Armenia TourInfo 177 November Issue 2019

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Contents Vol.17-177 November 2019




Vorotan Canyon





Temple of Aruch


Khosrov Forest

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Official information of Armenia ....................34 Embassies & Consulates ..................................36 Hotels & Hostels .................................................38 Food & Beverage ................................................40 Food & Beverage 2.............................................42 Shopping Spot .....................................................44 Travel & Entertainment Services ...................46 Museums & Art Galleries ................................48 Cultural Events ...................................................50 Medical Tourism ................................................52



Aragats Mountain





Treasures of Artsakh


Kalavan ‘‘Time-Land”


The Gospel of Mughni

November 2019 |

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Publisher’s Note In the cold November rain, I’m sure the fabulous weather will bring you back to Armenia next year. Welcome to the land of mountains and breezy morrows. Here, in Armenia, everyone can enjoy the fresh cool air, especially in November. A little bit cold rainy weather of autumn grows milder under the brilliance of sunrays. “Armenia TourInfo” first tourism magazine gives opportunity to our visitors to get acquainted with all sightseeings in Armenia: historical, cultural and architectural monuments and the main visitor’s destinations. “TourInfo” magazine includes also main shopping spots in Yerevan. You can get acquainted with many Armenian products & cuisine as well, such as fine Armenian Wines and Brandies, Proshyan Group wine and lots of restaurants that you can reach inside the magazine. You should only sit comfortably in your hotel room, look through the pages of “TourInfo” magazine and find any travel information that you need. All November events in Armenia on pages 50-51 are satiated with performances and concerts in Yerevan theatres, concert halls, and music clubs. Besides, in each issue of “TourInfo”, you will find interesting subjects on Armenia’s highlights and tourist attractions.

In the digital age, there’s no reason to leave your heart in Armenia. Stay connected by following us on and who knows maybe your recommendations will inspire our next issue. Of course, we wouldn’t be able to share “TourInfo” Magazine with you without the support of our advertisers and distribution partners. Always tell them that “TourInfo” brought you to visit their places we have included in this issue. “TourInfo” in Always you can reach

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Garen Markarian

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November 2019 |





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The Vault of Qarashamb The Primordial Wealth of Armenia Armenian Highland is one of the ancient regions of our forefathers’ residence which is rich in monuments and archaeological fossils typical to all epoch-making historical stages. A unique monument belonging to the Middle Bronze Age is the big stone shrine of 30 meters diameter and 1.5 meters height excavated near the village Qarashamb in Kotayk region which dates back to the II millennium BC. The funeral took place on the land surface for which a rectangular burial place was made by stones on a small natural hill. The ground was covered with a piece of cloth. The burial was accompanied by a rich property, sacrificed wild and corneous animals, and birds. Various arms, tableware, and jewelry are especially distinguished among the excavated goods. There were found such weapons as short-dependent bronze dagger with triangular blades, silver sack with crescent-like edges and armour. There was a low boiler with 2 lugs and narrow neckband placed on 3 stones in the middle of the burial place in which there were bird bones, timber residues of the cover of the burial place, as well as polished and unpolished black clay vessels decorated with lines and points. There are 2 necklaces distinguished among the ornaments one of which is 10 | TourInfo

made of crystal and golden beads. There are 2 large golden beads in the middle. There are also found 2 buckles made of massive golden sheets, bronze and silver needles. The famous silver cup has great significance among the excavated samples. It has 13 cm in height. This cup has great historical, mythological and aesthetic value. Six horizontal decoration belts adorning the cup present a dramatic history: boar hunting, royal revelry, and deer sacrifice before the war, soldiers’ march, battle between spearmen and swordsmen, decapitation captive and transformation of their souls into tailed creatures. People are depicted either by profile or by full face. The plot of the cup of Qarashamb is distinguished for dynamism and internal tension. The duel between 2 leaders is of special interest; the leader of the swordsmen is knelt by the slap of the spearman, and his helmet has fallen to unveil his face. This ancient sample of art is closely connected with the monuments of Hittite art and mythology by its design and composition of images. Because of the richness and magnificence of fossils found here, the vault of Qarashamb is considered to be one of the richest burials in the whole territory of Transcaucasia. Archive

November 2019 |

The Miracle of Vorotan Canyon Do you Think to Visit Devil’s Bridge (IV – II mil. BC) Nature is amazing with its wonderful sights and miraculous monuments which make an integral part of world natural heritage. Such natural obelisks are “Devil’s Bridges”. Yes, there are many bridges in the world with that name, for example in Switzerland, France, Bulgaria, etc. You can find the “Devil’s Bridge” (Satani Kamurj) in Armenia as well… The Bridge is situated in the Canyon of Vorotan River and stretches for nearly 30 meters length. It is located in the deepest part of the gorge in the depth of 700-800 meters. In that part, the gorge is so narrow that even the sun rays are not able to penetrate to the bottom of the gorge. One of the picturesque monuments of nature – the Devil’s Bridge is situated here in this deep canyon, surrounded with many mountainous springs the waters of which had painted the rocks of the canyon with pink, yellow and green colors. This wonderful structure is a natural bridge formed from travertines. During many centuries huge masses of limestone have been gathering to form this powerful stone arch. The stalactites made by the mineral water springs hang from the edges of this stone arch, and beautiful falls are rushing down from the rock caves under the natural bridge. The mineral springs are situated just under the bridge. They are poured into the Vorotan River to make it more abundant. At first sight it seems that the small and thin river flows under the bridge but, instead, we see a deeper river flowing from the bridge. Perhaps, this is the reason that people named the natural bridge “Devil’s Bridge”. 12 | TourInfo

Nowadays, people are used to look at the river-bed of Vorotan and to say, “It is the devil’s work…” The hot mineral waters of healthy traits made ponds under the bridge. It is known that still in ancient times Armenian wealthy people used to visit this wonderful cave in summer months to have a bath in the healthy waters of the basins. The nature of the Syunik region is marvelous. River Vorotan (178 km) – the natural treasure of Syunik flows through the wonderful area of the region. Flowing in the beautiful canyon, the river passes through the caves of Stone Age, fortresses and monasteries of Bronze Age. The riverbed is a perfect place for trekking tours. The footways stretching through the forests lead to Tatev, Karahunj, and Halidzor. In spring and summer months the amateurs of river rafting can have a wonderful rafting experience in the Canyon of Vorotan River. You will have an opportunity to row in the abundant river and at the same time to enjoy the beauty of picturesque natural scenes: deep canyons, pointed mountain peaks, island-fortresses. Never forget to follow the recommendations of experienced guides who should, by all means, accompany you during your rafting tours through the river. Well, now I am sure that the amateurs of wild nature are going to pack their expeditionary utensils to travel to one of the most gorgeous sights of Armenia. After visiting Devil’s Bridge it is our pleasure if you share your experience and the photos with us to publish them with your words and name. Archive

November 2019 |

Temple of Aruch The Ornament of Armenian Architecture Domed halls make a special group in the diversity of early medieval Armenian architecture. One of the largest churches of this type of architecture is the temple of Aruch which has been quite well preserved and reached our days. The temple is situated in the village of Aruch, near Ashtarak. It has dominating power in the panorama of the locality and can be easily seen in the distance. According to the bibliographic sources and constructional records, which are carved on the eastern faรงade under the central window, the temple was built in the 7th century during the 29th year of the reign of Emperor Constantine by the representatives of the Mamikonyan ruling dynasty Grigor and his wife Heghine. There are three entrances to the specious temple from the north, west, and east which are decorated by pillared portals. The main alter stands on the eastern side of the temple with two depositors in both sides of it. There are two niches with one window between alter and depositors on the eastern facades of the temple. Due to its high position, the dome was once dominating in the temple, the load of which was transferred to the pilasters through the four sails. Once the drum of the dome was polyhedral decorated with elegant arches leaned upon the pilasters in the corners. In addition to the unique architectural design temple of Aruch is also famous for its wall-paintings.

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Though they are now greatly damaged the frescos have been saved and we can see the illustrated scenes. The scene of Ascension is portrayed on the spacious alter of the temple. On the blue background, we can notice 7 meters high figure of Christ portrayed between two angels. On his left hand, Christ holds a big paper with Armenian missionary text. Slightly below the whole area is framed by the wide decorated belt formed by leaves in the gorgeous curls of which there are baskets and vessels full of fruits, such as grapes and pomegranates. The particular impression is made by the play of green, white and red colors on the black background. The northern walls of alter are decorated with the images of 6 apostles. It is supposed that the other 6 apostles have been portrayed on the southern wall of alter, and Our Lady among angels has been portrayed between the three windows. The name of the artist - Stepanos has also been preserved in the lower part of the fresco. During its centuries-old history, the temple of Aruch has been renovated several times. For the first time, it was repaired in 973 by a person named Gorom about which there is a record on the northern wall of the temple. The main reconstruction works were done in 1949-1956. Some restoration works continue to be done even today. Thus, we have the opportunity to admire the unique ornament of early medieval Armenian architecture. Archive

November 2019 |

Aragats Mountain The Hearth of Mountain Climbing in Armenia Armenia is famous in the world for numerous cultural and historical memorials, medieval architectural monuments of universal value and picturesque places. But other pleasant surprises and new openings are waiting for those who want to explore Biblical LandArmenia. Armenian mountains and gorges made our fortresses and castles inaccessible for many centuries. And now they invite the amateurs of extreme tourism to their flowery breasts. The main hearth of the mountain climbing in Armenia – Aragats Mountain is situated in the Aragatsotn region – in the “Garden of Armenia”, which is known not only for its ancient monasteries but also for its marvelous nature: mountainous areas surrounded by extensive plateau and luxuriant Alpine vegetation. Here meadows are covered with colorful aromatic flowers, such as violets, lilies, tulips, bluebells, and the “Alpine carpets” are typical to the high mountainous snow-covered areas. Mount Aragats was named after Armenian king Ara Beautiful, and the name itself means “The Throne of Ara”. Mount Aragats with its magic nature has always been the symbol of beauty and the source of inspiration for many Armenian writers and artists. This massif of four summits attracts the visitors’ attention at first sight by its solemn view and beautiful panorama. The peak of the mountain is the most striking which viewed from 16 | TourInfo

a far resembles the image of Ara Beautiful. According to the legend Shamiram, the queen of Assyria tried to heal king Ara Beautiful on the slopes of the mountain after wounding him in the battle. One of the mighty volcanoes of the past now has four summits, but the most favorite one for mountaineers is the northern peak the conquering of which gives aesthetic pleasure to any traveller. Mount Aragats is famous for its springs and lakes. Not far from the northern peak there is one of the natural miracles of Armenia – wonderful Qari Lake and many lovers of nature overcome the difficulties of Mount Aragats to see its beauty. The peak is always covered with snow the thawing waters of which nourish the rivers Amberd and Gegharot that flow from the summits of the mountain. Besides, there is a crater of 350 meters depth which is a big basin of water. The mild and warm climate of the Aragatsotn region allows conquering the mountain heights for several months from May to November. Recently, the mountaineers from Iran enjoyed the pleasure of conquering the peak of Mount Aragats. The group leader of the Persian alpinists delighted with the beauty of nature of Armenia described our country by the following words, “The nature is very beautiful. Armenia has all the opportunities to become a heroine of a beautiful eco-film”. Archive

November 2019 |

Treasures of Artsakh - Jermajur Hot Springs Discover the Healing Traits of the Royal Mineral Sources Natural warm water springs that flow from the underground are considered to be one of the most visited travel destinations in the Republic of Nagorno Karabagh. Town Jermajur, located at an altitude of 2200-2400 meters, is rich in natural hot springs. The mineral water springs of Jermajur are known for their healing properties; for which people have always visited this small town since ancient times to have a bath in its warm water basins. Another interesting fact… The name Jermajur seems to be chosen to give the exact description of the natural treasures of the resort village. Here is the origin of the name “Jermajur” which means “hot water”. The town of Jermajur is situated on the bank of Tartar River at 20 km to the South from Karvachar city. Tartar River, also known as Trtu River, begins from the slopes of the northern ranges of Artsakh and the southern ranges of Mravsar, at an altitude of 3158 meters. It flows through Mardakert and Karvatchar districts. Tartar is a mountainous river of 200km length, most of which passes through the canyon-shaped, deep gorge. Tartar River is a perfect place for the amateurs of river rafting, especially in spring months when the river overflows. 18 | TourInfo

The pool is located on the bank of Tartar River, not far from Karvachar City (about 20km). The road to Jermajur is also worth seeing. It spreads across rocks and forests along the Tartar River bank. The river flows through a wonderful canyon where the forests and rocks exist side by side. Not far from the riverside, you can find another glorious treasure of Artsakh-Dadivank Monastery (9-13th centuries). Magic natural warm waters effusing from the underground are situated on the bank of Tartar River. The water temperature is 60 °C independently from the seasons of the year. In summer months, it is always possible to see people swimming in the basin of warm mineral waters, which have great healing power. Jermajur water is similar to Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic) and Jermuk (Armenia) with its healing features. Our visitors are welcomed to feel the healing power of these waters. So, if you are in Armenia, be sure to visit Artsakh and take a bath in the miraculous hot water basins of Jermajur. Then do not forget to email us and share your experience with us. Wishing you great travels. Archive

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Treasures of “Khosrov Forest”

Would you Play on the Basalt Organ “Stone Symphony”?

One of the Armenian kings, Khosrov II Kotak decided to plant a forest on the southern slopes of the Geghama Mountains in the IV century. He bred the forest with various animals and birds and made it a royal chase. Today, “Khosrov Forest” Reserve is situated in the same territory in the basins of rivers Azat and Vedi. For many centuries Khosrov Forest has been mentioned in the history of Armenia as a noble chase – the main entertainment place for the Armenian kings. In spite, if its small territory of about 30000 hectares, the state reserve can be proud of a unique biodiversity of plants and animals. Forested and semi-desert landscapes of Armenian nature are presented here with unique symbiosis of their flora and fauna. More than 1850 species of plants are grown in the territory of state reserve, which makes more than 50% of the flora of Armenia. The main plants of the treasury of “Khosrov Forest” are the juniperus and oak forest, and of course, steppe wormwood. Luxuriant landscapes and flora of the whole territory of not only reserve but also that of the region create favourable environmental conditions for the preservation of diversity of fauna. Steep slopes and the flowery glades of the forests are considered to be the settlement of Armenian endemic species, such as Armenian brown bear, bezoar goat that are registered in the Red Book of Armenia. In the forestreserve, you can meet also such unique and beautiful animals as Asian panther (Panthera pardus ciscaucasica) and leopard living in deep canyons and shrubberies. As you see, the flora and fauna of the reserve are very rich and there are unique species that are worth to see. In general, 70% of the animals, registered in the Red Book of Armenia, dwell here. Most of them are in the danger of

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disappearing and are registered in the International Red Book, such as Armenian Mouflon (wild sheep) and an amazing hedgehog with large ears. Talking of the treasures of “Khosrov Forest” we should mention also historical memorials, monuments, and natural obelisks: cave settlements, ancient medieval monasteries, cross-stones, and churches. “Khosrov Forest” reserve is a perfect travel destination for scientific, cognitive and eco-tours, as well as pilgrimages. Next to all wonderful centuries-old monasteries, there is a holy place for pilgrimages – Saint Stepanos Church that for many centuries has been a sanctuary for millions of people. Now about the main attractions of the “Khosrov Forest” reserve. For expeditions, the most exciting peaks are Khosrov reserve’s falls, and of course, “Symphony of Stones” – the miracle of the gorge of Azat River. This monument of nature, called “Basalt Organ” is a massive rock structure formed by basalt hexagonal pillars due to the frozen flows of lava. These huge rocks have a look of the organ, that’s why people are used to call it “Basalt Organ”. In the territory of the reserve, you are to have a wonderful walking tour during which you will see the other miracle of the region – 2 wonderful waterfalls. People call the waterfalls by the names of beloved pagan gods of ancient Armenian mythology - goddess of love and beauty Astghik and god of war Vahagn because, as the legend says, the goddess used to take bass in these falls. And the last cozy sight of the reserve is “Lonely tree” that welcomes the visitors to have a rest under its dense branches. Archive

November 2019 |


Cycling Tourism in Chambarak: Healthy and Fun Chambarak is a town in the wide and flat valleys through which Getik River runs. It is 1860 meters above sea level. It is also the center of Chambarak Community of Gegharkunik Region, consisting of 11 villages and small towns. The core town Chambarak is located near an incredibly beautiful forest, home to old and newly planted evergreens, oak trees, poplar trees, etc. Whether you’re a lover of nature or you’re more into cultural heritages, it’s the correct place for you, as it encompasses all of the above. Chambarak is also a striving community promising to become one of tourism attractions in Armenia. Cycling is not that common in Armenian villages and towns, and especially, it is rarely used to attract tourists. However, Karen, the director of Chambarak Development Foundation which is 100 steps away from wonderful Chambarak forest, decided to map a bikeway stretching 30 km from Chambarak to Aghavnavank village. The bicycle parking stand is attached to the side of the Guesthouse Chambarak. The bicycles were acquired within the scopes of “EU for Tourism: Community-Based Rural Tourism and Cultural Events in Gegharkunik and Vayots Dzor Marzes” project, funded by EU jointly with World Vision Armenia. Since then, the Guesthouse has sheltered dozens of tourists, who preferred to combine a chill and cozy atmosphere with active recreation. Visit Guesthouse Chambarak, take a bike and start your ride on the two trek main road! One of the

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advantages is that you can rent the bike from the Guesthouse, ride 30 km to Aghavnavank and leave it straight there. Another advantage is that the end point of the ride is located near the gastro yards of Aghavnavank, means you can take a proper rest if you’re tired after a 30 km ride. During the ride you can admire the mesmerizing nature scenes - the valley on the roadsides, the hills and mountains before you, the blue horizon chasing you, the old houses of the rural people, the apple gardens, etc. There are also old churches and khachkars (cross-stones) from 11th to 13th centuries on the way, so you can stop by and get acquainted with their stories. The villages located in-between the start point and the endpoint will offer you a variety of rural tourism activities, too. Bike rental costs 1500 AMD ($3,5) per hour without accessories and 2000 ($4,5) AMD with, as well as 5000 ($11) AMD per day without accessories and 6000 AMD ($13) with, although the price mainly depends on which or how many accessories you chose. The Guesthouse can host up to 8 tourists. It has 3 rooms and 2 bathrooms. 1 night costs 7500 AMD ($16). You can also order breakfast, lunch and/or dinner. Take your time and visit Chambarak. We assure that you won’t regret your heartwarming stay and the picturesque ride! For More Information: +374 94 40 50 90.

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Kalavan ‘‘Time-Land”

Economic Engine for a Fading Village in Armenia Kalavan, a modest untouched village dashing towards an exceptional success, is located in Gegharkunik Region, Armenia. Isolated from civilization – no motorways, no shops, no luxury hotels and restaurants – Kalavan is a top eco, adventure and archaeological tourism attraction in Armenia. The village has graveyards and Stone Age outdoor stations in the surroundings. In addition, the forest is home to beautiful wildlife – squirrels, least weasel, roe deer, wildcat, badger, etc. The archaeological monument Kalavan 1 dates back to the 14th millennium, and Kalavan 2 is more than 34 thousand years old. The credit for pioneering this journey towards a positive result goes to Robert Ghukasyan, who chased his dream of enlivening the fading village of Kalavan, which had only a hundred residents. The development model Robert offered was graciously welcomed by World Vision Armenia and since the very beginning to present the organization has backed the initiative. The model also became an economic engine for Kalavan and the surrounding villages. Due to the selfless efforts of the “Time Land” nongovernmental educational foundation functioning since 2012, the village miraculously evolved into a blooming spot becoming a magnet for national and international tourists, nature-loving new residents, private entrepreneurs, scientists from both Armenia and other countries, donor organizations, adventurers, etc.

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“Time Land” educational foundation offers its visitors a fantastic and unforgettable journey to the Stone Age. The visitors hike through the forest, appearing in an environment completely isolated from the civilization, where they should act as ancient people. The educational programs and simulation games help the participants learn and experience lighting a fire in the wild with materials available at hand, making hunting tools of the ancient inhabitants with the help of stones, making a hut in the forest and the like. They can also take part in archaeological expeditions, take part in archery competitions, go hiking in the mountains while learning about the history and wildlife of the local area, etc. In 2014 the organization launched “No to Plastic” initiative, which was crowned with success. The organization not only taught people to stop throwing plastic into the nature, but also cleaned the territory from the detrimental trash. Due to the supporting organization and EU funded “EU for Tourism: Community-Based Rural Tourism and Cultural Events in Gegharkunik and Vayots Dzor Marzes” project in line with the selfless efforts of the local people, Kalavan started renovations recently. The archaeological park will open its doors in front of its visitors April onwards, offering a wide range of activities. For More Information: +374 93 36 76 96

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The Gospel of Mughni (manuscript N 7736) Treasures of Matenadaran The 11th century in the cultural life of medieval Armenia is significant for the creation of both architectural and pictorial monuments. A large number of valuable and interesting works of artistic illustration of books were created in different regions of Armenia according to the peculiar features of each region. The school of Ani is unique in the Armenian medieval miniature art of the 11th century for one of its best works - the Gospel of Mughni. The Gospel has 10 altars, images of 4 evangelists and 11 plot miniatures covering the whole page. The painting of the Gospel of Mughni stands out by the monumental organization of scenes and the architectural inclusion of still landscape painting in the background of which the massive representative figures are working quietly. Especially, the blue dome is emphasized. The altars are also highly formed in which we can see a new type of roof – the arched vault. The cover pages of the gospel are especially distinguished for the structural proportionality. The main ornament is placed above, along the whole width of the paper with the capital letter on the left corner and the symbol of the evangelist is joint to the edge of the letter. Decoration patterns frequently used in the gospel of Mughni are grape clusters, rainbow, and flower garland made of small leaves and berries, carpet design and so on. The curtains with slightly expressed decoration patterns and cypresses beyond them are attached to 8 altars by both sides. 26 | TourInfo

The painting of the gospel of Mughni is distinguished for the master’s great attention paid to reality in the landscape painting. The original of the painting for the artist was the nature of Armenia. The hills, gorges, and valleys became the best background for the actions of characters. At the same time, the illustrator conveyed not only the design of the landscape but also its spirit the best example of which is the tragic painting of the scene of “Crucifixion”. The artist’s attention towards the light is also noteworthy: he expresses the deflection of light in the water in several scenes, such as “the Baptism” and “The Birth”. The illustration of the altars of the gospel is distinguished by the great diversity of flora and fauna. The artist has likely portrayed the garden of paradise where the hares, lions, elephants, various birds, and other animals live side by side. In this respect, special attention should be paid to the so-called “Nile Scene” where under the arch of the altar two fishermen are portrayed in a boat one of them pulling the sweep-net full of fish. The scene is filled up by the images of real and fantastic animals that occupy the whole surface of the arch. The strict balance between the different parts of the scenes that are dominated in the images of the 11 plot miniatures and 4 evangelists strengthens the impression of monumentality, colors, and solemnity. The gospel of Mughni with its artistic peculiarities is considered to be one of the most vivid patricianoriented works of the Armenian medieval miniature. Archive

November 2019 |

Trchkan Waterfall The Highest Waterfall of Armenia One of the natural beauties of Armenia, Trchkan waterfall is situated on the border between Shirak and Lori regions at 33 km distance from Gyumri, cultural capital of Armenia. The highest waterfall of Armenia, beautiful Trchkan of 23 meters high rushes down on Chichkhan river, the left rivulet of Pambak river, which starting to stream from the north-eastern slopes of the mountain range of Shirak (2250 meters) flows to the east. According to the old tradition, the name of the waterfall is connected with the “crazy adventures” of Chichkhan river that flows in the wide ravine. As the villagers tell the river Chichkhan is rich in trout who flow upstream of the river in the season of reproduction. One day the villagers notice the fish swimming upstream of the river and jumping over the waterfall of more than 20 meters high. And after that incident, the beautiful waterfall is called “Trchkan” which in Armenian means “jumping”. Trchkan is not only the highest waterfall of Armenia but also the most abounding in water, for which it is often called “the Armenian Niagara”. The territory of the waterfall is also rich in many endemic species of birds and plants which can be seen very seldom and are registered in the Red Book. The Armenian beauty – Trchkan waterfall is registered in the list of miraculous monuments of nature since 28 | TourInfo

2008 and in 2011 the waterfall was defined as the special protected area. Now one of the most professional Armenian travel agencies, Shirak Tours offers the visitors of our country interesting tours and excursions to Trchkan waterfall. Only during the tours with Shirak Tours you will get acquainted with the graceful corners of our wonderful nature and explore various unique monuments that are spread throughout the whole territory of Armenia. You can also see miraculous monuments of nature and admire their beauty, one of which is Trchkan waterfall. So, very interesting tours are organized by travel agencies that you can find in the pages of “TourInfo” magazine. And how beautiful is the waterfall in winter and spring months when the frosty winter has not yet given up its place to warm weather. Have you ever seen a frozen waterfall… Imagine the beauty of the marvelous Trchkan when it is frozen. It is not in vain that the waterfall was entitled to the name “Icy Queen”. However, it does not matter in what season you will visit to see this wonderful part of the Armenian nature, you will always live unforgettable moments of your life and no doubt you will have many-many beautiful memories to take from Armenia. Archive

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Hotels & Hostels GRAND HOTEL YEREVAN 14 Abovyan Str. +374 10 59 16 00

ARMENIA MARRIOTT HOTEL YEREVAN 1 Amiryan Str. +374 10 59 90 00

MULTI GRAND PHARAON 5 Yerevan-Abovyan Highway +374 10 61 00 55

ARMENIAN ROYAL PALACE 17/1 4th Str. Silikyan dist. +374 93 16 31 13

THE ALEXANDER a Luxury Collection Hotel Yerevan 3/4 Abovyan Str. +374 11 20 60 00 AGHABABYANS 25/5 Nazarbekyan Dist. +374 12 78 88 88 GOLDEN PALACE YEREVAN HOTEL 11 Northern Ave. +374 12 22 00 00 LATAR HOTEL COMPLEX Silikyan Dist. +374 10 33 07 11 NATIONAL HOTEL 4/3 Amiryan Str. +374 10 57 40 00 RADISSON BLU 2/2 Azatutyan Ave. +374 10 21 99 00 ARARAT HOTEL 7 Grigor Lusavorchi Str. +374 60 51 10 00 ARTSAKH HOTEL 116 Sevani Str. +374 10 44 91 99 AGHVERAN ARARAT RESORT 11 Antarayin Str. +374 60 65 06 06 Ani Grand Hotel 65 Hanrapetutyan Str. +374 12 77 00 00 ANI PLAZA 19 Sayat Nova Ave. +374 10 58 95 00 ARMENIA MARRIOTT HOTEL TSAGHKADZOR 2 Tandzaghpyur Str. +374 10 29 41 41

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AVIATRANS HOTEL 4 Abovyan Str. +374 10 56 72 28 BASS BOUTIQUE HOTEL 3 Aygedzor Str. +374 10 26 10 80 BEST WESTERN CONGRESS HOTEL 1 Italy Str. +374 10 59 11 99

IMPERIAL PALACE HOTEL 23 Koryun Str. +374 10 58 80 40 MESSIER 53 15/4 Vardanants Str. +374 11 53 00 53

METROPOL HOTEL 2/2 Mashtots Ave. +374 10 51 07 00 MINOTEL BARSAM SUITES 8 Mher Mkrtchyan Str. +374 98 97 70 75 NORTH AVENUE 10/1 Northern Ave. +374 10 50 50 55


NORK RESIDENCE 56/1 Moldovakan Str. +374 10 67 00 51

BASTILLE HOTEL 8/3 Arghutyan Str. +374 11 21 11 12

NOVA HOTEL YEREVAN 10/5 Sayat-Nova Ave. +374 10 60 00 50

CAUCASUS HOTEL Ashtarak Highway +374 60 50 11 77

OLYMPIC HOTEL 49 Mher Mkrtchyan, Gyumri +374 10 43 10 59

CENTRAL HOTEL YEREVAN 7/1 Zaqyan Str. +374 43 24 88 13

OPERA SUITE HOTEL Baghramyan 1st lane 1-3 +374 10 56 60 10

DIAMOND HOTEL YEREVAN 86 Arami Str. +374 10 50 80 80

PANORAMA YEREVAN RESORT 24/3 Hovsepyan Str.. +374 60 27 57 37

DOUBLETREE BY HILTON YEREVAN CITY CENTRE 4/2 Grigor Lusavorich Str. +374 11 55 53 33

PARIS HOTEL 4/6 Amiryan Str. +374 60 60 00 60

EUROPE HOTEL 38 Hanrapetutyan Str. +374 10 54 60 60

REPUBLICA HOTEL 7/1 Amiryan Str. +374 11 99 00 00

14th FLOOR HOTEL 4/6 Amiryan Str. +374 60 56 00 00 CAPITAL HOTEL 53b Aygedzori Str. +374 10 27 78 78 CASCADE HOTEL 10/10 Zarobyan Str. +374 60 40 04 40 CITY HOTEL YEREVAN 26/2 Saryan Str. +374-12-424425 CROSS RESORT 50-1 Ashtarak Highway +374 94 77 70 77 FAMILY HOTEL 49/1 Pavstos Buzand Str. +374 10 56 90 28 GREEN PALACE HOTEL 57 Myasnikyan Ave. +374 10 20 77 07

HOSTELS, GUEST HOUSE ANI HOSTEL 38 Tumanyan Str. +374 96 54 81 23 BEST HOSTEL 26 V. Sargsyan Str. +374 10 54 67 67 BUNKER DOWNTOWN 4 Mashtots Ave. +374 43 34 05 04 CLASSY&COZY HOSTEL Kond Str. +374 91 56 02 56 DOMINO HOSTEL 5 Paronyan Str. +374 55 42 22 21 ENVOY HOSTEL 54 Pushkin Str. +374 10 53 03 69 FRIENDSHIP HOSTEL 1 Yeznik Koghbatsi Str. +374 55 18 88 88

HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS 97/2 Buzand Str. +374 60 40 40 00

GEM HOSTEL 31 Mashtots Ave. +374 77 32 89 21

HRAZDAN HOTEL 72 Dzorapi Str. +374 10 53 53 32

GRAND HOSTEL 10 Aygestan Str. +374 11 77 01 03

IBIS 5/1 Northern Ave. +374 10 59 59 59

HOLIDAY HOSTEL 1 Yekmalyan str. +374 12 22 92 22

KANTAR 10 Deghatan Str. +374 11 70 00 17

MGA HOSTEL 15 Khorenatsi str. +374 99 46 40 44

MY HOTEL 47/1 Nalbandyan Str. +374 10 60 07 09

NOY HOSTEL 9 Aygestan str. +374 77 28 72 71

NARE HOTEL 22/10 G.Hovsepyan Str. +374 10 65 65 65

EREBUNI HOTEL 26/4 Vazgen Sargsian Str. +374 10 58 05 05

ROYAL PLAZA HOTEL COMPLEX 9 Saryan Str. +374 94 62 00 09

FORUM HOTEL 19/3 Paronyan Str. +374 10 50 17 40

SILACHI 20/2 Tigran Metsi Ave. +374 10 54 07 08

REGINEH HOTEL 235/1 Norqi Ayginer Str. +374 10 65 40 20

HYATT PLACE YEREVAN 26/1 Sargsyan Str. +374 11 22 12 34

TUFENKIAN HOTEL 48 Hanrapetutyan Str. +374 60 50 10 30

SILK ROAD HOTEL Aygedzor 53/2 +374 91 26 52 14

OLYMPIA HOTEL 64 Barbyusi Str. +374 10 27 18 50

REST GUEST HOUSE 48 Malatia Str. +374 43 19 82 98 STUDIO BOUTIQUE HOTEL

6 Tamanyan Str. +374 55 77 70 50

THE ROOMS HOSTEL 53 Pavstos Buzand Str. +374 96 50 00 30 VAGARY HOSTEL YEREVAN 72 Khorenatsi Str. +374 99 89 10 89

November 2019 |

Foods & Beverages I Armenian Cuisine ADASTRA 2/2 Azatutyan Ave. +374 10 21 99 90 AGULETSI ART CAFE 79 Muratsan str. +374 77 02 24 57 AFRIKYAN’S TAVERN 39 Sayat-Nova Ave. +374 10 55 32 20 ANOUSH 7/1 Amiryan Str. +374 11 99 00 00 ARARAT HALL 30 Koghbatsi Str. +374 10 53 67 98 ARMAT 50/2 Koghbaci str. +374 91 501919 AYAS KILIKIA 78 Hanrapetutyan Str. +374 10 54 88 08 BELLAGIO 2 Myasnikyan Ave. +374 10 55 12 12 CAUCASUS COMPLEX Ashtarak highway +374 99 919 919 CAUCASUS TAVERN 82 Hanrapetutyan Str. +374 99 56 11 77 +374 98 56 11 77 CHAMAN 13/1 Leo Str. +374 99 53 92 68 CHINAR 28 Moskovyan Str. +374 41 26 02 60 CHARETS 28 28 Charents Str. +374 10 57 29 45 DALAN 12 12 Abovyan Str. +374 93 71 43 18 DOLMAMA 10 Pushkin Str. +374 10 56 13 54

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GAGARI MOT Sevan,Gegharkunik +374 93 35 77 11 GINETUN RESTAURANT Arinj, Acharyan Str. +374 10 61 08 50 HAVANA COMPLEX Tsitsernakaberd Park +374 10 38 06 06 KANTEGH 7/1 Zakyan Str. +374 98 58 22 22 KUJ 16 Komitas Ave. +374 10 27 44 41

TSIRANI HOME 5 Northern Ave. +374 11 85 09 50 YASAMAN RESTAURANT 8 Orbeli brothers +374 91 61 33 33 TSIRANI GARDEN 3 Babajanyan Str. N1 Arinj +374 55 85 09 50 YEREVAN TAVERN 5 Amiryan Str. +374 10 60 00 06

LAVASH 21 Tumanyan Str. +374 91 60 88 00

VOSTAN 8 Abovyan Str. +374 11 48 00 00

MARSHALL 19/1 Marshal Baghramyan Ave. +374 94 97 70 99

Chinese/Japanese Cuisine

NOYAN 9/15 Ghazar Parpetsu Str. +374 91 53 50 30

AKO SUSHI 4 Proshyan Str. +374 99 67 77 79

MAYRIG 4/6 Amiryan Str. +374 41 760 760

BEIJING 33 Sayat-Nova +374 10 54 53 42

NOYAN TUN 12 Amiryan Str. +374 10 53 31 32

DRAGON GARDEN 76 Arami Str. +374 44 75 75 88

OLD MONUMENT 2a Azatutyan Ave. +374 10 20 14 40

NEW TAO 10 Tumanyan Str. +374 10 54 09 99

PANDOK YEREVAN Riverside/ Getapin Hrazdan Gorge +374 99 50 80 40 PARVANA Hrazdan Gorge +374 10 54 60 01 PHARAON H-5, Yerevan-Abovyan +374 10 20 15 81 SALON 8 Abovyan Str. +374 11 44 33 33

SAMURAI SUSHI 2 Baghramyan Ave. +374 10 58 56 70 SUSHI KUSHI 16 Tumanyan Str. +374 11 33 00 20 SUSHI TORIA 1 Sayat-Nova Ave. +374 60 48 00 48 WASABI 1/3 Abovyan Str. +374 11 56 54 22

Mexican Cuisine

Eastern Cuisine

CACTUS 42 Mashtots Ave. +374 10 53 99 39

ABU HAGOP 48 Pushkin Str. +374 95 28 65 85

LOS PUEBLOS 6 Tamanyan Str. +374 55 45 95 45

ANTEB 30 Y. Koghbatsi Str. +374 10 53 09 88

MEXICO RESTAURANT 10 Abovyan Str. +374 96 70 17 09

EASTERN CUISINE 16 Komitas Ave. +374 10 27 16 20

Georgian Cuisine

LAGONID 37 Nalbandyan Str. +374 10 58 08 04

CAUCASUS TAVERN 82 Hanrapetutyan Str. +374 99 56 11 77 +374 98 56 11 77

LIBAN 23 Sayat-Nova Str. +374 99 66 07 00

GENATSVALE 7 Kievyan Str. +374 10 27 79 99

LEBANON 3 Tamanyan Str. +374 10 60 00 80

GIVI 2 ME 2 Bayroni Str. +374 60 48 00 48

European Cuisine

HAVLABAR 12 Azatutyan Ave. +374 10 20 77 85 KAVKAZSKAYA PLENNITSA 4/6 Amiryan Str. +374 10 54 82 91 LCHAK Yerevanyan Highway +374 94 99 83 55 NARANA 18 Artsakhi Ave. +374 10 43 02 02 QAGHAQ TAVERN 30 Hanrapetutyan Str. +374 10 56 70 70

AI LEONI 40 Tumanyan Str. +374 10 53 08 92 ALASKA BY HANS&FRANZ 64 Arami Str. +374 41 21 02 11 CASCADE ROYAL 192 Antarain Str. +374 11 44 01 44 ROOBY CAFE 6 Tamanyan Str. +374 99 53 13 12 FISH HOUSE 1/5 Northern Ave. +37411707080

MIMINO 7a Alyek Manukyan Str. +374 10 57 88 85

HANS & FRANZ 8 Saryan Str. +374 95 88 88 05 site

SULIKO 37 Nalbandyan Str. +374 10 58 02 86

JOSE 20 Khanjyan Str. +374 10 54 00 20 KOLOLAK 15/4 Vardanants Str. +374 11 53 00 53 MAMOOR 14 Abovyan Str. +374 44 54 84 84

SHEREP 1 Amiryan Str. +374 10 60 08 80

Persian Cuisine

TUMANYAN KHINKALI 21/1 Tumanyan Str. +374 99 58 23 52

TOSPIA 30/3 Tumanyan Str. +374 91 66 00 07

SHIRVAN 32 Tumanyan Str. +374 10 58 25 65

TUN LAHMAJO 23 Teryan Str. +374 10 53 87 17

November 2019 |

Foods & Beverages II MON CAFE 4/6 Amiryan Str. +374 41 60 16 01

DEGUSTATION 15 Komitas Ave. +374 10 20 00 02

L’ORANGE AVENUE 5 Northern Ave. +374 10 70 20 77

MALOCCO 1 Tamanyan Str. +374 96 53 13 27

DOWNTOWN 2/9 Sayat-Nova Ave. +374 41 43 34 22

MORA 4/2 Grigor Lusavorich Str. +374 11 55 53 47

GOODY’S 18 Northern Ave. +374 99 30 15 01

BAGUETTE & CO. 20 Abovyan Str. +374 11 20 22 99

MERCI 16 Tumanyan Str. +374 10 58 38 36

EL SKY BAR 9 G. Lusavorich Str. +374 41 49 49 49

KARAS 20 Mashtots Ave. +374 10 32 55 55

CARAHUNGE 64 Sos Sargsyan Str. Stepanavan +374 99 32 43 00 25 Kalinini Str., Dilijan +374 43 22 00 03

VEREV CAFE 3 Abovyan Str. +374 77 88 98 89

INVINO WINE BAR 6 Saryan Str. +374 10 52 19 31

MONTALE 23 Tumanyan Str. +374 96 68 99 99

KAMI 18 Abovyan Str. +374 91 50 90 20

ROOF 12/1 Dzoragyugh Str. +374 99 27 77 88

MEZZO JAZZ CLUB 28 Isahakyan Str. +374 10 52 42 11

NAVAVAR 42/1 Aram Str. +374 41 01 39 01 PASTRAMI 38 Tumanyan Str. +374 11 61 17 11 SPARTA GYROS 21/24 Tumanyan Str. +374 11 32 33 33 TAPASTAN 6 Saryan Str. +374 10 52 19 32 TERRAZZA 28 Isahakyan Str. +374 10 56 31 10 THE CLUB 40 Tumanyan Str. +374 10 53 13 61 THE COAST 2/2 Tamanyan Str. +374 95 30 10 00

KFC 1 Northern Ave. +374 10 50 15 07 MR. GYROS 40 Tumanyan Str. +374 10 50 22 33

CENTRICO 46/3 Isahakyan Str. +374 91 77 99 70

PIZZA HUT 1 Northern Ave. +374 10 50 15 03

COFFEESHOP COMPANY 4/5 Amiryan Str. +374 11 26 33 33 +374 10 54 55 45

TAWOUK 39 Yeznik Koghbatsu str. +374 94 24 20 00

COFFEE STORY 98/9 Nalbandyan Str. +374 11 44 00 00

TASHIR PIZZA 27 Komitas Str. +374 10 51 11 11

CRUMBS 37 Mashtots Ave. +374 10 54 64 24

TUMANYAN SHAURMA 32 Tumanyan Str. +374 10 54 99 44

Indian Cuisine

GINOVKATS WINE HOUSE 7/3 Abovyan Str. +374 93 30 54 33

INDIA PALACE 3 Amiryan Str. +374 44 28 83 88

VIENNA Cafe and kitchen 5/1 Northern Ave. +374 12 35 55 55

KARMA 65 Teryan Str. +374 10 58 92 15

EAT & FIT 80 Arami Str. +374 11 58 80 80 EL GARDEN 8 Tsitsernakaberd Park + 374 41 49 00 00

PEACOCK 10 Northern Ave. +374 10 50 02 08 SANTAFE 29/4 Moskovyan Str. +374 44 99 99 59 SEGAFREDO ZANETTI 3/37 Amiryan Str. +374 60 52 11 81 EL CHILLOUT Tsitsernakaberd Park +374 99 31 22 31 TIZIANO 10/10 Northern Ave. +374 94 80 80 96

Children’s café

FRY DAY 58 Komitasi Ave. +374 10 23 06 96

AMERICANO 55/1 Teryan Str. +374 10 58 33 99


GREEN HOUSE 8/2 Northern Ave. +374 93 85 66 65

ANGELICA 27 Komitas Ave. +374 10 32 21 21

ABOVYAN 12 12 Abovyan str. +374 99 58 06 58

LA PIAZZA 5 Northern Ave. +374 11 54 05 05

CHAO BAMBINO 5/3 Myasnikyan Ave. +374 10 55 00 99

12 KTOR PIZZA 18 Mashtots Ave. +374 11 77 77 33

ACHAJOUR NATURAL FOOD 22 Ghazar Parpetsu Str. +374 10 53 67 66

LIFE 82b Hanrapetutyan str. +374 96 08 10 10

KING GARDEN 40 Sayat-Nova Ave. +374 60 50 09 09

BLACK ANGUS 39 Mashtots Ave. +374 96 50 80 40

ART BRIDGE 20 Abovyan Str. +374 10 58 12 84

YARD 24/1 Isahakyan str. +374 12 50 45 05

Fast Food/Pizzeria

BURGER KING 5, Northern Ave. +374 10 53 25 53

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ASTRAL 2/10 Sayat-Novai Ave. +374 43 47 47 98

LIMONE CASCADE 3/81 Tamanyan Str. +374 11 65 65 65 LOUIS CHARDEN 11/19 Amiryan Str. +374 10 50 54 44

Clubs/bars CLUB 12 91 Teryan Str. +374 96 25 12 12 DABOO 38 Isahakyan Str. +374 99 51 15 21

PAHEST 33 29/4 Moskovyan Str. +374 44 99 99 59 PAPARAZZI CLUB 3 Abovyan Str. +374 55 44 41 44 ROCK ‘N’ BITE 25/9 Sayat-Nova +374 93 12 93 69 YANS CLUB 74 Teryan Str. +374 10 70 00 00

Pubs CALUMET 56 Pushkin Str. +374 94 35 92 29 LIBERTY 36 Mashtots Str. +374 96 09 99 98 37 BEER & MEAT 37 Mashtots Ave. +374 10 53 16 51

Brewery BEEREVAN 26 Abovyan Str. +374 11 50 51 01 DARGETT 72 Aram Str. +374 96 87 08 70 LABEERINT 33a Moskovyan Str. +374 10 50 20 25jose 20 Khanjyan Str. +374 10 54 00 20

November 2019 |

Shopping Spots Men’s Clothing CANALI 9 Abovyan Str. +374 10 56 22 30 CELIO 24 Tumanyan Str. +374 10 54 50 07 CORNELIANI 3 Northern Ave. +374 10 702 702 ERMENEGILDO ZEGNA 9 Mashtots Ave. +374 10 53 00 04 STEFANO RICCI 3 Northern Ave. +374 10 702 702

MEGATOYS 40/1 Sayat-Nova Ave. +374 11 50 06 00

LA GALLERIA 3 Northern Ave. +374 10 70 27 02

EIFFEL 31 Moskovyan Str. +374 10 53 44 68

VERNISSAGE 6/2 Northern Ave. +374 12 20 22 02

MRCHIKOOBY 1 Tumanyan Str. +374 10 54 77 20

LC WAIKIKI 16 Tigran Metsi Ave. Rossia Mall +374 11 74 74 71

INORI 1 Hyusisain Ave. +374 77 01 20 11

VIOLET 48 Mashtots Ave. +374 10 53 56 72

PANDORA 34 Arshakunyats Ave. Yerevan Mall 3 Tsitsernakaberd Hwy. Dalma Garden Mall +374 11 50 04 11

VOLLMOND 40 Tumanyan Str. +374 12 22 02 22

LES NEREIDES 9 Mashtots Ave. +374 11 55 50 50

DALMA GARDEN MALL 3 Tsitsernakaberd highway +374 60 46 11 11

OKAID 22 Abovyan Str. +374 10 58 55 79 PRENATAL 20/1 Mashtots Ave. +374 11 70 11 72 PRINCE PRINCESS 25 Koryun Str. +374 10 58 33 38

Women’s Clothing

REYMA 3 Tsitsernakaberd Hwy. Dalma Garden Mall +374 12 22 32 27

ARDEAN 2/5 Abovyan Str. +374 98 18 47 47

ZIPPY 34 Arshakunyats Ave. Yerevan mall +374 41 41 10 47

AVAVA 5 Mashtots Str. Prospect Mall 2nd floor +374 99 00 82 00

Women’s, Men’s, Children’s Clothing

BURBERRY 5 Northern Ave. +374 60 44 01 74 ESCADA 39 Mashtots Ave. +374 10 54 55 85 ETAM 26 Abovyan Str. +374 10 58 31 11 KIVERA NAYNOMIS 8 Teryan Str. +374 10 56 70 77 MANGO 21 Abovyan Str. +374 10 58 00 11 OYSHO 3 Tsitsernakaberd Hwy. Dalma Garden Mall +374 60 54 00 44

Children’s Clothing

ADIDAS 3 Arami Str. +374 10 54 47 07 ALDO 26 Abovyan Str. +374 10 52 17 77 BALDI 18 Mashtots Ave. +374 10 53 74 91 CLARKS 8/2 Northern Ave. +374 10 50 24 54 DEBENHAMS 66 Teryan Str. +374 10 52 70 78 EMPORIO ARMANI 12 Northern Ave. +374 10 52 99 08 ERMANNO SCERVINO 3 Northern Ave. 374 10 70 27 02­

MASSIMO DUTTI 18 Northern Ave. + 374 60 54 00 22 MEGASPORT 40/1 Sayat-Nova Ave. +374 11 51 98 98 MEXX 26 Abovyan Str. +374 10 54 46 23 NEXT 13 Amiryan Str. +374 10 53 89 99 PULL & BEAR 34 Arshakunyats Ave. Yerevan Mall 3 Tsitsernakaberd Hwy. Dalma Garden Mall +374 41 41 10 03 ZARA 3 Tsitsernakaberd Highway +374 10 50 09 90

Jewelry, Watches, Optics 1+1 JEWEL 34 Mashtotsi Ave. +374 10 53 21 73 ARNAKHSH Armenian Accessories +374 98 77 99 90 ARTYOMS JEWELRY 24 Khorenatsi Str. +374 93 00 99 99

MINERAL 104 Nalbandyan Str. +374 77 44 56 12 MINISO 18/77 Hyusisain Ave. +374 11 53 44 40 MERCURY 50 Mashtots Ave. +374 10 58 60 00 MP WOOD 3 Abovyan Str. +374 96 25 12 12 ORGANICUS 3 Tsitsernakaberd Hwy. Dalma Garden Mall 34 Arshakunyats Ave. Yerevan mall +374 95 62 53 02

OFRA 21/1 Vazgen Sargsyan str. +374 94 90 26 65 RIVOLI DE LUXE 7/14 Sayat-Novai Ave. +374 10 56 26 15


METRONOME 22/10 Isahakyan Str. +374 10 54 00 31 PROSPEKT MALL 5 Mashtots Ave. +374 11 99 90 22 RIO MALL 8 Papazyan Str. +374 96 00 41 03 ROSSIA MALL 16 Tigran Mets Ave. +374 11 99 90 22 TASHIR STREET 6/2 Norther Ave. +374 96 00 41 03 YEREVAN MALL 34/3 Arshakunyats Ave. +374 11 88 88 88


AWI 14/4 Abovyan Str. +374 10 54 08 82

SIAMOODS 34/3 Arshakunyats Ave. Yerevan Mall +374 55 35 70 22

NOR ZOVK 71 Hanrapetutyan St., +374 10 54 31 07

CHRONOGRAPH 5 Northern Ave. +374 10 50 04 00

SWAROVSKI 19 Abovyan Str. +374 10 58 09 00

SAS 85 M. Baghramyan Ave. +374 10 53 88 88

COOL CLUB 4/12 M. Babajanyan Str. +374 60 37 77 13

GAP 3 Tsitsernakaberd Highway +374 60 46 11 11

DE LAUR 39/12 Mashtots Ave. +374 11 99 55 77

TIME 5 North Ave. +374 11 50 04 02

PARMA 79 Baghramyan Ave. +374 10 27 27 99

MOTHER CARE 51/53 Hanrapetutyan Str. +374 10 54 67 05

LACOSTE 8 Papazyan Str., Rio Mall +374 99 97 00 04

EGOISTE 16 Saryan Str. +374 10 54 13 00

TATEOSSIAN LONDON 12 North Ave. +374 41 60 17 01

YEREVAN CITY 60/2 Komitas Ave. + 374 10 20 16 05

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November 2019 |

Travel & Entertainttment Services Airlines AEROFLOT-RUSSIAN 12 Amiryan Str. +374 10 52 24 35 AIR ARABIA 68 M. Baghramyan Ave. +374 60 65 66 66 ARMENIA AIRWAYS 19 Nalbandyan Str. +374 10 52 44 02 AIR FRANCE/KLM 9 Alek Manoukyan Str. +374 60 61 22 77 FLYDUBAI 8 Zakyan Str. +374 11 33 11 11 POLISH AIRLINES 7 Argishti Str. +374 10 51 02 86 S7 AIRLINES 34 Tumanyan Str. +374 10 54 41 10 QATAR AIRWAYS

9 Gr. Lusavorich Str.

+374 60 38 00 80

Travel Agencies ANI TOUR 68a Teryan Str. +374 60 27 03 70 ANRIVA TOUR 27 Amiryan Str. +374 60 61 11 10 HYUR SERVICE 96 Nalbandyan Str. +374 10 54 60 40 LEVON TRAVEL 10 Sayat-Nova Ave. +374 10 52 52 10 SMART TRAVEL 2 Arshakunyats Ave. +374 10 58 28 48 TATEV T.T.T. 19 Nalbandyan Str. + 374 10 52 44 01

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YERANI TRAVEL 2/80 Baghramyan Ave. +374 43 88 44 55

Banks ACBA-CREDIT AGRICOLE 1 Bayron Str. +374 10 56 85 85 AMERIA­­­­ BANK 9 Gr. Lusavorich Str. +374 10 56 11 11 ARARAT BANK 19 Pushkin Str. +374 10 59 23 23 ARDSHINBANK 13 Gr. Lusavorich Str. +374 10 59 04 04

INECOBANK 17 Tumanyan Str. +374 10 51 05 10 UNIBANK 12 Charents Str. +374 10 59 55 55 VTB BANK 46 Nalbandyan Str. +374 10 87 87

Night Clubs/Discos CALIFORNIA Isakov Ave. +374 77 78 77 79 OMEGA 59 Teryan Str. +374 10 58 25 49


ARMBUSINESSBANK 48 Nalbandyan Str. +374 10 59 20 20

ROYALE 2-4/1 Tandzaghbyuri St. +374 55 29 41 45

ARMECONOMBANK 23/1 Amiryan Str. +374 10 51 09 10

SHANGRI LA Yerevan-Sevan Highway +374 60 48 80 00

ARTSAKHBANK 1b Charentsi Str. +374 60 74 77 69 CENTRAL BANK OF RA 6 V. Sargsyan Str. +374 10 56 37 61 CONVERSE BANK 26/1 V. Sargsyan Str. + 374 10 51 12 11

Karaoke Clubs ARAME 2/1 Heratsi Str. +374 60 44 07 44 MOZART KARAOKE CLUB 1/3 Charents Str. +374 99 55 64 34


EVOCABANK 44/2 Hanrapetutyan Str. +374 10 60 55 55

CINEMA STAR 3 Tsitsernakaberd High. +374 60 75 55 55

HSBC 66 Teryan Str. +374 10 51 50 00

KINO PARK 34/3 Arshakunyats Ave. +374 11 88 88 88

ID BANK 13 Vardanants Str. +374 10 59 33 33

MOSCOW CINEMA 18 Abovyan Str. +374 10 52 12 10

Sport Complexes GOLD’S GYM 40/1 Komitas Ave. + 374 10 32 20 10 MULTI WELLNESS 11 Alek-Manukyan Str. +374 11 880 880 REEBOK 5 Pirumyanner Str. +374 10 36 36 36

GALACTICUS 13 Hrachya Kochari Str. +374 11 99 07 77 HAYRAPETYAN HORSE RIDING 39 Shiraki Str. +374 10 46 55 55 TAGVOR Yerevan Lisinyan 13 +374 10 55 61 55

Spa & Beauty

PLAY CITY 35 Acharyan Str. +374 10 62 09 99

LUDOS 27/1 Hrachya Kochar +374 41 46 61 34

YELL EXTREME Tavush marz, Yenokavan +374 41 01 00 30

RELAX SPA 19 Sayat Nova Ave. +374 10 59 45 69


Taxi Apps

SKY CLUB 16/1 Hakobyan Str. +374 98 05 51 19

gg, Utaxi, Yandex

Car/Bus Rentals ELITE BUS 19 Sayat-Nova Str. + 374 10 58 90 00 SIXT 10/1 North Ave. + 374 96 66 03 61

Real Estate PATRIMO 12 D.Demirchan Str. +374 10 54 41 44 VAHAKNI COMMUNITY 50 Gevorg Chaush Str. + 374 10 39 01 02 YERKIR 25 Komitasi Ave. +374 10 27 93 93

Activities CITYZEN 35 Acharyan Str. + 374 10 62 09 99

TSOVASAR 4 Abovyan Str. +374 94 09 69 98 WINGS OF TATEV + 374 60 46 33 33 ZAZA LAND 41 Isahakyan Str. + 374 55 22 62 28

Education AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF ARMENIA 40 Marshal Baghramyan str. +374 10 32 40 40 FRENCH UNIVERSITY OF ARMENIA 10 David Anhaghti str. +374 60 27 96 64 NATIONAL POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF ARMENIA 105 Teryan Str. +374 10 52 46 29


2 Koryun Str. +374 10 58 25 32

November 2019 |

Yerevan Museums


It aims to present Komitas’s life and his various creative activities comprehensively, as well as raise awareness of his multilateral impact on music. 10 Arshakunyats St. + 374 11 570 570


In Charents Museum of Literature and Arts, the archives of some six hundred Armenian authors, playwrights and musicians are presently housed. 1 Aram St. +374 10 581 651


Is an academic - scientific museum, which was founded in 1937 and reconstructed in 2012. Though small, it has a lot to show you. 24A M. Baghramyan Ave. +374 10 524 426

48 | TourInfo

CAFESJIAN ART MUSEUM It is an art museum situated in the heart of Yerevan in and around the Cascade. At the core of the museum’s permanent collection is the Gerard L. Cafesjian Collection of Art. 10 Tamanyan St. +374 10 54 19 32


The museum presents the works of the active reformer of modern art. 39/12 Mashtots Ave. +374 10 52 93 26


1953 is marked the opening of the museum dedicated to writer, poet, fabulist and humanist Hovhannes Tumanyan, with a total of 18000 exhibited items. 40 Moskovyan St. +374 10 56 00 21


of Foundation of Yerevan, It was established in 1968. The opening of the museum was timed to coincide with the 2750th anniversary of Yerevan. The Museum stands at the same place where the Urartian Fortress Erebuni has stood since 782 BC. 38 Erebuni St. +374 10 45 82 07

MATENADARAN It was established in 1959, It’s one on the world’s ancientand richest depositories of medieval manuscripts and books, and was inscribed on UNESCO’s Memory of the World Programme. 53 Mashtots Ave.

+374 10 56 25 78



1 Aram St.

1/1 Argishti St.

was founded by the Parliament Law No. 439, September 9, 1919.

+374 10 58 27 61

GENOCIDE MUSEUM INSTITUTE Is an Armenian state institution dedicated to preserving the legacy of the Armenian Genocide by honoring the memories of those who were lost in genocide.

8 Tsitsernakaberd Hwy +374 10 39 14 12

Founded in 1931, introduces Yerevan history of thousands of years dating back to the rise of the oldest civilization in the world. +374 10 56 81 85


The exposition of the museum shows Parajanov’s aesthetic principles brought to perfection in movies. 15/16 Dzoragyugh St. +374 10 53 84 73

November 2019 |





It was established in 1970 as the History Museum of World War II with the Statue of Mother Armenia symbolising Peace through strength.

The museum was opened in the apartment where composer lived last years of his life (1926-1928). It is the first museum in Armenia dedicated to a musician.

79 Muratsan St.

3 Saryan St.

2 Azatutyan Ave.

21 Nalbandyan St. +374 10 52 12 99

This museum is the center of a completely different world where one can find Armenian traditional handmade items, carpets, ritual dolls recreated by Aguletsi. +374 55 02 44 24


Modern Art Museum was established in 1972 by the art critic Henrik Igitian. It is the first specialized museum of modern art in the whole “camp” of Socialist Countries. 7 Mashtots Ave.

+374 10 53 55 67

The museum, functioning since 1967, houses a collection of 160 canvases of Saryan, each painting a passionate declaration of love for his native Armenia. +374 10 58 17 62



Museum in Cascade temporarily serves as the concert hall for governmental cultural events. The exhibition includes Aznavour’s discs, albums, books, music awards, posters and photographs.

Over 18.000 valuable exhibits are kept in the home-museum, which are the personal belongings of the great composer: photos, documents.

14/1 Verin Antarayin st.

3 Zarubyan St.

Yerevan Art Galleries ALBERT AND TOVE BOYAJIAN 36 Isahakyan Str. +374 10 56 18 55 ANTIKYAN GALLERY 33/21 Pushkin Str. +374 53 88 20 ARAME 13 Amiryan Str. +374 10 53 92 65 AREV 19 Teryan Str., area 32 +374 11 32 00 35 ARTIST’S UNION OF ARMENIA 16 Abovyan Str. +374 10 56 48 53 CHILDREN’S ART GALLERY 13 Abovyan Str. +374 10 52 09 51 DALAN ART GALLERY 12 Abovyan Str. +374 99 55 33 07

+374 10 20 14 00

+374 10 58 94 18


Woodcarve museum was founded in 1977. The museum was like a kind of original school, where many craftsmen got their professional ingenuity. 4 and 2 Paronyan str. +374 10 53 24 61

Libraries GALA ART GALLERY 12 Byron Str. +374 10 54 88 38 HYE ART CULTURAL CENTER 16 Abovyan Str. +374 60 52 72 99 NAREGATSI ART INSTITUTE 16/1 Vardanants Str. +374 10 58 01 05 NATIONAL GALLERY OF ARMENIA 1 Aram Str. +374 10 56 74 72 NERSES MELIKYAN ACADEMY 24 Baghramyan Ave. +374 10 52 70 40 NPAK GALLERY 1/3 P. Buzand Str. +374 10 56 82 25 VALMAR 53-55 P. Buzand Str. +374 10 58 07 69

AUA PAPAZIAN LIBRARY 40 Baghramyan Ave. +374 60 61 27 60 AVETIK ISAHAKYAN LIBRARY 4/1 Nalbandyan Str. +374 10 58 96 10 MATENADARAN INSTITUTE OF ANCIENT MANUSCRIPTS 53 Mashtots Ave. +374 10 56 25 78 Mirzoyan Library 10 Mher Mkrtchyan Str. +374 96 88 83 20 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF ARMENIA 72 Teryan Str. +374 60 62 35 13 KHNKO APER CHILDREN’S LIBRARY 42/1 Teryan Str. +374 10 52 12 22

Armenia November 2019 Cultural Events 04.11.19 Concert-Festival-Krzysztof Penderecki-

”Contemporary Classics” Composers’ Festival Aram Khachaturian Concert Hall @19.00 Exhibition of paintings by Levon Haykazuni entitled “Memory”-Paintings Naregatsi Art Institute @18.30

05.11.19 Exibition-Pictures At An Exhibition I Davit Yukhanyan’s Drawings-Paintings ROOMZ Restaurant @17.00

Jazz-Funk - Tal Babitzky Trio | Israel Ulikhanyan Club @20:30 Concert-Alexey Shor-”Contemporary Classics” Composers’ Festival Aram Khachaturian Concert Hall @19.00 Meetiing-Discussion-”Armenian Woman From History” Naregatsi Art Institute @19.00

06.11.19 Concert-at NAI by Diana Galstyan and Diana Ayvazyan-Classical Naregatsi Art Institute @19.00 Concert-Jamiroquai-Jazz-Funk K. Demirchyan Sports & Concert Hall @18.00

06-08.11.19 Performance -Vardan Petrosyan

Stanislavski Russian Theatre of Yerevan @19:30 07.11.19 Concert-Georgs Pelecis - “Contemporary Classics” Composers’ Festival Aram Khachaturian Concert Hall @19.00 Concert-Garik Papoyan & Sona Rubenyan-Pop Music Kami Music Club @21.30

08.11.19 Performance - tRaffik- Rafayel Yeranosyan Bohem theatre @19:30

Folk Fusion- Lucy Khanyan Quartet Ulikhanyan Club @20:00 Concert - Chamber Orchestra - Robert Mlkeyan Gyumri State Drama Theater after Vardan Achemyan @19.00 Conference-International Radiology Day 2019 New Yans Music Hall and Restaurant @19.00 Poetry Evening-Zartonk: Vahan TeryanClassical Poetry Evening Arno Babajanyan Concert Hall @19.00 Classical-Music Night with Lin Kao and Marianna Martirosyan Naregatsi Art Institute @19.00 Concert-Festival-Karl Jenkins-Classical Music Aram Khachaturian Concert Hall @19.00 Concert-Colors of Music-Soul-Jazz-Blues-Pop-Funk Mezzo Classic House-Club @20.30

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Concert-Lilit Bleyan: “Mood”-Soul-Jazz Music The Cafesjian Center for the Arts @20.00 Concert-The Parov Stelar Band-Jazz-Pop Music Karen Demirchyan Sports & Concerts Complex @18.00

09.11.19 Drama Theater-Zeytuntsyan’s “Paris Verdict”2 Gyumri State Drama Theater after Vardan Achemyan @19.00

Concert-Alexander Tchaikovsky-”Contemporary Classics” Composers’ Festival Aram Khachaturian Concert Hall @19.00 Solo Concert-Tigran Sargsyan’s solo concert entitled “Dedication”-Classical Music Naregatsi Art Institute @19.00

10.11.19 National Philharmonic Orchestra-Edurad Topchyan Gyumri State Drama Theater after Vardan Achemyan @19.00

Concert- Fateyeva, Sugawa, Bornkamp & NCOA National Centre of Chamber Music @19.00 Concert-Al Di Meola in Armenia-Jazz Music Karen Demirchyan Sports & Concerts Complex @18.00 Exibition-Concert-Lithuania close by 11.11.19 Naregatsi Art Institute @18.30 12.11.19 Solo Concert by Hripsime Sargsyan-Folk Music Naregatsi Art Institute @19.00 13.11.19 Concert-Nemra-Alternative Rock Music RIO Mall @19.30

14.11.19 Opera-Anoush-Classical

Opera and Ballet Theatre @19.00

15.11.19 Dedicated Concert - Joaquin Rodrigo

Aram Khachatourian Concert Hall @19:00 Concert-Colors of Music-Soul-Jazz-Blues-Pop-Funk MusicMezzo Classic House-Club @20.30 Concert dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the death of Joaquín Rodrigo Aram Khachaturian Concert Hall @19.00 Dance-Evdokimov Show Galleria Club @22.00

16.11.19 Solo concert - Svetlana Hovhannisyan & “District:” National Centre of Chamber Music @19:00 Festival-Arm Cocktail Festival Dvin Music Hall @18.30

Concert-Arvo Pärt’s Lamentate featuring Hayk Melikyan Aram Khachaturian Concert Hall @19.00 Concert-Robert Amirkhanyn 80: Happy Birthday, Maestro! - Piano Music Night The Cafesjian Center for the Arts @20.00 Exibition-MOM & KID EXPO 2019 Mergelyan Cluster/ Yerevan Expo @11.00

TourInfo 17.11.19 Solo concert - Mihran Tsaroukyan & “Love Movie”

Karen Demirchyan Sports & Concerts Complex @19:00 Exibition-Kwisty Fashion Show-Fashion Show Armenia Mariott Hotel Yerevan @17.00

20.11.19 Solo concert Laima Vaikule - Latvian Singer

Theatres & Concert Halls State Theatre of Musical Comedy after Hakob Paronyan 7 Vazgen Sargsyan Str. Tel.: +374 10 58 01 01

Dvin Music Hall @20:00 Opera in 2 Acts-Magic Flute Classical Opera and Ballet Theatre @19.00

Yerevan State Dramatic Theatre after Hrachia Ghaplanyan 28 Isahakyan Str. Tel.: +374 10 52 47 23

Concert-Festival-E. Petrosyan: To Armenia With Love-Comedy Show Aram Khachaturian Concert Hall @19.00

National Centre of Chamber Music 1 Isahakyan Str. Tel.: +374 10 58 60 46

Concert-Laima Vaikule-Pop Music Dvin Music Hall @20.00

Hamazgayin Theatre after Sos Sargsyan 26 Amiryan Str. Tel.: +374 10 50 10 60

21.11.19 Movie Watching-Depeche Mode: Spirits in the ForestDocumentary Film KinoPark @19.00

22.11.19 Concert-Dixin’ Yerevan: The Only Dixieland Band in Armenia-Jazz Music The Cafesjian Center for the Arts @20.00

23.11.19 Solo concert - Boris Arkadievich Davidyan

Dvin Music Hall @20:00 Dance Master Class-Spreading Armenian Culture Naregatsi Art Institute @16.00

Concert-Boris Davidyan-Russian Chanson Dvin Music Hall @20.00 24.11.19 State Jazz Orchestra- Malkhas 75 The State Drama Theatre Of Gyumri @19:00 Concert-Festival-E. Petrosyan: To Armenia With Love-Comedy Show Aram Khachaturian Concert Hall @19.00 Concert-Goran Bregovic-Rock-Folk Music Karen Demirchyan Sports & Concerts Complex @19.00 26.11.19 Concert-Open rehearsal before the tour to Germany Aram Khachaturian Concert Hall @18.00 27.11.19 Armenian state jazz orchestra - ArmJazz 2 Aram Khachaturian Concert Hall @20.00 Concert-Festival-Armenian State Jazz Orchestra Aram Khachaturian Concert Hall @20.00 28.11.19 Concert-Aram MP3-Pop Music Kami Music Club @21.30

29.11.19 Concert-Colors of Music-

Soul-Jazz-Blues-Pop-Funk Music Mezzo Classic House-Club @20.30

30.11.19 Exibition-Sale-Firm Step 2019-Food & Beverage Elite Plaza Business Center @12.00 Festival-The Holy Lance feast Echmiadzin, Armavir Province Opera-Gayane-Classical Opera and Ballet Theatre @19.00

Yerevan State Puppet Theatre after Hovhannes Toumanyan 4 Sayat-Novai Ave. Tel.: +374 10 52 02 54 The State Chamber Theatre of Yerevan 58 Mashtotsi Ave. Tel.: +374 10 56 60 70 Henrik Malyan Film Actor Theatre 18 Vardanants Str. Tel.: +374 10 54 02 96 Metro Theatre Garegin Nzhdehi Sqr. Tel.: +374 10 42 27 42 National Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre after Alexander Spendarian 54 Tumanyan Str. Tel.: +374 10 52 02 41 Gabriel Sundukyan National Academic Theatre 6 Surb Grigor Lusavorchi Str. Tel.: +374 10 52 76 70 Naregatsi Art Institute 16/1 Vardanants Str. Tel.: +374 10 58 01 05 ‘’Mher Mkrtchyan’’ Artistic Studio 18 Movses Khorenatsu Str. Tel.: +374 10 58 01 99 Armenian National Philarmonic O rchestra & ‘’Aram Khachatryan’’ Concert Hall 46 Mashtotsi Ave. Tel.: +374 10 54 57 42 Russian Drama Theatre after K.S. Stanislavsky 7 Abovyan Str. Tel.: +374 10 56 91 99 State Chamber Music Theatre 1st Blind Alley,1 Building Proshyan Str. Tel.: +374 10 58 88 13 ‘’Cafesjian Museum’’ Foundation 10 Tamanyan Str. Tel.: +374 10 54 19 32 November 2019 |

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November 2019 |

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