Incolink Assist Your bespoke Employee Assistance Program. Built by Incolink, experts in well being.
Incolink Assist is the employee assistance program designed and built for Australia’s construction and manufacturing industry. Our Employee Assistance program helps you help your staff.
How does Incolink Assist work? Incolink will create a personalised corporate landing page, with your branding, for staff to access information about the service. You’ll also be provided with your company’s own 1300 number to allow workers to access phone or skype counselling service. It can form a key part of your work to promote a mentally healthy workplace so that people can realise their potential while coping with the ordinary challenges of life. You can choose how many sessions your staff will be eligible to access under this service. Why engage an Employee Assistance Service? Mental health conditions cost Australian workplaces $10.9 billion each year – more than any physical injury. One in five Australians will experience a poor mental health episode in any one year. The stress can be sudden, or build over time, and impact the employee’s wellbeing and performance. The construction and manufacturing industry is a highpressure environment and providing access to an Employee Assistance Program that understands the industry, whilst offering a wide range of specialist counselling services can contribute to them being an employer of choice. This in turn increases employee satisfaction and retention. Early intervention and easy access to treatment can reduce the duration of a mental health episode and enable an employee to participate more fully in the workplace. Give your employees access to a proven service designed for them and for your business.
There are three offerings. You can choose one, two or all three.
Phone / Skype Counselling Counselling sessions with a trained counsellor. Face to face sessions are available at Incolink’s Carlton (Victoria) office. Visits to your office can be arranged at fee for service.
Critical Incident Support A trained counsellor to visit your office immediately after a critical incident to speak with staff and allow them to debrief
Psych-Ed Training Sessions Mental health awareness sessions designed to increase your people’s ability to recognise risks to their mental health. They can cover a range of topics from anxiety to stress to addiction. These are conducted on your premises.