TourInfo Magazine 100 November Issue 2012

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Contents Emergency Phone Numbers..................... 64 Regions Area Codes/Cellphone Codes..... 64 Health & Medical/Pharmacies.................... 64 Embassies, Consulates............................... 66 Armenian Land’s Official Information....... 66 Hotels...................................................... 68 Dinings......................................................... 70 Cafes/Pubs/Bars/Beer Houses/Pastries........ 74 Shoppings..................................................... 76 Entertainment & Services............................ 80 Airlines/Travel Agencies/Banks .................. 82

­ VOL.10/100 November 2012 Founder/Director­­­­ Garen Marcarian Editor-In-Chief

Anita Hovsepian

Marketing­Manager Lilit Hovhannisyan Editor­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Astghik Tatosyan ­Translator­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Astghik Tatosyan

Museums/Art Galleries/Libraries................. 84

Art­Designer­­­­­­­­­­­Natalia Margaryan

What’s up..................................................... 86

Photographer­­­­­­­­­Vahe Minasyan

Theatres & Concert Halls............................ 87 Let’s Speak Armenian ................................. 88 Regions of Armenia ..................................... 90

Subjects Temple of Aruch...................................... 20 The Domed Basilica of Odzun.................. 26

The Miracle of Vorotan Canyon........…... 32 Goshavank Complex............................… 38 Treasures of “Khosrov Forest”................. 44 Saint Astvatsatsin Church in Areni........ 52 Jermajur Hot Springs............................… 56 Trchkan Waterfall..................................... 60

How to reach “TourInfo” Magazine: By­Mail:­­­­2 Arshakunyats Str., #109 0023, Yerevan, RA

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Cover Page: 10 Years, 100 Issues More than 1000000 Observers



No part, section, photo or insertion in this publication may be used, copied in any way without prior written authorization of the copyright holder.

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November­Thanksgiving­Day,­telethon­and­a­month­to­be­a­giver.­ This month of November is our 100th issue since 2003. When I came first time to Armenia I decided to publish a magazine for visitors in Armenia and why not for the population of Armenia. I should thank all our advertisers and the organizations that corporate with us based on the positive results that they were seeing in their business. We have published 11 issues of TourInfo each year and we are very pride that in the bad economic situation we could stand TourInfo Magazine as its organized structure each month and didn’t disappoint our visitors from Armenia’s Information. In 10 Years our subscribers hit to more than 300K for our digital version, each year we expand our distribution areas. During all these years we have had fruitful cooperation with the best companies of Armenian industry, and regarding to advertisement we have advertised only the best products of Armenia. This comes to prove that we have remained constant in presenting the highest quality and keeping world advertisement standards. Originally, we were aimed to publish a magazine for the visitors of our country so that travelers can find all the best places to stay, eat and entertain themselves. In each issue of TourInfo magazine we have presented all the cultural events of Yerevan and Armenia as the magazine has always been covering comprehensive subjects on great international and pan-Armenian cultural and sport events, such as international concerts held in Armenia, competitions, contests, festivals and many more… Today we are proud to see that our goal is achieved, as I am filled with feelings of gratification and glory when I see visitors in Armenia trying to find some places with the help of TourInfo map, or reading something on a great festival held in Armenia. It is the best appraisal for us when we receive a thank you letter from a traveler who travelled in Armenia and left our country with great impressions… This is what for we are working every day. During all these 10 years, which is a serious experience in colorful publication and informative sphere, I would thank to all partners who corporate with us all these years and I would thank to all visitors that always with their emails and calls have supported us by their questions and nice testimonials. Garen­Marcarian Founding Director

November 2012

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TourInfo Magazine

10 Years, 100 Issues, More than 1000000 Observers For a decade “TourInfo” magazine has been exploring and revealing the unique nature of Armenia, its picturesque sights and historical monuments of universal cultural value, architectural structures and unique traditions. Each issue of “TourInfo” magazine covers beautiful subjects on country’s history, special columns on art, culture and cuisine, and it often elucidates many cultural events throughout the country, such as all pan-Armenian and international great concerts, festivals, conferences. In this regard, “TourInfo” is a specific guide for the visitors of our country; moreover, it can become “a reliable friend” for visitors in Armenia. It is not accidental that the magazine has the following headline: "Armenia in your pocket". By its format, volume and variety of subjects “TourInfo” magazine plays a great role in the development of tourism market as the main source of full travel information. Certainly, all these achievements are realized due to the true management and high professionalism of the magazine's director Garen Markarian as he essentially assessed the importance of accessibility of information in the field of tourism. Today, the 100th jubilee issue of “TourInfo” magazine is published, which speaks about the years of experience, high quality and great demand of the magazine among the travelers and native readers. 10 years' activity in leading colorful publication in tourism industry is a serious experience. Now it can be proudly announced that “TourInfo” is leading in three points at the same time: it is the first free, colorful and informative magazine in Armenia. Now, the history of the magazine is revealed by founding director Garen Marcarian, “We came to Armenia for the first time in 2003. We were very interested in the field of publication. Having studied the Armenian market, we understood that the accessibility of travel information in tourism industry needed a new stage of development. It became stimuli for us to create the first colorful journal in Armenia for visitors.”


This initiative was immediately welcomed, and the realization could not be failed as the head of the enterprise was a person who had experience of many years in the field of publishing. Garen Marcarian has been publishing a paper of 150000 daily editions in Tehran for many years. Due to his efforts “Orange Trading” advertising company has been operating in Tehran since 1991 and in 2003 its branch was opened in Armenia. Afterwards, “TourInfo” magazine was established in Armenia, the first issue of which was published in July, 2003. According to the monitoring results made among the readers, more than 1.000.000 people have read the magazine during 10 years of publication. “It let us think that we have achieved our goal. The traveler who comes to our country should have the best places to stay, dine and see. Our main goal is to do everything to make visitors feel at home when they arrive and be sure that they are satisfied and happy when they leave. Hence, our job makes us an ambassador of good will for our country. During all these years we have tried to keep the quality and world-class standards”, mentioned Garen Marcarian and added, “We have been aimed at presenting the best products and companies of Armenia. On this evidence, we should thank our partners”. Suren Vardevanyan, the first editor of the magazine, also had great contribution to magazine’s establishment, and even to the choice of the name of the magazine. It is great happiness for each worker to see “TourInfo” in a visitor's hand in Armenia, who shares his impressions and thanks us. “This is the most pleasant moment”, confesses Garen Marcarian, “During all these years we have had many employees who did their best to provide each visitor with necessary information about Armenia. We are proud to have created this great family named “TourInfo”, and now all of us promise to continue to work for the visitors of our country still for many-many years!”

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Temple of Aruch

The Ornament of Armenian Architecture Domed halls make a special group in diversity of early medieval Armenian architecture. One of the largest churches of this type of architecture is the temple of Aruch which has been quite well preserved and reached our days. The temple is situated in the village of Aruch, near Ashtarak. It has dominating power in the panorama of the locality and can be easily seen in the distance. According to the bibliographic sources and constructional records, which are carved on the eastern faรงade under the central window, the temple was built in the 7th century during the 29th year of reign of Emperor Constantine by the representatives of the Mamikonyan ruling dynasty Grigor and his wife Heghine. There are three entrances to the specious temple from the north, west and east which are decorated by pillared portals. The main alter stands in the eastern side of the temple with two depositors in both sides of it. There are two niches with one window between alter and depositors on the eastern facades of the temple. Due to its high position the dome was once dominating in the temple, the load of which was transferred to the pilasters through the four sails. Once the drum of the dome was polyhedral decorated with elegant arches leaned upon the pilasters in the corners. In addition to the unique architectural design temple of Aruch is also famous for its wall-paintings.


Though they are now greatly damaged the frescos have been saved and we can see the illustrated scenes. The scene of Ascension is portrayed on the spacious alter of the temple. On the blue background we can notice 7 meters high figure of Christ portrayed between two angels. On his left hand Christ holds a big paper with Armenian missionary text. Slightly below the whole area is framed by the wide decorated belt formed by leaves in the gorgeous curls of which there are baskets and vessels full of fruits, such as grapes and pomegranates. The particular impression is made by the play of green, white and red colors on the black background. The northern walls of alter are decorated with the images of 6 apostles. It is supposed that the other 6 apostles have been portrayed on the southern wall of alter, and Our Lady among angels has been portrayed between the three windows. The name of the artist - Stepanos has also been preserved in the lower part of the fresco. During its centuries-old history the temple of Aruch has been renovated for several times. For the first time it was repaired in 973 by a person named Gorom about which there is a record on the northern wall of the temple. The main reconstruction works were done in 1949-1956. Some restoration works continue to be done even today. Thus, we have the opportunity to admire the unique ornament of early medieval Armenian architecture.


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The Domed Basilica of Odzun The Masterpiece of Armenian Monumental Architecture Early medieval Armenian architecture (4-7 centuries) has exclusive significance for the history of ecclesiastical architecture of Armenia. After adopting Christianity as the state religion in 301 a new stage of development begins with the introducing of new setup, new artistic and constructive principles that became the basis of the medieval Armenian architecture. One of the masterpieces of that period is the temple of Odzun built on 6-7 centuries. The temple is situated in Odzun village of Lori region, on the high hill surrounded by wonderful northern nature of Armenia, the colorful images of which become more fantastic in autumn. The temple represents a domed basilica with a rectangular plan stretching from west to east which inside is divided into 3 halls by 3 pairs of pillars; the central hall is wider and ends in the main semicircle altar, and from the lateral ones the entrances to depositors are opened. The dome that is placed nearly in the middle of the porch dominates in the whole setup of the church. From the north, west and south the temple is surrounded by parlors. The northern and southern ones are distinguished for the arcades, and the arched entrance of the church opens from the western parlor.


The small bell-towers can be seen in the both sides of the eastern facade. The setup of the temple is filled up by the artistic expressive means of the monument. The facades are decorated by different bas-reliefs which present vegetative decoration patterns, encircled crosses, high-reliefs set in the walls one of which presents Our Lady with infant Christ in her lap. Some of these high-reliefs belong to the period of building the temple; the others are older and are supposed to have been transferred from other monuments. There is a tomb solemnly situated in the north-eastern side of the temple which is one of the best examples of the early medieval Armenian memorial architecture and sculpture. There between 3 arched struts placed on a high pedestal stand two quadrilateral monuments of 5 meters height wholly decorated with highly artistic bas-reliefs of religious scenes with rich geometric and floral ornaments. One of them is very interesting; it portrays a man with a pig’s head holding in hand a cane crowned with a cross in the end. It is assumed that this image is related to the tradition connected with Armenian king Tiridates III according to which he has been transformed to a pig. The images of apostles and Our Lady with the child can also be seen in the bas-reliefs.


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The Miracle of Vorotan Canyon Do you Think to Visit Devil’s Bridge (IV – II mil. BC) Nature is amazing with its wonderful sights and miraculous monuments which make an integral part of world natural heritage. Such natural obelisks are “Devil’s Bridges”. Yes, there are many bridges in the world with that name, for example in Switzerland, France, Bulgaria, etc. You can find the “Devil’s Bridge” (Satani Kamurj) in Armenia as well… The Bridge is situated in the Canyon of Vorotan River, and stretches for nearly 30 meters length. It is located in the deepest part of the gorge in the depth of 700-800 meters. In that part the gorge is so narrow that even the sun rays are not able to penetrate to the bottom of the gorge. One of the picturesque monuments of nature – the Devil’s Bridge is situated here in this deep canyon, surrounded with many mountainous springs the waters of which had painted the rocks of the canyon with pink, yellow and green colors. This wonderful structure is natural bridge formed from travertines. During many centuries huge masses of limestone have been gathering to form this powerful stone arch. The stalactites made by the mineral water springs hang from the edges of this stone arch, and there are beautiful falls rushing down from the rock caves under the natural bridge. The mineral springs are situated just under the bridge. They are poured into Vorotan River to make it more abundant. At the first sight it seems that the small and thin river flows under the bridge but, instead, we see a deeper river flowing from the bridge. Perhaps, this is the reason that people


named the natural bridge “Devil’s Bridge”. Nowadays, people are used to look at the river-bed of Vorotan and to say, “It is the devil’s work…” The hot mineral waters of healthy traits made ponds under the bridge. It is known that still in the ancient times Armenian wealthy people used to visit this wonderful cave in summer months to have a bath in the healthy waters of the basins. The nature of Syunik region is marvelous. River Vorotan (178 km) – the natural treasure of Syunik flows through the wonderful area of the region. Flowing in the beautiful canyon, the river passes through the caves of Stone Age, fortresses and monasteries of Bronze Age. The river-bed is a perfect place for trekking tours. The footways stretching through the forests lead to Tatev, Karahunj, and Halidzor. In spring and summer months the amateurs of river rafting can have a wonderful rafting experience in the Canyon of Vorotan River. You will have an opportunity to row in the abundant river and at the same time to enjoy the beauty of picturesque natural scenes: deep canyons, pointed mountain peaks, island-fortresses. Never forget to follow the recommendations of experienced guides who should by all means accompany you during your rafting tours through the river. Well, now I am sure that the amateurs of wild nature are going to pack their expeditionary utensils to travel to one of the most gorgeous sights of Armenia. After visiting Devil’s Bridge it is our pleasure if you share your experience and the photos with us to publish them with your words and name.

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Goshavank Complex The Architectural Treasures of Dilijan Autumn in Armenia is the best time for good cool vacation season, when nature calls you to enjoy its freshness and peace. Summer is the best rest season in the beautiful resort cities in the north of Armenia, for example, Dilijan, which attracts with its wonderful forests, mild climate and curative air. But it is impossible to visit the town of Dilijan and not to visit the medieval architectural complex, such as Goshavank. Goshavank monastery is located at 15 km to the east of Dilijan, in the valley of Getik river, the tributary of Aghstev. In Gosh village, in the 12th century there was a monastery named Getik which was destroyed in 1186 of earthquake. The greatest medieval thinker and legislator Mkhitar Gosh applied to Ivane & Zakarian princes to provide a land for establishing a monastery. He built the monastic complex which was originally named New Getik and after his death it was renamed Goshavank. Goshavank was one of the most important cultural centers of medieval Armenia that had a high spiritual school-catechism. In this school the students were taught theology, philosophy, architecture,


painting, art of writing, music. It is located on the top of a hillock. It was constructed during the 12-13th centuries. The Architectural complex included different small churches on different sides of the monastery, such as St. Astvatsatsin church, St Grigor Church, bell tower, and the tomb-chapel of Mkhitar Gosh which, according to tradition, contains the remains of Mkhitar Gosh. The first church built in the monastic complex is church of St. Astvatsatsin entrance of which is from the porch which was built in 1191-1196 by carpenter master Mkhitar. Almost all the structures of the monastic complex are distinguished by high value interior, especially the entrances, which are decorated with rich tiny ornaments. The architecture represents a unique style in the two-story, bell tower, the first floor of which was built as a writing house and half a century later the second floor was added as a belfry. The important part of Goshavank is the crossstone put on the west side of St. Gregory Church. In 1291 master Poghos erected this wonderful crossstone which is famous for its tiny craft, which received, the name of "cross embroidery".

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Treasures of “Khosrov Forest”

Would you Play on the Basalt Organ “Stone Symphony”? One of the Armenian kings, Khosrov II Kotak decided to plant a forest on the Southern slopes of Geghama Mountains in the IV century. He bred the forest with various animals and birds and made it a royal chase. Today, “Khosrov Forest” Reserve is situated in the same territory in the basins of rivers Azat and Vedi. For many centuries Khosrov Forest has been mentioned in the history of Armenia as a noble chase – main entertainment place for the Armenian kings. In spite if its small territory of about 30000 hectares, the state reserve can be proud of a unique biodiversity of plants and animals. Forested and semidesert landscapes of Armenian nature are presented here with unique symbiosis of their flora and fauna. More than 1850 species of plants are grown in the territory of state reserve, which makes more than 50% of the flora of Armenia. The main plants of the treasury of “Khosrov Forest” are the juniperus and oak forest, and of course, steppe wormwood. Luxuriant landscapes and flora of the whole territory of not only reserve but also that of the region create favourable environmental conditions for the preservation of diversity of fauna. Steep slopes and the flowery glades of the forests are considered to be the settlement of Armenian endemic species, such as Armenian brown bear, bezoar goat that are registered in the Red Book of Armenia. In the forest-reserve you can meet also such unique and beautiful animals as Asian panther (Panthera pardus ciscaucasica) and leopard living in deep canyons and shrubberies. As you see, the flora and fauna of the reserve are very rich and there are unique species that are worth to see. In general, the 70% of the animals, registered in the Red Book of Armenia, dwell here. Most


of them are in the danger of disappearing and are registered in the International Red Book, such as Armenian Mouflon (wild sheep) and an amazing hedgehog with large ears. Talking of the treasures of “Khosrov Forest” we should mention also historical memorials, monuments and natural obelisks: cave settlements, ancient medieval monasteries, cross-stones and churches. “Khosrov Forest” reserve is a perfect travel destination for scientific, cognitive and eco tours, as well as pilgrimages. Next to all wonderful centuries-old monasteries there is a holy place for pilgrimages – Saint Stepanos Church which for many centuries has been a sanctuary for millions of people. Now about the main attractions of the “Khosrov Forest” reserve. For expeditions the most exciting peaks are Khosrov reserve's falls, and of course, “Symphony of Stones” – the miracle of the gorge of Azat River. This monument of nature, called “Basalt Organ” is a massive rock structure formed by basalt hexagonal pillars due to the frozen flows of lava. These huge rocks have a look of the organ, that's why people are used to call it “Basalt Organ”. In the territory of the reserve you are to have a wonderful walking tour during which you will see the other miracle of the region – 2 wonderful waterfalls. People call the waterfalls by the names of beloved pagan gods of ancient Armenian mythology - goddess of love and beauty Astghik and god of war Vahagn because, as the legend says, the goddess used to take bass in these falls. And the last cozy sight of the reserve is “Lonely tree” that welcomes the visitors to have a rest under its dense branches.


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20 Abovyan str. tel: (+37410) 581284 40 Baghramyan str., (AUA) tel: (+37493) 581280 Yerevan, Armenia


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Saint Astvatsatsin Church in Areni

Famous Setup of the Madonna by Momik Areni village is situated at 12 km north-west of the administrative center of Vayots Dzor region. The symbols of the village are considered to be not only Areni wines but also the famous church standing on the hills. This monument made of yellow-brown tufa with soaring up proportionality is situated on the top of the hill rising along the bank of the river Arpa and can be easily seen from far away perfectly harmonizing with the reddish rocks in the back. Construction record of the church is written by Hovhannes Orbelyan, archbishop of Syunik region, who calls himself “constructor of saint church”. It is also mentioned in the same record that the church was built in 1321 by architect Momik, the architect of Orbelyan Dynasty. External façades of the monument are distinguished by slender symmetry and lucidity of the shapes. The eastern façade is only emphasized on which there are two niches that are gradually intersected. Impressive symbols of the four evangelists: angel, winged bull, eagle and a winged lion carved on the sails inside the church make a beautiful brace decorated with sculptures and contrast to non-decorated parts of the walls. In the center of the church interior, arched pendentives support the drum and dome above. High-relief carvings of mythical creatures


adorn each of the four stone panels between the pendentives and base of the drum. Small vertical windows around the drum as well as small windows at each of the four façades let light into the main floor below. The significant pattern of the artistic decoration of the church is the lintel of eastern portal. Famous setup of the Madonna and infant by Momik is portrayed on flat surface which is distinguished by dry drawing method. The Madonna is sitting on the throne reminding a sofa under which a carpet with flowery composition is spread. Another carpet decorated with geometrical patterns is stretched out under the feet of the Madonna. The veil of the Madonna is engraved with thick and heavy pleats; her big eyes are especially expressive. This scene of the Madonna represents “Odigidria” which Momik had already used on the lintel in the porch of Noravank monastery. The Madonna is portrayed as a heavenly queen with infant Jesus sitting on her left knee. Images of Mary and Christ with their divine nature are at the same time friendly characters of mother and son that excite by the expression of homely warmth. In addition, the church is situated near the ruins of Prince Tarsayich Orbelyan’s palace, surrounded with cross-stones of XIV–XVII centuries.

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Treasures of Artsakh - Jermajur Hot Springs

Discover the Healing Traits of the Royal Mineral Sources

Natural warm water springs that flow from the underground are considered to be one of the most visited travel destinations in Republic of Nagorno Karabagh. Town Jermajur, located at an altitude of 2200-2400 meters, is rich in natural hot springs. The mineral water springs of Jermajur are known for their healing properties; for which people have always visited this small town since ancient times to have a bath in its warm water basins. Another interesting fact… The name Jermajur seems to be chosen to give the exact description of the natural treasures of the resort village. Here is the origin of the name “Jermajur” which means “hot water”. The town of Jermajur is situated on the bank of Tartar River at 20 km to the South from Karvachar city. Tartar River, also known as Trtu River, begins from the slopes of the northern ranges of Artsakh and the southern ranges of Mravsar, at an altitude of 3158 meters. It flows through Mardakert and Karvatchar districts. Tartar is a mountainous river of 200km length, most part of which passes through the canyonshaped, deep gorge. Tartar River is a perfect place for the amateurs of river rafting, especially in spring


months when the river overflows. The pool is located on the bank of Tartar River, not far from Karvachar City (about 20km). The road to Jermajur is also worth seeing. It spreads across rocks and forests along Tartar River bank. The river flows through a wonderful canyon where the forests and rocks exist side by side. Not far from the riverside you can find another glorious treasure of Artsakh-Dadivank Monastery (9-13th centuries). Magic natural warm waters effusing from the underground are situated on the bank of Tartar River. Water temperature is 60 °C independently from the seasons of the year. In summer months it is always possible to see people swimming in the basin of warm mineral waters which have great healing power. Jermajur water is similar to Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic) and Jermuk (Armenia) with its healing features. Our visitors are welcomed to feel the healing power of these waters. So, if you are in Armenia, be sure to visit Artsakh and take a bath in the miraculous hot water basins of Jermajur. Then do not forget to email us and share your experience with us. Wishing you great travels.

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Trchkan Waterfall

The Highest Waterfall of Armenia One of the natural beauties of Armenia, Trchkan waterfall is situated on the border between Shirak and Lori regions at 33 km distance from Gyumri, cultural capital of Armenia. The highest waterfall of Armenia, beautiful Trchkan of 23 meters high rushes down on Chichkhan river, the left rivulet of Pambak river, which starting to stream from the north-eastern slopes of the mountain range of Shirak (2250 meters) flows to the east. According to the old tradition the name of the waterfall is connected with the “crazy adventures” of Chichkhan river that flows in the wide ravine. As the villagers tell the river Chichkhan is rich in trout who flow upstream of the river in the season of reproduction. One day the villagers notice the fish swimming upstream of the river and jumping over the waterfall of more than 20 meters high. And after that incident the beautiful waterfall is called “Trchkan” which in Armenian means “jumping”. Trchkan is not only the highest waterfall of Armenia but also the most abounding in water, for which it is often called “the Armenian Niagara”. The territory of the waterfall is also rich in many endemic species of birds and plants which can be seen very seldom and are registered in the Read Book. The Armenian beauty – Trchkan waterfall is regis-


tered in the list of miraculous monuments of nature since 2008 and in 2011 the waterfall was defined as the special protected area. Now one of the most professional Armenian travel agencies, Shirak Tours offers the visitors of our country interesting tours and excursions to Trchkan waterfall. Only during the tours with Shirak Tours you will get acquainted with the graceful corners of our wonderful nature and explore various unique monuments which are spread throughout the whole territory of Armenia. You can also see miraculous monuments of nature and admire their beauty, the one of which is Trchkan waterfall. So, very interesting tours are orga-nized by travel agencies that you can find in the pages of “TourInfo” magazine. And how beautiful is the waterfall in winter and spring months when the frosty winter has not yet given up its place to warm weather. Have you ever seen a frozen waterfall… Imagine the beauty of the marvelous Trchkan when it is frozen. It is not in vain that the waterfall was entitled to the name “Icy Queen”. However, it does not matter in what season you will visit to see this wonderful part of the Armenian nature, you will always live unforgettable moments of your life and no doubt you will have many-many beautiful memories to take from Armenia.

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Medical CenterS

Fire 101 Police 102 Emergency Service 103 Electricity 180 Water 185 Yerevangas Emergency Service 104 Calls within Armenia 107 Municipality of Yerevan City 108 Airport Information 187 Railroad Information 184 Telephone Directory Information 109 Exact Time 110 Brief Weather Forecast 186 Spyur Info. Center (060) 519999, 519999 Areg-Biz Info. Center 551111 Armenia Info. Center 8778 ArmenTel Info. Center 0606 Info-Service Center 09000 0909 OVIR (Office of Visas & Registration) 537022

GRATSIA REHABILITATION CENTER 50-1­Ashtarak­Highway,­Yerevan Tel.:­35­35­03

NAIRI MEDICAL CENTER 21­Paronyan­Str.,­Yerevan Tel.:­53­75­00

RAFAEL MEDICAL CENTER 2/3­Mashtots­Ave.,­Yerevan Tel.:­50­00­68



REgIonS AREA CoDES Calls within Armenia: 0 + City Code + Number Abovian 222 Martouni 262 Agarak 286 Masis 236 Alaverdi 253 Meghri 286 Amassia 246 Nor Gegh 224 Aparan 252 Nor Hadjn 224 Aragats 570 Noyemberian 266 Aramus 22293 Oshakan 232 Ararat 238 Sevan 261 Armavir 237 Shahoumian 235 Artik 244 Sisian 283 Ashtarak 232 Sourenavan 238 Baghramian 233 Spitak 255 Berd 267 Stepanakert(Karabakh) 47 Charencavan 226 Stepanavan 256 Dilijan 268 Talin 249 Echmiadzin 231 Tashir 254 Gavar 264 Tsaghkadzor 223 Getap 281 Vanadzor 322 Goris 284 Vardenis 269 Gyumri 312 Vayk 282 Hrazdan 223 Vedi 234 Ijevan 263 Yeghegnadzor 281 Jermuk 287 Yeraskh 238 Kapan 285 Yerevan 10 Maralik 242 Zvartnots 231

10­Gyurjyan­Str.,­Yerevan­ Tel.:­63­04­93

NORK-MARASH MEDICAL CENTER 13­A.­Armenakyan­Str.,­Yerevan­ Tel.:­65­09­71

Dental clinics MAESTRO 24/15­Amiryan­Str.,­Yerevan Tel.:­53­09­95

MIXX DENT 28­Abovyan­Str.,­Yerevan Tel.:­56­94­90

MEDESY 5/1­Davitashen­3­district,­Yerevan Tel.:­370­370

STOM LINE 5/4­Koryuni­Str.,­Yerevan Tel.:­52­31­60


CELLPHonE CoDES 093, 094, 098, 077 + Number 091, 096, 099 + Number

23­Mashtots­Ave.,­Yerevan Tel.:­­53­98­89

ARMFARM 23­Abovyan­Str.,­Yerevan Tel.:­54­05­20

LAVANDA 055, 095 + Number 097 + Number


17­Tigran­Mets­Ave.,­Yerevan Tel.:­52­83­89

NATALI PHARM 34­Tumanyan­Str.,­Yerevan Tel.:­­53­06­20

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EMBASSIES ARGENTINA 12 Aygestan Str., Tel.: 57 64 52 BELARUS 12a Nikol Dumani Str., Tel.: 22 02 69, 27 56 11 BRAZIL 57 Simeon Yerevantzu Str., Tel.: 50 02 10, 50 02 16 BULGARIA Nor Aresh, 16 Sofiai Str. , Tel.: 45 82 33, 45 46 02 CHINA 12 Marshal Baghramyan Ave. , Tel.: 56 00 67, 58 13 86 EGYPT 6a Sepuhi Str. , Tel.: 22 67 55, 22 01 17 FRANCE 8 Grigor Lusavorchi Str. , Tel.: 59 19 50 GEORGIA 2/10 Babayan Str. , Tel.: 20 07 42 GERMANY 29 Charentsi Str. , Tel.: 52 32 79, 52 45 81 GREECE 6 Demirchian Str. , Tel.: 53 00 51 INDIA 50/2 Dzorapi Str. , Tel.: 53 91 74, 53 91 75 IRAN 1 Budaghyan Str. , Tel.: 28 04 57, 23 29 20 ITALY 5 Italiai Str. , Tel.: 54 23 35, 54 23 36

KAZAKHSTAN 66 Aygedzor Str., Tel.: 21 13 33, 21 09 99 LEBANON 13/14 Dzoragyugh, Str., Tel.: 50 13 02, 50 13 03 LITHUANIA 2/13 Babayan Str., Tel.: 29 76 80 SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF MALTA 1 Amiryan Str. , Tel.: 23 69 32 POLAND 44a Hanrapetutyan Str. , Tel.: 54 24 93, 54 24 95 ROMANIA 15 Barbussi Str. , Tel.: 27 53 32 RUSSIA 13a Grigor Lusavorchi Str. , Tel.: 56 74 27 SYRIA 14 Marshal Baghramyan Ave. , Tel.: 52 90 23, 52 40 36 SWITZERLAND 2/1 Melik Adamyan Str. Tel.: 52 98 60 TURKMENISTAN 52 Yerznkyan Str. , Tel.: 22 10 29, 22 10 39 UKRAINE 29 Arabkir Str., House 5/1, Tel.: 22 97 27 UNITED KINGDOM 34 Marshal Baghramyan Ave. , Tel.: 26 43 01 USA 1 Amerikyan Str. , Tel.: 46 47 00, 49 42 00

ConSULATES AUSTRIA 29 Sayat Nova Ave., Tel.: 54 75 47 CANADA 10 V. Sargsyan Str., #103/4, Tel.: 56 79 90 CROATIA 24b M. Baghramyan Str., Tel.: 58 44 03 CYPRUS 1 Northern Ave., Tel.: 58 63 31 ESTONIA 43 Gyulpenkian Str., Tel.: 22 01 40, 22 01 38 FINLAND (HONORARY CONSULATE) 6 Tamanyan Str., Tel.: (091) 40 16 23 FRANCE 8 Grigor Lusavorichi Str., Tel.: 59 19 50 GREECE 6 Demirchian Str., Tel.: 53 67 54 DENMARK 8/1 Vagharshian Str., Tel.: 26 09 64/208 INDONESIA 37/147 Israyelian Str., Tel.: 52 88 25, 56 56 69 IRELAND 18/1 Vardanants Str., Tel.: 52 63 30, 52 63 31 ITALY (HONORARY CONSULATE) 22 Koghbatsi Str., Tel.: 56 11 56, 54 56 97

KOREA 13a Sepuhi Str., Tel.: (091) 40 31 91 LITHUANIA 22 Gh. Parpetsi Str., Tel.: 53 32 65 MALTA 33/4 Pushkin Str., Tel.: 51 81 71, 53 41 71 NAGORNO KARABAKH 17a Nairi Zaryan Str., Tel.: 24 99 28, 24 97 05 PHILIPPINES 25 Charents Str., Tel.: 55 26 14 SAN MARINO 56/2 G. Nzhdeh Str., Tel.: 49 33 22 SERBIA 75/28 Nar-Dos Str., Tel.: (093) 92 96 51 SLOVAKIA 19 Sayat-Nova Ave., Tel.: 53 25 53 SLOVENIA 22/14 Parpetsi Str., Tel.: 53 87 96, 53 32 65 SPAIN (HONORARY CONSULATE) 10/2 Zarobyan Str., Tel.: 56 58 43 THAILAND 4/1 Marshal Baghramyan Ave., Tel.: 56 04 10 URUGUAY 7/5 Alek Manukyan Str., Tel.: 55 94 49, 55 94 50

Armenian land’s oFFICIAL InFoRMATIon OFFICIAL NAME Republic­of­Armenia CAPITAL Yerevan OFFICIAL LANGUAGE Armenian RELIGION Christianity,­Apostolic­Church FLAG Horizontal­tricolor­-­red­on­the­top,­blue in­the­middle­&­orange­on­the­bottom AREA 29,­800­sq.­km LOCATION Southwestern­Asia POPULATION about­3.215.900 CLIMATE Continental TIME ZONE GMT­+­4­hours

NEIGHBOURS Georgia-in­the­North Azerbaijan-in­the­East


Iran-in­the­South Turkey-in­the­West

ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS 11­regions­(58-59) INDEPENDENCE 21­September­1991(from­the­USSR) CONSTITUTION Adopted­ by­ nationwide­ referendum held­on­July­5,­1995

CURRENCY UNIT Armenian Dram (405­AMD­=­1­USD)



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YEREVAn’S ARMENIA MARRIOT HOTEL ***** 2/1­Amiryan­Str.­ Tel:­(+374­10)­59­90­00

GOLDEN PALACE ***** 2/2­Azatutyan­Ave.­ Tel:­(+374­10)­21­99­99

GOLDEN TULIP HOTEL YEREVAN ***** 14­Abovyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­59­16­00

LATAR HOTEL ***** 58­House,­Silikyan­district Tel:­(+374­10)­38­07­11

METROPOL HOTEL **** 2/2­Mashtos­Ave. Tel:­(+374­10)­51­07­00

ANI PLAZA **** 19­Sayat-Nova­Ave. Tel:­(+374­10)­58­97­00

ARARAT HOTEL **** 7­G.­Lusavorich­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­51­00­00

ARMENIAN ROYAL PALACE **** 4­Silikyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­31­94­84

AVIATRANS HOTEL **** 4­Abovyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­56­72­28



32/1­Komitas­Ave. Tel:­(+374­10)­27­77­10


HRAZDAN HOTEL *** 72­Dozrap­Str.­ Tel:­(+374­10)­53­53­32



235/1­Norki­Ayginer­ Tel:­(+374­10)­65­40­20­

VALENSIA HOTEL *** 40­Myasnikyan­Ave. Tel:­(+374­10)­52­40­00

14th FLOOR *** 4/6­Amiryan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­54­86­35 FAMILY HOTEL 49/1­Byuzand­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­56­90­28

BASS HOTEL BOUTIQUE 3/1­Aygedzor­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­22­13­53

MEG HOTEL BOUTIQUE 1­Jrashat­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­58­10­08

NAIRI HOTEL 121/7­Armenakyan­Str. Tel:­(+­374­10)­65­21­21­



SILACHI HOTEL **** 20­Tigran­Mets­Ave. Tel:­(+374­10)­54­07­08

AUA BARSAM SUITES *** 8­Hanrapetutyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­56­75­67

EREBUNI HOTEL *** 26/1­Nalbandyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­58­05­05­ HOTEL DDD *** 54­Komitas­Ave.­ Tel:­(+374­10)­28­41­00




56/1­Moldovakan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­67­00­51

2­Myasnikyan­Str.­Jermuk,­Vayots­Dzor Tel:­(+374­287)­212­90 14­A.­Isahakyan­Str. Tsaghkadzor,­Kotayk­Region Tel:­(+374­223)­601­60

5­Koryun­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­56­49­10


20/4­February­Str.­Stepanakert,­NKR Tel:­(+374­47)­94­88­02

64­Barbusse­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­21­11­30­

1­Italia­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­59­11­99 38­Hanrapetutyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­54­60­60­



35/31­Acharyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­060)­37­18­88 TUFENKIAN HOTEL 48­Hanrapetutyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­060)­50­10­10


29­Ghazanchetsots­Str. Shushi,­N.­Karabakh Tel:­(+374­47)­73­15­99

ARTHURS AGHVERAN RESORT Arzakan­Village Kotayk­Region Tel:­(+374­10)­51­02­57

EUROPE HOTEL ARTSAKH 26­Azatamartikneri­Str. Stepanakert,­N.­Karabakh Tel:­(+374­47)­97­57­52 ARZNI SANATORIUM Arzni­Village,­Kotayk­Region Tel:­(+374­10)­27­41­77

ALVA HOTEL Tsaghkadzor,­Kotayk­Region Tel:­(+374­223)­600­20

KECHARIS HOTEL 20­Orbeli­Brothers­Str.,­Taskhkatdzor­ Tel:­(+374­223)­604­09

KIROVAKAN HOTEL 1­Mashtots­Str.,­Vanadzor,­Lori­Region Tel:­(+374­322)­47­010

MULTI REST HOUSE Tsakhkadzor,­Kotayk­Region Tel:­(+374­10)­28­74­50­

NANE HOTEL 1/5­Garegin­Nzhdeh­Ave.,Gyumri,­Shirak Tel:­(+374­312)­333­69

MIRHAV HOTEL 100­Masthots­Str.,­Goris,­Syunik­Region Tel:­(+374­284)­246­12


27­Tigran­Mets­Ave. Tel:­(+374­10)­54­56­76

Arzakan­Village,­Kotayk­Region Tel:­(+374­98)­77­55­44


Gyulagarak­Village,­Lori­Region Tel:­(+374­95)­41­11­95

22­Yeznik­Koghbatsi­Str.­ Tel:­(+374­10)­56­11­56­

YEREVAN HOSTEL 5­Tpagrichneri­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­54­77­57­


TSAGHKAHOVIT HOTEL 25­Tandzaghbyur­Str.,­Taskhkatdzor­­ Tel:­(+374­223)­600­51



23­Aygedzor­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­56­11­56

4­Komarin­Str.,­Dilijan,­Tavush­Region Tel:­(+374­99)­52­58­53 ­


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YEREVAN RESTAURANTS/TEA HOUSES/CAFES American & Mexican Cuisines ELEN CACTUS 42­Mashtots­Ave. Tel:­(+374­10)­53­99­39

SQUARE ONE 1/3­Abovyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­56­61­69

georgian Cuisine CAUCASUS TAVERN



39­Sayat-Nova­Ave.. Tel:­(+374­10)­55­32­20­

5­Northern­Ave.­­ Tel:­(+374­60)­53­05­05




7a­Aleq­Manukyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­57­88­85­­


12­Amiryan­Str.­­ Tel:­(+374­10)­53­21­10

TERRAZZA 28­Isahakyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­56­31­10

35/2­Komitas­­Str.­ Tel:­(+374­10)­29­77­97­


Eastern Cusine


AL SHADI 48­Nalbandyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­54­60­45

EASTERN CUISINE 16­Komitas­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­27­16­20

LAGONID 37­Nalbandyan­Str.­ Tel:­(+374­10)­58­08­04

LIBAN 23­Sayat-Nova­Str.­ Tel:­(+374­99)­66­07­00

LEBANON 3­Tamanyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­56­18­94


40­Tumanyan­Str.­­­­ Tel:­(+374­10)­53­13­61 3­Northern­Ave. Tel:­(+374­10)­70­14­00

Fast Food & Pizzeria AFC EXPRESS 1/5b­Northern­Ave.­­ Tel:­(+374­10)­53­99­89

AMERICANO Delivery­Tel:­(+374­10)­54­64­44

ARTASHI MOT 31­Moskovyan­Str.­ Tel:­(+374­10)­50­12­22

DIAMOND 2­Buzand­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­54­34­34

8/21­Zakyan­Str.­ Tel:­(+374­10)­54­42­64


European Cuisine


AROMA 37­Mashtots­Ave.­­­ Tel:­(+374­10)­53­86­35


31­Moskovyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­50­07­51


5­Northern­Ave.­ Tel:­(+374­98)­43­40­43


31­Mashtots­Ave.­­ Tel:­(+374­10)­50­01­99


3­Tamanyan­Str.­­ Tel:­(+374­10)­54­26­21

32­Tumanyan­Str.­ Tel:­(+374­10)­54­99­44

Armenian Cuisine

23/1­Byron­Str.­­ Tel:­(+374­10)­58­91­28



26­Abovyan­Str.­­ Tel:­(+374­10)­54­82­87

82­Hanrapetutyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­56­26­14 7­Kievyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­27­79­99


9­Mashtots­Ave.­­ Tel:­(+374­10)­53­42­21

1­Abovyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­58­71­75 1­Northern­Ave.­ Tel:­(+374­10)­50­15­04


ANTEB 30­Y.­Koghbatsi­Str.­ Tel:­(+374­10)­53­09­88

ARARAT 2­Government­Bld.­Republic­Sqr. Tel:­(+374­10)­52­79­33

ARARAT HALL 30­Koghbatsi­Str.­ Tel:­(+374­10)­53­85­88

ARTASHI MOT 9/­­5­E.­Kochar­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­55­32­22

BELLAGIO 2­Myasnikyan­Ave Tel:­(+374­10)­55­12­12

CAMELOT 31­Mashtots­Ave, Tel:­(+374­10)­50­01­99­

CAUCASUS TAVERN 82­Hanrapetutyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­56­26­14

CHERKEZI DZOR 1­Karmir­Berd­Str.,­Gyumri Tel:­(+374­312)­65­559

CSARDAS 39a­Hanrapetutyan­Str.­­ Tel­:­(+374­10)­52­47­10

DOLMAMA 10­Pushkin­Str.­ Tel:­(+374­10)­56­13­54

FLORENCE 64/2­Barbyus­Str.­­ Tel:­(+374­10)­32­02­11

GETAP Tbilisyan­Highway,­Dilijan Tel:­(+374­93)­80­86­42



25­Sayat-Nova­Str.­­ Tel:­(+374­10)­54­27­14­ MR. GYROS 40­Tumanyan­Str.­­­ Tel:­(+374­10)­50­22­33


SFC EXPRESS 12­Tigran­Mets­Ave.­­ Tel:­(+374­10)­52­34­53

TASHIR PIZZA 27­Komitas­Str.­­­­ Tel:­(+374­10)­51­11­11

22­Tbilisyan­Highway­­­ Tel:­(+374­10)­24­45­48 73­Israyelyan­Str.­ Tel:­(+374­10)­53­90­80

GRANADA 25/5­Pushkin­Str.­­­­ Tel:­(+374­10)­53­82­07

HATCARAT 30­Paronyan­Str.­ Tel:­(+374­10)­53­24­11


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Italian Cuisine

HAVANA COMPLEX Tsitsernakaberd­Park Tel:­(+374­10)­38­06­06­




9/58­Tumanyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­52­78­22

2­Azatutyan­Ave.­­ Tel:­(+374­10)­21­99­99

Japanese Cuisine

13/1­Leo­Str.­ Tel:­(+374­10)­53­92­68

KILIKIA 78­Hanrapetutyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­54­88­08



4­Vardanants­Str.­­ Tel:­(+374­10)­54­46­06­

23/3­Raffi­Str.­ Tel:­(+374­10)­73­00­42


MER TAGH 21­Tumanyan­Str.­­­­­ Tel:­(+374­10)­58­01­06­­

MONTE CHRISTO Hrazdan­gorge­­ Tel:­(+374­10)­54­33­98

NOR DZORABERD 19/4­Dzorapi­Str.­ Tel:­(+374­10)­53­81­28

NOYAN TAPAN 9­Parpetsi­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­53­50­30

OUR VILLAGE 5­Sayat-Nova­Str.­ Tel:­(+374­10)­54­87­00

OLD ERIVAN 2­North­Ave. Tel:­(+374­10)­58­88­55


1­Amiryan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­59­90­00

GUSTO 11­Abovyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­58­11­21­­­

LA’ CUCINA 52­Teryan­Str.­ Tel:­(+374­10)­58­40­58

MARCO POLO 1/3­Abovyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­56­19­26

RAFFAELLO (CONGRESS HOTEL) 1­Italia­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­58­00­95

ROSSINI (GOLDEN TULIP HOTEL YEREVAN) 14­Abovyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­58­94­00­

33­Sayat-Nova­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­52­24­63


BEIJING 1­Nalbandyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­58­32­78

SANTA FE Cascade Tel:­(+374­060)­44­00­01

SAMURAI SUSHI 2­Baghramyan­Ave.­ Tel:­(+374­10)­­58­56­70


1/3­Abovyan­Str. Tel:­(+­374­10)­56­54­22

Tea Houses DESIGN CAFE 42­Tumanyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­53­13­33

NATURA GOLD 11­Abovyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­58­21­84

RONNEFELDT 12­Abovyan­Str.­­­ Tel:­(+374­10)­58­06­58

THOMAS TWINING 22­Abovyan­Str.­ Tel:­(+374­10)­54­33­30



1/5b­Building,­Northern­Ave.­ Tel:­(+374­10)­53­98­99

5­Spendiaryan­Str.­­ Tel:­(+374­55)­88­81­07

Hrazdan­Gorge Tel:­(+374­10)­54­60­01




19­Teryan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­50­05­13

20­Abovyan­Str.­ Tel:­(+374­10)­58­12­84

Persian Cuisine

41­Isahakyan­Str.­ Tel:­(+374­10)­54­22­54 ARAX LOUNGE 11­Abovyan­Str.­ Tel:­(+374­10)­54­47­87

30­Hanrapetutyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­56­70­70


14­Abovyan­Str.­ Tel:­(+374­10)­58­94­00­­

URARTU 19­Dzorapi­Str.­­­­­­­­­ Tel:­(+374­10)­53­80­41





1/17­Tamanyan­Str.­ Tel:­(+374­10)­56­80­13

5­Amiryan­Str.­­­­­ Tel:­(+374­10)­54­55­45­

Chinese Cuisine

Indian Cuisine

33­Sayat­Nova Tel:­(+374­10)­54­53­42




CHARENTSI 28 28­Charents­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­57­29­45­

KARMA 65­Teryan­Str.­­­­ Tel:­(+374­10)­58­92­15


40­Tumanyan­Str.­­ Tel:­(+374­10)­53­08­92



1­Saryan Tel:­(+374­91)­53­58­86

DRAGON 31­Moskovyan­Str.­ Tel:­(+374­10)­53­33­81


3­Abovyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­51­67­11 33/39­Khanjyan­Str. Tel:­(+­374­10)­58­00­66 32/35­Tumanyan­Str.­ Tel:­(+­374­10)­54­54­24


23­Abovyan­Str. Tel:­(+­374­10)­52­26­48

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CENTRAL 30­Abovyan­Str.­ Tel:­58­39­90

RETRO 6/6­Tamanyan­Str. Tel:­58­42­06

JAZZVE 35/30­Tumanyan­Str.­ Tel:­53­20­48

JOSE 20­Khanjyan­Str.­ Tel:­54­00­20


28­Isahakyan­Str. Tel:­52­42­11

POPLAVOK 41­Isahakyan­Str. Tel:­52­23­03

ONE CLUB 105/1­Teryan­Str. Tel:­51­43­47

STOP MUSIC CLUB 32­Moskovyan­Str. Tel:­56­07­80­

CALUMET 56a­Pushkin­Str. Tel:­(094)­35­92­29

THE BEATLES 60­Pushkin­Str. Tel:­(093)­50­26­22

10/3­Northern­Ave. Tel:­(+­374­55)­51­48­48


5­Northern­Ave.­ Tel:­(098)­43­40­43



L’ORANGE 21­Tumanyan­Str.­­­ Tel:­52­82­93

MOKKA 3­Tamanyan­Str.­­­ Tel:­54­79­10

PASCAL & DIODATO Ashtarak­City Tel:­(093)­99­66­99

PASCUCCI 42/1­Teryan­Str.­­ Tel:­56­89­69

SAYAT TAVERNA 6­Sayat-Nova­Ave.­ Tel:­527­627

PUBS/BARS TRO’S PUB 5­Saryan­Str. Tel:­(077)­67­37­75

BOURBON ST. 19­Teryan­Str. Tel:­(077)­41­74­17




35­Tumanyan­Str. Tel:­53­96­53 40­Tumanyan­Str. Tel:­53­13­61


PASTRIES HALEB Eastern­nuts,­spices,­sweets 3/48­Kasyan­Str. Tel:­32­24­20

GOURMET DOURME 19­Teryan­Str. Tel:­50­10­14

MONO 19/21­Saryan­Str. Tel:­53­33­55

PATCHI 4­Argishti­Str. Tel:­53­60­80

QUEEN CAKE 23­Baghramyan­Str. Tel:­54­79­12

ARMEnIAn PRoDUCTS ARENI WINE Areni­village Vayots­Dzor­Region Tel:­0281­60­410


4­G.­Kochar­Str. Tel:­58­65­73

40a­Acharyan­Str. Tel:­616­426


54­Mashtots­Ave. Tel:­56­56­86



31­Moskovyan­Str. Tel:­53­21­72



2nd­Industrial­Zone­3/5 Abovyan,­Kotayk­Region Tel:­43­65­43­

18­Hr.­Kochar­Str.­ 8/10­Y.­Kochar­Str.­ 18­Babajanyan­­Str.­ Tel:­(099)­141­141



Armenian­Wine/Brandy/Vodka 9­Admiral­Isakov­Ave. Tel:­54­70­48

8­Amiryan­Str.­ Tel:­54­75­85 33a­Moskovyan­Str. Tel:­50­20­25

MANTASHOFF 37­Mashtots­Ave. Tel:­53­16­51


1/5­Northern­Ave. Tel:­53­98­99

52­Mashtots­Ave. Tel:­56­00­04



18­Abovyan­Str. Tel:­51­90­20

12­Tigran­Mets­Ave. Tel:­56­60­10



52­Pushkin­Str. Tel:­53­53­50

2/2­Tamanyan­Str. Tel:­54­20­10

Armenian­Brandy 8­Kievyan­Str. Tel:­27­06­30


PROSHYAN BRANDY Armenian­Brandy 2a­Ashtaraki­Highway Tel:­39­56­41

KAR ART 10­Ayasi­Str. Tel:­58­92­94

MEGERIAN CARPET Armenian­Carpets 9­Madoyan­Str. Tel:­44­29­94

TOSP Knitting­Factory 2­Tichina­Str. Tel:­73­87­30

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YEREVAN SHOPPING SPOTS WoMEn’S, mEn’S, cHILDREn’S, cLoTHIng, sHoES & aCCESSoRIES ADIDAS Women’s,men’s­children’s­ sportswear­&­accessories 3­Arami­Str.­ Tel:­(+374­10)­54­47­07


Women’s,­men’s­shoes 26­Abovyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­52­17­77

BALLY Women’s,­men’s­shoes 40­Demirchyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­52­47­92



Women’s,­men’s­clothing &­accessories. 5­Northern­Ave. Tel:­(+374­060)­44­12­30

Under­wear­collections 17a­Moskovyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­56­56­42


Sporting­goods­specialty­shop 62­Hanrapetutyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­54­08­70

Women’s,­men’s­&­ children’s­shoes 6/15­Northern­Ave. Tel:­(+374­10)­53­22­34

GIORDANO Women’s,­men’s­clothing­ &­accessories. 39­Mashtots­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­52­08­01


Shoe­&­bags­shop 8/2­Northern­Ave. Tel:­(+374­10)­50­24­54

Women’s,­men’s clothing­&­accessories 6­Northern­Ave. Tel:­(+374­10)­53­69­59­



Women’s,­men’s­ clothing­&­accessories. 41­Mashtots­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­58­65­88

Women’s,­men’s­casual­clothing­ &­accessories. 110­Nalbandyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­580­599



Women’s,­men’s­ children’s­clothing­&­accessories 66­Teryan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­52­70­78

Luxury­Boutiques­Corner 3­North.­Ave. Tel:­(+374­10)­702­702


Women’s,­men’s­clothing­­ 23­Sayat-Nova­Ave. Tel:­(+374­10)­54­51­01

Hand­bags­collection 42­Mashtots­Ave. Tel:­(+374­10)­58­48­08




PUMA Women’s,­men’s­children’s­ sportswear­&­accessories 52­Teryan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­56­73­37

RIO GALLERIA Elite­Clothing­galleria 8­Northern­Ave. Tel:­(+374­10)­50­18­01

ROMA Women’s,­men’s­clothing­ 23­Mashtots­Ave. Tel:­(+374­10)­53­31­11

SALI Women’s,­men’s­shoes 15/1­Tumanyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­52­86­47

STEFANEL Women’s,­men’s­clothing,­ footwear­&­accessories 96/1­Nalbandyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­58­33­68

TOMMY HILFIGER Women’s­men’s­clothing­ &­accessories 8­Northern­Ave.­ Tel:­(+374­10)­51­85­19

Women’s,­men’s­shoes 6/16­Northern­Ave. Tel:­(+374­10)­53­36­14

Women’s,­men’s­&­children’s clothing­&­accessories 26­Abovyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­54­46­23



Women’s,­men’s­ clothing­&­accessories­(KITON) 54/1­Teryan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­58­93­49

Women’s,­men’s,­children’s­ sportswear­&­accessories 4­Vardanants­Str.­ Tel:­(+374­10)­51­98­98



Elite­Women’s­&­men’s­ clothing­&­accessories Crossroad­of­Northern­Ave­ &­Abovian­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­52­99­08

Children’s­&­pregnant­women clothing­&­products­ 51,53­Hanrapetutyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­54­67­05





Women’s,­men’s­and­ children’s­clothing­&­accessories. 13­Amiryan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­53­89­99

Women’s,­men’s,­children’s clothings­&­accessories­ 31­Tumanyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­53­20­37


Women’s­&­children’s­clothing 3­Northern­Ave. Tel:­(+374­10)­702­702



UNITED COLORS OF BENETTON Women’s,­men’s­&­children’s clothing­&­accessories. 1­Amiryan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­59­99­93 Women’s,­men’s­clothings 6­Northern­Ave. Tel:­(+374­10)­50­20­35

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YEREVAN SHOPPING SPOTS mEn’S cLoTHIng, sHoES & aCCESSoRIES ARMOS Men’s­Armenian­designer’s­shoes 5­Northern­Ave. Tel:­(+374­060)­44­14­11

CANALI Men’s­clothing­&­accessories 9­Abovyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­56­22­30


Men’s­clothing­ 24­Tumanyan­Str.­ Tel:­(+374­10)­54­50­07­


Men’s­clothing,­ footwear­&­accessories 3­Northern­Ave.­ Tel:­(+374­10)­702­702


Underwear­collection 26­Abovyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­58­31­11

KIRA PLASTININA Women’s­clothing­ 32­Tumanyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­54­81­70

KIVERA NAYNOMIS Elite­Armenian­designer­ 1­Tamanyan­cascade Tel:­(+374­10)­52­92­75

LUISA SPAGNOLI Women’s­clothing­&­accessories 5­Northern­Ave. Tel:­(+374­55)­00­24­54

MANGO Women’s­clothing­&­accessories 21­Abovyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­58­00­11

CHILDREn’S cLoTHIng, sHoES, aCCESSoRIES & ToYS BABY DIOR 13­Nalbandyan­St. Tel:­(+374­10)­56­52­66

MOTHER CARE 51/53­Hanrapetutyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­54­67­01

REYMA 1/1­Tamanyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­54­01­11

ORCHESTRA 21­Tumanyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­54­87­95

IQ TOYS 26­Sayat-Nova­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­52­49­47




Women’s­clothing­&­accessories 41­Mashtots­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­54­59­57

Marriott­Armenia­Hotel Tel:­(+374­10)­59­92­33




Men’s­clothing,­footwear­ &­accessories 9­Mashtots­Ave. Tel:­(+374­10)­53­00­04

Women’s­clothing­&­accessories 27­Tumanyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­56­22­60

1/1­Abovyan­Str.,­2nd­floor Tel:­(+374­10)­52­76­92

Men’s­clothing­&­accessoreis 39­Komitas­Ave. Tel:­(+374­10)­23­00­78

STEFANO RICCI Men’s­clothing,­footwear­ &­accessories 3­Northern­Ave. Tel:­(+374­10)­702­702 ZILLI Men’s­clothing­&­accessories 58­Baghramyan­Ave. Tel:­(+374­10)­20­20­50

WomEn’S cLoTHIng, sHoES & aCCESSoRIES BETTY BARCLAY Women’s­clothing­&­accessories 65­Teryan­Str.­ Tel:­(+374­10)­58­17­42

BURBERRY Elite­clothing­boutique 5­Northern­Ave. Tel:­(+374­060)­44­01­14

COP.COPINE Women’s­clothing­store­ 21­Abovyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­56­66­36

ESCADA Women’s­clothing 51/53­Hanrapetutyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­54­67­01



MOTIVI Women’s­clothing­&­accessories 36­Abovyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­58­47­45


SALT SACK 3/1­Abovyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­56­89­31

Jewelry & Watches CHRONOGRAPH

Women’s­clothing­&­accessories 37­Tumanyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­53­01­10

Luxury­jewelry­and­watch 5­Northern­Ave,­ Tel:­(+374­10)­500­400­



Women’s­clothing­&­accessories 19­Abovyan­St. Tel:­(+374­10)­52­21­15

OLSEN Women’s­clothing­ 21­Abovyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­54­39­29

PROMOD Women’s­clothing­&­accessories 22­Abovyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­58­55­78

Swiss­watches 26­Tumanyan­Str. Tel:­(+374­10)­52­50­15

LOUVRE Women’s­jewelry­ 20­Abovyan­Ave. Tel:­(+374­10)­58­62­22


Women’s,­men’s­jewelry­ 11-54­Abovyan­Ave. Tel:­(+374­10)­52­57­11 SINEQUANONE MERCURY Women’s­clothing­&­accessories Women’s,­men’s­jewelry 26­Abovyan­Str. 50­Mashtots­Ave. Tel:­(+374­10)­58­89­76 Tel:­(+374­10)­586­000 VICTORIA’S SECRET KAZANJIAN WATCH Underwear­collections Women’s,­men’s­watches 39­Mashtotsi­Ave. 1­Amirian­Str.­Marriot Tel:­(+374­10)­54­27­75 Tel:­(+374­10)­599­923 WOMEN’SECRET Underwear,­sleepwear,­swimwear­ FRANCK MULLER 18­Abovyan­Str. 10­Northern­Ave. Tel:­(+374­10)­52­52­89 Tel:­(+374­10)­50­00­84

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25­Baghramyan­Ave. Tel.:­27­70­19

160/5­Antarain­Str. Tel.:­(060)­377­757





59­Teryan­Str. Tel.:­58­25­49

41­Abovyan­Str. Tel.:­58­19­58




20/2­Sayat-Nova­Ave. Tel.:­56­07­57

7­Mashtots­Ave. Tel.:­58­09­01


CASInoS SENATOR Tel.:­74­92­74

50­Gevorg­Chaush­Str. Tel.:­39­01­02­­


poST oFFICES & transport.




27­Amiryan­Str.­ Tel.:­58­66­88­


1­Tigran­Mets­Ave. Tel.:­54­25­54


COSMOS Tel.:­(077)­52­22­22

MILLION Tel.:­37­07­03




30­Baghramyan­Ave. Tel.:­22­90­18­­







3­Northern­Ave. Tel.:­53­15­81



Taxi PINK (Only for women)

42­Mashtots­Ave. Tel.:­58­93­43


BUS VOYAGE Tel.:­54­10­05


ARARAT VALLEY COUNTRY CLUB 42­Gevorg­Chaushi­Str. Tel.:­39­40­85­ HAYRAPETYAN HORSE RIDING 39­Shiraki­Str. Tel.:­46­55­55



22­Saryan­Str. Tel.:­514­514

1­Kievyan­Str. Tel.:­27­30­90






7/1­Tsitsernakaberd­Highway Tel.:­52­20­20­

Davitashen­Yerevan Tel.:­36­10­10

40­Mashtots­Ave. Tel.:­53­00­29­

144/1­Khorenatsi­Str. Tel.:­54­55­25­




18­Abovian,­ Tel.:­52­12­10 50­Mashtotsi­Ave. Tel.:­54­28­29

YEREVAN CITY 60/2­Komitas­Ave. Tel.:­20­16­04


ARENA 8­Mashtots­Ave. Tel.:­53­61­01

TEnnIS CLUB MASTER CLASS CLUB 7/1­Tsitsernakaberd­Highway Tel.:­(077)­56­56­65

gAMES CoMPLEX PLAY CITY 35­Acharyan­Str. Tel.:­62­09­99

sPA’S & bEAUTY SALonS ARMINKA BEAUTY STUDIO 30­Saryan­Str.,­Tel.:­56­34­64

CEBU 28­Y.­Koghbatsi­Str.,­Tel.:­50­29­59

THAI HOME 2­Paronyan­Str.,Tel.:­53­27­60

TOUCH MASSAGE 8­Moskovyan­Str.,­Tel.:­56­35­34



14­Abovyan­Str. Tel.:­58­94­00



Yerevan-Sevan­Highway Tel.:­(099)­65­31­38


2a­H.­Kochar­Str. Tel.:­22­14­00­­

Dry cleaning





235/1­Norki­Ayginer, Tel.:­65­40­20

4­Zakian­Str. Tel.:­53­65­08






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12­Amiryan­Str. Tel.:­52­24­35

AIR FRANCE/KLM 9­Alek­Manoukyan­Str. Tel.:­51­22­77

AIR ARMENIA 21­G.­Kochar­Str. Tel.:­54­79­99

ARMAVIA 23­Nalbandyan­Str. Tel.:­56­48­06

10­Sayat-Nova­Ave. Tel.:­52­52­10

ASPAR WILD 35­Mashtots­Ave.­ Tel.:­53­29­28

AQUARIUS TRAVEL 11­Leo­Str. Tel.:­53­67­67

BAZE TOUR 25­Koryun­Str.,­Build.­7 Tel.:­58­25­07­



1­Amiryan Tel.:­59­99­95,­59­99­91

29­Sayat-Nova­Str. Tel.:­58­54­33


AUSTRIAN AIRLINES 9­Alek­Manoukyan­Str. Tel.:­51­22­01

AVIA-GIT 1­Zakyan­Str. Tel.:­52­15­46

BAGRAT TOUR 25­Saryan­Str. Tel.:­52­03­03

BELAVIA NATIONAL AIRLINES (B2) 35­Sayat-Nova­Ave. Tel.:­57­74­74


36­Komitas­Str. Tel.:­32­00­20

ERKIR NAIRI 1­Tamanyan­Str. Tel.:­58­23­39

1­Bayroni­Str. Tel.:­56­85­85


9­Gr.­Lusavorich­Str. Tel.:­56­11­11 ANELIK BANK 13­Vardanants­Str. Tel.:­59­33­33

ARARAT BANK 19­Pushkin­Str. Tel.:­54­63­63

ARMBUSINESS BANK 48­Nalbandyan­Str.­ Tel.:­59­20­20

ARDSHININVESTBANK 13­Gr.­Lusavorich­Str. Tel.:­59­04­04


12­M.­Mkrtchyan­Str. Tel.:­58­31­31



23/1­Amiryan­Str. Tel.:­51­09­10

39/12­Mashtots­Ave. Tel.:­52­42­65



21/1­Paronyan­Str. Tel.:­59­15­15


7­Yerevanyan­Highway,­Goris Tel.:­(094)­30­93­69

HAKOBIAN TRAVEL 60­Baghramyan­Str. Tel.:­27­19­44


3­Kievyan­Str. Tel.:­27­77­59


48/1­Nalbandyan­Str. Tel.:­54­76­45


13­Mashtots­Str. Tel.:­50­15­30

18/3­Amiryan­Str. Tel.:­53­03­62



7­Khorenatsi­Str. Tel.:­53­67­74

96­Nalbandyan­Str. Tel.:­54­60­40

6­V.­Sargsyan­Str. Tel.:­56­37­61



2­Baghramyan­Str. Tel.:­56­40­99­

19­Nalbandyan­Str. Tel.:­52­44­02

POLISH AIRLINES 7­Argishti­Str. Tel.:­51­02­86

S7 AIRLINES 34­Toumanyan­Str. Tel.:­54­41­10

SYRIAN AIRLINES 3­Khorenatsi­Str. Tel.:­53­85­89

VIRGIN ATLANTIC AIR. 26­Parpetsi­Str. Tel.:­53­84­36

UTAIR ARMENIA 4­Tigran­Mets­Str. Tel.:­51­85­08

23­Arabkir­Str. Tel.:­(093)­27­07­97

SACVOYAGE TRAVEL 2­Baghramyan­Ave. Tel.:­54­72­72 SATI TOUR 21­Mashtots­Ave. Tel.:­53­10­22

SHIRAK TOUR 25­Haghtanaki­Str.,­Gyumri Tel.:­(0312)­57­659

TATEV T.T.T. 19­Nalbandyan­Str. Tel.:­52­44­01


26/1­V.­Sargsyan­Str. Tel.:­51­12­11

HSBC BANK ARMENIA 66­Teryan­Str. Tel.:­51­50­00


17­Tumanyan­Str. Tel.:­51­05­10

PROCREDIT BANK 105/1­Teryan­Str. Tel.:­51­48­60


9­Vazgen­Sargsyan­Str. Tel.:­52­48­84



12­Charents­Str. Tel.:­59­55­55

2nd­Yuzhnoportovi­Pass.,­Moscow Tel.:­(077)­78­42­41

46­Nalbandyan­Str. Tel.:­87­87


82 ­


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YEREVAN MUSEUMS/ART GALLERIES/LIBRARIES MUSEUMS Cafesjian Museum for the Art The­Cafesjian­Center­of­Arts­is­an­art­museum­situated­ in­ central­ Yerevan­ in­ the­ area­ in­ and around­the­Cascade.­At­the­core­of­the­museum's permanent­ collection­ is­ the­ Gerard­ L.­ Cafesjian Collection­of­Art.­ Address:­Cascade­Complex,­Yerevan Tel.:­(+374­10)­54­19­32,­54­19­34­ E-mail:­,­­

Erebuni Fortress Museum Erebuni­ Museum­ of­ History­ of­ Foundation­ of Yerevan­was­established­in­1968.­The­opening­of the­museum­was­timed­to­coincide­with­the­2750th anniversary­ of­ Yerevan.­ The­ Museum­ stands­ at the­foot­of­the­Arin­Berd­hill,­on­top­of­which­the Urartian­ Fortress­ Erebuni­ has­ stood­ since­ 782 BC. Address:­38­Erebuni­Str.,­Yerevan Tel.:­(+374­10)­45­82­07

History Museum of Yerevan Museum,­ founded­ in­ 1931,­ introduces­ Yerevan history­ of­ thousands­ of­ years­ dating­ back­ to­ the rise­of­the­oldest­civilizations­in­the­world.­ Address:­1/1­Argishti­Str.,­Yerevan Tel.:­(+374­10)­56­81­85,­56­81­09­ E-mail:­­

Hovhannes Tumanyan Museum The­museum­functions­since­1953.­In­1969,­on­the occasion­of­the­110th anniversary­of­the­­great­writer, a­new­two-story­building­was­added­to­house­materials­related­to­Tumanyan’s­life­and­work.­ Address:­40­Moskovyan­Str.,­Yerevan Tel.:­(+374­10)­56­00­21,­58­12­71,­51­60­21

Matenadaran (Mashtots Institute of Ancient Manuscripts) Established­ in­ 1959,­ Matenadaran­ is­ one­ of­ the world’s­ ancient­ and­ richest­ depositories­ of medieval­ manuscripts­ and­ books,­ and­ was inscribed­ on­ UNESCO's­ Memory­ of­ the­ World Programme­Register­in­1997­in­recognition­of­its world­significance. Address:­53­Mashtots­Ave.,­Yerevan Tel.:­(+374­10)­56­25­78,­54­67­22

House-Museum of Avetik Isahakyan Founded­ in­ 1958­ in­ the­ poet’s­ house­ where Armenia’s­famous­poet­spent­5­last­years­of­his­life. Address:­20­Zarobyan­Str.,­Yerevan Tel.:­(+374­10)­56­24­24,­58­73­80


House-Museum of Aram Khachatryan Over­ 18.000­ valuable­ exhibits­ are­ kept­ in­ the home-museum,­ which­ are­ the­ personal­ belongings­ of­ the­ great­ composer:­ photos,­ documents, etc.­ The­ home-museum­ has­ a­ light­ concert­ hall with­excellent­acoustics.­ Address:­3­Zorabyan­Str.,­Yerevan Tel.:­(+374­10)­58­94­18,­58­01­78 E-mail:­

House-Museum of Eghishe Charents The­ main­ collection­ of­ the­ museum,­ founded­ in 1964,­includes­the­Armenians’­favorite­poet’s­personal­ documents,­ manuscripts,­ publications­ and other­materials­related­to­his­life­and­work. Address:­17­Mashtots­Ave.,­Yerevan Tel.:­(+374­10)­53­14­12,­53­55­94

Memorial-Museum of Martiros Saryan The­museum,­functioning­since­1967,­houses­a­collection­of­160­canvases­of­Saryan,­each­painting­a passionate­declaration­of­love­for­his­native­Armenia.­ Address:­3­Saryan­Str.,­Yerevan Tel.:­(+374­10)­58­17­62 E-mail:­,­

House-Museum of Minas Avetisyan The­ museum­ stock­ contains­ 20­ paintings­ by­ the famous­ artist,­ 7­ of­ which­ are­ in­ oil­ (including “Woman­with­Chandelier”)­and­the­rest­are­drawings.­ Address:­29­Nalbandyan­Str.,­Yerevan Tel.:­(+374­10)­56­07­87

Memorial-Museum Fund of Silva Kaputikyan The­ house-museum­ of­ great­ Armenian­ poetess and­prose­writer­was­opened­in­2009­on­the­occasion­of­the­90th anniversary­of­S.­Kaputikyan. Address:­1/26­S.­Kaputikyan­Str.,­Yerevan Tel.:­(+374­10)­52­09­30

The Museum of Folk Art of Armenia named after Hovhannes Sharambeyan The­museum­was­founded­in­1978­­for­the­preservation­ and­ furtherance­ of­ traditions­ of­ Armenian applied,­ decorative,­ fine­ arts.­The­ exhibits­ of­ the museum­ (embroidery,­ wooden,­ stone­ and­ gold objects,­ ceramic­ ware,­ ­ carpets)­ ­ provide­ a­ fairy idea­about­Armenian­folk­art.­ Address:­64­Abovyan­Str.,­Yerevan Tel.:­(+374­10)­56­93­83,­56­93­87,­56­93­80

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Modern Art Museum Modern­Art­Museum­was­established­in­1972­by­the art­ critic­ Henrik­ Igitian.­ It­ is­ the­ first­ specialized museum­ of­ modern­ art­ in­ the­ whole­ “camp”­ of Socialist­Countries.­ Address:­7­Mashtots­Ave.,­Yerevan Tel.:­(+374­10)­53­55­67,­53­53­59,­53­96­37

Mother Armenia Military Museum It­was­established­in­1970­as­the­Museum­of­History of­the­World­War­II.­The­Statue­of­Mother­Armenia st­­ands­on­top­of­the­structure.­ Address:­2­Azatutyan­Ave.,­Victory­Park,­Yerevan Tel.:­(+374­10)­20­14­00

Museum of Sergey Parajanov The­ exposition­ of­ the­ museum­ (250­ works)­ show Parajanov’s­ aesthetic­ principles­ brought­ to­ perfection­in­movies.­ Address:­15/16­Dzoragyugh­Str.,­Yerevan Tel:­(+374­10)­53­84­73

Museum of Yervand Kochar The­museum,­founded­in­1984,­presents­the­works of­the­active­reformer­of­modern­art,­an­artist­of­bold revolutionary­ concepts.­ In­ the­ painting­ of­ Kochar there­is­much­that­derives­from­classical­manner.­ Address:­39/12­Mashtots­Ave.,­Yerevan Tel:­(+374­10)­52­93­26

Russian Art Museum (Prof. A. Abrahamyan's Collection) Russian­Art­Museum­is­founded­in­1980­on­the­collection­of­professor­Aram­Abrahamyan.­The­museum presents­the­works­of­graphic­decorative­applied­arts.­ Address:­38­Isahakyan­Str.­­(Cascade­Complex)­ Tel.:­(+374­10)­56­21­56­

State Museum of Wood Carving The­museum­was­established­in­1977.­The­collection­was­founded­through­donations­by­artists.­ Address:­2/4­Paronyan­Str.,­Yerevan Tel.:­(+374­10)­53­24­61

ARAME 13­Amiryan­Str.,­Tel.:­53­92­65

ART MANE 16/3­Abovyan­Str.,­3rd­floor,­Tel.:­56­57­67­

ARTISTS' UNION OF ARMENIA 16­Abovyan­Str.,­Tel.:­56­48­53

GALA ART GALLERY 12­Byron­Str.,Tel.:­54­88­38,­060­53­88­38

CHEF-D OEUVRE FINE ART CENTER 7­V.­Sargsyan­Str.,Tel.:­54­72­99

CHILDREN’S ART GALLERY 13­Abovyan­Str.,­Tel.:­52­09­51

NAREGATSI ART INSTITUTE 16/1­Vardanants­Str.,Tel.:­58­01­05


NERSES MELIKYAN/ACADEMIA 24­Baghramyan­Ave.,Tel.:52­70­40

NPAK GALLERY 1/3­P.­Byuzand­Str.,­Tel.:­56­82­25­

VALMAR 53-55­P.­Byuzand­Str.,­Tel.:­58­07­69­

regions ACAD. H.K. BUNIATYAN ART GALLERY 6­ A.­ Ozanyan­ Str.,­ Gavar,­ Gegharkunik Region,­Tel.:­(+374­264)­249­09

GORIS MUSEUM OF CHILDREN’S ART 18­Mashtots­Str.,­Goris,­Syunik­Region Tel.:­(+374­284)­214­35

HRAZDAN ART GALLERY 2­Spandarian­Str.,­Hrazdan,­Kotayk­Region Tel.:­(+374­223)­202­19

HOUSE MUSEUM OF PARUYR SEVAK 18­P.­Sevak­Str.,­Zangakatun,­Ararat­Region Tel.:­(+374­94)­03­44­48

GRAPHICS ART GALLERY 52­Tigran­Mets­Ave.,­Vanadzor, Lori­Region,­Tel.:­(+374­322)­439­38­­­


The State Nature Museum of Armenia


The­unique­institution­introduces­to­the­visitors­the flora­ and­ fauna­ of­ Armenia,­ consisting­ of­ about 7500­exhibits. Address:­34­Tigran­Mets­Ave.,­Yerevan Tel.:­(+374­10)­52­79­42,­54­25­16


House-Museum of Charles Aznavour


House-Museum­of­Charles­Aznavour­is­ceremonially­ opened­ in­ Cascade­ Complex­ in­ Yerevan. Temporally­ it­ will­ serve­ both­ as­ the­ residence­ of Charles­ Aznavour­ and­ as­ the­ concert­ hall­ for­ governmental­cultural­events.­


MATENADARAN INSTITUTE OF ANCIENT MANUSCRIPTS 53­Mashtots­Ave.,­Tel.:­56­25­78 53­Tigran­Mets­Str.,­Tel.:­58­33­35

NATIONAL LIBRARY OF ARMENIA 72­Teryan­Str.,­Tel.:­58­42­59

KHNKO-APER CHILDREN’S LIBRARY 42/1­Teryan­Str.,­Tel.:­52­12­22

November 2012

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1-04.11.12 1-10.11.12 1-30.11.12



04.11.12 04.11.12

05.11.12 05.11.12

06.11.12 6-30.11.12 07.11.12 07.11.12


H.­Hovhannisyan,­graphic­artworks­at­14:00 Naregatsi Art Institute Education­USA­Fair­at­14:00 Best Western Congress Hotel Yerevan “Scotch­&­Whiskey”­Comedy­at­19:00 State Chamber Theatre Jazz­Trio,­Soloist­Aghvan­at­21:00­ Malkhas Jazz Club State­Folk­Song­Ensemble­at­17:00 Arno Babajanyan Concert Hall “The­Photographic­Art­of­E.­Molinari” National Gallery of Armenia 80th­Anniversary­of­Artists­Union Artists Union of Armenia “Yerevan:­View­From­The­Future”­ Cafesjian Center for the Arts Exhib.­“Yerevan­Collectors’­Choice”­ Cafesjian Center for the Arts Solo­Exhibition,­A.­Hovhannisyan­at­18:00 Yerevan History Museum Lisa­Bell­(Australia),­Recital­at­19:00 Aram Khachatryan Concert Hall Sculptor­A.­Tchakmaktchian­at­18:00 Naregatsi Art Institute “Trio­Jazz­Khoube”­Jazz­Band­at­21:30 Mezzo Classic House Club Yerevan­Jazz­Quartet­at­20:00 Cafesjian Center for the Arts Jazz­Quartet,­Special­Evening­at­20:30 Ulikhanyan Club Rocks­and­Classics­at­20:00 Cafesjian Center for the Arts SYOA,­Sympho-Jazz­Music­at­19:30 Aram Khachatryan Concert Hall “Barekamutyun”­Dance­Ensemble­at­19:00 Aram Khachatryan Concert Hall Vahagn­Hayrapetyan­Jazz­Trio­at­21:00 Malkhas Jazz Club “Scotch­&­Whiskey”­Comedy­at­19:00 State Chamber Theatre Forsh­&­“Re­Minor”­Band­at­21:00 Poplavok Café “Geniuses”­S.­Prokofiev­at­19:00 Naregatsi Art Institute “Re­Minor”­Band­and­Forsh­at­21:00 Malkhas Jazz Club Jazz­Quartet,­Soloist­Zara­at­21:00 Malkhas Jazz Club “Soul­Windows”­Photo­Exhib.,­A.­Avakyan Armenian Center for the Contemporary Art “The­Armenian­Bread­Germany”­at­19:00 Naregatsi Art Institute “Crossroads”­Blues­Band­at­21:00 Malkhas Jazz Club L.­Ebrahimian,­Piano­Recital­at­20:00 Cafesjian Center for the Arts Concert­dedicated­to­Ed.­Mirzoyan­at­19:00 Arno Babajanyan Concert Hall

“Alice­in­Wonderland”­at­14:00 State Puppet Theatre M.­Mavisakalyan’s­75th­Anniver.­at­19:00 Aram Khachatryan Concert Hall “Private­Soldier­Danielyan”­at­19:00 State Chamber Theatre Live­Music­Evening­at­20:00 Calumet Bar Guitar­and­Piano­Arsen­Adonts­at­20:00 The Club “Concertgebouw”­Royal­Orchestra­at­19:00 09.11.12 Aram Khachatryan Concert Hall “Scotch­&­Whiskey”­Comedy­at­19:00 State Chamber Theatre “Passionate­Report”­at­19:00 Musical Chamber Theatre “Scotch­&­Whiskey”­Comedy­at­19:00 10.11.12 State Chamber Theatre Exhibition,­Armen­Safaryan Artists Union of Armenia Art­Cinema­Ensemble­at­14:00 11.11.12 Cafesjian Center for the Arts Live­Music­Evening­at­20:00 11.11.12 Bourbon St. Club Forsh­&­“Re­Minor”­Band­at­21:00 Poplavok Café 12.11.12 “Chico­&­Friends”­Jazz­Band­at­21:00 Poplavok Café Solo­Exhibition,­J.­Aghavelyan­(USA)­at­18:00 13.11.12 Naregatsi Art Institute 13-23.11.12 Exhibition,­Arakel­Arakelyan­ Artists Union of Armenia 14.11.12 Armenian,­Russian­&­Europ.­Music­at­19:00 Cafesjian Center for the Arts Concert­devoted­to­Komitas­at­19:00 Arno Babajanyan Concert Hall Armenian­National­Song­Evening­at­19:00 Aram Khachatryan Concert Hall 14-23.11.12 Exhibition,­Martiros­Badalyan Artists Union of Armenia 15.11.12 “Alice­in­Wonderland”­at­13:30 State Puppet Theatre Armenian­National­Song­Evening­at­19:00 16.11.12 Aram Khachatryan Concert Hall Live­Music­Evening­at­20:00 16.11.12 Calumet Bar “Under­The­Bethlehem­Star”­at­14:00 16.11.12 State Puppet Theatre “Royal­Concert”­at­19:00 State Chamber Theatre APO,­Symphonic­Concert­at­19:00 Aram Khachatryan Concert Hall “David­of­Sasun”­Epic­at­19:00 Musical Chamber Theatre Piano­and­Singer­P.­Eghiazar­at­20:00 The Club SYOA­&­Jan­Lisiecki­(Canada)­at­19:30 17.11.12 Aram Khachatryan Concert Hall


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THEATRES & ConCERT HALLS “Albania­+”­at­19:00 State Chamber Theatre 18.11.12 “The­Beauty­and­the­Beast”­at­14:00 Musical Chamber Theatre Live­Music­Evening­at­20:00 19.11.12 Bourbon St. Club “Chico­&­Friends”­Jazz­Band­at­21:00 19.11.12 Poplavok Café “Arevner”­Fest.­of­children's­songs­at­19:00 G. Sundukyan National Academic Theatre 20.11.12 “Arevner”,­Gala­concert­at­19:00 G. Sundukyan National Academic Theatre “Alice­in­Wonderland”­at­12:00 State Puppet Theatre L.­Mnacakanyan­&­S.­Baghinyan Poetry­Evening­at­19:00 Arno Babajanyan Concert Hall Aram­Khachatryan­and­Komitas­at­19:00 21.11.12 Cafesjian Center for the Arts 21.11.12 Concert­of­Irina­Alegrova­at­19:00 Sport & Concert Complex “Alice­in­Wonderland”­at­12:00 22.11.12 State Puppet Theatre 22.11.12 “Private­Soldier­Danielyan”­at­19:00 State Chamber Theatre 22.11.12 Live­Music­Evening­at­20:00 Calumet Bar Miqayel­Voskanyan­and­Friends­at­14:00 24.11.12 Cafesjian Center for the Arts “Cabaret”­Show­at­19:00 25.11.12 State Chamber Theatre “Cinderella”­Children­Musical­at­14:00 Musical Chamber Theatre Live­Music­Evening­at­20:00 Bourbon St. Club Piano,­David­Balasanyan­at­20:00 26.11.12 The Club 26-30.11.12 Exhibition,­Rafayel­Melikyan­ Artists Union of Armenia British-American­Music­at­20:00 28.11.12 Cafesjian Center for the Arts “Vahagn­Hayrapetyan­Trio”­at­21:00 Poplavok Café Live­Music­Evening­at­20:00 29.11.12 Bourbon St. Club Guitar­and­Piano­Arsen­Adonts­at­20:00 The Club Armenian­Jazz­Band­at­20:00 30.11.12 Cafesjian Center for the Arts Piano­and­Singer­P.­Eghiazar­at­20:00 The Club Forsh­and­“Re­Minor”­Band­at­21:00 Poplavok Café


For information and tickets delivery, please call Tel.: 094 52 64 77, 091 52 64 77 You can also buy tickets from the box office in front of the concert halls.

State­Theatre­of­Musical­Comedy Ð.­ä³ñáÝÛ³ÝÇ­³Ýí³Ý­»ñ³Åßï³Ï³Ý­ÏáÙ»¹Ç³ÛÇ å»ï³Ï³Ý­Ã³ïñáÝ­ 4­V.Sargsyan­Str.­Tel.­:­58­01­01 Yerevan­State­Dramatic­Theatre Ð.­Ô³÷ɳÝÛ³ÝÇ­³Ýí³Ý­ºñ¨³ÝÇ­¹ñ³Ù³ïÇÏ³Ï³Ý å»ï³Ï³Ý­Ã³ïñáÝ 28­Isahakyan­Str.­Tel.:­52­47­23,­52­47­33 Yerevan­State­Theatre­of­Marionette ºñ¨³Ýǭ˳ٳ×ÇÏÝ»ñÇ­å»ï³Ï³Ý­­Ã³ïñáÝ 43­Mashtots­Ave.­Tel.:­56­24­50 Center­of­Chamber­Music­ ÎáÙÇï³ëÇ­³Ýí³Ý­Î³Ù»ñ³ÛÇÝ­»ñ³ÅßïáõÃ۳ݭïáõÝ 1­Isahakyan­Str.­Tel.:52­67­18 Yerevan­State­Hamazgayin­Theatre­ ºñ¨³ÝÇ­å»ï³Ï³Ý­Ð³Ù³½·³ÛÇÝ­­Ã³ïñáÝ 26­Amiryan­Str.­Tel.:­50­10­60,­53­94­15 H.Toumanian­State­Puppet­Theatre Ð.­ÂáõÙ³ÝÛ³ÝÇ­³Ýí³Ý­å»ï³Ï³Ý­ïÇÏÝÇϳÛÇݭóïñáÝ 4­Sayat­Nova­Ave.­Tel.:­56­32­44,­56­32­43,­52­02­54 Yerevan­State­Theatre­of­the­Young­Spectator ºñ¨³ÝÇ­å³ï³ÝǭѳݹÇë³ï»ëÇ­å»ï³Ï³Ý­Ã³ïñáÝ 3­Moskovyan­Str.­Tel.:­58­19­74,­56­30­40 Chamber­Theatre­ γٻñ³ÛÇݭóïñáÝ 58­Mashtots­Ave.­Tel.:­56­63­78,­56­60­70 Henrik­Malian­Theatre­of­Armenfilm­Studios лÝñÇϭسÉÛ³ÝÇ­³Ýí³Ý­ÏÇÝá¹»ñ³ë³ÝǭóïñáÝ 18­Vardanants­Str.­Tel.:­54­02­96 “Metro”­Theatre ³ïñáÝ­§Ø»ïñᦠ“Garegin­Njdeh”­Metro­Station­Tel.:­42­27­42 National­Academic­Theatre­of­Opera­and­Ballet­­ úå»ñ³ÛÇ­¨­µ³É»ïÇ­³½·³ÛÇÝ­­³Ï³¹»ÙdzϳݭóïñáÝ 54­Toumanyan­Str.­Tel.:­53­33­91 Gabriel­Sundukian­National­­Academic­Theatre ¶³µñǻɭêáõݹáõÏÛ³ÝÇ­­³Ýí³Ý­ ³Ï³¹»Ùdzϳݭ­Ã³ïñáÝ 6­Grigor­Lusavorich­Str.­­Tel.:­52­76­70,­52­57­72 Naregatsi­Art­Institute ܳñ»Ï³óÇ­³ñí»ëïÇ­ÙÇáõÃÛáõÝ 16/1­Vardanants­Str.­Tel.:­58­01­05,­58­08­50 Mher­Mkrtchyan­Artistic­Studio ØÑ»ñ­ØÏñï­­ã۳ݭ³ñïÇëï³Ï³Ý­ëïáõ¹Ç³ 18­Khorenatsi­Str.­Tel.:­58­01­99 Aram­Khachatryan­Concert­Hall ²ñ³Ù­Ê³ã³ïñ۳ݭýÇÉѳñÙáÝÇϭѳٻñ·³ëñ³Ñ 46­Mashtots­Str.­Tel.:­56­14­60 Stanislavski­State­Russian­Drama­Theatre êï³ÝÇëɳíëÏáõ­³Ýí.­éáõë.­¹ñ³Ù³ïÇϳϳݭóïñáÝ ­7­Abovyan­Str.­Tel.:­56­91­99,­52­39­62 State­Musical­Chamber­Theatre ä»ï³Ï³Ý­»ñ³Åßï³Ï³Ý­Î³Ù»ñ³ÛÇݭóïñáÝ “Marshal­Baghramyan­­” Metro­Station­Tel.:­58­88­13 Arno­Babajanyan­Concert­Hall ²éÝá­´³µ³ç³Ý۳ݭ­Ñ³Ù»ñ·³ëñ³Ñ 2­Abovyan­Str. Tel.:­56­70­28,­56­71­02 Cafesjian­Center­for­the­Arts ¶³ý»ë×۳ݭ³ñí»ëïÇ­Ï»ÝïñáÝ Cascade­Complex­Tel.:­54­19­32

November 2012

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Greetings Hello How are you? Fine, thank you Very good Very bad Are you Armenian? Are you French? Can I? What's your name? I'm happy I'm hungry I'm thirsty I want I don't want How much does this cost? Do you know? Where is? Where are you going? What time is it? I know I don't know Excuse me Please I love you Yes No Goodbye Goodnight See you soon Have a good trip

Bonjour Comment allez-vous? Bien çava Très bien Très mal Etes-vous arménien? Etes - vous française? Puise-je? Comment t’appeles-tu? Je suis(e) heureux (euse) J'ai faim J'ai soif Je veux Je ne veux pas Combien ça coute? Savez-vous? Où est? Où allez-vous? Quelle heure est-il? Je sais Je ne sais pas Pardon Je vous en prie Je t’aime Oui Non Au revoir Bonne nuit à tout à l’heure Bon voyage

barev inchpes ek? lav em shat lav shat vat hay ek? fransiaci ek? kareli e? anoonud eench e? oorakh em sovats em tzarav em oozoom em chem oozoom sa eench arzhee? geetek? oor e? oor ek gnoom? zhamuh kaneesn e? geetem chgeetem neretseq khndrem yes kez siroum em ayo voch, cheh (coll.) tstesootyoon baree geesher arayjem baree djanapar

Travelling Bus Bus station Airport Airplane Luggage Subway Street Road River Lake Village Building Museum Hotel Room Elevator Cafe Laundry Store Open Closed Cheap Expensive Money Exchange Hot (weather) Cold (weather)

Un autobus Un arrét de bus Un aéroport Un avion Un bagage Un métro Une rue Une route Une rivière Un lac Un village Un bàtiment Un musée Un hotel Une chambre Un ascenseur Un café Une buanderie Un magazin Ouvert(e) Fermé(e) Bon marché Cher, chère L’argent Change Chaud(e) Froid(e)

avtoboos avtoboosy kangar odanavakayan odanav djamprook metro poghots djanapar get leedj gyoogh shenk tangaran hyooranots senyak verelak srdjaran lvatskatoon khanoot bats pak ezhan tank pogh drami pokhanakoum shog tsoort

Sightseeing Fortress Church Monastery Mountain Stone Cross-stone

Une fortresse Une église Un monastère Une montagne Une pierre Khachkar

berd yekeghetsi vank ler kar khachkar


Food Food Bread Barbecue Yogurt Cheese Sugar Rice Meat Fish Chicken Lamb Egg Green vegetables Tomato Cucumber Sweet Salt Pepper Fruits Market Good appetite

Une nourriture Un pain Un roti Lait caillé Un fromage Un sucre Un riz Une viande Un poisson Une poule Un agneau Un auf Des légumes Une tomate Un concombre Une friandise Un sel Un poivre Fruit(s) Marché Bon appétit

kerakoor hats khorovats matzoon paneer shakaravaz breendz mees dzook havy mees vochkary mees dzoo kanachy lolik, pomeedor varoong qaghtser agh beebar mirg shouka bari akhorjak

Beverages Water Cold water Mineral water Drinks Milk Tea Coffee Instant coffee Yogurt beverage Beer Wine Vodka

eau Une eau froide Eau minérale Boisson alcoolisée Un lait Un thé Un café Café soluble Un lait de beurre Une bière Un vin Une vodka

joor saruh joor hankayin joor khemitchk kat tey, chai (coll.) soordj lutsvogh soordj tan garedjoor geeny oghy

Numbers One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten One hundred Thousand

un deux trois quatre cinq six sept huit neuf dix cent mille

mek yerkoo yerek chors hing vets yot oot inn tas haryur hazar

Weekdays Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Every day

Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi Samedi Dimanche Chaque jour

yerkooshapty yerekshapty chorekshapty hingshapty oorphat shapat keeraky amen or

Weather Weather is good Il fait beau It is hot Il fait chaud It is cold Il fait froid It rains Il pleut It is warm Il y a du soleil It is cool Il y a du vent

lav eghanak e shok e tsoort e andzrevoom e tak e hov e

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Regions­ of



Khor Virap

Population: 311400 Area:­1995­km2­ Administrative­Center:­Artashat­ Distance­from­Yerevan­to­Artashat­:29­km­ Mountains:­Yeranos,­Kotuts,­Vishapasar Lakes:­Sev,­Azat,­Armush,­Karalic­­h Rivers:­Arax,­Azat,­Hrazdan,Yotnakunk Sights:­ Dvin­ and­ Kakavaberd­ fortresses, Khosrov­National­Park,­etc. Artashat­ is­ considered­ to­ be­ ­ one­ of­ the capital­ cities­ of­ historical­ Armenia.­ Here stands­ the­ sacred­ symbol­ of­ Armenian nation­mount­Ararat,­which­was­built­in­180 B.C.­­The­monastery­Khor­Virap­is­a­place of­ pilgrimage­ for­Armenians­ from­ all­ over the­ world.­ It­ is­ also­ one­ of­ the­ popular sights­ of­ Armenia,­ that­ gives­ everybody the­chance­to­see­Mount­Ararat,­and­is­the most­ convenient­ place­ for­ observing­ and taking­pictures­of­the­biblical­mountain.


Sardarapat Population: 323300 Area:­1251­km2­ Administ­rative­center:­Armavir­­ Distance­from­Yerevan­to­Armavir:­44­km­ Lakes:­Aighr Rivers:­Arax,­Kasakh,­Sevjur,­Armavir­ Sights:­Metsamor­city­and­atomic­center, Sardarapat­ memorial­ complex,­ Zvartnots temple,­ St.­ Hripsime,­ St.­ Shoghakat­ and St.­Gayane­churches,­etc. The­Armavir­region­is­located­in­the­south of­Armenia­ and­ was­ named­ after­ one­ of the­ 1st­ capitals­ of­Armenia,­Armavir.­The region­lies­between­the­mountains­Ararat and­ Aragats­ and­ is­ a­ part­ of­ the­ Ararat valey.­ Echmiadzin­ is­ the­ center­ of­ the Armenian­ Apostolic­ Holy­ Church,­ which was­built­between­301­and­303­during­the reigns­ of­ king­ Trdat­ III­ and­ Gregory­ the illuminator­ founder­ and­ first­ patriarch­ of the­Armenian­Church.­­


Lake Sevan Population: 278600 Area:­4058­km2 Administrative­center:­Gavar­­ Distance­from­Yerevan­to­Gavar:­92­km Mountains:­ Geghama­ range,­ Arjanots range,­Sevan­range,­Vardenis­range Lakes:­Sevan,­Aghi Rivers:­Hrazdan,­Vardenis,­Getik Sights:­Noradouz­(cross-stones),­Martuni and­Artsvanist­ cities­ St.­Astvatsatsin,­ St. Gevorg,­Vanevan­churches,­etc. The­ region­ of­ Gegharkunik­ is­ situated­ in the­eastern­part­of­Armenia.­Lake­Sevan, located­ 60­ km­ from­ Yerevan,­ is­ the largest­ lake­ of­Armenia.­ Sevan­ lake,­ the wonder­of­nature,­is­on­a­highway,­which cuts­ northward­ through­ mountains. Sevan­ has­ always­ been­ famous­ for­ its fish­“ishkhan”­­which­means­“prince-fish”. The­coast­of­Lake­Sevan­has­become­a place­of­mass­rest­and­tourism.­


Byurakan Population: 168100 Area:­2737­km2­ Administrative­Center:­Ashtarak­­ Distance­from­Yerevan­to­Ashtarak:­18­km­ Mountains:­Aragats,­Agravaqar,­Kakavasar Lakes:­Kari,­Aparan,­Lessing,­Mantashs Rivers:­Kasakh,­Arkashen,­Gegharot,­Arzni Sights:­ Aparan,­ Ashtarak,­ Oshakan­ and Talin­ cities,­ Amberd­ fortress,­ Saghmosavank­and­Ohanavank­monasteries,­etc.­The region­ is­ located­ in­ the­ west­ of­ Armenia. Byurakan­Astrophysical­Observatory­is­one of­the­greatest­World­centers­of­Astronomy. It­was­founded­in­1946.­It­is­one­of­the­crest of­Aragats­ Mountain.­ The­ main­ tools­ used during­ explorations­ are­ telescopes. Byurakan­is­also­a­place­of­historical­monuments.­There­are­“vishap”­­stone­sculptures of­ mythical­ fish­ -­ guards­ of­ water,­ spread over­slopes­of­Aragats­mount.­


Garni Population: 328900 Area:­2038­km2 Administrative­center:­Hrazdan­ Distance­from­Yerevan­to­Hrazdan:­50km­ Mountains:­Pambak­and­Geghama­range Lakes:­Akhna,­Hrazdan Rivers:­Hrazdan,­Getar,­­­Marmarik Sights:­ Abovian,­ Arzni­ and­ Bjni­ (resort centers)­ cities,­ Garni­ ancient­ temple, Geghard­monastery.­ To­the­north­of­Yerevan­lies­the­region­of Kotayk.­Tsakhkadzor­is­the­most­beloved resort­centre­for­tourists­with­its­ropeway both­ in­ winter­ and­ summer.­ It­ is­ unique especially­for­winter­sport­fans. Garni­ was­ a­ fortress­ and­ summer­ residence­ of­ Armenian­ kings­ in­ 1st­ A.D.. which­ was­ firstly­ devoted­ to­ one­ of­ the Armenian­pagan­Gods-Miltra.­ Geghard­ is­ a­ monastery­ of­ 12-13th­ cc.., which­was­initially­known­as­Irivank.­Now it­is­one­of­the­famous­picturesque­places of­Armenia.

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Sanahin Population: 392300 Area:­3750­km2­ Administrative­center:­Vanadzor­ Distance­from­Yerevan­to­Vanadzor:­112­km Mountains:­Pambak­range,­Bazum­range Lakes:­Debed,­Pambak,­Tashir,­Dzoraget Sights:­Alaverdi,­Dsegh­and­Odzun­cities, Mshavank,­Sanahin­monasteries,­etc.­ Lori­is­located­on­Armenia's­northern­border,­the­largest­in­area­among­Armenia's eleven­regions.­Vanadzor­is­considered­to be­Armenia's­third­largest­city.­Haghpat­is a­monastery­17­km­from­Alaverdi­and­280 km­from­Yerevan.­The­construction­of­this monastery­is­associated­with­the­glory­of the­ Bagratuni­ Royal­ family.­ Haghpat monastery­ was­ called­ the­ Holy­ Cross church.­ Holy­ water­ fills­ the­ small­ pool­ in the­ church.­ Believers­ say­ this­ water­ has curative­ qualities­ for­ people­ with­ poor health.


Goshavank Population: 156500 Area:­2695­km2 Administrative­center:­Ijevan­ Distance­from­Yerevan­to­Ijevan:­136­km­ Mountains:­ Papakar­ range,­ Voskepar range,­Mtnasar­range Lakes:­Parz,­Aghstev Rivers:­Koghb,­Voskepar,­Aghstev Sights:­ Dilijan­ and­ Gandzakar­ cities, Goshavank,­ Makaravak,­ Kaptavank monasteries,­lake­Parz.­­ Tavush­region­is­in­the­northeastern­corner­ of­ Armenia.­ The­ monastery Haghartsin­consists­of­several­churches. It­was­built­by­in­1248­with­lavish­decorations­of­carved­stone.­The­oldest­church in­ the­ monastery­ is­ with­ the­ cross­ winged­ dome­ named­ after­ St.­ Gregory. ­Goshavank­ is­ also­ an­ acient­ monastery which­ dates­ to­ 12-13th­ cc..­ The­ oldest construction­ of­ the­ monastery­ is­ the Virgin­church,­1196.­­


Varpetats Tun Population: 361400 Area :­2643­km2 Administrative­center :­Gyumri­­ Distance­from­Yerevan­to­Gyumri:­115km Mountains:­ Pambak­ range,­ Ashotsk plateau,­Ampasar,­Harsnakar Lakes:­Paghakn,­Akhurian,­Arpi Rivers:­Akhurian,­Mantash,­Ashotsk­ Sights:­Artik,­Harich­and­Lernakert­cities, Marmarashen­monastery,­etc. The­Shirak­region­is­located­in­Armenia's northwest­corner.­With­its­population,­territory,­ economical­ and­ cultural­ significance­ it­ is­ the­ second­ city­ of­ Armenia. Leninakan­ has­ been­ the­ official­ name­ of the­ city­ since­ 1924.­ The­ inhabitants­ of Gyumri­have­gained­the­reputation­of­hospitable­people­with­rich­sense­of­humor. As­ the­ marz­ is­ very­ close­ to­ Turkey,­ the ancient­capital­city­of­Armenia­Ani­can­be seen­easily.­­


Noravank Population: 69400 Area:­2308­km2 Administrative­ center:­ Yeghegnadzor Distance­ from­ Yerevan­ to­ Yeghegnadzor: 123­km Mountains:­Vardenis­range,­Vaik­range Lakes:­Sevakn,­Jukhtak,­Hreshtak Rivers:­Arpa,­Yeghegis,­Herher­ Sights:­ Areni,­ Jermuk­ (resort­ center), Herher­ towns,­ St.­ Astvatsatsin­ church, Gndevank­monastery,­Arpa­River,­etc. Vayots­ Dzor­ is­ in­ the­ southern­ part­ of Armenia.­Noravank­monastery­is­consi­dered­ to­ be­ pulpit­ of­ Syunik­ bishops.­ The main­ church­ of­ the­ monastery­ Noravak­ is St.­Karapet,­which­was­built­in­1227. The­monastery­is­unique­in­the­sense­that only­ here­ one­ can­ see­ the­ image­ of­ God above­the­entrance. The­magnificent­landscape­of­mountains­in Syunik,­ surrounding­ the­ monastery,­ displays­a­beautiful­array­of­colors.


Karahounch Population: 164000 Area:­4506­km2­ Administrative­center:­Kapan­ Distance­from­Yerevan­to­Kapan:­301­km­ Mountains:­Bargushat­range,­Arevic­range, Zangezur­range Lakes:­Sev,­Gogi,­Tsaghkar,­Gazana Rivers:­Araks,­Vorotan,­Sissian Sights:­Goris,­Sisian­(with­its­Shake­waterfall)­ and­ Khndzoresk­ cities,­ Tatev monastery,­etc. Syunik­region,­situated­in­the­south­-­eastern­part­of­Armenia,­is­surrounded­by­the mountain-chains­of­Zangezur,­Meghri­and Syunik­highland.­ Zorats­Kar­or­Karahounch­is­the­most­popular­place­in­Syunik­marz.­It­is­believed­to be­an­ancient­observatory­quite­similar­to Stonehenge­ in­ England­ the­ columns­ sit like­soldiers­on­a­hill,­huddled­in­formation.­


Karabagh Population: 140000 Area:­11300­km2 Capital:­Stepanakert­­ Distance­from­Yerevan­to­Stepanakert­:­312­km­ Mountains:­Artsakh­range,­Mrav­range Lakes:­Sarsang Rivers:­Vortan,­Hakari,­Tsav,­Arax,­Karkar Sights:­ Shushi­ city,­ Ghazanchetsots­ and Kanach­ Jham­ churches,­ Dadivank­ and Gandzasar­ monasteries,­ Askeran­ fortress, etc.­ Nagorno­ Karabagh­ is­ located­ in­ the northeastern­ area­ of­ the­ Armenian­ highlands.­ Since­ ancient­ times,­ it­ has­ been­ a province­ of­ historical­ Armenia.­ The­ northeastern­ border,­ according­ to­ all­ ancient sources,­ was­ the­ Kura­ River.­ Gandzasar­ is the­ most­ exquisite­ monastery­ of­ Karabagh. To­visit­Nagorno­Karabakh,­foreign­nationals require­ an­ entry­ visa.­ Nagorno­ Karabakh visas­are­issued­by­the­Consular­Section­of the­ NKR­ Permanent­ Representation­ in Armenia,­at­17a­Zarian­Street,­Yerevan.

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