Arnprior Chronicle Guide EMC

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Chronicle Guide Proudly serving Arnprior and surrounding area since 1879

132nd Year , Issue 29

July 19, 2012 | 64 Pages


County hiring to replace striking Ontario Works employees Derek Dunn

The World Broomball Championships is closer than you might think. As preparations continue, organizers have put out a call for volunteers. – Page 27

Three cheers for Pineridge Children’s Centre, which celebrated its 12th anniversary with a Junkyard Symphony Performance and tree planting. – Page 35

No birthday presents and this young lad is smiling? That’s because he believes it is better to give than receive. – Page 61

EMC news – Replacement workers will take over social services in the county while unionized employees continue to strike. The move to hire replacement workers, or scabs as they are called in union circles, is typically seen by labour dispute experts as an indication of a prolonged labour disruption. Renfrew county director of social services Dave Anderson won’t speculate on how long the 10-week strike will last, but made it clear that CUPE local 4989 is responsible for its own destiny. “We made them a settlement offer and they turned it down,” said Anderson. “I have a service to deliver and it’s our intention to deliver it.” There are no talks scheduled between the county and the 22 workers who provide social assistance to about 1,100 people. CUPE negotiator Amy Parker did not return repeated calls for an interview. But in

a July 16 press release she attempted “to clarify the record” over apparent comments made by county Coun. Peter Emon. Parker insists there was no deal in place last week. “What happened, in fact, was the county presented us with what they called their ‘final offer’, and demanded we take it to the members for a vote,” Parker said. “CUPE 4989 never had an agreement with the County of Renfrew, save and except for an agreement to take their offer back to the members for a vote. We warned them that their offer would not be accepted by the members. We were not listened to.” However, Emon denies having said a deal was signed, adding that the final offer of 12 per cent wage hikes over five years was a good one. “I think the offer was reasonable,” Emon said. “I hope negotiations restart because they provide a valuable service.” See HOPES Page 3

Development, communication priorities for new Arnprior CAO Derek Dunn

EMC news – Arnprior’s new top bureaucrat doesn’t begin work until Aug. 13, but he’s been logging hours during off days to help out. “I’m pretty excited about getting going,” said Michael Wildman, who is currently the chief administrative officer (CAO) at a municipality south of Kemptville. The town is behind on a number of fronts, having been without a CAO since Oct. 20, 2011, when Larry Donaldson was let go. A replacement was hired, but Kevin McLlwain quit for personal reasons on the day he was to begin. The latest hiring process produced many more high quality candidates than the first time around, Mayor David Reid said during a recent council meeting. Wildman, who specializes in development issues, brings expe-

rience from his time working at the City of Ottawa and more recently at the rural municipality of Edwardsburg-Cardinal. However, he is directing some of his energy toward hiring the town’s second most important bureaucrat. David Pollard intends to retire in the coming months after more than 20 years as treasurer. “Treasurer is key,” Wildman said, adding that the treasurer oversees the sustainability of long-term financial plans. Wildman is taking part in the interview process, which was similar to what he went through. He said he was impressed by the thoroughness; that he was interviewed for about eight hours in total and that council made it clear that certain skills are needed for the job. “I appreciated their candor.” See NEW CAO Page 4

Sarah-Jane Butterly

Alivia Butterly, 3, finds that the splash pad at Robert Simpson Park is a sure cure for the heat that has enveloped the area for several weeks.

Growing drought worries farmers, firefighters, residents on wells John Carter

EMC news – As another week goes by with little or no rain, concerns continue to grow over the many adverse effects of what is turning into a long, hot summer. Fire danger is high, water levels are low and many farmers’ crops are in danger of becoming victims of drought. As well, health care officials are warning the most vulnerable, the very young and elderly, to stay out of the heat and keep hydrated. Homeowners on shallow wells are appealing to their neighbours to conserve water in an effort to prevent their

water sources from going dry. For some, including a few residents in the Pine Grove area of McNab-Braeside, the appeal has come too late. The Mississippi Valley Conservation Society instituted a Level 2 low water declaration Tuesday in the watershed, which encourages all residents to reduce water use by 20 per cent. In Almonte, where water comes from well, a strict lawn-garden watering ban went into place July 12. In Renfrew County, the Pembroke District Office of the Ministry of Natural Resources declared a Level 1 drought in the area Tuesday. See FARMERS MEET Page 7 R0011511020

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