72029-0224 Senle. Jom 3403 OlD OAKS LN. FORT SMITH AR 72903-3353 763-0281 Severns, Teresa S. 13111 W MARKHAM' 189, UTIlE ROCKAR 72211· Sewell. Frank B. POBOX 2181. lITTLE ROCKAR72203-2181 376-3207 862-5523 Shecldelord. Dorri.l. 100 E CHURCH ST. El OORADO AR 71730-4802 Shecldelord. Jom 1.4.• Jr. 00 E CHURCH ST. El OORADO AR 71730-4602 862-5523 Shafer. Rober1 S. 4OOWCAPITOl. 2000. lITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3493 376-2011 ShatnbY'lIe<. John K. 300 S SPRING ST 1400. lITTLE ROCK AR 72201·2420 375-9947 Shennon. Jom T. 111 CENTER ST 02200. lITTLE ROCK AR 72201·4424 372-0800 101 S SPRING ST l3OO.lmlE ROCK AR 72201·2428 376-2981 Sherp. Jecob. Jr. Sherp. James B. PO BOX 552. BRINKLEY AR 72021-0552 734-4060 Sharpe. Harold PO BOX 924. FORREST CITY AR 72335-0924 6333141 ShenMrt. Stephen M. PO BOX 1951. FORT SMITH AR 72902·1951 785-0123 ShenMn. TImothy C_ 108 SHILL 10. FAYETTEVIlle AR 72701· Sheve<. J.l.. Jr. PO BOX 592. WYNNE AR 72396-0592 238-23.7 Sh8. Fronk A. 1619 N A ST. FORT SMITH AR 72901-3229 763-6164 Shaw.J. Michael PO BOX 185. FORT SMITH AR 72902-0185 762·7294 Sh8. Nelson V. STATE lINE PLZ STE 6 BOX 8030. TEXARKANA AR 773-5851 Sheffield. RoneId l. 615 SHERMAN ST' D.llTTLE ROCK AR 72202·2558 SheI.Jey F. PO BOX 34'93.lmLE ROCKAR 72203-4193 376-4660 PO BOX 1624. WEST MEMPHISAR 72303-1624 735-8833 Shelton. DovidC. Shelton. Gilt}' R. 625 MARSHAU ST.lmlE ROCK AR 72201·1020 882-3930 Shemin. Kemeth A. 120 E 4TH ST.lmLE ROCK AR 72201·2893 375-9.31 101 ARCHER ST. El OORAOO AR 71730-5853 862-5962 Shepherd. Bob Shepherd. Linde ONE RIVERFRONT PL063O. NORTH lmLE ROCK AR 376-1700 Sherman, Anlhony J. 500 BROADWAY ST ~03,llTTlE ROCK 72201-.3343 372-141. Sherman, W. Bradford 410W3RD ST. 200, UTILE ROCK AR 72201-2316 378-7900 ~,Wi.1am F. 221 W 2ND ST. 504.lJmE ROCK AR 72201-2510 372-3148 968-3885 Shermer. Jon P .. Jr. PO BOX 1916. RUSSEllV'llE AR 72801-19'6 5henod. Sandra L 28 KINGSBRIOGE WAY. lITTLE ROCK AR 72212· Shnl. Mike D. 1 MAIN PL. RUSSEllVUE AR 72801· 968-3993 ShopIey. Berjemin H.• III 4'0 MAY . FORT SMITH AR 72901·3573 763-3'81 SIWron. Philp H. 100 WCENTER. Sheridan AR 7215<). 942·7818 Shvely. Robin L PO BOX 3178. lITTLE ROCK AR 72203-3178 371-!l999 Shvely. Sa>ny 400 WCAPITOl' 2891. lITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3415 374-3818 SItof1ey. James E. 802 GARRISON STE 82O,FORT SMITH AR 72901·2535 763-3337 Sllohr. Clarence P. 600 W RACE. SEARCY AR 72143-4137 268-2'33 Short, Joe C. PO BOX 1159. HOPE AR 7.801·1159 m·8621 Shults. Robert 200 W CAPITOlO1600.lmlE ROCK AR 7220'-3637 375-230. Shut". Sleven T. 200 W CAPITOl. 1600.lmlE ROCK AR 72201-3637 375-2301 Siamitru, Alma Andrews PO BOX 8016,lnTlE ROCK AR 72200-8016 37101623 Sibley. Angela Shewn Kyle 301 BROOKSWOOO RD.SHERWOOO AR 72.20- 834·.,81 Siegel, Jenne Giroir 111 CENTER ST "900, UTTLE ROCK AR 72201· 372-3000 Smmons. Dovid E. PO BOX 1510. lITTLE ROCK AR72203-1510 376-7870 Smmons. _ A. 500 NAPA VlY • 1017. lITTLE ROCK AR 72211· smons, VlCIClria L 1SPRtNG ST. 250,llTTlE ROCK AR 72201372-lOO2 Simpson, Haro6d H., II PO BOX 5420, UTTLE ROCK AR 72215-5420 221·7100 Simp""'. Hamol A.. Jr. PO BOX 47. POCAHONTAS AR 72455-0047 892·5034 Simp""'. James Marlon. Jr. 400 W CAPlTOlO2OOO,lITTLE ROCK 72201·3493 376-2011 Simp"",. James MiI1lln. Jr. 3903 SHERWOOO DR. PINE BlUFF 71603-6284 377-4000 Simp"",. Wlilam A.. Jr. 20. S BROADWAY '210. lITTLE ROCK AR 72201· 377-6120 Sims. Bany A. PO BOX 5562. NORTH lmlE ROCK AR 72119·5582 375-5500 Sims. Dovld l. PO BOX 7808. PINE BLUFF AR 71611·7808 534-5532 PO BOX 279. COtNIAY AR 72032-0279 45<).4656 Sims. Randy Sims. Suzenne Campbel PO BOX 1436.lmlE ROCK AR 72203-1436 324-7112 Skelth. Te<ri M. 57 Pin Oek loop. MAUMEllE AR 72113Skelllln. Walter l. 323 CENTER ST , 13OO.lmLE ROCK AR 72201·2621 374-7745 $kimer. H. Edward 111 CENTER ST "200, UTIlE ROCK AR 72201-4414 376-7788

Sche_. Schielllet. Deniel

S _ . J. T. PO BOX 25116. BATESVilLE AR 72503-2S4lS 7ll3-3821 S_.Jad< Motlo POBOX 1225. GREENWOOOAR 72936-1225 9lllH167 SId...... Lrm Joanne 506 W MAIN ST. HEBER SPRINGS AR :!62.()5(l5 Sldppor. Michael 221 W 2ND ST. 301. LrTTLE ROCK AR 72201-2508 372-3'25 Skokos. Theodor. C. 425 W CAPITOL. 3200. LrrTLE ROCK AR 72201-3439 374-1107 Slaglo. Richerd L. 1401 MALVERN HOT SPRINGS AR 71901-6370 623-2593 374-6080 Slat•• H. L. 'Iluddy" 217 W 2ND ST' 200. LrrTLE ROCK AR n2012117 BROWNS LANE RD 1H-3,JONESBORO n4019n-2255 SIal.... Rodney E. SIalon. D. Oollid 11823 TETON FOREST DR,UTTLE ROCK n212-2331 371-1792 Slaydon. _ K . 419 BOBWHITE DR. 154. LrrTLE ROCKAR 72205Sinkold. Howard L. PO BOX 33. ROGERSAR n757-lXl33 638-9169 Sioon. ChaJI•• A. 415 FAIRFAX DR. LrrTLE ROCK AR 72205-4309 682-7690 PO BOX 5551. NORTH LrTTLE ROCKAR nl19-5S51 3n-oll0 Sioon. Grohom F. SIoon.J. F.. III PO BOX 309. WAlMlT ROOE AR n47lHl309 886-2331 SIoon. Rolph W. PO BOX _ . WEST MEMPHIS AR ~_ 735-5500 SIoon. Robocx:.o 2800 CANTRELl RD. LrTTLE ROCK AR 72202-2015 66().7139 SIoon. Jr.. Robon B. 2501 RIVERFRONT DR 10-202. LrTTLE ROCK AR 72202- Smart, Clifton M.. III 200 WCAPITOL. 2200. LrTTLE ROCK AR n201-3699 371-C806 SITla't. Maty GoIl 112 COLONIAL CT. LrrTLE ROCK AR 72205663-1339 Smith. Anno Orol 314 S MARTIN ST. LrTTLE ROCK AR n205-5736 663-2445 Srrith. Mhur L..Jt. PO BOX 1002. WEST MEMPHIS AR 72303-1002 735-3150 932-6694 Srrith. Borl Ammons PO BOX 4057. JONESBORO AR n _ 7 Srrith. Borl S. PO BOX 4057. JONESBORO AR n _ 7 932-<;694 Srrith.C. Byron. Jr. PO BOX 24. NORTH LmLE ROCK AR 72115-0024 375-9189 Srrith. ChaJ10s Floyd 7 Colt Squaro. B. FAYETTEVUE AR n70~ 444-7654 120 E 4TH ST. LrTTLE ROCK AR n201-2693 375-9131 Srrith. 00IIid A. Srrith. 00IIid E. POBOX 1319. BENTON AR 72015-1311 n8-2573 Smith. 00IIid Harrell 5208 H ST. LmLE ROCK AR 72205-3502 661-0697 Srrith.llon Allen PO BOX 10205. FORT SMITH AR 72917-0205 762-1001 Srrith. DonoId H. PO BOX 5010. PINE BLUFF AR 71.'1-5010 534-3721 Srrith. Douglas 0 .• Jr. PO BOX 1626. FORT SMITH AR n902-1626 762-6041 Srrith. George Ro.. 4300 CANTRELl RD. LrTTLE ROCK AR n207-2006 .....5253 400 W CAPITOL' 1736. LmLE ROCK AR n201-343S 378-6604 Srrith. Glenn Roo. Smith. Grogo<y G. PO DRAWER 646. FORT SMITH AR 72902-0646 782-6613 Smith, Griffin 124 W CAPITOl. 1955. LITTLE ROCK AR 72.201-3739 376-6291 Srrith. Griffin. Jr. 124 W CAPITOL 11955. LmLE ROCK AR n201-3739 378-6291 Srrith. H. Mayo 124 W CAPfTOLI1170. LmLE ROCK AR n201-3733 378-3564 SmiIh. H. Va'V'I 401 W tNJV(HAM ST .:)07, UTTl.E ROCK 7220'-'417 3n·8538 Srrith.J. Douglas 211 S SPRING ST. LrTTLE ROCK AR n201-2479 3n.. ,44 Srrith.J. Tmolhy PO DRAWER 1666. FAYETTEVILLE AR n702-' 666 442-7575 3n-5745 Smith. Jame. E.. Jr. PO BOX 3644. LrTTLE ROCK AR 72203-3644 Smith. James M. PO BOX 787. Me GEHEE AR 71654-0787 222-3151 Smith. James N. 3' WOlFE DR. Me GEHEE AR 71654222-<4359 Srrith. Konnolh R. PO BOX 565. YELLVillE AR 72667.()565 425-6625 Srrith. Laura Hensloy 400 W CAPITOL. 2000. LrTTLE ROCK AR n201-3493 378-2011 Srmh. Lovonski R. 2600 S THOMPSON '208. SPRINGOALE AR n764~22 Srrith. Low" D. 1515 W 7TH ST. 204. LrrTLE ROCK AR 72201-3936 682-3568 PO BOX 3'9. STLmGART AR nl00-03'9 6~7662 Srrith. Malcolm R. Smith. Men..a Elion PO BOX 2104. FORT SMITH AR 72902-2104 7~5000 Srrith.l.khaol G. "1 CENTER ST' 1900. LmLE ROCK AR 722013n-3000 Srrith. Norman M. PO BOX 716. STLmGART AR 72100-0716 6~2632 Srrith. Phi;p G. PO BOX 19. POCAHONTAS AR n455-0019 892-4426 Srrith. Ray S.. Jr. 123 MARKET ST. HOT SPRINGSAR 71901-5308 824-1252 Srrith. Raymond C. 70 N COLLEGE Ill. FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701-5337 521-7011 Srrith. Rlchatd H. 1801 FOREST HillS BLVD.BELlA VISTA 72714-2399 855-6151 Srrith. Richard L. 4 WATERBURY CT. LmLE ROCK AR 72212224-6274 374-2215 Srri.h. Roben 0 .. 111 POBOX 3236. LmLE ROCKAR n2~3236 Srrith. Robert L. 300 ROOSEVELT. WEST MEMPHISAR n301-3956 735-4575 Srrith. Robert M. 20 FAIRVIEW DR. Me GEHEE AR 71654-1623 222-3581 Srrith. Sandra L. POBOX 751. LrTTLE ROCKAR 7220U751 3n-<4662 Smith. Slariey DaJe 111 CENTER ST .1200, lITTlE ROCK AR 72201-404'" 3~n88



Smith. 51..... n R.


Smith, Ted C. PO BOX 7000, SPRINGDALE AA 72765-7000 361·5000 Smith. Tomolhy R. PO BOX 2985. FORT SMITH AR 7291~2965 7~7022 Srrith. Tom B. PO BOX 592. WYNNE AR 72396-0592 238-2317 Srrith. Tommy E. 1708 W MAIN ST. HEBER SPRINGS AR 72543-2823 362-7532 Srrith.TrumanH. 112SEAST • FAYETTEVillE AR n701-6040 521-7000 Srrith. VICki. King 1912 MTCALlAHAN. SPRINGDALE AR 72764- Smth. Wilard C.. Jr. PO BOX 1665. FORT SMITH AR n902-'665 ~1061 Srrith. Wdliam Finis. Jr. 126 E MAIN ST. RUSSELLVillE AR 72801-5126 968-1412 Srrilh. W;lIIam J. 400 W CAPITOL' 2000. LmLE ROCK AR n201-3493 378-2011 1301 COLINTRY CLUB LN.TEXARKANA AR75502-n20 n4-5661 Srrith. WiH;. B.. Jr. Srrithonman. E. Thomas 501 OUACHfTA02O'.HOT SPRINGS AR 7'901-5162 ~2080 SnoIIgroYo. Frank. Jr. PO BOX 1:we. JONESBORO AR n~I3'. 932-«157 St1Idor. Stephen E. 120E 4TH ST. LrTTLE ROCKAR n201-2893 375-9131 Snodgrass. Larry PO BOX 39. LINCOLN AR n744-0039 824-3251 Snowdon. Wdiarn Grant PO BOX 15'0. MOUNTAIN VIEW AR 72560-1510 269-5275 SnydOf. John M. 414 N PINE ST. LmLE ROCK AR 72205.. 216 Snyder. Vietor F. 324 VALMAR ST. LITTLE ROCK AR 72205-5763 663-7336 5<llomon. Da~d PO BOX '90. HELENA AR 72342-0490 338-7427 Soulhom. Byron S. 1501 N UNIVERSITY '500. LmLE ROCK AR 666-0400 Spodos, Michael Warren. Jr. SOl NAPA VALLEY RIl882O,LmLE ROCKn2I'- 324-5342 Spairh:u.eartaG. 1513 MARKHAM, fAYETTEVillE AR 72701· na-Ol3Q Spann. DavOl 714 FOREST LN. Bon"'" AR 72015Sparloman. Rodney Il<yan 2509 OAKVIEW RD, 9, FORT SMITH AR 72903- 785-5211 371.-4127 POBOX 22807. LrrTLE ROCK AR 72221-2607 Sparks. O. C. 352-3138 Sparks. Thomas E. PO BOX 764. FORDYCE AR 71742-0764 751-5222 SpaAding. Brien Leo POBOX 1400. SPRINGDALE AR n765-14OO SpaoJIding. Robert E.... PO BOX 2255. lmLE ROCK AR =2255

Spoarrnon. Richard L. PO BOX 818. FORT SMITH AR n902-oe18 765-2867 PO BOX 622. MALVERN AR nlO4-0e22 332·eal1 400 W MARKHAM ST. LrTTLE ROCKAR n201-1406 324-9445 Spear•• Jm D. 61. GARRISON STE 207,FORT SMITH AR n901-2521 ~7970 Spsod. Gaty N. 120 E 4TH ST. LrTTLE ROCK AR n201-2893 375-9131 Sponcor. FroOorick S. 409 E.TH ST. MOUNTAIN HOME AR ~3907 425-e91l4 Sponcor.Jamos V.• III 314 E OAK ST. EL lXlRAOOAR 71730-S&:w 862..913 Spinks. Hugh 708 W 2NO ST. LrrTLE ROCK AR n201-2227 372-0266 Spitzbor9. Henry E. 320 W CAPITOL. 1000. LrTTLE ROCK AR 72201-3525 668-MOO SpitzOf. Eddie 300 BROADWAY STE 402F. HOT SPRINGS AR 71901- 321-1493 Spivey. John Wiiam.1II 200 W CAPITOL 12200. LrrTLE ROCK n201-36llll 371-0808 PO BOX 447. BENTONVIl.LE AR n712-Q447 =2417 Spivey. !.tc:haol J. Spradloy. Marl< 111 CENTER ST 81300. LrTTLE ROCK AR 722OH415 372-7243 Sprott, James D. PO BOX 549. HARRISON AR 72602-0S49 741-3633 521-<4300 Squynss. Aaron Leo 25 EASTWOOD DR. RUSSELLVIl.LE AR n801S","",d. L~ S. 400 W MARKHAM ST. LrTTLE ROCK AR n20H406 324-9445 400 WCAPITOL' 2891. LrTTLE ROCK AR 72201-3415 374-31118 Slaloy. Thomas B. SI8IkOf. Scon M. PO BOX 4075. BATESVUE AR 72501-<4075 Sl8IIaJp. James W. PO BOX 627. WAlNUT ROOE AR n478-0627 686-2343 Slanfiold. Paul 4001 N ROONEY PARHAM RD. LITTLE ROCK72212- =5447 Stanley. Douglas J. 612 N FILMORiE. LrTTLE ROCK AR 72205Stanley. James w. 600 W 4TH ST. NORTH LrTTLE ROCK AR nl14-5383 372-3131 Stanley. Roy E. PO BOX 667. SPRINGDALE AR 727Il5.()687 751-6464 S....... Kaw1 101 S SPRING ST 1300. LrTTLE ROCK AR 72201-2426 378-2961 S_. WI",," E. PO BOX 8248. Plt£ BLUFF AR 7161H248 534-0674 SM. George E. PO BOX 56. NASHVillE AR 71852-G058 645-1870 S'ooI. Jm Bob PO BOX 546. NASHVILLE AR 71652-0548 645-<4532 Steenken, F. Lewis PO BOX 1626, FAYETTEVilLE AR 7Z702·1626 442-8065 SteinkamP. John U OF ARKANSAS LAW SCHOOL. FAYETTEVUE AR 575-2154 SteIn~oI<, James W. PO BOX 1567. BLYTHEVIl.LE AR =,6-,567 ~8188 Sla9hona. 00IIid Kin1bto 4809 OAKl.AWN. NORTH LrTTLE ROCK AR 72116- _2088 Slaphona. Janis S. 415 N MCKINLEY 81250. LrrTLE ROCK AR n205663-9300 Sla9hona. Komelh Grog PO BOX 5551. NORTH LrTTLE ROCK 72119-5S51 372-0110 Sl8phonson. Jame. M. 613 W BARTON. WEST MEMPHIS AR n301S.ophonson. Martha S. 66 Robinwcod Dri... LrrTLE ROCK AR n207224-0115 Sl8<ing. Dallid Brent PO BOX 3597. FAYETTEVIl.LE AR 72702-3597 442-2244 S....... Susan 425 W CAPITOL' 1100. LrTTLE ROCK AR 72201-3439 668-6218 Stewart, Amy Leo 120 E 4TH ST. LrTTLE ROCK AR n201-2893 375-9131 Stewart, Gr8QOl'l K. 3' BURKWOOll DR. LmLE ROCKAR =11-3124 378-1402 Stewart, Jo<ry W. 600-B W SOLfTH ST. BENTON AR 72015"258 778-1157 Stewart, Nan<y 109 CIRCLE R DR. HOT SPRINGSAR 7190152!Hl43O Stewart, Nod A.• Jr. 1710 MOORES LN. TEXARKANA TX 75505-5517 792-62~6 Stewart, Shon1 L. PO BOX 628. MOUNTAIN VIEW AR ns&lHl826 269-435S Stidham. DorioI T. PO BOX 656. PARAGOULD AR n451.()856 236-7600 S_. Dai 7305 H ST. LrTTLE ROCK AR 72205-2636 662-5068 Slill. Wiiam R.. Jr. POBOX 1_. FAYETTEVIl.LE AR 72702-1_ ~1475 Stilley. Olear A. CENTRAL MALl PL' 51 •• FORT SMITH AR 72903Still•• DavOl D. PO BOX 1646. FAYETTEVIl.LE AR 72702-1648 _2 Stin. Stophon D. PO BOX 667. SPRINGDALE AR 72765-0667 751-6464 Stodd>urger. Joan D. 320 W CAPITOL' 1000. LrTTLE ROCK AR 72201-3525 688-6600 SlDc:kIand. Thomas D. PO BOX 1=. FAYETTEVIl.LE AR 72702-1= 521-7130 S8>CIlIoy. Gn/f.. J. 209 W CAPITOL' 36. LrTTLE ROCK AR n201-3630 378-3(23 S _ . Wlliam M. PO BOX 756. WALDO AR 7177O.()756 893-5613 S_a,MaIIl POBOX 1979.LrTTLEROCKAR=1979 372-es&O S_r. Jam.. D. PO BOX 426. MENA AR 71953-0426 394-1649 177 Highway 77, Marion AR n364· 1'39-462G StoMs. Barbara SIOII. K.nnolh PO BOX 1229. LmLE ROCK AR =,229 324-5221 Stone. Thomas S. 425 W CAPITOl' 3700. LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3439 375-9'51 SIOfey.O.H.. 1II 11 CENTERSTI1,OO.LmLEROCKARn20I...,3 378-6500 SIOfey. Wlliam A. PO BOX 1405. FAYETTEVIl.LE AR 72702-1405 444-1560 SIOfoygard. Paula Jam" PO BOX 5551. NORTH LrTTLE ROCK nl19-5S51 372-0110 SIDry. Bondey E. PO BOX 249. FORREST CITY AR 72335-0249 ~1973 Strait. Willam O. PO BOX 686, DARDANELLE AR ~ 229-2907 Strange, Sam P.• Jr. 120 E 4TH ST.lI1TLE ROCK AR 72201·2893 375-0131 Soadord. John Chapman 115 NTAYLOR ST'7. LrTTLE ROCK AR 72205-3485 .....4833 StraUDn. Phil PO BOX 1740, COHWAY AR 72032-1149 ~175 Strause. J.tchele 1401 MALVERN I 180, t-KlT SPRINGS AR 71901-6370 321-1831 Snetman. Thomu S. PO DRAWER A, CROSSETT AR 7163&1801 364-2213 S...tt, Alox G. PO BOX F. RUSSELLVilLE AR n80t-('.S9 968-2030 Strickman. Leonard P. U OF ARKANSAS LAW SCHOOL. FAYETTEVilLE AR 575-<4504 Strigol. Molan;. J. 425 N UNIVERSITY. LrTTLE ROCK AR n205-3108 664-810S Stringl.llow. W~1iam R. PO BOX 2757. LrrTLE ROCK AR 72~2757 881-<4800 Stripling. C.Don PO BOX 1229. LmLE ROCK AR =,229 324-5373 S"""". Jooaph A. PO BOX 7808. PINE BLUFF AR 71.11-7808 534-5532 S""thor. James PO BOX 726. SPRINGDALE AR 72765.()726 75HI235 S""thor. Judilh C. PO BOX 1166. MOUNTAIN HOME AR 726~1166 425-3(64 Sl1Othor. Lan. H. PO BOX 1166. MOUNTAIN HOME AR 726~1166 425-3464 Sl1OOO. John F.• III 1913 LAUREL ST. TEXARKANA AR 75502m-eee5 S""OO. John F.. Jr. STATE LINE PLZ STE 6 BOX 8030. TEXARKANA AR =5651 Stroud. Robon D. PO BOX 213S. BATESVUE AR 72503-2135 793-«lSO S J. l.khaol PO BOX 303. CARLISLE AR 72024.()303 552-7504 Rupon A. PO BOX 248. FAYETTEVIl.LE AR n702-0248 521-8899 S SIlA>bI.Ilold.l.khaoi Edward 1004 S 67TH LN. FORT SMITH AR 72903-2737 SIUbbo. L. OaYid PO BOX 826. DUMAS AR 71639-G62ll 382-<4091 slVn•• Chartos L. PO DRAWER 560. FAYETTEVIl.LE AR 72702-0560 444-6999 Slylas. Andraa Wagner PO BOX 796. BRYANT AR 72022-0796 778-2573 Sulins. PIlUI ,,9 F-mam Driw. Bela Vista AR 12714855-1769 SulMln.J. Thomas 400 W MARKHAM ST. LrTTLE ROCKAR n201-1406 324-9442 PO BOX 400. DANVIl.LE AR 72633.()400 495-7975 Sulivan. Torry

Spears. Donald M. Spear'. James W.

otd.JoeAlan 3055 CW< BAIlEY DR. FAYETTEVIlLE AR 7~10 l>uner1ittld, Demil C. PO BOX 249. RUSSELLVI.LE AR 72801-0249 967·5011 •James D. PO BOX 800, WEST MEMPHIS AR ~ 735-3100

non. Wiliam H. wain, Wiliam S.

400 WCAPITOl.' 2000. LITTlE ROCKAR 72201-3<193 318-2011 PO BOX 1004. RUSSELLVIllE AR 72801-1004


wan. Hugo, Jr. 101 N 10lli ST APT 0, FORT SMITH AR 72901·2763 783-8200 wilt, Frank G.. Jr. 1120 MARSHAll ST 1311, LmLE ROCK 72202·4810 324-9215 wincleI.Benny E. PO BOX 64, RUSSEllVillE AR 7280HI064 968-3869 _,JamosF. POBOX831,LITTlE ROCKAR72203-0831 374-1290 witt«. Bruce D. 306 MA" sr. CROSsen AR 71~2928 364-5161 will", DaYid B. 224 HAZEL ST. HOT SPRINGS AR 71901·5131 623-&174 witt". <Md T. PO BOX m, CROSSETT AR 71~m 364-5181 wogger, KarenJ. F. RR 1 BOX 40, EUREKA SPRINGS AR 72832·9n2 acJ<.ott. Boyd A.• Jr. PO BOX 1433. CONWAY AR 72032·1433 327-6068 alloy, David W.. Jr. PO BOX 88, MAGNOlIA AR 71753-0088 234-6890 alloy, Neva B. 1013 W MARKHAM ST,LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-1230 372·2756 a11oy·Foster, Marsha L 320 W CAPITOl.. 1000, LITTlE ROCK 72201-3522 688-8883 TallOn, Hornut F. 1710 MOORES LN, TEXARKANA TX 75SC13-5517 792·82<& Tanner, Homer PO BOX m, NORTH LmLE ROCK AR 721 Hi-om 758-SSn Tapp, John Skylar PO BOX Y. HOT SPRINGS AR 71902·1997 82...nlSl Tarver, Christopher Amaya 1816 N BRYANT ST '116, LITTLE ROCK 72207TanNI, Timolhy R. PO BOX 390, HAMBURG AR 71646-0390 853-9808 T.... Wiliam E. PO BOX 2044, TEXARKANA TX 75504·2044 794-2711 TaDJm, Alyn C. 2708 NORTHEASTERN. JACKSONVillE 72076-2502 982·5801 TaDJm, John T. PO BOX 669, DANVillE AR 72833.()669 495-26-49 Tausch, loIise 1710 MOORES LN. TEXARKANA TX 75505-5517 792-82<& Taylor, Dll1fY1 E. 622 MALVERN ,HOT SPRINGS AR 71901·5432 624-2591 Taylor, David S. PO BOX 242, CLARKSVILLE AR 72830-0242 754-8447 Taylor, Don A. 122 E ADOBE ST, FAYETTEVillE AR 72703-'3341 521·7800 Taylor, Floyd J.. Jr. 408 N JACKSON • EL DORADO AR 71730-5807 863-0368 TayIor,GeorgeLeCroy 217 SJEFFERSONI2OO.EL DORADOAR 71730-5914883-<;363 Taylor, Hendrix A. PO BOX 8705. PINE BLUFF AR 71811-3705 541·53n Taylor,Jimmy D. 8SOO W MARKHAM ST APT 218, LITTlE ROCK AR 227·noo Taylor,JoeI 221 W 2ND ST. 518, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201·2510 375-2723 Taylor, Marcelle J. 320 W CAPITOl.' 1000, LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3525 688-8800 Taylor, NOfTi. C. PO BOX 2083, FORT SMllli AR 72902·2083 782·3870 Taylor, Odel 2007 CARNES ST, SPRINGDALE AR 72784·1534 750-4711 Taylor, Paul H. 2710 N SIERRA ST, FAYETTEVILLE AR m03-3318 521·8170 Tayio<, PhillpJeck PO BOX 3392, FORT SMllli AR 72913-3392 783-1088 Tayio<, Richard D. 400 W CAPITOl.' 2000. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3<193 376-2011 Taylor, Robef1 C. PO BOX 2082, FORT SMllli AR 72902·2082 782·7807 Taylor, Sammye L. 200 W CAPITOL' 2200, UrrlE ROCK AR 72201-3699 371-0808 Taylor, Stephen L. PO BOX 148, SPRINGDALE AR 72765-0148 751..0995 Taykn, Toni Denise POBOX 1733, El DORAOO AR 71731-1733 862·1303 Tayio<. W. H. POBOX 1921, FAYETTEVILLE AR 72702·1921 443-5222 Tayio<. Zec:hely PO BOX 8967, PINE BLUFF AR 71611-8967 534-2551 Teegue. Mona 26 E CENTER ST, FAYETTEVIllE AR 72701·5301 4<42-0600 Tadd".CedI A. 301 WARCH, SEARCY AR 72143-5330 279-8219

Teed. Sarah C. Hood 120 E 4TH ST, UTILE ROCKAR 72201-2893


Templeton, Ca_ne Cassady 3016 CIRCLEWOOD DR,LmLE ROCK 72207· 372-0230

Temp!eton,HowardW. POBOX 1404. JONESBORO AR n403·1404



267·2080 374-1572 783-8188

Steven D. Tenney, A. Le;gh TOfl)', Rex M. Terry, Wliam L. Teufel. Paul John Theck", Robe" L. Thelheirrer, Lee Tharel, Kent L. Thex1on, MarM D. Thom. Emily S. Thomas, A.Jan, Jr. Thomas, Civi. Thomas. Daboreh W. Thomas. Floyd 1.4.. Jr.

POBOX 120, FARMINGTON AR 7273O.()12O PO BOX 5008, NORTH LmLE ROCK AR 72119-5008 PO BOX 968. FORT SMITH AR 72902-0961 PO BOX 10eo, JONESBORO AR 72403-1080 2209 INDEPENDENCE , CONWAY AR 72032·3715 PO BOX 70. LITTLE ROCK AR 72203.()O70 19090VERCREST ST,FAYETTEVillE AR 72703-3030 PO BOX 8. NEWPORT AR 72112-0008 POBOX 7543. LITTlE ROCK AR 72217-7543 306 W BOND ,WEST MEMPHIS AR 72301-3912 38 TAllYHO LN, UTILE ROCK AR 72207· U OF ARKANSAS STE BA 204. FAYETTEVILLE AR PO BOX 1917, EL DORADO AR 7173'·1917

Thomas. Hoyt

1708 W MAIN ST. HEBER SPRINGS AR 72543-2823

Thomas. Jaffrey H. Thomas. L. Colllln Thomas, Peler 0 .. Jr. Thomas, Ted Joseph Thomas, Thorp S.

320 W CAPITOl.' 1000, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3522 688-8800 620 W 3RD STl4OO. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201·2223 375-9187 518 S CROSS ST, LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3022 374-5511 10800 FINANCIAL CENTRE PKYI255.LmLE ROCK AR225-8078 13220 KANIS RD. LITTLE ROCK AR 72211228-9311

Thomason, Byron

PO BOX 160. MAGNOLIA AR 71153-0160

400 W CAPITOl' 2000. LnTtE ROCK AR 72201-3-493 376--2011

Thomason, Mary 315 E OAK STl2OO, EL DORADOAR 71730-5800 ThomesSG'l, Jarry 2684 S ENID Plo FORT SMITH AR 72901-7128 Thompson, A. F. -rom",1II PO BOX 2595. BATESVI.lE AR 72503-2595


327·n81 37..1171 443-6419

523-38n 661·1400

735-nOO 664-8737 575-4051 882·3478 362·7532

234·1571 883-8588 46-9353 793-3821

Thompeon. BI PO BOX 818, FORT SMITH AR 72902.()818 Thompeon. C. NidloIas 320 W CAPITOl.I1000,lmLE ROCK AR 72201-3522 Thompeon.1lonoId L., Jr. 201 S BROADWAY 1210, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201· Thompeon, JosH W. 809 PARKWAY • CONWAY AR 72032·5369 Thompeon, larry James 119 S 2ND ST. ROGERS AR 72758-4525 Thompson, Reed 313 SKYliNE DR, NORTH UTILE ROCK 721'''9225 Thompeon, Robert F. 414 W COURT ST, PARAGOULD AR 72450-4248 Thompeon, ThnlDn A. 321 W CHERRY ST. ROGERS AR 72758-4521 Thompeon. WInfred L. 140 DONAGHEY • CONWAY AR 72032-6252 Thompoon-Dodd, Use RT 1 BOX 49. ENGLAND AR 72048Thomo. FI9derid< Phlip, Jr. PO BOX 2838, WEST MEMPHIS AR 72303-2838 ~e,Ai.. Jayne POBOX 1127.FAYETTEVI.lE AR 72702·1127 ThomIOn.Oen.... L. 410NJACKSON ,ELDORADOAR71730-5807

Thornton, Janet lawrence 101 W MAIN Sf' 404. EL OORAOO AR 71730ThomlDn. Rudy W. PO BOX 4338, NORTH LITTlE ROCK AR 7211B.()338 Tlvllilklll, DanIal B. PO BOX 30, MENA AR 71953-0030 Tlvash. Thomes P. 120 E 4TH ST, LITTlE ROCKAR 72201·2893 Throeodl, DaYid PO BOX <&3, POCAHONTAS AR 72455-0<&3 Throeodl, John C. PO BOX <&3. POCAHONTAS AR 72455-0<&3 TidweI,JoM louis PO BOX lsn, TEXARKANA TX 75504-18n TdweI. Kelly B. 1710 MOORES LN. TEXARKANA TX 75505-5517 TIley, Jame. W. 620 W 3RD ST. 210. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201·2223 TIIoy, R. 8Iyan PO BOX 368. HEBER SPRINGS AR 72543.()388 T_.Lohnes T. 300 CENTER ST, HARRISBURG AR 72432· TIPPItt, DonaldC. 100 N 6TH ST, FORT SMITH AR 72901· T_,John R. 200 WCAPITOl.. 22OO,LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3699 TlsdaIo, Stephen L PO BOX 0710. EUDORA AR 7184O.()71 0 Todd,lMcheei E. 333 W COURT ST, PARAGOULDAR 72450"307 Tolson, Robe" A.. Jr. 2OOE8lli ,PINEBlUFFAR71601·5041 TotsGh, Alice M. PO BOX 66. JACKSONVIllE AR 720~ Townsend, Jane I. PO BOX 6208. PINE BlUFF AR 71611-8208 TraJIord. W.. fred A. 709 W8lli • PINE BLUFF AR 71601-4030 Trammel, Ray 448 HAWTHORNE ST. FAYETTEVI.LE AR mOl·1934 Trammel, Robe" D. 101 WMAIN STE 201. EL DORADOAR 71730Tran1hem, Cherie. Scott PO BOX 1723, FAYETTEVILLE AR 72702·1723 Tran1hem. Hugh W. PO BOX 384, PIGGOTT AR 72454-0364 400 WCAPITOl.I1700. LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3435 Traylor. OanieiM. Treece. Geoffrey B. 410 W3RD ST. 200, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201·2318 Trice, Wiiem H.• III 211 S SPRING ST. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201·2479 TrirnbIo, Don E. PO BOX 1633, LmLE ROCKAR 72203-1833 Trimble, N. Wais 518 S CROSS ST. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201·3022 Trosclair, Andree L. PO BOX 1103, LmLE ROCK AR 72203-1103 •

Trott8f, ScottC. Troxel, F. N. TnMnbo, Amber L. TnMnbo, C. Bass Trussell. David R. Trussell. L. W. Tschiemer, Robert S.

PO BOX 164808, LITTlE ROCK AR 72216-4808 715 FRONT ST, CONWAY AR 72032·5421

PO BOX 3597, FAYETTEVILLE AR 72702-3597 207 WCENTER ST, FAYETTEVIlLE AR 72701·5905 115 GREENE RD 1940. PARAGOULD AR 72450PO BOX 688, FORDYCE AR 71742.()688 212 CENTER ST I2OO,LITTlE ROCK AR 72201·2433 Tucker, Bemy M. PO DRAWER 947, ARKADELPHIA AR 71923-0947 Tucker. Betty 18 GlENRIDGE RD.LmLE ROCK AR 72207· Tud<er,Ch_ W. 500 BROADWAY ST.201 , LmLE ROCK 72201-3339 Tucker, Jack 8304 KENWOOO RD, LITTLE ROCK AR 72207·1830 T_,..., Guy 320 W CAPITOl.. 1000. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3525 Tucker, Kinber1y Wood 200 W CAPITa.I22OO,LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3699 Tud<er, Scott Harper 400 W CAPITOl.. 2000, LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3493 Tucker, Thomas J. PO BOX 310. SILOAM SPRINGS AR 72761-0310 PO BOX 592. WYNNE AR 72396-0592 Tucker, Timolhy G. TuckM, W.L.. PO BOX 798, BRYANT AR 7202.2-0798 Tull, JoIw1 E.. III 111 CENTER ST 12200, LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-44211 Turner, Andntw T. 520 N PAlM ST.LmLE ROCK AR 72205-3854 • Turner, CIleriIy C. 520 N PALM ST, LmLE ROCK AR 72205-3854 Turner, Clyde -rab" 400 W CAPITOl.. 2OOO,LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3<193 Turner,lawSG'l W.. 1I1 415 McKJnley 11250,LmLE ROCK AR 72205·

Turner, lonnie C.

110 W COMMERClAl ST, OZARK AR 72949-3228

TImer. O. D. 22 DEVIZIS DR, BElLA VISTA AR 72714T _ . Otis H. PO BOX 607, ARKADELPHIA AR 71923-0607 ryer. Edgar J. 200 W CAPITOl. • 2200. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3699 UdoI4, Gary W. PO BOX 1626. FORT SMITH AR 72902,1628 Uhynowycz. Stelan A. 9512 WIGGINS Pl,LmLE ROCK AR 72205-4527 Undem, ObertM. 20 E CENTER STI108. FAYETTEVIllE AR mO'·5301 Underwood, Joann A. PO BOX 941 STA A, SEARCY AR 72143-5591 Ursery, Fred S. 400 W CAPITOl.. 2OOO,LmLE ROCK AR 72201-3493 Veo::aro, Charle. G. 514 OUACHITA, HOT SPRINGS AR 71901·5107 Vadon, Marw. Lane PO BOX 925, LmLE ROCK AR ~


688-8800 377-6120 327·3091 638.()875 758-8358 239-9581 831·1221 450-3171 961·9028 521·1555 862·7989 371-4082 394-3091 375-9131 892·3948 892·3948

794-3121 792·8248 374-8535 362·5808 578-5403 785-5211 371.()808 355-2504 239-4002 538-1316 982-3135 541-3189 534-3743 4<42-8240 862·5700 521·7'30 598-2218 372·3330 37..7900 372-4'4<4 376-8024 374-5511 376-6355

327·3738 ~2·2244

521·7050 352·2468 376-7200 246-6796

224·5140 318-7357 688-8800 371.()808 376-2011 524-6530 238-2317 647·3031 371.()8()8 682-6855 376-2011 883-9300

661·2155 855-242S 246-2468 371.Q808 782-604' 521·5300 279-4210 376-2011 321.()600 374-7155

1111 Ml\1N ST. 2OQ. CONWAY AR 73l32·S449


W._. Ray A.• Jr.

Von Bebbor.llovid L. 2210 OAKLAWN OR. SPRINGDALE AR 7276SPO BOX 1064. RUSSELLVILLE AR 7280101064 Von Kioef. John D.


W.tkino. Hanly G .• III PO BOX 683. LEPANTO AR 72354.()683

VonAuodai. L. PIlric:ia

578-2332 578-2332

Walkina. WIiam P.• III 318 W POPLAR. ROGERS AR 72758-

Vandagriff. A. Ted 190 JAN OR " . SHERWOOD AR 72120Vandegri1t, MaIy Elen 2218 N ARTHUR ST. LITTLE ROCK AR n207-3506


Watson, Jason L.

PO BOX 1868. FAYETIEVILLE AR 72702·1868


Watson. Jeff H.

PO BOX 6. SPRINGOALE AR 72765-0008

Vandergriff.lloYid B. PO BOX 1832. FORT SMITH AR n902·1832


Watson. John D.

400 W CAPITOL. 2000. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3<93 378-2011

VonDoYer. JamOI A. PO BOX 648. Ml\RIANNA AR ~


Watson. Tmothy F.• Sr.

v....".". Fritzie


RK:e L.

Vangilder. Gal)'


PO BOX 358. HARRISBURG AR 72432.Q356

PO BOX 500. HARRISBURG AR 72432-0500

Walkina. John J.

RT 5 BOX 298. PINE BLUFF AR 71801·

Watson. JamOI B.

W.II, Vield Lynn


PO BOX 988. NEWPOFrr AR 72112-0968

19210 KANIS RD. LITTLE ROCK AR 72211-11520


523-84 821-<00

Var"",. Salie S"oud 702 SW 8TH ST. BENTONVILLE AR 72718-0001 273-«07 Var"",. WiIl;am D. 210 S THOMPSON ST STE 8.SPRINGDALE AR 72784- 758-5587 V...... A. Glom PO BOX 599. PRESCOTI AR 718S7-()599 887·2801

W.n. Witnam W. 18'9 N FillMORE ST. LITTLE ROCK AR 72207-<.04 884 WaI1S,A11ca Apps 5824 HAWTHORNE. LITTLE ROCK AR 72207-<312 223W.... 1Ad\a1ll McNamat. 515 S BOOKER ST. LITTLE ROCK AR 72205-8022

V.te<. Roben W. 10200 OLD MILL RD. FORT SMITH AR 72903-5765 VIllghan. Thomas C .• Jr. 400 W CAPITOL 12400. LITTLE ROCK 72201-3< 11 378-6565 Voughn. Scott Thomas PO BOX 5551. NORTH LITTLE ROCK AR 72119-5551 372-0110

WaI1S, RicI1ard N. 101 S SPRING ST 1300. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201·2428 378-2981 116 N SCHOOL. FAYETIEVUE AR 72701·5128 443-161 WIlJgh. JamOl E. W _ . Roderick H. PO BOX 754. ClARKSVUE AR 72S3O-<l754 754-25' Webb, Barbwa J. Womack 124 W CAPfTOl"400, UTILE AC)CK 72201-37315 37&-453 t Webb.lloyto L..II 507 OAK HU RD. BENTON AR 72015-3400 naWebb. Gordon PO BOX 2447, HARRISON AR 72602-2447 74'·2711 Webb. Kandy Grogg PO BOX 2447. HARRISON AR 72802·2447 741·2111

VIlJgh~ l.any D.

201 BROADWAY ST0400. LITTLE ROCK 72201·2325


VIIlik, Mart

POBOX 1401. LITTLE ROCKAR 72203-1401


Vor1<amp. John PU

PO BOX 14. CHARLESTON AR 72933-0014

Vwvack. Jerry J.

PO BOX 51. GOSHEN AR 7273!HXl51


V.... SlUaIt



VOItai. Kenl G.. Jr.

5724 HAWTHORNE RD. LITTLE ROCK AR n207-43,0 68101902

Vlckary.lan W. 200 N JEFFERSON STE 516. EL DORADOAR Vino•• Eizabeth Anne 7504"N'" ST. LITTLE ROCK AR 72207·

882·5565 882·2007

Vining. T. Jeff",\,

323 CENTER ST. 200. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201·26'0 882·8058

Vin""". Gary

PO BOX 2132. BATESVILLE AR 72503-Z732


Virden. Ilar1 F.



Ymig. Po_H. Y....... RobenC.

POBOX 1613. HARRISON AR 72602·'613


POBOX 21. WARREN AR 71871-0027


Volkamer. Bona S.

3000 Ml\RKET STE E. FAYETIEVILLE AR 72703-3507 443-9191

Webb, KllIloy W. Webb, Mark W. Webof. Harlan A.

PO BOX 67. TRUMANN AR 72472-ooe7 PO BOX 795, FORT SMrrH AR 72902-0795 3722 DORAL. LITTLE ROCK AR 72212·

463-7651 783-5'25 32<-6662

W_. Roben W. Webs Willon F.

'710 MOORES LN. TEXARKANA TX 75505-5517 524 S CHURCH ST. JONESBORO AR 72401-3112

792·8248 932-3360

PO BOX 1768. FAYETIEVILLE AR 72702,'768


Wallburd. Everard PO BOX 796, WEST MEMPHIS AR 72303-0798 WNer1I>arger. Royce. Sr. 714 E 2ND ST. HOPEAR 71801-4803



Gary V.


W8Ich. John e..t 2 NATURAL RESOURCES OR. LITTLE ROCK AR 72205W8Ich. Mor9"1 E. "Chip' PO BOX 3685. LITTLE ROCK AR 72203-3685 378-9900 Weldon. Dabra Karen PO BOX 545. BERRYVLLE AR 728'&<1545 W.... BiI G. PO BOX 855. WARREN AR 71871.()855

Vowell. SleVan E.

PO BOX 208. BERRYVILLE AR 7281&<1208


W _ . Paul D.

PO BOX 4057. JONESBORO AR 72403-4057


We". Philip

400 S MAIN ST FL 2. JONESBORO AR 72401·2963

932·6894 376-2011

124 WCAPrTOl, 1tOO,llTTlE ROCK AR 72201-3733 378-0807 102 N HOSPITAl CIR.JACKSONVlllE AR 72076-<t344 Q82·311!11 102 HOSPITAL CIR. JACKSONVILLE AR 72076-<3« 982·3181

Waddel. Ralph W. PO BOX 4057. JONESBORO AR 72403-4057 WackktQ. William A., Jr. 400 W CAPITOL. .rooD. LITTLE ROCK 72201-3493



We.t. Am Gerber We.t, C. T. "BudWell. Dona WOIt. Donald J.

Wade. Wyman A.. Jr. POBOX 1446. FORT SMITH AR 72902·1446


W.... Jamas E.

Wadley. George R.. Jr. PO BOX 1573. JONESBORO AR 72403-1573

972·11 00 S81~

WOItbrook, C<aJg 320 WCAprrOL 11000. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3525 WOItmoroland.llovidT. POBOX 10218. FORT SMITH AR 729'7-0278 WOIIphaI. MaIy Ann PO BOX 1626. FAYETIEVILLE AR 72702·1826 Waaal. Fradend< S. 2100 RIVERFRONT ORI240.LITTLE ROCK 72202,1793 Wharlon. Wilam L. '922 W 2ND ST. LITTLE ROCK AR 72205-4404


Wagner, T. Wayne

Whalley. Jeanelle 20Q W CAPITOL' 38. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201·3630 _ o r . C. B. PO BOX 1838. TEXARKANA TX 75504-'838 _ e r . ,Jan;ce WdNams PO BOX 157. ARKADELPHIA AR 71 923.()157

376-3423 792·2848 246-2396

Wade. Guy AI1Dn

400W CAprrOL. 2000. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3407 376-2011

Wade. Lynn F.

POBOX 1000. FAYETIEVILLE AR 72702·'000

POBOX 1135. MANIlA AR n442-1135 POBOX 1510. LITTLE ROCK AR 72203-15'0

Wagone<.Jed<.1I1 WaH. Eugene A.. Jr. PO BOX 884. FORT SMITH AR n902-0884 Walbert. T. D. Waldon. _


W_. Chartes M.



PO BOX 1060. HOT SPRINGSAR 7'902'1060 630 S MAIN ST. JONESBORO AR 72401·2825


PO BOX 1159, HOPE AR 7180101 159


Walker. EM.. H.• Jr. PO BOX 2104. FORT SMITH AR 72902·2104 Walker. Elisabeth A. 323 CENTER ST • 200. LITTLE ROCK AR 7220'·2610 Walker. Jack V.• Jr. '400 W 5TH • PINE BLUFF AR 7'801-3922 1723 BROADWAY ST. LITTLE ROCK AR 72206-1220 Walker. John W. W"or. Pamel. D. 400 W CAprrOL. 1700. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3435 PO BOX sa,. LITTLE ROCK AR 72203-059' Walker. W. J. PO BOX 729. HARRISON AR 72802-0728 Walker. W.iam S. w... Wc::lOd$on O. 12<4 W CAPITOl." D90, UTIl..£ ROCK AR 72201-3131 Wolaco. Douglas PO BOX 1836, LITTLE ROCK AR 72203-1838 Wllace. E. GrogOf)'. Jr. 901 N MISSISSIPPI ST, LITTLE ROCK 72207·5901 212 CENTER STISOO. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201·2438 Walace. James A. W"ace.lanry C. 425 W CAprrOL' 3801. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3447

932"522 783-5000 882·2007 536-9008 374-3758 372-3363 378-2382 741-3448

785-1313 442-8065 ll63-()535


_ e r . Rhonda McKInni. 320 W CAPrrOLl1ooo.LITTLE ROCK 72201·3525 886-8800 Whatstono. Barnard P. 124 W CAprrOl.ll00. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3733 378-0807 Whats"""'. Bud B. 12' W CAprrOL 11170. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3733 378-3584 PO BOX 194208. LITTLE ROCK AR 72219-.208 . WhllIod<. Carl

375-<100 521·5510 876-2325 793·8818 996-2122 337-0272

Whitahoad. Jqo.Jr. PO BOX 4982 UCA. CONWAY AR 73l35'50-3108 Whiting. Stephen B. 13 CORONADO CIR.NORTH LITTLE ROCK72118·5208 835.()883 WhilmOre. Perry V. 3' PINE TREE LOOP. NORTH LITTLE ROCK 72116753-8890 Whilney. Ruth Hsgornoier 1906 BROWNWOOD RlJf8,LITTLE ROCK 72207..,01 •

3n.-.s23 372-6512 376-5422 375-5545

PO BOX 818. FAYETIEVILLE AR 7Z702.()818 PO BOX 206. LONOKE AR 72088-0206 PO BOX 2535. BATESVILLE AR 72503-2535 PO BOX 280. GREENWOODAR 72936-0280 PO BOX '426, MALVERN AR 72104·1426

Wallon. G... B.• Jr. Wann. Garry S. Ward.1l8ny W. Wild, Jotvt C. WWd. L.rry A. Ward. Paul J.

915 ClJMIIERLAND ST. LITTLE ROCK AR 72202-3991 378-4171 PO BOX 1611, UTILE ROCK AR 72203-1611 372·7168 .710 SAM PECK RD' 2065. LITTLE ROCK AR 72212· 32.5852

401 W MARKHAM ST r.!11. Urn.E ROCK 72201·1417 3n-8426

W_d. Kennsth Lloyd 1322 CENTER ST. LITTLE ROCK AR 72202·4930 Warrtef, C. A.. ok. POBOX 7462, UTILE ROCK AA 72217·7462 Warne<. VieideAnn 101 ORIOLE ST. BATESVILLE AR 72501-&501

741-2788 782.()38,

Whotbod<. FraM L. PO BOX 3437. LITTLE ROCK AR 72203-3437 Whil•• Clnlon lAd\aal 911 E WOODRUFF. NORTH LITTLE ROCK 72120Whit., David H. 320 ClJACHITA • 210, HOT SPRINGS AR 71aolWhlte, JoM RIy 400 W CAPITOl I 2000, llTTt.E ROCK AR 12201-3493 Whota. Staphon A. PO BOX 85. CHARLESTON AR 72933-0085 Whlta. StaY< RR 2 BOX 766-1. Ml\LVERN AR 72104-ll802 Whota. T..... Lynn 8 ELK RUNCV. LITTLE ROCKAR 72211-<140 Whotaliald. CotoIyn L. PO BOX 3258. TEXARKANA TX 75504-3258

Walace. lofma C. W.II. Ch8rl8. A.• Jr. WsJm~8Y. BiN H. Waller•• Bill W8IlhaI. G. CIvI.

PO BOX 2020, SPRINGDALE AR 72765-2020 PO BOX 400. LITTLE ROCK AR 72203-0400

PO BOX 446. HARRISON AR 72602.()448 PO BOX '446. FORT SMITH AR 72902·1_

756-4235 882·5681 ~71.


Warnock. John N. 1130UACHrrA 63. CAMDEN AR 7170', 231·4761 Ww,.n. Joyce W~liarn. 3201 W ROOSEVELT RD. LITTLE ROCK 72204·5662660-6725 Washburn. MarilynJ. 2261 Ml\GNOLIA ST. FAYETIEVILLE AR 72703-.231 Wasson. Field K.. Jr. ONE STATE CAprrOL STE 238, LITTLE ROCK 72201· 882·2345

372·5512 376-1402 ~


965-2228 337"730 221·3813


WhIn.,Jan;ce W... PO BOX 1446. FORT SMITH AR n902·1446 PO BOX 23. FORT SMITH AR 72902-0023 Whitt. Toni Whi_I. Staphon E. 315 N BROADWAY ST. NORTH LITTLE ROCK7211. Wogg .... WiI"", E. RR 7 BOX 568. TEXARKANA AR 75502-9540 •• Wibof. Noonan C. PO BOX 1430. MOUNTAIN HOME AR 72853-1430 Wdbolxn. Gordon M. 120 E 4TH ST, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201·2893 Woldar. Franklin PO BOX 1143. FORT SMrrHAR 72902·1143 W~kins. Cassandra F. PO BOX '04904, LITTLE ROCK AR 722Q3.-,.D4 W.k1ns. Jam.. H.. Jr. 10800 FINANCIAL CENTRE PKI335, LITTLE ROCK AR

782.()381 782·7911

Wilkins, Usa Mills

200 E 8TH.zoo. PINE BlUFF AR 71601·5041


W~k1nson. Hanry

PO BOX 429. FORREST CITY AR 72335-0429


W.k1nson, Norman W.iarns. A. Gerl40

PO BOX 954. FORT SMrrH AR 72902-0954 783-5545 400 WCAprrOL. 2840. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3<13 372·1887

378-1700 425-3010 375-9131 783-2041 &82-3035 225-4222

W~liams. Charles B. PO BOX 89. MARION AR 72364-0089 William•• Charles N. ,,2 S EAST, FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701-6040 Williams, Chris E. 829 HAlBERT ST. MALVERN AR 72'04-2607 FAYETTEVIllE AR 72702·1772 Wdiams. Christopher B.T. PO BOX


739-<-446 52'·4800 332-8633 «3-'77'

Wdiams. D. Todd POBOX 1346. JONESBORO AR 72403-'346 932·8357 Wdliams, David H. 2'7 W 2ND ST' 350. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201· 372-0038 Wdiams. David l. '20 E 4TH ST. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201·2893 375-9131 WjJjams, Dennis K. 2000 E 24TH ST. 16, TEXARKANA AR 75502-4018 m-SS11 Wiiams. Jame.Lamoyne. II 170' N AVAlONl206.WEST MEMPHIS AR 72301· Wiiams. Jon A. 9'3 W COURT ST. PARAGOULO AR 72450-5922 239--4065 Wiiams. Kemelh Ray 700 HOlLY ST. Me GEHEE AR 7'654-2111 222"Wiiams.Lee 2932CCJUl{TRY CLUB DR. FAYETTEVIllE 7270'·7'45 • Wiliams,lym PO BOX 8131, HOT SPRtNGSAR 11902-6137 624-4330 iams. Paul X.. .k. PO BOX 147. BCXlNEVILLE AR 72927-0'47 675-2880 Wdiams. Paul X.• Sr. PO BOX 328. BCXlNEVIllE AR 72927-0326 675-3281 534-2512 ams. Randall. 101 E BARRAOUE. Pina Bluft AR 7'60....389 ams. Ranee S. PO BOX 6'37. HOT SPRINGS AR 7'902'-'37 624-4346 Wiiams. Ridlald A. 320 W CAPITOl.' 'ODD. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3525 688-8800 Wiiams. Robert H. 803 SERlE. RUSSELLVILLE AR 7280'·6243 968-2594 Wiiams. Ronald A. 702 SW 6TH ST. BENTONVIU£ AR 727'6-000' 2~58 lams. SaJy Gai1hOf 500 BRENTWOOD. JONESBORO AR 72401· Wiiams. Salh AI• .k. 2605 TEXAS BlVD. 302. TEXARKANA TX 75503793-1437 Wdlams. Stephen P. PO BOX '94208. LITTLE ROCK AR 7221 ~208 570-2269 Wiiams. Thomas G. '" CENTER ST '2200. LITTlE ROCK AR 7220' ....29 372-D600 Wii...".. Tin D. PO BOX 1294. CONWAY AR 72032·1294 327-3200 Wdliams. W. HunI8r• .k. POBOX 186, OSCEa.A AR 7231~186 563-3334 Wiliams. W. J .. .k. 111 CENTER STf2200.LITTLE ROCK AR 7220'·«29 372-D600 Wiliams. Wade Alan PO BOX 978. BENTONVILLE AR 72712-0978 273-0746 Wiliams. WhitnayJeai1 1304 COUNTRY ClUB LN. TEXARKANA AR 75502·m,

Williamson,lmogene 103 E 7TH. 207, UTILE ROCK AR 72201·


W~liamson. J. GaslOn 120 E 4TH ST, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201·2893

375-9131 2117 N VAN BUREN ST. LITTlE ROCKAR 72207-4741 666-1675 804 ASH ST. LITTlE ROCK AR 72205-2052 ...·3537 10 S FULTON ST. CLARKSVILLE AR 72830-3612 754-3790 400 W CAPITOL" 2000, LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3407 376-2011 4300 N CROSSOVER RD. FAYETTEVIUE AR 72703-4823 . PO BOX 525, POCAHONTASAR 72455--0525 892-4517 19921 HIGHWAY 10, UTILE ROCK AR 72212-9609 664-53n 'OS COUNTRY DR. HOPE AR 11801· 777·2'90 POBOX 526;, JACKSONVILLE AR 72076-1569 982-9411 W~son, Phlip M. 124 W CAPITOL.. 1880, LlTILE ROCK AR 72201-3738 374-4000 Wilson. Raiph E. PO BOX 308. OSCEOlA AR 72370-0308 56:H554 Wison. Raiph E .• Jr. PO BOX 506. OSCEOlA AR 72370-0506 563-6035 Wilson. Raiph R. '01 S SPRING ST 1300. LITTLE ROCK AR 7220'-2428 376-298' Wison, Robert ..... Jr. 425 WCAPITOl. 1500. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3.a2 375-1820 Wdson. Ronald C. PO BOX 1299. WEST MEMPHIS AR 72303-1299 735-2940 Wdson. Roxame T. PO BOX 7'. LITTLE ROCK AR 72203-0011 375-6453 Wison. Susan L 101 BERKSHIRE CIR, JACKSONVILLE AR 72076-3302 660-6100 Wison, 'Mliam A.. Jr. PO BOX 71,lITTLE ROCK AR 72203-0071 375-6453 Wison.l.Bd:1ar( D. PO BOX 5578. NORTH LITTLE ROCK AR 72"9-5578 376-4090 Witshire, Laura Ann Ganon 111 CENTER ST'1200,LrTnE ROCK 72201-44'4 376-n88 Wilshire. Warren POBOX 1681, LITTLE ROCKAR 72203-1681 /147-0'09 WWlbum, Rabecca H. PO BOX 207. BENTON AR 72015-0207 WWlbIXl\ Russal B. PO DRAWER '868. FAYETTEVLlE AR 72702·1868 «2·7575 WIfl8Iand. Meredilh PO BOX '319. BENTON AR 72015-1311 778-6111 WIfl8Iand. Teresa M. '00 E CHURCH ST. EL DORADOAR 117»4602 862·5523 Ymzer1ing. Maty A. '24 W CAPITOl.. 675. LITTlE ROCK AR 7220'-3728 376-'555 W.... Geo<g& R.. .k. 124 W CAPITOl 11950. LITTlE ROCK AR 7220'-3739 372·1333 WlS8ly. Wiiam R. PO BOX Y. HOT SPRINGS AR 71902-1997 624-77'9 Wosener. Rulh Am PO BOX 7608. PINE BLUFF AR 71611·7808 534-5532 Witherspoon, Carotyn 8. PO BOX 3178. LmLE ROCK AR 72203-3178 371-gggg

Wils. Frank J. Wison. Anne 0Mn9' Wilson. Bruca R. Wilson. David D. Wison Donald Ervin w~son: G80fge N. Wilson. John Charles Wilson. John l. Wbon, Mike K.

Win. Errie Win, Neva B. Wine, Albert M. Wolll, Rufu. E.

PO BOX 286. OZARK AR 72949-0286 PO BOX 286. OZARK AR 72949-0286 U OF ARKANSAS LAW SCHOOl, FAYETTEVilLE AR PO BOX 47. LITTLE ROCK AR 72203-D047 Womack, Tm A. PO BOX 683, CAMDEN AR 71701-{)683 Womack. Tom D. PO BOX 4057. JONESBORO AR 72403·4057 Wommeck. Richard l.PO BOX 4128. FAYETTEVILLE AR 72702-4128 Wong. _ I F. Wood. 81ian David Wood. Da~d J. Wood. [);oo C. Wood. Doug. Jr. Wood. Keith N.

667-4721 S7S-27OO 372-5659 836-8156

932·6894 52'-4690 323 CENTER ST "300. LITTLE ROCK AR 7220'·262' 374-9664 443-1878 '00' SUNSET DR. FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701·'738 375-0200 809 W 2ND ST.LrTTlE ROCK AR 72201·2147 ONE STATE CAPITOl. STE '09. LITTLE ROCK 7220', 324-9222 834·3700 PO BOX 7078. SHERWOOD AR 72"8-8678 777·9539 POBOX 1122, HOPE AR 71801-1122

Wood. M. Todd 200 WCAPlTOl.. 2200. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3699 Wood. Siaphan K. PO BOX 2'86. WEST MEMPHIS AR 72303-2186 Wood. S'aphan Lee 224 S 2ND ST. ROGERS AR 72756-45" Woodrvtf. ArIon 204 COBEAN ST. LAKE CITY AR 72437·9704 Woodrvtf, Marsha Choala PO BOX 1868. FAYETTEVILLE AR 72702·1866 WoodnJfI. Ronaid G. PO BOX '868. FAYETTEVIllE AR 72702·1868

311-oeoB 732·1203 636-7522 237-43'9 444-6«4 444-8444

PO BOX '29. TAYLOR AR 71861-0'29 Wood<. Anlhony J. WoodI,O.,\I.. POBOX 1678, LmLE ROCKAR72203-1676 372·1111 Wood<. Hanry 42 Wngala Driyo.lITTlE ROCK AR 72205324-5593 Wood•• Powal PO BOX 117. SILOAM SPRINGS AR 7276'-0117 524-542' Woodward. Joe D. PO BOX 825. MAGNOlIA AR 71753-D825 234-7700 Woodyard. WiIam H. l.. III 320 W CAPlTOl.I,OOO.LITTlE ROCK 72201-3525 688-8800 Woolay. Rita E. 9LOMlIARDY LN. LITTLE ROCK AR 72207-4224 374-00'0 Wool""'. Matgaret PO BOX 2207. WEST MEMPHIS AR 72303-2207 732-38'0 Wodl, Ruasel J. 6 Nicklaus Ori..., NORTH LITTLE ROCK AR 72118851-2878 WOOWl.G. AI., PO BOX 1626. FORT SMfTH AR 72902-1626 782-6041 Woo""'. RM:ha'd H. '40' MALVERN 1180. HOT SPRINGS AR 7'90'-6370 623-2593 WOfIay. CarolLockaId 111 CENTER ST"200.LITTlE ROCKAR 7220' ....14 376-7788 WOfIay. Dean l. PO BOX 555'. NORTH LITTLE ROCK AR 72119-5551 372-0110 WOfIay. Phylis B. 600 WARCH. SEARCY AR 7214$268-'722 Worsham. Rid1atd E. PO BOX 24003. lITTlE ROCK AR 72221-4003 22'·2939 Wray.Jame•. 1II 34 E CENTER ST. FAYETTEVILLE AR 7270'·5301 «3-9023 Wray. Joe D. PO DRAWER 32. HAMBURG AR 71646-0032 853-987' Wran. Denial Edward 125 POINT WEST CIR.LITTlE ROCK AR 72211-3372 Wright. Edward l.• .k. 212 CENTER ST 1900. LITTlE ROCK AR 7220'·2«0 376-4242 Wrigh~ Ernie E. PO BOX 307. HARRISON AR 72602-0307 74'-4605 Wright. _ T.. .k. 400 WCAPITOl.' 1700. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3435 376-8859 Wrigh~ Jocqueine S. 625 MARSHAU ST. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201·'020 662-2'47 Wrigh~ Randell J. PO BOX 529. DE QUEEN AR 7'832-0529 584-3636 Wright. Robert R.. III 400 WMARKHAM ST. LITTLE ROCK AR 7220,·'408 324-9445 Wright. Susan Webber PO BOX 3316, LmLE ROCK AR 72203--3316 324-5422 Wrigh~ nldan P .. 1I1 PO BOX 1688. FAYETTEVIUE AR 72702-1666 521·7600 Wright. Walter G.• .k. 320 WCAPITOl.. 'ODD. LITTLE ROCK AR 72201-3522 688-8800 Wrl9ht. Walter G. 50' OUACHITA '301. HOT SPRINGS AR 7190'·5'79 321-1333 PO DRAWER 947. ARKADELPHIAAR 7'923-0947 246-6796 Wri9ht. Willam G. Wrigh~ Willam R. PO BOX 1317. HOPE AR 71801-1317 777·5483 Wyty. Jame.CIark PO BOX 5367. TEXARKANA TX 75505-5367 792·4513 Wynne, Robin F. PO BOX 231, FORDYCE AR 71742-0231 352-5101 Wynna. Terry F. PO BOX 7808. PINE BLUFF AR 7'611·7608 534-5532 352·510' Wynne. Thomas 0 .• 111 PO BOX 231. FORDYCE AR 7'742-023' Wynna. Wiiam J. 100 WGROVE STE 308. EL DORADOAR 71730-4695 863-8118 Wyrldt. W. K<M~n PO BOX 23. TEXARKANA AR 75502·0023 774-7525 WyWI. John C. PO BOX 5861. NORTH LITTLE ROCK AR 72"9-586' 376-4090 Y~. H. Lawrence 111 CENTER ST '1100, LrTTLE ROCK AR 72201·4413 37&8500 Y8I>CIIY. T. E. PO BOX '224. FAYETTEVIU£ AR n702·1224 443-401' Yat... Hatwy l. PO BOX 2064. WEST HELENA AR 72390-D084 572-9490 Vatel. Howard C. PO BOX 190, MORRR..TON AR 72110-0190 3!*1505 Y..... Jonah T. 800 S SHACKLEFORD RD. LITTlE ROCKAR 72211· 225-593' Yeargan. Chat1es A. PO BOX 2'4. GLENWOOD AR 7'943-0214 356-3947 Yeatman, Greg L. PO BOX 907. UTILE ROCK AR 72203~7 372-141. Yocom, Tony Lym PO BOX 583, HOPE AR 71801.{)583 777-8871 YOOJm, HenryS.• ~. 100WMAJN STE401, ELOORAOOAR 71~ 863-3515 YOQJm. Jane M. '2112 FAIRWAY DR. LITTlE ROCK AR 722'2·3429 Yoes. Robert E. PO BOX 11'98. FORT SMITH AR 72917·1198 484-5200 Younes. Van T. 324 W RIDGE. HARRISON AR neD" 741 ....90 Young. Amt Oak.. 320 W CAPITOl.' 'ODD. LITTlE ROCK AR 72201-3525 688-8862 Young. Caning"", Elmo PO BOX 7808. PINE BlUFF AR 7'61'·7808 534-5532 Young. ChaI1es Edward. III 1130 MillSAP RlJt2. FAYETTEVillE AR 72703- 443-77« Young. Damon PO BOX 1897. TEXARKANA TX 75504·'897 774-3206 Young. EliZ_lh G. 18 E. Palsada. Drive. LITTlE ROCK AR 72207· 664-2627 Young. H. David PO BOX '958. LITTlE ROCK AR 72203-'958 376-e'07 Young. Jam.. K. PO BOX 76'. RUSSELLVILLE AR 72801·076' 968-2536 PO BOX 7608. PINE BLUFF AR 7'611·7608 534·5532 Young. Paul B. PO BOX 123, PARAGOULOAR n.S1.() 123 236-7073 Young. Robert E. Young, Ronald O. PO BOX 1611, UTILE ROCK AR 72203-1611 373-5676 Young. Vi'llil W.• Jr. 626 W BROADWAY STI3OO. NORTH LITTlE ROCK AR 378-4000 Yooogdahi. Jay Thomas PO BOX 164608. LITTlE ROCK AR 722'8-4808 378-6355 Z.Unlkl. TenyAnne PO BOX 1928, FAYETIEVILLE AR 72702-1928 442-D584 Zrnmerman. Don A. PO BOX 38. NORTH LITTlE ROCK AR 72115-0038 374-3464 Zrnmerman. Gayle D. PO BOX 276. CROSSETT AR 71635-0276 364·5743 443-4700 Zimmerman. Stacey A. PO BOX 1501. FAYETTEVILLE AR 72702·1501

Zolpet. Dennis ZU_9. J. Da~d

'00 E HUNTINGTON 'A. JONESBORO AR 7240'·2900 935-7090 PO BOX 773. SPRINGDALE AR 72765-0773 750-4567

ARKANSAS BAR ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP LISTING BY CITY ALEXANDER Bakony, Bruce H. ARKADELPHIA Amold, W. H. Dub Ashby, Agnes F. Beny, Travis R. Chaney, Donald P., Jr. Chosshir, Bryan L. CunyIF. Thomas Daniol, K. LoAnne Hill, Randy L. King, Taylor A. Lookadoo, J. Hugh, Jr. Mathis, Travis McCorkle, Ed W. McMillan, Toney D. Tucker, Banny M. Turner, Otis H. Wheeler, Janice Williams Wrigh~ William G. ASH FLAT Beller, Samuol F. Orr, Dan M. ASHDOWN Bishop, Eric Thad Bishop, Eric W. Buchanan, Mickoy Capaheart, Tod C. Cooper, Tom W. Finley, John C. Rnley, Johnny C., III Metzger, Jay P. AUGUSTA Daugherty, James F. Eldridge, John D. Eldridgo, John D., III Rtzhugh, Bay Miiler, Bill R. Waters, Ray A., Jr. AUSTIN Dyo, Awana Lightloot Gunter, Joe T. BALD KNOB Capps, Patricia A. BARLING Haaser, James Cash BATESVILLE Allen, Tom Arnold, Blair Belew, John M. Blair, H. David Blankenship, Leroy Davidson, Joseph Scott Farris, Phillip B. Gregg, John C. Hance, C. Eric Hance, Jeftrey E. Harkoy, J. Adam Harkoy, John N. Hart, Josephine L Highsmith, M. F. Highsmith, Samuol C. Hivoly, Thomas J. Jones, Oscar Eve, IV Kotz, Wesley J., Jr. McSpadden, Don

Meachum, Jerri Beth Post, Jeny C. Purtie, John T. Rutledge,David Skinner, J. T. Stalker, Scott M. Siroud, Robert D. Thompson, A. F. "Tom", III Vinson, Gary Walmsley, Bill H. Wamer, Vickie Ann BEARDEN Anthony, Stevon M. BELLA VISTA Brown, Don R. Couller, C. Warren DuVall, Robart A. George, Anne G. Jackson, B1aino A. Lucas, Adele Etoch Smith, Richard H. SUllins, Paul Tumer, O. D. BanlOn Arnold, Gary M. Baxter, J. Ray Briner, Fnod E. Brown, Grog B. Bush, Marlo May Doorpinghaus, Charles J., Duncan, Karen Wallace Ellis, George D. Gibson, Sam E. Gregory, Johnny Hall, O. Wendell, Jr. Hardin, Robart N. Langley, James Russell Lovell, John Franklin, Jr. McCallister, Bobby D. Moudy, Dan E. Nalley, John Doyle Phillips, Grisham A. Rickard, Curtis Smith, David E. Spann, David Stewart, Jeny W. Webb, Doyle L., II Winbum, Rebecca H. Winoland, Meredith BENTONVILLE Ackerman, Wayne A. Burrow, Lloyd C., Jr. Carter, Stephen Paul Chase, Michael C. Clark, Grog Clark, James H. Clinger, David S. Corley, Mark W. Crabtree, Torry Cripps, Eldon E. Davidson, Paul L. Dossey, Jeny B. Duncan, Xoilie Enfield, William H. Fuller, Anthony Lyn Garrett, Larry W. Georgo, David Gilbert, Martin G. Godo, Charles l Groseclos, Gene G.

Hardcastle, C, J, Hardwicke, Richard S. Hendren, J, l Hood, Rickard W. Huftman, Donald R. Johnson, Jim D. Jones, Louis 8., Jr. Keith, Tom J. Kinney, Dennis Michaol Koonce, K. Max, II Laney, D. Randy Lowrance, Ernest G., Jr. Utile, ClaylOn N. McCollum, Sidney H. McNair, C. Randy, III Mellon, Jamos Scott Morris, Tom C., III Muny, John W., Jr. Parish, Rhonda J. Pawlik, Kevin J. Reeves, Samuol Marvin Rhoades, Bruce A. Rhoads, Robert K. Sawyer, Stephen P. Spivey, Michaol J. Varner, Sallio Stroud Williams, Ronald A. Williams, Wade Allan BERRYVILlE Anglin, M. D. Atchley, Russoll C. Coxsey, James Kont Crow, Gerald Kent Elser, Konneth P. Graham, Stephen M. Holman, Gary J. Jackson, Charles Scott Jackson, H. Paul Vowoll, Stevan E. Woldon, Debra Karon BIG FLAT Richardson, Navada C. BLYTHEVILLE Bearden, Michaol R. Boll, David Lee Bracey, Bill E., Jr. Bracey, Mikko Connealy Bradley, John H. Burgo, Dan M. Burrow, Leon Caudill, John W. Childers, Marvin L. Coleman, Robart L. Davis, Dana A. Ellis, Charles E. Fonder, Oscar Gardner, Charles Jeft Gardner, James M. Harber, Everett E. Harlan, Bruce Johnson, E. S. Langston, Lydia S. Long, Guy S. Martin, Brent Wayno Mayos, John B. Portiow, Graham Prevallet, Donald E. Raid, Richard A. Ritchey, Daniol G. Ross, Bill E. Steinsiek, James W.

BOONEVillE Danielson, Paul Williams, Paul X., Jr. Williams, Paul X., Sr. BRINKLEY Clif1on, Ralph Elledge, Sleven W. Martin, John W. Sharp, Jamos B. BRYANT Anderson, Chris D. Blevins, Beth Anne Boswoll, Tod Brewster, Clark S. Davis, D. Derroll Heasley, David Paul McCallum, Robart E. PinkslOn, Rauben •Jey" Styles, Androa Wagner Tucker, W. Lee CABOT Cash, Mark A. Cook, Lony Keith Foland, Winiam Price Hamby, Amy Hatbour, Mark S. Martin, Howard L. CAMDEN Barnes, Hany F. Bramblett, Eugene Foster, Phillip J. Goza, Ralph C. Gravos, John M. Harrell, Searcy W., Jr. lves, Daniol D. Loney, Robart S. Lindsey, Paul Plunkott, Charles E. Pratt, Jarnes M., Jr. Roberts, A1lon P. Rollins, V. BenlOn Warnock, John N. Womack, Tim A. CARLISLE KoIly, Jeny Stuart, J. Michael CAVE CITY G1azo, Sharron P. CHARLESTON Ramos, Joseph Vorkamp, John Paul White, Stephen A. CHEROKEE VILlAGE Hoppar, Paul E. Lambert, Stewart K. CHIDESTER Puriloy, Robert J. CLARENDON Abramson, Raymond R. Carruth, David Moore, John B., Jr. Serio, Robart G. CLARKSVillE Bradley, Lon W.

Levin, Jeffrey E, Palterson, John Pearson, William 1.4, Taylor, David S, Weaver, Roderick H. Wilson, Bruce R. CLINTON Blagg, Ralph J. Burnett, Jim James, Stephen E. Morgen, M. Edward

CONWAY Adl<issen, William Cain AdIong, Matthew W. Amy, D. Franklin, III Arnold, W. Ellis, III Atkinson, Richard Wayne Atkinson, Rita Brown 8I'azi, William Clay Byington, Evert Keith Byington, Marlyn L Carroll, Thoda S. CIarI<, John J. Clark, Richard P., II Clawson, Charles E.. Jr. Co~er, Unda P. Da,,;s, Michael Ray Donovan, Francis T. Dudeck, Reinhold F.. III Givens, Nancie Michelle GoN, Marie E. Gould, Philip D. Graddly, Larry E. Hartje, George F., Jr. Henry, Clifford J. Henry, Robert W. Hughes, Catherine L. Johnson, James D. Johnson, Norman Keith Jones, Casey Jonas, Guy. Jr. Lacy, William R. laRue, Melody Harris Maggio, Michael A. MeNei, Andre E. Murphy, Michael Lee Osment, Pame'a Sue Pavelko, Kimberly M. Pray, Kenton Lynn Ralph, Stephen D. Reynolds, David L Roberts, Russell L 路Jack路 Sims, Randy Stratton, Phil Tackell, Boyd A., Jr. Thacker, Robert L. Thompson, Jesse W. Thompson, Winfred L. Tro,ell, F. N. Vammen, Fritzte Watson, James B. Whitehead, Roy, Jr. Williams, Tim O. CORNING Garland, Gary D. Hall, Robert H.. Jr. Hardin, Stephen L. CROSSETI Arnold, William S. Barger, Erwin D., Jr. Draper, Gary M. Griffin, Richard E. Hamilton, James A.

Hubbell, Bjjly J, Johnson, Robert J, Rainwater, Paul S. Streetmen, Thomas S. SWiller, Bruce D. Swiller, Ovid T. Zimmermen, Gayle D.

DANVILLE Ramey, Jony D. Sulliven, Tony TabJm, John T. DARDANELLE Bullock, WoIIiam R. Dixon, Randall Parsley, Kenneth Pha6ps, Jeffery Wayne SIrai~ Wiiam D. DE QUEEN Jones, La Jeane Faye Lowery, Robert Lynn Morris, Henry C. Wright, Randell J. DEWITI Berry, Russell D. Botts, Wilbur McKinley, Lester A. Mejia, Erie Foster DERMOTI Gibson, Charles S. Gibson, R. Bynum, Jr. Gibson, Robert B., Sr. Glover, Don E. DES ARC Abney, Robert M. DUMAS Gill, Broolks A. Gill, Marion S. Johnson, Bernard K. Jones, J. Michael Payne, Brian L. Stubbs, L. David ELDORADO Alderson, Edwin B.. Jr. Anthony, Aubra, Jr. Anthony, Carol Crafton Baine, James E. Barker, Jack Wm. Barry, David Lawrence Brooks, J. S., Jr. Burbank, Gary R. Camp, Worth, Jr. Carpenter, Beverly E. ComplOn, Cathleen V. Compton, Pat Jackson Compton, Robert C. Compton, Waller Knox Deming, Claibome P. Dapper, Robert L., Jr. Dickens, H. D. Dodson, Don B. Ganus, Charies A. Gathright, Emmette Griggs, Ronald L Guthrie, David F. Hall, Pat Harris, Oren Hearnsberger, Carla Wilson Hickey, Joseph Higgins, Raymond B.

Kassos, Anthony G, Kinslow, Henry C, Landers, Michael R. Lighlfoo~ John Douglas Mahony, Joseph K,II Mahony, Michael F. McDonald, Gary D. Moody, Wallace M. New, Tmolhy D. Nobles, James H., Jr. Nolan, Wiliam C., Jr. Phillips, Kevin H. Philips, NOfWOOd Prowell, William I. RatcliN, Brian H. Rowe, W. Bayless Seay, George B. ShackIoford, Dennis L ShackIoford, John 1.4., Jr. Shepherd, Bob Spencer, James V., III Taylor, Floyd J., Jr. Taylor, George leCroy Taylor, Toni Denise Thomas, Floyd 1.4., Jr. Thomason, Mary Thomton, Denver L. Thomton, Jenet Lawrence Trammell, Robert D. Vick8fy,1an W. Wonelend, Teresa M. Wynne, William J. Yocum, Henry S., Jr. ENGLAND Reed, William N. Rice, Sarah Wilson Thompson-Dodd, Usa EUDORA Grubbs, W. K. Pratt, Richard L Tisdlale, Stephon L EUREKA SPRINGS c.sdeberry, K. H. Douglass, WiUiarn F. Epley, Alen D. Epley, Lewis E., Jr. France, Connie Sue Moyer, Carl F. Swogger, Karen J. F. FARMINGTON Tennent, Steven D. FAYETIEVILLE Adams, Andy Edward Adams, Stephen E. Arons, Carol Lynn Arons, John F. Arons, Richard P. Atkinson, Richard B. Bailey, CarllOn Baker, Undlee Ball, E. J. Ball, Susan Underwood Barn~ Ralph C. Barry, Dorothyanne Bassett, Tod Bassell, W. W., Jr. Bassell, Woodson W., III Baugus, Chester A. Beard, Lonnie R. Bockmann, Robert F. Bennett, A. Mark, III Benson, Joe Bingaman, James H.

Bolden, Stephen Ray Boyd, Dienne C, Boyd, Jim H, Brill, Howard W, Brinton, Marcia M. Brooks, Evelyn Elizabeth Brooks, Timothy L Brummer, Chauncey Bumpass, Ronald E. Burke, Thomas B. Buneson, David J. Burnell, James O. Butler, George E., Jr. Butt, Thomas F. Butt, William J., II CaIe, Randal Charles Cames, Charios N. Caron, Denise J. Carson, Gary L Cason, Samuel W. Chadck, Earl Buddly Chadwick, Charios R. Chonault, Nadine G. Clarl<, Constance G. Clower, William Brooks Combs, Winiam B.. Jr. Cone, James M. Cook, Don Lloyd, II CopeIend, John D. CopeIend, Millon Cox, Boyd D. Crisp, Ginger Parker Crocker, Elizabeth M. Dengeau, JeN Dara, Joshua J. Davis, Sidney P., Jr. Denniston, Mark Tra,,;s Doss, Angela Marie Doss, David Westbroolk, Jr. Driver, Claudia L. Edwards, Kenneth L., Jr. Eldridge, John Rolfe, III Ellioll, Don R., Jr. Estes, Peter G., Jr. Estes, Robert R. Evan., Marshall D. Everall, Debo<ah Sexton Everell, John C. FaUlkner, B. Keith Flaccus. Janet Freemen, Mark J. FuIchor, H. Clay Gallman, Jenel P. Gamer, Hershel H. Garrell, Walker Dale Gartin, Edwin V. Gaston, CoIene Marshall Gates, Virginia R. Gay, Katherine C. Gilbertson, Shony Marie Gitelmen, Morton Grarning, J. Douglas Gray, Dottie M. Green, Mary E. Gunderson, Steven Duane Guzman, Rafael Hamm, Nancy Louise Henks, Charies E. Harper, Terry D. Harrison, Scott P. Hayden, Donna M. Henry, Ann R. Henry, Morriss M. Hill, Jeanie Johnson Hixson, Kenneth S. Hodge, Dewain W. Hogue, Curtis E. Horan, Jenniffer M.

Horne, David B. House, Gregory T. Howard, Charles S. Howell, Tmolhy Edward Hudson, John R. Hudson, R. Read Hui, Susan Fountain Ivy, Dan C. Jackson, Philip R. Jacoway, Jill R. Jacoway, Thomas A. Jameson, Paul Jenkins, Sherry L Johnson, Phyllis HaD Jones, Gregory D. Jones, L. D. Judges, Donald Kearney, Rachel B. Keegan, Robert R. Kendall, Donald B. Kesl, Marjorie M. Killenbeck, Ann Kincaid, Hugh R. Kirby, Chris W. Kir1<patrick, Terry Klinger, TimOthy C. Krauft, Conrad C. Laurence, Robert Lallar, Robert A. Lalar, Robert B. Undsay, Marl< Unebe<ger, John R. Upscomb, Benjamin C. Upscomb, Tabilha Hubbs Usk, Lynn Daniel Long, James A. Looney, J. W. Lowry, Steve Lusby, Susan Treeoe MacDonald, Imogene 路Wlnnie" Maglolhin, E. E., Jr. Malone, David R. Martin, Mark Louis Mashbum, l.tcheel H. May,John W. McAllister, A. 0 .. Jr. McCann, Ronald M. McCarty, LaGayIe Dawn McCord, James N. McDermott, Harry, III

Mavor, Marcia McKinnon, Laura J. McNair, D. Malcolm, Jr. Miller, Andrew R. M~Ier, James K. Miller, Richard L. M~Ier, Stephen J. Minion, David L. Moon, Phillip A. Moore, David L. Moo"', Rudy, Jr. Morris, David E. Mourton, Kennelh R. MurTY Kevin Cochran MYers, W~iam G. Nebben, Cunis L Newman, Darla P. Niblocl<, George H Niblock, Walter R. Nixon, David G. Norvel, Philfip Odom, Bobby Lee Oleson, George D. Osbome, Kennelh Osborne, Richard P. Pearson, C. Thomas, Jr. Pedersen, Donald B. Pendergraft, Neal Ross I

Pettus, Donna C. Pettus, E. Lam... Ph~fips, James A. Plummer, Robert P. Pos~ David S. PurUe, Susan Muriel Putman, Wlfiam B., IV Robinson, John F. Robinson, Walter, III Rose, Jerry E. Rucko. Frances HoweU Schatter, Beverly Bessett Schas1au, Chas1es E. Schoen, David C. Schwartz, Paul Schwartz, Stephen Michael Saln, Jennifer Mead Sharum, Tmothy C. Smilh, Charles Aoyd Smilh, J. Timolhy Smilh, Raymond C. Smilh, Truman H. Spainhour, Cas1a G. Steenken, F. Lewis Steinkamp, John Sterling, David 8<ent StiI, Wlliam R., Jr. Stils, David D. Stockland, Thomas D. Stomy, Wiliam A. Striclunan, Leonard P. Stuart, Rupert A. SMle, Charles L Summertord, Joe Alan Taylor, Don A. Taylor, Paul H. Taylor, W. H. Teague, Mona Tharel, Kent L Thomas, Deborah W. Thome-Corke, Aisa Jayne Trammell, Ray Tranlham, Charles Scott Trumbo, Amber L Trumbo, C. Bess Undem, Obert M. Volkamer, Betta S. Wade, Lynn F. Wallace, "lima C. Washbum, Marilyn J. Walkins, John J. Watson, Jason L Waugh, James E. Weeks, Gary V. Westphal, Mary Ann W~iams, Charles N. W~iams, Ctvistopher B.T. Wiliams, Lee Wilson, Donald Ervin Winbum, Russell B. Witte, Albert M. Wommack, Richard L. Wood, 8<ian David Woodrutt, Marsha Choate Woodrutt, Ronald G. Wray, James, III Wrigh~ Tilden P., III Yancey, T. E. Young, Chas1es Edward, III Zefinski, Terry Anne Zimmerman, Stacey A. FLIPPIN Carter, Christopher O. FORDYCE Klappenbach, Norman M. Ph~lips, Ronnie A.

Sp9I1<s, Thomas E.

Trussell, L W. Wynne, Robin F. Wynne, Thomas D., III FORREST CITY BeaYers, 8<ad J. Bridgforth, John D. Butler, Eldridge J. Cline, Ronald Alan Easley, B. Michael Glover, William D. Hargraves, OImon H. Hid<y, Phil Hid<y, Preston G. I(onney, Beiod Kinney, Knox B. Long, Reicher, Jr. Miller, James N. Milchusson, Gary James Mor1edge, W. Frank Routon, Steve Sharpe, Harold Story, Bendey E. Wilkinson, Henry FORT SMITH AIfo<d, John D. Ardrey, Karel L Arnold, Dale R. Arnold, James A., II Atkinson, J. F., Jr. Avil1ion, Delborah Cooksey BatTy, BenT. Beasley, C. A., Jr. Beasley, John R. Be1hell, 8<uce Be1hell, Edgar E. Bishop, Robert W. BIy1he, M. Keith Bowers, Donald Bradley, Michael P. Brittain, Gmgory Glenn &yan, Lam C. Buergler, WiUiam B. Caddell, Fl1lderick L. Canan, Michael Jay Canfield, Jenry L. Carson, Douglas M. Carter, Michael C. Christian, Eddie N. Christian, James E. Clawson, James Odell, Jr. Cr.ft, Orville C. Cloer, Robert R. Cottman, Eldon F. Cogbill, J. Michael Cohen, RobertY.,II Cook, Craig Lewis Cooper, Richard F. Co"', Ben Cowan, Kennelh W. Cox, James O. Cromwell, Jan Crow, Gmgory L D8Ily, Thomas A. Davis, Dennis J. Davis, Hal Wayne Dawson, Robert T. Delay, R. Gunner DeLung, Gerald L Dougherty, Kiirkman T. Dougherty, Robert P. Duell, Charles Matthew Dunagin, David L. Dunn, James M. Duty,Davis Dyer, Janel B.

ERig, Michael Evans, J. H. Evitts, J. Leslie, III

Filyaw, James R. Fitting, Lewrence W. Frtzhugh, J. H.

Flynn, LyM Maonning Foltz, Harry A. Fulmer, R. Rey, II Gamer, Charles R. Gamer, Charles R., Jr. Garrett, Dean A. Gazzola, Jerri Gean, David Ch_ Gean, Paul B. Gean, Roy, Jr. Gean, Roy R., III Gean, Thomas C. Gibson, M. Keith GiIbr8aIh, Darie! W. Gilbmalh, E. C. Giuffre, Paul L. Graham, E. Diane Hardin, P. H. Harp, David K. Harper, Tom, Jr. Harris, C. Wayne Harrison, Ronald D. Hawkins, Claude S., Jr. Hayes, L Cody Hewell, M. Marl< Holland, John G. Holleman, Stanley M. Holmes, P. K., III Horan, Matthew Homberger, Robert E. Hough, Robert E., Jr. Hough, Stephen G. Hubbard, David T. Hughes, Robert p.. III Hunl9r, Jeyne M. Hutchinson, W. Ass Jad<son, Randolph C. Jesson, Bradley D. Johnson, Joel D. Johnson, Robert E. Jones, Kendall B. Jones, Robert L, III Jones, Robert L., Jr. Joplin, John E., III Joyce, John H. Karber, Gregory T. Karber, Shem Cunningham Karr, Charles Krnbrough, Warren O. Kissel, Kalhryn SID<:ks Kizer, Bemi<:e L Kleier, George O. KradeI, Eileen C. Kropp, Wilism John, III Langslon, Don Laamons, Spence A. Laasure, Stanley A. Ledbetter, Chas1es R. Lewis, John Alan Ulewellyn, James M. Low, J8M~ A. Marlin, Richard L Maooas, S. Walton McCarty, Patrick McCutchen, Joey H., II McDonough, David J. McGinnis, J. Randall Me1Calf, Ronald W. Mills, James Rodney Mitchell, Kelly OGuin Mol, Marl< A. Moore, Marlene S.

Moore. Pat N. Narisi. Vincent J. Neal. Bony Dale Nee!. Glenn A. Nolan. Bennett S. O·Hem. James E.• III David M. Paddock. Ban L Parl<er. Douglas W. Parl<er. Kyle D. Person. Gary D. Posi. Paul R. Powell. Rachel Anne Pryor. Thomas B. Redl. Michael Keith Robertson. Thomas E. Rogers. Gill A. Ross. Susie Balliet Rush. David L Ryan. Dorsey M. Sargent, Shelton E. Sauer. Kalhryn June Sbanotto, Dennis sallie. John Sharum. Stephen M. Shaw. Frank R. Shaw. J. Michael Shipley. Banjamin H.• III Shoffey. James E. Smith. Don Allen Smith. Douglas 0 .. Jr. Smith. Gregory G. Smith. Melissa Ellen Smith. TImolhy R. Smith. Willard C.• Jr. Sparkman. Rodney Bryan Spearman, Richard L. Spears, Jim D. Stilley. Oscar A. Stubblefield. Michael Edward Swan, Hugo. Jr. Taylor. Norris C. Taylor. PhiUp Jack Taylor. Robert C. Teny.Rex M. Thomasson, Jerry Thompson. Bill TIppett, Donald C. Udouj. Gary W. Vandergriff, David B. Vater, Roben W. Wade. Wyman R.. Jr. Wahl. Eugene A.• Jr. Walker. Eddie H.. Jr. Webb. Mark W. West, James E. WeslJT1O(eland, David T. Whitt. Janice West Whin. Toni Wilder, Franklin Witkinson, Nonnan Woolen. G. Alan Yoes. Robert E.


GLENWOOD Yeargan. Chartas A. GOSHEN Vervack, Jerry J. GRAVETTE Hendren, Gayla J. GREENWOOD Marschewski, James R. Robenson. Barbara L.M. Skinner, Jack Merta Walt..... Bill

GREERS FERRY Nicholson. E. Leon HAMBURG Barl<.... James M. Byrd. John Richard Hamillon. Hennan L. Jr. Harrod. David Warner Harrod. S. Reid. Jr. Johnson. Wiliam E. Meeks. William Scott Pope. Samuel B. Salby. Paul David Tarvin. TlIT10lhy R. Wray. Joe D. HARDY Johnson. Mark R. King, Kevin N. Ponder. Andrew G. HARRELL Jones. Jackson M. HARRISBURG Colier. L. K. Henry. John Riley Jennings. Larry R. Maddox. Edward S. McGill. Robert D. Mooney. G. Wayne TIner. Lohnes T. VanAusdall. L. Patricia VanAusdall. Rice L. HARRISON Adams. Donald J. Bak.... Roy L.. Jr. Bishop. Donald E. Bowers, Dan Campbell. Gail Inman Campbell. Gene C. Covington. J. Scoll Crawford. Bradey Charles Davis. Steven B. DeStefano, Peler L.. Jr. Elcan. Frank C • II Evans, Deanna Sue Rdon, Garvin Goldie, James E. Henley. J. Smilh Jones. Claude R. Ledbeller. Thomas D. Meadows. Philip E. Nichols, Johnny L. Park.... Richard R. Pinson, Jeny D. Putman. John R. Radih. Alan G. Reeves. Ken R. Reger. Margaret Sprott, James D. Virnig, Patricia H. Walker. William S. Webb. Gordon Webb. Kandy Gregg W"~ Donald J. Wrigh~ Emie E. Younes, Van T. HAZEN Gammill. Margaret Mayfield Gammill, Randall L. HEBER SPRINGS Godwin, M. R. Harrod. Dave Wisdom Irwin. Michael E.

Lawrence. Steven D. Lynn. Rebeoca L Lynn. Teny J. McSpadden. Carl B. Reed. Floyd L. Skinn.... Lynn Joanne smilh. Tommy E. Thomas. Hoyt Tilley. R. Bryan flELENA Anderson. John L Dinning, W. G.• Jr. ElDch. Louis Anlhony Frankel. Arthur G.• Jr. Galloway. Raymond F. Grauman. Edward Higgins. Lovell Ashley King. Durwood W. Rail, Arthur Eugene. Jr. Ridenour. Garland Q. Rosa>pf. Charles B. Rosa>pf. Charles David Solomon. David HIWASSE Rogers. Robert Thomas. II HOPE Bird. Kalhleen Buck, Richard Bruce Burke. John G. DeVenney. Emily Graves. Albert, Jr. Graves. Albert, Sf. Graves. John Robert Gunter, James H., Jr. Hollis. John R. Pedigo. James D. Pilkinton, James H. Pilkinton. James H.. Jr. Short, Joe C. Walker. Chartas M. Weisenberger, Royce. Sr. Wison. John L Wood. Keilh N. Wright. Woliam R. Yocom. Tony Lynn HORSESHOE BEND Barksdale, C. B. HOT SPRINGS Andierson. Sam L.. Sf. Annan. R. Keilh Bachelor. G. Latta. III Beam. Margaret R. Bernard. Robert R. Blackard. Chartas M. Bosson. Paul R. Bradley. James Haraway Bneckenridge. Kennelh Britt. Henry M. Butler. WiRiam R. Calahan. George M. Campbell. James Calvin Cann. David P. Clay. Philp M. Coney, Steven Edward Cook. Elbert Cook. VICki S. Cox. Richard L. Crawford. Michael H. Crow. Cart A., Jr. Cruz. Kalhy A. H. Dickerson. Jack W. Dyer. Cecilia R. Famell. Stacy L.

Farrar. Clay Stanley W. FOlan. Eugene M. Ford. Wdiam L. Fuller. Aaron L Garnett. Bruce T. Goldman. Wilroam David Green. Gary J. Green. William W. Hala. Rita R. Haley. VioIelLowry Hargraves. Robert S. Harmon. Michael E. Harris. Tarri L Henry. Richard L. Hickam. D. Scott Hobbs. Richard W. Honeycutt. Larry C. Hurs~ Q. Byrum. Jr. Laidler. Regina W. Lax. Gary M. Lewis. M. C.• Jr. MacPhee. Bruce A. McCrary. Michael S. McCraw, Dan Mill.... Stan Muse. Richard S. Naramore. Ronald G. Newell. C. Burt Nicolosi. Sherrill Boley Ohm. Ralph C. Oiv.... Steven D. ONen. Ray. Jr. Padgham. Chartas R. Parkerson. John W. Parsons, Patrick Patterson, Eudox E. Petersen, Elmo F. Poole. Batty Dickay Pullen, Donald C. Reis. Bryan J. Rhodes. Byron Cole Ridgeway. Robert D. Ridgeway. Robert Dean. Jr. Robbins. John B. Rudid. Chartas Lee Rush. Stephany Sanders. J. E. Schnipper. Don M. Slagle. Richard L Smilh, Ray S.. Jr. Smitherman, E. Thomas Spitzer. Eddia Stewart, Nancy Strause. Michelle Switzer, David B. Tapp, John Skylar Taylor. Darryl E. Vaccaro. Charles G. Walbert, T. D. White. David H. Williams, Lynn Williams, Renee S. Wisely. William R. Wootton. Richard H. Wrigh~ Walter G. Fas~

HUNTSVILLE AUred. B~y J. Cain. Howard G.• Jr. Clifford. Ralph S. JACKSONVILLE Adams. Gene D.• Jr. Alexander. Hubert W. Bamburg, Robert E. Boozer, TImolhy A. Boyles. Raymond E.

Knollmeyer, Micheel Mattingly, Lasly W, McNee, Jalln R. Meier, Deborah K. Nixon, Dana D. Ogles, D. Jalln Patterson, T. B., Jr. Pierce, Mad<ie M. Rice, Ben E. Tatum, Allyn C. Totsd1, Alice M. West, C. T. "Bud" West, Dana Wilson, Mike K. Wilson, Susan L. JASPER Martin, Thomas A.. Jr. JONESBORO Barrett, Joe C. Bartels, Anlhony Bartels, Stephanie M. Barttelt, Jalln C. B1ad<man, Denzil Keilh Boling, Larry B. Boone, Joe C., Jr. Boothe, Carson Bristow, Bill W. Burton, Jim R. Cahoon, David W. Carle, Keith Coleman, Jon R. Crego, Phillip W. Culpepper, Malcolm Daniel, James David Davidson, William Scott Dav;s, Brent Deacon, Bany Deacon, John C. DeLoache, Mike Dupwe, Warren E. Eastening, Charles R. Emerson, Scott A. Farmer, D. Alec, Jr. Frierson, Charles, III Gilpabid<, Martha P. Gatt, Michael R. Halsey, Barbara Ann Harrison, Hugh W., Jr. Henry, Troy Honeycutt, Pamela B. Houslon, Noyl Howard, William Louis Hunler, Scott Ishmael, Randall W. Jesler, Christopher M. Lacy, William 8<own, III Lady, Frank LaFariette, Bany J. Landis, David Langley, Stanley R. Laser, David N. Lewis, James Mark Uny, Martin E. Lovett, Glenn, Jr. Lusby, Richard Lyons, R. James Marshall, Denzil Price, Jr. Marsha/I, R. !!<yant McCauley, James R. McDaniel, Bobby McDaniel, Lucinda McNeill, Paul D. Mixon, Donn Mooney, Cheries M. Mooney, Cheries M.. Jr. MUllally, Michael E.

Nickle, W, Ray Nisenbaum, Louis J. Nix, John Robin, II Parker, Clan Paul, W. Christopher Pearson, Gerald E. Penix, Bill Per1<ins, G. S. 8<ant Phelps, John V. Pittman, Jeffrey R. Price, Val P. Reas, David Richardson, William Lee Robertson, Jeannette A. Saunders, LaOuita K. Slater, Rodney E. Smilh, Ben Ammons Smilh, Ben S. Snellgrove, Frank, Jr. Templeton, Howard W. Teufel, Paul Jalln Weddell, Paul D. Weddell, Ralph W. Wadley, George R., Jr. Walden, Michael R. Webster, Wilson F. Wells, Phillip Williams, D. Todd Williams, Sally Gailher Womacl<, Tom D. Zolper, Dennis KENSETT Mills, Wilbur D. LAKE CITY HUd<aby, Curt Woodrull, Arton LAKE VILLAGE Avary, Robert D. Boyd, Joel D. Bridewell, Laurie A. Bridewell, Robert G. G~lison, David F., Jr. Haddock, James W. Mazzanti, Jerry Mazzanti, Joseph P., III LEPANTO Watkins, Henry G., III LEWISVILLE Beatty, David L. Magee, William F. Patton, Jalln W., IV Robinson, Patsy A. UNCOLN Davis, Boyce R. Snodgrass, Lerry LITTLE ROCK Abbott, J. Jordan Ablondi, Leslie Acehione, Julius C. Aclin, R. Gregory Adair, William C. Adams, D. Fenton Adams, Dale E. Adcock, Loral Ashton Adcock, Martha M. Adcock, Robert E. Adkisson, Richard B. Alagood, Cheries Greg Alexander, Michael L Alexandet', Robert Allen, H. William

Allen, Henry A, Allison, Marl< H. Almand, Wm. Gregg Ammel, James M. Amsler, Guy, Jr. Anderson, Overton S. Anderson, Philip S. Angel, Richard L. Angulo, Allred F., Jr. Arnold, Ben F. Arnold, Kay K. Arnold, Richard S. Askew, Jess L, III Association, Ar1<ansas Bar Atkinson. Virginia ATLA, Carol Udey, COMP Aud, Micheel Eeri Averill, Lawrence H., Jr. Baber, 8<ent Babin, Joyce Bradley Bacon, Donald H. Badami, James A. BagWell, Jane-Ellen BagWell, Randall J. Bailey, Nancy Hall Bailey, Rita F. Baker, Cheries W. Baker, Darryl Baker, James C. Baledge, Les R. Balentina, Judielh P. Ball, Dee Davenport Ball, Terry R. Ball, Wayne Balsbaugh, Michael D. Banaoh, Faye Banks, Charles A. Barger, Coleen M. Barger, Tracy Ann Baribeau, Donald L. Bart<er, J. Madison Barnes, Don K. Barnes, Marcia Barrier, W. Christopher Barron, Jalln W.. Jr.

Barron, Thomas L Bany, Sieve A. Bar1e1l, Dan E. Bartley, Sherry P. Basham, Carey E. Bassett, Don W. Batchelor, Joyce E. Bauman, Steve Baxler, Samuel R. Baxter, William Thomas Beach, Robert B. Beachboard, James Paul Beard, R. T., III _an, Amy C. Bell, Harvey L. Bell, Joe D. Benham, Paul B., III Ben",", Evan. BeOJette, Chris J. Bequette, George J.. Jr. Belhea, William C. Bilheimer, Charlene D. Bilheimer, Slephen Billingsley, Keilh I. Bingham, M. Slephen Binns, Garland W., Jr. Birch, Jim H. Bird, Allen W., II Bishop, Brian Michael Bishop, William E. BIacI<, Anlhony W. G. Blad<, Kendell R. Blackard, C. B.. III

Blad<s1ock, CIey1Dn Blagg, J. Ted Blair, Jane L. Blair, L D. Blair, William L. Blass, Rebecca B. Blood, Andrew L Blume, W. Paul Boe, TIm Boeringer, Margaret J. Bogard, David B. Bogoslavsky, Abraham Wm. Boland, Daniel D. Bonds, Barbara P. Booker, Michael Dennis Boone, TIm Bo<chert, Sylvia Bomhoh, LeDonne Dollar Bomhoh, Raymond E. Boudreaux, Phillip B. Bowen, Arthur Paul Bowen, William H. Bowman, Curtis L. Bowman, Julie Benafield Boyce, 8<ian P. Boyce, Valerie 8<ebslon, Suzanne 8<adshaw, Sarah M. 8<edy, Lawrance J. 8<amhall, Thomas M. 8<anch, Robert Bruce, Jr. 8<andon, Cynthia Jo 8<andey, Ellen B. 8<anlon, Wiley Austin !!<anon, Sam I., Jr. 8<eedng, Mark Sleven 8<ewer, Gany L. 8<ewer, Silas H., Jr. Briley, Robert H., Jr. !!<odie, Ralph G. Brooks, EUzabelh M. 8<own, 8<ian Allen !!<own, Carolyn L. 8<own, Charles A. !!<own, DebnJ K. Hutchens !!<own, Jana K. 8<own, Joseph Lee 8<own, Marilyn J. !!<own, Robert J. !!<own, Robert L. !!<own, William M. !!<owne,Jacl< !!<ownslein, Bettina Ellen !!<unson, Rulh H. !!<yan~ Gregory E. !!<yan~ J. Winston !!<yan~ John Addison Buchanan, Bruce E. Buchanan, Clay T. Buchanan, Eric S. Buchner, F. Presion Buck, C. 8<andey Bud<alew, Robert B. Bulla/o, Joseph L., Jr. Bufford, Dan Buford, C. Douglas, Jr. Buford, Tom A. Bullion, 8<uce T. Bumpers, Brent Burgess, William G. Burks, Jan Getty Burks, Larry W.

Bur1eson,Jane Bumett, John L., Jr. Bumetle, Marl< Terry Bums, Craig Bums, Kevin R. Burton, Marion B.

Busfield, Julia L. Bush, J. Carl Buller, Richard C., Sr. Buttry, James A. Buzbee, John R. Byarlay, Thomas W. Bynum, Dana Lynn Byrd, Paul Byrne, Richard J. Cabe, Robert D. Cain, J. William, Jr. Caims, Jay R. Calaway, Ridlard B. Calhoun, Jean Calhoun, Joseph D., III Calkins, Ronald A. Calliotte, Clyde D. Camp, Charles R. Campbell, George E. Campbell, Rick Campbell, Will G., Jr. Capps, Paul D. Carder, Mac John, Jr. Cartson, Melanie Ruth Caroom, Gregory Scott Carpenter. Claude, Jr. Carpenter, Thomas M. Carroll, James R. Carroll, Phillip Carter, Daniel R. Carter, Jean Turner Casey. Paula J. Cash, Clarence W. Casdeberry, Virginia H. Callett, Meredith P. Catlett. S. Graham Cavaneau, Jeny W.

Cavin, Wylie D., III Caviness. Keith Cazort. Brad A. Cearley, Robert M., Jr. Cheatham, Tim A. Cherry. James W.. Jr. Cherry. John S., Jr. Cherry. Sandra Wilson Chisenhall, Larry, Jr. Chowning, Robert Church, Beresford L., Jr. Clart<, Bill S. Clart<, James C., Jr. Clart<' Ronald M. Clay, W. Dane Clayton, John R. Clemen~ Tanya T. Clements. Joe T. Clevenger Marsha Clevenger, T. SCott Clifton, Benjamin J. Clinton, Bill Clinton, Hillary Rodham Cloar, Ralph M., Jr. Cloninger, Lawson Cobb,Osro Cockrill, H. Howard Cockrill. Rogers Coleman, Charles T. Coleman. George Randy I

Coleman, Robert S., Jr.

Collins, Brad Alan Cool<. J. Kendal Coplin, Barry E. Corbin, Donald L. Cordi, Carmine J., Jr. Corley, M. Gayle Com, John P. Cornett, Michael K. Cortinez, Robert R. Cortinez, Robert Ray, II

Corum, Gary D. Couch, David A. Coulson, Beth Gladden Coulter, Nathan Courtway, John F. Courtway, Thomas C. Cox, Ray F., Jr. Cracraft, George K. Crain. William Stephen Crane, Larry E. Cranford, Bryant K. Crass, Kevin A. Creer, Tracy Perna Crews. Claiboume C. Crisp, Cartos L. Crisp, Hugh E. Crockett, C. Richard Crockett, Michael A. Cronkhite, Willis, III Cross, J. Bruce Cross, Larry M. Crutcher, Zimmery, Jr. Cuffman, Stephen K. Culp, Nathan C. Cummins. H. E. "Bud", III Cunningham, Elana Leigh Curdie, Don N. Curry. Caran Curry, Stephen L. Dabbs, Sid C. Dabbs, William M., Jr. Dale, Dinah Marie Dale, Renee Sue Daniel, Ed, IV Daniel, James W. Danielson, Elizabeth Darting, William Webster, II Oarr, James E., Jr. Davidson, Bobby D. Davidson, Charles D. Davidson, Derrick Mart< Davidson, Walter W. Davis. Clay Howard Davis, Jeff. Jr. Davis, JoIhn A. "Zan", IV Davis, JoIhn D. Davis, JoIhn Gary Davis, Nelwyn L. Davis, Oscar E.. Jr. Davis, Thomas Martin Deacon, Rush B. DeBoer, Sandra A. Deere, Beth M. Deininger, Neil DeMers, Tona Maria Dendy, James M. Denison, Rebecca J. Dennis, Joci Raines Denton, Valerie DePriest, James B. Derden, Cathy Derden. Terry Lynn Devine, James O. Devine, Thomas B., III Dewitt, Stacey Allison Dickey, M. Jane Dickinson, Walter M., Sr. Dillahunty, W. H. Dillon, Edward B.. Jr. DiPippa, John M.A. Dixon, Philip E. Dobson, Allen C. Dodson, Judy Rudd Dodson, Mac Donahue, Brendan M. Donahue, Brian C. Donovan. David M. Donovan, Richard T.

Dougan, Charles R. Dougherty, William Penn, Jr. Dover, Darrell D. Dow, Marie E. Dowden, James F. Dowling, Elizabeth E. Downing, Richard C. Druff, James H. Drummond, Winslow Duckett, James M. Ducley, Timothy O. Duke, William David Dunaway, Edwin E. Duncan, Phillip J. Durand, Steven D. Dutton, Vernon L. Dyke, John Benton, Jr. Eebles, Patticia A. Earl, JoIhn Charles Eas~ Jack, III Easterwood, Raymond, Jr. Eaton, Paul D. Ebel, Walter M., III ECnois, JoIhn C. Eckert, William A., III Edwards, William H. Eichenbaum, E. Charles Eisele, G. Thomas Eiseman, Byron M., Jr. Eisenberg, Howard B. Eisenkramer, Kathryn P. Elane, Judith Eldredge, William A., Jr. Elrod, W. W., II Emerson, James O. Ernerson, Michael J. English, Cindy M. Engstrom, Slephen Epas, Wooten Estes, Monte Darrel Etzkom, Daniel Douglas Eubanks, Gary L. Eubanks, Herman W. Eubanks, Robert M., III Evans, Audrey R. Evans, Harold J. Farris, Thomas Chad Farrow, Jackson. Jr. Faust, Franklin Michael Ferrell, Lisa C.

Ferd, Tom Findl, Roy, Jr. Fine, O. Milton, II Fink, John W. Finley, Frances Morris Finnegan, William T. Fitzhugh, Kathryn C. Fleming, Victor A. Fletcher, SCott D. Fogleman, JoIhn A. Ford, Amy L. Forrester, Kenneth J. Forseth, Kimberly Sue Forster, John F., Jr. Foster, Kent R. Foster, Lynn Foster, Stephen Doak Foster, Vincent, Jr. Fowler, James M., Jr. Fowler, Lea Ellen Franks, Candace A. Frazier, Randal B. Freeland, Byron L. Freeman, Sheila E. Fricke, George S. Friday, Herschel H. Friedlander, R. B. Fryxell, Leslie D.

Fussell, Robert F. Galchus, Donna M. Galchus, Kenneth Edwards Gardner, Judith Mangum Gardner, Kathleen D. Gardner, Price C. Gamett, JoIhn Downing Garnett, Karen Jay Garrett, Gary J. Garrison, Debra W. Gary, James M. Gates, Allan Gattis, Tammy Brasuell Gay, Donna L. Gay, Thomas S. Geamart, Jeffrey J. Geisler, J. F. Galzine, Joseph W. Gibbons, H. Thornas Gibson, Anna H. Gibson, Marcie E. Gibson, Pamela Bryan Gill, JoIhn P. Gingerich, James D. Giroir, Charles J., Jr. Gitchel, W. Dent Givens, Art Glasgow, Roger A. Glaze, Thomas A. Glover, James J. Godfrey, Kim Goldman, Jo-Ann L. Goldner, Charles W., Jr. Goldsholl, SCot P. GoocIoe, Albert T., II Goodman, Ron L. Goodridl, William R. Goodwin, Perry C., Jr. Goss, Patrick James Gould, Kenneth Grace, David A. Grace, William Lee, Jr. Graham, Gregory B. Graham, Jeffrey M. Grant, Richard A. Grasby, Richard Graves, Dawn Buder Graves, Kathlyn Graves-Bauel, Allison Gray, Alice S. Grayson, Keith L. Green, K. Midlael Green, O. Jerome Greenbaum, David Greenberg, Karin S. Greene, Omar F., II Gregory, Gena Ann Gregory, H. Watt, III Gregory, Joseph W. Griffen, Wendell L. Griffin, Todd Landers Griffin, William M" III Grimes, Ann B. Grisoom, Mary S. Grisham, Audrianna Grobmyer, Mart< W. Grooms, limothy W. Gross, Robert L. Grundfest, Stacy VanAusdall Gschwend, H. Charles, Jr. Gunter, Russell A. Gunter, Susan Guntharp, Sihirtey E. Hedden, Charles A. Hagler, J. Eric Halbrook, William Marcus Hale, Michael E. Haley, JoIhn H.

Hall. Arlhur J. Hall. Calvin J. Hal. John Wesley. Jr. Halpern. Gerard Hamillon, Don F. Hamilton. Jeanell8 Lynn Hamilton, W. P. Hamlin. Frank S. Hamner. Ralph Hampton. Curtis T. Hampton. EJizabetl1 Sinnell8 Hannah. R. Craig Hansen, Dennis R. Hansen. Mildred Havard Harberg. Sarah H. Hardage. A. Carter Harder, Charles J. Hardin. G. Robert Hardin. John T. Hargis, David M. Harmon, Melva Harmon. Theresa L Harrelson, Tammera Rankin Harrill, Raymond A. Harris, James E. Harris. James L Harris. John Dalli<! Harris. Pat Harrison, David M. Harrison, Eileen Woods Harrison, Fred H. Harrison. Paul E. Hart, J. Fred. Jr. Hartsfield. Larry J. Harvey. Rayman B. Haskins. John T. Halfield. Richard F. Hat!laway. James E., JJI Hat!laway. Karen Wadey HaughL William D. Hawk, Boyce E. Hawtl1ome. Gordon W. Hayes. Mart< R. Haynes. Lloyd R. Healy, Floyd A. Helftey. sarah J. Heisler. Peter B. Held. Margaret Meel<s Heller, Clvistopher Helms. A. Leon, Jr. Henderson. Ann Henderson. Vinoent C., II Hendry. Phillip Martin Henn, Carolyn L.

Henry. David P. Henry. Donald H. Henry. Judy Simmons Henry. Robert L, III Henry. Rosanna Henry. Trish Henslee. W. E. Heritage. Patricia J. Heuer. Sam T. Hewett, Maroeliers Hickam. Terri A. Hicl<ey. Paul Hickman. Connie L. Hicks. Charles R. Hicks. Ginger J. Hightower. Paul R. Hilegas. Katl1leen A. Hirtly, Oscar Hix, Steve Hodges. David A. Hodges. Henry Hogan, Beth Wood Holbert. Richard Holcomb. Alice Lightle

Holcomb, Johnnie R. Holifield. Larry Holiman. Richard E. Hollingsworth. Cyril Hollingsworth, Donald M. Hollingsworth, P. A. Hollingsworth. Patrick Hollis. James M. Holmes. James Leon

Holmes. Thomas W. Holl. Jack, Jr. Hoil. Jack, Sr. Hall. William Gary Homeyer, Karen Queen Honea, Robert M. Honeysud<Je. Janan Kemp Hool<-Hili. Kelly K. Hoover. Paul W., Jr. Hope, Ronald A. Hopkins. Gregory M. Hopkins. Randolph B. Horgan. Paul F.

Home. Allan W. Hoskins Hart, Terase L. Hosto. Bryan E. House,A. F. Howard. G. Ray Howard. George. Jr. Howell. W. Max Hubbell. Webster L. Huckabay. D. Midlael Huddle. Lewis A., Jr. Hugg, Lesli Gray Hughes. Karen Jean Hughes. Richard L Humphrey. Marion A. Hunt. Martha G. Hurst. Hany S.• Jr. Hursl. Joseph B. Hyden. James W. Imber. Annabelle Clinton Irving. Robert S. Itzkowitz. Marjory W. Ivester, Hermam

Jacl<. Donald T., Jr. Jacl<son. Edwin F. Jacl<son, Julia Betl1 Jacl<son. Lesa B. Jacl<son, Robert K Jacl<son. Sandre E. Jacobs. John H. James, Dennis L James. Gerald W. James, Patrick R. James, Paul J. James, Robert T. Jans. Ridlard C. Jansonius, Neal W. Jarrett. Jacl< Jennings, Alston Jennings. Alston. Jr. Jernigan, George 0 .. Jr. Jernigan, John T. Jewel. Beny J. Jewel. John M. Jewel. W. Horeoe Jies, Gary D. Johnson, JoM Louis Johnson, Lynda M. Johnson. Michael B. Johnson. Paul Johnson-Buchanan, Sandra Johnston, Allison Lea Johnston. Jacqueline J. Joiner, Stephen N. Jones. Beverly Hood Jones. Gerald C. Jones, Glenn W., Jr.

Jones. Jones, Jones. Jones.

Gregory T. Henry L, Jr. KaM8t11 Lengdon R., II Jone', M. Samuel, III Jone•• Stephen W. Jone', T. Craig Jone', Thoma. P. Jone', Tonia Peoples Jane., W. Wilson Julian. Jim L Kalkbrenner, Richard C. Kaplan, Phiip E. Keisler. Wiliam B. Kell. Hertlert W.. Jr. Keller. Kim Taylor Kelley. Glenn Eugene Kemp. Hal Joseph Kendal. Walter A. Skip, Jr. Kennedy, Kevin W. Kennedy, Wiliam H., III Kennell, Dan Kepesky. Michael E. Kidd. J. L, Jr. Kidd. Judson C. Kilgore. Collin. Kilpatrick. Joseph E.• Jr. King. Harold L Kir1<seY. Jerry Michael Kitterman. Gregory S. Kitterman. John S. Kleve, Loretta A. KnighL David A. Koib. Joseph F. Kooistra, John. III Koopman. Howard W. Kubioel<. C. James Kuca. Leny E. Kumpe. Peter G. Kumpuris, Lori L. Kurru., H. Baker Lancaster, Scott James

Lanoe. James W. Langford, Lynda Barr l.ar1<Dwski. Jerome E. Larzelere. H. T.• Jr. Leser, Sam Lassiter, Jack T. Lasler, Sharon GU Latham. John Lauck, Scott Greenley Lavey, John T. Lewrenoe. Richard L. Lewson. Bob J., Jr. Lax. Midlael F. Leatl1erman. Leland F. LeBoeuf. Michael A. Ledbetter, Calvin R., Jr. Ledbetter, Samuel E. Leggett. Thomas P. Lessel. John C. Les.enbeny, Jacl< L. LewaDen, Patricia Sievers Lewallen, Richard D. Lewelen, Todd A. Lewis, Fletcher C. Lewis. Paul K. Jr. Lewis, Winis V. Light. Hany A. Light. Loui. W. Light. Robert V. Lile. John G.. III Liles. Gary F. Liles. Mara L. Talbol Lincoln. Charle. J. Lincoln. Ivy Lindsey. Bruoe R. Lindsey. Ruth

Lockhart. w. Kirby Lodge. Holly B. lotion, Floyd J. Lookadoo. Uzabetl1 Looney, Rila S. Looney. S. Randolph Lovell, Torn F.

Lowry, Robert C. Low1her, Edwin L, Jr. 1.lJey, Glady. M. Ludwig. Gene A. Lueken. Patty W. Luppen, Patricia S. Lusk, George E.• Jr. Lyden. Che~ie Norman. Jr. Lyford, Robert M. Lyon. Philip K. Mackey. B. Frenk, Jr. Mackey, Charles A. Mackey. Dalli<! E.

Mackey, Diane S. Madden, Jean Madden, John K Mahurin, Jerry L, Jr.

Malcom. Phi MaJory, George L Malone. Jerry Lee Manley, Delli<! J. Mam,Dreke Mam. Wiiam C.. III Marsh, Robert E. Marshal. Linde Kaye MarshaK. William Taylor Martin. Everell8 Lewi. Martin. Jame. Wm., Jr. Martin, Susan Fox Martindale. Everett O. MartindiK. Denise M. Mason. Clarl< W. Ma.sey. Richard N. Matl1ews, Terry L. Matl1is. Lisa G. Matl1is. Wiliam Travis, II Malson, Margaret M. Matthews, Gail Matthew., Kay L. Maulding. Diana McWlliam. Maxey. JoAnn C. May, Jame. M.• III May. Nancy Belhouse May. Ronakl A. May. Wa~er E. Maye., S. Hubert. Jr. Mayfield. Melvin E. Mays. P. Douglas Mays. Richard L Mays. Robin L. Mazzanti, Eugene J. McAdam', Hal, III McAdam', Herbert H., II McAdams, Letty C. MeAli...... _ Jan MeAli.ler. Michael E. McAliisler, John M. McCaskill. Austin McCastlain, J. Cal McClanahan, Kay M. McCloy, Clifford, Jr. McClurg. Andrew Jay McCord. Staoey E. McCormack, Linda C. McConnick, Warren Austin McCullocl1, R. Ken McCullough. R. S. McDaniel. C. Douglas McDaniel, Charles D. McDermott. Hany E.• Jr. McDonald, Julie W.

McDonald, Robert M. McDonald, Rod J., II McElroy, Michelle E. McFarlin, Janie Willbanks McGee, Elisebath Murphy McGowan, Mary Spencer McGowan, Thomas H. McHenry, Robert McHughes, Josh E. McKinney, Robert C. McKnigh~ WoodrCNi B. Mcleod, Kaye HarlBnslBin McMahan, Robert S. McMaIh, James Bruce McMaIh, Ph~lip H. McMaIh, Sandy S. McMaIh, Sidney S. McMullan, Marian Major McNel, Judy P. McPherson. Kailh M. McSpadden, WallSr McWilliams, Alan Roy Moans, Henry N.. III Means, Paul N. Meeks. Thomas F., Jr. Meeks, Winiam Russel, III Mehburger, Max C. Mehyou, Julia K Menz, David F. Mickal, A. Delbert, Jr. Mickal, Robin Westbrook Mickal. Thomas W. Middeton, Mark E. Miller, Lance R. Miller, Marie-Bernarde Miller, Martha M. Miller, Peter A. Miller, Randel K. Miller, Stuart P. Miller, William S., Jr. Mills, Charles F. Miron, Philip Mitchell, David S. Mitchell, H. Maurice Mitchell, Jimmy W. Mitchell, Michael W. Mixon. Hugh CIar1<a, III Mixon, James G. Mizell. Mona M. Moll, sandra Bailey Monroe, Thomas Ark Montgomery, Orin E. Montgomery, Robert H. Moody, Edward O. Moody, James M. Moody, James Maxwell. Jr. Moore, Dewey, Jr. Moore, James W. Moore, Jeffrey H. Moore. John E. Moore, John E., Jr. Moore, Michael S. Moore, Rx:hard N., Jr. Moorehead, Evelyn L. Morgan, Dale J. "Jay". Jr. Morphew, G. Joe Morrison, Howard Keith Mott, F. Jackson Moulton, Charles L. MCNiery, Joseph S. Muldrow, Lee J. Mullins, Morall Eugene Munson, Bruce E. Murphey, Arthur G.. Jr. Murphy, Charlotte Brown Murphy, James W. Murphy, Randy P. Murphy, Ruthanne N.

Murray, Wallar A. Nance. Don Napper, Slave Napper, Teresa Nash, W~liam Nelson, E. Sheffield NestnJd, Chartas R. Newoomb, Robert Newell, Frank B. Newman, Brad K Newton, MargaRll Mary Ney, Marshal S. Nichols, John David Nichols, Mark Nisbel, A. Wycldiff, Jr. Nixon, W. Robert, Jr. Nixon, Walter W., III Noonan, Roger A. NorthaJlI, Herm Norton, N. M., Jr. Nussbaum, Alan J. Nye, Debby Thetford O'Brien, Michael A. O'Daniel, Gene O'Hem, Thomas J. O'Malley, Michael C. O'Ouinn, M. Danran Oglesby, Edward T. Ohnemus, Emma Jane Oliver, Philip D. Oliver, Ranko Shiraki Olsen, Kannelh A. Orsini, Dam A. Osterloh, Henry Overbey, Thomas L. Overstreet, William D. Owen, Chartas C. Owen, William L. Owings, Karen J. Owings, Slave A. Owings, William A. Pace, Kelly M. Packard, Curtis V. Pagan. John R. Par1<er,Chris Par1<er, Daniel Lee Par1<er, Donald L, II Par1<er, Michael O. Par1<s, Lana Parsons, Charlotte E. Pasvogel, Glenn Patten, Gerland P. Patterson, Bobbi Dawn Patton, Jim D. Patton, WiUiam L. Jr. Paul, David G. Paulson, Walter A., II Peace, John B. Pearson, Hazel Bob Pence, B. Jeffery Pence, Lynn Pence, Richard M., Jr. Pence, Teny Pender. James R. Pellid<. Edward M. Penick, Jim Penn, Suzanne Pennington, David H. Peoples, Mark Alan Peragrin, Daniel Per1<ins, Gragory A. Perroni, Samuel A. Pesek, Phillip A. Pelarson. John H. Pid<ens, J. Michael Pike, George E., Jr. Pipkins, Deborah Irene Plastiras, George N.

Plegge, John B. Plowman, Norvell N Polk, Joe A. Ponder, Ga~ K. Porter, Austin, Jr. PCNiel, David M. Pralher, Jason D. Price, Chartas Clay Price, N. Dale Price, Robert J. Price, Troy A. Prince, Thomas A. Prock>r, Wjlard, Jr. PRill, Lyn Peeples PlU'liski, Mary J. Pryor, David H. Pryor, Katlvyn Pryor, Marl< Lunslord Pulaski Cly Bar" Cinctj Pulliam, Janet L Purtie, John I. Purvis. Joseph H. <>.Jattlebaum. Anne Elizabelh <>.Jattlebaum, SlSven W. <>.Jiggle, Richard <>.Jirk, JoAnn C. Ragon, Heartsin, III Ragsdale, Philip W. Rahn, Bm Raines, John W. Rainwater, Michael R. Ramsay, Richard L. Randolph, John Clayton Raney, Tucker Ransi<:k, C. E. COMP Ralher, Gordon S., Jr. Rauch, Marilyn RaUls, Stanley D. Ray, J. Thomas Ray, Middeton P., Jr. Raasoner. Stsphen M. Reed, Thomas L. Ra~, Ellen A. LeslSr Re~, Wiftiam Michael Renard, Wendy KeUay Revels, Paul E. Reynolds. A. Jad< Reynolds, Chartas W. Rhodes. James R.. III Riable, Mark J. Rice, James H. Rice, M. Randy Riddell, W. R. Randy Riggs, Steve L Rinke, Joel Rilchey, Anne P. Allchey, Lewis E. Roachell, Beverly A. Roachell, Richard W. RoaI, Andree L. Robb, Janet James Robben, Elizabelh J. Roberson, Fred, Jr. Roberts, Bud Roberts, Chet A. Roberts, Michael Lee Roberts, SUsanne Robinson, H. Cley Robinson, Robert L, Jr. Robinson, Sam Roddey. Robert L. Roderid<, Richard A. Roe, Ramona Rogers, Chris Rogers. Gary B. Rogers, Judith Rogers, Karan T. Rogers, Michael Brett

Roo~John T. Rose, Thomas N. Rosen, Louis Rosenlhal, Brian Marshall Rosenzweig, Frances Fendler Rosenzweig, Jeff M.

Floss, Joe Ross, Mark L. Ross. Pearlie L Ross, Robert D. Ross, Robert R. Rosted<, Louis W. Rotenberry, Burl C. RCNie, Roger D. RCNiel, Stephen B. Rowtett, Beverly A. Roy, Elsijane T. Rule, Herbert C., 111 Rumpz, Pamela Anne Runnels. Roderick K Aussen, Amelia Mosley Russell, James S., III Russell, Robert A., Jr. Rus~ Mortssa K. Ryan, Don S. Ryburn, Michael E. SaIlings, Deborah R. Sammons, Gary Ray Sanders. Roy Gene Sanders. Sandra Lou Saracini, Sharon Ann Sattertield, G. Randolph Saxton, James M. Sayes, J. Mel Sayre, Eugene G. Schallhom, J. Scott Scheibner. M. Kathleen Schlumberger, Chartas L Schulze, James G. Schulze, William H. Scott, Isaac A., Jr. Scott, Leonard L Scott, MarY Davies Scott, Mickey L. Saoggins, Frances E. See, J. Fletcher, III Selig. John S. Sellars, Rick severns. Teresa S. 5ewaa, Frank B. Shafer, Robert S. Shamburger, John K Shannon, John T. Sharp, Jacob, Jr. Sheffield, Ronald L Shen, Jay F. Shenon, Gary R. Shemin, Kannelh R. Shennan, Anlhony J. Shennan, W. Bradford Shennan, W~1iam F. Sherrod, Sandra L Shively, Robin L Shively, Scotty Shults, Robert Shults, SlSven T. Siamitras. Alinda Andrews

Siegel, Janne Giro~ Simmons, David E. Simmons, Malcolm A. Simons, Victoria L Simpson, Harold H., II Simpson, James Marlon, Jr. Simpson. William R., Jr. Sims, Suzanne Campbell Skelton, Walter L Skinner, H. Edward Skipper, Michael

Skokos, Theodore C. Sla", H. L. 'Buddy' SlaIDn,D.David Slayden, Rhonda K. Sloan, Charles A. Sloan, Rebecca Sloan, Jr., Robert B. Smart, Clifton M., III Smart, Mary Gail Smith, Anne Orsi Smith, David A. Smith, David Harrell Smith, George Rose Smith, GIeM Ros. Smith, Grifflt1 Smith, Griffin, Jr. Smith, H. Mayo Smith, H. Vann Smith, J. Douglas Smith, James E., Jr. Smith, Laura Hen.1ey Smith, Lewis D. Smith, Michael G. Smith, Richatd L Smith, Robert 0 .. III Smith, sandra L. Smith, Stanley Dale Smith, SlIlven R. Smith, Wimam J. Snider, Stephen E. Snyder, John M. Snyder, Vietor F. Southem, Byron S. Spades, Michael Warren, Jr. Sparks, O. C. Spaulding, Robert Estes Spears, James W. Speed, Gary N. Spinks, Hugh Spitzberg, Hetvy E. Spivey, John W.Iam, III Spradley, Marl< Stafford, Logan S. Staley, Thomas B. Stanfield, Paul Stanley, Douglas J. Stalen, Kevin Stephen., Janis S. Stephenson, Martha S. Stevens, Susan Stewart, Amy Lee Slewart, Gragory K. Stiles, Dail S_ger. Jean O. SIOCldey. Griffin J. SIDdola, Marl< SIOI, Kenneth Stone, Thomas S. Storey, O. H., III Slrange. Sam p.. Jr. S1ralford, John Chapman Strigel, Melanie J. Stringfelow, WilHam R. Sbipling, C. Dan Sunivan, J. Thomas SUtton, William H. Swift, Frank G., Jr. Swindall, James F. TaIey, Neva B. TaIey-Fo....., Marsha L TllIYBr, Christopher Amaya Taylor, Jimmy D. Taylor, Joel Taylor, Maroalla J. Taylor, Richatd D. Taylor, Sammye L Teed,5arah C. Hood Templeton, catherine Cassady

Terry, Wiliam L. Thaheimer, Lee Thom, Emiy S. Thomas, Chris Thomas, Jeffrey H. Thomas, L. Cotton Thomas, Pelllr 0., Jr. Thoma., Ted Joseph Thomas, Thorp S. Thompson, C. Nicholas Thompson, Donald L., Jr. Thrash, Thomas P. TIIIay, Jame. W. Tisdale, John R. Traylor, Daniel M. Treece, GeoIfray B. Trice, William H., III Trimble, Don E. Trimble, N. Walls Trosclair, Andree L. Trotter, SCott C. Tschierner, Robert S. Tud<er, Betty Tud<er, Cherles W. Tud<er, Jad< Tud<er, Jim Guy Tud<er, Kimberly Wood Tucker, SCott Harper Tull, John E., III Tumer, Andrew T. Tumer, Charity C. Tumer, Clyde "Tal>" Tumer, Lawson W.. III Tyler, Edgar J. Uhrynowycz, Stefan A. Ursery, Fred S. Vaden, Marcus Lane Vandegrift, Mary Ellen Vaughan, Thomas C., Jr. Vaught, Larry D. Vernk, Mart Veslal, Kent G., Jr. Vine., Elizabeth Anne Vining, T. Jeffrey Waddel, William A.. Jr. W_, Guy AlIDn Wagoner, Jack, III Walker, E~sabeth A. Walker, John W. Walker, Pamela D. Walker, W. J. Walker, Woodson D. Wallace, Douglas Wallace, E. Gregory, Jr. Wallace, James R. Wallace, Larry C. Walton, Gu. B.. Jr. Wann, Garry S. Ward, Barry W. Watd, John C. Watd, Paul J. Warlord, Kanneth Uoyd Warner, C. R., Jr. Warren, Joyoa Williams Wasson, Field K.. Jr. Watson, John D. Watt, Vicki Lynn Watt, William W. Watts, Alice Apps Watts, Michael McNamara Waifs, Richatd N. Webb, Barbera J. Womack W_, Harlan A. Welch, John Burl Welch, Morgan E. "Chip" Wes~ AM Gerber Westbrook, Craig Wetzel, Freclerid< S.

Wharlon, WiUiam L. Whatley, Jeanette Wheeler, Rhonda McKinnis Whetstone, Bematd P. Whetstone, Bud B. Whillock, Carl Whilbeck, Frank L Whi.., John Ray Whi.., Teena Lynn Whilnay, Ruth Hagemeier W~boum, Gordon M. Wikins, Cassandta F. Wilkin., Jame. H., Jr. Wdliam., A. Gene William., David H. Wiliam., David L Wdliams, Richatd A. Wiroams, Stephen P. Willam., Thoma. G. William., W. J., Jr. Williamson, Imogene Wiliamson, J. Gaston Will, Frank J. Wison, Anne Owings Wison, David D. Wison, John Cherie. Wilson, Philip M. Wilson, Ralph R. Wilson, Robert M., Jr. Wison, Rox8Me T. Wilson, Wiliam R., Jr. Witshire, La... Ann Garton Wilshire, Warren Winzerfing, Mary A. Wise, George R., Jr. Witherspoon, Carolyn B. Wolff, Rufus E. Wong, Michael F. Wood, David J. Wood, Dina C. Wood, M. Todd Woods, Daniel Woods, Henry Woodyard, William H. L., III Wooley, Rita E. Worley, CaroIl.ockard Worsham, Richard E. Wren, Daniel Edward Wright, Edwatd L., Jr, Wright, Herbert T., Jr. Wright, Jacqueline S. Wright, Robert R., III Wright, Susan Webber Wright, Walter G., Jr. Yan<l8)I, H. Lawnonce Yates, Jonah T. Yeatman, Greg L Yocum, Jane M. Young, Amy oakes Young, Elizabeth G. Young, H. David Young, Ronald D. Youngdahl, Jay Thomas LONOKE Clark, Elizabeth G. Goss, Kathy W. Hanshaw, Lance L Walls, Charles A., Jr. LOWELL Owen., Rodney P. MABELVALE Epperson, N. Marian

Bell, Ronny J. Brown, Ernest W. Butler, David F. Chamber., Rodney T. Chandler, Larry Clegg, Carolyn J. Clegg, EI~ott L Clegg, ~ver M. Crane, S"ve R. Crumpler, Paul C. Ed<ert. WoIiam A. Epley, Michael G. Jenning., Bill F. Kinatd, Milam Mike MaIoch, Bn.al D. Mitchel, Greg L Talley, David W., Jr. Thomason, Byron Woo6Natd, Joe D. MALVERN Benfield, Robert D. Gillam, Willam C. Glover, D. D. Glover, David M. Glover, Wdliam H. Hopkin., George Hopkins, Mariam MiUer Lamons, Phyllis J. McClure, George L PerI<in., Wilie E., Jr. Roberts, Marl< Scrimshire, Edward E. Spears, Donald M. Wal1l1a1I, G. Chris Whilll, Steve William., Chris E. MANILA Wagner, T. Wayne MARIANNA Daggett, DoddridgeM. Daggett, J. J. Daggell, Je.se B. Daggell, W. H. Donovan, Robert J. FBlIDn, Daniel H., III Lawellen, Roy C. Parker, Tmothy S. Perry, Joe R. Reed, Stanley E. Van Dover, James R. MARION Crain, Chris H.

Rainey. William P. SlOke., Barbara William., Charle. B. MARKED TREE Dabney, M. Burl< Dunlap, Jimmie G. E\I8rett, Mike MARSHALL Aldworth, John C. Patterscn, Jerry D. MARVELL Hampton, Jame. E. MAUMELLE Darbe, KirI< D. Pake, David L

Pointer. Susie MAGNOUA Anderson, E. M.

Skeith, Terri M.

MCCRORY Peacock, Joa N. MC GEHEE Drake, Mark D. Ferguson, Gibbs French, Melinda N. French, Teresa Holloway, Bill R. Sm,h, James M. SmOh, James N. SmOh, Robert M. WiUiams, Kenneth Ray MELBOURNE Clarl<, Kenneth A. Miller, David E. "lENA Baker, Judy Anne Foster, Orvin Wayne Hardegree, Joe H. Henderson, James A. Keeter, Bob Maddox, J. David M.artin, Otis H., Jr. Miller, Danny A. Page, Patricia A. Rainwater. C. Randy Stoker. James D. Thrail<iII, Daniel B. MINERAL SPRINGS Castleman, Michael MONTICELLO BaU, Wdliam K. Barton, Walter Whit Bird, Samuel N. Bond, Clifton Chambers, David L Daniels, William R., Jr. Day, Kalharine C. Gibson, Clift, III Harper, Kenneth A. Hashem, Hani W. Hoffrnan, David Duane Midcleton, Cynthia R. Notter, Barbara Lake Ron. Don H. Ross, James A., Jr. Sawyer. sara M. MORRILTON Carnbiano, Marl< Caruth, Ben Eddy, Charles H. Gordon. Edward Allen Gordon. Nathan G. Lipsmeyer, J. Dale Massey, Edmund Plemmons, Lynn Frank Virden, Bart F. Yates. Howard C. MOUNT IDA McKimm. William Harry Peterson. John W. Mountain Home Ba~ey. Frank H. Camey, Leo J. Chism, Kerry Dale Cooper. Mark F. Crain. John A. Danuser, Roy E. Ethredge, David L.

Geamart, Van A. Hamed, W. Price HUcl<aba, Frank Isbell, Gary Kincade, Ronald P. Knox, Deborah Morgan, Roger L Nelson, Richard F. Osmon, David L Paden, Richard S. Poynter, Terry M. Sanders, Ted H. Spencer, Frederick S. Strother, Judrth C. Strother, Lane H. Wilber, Norman C. MOUNTAIN VIEW Broyles, Jam.. H. Dobbins, Jeft Fowlkes, Whrtman W. Kemp, John Dan, Jr. Snowden, William Grant Stewart, Sharri L MOUNTAINBURG Gilker, James A. Gilker, Joseph F. Gilker, Paul A. Jones, Michael R. MTVERNON Acklin, Christopher J. MURFREESBORO Featherston, Jimmy Lee NASHVILLE Darling, Peter R. Graves, Daniel H. Graves, James C. Steel, George E. Steel, Jim Bob NEWPORT Bengel, W. H. Boone, Linda F. Boyoe. Edward Boyoe, Henry H. Boyoe. Sam H. Boyce, Wayne Crews. Robert B. Hodges, Kan..ster, Jr. HOUI. Phdlip D. Howard, Ste....n G. Mclarty, James A., III Pickens, Fred "I., Jr. Thaxton. Marvin D. Watson, TImothy F., Sr. NORTH LITTLE ROCK Anderson, Arthur J., Jr. Association. Arkansas Bar Bell, Richard L. Berry. J. Hanrod Bingham, John B. Blackwood, Amy A. B1ev;ns. William 8. Brooks. Bob R., Jr. Brooks. Nancy K. Burleson, Diana Joan Burnette, Kim D. Calhoon, Ken F. Calhoun, John C., Jr. Campbell. Phillip W. Campbell, Sheila F. Carpenter, Charles L. Jr. Chambers, Ten L.

Cole, Joel C. Coop, David D. Corbin, Dorey K. Corrothers, Garry J. Daniel, Scott Davis, Steven R Donovan, Thomas F. Fox, TlI1lothy D. Fuqua, David M. Gibson, ~a1vin R. Gilbert, Melinda R. Gilert, Ron Green, Gary L. Groce, Paul D. Gruber, Rita W. Gruber, Wayne Hal, RandaJllrwin Halter, MarIt K. Hatter, '-folton F. Hamilton, Jim Hankins, Stuart W. Harper, Ernest H.. Jr. Hartje, Mic:heel E. Henderson, E. DeMatt Hicks, Basil, Jr. Hilburn, Sam Hoolman, Clift H. House, Roy D. Howard, Dorothy Yancy Infante, Clementine Lansky, Jucfth C. Lawson, Jam.. D. Levi. Robert O. Lincoln, Carol L Usowski, Jamas F.• Sr. Lowery, Vance Madden, Harold W. Maples, Cheryl K. Marc:zuk, UewelIyn J. Marsh, Melanie L Marshall, Terrell Marlin, William A. McCollough, Claude McCracken, J. Van McDermott, Donald G. R. McGough, PhiUip McHaney, James M., Jr. Morley, Dean R. Morley, Randall W. MorleY. Stephen E. Nadzam. Carta R Nelson. Edward A. Olszewski. Richard E. Orsini. Nina Paris, Steven James Patterson, Tonie B. Patty, Claiboume W., Jr. Phil~ps-Harris. Tammy L. Pickens, Kirby K. Powel. Winiam Michael Pruniski, John E.. III Ray, Carrold E., Jr. Rabsamen. Alvin H. Reed. Munray O. Robinson. William S. Rogers. James Maurice Sandage, Vicki J. Shepherd, Linda Sims, Barry A. Sloan, Graham F. Smith, C. Byion, Jr. Slanley, James W. Slephens, David Kimbro Slephen., Kenneth Greg Storeygard, Paula Jamell Tanner; Homer Tenney, A. Leigh Thompson, Reed

Thomlon, Rudy W. Vaughn, Scott Thomas Vess, Stuart White, Ciinton Michael Whiting, Stephen B. Whitmore, Perry V. Whitwel, Stephen E. Wdson, zachary D. Wools, Russell J. Worley, Dean L Wyvil, John C. Young, Vorg~ W., Jr. Zimmerman, Don A.

OSCEOLA Bennett, Tom Arnold Bel1erton, Donald R. Burnett, David Fergus, Winiam L. Gibson, ~chael L Moore, Janet K. Moore, Milchell D. Rhodes, Richard F., Jr. Wiliams, W. Hunter, Jr. Wilson, Ralph E. Wilson, Ralph E., Jr. OZARK Mainard, James C. McKenzie, Gregory P. Turner, Lonnie C. Witt. Ernie Witt. Neva B. PARAGOULD Branch, Jeffrey T. Branch, Robert Broadaway, Mary Ue Broadaway, Wm. Brad Colbert, Roger U. Fulkerson, Andrew GooOson, David R. Goodwin, Ray A. Hamdton. Donis B. Herget, Phi Holifield, T. Joe Moore, Harry T. Philhours, Randy F. Stidham, Daniel T. Thompson, Robert F. Todd, Michael E. Trussell. David R. Williams, Jon A. Young, Robert E. PARIS Cleveland, Herschel W. Cravens. David R. Hixson. R. H. Buddy Rush, Coy J., Jr. PERRYVILLE Allison, Michael L. Branscum, Herby. Jr. PIGGOTT Brinkley, Guy Rodery. Rick M. Trantham. Hugh W. PINE BLUFF Bairn. Kenneth B. Baxter, Angela Yvette Benton. William W. Billings. Carol Beth Bridglorth, David R. Bridglorth, Kimberly Bridglorth, Wdroam C.

Bridglorlh. Wiliam McSh_ I!fod<man. Edward W.• Jr. 8<own. Thomas E. 8Iyan~ Noel F. Buckner. Kennelll E. Burrow. Patrick A. Bynum, F. Wilson. Jr. Byrd. Richard W. Chadick, Mark B. Cross, OlheUo C. DalJymple. SlSvan B. Davis, Fred 0 .. III Dawson. Lawrence E. Dennis. Michael J. DeSimone. Judilh Dickey. Jay W.• Jr. Dill. Jimmy D. Dixon. Jeffrey Harris Drake. Ted N. Eibott. Don A. Fikes. Horace J.. Jr. Flowers. Stephanie A. ForlenberTy. Sharon M Gallvigh~ M. Momtl GoIt1lerger. Chartes S. Gunti. David K. Hall, James L., Jr. Harrelson. F. Daniel Harris. Eugene S. Hart, Robert L. Jr. Hiiard. Zenola M. Holmes. George N. Holmes. M. Joe Howard. William McNova, Jr. Humphries. Alan R. Hun~ Eugene Jamison, Leon N. Jones, Berlin C. Jones. John H. Juneau, D. Wayne Kearney. Jeffery H. Kely, Usa A. Kizer. Maxie G. Long, Marl< E. Marshall, Margaret Turner Matthews. Stephen A. McNulty. Jack A. Moora. James L., III Morehead. David F. Morgan. R. Soott Mouser, Rosalind M Mouser. Wm. Kirby Mullis. Bart G. Norton,C.Mac Overton, David Kirby Owens. Edward M. Pascale, Joseph K. Pendleton. Paul B. Petty. Melvin E. Raley. Philip A. Ramsay. Louis L. Jr. Roach, WiDiam S. Robinson. Gregory N. Robinson. Spencer F. Rush. John L. Scussel, Jan Dewoody Simpson. James Milton, Jr. Sims. David L. Smilh. Donald H. SI8ed. W,ton E. Strode. Joseph A. Taylor, Hendrix A. Taylor, zachary Tolson. Robert A.• Jr. Townsend, Jane I. Trafford, Winfred A. Vangilder. Gary Don Walker, Jack V.• Jr.

Wolkils. Usa Mils Williams. Randall L. Wisener. Rulll Am Wynne. TOITY F. Young. Carrington Elmo Young. Paul B. POCAHONTAS Castleman. Bob Castleman. Richard L. Grider. Murrey L. King. V. James. Jr. Rillel. J. Kirby Simpson. Harrel A.• Jr. Smilll. Phlip G. Throesch. David Throesch. John C. Wilson, George N. PRAIRIE GROVE Gladwin. Robert J. Johnson. Rufus W. PRESCOTT Barber. Berry D. Culpepper. Duncan Franks. James E. Hale, Eugene B.• Jr. Honey. Chartes Leroy. Jr. Honey. Chartes M. McKenzie, H. H. McKenzie. James H. McRae.D.L Rodgers. Danny P. Vasser. A. Glenn RECTOR Calvin. C. Joseph RISON Bagwen, Tracy F. Beshear. Sanford L. Jr. Elrod. John W. ROGERS Bergant. Paul R. Bigger. Stephen R. Blair. John M. Boyer. Ronald L Brown. Sheny J. Bunch. M. Ray Butler. SlSphen W. Campbell. Craig A. Cochran. Tamra L. McMinan Cooper. Max G. Copelin. J. David CollJeU. Wesley A. Croxton. Hardy W.. Jr. Dixon. Philip R. Dodge. John Ford. Dan Geigle, Stephen A. Hauser. Hany F. Jennings. John E. Karren, Bradey L. Keney. Eugene Lashlee. Kim R. Lingle. Barbara E. Lingle. James G. Lookedoo. Fred W.• Jr. Lorence. Rick F. Luffman. James M. Matthews. David R. Matthews. Mary Beth McClura, Edwin N. Mulkey. Bruce L Norwood. Norman Douglas OIds. Chartes B.

Par1<et. Pamela T. Rhoads. George R. Rhoads, Johnnie E. Sampier, J. Wesley Saxton, Jay S. Sdlafer. Mark Sdlneider. Mary M. Whi1B Sdlranlz. R. Doug Sooll, John R. Slinkard. Howard L. Thompson, Larry James Thompson, Thurston A. Watkins, W~liam P.• III Wood. SlSphen Lae ROLAND Kelliher. Dawn Rene ROSE BUD Sachar. Vincent J. RUSSELLVILlE Allen, Susan Walker Boo. Michael G. Boume, Don Bowden. Sl8phanie M.L Breden. Dale S. Brock, Johnie Phinip Bullock, Bunny Bynum, John M. Carfagno. Jim, Jr. Coker. Keith D. Coker. Kenneth 0 .. Jr. Cootts. James V. Cozart. Anaew Carter Cozart. Nancy Irwin Croom. Miller 1.4.. Jr. Dunham. James S. Eddy. David L. Faugh~ Jeff K. Finley. Dale W. Gardner. Richard E. Gardner. Stephen C. Gibbons, David L. Hardin. Luther B. Hardin. Robert W. HarTis. John C. Hodges, Kenneth A. Holmes. Robert H. Johnson. John Lloyd. Jr. Kennedy, James D. Laws, Hugh ':\. Laws. Ike Allen. III Laws. Ike Allen, Jr. Lee. Paul H. Marvin. Usa E. McCom1ick. David Mobley. JeH Mobley. Marl< J. Mobley, Richard Morgan. Jesse D. Murdoch. Tm W. PaIS. James R. Peel. Richard L Prewett. David E. Priddy. R. M. Rogers, Brian E. Sanlord. Jon R. Shermer. Jon p.. Jr. ShiM, Mike D. Smith. Wiliam Finis. Jr. Squyres, Aaron Lee Streett, Alex G. Sunerfield. Dennis C. Swain. William S. SwindeU. Benny E. Van KJeef. John D. W'liams. Robert H.

Young. James K. SALEM

Plumlee. C. Dwayne SCOTT Burress. C. Bob Edwards. Cynlllia Stricklin SEARCY AycIeIolI, Madson P. Beebe. Mike Bell, A. Watson Bell. Stanley M. Bethune. Edwin R., Jr. Biggs. Lee. III Boyell, Comer. Jr. Crouch, Carla D. Derrick. Mark M. Edwards. Robert Farmer. M. Jack Froman. LaRoy Hannah, James R. Hen<\'ix,PhylbM. Hudgins, Robert Hughes. Teresa L Jordan. SlSven B. Kae. Donald E. Killough. Lany R.. Jr. Meeds. Margan>l Bunn Me...... Robert F. Milar, Mike Mils. William P. Morgan. James L Muncy. Zachary Paul Patterson. John E. Peny, Denny P. Peny. James G.• Jr. Pollard. Odel Raff. Chris Raney. Donald P. Shoffner. Clarence P. T_.CecilA. Underwood. Joann A. Woriey. Phyllis B. SHERIDAN Easley, Eddy R. Havner. Kyle W. Jeffrey. Robert N. King. Michael Jim Shinron. Philip H. SHERIDON Grimes, LOMie L SHERWOOD Babb. Dennis 1.4., Sr. Baker, Cynthia J. DigbY. Tom F. Furr. Sherry E. C. Hun~ George 1.4.• Sr. Jenkins. Faber D. Nickels. James E. Sibley, Angela Shawn Kyle Vandagriff. R. Ted Wood, Doug, Jr. SILOAM SPRINGS Bonner. Can Brown. John E. Did<inson. Dena C. Elrod. Daniel R. Elrod, Georgia K. Elrod. John R. Goan. David Alton. III Lae. John T. Mayo. W'iarn R.

Moss, Michael E. Tucker, Thomas J. Woods, PoweR SMACKOVER Armstrong, William H. Rogers, Jeffrey C. SPRINGDALE Barlow, Curtis H. Blair, James B. Blocker. Mikel R. Burrow, John L Cantrell, Edwin B. Clardy, Blake Shannon Clarl<, William M., Jr. Cloer, John W. Cod1ran. Victoria K. Crouch, James E.

Cypert, James D. Davis, Charles E. Douglas, Larry D. Dymond, Johnny F. Evans, James E.. Jr. Finch, Jay T. Fox, Susan A. Gauldin. C. Alan Harper, Jeff C. Harrington. Michele Ann Harwell, Charles L Hirsch, E. Kent Huggins, Elizabelh Ann Lambert. Robert J., Jr. Lee, Gerald Davis Usle, John Lovelaoe, Jerry L. Ludwig, Stanley W. Mardis, Terri Tollett Mars, Thomas A. Martin, Jack Mayo, Walter P. Moon, J. D. Myers, Dane Jacob Penix, James A" Jr. Reed, Joe B. Reid, Leslie L. RobinsQ"l, Jon P. Rogerson, Donald Scott Roy, James M.• Jr. Russell, Sharon DeLana Schneider, David L. Smith, Lavenski R. Smith, Ted C. Smith, Vickie King Spaulding, Brian Lee Stanley. Roy E. Stitt, Stephen D. Strother, James Taylor, Odell Taylor, Stephen L. Van Babber, David L. Varner, William D. Ward, Larry A. Watson, Jeff H. Zurborg. J. David

STAMPS Cochran, Edward F. STAR CITY Armstrong, Murray F. Binns, Mark Carter, Odell C. Harper, R. Vietor STATE UNIVERSITY Autry, Sharon Louise

STUTIGART Dittrich, G. Robert Gmen, J. W., Jr. Henry, David G. Macom, Arthur R. Molock, Dennis R. Moncrief, Virgil Nolan, Cecil Duff, Jr. Proctor, Chartes J. Smilh, Malcolm R. Smilh, Norman M. SWEET HOME Dickinson, H. T. TAYLOR Woods, Anlhony J. TEXARKANA Arnold, Johnny P. Arnold, Stephan T. Arnold, Thomas H. Arnold, Thomas S. Autrey, LeRoy Autrey, LeRoy Wren Barnette. Charles D. Biddle, Anlhony S. Boyd, Jack N., Jr. Bryent, Barry Alan Bullock, William G. Burgess, Ralph Koib Bumett, Ronald S. Capshaw, Donald W. Carter, William David Chambers, James D. Cocl<rell. Phillip N. Condit, Bruoe A. Cranfond, James B., Jr. Crisp, John David Dalby, Carol Cannedy Dickerson, Paul L Dodson, Richard N. Dodson, Robert E. Dowd, C. Wayne

Dunn. Winford l. Elliott, Jeff C. Folsom, Dav;d Franks, E. Ben Freeze, Robert D. Friedman. Donald B. Friedman, Errol N. Friedman, Michael A. Giles, Gregory Ross

Gooding. Jack Walter Gooding, William C. Goodson, John C. Goodson, John W. Goodwin, Randall D. Greer, JOhn B., III Griffin. Joe E. Haltom, Brent Harrel, Alan D. Harrelson. F. G.. Jr. Hart, Demaris A. Hegmann, William P. Henry, Craig L. Hlavinka, Victor F. Holcombe, Thomas H.

Holman, J. Hawley Hooper, Jimmy L. Howell, Bobby L. Hudson, James S., Jr. Hudspelh, Glen Carter Jones, Michael F. Jordan, Raymond W. Keil, Matt Kemp, Kartton H.. Jr. Langdon, Brenl M.

Lavender, G. William Lewis, Jeff8IY Cart Longino, Hugh E., Jr. Malone, Sanaa Caroline McCasland, Kristi I. McClerl<in, Hayes C. McGinnis. Robert S.. Jr. McWilliams, George L Mercy, John R. Miller, A. Peul Miller, John F., Jr. Mitchell, Connie M. Moone, Marshall H. Morgen. Charles A. Morriss, Josh R., III MoWefY, William Howard Murry, Monly Gene Myers, Ronald Keilh Norwood, Gamet E. Nutter, R. Gary Panon, Nicholas H. Panon, Thomas K. Peek, Michael D. Peek, William L., Jr. Pennetti, James Picken, John M. Potter, David J. Purifoy, Philip Raffaelk, Louis J. Roberts, William B. Rochelle, Jerry A. Rochelle, Jerry Dean Russell, Norman C. Sanderson, Alex G. Shaw, Nelson V. Smilh, Willis B.. Jr. Slewart, Ned A., Jr. Stroud, John F., III Stroud, John F., Jr. Talton, Helmut F. Tate, William E. Tausch, Louise Todwell, John Louis Tidwell, Kelly B. Weber, Robert W. Wheeler, C. B. Whitsfield, Carolyn L. Wiggins, William E. Williams, Dennis K. Williams, Salh AI, Jr. Williams, Whitney Jean Wyly, James Clarl< Wyrick, W. Kelvin

Rogers, Floyd G. WALDO Stocks, William M. WALDRON Goodner, Donald S. WALNUT RIDGE Hayes, William Larry Hilburn, Tom L Jarboe, Richard A. Ponder, Harry L. Sloan, J. F" III Stallcup, James W. WARREN Anderson, Bruoe Claycomb, H. Murray Haley, John T., Jr. Huey, Clint Ligon, Starl< Marsh, R. Blake Roper, Richard L. Vinitow, Robert C. Wells, Bill G. WEST FORK Babione, William P. Cox, Alene R. Cox, Norman Glenn WEST HELENA Allen, Chartes P. Baker, James P., Jr. Murray. Ralph C. Murray, Tocid H. Pittman, John M. Porter, Jesse E., Jr. Schielfler. Daniel K. Schielfler. Edward H. Schielfler, Eugene L. Yates, Harvey L. WEST MEMPHIS Ayres, William C. Baretz. Marc I. Bowen, Martin Wayne

Creekmore, Carl K.

Brick, Jake Coleman, Gerald A. Cooper, Edwin D. Durrett, Chadd L. Emmons. Wayne Fairley, Lindsey J. Fogleman, John N. Fogleman, Julian B. Forrest, Donald A. Forrest, Kay West Green, Therese H. Hale, James C., Jr. Hale, James Cecil, III Hill, Victor L Mayton, Michael R. Nanoe, C. B., Jr. Nanoe, Cecil B., III Peeples, David C. Rieves, Elton A.. III Rieves, Elton A., IV

Dyer, Chartes B., Jr. Edwards, Michael R. Gant, H. Zed Ganl, Paul D. Harriman, Morril H.. Jr. Honeycutt, J. Marvin Jeremiah, Roger T. Nielsen, Jan K. Ragar. Thurman A., Jr. Riddle, Elmer A.

Robertson, Reginald Rogers. Joe M. Rubens, Kent J. Saxton, Richard Clint Shelton, David C. Sloan, Ralph W. Smilh, Arthur L., Jr. Smilh, Robert L Stsphenson, James M.

Young, Damon

TRASKWOOD Frank, Ban W. TRUMANN Dunlap, Chat Gibson, L. D. Inboden, Stsve Webb, Kelley W. VAN BUREN Balchelor, Fines F., Jr. Black. Larry

Roberts, cecilia F.

Sutton, James D. Thomas, A. Jan, Jr. Thome, Frederick Philip, Weisburd, Everard Williams, James Lamoyne, II Wilson, Ronald C. Wood, Stephen K. Woolfolk, Margaret

WHITE HALL Hurst, Steven Garland WINSLOW Griffith, Charles Norman WYNNE Boeckmann, Otto J., Jr.

Ford, Paul N. Ford, Robert M. Hunter, S. Kyle Killough, John N. Luker, James C. Menefee, Bruce Tandy Proctor, Richard L. Shaver, J. L, Jr.

Srni1h, Tom B. Tucker, Timothy G. YELLVILLE Bearden,JudnhR. Carter, Kenford O. KalIy, Michael E. Srni1h, Kenneth R.

ARKANSAS BAR ASSOCIATION OUT-Of-STATE MEMBERS AA Hoyle, Michael L. PSC 05 BOX 1079 APO, AA 34005 AE Else, Jack PSC 2 BOX 9533 APO, AE 09012 ALABAMA Armstrong-Wrigh~

Debra A. 1036 STAGE RD AUBURN, AL 36930

Blan, Ollie L, Jr. 21172NDAVEN BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203 Collins, Glenda J. RT 1 BOX SB 207 MADISON, AL 35758 Hogue, Jeffrey C. 901 HARGROVE RD 190 TUSCALOOSA, AL 35401 Jewell, Keith R. 1511 BEACON CREST CIR BIRMINGHAM, AL 35209 Lovett, Thomas M. 306 DOUBLETREE LN FLORENCE, AL 35630 McCormick, Unda Grim 188 MORRIS RD TONEY, AL 35773 Peacock, Unda Jo 1400 SOUTHTRUST TOWER BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203 Placke, Eric D. 525 ALDER ST 'B MONTGOMERY, AL36113

ARIZONA Burke, Richard K. 629 OAK LEAF LN PRESCOTI, AZ. 86303 Cochran, Alan L. 1952 E LOMA VISTA DR TEMPE, AZ 85282 Cure, Harding B. 1 E Camelback Rd, .1100 Phoenix, AZ. 85012 Hott, Katherine K. 3825 E CAMELBACK' 146 PHOENIX, AZ. 85018


Jameson, W. S., Jr. 1136 E FLYNN LN PHOENIX, AZ. 85014

Plowman, Donald James 2085 COSTA VISTA WAY OCEANSIDE, CA 92054

McClain, James E.. Jr. 18 WARNCKE RD Wilton, CT 06897

Jorden, Douglas A. 5420 E POINSETTIA DR SCOTTSDALE, AZ. 85254

Skogen, Tony R. 500 S GRAND AVE .1200 LOS ANGELES, CA 90071

Shupik, Rudolph A. 355 FRENCHTOWN RD BRIDGEPORT, CT 06606

CAUFORNIA Coffman, Edward M. 3504 SAl NT EUZABETH RD GLENDALE, CA 91206 Collins, Nikki Ann 211 CHESTNUT VACAVILLE, CA 95688 Diersing, Jere G. 630 PRESIDIO AVE' 5 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94115 Easterwood, Lany J. POBOX 77367 LOS ANGELES, CA 90007 Guarino, Thomas P. 3521 W FEDORA AVE FRESNO, CA 93722

Hamm, Hany O. 510 N BEVERLY DR BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90210 Hess, R. Craig 802 CAMPHOR ST VANDENBERG AFB, CA 93437 Hunt, Russell L. 5020 WINDY CIR YORBA UNDA, CA 92887 Johnson, M. Peny 452 Fitth Street Montara, CA 94037 Luker, Joe C., Jr. 115 W FIGUEROA ST SANTA BARBARA, CA 93101 Mathaws, Edward Carl 13108 WRANGLER LN VICTORVILLE, CA 92392 Meredith, J. Conley 372 CLUBHOUSE DR SANTA MARIA, CA 93455 Nowotny, George 200 PACIFIC COAST HWY 1136 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92648 O'Neal, Mike E. 24430 TINER CT MALIBU, CA 90265

Thol1)as, Richard Can 9145 EMERALD GROVE AVE LAKESIDE, CA 92040 Vaughn, Steve C. 480 THALIA ST LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651 Wiley, Buford B. 11085 SORRENTO VALLEY CT SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 COLORADO Bendey, George E. 8055 E TUFTS AVE. 1150 DENVER, CO 80237 Cordell, H. William, Jr. 1001 SUNBURST CT LAFAYETIE, CO 60026 Gathright, Richard E. 5997 E JAMISON LN ENGLEWOOD, CO 80112 HiU, Rhonda Kenyon 18886 E EASTER PL AURORA, CO 80016 Hipp, Richard PO BOX 702 IDAHO SPRINGS, CO 80452 Marks, Leon 2 SGLENCOE DENVER, CO 80222 Neumann, Mary S. Townes 603 E CORNELL AVE ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 Old, Marion D. 5056 S YANK CT MORRISON, CO 80465 Tatum, John S. 1343 DELAWARE ST DENVER, CO 80204 Wall, Lany 1022 POPLAR STREET DENVER, CO 80220 CONNECTICUT Adams, Robert M. 25 PUNKIN PATCH RD WOODBRIDGE, CT 06525

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Aldridge, Thomas Glenn 717 MADISON PL NW. 804 WASHINGTON, DC 20439 Alexander, Bill 233 CANNON HOB WASHINGTON, DC 20515 Anthony, Sheila F. 3900 MACOMB ST NW WASHINGTON, DC 20016

Bemis, O. Knox 1054 31ST ST NW.300 WASHINGTON, DC 20007 Bynum, Randall L 1718 P ST NW. 202 WASHINGTON, DC 20036 Aerning, Joe W., II 1215 17TH ST NW' 213 WASHINGTON, DC 20036 Fountain, Galen Lee 428 A RUSSELL SENATE OFFICE WASHINGTON, DC 20510

Fulbright, J. William 55513TH ST NW WASHINGTON, DC 20004 Gis~

Pamela L. 1819HSTNWFL 7 WASHINGTON, DC 20006

Hanshaw, Hunter J. 2140 L ST • 201 WASHINGTON, DC 20037 Jacobs, Patricia D. 5016 3RD ST NW WASHINGTON, DC 20011 Jordan, Vernon E., Jr. 1333 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE NW WASHINGTON, DC 20036 Kopp, George S. 2121 KST NW Washington, DC 20036 Miller, Jennifer J. 1744 CORCORAN ST NW • 1 WASHINGTON, DC 20009

Pillow, Roger F. 1800MSTNW WASHINGTON, DC 20036

Lewis, Slanley B. 488 NW 165TH ST MIAMI, FL 33169

Jennings, KeRy S. 1384 WILSHIRE CT MARIETTA, GA 30064

Wilhelm, Jack M. POBOX 87703 CHICAGO, IL 60680

Pitts, James T. 1400 LST NW WASHINGTON, DC 20005

McConnell, Daniel F. 312 17TH ST NICEVILLE, FL 32578

Johnston, Thomas R. CMR BOX 224 FORT MCPHERSON, GA 30330

Williams, Devid M. PO BOX 697 FAIRFIELD, IL 62837

Proctor, George W. 182419TH ST NW, B WASHINGTON, DC 20009

McConnon, James F., Jr. PSC .04 BOX 1143 APO AA, FL 34004

McClendon, L. Philip 2220 SMOKE STONE CIR MARIETTA, GA 30062

INDIANA Blaney, Daniel C. PO BOX 500 Morocco, IN 47963

Proctor, Judy B. 182419TH ST NW, B WASHINGTON, DC 20009

Parr, E. Glenn 2926 PIPER DR VERO BEACH, FL 32960

McManis, James E. HO Forscom Box 192 Ft McPherson, GA 30330

Rainey, Valencia PO BOX 34037 WASHINGTON, DC 20043

Pervis, Donald E. PO BOX 729 BRADENTON, FL 34206

Murray, Sylvester C. 4747 BRIARBEND TRCE STONE MOUNTAIN, GA 30088


Pippin, Russell Ken 847 Blvd DeL'OrIeans Mary Esther, FL 32569

Soilivan, Russell W. 1455 PENNSYLVANIA AVE NW WASHINGTON, DC 20004

Raia, Philip 9749 62ND AVE N SAINT PETERSBURG, FL 33708

Thornton, Ray 1214 LONGWORTH HOB WASHINGTON, DC 20515 FLORIDA Asti, Robert 901 BAYAMOAVE MIAMI, FL33146 Choate, M. RickliHe, II PO BOX 10,000 LAKE BUENA VISTA, FL 32830 Ford, Clarence V. PO BOX3B6 GULF BREEZE, FL 32562 Ford, David A. 400 W ROBINSON ST STE 5-827 ORLANDO, FL 32801 Foyil, James O.

4904 EISENHOWER BLVD STE 310 TAMPA, FL 33634 Gibbs, B. Gray 14TH ST N STE 800 SAINT PETERSBURG, FL 33701 Haddad, Virginia W. 195 A Highland Street Valparaiso, FL 32580 Jelfries, C. Cole, Jr. 6001 S WESTSHORE BLVD TAMPA, FL33616 Kassos, John E.

PO BOX 41050 SAINT PETERSBURG, FL 33743 Kuhn,Karl PSC BOX 386 APO MIAMI, FL 34004 Lee, H. Greg 2014 4TH ST SARASOTA, FL 34237

Sottilare, Sandy J. 2699 STIRLING RD STE A202 FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33312 Wade, Rodney C. 2520 BORDEAUX WAY LUTZ, FL 33549 Walker, Ralph W., II PO BOX 5927 MARIANNA, FL 32446 Winesett, Dennis Eugene 1739 OAKMONT LN ORLANDO, FL 32804

GEORGIA Brewer, Cassady V. 191 PEACHTREE ST 47TH FL ATLANTA, GA 30303

HAWAII Danieley, Joan N. 4780 AUKAI AVE HONOLULU, HI 96816 IOWA Raney, Sloan R. RR 1 BOX 303M SOLON, IA 52333 ILLINOIS Barringer, Jerold W. PO BOX 568 CARLINVILLE, IL 62626 Blair, Steven Thomas 30 W CHICAGO AVE CHICAGO, IL 60610 Brunner, Anne M. 8527 SKOKIE BLVD SKOKIE, IL 60077 Cameron, A. B. 529 HAMPSHIRE ST STE 511 OUINCY, IL 62301

Miller, Joseph A. 6658 CROSS KEY DR INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 Stitsworth, Karen K. 719 KENT AVE WEST LAFAYETTE, IN 47906 KANSAS Davies, David W.,III 12617 OVERBROOK RD LEAWOOD, KS66209 Geary, Tim 5306 W 123RD ST SHAWNEE MISSION, KS 66209 Jensen, John Eric 8717 W 110TH ST STE 700 OVERLAND PARK, KS 66210 KENTUCKY Allen, Phillip E. 8703 OLDBURY PL LOUISVILLE, KY 40222 Dixon, John M., Jr. PO BOX 648 Hopkinsville, KY 42241 Jones, Dorothy M. O. 800 S 4TH ST APT 507 LOUISVILLE, KY 40203 Mueller, Shirley Ann 8207 PIPILO PL LOUISVILLE, KY 40242

Bridgforth, Joe K. PO BOX 105605 ATLANTA, GA 30348

Eads, James R., Jr.

Bruton, Karen


Harris, O. Fred, Jr. Univ of III - Law College Champaign, IL 61820


Dane, Dan 77 E ANDREWS' 326 ATLANTA, GA 30305

Hightower, David E. 1312 E EMPIRE ST BLOOMINGTON, IL 61701

Brock, Michael D. 39511 GREGG DR PRAIRIEVILLE, LA 70769

Hogue, L. Lynn 797 CUMBERLAND RD NE ATLANTA, GA 30306

Lewis, William Ted 1238 W GOVERNOR ST SPRINGFIELD, IL 62704

Brooksher, Robert R. 620 MAGNOLIA WOOD AVE BATON ROUGE, LA 70808

Hopkins, David A. 3879 BEACON ST MARlEnA, GA 30062

Ludwig, Carol E. 2 SAINT JOSEPH DR LEBANON,IL 62254

Cornelius, Odas Ray

Huddleston, Pat, II 1209 WYNFORD COLONY MARlEnA, GA 30064

Raupp, David Robert 111 FRANKLIN URBANA, IL 61801

Eddington, Brian Andrew POBOX 15928 BATON ROUGE, LA 70895

Jenkins, Pamela R. Harris 1593 TANAGER CIR DECATUR, GA 30032

Scanlon, Chartes R. 6400 W MAIN ST, 3A BELLEVILLE,IL 62223

Estes, Lynn Edward, Jr. 8501 MILLICENT WAY '1024 SHREVEPORT, LA 71115



Feild, Russell H" Jr, 3016 GREEN ACRES RD METAIRIE, LA 70003 Foil, Franklin J. 434 CASTLE KIRK BATON ROUGE, LA 70808 Golden, Kimber1y O. PO BOX 1512 MONROE, LA 71210 Holleman, John Terrell 3915 ST CHARLES AVE 1515 NEW ORLEANS, LA 70115 Huggins, Jeffrey R. 211 REPUBLIC AVE A' 222 LAFAYETTE, LA 70508 James, Thomas P. PO BOX 6638 NEW ORLEANS, LA 70174

KUpabick, Kerry Layne 9007 HIGHLAND RD' 27 BATON ROUGE, LA 70810

MARYLAND Allison, Gordon Y. 7317 WooDMONT AVE BETHESDA, MD 20814 Bilheimer, John M. 9119 GLENRIDGE RD SILVER SPRING, MD 20910 Bumpers, Dale L 7613 HONESTY WAY BETHESDA, MD 20817 Gerard, Joe 5204 ABINGDON RD BETHESDA, MD 20816 Haley, George W. 13617 NORTHGATE DR SILVER SPRING, MD 20906 Hill, William A., Jr. 7625 NUTWooD CT ROCKVILLE, MD 20855 Holirah, Russell A. 8448 EARLY BUD WAY LAUREL, MD 20723


David Carson 9989 BURBANK DR., 'F-96 BATON ROUGE, LA 70810

Marshall, B. F., IV PO BOX 14735 MONROE, LA 71207 McKnight, John 3906 AVENUE BONNE TERRE NEW IBERIA, LA 70560 Newell, Daniel W. PO BOX 373 HOMER, LA 71040 Pickett, Fred E. 3106 PARKS RD, 2 BENTON, LA 71006 Ridlon, William F., II PO BOX 3197 BATON ROUGE, LA 70821 Shook, Margaret A. 4412 FERRAN DR METAIRIE, LA 70002 Slrickland, Kelly W. 741 ELMWOOD SHREVEPORT, LA 71104 Thompson, Michael G. POBOX61000 NEW ORLEANS, LA 70161 Timmons, A. Wayne 212 TEXAS ST STE 106 SHREVEPORT, LA 71101

Watkins, Jerry W. PO BOX 61780 NEW ORLEANS, LA 70161

MASSACHUSETTS Powers, Lonn)e A. 20 WEST ST FL 4 BOSTON, MA 02111

Massey, William L 5402 ALTA VISTA RD BETHESDA, MD 20814 McConkie, Pace Jefferson 1124 NEPTUNE PL ANNAPOLIS, MD 21401 MICHIGAN Bernard, Sharon 16160 CHAPEL ST DETROIT, MI48219 Briggs, James Ira, Jr. 8200A BISSONETTE DR WURTHSMITH AFB, MI 48753 Rubel, Jeffery S. 1228 SOUTHERN AVE KALAMAZOO, M149001

MISSOURI Baber, Donna Hilbom

12905 MIDFIELD TER SAINT LOUIS, MO 63146 Barton, Curtis S. 10000 WORNALL RD A ,,214 KANSAS CITY, MO 64114 Bennett, Dennis A. 2019 FREEMANTLE CT FLORISSANT, MO 63031

Bennett, Sherilyn L 2019 FREEMANTLE CT FLORISSANT, MO 63031

Cartin, Tom W, 607 MAIN ST CASSVIUE, MO 65625

Moser, James C. POBOX 700 POPLAR BLUFF, MO 63901

Cella, Louis 9 BERKLEYLN SAINT LOUIS, MO 63124

Olson, Joe D. 823 VAUEY VIEW DR BRANSON, MO 65616

Chipman, Larry G. 4317 S RIVER' A INDEPENDENCE, MO 64055

Pierce, David A. 502 MESA DR NEOSHO, MO 64850

Crowe, Williams G. 222 N JQ Hammonds Pk,l200 Springfield, MO 65806

Rader, William S., Jr. 613 PIERONNET ST CAPE GIRARDEAU, MO 63701

Dahlen, Ricllard 800 N LINDBERGH BLVD SAINT LOUIS, MO 63167

Rainbolt, Hal E. 1 BEU CTR , 3526 SAINT LooIS, MO 63101

Deer, A. Ross 1201 WALNUT ST 12800 KANSAS CITY, MO 64106

Rollins, Jemes H., II RT 6 NORVII6-B WAYNESVIUE, MO 65583

DeJanes, Sherry Malhis 6209 BROOKSIDE BLVD KANSAS CITY, MO 64113

Rudd, Kennelh E. 1010 MARKET ST , 1340 SAINT LooIS, MO 63101

Dermott, Jon PO BOX 1626 JOPLIN, MO 64802

Stacey, Jeffrey Dean RR3 BOX2A KENNETT, MO 63857

Dunbar, Michael R. PO BOX 494 WAYNESVILLE, MO 65583

Taylor, Jesse, Jr. 611 OLIVE ST STE 1750 SAINT LooIS, MO 63101

Dupre, Durward D. 1010PINEST'2305 SAINT LOUIS, MO 63101

Traynor, Steven P. POBOX 396 SAINT LooIS, MO 63166

Gibson, Diane A, 801 W 57TH ST KANSAS CITY, MO 64113

Whiffen, Richard D. PO BOX 924 SIKESTON, MO 63801

Hartgrove, Richard C. 1010 PINE ST, 2114 SAINT LOUIS, MO 63101

MP Hill, Joseph PO BOX 917 SAlPAN, MP 96950

Hartman, Gary PO BOX 31907 SAINT LOUIS, MO 63131 Hass, William R. PO BOX 152 THAYER, MO 65791 Kemper, Thomas G.

317N llTHSTSTE700 SAINT LOUIS, MO 63101 LeMay, Ronald T. PO BOX 11315 KANSAS CITY, MO 64112 Mayersohn, Arnold, Jr. 611 OLIVE ST STE 1555 SAINT LOUIS, MO 63101

MISSISSIPPI Buntin, Sally B. PO BOX 1675 GREENVIUE, MS 38702 Cox, James T.

PO BOX 232n JACKSON, MS 39225 Crowell, John W. POBOX 1111 COLUMBUS, MS 39703 Eaves, John A., Jr. 101 N STATE ST JACKSON, MS 39201 Hall, Kennelh R. POBOX 344 CANTON, MS 39046

Buckley, Blair, Jr. PO BOX 189 NEW MADRID, MO 63869

McCaskill, Austin, Jr. 115 MANLYN DR SAINT LOUIS, MO 63122

HeUrich, Robert B. POBOX 727 HATIIESBURG, MS39403

Capes, David V. 7733 FORSYTH BLVD' 400 SAINT LOUIS, MO 63105

Moore, McPherson D. 1 METROPOLITAN sa, 2600 SAINT LOUIS, MO 63102

Jones, Ben Block PO BOX 3672 JACKSON, MS 39207

Kirby, Patrick R. 188 E CAPITOL. 1200 JACKSON, MS 39201 Miklos, Celia Singhas 524 lake Shore N. Southaven. MS 38671 Murrey, Joe H., Jr. PO BOX 36 UNIVERSiTY, MS 386n Nan;, Yogesh Khema 200 N HILLS ST A' 16B MERIDIAN, MS 39305 Rawlings, Paul C. 3002 NAVAJO CIR HAmESBURG, MS 39402 Schlueter. Joame SUsan 2414 BURKE ST GULFPORT, MS 39507

Stahl. W.iam T. RR 5 BOX 61 IUKA, MS 38852 West, Wm. Eric 200 S LAMAR ST STE 1000 JACKSON, MS 39201


Barton, Phil Wayne PO BOX 53581 FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28305 CogdeU, Joe B., Jr. 301 S COLLEGE ST , 3300 CHARLOnE, NC 28202

Davis, John A., III 301 S COLLEGE ST, 2300 CHARLOnE, NC 28202 Eagles, Catherine C. PO BOX 21927 GREENSBORO, NC 27420 Holland, William

NEBRASKA Ford, Mark E. 808PSH2OO LINCOLN, NE 68508 Garrett, Marw K. Evans 11422 MIRACLE HILLS '440 OMAHA, NE 68154 StrahJss, Tom C.


Martensen, John K. HO V CORPS OSJA '25202 APO NEW YORK, NY 09079

Joyce, Michael Alan 3432 S GARY PL TULSA, OK 74105

Stein, Norman H. 255 BARNARD RD LARCHMONT, NY 10538

Klepper, Jim C. 2401 NW 39TH , 200 OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73112

OHIO DeMar1<o. Ken 3416TH STNW BARBERTON, OH 44203

L.arey, Lance L 4901 S SHERIDAN RD TULSA, OK 74145

Streett. Ketherine S. PO BOX 241 RUSHVILLE, NE 69360

Gamer. Cullis E. Colvin Road Gates Mins, OH 44040

Wilhelm, Charles Wesley 2529 AVENUE G SCOTTSBLUFF, NE 69361

Halhom, Michelle Danel1e 5202 BLACKLICK E. RD NW BALTIMORE, OH 43105

NEW JERSEY Aeischer, Richard B. 25 N BRIDGE ST SOMERVILLE. NJ 08876

Kline, Marc Aaron 2706 E GATEHOUSE DR CINCINNATI, OH 45215

Greene, Michael R. 131 MORRISTOWN RD, A2010 BASKING RIDGE. NJ 07920 Hopkins, R. Howard 17 KITCHELL RD MORRISTOWN, NJ 07960 NEW MEXICO Spurlin, John F. 833 AD/JA Holloman AFB, NM 88330 NEVADA Allen, Arthur L 1953 N DECATUR BLCD, 350 LAS VEGAS, NV 891 08 Kline, Lois G. 205 E HARMON AVE , 707 LAS VEGAS, NV 89109 Swanson, Kelly H. 1200 S EASTERN AVE LAS VEGAS, NV 89104

McCracken, Jack Jay 401 S JAMESON AVE LIMA, OH 45805 Sumner, David W. 301 WHITETAIL DR CHAGRIN FALLS, OH 44022 OKLAHOMA Balkenbush, Patricia Hom 100 N BROADWAY BLDG 2900 OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73102 Busby. Wilson 11394 S DATE CT JENKS, OK 74037 Conway, Judilh Ann 6619 S 67TH EAVE TULSA, OK 74133 Curlee, Steven A. 104 E 13TH ST SAND SiPRINGS. OK 74063 DeLaural, Roxana M. UNIV OF OK-ADAMS HALL '217 NORMAN, OK 73017


301 S COLLEGE ST • 2300 CHARLOnE, NC 28202 Hopper, Wiliam L PO BOX 247 OXFORD, NC 27565 Schmidt, Richard Fredric 101 HUNT CLUB LN A'E RALEIGH, NC 27606 Watts. Peggy C. 830 WI NGRAVE DR CHARLOTTE, NC 28270 NORTH DAKOTA Carter. Ralph F. PO BOX 1163 GRAND FORKS, NO 58206 Kelley, Christopher R. UNIV OF NORTH DAKOTA LAW SCHOOL GRAND FORKS, NO 56202

NEW YORK Blakely, Regina Hopper 235W 56TH,D NEW YORK, NY 10019 Curlin, Terenee A. POBOX 1118 APO AE, NY 09123 Daniel, AI J.. Jr. 90 JOHN STREET NEW YORK, NY 10038 Evans, Patti E. 38 GRAMERCY PARK N APT 3G NEW YORK, NY 10010

Hill, Tanya Yvette 101 LAFAYEnE AVE. ItA BROOKLYN, NY 11217 James, John F., Jr. PO BOX 1200 ROME, NY 13440

Dodson, James H. 11841 E 62ND PL BROKEN ARROW, OK 74012

Es..s, Gerre Denise 5230 S lEWIS AVE APT 1060 TULSA, OK 74105 Gatchel, Robert J. 100 W 5TH ST' 400 TULSA, OK 74103

Upe. Larry 401 S BOSTON AVE 12100 TULSA, OK 74103 Marlin, Nancy A. 9 CLUB VIEW CIR 19 SALLISAW, OK 74955 Massey, Jeffery Wayne PO BOX 60873 OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73146 Pilgrim, Lynda Kay 2215 S FLORENCE AVE TULSA. OK 74114 Pitts, Betty Ann 525 SEOUOYAH DR SALLISAW, OK 74955 Procter, Kelly A. 5740 DOSHIER RD POTEAU, OK 74953 Richardson, Jerry A. 525 S MAIN ST, 300 TULSA. OK 74103 Turner, G. W., III 2400 First National Tower Tulsa, OK 74103 Waddell, Ronald SCott 8303 E 60TH ST , 1923 TULSA, OK 74145 Weaver. Tmothy Morris 10 E 3RD ST. 700 TULSA, OK 74103

Williams, Jay B. PO BOX 657 OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73101 Wilson, Nora Hampton 6500 GRAND BlVD' 118 OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73116 Worthen, Ronald E. PO BOX 1991 ARDMORE, OK 73402

Gibbs, George E. 7134 S YALE STE 900 TULSA, OK 74136


Goodman, Edgar G. 2301 TURNER PONCA CITY, OK 74604

Wallon, James W. PO BOX W CORVALLIS, OR 97339

Hendricks, David G. 1321 SW 99TH ST OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73159

PENNSYLVANIA Borden, Randolph T. HC 6 BOX 6060 HAWLEY, PA 18428

Burton, Charles William 301 CONGRESS AVE STE 1200 AUSTIN, TX 78701

Dowd, C, Wayne PO BOX 2631 TEXARKANA, TX 75504

Hagmann, William P. PO BOX 2048 TEXARKANA, TX 75504

Jones, C. Morgan 1609 MARIAH BAY CIR ROCKWAll, TX 75087

Capshaw, Donald W. POBOX 1928 TEXARKANA, TX 75504

Elliott, Jeff C. 1710 MOORES LN TEXARKANA, TX 75505

Hendrick, David R., Jr. .4 Terravale Court The Woodlands, TX 77381

Jones, D. Bruce 9236 CHURCH RD APT 2049 DALLAS, TX 75231

Chamberlain, Harold A. 211 HERITAGE OAKS LN HOUSTON, TX 77024

Engeler, Gordon F., Jr. 7203 NORTHERN LIGHTS ST SAN ANTONIO, TX 78238

Henf)', Craig L. 406 TEXAS BLVD TEXARKANA, TX 75501

Jones, Michael F. PO BOX 1877 TEXARKANA, TX 75504

Chambers, James D. 1710 MOORES LN TEXARKANA, TX 75505

Fletcher, Elizabeth Ann 511 CLERMONT ST DALLAS, TX 75223

Hesse, J. Marc 16610 DALlAS PKY. 2100 DALlAS, TX 75248

Jones, R. Steven 16610 DALlAS PKWY STE 2500 DALlAS, TX 75248

Childs, Jeri)' P. 310 N LINCOLN AVE ODESSA, TX 79761

Folsom, David PO BOX 1897 TEXARKANA, TX 75504

Hesse, Michael D. 16610 DALlAS PKY. 2500 DALlAS, TX 75248

Jordan, Raymond W, PO BOX 1928 TEXARKANA, TX 75504

Clardy, Floyd, III 9314 81LL BROWNE LN DALLAS, TX 75243

Franks, E. Ben PO BOX 2710 TEXARKANA, TX 75504

Hinshaw, Curtis T., III PO BOX 4237 LONGVIEW, TX 75606

Keil, Matt PO BOX 618 TEXARKANA, TX 75504

CIar1<, Randall B. 7915 F M 1960 RD W STE 328 HOUSTON, TX 77070

Friedman, Donald B. PO BOX 2630 TEXARKANA, TX 75504

Hlavinke, Victor F. 1710 MOORES LN TEXARKANA, TX 75505

Kelly, HerI)' G. 950 ECHO LN STE 360 HOUSTON, TX 77024

Cockrell, Phillip N. PO BOX 1928 TEXARKANA,TX75504

Friedman, Errol N. PO BOX 2630 TEXARKANA, TX 75504

Holcombe, Thomas H. PO BOX 973 TEXARKANA, TX 75504

Keown, E. Ray PO BOX K-l0 COLLEGE STAllON, TX 77844

Condit, Bruce A. 524 SPRUCE ST TEXARKANA, TX 75501

Friedman, Michael A. PO BOX 2630 TEXARKANA, TX 75504

Hollingsworth, Judy 1999 BRYAN ST' 2100 DALlAS, TX 75201

Kinard, M. Lewis 5201 LOCUST GROVE APT 144 GARLAND, TX 75043

Cranford, James B., Jr. PO BOX 5367 TEXARKANA, TX 75505

Gibbs, Gaf)' R. 7502 GREENVillE. BOO-LB9 DALLAS, TX 75231

Holman, J. Hawley PO BOX 5367 TEXARKANA, TX 75505

Kissirs, James L. 1103 HIDDEN RIDGE. 2010 IRVING, TX 75038

Crisp, John David POBOX 1928 TEXARKANA, TX 75504

Giles, Gregory Ross PO BOX 2631 TEXARKANA, TX 75504

Hooper, Jimmy L. PO BOX 2630 TEXARKANA, TX 75504

Langdon, Brent M. PO BOX 5367 TEXARKANA, TX 75505

Culver, Curtis N. 4119 COLONY CROSSiNG DR SUGAR LAND, TX 77479

Gooding, William C. 3702 MAPLECREST ST TEXARKANA, TX 75503

Howard, Jo Ann PO BOX 1148 AUSTIN, TX 78767

Langston, H. A., Jr. 9968 MIXON ST DALLAS, TX 75220

Davis, J. Mark 6300 DOUGLAS AVE' 800 DALLAS, TX 75225

Goodson, John C. PO BOX 618 TEXARKANA, TX 75504

Howard, Scott 2125 UNIVERSAL CITY .1416 UNIVERSAL CITY, TX 78148

Lavender, G. William

Howell, Bobby L. POBOX411 TEXARKANA, TX 75504

Levender, Lerry 6454 LAKE CIRCLE DR DALLAS, TX 75214

Deisch, Phillip POBOX 1642 HOUSTON, TX 77251 Dickerson, Paul L. PO BOX 1938 TEXARKANA, TX 75504 Dodson, Richard N. PO BOX 3257 TEXARKANA, TX 75504

Dodson, Robert E. PO BOX 1877 TEXARKANA, TX 75504

Goodwin, Randall D. PO BOX 1928 TEXARKANA,TX75504

Greer, John B., III PO BOX 1928 TEXARKANA, TX 75504 Haltom, Brent MILLER CO COURTHOUSE' 6 TEXARKANA, TX 75502

Harrel, Alan D. PO BOX 5517 TEXARKANA, TX 75505

Dougherty, Kenneth P. 708 FIRST CITY PL TYLER, TX 75702

Harrelson, F. G., Jr. PO BOX 2631 TEXARKANA,TX75504

Dou9herty, Robert P., Jr. 708 FIRST CITY PL TYLER, TX 75702

Harris, Mariam J, Bingham 4101 ROWAN DR FORT WORTH, TX 76116

HUber, Edmund B., Jr. 424 MACK HOLLIMAN DR KERRVILLE, TX 78028


Lawson, Carol Ann .11 N. Cedar Lawn Galveston, TX 77551

Hudspeth, Gien Carter PO BOX 1877 TEXARKANA, TX 75504

Lewis, Jeffery Carl PO BOX 5517 TEXARKANA, TX 75503

Jackson, Carol Johnson 1004 OVERHILl ST BEDFORD, TX 76022

Livingston, John T.

Jelen, Susan E. 525 GRIFFIN ST STE 926 DALLAS, TX 75202 Johnson, Leanne 470 ORLEANS ST FL 4 BEAUMONT, TX 77701

1516 SAN SABA DR DALLAS, TX 75218 Lonsberry, Michael W. PO BOX 613 NEW BOSTON, TX 75570

Maim, Barbara A. 922 COLUMBIA ST HOUSTON, TX 77008

Maim. Jeffrey G. 675 BERI NG DR STE 350 HOUSTON. TX 77057

Myers, Ronald Keith 803 PINE ST TEXARKANA. TX 75501

PNd'homme. M. Edwin 520 POST OAK BLVD STE 270 HOUSTON, TX 77027

Stubblefield, Charles R. 2117-1. PAT BOOKER RD UNIVERSAL CITY. TX 78148

Malone. Clyde N. 10726 SANDPIPER LN DALLAS, TX 75230

Neely. Tom PO BOX 1520 VERNON. TX 76384

Pumphrey, Penny 5935 GOUAD AVE 16-1 DALLAS, TX 75206

TallDn, Helmut F. 1710 MOORES LN TEXARKANA. TX 75503

Malone. Sand"a Caroina POBOX 1928 TEXARKANA, TX 75504

Noble. Mary Gooch 1845 WCX>DALL ROGERS '1700 DALLAS. TX 7520 1

Rabrol<ar. Mary Butler 5916 MEADOWCREST DR DALlAS. TX 75230

Tate. W~1iam E. PO BOX 2044 TEXARKANA. TX 75504

MaJ1in, Clay N. 12127 LOS CEROOS ST SAN ANTONIO. TX 78233

0iY8f. Jaoqueine lalla 530 BROOKHURST DR DALLAS, TX 75218

Raffaalfi. Louis J. 602 PINEST TEXARKANA. TX 75501

Tausch. Loui... 1710 MOORES LN TEXARKANA. TX 75505

Mason. Ronald J. 822 DELPHI DR DUNCANVILLE, TX 75137

Ozbirn, David W. 500 N AKARD' 2600 DALLAS. TX 7520 1

Ray. Herbert L 4320 WILSON LN FORT WORTH, TX 76133

Teylor. Da",,1 R. 15524 BAY POINT DR DALLAS, TX 75248

Mathis, Louis F. POBOX 1245 PORT ARTHUR, TX n841

Par1<er, Stewn L 1445 ROSS AVE' 1200-US DALLAS, TX 75202

Reznicek, Stephen L 8827 TlMBERCUFF SAN ANTONIO. TX 78250

Taylor, Katen J. L 15524 BAY POINT DR DALlAS, TX 75248

McCasland. Kristi I. POBOX 1928 TEXARKANA, TX 75504

Patterson. C. ClIIY PO BOX 679 DAINGERFIELD, TX 75638

Roberts, W~liam B. PO BOX 1928 TEXARKANA, TX 75504

Teylor. Robert G., III 3400 One Allen Cenler Hou.ton. TX 77002

McGinnis. Robert S., Jr. POBOX 1877 TEXARKANA, TX 75504

Patteson, Matthew C.• Jr. 2707 NEWMAN ST HOUSTON, TX 77098

Robinson. R. Barry 6095 BANDOLERO DR EL PASO, TX 79912

Thoma', Martin K. 7334 PARKRIDGE BLVD APT 525 IRVING, TX 75063

McKinnon, Kevin M. G. 2208 VILLAGE CIR APT 925 BEDFORD, TX 76022

Patton. Nicholas H. PO BOX 1897 TEXARKANA, TX 75504

Rochalle, Jarry A. PO BOX 1938 TEXARKANA, TX 75504

Todwall, John Loui. POBOX 18n TEXARKANA, TX 75504

McNair, John R. 2931 S BEND DR DALLAS. TX 75229

Patton, Thomas K. PO BOX 1928 TEXARKANA, TX 75504

Rochalle, Jerry Dean RR 3 BOX 255A TEXARKANA. TX 75503

Todwall. Kally B. 1710 MOORES LN TEXARKANA. TX 75505

McWilliam•• George L. PO BOX 1928 TEXARKANA.TX75504

Payne, T. Michaal 1616 GUADALUPE. 600 AUSTlN, TX 78701

Ro...nthaJ, Norton S. 200 Cresoent Court STE 1500 DALLAS, TX 7520 1

Tucl<er. David L. 2017 CEDAR SPRINGS RD DALLAS. TX 7520 1

Mercy, John R. 1710 MOORES LN TEXARKANA, TX 75505

Pearson, Paul W PO BOX 12670 DALLAS, TX 75225

Ru....U. Norman C. 1710 MOORES LN TEXARKANA. TX 75503

Vaughan, R. Keith POBOX 1326 ANGLETON. TX 77516

Milar, A. Paul PO BOX 2044 TEXARKANA. TX 75504

Peal<, Michael D. 524 SPRUCE ST TEXARKANA, TX 75501

sander., 'Walle<" Buck 5519 PINE ARBOR HOUSTON, TX 77066

Ve.taI. John H. 3417 HANOVER DALlAS. TX 75225

Mner. John F., Jr. PO BOX 3030 TEXARKANA, TX 75504

Peek. WiIIl8m L., Jr. PO BOX 1928 TEXARKANA. TX 75504

Schneider. Mchaal W. 1500 Marila, 7/01N Danas, TX 75201

Viguel Robert J.• Jr. 2700 REVERE ST APT 109 HOUSTON. TX n098

MitcheU. Aaron L. 12516 AUDEUA RDAPT 1502 DALLAS, TX 75243

Permetti. James PO BOX 5367 TEXARKANA. TX 75505

searcy. Jad< C.. Jr. 17307 VINTAGE WCX>D LN SPRING. TX n379

Wam>n, Wiliam M. 4420 W VICKERY BLVD FORT WORTH. TX 76107

Montgomery, Don 0 .. Jr. 1201 ELM ST. 4221 DaRas, TX 75270

Pfiester, Charles E. 4700 WELFORD BELLAIRE. TX n401

Simmon•• R. S. 901 JEFFERY DR TYLER, TX 75703

Watl<in•• Smifie PO BOX 567929 DALlAS, TX 75356

Moore, Marshan H. PO BOX 2631 TEXARKANA. TX 75504

Pid<et1, John M. PO BOX 1938 TEXARKANA,TX75504

Smart, Charla S. Weaver 1201 BACON RANCH RD 1514 KILLEEN, TX 76542

W_. Robert W. 1710 MOORES LN TEXARKANA. TX 75505

Morriss, Josh R., III 1710 MOORES LN TEXARKANA, TX 75505

Pirtle. Leslie L RT 1 BOX 290 GLADEWATER, TX 75847

Smith. Robert Ray 3903 RIDGELEA DR AUSTlN. TX 78731

Wallenberger. Robert B. 200 CRESCENT COtJRT ST FL 11 DALlAS. TX 7520 1

Mowery, William Howard 1710 MOORES LN TEXARKANA, TX 75505

Plaxco, Dele Edwin 2302 GUTHRIE .206 GARLAND, TX 75043

Sparks, Robert A. PO BOX 626 CLEBURNE, TX 76033

Whealer, C. B. PO BOX 1838 TEXARKANA. TX 75504

Murry, Monty Gene PO BOX 1877 TEXARKANA, TX 75504

Potter, David J. 90t N STATE LINE AVE TEXARKANA, TX 75501

Stewart, Ned A.• Jr. 1710 MOORES LN TEXARKANA, TX 75505

Wheeler, Michael E. 1303 SAN JACINTO Houston, TX 77002

Whitefield, C810lyn L PO BOX 3258 TEXARKANA, TX 75504

Dooms, Ronald F. 3000 S RANDOLPH 1259 ARLINGTON, VA 22206

Whitehurst David W. 1327 CH EROKEE DR RICHARDSON, TX 75080

Hammond, Dorothy deMetteo 12524 HARRISON LANDING RD CHARLES CITY, VA 23030

Williams, Debbie SCott 9 GREENWAY PL 20TH FL HOUSTON, TX 77046

Hemingway, Charles W. 3526 PAULST ALEXANDRIA, VA 22311

Winiams, seth AI, Jr. 2605 TEXAS BLVD' 302 TEXARKANA, TX 75503

Hunter, Jeny Don 5550 COLUMBIA PIKE A 1270 ARLINGTON, VA 22204

WiniamsOl'l, Barry 9523 HILLVIEW DR DALLAS, TX 75231

Hunter, Willis C. 1585 ROBIN LN CHARLOTIESVILLE, VA 22901

Woods, James William 2402 CREEKSIDE CIR IRVING, TX 75063

Kirby, Louie C. 38DO TREYBURN DR' 100A WILLIAMSBURG, VA 23185

Wuest Charles S. 1200 SMITH ST STE 1400 HOUSTON, TX 77002


Wyly, James Clark PO BOX 5367 TEXARKANA, TX 75505

Moser, James CIci., Jr.

Young, Damon PO BOX 1897 TEXARKANA, TX 75504

Nelson, David P. 1100 WORLD TRADE CENTER NORFOLK, VA 23510

UNITED KINGDOM Brown,J.SCott 8th FI, Aldwych Hs, 71191 London, England, WC2B Pruitt, Usa R. 19 UXBRIDGE ST London, England, UK W87TO

UTAH Durand, Richard C., Jr. 23 DETROBRIAND ST FORT DOUGLAS, UT 84113


Cono, Michelle E. 2303 BRILYN PL FALLS CHURCH, VA 22046 Cromwell, James R. 1810 MOUNT VERNON RD SW ROANOKE, VA 24015 Dalmut, Pete M. 7207 DORMONT ST SPRINGFIELIO, VA 22150

104 N JORDAN ST , 202 ALEXANDRIA, VA 22304

Overholt, Hugh R. 3810 WASHINGTON WOOD DR ALEXANDRIA, VA 22309 Ransick, Myra L. 10435 RED GRANITE TER OAKTON, VA 22124

Williams, J81nes H., III POBOX 19281 ALEXANDRIA, VA 22320

WASHINGTON Bock-Oil, Pabicia Me......., 14926 72ND PL NE BOTHELL, WA 98011 Caldwell, Bruce T. 18241 157TH AVE SE RENTON, WA ge058 Cumming., Gordon L. POBOX 745 PUYALLUP, WA 98371 Gillaspy, Betsy A. 10500 8TH ST NE '1700 BELLEVUE, WA 98004

Herman, Delbert M. 15411 SE 53RD PL BELLEVUE, WA 98006

Stinnett, Mary J. 13415SE 184TH ST RENTON, WA ge058 Sulins, NanetlB B. TEMPLE OF JUST1CE-MSAV~l OLYMPIA, WA ll8504

WlSCONSON Teal, Charta. R. 3939 W HIGHLAND BLVD MILWAUKEE, WI 53208 WYOMING Gwyn, Buckner C. PO BOX 1722 CASPER, WY 82602

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Ransick, SCott E. 10435 RED GRANITE TER OAKTON, VA 22124 Rayder, J. W., Jr. 610 S ST ASAPH ST ALEXANDRIA, VA 22314 Rice, Grace Ellen 1136 QUAKER HILL CT ALEXANDRIA, VA 22314

Riso, Delia Des1ier 6269 CHAUCER VIEW CIR ALEXANDRIA, VA 22304

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