Armenia Tourism Magazine, №25, 2019

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Florence Stepanakert

Florence Yerevan

Florence Yerevan

Florence Stepanakert


May Anushavanyan, Florence Yerevan Restaurant Director


Ӏ ТЕL.: +374 10 32 02 11




Florence Gyumri

Florence Gyumri





Ӏ ТЕL.: +374 98 33 99 88


TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Director Georgy Khachatryan Deputy Executive Director Yelena Markosyan Editor-in-Chief Rouben Pashinyan +374 77 39 13 69 Project idea David Khachatryan Regional Director Lilit Hovhannisyan +374 77 09 51 03 Operations Director Anahit Gevorgyan +374 91 05 05 08 Layout, design Margarita Babajanyan +374 94 24 00 27 Translator Margarit Beglaryan

Advertising Department Director Sargis Mughumyan +374 99 55 54 32 Advertising Department: Liana Barsamian, Lily Martirosyan, Mariam Aghajanyan

Cover photo: courtesy of Ijevan Wine-Brandy Factory Photographs: Marianna Meliksetyan, Vahag Grigoryan, Hakob Karanfilyan, Sergey Lernain, Mesrop Mesropyan, Suren Areents, Artem Martirosyan, Igor Shiryaev, Rouben Pashinyan, Hayk Melkonyan, Photo Atelier Marashlyan, Dilijan Local Lore Museum and Picture Gallery, Archive of the Theatre of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiaryan. Editorial Staff: Eugenia Filatova, Yelena Safrazbekyan, Emma Marashlyan, Natalia Zalibekyan, Tamara Khlopova, Ruzanna Markosian, Irina Baloyan, Armen Budaghyan, Armen Vatyan, Garegin Zakoyan, Arman Badeyan, Jean Baghiyan, Ruben Arutchyan, Sergey Lernain, Suren Areents, Artem Martirosyan. Layout and prepress:

Printed in:

AST-Moscow Polygraphic House OJSC 56 St. 22, Shosse Entuziastov, Moscow, RF Tel.: +7 495 748 67 20 Nushikyan Association OJSC 11 Sayat-Nova Ave., Yerevan, RA Tel.: +374 60 37 00 54 The magazine is published every three months with a total circulation of 18 000 copies (in Russian) and 3000 copies (in English): 8000 copies in Armenia, 10 000 copies in Russia. The magazine is distributed free of charge in Russia and in Armenia: in tour agencies, restaurants, hotels, advertising agencies, embassies, ministries, libraries, companies, on board the trains of SCR. The magazine is available at Armpress kiosks (Armenia), in the supermarket chain SAS (in Armenia), at bookstores Armenian book Exhibition Hall Armenia at the VDNH Exhibition Centre), in the Armenian Book stores (Exhibition Hall Armenia at VDNH and Armenia store (in Moscow). The price is open. Mass media certificate of registration ПИ № ФС77-58404 as of June 25, 2014 issued by Federal Service for monitoring compliance with mass communications and cultural heritage protection law of RF. The publisher is not responsible for the content of advertising materials. The publisher doesn't accept any submissions. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the prior written consent of the publisher. If you are interested in distribution of the magazine in your city please contact us at: Publisher:

50a Baghramyan Ave., 0019, Yerevan, Armenia Tel./Fax: +374 10 22 01 01 16c9, 2nd Yuzhnoportovy passage, 115088 Moscow, Russia Tel./Fax: +7 495 788 83 89

10 ARMENIA Tourist information

16 DATES Holidays and dates of Armenia

24 HOLIDAYS Yerevan Wine Days again!

26 CAPITAL Old new Yerevan

44 SPRING ARMENIA Healing tears of St. Varvara

48 MUSEUMS Dilijan: from artefacts to modern masterpieces

№25, 2019, SPRING



Fortress on the border of Armenia and Georgia

In Lent to the monastery of Vegetarians



To Tbilisi with Suren Areents

15 most popular tourist destnations in Armenia and Artsakh with Yerevan Travel



Quadragesimal journey


Yerevan premier of Mozart’s Magic Flute


Spring sketches


Gtichavank – the forgotten pearl

120 THE USEFUL PROPERTIES OF VEGETABLES AND HERBS 123 “DELICIOUS” PHRASE BOOK 124 CULINARY GUIDE ▪ The peculiarities of national cuisine ▪ An island of Mexican cuisine in the centre of Yerevan

Editor’s note

Rouben Pashinyan Editor-in-Chief

According to the great contemporary author Haruki Murakami, spring is the very best time of year to start something new. While as the saying has it, everything new is the well-forgotten old. It means, in spring it would be useful to look back. It seems quite so, since to turn a new page in life without a look at the past would be unwise. Yet, another great author Maxim Gorky claimed that remembrance of the past kills all present energy and deadens all hope for the future. Nonetheless, great minds are indisputable! In fact, our magazine has followed these principles for years, representing Armenia in all its glory. Thus, in the spring issue we tried to represent the past, the present, “to intertwine” them at times, and we did all this looking forward with confidence, keenly aware that he GATE GATE68

who climbs the mountain will master the road – thus we sincerely wish that all our dear readers could master it. So, spring! A time for dreams, inspiration, and of course, love. One cannot but praise the charms of spring. Still, I don’t want to tire you (in advance) with a brief review of the spring themes of the issue – you can find all this on the previous page, or, even better, pages later, I just want to announce (a drum roll!): this is our 25th jubilee issue and notably the first spring issue created in our new office at: 50a Baghramyan Ave., Yerevan, where you are always welcome. It is great to have a jubilee issue; still it is a great responsibility too. Therefore, to turn this new page we need to look back at the past. Indeed, our path was not always even and smooth, but even thorny at times, we had ups and we had downs. However, by some power we overcame all the obstacles, no matter how difficult they might seem or were. It is like clockwork where the main parts are love, respect, devotion, trust and faith in a shared cause, mutual understanding, responsiveness, kindness… All these “gears” should work smoothly and precisely, and then the clock will neither stop nor be fast or slow. And this owes, of course, not only to the path that we have passed through but also to the immutable values cherished by us. Thus, on behalf of Armenia Tourism magazine, I would like to thank all our dear readers and convey my gratitude and appreciation to all my colleagues who gave their love and warmth to our magazine. I express my deep gratitude to all our partners, without whom it would be much more difficult to publish a magazine like the one we have today. I would like to thank everyone and wish success to all the undertakings and to have new pages covered with new stories of victories and creative take offs. Wishing you a happy spring filled with blessings, love, and peace!




If you love nature and prefer to savour dishes and drinks in the open air, you will by all means enjoy yourself in EL Garden. Green spaces, transparent tents, tree swings, ducks and hares wandering around, a friendly service, a rich menu, and of course, fresh air. And that is not all…

E L Garden is a corner of

alternative leisure in Yerevan situated behind Karen Demirchyan Sports and Concerts Complex. If you wish to walk there, then you may choose to go up the stairway, or otherwise, just drive up from Tsitsernakaberd Highway. There is a large parking area there. You will be welcomed by a park wonderful yearround. There is a special


place for children – Kids Zone, suitable for organizing any parties for children. Far from the noisy children is the Love Zone – a corner for lovebirds. The restaurant is excellent for holding wonderful weddings – for realizing unique ceremony ideas at the excellent atmosphere of EL Garden. Looking forward to your visit! You are always welcome!


relax in nature romantic corners for couples traditional dishes of armenian cuisine enjoy your time on the tree transparent tents all over the area

+374 41 49 00 00

Armenia Area The total area is 29 743 km2, which is one-tenth the size of the historical Armenia. It is located in the South Caucasus, in the northeast of the Armenian Highland. The country is landlocked. It borders Georgia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Turkey, and Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. Coat of arms On April 19, 1992, the coat of arms of the First Republic of Armenia (1918-1920) was restored. The authors were Alexander Tamanyan, an architect and an academic of Russian Academy of Arts and Hakob Kojoyan, an artist. Flag The national flag of Armenia consists of three horizontal bands of equal width ‒ red on the top, blue in the middle, and orange on the bottom. Language The national language of Armenia is Armenian. However, the majority of the population also speaks Russian. You may occasionally have language barrier in remote countryside. In Yerevan English and French are often the command of the younger generation; the older generation is more conservative in regard to foreign languages. In any case, if a foreigner approaches them they are sure to understand and tell the right direction. Those who speak Russian will not have any language barrier in Armenia.


Capital city Yerevan Safety Yerevan can easily be considered as one of the safest cities in the world. You can have a night walk around the city without any fear; not every European city boasts the same thing. If you are in Yerevan for the first time, you should not worry about not having a map or anyone to help you. The city is not too big if suburbs and further out districts are not considered. The city centre is surrounded by an amphitheater of hills, and the streets mainly start from Republic Square and run across the outer circular boulevard. The means of transportation ‒ mini-buses, buses and taxies operate nonstop. But the beauty of Yerevan is such that it is well worth taking a walk to see, and if you get lost, the passers-by will help you find the right direction and even accompany you to the destination.

Government Until quite recently, Armenia was a republic with a semi-presidential form of government. However, it has become a parliamentary republic, after the adoption of amendments to the country’s Constitution at the referendum. This happened on April 9. President Armen Sarkissian (born on June 23, 1953) Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan (born on June 1, 1975) Population The number of Armenians throughout the world is about 10 million people, more than 3 million of which live in the Republic of Armenia. The population of Yerevan is more than 1 million.


Acharyan St., Arinj Village, Armenia Теl.: +374 41 61 08 50, +374 10 61 08 50

Armenia Currency Armenian Dram (AMD). The subsidiary coin is called “luma”, but it is not used any more. One Russian ruble equals about 8 Armenian drams. Coins in denominations of 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 and banknotes in denominations of 1000, 5000, 20 000, 50 000 and 100 000 drams are in circulation. Currency exchange One may exchange currency in numerous exchange offices around the city. Trade in stores and in other points of sales is done only in dram, the national currency. In case you are out of drams and you need to buy something urgently, you can offer dollars or rubles. You will not have any problems with currency exchange as everywhere in the most of stores and supermarkets there are exchange offices where you can exchange currency without presenting your passport. To avoid additional exchange, you had better take Russian rubles. Almost all hotels, many stores, and restaurants accept credit cards (Visa, Master Card, American Express) often charging a commission fee for banking operation. Working hours of the banks: 9.00‒17.30, Monday to Friday. Foreign exchange offices are open on weekends and holidays, until midnight.

Electricity Voltage ‒ 220 Volt, frequency ‒ 50 Hertz.


Internet domain



The terrain is mountainous; more than 90% of the territory is located at an altitude of more than 1000 m above sea level. The average height above sea level is 1800 m, the highest point is Mount Aragats (4095 m) and the lowest is the gorge of the river Debet (380 m). The greatest distance from northwest to southeast is 360 km, and from west to east ‒ 200 km. The highest point of the region and the historical symbol of Armenia is Mount Ararat (5165 m), which is in territory of Turkey since 1920s.

Major cities

Yerevan, Gyumri, Vanadzor Climate The climate of Armenia is very diverse. Despite the fact that Armenia is located at the latitude of the subtropics, a subtropical climate is observed only in the southern and northeastern parts of Armenia. In the rest of the regions, the climate is continental – the summer is hot, and the winter is cold. On the flatlands the average temperature in January is -5°C, in July +35°C, in the middle mountains (1000-1500 meters above sea level) -10°C and +20°C, at heights from 1500 to 2000 meters -14°C and +16°C respectively. Visa In accordance with the intergovernmental agreement on mutual visa-free travel, citizens of the Russian Federation do not need a visa to visit Armenia. It is only necessary to have the passport of the citizenship of the Russian Federation with you.

Time zone

GMT +4 Religion The predominant religion in Armenia is Christianity ‒ 94%. The majority of the population are followers of the Armenian Apostolic Church. Armenia was the first nation to adopt Christianity as a state religion in 301 AD. In 2001, the country celebrated the 1700th anniversary of Christianity in Armenia. Dialling code



Armenia Children



When travelling with a child, you will need: ‒ the birth certificate of the child; ‒ the passport of the child (or the child must be inscribed in the passport of the parent); ‒ a power of attorney on behalf of the parent, who is not present.

In every part of the city, you are sure to find a fast food place, a cafe or a restaurant within 100 meters. In the centre, the radius narrows even up to 10 meters. There are various cuisines: Armenian, Arabic, Georgian, European, Chinese, etc. The prices may vary significantly. In most cases, having a good and tasty meal in Yerevan costs less than in Moscow.

You can drink tap water in your hotel room, apartment, and in the street out of small fountains (Arm. “tsaytaghbyur”). These are unique stone memorials, usually one meter high, running pure, tasty Armenian water. Just walk right up and have a refreshing drink. You can buy bottled water in any grocery store ‒ all brands are Armenian.

Stores Stores in Armenia offer a wide range of various souvenirs and gifts including the famous Armenian cognac. The favourite place of guests interested in buying Armenian souvenirs is the open-air fair called Vernissage. Souvenir shops like “Dalan”, “Aghaksak”, “Vernissage”, etc., offering a wider range of souvenirs, authorial works, handmade carpets, etc., enjoy more and more popularity.


Transportation In Yerevan you can stop a taxi in the street but better preference for taxi services. Taxies in Yerevan are available and quite inexpensive. The fare around the city centre can vary from 500 to 1000 drams (from 65 to 130 rubles). Mini-buses operate one after another. The fare is 100 drams (about 13 rubles). Tourists usually mention traffic as the only shortcoming of Yerevan. The city was not initially designed for so many transportation means that is why the streets are often overloaded. However, traffic congestions in Yerevan are far from being as tough as the ones in Moscow.


76 Aram St., Yerevan, Armenia +374 44 75 75 88



it lost the status of a public holiday and wasn’t celebrated officially. Notwithstanding the political collisions, people continued celebrating the day. After a long break, March 8 is again celebrated as a public holiday.




Lent The period of Lent this year began on March 4. It lasts 40 days, from Pancake Week to Palm Sunday. The fortyday fast is followed by a week of fasting known as Passion Week. This year Easter falls on April 21. While fasting, people observe only a plantbased diet. They abstain from not only certain types of food but also from obsessions, volubility, lying, swearwords, and other sins.



International Women's Day In Armenia, March 8 is a public holiday – International Women’s Day. It traces its history back to the times of Soviet Union; nonetheless, after Armenia attained independence,


27 The Median Day (Mijink)

27 March

World Theatre Day The Armenian theatre is one of the oldest European type theatres in the world. It came into being in the 1st century BC during the reign of Tigranes II the Great, who built the first Armenian Hellenistic theatre in the capital Tigranakert. The founder of the national theatre was the son of Tigranes the Great Artavazd II (55–34 BC), an outstanding ruler and the first Armenian dramatist. He built new theatres and directed the plays in Greek himself. In honor of the founding king the national award “Artavazd” was established in Armenia, granted every year on March 27: this year the event is dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Tigran Shamirkhanyan, the founder of the Yerevan State Youth Theatre, People’s Artist of the Armenian SSR.

Mijink divides Lent into two parts. According to Archbishop Maghakia Ormanian, Mijink falls on Wednesday of the fourth week or the 24th day of Lent. Mijink divides the 48-day fast into two halves. With the beginning of Mijink during the evening service, sharakans (hymns) are being sung in special mode using melodies that are more solemn. According to old canons, weddings or mataghs (almsgiving in the form of meat) were forbidden during Lent. Still by the ordinance of Catholicos Vazgen I, it was permitted to conduct weddings on Saturdays and Sundays, except during Passion Week. During the day, belie-vers can have some fun but still fast faithfully. Traditionally on this day, Lenten gata (bagharj – a special bread with a sweet filling) is made from an unleavened dough, with a coin hidden inside. Popular belief has it that the one who gets the piece with the coin will have good luck that year.


Ă’averna 82 Hanrapetutyan St., Yerevan +374 10 56 11 77, +374 10 56 26 14



not an official holiday. On this day, men give presents to their mothers, wives, sisters, and beloved girlfriends.

4-11 April

Tumanyan Days For several years already, Yerevan has been observing the days of the great Armenian poet Hovhannes Tumanyan. Every year they begin on April 4, during which students organize performances of Tumanyan’s fairy-tales, present his works, scientific reports, and their reports and hold performances in different languages.


14 April

Tsaghkazard (Palm Sunday) Tsaghkazard (adorned with flowers) celebrates the triumphal entry of Our Lord into Jerusalem before Easter. On Saturday night the service of Tsaghkazard is observed, the curtains of St. Altar are opened, and the next day after the morning service the Divine Liturgy is celebrated, green branches of the olive or willow tree are blessed and distributed with candles to commemorate that people greeted Our Lord with palm branches in their hands.


Annunciation Day, Motherhood and Beauty Day On April 7, the guardian angels informed the Virgin Mary that she would give birth to a child in 9 months. Therefore, the day is called Annunciation Day. It is celebrated in Armenia and Armenian diasporas as the Day of Women, Motherhood, Beauty and Spring since time immemorial. In modern Armenia, it is a national, but


21 April

Surb Zatik – Holy Easter in Armenia The Armenian Apostolic Church celebrates the Resurrection of Christ. The holiday of the Resurrection is also

called Pasch (“Zatik” in Armenian), which means deliverance and return to God – from the Armenian azatutyun, azatvel (deliverance, delivered). On Sunday morning Ester Sunday Andastan service, blessing of the four corners of the world, is held then the Divine Liturgy is celebrated. The fifty-day period from Easter to Pentecost in the Armenian Apostolic Church is called Hinunk and is dedicated to the sacrament of Sunday and the Ascension of the Lord, that’s why the period is considered the period of the Lord.

24 April

Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day Every year April 24 is observed in Armenia and in the diaspora as Remembrance Day of the Innocent Victims of the Armenian Genocide. On April 24, 1915, more than 800 representatives of the Armenian intelligentsia were arrested and later killed in Istanbul. This was ensued by mass slaughters and displacement of ethnic Armenians, called the Armenian Genocide. Traditionally, on this day millions of Armenians and compassionate representatives of other nations in different countries of the world pay tribute to the victims of the Genocide, which claimed the lives of 1.5 million of Armenians.


8 Orbeli Yeghbayrneri St., Tsaghkadzor +374 91 61 33 33



9 May

main city of the NagornoKarabakh Republic, situated in the lowland under the Shushi Plateau, was rescued from continuous daily shelling and bombing. The success of the assault resulted in the opening of the overland route to Armenia and led to the future victory for the freedom of Artsakh.

Victory and Peace Day – the Great Patriotic War Victory Day and Shushi Liberation Day Armenians call May 9 “Yeraton” – a threefold holiday: Victory Day of the Great Patriotic War, Shushi Liberation Day, and the Establishment Day of Artsakh Defense Army, and take great pride in observing it. Celebratory and commemorative events are held nationwide. The contribution of Armenians to the victory over fascism is great indeed: 106 Heroes of the Soviet Union, great commanders, and the 89th Tamanyan Division that reached Berlin. Around 600 000 Armenian soldiers fought at the frontlines during the Second World War. It was on the Victory Day, in May 1992, at the climax of the Karabakh War, when the Armenian defense forces completed an excellently planned operation to liberate the cultural capital of Artsakh, the city of Shushi. Bearing the name Wedding in the Mountains, the operation had a great military and psychological importance and stood as a turning point in the war. Stepanakert, the


26 May

Sardarapat Battle Victory Day On May 26, Armenia celebrates Sardarapat Battle Victory Day. The battle took place in the area of the Sardarapat railway station near Armavir on May 21–28, 1918, between Armenian regular military units, militia and Turkish invaders. 20 000 Armenian troops, involving soldiers and officers, armed with rifles and machine guns of the old Russian army, fought against the Turkish army of 100 000 soldiers. The auxiliary troops and militia comprised of the same number. The Armenians realized that the outcome of the battle could determine the nation’s physical survival and gained a brilliant victory over the

Turkish invaders. The battle played a pivotal role in the history of the Armenian people. The victory restored the lost statehood, and on May 28, 1918, the Republic of Armenia was proclaimed.

28 May

Republic Day Every year on May 28, Armenians celebrate Republic Day that is an off day in the country. The holiday is also called Sovereignty Restoration Day. On May 28, 1918, the independence of Armenia, which had been oppressed by various conquerors for about six hundred years, was restored. Yerevan became the capital of the Republic of Armenia. After the heroic May battles near Sardarapat, BashAparan, and Gharaqilisa, the First Republic of Armenia was created and on the very day, Yerevan was proclaimed the capital of the young republic. Owing to the complicated political situation in the region and external factors, the First Republic existed for about two and a half years only. In December 1920, Soviet power was established in Armenia.


“An oriental island” on North Avenue The Chaihona Restaurant has become a beloved place not only for the dwellers of Yerevan. The history and the visual associations of the great Silk Road – merchants from different countries, selling spices, silk and other goods, are used as a basis for its design. The cuisine of Chaihona creates an exclusive opportunity to be in Caucasia and Europe at the same time. The variety of dishes and drinks of the restaurant has been created to meet the needs and demands of the guests. Besides, for our new main menu Alexander Miroshnichenko, a highly qualified chef of the Italian school of IFSE, has specially come from Russia. The menu is a combination of European, Pan-Asian, and Caucasian cuisines.

А rmenia was an important

part of the great Silk Road, serving as a transit corridor between Asia and Europe. The style, patterns, and warm tones are reminiscent of the Orient and its peculiar colour. All the key interior pieces of the restaurant stand out for unique oriental aesthetics. GATE 22

“Chaihona has become a second home for me and I’ll try and do everything to make the guest having visited it once wish to stay there forever.” Chaihona has brought the oriental fairy-tales to the city to bestow everyone with new amazing feelings.


3, 85/1 North Avenue, Yerevan, Armenia +374 12 880 880

again! For the third time, on May 3 and 4 the Eventtoura Company will bathe the capital in wine by holding the well-loved Yerevan Wine Days, on a large section of Saryan and Moskovyan streets. Winemakers of Armenia and Artsakh will present about 200 varieties of wines and the restaurants and cafes of the capital will offer dishes of Armenian and international cuisine, all this will be accompanied by a wonderful music!

“I t all began three years ago

when I learnt that the intersection of Abovyan and Pushkin streets and Sakharov Square, where the house of Nerses Tairov, the renowned founder of brandy production in ArGATE GATE24 8

menia, was located, was to be destroyed,” told Nune Manukyan, Director of Areni Festival Foundation and Co-founder of the Eventtoura Company. “To hinder it we made a decision with winemakers to organize

an event in memory of Tairov in the house where he once lived. After the event, I realized that Yerevan lacked a large-scale event where the Armenian wines would be represented decently. I had long been look-

Armenia ing for a right place, or better say, a suitable street. I opted for Saryan Street where in 2017 we launched our project.” “The Yerevan Wine Days boost and enhance the image of Armenia and particularly that of Yerevan in the global tourism market,” continued Mary Badalyan, Co-founder and Director of Eventtoura. “The strategy of our company is to attract more tourists from the countries that observe May holidays and to become more competitive in the region. This has enlarged the geographical distribution of our guests ‒ from all the CIS countries to Canada and Australia.” The “wine package” will cost 6000 drams. It will include a wineglass and a rag cozy for the glass from YereWineDays brand, a booklet with information about Armenian and Artsakh winemakers in English and Russian, 7 coupons for 7 full glasses of the preferred wines, 20% discount coupons for the purchase of products of some restaurants, and also a 40% discount on Yerevan Zipline Airlines ticket and a lottery ticket. Optionally, wines at a price of 500 drams for a full glass can also be purchased. Well, see you at the Yerevan Wine Festival! Find us online at:



Last year was the 2800th anniversary of the foundation of Yerevan and its 100th anniversary as the capital of Armenia. However, the main part of the tourists, who were first-time visitors to Yerevan, were surprised not to find old buildings, palaces, etc. as pertains to a city with an ancient history. Alas, such is the dire fate of Yerevan: in the early days, the enemy periodically destroyed it, and every time it rose like a phoenix from the ashes, then, during the Soviet times and after, it was frequently being rebuilt. Even so, one can still see the old city. Firstly, there are the ruins of the first city citadel of Erebuni and many other ancient artefacts, excavations, and secondly, for Yerevan dwellers the “old city” are the surviving old buildings. We invite you to make a little journey around the capital and provide a small “crib sheet” to find the old-new buildings easily. Thus, our journey begins! GATE 26

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National Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiaryan

W e’ll

open the city tour with the building of the National Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet, built in 1940 according to A. Tamanyan’s project; the theatre itself opened in 1933 with the premiere of opera Almast in the building where the Yerevan State Russian Drama Theatre after Stanislavski is located. The Opera House is in the heart of Yerevan. In front of the southern end of the building is Freedom Square (Liberty Square) – one of the most beautiful squares of Yerevan. The square features the monuments to the Armenian composer Alexander Spendiaryan GATE 28

and to the national poet of Armenia Hovhannes Tumanyan – to the authors of the music of opera Almast and the poem, based on which the libretto was written, respectively. On the eastern side of the square at the intersection of Tumanyan and Teryan streets is the Swan Lake pond that resembles Lake Sevan by its form. A monument to the renowned Armenian composer Arno Babajanyan is situated at the pond. We head along Abovyan Street that is still referred to as Astafyan by the old-timers; it was so named in 1869 after Governor of Yerevan, Major

General Astafiev. Thereafter, Astafyan Street became one of the most bright and significant sections of Yerevan, from the point of view of urban planning. It was the most bustling street of the city: the rich people of Yerevan and celebrities lived here; there were shops, various manufacturers, and hotels. Stepping aside for the tram to pass, for only a clever person gives way to it not out of politeness, to quote Ilya Ilf, we go down past the Moscow Cinema, built on the site of the church of SS. Peter and Paul demolished in the past century.

Abovyan St. (Astafyan) Moscow Cinema

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Abovyan St. (Astafyan)

By the way, in Yerevan you will hear more often the directions “up and down”, than the usual “to the right or left”. Thus, having saved up some time and outrun kindergarten children, we go down Abovyan Street, passing by a number of old buildings that still exist, surprisingly though. To our left is the forGATE 30

mer building of the Yerevan Hotel, now the Grand Hotel Yerevan – a timelessly attractive neoclassical hotel in a building built in 1928. In the historical centre of Yerevan, it is a representation of refined luxury and the embodiment of ancient Armenian history and culture. On the right is a two-storey

building at the crossroads of Abovyan and Pushkin streets (Tarkhanov formerly). In old Yerevan, it housed the most famous variety store of merchant Gevorg (Yegor) Khanzadyan. The building still serves its purpose: there are shops for clothes, souvenirs, carpets, and a summer cafe and a shop called Basturma.

Corner of Pushkin St. (Tarkhanov) and Abovyan St. (Astafyan)


Corner of Aram St. (Spandaryan, Tsarskaya) and Abovyan St. (Astafyan)

After a short rest at one of the open cafes that bloom in Yerevan every spring, we are heading to the next crossroads, where a gateway to the past takes us back to the former building of the Central Department Store, in front of which since 1926 was the House of Pioneers. Now the building is one of the main “fragments” of the Old Yerevan project to be realized in the near future and aimed at GATE 32

restoration of the architectural appearance of the Armenian capital of the late 19th to early 20th centuries and covering about 100 000 square metres of construction area in the centre of Yerevan. Thus, there will be an Old City, and in full bloom! Having said goodbye to both policemen (or the same one), we continue our way down and reach Republic Square – the central square

of Yerevan, called certainly Lenin Square in the past. Lenin is no longer there – the monument to him was disassembled in 1991, on the eve of the independence of Armenia, while the square once named after him is still there. And I must mention that it gets better with each passing year: to observe it one needs to have a flashback to the years 1930, 1967, and back to the 2019, which we kindly advise our readers to do.

Intersection of Aram St. (Spandaryan, Tsarskaya) and Abovyan St. (Astafyan)


The territory of current Republic Square

Republic Square



Republic Square (Lenin Square)

The architectural complex of the square includes: the Government Building of Armenia, the History Museum of Armenia and the National Gallery, the Marriott Hotel, the central post office of the Republic of Armenia and the former building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Still, the Singing Fountains, installed here in the late 1960s of the last century, and drinking fountains (1965) near the museum building, are the real centrepieces of the square. The installation consists of seven small drinking fountains and is therefore called Yot Aghpyur (seven springs). Find us online at:



Saint Nikolai Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church (Shahumyan Square)

Shahumyan Square



Mother Armenia Monument

By the way, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia and a number of other ministries are situated just down there, near Shahumyan Square. On the site of this building was the Sevan Hotel, and earlier, the Orient Hotel, one of the first and fashionable Yerevan hotels. In the place of the monument to Shahumyan, established in 1931, was Saint Nikolai Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church, demolished in 1920s. It should be noted that not only Christian, Armenian,

and Orthodox churches, but also mosques suffered during the bold struggle against “the opium of the people”. However, one of them – the Blue Mosque is still standing in the centre of the city and is cautiously protected by the state. Behind the monument is the fountain complex Erebuni-Yerevan 2750 that every year, like all the fountains of the capital, starts working on April 7 – on Motherhood and Beauty Day. There is also a strip, stretching from ReFind us online at:

Monument to Stalin

public Square to Shahumyan Square, called Boulevard in the past. The complex was established in 1968, when the opulent celebration of the 2750th anniversary of the foundation of Erebuni, the “successor” of which is Yerevan, took place in Armenia. Last autumn, to mark the 2800th anniversary of our capital, 50 more fountains were installed here. Yerevan is beautiful at any time of the day. It is only fair to say that some Yerevan dwellers love daytime Yere37


Authors of the book My Yerevan: Max Sivaslian, Garegin Zakoyan, Vahan Navasardyan

van that blooms and attracts with fragrances of the apricot trees, and others adore the night city ‒ when it turns into a small free-spirited Paris, blazing with thousands of golden lights, where music is heard from everywhere, and where one should plunge and “disappear”. Well then, let’s finish our journey around old new Yerevan with a bird’s-eye view of it. A splendid panoramic view of the city opens up from the Mother Armenia Monument in Victory Park, where until 1962 stood a monument to Stalin. The Mother Armenia by the renowned Armenian sculptor Ara Harutyunyan is a monument marking the victory of the Soviet Union GATE GATE38 8

in the Great Patriotic War. It is the largest monument in Yerevan. In 1970, a museum of the Great Patriotic War was opened at its foundation. In 1995, it was renamed the Mother Armenia Military Museum, and since then, the museum has two main sectors dedicated to the Great Patriotic War and the Nagor-

no-Karabakh War. The section on the Great Patriotic War tells about the participation of the Armenian people in it. Personal belongings, weapons, documents, and portraits of heroes are exhibited there. Arms models of that time are displayed around the pedestal. Among them are an armored infantry vehicle, an armored vehicle-152, a T-34 tank, a MiG-19 aircraft, a Katyusha BM-13, a 76 mm anti-aircraft machine gun, and an S-75 surface-to-air missile system. Thus, our tour around Yerevan of “today and yesterday” comes to its end. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Garegin Zakoyan, the author and the head of My Yerevan project, for providing a unique opportunity to go back in time through the photos of the old city of the namesake album book. By the way, if the first edition of the book presents 255 photos covering the period from 1890 to 2000, the second edition of My Yerevan, published this spring, includes more than 400 photos from the end of the 19th century up to the present day. See you soon at one of the oldest and ever young city! Photos of modern Yerevan by Marianna Meliksetyan




22 Tumanyan St., Yerevan, Armenia Tel.: +374 10 51 99 09, +374 94 30 90 00 E-mail:


IT IS MUSCOVITE!” Spring is the busy time for the applicants who make decisions about their future profession. Here high school students and their parents face a serious dilemma, as the sphere of higher education in Armenia is quite extensive and offers a rich list of universities to cater for any taste and budget. Recently the educational market of the republic has expanded by the representation of one of the oldest and outstanding universities of Russia – Lomonosov Moscow State University.

The opening of the branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University in Armenia was initiated at the meeting of the presidents of Russia and Armenia. Following the negotiations of the Intergovernmental Commission, on February 20, 2015, under the arches of the MSU Fundamental Library an agreement on the conditions for the establishment and operation of the Moscow State University branch in Yerevan was signed.


Armenia On May 31, 2015, the branch began operating. “The creation of the branch was conditioned by the provision of an already existing building built particularly for the branch and upon reaching certain agreements with ministries that it would be a branch of Moscow University issuing an MSU diploma,� said

R. Martirosyan, President of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia and Academician V. Sadovnichy, Rector of MSU

Academician V. Sadovnichy, Rector of Lomonosov Moscow State University. The branch is situated in the city centre, at Republic Square. Nearby is a hotel where specialists from MSU stay while on secondment. The branch is a separate structural subdivision of MSU. Instruction is provided in Russian in line with the basic educational standards and curricula of MSU, and provides for in-

Professor S. Ter-Minasova at the MSU Branch

Tatiana Day at the MSU Branch Find us online at:



Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva at the opening of A. Yeritsyan High School at the MSU Branch

tegrated bachelor and master education. Study mode – fulltime, daytime. The branch provides the same level of teaching as at the head institution. From 2015 to 2018, more than 400 acting MSU professors were seconded to the branch from Moscow. “I am convinced that the branch has great prospects, simply because the main thing for the university is students. You have wonderful students,” marked Professor E. Vartanova, Dean of MSU Journalism Faculty. Admission to the MSU Branch takes place according to the results of two entrance exams; applicants take the Russian language essay exam and an exam in their specialized field. The examination commission consists only of professors of Lomonosov Moscow State University. The form of training in the branch is fulltime – budget and contract GATE 42

based. Studies for a bachelor degree last for four years and for a master’s degree – two years. Upon graduation, students are awarded a diploma of Lomonosov Moscow State University. The branch includes six areas of education: applied mathematics and informatics, jurisprudence, international relations, journalism, linguistics, and economics.

Yeritsyan School at the branch On September 26, 2017, the official opening of the school after Yeritsyan took place at the branch. Levon Mkrtchyan and Olga Vasilyeva, the ministers of education and science of Armenia and Russia, attended the opening ceremony. The high school at the MSU Branch is a multidisciplinary science and educa-

tion complex. The school program involves a combination of traditional and innovative modes of teaching with the use of class and task, lecture and seminar systems in the learning process organization. The educational process at school is carried out with the involvement of the teaching staff of Lomonosov Moscow State University.



Nature of Armenia

Segafredo Zanetti Espresso since 1988 Zvartnots International Airport Теl.: +374 93 45 55 89

3/2, 10 North Ave. Теl.: +374 94 53 98 90

3/37 Amiryan St. Теl.: +374 93 54 52 06

36 Abovyan St. Теl.: +374 77 56 60 16

Healing tears of


Spring Armenia The way to church is believed to be strenuous. In Armenia, however, one comes to the judgement easily: most of the shrines can be reached after hiking up a mountain. Interestingly though, both frequent visitors and newcomers cross miles with remarkable eagerness, especially when the guide defines the destination not as a “tourist attraction�, but something covered with mystery, in a word, a special place. One such unique antiquity is the chapel of Tsaghkavank (Tsaghkevank) in the cave of St. Varvara.

L egend

has it that Varvara ran away from Greece fleeing her pagan father who persecuted her for professing Christianity. He ordered to find and kill her, and she took refuge in Armenia in the mountain cave of Arayi Ler (mountain of Ara the Handsome; on closer look the silhouette of the mountain resembles a lying man). No one but a shepherd with a dog knew about her hideout. She warned the shepherd not to disclose the secret; otherwise, he would turn into stone. Alas, he revealed the secret, Varvara was found and killed, and the shepherd with the dog and even the crook turned into stone. Before her passing, Varvara prayed to God asking that children affected with varicella and rubella could be healed. Her prayers were heard, and the children of the parents who invoked Varvara Find us online at:

were cured. The place has become a shrine since then. Water dripping from stalactites is the tears of Varvara. The water is sacred and curative. Pouring it on the ground is a sin. The place is also visited when a child is sick, if he/ she has phobias, if there are female-specific health problems. Pilgrims come and even stay here overnight, praying all night knelt on a cold stone. There is also a popular legend that tells about the origin of the chapel name. Tsaghkavank derives from the name Tsaghik (flower). The legend has it that a ruler-tyrant tried to possess the beauty Tsaghik by force. The girl fled the tyrant and hid in the cave. The ruler met a shepherd at the foot of the mountain who revealed her hideout. With no hope for rescue, Tsaghik climbed up a rock and threw herself down. 45

Spring Armenia According to this legend, since then water has been flowing in the place where Tsaghik was hiding. Then these are Tsaghik’s tears. It is worth mentioning that in ancient times, all the monasteries were built on places with active field of energy, and in Tsaghkavank this power is really felt. Magnetic field is high here, and water is known to have the property of taking energy in. This helps the pilgrims, especially those who come here with faith. Armenia abounds with such places and they are really worth visiting.


The Amberd Hotel, located in Byurakan, one of the picturesque corners of Advertisement

Armenia, offers brilliant holiday options for all four seasons. The excellent European service includes both high-standard service and traditional Armenian hospitality. Byurakan, Армения,Armenia Бюракан||Tel.: Тел.:+374 +37494 9420 2008 0881, 81,+374 +37499 9990 9028 2802 02| || |


DILIJAN: FROM ARTEFACTS TO MODERN MASTERPIECES The small city in Armenia called Dilijan that turned into a resort town of national significance since 1958 lies over the scenic valley on both banks of the Aghstev River. Favourable natural conditions, convenient location, deposits of iron, copper, and placer gold made this area inhabitable since ancient times, as evidenced by the rich collections of the Dilijan Local Lore Museum and Picture Gallery founded in 1950.


first archeological finds in Armenia were discovered in the 50s of the 19th century in the place known as the Redkin camp. The place name derives GATE 48

from the name of Redkin, a railway engineer, who set up his camp 6 km north of Dilijan, on the right bank of the Aghstev River. While construction was

underway, a number of burials were discovered. As a result, the cemetery became an excavation site (Filimonov, Uvarova, Tsilosani, Mourier, and Bobrinsky).

Armenia In 1942, B. Piatrovsky carried out excavations at the Redkin camp. Since the earliest excavations, the materials of this important monument provoked a strong interest in the archeology of Armenia among Russian and European scientists. Even then, most of the researchers dated the great monument to the transitional era from the Late Bronze to the Early Iron. In Soviet times however, B. Piatrovsky assigned a substantiated date to the Redkin camp determined as the beginning of the 1st millennium BC, owing to which the site became a basis for fixing the period of many monuments of Transcaucasia. The Dilijan Local Lore Museum and Picture Gallery houses samples of the chalcolithic ceramics of the Redkin camp of the 3rd millennium BC, as well as ceramics, bronze and iron objects belonging to the Late Bronze and the Early Iron Ages (2nd – 1st millennium BC).

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Museums The Picture Gallery founded in 1958 owns pieces of such Russian painters as I. Shishkin, I. Porfirov, L. Lagorio, M. Botkin, P. Bezrodny, I. Aivazovsky (Armenian by birth), as well as works of Italian, French, and Dutch painters. The museum collection includes also works of Armenian painters of the late 19th and early 20th centuries: G. Bashinjaghyan, V. Surenyants, P. Terlemezyan, A. Hakobyan, as well as one of

Haykanush Paronyan Girls of Our Field Minas Avetisyan Silence

Carzou At Dawn Khachatur Jeranian Sitter

Still our understanding of the ancient culture of Dilijan cannot be limited to the materials of this museum. It preserves a small number of them – accidental discoveries at construction sites in Dilijan, nearby villages, and neighbouring areas. The main finds excavated in Dilijan and the surrounding places are held at the museums of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tbilisi, Baku, and Yerevan. GATE 50


resort & villas


20 Parz Lich St., Dilijan, Armenia Tะตl.: +374 44 60 46 04

Museums the excavations in Dilijan. Years later, when the painter passed away, it became known that his ashes were buried in the very jug according to his will. In 1968, the museum hosted the personal exhibition of the works of French artist Khachatur Jeranian, who donated some of his works and the works of world-famous French artists of Armenian origin Edgar Shahin and Car-

Martiros Saryan in Dilijan, 1963

the founders of the Soviet Armenian painting M. Saryan, G. Khanjyan, G. Gyurjyan, Minas Avetisyan, and others. In 1962, American painter Rockwell Kent visited Dilijan and donated his two pieces, Winter Evening and Southern Greenland, to the Dilijan Picture Gallery. To reciprocate, the museum presented him an ancient jug found during

Mkrtich Kamalyan Chmshkyan acting as Carmen


Rockwell Kent Winter Evening

Edgar Shahin Promenade

Khachatur Jeranian Tatev

zou (Karnik Zouloumian) to the museum. The museum also exhibits applied art and ethnographic samples. It receives tourists from all over the world. Welcome!

Spring palette of wine flavours, Comfortable places for heartwarming get-togethers!


Photos courtesy of the Dilijan Local Lore Museum and Picture Gallery

Jean-Baptiste Greuze Portrait of a Girl

1 Saryan St., Yerevan +374 11 20 20 06, +374 43 20 20 06

FROM DILIJAN WITH LOVE!.. In one of the most picturesque corners of Armenia, in Dilijan there are the Kchuch and Tava restaurants. These places are the fruits of fondness of their owner Varda, a feeling that began six years ago when she moved to this small town paradise from Chicago and fell in love with its nature, people, local customs, history…

The dishes offered in these

restaurants, are prepared exclusively from local organic products, only over an open fire, and in a masonry oven. Instead of tonirs, ovens like this have been used for cooking in this area for centuries.

37/3 Myasnikyan St., Dilijan +374 41 88 60 10

Kchuch means ʻa clay pot’ in Armenian. That is why everything in the restaurant is cooked in pots and in an oven. Here you can savour tolma, harissa (porridge) with native mushrooms, lamb with prunes and honey, chicken in matsun (Armenian kefir), veal in wine

with thyme, and pork chili with baked vegetables prepared in pots. Kchuch is a paradise for gourmets, since only the connoisseur knows that to develop a rich flavour the food requires love and long cooking in a fire baked, nice, and ecofriendly dish – a clay pot.

The other restaurant is called Tava that means “a cast-iron pan”. Everything is served off the fire and in hot pans here. Just imagine the most delicious Dilijan pork, marinated in mountain thyme that simmers in the oven and soon will be served with baked vegetables, peanut sauce, and chili jam. Then arishta (noodles) with forest mushrooms, freshly baked bread from the oven, flatbread, country cheese will join the

feast, and the dessert – brownies in a frying pan and peaches with thyme and honey syrup – blushing modestly in the oven will wait for its turn to get to your table in time and put the final sweet touch to your journey in Dilijan. Here the interior also reminds a fairy-tale. The antique furniture pieces and utensils tell silently a life story from each corner. Tava is the unity of old and new, traditions and innovations, rural and urFind us online at:

1/2 Kalinin St., Dilijan +374 41 88 60 18

ban, Armenian and international, in a word, everything represented by modern Dilijan. It is simply impossible not to visit Kchuch and Tava while in the town! 55

Fortress on the border of ARMENIA AND GEORGIA

Bazaberd or Chakhalaberd Fortress is in Lori Province on the slopes of Mount Lalvar not far from the border village of Jiliza on a high hill enveloped by a forest. Legend has it that the founder of the fortress was Baz – the descendant of Hayk Nahapet – the legendary patriarch of the Armenian nation.


T he earliest mention of the fortress was

made by the chronicler Vardan Areveltsi. According to it, after the death of Prince Ashot the Merciful in 977, his youngest son Gurgen, the founder of the Kyurikyan Princedom, inherited the fortress. The large fortress with double walls was already of great importance in the 10th century. It remained a safe shelter at the times of Zakaryan dynasty too. The eastern citadel of the fortress, surrounded by 10–12 metres high and 2–3 metres thick andesite walls, is well maintained. The foundation is built upon basalt rocks. On its southern, more vulnerable part the wall is buttressed in the corners by one rectangular tower and in the middle by two conical pyramids with large internal space. The fortress has two entrances: from the east and from the west. The main western entrance represents an arch with two curves (the upper one, built a little farther and twice the width of the lower one, evidently served as an entrance defense).


The way leading to the fortress is though a forested area – it is situated approximately 3 km away from Jiliza. The area is magnificent especially in autumn. On the eve of the New Year, the members of the ArmLand tourist club visited this village and brought gifts for the children of the kindergarten. There are many historical monuments near the fortress; among them are the most interesting monasteries of the 12th–13th centuries Khorakert and Khuchap. Photos courtesy of Artyom Martirosyan



Armenians live


This time again the column Armenians Live based on the travels of our friend and author of the namesake series of programs around the Armenian world Suren Areents will lead us to Tbilisi.


rmenians Live film series by Suren Areents continues to represent the Armenians of the diaspora, the communities and personalities, owing to whom the Armenian heritage is preserved in the world. It is a known fact that a standing issue for the Armenians of the diaspora throughout the world is the preservation of identity. The number of people with GATE 60

command of Armenian outside Armenia decreases over years, and instead of pointing accusing fingers, active steps must be taken. Today, Tbilisi is considered one of the most popular tourist centres in the region. Every tourist who visits it learns not only about Georgian culture but also discovers the Armenian culture. The most popular

Diaspora wish to learn their native language and get to know the Armenian art to the development of which the most gifted of them devote themselves, gather here. There are various creative groups in the centre, the participation in which is possible via commission recruitment. The command of Armenian is indispensable for entering a group. For those who don’t know the language there is a two-month training course at Hayartun. On Sundays, lectures on the history of the Armenian people are organized here; these are followed by screenings of thematic films, including the history of the Armenian Church, and folk dance and song trainings. The cultural life of Tbilisi is rich and varied, and Gary Davtyan’s fabulous world of puppets comes to prove this. The typical exterior of a Tbilisi house hides a completely

tourist areas of Tbilisi abound with Armenian heritage. Armenians Live film series that aims at discovering, studying, and learning about Armenian culture abroad, continues to represent the Armenian districts of Tbilisi and the cultural centres among them. Upon the initiative of His Grace Bishop Vazgen Mirzakhanyan, Primate of the Armenian Apostolic Church Diocese of Georgia, and with the support of Armenian philanthropists, Armenian House of Creativity, that became a new cultural, national, and spiritual centre maintaining the good traditions of the historic Tumanyan centre of Hayartun, was built next to Ejmiatsin Church in Tbilisi. The centre holds exhibitions, book launches, discussions, meetings, celebrations, and festivals. Every weekend, Calouste Gulbenkian Hall is full of both Armenians and foreigners. Teenagers, who Find us online at:


Armenians live

different world inside; when you enter it, you feel outside Tbilisi, this planet. Mrs Janna, a woman of middle ages with youth beaming eyes, gives you a hearty welcome. She treated us to brandy, then invited to watch Gary Davtyan’s puppet shows. If you have never been here before and know nothing about the house, it will give the impression of an old Armenian style house: interesting puppets, interior, cats… nothing special.

Still when the wife of the famous puppeteer invites you to watch the show, the door to the fairy-tale opens. On leaving, at Mrs Janna’s request to leave an “autograph”, we eagerly wrote the name of our program next to the notes by renowned artists and left that world of wonders – the puppet world of Gary Davtyan, taking the puppets, made by Mrs Janna, which resembled very much the ones made by the master.

The house of Hovhannes Tumanyan in Tbilisi


The Hovhannes Tumanyan House is in the heart of the capital, at 18 Amaghleba Street. The house is one of the silent historical evidences that verifies Armenian–Georgian affinity and the exceptional role of Armenians in the world art. In 1903, Hovhannes Tumanyan and his family moved to this house and lived there until his passing. When in 1908 the popular literary circle Vernatun was closed, Tumanyan continued to receive visits from famous Armenians like Ghazaros Aghayan, Derenik Demirchyan, Levon Shant, Komitas, and others here. In Tumanyan’s house, there are an antique family mirror, a fireplace, a rich library, and old photographs. The 70-yearold wardrobe, the piano, chairs, and other objects donated by the Georgian-Armenian family take the visitors back to the Tbilisi of the early 20th century. There are many Armenian traces in Georgia, which also plays an important role connecting Armenia with the world. Strengthening of the relations in public life and the support of our compatriots are essential for us. In Armenians Live series of programs, we will continue telling about Armenians of Georgia and their activities. Follow us to learn how Armenians live in the world. Text and photographs by Suren Areents


48 Hanrapetutyan st., Yerevan, Armenia

Quadragesimal journey

Marashlyan Photo Atelier Lent is the period of preparation of Christians for Easter, observed by all historical Churches. It lasts from Pancake Week to Palm Sunday: contrary to common opinion, the pre-Easter strict fasting of Passion Week is a distinct period of abstinence. The outward simplicity of the essence of Lent hides a massive layer of implications and transformations. Its foundation is wasted to mere symbols and the very custom of fasting. And the faith, of course.

Forty days – a period of pen-

ance that amounts to rebirth. The parallel practice of abstaining from “food and sin” stands as a tool for mind and soul revival. Despite the fact that there is much focus on the personal salvation, Lent serves a collective and communal purification. From the underlying causes to the anticipated result, it implies that people can achieve great goals only together. Even the customary duration of Lent is a contribution to solidarity. First Christians fasted a bit more than three days: “forty hours of day and forty hours of night”. Only the preparation for baptism required forty days of fasting, symbolizing the forty-day praying of Jesus in the wilderness. Along with those who prepared for the sacrament of communion with the church at Easter, all believers devoted this time to prayers and abstinence, encouraging their brethren with participation and behavior. In Armenia, where much is preserved from the patriarchal

and communal order, Christian traditions are also strictly observed even among those who do not see themselves as churchgoers. The command of the nature and the ascetic church architecture seems to create an external shell for anyone who wants to shape a frame for the inner strength. Dietary fasting, refusal from forbidden food, can be observed year-round in Armenia: the national cuisine that still

predominates in the country abounds with plant food. The anticipated substantial changes seem impossible without recalling the past ‒ the personal and the shared one. This understanding is manifested in the concept of Marashlyan Photo Atelier, conveying successfully the heroes of their photos into another era. This owes not to the technology that allows adding shades, accessories, and colouring, but does not change the inner state of the person or his/her feelings during the shooting. The desired effect is achieved through visual and tactile impressions: while preparing historically correct costumes and details the atelier remains consistent not only in the use of the “correct” patterns and colour combinations, but also genuine materials. The real interaction with history is a precious gift – a magic ball on the way to revival. by Marashlyan Photo Atelier

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The repertoire of the National Academic Theatre of Opera and Ballet after A. Spendiaryan was extended by another classical piece of music. The audience had a unique chance to enjoy the romantic and fabulous opera of Mozart The Magic Flute.

Mozart always had a dream

to create a national opera that would be performed in German. Not long before his passing he managed to realize his ideas – he composed the fairy tale opera The Magic Flute, thus triumphantly ending his creative journey. The libretto was written by Johann Emanuel Schikaneder based on Wieland’s fairy tale Lulu, or the Magic Flute. The opera premiered at the Theatre auf der Wieden in Vienna on September 30, 1791. GATE 66

The opera production at the Yerevan Theatre of Opera and Ballet became a reality owing to the initiative of Constantine Orbelian, General Director and Artistic Director of the Theatre, and supported by the Constantine Orbelian Foundation. Let us recall that in September 2018 the opening of the theatre season of the Yerevan Theatre at the Dubai Opera and the Sheikh Jaber Al Ahmad Cultural Centre in Kuwait was an outstanding success.

Stage director – renowned Italian director Paolo Micciche known to the Yerevan audience with the production of Verdi’s Requiem. Conductor – Harutyun Arzumanyan With the participation of Liparit Avetisyan / Tamino, Mary Movsisyan / Pamina, Kim Sargsyan / Papageno, Hasmik Torosyan / The Queen of the Night, Alina Pahlevanyan/ Papagena. The RA Hon. Artist Marine Deinyan, Anna Mnatsakanyan, and Tamara Dadoyan performed as the Ladies, and Zohrab Zohrabyan as Sarastro. The performance was received warmly and with a long applause. We are sure that the theatre will continue amazing its faithful audience.




Spring can be praised in poems, as great poets did, or in songs sung aloud or some other way. One can even draw and sing about it and sing quite loudly, like does Ruben Arutchyan, Honoured Artist of Armenia and our honoured guest.


Yes, it’s springtime soon and we welcome it quoting Murakami: “Spring is the very best time of year to start something new.” Well then, ready, set, March!

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At kilometre 93 of the most picturesque Stepanakert–Vardenis Highway in front of the bridge over the Trtu River (Tartar) it is signposted: Taq Jur left turn, taq jur ʻhot water’. This simple name refers to a wonderful open air “Jacuzzi” the favourite natural remedy of the locals who tell about the after bathing recovery wonders. GATE 70

Sights of interest

Т aq Jur is a unique thermal

mineral spring at 18 km from the gorge of the Dutkhu River (Tutkhun) and the highland, not far from the village of Zuar. Enveloped by mountains, the natural bath 2.5 m in diameter with 1 m of depth and 65 degrees of hot healing water, forced out from the depths of the earth through a small geyser, is situated on the bank of the same river. It invigorates the body, producing curative and healing effect, augmented by the aesthetic effect of the surrounding beauty and the enigmatic scenes created by

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the surrealistic colours and structure of the “Jacuzzi” and the area around it. The small open-air resort is popular among the locals and receives whole families: children and people who feel very hot in the large “bath” may choose the smaller one where the running water is already a bit cooler. The water then flows down to the Dutkhu River, where the plunge into cold water creates a pleasant contrast with the hot one during the warm season. Near the “Jacuzzi”, there is a famous spring with the same



composition of mineral water; a tourist area has been created around it, where measures have been taken to ensure order. This natural monument of Artsakh gave its name to the new restaurant complex of GATE 72

the Vallex Company, known for a remarkable hotel in Stepanakert – the Vallex Taq Jur, situated at the turn from the highway to the thermal spring, in the Trtu River gorge. It is an ideal place for recreation, feasting, and beholding the charms

of this part of the north of Artsakh in a special hall, on the outdoor terrace, or in the pavilions on the bank. The cuisine, the ambience, and the scenes will appeal to all travelers, plus those who stayed at the Vallex Garden Hotel and are used to a particular level of hospitality. If the guests return by this route to Armenia, the arrival at Taq Jur and the namesake Vallex complex will prolong and brighten the memorable moments of their stay in Artsakh, while in case of a recent arrival, this will be an impressive and a worthwhile start for exploring this amazing region. Taq Jur intersection, 93rd km Stepanakert–Vardenis Highway Tel.: +374 97 39 79 99




Indeed, such is the monastic complex of Gtichavank, one of the Armenian architectural masterpieces situated on the site of ancient Dizak or Hadrut Province of the Republic of Artsakh.

A midst

the dense forests, in the basin of the northeastern slope of Mount Toghasar (or Chgnavor), the monastery has long been one of the political and spiritual centres of the eastern part of Armenia. A diocesan centre the monastery was always under the auspices of the Aranshakhiks, then, from the 8th century, the Dizaks – descendants of the same family. GATE 76

In the mid-13th century, Gtichavank was extended and during the rule of Dizak meliks, notably Avan and Yegan, it became one of the most famous monastic complexes throughout Armenia. The remaining epigraphs on the monuments testify that the ancient properties of the monastery were destroyed during Arab rule.

The inscriptions on the foundations of the ancient buildings read that the construction of the main church was undertaken in 1241 and completed seven years later. The monastery includes the main church with a porch and the second church neighbouring the porch from the north. There exist some controversies among the specialists concerning the porch. Some


of them consider it older than the main church. The porch is rather large, the columns in its northern part add to the size making the interior spacious. The arched construction of rough-hewn basalt served as both a place for gatherings and burials. Tombstones of monastery priests and several meliks cover the porch floor. The church opens to the porch from the south. Thus,

both churches have one common porch. Ornate khachkars are embedded in the walls. One of them dates back to the year 1000. This indicates that on the site of the church there was another church built from stone. On the northern wall of the present church, an inscription reads that two brothers Ter Sargis and Ter Vrdanes, who moved from the monastery of Amaras, built the Gtichavank cathedral church on the foundations of ancient constructions. The very inscription bears evidence about the tragic events of the period: â€œâ€Ś at the mournful and difficult time, when a tribe of shooters (the Mongol-Tatars) left the whole country in ruins and ruined Amaras, the abovementioned two brothers gathered the remnants of the Amaras brethren.â€? In the western part of the complex, there remain ruins of the living spaces and fortress walls. The cemetery around the monastery is largely destroyed, only lonely tombstones and several khachkars are spotted, most of which have long been buried underground or are overturned. In the complex compound, there are remarkable khachkars, the oldest of which dates back to the 9th and the newest to the 19th centuries. They are distinguished with great artistry. Find us online at:

The monastery played an invaluable role in the cultural life of the region. It remained the main spiritual and enlightening centre of Dizak until the beginning of the 20th century. It was a bishopric see. It owned a matenadaran, a scriptorium. A significant number of the monastery manuscripts has survived up to the present.


Artsakh Much can be said about Gtichavank, about the remarkable and unique khachkar patterns and church ornaments carved by ancient masters, about the scenery that opens up when one reaches its walls after a long way but these can be nothing more than mere words.

Owing to its architectural merits and exclusively important role in the cultural life of the region, Gtichavank is on a par with such masterpieces of Armenian ecclesiastical architecture as Gandzasar and Dadivank. Complex restoration work has been carried out since 2007 yet with a poor quality and at a slow pace. The works include only the church and the porch. The architecture of Gtichavank has not yet been studied thoroughly. Its ancient walls and buildings, buried deep underground haven’t been excavated yet. GATE 78

To embrace the spirit of antiquity and to feel like an explorer one should either make a long travel around the church or meditate sitting on the ancient stones. And perhaps, someone will be able to offer an insight into the lost memory hidden deep underground. Photos by Sergey Lernain


Monastery of Khotakerats

Аrmenia & Artsakh A VIRTUAL TOUR WITH OUR GUIDE: The road to Mount Gnishik To the monastery of Khotakerats with Artyom Martirosyan………p. 82




On March 4, this year began the period of Lent in Armenia. It is known that while fasting people observe only plant-based diet and abstain from not only certain types of food but also from obsessions, volubility, lying, swearwords, and other sins. It would be useless to refuse food without forbearing from sins; this is true today and in times, where churches and monasteries like the monastery of Khotakerats were being erected in Armenia. So, we invite you to go to the place immediately to observe all the canons and thus combine “the pleasant with the useful�.

Good day, dear guests, I am

Artyom Martirosyan and today I am your faithful guide again! Today we will make a journey to Vayots Dzor Province, where we will climb up Mount Gnishik. The way there lies through the Ararat Plain the GATE 82

half of which will be covered under the watchful gaze of the wise biblical Ararat. The plain is surrounded by the foothills of Aragats, the Geghama Range, and Mount Ararat itself, rivers such as the Araks, Vedi, Azat, and Hrazdan flow through it.

Monastery of Khotakerats

A virtual tour

Monastery of Khor Virap

You can see gardens and vineyards all around. The Ararat Plain is known for its fecund lands where grows almost everything but citrus. Legend has it that on descending from Ararat Noah himself planted grapevines in the plain. The nearest place to the sacred mountain is the monastery of Khor Virap, situated on one of the seven hills of the ancient Armenian capital Artashat, founded in the 2nd century BC. In 287, Gregory, one of the associates of King Trdat (Tiridates) III, refused to make a sacrifice by declaring that he was a Christian. For this, on the orders of the pagan king, he was thrown into a pit and was doomed to 14 years of awful torment. For the persecution of Christians, Trdat III was punished and had to suffer many woes and diseases. GATE 84

As a result, he realized the reasons for God’s disfavor and ordered to release Gregory; he was baptized and in 301 Armenia became the first country to adopt Christianity as a state religion, and Gregory became the first Catholicos, the Illuminator (Enlightener). Initially, a chapel was erected on the site of the dungeon, and then in the 7th century the church of St. Gregory was built. All this, i.e. the dungeon, the church, and the whole monastery complex is preserved today. Visitors may descend to the martyr’s pit where faith worked wonders and the prisoner, granted by divine spirit, changed the state religion and the fate of an entire nation. The Ararat Plain was notably replete with ancient capitals. A little north of Artashat was Dvin the sixth and one

of the largest capitals of Armenia. In 335, King Khosrov II founded the royal residence of Arshakuni (Arsacid) dynasty there. The city grew into a major trading and cultural centre with a large number of population for those days. The excavations of Dvin revealed ruins of palaces and dwellings. We move towards the village of Yeraskhavan. On our way we will see the house museum of Vazgen Sargsyan, the founder of the Armenian Army and National Hero of Armenia, we’ll pass through Surenavan – the favourite place of storks, and meet many nests with these wonderful birds. On the left side along the road extends the Urts Ridge. We continue our way through beautiful mountain passes. On the right, you can see the

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The old wines of Armenia

Amaghu valley

gorge of the Aratso River, which is called hellish for its red rocks. We are driving past the village of the famous Armenian poet Paruyr Sevak, buried in the yard of his house. When entering Vayots Dzor the glorious view of the Karkatar Range and Mount Shreshtasar that holds the ruins of Nrbuyn Fortress on its top, opens up. Hence, we reach the village of Areni, famous for its wine and the namesake grape variety. A kiGATE 86

lometre away from the village there is a cave hidden deep in the rock where the oldest winery in the world (about 6000 years old) was found. Yet, we head towards Mount Gnishik, 2510 m high, now we are already at its foot, ready to climb up to the top. En route, we admire the picturesque ridge of Genut, the gorge of Gnishik and see Nakhichevan that borders the mountain. This is the Vayk Ridge. Capturing the scenes

with a whole lot of photos taken during the three-hour easy climb and conquering the top, we congratulate each other. After half an hour of rest, we begin a 9-kilometre descent to the border village of Khachik where the monastery of Khotakerats, the only one in Armenia, is situated. The village is large and populated; the locals are mostly engaged in cultivation of melons and cattle raising. It is also known for the annual festival of Gata; owing only to its size the Armenian pastry prepared here can go into the Guinness Book of Records! Thus, we have reached Khotakerats – the interesting and singular monastery currently undergoing restoration. According to Armenian historian Archbishop Stepanos Orbelian, at the end of the 9th century, Prince Ashot of Syunik,

ARMLAND TOURIST CLUB WE ORGANIZE: - hiking and camping tours around Armenia - cultural-historical tours on the sights of Armenia - tours around Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) - hiking along the Geghama Range - climbing up Mount Aragats - climbing up Mount Ararat - volcano tours in Armenia - tours to the alpine lakes of Armenia


- photo tours

Тоl.: +374 55 81 77 88 e-mail:

A virtual tour

Monastery of Khotakerats

at Bishop Hovhannes’ request, fully reconstructed the church of Khotakerats Monastery. Khot means ʻgrass’ in Armenian, which means it was a monastery of vegetarians. The place became widely known also due to the Holy Sign of Khotakerats. At the beginning of the 11th century, after the passing of Prince Ashot, the church of the


monastery was destroyed as a result of a massive earthquake, and Princess Shushan, his widow, rebuilt the church of the monastery in the memory of her husband, by adding an arched porch from the western part. She granted the village of Arastamugh to the monastery as an allotment. In 1300, by the order of Prince Eachi Proshyan of Syunik, a three-folded silver reliquary was made with a particle of the Holy Cross of Jesus Christ placed in it – the reliquary was then called Khotakerats Surb Nshan. Silver and gilded plates with embossment are fixed on its timber part. Above the folding part, the image of Jesus Christ is depicted with glorious images of angels on both sides. On the outer sides of the hinged sections

Artyom Martirosyan

THE NEAREST SHOPPING CENTRE Rossia Mall shopping centre invites you to have a grea your shopping. It features various local and ands, a interna food court offering cuisine of different countries, as well as a children's tre with the recrea most recent rides, a comfortable cafe and a restaurant.

16 Tigran Mets St., Yerevan, Armenia Advertisement

are the images of St. Gregory the Illuminator and St. John the Baptist, and on the sides are the Holy Mother of God and St. John the Evangelist. The inner side is covered with the images of the Apostle Paul on the right side and the Apostle Peter on the left. In the middle of the reliquary is the cross, encrusted with coloured gems. Prince Eachi is represented at the bottom and his dedicatory inscription is on the reverse of the reliquary: “The Holy Cross of God was the protector of Eachi. Year 1300.” Today the reliquary the Holy Sign of Khotakerats, one of the masterpieces of the Armenian medieval applied art, is kept in Holy Ejmiatsin, which I srongly advise to visit after spending the night at one of the comfortable hotels of Yeghegnadzor or Vayk. At the Ejmiatsin Museum the sacred relics of the Armenian Church are preserved, the most valuable of which are the Holy Spear that pierced the body of Christ, the reliquary with a piece of Noah’s Ark, the patella of John the Baptist, the particle of the Holy Cross, on which Jesus was crucified, and finally, a fragment of the Thorn Crown of the Saviour. Church accessories of historical and artistic value – clothing embroidered with gold and pearls; crosses and crosiers of the Catholicoi; ritual objects made of gold, silver, and ivory, decorated with filigree and jewels are exhibited in the museum. The sunset creeps quietly; we greet the scene of absolute bliss. Now with our breath back, it is time to go to the local hotel or return to Yerevan. See you soon! Photos by


I n the 70s, the news about

a certain incurable “periodical disease” that affected only Yerevan dwellers caused panic among the population. It consequently got the name “Yerevan disease”. Characteristically, the symptoms of the strange disease disappeared after leaving the capital, as claimed by many. Few people remember this now. However, GATE 90

with the new wave of emigration of 90s the disease appeared again and continued to develop. It has definitely undergone great metamorphosis and has a different course now – the first symptoms of the “disease” manifest themselves already at Zvartnots Airport soon after the flight attendant’s words: “Fasten your seatbelts!” and

the farewell glance at the by-floating Biblical Ararat through the porthole. Later the disease progresses. The longer a person lives away from Yerevan the more neglected the disease becomes, adopting a chronic character. Melted in foreign languages, cities, and cultures, with each passing day, the

Armenia Yerevan dweller gets a better understanding of the untranslatable word “karot”. With each passing year away from hometown, he feels the symptoms of the strange “Yerevan disease” grow stronger. At night, he dreams about the Yerevan of 60s, 70s, 80s depending on his age at the moment where the disease started to progress. In daytime, he tries to deafen the feeling of dispossession with the common routine in a wonderful but an alien city. …Old Yerevan, without luxury accommodation, expensive boutiques, and hotels is a part of our soul, since the city itself had a soul then. It was a free-spirited petit Paris in a great totalitarian country known as USSR. A city of painters, architects, actors, and poets. In numerous comfortable cafes, one could encounter such luminaries as Kochar, Minas, Martiros Saryan and, of course, the well-loved Hrachya Nersisyan, Vahram Papazyan, Frunzik Mkrtchyan, Sos Sargsyan, and many others. Droves of youngsters queued up for the concerts of Arthur Meschian and Ruben Hakhverdyan. Freedom and creativity reigned over the city.

Those who visited Yerevan for the first time felt like they were abroad. We knew it and were slightly proud of our city. We were all the fans of the Ararat, we all observed April 24 overtly; despite the fact, that such activities were impossible in any other Soviet city. Still we were allowed, for we were from Yerevan, those who maintained their national roots and knew their origin and their destination. The civic pride began from mother’s arms, drinking fountains, and with the morning jingling of the dustman’s bell. Not a single cinema or even a country could boast such attentive spectators reading the film credits through. If an Armenian surname was observed the hall burst with thunderous ovations notwithstanding who the person was ‒ the director, the leading character, or merely the lighting cameraman assistant. It was funny and naïve, still very touching. We were all proud of both our city and our nation… Years pass, making clear that the happiest time in our life was the time where we lived in the rosiest city of the world, and our pink brick plain houses were the most warm and comfortable ones. Today, living even in a huge mansion Find us online at:

somewhere on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean, some uneasy feeling may silently arise in the pit of one’s stomach… …We are getting tortured by nostalgia for life in Yerevan: happy childhood, carefree youth, first mature love, cheers of student friendship, and, notably, the feeling of belonging to some community of lucky ones called “Yerevanians”. However, none of us is even trying to overcome this, fully aware that it is pointless. To suppress the longings and yearnings for a native city is impossible since it is a disease, “the Yerevan disease”, and it has affected all of us. As we see it, the secret of treating this incurable disease has been revealed: through numerous attempts and mistakes of several generations of Yerevan dwellers. The main thing is that the treatment is very simple and affordable for nearly everyone. The first and the most important step is to buy a ticket for the next flight to Yerevan. The healing comes with the moment where the snowcapped Ararat is observed out of the porthole and the long-awaited words of the flight attendant tell: “Our plane has landed at Zvartnots Airport of the city of YEREVAN. Welcome home!” 91


From April 19, Armenia Aircompany will resume Yerevan–Beirut–Yerevan regular flights that have become a tradition. Gevorg Khachatryan, Deputy Director-General of Armenia Aircompany, provides details.


already three years, we have been carrying out direct regular flights to Beirut. We are planning to resume the flights from April. Thus, from April to May this year the airline will provide weekly flights to BeiGATE 92

rut, and from May to October it intends to triple the flights to meet the constantly growing demand in the Lebanese aviation market. We have made an interesting observation: the lion’s share of the passengers make

up foreigners – Arabs, notwithstanding the fact that Lebanon has historically been deemed a country with a large Armenian diaspora. The airline pursues a flexible pricing policy. Some three


years previously, when Armenia Aircompany has not yet deployed the route, the roundtrip ticket prices hovered between 500 and 600 euros. When our company was introduced at the Lebanese market, it allowed the passengers to purchase tickets at lower prices, i.e. converted from Armenian drams, 300 USD for

a round trip, and 120 USD for a one-way trip. To regulate the passenger flow in both directions, we carry out an extensive work with tourist agencies. Along with the local travel companies and hotels, we offer our clients attractive tour packages to Lebanon. The packages are also offered to Lebanese clients intending to travel around Armenia, which perhaps is an unexplored tourist destination for them. I hope this project will be successful and fruitful,

Apart from passenger transport, Armenia Aircompany also carries out goods transportation. We study the Lebanese market and its turnover volume to determine the most in demand Armenian goods. At the same time, we are building business relations with all the entrepreneurs who are interested in Armenian–Lebanese trade relations, set goals for carrying freight at more affordable prices. To strengthen business relations between Armenia and Lebanon, we,

allowing for flying from Yerevan to Beirut and back at affordable and competitive prices, especially in summer. After all, Beirut is known not only for its beaches, but also for historical and cultural monuments and entertainment centres, that are just as good as the famous resort centres of Europe and the Middle East.

functioning as mediators, also plan to hold a business forum for entrepreneurs of the two countries, thus providing for beneficial ways of cooperation for all participants, for both the entrepreneurs and the airline.

Find us online at:

Photos by Vaghinak Ghazaryan


News TO EUROPE WITH TAROM AIRLINE, MORE RAPIDLY AND COMFORTABLY From April 3 this year TAROM, the Romanian national airline, will begin operating flights on the route Yerevan‒Bucharest‒Yerevan. The flight will take about two and a quarter hours, which means that, compared with other flights in transit to the EU cities, the time will be reduced by almost an hour and a half. At Henri Coanda Airport of Bucharest there is only one terminal, the waiting time (up to 40 minutes) with connections to other flights from the Romanian capital is sufficient for reaching the airport transit area. Cities of transit directions: Barcelona, Madrid, Rome, Paris, Munich, Vienna, Brussels, Amsterdam, Prague, Athens, Frankfurt, London, Stockholm, Sofia, Budapest, Belgrade, and Chisinau. An attendant with the knowledge of Armenian language will receive and accompany all the transit passengers at the airport of Bucharest.

Arsen Pinachyan

Head of the department of endoscopic and laparoscopic urology Clinic of Modern Surgery – CMS

A THREE-METER ZHENGYALOV HATS LISTED IN THE RECORD BOOK The largest zhengyalov hats in the world (a traditional flatbread of Nagorno-Karabakh stuffed with various greens) was baked in Hadrut Province of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh). The record is registered in the Armenian book of Dyutsaznagirk (a book of records). To prepare the zhengyalov hats 26 varieties of greens were used; some of them grow only in Nagorno-Karabakh.


The department deals with a wide range of urological problems, using modern methods of conservative, surgical, and laparoscopic treatment of the urogenital system diseases. The highly qualified personnel tackle the most serious problems of urology. Advertisement

As told by Yerazik Hayriyan, Head of the Culture and Youth Affairs Department of Hadrut Province administration, the flatbread weighing 20 kg and 885 g and with a length of almost 3 meters was prepared in just an hour and a half. Efforts of eight people worked magic. The organizers had to make a special oven to fit the size of the flatbread. On May 11, within the Mighty Haterk program supported by the Ministry of Culture, Youth Affairs and Tourism of the Republic of Artsakh, a festival of zhengyalov hats will be held, during which the expert cooks will prepare a traditional dish of Nagorno-Karabakh and the participants will get to know the secrets and nuances of cooking not only the most delicious flatbread with greens but also many other dishes of the Armenian cuisine.

13/4 Davit Anhaght St., 0014, Yerevan, Armenia Теl.: +374 10 20 61 03, +374 93 99 79 75






Armenia in spring is beautiful in its own way, and the evidence to that is the growing flow of tourists especially in springtime. This makes sense, since the charming spring aroma of Armenia, the spring awakening of Sevan and mountain rivers, and finally the blooming of apricot trees in the Ararat Plain are irresistible. Thus, to make the task of our dear guests easier, we offer a list of the 15 most popular tourist destinations in Armenia and Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh), which we strongly advise to visit with our faithful partner Yerevan Travel Company – the first tour operator in Russia for tours around Armenia. GATE 96

1 Zvartnots Zvartnots (the church of celestial angels), a church of early medieval Armenian architecture, is located not far from Yerevan and Vagharshapat (Ejmiatsin). According to the Armenian historian Sebeos, Zvartnots was built by the order of Catholicos Nerses III the Builder (641/642 ‒ 661/662), who was planning to move his residence from Dvin to Vagharshapat. In his book Armenian Studies Kamsar Avetisyan writes, “Zvartnots is dedicated to celestial angels, because in Armenian zvartun previously meant also ‘an angelʼ.” Hence, Zvartnots means ‘temple of the angelsʼ. In 2000, the ruins of the church and the surrounding archeological territory were included in the list of the UNESCO World Heritage.

2 Khor Virap

Khor Virap (translated from Armenian as ʻdeep cell’), a monastery of the Armenian Apostolic Church, located in Armenia close to the Turkish border, at the foothill of Ararat Mountain. The monastery is famous for its location, as right from here one of the magnificent views to biblical Mount Ararat opens up. The monastery is built on the underground prison where the Armenian King Tiridates III kept St. Gregory the Illuminator incarcerated for about 14 years before his (Tiridates’) conversion to Christianity (in 301). The hill of Khor Virap is located on the place of the ancient Armenian capital Artashat built by King Artashes I (circa 180 BC). Find us online at:


3 Noravank Noravank (translated from Armenian as ʻnew monastery’), a monastery complex, built in the 13th century 122 km far from Yerevan on the step of a narrow curving gorge of the Arpa River, not far from the Armenian city of Yeghegnadzor. The gorge is famous for its hanging red rocks, towering behind the monastery on the territory of which the two-storey church of Surb Astvatsatsin (Holy Virgin) is located with narrow cantilever stairs. Sometimes the monastery is called Amaghu Noravank to distinguish it from Bkheno Noravank, a monastery located near the city of Goris. Amaghu is the name of a small settlement, which used to stand over the gorge. During 13-14th centuries the monastery became the residence of Syunik bishops.

4 Ejmiatsin Ejmiatsin Cathedral (translated from Armenian as ʻThe Descent of the Onlybegotten Son’) ‒ the mother church of the Armenian Apostolic Church and the Pontifical See of the Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians between 303‒484 and since 1441. UNESCO lists the Cathedral as a World Heritage Site. Educational institutions of the Armenian Church are also located here. The original wooden cathedral was built in 303 (soon after Armenia adopted Christianity as a state religion) and then it was rebuilt in stone between the 5th and 7th centuries. The belfry was built between 1653 and 1658 and the sacristy in 1869.


Nobody knows Armenia as we do!

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+374 10 22 01 01 +374 77 78 42 41 (24h) 50A Marshal Baghramyan Ave., 0019, Yerevan, Armenia, Mon.-Sun. 10-00 to 19-00 EVN

+7 495 205 09 01 +7 495 778 42 41 2nd Yuzhnoportovy Passage, 16s9, Moscow, 115088, Mon.-Fri. 10-00 to 19-00 MSK

5 Jermuk Jermuk, a town of health resorts and one of the most popular resorts in the Soviet Union, is located on a beautiful mountain plateau at an altitude of 2070 meters above sea level, surrounded by heavily forested low mountains. On the slope of Mount Shish (2850 m), there are two cableway routes (one for the beginners in alpine skiing, the other for the experienced ones), the lift rises to the height of 2450 m. The routes are made in accordance with modern high standards. There is a rescue service and a ski and snowboard rental on the mountain. You can stop at sanatoria, hotels, holiday homes or rent a room in the private sector.

6 Karahunj The megalithic complex of Karahunj is possibly the most mysterious place in Armenia. It is also known as Zorats Karer (the stone army). The site represents several hundreds of massive basalt stones standing like guards over a 4-hectare mountain plateau in a certain order with circular through-hole openings in the upper part of some of them. Here, however, a question arises whether it is a settlement of the 19th century BC or the most ancient 7000-year-old observatory in the world. After all, some researchers insist that Karahunj is the elder brother of Stonehenge, and the holes in the stones were made to observe the stars. Maybe you will be able to find the answer by visiting this singular historical and cultural reserve yourself. Who knows? GATE 100


7 Tatev Tatev (translated from Armenian as ʻgive wings’) is an Armenian monastery complex dating back to the 9-13th centuries, situated in Syunik Province 20 km far from the city of Goris. It is a part of a huge tourist complex, which also features the hermitage called Mets Tatevi Anapat (large desert of Tatev), Wings of Tatev ropeway, the natural bridge and the cave called Satani Kamurj, and many other sights. It was established in 895‒906 and has been the religious centre of Syunik since the 19th century. Tatev ropeway called Wings of Tatev is the longest two-way ropeway in the world stretching 5.7 km. The highest elevation point of the ropeway is 320 m over the River Vorotan.

8 Shaki Waterfall The Shaki Waterfall is so attractive, that from ancient times people settled in the nearby caves and grottoes to admire it. Indeed, the territory at the waterfall is a real klondike for scientists. Not merely because of significant and groundbreaking scientific discoveries but also for being one of those that are called heavenly. True, Syunik is famous for such places; standing nearby is the mysterious Karahunj… In spring, the intense falls of Shaki resemble a snow-white billowing skirt of the unfortunate beauty who, as legend has it, jumped off a cliff not to fall victim to the conqueror who desired her. Thus, the waterfall appeared, and the girl’s name was Shake. Today, newlyweds visit this place constantly, tourists are bussed here, locals come here for a walk or a picnic, and soldiers visit it when they are on leave. Everyone needs beauty and harmony!

GATE 102


27/1 Moldovakan st., Yerevan

9 Garni Garni temple is a pagan temple of the 1st century AD in Armenia. It is dedicated to Mihr, the ancient Armenian god of the Sun, celestial light and justice. Tacitus mentioned Garni temple in connection with the events of the first half of the 1st century AD in Armenia. It was built by the Armenian King Tiridates I (66-88) in 76 AD, as testified by the Greek inscription found in the same place. Garni is one of the clearest pieces of evidence to the centuriesold culture of the pre-Christian period of Armenia. They began to build the castle in the 2nd century BC and continued to build it up during the ancient times, and partly in the Middle Ages. It is located in 28 km from Yerevan in Kotayk Province, near the village of Garni.

10 Geghard Geghard, Geghardavank (translated from Armenian as ʻmonastery of a spear’), the old name Ayrivank is also used (cave monastery), is a monastery complex, a unique architectural construction. The monastery is located approximately 40 km southeast from Yerevan. It was founded in the 4th century at the place of a sacred spring arising in a cave. It is listed as UNESCO World Heritage Site. The name of the monastery complex comes from the Longinus spear, which was the lance that pierced the side of Jesus Christ as he hung on the Cross – allegedly brought to Armenia by Apostle Thaddeus amongst many other relics. Now it is displayed in the Ejmiatsin Treasury.

GATE 104


23 Koryun St., Yerevan, Armenia. | Tel.: + 374 10 58 80 40 | |

11 Sevan The alpine lake of Sevan is attractive both in summer and in winter. The average monthly temperature in winter is 7°C. Lake Sevan freezes entirely only at harsh temperatures (below 20°C), which is explained by the huge number of springs. Everything is covered by snow from the end of November to the middle of April. In 2011, a cableway station was opened here. It is located near the hotel Akhtamar. There are various cafes and bars at the ski centre. Around Lake Sevan, there are hotels of different standards that provide service all year round.

GATE 106

You will always receive a hearty welcome at the comfortable Hotel Regineh whenever you are on a business trip or on holiday in Yerevan. The hotel is 20 minutes’ drive from Zvartnots Airport.

12 The largest concentration of Armenian khachkars (stele with a cross carved on it) is commonly referred to as “forest of khachkars”. The estimated number of khachkars in Armenia is nearly 10 000 and each of them is singular like fingerprints: none is a copy of the other. In the village centre there is a church of Surb Astvatsatsin (Holy Mother of God), built in the 9th century. Tamerlane, Arabs, and Persians – everyone wanted to ruin, plunder, and destroy these shrines. Even so, the holy Armenian stones seem timeless, since neither time, nor people can affect them.



235/1 Norki Ayginer St., Yerevan +374 10 65 40 20 +374 77 65 59 29

13 Tigranakert Tigranakert – an ancient city in Artsakh Province of Greater Armenia, one of the four ancient Armenian cities with the same name supposedly established by Tigran II in the 1st century BC and named after him. The excavations of the city are carried out by Artsakh archeological expedition of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia led by Hamlet Petrosyan, Doctor of Historical Sciences. The place is known among the locals as Tkrakert or Tarnakert (local pronunciation of Tigranakert). In December 2008, at the government session of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, it was decided to recognize Tigranakert as a State Reserve.

14 Shushi Shushi – a city in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh). It is situated in the Karabakh Mountains at an altitude of 1368 m above sea level, 11 km south from Stepanakert. The ancient fortress-city of Shushi has been the administrative, religious, cultural, and educational centre for many centuries. Shushi was built on the ruins of an ancient city, destroyed by the Mongols. This view of the previously existing Armenian fortification was archaeologically confirmed during excavations in the beginning of the 21st century.

15 Gandzasar Gandzasar (translated from Armenian as ʻmountain treasure’, Gandzasar Monastery) is an outstanding monument of Armenian culture, an acting monastery of the Armenian Apostolic Church. The Monastery got its name from the mountain that the locals used to call Gandzasar for its silver mines (Arm., gandz ʻtreasure’, sar ʻmountain’). It is situated on the left bank of the River Khachen, not far from village Vank in Nagorno-Karabakh. According to a legend, in the burial vault of the temple the head of John the Baptist severed by Herod was buried, brought here from Cilician Armenia during the Crusades. Thus, the church was named Surb Hovhannes Mkrtich (St. John the Baptist). GATE 108

Silk Road Hotel The Silk Road Hotel was founded in 2014. It is a noncommercial organization, which contributes its profit to the realization of cultural and educational programs organized by Hanguyts Folk Art Foundation in regions. The Silk Road Hotel has 13 rooms (single, double, triple, and family rooms) and can receive 30 guests at once. Its main purpose is to restore the idea and atmosphere of the historical Silk Road caravansaries of Armenia, where arts, languages, and religions of different nations of the world meet, creating a unique intercultural dialogue between the East and the West, Europe and Asia. The museum interior of the hotel, furnished with antique items and ancient handmade carpets, represents the role and economic activity of Armenians on the Silk Road. All the foreign guests can participate in the baking of the national bread lavash in tonir and meanwhile, taste the royal balm prepared according to a recipe from medieval manuscripts. They can also relish Armenian national dishes and drink a sand-brewed coffee – a kind of Armenian espresso. The hotel offers master classes on carpet, strap, and felt items making. Guests can also buy unique souvenirs from the shop and order handmade carpets according to their own patterns, with different colours, Armenian letters, and a text with the date as a reminder about Armenia.


53/2 Aygedzor St., Yerevan Ӏ Теl.: +374 10 26 52 14, +374 77 19 10 77, www.

Made in Armenia

Green cosmetics

Chocolate brand

The first brand of green cosmetics based on essential oils of plants grown in Armenia. The philosophy of Nairian brand is simple and lies in a deep respect for body, skin, and human body as a whole, for nature, and everything that surrounds and pleases us.

Handmade chocolates. Mark Sevouni ‒ refined chocolates with milk and cream filling made of dark chocolate. The delicate sweets charm with exquisite taste and give the feeling of enjoyment with a glass of good wine and a cup of fragrant tea or coffee.

34 Tumanyan St., 13 Saryan St., Yerevan Теl.: +374 60 44 54 45

Теl.: +374 60 48 48 18

Alcoholic drinks Ijevan Wine-Brandy Factory was founded in 1951. Today the factory produces high quality brandies, grape and fruit and berry wines, fruit vodka, and a wide variety of tinned food and dried fruits.

34 Tumanyan St.; 25 Mikoyan St., Davtashen, Yerevan. Теl.: +374 11 99 91 91

GATE 110

Shoes KristoBad company produces shoes using exclusively genuine leather – calf, snake, ostrich, crocodile, etc. The products are made by qualified craftsmen with the use of state-of-the-art production equipment that makes the shoes firm and comfortable. 23 Sayat-Nova Ave.; 21 Build. 10/1 North Ave., Yerevan. Теl.: +374 77 13 11 10


Made in Armenia MEGERI A N

Handmade carpets

Alcoholic products

Megerian Carpet is rightly seen as the best factory where carpets are woven using the national symbols of Armenia and patterns peculiar to the country. They are in demand not only in the CIS but also in other parts of the world and have been readily exported there for many years.

Artsakh Brandy Company is one of the first family companies of independent Armenia. The company produces exclusive strong drinks made of natural fruits, brandy, wine, and vodka. Artsakh is a unique product with a strong national nature!

2/5 Abovyan St., 9 Madoyan St., Yerevan. Теl.: +374 10 44 29 94, +374 55 99 09 95

24 Saryan St.; 18 Kievyan St., Yerevan Теl.: +374 10 27 06 14; +374 10 54 74 57

Jewelry Artyom’s company, producer of jewelry and accessories, preserves the best traditions of jewelry art and represents unique signature pieces that are made exclusively from high-quality gold and gems.

24 M. Khorenatsi St., Yerevan. Теl.: + 374 93 00 99 99, +374 94 00 99 99

GATE 112

Textile production Alex Textile company is one of the largest textile companies in the region. The company is fitted with cutting-edge equipment, which makes the production process more precise, guarantees the highest quality, and maintains high standards at all stages of production. Dalma Mall 3 Tsitsernakaberd Highway; Yerevan City 5 Mashtots Ave. Теl.: +374 41 66 67 00,


2/5 Abovyan St.,

Hotel Historic Yerevan Hotel Standard Executive Suite Junior Suite Breakfast

72 rooms 9 rooms 5 rooms Smorgasbord

Address: 48 Hanrapetutyan St., Yerevan, Armenia Теl.: +374 60 50 10 30, +374 60 50 10 10,, Restaurant Bar Disco Indoor swimming pool Outdoor swimming pool

Conference hall (50) Gym Cinema hall Safe Car rent

Laptop rental Free Wi-Fi Internet-café Billiard Playground

Sauna Massage Exchange Laundry Valet service

Republica Single Standard Double/Twin Deluxe Single, Double/Twin Deluxe Triple/Quad Junior Suites Executive Suites Breakfast

14 rooms 12 rooms 20 rooms 6 rooms 2 rooms 2 rooms Smorgasbord

Address: 7/1 Amiryan St., Yerevan, Armenia Теl.: + 374 11 99 00 00,, Restaurant Bar Disco Indoor swimming pool Outdoor swimming pool

GATE 114

Conference hall Gym Cinema hall Safe Car rent

Laptop rental Free Wi-Fi Internet-café Billiard Playground

Sauna Massage Exchange Laundry Valet service


AnnaBella Boutique Hotel is situated not far from Komitas Avenue and the city centre. The hotel boasts comfortable and modern rooms, a bar, and a summer cafe with calm and interesting ambience. It provides all necessary services for personal and business trips. There are banks, medical facilities, buildings of state organs, and multiple city complexes in the area. Our friendly, multilingual, and professional staff ensures that the place will become a home


that you will not want to leave. Whatever the journey purpose may be, we will surpass your expectations and make your stay as comfortable and enjoyable as possible.

17 Mamikonyants St., Yerevan, Armenia


+374 10 24 04 99


Hotel Nova Economy Single/Double Standard Single/Double Superior Deluxe Junior Suites Breakfast

8 rooms 20 rooms 8 rooms 1 room Smorgasbord

Address: 10/5 Sayat-Nova Ave., Yerevan, Armenia Tel.: +374 10 60 00 50, Fax: +374 10 60 00 70,, Restaurant Bar Disco Indoor swimming pool Outdoor swimming pool

Conference hall Gym Cinema hall Safe Car rent

Laptop rental Free Wi-Fi Internet-café Billiard Playground

Sauna Massage Exchange Laundry Valet service

Ararat Resort Guest Room Classic Room Deluxe Room Senior Suite Connected Family Room Family Suite Room Breakfast

7 rooms 18 rooms 21 rooms 10 rooms 10 rooms 4 rooms Smorgasbord

Address: 54 Mher Mkrtchyan St., Tsaghkadzor, Armenia Теl.: +374 60 38 38 38, +374 55 504 504,, Restaurant Bar Disco Indoor swimming pool Outdoor swimming pool

GATE 116

Conference hall (170) Gym Cinema hall Safe Car rent

Laptop rental Free Wi-Fi Internet-café Billiard Playground

Sauna Massage Exchange Laundry Valet service


Hotel Amberd Standard DBL Standard DBL with a view to Ararat Standard Twin Family Luxe Breakfast

4 rooms 4 rooms 2 rooms 1 room 1 room Smorgasbord

Address: Byurakan, Armenia Теl.: +374 99 90 28 02, +374 94 20 08 81,, Restaurant Bar Disco Indoor swimming pool Outdoor swimming pool

Conference hall Laptop rental Finnish sauna Oriental steam sauna Safe

Ski and sledge rental Snowmobile rental Snowboard rental Free Wi-Fi Internet-café

Playground Massage Exchange Laundry Valet service

Vallex Garden Standard Room Superior Room Deluxe Room Presidential Suite Breakfast

28 rooms 16 rooms 11 rooms 2 rooms Smorgasbord

Address: 35 Nelson Stepanyan St., Stepanakert, Artsakh Теl.: +374 47 97 33 97, 97 33 93,, Restaurant Bar Disco Indoor swimming pool Outdoor swimming pool

GATE 118

Conference hall (120) Gym Cinema hall Safe Car rent

Laptop rental Free Wi-Fi Internet-café Bowling Playground

Sauna Massage Exchange Laundry Valet service







II international exposition on complex equipment of HoReCa segment The objective of Renta Outstaffing is to ensure the development and expansion of hotel and restaurant business in Armenia. Hence, it is the second time that the company holds the specialized exposition HoReCa Expo 2019 on complex equipment of hotel and restaurant business and service. The exposition aims at promoting the development of hotel and restaurant sector of the region and attracting new investments and tourists.

Renta Outstaffing

Address: 22 Zaryan St., Yerevan, 0051, Armenia




the dishes made of vegetables and edible wild herbs have become the hallmark of armenian cuisine. they are prepared year-round. early spring fills the tables with asparagus (tsnebek), amaranth (karmir banjar), longleaf, saltbush, mallow, pepper saxifrage, nettle, dandelion, et cetera. owing to a variety of herbal components, the armenian cuisine is among the most nutritious and richest ones. however, it is not widely known that many herbs are not only edible, but also quite useful. thus, we will present the good properties of some widespread plants in armenian cuisine.





(KHATUTIK) Dandelions are used not only in soups and salads, but also in medicines. Taraxacin that exists in the roots of dandelion is the basis of new generation medications intended for joint treatment.


The young plants are used for salads, soups, and as appetizers. Saltbush is rich in vitamins and bioactive substances.




Mint is used widely in cooking as a spice. Fresh mint is used in syrups, drinks, and as a seasoning for meat and milk soups. Dried mint is brewed like tea. Such brew excellently fights off colds.

Onions are used virtually in every Armenian dish. The most popular ones are red (Khatunarian) onions and leeks (savzi). Leek is used in salads and soups. Onions regulate the work of digestive system and prevent the growth of harmful microorganisms.


Young shoots, leaves, and fruits are boiled and eaten with vinegar.


Longleaf is used for preparing appetizers and hot dishes. Young shoots are pickled.


(SISER, PEAS) Boiled chickpeas taste like nuts. In Armenia, it is used in salads and Lenten tolma. To prepare a delicacy from chickpeas one needs to cook, peel, and fry them and serve with raisins. GATE GATE122 8


“DELICIOUS” PHRASE BOOK Aveluk – horse sorrel Hamem, kindz – coriander Ananukh, daghdz, nana – mint Ghandzil – ramsons Dandur – common purslane Yeghinj – nettle Katnuk, latuk – blue lettuce Kortin, tsitron – savory Kotem – cress Krkum, kimon – crocus, saffron Ktsokhur, sumakh – barberry Maghadanos – parsley Mandak – pepper saxifrage Mokhrakhot, teluk – saltbush Pipert – mallow Prass, sokh – leek Pshat – silverberry Rehan – basil Sibekh – longleaf

Tsaghkunq Guest House is situated in the village of Tsaghkunq of Gegharkunik Province, not far from Lake Sevan. The guesthouse offers unique and delicious cuisine. It boasts a charming garden and a terrace where you can enjoy yourselves relaxing or just spending time. You may opt for hiking on the nearest hills where rare flowers bloom from June to September and this is the reason why the guesthouse is called Tsaghkunq (blooming). The owner of the hotel Yura Sargsyan organizes a culinary master class by prior arrangement.

Siser – chickpea

Tsaghkunq village, Sevan, Armenia Теl.: +374 93 991 888, +374 94 991 888, +374 91 981 888 e-mail:

Tarkhun – tarragon Urts – thyme Hazar – lettuce

Tsnebek – asparagus Chaman – caraway


Khnkatsaghik – origanum

The peculiarities of national cuisine Armenian cuisine is one of the oldest in Europe and the most ancient in Transcaucasia. The Armenian culinary traditions date back to time immemorial. It is said that Armenians knew about fermentation and bread baking processes even 2500 years ago. The cooking traditions of many Armenian dishes remain unchanged. Artak Manukyan, the chef of Ginetun and Yasaman restaurants, discloses some secrets of the national cuisine. Arishta is one of the oldest dishes of our cuisine. It is a kind of special Armenian noodles (arishta ʻtape’). It is usually prepared in a warm family atmosphere, in large amounts, as it is a traditional winter store up. Arishta is cooked around the country, making it difficult to specify its origins. There are different recipes of its preparation and they are passed on through generations. For instance, in the village of Kha-

chik, where we made a journey via our column Virtual Tour, only water, salt, and flour are added to the dough. This way of preparation is quite common making arishta a part of Lenten menus where it is served with steamed vegetables. We’ll make it with chicken like we do in our restaurants, besides we’ll add eggs to the above-mentioned ingredients of arishta.

Arishta Ingredients (prepare in advance) 6 kg of flour, 400 g of salt, 2 eggs, water Directions Mix the eggs, the salt, and the flour and add water to get a dense and firm dough. Then roll out the dough with a special rolling pin and cut it in thin strips like noodles, then dry and fry them.

Arishta with chicken Ingredients: 1 whole chicken, 200–300 g of homemade butter, 300 g of arishta

Directions: choose a medium-sized, better a round shaped chicken. Cut, cook, and fry it in the homemade butter. Put the arishta into the simmering water and wait until it boils. Then drain it, wash it in cold water and add to the fried chicken and mix.

Thus, ”simplicity is genius“ and the Armenian cuisine comes to prove this. Bon appetit and welcome to Ginetun! Acharyan St., Arinj Village, Armenia Теl.: +374 41 61 08 50

42 Mashtots Ave., Yerevan + 374 10 53 63 99 + 374 10 53 99 39 GATE GATE126 8

An island of Mexican cuisine in the centre of Yerevan The spring column of the Culinary page is represented by Cactus, a restaurant of Mexican cuisine well loved by Yerevan dwellers and the city guests. The restaurant opened in May 2000, shortly after, it gained the trust and appreciation of the visitors and became one of the most visited restaurants of the country. It has everything required for a true Mexican restaurant: an authentic interior, an impressive menu, and a warm cordial ambience filled with Mexican and Latin American music. The hearty welcome, the professionalism of the best waiters and bartend-

ers, live music and pleasant surprises make up the endless list of the advantages of this hospitable home. In this issue, Cactus eagerly shares with the readers of Armenia Tourism the nuances of Mexican cuisine – without disclosing all the secrets and details of the recipes as is traditionally accepted. This, of course, makes sense; after all, to savour a dish and relish it a gourmet should visit the restaurant.

FAJITAS Fajita is a traditional Mexican dish, a classic that originates from the region on the Texas–Mexico border near the Rio Grande, where cowboys used to live. The name derives from Spanish faja ʻa strip’ that indicates the meat cut method. While burrito is served with a filling, for fajita, the tortilla and the filling are served separately and everyone wraps in whatever he/she wishes. Thus, onions, bell and jalapeno peppers with tomatoes, cilantro, and cream cheese. The dish is served in a hot pan with warm flour tortillas, Mexican rice, and refried beans. For the filling vegetables, chicken, pork, cold cuts, beef, or shrimp are offered by choice.

! t i t e p p a Bon ! o h c e v o r p n Bue


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