Armenia Tourism Magazine, №28, 2019

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WINTER, 2019


Looking at the world from white peaks!


Guest Review Awards – 2017, 2018 Certificate of excellence – 2018 Guests rated. Fabulous – 2019


In the framework of the annual “Armenia Tourism” Award Ceremony, Ararat Resort hotel became the winner in the following nominations: 2017 – Most Dynamically Developing Company of the Year 2018 – Guesthouse of the Year 2019 – Guesthouse of the Year

Executive Director Georgy Khachatryan


Deputy Executive Director Yelena Markosyan Project idea David Khachatryan Editor-in-Chief Rouben Pashinyan +374 77 39 13 69 Regional Director Lilit Hovhannisyan +374 77 09 51 03 Director Anahit Gevorgyan +374 91 05 05 08 Advertising Department Director Sargis Mughumyan +374 99 55 54 32 Advertising Department: Hasmik Ghevondyan, Mariam Aghajanyan Layout, design Gayane Grigoryan Translator Lilit Zebli-Avayan Cover photo: Armenian Helicopters Photographs: Vahagn Grigoryan, Hakob Karanfilyan, Sergey Lernain, Mesrop Mesropyan, Suren Areents, Rouben Pashinyan, Photo Atelier Marashlyan, The Museum of Russian Art, «Bogossi Production».


Editorial Staff: Eugenia Filatova, Emma Marashlyan, Nina Balayan, Sergey Lernain, Suren Areents.


Layout and prepress:

The magazine is published every three months with a total circulation of 18 000 copies (in Russian) and 3000 copies (in English): 8000 copies in Armenia, 10 000 copies in Russia. The magazine is distributed free of charge in Russia and in Armenia: in tour agencies, restaurants, hotels, advertising agencies, embassies, ministries, libraries, companies, on board the trains of SCR. The magazine is available at Armpress kiosks (Armenia), in the supermarket chain SAS (in Armenia), at bookstores Armenian book Exhibition Hall Armenia at the VDNH Exhibition Centre), in the Armenian Book stores (Exhibition Hall Armenia at VDNH). The price is open.

Tourist information

Holidays and dates of Armenia

24 HOLIDAYS New Year in a country, where the impossible is possible!

32 YEREMYAN PROJECTS Livingston – restaurant of high flight!

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Publisher: 50a Baghramyan Ave., 0019, Yerevan, Armenia Tel./Fax: +374 10 22 01 01 16c9, 2nd Yuzhnoportovy passage, 115088 Moscow, Russia Tel./Fax: +7 495 788 83 89

In Armenia with a smile – a magical journey!

“Armenia Tourism 2019”

44 MED-TOURISM 46 TOURISM Heliskiing in Armenian way

Flight of fantasy, reality of dream!

№28, 2019/20, WINTER



111 reasons to love Armenia

Suzanne Der-Mesrobian, a French-Armenian



Saghmosavank, Everlasting Lampada and “Grand Canyon” of Kasakh River

54 CULTURE Great anniversaries of the year

60 FACES Sarik Andreasyan: “I make movies that I like watching myself!”

64 MUSEUMS “How a Masterpiece is Born” at Museum of Russian Art

▪ #AraratChallenge – a chance our world deservs! ▪ Dreamers and Armenia Tourism

82 ARTSAKH Mrav – the guardian of the secret

88 A VIRTUAL TOUR From Tsaghkadzor to Jermuk with Rouben Pashinyan

102 SIGHTS OF INTEREST 14 most popular tourist destinations in Armenia and Artsakh



Silent night of revelations

New Year's teatime


Susanna Safaryan

Chairperson of the State Tourism Committee of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia

Dear readers of Armenia Tourism magazine and guests of our beautiful country! On behalf of the Tourism Committee of the Ministry of Economy of Armenia and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year and Christmas holidays. No wonder that these holidays are considered family holidays in Armenia: we always celebrate them with our families. We also regard each tourist as our personal guest. The best testimony of this is the enthusiastic feedback of our tourists about how friendly and hospitable our people are, and how wonderful Armenian traditions are. Dear colleagues – tour operators and guides, employees of hotels and restaurants, and everyone who makes a huge contribution in this strategically important sector that fosters the development and welfare of our country – I would like to take this opportunity and thank you for your invaluable work and your sincere love for GATE GATE68

our country. After all, this is what helps uncover the most sacred corners of our country, making the stay of tourists warm and impressive. I want to especially thank the entire team of Armenia Tourism magazine for their tremendous work during this year. Thank you for a very important and beautifully organized event – the annual “Armenia Tourism" Award Ceremony, which encourages our colleagues in the tourism sector, appreciating their important contribution to the development of this industry. I wish you success, strength, and energy in order to continue to create. Dear readers, Happy New Year 2020! May you experience many reasons for laughter and joy in the new year. I wish you health and prosperity. And may each of you have the opportunity to travel a lot. As Lillian E. Smith, a public figure and writer, said: “I soon realized that no journey carries one far unless, as it extends into the world around us.”

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1 Baghramyan Ave., Yerevan, Armenia + 374 11 20 10 00, +374 10 56 60 10

Editor’s note

Rouben Pashinyan Editor-in-Chief

The year 2019 is coming to its end, having been rich in events, achievements, new projects and ideas. For our team it was especially marked by the launch of Armenia Tourism Forum, dedicated to innovative technologies in the field of tourism. In November, a special issue entitled “Armenia Tourism in Kazakhstan” was published. This year, both Armenia and Kazakhstan celebrated the 28th anniversary of their independence. And here is the magic of numbers – our 28th issue was published on these dates! I sincerely recommend you to get to know this special issue and not to resist your growing desire to indulge in the world of the beauty and secrets of Kazakhstan. And, of course, the sixth Armenia Tourism Award Ceremony, honoring the best of the field of tourism, has become a tradition. Just imagine its scale with more than 500 guests, 15 nominations, hors concours prizes in the framework of an almost 4-hour enchanting ceremony. We are growing, and it is thrilling! GATE GATE88

By the way, think about the meaning of the word “tradition”. One of its meanings is something that has been passed over from one generation to the other – something inherited from previous generations; for example, ideas, attitudes, tastes, manners, customs, etc. Se­ condly, it is the established order of behavior and everyday life; for example, the tradition of celebrating the New Year. And how wonderful it is to realize that your work, ideas and achieved goals not only make this world a little better, but also create a good tradition. Every year, our team is trying to prove this with its own example. Therefore, as a “double self-PR” I want to sincerely congratulate our entire team upon the wonderful conclusion of this year and the start of the new one, which is to be, I am sure, no less rich in ideas and achievements! And finally, a few words about the issue you are currently holding in your hands. It is mistakenly assumed that the touristic season in Armenia begins in spring and ends somewhere in early November. More precisely, it was commonly considered so. Tourism develops quite actively here, and it’s not only because of the ski resorts of Tsaghkadzor and balneal resorts rich in mine­ral springs and geysers, or the breathtaking winter views of Saghmosavank Monastery at the “Grand Canyon” of Kasakh River, or mysterious Syunik, full of surprises, or, finally, the magic of New Year's ce­lebration with its alluring cafes, clubs, pubs – not at all. Armenia is always glad to receive guests! This is its magnetism that makes those, who have come here once, come back again and again, for a longer time or with a larger company, at the same time mentally drawing the travel trajectory of the next visit. And we are sincerely glad that by representing Armenia on the pages of this magazine, we also contribute to these decisions. So, see you soon both on the pages of Armenia Tourism, as well as in touristic Armenia in real life. Happy New Year, friends, and Merry Christmas!

76 Aram St., Yerevan, Armenia +374 44 75 75 88

Armenia Area The total area is 29 743 km2, which is one-tenth the size of the historical Armenia. It is loca­ ted in the South Caucasus, in the northeast of the Armenian Highland. The country is landlocked. It borders Georgia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Turkey, and Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.

Sevan Lake

FLAG The national flag of Armenia consists of three horizontal bands of equal width – red on the top, blue in the middle, and orange on the bottom.





On April 19, 1992, the coat of arms of the First Republic of Armenia (1918–1920) was restored. The authors were Alexan­der Tamanyan, an architect and an academic of the Russian Academy of Arts, and Hakob Kojoyan, an artist.


Until quite recently, Armenia was a republic with a semi-pre­ sidential form of government. However, it has become a parliamentary republic, after the adoption of amendments to the country’s Constitution at the referendum. This happened on April 9, 2018.

LANGUAGE The national language of Armenia is Armenian. However, the majority of the population also speaks Russian. You may occasionally have language barrier in remote countryside. In Yerevan, English and French are often the command of the younger generation; the older generation is more conservative in regard to foreign languages. In any case, if a foreigner approaches them they are sure to understand and tell the right direction. Those who speak Russian will not have any language barrier in Armenia.


Yerevan can easily be considered as one of the safest cities in the world. You can have a night walk around the city without any fear; not every European city boasts about the same thing. If you are in Yerevan for the first time, you should not worry about not having a map or a companion to help you. The city is not too big if suburbs and further districts are not considered. The city centre is surrounded by an amphitheater of hills, and the streets mainly start from the Republic Square and run across the outer circular boulevard. The means of transportation – mini-buses, buses and taxies operate nonstop. But the beauty of Yerevan is such that it is well worth taking a walk to see, and if you get lost, the passers-by will help you find the right direction and even accompany you to the destination.

PRESIDENT Armen Sarkisyan (born on June 23, 1953) PRIME MINISTER Nikol Pashinyan (born on June 1, 1975) POPULATION The number of Armenians through­out the world is about 10 million people, more than 3 million of which live in the Republic of Armenia. The population of Yerevan is more than 1 million.

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Acharyan St., Arinj Village, Armenia Тоl.: +374 41 61 08 50, +374 10 61 08 50

Armenia CURRENCY Armenian Dram (AMD). The subsidiary coin is called “luma”, but it is not used any more. One Russian ruble equals about 8 Armenian drams. Coins in deno­ minations of 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 and banknotes in deno­ minations of 1000, 2000, 5000, 20 000, 50 000 and 100 000 drams are in circulation. CURRENCY EXCHANGE One may exchange currency in numerous exchange offices around the city. Trade in stores and in other points of sales is done only in dram – the national currency. In case you are out of drams and you need to buy something urgently, you can offer dollars or rubles. You will not have any problems with currency exchange, since there are exchange offices in most stores and supermarkets, where you can exchange currency without presenting your passport. To avoid additional exchange, you better take Russian rubles. Almost all hotels, many stores, and restaurants accept credit cards (Visa, Master Card, American Express), often charging a commission fee for banking transactions. Opening hours of the banks: 9:00‒17:30, Monday to Friday. Foreign Exchange offices are open on weekends and holidays, until midnight. ELECTRICITY Voltage – 220 Volt, frequency – 50 Hertz. DIALLING CODE







The terrain is mountainous; more than 90% of the territory is loca­ ted at an altitude of more than 1,000 m above sea level. The average height above sea level is 1,800 m, the highest point is Mount Aragats (4,095 m) and the lowest is the gorge of the river Debet (380 m). The greatest distance from northwest to southeast is 360 km, and from west to east – 200 km. The highest point of the region and the historical symbol of Armenia is Mount Ararat (5,165 m), which is in the territory of Turkey since 1920s.

CLIMATE The climate of Armenia is very diverse. Despite the fact that Armenia is located at the latitude of the subtropics, a subtropical climate is observed only in the southern and northeastern parts of Armenia. In the rest areas of the region, the climate is continental – the summer is hot, and the winter is cold. On the flatlands the average temperature in Ja­ nuary is -5°C, in July +35°C, in the midlands (1,000–1,500 meters above sea level) -10°C and +20°C, at heights from 1,500 to 2,000 meters -14°C and +16°C respectively. MAJOR CITIES

Yerevan, Gyumri, Vanadzor TIME ZONE

GMT +4

STORES Stores in Armenia offer a wide range of various souvenirs and gifts, including the famous Armenian cognac. The favourite place of guests, interested in buying Armenian souvenirs, is the openair market called Vernissage. Souvenir shops like “Dalan”, “Aghaksak”, “Vernissage”, etc., offering a wider range of souvenirs, author’s works, handmade carpets, etc., enjoy more and more popularity.


Tumanyan Khinkali

Tumanyan Khinkali Hatsatun

Tumanyan Khinkali Old House

Tumanyan Khinkali Tsaghkadzor

Armenia CHILDREN When travelling with a child, you will need: n the birth certificate of the child; n the passport of the child (or the child must be inscribed in the passport of the parent); n a power of attorney on behalf of the parent, who is not present. RELIGION The predominant religion in Armenia is Christianity – 94%. The majority of the population follows the Armenian Apostolic Church. Armenia was the first nation to adopt Christianity as a state religion in 301 AD. In 2001, the country celebrated the 1700th anniversary of Christianity in Armenia. TRANSPORTATION In Yerevan you can stop a taxi on the street, but it is recommended to order from taxi services.

FOOD Taxies in Yerevan are accessible and quite affordable. The fare around the city centre can vary from 500 to 1000 drams (from 65 to 130 rubles). Mini-buses operate one after another. The fare is 100 drams (about 13 rubles). Tourists usually mention traffic as the only shortcoming of Yerevan. The city was not initially designed for so many transportation means, which is why the streets are often overloaded. However, traffic jams in Yerevan are far from being as tough as the ones in Moscow. VISA According to the intergovernmental agreement on mutual visa-free travel, citizens of the Russian Federation do not need a visa to visit Armenia. It is only necessary to have the citizenship passport of the Russian Federation with you.

In every part of the city, you are sure to find a fast food place, a cafe or a restaurant within 100 meters. In the centre, the radius narrows even up to 10 meters. There are various cuisines: Armenian, Arabic, Georgian, European, Chinese, etc. The prices may vary significantly. In most cases, having a good and tasty meal in Yerevan costs less than in Moscow. WATER You can drink tap water in your hotel room, apartment, and in the streets from small fountains (Arm. “tsaytaghbyur”). These are unique stone memorials, usually one meter high, running pure, tasty Armenian water. Just walk right up and have a refreshing drink. You can buy bottled water in any grocery store – all brands are Armenian.

View on Mount Ararat


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15 Sayat-Nova Ave., Yerevan, RA +374 41 000 777 +374 10 777 777


Winter 7 december Day of Remembrance of 1988 Earthquake

21 december Memorial Day of St. Abgar, first king of Armenia to believe in Christ

On December 7, 1988, the world heard of a terrible tragedy – Spitak earthquake. The town of Spitak completely turned into ruins; Leninakan (now Gyumri) and Kirovakan (now Vanadzor) were partially destroyed. 21 towns and districts, 342 villages were affected, 58 of them suffered extremely. The earthquake engulfed more than 40% of the territory of Armenia. According to legend, Abgar V was the first Christian king (I AD), the son of Partev Arshakuni. During Abgar’s reign, the Saviour Jesus Christ was born. The king was sick with leprosy. Hea­ ring about miracles and healings of Jesus Christ, he sent a messenger to the Saviour with a message, requesting him to come and heal him. Here is what Jesus conveyed to Abgar: “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed in Me. For it is written about Me, that those who see Me will not believe, those who have not seen, will believe and gain eternal life. First, I must do the work to which I am sent. And when I ascend to Him who sent Me, I will send My Apostle to you, who will heal you from affliction and bring life to you and yours.”

Fulfilling the royal will, the messengers asked Jesus for His image. The Lord washed his face, covered it with a white cloth, and handed it over to the astounded messengers: His face was imprinted on the cloth. In the Middle Ages, co­pies of this miraculous image – the so-called Abgarian images – were made, which were widely spread in the Christian world. When Apostle Thaddeus visited Edessa (circa 40 AD), the king asked him: “Are you truly the one who is able to heal me?” “If you believe that Jesus is the Son of God, your wish will be fulfilled,” answered Thaddeus. He baptized the king and his household and healed him by the power of prayer. Thus, Abgar became the first baptized king in history.

has undergone calendar changes not just once and does not carry any special meaning. On the contrary, Holy Christmas embodies the Deepest Sacrament – the Birth of the Son of God, becoming the new and eter-

nal beginning for all mankind. And it’s not just a coincidence that humanity links its calendar cycle with Christmas for about 2000 years; it is commonly said, “before Christmas or after Christmas”.

1 january New Year, Kaghand Today, all Christian nations celebrate New Year on January 1. Armenians colloquially call New Year "Kaghand". It means a call, an invitation to celebrate a holiday. Subsequently, in Armenia Kaghand acquired the meaning of a change of year. In the Christian perception, New Year is a day of special self-reflection for each person. This is the day when all the deeds of the past year are reviewed. Both in its essence and meaning, as well as in its core purpose, New Year is inferior to Christmas. New Year


1/1 Yekmalyan Street, Yerevan +374 11 80 33 33

8 Orbeli Brothers Street, Tsaghkadzor +374 91 61 33 33

1/1 Yekmalyan Street, Yerevan +374 11 80 33 33

relax in nature romantic corners for couples traditional dishes of armenian cuisine enjoy your time on the tree transparent tents all over the area

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+374 41 49 00 00


Winter 6 january

Holy Christmas, Nativity and Theophany of Christ Until the 5th century, all Christian churches celebrated Nativity and Epiphany of Christ on January 6. Later, some churches began to

celebrate Holy Christmas on December 25. This was especially done so that people forget a pagan holiday, celebrated on that day. The Arme-

nian Church has remained faithful to the old order and celebrates Holy Christmas and Baptism of Christ on January 6.

by church ceremonies, but also by well-established folk customs that have already become good traditions. Commander St. Sargis is considered as the patron of all young people. Thanks to his intercession, miracles happen. On this day, young people pray to the Saint, asking him to make their prayers audible to God Almighty. St. Sargis helps lovers. On the night before this holiday, young people eat

salty cookies, after which they do not eat or drink anything, expecting a revelation in their dream about their destined future bride (or groom). Lovers give each other cards, flowers, or sweets on the occasion of the feast. On the day of the feast, a Divine Liturgy is celebrated in all churches named after St. Sargis. Following the Liturgy a special ceremony of bles­ sing of young people is offered.



Day of Army On January 28, 1992, a historic decree on “The Defence of the Republic of Armenia” was adopted, thereby denoting the fact of the establishment of the Armenian Natio­ nal Army. And since 2001, in accor­ dance with the Law of the President on “Holidays and Memorial Days of the Republic of Armenia”, Army Day is celebrated on January 28.



Day of St. Sargis – Patron of Lovers The Day of St. Sargis (Sarkis) is a national holiday in the Republic of Armenia, which is celebrated annually at the end of January and in the first half of February. By the decree of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, the Feast of St. Sargis the Commander is proclaimed as the day of blessing of young people. The holy Commander St. Sargis is one of the greatest saints. Together with his son Martiros and 14 warriors, he fell for the sake of the Christian faith. In Armenia, the Day of St. Sargis the Commander is not only marked




+374 77 30 74 44 +374 41 77 04 44 +374 60 40 07 77 +374 96 77 44 34

11/1 Smbat Zoravar Street Yerevan, Armenia


Winter 14


Presentation of Lord Jesus Christ (Tiarn'ndaraj) On the evening of February 13, the Armenian Apostolic Church celebrates the Feast of Trndez (Tiarn'ndaraj – “towards the Lord”). A bonfire, over which young couples jump, symbolises the feast, trying not to loosen the grip of hands while jumping, and thus secure strong union. Both local youth and tourists gladly take part in the sacrament of jumping over a bonfire by holding hands. Bonfires burn throughout Armenia that evening, even in the yards of the capital and, of course, on the courtyards of churches. According to church canon, on the eve of the fest, in the evening of February 13, upon conclusion of evening service, Andastan is performed – the

19 february Book Giving Day By the initiative of the Chairman of the Writers’ Union of Armenia Le­ von Ananyan (1946–2013), Armenia celebrates a nationwide holiday

24 february Great Lent This year the period of Great Lent starts on February 24. It lasts 40 days, beginning from the Eve of Great Shrovetide, and lasts till the Eve of Palm Sunday. Another period of fasting, lasting for a week, follows immediately after the 40-day fasting period – the Holy Week.


ceremony of blessing the four corners of the world, followed by the ceremony of candle blessing. According to an ancient tradition, da­ ting back to the pre-Christian era, a bonfire is lit from a blessed candle, symbolizing the saving light of Christ. His Holiness Karekin II, the Catho­ licos of All Armenians, has decreed

the Presentation of the Lord as the day of blessing of newlyweds. After the festive Divine Liturgy of Tiarn'ndaraj, all churches hold the blessing ceremony of newlyweds. If the day of Tiarn'ndaraj coincides with Lent, then the veils of Holy Altars of churches are opened during the Liturgy.

on February 19 – Book Giving Day. The date was chosen due to the fact that on February 19 (February 7, old style), 1869, the greatest Armenian poet and writer, a prominent public figure Hovhannes Tumanyan was born. Celebrating this significant day is aimed at increasing the interest and love towards books, book publishing, and attracting awareness about writers in general. This year, Holy Easter will be celebra­ ted on April 12. During the fasting period, exclusively vegetarian foods are consumed; people not only refuse certain types of food, but also refrain from lustful habits, talkativeness, lying, swearing and other sins. It is useless to refuse from food without refusing of sin. “Satan also always fasts, eats nothing, but does not stop sinning and sins tirelessly,” says St. Gregory Tatevatsi. 40 days of fasting is a period of prayer and repentance; it symbolizes

Christ’s 40-day of prayer and abstinence in the wilderness, when after His baptism, Jesus “was led by the Spirit into the wilderness”. According to ancient canons, marriage and offering meat sacrifice (matagh) were forbidden during the period of Great Shrovetide and Eas­ ter. However, by the pontifical encyclical of Vazgen I it was permitted to perform sacrament of marriage on Saturdays and Sundays during the period of Great Lent, with the exception of all days of the Holy Week.

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1/1 Bagrevand Street, Yerevan, Armenia +374 12 20 02 22 , +374 12 20 02 02 don_fish_restaurant/


Winter 20 february Vardanank – Day of Mercy and Tribute to Heroes

In the middle of the 5th century, the Persian Empire attempted to force Armenia to apostasy – to convert to Zoroastrianism. The council of the supreme clergy and secular nobility of Armenia rejected this demand. A revolt broke out in the country, thus giving rise to the popular movement “Vardanank”, uniting the whole Armenian nation. The movement was named in honour of the inspirer and leader Vardan Mamikonyan. For the preservation of the Armenian homeland, the Church and the Christian religion, Vardan Mamikonyan and his 1036 com­ panions fell heroically as martyrs,

28 february Memorial Day of Victims of Pogroms in Sumgait, Baku and Kirovabad


and are considered as great saints of the Armenian Apostolic Church. By their death they proved the will of the Armenian people to live freely, and their right to existence. This battle proved to be a testimony, that

truly nothing can turn Armenians away from the idea of a Christian homeland. On Vardanants Memorial Day, Divine Liturgy is served in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and in all Armenian churches.

This mournful date was marked in memory of the events that occurred in February 1988, when more than 50 people were killed, and several thousands suffered injuries of varying degrees of severity as a result of the Azerbaijani-Armenian clashes.

Pogroms – beatings and killings of Armenians in Sumgait, loca­ ted at a half-an-hour-drive from Baku, were committed in broad daylight in front of a large number of passers-by. The peak of these crimes occurred on February 26–29, 1988.

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Hot Pub – a restaurant with a diverse cuisine. Here everyone will find a dish to  taste, including lahmacun, salmon steak with asparagus, and much more!

We are waiting for you at: 144/3 Verin Antarayin Street, Yerevan, Armenia +374 43 800 800

New Year in a country, WHERE THE IMPOSSIBLE


Winter is the time of miracles, fairy tales, love, warmth, and new expectations. And if you are fortunate enough to be in Armenia at this time, then it will not be difficult for you to verify the truthfulness of the above-mentioned yourself. You just shouldn’t resist the desire of a miracle to happen to you. Although, there is no need to discuss this if you are here on New Year's Eve or Christmas – on the land, where the rebirth of mankind began. The miracle has begun; go ahead! The world is becoming kinder in winter, Rejoicing in holiday troubles. It's cosy to wake up in the mornings in December, Freedom Square


Knowing that soon comes New Year!

Armenia We start from the capital of Armenia, Yerevan

This radiant pink city is beautiful at all times of the year. Interestingly, daytime and night-time Yerevan have noticeable differences. If on a winter day it is either mysteriously foggy or welcoming sunny, then at night the capital turns into a small freedom-loving Paris with a variety of warm cafes and restaurants, hospitable clubs and pubs, seducing you to “drown” in them – which we strongly recommend you – with a glass of aromatic cognac in hand and a smile. We guarantee, this pleasurable cog­ nac will “leave” you much later than you leave Armenia. Take a walk in the center, try ice skating, which annually opens on the site of Swan Lake, visit the “town” of ice sculptures on Freedom Square at the Opera House... You wonder how to find all this? Easily! Indeed, Armenians have won and continue winning in the nomination Most Hospitable People not once. Haven’t you heard of this? Yerevan residents and even its guests, who managed to “get infected” with Armenian warmth and hospitality, will tell you about this and much more, showing you the way and treating with Armenian goodies. They will show, guide, feed and, of course, share part of their soul with you, which is the functional core of magnetism that continues to attract visitors who have once been here.

Opera House

Republic Square

New Year is approaching rapidly: how and where to celebrate?

A good, but only a rhetorical question. Friends, New Year should be celebrated at home! Whether you like it or not, that is how it happens in Armenia. Clubs, pubs, and homes of your new Armenian friends will become your home, as soon as you walk in. Similarly, we are sure that you will feel home, for example, at the House of Sergey Parajanov, where the Master’s museum is located. It operates almost seven days a week and is open even on New Year's Eve. Find us online at:

North Avenue


New Year You are always welcome here: its warmth will revive your body and soul! Well, admit; has anyone of you ever celebrated New Year under an apricot tree in the courtyard of Parajanov’s house?


What to do on January 1 and where to go? Sadly, not all clubs are open in early January. It’s better to plan a trip to the countryside in advance on January 1: enjoy the beauty of Armenian ashkhars in winter! What is ashkhar? If Armenia’s territory is administratively divided into 11 marzes (regions) and Yerevan, then in tourism it is customary to divide the country into ashkhars – worlds. Indeed, you leave the capital for 50-100 kilometers in different directions and find yourself in completely different worlds, with different flora, fauna, and even climate. Not to mention the temperaments of the locals. You have to experience it yourself! You are sincerely and gladly welcomed everywhere. You will especially feel it, while walking around the old Yerevan quarter called Kond.

Sevan Lake




91 Pavstos Buzand Street, Yerevan, Armenia +374 93 58 88 85, +374 60 48 88 84, Babylon.armenia

New Year

Garni Temple

Just for experiment, knock on any door here and ask for a glass of water. By the way, this “experience” can be tried not only on New Year's Eve. If on a regular day hosts release you from “gastronomic captivity” somewhere in the evening, then on New Year you will have several days of “impri­ sonment” within Armenian hospitality, possibly with frequent trips to the countryside, to Sevan, etc. If you collect memories, the experiment in Kond will be the highlight of your collection. After all, in addition to a fun feast, you will plunge into the atmosphere of old Yerevan. Kond, like all of Armenia, is a unique open-air museum. In all aspects. Visit, and you won’t regret.

Where to go: are roads open everywhere in winter?

the charm, the expectation of a miracle, especially on New Year’s Eve! If, for some reason, you weren’t able to drive to Tsaghkadzor ski resort or visit Kecharis Mo­ nastery, enjoy the views of the mysterious gorge near Saghmosavank or the glitter of obsidians on the road to Sevan, we recommend that you fill in these “gaps” with the help of virtual tours by our guides (see "Virtual tour"). In this issue, you will get the chance to go against nature by making an interesting trip along Selim Pass (2,500 m) – from one ski resort to another, from Tsaghkadzor to Jermuk!

About New Year's cuisine and not only: what to try?

Most likely, this issue will be resolved on your Unfortunately, not all sightseeing beauties of behalf by caring Armenians long before you yourArmenia are accessible in winter: many serpen- self think about it. Sometimes, this issue is retines and mountain roads sometimes become im- solved without even reckoning with capabilities passable. Therefore, we recommend you to check of human stomach. In this case, we advise you conditions of roads before you travel in advance. to better just relax and get maximum pleasure; Perhaps, you have already outlined a certain forget about the scales, about the upcoming trips program for yourself before your arrival, and even to fitness centers upon return, about carbohyif not everything is completely clear in it, that’s drates and fats. In short, don’t be wise, enjoy. GATE 28

Helicopter Tours

in Armenia, Georgia, Russia

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RA, Armavir region, Zvartnots International Airport +374 44 888 333 +7 958 402 72 09

New Year

But! We recommend you a couple of secrets. Try everything in small portions, so that hospitable Armenian housewives won’t suspect you of a negative attitude to their culinary masterpieces. Certainly, use vegetables, herbs, and lavash in foods: this will not add a single gram. And, most importantly, even if you had a nourishing lunch, be sure to eat two strained matsuns at the end. It fantastically enhances metabolism, thereby minimizing the amount of calories of dishes you have tried. And finally, New Year's Armenian khash with cold homemade vodka! No, this is not just a gastronomic experiment with your body on survival, but rather a complete ritual you will be instructed on, taught, and enlightened in the eating process ...Well, now is the right time to stop, so that we don’t tell you too much, thereby devaluing live communication with our charming country and its inhabitants. Let us conclude with a traditional Armenian toast! Which one? There will be plenty of them at noisy Armenian feasts. But one of them is just yours! It will be remembered for a GATE 30

long time, and you will retell it after many years in the circle of your relatives and friends with excitement!

New Year’s gifts and souvenirs from Armenia

In the New Year period, both the capital and the whole country are literally invaded with souvenirs of festive themes – all sorts of dolls with Armenian symbols, Kaghand Papi (our Santa Claus), various crafts made of wood, obsidian. You will be perhaps overwhelmed. Different souvenir shops and boutiques, most of them loca­ ted in the center of Yerevan, will help you find the right gifts. Remember, friends, the most important gift that every New Year gives us is the hope for better and faith that even the impossible is possible! Happy New Year! Merry Christmas! And see you in Armenia – a country where the impossible is possible!

A dvertisement

Craft brewery and restaurant Dargett are located in the center of Yerevan, just one kilometer from Republic Square. Dargett is translated from Armenian as “bitter river” – that is how ancient Babylonians called the seas, surrounding them on the oldest map of the world.

72/37 Aram Street, Yerevan, Armenia Tel.: +374 96 87 08 70



Yeremyan Projects is one of the leaders in the restaurant industry in Armenia. It owns Tavern Yerevan restaurant chain, Yerevani Shaurma fast food restaurant chain, Lavash Restaurant, Sherep Restaurant, Tavern Yerevan Riverside and Smoking Chef Steakhouse. And since October, the capital’s hospitality industry is enriched with another new venture – a premium-class restaurant Livingston. Our interlocutor is David Yeremyan, General Director of Yeremyan Projects. GATE 32

“Every job starts as a dream”

dients, but Armenian dishes prevail, cooked In order to expand the company, Yeremyan by most modern technologies and meeting reProjects has implemented a new restaurant pro- quirements of modern haute cuisine,” says Mr. ject on the territory of Demirchyan Sports and Yeremyan. Concerts Complex (Hamalir) that has a new conA question naturally arises, ceptual style and approaches, allowing tourists who commands the Livingston and local residents to taste delicious dishes of gastro-flight, where do you find cooks, unique cuisine and enjoy touristic comfort and are they foreigners? glamour of Yerevan. “In spring 2019, Yeremyan Projects launched “Haute Cuisine, high-end service, and exquisite music are the main components of a the Academy of Culinary Arts and Hospitality, premium-class restaurant. Livingston is our and our cooks, before starting their duties in a new dream to fly high, or rather, a reflection new restaurant, complete a training at this aca­ of the idea of following a dream, working con- demy. The exclusive partner of the Yeremyan tinuously, developing, exploring ourselves, and Projects Academy of Culinary Arts and Hospitalistriving for more. The motto of Yeremyan Pro- ty is the City of Oxford College in the UK. Among ject is “Every job starts as a dream”, and it is the teachers are not only the chefs of Yeremyan extremely important to chase a dream, believe Projects, but also all best chefs who have the dein yourself and not stop dreaming,” says David sire and willingness to get involved in our team, Yeremyan. share their knowledge and skills, as well as fo­ reign guests, culinary specialists who share their Well, let’s go through experience and knowledge. We can proudly say the indicated components. that the Academy prepares cooks of the ‘new First, the cuisine! generation’ – creative, hardworking, ready to “It is believed that dishes in haute cuisine learn and acquire new knowledge, create most are prepared only of expensive and rare pro­ exquisite tastes,” notes the General Director of ducts. Our cuisine also uses high-quality ingre- Yeremyan Projects.

Find us online at:


A premium-class service

“Our fellow countrymen, as well as foreign guests, often asked where to continue spen­ ding their evening after a lunch or dinner in a restaurant. When traveling abroad, I paid attention to restaurants with unique concepts, which were visited by clients in evenings to wrap up a busy day in an interes­ ting setting. Hence, the idea to open a restaurant in the capital where, in addition to delicious cuisine, guests may enjoy a new and unique exclusive entertainment culture, was born,” says Yeremyan. Such restaurants have adopted the English and French service formats. This means that dishes are served in portions, and sometimes in the presence of a guest, a dish is perfected to its final appea­ rance. Dish selection and its serving are also part of the special ceremony. One of the basic principles of a high-quality service is communication skills and ethics. And Livingston in this regard, we may confidently say, sets the bar for the flight of the entire gastronomy industry of Armenia. “The choice of the location, of course, was not accidental either. In addition to the fact that premium restaurants, as usual, are located near iconic places or important historical buildings, Livingston's take-off point should meet the requirements of the concept within which the locations of the other restaurants of our company were chosen: Yerevan Tavern GATE 34

is integrated in the former building of the State Publishing House, Sherep is in the buil­ding of the former Armenia Restaurant, etc. Namely, these are famous, popular places in Yerevan. Now, let's have a closer look at the building of Hamalir Complex. For Soviet times, Hama­ lir was also a courageous step, a flight of thought, a successful architectural project, and its wonderful realization by a group of dreamers who, like us, were well aware that this very dream is the start of their future work. This could not but attract us, especially the shape of the building, that looks like a seagull with open wings. Furthermore, the restaurant is located on the

ninth floor. Logically, the "packaging" of the restaurant itself – Tsitsernakaberd Hill, Hamalir Complex, ninth floor – already dictates certain rules and consequently the status of the object that will be located here. This can’t be an ordinary restaurant, even with fine cuisine. It’s the service that sets up requirements for a certain style to both Livingston itself and its visitors. This is the credo of a restaurant of high flight. This is how we approached the restaurant; this is how it functions and gains new admirers,” says David Yeremyan.

And finally, the music!

Reaching the heights of Livingston, discussing the cuisine and its delivery “rituals” to Find us online at:

guests, following Juvenal’s famous expression, let us review the last component of a pre­mium restaurant – the shows. As it turned out, it offers not just one, but two music formats: popular music of the 60–70s performed by Livingston band led by composer, conductor, People’s Artist of Armenia and honorary citizen of Yerevan Yervand Yerznkyan from 20:00 to 23:00; and then the control over music is taken over by popular DJs, top urban bands, etc. To conclude, let’s just say the music here is also “high level”, but better not to say a­nything and give you a chance to check it out yourself. Welcome to Livingston Restaurant! 35





“ A R M E N I A

T O U R I S M ”



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SUMMARY OF THE YEAR! On September 8, the Sixth Annual “Armenia Tourism” Ceremony was held with great success in Prime Hall restaurant, which was held this year in cooperation with the State Tourism Committee of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia.




“ A R M E N I A

T O U R I S M ”




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For the sixth year already, Armenia Tourism magazine holds an award ceremony for the best in the sphere of tourism. The voting procedure had two stages: at first, candidates were nominated, and then voting determined the winner from the top five. Respon­dents – representatives of tourism industry – received voting forms via e-mail; besides, it was possible to vote online by visiting the page of Armenia Tourism on Facebook. The Ceremony was opened by the welcoming speeches of the Chairperson of the State Tourism Committee of the Ministry of Eco­ nomy of Armenia Susanna Safaryan (left), and the Adviser-envoy of the Embassy of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Armenia Alexey Sinegubov (right). It is particularly worth emphasizing the speech of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Republic of Armenia Timur B. Urazyaev (centre), who highlighted the new joint project of the Embassy and Armenia Tourism magazine – the special issue “Armenia Tourism in Kazakhstan”, de­ dicated to the 28th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. After a brief excursion into the history of the ceremony, presented by its hosts editor-in-chief of Armenia Tourism magazine Rouben Pashinyan and actress, model Diana Malenko, the actual pre­ sentation of award winners began.


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“ A R M E N I A


T O U R I S M ”

So, this year the list of the winners is as follows. Yerevan Zipline was recognized as the Project of the Year in Adventure Tourism by a majority vote. It already managed to become the favourite of both residents of Yerevan and tourists.



2 0 1 9

In the nomination Project of the Year for Preserving National Tra­ ditions, Megerian Carpet won a well-earned vic­ tory again. Zhirayr Musheghyan

Leonid Andreasyan

Pretty successfully self-nominated "My Ar­ menia" became the Tourism Project of the Year.


This year, Yasha Solomonyan was finally chosen as the Guide of the Year, who was previously more than once nominated, but not winning. He is widely known in the sphere of tourism in Armenia.

Ani Yeghiazaryan

Sisak Mkhitaryan

Celebrating the 150th anniversary of the patriarch of Armenian poetry this year, Hovhannes Tumanyan Museum was elected as the Museum of the Year.




Yasha Solomonyan

The title Trans­ port Company of the Year was awarded to Bus Voyage LLC, which delivers its services to almost all tour operators of Hovhannes Manukyan Armenia. GATE 38

Are you planning to visit Tsaghkadzor and wonder about where to stay? The answer is Ara­ rat Resort hotel in Tsagh­ kadzor, recog­ni­zed as the best Guest Home of the Year in the framework of Hayk Beglaryan our award ceremony.



“ A R M E N I A

Daily exciting tours throughout Armenia with One Way Tour – the choice of thousands of tourists. This is why the victory in the nomination Tour Ope­ rator of the Year in Inbound Tourism goes to them.


T O U R I S M ”

Arshak Gevorgyan

And here is our absolute champion for 7 years in a row! For the seventh time, Vallex Garden Hotel was chosen as the Best Hotel of the Year in Artsakh. Bravo, keep up the good work!



2 0 1 9

In the nomination “Ho­ tel of the Year in Armenia”, one of the most fashionable and luxurious hotels, Grand Hotel Ye­ revan, won a deserved victory. Matevos Barseghyan

For the second year in a row, Sherep Restaurant holds the high standard of the Best Restaurant of the Year, and this opinion is shared not only by those who voted for this wonderful restaurant, but also by everyone who has ever been there.

Antonio Petrucci

Florence Garden won the no­ mination Restaurant of the Year in Artsakh.


Artur Matevosyan

In the nomination Resort City of the Year, Gyumri, the cultural capital of Armenia, was elected as the best by an overwhelming majority of votes, we can say, almost unanimously.

Narek Mirzoyan





Since last year, the list of nominations has been reple­ nished with new ones, for example, Tourist Start­up of the Year. The award this time went to Visit Jermuk project.

Garik Hovhannisyan

Ararat Balabekyan







“ A R M E N I A

Hripsime Mkrtchyan

Eco Akhb was awarded the title of the Eco-Project of the Year. In addition, the editorial office of Armenia Tourism magazine awarded four more pri­ zes hors concours – Dyna­mically Developing Company of the Year, General Partner for Promotion of Touristic Projects, Author of Best Restaurant Concept Outside Yerevan, and Best All-inclusive Restaurant. These were out of voting: the winners in these nominations were determined by the editorial board of Armenia Tourism and the Tourism Committee of the Mi­nistry of Economy of Armenia. Dragon Garden Chinese restaurant was unanimously re­ cognized as the Dynamically Developing Company of the Year, which has already become very popular not only in Yerevan, but beyond. Restaurant Tsaghkunq near Sevan, which became the hospitable brainchild of author Yuri Sargsyan, received the prize for Best Restaurant Concept Outside Yerevan. GATE 42

T O U R I S M ”




Five prizes were also awarded hors concours. The special award of the Ministry of Economy of Armenia to international media for the Best Pre­ sentation and Promotion of Tourism in Armenia went to the German blogger Silvia Schmid, whose book “111 Reasons to Love Armenia. A declaration of love for the most beautiful country in the world ”was published this fall.

The Best All-inclusive Restaurant was won by Yasaman restaurant in Tsaghkadzor. Furthermore, the Ministry of Economy of Armenia awar­ ded four honorary certificates of appreciation to the Delegation of the European Union to Armenia, the German Agency for International Cooperation, the United Nations Development Program and the United States Agency for International Development. The music accompaniment at the award ceremony was provided by one of the most popular bands of the city, Project 12. Of course, not to forget the partners of the event, the prize for General Partner for Promotion of Touristic Projects was awarded to a long-term partner and a true friend of the ceremony Yerevan Travel tour operator in Armenia and Russia.

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Silvia Schmid

Official partners of the event are B.H. Brandy Company with its products Madatoff cognac and Berdashen wines, and Dragon Garden Chinese restaurant. Partners: Defense Law Firm, Fora Premium, Megna, Ijevan Wine-Brandy Factory, Armenian Helicopters, Moussaler Printing House, Arloopa, Gayane Khojayan Haute Couture Weddings, Luvien Fashion Studio, Aida Melkonyan Make-Up Image Studio, Zian Fa­shion-Art Brand, Chronograph, Your Space, Bogossi Production, Garun Restaurant, Rossi Cake Confectionery and Nushikyan Association. And finally, information partners: SONG TV International, Public Radio of Armenia, Sputnik Armenia news agency and radio, Radio Van, PaparazziLife, Exclusive Life, Yerevan Events, multifunctional platform for announcements, and Celebrities magazine.


In Armenia with a smile A MAGICAL JOURNEY!

“The dentistry we practice helps to restore health and beauty, prolong youth, and provides a holistic approach to dental treatment, not just drilling a hole and closing it with a filling.

44 Abovyan Street, Yerevan, Armenia +374 41 33 33 25 perfectamedicalclinic perfecta.medclinic

Even one poorly placed dental filling can sometimes cause headaches and haunt patients all their life. And because of an incorrectly treated bite with even seemingly beautiful teeth, severe chro­ nic diseases develop, such as night apnea, changes in posture, and problems with temporomandibular joint. This chan­ ges and forms our view on our profession,” noted Diana Ter-Grigoryan at the beginning of our conversation, who is the founder of Perfecta medical cli­ nic, associate professor at the Department of Family and Surgical Stomato­ logy of Yerevan State Medical University, candidate of medical sciences.




hen planning dental tourism, often Armenia, or more concretely, Perfecta clinic, becomes a choice of destination. Perfecta occupies a solid place among prestigious clinics in the region. The key to their success is the professionalism of highly qualified doctors of the clinic, trained at best universities in the USA and Europe. Most specialists here are licensed in the field of neuromuscular dentistry. All medical procedures in the clinic are carried out according to Western protocols: patients receive full treatment based on proactive teamwork. “I always recommend complex treatment to patients. Our doctors have their own narrow specialization, and we achieve bests results only after studying and comparing all findings provided by our therapist, surgeon, orthopedist, orthodontist and implantologist,” continues Diana Ter-Grigoryan. “We conduct preliminary individual consultations via most convenient means of modern communication for you, which enables you to plan your arrival productively.” Perfecta clinic specializes not only in dentistry, but also in otolaryngology, ophthalmology, medical cosmetology, podology and other areas of medicine. Moreover, after all medical procedures, Perfecta Wellness and Spa will help you regain more strength. Here you can revive your energy by enjoying relaxation treatments, such as Moroccan hammam, sculptural, myofascial, and buccal facial massage, body wrapping, spa manicure, and spa pedicure with relaxation massage, and endulge in Arabic sweets with Moroccan herbal teas. Perfecta clinic was created, so that you could smile with a wide, healthy and snow-white smile every new minute of your life and would always feel your perfection!

48 Abovyan Street, Yerevan, Armenia +374 41 10 20 09 PerfectaWellnessnSpa your.perfecta



No, this is not Canada, not the regions of Krasnaya Polyana, Arkhyz, Dombay or Elbrus, even not North Ossetia and Kamchatka. This is Armenia, winter, downhill skiing or snowboarding, but rather heliskiing in Armenia! This unique opportunity for lovers of extreme sports is provided by Armenian Helicopters aircompany. This includes not only skiing on slopes untouched by human skies, but also experiencing snowy peaks from a bird's eye view. Indeed, even if the level of adrenaline in blood rolls over, it is simply impossible to remain indifferent to incre dible beauties of the opening views!


rmenian Helicopters continues to amaze and captivate not only Armenian tourists, but also lovers of winter sports. And with heliskiing, of course, it is GATE 46

possible to stretch this pleasure for the whole winter period, extending the off-piste season on comp­ letely new slopes, still covered by excellent snow.

Armenia What is heliskiing?

This extreme sport carries the name “heliskiing” in English, which consists of two components – helicopter and skiing. Having understood its origin, one begins to perceive the essence and core of this sport. Nevertheless, there are several types of heliskiing, as well as numerous nuances and options that open the door to the world of mountain peaks, high flights and overwhelming extreme. A distinctive feature of heliskiing is its incredible freedom of movement and route selection, because every time the helicopter takes you to new slopes, where each next downhill skiing is not similar to the previous one.

Where and how we fly?

With mountain skiing we mean Tsaghkadzor, and, respectively, vice versa. Of course, Arme­ nian Helicopters offers also flights to the slopes of Teghenis, not to limit your choice. Armenia is a mountainous country, and, as you know, there are plenty of mountain slopes here. The well-equipped Helicopters of the airline will deliver you and your equipment to desired destinations; for security purposes, walkie-talkies and smoke detectors (blue smoke) are provided. Moreover, all passengers of Armenian Helicopters, i.e. heliskiing lovers will enjoy pleasant surprises from the company, which you will discover on place.

More Services by Armenian Helicopters!

The company offers a large selection of aircraft, services of experienced pilots, allowing to accomplish any ideas to create a personal route. You can order transport for a press tour, a flight for photo and video shooting, make an unforgettable gift for newlyweds or for a birthday party. Tell them your ideas, and they will organize an individual trip that suits you best. In a variety of situations, it may be necessary to rent a helicopter in Armenia. If you want to get to your destination with the lowest financial costs, renting will help you put your wishes into

Vishapakar (carved dragon stone)

reality. Have you seen movies where people relax aboard a helicopter, enjoying the beauty of nature? This is not only possible in movies; a flight can be arranged here and now! Our air transport is designed for entertainment and business. It is the most convenient way for traveling through Armenia, to Georgia, Russia and other countries. Why to wait for a wizard who flies over in a blue helicopter if this magic is available now? Discover the world of wonders with Armenian Helicopters!

Find us online at:


A View From Outside

111TOreasons why LOVE ARMENIA

Tatev Monastery Complex

The book of German blogger Silvia Schmid “111 Reasons to Love Armenia – a declaration of love to the most beautiful country in the world” was published in the German language. It should be noted that this year in autumn – in the framework of the Sixth Annual “Armenia Tourism” Ce­ remony, awarding the best in the sphere of tourism – Schmid was awarded an honourable prize a special hors concours award of the Mi­ nistry of Economy of Armenia to international media for the best presentation and promotion of tourism in Armenia. The book is already available in German bookstores and on the Internet, and in March 2020, the book will be presented in Armenia, after which it can also be purchased in Yerevan and Gyumri. GATE GATE48 8

Armenia Why did you decide to write about Armenia? I decided to write about my life in Armenia even before I left Germany. Just after my first vi­ sit in Armenia in November 2014, I wrote my first blog article capturing my first impressions. During the three years that I lived and worked in Yerevan, bet­ween September 2015 and June 2018, I blogged every month about the country, my travels, as well as about daily like going to the hairdresser, markets, wine or Armenian coffee. When I finally came back to Germany, a literary agent contacted me in August 2018, who was sear­ching for an author for the book “111 reasons to love Armenia – a declaration of love to the most beautiful country in the world”. He had found my blog, liked it and offered me to write this book. Which place do you like most in Armenia? Because I lived in Armenia for three years, I have many favourite places here. In Yerevan I always enjoyed my lunch breaks in the Lovers’ Park, close to the metro station. The atmosphere in this park is very relaxed: a lot of couples and families are strolling around the park throughout the day. Parents playing with their children, pensioners listening to the rushing of the small waterfalls, photo shootings of wedding couples, policemen – and women – sitting on the benches during their breaks. I always enjoyed just watching daily Armenian life there. On weekends, I often liked to go to Gyumri. I love its picturesque old town, the art scene, the open-air market, the best fish restaurant in the country, the mixture of old and new. Gyumri is the most “Armenian” city for me, as Yerevan is getting more and more cosmopolitan. Finally, my favourite Armenian monastery is Noravank. Every visitor from abroad I too there, and I always enjoyed the trip, too. Noravank is so rich in scenery, architecture, art history, landscape, and nature that every time I went there, I discovered new details. Last June, I booked an off-road trip with a ranger and a guide from Arpa Protected Landscape NGO. They took us up to the mountains above the monastery to observe wild Bezoar goats. We saw some goats in the rocks and Noravank between the red cliffs from


Lake Sevan

above through the binoculars of the ranger – just breathtaking! This trip was one of the most impressive that I experienced in Armenia so far. What do you think, can this book attract more tourists from Germany? I hope so! Unfortunately, Armenia is not very well known in Germany; many Germans could not find it on the map, I presume. Some do not have any idea that it is such a safe and diverse tourist destination. Others are curious and want to know more, but there is not much literature available in German about Armenia, and not much information online in German, by the way. So, hopefully, many more Germans will use the new direct flight connections to Armenia next year and will disco­ ver the Lesser Caucasus after reading my book or my blog or even both.

Find us online at:





Armenia Saghmosavank is one of the most beautiful monasteries in Armenia. Located above the impressive gorge of Kasakh River, it is only 30 km away from Yerevan, on the eastern outskirts of Saghmosavan village, Aragatsotn province (marz). This place is very popular among tou­ rists, since it is easy and quick to reach.


n Armenian, Aragatsotn means ‘foot of Ara­ gats’ (the highest mountain of Armenia, 4,090 m). The administrative center of the region is Ashtarak city (in Armenian ‘tower’): there used to be a large fortress with five towers here in ancient times. Sadly, neither the fortress, nor the towers remain, but the name of the city has been preserved. Among the historical monuments of Ashtarak, the churches of Tsiranavor (‘Apricot’), Karmravor (‘Red’) and St. Marine are most notable. The monastery is not far from the city. Saghmosavank is translated from Armenian as ‘monastery of psalms’. For many centuries, this place was a spiritual center and abode for monks in solitude. Local residents narrate that reverend fathers of Saghmosavank sang psalms so beautifully, alleviating with God's hymns the burden of work of parishioners, making bearable poverty and sorrow of people, and filling them with the fire of noble inspiration and God's power when leaving the church. There is also a legend that the monks of Saghmosavank had a special gift of making snakes speak. No wonder, such magnificent singing can entrance even snakes! Saghmosavank is astounding in winter! It offers a beautiful view of the biblical Ararat and the picturesque gorge in its background. I must say that in ancient times all the monasteries were built on energetically active points of the Earth, and in Saghmosavank this energy is felt very strongly. Find us online at:


Region Legend has it that Saghmosavank was founded by St. Gregory the Illuminator 17 centuries ago. The founder of Christianity in Armenia prayed in this place, and the indestructible Heavenly Lamp shone on him. In 1215, Armenian prince Vache Vachutyan erected Surb Sion (St. Zion) Temple here. Later, the church of Surb Astvatsatsin (Holy Virgin), the narthex and the book depository were founded. All these structures are combined into Saghmosavank Monastery Complex. The monastery reached its highest fame in the 13th century. For a long time, it was a cultural and educational center, as well as a center for handwriting art. The scribes of the monastery were widely known for their experience and skills. Ancient murals are preserved not only on the walls, but also on the columns – unique murals, depic­ ting Gregory the Illuminator as a shepherd with a shepherd’s stick in his hand.

In Surb Astvatsatsin Church, the niche of the altar has a form of a female silhouette in a headdress, the Virgin herself, and above the altar a flying angel and an eagle clawing a lamb are depicted – the coat of arms of all medieval princely families of Armenia. Armenian temples fascinate with their openness, and Saghmosavank is no exception. You can walk around this monastery endlessly, admiring the allu­ ring views and feeling the grace, condescen­ ding on you in this mystical “portal to other worlds”... Everyone who has ever been here will certainly want to return. Even if sightseeing programs do not include visits to this monastery, guests find time and opportunity to visit here again. You can learn to know Armenia endlessly, and we are always happy to help you discover it!

Saghmosavank Monastery




Armenia profoundly celebrated many events in 2019: anniversaries, festivals, concerts, exhibitions, and a number of other events were held, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the great Armenian composer Komitas and the patriarch of Armenian poetry Hovhannes Tumanyan, 120th anniversary of the founder of Yerevan Youth Theatre, Tigran Shamirkhanyan, 100th anniversary of poetess Silva Kaputikyan and poet Gevorg Emin, 80th anniversary of composers Tigran Mansurian and Robert Amirkhanyan, 90th anniversary of theatre and film actor Sos Sargsyan, the legend of Armenian and world sports Albert Azaryan, and many, many others...

Of course, we could provide a small overview,

supplemented by pictures of past events, dedicated to the great anniversaries of these significant persons. But first, it is simply not enough to tell about everything on several pages, given the big number of events; and we didn’t want to present anything selectively. Secondly, since our magazine is intended to inform and introduce Russian-speaking tourists to Armenian

culture and traditions, it would be more accurate to first introduce our dignitaries to you. And since, according to established tradition, the first word in Armenia is always reserved for the eldest, we will present thoughts, quotes, views on certain realities, expressed by the above-mentioned prominences themselves, or by other famous people about them, or about each other. Your word, Masters!


(1869–1935) Armenian composer, musicologist, folklorist, singer and choral conductor “Komitas is the founder of the Armenian music school – he was, is and will remain the greatest teacher for me. Komitas paved the first paths, and we, musicians, remember this well. The whole country remembers it, as well. In my opinion, every Armenian musician should consider it his sacred duty to enhance those great traditions that Komitas bequeathed to us in his work.” Aram Khachaturian GATE 54


Komitas Museum-Institute

“For an Armenian, music is a form of confession. Once in Paris, I met a 90-year-old woman. She told how Komitas came to visit them, to their family, when she and her sister were still very young. They had an instrument at their home in Constantinople, and they asked Komitas to sing. He sang an Armenian folk song, accompanying himself. The sisters studied European music and asked them to sing something else, European. And Komitas sang Schubert. The window was open; people gathered on the street and ap-

plauded after he had finished. She tried to tell me how well Komitas performed Schubert. And I was interested, how quietly he sang our song, for himself, since he had an astounding voice. But the people did not gather. Why? Because he sang it quietly. Our music is sung inwardly. That is her nature. Therefore, I share music that is sung inwardly and from inside out. I really appreciate music that is addressed to inner self."


“Tumanyan spared nothing for his homeland and for his people. Today, it is impossible to read the poet’s letter addressed to comman­ der Andranik without excitement: ‘Before a terrible moment, everyone should bring to the common altar everything that he has and what he can, both to prevent impending danger and to achieve aspired victory. I have four sons; all four are at the disposal of the government, the National Council and at your disposal, and my four daughters readily support war logistics. I have nothing more valuable than them. Yet, I will not regret anything...’. He himself was ready to follow Andranik’s call and voluntarily undertakes the obligation to transfer one hundred roubles monthly to the general treasury. Tumanyan is our unwritten Constitution, our passport presented to the whole world.”

(1869–1923) Armenian poet and writer, public figure, national poet of Armenia

Tigran Mansurian

Sos Sargsyan Find us online at:



(1899–1952) Soviet actor, director and teacher, People's Artist of the Armenian SSR, founder of Yerevan Youth Theatre


(1929–2013) Soviet Armenian theatre and film actor, writer, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR


About Yerevan Youth Theatre and its founder:

“A young guy from Shushi leaves for Moscow, graduates from the Drama Studio, then the Theatrical Institute, works at Meyerhold Theatre, and then, having reached these heights, leaves everything and comes to Yerevan to open the first Armenian theatre for children! Tigran Shamirkhanyan is a brilliant figure and artist. I worked under his directorship. I can say that it was a wonderful theatre. Created, in theory, for children, he attracted absolutely everyone to his unique performances, even people of advanced age. I still remember these performances – incisive, interesting, deep... Art is a part of history, and the better we remember and know the origins, the easier it is to follow the road to the future. I am sure that the perpetuation of the name of the theatre’s founder, People's Artist of the Armenian SSR Tigran Shamirkhanyan, can immensely inspire young talents today to create their New Theatre, realizing that their name will also not be forgotten.” Sos Sargsyan

About Armenians and its future:

“We need to initially understand who we are: the East or the West? If the East, then what about the enormous cultural heritage, created by our people for millennia? Well, let me tell you – we are unique; we are not the East and not the West. We have our own “I”. We are Armenians! Just consider the architecture: it is not imperial, not gothic, not baroque ... It is a prehistoric Armenian style, created by Armenian architects. ...I have high hopes in young people. There are so many talented and smart kids. I believe in genes, in the power of my ancestors, who are still drowsing in them, but I’m sure, will soon wake up and help put things in order. I also consider it necessary to unite around our church – the faith that has been cherishing us for more than 1700 years. The church and youth is the force that will lead our country out of spiritual twilight.”


(1919–2006) The greatest Armenian poetess of the 20th century, writer and publicist, academician of NAS RA, Honoured Cultural Activist of the Armenian SSR


Born in 1939, Armenian composer, Honoured Artist, People's Artist of Armenia

About culture and traditions:

“Each nation has its own cherished songs, its own anthem, its own sayings that have become proverbs. They collectively symbolise, like a clot, national experience, character, natio­nal biography, and history. In the British hymn, for example, there is an appeal to the Almighty ‘God save the Queen’. ‘Marseillaise’ calls for rebellion against tyranny. The lines of the Norwegian anthem glorify their ‘land of wooded steeps, the sea, the farouche wind, the sky in shreds of clouds’. The Armenian anthem, born two centuries ago, sounded almost like a spell. It began with a plea ‘God save Armenians’. It literally meant preserving our life, saving us from physical destruction, from invasions and violence.”

About nationality in music:

“I am an Armenian composer, but what does it mean? This means that I am faithful to my genetic memory. Language is not only a semantic pheno­ menon, but also a musical one, with its own sound arsenal. There is a French poet, Frédéric Mistral. In his youth, he was engaged in the revival of the Occitan language, wrote poems in it. Then he got the Nobel Prize. And when he was 80, a monument was dedicated to him in the south of France. A huge crowd gathered; he comes out to read an old poem of his. He starts, but then stops. Well, old man, forgot the words. And in this silence, the whole square kneels before him. No matter what you say, it’s important that you did not let a language die. This ­ima­ge is very apprehensible to me. ... You know, when Volkonsky, along with Denisov, listened to my 1967 “Boulez” sonata, they, oddly enough, heard something Armenian in it. Appa­ rently, it somehow shines through. How and accor­ ding to what patterns are sounds interconnected? It does not depend on technology; it is the composer's logic of thinking. I have no other truth. Nowadays there is a lot of music, composed according to laws of weightlessness. Perhaps, such music is very advanced. But it is not interesting for me. I do not want it to hang in the air, my music stands firmly on the ground."

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Born in 1929 Soviet gymnast, three-time Olympic champion, four-time world champion, two-time European champion, eleven-time USSR champion

About Azaryan’s beauty:

cises, and my whole speech was regarded as an act “In 1953, the USSR Championship was held in of hooliganism and disrespect for the jury! Thank God, not everyone adhered to this opinLeningrad (St. Petersburg), where the Armenian team also participated. My turn came up. There ion: as I later heard, one of the members of the were four judges: two sat in the front, two in the panel of judges managed to persuade his colback. I started to do the exercise. Then, when it leagues. He turned to them: “Do you even undercame to the cross, looking at the first judge, I asked stand what just happened here? A new element ‘Shall I stop holding it?’ He answered ‘Yes’ in sur- was born before your eyes! And you, not finding prise. Then I turned my head and asked the second what to cling to, are trying to uproot it!” Common judge: ‘Shall I stop holding it?’ He also assented sense won, and they did not bother me. We beand laughed. In order to refer to the two judges came champions, but no one was in a hurry to behind, I had to turn back. They affirmatively an- call the new element as ‘Azaryan’s cross’. In order swered ‘yes’ to the same question ... So, ‘Azaryan’s to call a figure by ones name, it was necessary to cross’ was born in such a casual conversation. But repeat it at World Cup or at Olympic Games. In there it was ... I was expecting praise, and instead 1954, the World Cup was held. I showed the cross the panel of judges raised the question of my re- there; the hype arose – all the media wrote about moval from the competition, reasoning, that I had it! After this, the element was called by my name – no right to talk to them while performing the exer- ‘Azaryan’s cross’.” GATE 58


48 Hanrapetutyan st., Yerevan, Armenia




Office Romance. Present Day, Earthquake, Moms, Happy New Year, Moms!, Unforgiven – this is not the complete list of his films. Although his films are sometimes criticized, they are accepted and loved by the majority. Moreover, these projects are considered to be almost the most successful in Russia! So, today's guest of Armenia Tourism is Russian director, screenwriter, producer Sarik ANDREASYAN. Sarik, how did you come to filmmaking and how did you "reach such a life”? Well, and of course, for everyone’s information, a few words about your roots – where are you from, how did you get to Moscow, etc.? I was born in Yerevan, and at the age of four, I moved to Qostanay city with my parents, which is located in the north of Kazakhstan. I graduated from school there, and then my dreams made me leave for Moscow and start my studies for film production. After many years of attempts and efforts, I was entrusted to make my first film. It was successful, so there it all began. GATE GATE60 8

Armenia The so touching lyric comedy Moms and its second part Happy New Year, Moms! became nice New Year's gifts for millions of viewers. How was the idea of this film born? The idea of these films is very simple – love towards moms. I am a son, and I know feelings of gratitude and love for parents well. Let’s assume that these films are dedicated to my mother. In each short story this particular component is displayed. I can’t help asking this question: how did you work with Alain Delon? Exciting and pleasant! Through him, I shook hands with the whole world and especially European cinematography. Each poet has his favourite poem, each artist – his favourite canvas. Which of your films is most special for you? For me, those films that brought me success are special! It is important for me to be thankful to my films. It's like grown up children who reciprocate your love and help you when you are old. My biggest successes are Unforgiven and Earthquake. You directed a film about a terrible tragedy – Spitak earthquake. Are you planning any more movies on Armenian themes? I would love to make a movie about the Genocide and the Great Patrio­tic War, in which we lost about half a million Armenians, but I haven’t yet met an Armenian businessman or investor on my way who would like to support cinematography. How do your preferences as a viewer converge with what you do as a director? Find us online at:


Faces pect my viewers as much as myself. You directed in the USA. What are your impressions? After the success of several of my films, producer Tove Christensen, Hayden Christensen’s brother, became interested in me. Together, we decided to make a film about relationships between brothers, since I also have two elder brothers. It was an exciting and great experience. Perhaps, the best time of my life at the moment! I hope to repeat it... Let's return to Armenia: how often do you visit here? Every three months I vi­ sit my dad and mom. I can’t more often – no time. I love Armenia and my parents! I am glad that I can take care of my homeland, even from afar and through art. Do you have a special place in Armenia? Where do you adI make movies that I like Let them visit my dad! He has watching myself! I am an audi- vise tourists to start exploring good wine. (Laughs.) The whole ence-focused director and res­ our country? Armenia is beautiful. A few words about your filmmaking plans: what to expect in the near future? I shot the film Homeland about our emigrants in the United States. After its release, I want to take a break from making movies. I'm tired. I started too early and lost my passion with 35. Perhaps, I will regain it after a break. And finally, your New Year's wishes to our readers. Stay human at any time of the year, love your parents, take care of your children, think about the future and live in the present! GATE GATE62 8


“How a masterpiece is born” AT MUSEUM OF


“How a Masterpiece is Born” exhibition was opened at the Museum of Russian Art in Yerevan (collection of Prof. Abrahamian), which was co-organized with All-Russia Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art. We asked the director of this hospitable house, Marina MKRTCHYAN, to guide readers of Armenia Tourism through its halls and tell us about the new exhibition, as well as the museum itself.

Our museum is the only one in Armenia where

Boris Lange, tray "Dance", 1920-1930s.

The museum was founded on the basis of the the works of Russian artists of one of the most personal collection of renowned physician Proattractive periods of the Russian culture, known fessor Aram Yakovlevich Abrahamian. It repreas “Silver Age” (late 19th to early 20th centuries), sents artworks by world-known Russian artists – are collected. V. Serov, K. Korovin, M. Vrubel, A. Arkhipov, GATE 64

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Nikolay Krymov, “Hot Day (Sunny Day)”, 1920

M. Nesterov, Al. Benois, E. Lan­ seray, N. Roerich, N. Goncharova, Z. Se­rebriakova, B. Kustodiev, K. Somov, N. Sapunov, S. Sudeikin, P. Kuznetsov, K. Pet­ ­ rov-Vodkin, A. Kuprin, A. Lentulov, R. Falk, N. Udaltsova, A. Drevin, and others. Four years ago, when I received the position of director of the Museum of Russian Art, I set up the goal, based on current requirements of modern museology, museum management, marketing, PR, and new technologies, to turn the museum into a modern social and cultural communication center, where each visitor, regardless of age, gender, social background, can find new and interesting information for himself. Today, the museum has a new strategic plan, in which educational GATE 66

and exhibition activities play a major role. According to the worldwide experience of the informal edu­ cational function of mu­seums,

Abram Arkhipov, “Elderly Peasant in Blue Shirt”, 1890s

in addition to traditional excursions, we offer interactive excursion games and excursion-related art lessons for students, school and preschool children to familiarize themselves with the permanent exhibition. It is well known that exhibitions are an integral and very important part of museums. Each year, we present 3-4 exhibitions to our visitors both on the territory of the mu­ seum and beyond. And so, at the end of the outgoing year, a new exhibition was opened – "How a Masterpiece is Born". This question often arises among museums visitors, especially in art museums. A painting is not only a reflection of the era, but also an artist’s self-portrait, his philosophy, artistic views, even

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Bucket, Russia, Vologda province, Permogorye, 20th century

personal impressions, likely, a fragment of his diary. A painting, hanging silently on a wall, is like a rebus, and its peers can help read it, i.e. other artworks and household items, as well as pictures, memoirs, letters of artists and, of course, interpretations of specialists. The Museum of Russian Art in Yerevan keeps a significant collection of artworks of the 19th– 20th centuries. Some of them are a curious addition to artistic biographies of leading Russian painters Vasily Surikov, Mikhail Nesterov, Boris Grigoriev, Aristarch Lentulov, and others. The opening was a great success! There were many distinguished guests, art lovers; we received kind and warm feedbacks. “This museum doesn’t cease to amaze and please us. It is an important asset of not only the capital, but also for all of us,” said Sergey Kopirkin, Ambassador Extraordinary and GATE 68

Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Armenia, who was present at the event. As part of the program “Commonwealth Heritage. Traditions for Future”, an opportunity to tell the stories of some paintings was given. The exhibition “How a Masterpiece is Born” offers a new look at the works of Boris Grigoriev, Abram Arkhipov, and other artists who drew their inspiration from Russian roots and the traditional culture of the Russian countryside. The funds of All-Russia Museum of De­ corative Arts (Moscow) enable canvases to “talk”. For the first time, a Russian folk costume, the famous “Bogorodskaya” toy, which can tell interesting stories from peasant life, carved gingerbread boards, attributes of any holiday, and of course, magnificent painted spinning wheels, a female tool for the winter season.

Boris Grigoriev, "Village Girls", 1913

Not only works of folk art, but also professional masterpieces arrived from Moscow. The sculpture by Sergei Churakov is a special approach to folk culture. In light of these works, compositions from the collection of the Yerevan Museum of Russian Art will be viewed in a new way. The exhibition “How a Masterpiece is Born” will help to better understand the origins and value of the paintings stored in the Museum of Russian Art. Moreover, the Project “Commonwealth Heritage. Traditions for Future” is a unique opportunity for the Armenian audience to get in touch with the native culture of Russia. We are sure that this exhibition will serve for strengthening relations between our peoples. The exhibition is open until April 4 of the next year. You are welcome to Museum of Russian Art in Yerevan!

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Photo Atelier Marashlyan

THE SILENT NIGHT OF REVELATIONS The story of Christmas began long before the birth of Jesus, and it’s not just about prophecies and promises, rather, also, about a long family history that precedes the appearance of any baby. It’s about gentle nurturing of relationships, emotions, and memories of an endless thread of the human race. No matter who the newcomer of this world is, no matter what path awaits him beyond the threshold of a palace or crib, he always becomes the next guide between the past and the future – warm, lively, suffering, triumphant... And his arrival, of course, is first and foremost a family matter.

Perhaps, this is one of the reasons that

Christmas in the whole world is celebrated as family holiday, and its wonder is usually shared with dearest people. In Armenia, this tradition is ‘doubled’. Here, Christmas and Epiphany are celebrated on the same day, on January 6 – as commonly celebrated before the 4th century (the Armenian church of that period circumvented the ardour of struggle with pagan traditions, which made the Roman church spread these events throughout the calendar). No dark times could completely turn off the light of Christmas candles in Armenian houses. Long centuries of other religions, decades of scientific atheism have perished into the past, having disappeared outside of families that gather around the unfailing symbols of this holiday. Fish, rice with dried fruits, herbs, and Gata are the four right angles of the Christmas tablet, annually served by Armenian housewives on festive tables. Christmas is called the revelation of God. It’s the revelation of life, love and salvation – GATE 70

the divine truths. But the translation of these truths into an accessible language was made possible thanks to ancient human characteristics: humility, compassion and sacrifice, born of unconditional family affection. And the unity of Christmas and Baptism, preserved in the Armenian Church, turns it into a kind of umbilical cord between physical appearance and spiritual rebirth towards an obvious path of self-perfection. We follow this path, focusing on milestones; we draw them ourselves, reflecting on the stages passed. The pursuance of this moral wave, capable of physically transmitting the warmth of a touch, is important to us. One of such touches is photography. The works of Marashlyan Photo Atelier are, if not the very loop of this tradition of continuity, then its perfect fixation. Here, every character and every detail occupies its unique place, as elements of an ancient ritual, being long rubbed against each other.

Armenians live

Suzanne Der-Mesrobian,

a French-Armenian

The world is full of people, and every corner of it is rich in those who live there. It turned out that we, Armenians, lost one of our corners a century ago; being scattered all over the world, we were forced to look for corners abroad. These corners are as different as those Armenians, who continue to live their lives there. Armenians live also in our films, and in this episode of ARMENIANS LIVE movie series we will tell the story of another smart Armenian.

The world is full of people, and

every corner of it is rich in those who live there. It turned out that we, Armenians, lost one of our corners a century ago; being scattered all over the world, we were forced to look for corners abroad. These corners are as different as those Armenians, who continue to live their lives there. Armenians live also in our films, and in this episode of ARMENIANS LIVE movie series we will tell the story of another smart Armenian. Our heroine, Suzanne DerMes­ robian, works at a great architectural university in Lyon (ENSAL), teaches and, long story short, lives in Lyon. Suzanne is another pride of the Armenian community of France – she has not only forgotten about her roots while living many years in a foreign count­ry, but also creates new bridges with her homeland through her profession on daily basis. She became the most beloved tea­ cher among students at this major French higher education institution. Her daily strict GATE 72

Armenia schedule, workload, and an incredibly large number of students do not weary her. This peppy, lively Armenian is trying to use her experience for Armenia’s favour. During the 1915 Armenian Genocide, Suzanne's grandfather, Suren, ended up in France and tried to start a new life in a foreign land. Suzanne actually remained in France by accident, after the proposal of her husband, Serge Monnot, when she had already finally decided to permanently return to Armenia. This beautiful couple portray friendship and love between Armenia and France. Her husband Serge is so in love with Armenia that he doesn’t miss the slightest occasion to visit there and quench his anguish. Suzanne notes half-jokingly that her husband sometimes misses Armenia and its people more than she does, but then admits that she once infected him with Armenia so enthusiastically that he expects a new trip more than she every year. Suzanne brings groups of architects from France to Ar-

menia annually, trying to bring benefit through her profession. Her dream is to tell the world about Armenia and show pictu­ resque corners of the country. We met with Suzanne DerMesrobian at her work; she showed us that famous architectural university in France. Almost all those thousand students welcomed Suzanne with a smile, making it obvious for us that she is very loved and appreciated there. Suzanne tries to be useful through her profession: for the restoration of Erebuni Museum she brings large groups of specialists from France to Armenia. Thanks to precise profes-

sional excavations, the origins of our history appear to the world in a new form. We continued our conversation with Suzanne at her home. Our heroine, as a guardian of traditions, invited our film crew to her house, where we got acquainted with the love story of its owners. Our next show will be dedicated to the story of Suzanne Der-Mesrobian and her husband, about which we will tell more in our next articles. Follow our stories and get to know our compatriots in a world in which ARMENIANS LIVE. Text and Photographs, courtesy of Suren Areents

“Candy. The Armenian Flag�


This strange named candy sculpture with the colors of Armenian flag is now situated in the centre of Tashir Street Shopping Gallery, but before it got there it managed t o be in Paris. The sculpture, being designed by Laurence Jenkell, has been placed on the Avenue George V of Paris for a month. This piece of contemporary art once again reminded the French and all tourists about Armenia. A fter exhibition due to the agreement between the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of the Republic of Armenia and Tashir Group of Companies, the sculpture has been transferred to Armenia and with a solemn ceremony was placed in ceremo Tashir Street Shopping Gallery.



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#AraratChallenge is a new global crowdfunding campaign, aimed at supporting those in urgent need of basic humanitarian aid around the world. Undoubtedly, one of the most large-scale and successful projects of the past year is the crowdfunding campaign #AraratChallenge of the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative. Armenia Tourism magazine also takes its unique turn in promoting this noble endeavor with this very article.




he Aurora Humanitarian Initiative is founded on behalf of all Arme­ nians that survived the Genocide in gratitude to their saviours and seeks to give modern heroes the opportunity to support people in need of humanita­ rian assistance around the world, thereby continuing to pass over the global challenge of kindness. The Aurora Humanitarian Initiative is gratitude in action, a philanthropic project by Vartan Gregorian, Noubar Afeyan and Ruben Vardanyan, attracting thousands of promoters and partners. “Everyone who shares our devotion to humanity can join this glo­ bal movement by participating in the #AraratChallenge campaign, the core image of which is Mount Ararat, a universal symbol of hope for better future,” the project organizers said. “The #AraratChallenge participants record their videos and publish them on the Internet, thereby inspiring others to embrace Aurora’s mission.” All donations received through the #AraratChallenge are allocated to the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative prog­ rams to support those in need. Aurora’s projects aim to combat pover­ty, improve healthcare and provide education to people across the continents. Aurora provides funding for 23 projects in 15 countries, with 43 percent of those programs benefitting child­ ren. With continued support of cont­ ributors, Aurora has already been able to help more than 850,000 peo­ple l­iving in poverty and in war-stri­cken areas. Campaigners also urge others to make monthly donations of any amount, even $1, to give the disadvantaged and the poor the chance to start a new life. More information on this movement can be found at

Ruben Vardanyan

Vartan Gregorian

Noubar Afeyan

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A film about Armenia will be released on the Russian travel channel My Planet (Moya Planeta), which celebrates its 10th anniversary in November. The second season of the TV project Dreamers ends with this episode. Here, viewers take the role of moderators with their brightest travelling ideas. For two seasons, My Planet has fulfilled the dreams of twenty heroes and doesn’t yet plan to stop. GATE GATE78 8


raveling to Armenia was 44-year-old Dina Morozova’s dream. She is a singer and composer, born in Nizhny Novgorod, but has long been living in Moscow. Traveling helps Dina to involuntarily plunge into the musical atmosphere of places she visits. The idea to create a real travel show out of such impressions turned into a dream about a very specific “musical route”. Why specifically Armenia? Firstly, Dina loves and plays jazz, which has a renowned place in the cultural life of the country. Secondly, she wanted to test the hypothesis about the unique musicality of Armenians. And thirdly, she simply hoped to have a tasty meal and expe­ rience the famous Armenian hospitality. Dina’s route began in the center of Yerevan, which is lite­ rally filled with music: including street musicians on Northern Avenue, the singing fountains, and jazz melodies coming from many cafes in the evenings. It is noteworthy that the shooting coincided with the opening of Fifth Yerevan Jazz Fest 2019. Dina wanted to hear duduk (Armenian oboe) in its natural environment – in the mountains. And now, Dina joins a special performance of duduk musicians in Garni. Besides, other tourists participated, who, at the request of the heroine "kept the rhythm". The dreamer also visited Geghard to listen to sharakans (liturgical songs) by a choir that performed under the stone vaults of Garni Gorge.


Garni Temple

She even sang in the kitchen of a popular restaurant in Yerevan to the rhythm of ladles, pots and boiling khash (Armenian traditional dish). The highlight of this episode of the TV Program was Dina’s performance of her own song in Yerevan’s popular jazz club Ulikhanyan. By the way, this happened by Rouben Pashin-

yan’s personal recommendation, editor-in-chief of Armenia Tourism magazine. He showed up at the evening shooting and told Dina a lot about the cultural center of the Armenian capital. Local rockers guaranteed the spectacular culmination of her impressions. A completely unexpected turn in this story was the invi-

tation of the morning show of Yerevan TV to Dina. She took part in the show together with Roman Lobashov, creative producer of My Planet TV channel. He teaches a course to future stars of Armenian journalism at the Yerevan branch of Moscow State University. It turned out that it was du­ ring this live broadcast that Dina felt the very moment when her dream came true! Fascinated by the melodies, heard in Armenia, the heroine of the project is already planning her own musical routes to new countries. And this is another confirmation of the slogan of the TV show: "Dreaming is real!" P.S. Dina will definitely return to Yerevan, at least in order to finally see Ararat. This capricious mountain never appeared for a whole week because of clouds.

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IN KAZAKHSTAN On the eve of the 28th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Armenia Tourism magazine pleased its readers with the special issue “Armenia Tourism in Kazakhstan”, which was completely dedicated to this wonderful country.

“Our magazine always adheres to advanced views and promotes innovative techno­ logies in the field of tourism. Therefore, the proposal of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Republic of Armenia to create an issue of our magazine about Kazakhstan right then, when our countries are actively establishing economic and cultural ties, was more than tempting for us,” mentioned Rouben Pashinyan, editor-in-chief of Armenia Tourism. “But our challenge was how to tell our compatriots about a country, which, alas, hasn’t been much known among us lately, and moreover, tell in a way, that they would get interested in it and probably decide to spend GATE 80

their holidays in Kazakhstan. And again, thanks to the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in RA in the person of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Urazyaev, we were given the opportunity to personally see the beauty of Kazakhstan, and, as it turned out later, to simply fall in love with this country. So, we ask you to consider this issue

of the magazine as our collective declaration of love for Kazakhstan. And you, our dear readers, can judge yourselves how it turned out! But let us recall a popular wisdom that both Armenians and Kazakhs have: it is better to see once than hear a hundred times. In our case – read it.” Armenia Tourism also expresses its deep gratitude to everyone who took an active part in creating this issue both in Armenia and Kazakhstan: from guides in museums to representatives of Kazakh Tourism for providing wonderful photos and lots of valuable information. Enjoy reading and immerse in the fascinating world of Kazakhstan!



Mountains are part of life of

the people of Artsakh. Living on this territory for centuries, Ar­menians have absorbed the p­o­wer and firmness of these mountains. For centuries, they have adapted to live in mountains. For centuries, they trapped enemies into mountains and GATE GATE82 8

destroyed them, protecting their lives and their land. Mountains became a kind of symbol of the people of Artsakh. A mountain is imaged on the coat of arms of the Republic of Artsakh. Mrav mountain ridge, or, as it is simply called, Mrav, rises above all the

other peaks of Artsakh. It’s the mountain, along which the border is laid; the mountain, where on its peaks defenders of our motherland keep guard. Since childhood, I have been engaged in mountain tourism. I have walked many hundreds of kilometres through Artsakh,


No wonder that Nagorno-Karabakh (mountainous Artsakh) carries this name: here, mountains are visible from all sides no matter where you stand. The web of roads throughout the territory of Artsakh plunge you into gloomy clouds, resting down on mountain slopes, and then bring you down into green valleys basking in sunshine.

and there are very few places I haven’t visited yet. Mrav Ridge is among those places, setting down over me like a giant rebuke. Many times I drove by or was in close distance to its slopes, but never had enough time to try to climb up as high as possible and look from the

heights of its peaks at the world that lies at its feet. After the collapse of the USSR and the outbreak of aggression against Artsakh, which led to the current status quo, the slopes of Mrav Range are under the control of Artsakh Defence Army. Entry Find us online at:

was restricted, and in order to visit this territory, permission had to be obtained. But even after obtaining permission, it is necessary to realize the fact that this territory is controlled by the military. Consequently, an appropriate behaviour is required. 83

Artsakh So, having gone through all formalities, the car starts its heavy climb to the heights. The car struggles to make each turn with such difficulty that it seems like a little more uphill and all 249 “horses” under the hood will simply collapse. After finally turning off the engine, one might be overwhelmed by a deafening silence, sometimes interrupted by a squeak of some birdie, which seems to warn you: "Do not make noise." There, you stand above the whole world. Yes, you know that somewhere far away there are mountains higher than Mrav, like the more majestic Alps. There are peaks much higher than those 3,300 meters of Mrav Range. But all that is somewhere out there, far away... Even the mountains of Caucasus Range, glimpsing in the horizon, seem to be somehow small in comparison with the surprising greatness of Mrav. The unstable mountainous weather begins its show, as well. Standing under blinding rays of the sun changes all of a sudden into wrapping yourself in a warm jacket, trying to hide your face away from either snowflakes or pieces of ice. You find yourself in a cloud of such a density that it feels like you're stuck in jelly, lost in space and time. Immedia­ tely after a minute you are surprised to notice the sun again, winking at you through vanishing clouds. Again, you find yourself standing and gazing around with bewilderment. According to historical information, there is a sanc­tuary and GATE GATE84 8


a cave on the mountain. The highest peak of Mrav, which is located on the border of Jraberd and Gulistan villages, is strung on the mountain like a high sheer cliff. There are two dange­ rous paths that lead to the top – eastern, from Gulistan, and western, from Jraberd. There is a small platform on the rocky peak, which is fenced with large boulders as a wall so that people don’t fall off it. There is also a small white khachkar (crossstone) at the top, under which, according to legend, a martyr rests in a grave, hence it turned into a place of pilgrimage. There is a small cold cave at the eastern gate, which is cool even in

summer, and in it you can find a spring of water. The height of the mountain of pilgrimage is 11,219 feet. Unfortunately, the local guys couldn’t show me at least one path that leads to this place. Perhaps, rockfalls and landslides, frequent in mountains, have destroyed them. Or maybe it's just not the time to visit this sanctuary. Well, then there is a reason to return to the peaks of Mrav Ridge... And perhaps, it will be possible to encounter one of the hidden secrets of Mount Mrav. Text and Photographs, courtesy of Sergey Lernain

Đ?rmenia & Artsakh A V I R T UA L TO U R W I T H O U R G U I D E:

From Tsaghkadzor to Jermuk with Rouben Pashinyan. . . . . . . . . . . 88 Alternative excursion route

Cableway, Tsaghkadzor

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Happy New Year and Merry Christmas




A Virtual Tour Good afternoon, dear friends! This New Year's holiday tour for you is personally prepared and will be guided by me, Rouben Pashinyan, editor-in-chief of Armenia Tourism magazine! I am glad to welcome you in Armenia! Today, we will head from the city of Tsaghka­dzor to the south. For those who rest in Tsaghkadzor, it will be interesting to interrupt their hasteless wellness vacation and go on an exciting and fascinating tour to Jermuk. So, let’s go! We will have a thrilling journey through mountainous Armenia!


t first, we will take a short walk around Tsaghkadzor, visit the historic Kecharis Monastery dating back to the 9th–11th centuries, get acquainted with the Memorial House-Museum of Orbeli Brothers, drive by the main square of the city to throw a look at Leonid Yengibarov’s impressive monument. Tsaghkadzor is a charming town; even Mandelstam once walked on its streets, and many famous authors from around the world

visited the Writers' House. One always wants to return here. Next, we will drive to Hrazdan city, named after the river along which it is built. Before the industrial city was built, Akhta village was situated on this place. In 1953, the Aghbyurak reservoir was built here. The region is rich in minerals. We will continue driving on one of the main and important highways of the Republic. Our

road lies in the direction of Lake Sevan. The alpine Lake Sevan is Armenia’s pearl. This freshwater lake is located at an altitude of 1,950 meters above sea level. Its area covers 1,240 square meters. The lake itself, when viewed from above, looks like an irregular figure of the number eight and consists of 2 parts – Greater (Bolshoy) and Smaller (Maly) Sevan. Today, we will pass along the Silk Road, which partly passed by

Kecharis Monastery


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19 Sayat-Nova Avenue, Yerevan, Armenia | +374 589500, +374 594 577 ||

A Virtual Tour



Hayravank Monastery


the lake. We will drive along the coast, and the first village on our way is Lchashen. Archaeologists have discovered a huge number of artefacts in the village that indicate the existence of Urartian settlements here since the 8th century BC. The cuneiform wri­ ting of Argishti I, which refers to Ishtikuni (the name of the village according to scientists) deserves special attention. Burials, dating back to the 3rd millennium BC until the Middle Ages, are also found here. Surprisingly, such unique findings were discovered after the shallowing of the lake in 1956. Most of the findings are now in the Museum of History of Armenia. Further, our path continues in the direction of Vardenyats Mountain Pass (Selim). On one of the segments of the road, there is a monument that symbolises a collective image of a woman-mother, expecting her husband and son from the war. On our left, Hayravank Monastery from the 9th–13th centuries is located. The original architectural monument was completely restored in 1977– 1980. The fact that the Silk Road passed along this rout undoubtedly contributed to the economic development of the region and construction of many architectural buildings. The Armenian Highland with its civilization and culture is considered to be more than one millennium old. The cartogra­ phic designation of Armenia on Babylonian maps dates back to the beginning of the 1st millennium BC.

86 Koryun Street, Yerevan, Armenia + 374 10 58 80 40

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A Virtual Tour Numerous archaeological stu­­ dies of the Armenian Highland prove about Armenia’s involvement in the unified trade system of Asian countries of the 3rd millennium BC. Goods imported into the Middle East from Central and Southeast Asia and passing through Armenia went further to the West – Asia Minor, the Balkans and the North, i.e. the Caucasus Pass and beyond. Armenian traders are mentioned in Assyrian cuneiforms. Herodotus (5th century BC) and Strabo (1st century BC) write about the export of Armenian wine and horses to Babylon and Persia. The exceptional qualities of Armenian dyes exported to Rome and the East are confirmed by Pliny the Elder (1st century AD) and later by Arab authors. The famous Venetian


Marco Polo admires Armenian carpets. In the modern territory of the Republic, one of the three main branches of the road passes along the Ararat Valley. It is no coincidence that five of the historical capitals of Armenia, including Yerevan, are located on the same route. Vardenyats Pass, as part of the Silk Road, became a place around which a huge number of settlements, as well as unique architectural monuments, were built. We drive through Noratus village with the largest number of khachkars (cross-stones) in its old cemetery, the oldest of which dates back to the 10th century. There are about 1,000 khachkars here, St. Astvacacain (Holy Virgin) Church, and the cemetery itself with its monuments, listed as a UNESCO world heritage site.

We drive by the city of Martuni. In 1930, the village of New Kznut was renamed as Martuni city. We then continue our journey along the serpentine structure of Vardenyats Mountain Pass, which is also called as Selim Pass. Here, at a height of 2,500 meters above sea level, a caravanserai is preserved. This basalt construction was built in 1332 by the order of prince Chesar Orbelian, as indicated by an inscription on its wall. There are two bas-reliefs with the coat of arms of the Orbelian clan above the entrance. The caravanserai was completely res­ tored in 1959. A fabulous view of the mountain pass opens from the area in front of the building. The mountains here in the surrounding have the most diverse forms, and it seems like they were carved by a sculptor.



We see alpine meadows in front of us, but as further we go down, the more the nature changes. Selim Pass is 70 km long. In the middle of the road there is an exit to Yeghegis village. This place is famous for Smbataberd Fortress (the patrimony of the Orbelian clan), the old Jewish cemetery, and Zorats Church (16th century). We continue our journey to Yeghegnadzor. The city is part of Vayk region. There are many historical monuments near Yeghegnadzor; the earliest dates back to the 5th century. Further, our path lies through the city of Vayk and along Arpa River. Arpa is a tribu­tary of Araks (Aras) River, one of full-flowing ri­ vers of Armenia. The length of the river is 126 km, 90 km of which flow through our count­ ry. After Lake Sevan began to grind, a 48,3 km long tunnel

Selim Caravanserai

was built, through which Arpa River flows into Sevan. Heading towards Jermuk, we pass Kechut Reservoir, where Arpa-Sevan tunnel begins. The tunnel is very significant for preserving the ecology of the whole country. Gndevank Church is located in a gorge on the west side of the 33 km long Vayk-Jermuk road. This medieval architectu­ Find us online at:

ral pearl was built in 936 by the order of Princess Sophia, and to this day this place attracts not only pilgrims, but also groups of tourists. Dear friends, we are at our destination, in the city of Jermuk. Jermuk is located at an altitude of 2,100 meters above sea level. This is a balneological and climatic resort. 95

A Virtual Tour

A huge number of resorts and hotels are built here. The drin­ king gallery is considered to be the main attraction of the city. Built in the 50s of the 20th century, the gallery is one of the most beautiful buildings in the city. The gallery has special drin­king fountains with mineral water.

you can take baths in a natural jacuzzi. Going down to the gorge, you will see another miracle of nature – Jermuk Waterfall. Its height is 68 meters, and it flows into Arpa River. A few years ago, a cableway was built in the city for lovers of outdoor recreation. Dear guests, we are comple­ ting our journey. Armenia is a country of miracles. A country where you can discover new destinations, interesting monuments, and wonderful corners of nature each time you visit. By the way, you can travel from Jermuk Tsaghkadzor to Jermuk by anMineral water "Jermuk" corre- other route. Driving through the sponds to the water of Zhelezno- capital city of Yerevan, you will vodsk and Karlovy Vary with its see the Ararat Valley, visit Khor healing qualities. Thermal waters Virap Church at the foothill of of 20–65 degrees are the main Ararat, visit Noravank Monaswealth of the region. Climbing tery (13th century), and Areni-1 up into the mountains for sever- Cave, where an ancient winery al kilometres, you can find ther- was discovered. So, let’s start, mal springs there – pools where the choice is yours!




MODERN FUEL SOLUTIONS “STR ARM� LLC offers transition to cashless payment for sale of fuel, incorporation of plastic refuelling cards and appliance of technical, hardware and computer software systems developed by the company. This technology provides a number of additional features related to automated accounting of fuel sales transactions, ensuring their control and transparency in taxation. The proposed system allows our customers to receive online information during refuelling of their vehicles, regardless of their location: n Location of the refuelled vehicle in the territory of the Republic of Armenia and abroad by using

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n Gas stations (including using Yandex.Maps); n Types of refilled fuel and its price set at gas stations; n Exclusive discounts for our partners when refuelling a vehicle; n Volume of refilled fuel.

Moreover, we: n Operate transparently in taxation field and use required computer software; n Receive reports on vehicle refuelling by time periods; n Monitor fuel consumption; n

Manage funds spent on vehicle refuelling (with the possibility to at any time be aware of withdrawal of amounts in the result of refuelling, and the ratio of available funds);

n Receive a 20% VAT refund when refuelling in the territory of the Republic of Armenia; n See how much money has been saved as a result of discounts; n Receive detailed reports from the database on issues of interest for any period of time.

Information on account of fuelling is collected through plastic card reader terminals installed at gas stations connected to the Internet. At terminals of our partners, no fee is charged when refilling plastic cards in the suggested software system. Cards are served in Armenia, Georgia, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Ukraine and a number of European countries at more than 10 thousand gas stations, the network of which is constantly growing. 228/1 Hrachya Kochar Street, Yerevan, Armenia +374 12 77 77 97

AnnaBella Boutique Hotel is situated not far from Komitas Avenue and the city centre. The hotel boasts comfortable and modern rooms, a bar, and a summer cafe with calm and interesting ambience. It provides all necessary services for personal and business trips. There

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are banks, medical facilities, buildings of state organs, and multiple city complexes in the area. Our friendly, multilingual, and professional staff ensures that the place will become a home that you will not want to leave. Whatever the journey purpose may be, we will surpass your expectations and make your stay as comfortable and enjoyable as possible.

17 Mamikonyants St., Yerevan, Armenia


+374 10 24 04 99




Flight tickets can be purchased on the official website of the airline

News FORBES SPOKE ABOUT ARMENIA AND ARMENIAN HOSPITALITY Forbes devoted an article to the touristic route Transcaucasian Trail, which aims at showing the beauty of Armenia and Georgia. “Hiking Armenia’s New Transcaucasian Trail is a Beautiful Way to Immerse Yourself in Armenian Culture” – this is how traveller Breanna Wilson entitled the article. The length of the Transcaucasian Trail is more than 1,800-mile. It connects beautiful regions of Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan. “And while these are some of the most incredible landscapes you could ever experience in person, it isn’t just the views that make the Transcaucasian Trail a special experience; it’s the hospitality of the locals,” notes Breanna. Her journey started from Yerevan and continued to Lake Sevan. Then the trail went through picturesque villages of Kalavan, Gosh, Dilijan National Park, and then to Haghartsin Monastery, and from there to Monasteries of Haghpat and Sanahin. As for food, the traveller notes: “With a plate of fresh herbs on every table next to the day’s baked lavash, homemade cheeses, and pickles… And finishing each meal with homemade baklava.”

FOR THE FIRST TIME IN ARMENIA, THE FESTIVAL OF THE MOST UNUSUAL DISH – GHAPAMA – WAS HELD The number of Armenian festivals has increased by one more; for the first time, Ghapama (Armenian stuffed pumpkin) festival was held in Arapi community of Shirak region. According to its organizers, the purpose of the festival is to activate rural life and bring recognition to traditio­ nal Armenian cuisine, as well as improve living standards of the rural community through development of tourism. Indeed, the form of product pre­sentation changed – new packaging and service, so that products reach the city in an interesting presentation. Products are environmentally friendly, and now they are also nicely packaged. The festival was accompanied by serving traditional Armenian dishes and Ghapama, as well as by selling local products. Of course, it couldn’t be without folk songs, dances, and games. An interactive play of rural life was shown. The organizers want to make the festival into a traditional one.

GATE 100

Tsaghkunk Guesthouse is located in the village of the same name, near Lake Sevan. The property has a beautiful garden and terrace where you can relax or just spend time. If you wish, you can go hiking on nearby hills, where rare flowers bloom from June to September. That is why the guesthouse was called “Tsaghkunk” (blossoming). Imagine, how wonderful the guesthouse looks with New Year's decoration! The fireplace complements the fabulous picture, and the unique and delicious cuisine, offered by the hospitable hosts, is even more uplifting! By prior arrangement, the owner of the hotel, Yura Sargsyan, organizes a culinary master-class.

Tsaghkunk village, Sevan, Armenia +374 93 991 888, +374 94 991 888, +374 91 991 888

Amberd Hotel, located in Byurakan, a picturesque corner of Armenia, offers an opportunity for a better vacation, regardless of the season. It provides fabulous European service of high standards, combined with traditional Armenian hospitality.

Byurakan, Armenia | Phone: +374 94 20 08 81, +374 99 90 28 02 |





Armenia is attractive at any time of the year, and believe me, winter is no exception. Armenia offers everything you need for an active winter holiday, as well as for quiet privacy. Lovers of outdoor activities visiting Armenia mainly identify places suitable for skiing and snowboarding. To prove the above, we would like to introduce 14 most interesting places to visit in winter. It is worth noting that this list was created based on a survey conducted with Russian tourists who used the services of YEREVAN TRAVEL tour operator for Armenia in Russia, and who then visited our country more than once. And now, Armenia in winter!

1 Sevan The alpine lake Sevan is attractive both in summer and in winter. The average monthly temperature in winter is –7°C. Lake Sevan freezes entirely only at severe temperatures (below –20°C), which is explained by huge number of springs. Snow lasts from late November to mid-April. In 2011, a cableway station was opened here. It is located near the hotel Akhtamar. There are various cafes and bars on the territory of the ski resort and around Lake Sevan – many hotels of different stars, operating all year round.

Sights of interest

2 Tsaghkadzor Tsaghkadzor is known as a centre for tourism development. The ski resort gained fame since the Soviet times. The Union teams trained here. In Tsaghkadzor, a four-stage cableway is available, which properly meets international standards. Besides, there are routes for skiers and snowboarders, and rental of all necessary equipment. The fifth line was recently opened especially for beginners. There are a lot of hotels, guest resorts, restaurants in the city; and the private sector is developed. On the slope of Tsaghkunyats Mountain (2,820 m), where a cableway is laid, there are cafes, rescue services, first-aid services, training services for beginner skiers, etc.

GATE 104

40/2 Myasnikyan Avenue, Yerevan, Armenia +374 91 50 02 02 @aquatek.complex.yerevan Aquatek

Sights of interest



Yerevan is the capital and the largest city in Armenia in terms of population and area. It is one of the oldest cities in the world – the same age as Rome and Babylon, Carthage and Nineveh. In Russian transcription until 1936, it is known as Erivan. The main attractions of the capital are: Grand Cascade, Museum of History of Armenia, Art Gallery, Opera and Ballet Theatre, Museum of Sergey Parajanov, House-Museum of Aram Khachaturian, Mesrop Mashtots Matenadaran (manuscript museum), Tsitsernakaberd Genocide Memorial and Museum together with the Armenian Sports and Concert Complex, Erebuni Fortress, St. Sarkis Church, Surb Zoravor Church, to name but a few.



Garni temple is a pagan temple of the 1st century AD in Armenia. It is dedicated to Mihr, the ancient Armenian god of the sun – celestial light and justice. Tacitus mentioned the fortress of Garni in connection with the events occurred in Armenia in the first half of the 1st century AD. The temple was built by Armenian King Tiridates I in 76 AD; a Greek inscription, found in the same place, testifies about this event. Garni is one of the brightest evidence of the centuries-old pre-Christian culture in Armenia. The construction of the fortress began in the 2nd century BC and continued during the antique era, and partly in the Middle Ages. It is located 28 km away from Yerevan, in Kotayk Province, near Garni village. GATE 106

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Maestro is a restaurant of Armenian and Georgian cuisine. Here you can try delicious food, as well as enjoy beautiful live music, and have a great time!

19Đ° Marshal Baghramyan Avenue, Yerevan, Armenia +374 99 58 69 24 +374 93 70 22 12

5 Geghard Geghard or Geghardavank (monastery of a spear), also known as Ayrivank (cave monastery) is a monastery complex with a unique architectural construction. Located appro­ ximately 40 km southeast from Yerevan, the monastery was founded in the 4th century at a place of a sacred spring, arising in a cave. It is listed by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage Site. The name of the monastery complex ori­ ginates from the Longinus spear, which pierced the body of Jesus Christ on the cross, and was allegedly brought to Armenia by Apostle Thaddeus, amongst many other relics. The spear is now displayed in the Ejmiatsin Treasury.

6 Zvartnots Zvartnots (temple of celestial angels) is a church of early medieval Armenian architecture, located not far from Yerevan and Vagharshapat (Ejmiatsin). According to Armenian historian Sebeos, Zvartnots was built in the middle of the 7th century by the order of Catholicos Nerses III the Builder (between 641/642 and 661/662), who was planning to move his residence from Dvin to Vagharshapat. In his book Armenian Studies Kamsar Avetisyan writes, “Zvartnots is dedicated to celestial angels, because in Armenian zvartun previously meant also an 'angel'.” Hence, Zvartnots means 'temple of angels'. In 2000, the ruins of the church and the surroun­ ding archaeological territory were included in the list of the UNESCO World Heritage.

GATE 108



An ancient Urartian fortress, a pagan sanctuary, early Christian "monastery of psalms", founded by Gregory the Illuminator, a medieval monastery complex built in the 13th century, simultaneously with the neighbouring Hovhannavank – this is the probable sequence and story of the emergence of Saghmosavank. Built “on the shore” of Kasakh Gorge, a place of unbridled and somewhat frightening beauty, it is not surprising that monks sang sacred hymns, and the name passed through the centuries. Mount Ara is very close, while Ararat is estranged, although you can see in a good weather, how he crowns the furiously cut curve of the gorge of Kasakh River, disappearing on the horizon.



This city is truly legendary. Dozens of millions of people have heard about it, by watching the movie Mimino, beloved by several generations. Its water, according to the hero of the movie featuring a great artist Frunzik Mkrtchyan, occupies the second place in the world: of course, everyone is also aware of it. Dilijan has long become a favourite resort, a place of rest, residence and inspiration of artists, musicians and others. No wonder: Dilijan is an amazingly picturesque town, surrounded by forested mountains. It is located in the territory of a nature reserve and has the status of a national park. People visit Dilijan at any time of the year to enjoy the beauty of “local Switzerland”, to discover nearby masterpieces of medieval Armenian architecture and, GATE 110

of course, revive their health with clean air and hea­ ling mineral water. A 100 km-long road from Yerevan through Sevan generously rewards travellers with a variety of species, observation of changing climatic zones, and, of course, the famous Dilijan serpentine.

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20 Parz Lich St., Dilijan, Armenia Tะตl.: +374 44 60 46 04

Sights of interest


Khor Virap

Khor Virap (translated from Armenian as 'deep dungeon'), is considered as the most prayed place in Armenia, since it was in an underground prison, after all, located here, where

Saint Gregory the Illuminator, who baptized our country, languished for 14 years. It was here that by the power of faith and prayer, he was able to resist death, and then reincarnated Armenia into a “new life” – the acceptance of Christianity as the state religion after 301. It is worth noting that a beautiful view opens up from Khor Virap: this is the closest point to the symbol of Armenia, the biblical Mount Ararat – only 7 km away!

10 Areni Areni is rightfully called the “wine” village of Armenia. Old winemakers carefully preserve ancient secrets of making wine. Here, in every house, you can buy homemade wine. But it’s better, of course, to do it at a winery after tasting. Every year after the harvest, a wine festival takes place in the village. During those days, music and dance performances are held throughout the village, and wine flows like river. There are also GATE 112

unique caves here, in one of which (Bird's Cave), the oldest in the world footwear, cut out from a piece of leather, which is more than 5,500 years old, was discovered recently!


11 Noravank Red cliffs, the picturesque Amaghu Gorge and the unique monastery complex Noravank on top of the mountain. The bas-relief of one of the churches depicts God the Father himself! With his right hand, He blesses the Crucifixion, and with his left hand holds the head of Adam with a dove floating above it, symbo­ lizing the Holy Spirit. Panoramic bird-eye view photographs will remind you of this exciting journey for a long time.

12 Jermuk This balneological and climatic alpine resort has its devoted admirers in different parts of the world, who, having visited once, return there again and again. It is located at an altitude of 2,100 m above sea level and is famous for its healing mineral water. The sheer gorge of

Arpa River, cliffs, forests, a picturesque waterfall, alpine meadows, mountains with an extended funicular and ski slopes, a healing mud geyser, a gallery of different types of mineral water with a temperature of 20 to 65 degrees – this cosy town, whose name means ‘warm’, is famous for a long time already. If you climb up the mountains with the cableway, you will see an incredibly beautiful panorama and a feeling of hovering over an endless mountain country...

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Sights of interest

13 Shushi Shushi is a city in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh), situated at the foothills of Karabakh Ridge, at an altitude of 1,368 m above sea level, 11 km south from Stepanakert. For centuries, the ancient fortress-city of Shushi has been the administrative, religious, cultural and educational centre of Artsakh. Shushi was built on the ruins of an ancient city, destroyed by the Mongols. The opinion about the pre-existing Armenian fortification received archaeological confirmation during the excavations in the beginning of the 21st century.

14 Gandzasar Gandzasar Monastery (mountain of treasures) is a unique monument of the Armenian culture, a functio­ ning monastery of the Armenian Apostolic Church. The monastery got its name from the mountain, which locals used to call Gandzasar for its silver mines (in Armenian, ‘gandz’ treasure, ‘sar’ mountain). It is situated on the left GATE 114

bank of Khachen River, near Vank village in Artsakh. According to tradition, the head of John the Baptist, severed by Herod, was brought here from Cilician Armenia during one of the crusades, and was buried in the burial vault of the temple. Thus, the temple was named Surb Hovhannes Mkrtich (St. John the Baptist).

93rd km of Stepanakert–Vardenis highway, Armenia +374 97 39 79 99

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The vehicle fleet of the company is equipped with modern and comfortable buses, minibuses, and passenger cars exclusively of German production.

Bus Voyage offers: Rental of quality transport for passenger transportation services in the territory of Armenia, Artsakh, Georgia, and Europe;

Regular daily tours to Georgia (Batumi, Kobuleti, Ureki, Tbilisi) during summer season. In the last two years, the demand of these destinations has increased also among tourists;

Regular trips to cities of Russia during the whole year, acting as a licensed passenger carrier.

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49 Mashtots Avenue, Yerevan, Armenia +374 10 541 005, +374 10 541 007, +374 94 541 007, +374 91 150 150 Viber: +374 43 150 150, WhatsApp: +374 91 150 150 ,

Made in Armenia Home Decoration, Souvenirs

Natural Cosmetics

The company MISMA LLC started a new project, called “The Most Armenian” on the occasion of its 15th anniversary, within which it offers pillows, tablecloths, napkins, bags, toys, brooches, and other accessories, embroidered with patterns and ornaments of ancient Armenian carpets.

The first brand of natural cosmetics based on essential oils of plants that grow in Armenia. The philosophy of Nairian is simple, encompassing total respect for the body, skin, human organism as a whole, nature, and all that pleases and surrounds us.

49, 7/1 Hanrapetutyan Street, Yerevan Tel.: +374 10 54 53 10, +374 91 33 48 23,

34 Tumanyan Street, 13 Saryan Street, Yerevan Tel.: +374 60 44 54 45

Sunglasses and Optical Eyewear

Nrneni Gourmet House

DANZ – an Armenian brand, creating sunglasses and optical eyeglass frames. The brand uses cellulose acetate in the production, which has the highest quality within the materials used for manufacturing milled frames for eyeglasses; considered as anti-allergic. DANZ creates a new culture in the Armenian market and seeks worldwide recognition.

Nrneni gourmet shop has opened its doors in the heart of Yerevan. “Nrneni” – pomegranate tree – is considered to be the symbol of victory and abundance. Our mission is to represent best brands of other countries to Armenian consumers, and introduce the culture and goods of our country to foreign tourists: amazing Armenian dried fruits and raisins, grape wine, desserts... All guests are expected to get treats! danz.eyewearstore,

GATE 118

21 Pushkin Street, Yerevan Tel.: +374 44 99 99 30 +374 11 99 99 30

Made in Armenia Textile Production Tucan textile production company presents high-quality cotton fabrics. The company's products are diverse: bedding, towels, slippers, bathrobes, various fabrics, hotel accessories, as well as dowry accessories.

62/57 Teryan Street; 1/50 Adonts Street, Yerevan Tel.: +374 12 23 00 02, +374 43 23 00 02 TUCAN Textile textiletucan

Alcoholic drinks Ijevan Wine and Brandy Factory was founded in 1951. Today, the company produces highquality brandies, grape, and fruit-berry wines, fruit vodka, as well as a wide variety of canned goods, and dried fruits. 34 Tumanyan Street, 25 Mikoyan Street, Davitashen, Yerevan Tel.: +374 11 99 91 91

GATE 120

Handmade Carpets Megerian Carpet is rightfully considered to be the best factory that produces carpets with national symbols of Armenia and with design characteristics of this country. They are highly demanded not only in the CIS, but have been successfully exported to other parts of the world for many years now. 9 Madoyan Street, 2/5 Abovyan Street, Yerevan Tel.: +374 10 44 29 94, +374 55 99 09 95

Leather Goods HannLes, a brand of leather goods, offers its customers unique handmade products made exclusively from high-quality genuine leather: wallets, bags, bracelets, pendants, and much more. Orders are accepted. 34 Tumanyan Street, 25 Mikoyan Street, Davitashen, Yerevan Tel.: +374 93 03 55 56 +374 95 85 55 66 HannLes hannles_official

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Armenian textile – comfort, quality and style!

62/57 Teryan Street; 1/50 Adonts Street, Yerevan +374 12 23 00 02 +374 43 23 00 02

Hotels Olympik Economy Single/Double Standard Single/Double Superior Deluxe Executive Deluxe Breakfa-

6 rooms 8 rooms 1 room 1 room Smorgasbord

Address: 49 Mher Mkrtchyan Street, Gyumri, Armenia Tel.: +374 93 43 10 59, +374 44 43 10 59,, Conference hall Gym Cinema hall Safe Car rent

Laptop rental Free Wi-Fi Internet-cafĂŠ Billiard Playground

Sauna Massage Exchange Laundry Valet service

Visiting Yerevan for business or holidays, you can always count on a warm welcome in the comfortable Regineh Hotel. The hotel is a 20-minute drive from Zvartnots Airport.

235/1 Norki Ayginer, Yerevan +374 10 65 40 20 +374 77 65 59 29


Re-aurant Bar Disco Indoor swimming pool Outdoor swimming pool

OLYMPIC A dvertisement


49 Mher Mkrtchyan Street, Gyumri, Armenia +374 93 43 10 59, +374 44 43 10 59,

Hotels Ararat Resort Gue-Room Classic Room Deluxe Room Senior Suite Connected Family Room Family Suite Room Breakfa-

7 rooms 18 rooms 21 rooms 10 rooms 10 rooms 4 rooms Smorgasbord

Address: 54 Mher Mkrtchyan St., Tsaghkadzor, Armenia i_l.:+374608,, Re-aurant Bar Disco Indoor swimming pool Outdoor swimming pool

Laptop rental Free Wi-Fi Internet-café Billiard Playground

Conference hall (170) Gym Cinema hall Safe Car rent

Sauna Massage Exchange Laundry Valet service

Marriott Standard 12 rooms Deluxe 50 rooms Suite 2 rooms Royal Suite 1 room Villa King 35 cottages BreakfaSmorgasbord Address: 2, 4/1 Tandzaghpyur Street, Tsaghkadzor, Armenia Tel.: +374 10 29 41 41,, Re-aurant Bar Disco Indoor swimming pool Outdoor swimming pool

GATE 124

Conference hall (350) Gym Cinema hall Safe Car rent

Laptop rental Free Wi-Fi Internet-café Billiard Playground

Sauna Massage Exchange Laundry Valet service

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We are Hospitality

86 Aram Street, Yerevan, Armenia +374 10 50 80 80

a r e ' s Y

w e ime






Winter is the time to drink tea on a windowsill, wear cosy clothes, decorate a Christmas tree and warm each o­ther up. And if we share at least a small portion of warmth with those we meet on our way, winter will become much warmer – for all. You better do it every day, and not just on December 15 – Internatio­ nal Day of Tea. This is what we are going to explore, sharing a bit about popular Armenian tea. GATE 126

– How would you like to drink your tea: with marmalade or lemon? – With pleasure!


A ccording to Armenian tea experts, there are

more than 3,000 species of plants in Armenia; about 500 of them are suitable for intake as medicine and brewing tea. A ritual of worshiping alpine herbs already existed in Armenia almost 5,000 years ago. By the way, the appearance of tea in China is da­ ted around the same time. While traveling in Armenia, one can meet women selling herbal sets, dried alpine flowers, and herbs almost everywhere, mainly at the entrances of certain sightseeing destinations. Thyme, mint, sea buckthorn, immortelle, lemon balm, oak bark, wild rose, pomegranate flowers, dried rowan, and much more. Armenian tea is made of healthy alpine herbs and aromatic spices. Thyme stimulates immune system, clove and mint have antimicrobial properties, and ginger warms up well during long winter evenings. In the "adult" version of this tea, you can add 50 ml of Armenian cognac, and you definitely won’t catch a cold.


ts n e i red


) bsp t 2 ( ) yme (2 tbsp h T n ) 1. ) utsa (2 tbsp sticks T . 2 2 t ( in n ) 3. M nnamo buds 8 i 4. C ove (7 ,5 tsp) l 0 nal) 5. C nger ( 5 l) o i t i , op 6. G ater (1 0 ml, 5 7. W gnac ( o 8. C


First, bring pure spring water to boil, and then add cinnamon, cloves, and ginger. Reduce the heat and boil the water with spices for 5-6 minutes. Rinse the teapot with boiling water and add tutsan, mint, and thyme. Pour the dry herbs with the decoction of ginger, cinnamon,

and cloves. Cover the tea with a lid and let it brew for 5-7 minutes. Add the cinnamon sticks and clove buds into the cup and pour the tea through a strainer. Serving such tea is best with aromatic honey or homemade marmalade. Ready to serve!

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Nobody knows Armenia as we do!

(calls from regions of russia are free)


+374 10 22 01 01 +374 77 78 42 41 (24h) 50A Marshal Baghramyan Ave., 0019, Yerevan, Armenia, Mon.-Sun. 10:00 to 19:00 EVN

+7 495 205 09 01 +7 495 778 42 41 2nd Yuzhnoportovy Passage, 16s9, Moscow, 115088, Mon.-Fri. 10:00 to 19:00 MSK


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