Aromatique Essentials: Ezine Issue 3

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Aromatique: Ezine Issue 3 Essentials

Table of Contents Welcome…Page 1 For The Soul…Page 3 Recipes For The Burner…Page 4 Beauty Tips…Page 5 Nibbles…Page 6 Be The Star You Are…Page 7 Dawn Sievers …Page 9 Copywrite Matters…Page 12 Passion Catering…Page 14 Vicki Sauvage…Page 15 Amy Nelson-Blain…Page 17 Alex Zaia…Page 18 Perfume Workshops…Page 19

Disclaimer: This information is made available with the understanding and agreement that Aromatique Essentials, the author and any associated entities will not be held liable for any actions or the result of any actions taken by any person on the basis of the information or activities contained herein. Although every attempt has been made to ensure the information provided is relevant, accurate, current and free from omission or error, Aromatique Essentials, the author and any associated entities will not be held responsible for any omissions or errors this contains and make no warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of its content. The information is provided for educational instruction only and persons should obtain professional advice if necessary

Welcome Hello Everyone! I am feeling pretty Fantastic and very proud to be on our third Ezine... Thank you all for your awesome support, fabulous comments and Well wishes. Spring is just around the corner and Wow...this year has gone by so fast, each year seems to go faster ... I bet you are nodding ah ha...I can just see it...Big smiles to you! I can honestly say that for the first time in a very long time I have accomplished so much in 2010, both personally and professionally. I just love and value everyone and everything that has contributed to Aromatique Essentials awesome growth and may we continue to grow and journey together with much laughter, kindness, support, sharing, caring and of course LOVE... ♥ So where are we going from here...mmm... everywhere! Aromatique Essentials has completed the first half of our Webinar series “Your Scents” and folks we are having a Fantabulous time... I feel so at home teaching. It is very rewarding for both the students, myself and one of the best things that has happened is that my Students are building relationships between themselves... It is Fantastic! Within the world of Aromatherapy teaching is my greatest passion ~ alongside creating Aromatique perfumes and products for the Body, Mind and Soul. To “Capture the Essence of Your Soul” is exactly what I love to do. My next step with Aromatique Essentials is - I will be launching my first online Workshop “Aromatique Energetics” in October. Here you will discover the more esoteric side of Aromatherapy. I have been running this workshop face 2 face for around ten years following are some comments and testimonials from some of my past students.

Fantastic workshop. Really helped to give the oils a “tangible personality”. Much easier to understand and integrate them in to my psyche! Thanks Julie, you have made Aromatherapy much easier to understand. Ro I have thoroughly enjoyed the course and found the info to be exactly what I was interested in learning about. It has it has completely enlivened my passion for learning aromatherapy, reminding me of its importance and beneficial properties for my own life and those I love and want to help. Thanx very much Dana Thankyou Julie for sharing your knowledge and expertise. I now can go away with some great ideas for blending my oils. Also the books were very good, in that, examples of how the oils can be applied with respect to the chakras. The book on altars was also quite interesting. Hope to see you again in future courses at the college. Claire

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Thank you Julie for such a warm and caring class. You’ve opened my mind again to the wonderful art of aromatherapy. I can feel my passion being re-fuelled. Good luck in all you do! Louisa

In this Workshop we will look at the associations of essentials oils with the 4 elements - Earth, Air, Fire and Water, along with astrological associations including star signs and planets. We take a brief look at the 7 main chakras and the essential oils associated to them, crystal associations, colour Aromatherapy, how to set up a sacred space and 20 essential oils and their emotional and spiritual properties and personality profiles.

Aromatique Energetics workshop will be presented as an EBook with corresponding videos demonstrating blending methods and other practical methods of application and how to blend for your personality type. There will be guided visualisations and music to accompany the recommended exercises and colour pictures. I will be posting and sending out notifications when we are closer to launching. The first 10 People to register will receive a special price.

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ForTheSoul I thought that I would carry the theme through after chatting about Aromatique Essentials up and coming launch of ‘Aromatique Energetics.’ What is Aromatherapy for the Soul, for me it really is for the whole! Essential oils are living essences, that work on many different levels and as I have said many times we may have different responses to individual essential oils. Essential oils like us are different in their energy and emotional and physiological properties. We have Aura’s and essential oils reflect different colours...Like an Aura! How we choose to use them or apply them is up to us and we have several ways in which we can apply the essential oils, often it will depend on our circumstances, our environment, what is available to us and our desired outcome. So let us have a looksee at some examples of recipes, creating a sacred space, and how we can apply this to our everyday lives. First let us set up a sacred space and altar~ To create your sacred space find a nice quiet place this can be in or out doors, I love to have music in the background with essential oils or incense burning. Cleanse your space before setting up anything, this can be done by smudging, spritzing with an essential oil blend, or purified water. You can use white light to protect... sometimes I use a pink bubble or gold sparkly mist. This is your sacred space so set it up to suit you. You may have a comfy chair to sit in or a lounge to lie on, cushions to relax into...mmmm... be comfortable. This space can be for mediation, writing in your journal, creating or simply being... To set up your Altar start by collecting objects that you hold dear and resonate with... for example your favourite crystal, essential oil burner, essential oils, candles, pictures or photos, ornaments, feathers, flowers, dried herbs... get the picture, the list is endless. Use the colour that relates or resonates with you. Example ~ Heart Chakra Altar Rose quartz crystal, pink and green candles, rose, jasmine and neroli essential oils or incense, a picture or shape of a heart, roses or rose petals, a picture of yourself, rose quartz crystal fountain, pink or green fabric to cover the table. Any ornament or objects that you hold dear... It can be simple or as decorative as you feel is right for you...<3 Now you are ready and remember your altar can represent anything you wish. When I am creating my sacred spaces I love to have beautiful things around me, with music, and aroma of course. Sometimes having Nature at hand with the beautiful sounds of our resident native birds, the gentle breeze blowing and the fragrance in the air is a complete sacred space... This is a time when I feel completely grounded and connected to Mother Nature~

In Valerie Ann Warwood’s book ‘The Fragrant Heavens’ 1st edition hard cover, published in 1999, has colour pictures of some essential oils and the colours they reflect.

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RecipesfortheBurner Spring is here so that is my focus for the following blends ~ 1. Lemongrass 2drops, Geranium 3 drops, Sandalwood 4 drops 2. Lemon Myrtle s drops, Lemon Tea Tree 2 drops, 2 drops Rosewood 3. Cardamom 3 drops, 2 drops lime, 2 drops sweet orange, 3 drops Lemon

"Friends are flowers in life's garden."

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BeautyTips Exfoliating recipe ~ ¼ cup coconut milk ~ ¼ cup coconut oil ~ ½ cup brown sugar This needs to be done in the shower, apply and rub vigorously over your body then rinse off. Here is a tasty idea for using shredded coconut ~ especially fresh coconut.

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Nibbles One of my sisters makes this beautiful spicy eggplant chutney ~ I like to have it on water crackers with a dollop of organic yoghurt and sprinkle with freshly shredded or toasted coconut... yum! You can also make smoothies and milkshakes with coconut milk. ~ Pineapple and strawberry coconut smoothie with crushed ice ~ Dilute the coconut milk with fresh pineapple juice ~ delicious!

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BeTheStarYouAre By Fiona Harley Being the star you are may need some life changing thought patterns and visions of yourself. Research suggests that almost 70 percent of our daily thoughts are negative and if you are having a bad day then this figure could be higher. It is possible to change these thought patterns with daily lessons. Affirmations and visualisations are a very good way to retrain your brain into thinking and believing positive things about yourself. By creating and sending positive messages to ourselves continually it helps banish the negative beliefs we may have about ourselves. This in the long term will help to build your confidence and support positive self image. Today is the first day of changing your life forever. Affirmations are a great way to boost your confidence and self esteem. Imagination is a very powerful tool and its limits are only those that you put upon yourself. Become aware of your thoughts and how you talk to yourself. If you find that you are belittling yourself or saying something negative then turn it around and replace it with a positive thought. Start your affirmations with ...   

I am .............. I can ............. I will ..............

It doesn't matter how you change your thoughts; sing, shout, write your affirmations as much as you can, feel them, live them, be them. Visualisations are a great way to back up your affirmations. Try finding a quiet, comfortable place where you can relax without being disturbed. Close your eyes and take deep breaths until you feel totally at ease and then see your success in motion. Picture the scene with the outcome you want to achieve. Seeing yourself being successful in ... work, at home, with your relationship or even in a creative manner. Imagine this success in whatever area it is that you want to succeed. Bring your thoughts to life, feel your confidence growing, hear the praise, see the pleasure. Add colour and sounds and experience the success you so deserve. Live your dream. When you are ready, return to the room and open your eyes. Making decisions can sometimes be difficult and this can be due to lack of confidence in our own abilities or not being able to say yes/no in fear of upsetting another. By not being able to make decisions about your life you lose control of it. Taking control of your life is the first step to living the life you want. Before you can make a decision you first need to know what your goal is, what do you want? The next question to ask your self is... How?    

Take a piece of paper and write down everything you have ever wanted to do, be, see Work out how realistic each goal is What are the opportunities available to you, do you need further training? If so where? Next is to work out a plan of how to get what you want

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Keeping a diary can be a great way to keep track of all your achievements. Take a look back though your life and recognise things that you have already been successful at. It doesn't matter if it's something like learning to ride a bike or seeing your family blossom because of your input. Sometimes we lose confidence in our abilities and underestimate how successful we truly are. This can be because we have temporarily lost sight of what we want from life and perhaps have been fulfilling other peoples dreams. Reclaim the control of your future and draw a line under the past. It's never too late to shine and be the star you are! Š Fiona Harley

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DawnSievers I spent the greater part of the month of August 2010 very ill with what started out as strep and quickly morphed into pneumonia. This isn't unusual for my body, as I've been susceptible to strep since childhood and also have a weakness when it comes to pneumonia. I mentioned this very thing to a Facebook friend who is very spiritually centered and she shared that on a spiritual level, strep is very useful and intentional with burning off of old karmic energy. This captured my attention because it is a concept I have noticed and paid closer attention to as I have become more spiritually focused in my own life over the years. I learned to recognize that, quite often, when I would leave an old job where I had been for way too long, I would become very ill. I recognized that this seemed to be my body's way of releasing all the pent up, stagnant, negative energy patterns that had existed with that old job. It can be a dramatic act for the body to become seriously ill, but at times it is necessary. Can we manage, on our own and without illness to release the same level of negative energy? Most likely, we can, but I daresay it would take us much longer to achieve. Illness, by its very nature, is a bright, fast burning fire that consumes everything in its path and aggressively purges the body on every imaginable level. On a mundane approach - think of what illness accomplishes. It forces us to STOP....fully and completely. We are usually bedridden for at least a couple of days, wherein rest is accomplished with sleep and literal inactivity. We sleep a great deal. We replenish our bodies with nourishing foods and liquids, and if we're gracious enough, we allow loved ones to cater to us and express care and devotion. Our hearts lap up the attention and respite from the hectic pace of the business world, and for a short period of time, we rejuvenate on myriad levels. The spiritual and karmic side of things are ones that we cannot see with the naked eye, unless we choose to do so. It is more of a feeling, a sense of change occurring that may not make itself evident in the midst of illness - we're focusing more at that moment on how badly we feel! Afterwards, as recovery begins, if we do pay attention, we notice a lightness of being. An inner feeling of closure, of cleansing, of releasing and of peace that has been brought about by the moment of illness. It is something to ponder, of a certainty. For me, as a freelance writer, it is of vital importance to always be searching for new projects and contracts; to always be sourcing new avenues of work, connecting with new business contacts, networking...always working, working, working to keep forward momentum in my personal work pipeline. When I contracted strep, this process came to a screeching halt. I stopped everything, simply because strep hits my system violently, and the ensuing stages of pneumonia are virulent and aggressive. I find that I cannot focus my mind enough to write. My blog posts came to an equal screeching halt, which also meant that the websites and ezines where I am a contributing writer were all put on hold. This concerned me, as it meant that active attention to my blog - which is a business calling card of sorts for me as a writer - also came to a definitive stop. I had topics for blog articles in mind, but I simply could not focus enough to write the content. All I could focus on was getting through the stages of being ill. So, as my Facebook friend reminded me, strep and pneumonia had a purpose. There was a greater reason at hand that I became ill in the month of August, than just for the face value of strep going around my hometown. What is this greater reason? What is the purpose behind my whole life grinding to a ceremonious stop for a whole calendar month? At the moment, I don't know the answers to those questions. I do know that this time of illness has been very purposeful in burning off karma. I recognize that this moment of illness drew a proverbial line in the sand, cutting off the past and burning it away via fever and bodily dis-ease. I celebrate this fact, as it means that past struggles have been jettisoned....literally burned away and purged from both my physical and spiritual bodies. There is a phenomenon in forest fires that comes to mind as an analogy here....conifer trees have their seeds deep within the fruits, or pinecones, of the tree. These seeds can only be released by intense heat, which melts the resin sealing the pinecones, and cracks them open to release the seeds, or gymnosperm, allowing them to fall to the forest floor. The only time an intense level of heat occurs in forests is when a fire happens. This is when new seeds are released and germinate to produce new trees. It makes complete sense to me that illness, which generally carries a high fever as one of the common symptoms is necessary for our bodies to release a type of seed...planting, as it were, new dreams, new desires and beginning new stages of growth. Dramatic illness sweeps out all the cobwebs and presents a new, clean slate for me to write on...again, literally. I know that new doors are opening as a result of this enforced inactivity and healing. The past difficulties, disappointments and frustrations have been cleansed from my existence and if I embrace this concept, there is nothing to stop me from writing

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this new chapter as I choose. This is the true challenge - to stay clearheaded and bright in personal purpose. I can choose to stay clear and free of negative mindset and old, kneejerk reactions that I have allowed to drag me down or self-sabotage in the past. Subconsciously and spiritually, my body and my Soul recognized that it was time to purge those very things and engaged in the process of illness to enact this purging. It may come across as a novel, or even bizarre concept to embrace that at some level we invite illness into our bodies. I believe this is a strong truth, and I believe there is purpose behind every single illness and physical injury we experience. Many ancient esoteric concepts espouse the fact that the physical breaking of a limb releases enormous amounts of negative karmic energy. If we accept this concept, it becomes a bit more challenging to believe that 'accidents' are truly random. I, personally, do not believe in accidents. I believe that everything does happen to us for specific reasons and that Divine Order exists in all of these applications. So, as I recover from this rather lengthy illness, I am mindful. I am paying attention to how I feel as I recuperate. I am noting the freshness and lightness of my inner and outer self. I am eager to step into this new phase, this new chapter, this new experience in my life and see what new stories are yet to be written. Cycles....the eddies of a pebble dropped into a still pool....the bands of light that refract from a prism....the waves of sound and colour billowing out from our personal all dances together to produce a new reality. Illness can be cathartic - cleansing - burning off old karmic energy. Why not choose to accept and embrace that concept, and find purpose in this moment? It is what I choose to do on a personal level. I see this month as a gentle nudge from God/Universe that now is the time for change to sweep in, first through the burning, encompassing hand of illness to prepare and weave a new canvas. Next, for me to release the emotional ties to habits, beliefs and actions that no longer serve a positive purpose. With these conscious choices and hallmarks recognized, I am being empowered...blessed, some would say....with the ability to move forward in new, different, positive and much more powerful energy. In this knowledge, I embrace the illness I experienced and I give thanks for its presence and its purpose. Many, many layers of what and who I was have been lifted away and I bid them a wave of farewell, honouring what they brought, while consciously choosing to never again embrace those habits. Will this be easy to do? It can be if I decide it to be so. My newly buffed physical and spiritual presence is here and how I step forward in this clean state is of paramount importance. I realize I am creating a new blueprint. Am I saying we should all greet illness with a spry step and joyful heart? Absolutely not! I haven't enjoyed being sick for a whole month - this is not what I am saying here. More to the point, I am shedding light on the reasons behind certain types of illness. There is a purpose to how our bodies behave, and there is reason and order here. As I age and continue to learn, I am captivated with the fact that I find usefulness in areas that many would dismiss out of hand as a pure waste of time. This day, I smile as I write about the usefulness and purpose of illness...and the growth it encourages. Light can be found in many dark moments, if we choose to look for it. While being ill is never a pleasant experience, the result can be profound. Days, weeks or months from now, I shall be able to look back on this month of August 2010 and see the perfect order of it all. Today, it is unclear what doors are opening, but I am aware with immense clarity that this month of illness has been not only a purging and cleansing, but a preparation for beauty to manifest. One might go so far as to call it the manifestation of wellness! Š Dawn Sievers

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“Every now and then when the world sits just right, a gentle breath of heaven fills my soul with delight…” -Hazelmarie ‘Mattie’ Elliott

Orange Blossoms, pink lotus and champaca are a slice of Heaven to me…their fragrance is divine.

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CopywriteMatters Copywriting is the wording you use to promote your business. Like smells that take you to a moment in time, every word can evoke something special in your audience. That’s the power of language and harnessing that power can result in more emails, more phone calls and more sales for your business! I met Julie through the wonderful business community on Facebook and she asked me to look over the wording on her Aromatique Essentials website. I knew that together, we could give her website a boost so that the language matched her gorgeous aromatherapy products. I wanted to use expressive language that spoke of textures and aromas, and paint a vivid picture of what it was like to use her luxurious creams and oils. You can guess the role that copywriting plays in successful marketing. After all the hard work of putting a strategy together, you can’t let it down with mediocre copy that leaves the reader feeling tepid about what you’re offering. Your marketing needs to grab your target audience’s attention, and draw them in with a message that’s just for them. You want to take them on a journey, answer their questions and persuade them to email, call or buy now. If you write your own marketing content or are wondering if it could do with a more pep; here are some quick tips: 

Visualise your perfect customer and write as if you were talking directly to them. Your marketing will be more

engaging if it’s more like a conversation than a lecture. 

Make sure you talk to your customers’ interests (not yours) and tell them what they will get out of your product

rather than just what your product is. 

Always (always always) include a call to action directing your reader to do something. Perhaps they should click for

more information, or call you to book, or Buy Now! You will get better results simply by leaving some instructions. The words you use really do make a difference to the results you get and however you’re promoting yourself; you can get more clicks, calls and sales with the right words. It’s that simple. If you are interested in learning some more tips, you can check out my Facebook profile ( I post free tips every week and even more on twitter @copywritematters. Stop by and say hi! If you want your business copywriting and marketing to really hit the right note with your customers drop me a line at or visit me at © Belinda Weaver

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“Mama was my greatest teacher, A teacher of compassion, Love and Fearlessness. If love is sweet as a flower, than my Mama is that sweet flower of love.” -Stevie Wonder

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PassionCatering Hello, my name is Lianne Jansen Here is a simple and beautiful scone recipe that I teach my year 6 children in cooking classes ~ they just Love it! Scones Ingredients ~ 4 cups of self raising flour 4 tablespoons icing sugar 300ml pouring cream (not thickened cream) 1 cup of full cream milk Sift all dry ingredients into a large bowl, add milk and cream, and stir until combined. Sprinkle flour over a chopping board, knead, knock and knead the mixture. If the dough is sticky, sprinkle flour over the mixture and continue to knead. Repeat this until the dough is no longer sticky with a nice, smooth texture. Roll out a layer to ½ inch thick, cut in to shapes or circles then bunch them together place a floured tray and place in a preheated oven at 200 degrees Celsius and bake for approximately 10 minutes. This cooking time is for small cut shapes (approximately 30) if you cut bigger shapes your cooking time will be longer. Use a skewer to test by placing in the centre of the scone, upon removing it should be clean and you will then know your scones are cooked. This recipe can easily be halved. You may add chopped dates for a sweet scone or pesto and grated cheese for a savoury scone. Serve with butter or cream This is a failsafe recipe ~ Enjoy! Fruit and Vegetable Juices I love to combine fruit and vegies together as you may have noticed and adding herbs as well for me gives an extra boost to the flavour! Beetroot, garlic, lemon and parsley Apple, pear, ginger and mint Carrot, lemon, garlic, ginger and pear

I welcome enquiries and for bookings you can contact me on: email: mobile: 0418577559 Best always Lianne Jansen Passion Catering © Lianne Jansen

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VickiSauvage Everything is Energy Part 3 Annual flying star Every year the quality of qi or energy changes. There are 9 types of qi that arrive from different directions each year. They interact with he natal qi of the house or building. This energy is both directional and locational. That is it flies in from one of the 8 directions and it rises from the earth and the heavens simultaneously. You can see it as qi that arises in that area and flows to it on the winds or the ethers. These qualities of qi or energy are identified with the 5 elements. They are classified according to water, wood, fire, earth and metal. There are two metal's (yin and yang). There are two wood's (yin and yang). There are two earth's (yin and yang). One fire. One water. They interact with each other in various ways – controlling, producing, exhausting. See previous articles. They fall into 3 categories. Positive, negative and neutral. The neutral have potential to be positive or negative depending on their circumstances. Positive Negative Neutral Stars 1, 6, 8, 9 2,5, 3,4 Ming Gua This is a very simple formula which is easy to get one's head around for the novice. I use this formula sparingly, but for the purposes of this article is can be helpful for those with a simple knowledge of Feng Shui. It is based in the assumption that we have 2 spins of energy- one is called east life and one is called west life. It is based on your year of birth and moves backwards or forwards depending on whether you are male or female. There are 4 directions which vibrate at the east frequency and 4 that vibrate at the west frequency. This formula has its limitations and can, when followed literally have couples sleeping in opposite directions which is no where near the heart of Feng Shui – harmony and beauty! If you are Ming Gua 1, 3, 4 or 9 you are an East Life person. If you are Ming Gua 2, 6, 7, or 8 you are a West Life person. If your birthday falls from and including Feb 4th of one year through Feb 3rd of the following year your Ming Gua belongs to the same year. For example – you are a male and are born Feb 2nd 1959. Because your birthday falls before the 4th of Feb you belong to the year previous so you must look at the energy spin of a person born 1958 (Ming Gua 6). If your Ming Gua is 5 and you are a male then you take the life of Ming Gua 2. If you are Ming Gua 5 and you are a female then you resonate to the Ming Gua 8. You both must pay attention to where the annual 5 lands to get the most from things. Once you master the rules this is a very simple formula to apply and you can do no harm! If you have deeper questions then you should consider doing my online course which is being written up as we speak. Probably 3 months away from being ready. If you are vibrating at the East life pattern then the north, east, south east and south are our positive directions and the north west, west, south west and north east are your negative directions. There are advanced formulas which can tap in to subdirections. If you are vibrating at the West life pattern then the north west, west, south west and north east are your positive directions, and the others are your negative directions. Every year we have the annual flying star which visits one of the 9 directions (4 cardinal, 4 inter-cardinal and the centre). These annual stars interact with these directions in predictable ways. If you want to learn more about that then you can go into the archives or the annual newsletter to learn more about these annual energies. Orientation of desk It is possible to quickly identify which of these energy patterns influences you. If you are female the numbers descend (fly yin). If you are male the numbers ascend (fly yang). You can check out which one you are by looking at the chart available here. When you find your positive directions you can then match your ming gua with the flying star energy that is visiting this year. For example lets say you are a woman you were born 1955. This means you are ming gua 6. Simply put, if you orient your desk to one of your positive directions then you will improve your energy supply through the year. If, in addition your place your desk in or face it towards one of the positive annual flying stars you will also get additional benefit. For example. You are a female, born 1980 you are Ming Gua 4. You are an East Life person. The annual flying star places the 4 star in the north palace. The north is one of your favourable directions. It is therefore a very favourable direction for you to face this

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year. It is very favourable if your business is to do with advertising, with communication and engaging the attention of the public. If you sell beauty products and services. If your target audience is young women or youth in general. If you cannot face your desk to one of these favourable directions then you can place your office in this sector. Every year you should be looking at the energy pattern and how it will affect yourself and other key people in your household or business premises. If you have any questions about this which is straight forward but can pose some questions for people then you can do one of two things. Have a brief one hour consultation working out what are the favourable directions for you and your employees. I will also activate the forum now so you can ask these sorts of questions on the forum. 5 helpful hints. 1. orient your desk to one of your key directions 2. make sure you are in a power position 3. ensure you enter on the dragon side 4. don't conduct meetings from behind your desk 5. try to match one of your favourable directions with the annual flying star energy. Productivity For any home based business or any other business productivity is a key indicator of the health and prosperity of your business. So improving the performance of firstly yourself and then your employees or sub-contractors is very important. There is a very useful strategy when productivity and insubordination are issues for you – if you want help in this area then you should contact me for a consultation – we can do a brief one hour phone meeting to improve the flow of energy for you. Personal Qi Every person has a very particular resonance which is created at their time of birth. They have their own way of interacting with the environmental energy. Although many people on this earth are born on the same day, less are born at the exact same hour, even less are born in the same season or hemisphere. Even though there are many people who match your energy potential not all are as responsive or subject to the daily swings or rhythms of energy. Even though many people will have similar charts not everyone acts on the strengths and weaknesses in their charts. People are impacted by different environmental forces such as the Feng Shui of the building they live in and work in and the energy patterns of the pe You have all had times when you meet people and you just zing – you are in harmony with each other and life is easy. There are others who you clash with despite your and their best efforts to find a workable solution to your challenges. You initiate and respond to the energies in your natal chart and the energies that surround you. There are points in our lives when we are responding to and others when we are leading the energy flow. For example – you are a teacher, you are born the year of the water dragon (1952). Each year your classes are filled with kids that are born in the same year by and large. 2006 was a fire dog year. All your kids were born (for this example) in the year of the dog (1994). The dog and the dragon are in clash. You are therefore in clash with the energy of the year and with the energy of the whole of your class of kids! Now isn't it useful to know when those times are or will be. If this is your workplace or your business then it is useful to know if the new person you just put on is going to harmonise with you first up and then the rest of the team or if they are likely to be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Environmental Qi Every day there is a different quality of Qi present, it then connects with the monthly and the annual qi. These have differing impacts on your energy and vitality. Each day I publish a blog which analyses the daily and monthly energies – stay abreast by making sure that you subscribe to the blog or go over each day to check it out. © Vicki Sauvage

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ANB Photography is now offering: Professional Portraits (Corporate, Individual, Family, Couple). Sessions are available on-location (Sydney, NSW area), either outdoors or at your home or place of business and in a studio setting, using natural or flash lighting. 2 Hours shooting time. Up to 2 different outfits/looks. You receive a disk with 1-3 retouched images of each look for print and web. License and Usage fees included for the retouched images. Additional retouching is $30 per image. You will receive a digital contact sheet of all shots taken on the day. Contact Amy to book your session now! Email: Š Amy Nelson-Blain

17 Š Aromatique Essentials - Julie Nelson 2010

AlexZaia Hello Everyone! My Name is Alex Zaia. Does your business website need a refresh? If so, I’m offering all Aromatique Essentials readers a special discount of 10% off a standard website implementation. Simply mention this message in an email and it will be applied to your quote :)

email: mobile: 0458 253 929 © Alex Zaia

18 © Aromatique Essentials - Julie Nelson 2010

PerfumeWorkshops Our sense of smell has the ability to alter our emotions, uplift our mood and create a sense of nostalgia like nothing else can. Think of the smell of a wood fire in winter, fresh coffee brewing or your mum’s signature fragrance. Just a simple smell can transport you to another place. The Aromatique perfume package allows you to relax, learn and create an amazing personalised EDT to take home. What is Aromatherapy? Aromatherapy is the use of pure plant extracts to promote a sense of well being for the body, mind and soul. Our aim is to revive the knowledge of the medicinal and energetic use of aromatic plants and essential oils, a truly holistic professional art and science.

Aromatherapy Basics - Julie will teach you the basics of Aromatherapy. The difference between Essential and Fragrant oils Signature Perfume – create a fragrance that you can truly call your own. A signature perfume is based on your personality profile with essential oils, your preferred aromas and Aroma genera (how the oils are classified into groups, for example: Fruity, Floral, Herby, Woody, Resins & Spicy). Your Astrological sun, moon and rising sign can also be taken into account when creating your signature perfume. The 100ml EDT Perfume is yours to take home. (If you would like to re-order the perfume at a later date, you can do so via the Aromatique Essentials website).

Cost is $195.00 per person.

19 © Aromatique Essentials - Julie Nelson 2010

I would like to acknowledge and thank Peta Serras our beautiful model, Chereine Waddle Make–up Artistry, Lu Wang ~ make-up and hair, Amy Nelson- blain ~ ANB Photography for all of their amazing work and support. Alex Zaia for his fabulous work, time and great effort helping me to put this Ezine together. Until next-time I bid you farewell and always remember to keep smiling ... Because they are Magickal

20 Š Aromatique Essentials - Julie Nelson 2010

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