ARRIVED R0011479332a
Where Chocolate Meets Fashion
Chronicle Guide Proudly serving Arnprior and surrounding area since 1879
132nd Year , Issue 26
June 28, 2012 | 56 Pages
Who is Arnprior’s best piemaker? Could it be someone from McNab-Braeside? – Page 19 Photo by Sherry Haaima
Piper Bobby Smith of the Arnprior-Braeside-McNab Pipes and Drums leads runners to the start of Sunday’s Tartan Run. The run was one of several McNab Days events on the weekend, with more to come. For more on the celebration, see Pages 4, 11, 13, 14 and 15.
McNab pays homage to its heritage Sherry Haaima
The Arnprior Family Health Team is growing as it increases its services to the local area. – Page 27
EMC news - The shores of the Ottawa River near Braeside were once again bustling with activity last Saturday as steam whistles blew and Voyageur canoes glided into shore. Organizers of the McNab Days lead-off events, the Riverdrive and Tartan Run and Sunday Stretch, couldn’t have asked for better weather for the event, which went off without a hitch June 23-24. Early estimates indicate at least 400 people attended Saturday’s Riverdrive and flotilla event at Red Pine Bay. Friday’s Calling of the Clans kicked
off McNab Days and was well attended with around 100 people in attendance. The township festival festivities carry on this week with several events and this weekend with a Heritage Trail celebration Saturday (see Page 14) and Canada Day festivities in Braeside Sunday. With a Vintage Wings Havelin Beaver float plane docked ashore and a slew of vessels old and new arriving from Quebec’s Norway Bay as part of the Baie to Bay flotilla, Red Pine Bay came alive with many activities for the locals and visitors out to enjoy the day Saturday. The W.D. Stalker, the last known alligator boat
or amphibious warping tug, was in attendance once again this year, along with a vintage scow used to house loggers more than 100 years ago in the logging boom that led to the settlement of the Ottawa Valley. Dignitaries, including McNab-Braeside Mayor Mary Campbell, Pontiac Mayor Brent Orr, RenfrewNipissing-Pembroke MPP John Yakabuski and Renfrew County Warden Bob Sweet, joined committee co-chairs Heather Lang and Neil Masson at opening ceremonies Saturday. See EVENT Page 4
Sparks fly over backyard burn bylaw Happy birthday, Canada Derek Dunn
The founder of the ‘Who is Nobody’ program was in Arnprior recently to meet with students, including Sydney Moore, and receive a special award. – Page 33
EMC news – Arnprior council tossed cold water on a fire department suggestion that residents pay a fee to use fire bowls or chimineas in their backyard. But the issue will continue to smolder. Fire prevention officer Cory Nicholas presented the idea of updating the recreational open air burning bylaw at Monday’s council meeting. The current bylaw dates back to 1978 when some residents burned garbage, but few did it strictly for fun. Today, with the popularity of manufactured recreational appliances that help limit a fire’s capacity, and the rising cost of campground permits, more people are having fires on their
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properties. “The existing bylaw does not address or regulate outdoor burning for recreational purposes, which are the most common burning requests and/or complaints received by the fire service today,â€? reads Nicholas’s report. “The proposed bylaw looks at regulating only recreational burning with stringent conditions attached.â€? Proposed costs to residents were: • $50 for a one-time permit and $125 for a season-long permit; • if the fire department is forced to attend the scene, another $100 to $350 fee to recover costs would apply; See BACKYARD, Page 2
EMC events - Arnprior and Braeside will join other communities across the country this Sunday in celebrating the country’s 145th birthday. The Arnprior celebration will be centred as usual at Robert Simpson Park, although there will be other attractions such as the car show and Rotary duck race at Hydro Park. The main change this year is the switching of the children’s parade from the Christian Education Centre to the park to 2 p.m. instead of the usual 11:30 a.m. The change was made because Canada Day is a Sunday and 11:30 is too early for some church-goers. The official opening is still set for noon. The Braeside Canada Day parade and festivities at the RA Centre wrap up McNab Days. The parade is at its usual place (starting from the fire hall) and time (10:45 a.m.). For the full schedules of both Arnprior and Braeside celebrations, see pages 16 and 17.
Join us inTiger theparking Giantlot Tiger parking Join us in the Giant all summer long lot for a BBQ Proceeds all gong to the 3rdlong Annualfor White Pine Festival summer a BBQ Hot Dog Proceeds going to $2 the 3rd Annual Hamburger $3 White Pine Festival Sausage $4
Hot Dog $2 Hamburger $3 Pop & Water $1 Sausage $4 Pop & Water $1 Potato Chips .50¢ Potato Chips .50¢