Aromatique Essentials Magazine Issue 12

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A note from your Editor . . Welcome to 2012 lovelies, I am very excited about what we have coming up throughout the year for you with Aromatique essentials Magazine. We have a great line up of articles for you to read from our most beautiful, creative and passionate writers for whom I am so grateful to have as a part of my team. Our focus for this issue is on ‘Healing’. Healing is a part of our natural cycle we experience, we learn, we heal and we grow. Often when talking to people I see there is a common belief that we are in a year of transformation and healing. I encourage you to take one minute each day and give blessings for all that you have to be grateful for, share your love, be kind to yourself and others, keep smiling for a smile from you can make the difference to someone else’s day, remember smiles truly are Magickal! “Keep your head high. Keep your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling, because life’s a beautiful thing and there is so much to smile about.” Marilyn Monroe

© Aromatique Essentials 2011 Disclaimer: This information is made available with the understanding and agreement that Aromatique Essentials, the author and any associated entities will not be held liable for any actions or the result of any actions taken by any person on the basis of the information or activities contained herein. Although every attempt has been made to ensure the information provided is relevant, accurate, current and free from omission or error, Aromatique Essentials, the author and any associated entities will not be held responsible for any omissions or errors this contains and make no warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of its content. The information is provided for educational instruction only and persons should obtain professional advice if necessary.

Cover photography by Amy Nelson-Blain

Table of Contents Aromatherapy, Grief and Healing the Heart Balance Listen to your heart Essentials Oils for Healing Belgian Chocolate Brownie Recipe Closing your heart Vetiver The Frequency of Healing Your Inner Sancum Pluto: Devil or Saint? With a Bright Spirit Dreaming your way to success How Telepathy inspired a troubled son to live What is really in your daily vitamins and supplements? Experience Birthing Bliss Products by Aromatique Essentials Our Contributors

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Aromatique Essentials ‘Ethereal’ range is spell binding and enchanting. These heavenly Aromatherapy blends made with pure essential oils will transform and transport you to the heart of your desires. Here you will find love, peace, happiness, connectedness, strength, nurturing, protection and grace. Breathe in the Magick of these aromatique creations to ignite your life force!

Alassea brings Happiness Anariel is the Spirit of the Sun Amariel connects us with the spirit of Earth Beriardhwen wraps you in a veil of Protection Erulisse gives the gift of Grace Laisidhiel is the bringer of Life Force Luthian the Enchantress Melcistma encourages Strength and Focus Nanethiel is Warm, Comforting and Nurturing Nestarial is Healing Rhavaniel is Wild at Heart Sidhiel evokes Peace

Purchase now from the Aromatique Essentials online shop.

Aromatherapy, Grief and Healing the Heart By Julie Nelson The healing journey is a very personal process for each of us. When do we grieve? When someone close to us dies or someone close gets sick, leaves home, moves far away and so forth. There are four areas in which the grief process shows itself 1. Feelings- sadness, anxiety, misery, heartache, blame, hurt, frantic, rage, fear, guilt regret, anger. 2. Thoughts- going over and over the past, going through the what if’s and if only. 3. Behaviour- yelling for no apparent reason, bursting into tears, talking to self as if the person is there, wear the lost persons clothes or jewellery. 4. Physical symptoms- loss of appetite, lethargy, restlessness, sleeping too much, breathlessness, waking through the night or very early, hair loss. How can we help! One of the most important things we can do for people who are grieving is to give them a safe place in which to experience and express their pain. It very is important for the person grieving to be able to express their feelings and talk about their loss or traumatic experience. This helps one to feel supported and know that they are not alone and that they are being heard. Receiving comfort is so important for the grieving person. Comfort is to soothe in times of distress or sorrow. Take a moment to think about what essential oils could support yourself or another. What essential oils bring a smile to your face, give you a feeling of emotional uplift and remind you of happy times and so on. Remember essential oils are sourced from an abundant array of flowers, leaves, bark, woods, herbs, spices, fruit and more. They offer their own insights, transitions and healing. As we make our way through different journeys in life these wonderful beauties from nature subtly integrate any changes taking place. “Self care is never a selfish act. It is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have. The gift I was put on Earth to offer to others. Anytime we can listen to true self, and give it the care it requires. We do not only for ourselves, but also for the many others whose lives we touch.” Parker Palmer Here are some suggestions of ways in which you can soothe your emotions, being mindful of the moment. • •

Sit and be quite breathing slowly and deeply. Have Aromatique Baths while playing some music that you enjoy listening to. Use your Aromatherapy burners, room or body sprays, remember to choose oils that remind you of happy times and uplift your emotions, giving you courage and support. Take time out for you and your friends. Exercise daily, take walks on the beach or woodlands, hug a tree. Write yourself some positive affirmations.

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“The ordinary acts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest.” Thomas Moore Affirmations for healing your Heart – Inspired by Robbi Zeck. 1. 2. 3. 4.

My heart blossoms with quiet assurance as peace flows through me now. Paradise is an attitude of the heart, Joy cascades through me now. Life supports me as I support life; my heart and my wisdom are one. I love what I do and do what I love.

Essential oils recommendations. Bergamot - balancing, uplifting, gentle, kind, supportive.


Basil - strengthening, focus, determination. Chamomile - nurturing, supportive, healing, uplifting. Cedarwood - hold fast, strength, courage. Cinnamon - warming, abundance, supportive. Clary sage - balancing, supportive, embracing, to see clearly. Cypress - transition and transformation, strengthening, courage, cleansing, moving forward. Everlasting - supportive, healing, calming, love. Frankincense - supportive, healing, spiritually cleansing, grounding, comforting, gatherings. Geranium - balancing, calming, supportive, nurturing, uplifting. Ginger - courage, strength, emotionally warming and energising. Grapefruit - boldness, courage, strengthening, cleansing, protection, happiness. Jasmine - supportive, nurturing, balancing, empowering, loving. Juniper - strength, support, expansion and growth. Lavender - nurture, calming, supportive, emotional warmth. Lemon - clarity, happiness, lightness of being. Lime - happiness, supportive, freshness, bubbly. Mandarin - gentle, caring, support, happiness, calming. Melissa - for matters or the heart, comfort, heeling, strengthening. Myrtle - supportive, gentle, love. Neroli - supportive, loving, protection, rescue remedy, nurture, matters of the heart, uplifting. Nutmeg - strengthening, warming, courage, emotional pain. Sweet orange - lightness, happiness, fun loving. Patchouli - grounding, supportive, warming, stability, healing, protective. Rose - love, self love, nurture, calming, protection, balance, support, uplifting. Rosewood - kind, healing, gentle, calming, supportive, grounding. Sandalwood - balance, protection, stability, calming, soothing. Vetiver - grounding, connectedness, protection, strength, balance. Yarrow - nurturing, caring, supportive, gently soothing. Ylang ylang - happy, vibrant, balancing, heart oil, love. Aromatique Bathing to Nurture the Soul. 3 drops rose, 2 drops Jasmine, 1 drop vetiver of sandalwood. 4 drops bergamot, 2 drops geranium, 2 drops patchouli. 2 drop ylang ylang, 3 drops lemon, 2 drops rosewood. Burner recipes to Uplift and Balance your Emotions. 4 drops bergamot, 3 drops sweet orange, 2 drops cardamom. 4 drops mandarin, 2 drops lavender, 3 drops geranium. 3 drops clary sage, 2 drops geranium, 2 drops neroli, 2 drops sandalwood (night time blend). Room or Body Sprays to Shift you Energy. In a 100ml glass bottle (coloured or opaque). Fill half way with purifies water and your essential oils top up with more purified water, place on spray top, gently shake and spray away!!! 10 drops each lavender, geranium, juniper. 15 drops lemon, 5 drops sandalwood, 10 drops myrtle. 10 drops each grapefruit, lemon, mandarin, 3 drops geranium, 5 drops rose. Remember that grieving is a part of the healing process, I am sending you my love and support, be courageous, face your pain and allow your heart to heal so that you may move forward and love some more!



- Begin it now - Allow yourself to be - Love yourself and all that is - Align to your highest self - Note your feelings - Commit to growth - Embrace your life and live to your fullest potential

Balance is a state of being, not a fine line to walk. You create whatever you focus on so try to be aware of your thoughts, be aware of all possibilities, and open yourself to be in Balance. Have fun, see the funny side of life, take with you on your journey laughter, and create lightness of being and a happy heart. Be true to yourself, respond rather than react, breathe deeply taking in all in that is good and release all that is not. Surrender, feel your emotions and let them go. Remember your life has purpose, acknowledge your dreams and take action! Awaken to your potential, awaken to your love, and awaken to yourself You are Balance… Recommended Essential oils: • Geranium • Rose • Bergamot • Peru Balsam • Cardamom By Julie Nelson


Listen to your Heart By Suzy Manning

One of my favorite quotes by Rumi is, “I want to sing like birds sing, not worrying who listens or what they think”. This evokes a sense of peaceful surrender allowing heartfelt sounds to emerge for the pure joy of self-expression. What powerful teachings we receive from nature! How many of us express ourselves freely with no attachment to the outcome? It alarms me that globally, cardiovascular disease, often thought to be a “male” problem, is the leading killer of women. Are we living what brings our hearts joy? Are we expressing ourselves freely? Are we connecting with our passion? Our hearts love it when we live free. Listen to your heart. Your heart holds your dream. Let no one take it from you. To heal your life, you need to listen to the whispers of your heart allowing your heart and your life to thrive. I have many Heart Throbs that I have written over the last year. Below are some for you to reflect on for emotional, spiritual, mental and physical healing.

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Your heart thrives on love, joy, passion and purpose. Allow it to thrive. Your heart finds great joy when you are comfortable in your body. Walk in a child’s footsteps to open your heart to the magic of life. Escape in nature for your heart to find balance and peace. It is in surrender that you discover your heart’s true purpose.

Your heart knows the depth of your pain and the magnitude of your pleasure. Notice the dream awakening in your heart. This is your pleasure. If you have uncertainty of purpose, go deep within your heart for your answers. Do not allow the world to define who you are. Quiet your mind to hear your heart whisper, “you are loved and you are love.” Healing magically happens within the heart!


Essential Oils for Healing Healing a Broken Heart. 2 drops of Geranium to bring balance. 3 drops of Neroli to give support and peace. 3 drops of Rose for love. 3 drops of Black Pepper for strength and courage. 2 drops of Labdanum to ground and connect. Healing Your Divine Spirit. 3 drops Frankincense to connect with spirit. 2 drops Vetiver to nourish and access wisdom.


2 drops of Benzoin for openness. 2 drops of Cinnamon for endurance and direction. Send out love and healing to the world. 3 drops of Frankincense to bring peace and calm. 3 drops of Rose to surround us with love. 4 drops of Champa to call upon our Angels to support us.


Belgian Chocolate and Roasted Coconut Brownies • 400 grams of chopped dark chocolate (Belgian). • 250 grams of butter, chopped. • 210 grams of brown sugar. • 40 grams good quality cocoa powder (sifted). • 150 grams of sifted organic plain white flour. • ¼ teaspoon of baking powder. • 1 cup of roasted shredded coconut. Pre-heat your oven to 160 C, place coconut scattered onto a flat baking tray in over in until it turns a light golden brown, keep your eye on it and you may need to turn it over. Allow to cool. Placing the chocolate and butter in to a large pot, on a low heat and stir until the mixture


is melted and smooth. Remove from element and allow it to cool for around 10 minutes. In a large mixing bowl place the sugar, flour, roasted coconut, baking powder, cocoa and eggs. Add the chocolate mixture and mix until all ingredients are combined. Pour the brownie mixture into a square cake tin (about 25 cm) lined with non-stick baking paper. Lightly oil the pan so that the baking paper sits in place when pouring. Bake for 30- 45 minutes or until set it may start to crack on top. Cool in the tin and slice. This is a fairly sticky and moist brownie because of the amount of chocolate used. Dust with icing sugar and serve as is or with fresh whipped cream or ice cream.


All products from Aromatique Essentials are handmade to order, using the highest quality ingredients from the most natural resources available. Whether you use them for your beauty for their therapeutic qualities, essential oils can help improve your health and well-being. Every product can be personalised to your specific needs for health or beauty needs; creating a customised aromatherapy experience that’s just for you.


Closing your heart...

By Edel O’ Mahony

Does not keep you safe It stops you Being the expression Of energy You are here to be It keeps you in fear It keeps you believing You are not worthy Of love and abundance Energy will bring you The same frequency In experiences That keep you Fearing your worth Open your heart In full vulnerability You find your power As you then Allow energy To release the fear Love who you are You are amazing! Honour your worth Believe in and live from Unconditional love Then energy can Bring you the same. 15



by Valéria Trigueiro

Valéria Trigueiro is a Brazilian English Teacher and Aromatherapist. Among all the possibilities that Aromatherapy gives, Valeria has chosen Perfume therapy. Her gift is making bespoke perfumes as an item of personal care, helping people to reach their inner essence. Since 2002 Valeria has researched the subject of Aromatherapy and lectures at many events, mainly seminars and workshops. Valéria Trigueiro creates synergy in her blending of perfumes to bring harmony to your emotional, physical and energetic being, as well as balancing the elements of Nature. Her unique approach to perfume therapy deals with human wellness via the promotion of self consciousness of one’s nature and emotions while stimulating self care both physically and mentally. Vetiver – When Nature Gives Support and Strength. Speaking about vetiver without mentioning that this grass is a kind of environment’s guardian angel would be unfair. In order to better understand the functions of this essential oil, it’s important to be aware of the physical properties and the role that this grass plays in the soil where it is cultivated. The part of the plant used to obtain this oil is the root, which can reach over 3, 5 meters in depth, which makes of this grass an excellent choice for areas of soil erosion. Thus, its plantation has been used to create barriers in case of flood, in view of the fact that its roots are very strong, holding the flow of the water, storing it on the ground, preventing the damages which the speediness and power of large volumes of water could cause. Not to mention soil fertilization. It is truly a gift from Nature, for its growth occurs in less than four months, which enables ecological solutions. Being aware of vetivers functions in its original form, we are able to compare it with how it works with our bodies as an essential oil, especially in terms of energy. As a root, it acts in the low internal part of the body, especially in the reproductive glands by stimulating hormone production it also assists with the absorption of the nutrients via our digestive system and in the excretion of secretions. When working on an emotional level, vetiver has a strengthening, grounding and connecting character, for its obvious connection with the Earth. I would also like to share what I have read in Aromatherapy books, which is; it really helps individuals in their process of self-direction, bringing depth, helping to focus on the goals and objectives; melting away old fears, emotional blockages and the painful feelings of not belonging. In short, it is an essential oil which provides emotional balance. Energetically it is considered as one of the most feminine oils, not without reason, since it absorbs nutrients and moves out wastes and toxins that are no longer is wanted. Therefore, the balancing character vibrates in a nurturing prosperity, not only producing goods, but mainly keeping them. Remember that this grass fertilizes the soil, grows rapidly and supports the flow of water. Like sandalwood, it helps to separate the wheat from the chaff in terms of people and energies around us, withdrawing those not compatible with our vibrations and moment of life. Its energy is nourishing, moist, fresh and sweet. The main element could not be any other than Earth. It soothes and lifts the spirit. For these characteristics, one can infer the reason why it has the capacity to help people who are passing through a difficult time, such as irritability, mental exhaustion or even loneliness. Moreover, when using vetiver essential oil, people experience a supportive sensation like being embraced by a great mother, who offers us her wisdom, comforting words and even a caring hug where there is no necessity of words as her arms are enough to make them feel protected. Once, in a workshop, I asked the audience to translate the vetiver aroma in an image. A young lady told me something that I have never forgotten, because it inspired me to close the event with a meditation based on her words. She closed her eyes and told me: “I can see myself by the window in my house. This house is in the centre of the forest, it’s drizzling, and I feel and smell the scent of the rain. There is a fireplace which makes me feel warm and protected, there is a very large table set, where there are tasteful foods and everybody I care about is sitting around this table, they talk, they laugh and smile and I am part of it, I belong to them, they belong to me. I feel fine.” Finally, just to illustrate, this young girl was passing through a difficult time and was in grief. In short, loving protection. That’s vetiver.


“The appearance of things change according to the emotions, and thus we see magick and beauty in them, while the magick and beauty are really in ourselves.� Kahlil Gibran


The Frequency of Healing By Edel O’Mahony

Nature shows us that energy is present in all living things; all organic life expresses an electromagnetic vibrational frequency. Frequency is motion having a periodic oscillation per second and this is measured as Hertz (Hz), look back to the ‘periodic table’ and every element has a Hz frequency. Back in the 1992s Bruce Tanio developed a BT3 frequency monitoring system as part of his research into plants, soil and water and found that healthy plants that were more nutritionally balanced resonated from a much higher frequency than less healthy ones. Essential oils start at 52 Hz and go as high as 320 Hz, which is the frequency of rose oil. Clinical research shows that therapeutic-grade essential oils have the highest frequency of any natural substance known to man, creating an environment in which disease, bacteria, virus, fungus, etc., cannot live. Some essential oils are listed below: Essential Oils: 1. Rose (Rosa damascene): 320 MHz 2. Lavender (Lavendula angustifolia): 118 MHz 3. Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha): 105 MHz 4. Blue Chamomile (Matricaria recutita): 105 MHz 5. Juniper (Juniperus osteosperma): 98 MHz 6. Aloes/Sandalwood (Santalum album): 96 MHz 7. Angelica (Angelica archangelica): 85 MHz 8. Peppermint (Mentha peperita): 78 MHz 9. Galbanum (Ferula gummosa): 56 MHz 10. Basil (Ocimum basilicum): 52 MHz I have worked for many years with essential oils making up various combinations to apply in a base oil for relieving colds, coughs, congestion, muscle ache, bruising and rapid healing from operations. The oils act to bring up the frequency of the cells and are extremely powerful in their application. Nature shows you the natural process of healing and as you

learn more about the physical body’s frequencies, you are able to consciously move yourself into higher frequency where the human body creates pure and natural health. Let me explain, it is verified that the physical body emits the following frequencies: • Genius brain 83Hz to 98Hz • Healthy body and mind 76Hz to 83Hz • Colds, flu and illness 57Hz to 63Hz • Cancer receptors 42Hz So the lower the body frequency the more the immune system becomes compromised. Your body frequency is determined by your beliefs, which will always synchronise with your emotional scale. When you are in stress, worry or anxiety, you are at the lower end of the emotional scale, this also lowers the body’s frequency to below 60Hz. When you are in creativity, expectation, excitement or happiness, you are at the higher end of the emotional scale, this also raises your body’s frequency to above 76Hz. Even if you are or have been ill, by raising your frequency allows the cells and molecules to restore to natural health. It is just conditioning from the controlled medical profession and governments that tell us there are no cures, in fact in the 1930s Dr Royal Raymond Rife created a ‘frequency monitoring machine’ and in clinical trials with 1,000 cancer patients, he adjusted their physical frequencies resulting in 100% of the patients being cured. Rife refused to let the pharmaceutical companies buy him out and ended up with his lab and machine trashed and his research destroyed. There is so much available in the natural world that we can use to keep our bodies in natural, pure health, without the need for synthetic drugs. The most powerful way is to understand our own frequencies and learn to live in high frequency by becoming conscious creators. Nature and the essential oils are always there to assist us, showing us we are the same energy and reconnecting with our natural energy essence is the best way to keep the frequencies high.


Your Inner Sanctum By Tiffany Manning

Tiffany Manning with thanks to Cara Santa Maria. My inner sanctum had a set of spare keys cut yesterday, so I can store them at a friend’s place in case I lock myself out. And it got me thinking…

reached it? Which keys do you want to give to which people?  Do you have a tendency to hand over the whole bunch straight away? What about the keys to your internal spaces? Giving people immediate and constant access to your every The keys to your thoughts, your dreams? Your ups your word, thought or deed? downs? Your emotional and psychological home. How many And, if you do, do the people in your life respect that, and people in your life have access to the inner sanctum of you? care for your spaces; or do some of them keep their biggest Who’s got keys? boots on in your most delicate areas? Is there a process of It’s worth having a look at this every now and then, to assess building or earning trust for you, before you’ll hand over a if your levels of security or accessibility have changed or key to a more private, more precious, internal place? need updating. To find out if more – or perhaps less – people (Or would you like there to be?) have access to you than you might have thought (or that you might hope for). Are there perhaps places no one holds the keys to? Places All of this points to the idea of boundaries, about psychoyou maybe even keep locked away from yourself? Places logical safety and connection with others. that seem too dark, too cold, too overwhelming to enter, so Of striking a balance between being locked away in an isoyou’ve locked them up, boarded them up and maybe even lated tower of ‘safety’ alone, or being completely enmeshed been tempted to throw the keys away? where you’re sort of ‘access all areas’ for everyone that hapWhat might it take to make those spaces feel safe enough pens along. for you? Safe enough to maybe carefully, unlock them to There’s no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answer for this stuff. It’s just see what’s actually in them now? Maybe the company of a about finding out what’s right for you, for trusted friend or therapist could help you safely shine a light now. on what is in those rooms that have been locked for so So let’s take a moment just now to ponder… long? Who has your keys? Who do you let in? Anyone? Or are you These are all interesting, and sometimes revealing, questions very discerning – maybe even to the point of feeling a little to ask yourself every now and then… questions to help you isolated at the moment? find out where your own sense of boundaries might be right Or perhaps there are lots of sets of your keys out there… now. Would there ever be a point of ‘too many’ for you? Where For questions like these can, themselves, be like tiny keys to might that point be? And how would you know when you’ve unlock the answers you already carry inside you.



By Joanne M.Faulkner


When the subject of healing and transformation comes up in Astrology, the first thing that pops into my head is Pluto, the God of the underworld who spirited lovely Persephone away. Pluto… really? Yes, this planet has a nasty reputation for creating chaos, death and destruction, yet it is also responsible for rebirth, transmutation, wisdom and grace. Its positive manifestation is Minerva, the Goddess of wisdom. Minerva energy unites the head and the heart, much like Mercury and Venus conjunct. This higher side of Pluto illuminates and brings about cosmic consciousness. To me, the Phoenix bird can symbolize it beautifully. When she is old and worn out she ignites into brilliant flames and is then powerfully reborn from her own ashes. What a beautiful concept! If only we could do that. Perhaps we can! Pluto is the slowest moving of all our planets and takes approximately 248 to circle the sun. Since its journey is so long, and somewhat erratic, it is in each sign anywhere from 12 to 30 years. Because of this, Pluto in the signs has a generational rather than individual influence. Pluto is currently in the sign of Capricorn until November 2024 and is stimulating self-discipline, efficiency, loyalty and honesty – especially within the government and big business. If you pay attention to the news, you are sure to have noticed sudden changes in these areas by now. Because of the generational effect of Pluto in the signs, the individual focus now falls to the Houses for greater clarity. Below are possibilities of how Pluto/Minerva may manifest. Pluto 1st House: There is much potential here since the first house corresponds to Aries and Mars. There is courage and strong will, yet can be very gentle and loner. The message here is for people to transform their approach to life. If they are shy, they need to develop self- confidence and to meet the world head on. If they are inconsiderate, they need to develop compassion for others. Gaining the highest aspect of what is apparently lacking is the key. Pluto 2nd House: This house belongs to Taurus and Venus. There will be a need to acquire things of value here, including money. These individuals can be stubborn as well as generous - they can also think of their loved ones as possessions. The gift here is to share with other spontaneously and to have integrity in all matters concerning love and money.


Pluto 3rd House: Gemini and Mercury rule this house and with them come inspiration, versatility and easy evaluation of others. Many great teachers and counselors have their Pluto here since it gives an inquiring, perceptive mind. There is a tendency to “be in our head” too often and this can produce depression, neuroses and potential mental problems. These natives would be wise to talk thing out regularly with a confidant, or use writing or art to help clear their minds. Minerva urges that any physical creation of dark emotions be destroyed in order to release and transmute its destructive nature. Pluto 4th House: Home and family are the focus here as Cancer and the Moon rule. This placement also rules our foundation. If we have strong foundations, we can make it through any storm. Pluto works in an interesting way here. Pluto will withhold the thing we most want until we are willing to let go of it. The act of purging our desires allows Minerva to grants our wish. She reminds us to remember and honor Mother Earth by releasing our selfish egos, thus allowing the true gift to be rewarded. Pluto 5th House: The Sun and Leo rule this house of Pleasure and it is here that the ego truly needs to be purged. Leo’s tendency to be conceited or arrogant must be transmuted so the heart can open and Minerva’s creative energy can emerge. There is real potential for creative genius here if the native can temper the need to seek pleasure with higher spirit. Pleasure for itself may be enjoyable, but it is hollow and leaves the person craving more. Allowing Spirit to direct and integrate sends healing ripple through the individual as well as those around. Pluto 6th House: This is the house of Service, Work and Health. Virgo and Mercury rule this house and they are known for communication, intelligence and being very precise. The need is to purge any hidden motives of the mind. Are we healers or hypochondriacs? We need to Release Criticism! Through the unselfish service to others, we are able to make strides in our own day-to-day work and our health. The more we selflessly help others, happier we can be. The happier we are, the less we are ill. The less we are ill, the more productive we can become. It creates its own beautiful circle of loving stewardship to each other. Pluto 7th House: Balance in the House of Relationships – that is what Libra is all about. Since it has lovely Venus as its ruling goddess, the

Devil or Saint? message becomes having the willingness to set aside any personal desires and seek being of service to partners. When love becomes more important than self, Minerva has done her job. “He who loses himself shall find himself”. Pluto 8th House: Ahhhhh! Pluto is finally home and Scorpio has been… well, he’s been doing his own thing regardless of what Pluto has been up to! Both Scorpio and Pluto have interesting work to do here since this is the house of the occult, others money, and inheritances it is often called the house of Death. Here we become intrigued with the meaning of life. Our psychic channels begin to open and we start to connect our human selves with our true spiritual selves. Integration can begin if we are mindful of Pluto’s tendency to destroy that which we create. If we become overwhelmed, stop – rest and recharge, then move ahead in a way that encourages growth. Break tasks down into smaller segments. Remember to get up, clear your mind, replenish our bodies every few hours, and always remember to avoid the pitfalls of alcohol, drug and dark metaphysical energies. Using others for personal advantage will end disastrously! Pluto 9th House: Intuition, desire to seek knowledge, travel and interests in law, religion and philosophy all fall under the jurisdiction of this house. With Jupiter and Sagittarius heading the show, there will be studies, but they will be fun, exciting and always expansive! Really digging into the meaning of life will be big in this placement. We can now use the spiritual opening we received in the 8th House and apply it to the world by using the facts of our personal spiritual blossoming and urging others to do the same. Beware of forcing others to do what we want! We all have personal will and only we can choose the correct path to pursue. As we individually reach for our highest ideals, we can illuminate with wisdom the path for the rest of the world to follow… if they choose. Pluto 10th House: With Capricorn and Saturn ruling this house, the need for diplomacy and patience is imperative. This is the house of reputation, business success and material gain. Some people with Pluto here will do anything to get what they want. Honesty, being ethical and self-mastery are keys to climbing to the top of ones chosen field with this placement. The lower manifestation of Saturn and Capricorn were “get there at any costs!”. Now, as Pluto with

its Minerva’s influence returns to Capricorn, the theme is to cleanse the egos drive to acquire blindly and to seek patience, co-operation and peace of mind. Only then can we truly find what we have worked so hard to obtain. Pluto 11th House: In the house of Friends, Networking, Hope and Dreams, our choice of friends will be of utmost importance. Pluto can be an unbalanced or uncontrolled power, so if we chose the wrong people to associate with, or if we are the users and vampires, the impact will be sudden and disruptive. Aquarius – the great humanitarian and Uranus – the great disruptor, rule this house. The influence here is to strive for situations, friends, and dreams that compliment and contribute to the best of society as a whole, as well as our selves. Choosing friends who we can support and enhance, and who can do the same for us, allows us to get a clearer sense of our goals and how we can achieve them in the best way. Because they know we come from a place of integrity, it serves them to network for our benefit. It makes them feel good to help us achieve success. Remember always to return the favor. Balance can be a fragile thing. Pluto 12th House: Now we get to Pluto’s brother, Neptune who rules the sign Pisces. These two reign below the surface and exploring the watery depths can be very daunting. The 12th house rules institutions such as hospitals, jails and asylums as well as where our karmic debts and talents lie. Those here often feel enslaved in some way and are prone to experiencing upheavals in order to bring them back to a lighter path. This placement often forces a person to serve humanity in order to keep them from becoming self-pitying victims. Yes, we still have free will, yet Pluto in the 12th house will press the issue through suffering until the individual learns to see, and walk in, the light. Pluto’s message through all the houses is simple if we look at it. By seeking light and wisdom, the highest path we can imagine, we can transmute any destructive power and turn it into a healing force. By choosing the big, spiritual picture, we find there truly is a silver lining within the darkest of Plutonian clouds.


With a Bright Spirit By S. Dawn Sievers

Healing. The word itself is evocative. It conjures up an immediate visceral response with attendant mental images...memories, fears, dreams and wishes. Good health is vital to every living organism on this Earth School of ours. When I think of healing, I think automatically of love and of light. The pure vibratory expression of love is the most powerful form of healing in existence, in my opinion. When love is present, our whole body just relaxes and sighs, luxuriating in the peacefulness of that beautiful energy. We know from a medical perspective that those who are happy, who feel loved and cared about, who receive regular hugs from loved ones - these are the people who heal more quickly, and who have stronger immune systems. I have always found the healing strength of such a simple thing as a hug to be profound. A simple embrace such as a hug can boost white blood cell count in the human body - the part of our blood system that fights off infection and wards off opportunistic illness and sustain a sense of calm well beyond the physical experience of the hug itself. Just the act of writing my thoughts about healing is increasing my own vibration - I can feel it as I type the words and thoughts. I spent a good part of the 1990s working as a massage therapist, but was never truly fulfilled in that career. The healing part and the knowledge of the human body fascinated me, but massage therapy in itself didn’t really fit for me. What did resonate was energy work; what many might recognize as the Biblical “laying on of hands”, or in the traditional medical world, it is called Therapeutic Touch among other names. I learned that I have an innate ability for energy work, and to this day, although I no longer practicing as a massage therapist, I still embrace energy work occasionally. It is effortless for me and is a gift I can bestow upon anyone in pain, whether it is physical, mental, emotional, or as is most often the case, a combination of all of these. When I stepped into the unknown world of blogging over two years ago, I had no idea what I was doing with the concept. It was something I was trying on for size to keep my mind occupied during a very dry period for my freelance writing career. I’ve spoken of this before and I will doubtless bring it up again - the title of my blog, Healing Morning, was divinely driven. I knew I wanted it to have something to do with healing, and the word “morning” was a play on my name, Dawn. At the time, I had no idea how absolutely appropriate a title this would be, or how the title would grow with me as I grew in my blog writing. You would think, as a result of the strong healing energies around me over a lifetime, that it would come as no surprise that this healing energy would translate into my writing. Yet, it has been a surprise. I did not know, to begin with, that my writing would touch others around the world and instill a sense of peacefulness, calm and healing. That was a vague goal, but at the time that I created this blog, I had thought to focus more on a clinical type of writing application. Instead, I found that I was being drawn to write from my heart and to allow a level of transparency that I had never dared to embrace. I began to share very private concepts here, and opened up about my spiritual side in a manner that I had rarely done before.


Again, to my surprise, the articles that I wrote that exposed very personal aspects of who I am, and my healing intuitive abilities - those articles have, without fail, turned out to be the ones that have garnered the most interest, the most written comments and the most support. I’ve learned over the last two and a- half years that when I’ve written an article that makes me more than a little nervous about publishing it, this is when I’m writing and channeling a level of truth that needs to be shared. And that energy is received in similar a very positive, honest manner. People respond in kind and tell me they feel a sense of peace here. So, I continue to grow with my blog title. I continue to grow in my healing abilities and I continue to learn that my previous horizons are constantly being broadened. It is a very surreal experience at times. Just recently, I began to recognize a return to that childlike sense of creation that we tend to lose as we age. Children have an innate sense of acceptance that all will be well; they have an equal belief that good things will happen simply because those good things are wished for and anticipated with a bright spirit. I have also just recently weathered some rather trying times where I wasn’t sure how I would get from one day to the next. The darkness that accompanied those challenges was quite intense and looking back, I have no idea how I managed to maintain even a wee shred of optimism and belief that good experiences were in my personal pipeline. Somehow, though, deep within me, I did hold onto that small flame of belief. That small flame of pure love, of pure healing, of pure all rested deep within me, despite the trying times. And then, in the midst of an admittedly scary phase, I felt the shift beginning. That knowing, that awareness that I’ve always had grew inside me. I clearly remember feeling it happening and I admit there was a bit of a struggle....a bit of lingering doubt that it was real. Yet the sense of rightness was so strong that all I could feel was delight and a sureness inside. A glowing, expanding welling of liquid, golden, pulsing brightness is how I would describe it. That is what the energy of pure love looks like to my mind’s eye. Many who practice various healing modalities will point out that various levels of healing energy carry different colors and textures. I don’t dispute this. What I am describing here, that golden, pulsing brightness is how I experience healing at its most profound. If I could invite you into my heart to see it and experience it the way that I do, I would do that very thing. Since I can’t do that, the next best thing is to write it for you and create the image and the emotion, the textures and vibrations with words. This article may seem to have very little point....just a jumble of thoughts about healing. I don’t argue that point, as I’m writing from a stream of consciousness perspective, just allowing the thoughts to flow from my fingertips. I will go back and read through this and see if the progression is strong enough to publish the article. I think it will be, because I feel that same sense of rightness as I type the words. This jumble of thoughts is going to make absolute sense to someone...perhaps many. You will read this article and smile and nod, recognizing what I am attempting to convey. Your own deep well of healing energy and love will respond and there will be that magical

“click” from me to you.

new Divine spark. It’s a beautiful and never ending cycle, of course.

In this way, in this fashion, I continue to heal. Myself. My readers. The very air that I breathe in and exhale. The earth that I walk upon, as this energy overflows and spills down from my hands and flows through my feet as I walk. For those who study esoteric concepts of healing, this will make sense. For those who trust in the simple process of honoring the physical manifestation of that spark of the Divine translating into human form, it will also make sense. For those who are searching and wondering, looking for something that will lead them deeper into self-discovery, perhaps this article will light a

With a bright spirit is how I write this article, at this moment. That would make a beautiful t-shirt slogan, yes? Healing is such a bright thing, yet very calm and sure. Peaceful and quiet, but also exuberant and full of that childlike sense of delight. I was asked to write an article with the word “healing” as the focus. I sat down to write and did so with a bright spirit. My hands are literally buzzing from the extreme level of energy that has been prompted as a result and I accept that manifestation in the same way....with a bright spirit. With a bright spirit, my friends.


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You are gasping for air, you’re spitting teeth from your mouth or you are falling to your death... all of us have had reoccurring or strange dreams at one time or another, which make us question why we dreamt that. In this article Dream Therapist Margaret Jarvinen will begin to unlock the answers to your unconscious mind and provide life changing solutions through the power of your dreams.

conscious mind in its own language. Dream alchemy practices can be in the form of visualisations, affirmations, artwork, writing, body or physical work, dialogue and giving back the belief. If you are committed to continuing the alchemy for a period of time, the changes to your old belief patterns become permanent.

What are dreams? Dreams are the language of your unconscious mind. When you sleep, your unconscious mind is processing your everyday experiences. What you dream is always related to what happened during the last one to two days in your waking life. All symbols in your dreams are related to how you perceive your world. A dream is rarely what it appears to be on the surface.

Why do we have recurring dreams? Recurring dreams (symbols) occur because you are choosing to react or behave in the same way in your waking life over and over again. This is usually because of an unresolved issue or attitude, which is keeping you stuck. Recurring dreams and dream themes when interpreted can identify accurately what is causing your sabotage behavior. Once your blocks are discovered, dream alchemy techniques can be used to remove them and clear your path.

The unconscious mind holds your belief and value system and controls over 90% of your daily decisions. While you are dreaming, your unconscious mind is processing the activities, thoughts and emotions you experienced throughout the day. Therefore, old belief patterns you had as a child can be reenforced and encouraged, whether they are in your best interest or not, affecting your waking life. For example, you may have been told as a child, “Don’t be greedy”, so you feel guilty whenever you try and do something for yourself.

No one can give you a definition of a dream symbol for you— it’s your own language of your unconscious mind—however, there are universal symbols we all have in common for example teeth. If you are having a recurring dream where you are losing your teeth, they are crumbling in your mouth or you are spitting them out, this can represent your feelings of insecurity, difficulty getting your message heard, feeling disrespected or put down.

Through proper interpretation, dreams are an excellent way of identifying our emotional imbalances and unwanted belief patterns. These unconscious thought patterns can be easily changed using dream alchemy techniques and thereby helping us to obtain our goals and live a more fulfilled and balanced life.

Ask yourself where in your waking life one or two days before your dream did you feel you were not being understood, respected, empowered or couldn’t get your message across. This could relate to any part of your life, for example, not expressing yourself clearly to your employer, co-worker, or partner or not being able to get a word in while talking to someone. This negative unconscious belief can be changed through applying Dream Alchemy.

What is dream alchemy? Dream alchemy is a process of changing your unconscious belief patterns by reprogramming your conscious mind. After When we are more balanced with ourselves life is so much a dream is interpreted, a dream alchemy is developed using more enjoyable and easier. Dream Analysis and Dream Althe symbols in your dream to allow you to talk to your un- chemy is a way of bringing balance into your life. 27

How Telepathy Inspired a Troubled Son To Survive By Mercedes Leal Extracted from ‘Spiritual Awakening for Newbies’ by Mercedes Leal, based on true, miraculous events. Thank God, I had hired a limousine to take me there, for the address of my Talk and Workshop venue was wrong. Had I been at the wheel, I would have been too exasperated to have been very effective. The very sweet and dear lady who had given me the information had suffered from chronic poor health and cognitive deterioration and it must have slipped her mind to give me the correct information. Other people had also been given the wrong address, so a sizeable percentage of delegates had apparently failed to show up but were, most possibly, simply hopelessly lost. Based on the street name and postcode I had been given, the driver had taken me to a block of residential apartments, very different from the event venue. It was only through a series of telephone calls with another member of the group, whose telephone number I was lucky to obtain after a series of calls in some frantic, investigative detective work, that I was able to find the right place, albeit arriving ninety minutes late. It was embarrassing and I needed all my will power to be sufficiently calm and empowered to deliver. Thankfully, all went well. My talk on Spiritual Empowerment was received very enthusiastically, puffing up an ego I had been trying to extinguish and I followed it with guided visualisation meditation and - just for fun - a short exercise in remote viewing. The picture one lady drew - let’s call her Natalie - based purely on the picture I had placed in a sealed envelope and my mind’s projection of the image to the audience, was identical to the hidden answer in shape, size and even in the position on the A4 sheet of paper. This happens quite often and is great because it means my mind is working as it should and those with whom I am working are on the same mental wavelength. Natalie could not have known what was in the envelope, which was glued shut and hidden until the end of the exercise. She was a business consultant, working at CEO level within the largest corporate organisations and also within senior governmental departments. I was very impressed by the power of her mind. She too must have been impressed by the exercise, for she asked if I could help her to improve her mind energy so she could help someone she loved dearly. Her primary, spiritual reason for coming to me seemed to be her son, who, from what I could gather, had temporarily lost his normal pattern of life, was in some sort of care and was refusing to communicate, leading to worries about his state of mind. I could tell that Natalie had the right level of outstanding, maternal devotion which could work to help her son, using the astonishingly effective telepathic exercises Clyde, my late cousin, had taught me in the most extraordinarily powerful inter-realm clairvoyant experience which had been unexpected but which had been witnessed by two other people who were equally astounded by the accuracy and emotional power of the experience. I knew I had to add those skills to


the family Formula I had partly inherited and partly cobbled together myself through a series of inexplicable and unrequested paranormal experiences. All of these were based only on love, healing and the brightest of light and served all who lived by its simple, enjoyable code as a permanent beacon of guidance and inspiration. I was never told of the young man’s offence or fate but I knew he was in inner torment, suffering from emotional isolation. He was simply refusing to talk and had kept up his mute behaviour day by day, causing ever increasing concern to his mother. Any mother would be concerned about such a deteriorating situation within her family and as I was also a parent, I was happy to help. Natalie and I had our one to one session and I told her what she had to do to help her son and herself. I passed on the spiritually empowering lessons from the family Formula for instant spiritual empowerment and then gave her all the tips she needed for the ‘Emergency Mother Booster’ to strengthen the connection between parent and offspring. I reserve this for mothers only, because their love is always the greatest for a child, regardless of the maturity of the ‘baby’. Fathers, yes, you do come close but mothers have the edge of power and loving connection with an almost sacrificial energy to succeed in helping the son or daughter to overcome a potentially lethal affliction or habit. The next morning, Natalie telephoned me to reiterate her concern about her son. She said she wanted to be reminded about the intricacies of the Emergency Mother Booster, the additional verbal help I offer over and above the Formula. Once again, briefly, I went over the Spiritual Empowerment Formula I had taught her the day before and explained to her how she could communicate with her son. Through this she would be able to help him to improve his life without actually being in the same room as he was – or even in the same town or country. She was a highly intelligent individual with a warm and generous persona and I felt sure she would be able to perform the task ahead of her. I asked her to picture her son in a certain way, as we had already discussed and agreed. Then I linked my thoughts to the photograph of *Clyde Alleyne, my late cousin, with her, although she and I were at least 20 miles apart and her son was yet further away, in the care of a social worker. As with Susan, the mother whose son we were able to take off heroin immediately using the same telepathic techniques and no direct, physical contact with him whatsoever, it was a three way link of love to Natalie’s son. I impressed on Natalie the importance of ensuring absolute integrity and I trusted her with the exercise and other aspects of it which I explained personally, whilst also giving her tips to help ensure our joint success. I will only work with those whose integrity is at its highest, who are operating with purest, altruistic love and whom I know will respect the principles of the Formula.

Very carefully, I went over the special family Formula, step by step, to ensure Natalie understood that each point was necessary in order to raise her spiritual vibrations to their maximum. It took about twenty minutes of ‘revision’. Then I felt we were ready to communicate directly with her son, whom I believe at that time was residing in an establishment away from his mother, isolated in his own little world, refusing to communicate with his social worker, family, doctors or anyone else. All were becoming alarmed at his increasingly deep descent into a vortex of silent, threatening depression. She thanked me a little nervously and hung up. Sometimes, people cannot believe that such dynamic methods work; but time has shown again and again that they do and, even better, they are durable. Natalie was in the right spiritual mode of trust and love ready to begin. I prepared myself to be the conduit between them, using the imagery we had practised and Clyde Alleyne’s skills, whose remarkable connection had already started to create amazing miracles. I remained mentally and emotionally linked to both mother and son and the mosaic of connection was established for approximately twenty minutes; but I did not expect to hear from her for a day or so. However, just five to ten minutes after our silent, mental exercise had ended, she called me back. “Mercedes,” she began, ‘You won’t believe this!’ I was tickled by her bubbly, high pitched, exuberance and laughed, because her delight was contagious and I knew from her breathless excitement that something special was about to be shared but I was completely unprepared for the speed of the data which would follow. “I just did the exercise as you had said,” Natalie continued, “then, just as I was finishing, the phone rang. It was my son’s social worker to say that, for the first time in three weeks, he had spoken - but it is what he said which is so remarkable. He asked his social worker to contact me immediately, because he said he had just seen my face in his room and he wanted to speak to me to discuss his future!” Her son had picked up the message, exactly as we had programmed it to be received. He was on his way to recovery through the most exceptional intervention, aided by the late and departed Mr Clyde Alleyne, who was proving to be true to his word in every way – and allowing me to help to save young people who were in crisis through pure love and telepathic support from a realm of pure love and telepathic support from a realm of pure light and altruism.

best gift we can give a mother is reconnection to her child. *Clyde Alleyne, a successful journalist covering EEC matters in Paris, had an avid interest in proving there was life after ‘death’ and nothing scary at all about ‘passing over’. He did this successfully through communicating in the most incredible, witnessed event, days AFTER his funeral and subsequently passed on a telepathic Formula to me to help young people in trouble, which has so far proved very successful. The true story about Natalie featured above is an excerpt from my new e-book, called, ‘Spiritual Awakening for Newbies - Finding Love and Light Through the Power of the Mind’ and features ‘Transformation through thought, Spiritual Healing and Miracles’. It gives genuinely jaw- dropping accounts of my power-packed life of blessings through trials and miracles and passes on tips spanning 125 years of three generations of mothers with supernatural talents. Love, kindness and a happy life are not privileges - they are your rights! This book will set you on the path to acquire them rapidly in simple language without fluff, frills and intellectual analysis or judgement. For private support, please email me at or send a message through Skype to mercedeslealmotivates. Robert Allen, New York Times bestselling author, said of this book, ‘Mercedes is incredible with an amazing personal story. You’ll love her and her book’. ‘Spiritual Awakening for Newbies’ is available now from as an instantly downloadable e-book. As a special offer to readers of Aromatique Essentials only, please email me at to claim your ... FREE gift of guided visualisation meditation relaxation and inspiration PLUS your ... FREE ‘Handbag Companion List’ of ‘Ten Tips To Keep You Buoyant Daily’ and details of ... FREE NOTIFICATION AND ADMISSION to my next webinar on ‘How to Inspire Yourself NOW and Get Ready for Love In Very Easy Ways.

After that day, Natalie renewed normal and regular communication with her son, who continues to improve up to the point of writing, nearly three years after the mental exercise his Mum, Clyde and I did together. He has regained his confidence, is in full time study, is a reliable member of his community and is living happily in freedom – just as his mother and I had pictured at a time when all had seemed irretrievable. The


What is really in your daily Vitamins and Supplements? By Karen Thom What’s in your daily vitamin/mineral supplements? If you knew your nutritional supplements were made of petroleum and rocks, would you switch? The truth about what’s really in most vitamins is shocking. Coal tar, petroleum, rocks: they’re all common ingredients in synthetic supplements, which make up 95% of the nutritional supplement market in North America alone. And ingredients like that simply aren’t absorbed well (if at all) by your body. Add to it that we typically don’t consume all the nutrients we need at the proper levels in our diet, and it’s no surprise that malnutrition is the #1 health risk in the world, affecting more than 925 million people worldwide. Is this you? How real is your vitamin? A Quick Guide for Evaluating Vitamin and Mineral Supplements. Synthetically Made. Synthetic vitamins are produced chemically in a laboratory and may be made from petroleum or coal tar; they’re not in a food form. Because they are less expensive, most minerals used for supplementation are mined from the ground or manufactured from chemical processes. Tests have shown that these minerals do not dissolve well (they are not soluble) in either the stomach or small intestine. Plant-Sourced. Naturally sourced vitamins are extracted from foods or plants or are cultured in yeast. Plants use multiple processes to accumulate minerals from the soil, predigest them and then bond them into a food matrix. Minerals from plants are, therefore, more soluble. Research suggests that naturally sourced vitamins are easier to absorb and retain than synthetically made vitamins. Do You Know Where Your Multivitamin Comes From? These days, more and more consumers now take a vitamin/mineral supplement daily. But most people don’t even know the source, quality or efficacy of the products they take. The best vitamin and mineral supplementation should include: • Naturally sourced vitamins with standardised and properly labelled amounts • Plant-sourced minerals at standardised and properly labelled amounts • It’s only natural to want the best for yourself and your family! Know the Source of Your Vitamin/Mineral Product . The human body is designed to best utilise nutrients from real food sources and modern agricultural practices have reduced the nutritional value of many forms of produce from their nutritional content of only a few decades ago. This is why we really need to supplement our diets to ensure our bodies are receiving the proper nutrition to perform at an optimum level. Each cell of our body requires nutrients to function so it is little surprise that our rapidly growing “fast and easy” food choices are reaping havoc with our health, immune systems and mortality rates. Did you know that for the first time our children will have shorter life expectancies than our own?


What you don’t want to see! Be informed! Synthetic Vitamins may include: Listed as: Vitamin B12 Riboflavin Vitamin C Ascorbic acid Vitamin D Calciferol Vitamin E Dl-alpha tocopherol Vitamin K Menadione or phtonadione Pantothenic Acid Calcium D-pantothenate Folic Acid Pteroylglutamic acid Any vitamin ending in the following is synthetic: Acetate, Hydrochloride, Mononitrate, Palmitate or Succinate. Synthetic mineral names usually end in one of the following: Ascorbate Citrate Iodide Orotate

Aspartate Disulfide Lactate Oxide

Carbonate Gluconate Malate Picolinate

Chloride Glycerophosphate Methionine Sulphate

So check your vitamin labels now and be informed. The uncomfortable facts of life. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Chronic degenerative diseases afflict over 120 million Americans. Of the babies born in 2000, it is estimated that 1 in 3 will develop Diabetes. 1 out of 3 will die of cancer. 1 out of 2 will die of heart attack. Adult onset Diabetes is occurring in children as young as 8 years old. 50 million Americans suffer from auto-immune disorders. Depression and Attention Deficit disorder in children is increasing at an alarming rate. Prior to 1990, Autism affected 1 in 10,000 children. Today, 1 in 150 children suffer from Autism.

What will you do to make sure this doesn’t happen to your kids? Bad media reports on dietary supplementation? One More Reason to Switch to Real! Recently, the media has reported on a couple of published studies. One study found that intake of vitamin E increased the risk of prostate cancer, another reported that post menopausal women who took certain vitamins and minerals had an increased risk of mortality (death). It’s not surprising that many consumers have responded by tossing out their supplements. You may be feeling more wary about your supplement intake as well. More reason to be informed and make the right choices for you and your family. To only take supplements that are based solely on real food and are usable by every cell of our bodies.



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Experience Birthing Bliss Written by Katrina Zaslavsky

Experience Birthing Bliss Feeling anxious, alone or in the dark as a new mother to be? Where do you go to get your questions answered when you don’t have any mothers as the “wise woman” to turn to, the doctor is too busy to inform you of your options or discuss the pros and cons of various drugs and procedures on the menu, and you read virtually every magazine in the waiting room before he/ she can see you for five minutes at a time?

“I now know exactly how I want my labour to be and am looking forward to experiencing every second of it. No fear, no worries,” says Shannon Dunn, expectant mother. Generously sprinkled with inspirational quotes and topped with a compelling Afterword by Dr Sarah Buckley, internationally renowned author of “Gentle Birth Gentle Mothering”, this is the ultimate mind body preparation guide every woman in bloom has been waiting for!

Meanwhile, random strangers decide it is their maternal duty to share their birth horror stories when they spot the bump and the SPECIAL GIVEAWAY: Want to win a FREE copy of A Modern hospital antenatal classes leave you feeling even more fearful and Woman’s Guide to a Natural Empowering Birth by Katrina Zaanxious than you were before you walked in! slavsky, normally valued at $34.95? We are running a competition for one special person to win this Just when you thought you couldn’t bear to hear another horror fabulous new book, featuring a collection of inspiring birth stories, story, along comes a fresh new book that is the answer to your expert tips and practical insights to overcome your fears and reprayers. Brimming with positivity, A Modern Woman’s Guide to claim your birth power in a modern world. Afterword by Dr Sarah a Natural Empowering Birth offers inspiring birth stories, expert Buckley MD, internationally renowned author of “Gentle Birth, tips, practical tools and insights to reclaim your birth power and Gentle Mothering.” overcome your fears. To enter this competition for your chance to win, just write in Now you can connect with a positive community of women with- 25 words or less why this book is a MUST for you! Message your out leaving home. “Reading it is very much like being surrounded answers to ~ or email: by wise women teaching the lessons of birth we wish we all had This competition will close received as young women”, says Jenne Alderks from the Coalition Midnight 29th Feb 2012. We wish you luck and please feel free to for Improving Maternity Services. share this with your friends! More than just a random collection of stories, the author Katrina Get a sneak preview and find out what others say here: http:// Zaslavsky, takes you on a powerful journey of discovery and gives you the keys to transforming your birth experience. Available now via and selected stockists Australia wide.


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Our Contributors Edel O’Mahony

UK’s Leading Expert in Energetic Communications

Motivational Speaker

Julie Nelson (Editor)

Joanne Faulkner

Aromatherapist (Aromatique Essentials)

Astrologist (Two Hands Talking)

Katrina Zaslavsky

Karen Thom

Inspired Wellness


Mercedes Leal

Social Entrepreneur & Sugar Mums International

Margaret Jarvinen Dream Analyst

S. Dawn Sievers

Freelance Writer, Editor, Blogger & Social Media Consultant

Suzy Manning

Transitional Coach, Speaker, & Author

Tiffany Manning

Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner

Amy Nelson-Blain

Photographer, Cinematographer & Graphic Designer

ValĂŠria Trigueiro

Britist English Teacher & Aromatherapist


Cover Photography Credits: Photographer: Amy Nelson-Blain Stylist / Shoot Co-Ordinator / Editor: Julie Nelson Talent: Charis Uppal @ Platform Models Hair and Make-up: Bernadette Talbot Jewellery Designer: Make A Strand (Amanda Webb) Feather Hat: Jonathan Howard All other photographic material is supplied by Corbis and iStock or their respective owners unless otherwise stated.



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