March 2021

Page 40



Bob Sherwood’s ‘55 Chevy Bel Air convertible was, is, and always will be a classic Photos: Richard Greene

Here’s a classic Rolls that very few people have been able to see • By Richard Greene


magine becoming the owner of a vintage Rolls Royce built for an Italian Baron to exacting specifications that make it one-of-a-kind. Then, imagine circumstances occurring that suspend the opportunity to describe its provenance to fellow Rolls enthusiasts, and you would be sharing that disappointing experience with local attorney Steve Laird. Steve acquired this 1958 Rolls Royce Silver Cloud just over a year ago – at about the same time the national coronavirus pandemic was taking hold of the country. “There are local Rolls’ clubs, one in Dallas, another state-wide, and nationally. I joined them all and was looking forward to meeting fellow owners, participating in shows and road trips and, understandably, all of that had to be canceled,” he laments when describing what has happened. “I am anxious for those to pick back up, but I’ll just have to wait. Those clubs include owners of Rolls automobiles that comprise ones that are older, some much older, and newer than mine.”


ARLINGTON TODAY • March 2021 •

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