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Twenty-Two Realty
Robyn Eastman is an early bird. Lanae Humbles is a night owl. Together they’ve realized success by playing on each woman’s strengths and undertaking the aspects of the business that most brings them joy. Lanae, for instance, has a keen understanding of Texas Real Estate contracts and forms and is a Master Certifi ed Negotiation Expert, liaising with lenders, title companies, and other agents, facilitating smooth transactions for clients. Robyn enjoys being the face of Twenty-Two Realty, spending her days showing homes to potential buyers and researching the more diffi cult questions they have about properties and surrounding communities. Robyn and Lanae are also savvy marketers with over 20 years of graphic design experience and an innovative eye for marketing homes. It’s been a winning combination for Twenty-Two Realty. “Doing what we each love keeps our attitudes positive and prevents burn out,” Robyn said. “We’re also careful to maintain a good work/life balance. We love our jobs, but real estate is at its heart a customer service business and customer service can be demanding. We want to keep our spirits high and our clients feeling loved and appreciated. For us, task division and work/life balance are the keys to happiness and success.” Lanae was a natural-born entrepreneur, selling her drawings to church members at age six (for money her mom made her quickly return, when she caught wind of it) and setting up pay-to-play carnivals for her little friends. Robyn fi rst delved into business ownership with The Little Gym of Arlington/Mansfi eld, a successful children’s gymnastics and motor skill development facility. When the two ventured into real estate, they quickly found success. During their fi rst ten years as REALTORS®, they have earned many top honors including Rookie of the Year and Fleetwood Newberry Meritorious Service Award at Arlington Board of REALTORS®, and Centurion Team, President’s Team, Quality Service Pinnacle Team, Dene Fite Quality Service Award and #1 Team at CENTURY 21 Judge Fite Company. Now, on their own as brokers at Twenty-Two Realty, they’re applying 40+ years of combined business and customer service experience with their extensive real estate knowledge and in-depth understanding of the local market to help families buy and sell the largest possession most of them will ever own, their home. Both women give unselfi shly of themselves, not only to their clients and families (combined, they have nine children!) but at local nursing homes, where for ten years they’ve played bingo with residents. Both women have served in leadership roles at Arlington Board of REALTORS® where Robyn is currently the Secretary/Treasurer and will be Chairman of the Board in 2023. Lanae is busy helping the Church on Rush Creek launch a new campus in her hometown of Midlothian and serves as the Capital Improvements Director of her HOA. They have been involved in numerous other local community leadership and service organizations including Leadership Arlington, Leadership Mansfield, Mansfield Citizens Police Academy, Midlothian Citizens Police Academy, Mansfield Citizens Fire Academy and Mansfi eld Area Chamber of Commerce Ambassador to name a few. “Our vision for Twenty-Two Realty is that of integrity, value, service, philanthropy—and fun,” Lanae said. “Real estate should never be one-size-fi tsall. We customize the process for each unique client and have a dream of expanding our brand to include 22 offi ces across the Metroplex to serve even more families.”
“Our vision for TwentyTwo Realty is that of integrity, value, service, philanthropy—and fun,” Lanae said. “Real estate should never be one-size-fits-all. We customize the process for each unique client and have a dream of expanding our brand to include 22 offices across the Metroplex to serve even more families.”

"Our Complete Hearing Health Care program includes all of the services people need to be successful with their investment in better hearing, including free batteries for the lifetime of the devices!"
Kos/Danchak Audiology & Hearing Aids
Dr. Melissa Danchak is humbled by the opportunity she and her staff are given to help people hear better. "We are given the opportunity to help people reconnect to their life in so many ways. The positive quality of life differences that we have been making are humbling - it reminds us why we do what we do!" Hearing and understanding clearly what is being said is more challenging than ever before. "So many of the environments that we are in on a daily basis have competing background noises. Even for someone with 'normal' hearing, it is challenging to understand what is being said when there is background noise present. For someone with hearing loss, understanding what is being said is one of the biggest challenges they face." Dr. Danchak and her staff recognize that hearing loss is a very unique and personal experience. "Hearing loss makes it challenging to really engage with family members and friends in social gatherings. Each person has their own story to tell about how hearing loss has been impacting their life. Personally, I've been helping people hear better for over 24 years. It's exciting, and emotional. When someone wears hearing aids for the first time, they almost immediately realize that they can reconnect to the important people in their life. They realize just how much they've been missing." Although hearing loss is a natural part of the aging process, the signs are not always obvious. "Because hearing loss isn't as noticeable as blurry vision or a toothache, it's understandable that people deny that they may need to get their ears and hearing checked. However, hearing well is an essential part of everyday life - using the phone, communicating with friends, family, and coworkers, and understanding important medical discussions. Regardless of age, we all depend on our ears and our hearing." Your better hearing experience begins with a discussion about your unique and personal hearing challenges. A hearing evaluation is then conducted and, if appropriate, a live listening demonstration with hearing devices will be provided. Dr. Danchak and her staff understand that investing in better hearing is not just about technology. "Our Complete Hearing Health Care program includes all of the services people need to be successful with their investment in better hearing, including free batteries for the lifetime of the devices!" The long-term relationships Kos/ Danchak Audiology forms with their patient's, and their family members, is just one reason they have earned over 100 fi ve-star reviews on Google, Facebook, and healthyhearing.com. It's also why so many of their satisfi ed patients refer their friends and family to them each month! "Our product is better hearing health care! Your appointment at Kos/Danchak Audiology & Hearing Aids will be an informative experience and a great start on your path to better hearing!"